THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, A.CGCBT 15, 1890. GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP. Who would pay 25 per cent more for good clothing than the same or an equally as good could be procured for. Yet this is continually being done by persons wanting cloth ing for lack of knowledge where to find the closest bar gains. As large disposer? (we are running two stores) we are enabled to purchase our goods at closer margins. This enables us to sell at closer figures. Get posted on our prices before purchasing. Come and see the largest assortment of styles for your selection. Don't pay this year's prices for last year's goods. The new styles cost no more and are decidedly better. Schaul Bros. & Co. Mens, Bo > 8 and Childrens Clothiers. OPPOSITE THE HOTEL YOGELEY. Bi-rurm hfcS a population of about 10.S00. It I* the County neat ot Butler County, with "fit railways, natural gaa. and unequalled factUtles for manufacture*. Prunes everywhere; new buildings, aew manufactures, a growing aad prosperous town. TRAINS AND MAILS. Wirr I'r.** K. K.-Trains leave Butler for Alhvbeny at em. s® and l l:uo a. m. and 23# ard tos p. m ; arrive at K.3S and loau a. m. and MißflOandiaop m. Halls close at Rflt a. in. aod -i-if. p. m. u.d arrive at f ao. iteaoa. m. and t:10 p. m. F. 8. A I- E. R. H.—Trains leave for Green ville at 530 and 1030 a. m. and tM p.m. Malls eioae at »M a.». snd 730 p m. Cloaed pouehea for Boyew. Bovard and Milliard at 430 p.m. Malts srrlve at 235 and « AO p.m. V ft W. B. R-—Tnuna leave Butler.lor Alle ahenv at «M, fcv. and 10.20 a m. and £3O and cao D m. For the north at IflcW a. m and 5:48 p. m Arrive from Allegheny at le2« aud lU&S a. in and coo and 7:l# p. m. Malls close fur the South and West at sao a. m Hor Pluabure and the North at *55 a. m. Kor Pittsburg and local points between Butler uid CaJlery at a* p m Kor Pittsburg and local points between Calltnr and AlWheuy at &C 0 p. m. For OU CUv, barnhart's M-lls. Foxburg and Clarion at p m. Malls arrive on this road from local dollu Iktween Butler and Callery at *3O a. m.; from the north at loin a. m • from FMWburg and local point* between Alh«gt>e:>y and Cabrry at lltss a. m.; from the north at *35 p. m.; from Pittsburg at 5:00 p. m ; from Plttaborg and the West at M 0 p. m. Trains urlve trom the north at ioeoo a. m. and 335 p. m. Mas Rocna— Dally mall from Mt. Chestnut arrives at K3O a. m. and leaves at loao a. m. North Mope. Booker and other poluts. Monday. Wednesday and FrUlav. leave at 130 p. m, * BOOIETIES, LOCAL ASSEMBLY SS9H. Knights of L*- bor, meela every Friday night in tbs Car penters and Joiners Hall, third Boor, Husel too building, W St. M. GLF.SK, Kcc. Sec New Advertisements. Blackniore <4 Grieb'n Bargain*. Arthur's Clearance B»le. Notice to School Teacher*. Puulic Sale at the Pair Ground*. Sheriff '« Sale* for Sept Int. Royal Baking Powder. Last Summer Excursion. XOTB—AII advertiser* intending to make change* in their ad*, ahoald notify a* of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Nollce lo Subscribers. At the end of this month we will have had the paper two year*, and a* we have some obligation* to meet at that time, we will be much obliged to tboae of yoa who owe a* for the current year, or for the two year*, il you will aend or bring the amount to tut daring this month. New Buildings. U. C. Hamilton i* bailding a large addi tion to hi* residence on North Main St. Mr. J. W. Miller ha* lately bnilt three new hoaMM in Daifytown. Perd Peigel'* new boase on TV. North •treet is almost completed. The four large residence* now being bailt in the old Boyd orchard are owned by W. B. Wheeler, L. B. Perrine. Joseph Howard and Brown. Mr. W. H. Bitter ha* a new bouse al most completed on Quarry St. Mr. Scheiring i* enlarging hi* bonne on W. Wayne St. Mrs. Hal!, of N. Washington street, ban made a handsome addition to ber house. Visitors. Mr*. Salm, of Grove City, if the guest of Mr*. L. Stein, Sr. Mr. Loni* Jay, of Philadelphia, i* the gne*t of George Campbell'* family. Miss Humminon, of Mercer, i* the gaent of the Mi**** Kiddle. Mis* Eva Kckleberger and Mi** Blanche McCandlesa are the guest* of Mi** Lina Walker. Mi** Jackson, of Franklin, i* the gne*t of Mr*. Will Mecbling. Mr. Win. Bel ber nnd wife of N. T.. Mr*. Lixxin Knauf and family of Philadelphia, and Mr*. Emma McMilliau and family of Leecbbnrg arc tbe guests of their parent* Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ueiber of Glade Mills. Mr*. David Dcmthett in the guenl of ber daughter, Mr*. J. P. Brittain. Out of Town. 8. F. Bowser, Esq. and family are visit ing in Bellefdnte. Rev. Neabit and wife are at Chautau qua. Itev. McKee in in Canada. C. B. Greenlee and Cha* Bailey are with their wive* at Ocean Grove. L. W. Zuver and wife are at Washing ton, B. C. John Brandt of Great Belt ha* gone to Germany. Mr*. Jno. Lowry in at Atlantic City. KUis Rosenberg is in Chicago. Pensions. Original—Horace Kimble, Barnbarta Mill*; Thomas H. Bowser, Parker** Land ing; W. K. Vogen, dee'd, Grant City. —An 8400 pound, burglar proof safe, ar rived at the new bank on tho Diamond Wedneaday, and wa* put in place. LOCAL AND GENERAL BUTLER FAIR. September 9 to 12, 1890. It doesn't matter where yoa go. In your ear# it's riiyrinz— ••She's toy Annie. I'm her Joe"— This Koocer ba-ine*-#. don't yon know. That everybody's shifting. Everybody knows the thins; Everybody'* spoony— Save the small minority That's be in £ driven lony. —The planet Jupiter now -bines all night. —All local item» are intere-ting. Send them along. —Butler is to have two Dew B. A L. As —fiatiimi —At Boston this week the boyg rallied round the bean pot —The dog fftar reigns, and the dog ha his day. —The voice of the cricket is heard ia the land. —A good chestnut crop is promised froii. indications —The fly end the bald beaded man have * busy time of it jost now. —The. newest comet ia Covering around the bowl of the dipper. —Aluminum is the coming metal for cooking utensils. —Make your home happy, even if yoa have to stay away from it. —What are easy time the fruit judges will have at the next Fair. —Blackberries are being jammel. and the weather being d d. —Hailstones intended for publication are usually as big as hen's eggs. —The family of the victim* of the Dan bar disaster are in sore need of money. —Two spoonfuls of oatmeal in a gla-- of water makes a nice scinmer drink—non intoxicating. —Walks of Cleveland siwed-stone cost 20 cents per square foot, and look very pretty. —Sheriff Kramer ha* lately sddod a beautiful roan-colored team to his livery stock. —Everybody stops to look at the little steam engine that turns the peanut roaster at Morrison's City Bakery. —The Sunda/ School of the Reformed Church will picnic at Slipperyrock Park next Friday. —Our best thoughts, like the big fish, nsaally "get away," is the lament of an np-conntry editor. —Long sweeping skirts, the kind that drag in the dust and mud, are again fash ionable. —Somebody wants to know which kind of loafer is the greatest nuisance—comer, street, hotel or office. —Judge Acbeson. of the U. 8. District Court, has sustained the Bliss patent on the reversing gear of steam engines. —The books of the new circulating library have arrived at Osborne's, and will be ready for use next Saturday. —Up iu the suburbs of Franklin the rattlesnakes are playing "Annie Kooney" with their rattles. Franklin always was a great place. —Keep an eye on the Washington "pen sion shark." Employ home attorneys aud have your business attended to carefully and promptly. —California fruit growers aud also the speculators, will make a nice thing out of the failure of the fruit crops in the Eastern States this year. —Over in Slipperyrock township, Law rence county, a few day* ago, the boiler of a (team tbrehber exploded, nod Will Mc- Knight wan seriously injured. —Almost ail the h»une« that have lately been bailt in Bntler have been roofed with •late. The Urgent nlate quftrrien on the continent are in the em-tern part of thin State. —The School iioard intend* building a frame house on Lh»: old school lot, facing McKean St., to be used for a High School temporarily, and after that for a janitor'* bouse. —The wife of W'm. limiting of I'enn twp. wait seriously injured in Butler, along the P. & W. track, lant Saturday evening, by being thrown from ber buggy. Their horse was scared by a panning train. —The storm of Saturday evening blew twine derricks down at Miller»town, and Bear creek ran so high that evening that the people of i'etrolia were scared about it. —The Italian who wan drowned near the railroad bridge last Thursday noon in naid to have had ft family in Italy. lii* name wan Prank Lacnanta, and hi* body wan baried in the new Catholic cemetery. —Mr. J. J. Keiber and Abe Plick return ed from Virginia, Friday, with five car loadn of ntock cattle, which they intend fattening for the local market/. They re port having seen the bent corn on their trip they ever caw. —On Tournament Day, Mr. Jan. Y. En gliah lont bin pocket book in liutler, con taining $l2O in money and paper* that are of no QM> to unybody but himnelf. If the finder will retnrn the book and paper* to thin office, be will be welcome to the money. —Several of tbe business men of Pitts burg and Allegheny, have lately complain ed to the P. O. department that remittan ces from parties in neighboring towns, in cluding Butler, were stolen from the mailn, and tbe matter i* being investigated. —Contractor Osborne in plowing up Main street with a strong plow pulled by 8 horses, and tbe loose earth i* being hauled to the side streets and dumped into holes and low place*. Persons driving over the Main street of Butler alter nightfall, will have to be careful or they will meet with an accident —The old brick residence at the corner of Waahington and Mi fit in street* u being torn down to make room for a new build ing. It wan built forty year* ago by Mr. Schenck, grandfather of the Kcbenck UroH. of liatler, end wa* owned and occupied for a number of year* by Conrad Koeuing. —Home very fine residences are being built at prexent in Butler, the be*t of which in perhapx the I>. H. Campbell bouxe on S Main street, though thone in the the old Boyd grove are nearly an fine. The Campbell houKe will coMt over ten thousand dollar*, complete, and I.ew Ganter id the con'ractor. —The bur|ilar > who have been Hhowiug their baud* at MO many place* in Butler the pa»t week have contrived lo ohow little elbc, aud their identity in U H yet unknown. Their actionx at Ibe Crawford Ilouae on Went I'earl utreet were rather curioui. The; 1 entered at a cellar window plainly lighted I'roui the *tr<'<t lauifi, puMcd through the lower room* and hullwuy in which gu* light* were burning and, entering Mr. Tom Crawford'* room, took the handful of nilver in bi* poeket and led. In doing NO, they panned a Mideoo&rd full ofVilvcruT.rc, monev in the library.aud a bedroom in wbichwcrc two diamond pinn, a diamond ring, aud other valuable jewelry, all o| which wan left untouched, Oil Field Notes. Operations in the Hundred-foot territory are active, and many new ri?' are np. Smith & Co. 's well on the C Feb), com pleted this week, is rated at 125 barrel-, and they have started the drill on the ifc- Kinaey heir-: Sntt"n. WicV <t Co'j Xo. 6 on the M. Shannon is in the sand: Brandon £ Cole-tock are drilling on the Brandon: Jack Pot No. 2 on the Weir is rated at 3" l-bls. and No. 3 is ncaricg the -arid: the Brandon brothers on the Brandon will ei eeed 100 bbls. a day; Haslett A Co s sfo. 4 on the Humphrey is rated at 70 bbls.: Kicker No. 1 on the Th-./s. Graham at 30; Patterson dr Co'* wells on the May at 300 and on the Ward at 150: Colbert <t Co's No. 7 on the J. C. Brandon has been cased; the Christie Bros, have nude location* on the Cooper farm-. Riley 4 Co. are drilling on the Jas. Y. English farm, near Prospect. Daniels «£ Co. completed a good well in the Brandon thus week. •Some wells arc going dowa near the Camp Ground west of town Adam* <£ Co s well at Mars i- reported dry: also the Donthett farm well near Brown sd ale. The Plate Gla-s Co. has purchased the Togeley and Weidhaus leases for 3*5,000. Turner brothers are drilling on the Gill farm in Worth Twp. Guckert £ Go's weil oa the Wahl farm, west of Evans City, is showing good. The Allen well near Zelienople is doing 20 bar.tls aud several new rig» are np. Some welL- are to be drilled near Middle Lancaster. Haymaker & Pay got another good well on the Crawford farm near Sasonburg, la-t week. It started off at MA) bbl- and is yet doing 15 bbls. an hour This makes six teen producers on that farm. Their well on the George Wel-h will be completed this week. Crawford d- Co's well on the W J. Welsh i» reported dry. T. W. Phillips has lately completed sereral small bet good wells in Winfield Twp. The wells on the Hutchison and Soaton farms in Washington Twp. are well report ed to '/« dn.-lerc. Brown & Brown sold their interests at Troutman to Koxberry A McGill; the well on the Fowler Campbell is a small purap«-r, and Che Conn well is lowing for a fair pumper. TLe Waltuian fanu well near Millers town is rated at 8 barrel*; Tit ley 4 Co'» well on the Nile* is holding up to 200 a day At Murriu*ville—Snee's N'o. 10 on the Mortland is rated at 115 barrel; the Sandy Lake Co'* 2on the M arriu lot id showing for a light well. Snee <fc Co.'* 15 iu Mortland came in Wednesday moruinp and started «.ff at 80 barrels an hoar, and farther drilling made it run up to 115 barrels an hour. Keiber 4 Co., of Butler, have made a location on the old McCal:nont property, 3 mile* west of Do tier. Personal. Mr. Clarence Caldwell is canvassing Jefferson Twp. for "licit Shot," and is meeting with great nieces*. Messrs. Beck and Wallace have retnrned from their European trip. C. L. Fitch, of Bntler, appeared before the Pension Examiners at Mercer last week. Mr. and Mrs Jos. Kastor, of Shore St.. entertained a number of their friend* last Friday evening. Mr. J. A. B»iley, of Bovard, was serious ly injured n few day* ago at the P. <t W bridge in Butler, lie was ridins on the steps of the rear tar and, leaning out too far, was struck by the bridge and knocked oIT the car. The train was stopped aud hacked, and he was picked up and taken home. C. X. Bo; d and wife have returned from a visit to friends iu Saltsburg. Mr. Matthias Cypher, formerly of this county, ami who lived on the Kreeport road about five miles from Butlei. and kept a public house there forty years ago, died at his home in Greenville, Mercer Co., Pa., on the Ist inst., at the age of 75 years, lie was a man respected by all who knew hint. Mr Al. P. Emrick, who has been lying sick at the home of his father, John Km rick, iu Summit Twp., is able to be about again. AI. came home from Allegheny on a visit some six week* ago, and shortly after went down with typhoid fever. Tom Morrison, John M< Uarlin and Ilarry Bell intend going to Niagara Palls on their wheels, aud Will McJunkin and two Franklin gentleman will take a ride through Ohio. Sick People. Col. Kedie is suffering from an attack of lumbago. Mrs. WTiite of Prank lin is lying sick at the home of her parents iu Huiriaville. Mrs. Harvey Thompson, of the South Side, is seriously ill of fever. Mrs. W. A. if orris is confined to her house by rheumatism —During the past lew nights the prem ises of Mrs. Scott, W. V. Ilardman, J. S. Campbell, L. O. Purvis, Jos. Cole!*u»ck, S. W. Crawford, Ceo. Vogeley, Mm. Mc- Clafferty, Cupt. Ay res, J. H. Douglass, Chas. Bochning and others have been en tered by thieves, who extracted various amounts of money from pants pockets, bureau drawers, etc. Xone of the editors' houses have yet beep entered. This par ticular gang of thieves are after money alone, and they know better than to euter a country newspaper man's house for that, but if they should steal his stock of ideas what a terrible plight he would be in. —At the meeting of the School Board, last Thursday the teachers were assigned to the different buildings and rooms, and salaries fixed us follows: Misses Brittaiu, Mc LI wee aud Sudo Cochran and Mr. Flee ger SSO per mouth, Misses Coulter, itobin son and Fisher, and Mr. Hutzler sls; Misses Cornelius, McMuhan,Dieffenbaebcr, Colbert,Brown, White, McXecs, itobinson, Welshons, Cupps aud Emericl; *4O; Misses Pillow, Borland, Ekas, McKee, MuCly monds, anil Minnie Cochran $35; Mioses Evans, Wilson, l.eedom aud llclamater $25. The Board has not yet decided upon the locatruu of the West Bud School Bouse. The Markets. CUTLER MARKKTH Our grocers are paying 10 cents for butter and eggs, $1 for potatoes and onions, 12 cents a de/en for corn, $1.50 a bushel for tomatoes, 40 cts a pair for spring chickens, 75 cents u bushel for spring beans. PITTHBCRO PfcOIIUC'K Timothy hay SKI and sl4 for old and to $lO for new; mill feed sl7 to $23. Oats 41 to 45, wheat 01 to 08, rye 50 to 58, ear com 02 to 07, shelled corn 58 to 01, clover seed $3.50, timothy seed $1 .00. 1-urge spring chickens 40 to 50, small /.tiring chickens 30 to 35, dressed spring chicken 15 to 17. Country roll butter 12 to 15, hand picked beans $2 25, eggs 10 and 17, potatoes $3 per barrel. LI VK STOCK At llerr's Isluud, Monday, beeves sold at 3} to 5, grass cattle 2J to 3J. bulls and dry cows U to .1, veal calves 5 to O.liolojnia | cows $M to SBJ, fresh eows -j>2o to S4O. Wright sold sheep at. 4 and 5, and lambs I at 5J to (Jj; Keiber & Son sold common to I fair lambs at 4j to SJ; Bingham sold 03 head extra Southdown sheep, averaging 1 12 pounds, at SJ. All the hrtgs on sale were fro.n Ohio, arid sold at 32 to 4J. THIS OIL VI ait kk r Closed Monday at 1/2, Tuesday at 90|, i Wednesday at 91. The Coming Fair. The thirteenth atxsual exhibition of the j Butler Comity Association oa •he sth. 10th, 11th and 12th of September will now ocvupy the attention of oor ! people, as the dates are rapidly approach j ing. Oar citiren> have always taken a j great interest in tbe county fair, and it is • expected that they will be interested more i than ever before this year, from the fact that the managers have made many snl»- ' -tantiai improvements, which add to tbe ' comfort and convenience of all who attend. The grounds now extend over aa area of fifty acres, and the newly laid out drives are marked by substantial fences so that vehicles are distinctly separated from the part ot the grooads where the people I rsualjy walk about: affords better protec tion to the people. The additional c-ntiance oa tbe west side affords better oppor tunities to enter the grounds. Those com ing on tbe traia are protected from any danger of horses and vehicles as soon as i they enter the gate. Xew wells and an elegant 'pring oa a part of tbe ground recently added affords water for all pur poses. In fact the improvements made since the last Fair give the whole grounds a new appearance. It is especially desirable oa the part of tbe management that an extra effort be made this year by the patrons in the way of exhibits, and particularly in the entries of poultry. A very fine poultry-house ha been erected, and almost every one can as.sist in filling it np with good fowls. Let there be an '-ffort in this direction. Let every one who feels an interest in the suc cess of the Fair with the fce<t of entries. A Novel Reunion. The 100 th P. V. V. (Roundheads) will hold their annual reunion, for this year, on the steamer Mayflower, which will leave the wharf at Pittsburg, foot of Wood St., at 10:30 a. ui. of Wednesday, the 27ili mst, and run np the Monongahela river. The business meeting of the regiment will be held at 2 p in. on the boat, and at 8 p. m. there w 11 be a second excursion down tbe Ohio to Bans Island Bam. All old soldiers are invited, and as tbe boat accommodates eight hundred persons there will b*> plenty of room. Meals can be obtained on tbe boat, and tbe railroad ■A ill allow the usual two days' excursion rat..-s. Other reunions are noted as follows: At North East. Pa., Sept. 18, survivors of the 111 th lteg , I'. V. V. At tbe Bead. Erie Bay. August 20. Locomotive Engineers. '-Pennsylvania Reserve Bay," at Gettjs barg. will l»e Sept. 2.1. Ordeis for half rate tickets can be had of the secretaries of the various regimental associations- One Tbief Jailed. On Thursday last while J. A. Nickels, of near Saxonburg. was standing at the West Penn depot, a young man slipped his pocket-book out of his pocket and started off with it. Nickels saw him and started after him, but an he could not catch him he came up street and described hi'.) to Policeman Berdman, who, from the de scription, thought it must be a y..ung man named Chas. Nicholas, who worked at the Plate Class Works, arid had been in the habit of meeting a big girl froai Buffyville at a house in the upper part of Springdale. So the police watched for the big girl to go to the house, and when she went they went also and captured their man. At the hearing before Esq. Walker. Mon day afternoon, Nicholas plead guilty and was taken jail bv Policeman llerdman and Constable Kom, but ju»t at the jail yard gate he gave them the slip and start ed oil tit his best rate. Berdman took after him and ran him down at tbe Point, where he was so tired that he tumbled into l'riugle's hou-c, and got under the kitchen table, and was there recaptured. Temperance Debate. Mr. Albert (iriflin, of Kansas, an auti- Mloot) Kepublican, arid Mr. Mills of Illinois, a Prohibitionist, will debate the Temperance and Third Party Questions, at the Opera House, Tuesday evening, Aug 20ih. A few reserved seat ticket* will be sold to cover espMusen, and balance of bonne free to all. —Down in /tlabama what we call an election precinct they call a "beat." We have before us an Alabama paper which, in speaking of the late election there, does it in tbi« wine : "In the Florence beat the Democratic vote wan 403 and the Republi can 110" —and "the boxes from all but five beatn_of Lauderdale county were in at 12 o'clock Tuesday." They use appropriate language down South. All our dents' Flannel Shirts greatly reduced in prices. Mu.-.t be closed out quickly JOHN M. ARTHURS, 333 S Mftin St. Public Sale At the Butler Fair Grounds, Friday, Sept. 12th, the last day of the Fair, at 10 a. m , of Registered Shorthorn Durham cattle, and some good tirade Durhams. THOMAS HAYS. —The next visit of Dra. Salm & McClelland to Butler will be on Sept 3rd a .d 4th, wheu they will be fouud at the Lowry House. —At Kdinboro Normal students are taught to think und work, and habits of regular and earnest study are formed. Music at Indiana Normal. Ladies and gentlemen who want to take music along with their other studies have the opportunity Those wirhing to take a lull course in music will find here excellent facilities. WANTED? A good horse shoer and general blacksmith. Steady work given. Apply to F. II INCH, lit I'etrolia, Butler Co , Pa. Go to Indiana to Prepare for College. It costß only S2OO a year to pre pare for Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Washington and Jefferson, etc Who is W. M. Nlckle? How many stores does he buy for? Is there any advantage in buying in such large quantities? Come and see? We have not '-pace to give full price list of the five-thousand items we have. We quote a few: clothes pins 1 cent a dozen; set plates, full size, warranted Iron-stone china 25c;plates full size, 2d quality 3c; set cups and saucers lirst quality 30c; 1 gall buck et 7 cts; one-half gall bucket with cover 6 cts; ladies hose black aud de sirable colors 5 cts; 25 needles 1 el; pins 1 ct a paper; tumblers 2 cts; full I line of tinware 50 |«r cent less than I usual price, full line notions all kinds, i Remember place. WM. Nlckle'd 5 Cent Store, opp B'?rg and Sarfogs : Banks, 103 S. Main St. Butler, Pa. Grove City College. The Fall session of Grove City | College will begin Aogust 26th The j outlook is good Good boarding can be secured for J2 25 per week F>r information addresa tLe President, ISAAC C. KJETI.ER. Full line of bats, both still' aud sofc, for summer wear at, i J. F. T.* STEHLE'S, !- LEGAL NEWS. i xorta. M S. Adan,s H B. £ut?»lcj and K. if bail «cir«i>n« ia ejectmeat -sned r* Peter Klinpler. A. Carl. Jordan, Geo -Neva! andJno B E«!ing»-rfor twenty acre' ;in I'arker township, uoandeil by Bea: j Creek. Jaj. Bredin. and other*. 0. I). Thompson had jn parti tion issued for :«00 a< r. - :a Wuhmgton ar. Venacjro townalfo«. held t>y Chas. Mrt'sn j dtess. L. S Teropletoa, M I erty, and other*. The County Commissioners will let tfc» ! contracts f..r the Bonnie and Thorr Creek bridges nut Tuesday, oa the ground. The will of p. p. AroiMronjr was pro bated: no letters. AI?o will of Jno. M Kn>sell : no letter#. Marr Scott, of Penn Twp.. petitioned for a commission in ianacy as tf> hei daughter Margaret, and W. 11 Lu-k. K-<i . Dr. M(-Candle.--! and J. B. Anderson were appointed. The Connty CoKmisiinuen are repairing the "Freeport" bridge, ia Butler. r LATE PROPEETT TKAYSFEBS. J A Bnrcett to J W" Bambangh ."<0 acres Iu Wa-hinpton town-hip for #275. Mar}- Y. Brown to M Bamhart lot ia But ler for SIGSO. B J Klingler to B E Koesging lot in But ler for (SCO. > > Wick to Vi~ K Wick 15 acres in Clav for *SOO. I' Itauberisperk to \V K Findley lot in Butler, J M Bovle to 5 3 Shaw lot ia Butler SIGOO. * B J Kiingler toJ G Miihiem lot in But ler for $575 II C Milb-uian t.> Geo Meeder lot in '/.< lii n< pie Tl'rJj. Ihr.- ileOymofiii to Thos B M.Cly monna 125 acre* in Bract-"for #1460. Chas Nixon to E»os Darkey lot in Evans burg fi.r SBOO. M Wahl t.. lot in Evans burg for $225. J I' Leorard to J W Leonard 159 acre in Parker f oil rifh! ft.r $7500. Marriage License^. Jas B Turner Bruin Mary A Campbell Petrolia Andrew 1{ West .Sunbury Magjrie W'hitiaire -. Centre twp Walter Wirnef Worth twp Xannie JOL»- Muddy Creek John W Dicts«n Pittsburg. Pa Minnie Eaton Wni J Fisher, Centre twp Sarah E Miller Jacob B Love Pa Alina CLri.-ty Oaklai.iUtwi. At Hittjtl.nrg, Eliner E Bariley of Butler and Ida Ilea lersoa of Tareatnm. Last Of The Season. The popularity of the Pennsylvania Railroad's -.-ashore excursions this summer has been phenomenal, and that of Augutt 7th was one of tbe largest excursion parties that ever left this eectioa. The secret of their t-ucee-s js fuan l not only in the attractive points to which they run, but to the low rates, liberal return limit, aa.l the admirable tnnnaer in which the Excursions are managed. The next and laet tour of the Pennsyl vania Railroad's series to Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea Isle City, or Ocean Cit} - in iixed for Tb-irnday. August 21st. The searon at all of the#e points will then be at iti height, aud every attractioa of sea shore life in the best form for enjoyment. A special train composed of parlor enr and I'.iy coaches will leave l'itt-burg on the date mentioned at 850 A. M., r.!i<l run throgh to i'hiludelphia, arrivicg at7.l<j I'. M The night will be passed in Philadel phia aad the party will take regular trains to (lie seashore next morning. Passengers froai Pittsburg, East Liberty, Irwin, riiioiitown.'Connellsyille. Seottdule, Stonerville, (jreeti-burg. or Johnstown may take the evening trains leaving Pitts burg for Philadelphia at 4.30 and 8.10 P. M., and proceed to the shore tbe next morning. The excursion rate from Bailer is SIO.OO and the regular train connecting with the special will leave at 6.00 A. AI. Any special information in regard to these excursions maj be obtained by addre.--ing Thomas E. Watt. Passenger Agent, Western Bistirot," 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. Largest uhSortmcLt of line clr- en ginghama and challicx in Butler ut lowest prices at L. STEIN <t SON'S —Take watches and clocks that need repairing to F. Weigand in Wil liams' Jewelry antl Music store, and have them repaired in good style bv a skilled workman, —H> member thai wo are head quarters for white goods, embroidery )aee curtains, draperies, lace tidies aud bed seta. L. STEIN SON* —We art* shewing great values in silks, henriettas, mohairs, challies. fine dress ginghams and all kinds of dress goods. L. STKI.N ii SON —L'se Doable All O. K. Horse Lini ment, best in the world. For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For saleby-.J.C. KEDICK, 2-IH-3m. No, 5; N. Main St. • Cutler, I'a. —lce cream furnished in any quantity, for parties, by the City Bakery. —lce cream at last summer's prices at Morrieon's City Bakery. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building Largest line of fine baby carriages ever brought to Butler at J. F. T. STEHLK'H Velocipedes, rocking horses wagons and wheelbarrows at J. P. T. Steule'H. Full line of guitar strings, banjo atrings and violin strings at J. F. T. STEHLE'H. —Confectionery and fruits at the City Bakery. Buy the Eigbmc patent shirt at J. F. T. STEHLK'H. —Fine cakes at the City Bakery. —Zuver's Pictures leuve nothing wanting iri finish, tone or a correct likeness. —Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the world, A sure and speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney disease*. For sale by J. C. KEDICK, 2-18-3 in No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa. Williams has as choice a line of Jewelry and Silverware as can be found anywhere, and defies competi tion in price. —J. J. Reiber, the drover, wants all farmers and stockraisers to know that be still deals in stock of all kinds. Any person- having l anv to sell should address biui LOCK BOX 'J2O, Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob Iteiber, Jefferson St —Do you know that the Fall Term of Sunbury Academy opens August ID? If you do not, send for a catalogue, and you will find infor mation that may be useful to you if you desire to attend school. Address T. E. MOFFAT, Coultersville, Pa. Lace curtains, curtain poles, sash curtain materials, scrim and curtaiu laces aud drapery of all kind.- at' L. STEIN <FC SON'S. \\ t E LEAD, others follow. » * The rapid incrva.«e of business is the beft evidence that our eflort to give to this community a first cla.«s Drug Store is appreciated. We make a specialty of the drug busine.*.< proper and give it our entire tirne and personal at tention. We handle only the best ol everything in our line and guarantee the purity of everything bearing the name of (. N. BOYD. W e have no old stock that has stood for; years, but aIJ prootls are pure: and fresh. Physician's Pre scriptions receive special at tention. If we do not have what you want we frankly tell you so and will 1M? pleased to , secure it for you on short no tice \Y e ask a share of your . patronage and feel sure you will he pleased with our meth j ods ol doing business, and we i can save you money. Your interests are beet served at our store. Respectful lv, C. N. iiOY D, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. Notice. wishing t«> invest money, certain to bnng fair returns, are invited to c-are fullv investigate the inducements offered by THE BITLER SALT MANUFAC TI"KING COMPANY AND CHEMICAL WORKS." Tue Stock consists of 8,000 shares, the par ralae of which is SSO. For the farther developing of the works, some of this stock is put on the market. For prices and particulars inquire of JAS. F. BRITTAIX. Butler, Pa. Office on Diamond. Prospect Academy. Seed for catalogue of Prospect Academy. Acdrtss Principal of Academy, I'ror-pect, Pa. Waynesburg College Openn its fail term Hept. !C. Koglieh and Classical courses. Art, Music Commercial departments. A spacious new buiidiug just completed. Ex pet: ses very moderate. For catalogue address A. I>. AIILLEH. Waynesburg. Pa. Houee cleauing time shows tbe necessity for new curtains, tidies, throws and bed sets. We can su|»- plv you with everything needed in that line. L. STEIN & SON. —Try us on silks and black dress goods. We have some special bar gains. L. STEIN <T SON. lce lor sole at the City Bakery Bails and bats at J. F. T. SLEHLK'S. —New mohairs, silks, henriettas, challies, and full line of dress goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. Home-made bread at the City Bakery. —(Juitars, violins und mouth organs at -1 F. T. STEHI.E'S Large assortment of lace tidies. : pillow shams, lso] sets, fine silk thruws, India silks, pongees. Mudras dritpery, &c , at 11. STEIN SON'S. i*>. SS. A SHORT ADVERTISEMENT OB tkr of WASH FABRICS, We have in progress a ppecial sale qf this class of Dry Goods, w hicb is in most request and particularly suited to this hot weather, iuclodiug: PRINTED OHALLIS At sc, Gc, Bc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, in lorgest and choicest assortments for selections. Anderson's 40c Quality Scotch Dress Ginghams now 25c. 50c and GOe qualities at 35c. SAi'INfS 37£ c quality French Satines at 25c. 35c " " " at 15c. 25c " '• " at 12£ c Figured Dimity a, fust colors, for Wash Dresses, 30c. WHITE GOODS 27 inch Hemstitched India Linens, 15c. For Childreu's Dresses. 40 inch 11. S. India Linens, with tucks above the hem, 50c, 60c, 75c. Plain Naiusooks, to 50c. ONSBRINKABLE FLANNELS For Ladies' Outing Garments, Blouse Waists, Boys' Waists and Men's Negligee Shirts. A very large and elegant line of these Flannels at, 35c—2S inches wide and at 65c the very fiuest quality Unshrinkable Flannels, in very light weights for Summer Dresses. Shirts, etc , in handsome stripes and cheeks CREAM WOOLENS For Seaside and Mountain wear. Cream Albatross, 37 .jC, 506, Me '• all wool Cashmeres 50. 60,75,5! " Outing Flannels, 60c, 75c, jl " Sergi s, 85 cents. " Tasso Cloths, $1 00. " Lansdownes, $1.25. A most comprehensive assortment of Ladies', Men's and Children's Furnishings of every kind aud at money-saving prices on every item. Write our Mail Order Department for particulars, or for samples, or for a copy of our Illustrated Catalogue and Fashion Journal. BOGGS & BUHL, 115 to 119 Federal St.i ALLEGHENY. PA. COM E ! COM EM COME ! ! I To the Mid Kunnner Clearance Sale of'scnttonable furnishing goods, everything marked down to the lowest figure#. We must have room for our Full (louds wh < h are now ar riving. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTII JJAIX BTKEET. 333 LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS. Adtniafctrators and Eie. ut« r-..f . ■ j can retire the:r receipt l*«.ks at the ( ir. it.s offi. e. Not'ics in Fs:t:t::2. nt-TI-ER Cot JCTT. •# : The Ccn!»r«iulili of PminlTuii t" Oliver 1". lUdic, '.i-zh of I .•>« county, Pa , erecting : Wherea* William S. ( afhdollar, tnurdtan of Walter !I. Gilleland, Frank W. Gille land, and Klwjrl Gillelaad. mio->r'HilJrea of John < 'rawf..rd GiUeLand, decea*el. ir~- •ented h:s petition to tbe Orphan*' • aart '.l Butler county, setting forth that fai l war !- are -till, and that -aid Joha < raw ford Gilleiand d;ed oa or aV<u: the 14th day of January, A. D. ir.te.tiie sei/-d in his dtm see asof fee of the undivided one seventh ia a .certain tract, or piece of Jacl situate in Aiiuw township, KutUr ci-unty, Pa., Unnded ao«l de*r:lwiJ a* fallow*, to. wit: On the north by land* of I>avid Mar shall et al., on the east bv lands of J. ho Kennedy et aJ.. on the south by land- of John Bean and Win. Itean, on tbe we-t ijy lands of James G. Marshal, heiro, contain ing two houdred and fifteen acre*, m re or leas, with tbe appurtenances, ar.d leaving t,. survive him a widow, Maria (.Uieland, and three children, said Waller 11. Gilleiaci. frank W. Giiieiai, J, aafl Edward Gil.-.v. i that tbe other parties interested in tbe said land are Nancy Kennedy, intermarried ~:th T. W. Kennedy, Narey Purvis, intermar ried with Anderson I'nrvi*. M»rtraret Mr- Cord, intermarried with Win. 8 Mcl'urd, James Gilleland, Lew.• Gilleland, Ai .1;» Traiu. intermdrried with Washmgt'.n T -«jn all residents of the countr, except of Jaioe* Oilleiand, who resides in iowa, an I Margare. McCord, wh-. resit*-* in Allegheny < i'y, i*a that no partition of said estate hi* r* n. made amongst present owners, nor can a mrv" tor that purpose be agreed upon hr the par ties iu interest, and petitioner therrr . r - i.rai = ih.-I'..urr • »*r-i «.= ij. ( .i c .. l i litaae : \r titirrn ol" tbe said real estate to and MBoiigst the aforesaid parties t> tbeir rr s(>rttiTe rights, whereupon the Court mmie tbe following order, to-wit: And now, June 14, let*.., inquest &war<ied as prayed lor, notice to be t». m.- e*r ue» Uatere»te4, resideat* wnbiu tbe c.uiov, us directed bj law, uxi oStiee to |«ni.<in Itresled not r«.c,deu<- within tbe e>.aniy t ' kdvertibcnient in oifeweekiy uew>p»p.-r puo tithed in Buiier, i'i., tor three succe • I ye weeks prior to holding the inquest, and l._> mailing a cot»y uf ea. b ot s to tbe l»«t known place of rt«i :etn-» ot s W M noo-iesi'ient parties returnable to next term . BV THE COCIiT. We therefore command yon that yon six good and lawiul men of your county that you go upon the | retuives of John C raw fold Gilleland, decea-ed, end thin and there in the I resent* of tbr parties by y.,u warned, if upon being warned tbey shall | r. sent and having respect to the true valuation thereof upon the oaths i nd affirmations o! ihe six good and law:ul men store-aid, v.-,u make partition of the real estjte of' John Crawford Gilleland, de< -eased, to end anions the heirs and legal representative- of said decedent in such proportions an by the lax ol this Commonwealth is direct*.i, if »ueh partition cau lie mude without |>rejuli.:e or s|Mjiling the whole, but if such partition can not be made af> aforesaid, that then you cause -ai'l inquest to a-eertaiu h.jw many of t'.e said heirs and legal representatives it will conveniently aecjmtnodate, describing ea. h part by rnetea and bouuila an.l returning a just valuation of the sa-ne ; but if -aid io .jue-t lie of opiuion that the premises afore said will not cocven'ently accommodate more than ote of the heiA aforesaid, that then you cause the said impi<-»; to vaiue arid anpraise tte said estate with the appurle na«ee«, having respect to the true valua tion thereof, and that |>artiti..-ns ai.d valua tion you have, together with a draft of the premise*, before tbe Judges of the Orphans' Court of butler county, at Uutler, Pa., the term next after yon shall have made such partition or valuation, and hare you theQ there this writ. Witness tbe Honorable Aaron L. Ilaz.'o, President Jud«e of oar said C< urt at But ler, Pa., this 3tlth day of -'uue. A. D. REIUK.N MCELVAIS, Clerk O. C. In the matter of the partition of the real estate of John Craw lord Gill eland, late of lite county ot Hutler, decease*., notice is hereby giveD to tiie heirs of said decedent thai 111 pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court o! Butler county. Pa., a writ ol par tition has issued from said Court to the Sheriff of said county, returnable on Mon day, September 1, lsiai, aiid that liie il quest will meet for the purpose of making parti tion ol the rest estate of said decedent on the 'J'Jih day of August, A. l>. I*l*o, at 11 o'clock A. M., of said day. upon the premises, at which time and place you can he present il you see proper. |'l he premises in question are described «t follow* : A certain tract or pitee of land situate in Adam* township, Hutler county, PH., bounded on the nort . by lands ot Dafid Marshall <'t a! , on the eatt by lands of John Kennedy et al., on the ►■•ulh by iauds of John Dean and V\ ui. i Dean, and on the west by lauds of James ti. ! Mart-hall's heirs, containing two humir. J n:jd fifteen a*res, more or !e«w, with the r.p purtenances. OLIVKB C. BEHK . SberiU. TBEARCBT DEPAETMEHT, J I OFFICE OF COMPTBOLLEB OF CrBEEXCV, WAMIIM; ros, D. C., Joiy 1!), 1890. S "WHEREAS, Ujr fati.slactorj evidence pre en led to the undersigned, it has been mode to appear that "The County Vatioual Bank of Butlcr," in tin- Borough of Bttller, in the County of Butler and i State of Pennsylvania, ha< complied with | all the provisions of the statutes of the ; United States, required to be complied I with before an association shall be author ized to commence the business of ban king; Now, therefore 1, Edward S. Baccy, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Butler County National Bank of Bo tier," in the Bor->ugh of Butler, in the County of Butler and State id' Penn sylvania, is authorized io commence the business of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one ht nd _ ed ana sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of •he United States. In testimony whereof witness my liand and seal of office this lf)th day of July, 18IX). [DEAL] E. S. LACEY, Comptroller of the Currency. No. 4,:i74. Notice in Divorce. Mrs. Barbara McKay, by i In the C ourt ol next friend Caeetmer inniinmi Pleas of the WelM vs. Ur. Tliomaa fro ol IJuil*-r. A. l»-. McKay J No. 11.. March T, 1 Sf> To IT. Thomas McKay and al! whom It may concern: Two KUlipu nas In the above caae having been returned N. K. 1., you, the iald l>r. Thomits Me ha>. above defendant, are hereby roulred 10 upfiear !u the .aid < Xiurt of Common rleas. to Is- held at liutler, Pa., on Monday, the til day of September. lsijo, helnff the nrst day ot next term of Court, lo answer the said complaint and show cause. II any you have, why a divorce should not he granted the said M ri. Karh.ira McKay. Oi.ivmtC. Kevic, Sheriff. Notice. The Sunset Carbon Company, heretofore composed of the undersigned, If. W. Martin and William Falconer, ia dissolved. All persona indebted to suid partnership are notified to pay the same to W. (,'. Tlionip aon, Esq., Receiver, Butler, Pa., and those having claims against them will present the same to him. 1.. M.WITIS, JK. Executors 1 Notice. WIfKKEAH. letter* of administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate oi S. W. Shannon, of Franklin Twp., Butler Co., Pa., all person* knowing them selveH indebted lo aaid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. I A. W. SHANNON, | I Proapect, Pa. (.JOHN P. HAT-ON, Executors. Estate of George Brown, uee'd, LATE or CONCOBK Twi\, CO., PA. Betters testamentary on the above estate having l>ecu granteil t« the und< r*igued, persons knowing themselvea indebted to said estate Will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against sold estate will present them lor settlement. MAKIA J. ItKoW.N, I'l l, Greece City, Hutler Co., Pa. (iEO. VV. FI.EI.IIKB, Att'y. Executor's Notice. (isTAiEorJ. I!. LONG, HEC'I), I.ATE or KUANK 1.1.N TUT., BI TI.EB CO., PA. I,e'ter» testamentary on the above named < state having been granted to the undersigned, ill persona knowing thim.clvcs indebted to i' will piece make immediate payment, nod uny having claims agaiust il will pre"" nt them for settlement. KOB'T M< BRIDE, Ex'r. P. <>. W. D. BItAXOON, Att'y. Notice to School Teachers. The School liircctors id C'lcarlield Twp . Butler Co., will meet at the Hume* School house, on August li'Jrd, Ih'.H), at 1 o'clock p. ui., for the purpose of hiring to track the coining term of six months. Wages, p ,- r month. Mule teachers , pic furred. T. U. GREEK, Secretary, Coylesville," Pa. —OirlH triojele* at J. F. T. STEIILE'h. GRIND CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL Spring and Summer Goods. If you have not bought vour summer suit \ou can do so NOW and at a Greatly Ro<lll<V<l Price. Having already bought my fall stork. it b- comes necessa ry for me to MAKE ROOM IOR IIT-W <R N»1S». and in order to do so f have reduced the PRICE -0 LOW that you cannot help buying, once you see th; goods ind hear the figures thev can be had for. ' w 3 Also a fine line of .staple suitings for Men, \ onths, Boys and Children, He carry a large stock of hats, gent-" furnishing coods. trunks, valises, etc. GRATIS:—A summer coat and vest eiven free vrith every pareha<.» of f»v— -> r more H. Schneideman The Pioneer of Low Prices. 104 S. Main St. - - - Butler, ir»a. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Keglst*r hvreby (fives notice that the following aceoan ts of Executors. Adrmnl-tra tors ail a (.tiardlana have been nied In bis otlio accordin? to law. and will be presented to *'our* lor confirmation aril allowance on Wedtmdnj. tfeeltkiMy of sept, A. D., uet at ■s o'clock p m. of said day. I. Final account of Martha McCoy and A. ('. <;it*on. .i.imlnlsrrators »( Win. T. JttVov, de ceased, late of FalTYlew Umti.-btp. i. First partial aad distribution aceooat of Kcasey. Henry Keasey, and Margaret I>ou iran. executors of Henry ketisey. deceased. late of VVinfield township 3. Partial account of I) It iiouthett and Har vey cooper. PSWIIIDM of Kob«*rt Cowan de ceased. late of Middlesex township. « Final account of .Sarah A. McDowell, tfuar (lian of Lizzie McLaughlin, minor child of Kot>- •Tl McLaughlin, deceased, late of Butler coun ty. Iciina 5. Final account of Jane Crosse administra trix of T. M. Crow. deceased. Late of Slipper.- r»» k t'> wnshlp. c. Final account of E. 8. FletnmluK. admin istrator of # harles C Klemmin?. deccaM:d. late ot Buffalo township. 7. Final and distribution account of James C. White, administrator of Joseph White, de ceased. late of Muddy Creek tow nstilp. H. Final account of John C. Moore, adminis trator or J. 11. Davis, deceased, late of Centre Xownsbip. i». Partial account of Thomas Jamison, exec utor of U. W. Wile?, deceased, late of Falrvlew township. li>. l'mal account ot M ('. Searing, adminis trator of J. W. Abernethy, deceased, late of Worth township. 11. i :nai ai i ount of Sauuel Sahll. adminis trator of F.lizabeth Sahll. deceased, late of Jackson township 12. Final and distribution account of John Balfour, executor of ChrKtoplier Bollioist d. - Ceased, late of Adams township 13. Final account of W. A. F'lemmlnjr. exec utor of Samuel Sheldon, deceased, late ot l'arker tow i! ship. Notice Is hereby given that W. A. lleminiriK will present his petition for Ills discharge as ex ecutor at September term. l»uo. 14. Final account of A. 11 Behiu. executor of Jacob Held, deceased. lale of Forward towiu,bli>. I'. I'artlal account of Fannie K Gamble. ad ministratrix of Thomas E. tiamble, deceased, late ol Butler borough. 1«. Final account of Daniel Fielder, guar dian of i lir.Stlan Sahll, a minor child of ( hrLs ttah Sahii, deceased, lale of p. H. A. A VKKT I . Ileglsler. BRANCHTOH BFBTAURAHT NI) LIVKKY. AMOS HALL, pro. At Hrancbton Station—Milliard Junction of thel* , S. <t L. E. R. K. —Only 8 miles to Murriusville. 4 miles to Centreville, C mile- to llari'i.-vilJe, It miles to Coaltown .Mi nis at all hours, lodgings and livery -t tide. TE ? :MS REASONABLE DIAMOND HCTSL, JAMES SELLERS, Propr. New furniture, new linings and first class accommodations. Livery. Svrth utile of Diamond, llutler, I'ti. EtTENMULLER HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House— formerly Donaldson •lons*--go. ,1 accommodations for travelers. < ioodstabling connected. EITKKMUMJtR & LEI BOLD, I'rop'rs. NIXON'S HOME, 35 N. McKEAN ST., BITLEIt, I*A. .Meß.ls>t*all hours. OlKjn all night. Breakfast as cents. Dinner 25 cents. Supper 'js cents. lodging S> cents. SIMEON NIXON - I'KOfR. Willard Hotel W. If. KEIHJNG, Prop'r BUTLER, - IP-A.. KTABI.IHU I* CONMCTIO*. SAMI'I.K BOOM for COBBKBCIAL TBAVKLKBH K AMPLE LLOOM. I.IVKITV INCONNKT.TION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Claxs.) HENKY L. BECK. PBOF'L. J. 11. FACBKL, Manager. Buller, I'a. TT. H. KICHOLL*, T. M. HEWITT NEW LUMBER YARD R S. NICHOLLS & CO.. Dealer* in all kind* of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOOKS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and Boft Coal We have a large Mock of all kiu«l» of Lum ber, Oil Well llign, Etc. Call anil >.'ct our price* and dee our utoek. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office und yard on MOVBOIE .ST., NKAR WMT I'M* DKPOT, BUTLER. I'A. W A VTPm Salesmen »• Sell Qfcr V> An l Lll/I choicest Nariary Stock All K"odn guar An teed lir»t-clwn. Good alarieH and I'xpasse*, or a liberal com minion paid. No experience nece.suary. Write for term*, riving uge and Hecure vnur choice of Territory. . O. L KNIGHT A CO , 100 I'ark Avenue. KocheMer, S. V. Ad*ortitte ID *,h« CITIZM Road Reports. •••iTii f. TO M ISKTIS . - AIX rTgtOXS J3T nurnt. The followlr r ;,d petitions Lave been con - ur».- d ni.-i b;. ihe Court and will be presented for c ot.tirmatlon ateoi'itely on • dn.-sday sen- T r v " D " ol eepMons be nied. riz: K i> No.June sewion. !-!«. Petition for vacat.ofi.. bur .e and »jpily „i part of a pub ' rcao ieadli u[: i:„ Allezheny and Butler v"" ' b : ' irl *-*'t. " hanged and supplied U ltig that i art of said road that lies between where the public leaves the south one > 11ae land ■ : John the south er' • !:e ' UMI of th»* si Id John Klin 2'*r Jt :i p -nt . n the 'lhom i Teelt road, being -xt ~»'\ru r- t,-:.,r. or ,e-_ in length. May ;, '"'•-.J'*" " "'" n •''»« 'he vacation, <t. ..e and s.i j... iu , p-u.ed for. are neoea - ir.. and In . e tii- re;- r r la, i out same as shown p<-i dratt lile't. I report the probable cost ol in king sai.l r ,d t.. i,- twenty-Ave dollars, and should be - t,j ■ i,e tou nsbip. No dam ages Assessed. K D. No 1. Jtine - n . is,f>. Petition for a punii r id lo at a |"Slit in D>megal town ship, on the farm ol < husiiria llasler. at the public luad ic ar Ibe trestle of the Pittsburgh s West- rn H. K. i ..uipany, running from the Waterson s Ferry road to another point on the " .terson s Ft rr> r>ad ai !i .ttalo Bridge. In n tnwn.-hlp. and to end at a point on said public road oa the farm of s,id Uiristlna llasler, on llic n rihwest si le of said P a W. R. k. Co.a tra< k ; and also to vacate the public road now oi»eoed from a |mi,it on the farm of said C'hrte tina II -vler ti<-jr the ln--Ue ot -aid railroad and running lo a i nt at ih» I.irm of tilt- saidChrts tlfiallasler. on the same public road. May 8. lws> regKjrt vi. - vers and draft filed, reporting the road in i*se to be vacated, and that the road pra>ed tor Is lie-> . and have f nerefore laid oit Oi- same t.,r prii.u.- use. and they report the probable co-| ol iti iklr.g said road to be twenljr- Dre dollars, and til .1 the aid cost should be borne 1... the t.iwi -hii« :>nd 'hat the ilamages ». --ed ,uld be paid »>> the ojouty. and tney ass, --ed dafiiu~ .us follows, to-wlit To Mrs. < hri-ttna llasler, |r. i oi >n ss. 1 erufled iroiu the rev«>rd thLs ith day of Aug. ISWI. KrcußN MI-ELVAI*, Clerk y. 8. Widows' Appra;?enients. Ttie follow :ng widow appraisements of per - lial property -,-t apart t. rthe i.ene(lt ol the widow ol o ; • ti ive pecn filed in the of lice „| t|... I jerk Ol or. h > :is < O.irt of Butler e..m,t). vi/. t War nol Vi 1 Br;, son UK) ot, .1 « Buir.l :»o uu >" »•'-.! y. SO (JO " r ' ' owaii Wo uo Ai- in fh»- above apprai-*?- Ll '!.-■■ Vfln prr • r; «.f BUQcr couiafy <« l? . ii. it:< ii at rifely mi W«*<inei4diiy, the ''da> ■ I - •, , t. i-.. if it'> eiccptl >DS be Istt'i; n Vi oi.VAix, Clerk O.C --i -Ul <IATIONAL. SUNBURT ACADEMY r I'HE i'ail TCTOI of SuDhory will opeu Ttip*<lay, Auga<>t l'J If you ure looking for the beat place lo c'jtHin an education yon can lind it by the catalogue of Ai-atlciuy. Classical, Normul 'ir.'l Miirif-al Courses. Catalogue dt-at on apph'cation to T E. MOFFAT, Conltersville, Pa. North Washington Academy. Tlit- North Washington Academy will open itH Fall Term of Bchool on Tuesday, August 2fitb. For terms, rooms, board, etc., ad dress T P. MiFrLf.v It B. STAHKH, Sec. Hoard of Trus tees. Washiiigloii & Jefferson College, H r ASU/N({ TON, PA. Tne yoth \ear bcntns Hcpt l". Classical, Sclentitl'- and ITepuratory l>e|..irtments, Kor infora.ailon coiiceniink' Preparatory I>«part ineiit apply to Prof. .1. Adolpn Schmitz. Prin.; lor i 'atalOKUe or other mi >rtnaiton to President Moffat. ULEGHENY COLLEGE. MEADVILLE, PA. TJth year be gins Sept. l«. I■«»; nt irraduates; it; In Ikxi. Situation In allliful ami beautiful. All ne<essary ex|*-nses ueed not exceed SifiS a \ear. Faculty rumpowd of men specially trained for their dejiartntenta. Students maj complete pr»-paratnr> s'udle*. Address it. II WIHiKLEK. 1.1. I».. President. BKAVKK COLLEGF: AND MUSICAL INSTITUTE, AT HEAVKK. PA., iwcnty-slj miles below PlttsburK. ou the Ohio. Full Vol NG I.AI>IE.s. .superior 10. at ion and btilldiiiKs. Pupils In family of President. Physical, Intellectual, S<*iaf and Moral powers developed Hest teaclicrs in oer> department. Director of Music a jfraduate of I'.erlin. liales reasonable. He no f„r a new circular. It. T. T A V I/Jl!. Tito (HOICK ht'llOOLH. BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHIN C SHORTLIDGE, A M (HAKVABDORADCATB.) MEDIA, PAo (S'- fir Philadelphia.) Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. !, I'l KV'llS. 1.. O. IM'KVIS. S.G. Purvis&Co. MAMTAt TPV.Un.- AND BEAI-KW ' N Rough and Planed Lumber )t i* v ttv •m^t!Kit r "*"'« 811 INGLES, LATH ; ii SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. , 'f* 'CKTiSiCHtI ' . .• ».( a.r + 3."* in v. i ugb, wtil lind it on Ifc 1 1 eLORDIi THOMAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers