Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 05, 1890, Image 2

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    v.rnun ... rwrtßTM
** MOZRIM UNA -nwrac*
um yw m*«eCoaetj -
OMlwr.OeNiiftsW VLm>
U |j| ,>IT|- -* ItUKMUrinultcf
CM eacfc mm ot «*c rrracc ao«^f»
tZSZZSttAZ < £?3W.£
the mms Ml tfcnr aetf afcfv*. act m» , siing a
county paper.
All 11 ■imiliiii Hii«r iuModed far wlifirtiw
tm itm vrntm eeecaj3**ed by the rwa)
wr.uT. not far pvbiaeattao bat a»
RrpiWican Stale Tirket
rot c«ru?i«*.
f«k uxrmixT wrum
roK szcuTiii or IMUN AITAIBS.
BrpaUkaa Ctuly Ticket.
m muiu,
roc SMIFF.
m mmwMnin,
rwcocm coiu'mwjii*,
rot cenrrr u»n«n,
Call for Congressional Primaries
The Republican VOTER* OF Butler eoanty
•re RV.NETTED to meet at their several
(laces FOR holding elections, BETWEEN tbe
OOT* of 2 ac<i 7 o'clock P. ON TUESDAY,
the 10th dar, of September, for the
purpose of VOTING f«r and ELECTING "r.e
person to REPRESENT tbeir sub-Congressional
district at the Harmony CON I .;nti<>U, which
is to convene on the 23RD inst., for the pur
pose of putting in nomination A Republican
candidate for CONINE*" iu 25TH Di-triet.
And the several member* of the COUNTY
Committee are requested to assi»t in organ
iring their respective election hoard*, and
to make return of the rote A* RANT to the
Chairman of the County Committee, where
the vote will BE COUNTED for e<W-H sub- dis
trict and publish**! in the county papers,
and cert'NCALAE iejoe'J to those elected.
By order OF Committee.
8. If. Hrcx&T"*, Chairman.
B. E. Gbaoam.
The Skies Brighten.
Tbat tbe Republican p'irty of tbis Con
grewuoioil distric. is in .-sire listr- CO one
ACQUAINTED with the si'UATI'/N Trill d«ny.
Mr. McDowell, of gfcaroo, in possession
ot A fraudulent nomination, proposes
remaining A candidate CR.i l the polls close
in November, AND is sustained in Lis po«i
tion BY the ring politicians of Mercer and
Lawrence counties.
A large majority of TIII Republican
voter* of the DISTRICT A»k lor a F-.r nomi
nation and prop' SC SUPPORTING no other.
Ail efforts to COMPROMISE hurt failed, and
sow Butler and Beaver counties, ayled by
such precinets of LAUREATE and Merc<r
counties ai shall present nghtrttlly elected
delegates, propose rraKug A nomination
tbat they cau conatlentiously support.
Oar County C«mi>lttie has FIXR-d Tues
day, tfc<- 16th it. st., as tbe U.»y for a pri 1
mary TO ELECT delegates LUUT* Casgrea*-
ioiiul Convention, to meet in Harmony,
this county, on the following TUESDAY, the
23din«t., and we hope that the primary
will be wall ittended, and tbat ouce again
Butler county will ELECT a delegation tiiat
will BE *N honor aud a credit to it.
It will lie an odd primary in < ne respect
— no candidates for the office will L>e voti»d
for, none are announced. And yet we
have A candidate. For some *IU.O public
semi merit in Leiver, LU'ler wid Lawreaee
countie* BU been centering and crystal
Uing on one niarv —A man an. MG men — and
bis name is THOTFJM W. L'bilups. His
home is in Hew Castle. lie U well and
favoraWy known by bnndreds of farmers in
this county, who huvc never r< gr»lted giv
ing hirn tbeir oil leases. Ife has shown him
self a friend of the laboring man. He has
every qualification for inteliigenlly repre
aenting this district in Congi. «. lie is a
Republican in principle and N A.< one of tbe
original Abolitionists, and la*t but not
least, we can elect him.
WITH him for ottr candidate we would
engage in a winning light from tbe begin
Shall It not lio Thomas W. Phillips T
IT 1* said that John L. Sullivan, after
reading an account of the lute slugging
match on tbe floor of the HOUNE at Wash
ington, renounced all bis C»ngreseionat
ambition I.
Death of Joseph Brlttaln, Jr.
NO young man in Butlei was more thor
oughly respected than Joseph Urittuin, Jr.
He was honest, industrious, studious, uu
ost«ntation» AND euUirprisitifr, ctreful In
business, a warm friend and hud every
quality that tended to WIN the respect and
admiration of Li/ fallow men Butler had
no better citizen.
A year or so ago he conceived "the idea
of building A chemical WORKS In Uuiler that
would TitilliO tbo salt water <>( tlio Kelbnr
wells near town, aud ai*'> the wra«t<« WIMMI
of tbe count/. ll>- -tudi«-<l the matter ami
found tbat it could HE MADE a and
tbeu eull'ted friet.ds and CAPITAL and went
AHEAD aud built tbe works, *iilcb have par
tially BEN la operation FOR SOME time.
In doing tills be luvolved bim<l<-lf beavi-
LY, expecting to MEET his obligations with
tbo rewarda OFHU laliura. Hut imperfectly
made machinery and apparatus < .NOTED de
lay and disappoint WENT, and IB<-y in turn
can .<:d worry toatnind naturally ..EN«IMRC.
I'or soveial NIJHTA prevlo is to last Sat
urday Joo was so WORRIED (hat he ooull not
sleep, AAD was advUlad by hi* phytician to
u.O inorpblno pllis, wlucu H« did without
beneiit, bis nerve'' being at SU-ii .. tuasion
that the drug did aet. O„ Haturdajr
LICT bo was in I ON I;!I*IUI'»< con
NEE ted with the works. UE STOPPED at tbo
Hotel I»oy#R, AND that retired
early sav.ng that he wubod a G IJO D N |- HT '»
rest. He took US usual dow< of MORPHINE
before be retired. His nerves TW-CMOE uu
strung. Tho drug, which is a "IMULNIVE
poisou, did its work AUD when his r<H>T N
entered neit morniDg lif< « as fonud U> | MI
extinct N'oiie of bis mliuiaio tri»n>U M
Butlor have the »llght«**» id<- 1 that be !«.
tended uicing bis owu life. HU was high
misded and very sensitive, I nt. be hail
often been beard to eipre*SH!»<><nt«tjipi ~F
suicide. MorpMreiskwvntobeacumula I
tive POISON — that is, It ISOM thai moiietimnii
does NUT act upon THE SUBJECT until MORE
has 1 'JEA than the system will stand,
ai.d I HIE, lu all /.AS the case
Tbo uewn of UI. denth wu U terrlhh*
SBOEKI not ou»> I" ho. fiieiitls, lmt to every I
soul IN Butler who knew ll.m, mni many |
thcro bo WHO wiU ohcrhh the memory of '
Joseph Brlttaln, Jr. I
Meeting of the County Com
Tfcirtv-eigkt n«aW»a> the
County Committed pet in aa appearance
last Moncay i» :o *- ll *- r *
MI HA-ehoo'i emU for a Meting Short ,
IT after 11 o'clock the Chairman calleJ the
meeting to order and #tat*d it.- objett.
which was to hear the report of the Con J
fereace Committee and act upon the report
A motion to hear the report carried, and
iu mairman Col. Sallivaa aroee and
gave an aceoant of the arracgemenr- for j
the meeting in Butler on the 14th of Aug..
the meeting at Cutler and of the votin ir
down t»v the Lawrence an<l Mercer county
delegate# of the resolution* providing that
i if tie nomination was broagbt about by j
> bnbery it was invaiid. spoke of tbe differ
ence in the instructions of the delegate*,
of the adjoarned meeting at New Brighton
MI the 30:h of AzguM. of the interference
with the presence of the bribed delegates
by somebody, after they had promised to
be present to testify, ot the refusal ot the
Mercer and Lawrence county delegates to
bear the evidence of Dr. Mcfonnell. Mar
thall. Harrah. and others who had secured
the confessions and affidavits of the bribed
delegate*, of the refusal of the same conn
ties to refer the matter back to the old con
ference or popular vote of the district, of
the 'jreai and the recommendations. Tbe
Colonel canvassed the situation rerr fully
and wound up by reading the recommen
dations of the Conference.
Dr Irvine morel that the report be re
ceived and accepted. Mr. Moore was in
lavor of sending the fifteen former delegates
back instead of having a new primary. A.
U Campbell thought the committee had
acted wisely and that we should not at
tempt to patch up anything, or our oppo
Bents would say we were afraid to again go
before the people. ...
Br tansoD thought thmt pnnciwe*
would win, and was going ahead to make a
•peech when the whistle® blew for noon,
and the convention adjourned till 1 o'clock.
After dinner Dr. Denniaon finished hi*
remarks, and then M. B. M' Bride Eaq., of
Mißeratown, had something to say. He
thought the state of affairs was deplorable,
that we (bould take no rath step, that Con
gress was an important office, and was go
ing back to the beginning of the affair
when objections were made.
'Esquire Reiser was in favor of sending
hack the old fifteen delegates.
Mr. Moore made* motion to receive the
report, alone, and Mr. Camp!»ell thought
that vu «trange parliamentary law. but
the motion carried and the report wait ac-
Ifr. Moore then introduced a set of re*
oltttion* which, with the change made in
the «ec«sd resolution, read u lollows;
h*v,tr»l That we accept the report of
the Committee j<wt submitted. Its mem
liein are entitled to the thank* of thin Com
mittee and the people for the intelligent
manner in which they diacbarged their re
*p<»ii»ible dntie*.
Kwhtd, That the Repahlican Totem of
the county meet at their respective polling
place* on Tuesday, September lfl, between
the hoar* of 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. to cant
tbeir vote* for delegate* to the Harmony
convention to be held Septeml>er 23, 1 800.
Knotted, That whilst we endorse the
action of the Beaver conference as far a* it
went, yet would most respectfully requent
that at its next meeting it make arrange
ment* for the taking of the testimony of
fered at the New Brighton conference, and
rejected by it by the negative votes of the
delegate* of Lawrence and Mercer conn
ties, together with such other testimony
oearing on the subject as may be deemed
proper This for the iuformation of the
Emoked, That a* a ' fraud on the ballot
is treason to the blatc," we are pleased to
observe the deep interest the people of this
district and the country at Urge are taking
in tire isaue now being made up between
the political corruptionist* of this district
and the honest voters. In *ueh an ii>»ue
the result cannot be doubtful.
K**olr"t. That we heartily endorse tL<
conuuet of Xewton Black, Ksq., in his nn
tllish and honorable bearing throughout
thin protracted canvass He retires from
the contest with his "honor and his con
science clear,'' carrying with him the con
fidence and jr'/od wishes of the people of
the ''ounty.
Kmohetl, That whilst we have no dqsire
to anticipate the final action of the Har
mony convention, nevertheless we believe
we voice the sentiments of the great mass
of the Republican voters of this county
when we express our belief that the selec
tion of Hon. Thomas W. Phillips, a man
cf iudtutry, and a friend of the industrious,
a man whose integrity i* known and recog
nised by all, would be received as a happy
solution of our present embarrassing con
dition by the honest voters of the entire
district, and would receive their unquali
fied approval in November.
lUtoltert, That the delegates to the Har
mony convention are hereby requested to
urge upon said convention the propriety
of adopting the popular vote system of
making Congressional nominations in the
IlcvitrrH, That we urge upon each mem
Iter of this committee that they complete
tLe examination of the registry in the sev
eral districts, and have the names of all
Republicans entitled to a vote placed on
the registry and properly assessed, and
have afl name* improperly on said registry
«tricken off so that the names of legal
Toter* only may remain.
A motion was made that they 1M; adopted,
bat Mr. M. V. Greer thought they Were too
much to take in at one time, and that it
wouid be better to consider them iu sec
l»r. Irvine objected to the whole set.
lie thought that the old fifteen delegate*
were dead, that the County Committee had
uo power to resurrect them. (This in re
gard to the second resolution, which origi
ually provided for the sending back of the
old fifteen delegates.)
The resolutions were then taken up sep
arately. No. 1 was adopted unanimously.
No. 2 was changed from sending buck the
old fifteen delegate* to read a* above.
No. 3, after being explained by Col. Sul
livan, wu adopted The object is to give
the evidence rejected by the Lawrence and
Mercer county delegates to the people.
No. 4 was adopted without dfsseut.
No. !>, ou motion of Dr. Dennison, was
adotited by a rising vote.
No. fl brought on a discussion. I)r. Irvine
thought no instructions whatever would be
belter, Mr. Mcßride respects Mr. Phillips,
but though it would be inconsistent to in
struct for him, and Mr. A. h. Campbell
tnought the action would be misconstrued
Hud would be inconsistent with the Com
mittee's recommendation, but a decision
was fiually called for and the HwllfiM
carried. With buttwo or three exceptions
everybody In the room favored Mr. Phillips,
but many thought it imprudent to forestall
the action of the convention.
Nos. 7 and 8 were adopted unanimously.
Then the question of the conduct of the
primary came up. Mr. Moore made a rno
tUm to the eliect that each member of the
Couuty Committee should organize the
election board In hi* district, that each
election board should certify the result iu
Its precinct to its county committeeman,
and that the county committeeman should
immediately send it to the Chairman of the
Oonuly Committee, who with his clerks
will tabulate the reiults and send word to
the candidates for delegate* who are
elected, the vote of each district to lie pub
lisbed in the Republican papers. This pro
jr-amine, after some discu**iou, was
adopted and the Convention adjourned
The delegate districts are as follows:
Ist. Allegheny and i'arker.
2d. Venango, Marion, aud Men er.
3d Hllpperyroek, Worth and Center
ville born
4th. Cherry, (.'lay and Kutibury boro,
3t.b. Waihingtun aud Concord.
Oth. Fairview twp., I'etrolin, Karu*
City and Kairview boro'*.
t'b. Donegal, Oakland and Clearfield
twjis., and MUleratown boro.
Hth. Huinmit, Jefferson and Clinton
twp.'., and Haxonbnrg boro.
IKb. W infield anil Buffalo.
10th. Forward and i'enn, lialJridge.
Illh. llutler twp., Uutler lioio.
12th. Adams and Middle.,ex.
l.'lth Cranberry, Jackson, Conuoque
kern ing—south twp*., Zeliunople and Kvuri*
I4tb. I*nca»ter, Muddy Creek, Conno
qUene*#ing north
f.jtb Centre, Franklin, and Fro*poet
Tiik Democratic conferees that met iu
New Castle last Friday adjourned witluiut
fixing a day for another meeting.
Tdk speci'h of Keuator Mitchell, of Ore
gou, on the tariff, Iu the U. K. Benate, on
tb» It of August ult., i» one of the clearest,
allot aud mint satisfactory of any yet
delivered on that qncntloij. As a former
' itl/eli of ItiiUer eouuty, our people feel I
I a pride iu the ditlltictioii obtained by the '
j boualor from Oregon,
Mr and Mr- "Wx of Rochester
Pa. formerly of Emient-n lately 1< -t tire
children fcy diphtheria
The cen-Tis ennx-rator at Pa.
"found a 22 year old woman who wa- the
mother of nine children
j A little girl named Hettie Brers, of
i Grapeviile. TfTestmoreland county. wa» at
tacked by a laree rat the other day whi.e
. feeding chicken-, and so terribly i.itten it |
jis thought she will die. prooal-ly from
' ' iood poisonins:.
i A drake on a farm in Berks county, kill
jed a"?d ate risteen young ttartos n a j
Tucker H<rmmrek. who tried to preside (
at the head of three families in different |
parts of the S Lite, has been arrested at
Pottsville. He had any amount of courage, j
Some men we know of hare hard work to
preside over one family.
It is said that a farmer lirintr near Corry
runs a hen dairy." He gets for egg two
cents a dozen more than market price, on
account of stamping bis name on every
ege-. and guaranteeing their frerbnesa. A
good idea for egg dealers everywhere
A resident of Perry town-;.:p Lawrence
told a Guardian reporter the other day a
good story about a Bailer county man who
was hunting with a ferret in Perry towr.
ship la-t Fall. Tbe Butler county man.
with a ferret under his arm. and accom
panied by a dog was seeking for rabbit-.
Arrivine at a rabbit's burrow, the ferret
was sent into tbe hole after p'«>r bunny.
Tne dog stationed himself at the mouth
of the aperture to seek whom be might
devour. In a few seconds a rabbit bound
ed out, closely followed by the ferret.
The dog paid no attention to the rabbit,
but seized the ferret by the throat, shook
it viciously several times, gave it a tow) in
the air. and it come to the ground an dead
as a door nail. The rabbit escaped The
Butler man wan so angry that be "hot the
A New Castle manufacturer paid a bill
without a murmur the other day, siuiply
on account of tbe way it was worked. His
engineer found that the hot-water pump
would not work and sent for the machinist.
The Utter bothered with it half a day and
said it must come apart. This meant a
stoppage of the factory for a long time. It
was suggeeted that a neigbbork g engineer
be sent for, as he was a sort of genius in
the matter of machinery. He came, and
after studying the pump awhile he took a
hammer arid gave three *harps rap* over
the valve. "I re< kon she'll go now," be
quietly raid, and putting on steam "*be"
did go. ' The next day," say* the manu
facturer, "I received a bill from him for
tSi '/J. The price amazed me, but when I
hail examined the item* I drew a check at
once. The bill read this way: Messrs.
Blank A Co., Dr. to John Kmitb. For
fixing pump, 50 cent*; for knowing bow,
♦os.' Had he charged me $20.50 for fixing
the pump I ukould have considered it
exorbitant. But oO cents was reasonable,
and I recognize the valua of knowledge;
so I paid and said nothing."
Tho-jia- (j■ Boyle, son of If -U. Boyle,
President of the National Ins. Co. of
Allegheny, went to the seashore last Fri
day morning, learned that his father was
in the *urf. swam out to find arid surprise
him, was siezed with cramps and was
drowned within a stone's throw of where
his father atood.
The luckieot farmer, outside of the oil
country, that we hare heard of lately is
Joseph Jarrica of Juniata county—one of
the mountain valley counties of tbe central
past of the state. His crop of peachci in
estimated at from 2.V) to 3.VJ boxes, and he
is offered si, per l«»x, delivered at tbe
Home, O. 1* men were convicted at
Washington I'a. la*t week, aud received
the usual sentence* for selling liquor with
out licenea.
Reunion of the Moore Fanjlly.
The descendant* of Samuel 11. Moore
held their annual reunion at the residence
of 8. If. Moore in Worth twp., on the 28th
of Aug. Being favored by most pleasant
weather, at an early hour in the forenoon
more than two hundred of tbe friend* and
relatives of the lamily had assembled.
It was observed that all brought baskets,
and soon two Jong tables, which were
wprcad in either baru floor, testified to the
fact that not only were the baskets plonti
ful, but they were also well filled
After ample justice had been done to the
go< d thing.t thai had been provided for the
satisfaction of the "inner man," the a«*em
bly was called to order by 8. 11. Moore,
Ksq. lluv. K. J. Thomus, of Unity Hta
tion, Allegheny county, I'a., was unani
mously chosen Chairman In a few well
directed remarks, he thanked the audience
for the honor conferred upon him and stated
that he was a man who delighted in show
ing his authority, and that any misconduct
would be promptly dealt with. Ilia sub
sequent course showed that he was not *o
anxious for an opportunity for exercising
authority as he was that ail should have an
enjoyable time,
f'rof. J N. Moore, of Hllpperyroek, wu*
chosen Secretary, after which devotional
exercise* were conducted by Iter. J M
Hay, of Prospect. A hi»tory of the family
was read by H H. Moore, which was
adopted b; the lamily. Remarks appro
priate to the occasion were made by Kev,
Hal*ton, of Porter*vlllo, Kev. Itay. I'rof.
Moore, and Kev. Thomas. The urogram
was interspersed with music by the l'or-
Uirsville Comet Band, which waioue ol the
mo*i eujoyab'e features of the daj'.
After the observance of the program, it
wan decided to hold tbe next reunion with
Hamuel Moore, of Franklin township, on
Aug. 25, 18{fl.
The exercise* were closed with prayer
by Kev. UuUton aud the remaining part of
the day *»» *pent in social conversation.
The Moore family is one of tUe oldest
Butler Co. and it is .descended
from ,Samuel 11. Moore, who win born in
Couuty Antrim, Ireland, iu Feb.. 1770,
came to America in J7WJ, and to Uutler
Co. iu Ibyi. His descendants number 274,
of whom 234 are now living. J. M. M.
Kounlon of the Grosxman
In respuusn to their kind and loving
hearts the children of Mr, ami Mrs, John
Grossman, of Hllpperyroek Twp., made a
surprise party for their narents aud Invited
their friend* aud neighbor* to join them.
Accordingly on Wednesday morning, the
27th ult., the relative* and friends to the
■lumber of about 1.10 gathered iu with their
ba*kel* full of good things.
Hub ii.autial expressions of affection aud
regard for their aged parents were not
wanting on the part of the children and
friend*, for two fine rocking chair* beside
numerous Uss valuable gilt,% were pre
scuted to them.
After dinner the meeting w.t- called to
order and Mr /. B. Hhepard was elected
chairman and M. F Mayer secretary. Mr
T. K. Ifeatty. for the children, pn-scuted
the gifts in an appropriate speech, and M
V Mayer r<-*potided briefly in behalf of the
Mr* U. W, Fox then entertained (he
aadleuce with a song, whicb was well ren
dered Mr (iros*mau thnriked the chil
ilreu and friend* for the many mart' sol'!
o*leem manifested toward* him aud Mr*
(iros*mati A song entitled "I'll take you
to your home' wan then hiiug and the
meeting adjourned. Hkc.
Tim ClilH 1 lU itMifi tor tUm s/mt iummi of
harM|»rUl» U found In lh« fas I thai
Mt'rii IVIfiM. lUftn'm Hut •«p*rlll* \» Ihn t«»i
hU»* 1 puriftr r aud ** tttally arrotn|<lUh«;« ail that
U rlalmcd for It. I*r«par«<l Isy (J, I. lfo««d St Co.,
A vvilMKaflca, I-'/wvIJ, Mat*. fM*l by Ur
Silverman in Ja:L
At K ttaanins la-t Tst -<d*r. Cha# SO* :
TIA" ?h« ce> : Titoa 0. r. r.a of Lee fc
j hmfr «u romi trd rf aeHicr Ik ncr *.:t •
wst Eifiw. JI -«i Judffe RsrWra
bsa * ne* - trial. sad *este:se«d Us to pay
: A fin* "f SSOO &LJ to iir.prUoawi in the
imifj jail ft'" «irtx daj a.
Thi IVraocT - of Wiseoß** tare so-.
' mated '-Bad B»y " Peck ft* GOTKBOT
—The Sutler V. C. T. C. *ill c<*
i ocv jpjr th«r >• ~ eat .jr -"anl '-n the Fa *
grovnd thi« rear but the anion have imsf
' ed U> hare a teat placed at a conreaient
point opoa the far the dijtrifcnt .a
of temperance lstentare and a- a *ort <»f
rendeivooi f<>r W. C. T. U. rußtor*. A
preying inrita".: -a it extended to all tLe
white ribbooer* tkraifbMt the ee*intr t- •
calL We need to become better aeqaaint
ed *"ith each other Bad tha* Baited in a
rioter bond of sisterhood. It is hoped
that not one will ieare the ?T"'jnd- havi.-p
failed to embrace thU opportunity a~il that
many pleaaaata- jnaintance- mav be made
and old friend -b'.pi renewed. A comma
tee of ladies will be in cocitant attendant
tinder the dire "ion of the Co. Sapt., "f
Fair work and Co. Lit. S»upt.
PUEi>* Sre'T.
HKED —Ather hom< in liarri-' Thur
dar, A2l. i <•<•. Mr- Lar> a Y*' 4,
wife of #a«nt E. Heed. Br., afed aln.ut
76 years.
BKITTAIN—In f'ittebnrjr. Konday, A
31; I*9o, Joseph lirittain, Jr. of Butler,
sped 38 year-
DITGAX—At tU« home "f hi* brother iti
Oakland tvj. Sept. I, 1-00, Michael I»Q
pan, aired 70 year*.
BOUTMAB— In Bntler, s»t th> re*;deru-.» of
II L. Ran kit'. Sept. 3. IMM», Mr John
Bert in an, a;."! 71, yearn and ft month
gIEBBBT—In thi< place, Hnnday, An?v
31, 1890, Mr* Biebert, aid' w
of the late Frederick Hiebert and mother
of Mr. Wi'lia.a Hiebert, aged ft 2 year*. <:
month* and 12 day*.
The funeral w.»- from the re*i«!cuc« ol
her nun Wiltia.i. Siebert on Tee-day l i t
AdminUt:at..r* and E*e<utor» of estate
can neenre their receipt book* at the CfTI
ZK* ofiice.
Libel in Divorce,
Barbara M< Kaj. »y her | In the Court, of < < m
next fi>u'l Ca»lu»«rimou of Butler
Wine VK. M'.'Xay. 'Co., A. J> . No. l»
; htufM T., lei».
Kew. I, fMft. ',n tii'itn/ti. Walter f« (iraliam-
Esii., wa* anpoliited by the < oart to take te*tt
iboriv In the To all furtk* In IriU-r'nt
Uka notlea; I vt-il iak<- n.e n-*umoi,y of »n
ne«te« liu'lej- II alxr.' uppointmi-nt at my
ofll' <- OIJ KrtSaj. 'ln- l'ifh 'lay of
OD p;.r' of 111/elrt .at l'> o clock a. m.
WAITER L. <,KAIIAM. ' ninrn'r.
«epj. a. I«*».
Estate of Dawson Wadsworth,
l-etter" lulei' i ritary on the of Daw
•OII Wadovri.rih, de'-eavl, )»!<- of Hlippfery
reck towutbip, (Sutler county, i'a, liaviiiif
lj«en rmcte'i UJ the un«ler»i«c»>ed. all per«,u»
kDOWiO(S thuii" lv«» if:«)el»le'l lo tai'i ••tate
will jilvav; raal«e unuie'liate payment, and
auy l.arinjr cla.ox »t-«iri»t >ai«J <»tate will
present iheiu 'J jly mitlieiiticatcl Inr -eltle-
Blent, DAWNOXI . W AMWf/ttTIl, j .
IlKXßinu WaDhWOHTH, j '
Kei>, *r I*. 0., Butler ciqnty, Pa.
Dissolution Notice,
Notice la herein given that the partnership
lieretoforc exlulli ; i>et*eeii A. L Knox ami ■
W. Hartley, under ttie Oriu name of Hartley 4:
Ktiox. dolti(« buaitiexa at fetrolia. Miller*towt:
and other places »-a* dtiwolTUd t<y mutual eon
w-nt on Uie »c>tli ol April, !»■». '1 he account* of
tli» Hi'ii will be Billed l»j* 'i. %V. Hartley a'.
I errolia. A. 1.. K*OX,
«i. W. I.AKU-KY.
Estate of Sitrion Barrihart, Sr.,
( I.ATI. • K DOKF.fi AL TWr.)
of aMiininlration harifij; Ux-a
frantcl lo the ui dff»ii{ned uu the e»tata ol
hiuiou llatnliarl, Sr., (lec'd, late of ll
Tap,, Duller < 0., I'a., all penon* knowing
th' m-elve* indtl. «<1 to hoel estate will plea«e
mike •inumlitiU' ftajrtiierit, unit any havin/
';laira« ujjainKt nn.il i -ldte will preaent tUcui
ilul/ authenticated ior HetUcmurit.
I'. S. BAKXUIin, Ailin'r,
f liariihari'n Mill* P. <).,
I Co., I'a.
Ovuci: OK CoMl TRdl.LKtt OK CrJiItEXCV, .
WAHHIKOTO.-.. I). C., Jflly 19, I(4iJO. )
Wiikkkam, I'y aatiafactory eviilcnfe pre
sented to the nadiri-igDiiiJ, it lion Ij«i;ii
miiUe to abpcar thut "Thn Batler County
National Hank iJutler," in tin; llorniiKtt
of llutler, in the County of IJ-.jtli-r and
Ktate «»f I'ennay! rani:i, han ( omjilieil with
till tbij proviiiiii * of the HtatutiM of the
United Htaten, r«<|iiired lo l»e complied
with before an a moeiation Hliall lie author
Iz'-d t«i cmnieni": the biiMnn-- of li.'iukiiiff;
N</W, there loin I, Kdw-ard S. l.ac-y,
Comptroller of .lie (Currency, do hereby
certify that "Tl Hurler County National
IJntiit <if Hutler," in the Bor'ingli of Hntler,
in the County nl t'utler and Htate of I'enir
aylvaniu, in aut 'irized to commence tbe
bioiioeMi of Hanking a<« provided in Hection
i'illy-one hundred and Hixty niue of the
Hevinod Htatnt" ol the United Htate*.
In tentimony 1, he reof « ittie»ii my band
and *e«l of offii thin 19th day of July,
[HUM.] !•;. K. LACKV,
Comptroller of the Currency.
No. 4,:J74.
Notice In heri'lr (dteli that Hl>|>lleallon w 111 lie
li.aile to the Ijjh prenitlinK In Uie IJourt
01 < omiiiou I'll-11 or l'.iitli r county, I'a., on
Mointiiy. hepUsini; r n, i«m, l,ir a Charter for
'Clinton Ai .uli-iii . ' 'ihe purpime ior which
tin: coruorulinn I orim-il in to iifTonl all fur
>uinn. of clllier wwho may ilenire It a general
hntfiub. Normal, Vcaileinle. or I lannlcttl i-'lu
< -»tioii, with the 11' wcr lo graduate and lo con
ler diploma* and i -un-e*.
•I.e. Noaiim,
.loiiw I*. KlKKl'Aiiiick,
.lAMM \V*7«ON,
•loll* II A l-M f-l-AII,
WiM.iim ft Mri. nK.r.i., Att.'yi.
AUKUHt 19, li>i
The HotiHCt ('.. boil Couipauv, heretofore
cotnpoxed ol the >mderHif(iied, IC. \V. Martin
and William I'aieoner, la illkaolved. All
pe.'Koua indeliteil to naid partOerßbip arc
notified to nay t! e aaine to \V. Thomp
Ron, Kw|,, Heccjier, Hutler, IV, and tliomi
havii.jt claim* a niimt them will present
the name to him. L. Mahtiii, Jk.
Executors' Notice.
WIIEKKAN, l*-l 1•r« of admlniKtratioti h.t»e
been Krnnted ie the underniffned on the
fHiain of M, U'.M ino'in.of Franklin Tap.,
Hutler Co., I'a., Ml per«'in« knowtrii; them
»elvek indebUfif > naid drtate will pteavc
make imnicdinu ..lymeut, and any buying
claim* aKaiimt »ai I eatale will present them
'luly autlienlieau I for m-lllement.
f A. W. Biiasmom,
| j fro*peel, I'a.
(John I*. ItArwi.K,
Ksecu torn.
Estato (il <ii Urown, (iec'<l,
I.ATK hi Com hi u'fwi',, 111 11 i n ( i>., I'a.
li-ntuoi ulniy on lh«- ulk/vi: ealalu
iiaviiij; been grm -wl In the und i-raiijned, all
peraona kuowiii ; htti|Mil*i!l Indebtml to aaid
rHtatc will make 1111 mediate payment,
and any lihviiik lanoa agatnal aaid eatale
will pn-Mrnt llien for *«l tie men I.
.1 v 111 a J. Hiiowk, IC*'*,
<ji ecu (.'fty, llutler Co., I'a.
(ii.u. W. Km. l .Kit. Ait'jr.
Execi tor's Notice.
( I ilAl I'. Ol J. I. llllC'll, I.ATK llf
I UAKKI.IX Wl'., lit'Tl.fctt (.<>., I'A.
I,ei|rr> le.tam lury on the above iiumeil
i-auile bavinr; beei tcrantmi to the undersigned,
all pi r-oiia know ig tlieinaelveaindebted to it
will pliioi- n aki immediale iiayment, and
any having elan a it will present
litem for aelllenn 't.
£iIII I Mi IIHIDI., I.n'r.
Mi;( andlma I'. O.
W. I>. lIKANtK <, Att'y.
i.ooil men In aul it lor our Drat claai Nurpi r>
Mim i- on aalary o . uiniuiiiaioii. iiaul wi-'-kly
l'i rmaiii'iii emp|. iiiienl gmiranieeii. iiuilit
Iri-i- I'ri'vl'Hia <• M-rlei" e not r.-ipnreil. We
• ■in make .4 dik 1 1- fill a,m ninth ol anyone who
will noil and 1 i: i» our luaini'iltona. Wntu
lor terrna al iih' e i
■IflNKn / 1:01 .1:, l.ake \ll >• Nur*l<r|ea.
Mi ntlon ilii • [.a tr. IU« Heaii-r, N. V
[:KI?M!k/l jACEMTS /f.r«S
tiUitHMU I KU A.ai orT.'i.n VorkVIW
Absolutely Pure.
1 A er< am of tartar baking powder. Hijjh
I cat of all ic learet.icp »tre:.ptb—C. S.
(,'frtrt.muht Il>A "J. 17, 1
B. if B.
Arc More Fortunate
In many lioea io oaf I'rre» oood*
Department* wc find a i-nrplun, par
tieslarlf iti
Tbi« iturpla-! ff»u«t go iloom i*
Deeded for FnJ' if- A* now erririfiif.
A >-a!e of Viae ItpoftiJ Dr»»»
Good** Xove!t.e>_ io to 1. ihcb
good* at 50r
Very otid choice I*ererj
piece of which in down in |>riw from
|1 00 to .Surely tLi»» in reach
ins.' Bed I'ock.
Choice line of f>o-ir<cb Cloth*
cent*. 36-loch Wool Suitinjf a •!•*>
And in the
Extra quality l!#-focb Black
HurahM, 50 centn,
2C-in< h Block "•*' ceuta.
A tvry large line ol Cof//rr.i< Hr.
oexoit BII.KU, 1 U ioibrn wide, 70
cents, worth iotriucicilly $1.25
100 piecett Colored Armure .Silk*
at $1 00, extra heavy »|nality, flown
from %\ 25 nnfl i'l £lO. That i* to
Hay, b'ttb our $1 2.0 and $1 50 Ar
murea now marked SI.OO a yard.
Thene and many other itenm for
late buyers to profit by m ;be»>e
Write our Mall Order Department.
It olfern *ame sdvaritagen HH are pre
cerited over the coootero.
} IT*, u?: Inderal St.,
' Mifflin Street Livery.
W. <i. BIEIIL, I'rop'r.
One square w-st of Main Hr., ori
Mifflin St All good, nnfo horftec;
new bufrjrien and LandauH
for and funeral*. Opec
day and night. Telephone No. 24,
Hotels and Depots,
W S. Orel* now running a liue
of carriage* between iho hotel* and
depotft of the town.
Ciiarge* rea*ouahle. Telephone
No. 17, <<r leuve older* at Hotel
(iood Livery in Connrction
New Livery St;il>le.
New Stock,
Now Rlg«.
llorne* fed and boanled.
.'{lf, W. .fefferaon St, Butler, I'a.
Spring Millinery
In all I lie latest styles.
Sew Hut*,
New Kibbons,
New Tririnnings.
A' 1 the new tilings in llowers,
l.u h, gloveh, veils, caps,
M. I'. i\l. Marks'.
No. 9S. A'uin St # , liutier, I'a.
To tlie Mi(l-Humiii< »'
Clennuiee Sale
of HeitHt)iiul»l«! f unii«hiiig (foods,
everytliin . r tnnrked <l«iwn to
tilt; low: I
Wt* inn t liavi- room lor our
Fall (ioods which nre now ar
John M. Arthurs.
Attorney nl l.nvv HIKI ,1 i«-lt.»r ' !'• nil'in* "lit
I'.ilellU, 110- 'VI, W.i;:l.lliKl«»li II < . < lerk *' »
at'- fenxl'iii « 'Olll nt'.M.-•> C>r In l 1 . • ar». If you
Ilk" CltnMl'rNKi . write in" fila'l lo irlvt;
A ♦
APCMTC" e I'-'' Hie Kul'-ofoui
MuC.ll I O ||(||||.. (,| W!| Mir■' 1 y M.O' k
I'nMjaali'il r«« 1111 I'*M. One ol the lariC'AT.
oliliv.l inlutillnlieil, NII'L IRT'NL Nur»<-rl'-I In
the "miitry.
A'ldre W Kit. SMITH, HENNA Suraerjf,
I .UlilUh. .1 in 1H L«L. I, rue, A, V T
4 ♦
F'atent Variable KIIMIOII an.L Melt KI • I
Steam Engincß, Hay Prensoa,
Mills, Ac
Poitablti Grist Mills,
N II'L lor 111 TL»r».»tilnir fliiililiu* Ar,
' ,«I.»I",:-|. L.LL l AUOIIUK'O I'iirb, I*4.
Advt'fliae ll- '.he CiTi/KM
Fall and Winter
Everv (lav ad<U new
and l»eauiit'ul style
in Footwear to
ImmeuHe kU>C«. oi Boot an i
Shoe- I —all fpenh <rrx>rf»*. A <
have B»ot for t!ie boy* t<> ?
to school, Shoe# for pirl» that
are high cut, made of tin.
best of call, kip an«J grain—a!i
warranted. W<* have it-
Fine Shoe* in all the grades
and at all priai., all width
and fhapefl in liand-w«*lt# # M«
Kay k Turn*. WV have then
in kip, ealf and trrain, button
and lace at very low pri< "«
j Mioe# we nhow will j/ive th
i,e-t < i m i \ h*v< tried their
wearing qualitic* f>v v. ai>
Non i belt* i uiadc,
We have shoe* of all de
*< ription* for old la<!i» •»* in warn.
. zood*. and »lipj#er». Sprin
Heel rijo< >ll niiXf""- .ehiMren •
and Inditf' a specialty.
It in important f r von t >
know that all kind* if Jioot
and Shoe* nave advanced V"rj
( much recently; ►till more im
! port ant for you to know that
| we *hall not advance our price
ait long an thi« piewnt utocl;
I hint*. We at" now v eil
stocked. Our Ijoum i* full oi
I'oolh and Sheen Ik tight !*•
lore the advance, ('owe enrlj
and iiit the advantage of old
price®, Itecollect w«" cell none
j i>ut reliable fjo t wear and at
the Haine price to all.
Wv, have Kip, <train and
Uubber Boot* lor men in high
leg, fjur Ko!e«, plain or box too,
hijfli or low iu*tep.«. Sho> hof
nairie ntyl", cut, kip, * all
and grain. VVc have carefully
considered the want* of the
farmer, mechanic and laboring
mail ami can lit you out at a
Kinall coit, making your feet
comfortable in all kinds of
Come and «ee us.
No.— N. Main St., Butler, l'i.
To v II our Ktock. h «lary. exj criMf" uri'l
i t I'ly employment mi«iratit<'e<i.
rwAsn i! HOT in it s <ohpah.
N. Y.
Al llrmicbton Station- llilliuril Jmi< ion
of Ih.-I' . S. & L. K. I!. K.—Only K mill
to Mnrriimviile, I inilc« to ('untrevillc, <i
liiileK to llarrin illc, 3 mill-* to Ciwltnwn
Meal* nt ull hour*, lodging* uiii! livery
N«w furniture. iM-w ami lirxt
(•In accoimi)o<lniio»<4. l.ivi-ry.
Svrth mil< of IHamoml, llutUr, I'a.
' No. 8H and 90, S. Main St.,
Near New ( uurt Ilouae formerly IKhihUl-«»ii
flouse jfi»od acconiHiodalloiiN for traveler*!.
(ItMMi tlabllUK connected.
KI'IKNMrI J.Kit A I.KIItOI.n. I'rup'i*.
«S N. .McK KAN S I .. 11l TI.EH. I'A.
Mi-a!jtt.'iiH b'.ur* Op« null night.
Ilrc-akr.uit ■£. rent*.
IHnfxT Hi cx nu,
M f'CUfct.
:a ('Cilia,
HIMKON NIXON ... I'aol' Jt.
Willard Hotel
W. 11. KEIIIINti, I'rop'r
IHJTLEH, - l'^V.
1 lotcl Vogclcy
(Hlriethj /'nut <'hln».)
IIKNUY L. UK('K. Ptop'#.
J. 11. Vavhvl; Manual r. Hutlor, Pi».
Wm. F. Miller.
Manufitcturer of
Stair Rails,
and Newel-posts.
i All klii'tn u( wool turning <lou" lo orili-r, Hlio
IT.-, or.il' il mi<t lai vccl wihml w>.rk mirll "»
''iWlillK. ' of IHT hi or I *, I'lilli'ln Mll'l 111 ll' lllil* of
faiK-y Moo>i work for Inilde «!«■« '»ri»llon of
< Al.l. AMI HI.K hA M I'l.llM.
tkiio. ihliiK nnw ni'l ntt i .wti V*'. Al.l
a' |ov."»t;«a«h
HtuTQ ut No i», N. Main Itrr«t.
fiw-lorv itl No. M. N. Wftihlnictoii rtri i i.
HtfTf.Klt J'KNNA ;
, . i it riKCllllrtf
, ' Ai.»' ulwmyf prove*
'. y . . 11. ll' Jilm'lii:: on Y
'v'lf Ail' i'rllhinif oouiult
c L ,'j enrmuiMi a'.mih,
*t «• t* W CHICAOOr
Regular 4outaly Vi3it
:: V DBS. SALM i M'yyfl
-4tHr' V/CIIHH ! ! a J,
t *
MW hi. «. 4 ito w a}*** 4 . . ...»
WondiM'tullv siuvt'ssfiil ill ;iii ( iiu.ii
the Evo, Ear, \(N>, iliriK u Luii: <. N rrh.
All ZYZ QFZBA7IC2IS Art 3u::;: . 7
Oo wt uat of tot lag i*-«n A'«-tuia#t I*t»» tta at il >* h 1> u * «.«) v . i »
ctae of I'r.rnV" di»#aw jwiu.iar to t .#f mm, b matt* < 4' * .
M or J. If. m» !»«o. *i Fw «ui of 4. - I V
<jrower»' A-aoiatoi, ai»<i a i ltir o well know ia tU 1
tiio folio* ID if tr»tiuit>eial to tlw ah t* of |» » '-.3 m 4 V **♦'
, \!ajir ►#* «• "I *aa »u(T» rlo* gfiu 7 free 1 *j. WB
I'll**. 1 had tfu>t| !•<«-* 1 ir. atir at* «*4 8 d I>*
read lb** ad«irti«M'iti»t3t of l»ra Kalir 4 3tf**('l*l'<«*« » • I f " *
tLrtn a trial. .it 11-elr laet viilt to ilm* r(t> 11 *» 1 ' .
I forced lo «ua tr«*»«rd *• e. aw#ou»l/ Tfe>» d 11 * j v
j hi? of all aoßeriajf." J« I ** "i l
NI » t*A .t* I*4 , »' * _ .
1 l»ai ' • '• • * 1. •*■ , > » J *,.,| ..
j MM' 1 , ! •.•> • ''' i *
jiuif. litrater tu ataktl *t I w-uld tut tw . » «•*' r It
| tioii; fcj |«tiw «i» u !»• 1 tLlr. la■it to Mt. Sn »i II • < \ \ %*^Wtm
l iijr, I'lit al'tcot 11 •* lu»i l >ti ti I |Mit id » ll au •* r ;»■ ''Sw
I'li-' hii K Si.ici, «* t<> vult N« » t <>t >• wthtif I .r ».•. , a | I-, » |
writ a« 1 vi r, IVr at •< Liaity. luibb* ail dtfrfU ot |.r_ J> jJt
Thi* alv but twu i 4 tor maiiji > uti-< •tftiWii by iti «mm 1* tin T
I vinlta li«r#, Tlry bavr M-»rta! oltir t>*Un"Ui»"* <f » •.
j will be publinbtd later.
i M AI*K *1"! IA M' WAt k WITIDII 1 ' T* 111 1 . ,
I I f*< W.I l.'U. »1 it tin Hum 4 ' all 11l »»«■ I*. ■ < ,
I HIM thM I '!l y* i-nillfl) rurwl Mun. a nwif UaftUH* ft w lb -«mm* u -m u * ■*
»«» !»..» iiMimoiH I 1 >i ua«i'' 111 < nt«« .
mtmll enmiit imptirt-J mUu I *
Vol %«■ I At«\ W BtK H' i>a M» 1 -r. l-i K „
tom<albi'''4.mm u» 4af aty t*» ar» a* ** <ri' a* mm «•»« »wi 1«• .• *
vol J
Want to Know
That IfuUer i-ouuty lra.li in at !*•»* t -u
of tin- rul(r|iri<i'i>, Mid what |i »t.ll If ttei
yot» like to bear that yon have a hand it
niakinx it lini'l We t"I.I ywi bclore tti«i
*r arc the Urgent whoie«4le dealt i i tl
v.agon* of nil kind*, nurriMi. rart*. liar
MM, blanket*, robe*. whip*, Atv, in tin
fiUtl. liDt «• Want you t» |i ten till v ,
t II ytrtt ooincthii./ of XI ret* 1 li •
Kirnt, we want ti. thank you for your p,it
foliage, ami tell yon *>incthing run
heurd of. I>urini7 the la»t ten wc I in
had a largo lorte i>t it wwk in. ! en
Urgt.d our building. till t:g« w< II»m
alino-' I'll thou .mil tejuare Ift «»!
room oil ciiVfrrtl wHh t rbicli
eery dc .iripiinn All yum folk* wh
■iprcn-(•(! no much tnrprine at tiie lire
tuck wo curricil, i imii' anil »e.i u« ism.
Wo promi*e t«» ahow yon more » ! I c
greater variety i't Murk of all kind* tin
j on harp ever *een in your life in urn <•»
ialdinhnii'iit lor cal». You have patron
i/ed un liberally in the pa*t W* I ijn
KI|(I you pood woik ( heap. therefor" .•••••
feel (rood toward* u* a,d «e I el goo«i
towards vim. We wont to continnn th>
friendly uu«ini relntion*, and ulmi m
< rr.'s ie our limim--* utill more. Therefore
vp don't want you to bring your nei 'JM
end then have nothing to Aon biir. b;.:
don't be ttuea«y almot thi*. Wc toil yo >
D»w tbat v i'l ava a greater varieti ill
Kind 4 uf w ur! than i* ketit If any i! d<
Li t ween llaino and California IVr
i(-an thi". II vo l don't ndiuil it a!!e:
eeillg " llr rtoek, we will ftckuowlcdgi
that we do not know what we are talkitu
abont. Hid you if WE had any KJM •HI!,
i.i!*' attrnrtiiiiir' Why, ble«s von, ft'* wi
'hut do keep up with the tiuien! 1" v -*r»
• lay we ai> pet iri(r . ouieil.iuff new. lint
• ■ I»J»t»Iy the prettiest tiling vou have
• ver »«.en i* the new dahlia co|..r panti ti
urrie . It'*-minethiug entirely new. Wc
. ave Home very line »urrieK pointed with
Them are Urn lir.it uf th" kind ever
r<>ught in. The painting i-i -■> line that
■o painter hut the Inventor him elf can
latch it or mix paint like it. <N>IIH- and
en it. It'* worth a trip of 54) mile* to tliotc
•.ho love the bcautiittl 'Hi, the |i ice'
lou'tJ"U koow oar motto U. "Never iry to
, et rich off one nuatoiiicr, and never u ■ •
pre "lit." Ueiuenihcr tbn M.utm
i onrt d Co.'K motto. We are proud of n
i doubles our baaiue >» i aeh year f>
| e||n uur cmtoiiKirn to own two i IKH wber.
olherwi'e llicy would own but one. and
very euntomer we (ruin brinir* hi* friend*
.long thu next time We want every
ody to cnnie now and «eu in. Ihui't
on know UH? Xo trouble to get ac
luainted if you want to know nn an well
i we want to know you, tbcrelcru ionic
nd .«o 0 ' We treat everyliodj u^wt-llaa
•e en 11. tome, we ■ iy, ,'i hour
iiikiiiK through our c*lablli>huient
•.vhethi r you unot to buy or not. We
nu't tell half what We keep, nor name
iriooa. Hut rcmemher, wo keep every
.<hini" our line, both the tiuent auU
lienpcHt, and tell you every time wind
•'ou are /etliii)(. lu addidou to alt Lind
of vehiileH and hurncMi, v.c keep b'mgy
v!ii|in, collar pad«, hoiHtlng Jack •. haitei .
iu finy wuiiburx, whip noekot-., IOJM, i i*h
KIIM, IIUHIIIM, wbeidd, nliaftM, idorm aproi
.my hn'-kn for alt kind* of cartii, \le
nana, blanket" and robed (we have ju»t
'ot three ton* iu), »p4nift xiudle true fly
let*, and everything Come and CMI U' . II
.■mi are on Minn .trcel and wiint to . ..me
iiere, niart down the right bund idde of
uiiuinglinni ulreet, between Truutir m'i
new building and liulli* A (n.ilium' <<m
try, ami follow the pavement Hirudin
down two «|uarcK to our place, »!'! We I
uiiiiiughnni treel, where we pay no ion'
ITNL hnva TLTFL.OOT) lnve» ted in the bent uay
'hat eleven yearn exnerlaneu could dictate,
h IT. .MAIITIM OI I T .t f'i>
S I! M ' allm lira i
J. M. LiKiiiixiM
I'. H,—ltemember we mil the Kraiilof
Full A^ain.
Wc mean our wall |mp< r <le
iitrtinctit, liil! »n«l
with our immt'tirtt' ami cliotct
-took oi'paper luuigingM. V'ou
■uunt lii'lp H i out, wti liavctt'l
-oom im hall our goo ln, until
v'ou relieve UM f»l HOIIH' oI tIH in.
Wc have tin? I'hoif.st Hclt'e
inn ofpattcrurt iii i-very grutli
nun I'row II Mlaukh at I') <*t.
.o (iiltH »t from 20 i-tn to SI
icr douhle holt.
ICxamitic our Stock.
•J. H. Douglass,
Near I'ontollite, Uutler, I'a.
U r \ VT'Ji'lll b'le*" l " 'o bell Otr
I Ijl'. CHUICEHT Nuraery block
All good* giiaranteed fit-t du '. loud
latarieii and e»pen ' \ or a lihiril loin
uif.MOU paid No e»pei;ell.e ih..- ary.
iV lile lor term*, | vfiig »«'• "'"I " ure
•mr choice ol 'l'erntoiy.
100 I'.irk Avenue. Kothcnler, N. V.
WiiisN i\ \ (Vi
:* ;; ■ •
**» V ;
# jt,». / r "*
: ■!
( v Ll# o
irr-U I-.ijiTv' - - - M ?
Whei* jr«»u can i. >« Jim,. . !»• <• «• i'. •• I . c ••« «. «
ItMtiuK «*!;' ' »
WIL-OB MINT M <!<• ■> « >• |
ofTigtirr; Tia Uoot 3 ■ ■■ ■' ?•; ■ '
WIIFIiK A < flll.O CAN lil V < \
Mxtrjiordiiiiiiy nsal
Great Removal Sale.
We OXIN'Ct l<> 1110 YO • ' > OUT lieW
hiiildiuu HIMUI ()< <>!> r I , onlci
to reduce stock v • ° 1
Kxtmordinnrv -i; r ;rns ai!
over the house tins moiil ,
A. word to lln* \v:-r i ; "SutK
Leading Dry GcvJs ;r<fi i iio s>
!tfo. 200 North Maiu Street 11 *
if 'I C x ;iA KING
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Sold by