Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1890, Image 1

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    »L \ r xvn
Bel c to dof®
• art tmattm'* Hftrlm- W<ore tbe
• * Sejrina. even fct
r-f*x 1 have marked over
!T'#-tbirdf ol mj entire ctock of pa
p-r ti>e larpest aud best
analrr-ted iiw in Butler,
Tirf i-f the paper was inark
«i to km bej.ire that half price would
1« urT»"ff ifrf-ai a war. Tbf-fe yon
« r*-t t*lB« cw r.otwitliftftfdinp
tt:- n- i. 'Skr it»*pww. Jo?t imagine
Dwriif »• ftr a d< u&r bolt, White?
m Ifr *t*d IS'- Gift* 15 tud upward.
IJ«* i.o* far f<w f«dl jfiperiog, you
» !' l- I s* t i veL baTftioi tbeo
V Wall Pi p. r, StuikiiMTT and
> ■ > •:» .- - a-r ;•> find.
i J. (i«r*«>! St., im XI to Lowrt
Builer. PK
U,r m.nvU i i»oe» IVu«-h
Dry Goods
Vrmp new rv«er>., hot liaep com*
v ftrr Wf hey rnr pood* at lowest
r«<4, JWI- TCC ftf- WE fell rafh
i i.k. Vf an r-nnbH-ti to *li pood*
«*. tun wwaiie*'. pomMe margin* We
rawti qmtXf prim. «e w*
owis, m. /n»*4. fr<»» »ii part* of ocr
««*•., especially lW luHominc
l*rtm ftpwii. White Good*.
?*rrntti. Gitubaw.* Sfctniwp*, Moo-
INK. Larr CMMH *ND CtOfa
C«TPrt*- uc Oatw* Waiats,
i*me*\ CHOiHwIMMd Gent*' X*twler
w<*r. Jlwier*. G'- VP» an«i *li»». Ki«
4? »<»▼<-« RShHoM, Si li and Tolwt,
Kux4 ami Otawd SiiKOMt Cape*.
Sw 1 Wtw*. Jrrwr* and Jersey
TwMe Linen*. Napkin*.
*». «rr:*rasr %!: tb* tiwe. wr aowM
«r« Ntve itw- ir«vsK no*
4fn#**ri.. *ms !*»*• 'been «t
*MU I «Wer j-w < t%e !*•*"♦» »d
tgh> j«rf«»d (a »»<iT tH»t
f.. tf.s. . >f* o«r ir"-^
t f».*t ■««« Willi *pph> ! e»S
*»- i.. >v«> «.cr»«Jtiy e.«»n|«i»r»soi-.
V. -5 1: r stored »»t «»iteerv
\i> *.f.h>«tt * vmiTe*rm{ff ««jd wßi
*».. *1 w. e*: |»-«wer \t< mitk'" <Wf !***<
»•«>. |iW»w «M>«i pN x fi >
T) > ,L*RKSO> B«">">. P*
XI*I >»■ 4MMMV
S»; ***3 -wiv $?<»« »>
rs*rv*l *»«»»} tlw * %*iW **lw
-H3 n«r >oWwtajt
* **ft ** *w
*»*fc & V* JfiW>
OotoM* Wt Hi#*.
Jfflfe W4"iW»i V\i>
**«*; »* *£ ** j*v
*** im4 <&»*>
|*HI *»fc
CiM m:RT vY D.VIK»
-. X \i«H xi"tvJk
fM)(Y Ifv
J. !« kastor,
SM» T)n<H
liwKtiai art ha Siifcrf
ft «L iilK 1 - 4>«f «■ Awn
I'ilW Vai* Uf ;k NsV
T X Ms»i» ST.,
k. * h*
Full Again.
We «st n <*nr villi «Hs«cr
jwnwwun . l«IJ »roi overflown.;
* Ift Ottf :«>l*f»»«w inC elMtCt
>J.v». «£ s>•s*# InutfMtgfft. Y«w
*«l*st • 0111, *T hnwn 1 !
'wn ♦ x i?i' «%«r »««»>k RWil
«M wliwi «»f S inn <U »ln-»W
v.t i-iv. ;.<•• '•»-•« >*»* ** ■«>
!i oi <», t .:irni»>Ki f**vr\ cr»«J<
41 4i' >V , ttl it* OJ>
w j lit;: IH* to |)
jct «w**ii*4c ivUi.
iXmuuf. «t»r Si-K'k.
X IL Douglass,
Dirtier IV
raTiiciiit *NI> PI FIIM
\t>. V.t. N Mi'lii r.iill'-r. V.I
D- A. A. Kelly,
• ai l.i -•!■ •• < >''. I•«ni. i- i-uiiuly. 1V».
Z ' ,»Ki. 1 . J. E MA.N.N M. I».
liijiK iilUes Sjitilallirf:
" ' s-:r- Kje. Kjir. ucd
; i». Throat.
Butler, Pa.
ruvmcum *ki> stuoFOK,
ijfff-<t ~iNo. is, s. llatii .-'.utt, over Frank &
[ (Vs tH«K stoi*-. Ratlrr. J J a.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ko 22 F»st St., Hi l!er. Pa.
H. V < rn. f ,\l Hi an<J North M*.. Butler, Pa.
J. J. DONALDSON. Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Arur.rttsl Tr th 'n :h.- Utrst im
p]»Ti rulliic a JHWtaitj. (MT.i-e—
-- K :>.I!IK Sl<>r\
( '
AM work port uin- ct< tin- |ir»fr N .hHi rxt-cut (
ctm'.fce t:"41c.l nns.^fr.
t Ittinfv >M ruulew Ex
T«*U», > Air Mi anient ecaL
UStsr* M Mrpcl.w Einl *1 u»n
Hmm. I> Sl»in.
(irrrr m»-ii <la»ly. ex<*pl W eiln«si«*}-* a»<l ,
ni».r» i.. - <'"ir.t):i«at<-aunM l9Mai rreHw
X. —Thr «•»> l»««tis« U Batter aadaft
fc**>l af
Architect, C. E. and Surveyor.
Oontraetoi. a«J l*«iMer.
Uaps. nitns. as»i Ml
all anl.itecinral and ««-
fineerinp No oharpc tor itraxrtnf: if
oowrac! \hf * .-rk tV«n»xU v»»nr be>t i*
irrM>: Mm* y<>« haiM.
t-os ol .uioily f A stare <>! puhtic
rlrorapr Is intK-ited.
0. »«.v m: OHoeS w.of CV*rt
liokxN Itutler, Pa
cvMNKOt *\i» M mtm
ivn.X M <« IMHWSA BRRUA. I"»
«r. •' ■ t .v»n« »S liiiHrltoa »<»IW*
ra i nt'M r» , V.> ». Ma ».
*.*. »>>M. •», e.
\T!Y»K\> Y> VT tA*
<- ii"ii<wv a onvw m v«. kmm
WllllD. f*».
.» .N- \,v ,v>
II K>*VO >
BMNi Hi'iiWf Mi WnHwte*
<V*l> «LL IVV* M \V% XPAO'W, WVS*
W*»» *» itHtni' •!«
iKfc *SnNA;\K4>»,
m \ >*<%* \ • \ . > ■ • •■'.
>«#vj >*< «|tt*?
\V> <\ nttttJK*,,
\ ..; 1 * ■• . 'V«fcHx..» Vvt» w
TV> •**> <* i .- v «4| «*, «vM* **<!
A, Hi**, »j|Mi iMMWt f«i»
*•• - -. ► >tJi <yw -t*
«"!-«. )(»,.* . *»»»»»
gk*.. *MYV.V-.X.
V> «M !»*«. ..K.v „• x «N>*
■><%» ■*■>
X«\\ *\W ¥4 \v K>
*■• \ « ♦**- ASk* ,« N«A» yv»»i i»>(
L Mi XlL\
hBWWKt ii 4 Krai At\
»* V W? J!*** > fc«kV\ vt
Fuv and Uk
1 X 8 r R V N 0 E
I«tMW!<MN-» \Vfi V-~-«* ia«M%
y-*P*>»i4 1"A Mi llfcll
» • *»~X >j JWp % r it. \s4i \
>»*, <.i»*vV. w*..x S-tf. vv NVk XMlsxt
Nt* >•- ■•* «< 4*M \°V«M W>l»«
Ul£ Sttlftt IIISEIIK.
»9.<4 *» W id «*•>
4-<;>»« %W»
% * v
Jt, r W T. Vrv kiu*.
sj*T«C. . ; N \ »*♦. i-<* si^iV.-*
» xv »u« fteiWw- l-x» «M l»
1 4* OhNfv*:*®**
lC;tiexu:u>t I)«'>VML l J i TMt,
Bl T » ?; ou* KTY
-i <;ifci.T&i*w\ Cm.
» & iv. ». ! rtUß^vA,
« v. »"v tsn.VU
» . J' ;> !• V< V >►. <.«*«,
K A kmv
• W*'*..; *.'.<, N V.V«t>>
J, T!' !■«),: ui |1 T \M».\
iflTi: 1. w«k. At\-
- - . -^e:
■».. w «nV»T 1. «H«. n» » %.«
■ TP-bmIEMO. * *
v fi&j X 30 svmaih ST.
The ('ash Slioe Store.
They Are All Stunners!
How is This For ISO.'I
A Indies fine Dong<>l» button shoo, pat, leather tip, -J to
7 for $1
How is This For No. *J
A gents good solid A Calf, Lil. or Congress, tip or plan
toe, 6to 11 for sl.
How is This For No.
A Mies fine opera too slipper, leather lined, hand turned
for 50 cts a pair, thos x slipper*- aiv lacing sold at a great bar*
gain tor they aro eheap *t sl,
How is This Foi No. 4
Our little hummer, a ehilds <k>npol* or train button shv*
Mzes •» to S lor 4> eta, only a «e\x eases left, ami if \on want
any yM vill have to cot amm o?i or thev will he ali cone
Hut take advantage of our vhwiiK out of summer shoes
and slippers whieh xv- sr.* elosioc out at aloul priee.
Boors ;uwi Bhoos Mado to Onlor,
s KimxsrßsKr WotMNfc>Nu
Kxtruoniinun I Wouins at
(imif Hemoxnl Sale,
\V> |o JrtiOW NMO tHU v *h s N>
alvmi in o^>Jo*
to wd\hvst\vk >W axv^rtorw^J
KxtnumHium linruwns all
% v
owr iW l*ou>o i!uv mouth*
A won Ito the wise is snrtt
It*** Dry wM
w» m iniHWM fifiS 5*
Not to !
th« M4M Not to Diaco\ca-i
'Some li\^ s like*
hhc more brigh^r^
Bus\ wives who use 3 APG LJO
never seem ro £row old Try & c&ke - -
~A. c<vinju«*»r wr*H* «t <iom««*K h*p|tOM** k*» <»!*•* *»PWI»** fX*w>
Walv wiwJwS Nm rr WNArtfe, « **«■» triflw irtwk
****»•«* 3 ic*« *» *J> »«: *ay «kw *«a ftfNm ♦£ k*»
*>•;»*» u> Ww ftun.iy, »«xi S«*r wMi fwwn'.
«»b*v. *k- r >u*» >m»T o»wt«» i» ibwe fMtmv'-wlfcw. <"«■«*
« |«»r; 4 ilk Urtrifly iwm»Umw> iuk'. At < M»
»(«* (4M>h|W W«K «"*■ »• MM fc
**»*ww iw*i. «mmi «MM< »•««♦ »MJ n»itw «M> pmm iM
9M 111 am
The unwritten rvttance of real lil«* tar
exceed* in Iwauty ani instruction anything
t'iat ~ii.-i.lt- faniy rtir imagined, ami I
■ have « t.ly hn:T to keep my rjf a:;il pars
0,»,u. u- I went up and down inth«? »orU,
| ti> till i:•«• »!■ >e li •#- of im-ujwy w,th
I mm} a »tr*uce <in.ua: The fnilouir.g
I tr»;> ii .i.lei.t *a» brought to >r memory
thi* moruiug. while listening to tint rebel
lious words til'a jiiauj! ouin *lw .catiM u<>i
, <»••• his father's » i.-i!O3I in d.-.ring him In
j leant a trade.
••li will uiSCo a ewnun nisn «f me.
father." he said querulously; "I shall be as
dirty a* a blacksmith, and have iiandi like
a coal heaver."
•'And it you think, Fred, that wearing
line clothes ami having white hands make
you a gentleman, let me tell yon. sir. yon
are now a very common man indeed, to
liegiu with. .V go.wl trade might lielp you
to truer notions of gentleuiauhood."
Then I looked at the handsome fellow—
for he was handsome —and I thought in
voluntarily of young Steve Gaalill. Steve
La< made his mark now. but many a year
ago 1 had heard just stieh a tain between
him and old Josiah liaskiil relative to the
young man learning his father's tra le of a
wool stapler.
••It is a dirty busing*. father." said the
splendid Steve, in a fell evening drrss
••and I hate The smell of oil and the sight
of these men in blue Buon bloii-e- 1 hope
I shall do something better lor than
"Very weil, lad; wfcat*:i is thou fain to
• A lawyer, father.*"
"They're naught but a la*y, quarrelsome
set, but thou slia' not say I iver rtixM i'
thy gate. He a lawyer, lad I'll speak to
IVenham to morrow about thee
S ' young Steve articled to Ikcnhn I
,( IVwnes to »tu4y law. and e-p.-, .uli
"conveyancing " Be *»s an only -on. but
he had three sister* and over them and
his mother he e\erflb*eJ WfNMt wtln, ice
Whatever Steve Aid was right; whatever,
he sa d was beyond < ispute. Kveu «M
Aosiah. * ith nli bis »eooad spouse. was. in
spite of hiaaaelf. swayed Wv this undisputed
tioknowlcilge.iient oif Steve's j
He « o«M not haw a4vi*sl hi- svn to W a
laayer, lut seeing that Jstex* was not
afraid of being one he wis rather prvmd «M
he lati * pluei and aroh*ito*.
It cost hm a good deal. St*\V# tastes
a-e»v e\pe*»MVN and We Wl natt-raUj
sniong a da** of xi** '• ho led him into
nanx » v' *v*gs*>,-ca. Tbej v«v on
al *a ka *rd Js-enea. h».l Stevaa se,ppo«ed
Wy his mother and f<J*e v al way* cleared
tmv scrape, and lira it? sa'Mied !he thm
ily pride in Weu.r regularly «d mined upon
the roil of her »«a»«s*ty V atronieya
In t>ie »:>eanlim* hi- father had Wen
dady t siting tw health aim *«wa after this
event k d*ed Most eJf hi* *avings had
been secured f-vr the heretit of the helves
women the <> ask ill Vnlv, and Steve
round hinva-;? with a pfys V-—wri, and n
thou-and powads to give h m a fMr *tart in
it |Vop>e «»'il o)d had ae',-H wy
aed js'ew had "eiv to nr
•ni. i:, He Vvew, toA,
that f»»vt as Vx>g a- Wis. nn<tWl aad his »iv
te>*- had a fhiHing rtMsy wonM *haee ii w-ith
So We h ijv-fn)t> oipisnod Wts l* his
native ot 1 yse-As n>?d >a : rod nvi .
elvnts \V!-kshiei s »«en a<e porANH-Kinl
15' Wfcllntn, a VSM»«# tV»M->"hVi dee»aed •
Inwjf*- wns *"•» their sK-t»l. ss w
not )ooV eraftj and toV umVt any
-tan-N-a vxt the '-nn yvm he ♦»»>* waka*
to pay hi- font
Vvs •'- he > "• a-.v >a- v
x-i.-vs avil whoh the -'vaiwot <^yv
Wf a- »i-nW to a fS 1 s->- -.toe
vateron >la,v ft fWat \i-a
-*aw ileVnt e»t V'lv »N-?h Yt fsh
a**nltA, ir.vnt V«- ; a Vv\s ha—.t
»onie i»-'H >!ri >N> w*- a*»*a. »,h; hri Whr
N-v**t,y. n-rt he e s-w* wva'rh aeav
»»o Ih Wish >W<*« fWW>
W< V " Wirn
atviph4'! i: pf.Hmfrv. to Wo-.
Kn*aa »■ ! *♦» :
■ siS-x v-! % aet*h.
Mp*<-»«;h>aM a <»VN,
..a« N yWj.v-yy; *-f; p.—'S. a>S> V* I'iss
s X 1 . s*h ¥he
> > >»• a S X; -**"'
1 V:'.'ih*^ps. s'~s
'* W " -** 1 '•
i<( >,* Vt- <«Nh -v-Hfh ♦vs*
av\v» fMW.
tr^Hh«-v*\v y»>.. «w
iv a..*j-,,w V \ )p>.a\s >\ as » >
. W>% —sTn>i»» a 4
H %•— »»tn. -s v
\1; ~s. «..y\ I*' v - - si.
t.>4K H VMt "Ss.Jk > {• w «(> % '
yiviK h
*MhwVMßka W "'lks Vs..-a-,
4hat »fs Sixv» W%# W* 1 , k
i V V» ««. V <(»<►»
-v.- > aAe ..--•»*»«t||»»#i V.\
*.S #A«.NS 4*.a< \4 |
-s»KOI<| •t V ■
av» <d|t J-w Jsjk av-d j
Vnd « 4 hsst »>- s>v \
I ikftMk Vnw>° mi Wt **>•> «Hhd v»-.\s v
' v V
S-sA'T Sa-.*. iM- a- - 4■- a.' 1
W«n at *. <t 'k * la* a ttr e. s
Was*-a aai a i- V
■ s>*,>\ ■%
• W J
s 4W> \ mwtwi V?>*a ; xaaftv- kis
lAeatd a *as v
. " s tss-v ' - V k w- -.sn -av*-».
Aa .s . t-vNe We >.se\\s
>1 v , .. .V' V* 1 ~"V.* i - Kv- ■■ . »X>lth'w»4
| IP"f4 'wn as*' >
WkwM W*» IX'W s»fe .
1 .asvv rv-N.x - *d. VW
\a|j iMVvAt\
TWe WpMW a. a> t jjaent
W4K* par? tws *»- »•(,•> a»-ai >e '
n Won - K * Jmns
tWI fwd ,sisv: -a -a I hie ha
sv at' Ws-v>- ar*"i.. na**ey ssaa na-'
We a-ax w»'4 i. v>e\
hi -. w sK" ).ad no ttnd * ~
w it WerarK. TW««?e was Wer fetye Wearse
•e WW*~*s*, >■<* |»»i»*>e«« »>»d <<•»»>»•.
nnd a inWeiW is3 ppt mmlnuK
nrwr aWoH at. the a«a»! Wk x ]
that Wiied t|h««n. ».-d Jiatetrsit
sfce *a*4:hs a> >lh Wltva ->nyiaj w-ifc
S'.-i-wKi Sv I a, Sv -a«»s hav
t~«4er awnw «*ew*M<wmi We
Wnv ef i <4n i". k~- npoH. tk tWe i ittg nmi
infNiK o; ht- * it, S. oajnuy. hwt
KiiaiMti W'«s %r >«a< enntxMtv a arvat%ai- H-'
IK*! ii In wiWN hannls. lie- n»t>e v
«») bv pa < ataft la —s
Mv>: , >"vis all an*hr lh( oate «t «"»?
v ~ *.\i' ?so*svai «e*sawitv.'apWo |o«he%i Hpon ■
; n^' t' '-'«a«wt
lt» Um
Keo>n t*> Wnee aon«- arn«rt»:
(its m»oh: «t»e tam- <<
thought it worth her wbll* to inquire ahat
occupied his nsiuJ in the long, nioialy
i Lours wheu ho paeej the shrubbery or sat
silently looking oct of the window, iiut
Sieve was now ready for any bones t
that aonld take n..u «»<»♦ t« «■
dependent life wti! 'i he ha 1 so foolishly
| c!:oscu for binuclf
j 0a« ilsiy, s.re»t| , to bis -urpriie. K!i*
, nbeth -aid to bim
"S'i ve. 1 have a letter from a <-m : i of
my mother's abo lives iu Glasgow S'.e
is going to Australia a:i.l wants m<s to buy
her bouse She says it is a great bargain,
and 1 wrote to Barrett to go and -e« about
it, I have a letter this - niorniug saying he
is too ill to leave his bed. I wonder if yon
could go and attend to it?'"
Anything for a change Steve showed
a very proper baninwt like interest and
"Yea, I would be very glad to go."
"Very well. I should thiuk yoa knew
enough ot titles and deeds and convey
ancing. and all that kind of thing. I will
tmst the alfur to you. Steve."
So the next morning Steve found him
-elf on the Caledonian line, with £IOO in
hi« pocket and a veritable pii-«a> of business
ou hand. The first twenty miles out i.f
! I.ei»»ls he enjoyial with the abandon of a
l.ird "e? free. Thca be befall to tbink
again. At t'reae be missed a train, and
natidering aliout the station tell into a talk
with the engineer of the next one. who
aas (bailing and examining bis ercii.e
a ith all the love and pride a mother might
i give to a favorite child.
Tie two men fraterui*ed at once, and
I Steve made the trip over tie OahaWmian
line in the ruddy of the engineer alio xvh
a fine yonng fellow, ou* »>f men." he
>a d. ail uiichiaist- and engineers" Tie
young mechanic *»- only sorvint his
tone, learning every branch ot" his bu-iae--
practioally. He had br\sther« who made
engine*, and he hoped to do so some day.
In s,-ite of his soiled face and oilv
clothes Steve reoog.ured that ivtincment
, that ce i-- a-Ith education, and alien his
new iiiend catM tip.** h-.m a! the sj.iceu s
hotel he a,.ahi not have bee l *shame,l t\f
his appearance, even in his mahl ta-tidiou*
• )lr. l^air\ mple. 1 sji glad to see yow.'*
-n-,1 Store, holding , «rt N»th his::.is to
; him
• | thought yon a-odld he, ain it is m»t
often )am misiakvn in my hk.ngv. | a ill j
go a iih y-on now to -.-e my father"* a-ovVs |
j if it sints yo*»,*
\e\v ha ' s*cfc a <, • ter.sl >t, phen j
, ilask ,l> -ep;i.vn; tv immeaa- fnre*.s-v
j the hundreds wf g>ant» as-ritti)f
, the elang of n»»i-liinotj-, th* <nigWty
of wind witW matter, intollo<-t
over iWe elon.ents as* * revolution Ho
.s»x ied tSo»e t\v4ops in their Vathei-n
| masks a».d ape-vos fc.- longed to tin t v eu : :
migWtv Wammetv. He bsoko,! npo* the
.-o*!ts»»H-n a ith their WanK h*%% ny art**
and W>a.-kenod hnndx tSrdt Wt* heart j
glow % iih ndmira- i«o- w hen ho saw tho
■nigliU <woA ■• an.'* h»4 «Wswe4. i
tWe toav- WN>re <n Wii- «jvv al-on Vndrra
ariplo an 4 We parked at the gate ot th* ;
<re»t a allod in yned.
x v Yha«k >"e>», v We d, Wh>"* d»sne j
tw th* jjeeahesi p,\. - ;b)* aeA+Ni I vhttll!
ifomewKor H *
That night S;. ve ( a hnt
noble ressdntlot, t x rst of all, he >4> voted s
h«mae!i to his Wffc<N Wnsinos* *-d
pi: -bod ft It t IWlf't W-hVh ol- f*d Vr
Hw vuV w •*» p-* v wnile Kb»aheth
a-hethei ->W might > "t spare Wor
a«v«tN h.-ea #Ki VW* ! t»r>\ TW*W W* hM W
Svag, ,sv>ifl,Vf-niial ta'i. a ?th tW>- eacwor
tV- Ni *njiNi trout a*wl \l.. -i* wnmtV •
the fos-Mt ot Va- tS- fWW.tet»*t httsn
to Vr» k 1
>(\ tH xh % <l* 4 vhiiW b* Wowo j
s.-aln Gn al
v*a% n*i t*}<fiN»»tioo > >hip th mas
tywMb ltt'Tb 4Mi IWIt 1
N* tS* vw.-le psyva prh*-tVhtfi-. t
Wssed >ssnr **o*inty. fs^
) ba\N~ Wen yVwK hx iWv
nVfe aeH 1 *m >V' hnt V >rt WhV>
d*-s.>AS-H K* ' -t Vfl f*
>v*-si» Hfcs "h'*th %' ■
tn^Vb'% -ea*! •*' 'hesh a W*h W'.s
tOlp. vVwir Ve,
*•l* V^KtW*W*H" 4 v- VWi»NN %V '*b
"vi« \>>• -\ * yvv i
tj>V \ v , - ",s v? %' -\-» ♦ KV- •'
i* Wolh •*■>< V >■ -s •
1 *vti(!ft Wt
tMNM 1 K
Vv«W v W >
aW>v-<h V'*! H O v 1! s^sv^fh v
\.Vv..v .-as."»«V's
V *eJl »♦» -V-. Ifc V4i x
V,v e- * V W" " ■ s a ' h W' a
Vs v** #\V W •»! a».^
W **' %>HW Ww^V-
WiMt >» - pJk s-V«sa» «a v*h*aM. W W „
VS--S-S Wv<sNi a.> WitJ l v TiWH W" W' -sK+Ws
«jyss> Wt< t' Js Wt
tJtA W>V* *t -s». % JK» - »M> vv.-^a,\W
Va\V -JW--- VtJk i*. 1W W-s-«C-» • i* *WW^
*M h-* ,N'vW 1 - HNVINk W, 1 * W*s
\*s.'4v a >-4 W •'•
*i tW* %ss4\ Vhs-\S %*s **,
HitH. «.. v«-»- *i*s WK*j
W - Wsvad H«wakl> %Mh\ V«>k*4
Ns: -W. V* >-*<»*
• s>.v ; M. *»»> * ><»vs *•• -K WrJ»*«a »'«•**
W*» It#-- *** V«
rswt>*ew» tWftpNwl W*i *n^iS v
tWaa Wsv ea*-
tWtw W<t We*» tNt «MA> ye*** *.*««*»■*>
#o* "te*' s». X'toe h. *ftfd ** >*•»
lh'*s) V«e% WhsNfk *)•,*; asv<
>*»**< fintsfc iimnNWhw
s- s - ■ .x
vW aa-W W.V>s*d a»rd K>*^ars->oA
»-«-»*- *4 -V <fcta>W
l<V" -
KN> S5 <S K >v*srt »v> N at .NWs ]
4Ve K»ssa- -s- vakl M.V
e* k - 4 Wi. Nil. ** *s» sft *a. ♦..! v«i
« p,-5... >.*♦»• si-e* » sw ».* a- ka ■ -a*|
ttt tVififv %Wo ■*«*>> |a W*V*
x w. Ks s URt^
«a WNK «S» H\
H WWNk»* V"*^'' v
Jhn" T-
KW4 I ♦H I '" 4 '*■ fa"- "
JtVK ts «fc vaeotWwt ttuws a*p«ti
«t •*- 'ita -»-Vwa»»k^
Al>jul Lcud Poi;c;ls.
"What does it cost to make a leal pen
cilf" said th« iu rt-plr to a '
' SVw Tflrk Stii r»-|airter's ii .j'jtr
. isi 1. . yim lii i a e loas** a .• .
fj • *9vi- ' I'lhi'aj
grapbi;>- l v c-.-t ■ t». .• cents at
pound. This white silo,taneo is G'-rnutt
cla.i It com ■ actoas the • ■,n as ballast
■' in sailing ve-scls, anil alt it co-ts ns is
freight We mix'thi» clny with this poa
i'er together »oil grind thetn in a mill, add
t ing uioistore during the process, until the
two are thoroughly mixed and an- reduced
' to a paste about the consistency of putty.
"This paste we press into thes.s die«,
each one of which is the si*e of a pencil
lend except in length. There are four lead
in one of these. After they are pressed
ae cut them into proper length- and bake
theui in an oven kept at a very high tein
pcrature. Then we have the lead made.
Its hardness is regulated by the greater or
le-s amount of clay «>• mix with the
graphite—tlie more clay »e put in. the
, harder the lead.
"The cedar we n«e comes principally
from Florida, and is obtained entirely IV.. m
fallen trees that lie there. The wood is
delivered to us la hlo*k* sawed to pern il
lencths. some of them thick, to recive tlie
lead, ai d -ome thin, for th* piece that I
to la- glued ever the lead The block* are
sawial for fo«r pencils each. The* are
!_■ o\*d 1' a -aa tl.. <"'; re :e• i: :li. •! •
iV' .'\ i '. , g the j■! .i <■ a :. bad -
to lie. The b ad> are k< pt in hoi glue, a\d
are pl*« x d in the grooves a* the tdocks ar»»
ready. \V hen that is done, the tliin pt.se
is ghieil last to the thick one When dr>.
the bl>a-ks am ran through a macbu e that
' cuts the pencils apart Another niacin .
-haj»es tW*m. making them octagonal, or
j roatid. or flat, or tht\a» «a<rnenal. as t'\e
ease mm Ih> The pencil* are burm-ti.sl
b\ macWittery, and ar* then rea.lv to la.
Inst la bni.ches, twvisl. and pnt out,
• The dliferent grades li v aine ot a lead
pencil are male hr tiner manipulaiion ol
the graphite ami the ns* of better material
The average poncal in every <!a> H-. , ost.-
aKmt ih** <juari*r tvt a vent to ntak*\ \X .
ar* «a»nt*nt a ith one hundred (mm- cent
► on it a hen we veil it to the dealer
Wtat kin |Mtl is jn*h *Mty f,gu;Y out b»r
\ onrsell if yon hav* «w ol' the poneili.
about you that J'ou paid tn* »v«t* bw.
this grade of pemsl an <vp,-rator a.l turn
out i KM in a d*>
i m.v»t valnaWfe lead p-ri, il that 1
IkUoa of >- oawed by A lawyer iu th<* eity\
"•ft i* a cheap ufi'air. hut I d>s*>
think it C'M.nl la' laalgM f'W HW, Tl <
asasd iu this pen*.! ,-am* t.saa A .ss > ar tva-e
lha I a a* peoWaMj- \-eataea oW b*Sav anv
»e#M tree voa standing Weguu to gro% Il
aas taken fisim the |a«t\sa< ot a mai-1 >asl
in iivsng.- Vv..n V>. at a depth *•; rs-ai<v o» a
' r,':dlV"Jl f.V! ; el, \ It*c sn'.jVv Neai it
a-a- Hsu nd the la-i'iaivi* of a ma*todo*. VW*
kuo'b vsl the end of th* pencil wa* made
a pK-s-e ot' the twastesWsnN Wasth The
pers. il ha» new* Ween and
ptsiKsKiy ne\s-r a !l Wo,'
IVuWnr tW* *vsv«t \ »*it *<\t*» * K tvr-aut
at?d ♦''ha* Jl hfmple to Vo«.v"a, Ve\Kav
tWnj w-ere wneh st i-mA a fth th* - ght ot a
te real's srl no»u»a>a, w-u* ba-at\-d a Wont
> n los s .ihav-l ei \l*«dab - a
n-ovt tain iavvis-n'av Wt WsrUk hKmi thiv*
<>»»*! > t*»**it > a »u*b ihytiametsH- and tewwd
Itonv Wasa- to ps-aW Vtie heigi.t »>< the tv>
race is *m, t* tteelve «.-.« avd -a maui
pVa>s x s ts bni'H t>! -s»lid Vt maav
rdhw places * ss ,am ,mt ot the -v!M tock
Vhs- is-a»;w\a\ i— t> '1 ,a>*i to taa-atv ba-t
Wh VM(th, *<Wrt('v?t at tWe Wa*o vd tW* »<>im
• v x to V'
o. .^nsi, a t 'ek ' 1 n>it h v *s th * *
\ Rs-t hivbea than tW* Wa-a- e<f >Wv ;
n .ra ' ,s sst rWe w* ' 'a*, io»
*. li yn tW» «OIK >bvV Ot tV^'-
te-r-NaV rv*vd 'fne-'l Whk 1 * WOi-n h» .sti ta ;
*.vA rWe *> -isaA:aWS 'Wa*r^e
-\ liWvs l?v pv>v\aitthftit. *v»lj
! WWWWWWA W*>. x¥HWtW'j
1 )|||| •• p.. t,« ?»•••'. aV . V
VWr- ah :N . o* »n,Vatr v
v isa-k'. Vtvs \fs-. < h'*a > •'-s
aw? \v- : > 1 - -Ss I'■ ■.
VH* v iff rtN i
... . .ly .»a i s- : *
v.,if,.*vs*,\ \vss,, * \s*^r'a ■#. -a V\S ,|
|• • , ..* a<« vV s- 4 s " -a* v*j
k f's lh \a-.s \\#k ssr.-
tfh *#k
sSiS If 6 >S- »aJ» t\ W %-V :
*N| a* %\-V ak kW • -KH A
-•H W:v -A A V. --~<v VH. KV*
a, ,V>\ \v, v> V 1 »MV. \ "• a V V-
NVA ,v
>V a-S i 4 I
v v\\Vs \j-- ■« Vvv y *k\\\ - |
VN 1 1
V :. v i
v\t V -,v VN- - . H fMA VK- - 1
* % Yvv\ W VVv% Anv V.W li
Ns I
\v>. HI t\ V
iffi,-t~f"* IN"- -WlNn ;,
V'S-Vs 't,av s H a •
*P i |
n 4* ]
5 « 9k' a >4 Kf l 1
V |N*' i V'f. k |
klf II fv •.
V.a* W\
v-a, 1 • lo'fcaj \ *•■
* 1 s '" fWfKJi .
HfUMW" l *!'' %•• % H %'W |
" s K nint 1
v ■ " \
fVksV HVv %
Ja'ag^^ta*f*V tiW' V *
. Hlw» -M* Nk>% \ Ss HSN>^»-n &
IW.J s*;■>%. frWykifct ••
I* I¥hw i>m%i
' fm\ Hlh
Sometime, let the day be lair or ilreary.
Or n>*ar or may the footstep* »tray.
i-HftMsyh Jujrwn the way. or lone ami weary, j
i tMiimml by wm». ur iii' Mml tir plar. I
lo It;c gIATC f»r d«y, of the gloom of Ulgbt. j
Will conic to the »*ul a wild desire
r.-i a \.t lore and pa*t iMigbl,
KtithralUng —a consuming fiiv.
Theu ihr«i the Ixtuadloe*. s*a]<*nl apace.
Will c.Mic a whelming. answering thrill, '
And n >., ft hand clasp, a rhi«c cmtira. >•
Will the longing heart and wum fill,
l'«r the *oul will rot am lo iu o«-n again
After \ ,'ars of silence. sad and cold.
Kvcn tho the loved fonu hatb lain
lemg underneath the churchyard mold.
l'>>r each other iu fair, lint Paradise.
Whe.v soul* immortal foriued iu light, !
Ttut CUM Ih» fettered by earthly tie*,
Or hid in Ihe grave'* black night,
Sometime* iu answer one will MM,
Writhed lYev from a death in life.
And one will break from death and the
To ijiiH't a weary spirit * .strife
—Katk Hasten SMITH
UtTtK*. PA., September, 1S»0.
His Paper Was Head by Swiue
\ ear* ago, w ben Henry (irady w a< strug- I
j en t to bung Ihe Rome (\MMNWMt Into
j l.i l tank*. **** the Home (t«a> 7V»h«»e,
. e called one day and asked the Konn*a>
i v ilie Brothers tor an advertisement. ,t. •
Iff Ronnsaville replied. "Why, tlrady.
."Uhlv read* yonr paper; St I* no use to >
«.lv,>rtt*c in it." A happy thonght sug j
.. v • *'*t it selfto Mr linif. He went to h* 1
li, e and wrote the f«dlowing ndvertW- '
utci.t, which appeared next morning in the
; i "Wanted, (iVy Ml* l.ib j
■v.si price for the samo \ pply to the
jK« -n-a\,ile Hrothefa Well the picture |
ihat presented it»elf at Nonnaa* ille'* <svr
! ner next morning heggnr* description j
Itoy* of all ace* and ilMi bey* of tint*. '
from the fair hatred yonth to the *ahle j
l ihop>a»; harofoot boys and ragged bnya, '
' red befcM boy*. freckle (Wed boyn, tow n |
j bo)-* and eowntry bev* from all j
1 |*art* of rioyd connty blocked wp the »hte
I walk*. *nd street* with haf* <bll
' of ca's -.Mts of every deseeiptwna. name j
and oisW >o»»e oat*, yard .*at* bam vat*.
J .-t.aivh oat* At <>ata. lew* cat*, honest
i oat* and thievish eat* WeH» to vnake a
' l--ng -toty short. the tionnaavtlle* told Mv
\ »>r*tly to ro*em> a <-olnmn fcw their *d |
: wi emo*t a* ton* a* hi* paper w-a* eon ,
and that w-a* jn*t w-hht t^-ad\
| w aeted
vh* wkn*.
IV I an eminent I
i in the * »» ha* J**t j
' i* the efcm %h ri'v* inMli«H-ni*r ]
!to a \vr\o* Mile ftoe* V*te * ItitW J
c rl t,»n* o>d had a '
•■>nl\ ah<">nt eve third the *i»e an MiMthtN
h»t>e »>ne MWf Mte ?6he wm smih«i<l,
m hs.sk notv* eif anv t-hin* and »hw j
nssnM neither walk no* stand. Vh* d>s te* |
I'OsHere \w\tnsx*d that the the j
voNntmv %-a* K> tVe ahwomhl j
eayts^^-ne l ss| the whh hlvstevod j
the na«Mr« 1 gvo «-th oi the hea>a VKmt j
the n «d<t>v Va\ »%•<* he *va*e h h»n»: and
i e*t<4rfc ♦h'Ww »vnte« the sknll I
*-rA em a jnMth'ai **nt ot the Vfc «tde fk.
w * nt < 'Mot the *dwh wMet- v Vhe ;
! **>•«& t v «\ ormtWn
Ifh >e»* thk>» h »e >nth tW j
eh (Ml t*eqfan h* s-v \Vi% >e 'vV*. '
tov -s h» vt< ha e>vv\ih+n|t her !
snd >!y ■ ! t« V W-t I
Htth> chfW hav thk>*n tVe f>tt>v vt the ttoet
<v vratsMl »n *>v>d hntwv'vrtkv t)»at the
♦V to-te* oi V«n>'e VJoiinanX j
d« iy V?s*i t>
»V«s \<Mlf >f* #ttt- *»tV v<f VhK Iw#fh
V» ' W- Wh*hV* *tv-v Vtth
' •nf.s-y* )nHt trtitX*%k VhWetK *fce
W-'SN'*. ViVtffhf
■• s vt> • k s'sfh iW VWW> Vl:
■'<}> , f-%v Vr> w %
V VH& V\ >h Astwiir
■,sf\v A W V<W eN N v^
V.<s\ W
*1 N vs % \\
.. v «»..s,K > V Vv,«t> vv VseMfKA *,k |
.i,. 4 Wlt . kv&A VWk VKk Vt|
«h\. «i\.
k N«#h IhV
I W| >W
.x»«'.Kv *,% >v» V Vks' j
V X •*■> <s\H»s-V\ *
V< V 1 v sjh^i^s..
x yt Wv
%k\ tmvhV te»ifrtf»iii'h ik
v..%« kws v \ As vV V■ V .
* '. s« a >a w. irs x»sS * V Wi %
'•Vf vW% % <a\k K""*
%y <«h
! s v4k a » as- ••.vsvk V *,\S \vMtV
'" '"4 .<a\s> A <fh tk*
V\ 5 >»ek kfc* *«V ,
s > 4 Vh t|*Vs. <«a A ilk \S»sSs '
»\s»vk X Ks» \y«h eh> *•>
' »>,S V*« 4 \y«A \ X<*a *\V |
WJltWort h<*.
>v>ji w ■v>.jfor he hMt 4h I v-a*k I
«.<MI ♦vk- >«*#!< Wlttfk I
* "A wsrta
Vv».vsoA \ ,s»j»h ,h*,dka»d e4# v \ m
»va<t s<\* i»f Vw»» V WlNs*
>V* ,so.s.,.sa
■ ■.sk . .v :«nvw> W«<f*nv>we*a >W
s-s-.ki» kWVM ««4 sk «fc
|N \ hs<WJl t#»ll VAlt ** Nt
\ . tWv «hk««* <MK H |
.s% va >vs«»»»\sjl
! v»sv:*vs «t
tfc ■* >et»
{%**,.. % xfsse**« kki*
, s *h,s 4. -w» «a *h*t a* ♦*
* xv a ».s«>aty *a ho |?yfc»»i
, . V v, h-•*♦*'"» that %■»--, |
,s ,ve«> o % yewwd a*4 th*ts"
~ ,x »v* W* *i !k»i ;
. „ ). >W«nk % e *mo » 4 «a <k>s
-o, Kva k"».at a *MN>h kej»s%>* jet
>* % *S»«Ufr kw«
s .-«« d ft hes*P»« sWihll tMtka> t-> kite I
jv« tisrtsWtf IV\« »»e> tW> w& haw
<Nk s* jV,» ,«)wa V> <sam a»*.
vsae «Mk jukta
- • -I ikw * ■•'th th»
! ,s % sv*><4»as*H*il »e kfce
' ,M iV- hss-'M« and >skm»*i*«*« ar
-••■s .*"»><♦ t> We •»•"*»** K
•v.-« 4 «* »ts- sse*»fe ei the f*j*h Vs*
'■ a* % <#t^>-
It <tWiU'i HtlV i% ,
% '"stsw ""ar^o*, * frewk
■ y.sm «t
v'. « .■>- tk th*' h*M h% tnln'.
| v •(■ »■ •< e>.: efcrthywwfre h> ern>eo>v
v ••' ~><v* "Veartl h* *W>»e
| v y'.'i h tss>s,>»»f: 'V'Wi h <%;■*«<'ltWi Vvsfhrt
•fk», d*»H-s %«*> i|r?t»g •ea»tV , v*»tll. "a
r .«■*< <sf<«ah#n: Vf*»th»i
NO 46
To STOP A Rc«awav Hoksb.—ProfMMr
t;!e**on. uoi<si m a unit of bnim. thtu
explain* the maannr of atoppiag • ItO
' away horw hr nsiug nothing hut • straight
i !<«r bit ami lines. For instance, yonr
liorse attempts »,> j.iu iiway him fo
(or a distance «»f fifty yards; then htol in
yntir lines p.-ueetly tiglit. When yon |fnt
ready tn give ih« to stop, *ay
•Whoa: vt the mme lime pull thn right
hand rem, giving a powerful jerk, and *•-
peat the word, "•»•h•»aK• l>on't mom the
left hand, but do all the work with th«
| riffht When yon give the terrible jerk,
twist the horse's jaw to the right, and If
you have the presence of mind to repeat
1 the word, "whoa!" at the second jerk of
| the line*, you will he surprised to find ytmr
: horse standing still.
■V V?t irk W w to Ktu, C VTKSPtLLAha.
— Take a suiuble pole, say ten feet long,
j and attach to the end a eoarne woolen
cloth by winding it with strong ttrina, ao
that it wilt not slip either war. Take from
■<ne to three quarts of w.hhl ashes, ponr on
: hot w ater, and thn< get a strong lyo. Take
an old pail, turn in the lye, adding one
pint or more of soft soap, and stir well.
I» i< then ready for iih\ and I will warrant
1 this lye and *.>ap to deal the deathblow In
stantly to all caterpillar* hy throating the
saturated swab straight into the neat*.
Put the pole and swab in • secure place
for ftttnrv n*e —Cor <%»*» try (t+ntbmsn
\ l's> \ KNTtvi tvn PtAKr Mtimw —A
I preventive of mildew npon plantr: Thke
I three po inds each o! Honr of sulphur and
) .|Ui. kiimc. Slake the lime and Ml with
j the 'nlphni in *is gallon* of water until
i iisln.'.sl to tno gallon*. Allow thistoaet
1 tie, thvi pour of the <-Wi liquid and bottle
|»t for <i-ss Vn old in* pot will anawnr to
i i< >'• Mi\ a c*llon of with
j five callous of water, and shower npon the
I plant* a* soon a* the mildew appear*
j?A.vm« »
T\»« \i\>v* t» Itrv* —tn or
i der to pre«ei w thtrongh th* year
i* is not m>svs.*n to i>s*ori K* the evpen*e
;of canning tKe n If stowed Wi th« iwdi
, nan manner, hnt withonl bnttet of emek
er% onlx a little salt and tb*y o*n
i be pnt intojav* two or gallon. *e
, -ssrditag to the of the *h»«ty—aws? iT
.%»rkod np tichtlx thviv will keep h ywir
To make awanoe lAvntWy wtt*. »on»e
| loeltod vav may t*e ponnM aronnd the
I esvi*
V».»si-»n \vi-n* fxv* \>tv hmtm m.
k bont *i de«TV>s, ha* been ton*d tv> be the
| right letnpeeatmxv \X he* the er*awi <* t*
pissfv v and ba» nok p*evten»l\
1 vnbiAHed to altoi'nate «f««w W
!heat and ,s\M. it Mv* neai tht*
towipmtwfv • o tissnbW be h*«e<
patssl tftsvn* a tfhibtre ot tbe btWWk bft eowe
I«i a nsasssnabV tfttw 111 W>WtfWi»t*e»
M.ghtlx fns>,>\awed |MW
I ,-■>,> ohnwoig
»\ xitk **>>tk. t>m*k IVwint
la* t?*i>hvn, vine the ttwft VtvtNg hntbes
j it(ss* ,sn •*n >a»s vwhteoka, befbok
! ibe onurfnessif*, »\\s» Tbe tnsfl
cftfe* \*illagot« t* bMnHd litkb
n W»- *"d kbe x4iewh*\ \«tlh fi
*• si h> d Y*>s Mbb" Wk *<i divhjf,
whh-b the tisrtl
t* (mi •iv tv-y aw «n%t\\ W
> 4 »i • t-v tn «bwri\vd tbt* wmwk
\ -\A .*««•»» t>ve \.• kt \>vt\vb >he*.
Vnvtnn.'t iH kbe ef
j hv.-.*po tk» » > '*klt
ts «V ! ft *be XVssffWh l>f<*
almost tn>»Aev ,*t ttth nw^n
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