v r,-x :vu, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. BLACK, JUTMCJAN AN II Pi KIiKCS. yo. ,".M. V. Main *t . M::!rr, I*a ' X. ! KAX:- -J. 1). J- E. MANN. SI^D. S|*-t uJt». s: Specialties: 'Y ".nil fMvti. V'U r NUM.- and gsry. Throat. f.RS. I.LAKE& f A i atier, Pa. . -l.il MERMAN. MITSJCIAJI SCIWEON, OflveatKo. 45. S. Mala street, ovet; Frank!* fJo'ii Diuj store. Butler. I'a. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. . £'■ 22 £ttt Jtfitnoii St., Btller. Ft. W. R. TITZEL. IMIYSK IAN AVD SURGEON. S. W. Owner Main and North Sts., Butler. I'a. J. W. MILLER, Architect, E. and Surveyor. Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Maps, plum, specifications and esti mate*; ail kinds of architectural and en gineering work. Xo charge for drawing if I contract the work. Consult your best in terests plan before yon build. Informa tion cheerfully given. A share of public patronage is solicited. P. O. Box 1007. Office S. W. of Court Uou.i.-, Butler, I'a. (~ K. L. McQHIST ION, KXCUKEfcit AM) SI RVEVOH, OPTIC* KEAK CIJUIOXO. BUTUat, Pj. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth inserted cn UM latest Im proved plan, (iok! Killing a specialty. Office— over Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. _ .speciaUieiiGold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. «!Cc« ea Jrffenon Htreet, o»e door Ea«t of Lowr; Hou'e, Ip Stairs. Wee open dally, except Wednesdays and Thers Jays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. S. B.—The only Dentist tn Butler wiogltke liest makes of teeth. J. W. HUTCHISON, ATTOKXEY AT LAW. GftHe on second EIMT of the 11 use-It ou block. I end. Butler. I'a-, Kouui No. 1. A. r. scorr. i. r., WILSON. SCOTT & WILSON, ATrOItXEYS-AT-LAW. Collections a specialty. Cilice at So. 8, South UUu.ond, liutler. I'a. JAMES N. MOORE, AriOHMiV-AT-LAW AND NOT AMY I'ViiUC. Office In liootn No. I. second Boor of liuseiton Block, enfianco ou Diamond. A. E. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tiflice on second noor ot New Anderson Block Main 81..—near Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at I.aw, Office at No. IT. Kast Jeffer son St.. butler. Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, A!>o>>.ry iit !nw »r.. BKITTAIN. AK'y a! i.aw— i,[|,. e at s. li. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—ool :e ou South side of IMaraoud Butier, Pa. L. & McJUiNKLN, hwurance and Real Estate Ag't \I7 EAST JEFFEIWON SR. BUTLER, - PA. E E ABR&MS & CO Fire and Life INSURANCE Insurance Co. of N«rtl> America, incor porated 1:70', capital $3,000,000 and other HtroiiK conii'ini"- repn-tented, New York I.ife !n-urauce Co., U«M!I» SIMM,OOO. Office New Iluyelton buildup i.t ir Court [lraw. BUTLER COUNT* Mutual Fire insurance Co, or.ce Cor. f/ain & Cunningham Bts. i. V. ROESSINO, PIIBSIDBNI. ii lIKINEM Ai>, SKIIICKTAUT. DIRECTORS: ti.C. Ilix-Mslm;, Henderson Oliver, J, I. Purvis, James Stephenson, A. Tnwiman, H. (). Heinenimi, Alfred Wick. N~. Weltzel. Dr. W. Irvin. ,Dr Blckcobacb, J. W. liurkliarr, i>. T. Noma. LOYAL M'JUNKIIi, Gen. Atr'. T?.A. III! SKBBE NBSSEBIIS. ERr K, PA. •All stock yuii.mteed to 1»e ill pood con dition WIN'II ilnljvi-ri'J. \V c replace uti irecs that fail to (trow. 11EFBKEMCE8 IX BUTLER: J. 1 Lovvry, \\ . T. MecMing, Janio Sbuimr. Jr., J. E. Koraytho, Geo. rihaffucr (•'. Walker, Esq., Kerd Kelber, Esq. «nd I) L. Clceland. G. F.KING, AGT. WfcSiv : . w „ . , sta«- MlMfcri * > . «.! I V wMn i" I.St,' ~ *••• f/f»fl on '/■ ; t ms. —Advertise in tb« OITJZSN. THE BUTLLR CITIZEN. "gy M M "" aJnEaflki i^^mm Weather drives you out doors and brings thoughts of out door exercises. Do vou enjoy atheletic sports, a game ol the ever popular croquet, or the livelier one ot lawn tennis now so much the rage? We are headquarters for fine croquet sets and sell them cheap, and ours is the only place in Butler where a complete line of Houseman's lawn tennis goods can be found. Just see and price them. When you have played your game take a iest in one of our cool hammocks. They are fine and low priced. Compare our stock and prices with others and you will believe us. ®YV. A. OSBORNE, New No. 112 East Jefferson street, Same old place West of Lowry House, Butler. When in need of F=U=R=N=l=T=U=ReE Don't forget the old stand. CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, BOOK CASES, CHAIRS, BEDS, BEDDING, ETC All first clasp goods at rock bottom prices. One price and square dealing with all. K. K J) R K W, Successor to Miller Bro's & Co. 128 E. Jefferson tot., - - - Butler? l?a. IIKXRY HI Kill, 14 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTHETt - - - - PEiM UST* A DEALKR IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. © Agricultural Implen 1 ents, Kramer Wagons, O 7 Buggies, Carts, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Ilapging Lamps. Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Roofing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. EVERY WATERPROOF COLLAR ON CUFF ————| THAT CAN BE RELIED ON Kot to gtoUt! THE MARK tO DlSOOlpyl ■"-——------J BEARS THIS MARK. # TRADE ELluloiD MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. WELL bre||| Hsoon weßf awouoS! QUICKLY MARRIED SAPOLIO is one of tho best known city luxuries and each time a cake is used an hour is saved. On floors, tables and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring: pots, pans and metals it has no equal. If your store-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon his doing so, as it siways gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Every thing shines after its two, and evon tho children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. A LAST HYMN. Uncle Fr::ka had come from hi.s home in Win is to make ns a visit, for the first time in .-o many years that none but us older children cor.ld remember when he was with us ! :-t. Bat it took only a sb«ut time f<>r ihe little one* to become acquaint- j ed. All w ere charmed by his intere.-ting stories his kindly, geniai manner, auu hearty participation in their amusements. 'i he week aftt r his arrival had been a constant succession of pleasant surprises, j for each day developed some new power of entertainment in our favorite uncle. When Sunday came we had shown ofi onr fine-looking relative at church with very evident delight, had listened to his very interesting remarks before the Sunday j school, and "then, after onr early supper. ! had gathered around the organ in the j parlor to try and entertain him in return, j and, posibi'.y. to exhibit our proficiency in music with very innocent pride. We had all inherited good voices from: our father, who had taken great pride and j pleasure in our musical training, until. ; from Etuma, the oldest, to "weo bit" i Mabel, our darling little 3-year-old, we i could sing anything we ever beard. To-night Louie presided at the organ, with Emma beside her, and Arthur and Will at either hand, while Mabel was nest ling in Uncle Frank's arms—her favorite resting place. She was a darling little pet with all — the youngest of our large family, and peculiarly dear, for two lovely little oues had died just before her birth. Uncle Frank was strongly attached to her, for she bore the name of the beloved tfife he had lost several years before, and ol whom he never spoke save with tender reverence and tear dimmed eyes. We sung one after another of our favor ite hymns. "Rock of Age.--," "Whiter Than Snow," '-Xicety and Nine," etc., until at la.-t Lonie played ' Xearer, My God, to Thee." We all joined in filling the room with the sweet music of the dear old hymn. '•Till all my sorn s'all bo, Ne'er my Doid t.i 'ee," sung dear little Mabel in her clear, sweet voice, and with such earnestness in her bal v face that Uncle Frank drew the dear child closer in his a: ms, and caressed the soft flushed cheek. There was u pause after the last "Xearer My God, to Thee," swelled out with our united voice.-; the twilight was creeping on. and a sweet, solemn hush followed, which was broken at last by Uncle Frank. "That recalls one of the sweetest, sad .lest memories of my life," ho said, gently. "Oh, toll a 'story, Uncle Frank!" Mabel tried, climbing to her feet and laying her arm around bis nock,lier soft cheek against his. It was about another Mabel—a little older than you are," he said, returning her care.-s. "Do please tell us about her," Lou said, and we all drew nearer in eager expecta tion of another of his interesting stories. "It was one summer night, a year or two ago," he said, drawing Mabel to her old place on his knee. "I was returning from Peoria on a train well filled with excur sionists for Xiagara Falls; we were heavily loaded, and a little behind time, so were putting on all stream and dashing along through the darkness at a rapid rate. "Xear me were quite a large party, who were very merry and social together. Two of them sat directly ia front of me—a fine looking man of about 10, and a little girl of some 12 or 13 j-ears, evidently his daughter. She was u slender, delicate looking child. and her face attracted me strongly; it seemed a reflection of heaven itself, it was so sweet aud lovable in ex pression. In the mirror at the front of the car. just a little ahead of us, I could seo thein distinctly, and could not help watch ing, with growing interest, the levely face of tho child. She had removed bcr hat, and her head, with its masses of soft, wavy, brown hair, lay against her father's arm, while her eyes of clearest, deepest hazel were raised at intervals to his face with a look of devoted love. ' The faces of both seemed familiar, yet I coull not at first recall where I i.u.l seen them. At last it came to me—he wan a physician from a neighboring city, who hud attended your Aan;, Mabel in a flight illness w hen we were visiting in his town a few jears ago, and the little girl accom panied him on one of his visits. 1 bad occasion to call your aunt by her name, and the doctor, looking up with a smile, laid his hand affectionately on the head of his child, sa ing: 'This, is my Mabel." "I recalled hearing at the time that the mother of the little girl was dead, and so devoted were tie doctor and his child to each other they were never separated ex cept from absolute necessity "I observed them with renewed interest after recalling this and noticed all the ten der solicitude for her comfort on the father and the confiding devoted love of the child. "As the hour grew l.ite, and some of the party began to nod wearily, some one struck up a familiar hymn; their voice* tilled the car, and .all brghtened np under the influence of the music. Hymn after hymn was sung, until there was a pause after 'Sweet B fill ah Land,' and I leaned forward and asked: 'Will you sing "Nearer, -My Cod, to Thce'f" " 'Oh, certainly, with pleasure,' the little Mabel said, turning to me with one of her sweet, expressive smiles, 'lt is papa's favorite, and mine, also.' '•One of the party started it, and clear above all the rush and roar of the train raug out the most beautiful of all our old hymns, \e\cr had it seemed so sweet, so comforting, before: "Though like a wanderer. Daylight all gone,' sang the clear young voice as our train sped on through the darkness, only a slender rail between us and eternity. "In a mirror I watched the child before me. Her eyes were? raised, and her face wore the rapt expression of a musical enthusiast and a religious devotee. " 'There let the way appear, Steps up to heaven,' sho sang, and her eyes seemed looking straight through the shiuing portals into the Celastial city, and her face to catch a gleam from its radiance. " 'Angels to beckon me, Xearer, My Cod, to Thee.' "Iu imagination I almost saw the augels beckoning the dear child, as I watched the glow of enthusiasm, the rapt expression of j devotion in the sweet face. "The doctor was watching her, also, and a shadow of pain passed suddenly across his countenance. With a quick movement he drew his child nearer, as if he, too, fell the. presence of angelic of ungelic visitants, ] aud would fain hold his darling back from their welcoming arms. "On rushed the train; clearer and sweet j er sounded the music. " 'Or if on joyous wings, Cleaving the sky, Suti, moon and stars forgot, Upward I fly.' "The glow deepened on the beautiful face, the eyes were filled with holy rap ture, ofinttm -c devotion, and on the wings of her enthusiasm 1, too, was borne up wards, where suddenly there was a terrible ' BUTLER. PA., FRIDAY, AI Gl S'lW 18 >0 -hock, a crash, the falling of heavy bodies. \ crushing into us and hurling us down from a great height. The lights went out, and through the darkness and terror, the in describable confusion, echoed cries for help, shrieks and groan and prayers." Uncle Frauk pan as the memory of the ter.ibie scene pressed upon him. ••Was it Chat-worth?" T a-k.-d u-s -non a- I could command my voice. "And how did you e-c-apt f" "Yes, it Was Chatsworth," he .-aid. '1 was saved miraculously, I scarcely know how: bnt I was only .-tunned aud bruised, and was among the lir.t to escape from the wreck." "And't pitty 'ittle dirlf" Mabel asked, her eyes fixed anxiously on his face. "Ob. Mabel! little darling!" Uncle Frank ! said with deep emotion, clasping the dear ! form closer in bis arms, "bow can you j understand that the other Mabel—the | sweet little singer—was found under all ; that wreck, next day. clasped closely in tho arms of her dead father. Death had 1 come so suddenly that her lace still wore ' the look of holy rapture—of sweet peace I I had seen upon it last. Surely the angels ! had beckoned l.er. and the dear Lord had ! answered her unconscious prayer aud . drawn her nearer to himself." Refining Oil. Toledo Com mi reittl. Few people m Toledo know that Mr. ; Homer T. Ya'yan, whose inventions of processes for distilling and evaporating : have made him world-famous, was also one ol the first to make discoveries in oil refin ing that have siace revolutionized that in dustry. It was in 1*67 that Mr. Yaryau turned j his attest'oa to the oil business, and it was i not long before he had invented a process | by which he could produce a splendid i quality of borniug oil from inferior crude. I At tha' time lie lived in Nashville, Tenn.. : and all his experiments were conducted with the Tennessee crude, one of the most difficult petroleums to refine in the world. To get more at the particulars of his in vent ions and their application, a Com mercial reporter called upon Mr. Yaryau at his beautiful Collingwood avenue resi de nee and requested an interview, which the gentleman very cheerfully gave. "My experience in oil refining was a peculiar one," said Mr. Yaryan, "for after using my process lor two years, and meet ing with splendid success, I was made the victim of betrayal. I guarded my secret very carefully, no one except myself and foreman, a man named Allyn, understand ing how to work it. In September, 1869, tho rogue left mc aud went to Canada, where ho gave up the secret and aided in establishing two refineries in London. To show you what this betrayal meant, within a very short time after btt commenced to refiue Canada oils by my process, tho price went up from 50 cents, at which price it was then selling, to $1.50 per barrel. A Xew York broker, learning that Allj n had come from Xashville, visited me in that city and, on learning that it was my pro cess that w-as being used, made me a proposition which I accepted, lie was to take all my papers and go to Canuda to negotiate with the London people and get something out of it for me. I willingly turned over my papers, and the fellow left, bnt I never beard of him again. I was so disgusted with my ill-Itiok that I wrote in September, 18(39, to the Scientific American, giving that publication a complete desc-ip tiou of the process, that the world might have it." "Tell me something about*thai process, Mr. Yaryan?" • • "Certainly. To begin with, the Canada ; oils required a somewhat additional trcat j ment to that required by the Tennessee | oils. While the latter yielded readily to ; my treatment, and produced a burning oil every bit as good as the Pennsylvania oil, the Canada oil contained a sulphur com pound; that is, the sulphur is in combina tion with the carbon, whereas, in the Ten nessee and in part of the Ohio oils the sulphur is combined with the hydrogen. It was by a subsequent treatment that I i was enabled to get at tho oils in combina tion with tho carbon compound. 1 four.d : that a preliminary treatment was necessary for the Ohio and Canada oils in order to change from a combination of sulphur and carbon to it combination of sulphur anil hydrogen and I accomplished this by heating the heating the vapors of the o'i | t" " very high temperature—say 500 de : grees—in contact with water vapors or I steam. There is then an interchange of ! elements, the sulphur leaving the carbon ; and going over to the hydrogen. It then ! yields to the treatment as applied to the ; Tennessee oils. "At the time I discovered my treatment the chemists could not understand what caused the bad odors in the oil, aud when I found by analysis that it was the sul phur, it was necessary to use a chemical that would cause the interchange of elements without destroying the qualities of the oil. I remembered that in my laboratory experiments in purifying bi sulphide of carbon to remove foul odors, I used plumbate of soda—a combination of lead and caustic soda. It occurred to mo that I would try it. The effect on tho oil was immediate, but it injured the color, and in order to retain the color, I used a sulphide of soda. The oil was then distill ed aud refined in the usual way and pro duced a valuable result. As I said before, it is necessary to heat tho oil vapors in a close vessel to a very high temperature, aiid thus cause the interchange of elements referred to above. "All processes that I ever read about or heard of, had, as a controlling element, the heating of oil vapors to a high temperature aud the results ure too often attributed to tho wrong causes. Take, for instance, tho process known as the Pitt, in use by tho Paragon Refining Company. I havo seen their patents and can give all there is to them in a very few words. The oil is heat ed to a high temperature whilo it is brought in contact with metallic oxides, and Paragon people credit the results to an interchange of elements between the oxides and the sulphur compounds, which I think is wrong. It is simply due to heat ing the oil iu the water vapors, and pro ducing the results attained by my process." "You have made recent inventions in this line, have you not?" "Yes, but it is not unliko the original process. Tho heating to a high tempera ture is just ns necessary, lint I pass tho vapor through my distilling coils, and by this arrangement the heating and distilling is accomplished by one operation, whilo iu ot'ier processes there are two distinct operations, and necessarily imperfect be cause it is impossible for them to heat the vapors uniformly." —"Oh, you needn't think you're the , only feller around here," said her little brother' contemptuously. "1 thought as much," whispered Oaggins to himself. "Who is he?" "The other fellowf Ob. | it's on Sue's jewing machine." Ah, husband, do not scold your wife And make her poor heart ache. Became she can't build pies like those Your mother used to make. That is, unless you're quite prepared To see the whole thing through. And ouy her huts and dresses as Her father used to do. Scene in the Roman Senate. Everybody has heard the statement thnt "Caesar's wife should be above suspicion." but everybody doesn't know under what circumstances this statement, now become ft proverb, was fir.-! made. We are inform ed by l'lutarrh thu: when Caesar —the great Julias—was a ju-iuug mar.. Publiu* l.'todiu*. eminent both for his riches and eloquence, but ia liceutiousnes of Hie and audacity of purpose, oue of the greatest profligates of his day, was in love with Pompeia. Ceasar's wife, and it was gener ally whispered among the Roman gossips of that day that she v. as uot averse to Clodius. Hut there was a strict watch kept on Pompeia. by her mother-in-law. Anrelia. who was a discreet woman and had no desire to see her son Julius made a cuckold. An interview was both danger onr and difficult. Clodius, hovever, was a bold spirit, and not to be thwarted by the vigilance of a mother-in-law. It came to pass after awhile that the time approach ed for the celebration of the festival of Bona, a Roman goddess. "Now it is not lawful for a man to be by, nor so much us in the house," whilst the rites are celebrat ed, but the women by themselves perforin the sacred offices. When this festival coruej., the husband, with every male creature, quits the honse. The wife then taking it under her care sets it in order and the principal ceremonies are perform ed during the night, the women playing to gether amongst themselves as they keep watch, nnd music of various kinds going ou. As Pompeia was at this time cele brating this feast Clodius. who as yet had no beard, and so thought to pasj undiscov ered, took upon himself the dress and or naments of a singing woman, and so come thither having the air of a young girl. Finding the door open he was without stop introduced by the maid, who was in the intrigue, She presently went to tell Pom peia, but before she returned Clodius im prudently went mousing about the house, and was discovered and recognized by Cae sar'.- mother. Immediately there was a great ado. The festival was broken up, and the women went home and told their husbands. The next day Cloudius was impeached for profaning the holy rites, and worse charges were trumped up against him. Caesar at once divorced Pompeia, but being summoned as a wit ness against Clodius said he had nothing to charge him with. This looking like a paradox, the accuser asked him wherefore he had parted with his wife. Cusar re plied, "I wish my wife to be not so much as suspected." But it" appears from the records thut Caesar was not as chaste as an icyele, Cleopatra having born him three children, and his intimacy with Cuto's sister being a public scandal. Be therefore had no right to be so confounded fly about divorcing his wife oj mere suspicion. Plutarch tells us that at the time the Roman Senate was discussing the bill to punish Cataline and his co-conspirators, Cato and Caosar were taking a conspicious part in the debate. Cato, it appears, was to the Roman Senate what Holman, of Indiana, is to the Lower House of Congress—a guardian—a great objector, and a very suspicions tellow withal. Caesar, it seems, had the floor, and was advocating leniency in punishing the conspirators, when a messenger came in and handed him a letter. Caesar read it quietly to himself and thrust it under his toga next his heart. Whereupon Cato sprang to his feet aud said: "Conscript Fathers, did you catch onto that? Do yon tumble to tho fact that Ju lius Caesar is holding correspondence with and receiving letters from the enemies of Commonwealth—that he is in secret sym pathy with the conspirators? ClCßlto—This docs, indeed, 0, Conscript Fathers, look a little suspicions. I demand that the communication be read. I'r 81. I us—l AM in favor of banishing Caesar along with tho other conspirators as an enemy of Rome. [Applause it the gal leries.] CAKSAR— I hope, for the venerableCato's sake, that the Senate will not pursue this subject further. It will be a dead give away to Cato,and will cause him to repent that he has been so fresh. CATO —Tho haugbt.y Caesar cannot put us off with this bold bluff. We will be sat isfied. SBVEBAL SENATORS— The letter! Pro ducc the letter! CAESAR—[Handing Cato the letter.] 1 hope, since the Honorable Senator has seen fit to .el Koine in a how l about a billet donx ho will have the goodness to read it. CATO—[Opening tlio letter, which was a love letter from his own sister Servilia.anJ proceeding to read]: "My own glorious Julius. My heart panteth for thee, and I would fain have thee call this evening without fail. May the gods so speed me, I will not sleep a wink if thou dost not Yours, until the Coliseum crumbles. SKR VJUA CATO." Keep it thou Kpicurian sot! [throwing the letter at Caesar] and hereafter do not mix your unlawful amours with affairs of State. CAESAR—I hope the big headed states man from Utiea is satisfied. CICBRO—I demand the previous question on the bill to hang G'ataline.—Punxsutuw ney Spirit. By Industry Wo Thrive. The traveler through the taiin regions will notice the nnmistakeable evidence of prosperity that abound on all the farms. Large new barns aro going up iu all direc tions, improved machinery is standing by the doors of the wagon houses, fences and fields tako on cleaner airs, fresh paint • brightens the houses, and everything has a very promising outlook. It is only a few years ago that the farms of Jefferson county were decidedly uninviting in ap pearance. The fields were full of stumps the buildings insufficient, the fence rows full of weeds, and a general air of unthrift pervaded tho atmosphere. But now it is tho other way. The farmers are undoubt edly prosperous. They show it in every way. While theorists are looking for tho cause of depression among farmers the practical men of Jefferson county farms have found that attention to business has weeded out the depression, anil given pros perity in its place. Intelligent and patient work on the farm does not give such a for tune as Vanderbilt or Carnegie aro laying up, but it gives an honest independence, a clear conscience and a well loaded table; and that is a good deal better to look back to at the end of life than a fortune accumu lated by doubtful me.uis, and which must j only be left, behind anyway.— Spirit. Kind words will never die, and unkind | ones often have us many lives as a cat. —"A Romance of These Times:" | " 'Sweets to the sweet,' " said tho im- ; pecuuions young clerk, as he gavo her a ' modest paper bag of caramels. She took the caramels and lot him "bold the bag," | which' being, interpreted, reads, "gave ! him the sack," "Suites to tho sweet," said ; the impecunious young clerk's corpulent i old employer, as he showed her through j his magnificent Eiffel flats. She declared that sin- was so fond «>f poetry and thought that about three floors of the Eiffel would do for building their little nest. 1 A Romanco in Real Life. One of the most celebrated will cases that have ever l>een tried in the United Stat's was the one tried ia San Francisco last week, and the decision of the Court awards the e-tate or Thomas 11. Blvthc, dee'd, valued at four millions >.f dollars, to his natural daughter by a i linglish uiao. The contestants were Florence Wythe, Alice Edith Dickason. alleged widow of Blythe; the William* heirs of Liverpool: the Blythe Company, the Gipsy Blythe-, the Savage.-, of London; the Scotch-Irish Savages, James Witt I'earce and William and David Savage. The Court's opinion held that according to the laws of the State Florence had established her claim to Blythe's paternity, the latter having acknowledged her as his child. The ceutral figure in the Blythe contest was Florence, who was born at Xo. 10 St. Charles street, London. 1873. She is now a s'.euder girl of medium heighth, and well educated for one of her age. She resembles her father and has a peculiar expression on her countenance which lends a strange charm to her appearance. She is a natural child,her mother having yielded to the millionaire under promise of marriage. Blythe met Julia Aseraft while ou a visit to England. She was then ft young girl aud quite pretty. When Blythe departed for America he leit a note requesting Julia to name the child "Vernon if a boy; Fktrry if a girl." The child, when born, was christened Flor- When Blythe was informed of the littlo gill's birth he manifested deep interest in her. lie told a number of his friends that he was her father, lid whenever he spoke of the girl it was with expressions of affec tion. When she was old enough to write she corresponded with her father, and his replies indicated that he was fond of her, and intended to bring her to America to preside over his'iionie. At the time of his death he w-as prepar ing plans for a residence on the banks of the Colorado, where he expected to live with Florence's mother and the girl. Florence Blythe was one of about 200 claimants of the estate. The girl's story was apparently without flaw, and strong evidence in the lorm of letters and other documents was introduced to suhstauciute it. She is a comely girl and has through out the trial enjoyed much of tho public's sympathy. Probably no man was ever credited with more birthplaces or had a more obscure history than Blythe. He lived in San Francisco for over thirty years, accumulat ed a vast fortune, was known as widely as any other rich mam, and when ho died no one could write an authentic biography of him. His estate was large, no one of in disputable relationship to him was known, no will could be found. Claimants for the property, which passed into the charge of the public administrator came forward by the dozen. Each set of claimants has traced his descent in a differ ent way from the other. Xono of tbeui, however, agreed to his nativity or parent age. He arrived in San Francisco on August 5, 1849, and soon after, according to the recollection of purties who knew him, began raising vegetables in South San Francisco. Later he peddled fancy goods und no tions oa the streets, by which ho accumu lated a few hundred dollars. Most of this sum he loaned ou a triangular piece of property bounded Market, Grand avenao tuid Geary street. Tho money was not repaid, the mort gage was forclosed, and Blythe came into possession of the property. Though it proved the foundation of his vast wealth he was not loresighted enough to seo its yalue theu, and tho late millionaire James Dick, who was then also paving this way to fortune, to take tho property off his hands. The sudden growth of tho town increased tho value of the land, aud now it is in the heart of the city, worth many mil lions of dollars and yielding a monthly in come of about SII,OOO. In addition to this this the estate in cludes about 80,000 acres in Southern Cali loruia, a grant of about 360,000 acres in Mexico, a three-fourths interest in a grant of 1,100.000 acres also in Mexico, property in Ogden and largo holdings iu Arazona mines. It is oil worth iH.000,000 or Blythe was never married, though, like Senator Sharon, he had a penchant for pretty women, and this trait has brought prominently into the foreground two of tho contestants—one the woman with whom he associated up to tho time of bis death, aud the other the girl who is now declared his heir. Following the claim of the little girl was ! that of Alice Edith Dickerson, or as she now ehooses to Btyle herself, Mrs. 15]ytlie. She first met Blythe seven or eight years before his death, and was then a poor ar tist. The millionare befriended her, and their acquaintance grew till his home was hers. After his death Kdith spent a great deal of uiiiney and so gave herself up to li quor that she was for a time confined in an asylum. In presenting her case the wo man brought forward several witnesses, who swore she bad been introduced as Mrs. B'ytho. So marriage certificate, however, or even a contract was brought | to light. The most interesting claiinauts were those who endeavored to prove that Hiythe was a Scottish Gipsy, a direct descendant of Jean Gordon, a character made famous by Walter Scott. According to tho evi dence it was pure romance blood that coursed through his veins. In his heart lie was proud that he belonged to the race, but the prejudices of the world caused him to keep the secret to himself. He was born about 1822 in some Gipsy camp in one of tho border counties of Scotland. Uis father was Adam Blythe, and his mother Elizabeth Savage, known among her people as Betty Savage. Paper in Japan. In Japan, as is well known, it has long been customary to manufacture a multi tude of articles, from overcoats aud window panes to string and pocket hand kerchiefs, out of paper, but the Japanese government, not content with these feats of national ingenuity, is just now bestow ing great attention on the paper industries, and experimenting with pith, old silk rags, and many kinds of vegetablo substances, with a view to other employments of paper in the arts. Mr. Liberty, in his recent paper read before the Society of Arts, London, describes a visit that he made to tho government paper factory at Shiebu- Ogi. where he witched hundered of intell igent little Japanese girl* and woman preparing the "mitsumata," or bark of the famous "paper mulbeiry -tree," aud arrang ing the snowy layers of pulp on the rectangular etrainiug sieves. Toughness and a silk-like surface are the usual charac- j teristics of Japanese paper, which, in sp.ie of our recent progress in this department of the arts, still remains far superior to Kuropean paper. —"Little Annie Rooney,, has a compan ion piece, "Annie Roouey'sSister." Let * have that fur awhile, and then we'll be ready to switch off on "Old Mrs. ltooney." ' Nobody Listens. The editor of the Punxsotawney Spirit took a trip to Washington lately and "nosed around" a little, anil writes as follows: One thing that strikes tbo tyro as peculiar when he looks dow > from the gallery upon the assembled wisdom in the Lower House of Congress i» the fact that, a- a rule, no one pays any attention to a man who is making a speech. Last Mon day afternoon we sat in the gallery while Mr. Stone, of Missouri, was addressing the House. Ho paced up and down the aisle like a caged hyena, and stormed and thundered and pounded his desk as thongb he thought the whole universe was being electrified bv his words. Bnt not a man was listening. The Members were busy talking, writing letters or reading, and paid not the slightest attention to his remarks. It was ludicrous. We could not help thinking what a grand place that would be for a modest man to practice oratory. He would not need to feel the least embarrassment, for be could rest per fectly suro that the Members wore not listening, and tho people in the galleries could not hear if they wanted to. We ouce knew a man who used to go off into the lonely forest and make speeches to the trees and the reverberating hills, in] order to get his hand in. Bnt the man who does that is not safe. Some stray hunter may happen along, secrete himself behind a tree, and listen. But the novitiate who is making a speech in Congress would have nothing of that kind to fear. He is secure in the profundity of absolute obscurity. Of course there are occasions when any man will be listened to, and there are men whose words are always heard. Bnt the occasions are not many and the men few lu the Seuate on Wednesday afternoon we could count but seventeen Senators in their seats while Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, was making a rousing speech on the silve r question. The only Senator who appeared to be listening was John Sherman, and Daniel's remarks were directed principally to him. so that in common decency he was bound to listen. Daniel is a square shouldered nian, of medinm height, with fine cut features and long black hair. He looks not nnlike the pictures we see of Daniel in the lion's den, and may be a lineal descendant of the great Hebrew prophet for aught we know. He is some thing of an orator, too. But in a body where some one is speaking all the time it takes a Demosthenes to catch and hold the attention of his colleagues. Bat, after all, oratory counts for very I little in Congress. The hard workbrs, wno post themselves thoroughly on the business in hand and can talk up a measure in com mittee, where most of the legislation is shaped, are the best men. And the Mem ber who is faithful and conscientious, who looks well to the interests of his constitu ents, and is courteous and obliging, is of more nse than the ostentatious aponter of spread eagle speeches. He is also more respected by his associates. The Senate is not developing any more Daniel Wcb stors for tbo simple reason that workers and debaters are moro in demand than orators, and long speeches take up the time of Congress without enlightening it. The truth is that most Congressmen pay more heed to the editorials which appear in the leading newspapers on the questions tinder consideration there than they do to the remarks of their brother Members. This is proven by the fact that many of their speeches are largely made up of newspaper quotations. Two American Fables. TUB GOOSK AMD THE DUCK. A Goose who was snnning himself on a bank was much put out by the Important airs assumed by a Duck, and finally Ob served: j "Thank Heaven that I wasn't Born with such a Waddle as you've got." "Nor with my Good Looks, either!" retorted the Duck. "Bah! your Colors fade in the Wash!" "Your Voice is Cracked!" "It is, eh! Let ns go to the Gobbler and Settle this matter. We will ask him to Decide between us." W hen the Gobbler had looked them both over and heard each one Sing, he picked his teeth with a Straw, looked very Wise I for a time, and then said. "Well, now, but up to this moment 1 had Credited both of you with Good Looks and Common Sense. Now that you Par ticularly draw my Attention to yourselves I find you both so Homely that it makes my head ache, and I am amazed that either of you has Wit enough to keep yonr head Above Water." MORAL. Ono's Broken Nose never looks so bad until you Brag of its Symmetry. TUK MAGPIE Asl> THE TRAVELERS. | Ono day as a Magpie bad taken a seat on ! the limb of a tree near the Highway, two i Travelers came along and Halted nnder j the tree to rest. They soon observed the bird, and, never having seen one of its Species before, one of them called out: "Behold the Eagle! What a noble Bird!" "How Beautiful! How Grand!" added the other. Filled with Conceit, the Magpie began to Chatter her satisfaction at these Words, but she bad scarcely Opened her Mouth when one of the travelers Exclaimed: "What Fools we are! I know from what I bavo Read that this Bird is only a Com mon Magpie!" "And let her Begone!" added his friend, as he picked up a stone and sent it Whizzing at her heod. MORAL. A Crow, who had heard and seen all without being noticed himself, now Scratched bis Ear and murmured: "If some Folks would only keep their Mouths shut what Credit they might get for what they don't know." —Half the boys in Butler are hnmming "Little Annie Rooney," which has won its way into an evanescent popularity, and succeeds "McOinty" as n catchy, popular air. McOinty and the grip swept the country at the same time, were well mated and suited the wintry season, for while the fcrip was severe and painful, the "McGinty" ditty was mock-tragical and coarse. "Little Annie Kooney" is certainly adapt ed to the soft summer season, when the balmy lephyrs blow and all nature includ ing the human article, bills and coos. This is tho refrain that comes floating out of window* these Hummer evenings, is whistled on tho streets and is sung or brayed—mostly the latter—by a great many people; listen: "She's my Hweetheart, I'm her beau, She"* my Annie, I'm her Joe. Soon we'll marry, never to part, Little Annie Kooney is my sweetheart." —The new postal cardn, which will shortly be printed, are of two sixes—the bigger ones, which have twice the area of the present postal card*, being intended for business communications that cannot very well be crowded, and for other purposes demanding fpare. Both cards have in the rijrht hand tipper corner instead of a representation of a stamp, a small portrait of Ounerel Giant. NO 39 Another Warnings Waterbury, Conn.,i* suffering from vl»t may almost l>« called an epidemic of ty pho.d fever, due to the contamin"«d milfc served from a dairy farm that sr .li®d part <>f the city with milk. The citj ngineer, a m fin be r of ihe health board, to on* of the victim? to whom the disease proved fatal. One of the daily papers, comment ing on this fays: "This man has labored long and earn estly iu defease of the public health, so far a* tue removal of unfavorable conditions within the city limits was concerned, and as a member of the board of health his at tention must have been called to many subjects in the field of sanitation that were not connected with drainage. Bnt in the prime of life he has been cut off by poison *ent to the city from a farm There the farmer himself lay ill of typhoid lever, and from which an employee had recently been taken to the ciiy hospital, there to die of the same malady. If so veil-informed a civil engineer and practical sanitarian as the late Mr. Weld was willing to nse in his family the milk sent from a herd and a dairy (arm that hod not been subjected to sanitary inspection, we cannot expect that the average citizen will strive to protect himself under similar conditions. The fre quent sanitery inspection of suburban dai ry farms is required for the protection of the inhabitants of tho cities in which milk from those farms is sold." This is only another warning, adds The Christian Union, to every citiren. Ton may pro tect your property from bnrglars by bolts and bars, but the lives of those dearest to you, who have a right to look to you for protection, depend on your intelligence for their health, tor their lives. Insiston pub lic officers doing the work for which they are appointed; in every way see that yonr own home is conducted on such a basis as not to endanger publio hehlth. See that your neighbor does not endanger the health conditions of your owe home, and these frequent public calamities will be avoided. They are preventable, and* it is criminal carelessness to live under condi tions that make them possible. He Tells It on Himself. General George A. Sheridan "of Lou isiana," who has not been in Louisiana for so long a time that he would hardly know the direction of the compass to Hew Orleans, tells a story about the precocity and perversity of New York childhood, which is also a good joke on himself. He was riding in a Sixth Avenue street car the other day, when a nurse entered with a curly-headed boy of abont 4, who was crying viciously. He was making his outcries disagreeable to every one in the car, even after it had started, and the Gen eral, thinking to startle him out of his ill humor, leaned across tapped him on the shoulder with a cane and said sharply but pleasantly: "Here, stop. What's the matter with you anywayt" There was a flash of indignation acrogp the youngster's face as he drew himself up, stiflod a new outcry, gnlped once or twice, and looking out of bis tear-stained eyes straight at the General, responded in dignantly: "None of your business." The General did not ask any more ques tions, bnt glanced slyly about to discover all tho lady passengers looking shocked and all the gentleman intensely amused. —"Anything wrong with the coffee this morning, John?' "No. It'B good enough." "Biscuits all right?" "I haven't any fault to find with the biscuita," "Steak cooked about right?" "I don't see anything wrong with the steak. What are you driving at MuriaT" "No complaint to make about anything?" "No. What in the world do you—" "John, I wish yon would let uie have fifty cents to buy some ribbons." —A man learns from experience in everything except in marrying. —General Butler in *>me advice to am bitious young men sayl, "Never do a mean thing for money." Let us add to this the suggestion, uevor do a mean thing for any thing whatever. Whether the world hears of it or not, it will abide with yon as long a* you have a conscience— and when you I cease to have that you have lost the thing hat best excuses your living. No, young man; do not trifle with your self-respect. Vote the Republican ticket and be respec table even if you don't make a cent. —"The cruiser Philadelphia made nine teen knots ui> hour. By the way, parson, what is your best time?" The Chicago minister throught a moment. "My best I think was sixteen. But then three of them had never been married before and, of course, their inexperience caused some little delay." —"Shut a woman upt" said the de termined looking man; "nothing im possible about it. It can be done. I've done it many a time myself." The others looking at him as men do when they strike either a phenomenal old-school or a fresh variety of school liar. "Yes, many a time," he continued, "and can do it again. You Bee, I'm one of the turnkeys at the county jail." —"Look here, Mary! didn't that young man kiss you while you two were standing in the ball just before he leftT" asked the old lady looking over her spectacles at the blushing vision of sweetness she had been more or less responsible for during the past eighteen year. "I cannot tell a lie, mamma. Bnt it was only once." "Only oncct Lord, how different the young men are nowadays to what they were when I was a girllt —The Favorite game in New Jersey in more senses than one centre* about the mosquito. It is "hide and seek." The summer visitor furnishes the hide and the mosquito seeks it. —Senator Kvarts no longer holds the palm as the champion long-sentence speaker. One was uttered In a New York court the other da/ that it will take the subject of ii a life-time to get thro". —A featheless chicken is the latest im provement in Georgia poultry. But not until chickens grow already roasted and accompanied with a knife and fork will Komc people be satisfied. —"And you call that yonng Scrapeey a musician?" So he is, and • good one." "Well, for a musician ho keeps shockingly bad time. He didn't come in this morning until near 4 o'clock. —Long Service: Employment Agent— "See here! How is tbitf Ton stayed two weeks in yonr last place. How did that happen?" Domestic—"Sure 01 dunno. Oi rnusht av overslept meself. —Many undertakers and doctors are opposed to any duty on cigarettes. They are willing to have tobaooo Used out of existence, bnt cigarettea shouldn't be taxed. —Tho Gravestone Angel: "I wish I WAS an anfrel," w»id Willie. "Why*" "It must be holly this weather to bo nothing but a head with a pair of feather fans be hind your ears."