VOL XXV[L| PROFESSION AL CARDS. B. W. LKAKE. M D. 1- H-.D. gpMuHtex Sp«cl*JtlMc tad «ur- tCyr. Ear. Now and fury. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. C. \i. ZIMMERMAN. ruTIICIAH A*BC mm onco at No. 45, 8. Main Mreet, oveif Fr&ukfA Cbt Dm Store. Butler, Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. cto. 22 East Jefferson St., BoUer, Pa. W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. 8. W. Corner Main and Nortl BU., Butler, Pi. J. w. MILLER, Architect, C. E. and Surveyor. Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Mipi, plan*, specifications and esti mate*; all Kind* of arokitectaral and en gineering work. Ro charge for drawing if loon tract tb« work. Coerolt your beet in terest*; plan before yon bnild. Informa tion eheerfmlly jpven. A share of public patronage is solicited. P. 0. Box 1007. Offioe 8. W. of Court House, Butler, Pa. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENomn Am mwwß, Orrum mea* Diamond. Bi H. ■ J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butter, Penn'a. ArttOdal KM Inserted en tka latert Im proved plan. Gold Ftltlnc a specialty. Offlce— over SaSSlre Clothing Store'. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the protession iexecut md in the ncatctt manner. K pec ml ties :—Gold Fillings, and Pftlnletf K>- kaetion of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. fri i- Street, deoe Kaat ef Lewry Hemee, Slain. Offloe open dally, except Wednesday* and Thursdays. Communications by mall feoelre vroapMfctvitlon. K. B,—The ealy Deatlst In Butler mimgljtm MMhit *C teeth. J. W- HUTCHISON, attobmby at law. (XSce en second floor of the Buselton block. TllsiitH Butler, fa.. Boom No. l. A. i. eco*T. J. r. wnjoa. SCOTT & WILSON, ATTOBNBTB-AT-LAW. Cdllecttona a specialty. Offlce at Ne. I, Booth BUsimC B*tter. Pa. JAMES N. MOORE, ArrOEMST-AT-LAW AMD Not AaT PUBLIC. OSee la Boom No. 1. secoad Boor of Huaelton Btoek, entrance on Diamond. A. E. RUSSELL, attorney at law. OBm oa second floor of Now Anderson Block Safe St.—naar Diamond IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at law, OJBce at No. it, Kast Jeffer a»u St.. Butler. Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Beal Estate Agent. Of, See rear of L Z. Mitchell's offloe on north side Of Diamond, Butler, Fa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second BOOK at Anderson building, near Court House, BW, J. ». BRITTAIN. Atty at Law—offloe at 8. B. Oor. Main St, and Kamoßd, Batler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. on South side of Diamond JOHN M. RUSSELL, Altomy -at- Law Offlce on South side of Dla- L & McJUNKIN, Imruce ud Real £state Ag't 17 KAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. E. £. ABRAM3 & CO Fire and Life IN SURANCE Ins* rue« Co. of Noetic America, incor porated 1794, capital M.OOOJXX) and other flroaf oosopanies represented. New York Life Insurance Co., assets $90,000,000. Offioe Mew Muse) ton building near Court House. BUTLER COUNTY *ftatual Fire Insurance CD. •ffite Cor. Mtin & Cunningham St*. G. C. ROESBINQ, Pkbsidbmt. H C. lIKINEMAN, SRCBVTART. DIRECTORS: •. C. Boemtmc, Henderson Ollm, J. L Punrls, James Stephenson, A. Trout m*u, ' H. C. Helnemau, Alfred wick. N. Wottael. Br. W. Irrln. |Dr Rlckenbach, * W. Burfchart. ID. T. Noma. LOYAL M'JUira, God. W>, SUTLBR, FJL. Ull Sllll IllSfllll KHIE, PA. guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. Wo roplaee all trees that fail to grow REFERENCES IN BtTTLEK: J. F. Lowrv, W. T. Meohling, Jatue Shanor, Jr., J. E. Forsvthe, Geo. Shaffner §. Walker, Esq., Ford Keiber, Esq. and D L Cloelaod. Q. F. KING, AQT. Sitmxillkb House, Be tub, Pa. WtiZSKi ASJP"* K>B WBBOTBB 3 CN _yWfQjt .Dtcuoaary. Exclusive territory m * M °»» permanent JJSI!SI*SfoJ # 2P'? jr S!?! °* hook.—T. C. Jlcnroy 4 00.. N471 sixth street. Plttsbuigh. •e-Adyati** 1q the Gitiuv. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. \l l a 0 snraiHtsr. Weather drives you out doors and brings thoughts of out door exercise*. Do you enjoy atheletie sports, a game of the ever popular croquet, or the livelier one of lawn tennis now so much the rage? We are headquarters for fine croquet sets and sell them cheap, and ours is the only place in ISutler where a complete line of Hooseman's lawn tennis goods can be fonnd. Just see and price them. When you have played your game take a rest in one of jour cool hammocks. They are fine and low priced. Compare our stock and prices with others and you will believe us, S7\ w. A. OSBORNE, I\i\ i I New No. 112 East Jefferson street, V\||// Old " 9 " Same old place West of Lowry House, Butler. When in need of F=U-RN=KT^U=R=E Don't forget the old stand. CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, BOOK CASES, CHAIRS, BEDS, BEDDING, ETC. All first class goods at rock bottom prices. One price and square dealing with all. J3l S. D RfC W, Successor to Miller Bro's & Co. 128 E. Jefferson Ist., - Butler* Fa. lIKXRY BIKIII, 14 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLSH - FIELNIN-'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps, Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Roofing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. Evekr WATERPROOF I—— ———| THAT CAN BE RELIED ON jxrot to ai-piitg THE MARK 3Mo* to Dlscoloy! ——————J BEARS THIS MARK. NCEDB NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. »'sf a good holism-wife, who uses SAPOCIO. if is well saadrThe mouse fs muzzled in her house.'Try ihand Keep your house cle&ruAli grocers keep ib- Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at your success. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Love iind Politics at Swan's Island. Politics aud courtship *c elU to interest the people in Swan's Island to 4iir great extent. liven the women uu«l children quarrel over the affairs of the government; and a Democratic ludy cannot borrow from a Republican lady, though it be a ease of emergency sadden and pre>s Neither can a Republican lady ex pect any favors from a Democratic lady. No bu.sin.-s can be transacted ainieablv between two men of different politics; aud the small Democrats and Republicans make faces at each other, aud cannot be induced to sit side by side at school. Ihe men are always discussing and "argifjin when on shore. In the one store, which is down by a dark cove, which is also the postoffice. there is seldom a lull in thu discussion of a week-day, and the medita tive eve rings with livelier debates. Some times these political discussions by the fitful kerosene end in tragedy. Two vonng sailors disagreeing on the merit.- of the incoming aud outgoing President last vear, one seized a knife and inflicted a >o vere wound upon the other. Cap n Xa hum True thrashed Cap'n Ezra Ilogden within an inch of his life because be dul believe in "terift reform, and <ap n Ezra took his revenge by shooting Cap't Nahurn through the arm in the dark and silent night while the latter was on his way home from Greatport. Small boys emulate the example of their elders; and one lively lad of nine pushed another lad a year or two younger than himself off the slip into the deep waters of tho ocean because he did not believe that Cleveland was a good I'resident. Fortunately some fishermen were near at hand, and tho young politi cian was rescued from a watery grave. Sailors who are either neutral, or only mildly persuaded that they belong to one party or the other, u hen they come to Swan's Island soon become violently parti sin; and yet there appears to be nothing more aggressive in its salt, Northern, and vigorous air than in other places rounda bout where they take things more calm ly- A courtship, or the minor of a court ship, will always crouto a diversion even iu the most troublous times, however; and now, though the Swan's Island light keeper had recently died, and there was great excitement oyer the question wheth er the government would appoint Hen Spurling, the son of the lato keeper, who was a Democrat, or Joe Neally, who was a Republican, and was trying his best to get the position himself, when it was spread about that Mary Olive Swan was encour aging two beatix at the saino time, even this excitement passed over in a mei-sure. Tho male portion of the island were fully as much interested in the afTair as the fe male, and everybody was 011 the qui rite to find out all the particulars of the case. The women dreamed of it at night, and edified each other by relating these' dreams at the earliest possible opportuni ty, and the fisherman were reluctant to leave the shore until it was finally settled. Some prophesied that she would take Joe, some that Hen was the favored one, "Mary Olive was just so queer 'n bigerted;" and others that she had no idea of marying either. Some thought she was "so tickled to get two beaux, as sho never had any when she was young, her hair was so red and her face so sailer, thas she was entire ly upsot, and couldn't tell her own mind no more'n nothing." "To be sure, her hair was jest as red now, but she had grown better-looking." Iter checks were plump and her complex ion red and white, but what there was about an old maid like her that them two men should be so dretful taken by was a wonder. It was probable that she had good wages for keepin' house for her old uncle over to Greatport all these twelve or thirteen years, but she couldn't have laid by no great; she was too given to dressing up, Mary Olive was." As for Mary Olive herself, she was the picture of unconscious innocence when she entered the meeting-house of a Sunday with the two men dangling at her heels, and sang soprano in the choir to Joe Xeal ly's bass, while Hen looked on with ill concealed jealousy and disapproval. Mrs. Reuben Swan—they were nearly all Swans and Spurlings on Swan's Island —declared that sho "couldn't sense the preaching at all with sich goiu's on," and Mrs. Adoniram Swan said that it was ''Mis'Jotham Swan's duty to speak to Mary Olive, and caution her against sich behavior." If she was her sister-in law and beneath tho same roof with her, she would have done it long ago. But Mis' Jotham never had no gumption till she got well started; then her tongue got too lim ber sometimes. And Mrs. Jotham Swan tlid speak after awhile, though she liked and respected her husband's sister; and having not yot fully recovered from a rheumatic fever, and with a large family on her hands, she could not possibly get along without her help, and was mortally afraid of offending her. Hat something must be done soon to stop the wagging tongues. "Have you any idea what a sight of talk there is 'bout you round the island, Mary Olivet" she said one night twitching ner vously at the skirt of her limp calico dress. "About me?" exclaimed' Mary Olive. "What under the sun do they find to say about me? I've hardly been out-of-doors, except to meeting, nor seen anybody since I came back from Greatport." "Why, they say you're a-leadin' 011 and encouragin' two men tor court ye ter once, and I must say myself thet it looks like thet, Mary Olive. 'Pears ter me, if 1 was in your place (I know 'tain't none of my business, though), if I wanted ter git mer micd, I'd take Joe Xeally right off fur good and all, and give Hen his walkin' ticket. Joe's stiddy.and likely owns his house, and is prittv certain ter git the light, bein' a Republikin and an honest feller." "There, Sabriny Swan, what are you talkin' about? I declare I'd forgotten what a miserable, pryin', suspicions, meddle some place this island is, I've been away from it so long. You'd out to go away too for a while, Sabriny, and get a different set of ideas and notions. Encouragin' two men to court me, am I:' Can't two old neighbors call to see a body once in a while without bavin' it said they eourtiu'?'' "Oh, Mary Olive, what the use o' talkin' like that? You know 's well's I do, and everybody else does, that they're both crazy ter git yc, and ready ter tear each other's eyes ont with jealousy: and didn't Joe bring yo some sap sugar, and Hen mend your boat fur ye, and dig up yer flower bed, and bring yc a whole lot of chiny-oyster seeds and sich; and didu't you go a-ridin' with Joe and a-sailiu' with Hen: and don't they both walk ter meetin' with ye every Sunday, and hang round the steps ridie'lous in the evenin' tryin" ter steal a march on one t'other to see ye home?" "For goodness' sake, what if all you say is true? Hon is an old friend of mine, lie's the only one that ever paid me any atten tion before I went over to Greatport, and Joe was little brother Tom's best friend, and was with hjin whea ho was drowned, BUTLER PA., FRIDAY, AIGI ST 1, 1800 and tried hard to ,-ave him. and I played with of "em both when I was a little girl. It seems a pity t 1 couldn t accept a few triflin' favors from them withont having it called encouragement. Tbey all 1 have to speak to outside »f s house, anyway. Nobody with a grain o. M-n.-e could have any intercourse with the-.- spleeny. gos.-ip in' women. As for inarr_. iiig either of 'eui_ I haven't the least idea of it. Tho last thing I want is to get married to any body. " -If ye git merried ye must put yer trust iu the L'.ru." >ighed Mrs. Jothain. "Jotham's a terrible good liusban' as lius bau's go; but there, catch me ter git mer ried again if • was single! liut, Mary Olive, it does 'pear ter me that, you're a-leadin' both them men on. and ye'll git yerself inter hot water if ye don't quit it. I don't feel right a-havin' Ben here ser much, nohow. He' a Demercrat, ye know —kinder lukewarm, mebbe —but Demer crats are as wicked as the Borgies. If they git inter power the country will all go ter nothiu', the mack'rel fishery be sp'ilt, and the Pope of Home will grab us all under his thumb: the minister says so. Joe's a respectable Republican, at lea.-t. He was kinder makin' up ter ilaria Antinctte Spur lin' when you got home." "Well, he'd better stick to Maria Anti nette. There's no reason why he shouldn't because he coires over here of an evening sometimes. He likes to sing, a-d Maria Antinette hasn't got an instrument, and I have; that's most likely one thing that takes him here so much. But, mercy sake, Sabrinv, I won't condescend to talk any moro about. As if a woman of my age— thirty-five my last birthday—hadn't got judgment enough to know what's suitable in the way of friends without anybody's in terference! And I must say I never heard such nonsense talked about politics, nor met so much politics in my whole life, as 1 have since I camo back to Swan's Island. If the Pope of Rome was to grab this place, he'd drop it quick enough, there's no doubt about that; and I reckon there's some cracks and damages in the ship of state whichever party sails it. Both parties are wicked enough. They both say, like those plaguey patent-medicine men, take my pills and you'll be all right, and offer a han'somc chromo as a reward into the bargain. Joe Neally expects to get the light because he turned Republi can a year ago. That's his chromo." '•Why, Mary Olive. I should think 'twas plain ernough which side was right. All the ministers and deacons is Kepublikins, 'cepting Deacon Goodwin, and he's a dret ful queer Christian —goes trampiu' and sailin' all over the country on the Sabbath day if he happens ter take a notion." "I don't care anything about his politics, but he's worth all the rest of the island put together. I don't sees how he stands such a narrow-minded set as he has to deal with." "Oh, dear! dear! dear! It 'pears to me you must be crazy. 1 reely believe you're a Demercrat too. Jotham, he ain't real strong on the right side neither. He don't want ter set in the store and argify uor nothin'. An'you a perfessor, Mary Olive! What would Eldet Wright say? He—" This conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Joe Neally, who brought some thing in a basket, which ho handed to Mary Olive with a smile. "Why, it's a setting of ducks' eggs!" she said, lifting the cover. "'Twas real good iu you, Jog, but I diiki t expect yon t»> go and get 'eiu just because I said 1 wanted 'em. I was calculating to go over to the Point to-morrow aud get some. And if here isn't Ben with ducks' eggs too!" she proceeded, as the door again opened aud another man with a basket appeared ou the threshold. "Y'ou're both as kind as kind can be. I don't know what I shall do without you two good neighbors when I go aw a} - from the island." Both men looked glum, and then glared at each other. "You don't say you're goin' to leave us, Mary Olivet" said Joe. pulling at his sandy whiskers. "Not till Sabriny gets real smart again; not this summer, or I shouldn't be setting hens. But of course I ain't going to stay here for good. What is there for me to do on Swan's Island?" "I got some I'ekin ducks' eggs for you, Mary Olive. Tbey say you can bring 'em up 'bout as jou would chickens, with skursely any water, and I thought they'd be just the thing for you, as tho pond is a consid'ablo distance oil'," said Ben, who would not acknowledge Joe's surly nod of greeting. "Pooh! 1 dou't fake no stock in them kind o* ducks," remarked Joe, scornfully. "Ducks must have plenty o' water. They take to it as natural as life." "Just as natural as some folks take to lyin' and connivin' in all kind of underhand ways to cheat other folks out of their dues," said Ben, his blue eyes flashing with wrath and contempt. Joe started up in a towering rage. "What do you mean?" ho cried "I—" "There!" said Mary Olive, interrupting him. "If you and Ben are going to quarrel here, I'll never speak to either of you again. Sit down, Joe, and don't be such a goose. I'm ashamed of you, Ben. Why can't you bo friends? Vou used to be, I'm sure; and such old neighbors too." "I ain't a-goin' to have my houso a scene o' condention and quorlin', nohow," piped Mrs. Jotham. "It wa'n't never sech a place, and never will bo if I ken help it." "Beg pardon," said Ben. promptly. "I hadn't ought to have said whnt I did, 1 know, but there's a limit to a man's endur ance sometimes." "Ben thinks I'm trying to cheat him out of his dues because the folks about here think I'd ought ter have the light," said Joe, with a sneer. "Prineerpnl is princerpul, unil the right eous party is iu power," said Mrs. Jotham, with closed eyes, as she swayed to and fso in her splint rocker, "liis father 'd orter died last year afore the Democrats went out, if Ben'd wanted ter keep the place."' "Xevermind Sabriny, Ben. She always feels obliged to testify to her polities as well as to her religion," said Mary Olive, looking half alarmed, half amused. People did not generally mind Sabriny very much. Hen hardly knew what she had said, lie was regarding Joe with a look of most intense disgust. "That's a strange way to put it," he said. "The people round here want you to have the light, and you're so mighty obliging as to resort to lyin' and cheatin" iu order to get it. I won't say any more, Mary Olive. I won't demean myself to talk with him about it, anyhow." "Can't we have some music, Mary Olive?" said Joe, ignoring his angry rival. "That new piece we sang last Saturday night has been a-runuiu' in my head ever since. That was a handsome tune and no mistake." "Yes: but let us- have some of the old tunes. If Ben brought his flute, he'll play an accompaniment." "I brought my flute, but I'd rather not play under the circumstances, if you'll ex cuse me, Mary Olive," said Ben. "There, somebody's a-comin' up the walk. P'r'aps it's Jotham," said Mrs. Jotham, rising to open the door. "Lor', no; 'tis Aleck Clark!" as a toll, stalwart young fellow appeared on ttye threshold. "Do, folks?" said the new-comer. "Any | news sence I've been goue?" "Not tha» 1 know of. Take a .-cat. j Aleck.'' said Mary Olive. "1 h(-pc you've had good luck. " "Tollable, thank ye; but I've seen a big- j ger load of mack rd brought in 'fore now. I shouldn't ba' come in so soon but my boat's kinder giv' out. She ain't nothiu' moro'n uailsick, though. But 1 can't stop. I come after Joe. I brought over a friend of his. Nat Junes, from Greatport. He's got some bu.-iue?s oa baud that he wants to see Joe about." "Well, I s'pose I must be goin', then." said Joe. "Where'd you leave the boat. Aleckf" "Sorry to have you leave so soon," said Mary Olive; but there was an amused twinkle in her eyes at hi.- very evident re luctance to take bis departure and the quick furtive glanco of hatred which he be stowed on Bon. as it the unfortunate cir cumstance had been of his especial plan ning. "1 hope we sha n't be cheated out of our music the next time I come over," he said, still lingering 011 the threshold, while the somewhat impatient Aleck, who had already said good-night, waited outside. "Come, Joe," he ventured at length; "Nat's a-waitin', you know, aud he won't know what's become of me." "Well. I guess nobody will be stuuded if he waits awhile lojjrer. He ain't afraid of the dark, is he!" When the door linally closed upon hiiu conversation rather lagged. Mrs Jotham was grim and severe, bnt very sleepy. A loose board in tho floor complained dole fully under her slowly swaying rocker. The fire fell into a pile of scarlet coals, and left the large room with one faint lamp iu semi-darkness M&ry Olive scarcely moved her knitting-needles. Ben sat. with eyes fixed upon the floor, in a most dejected attitude. Mrs. Jotham's knitting work fell to the floor. "She's asleep, ain't she?'' remarked Ben with a nod in the direction of the now sta tionary rocker. "Oh, Lor', yes. She's usuall}' pretty sleepy evenings you know." "Well, as long's proverdence has taken away Joe Neally for an hour or so, and has shut Mis' Jotham'.-, eyes at the same time, I'm going to sa}- something to you Mary Olive, lor goodness knows when I can get another chance. I know 'tasn't any use. Joe's a great deal better match than I am, as far as property goes,and you 'pear to like him cousid'rable well: but I'm going to have it out anyhow, and if there ain't the least hope for me, I want you to say so. I keep a-saying so to my self all the time, but—" "Oh, dear me, Ben!" interupted Mary Olive, "why will you be so foolish? Why do you take it for granted that there's got to be a match in the question, because I'm friendly with you and Joe, aud accept neighborly kindnesses from both of you? I haven't the least idea of taking either of you, or of getting married at all, as far's that goes. I'm a good deal better off as I am. All old maid won't put up with the contrary dispositions of men.aud all trying ways and notions, jest for tho sake of get ting married, as a silly girl will." "I s'pose I am contrary and trying," said Ben, meekly; "but I worship the very ground you walk ou, Mary Olive. I did before you ever left the island; but I was a dreadful bashful, shilly-shalling idiot, and you never dropped your eyes and was sheepish aud quiet, like the other girls, to give a feller a chance to speak." "I guess you wasn't in a very desperate state, Ben, or you would have dropped over to Greatport to see me now and then, or written to me or something. Vou was in the place'lots of times while I was there, and I never laid eyes on you, only once or twico when 1 happened to meet yon iu tho street. I was an awful homely girl, and I don't suppose 'twas natural that any man should really fall in love with me." "You was always a picture to me," said Ben, simply; "but as for going to see yen to Greatport, why 1 daresn't. You never would ask me, in the first place, and when I happened to meet you over there in tho street, you were always so kind of pert and off-hand, and dressed so nice, I didn't feel as if I was anj-where." Mary Olive colored deeply. "1 thought if you wanted to see me, you could come without asking," she said. "(jueer, 1 would have liked to have had a beau then. All the other girls had them, but not one came near me. Late years, when I've had something else to think of, I 'pear to have become a belle." "You ain't going to have Joe, then!" in quired Ben, anxiously. "Why, didn't I just tell you, Ben, that I diu't want to marry anybody?" sho an swered, laughing. "He thinks you favor him, I'm certain; and I heard over t' the Point yesterday that you was engaged." "Never mind what he thinks. He hasn't any reason to think anything. The folks over to the Point must have something to talk about, anyway." Mrs. Jothain awoke with a start at this point, and looking about her with some be wilderment. remarked that she "shouldn't wonder if Jothain got in that night, as she had just been dreaming that a clair voyant came in and told her he was a-eom ing.'' Ben arose to take his leave,looking rath er dismal. "Yes, you're iu a hurry to go now. I s'pose 'taint so interesting, now I've woke up," said the drowsy lady, with unusual vim. "Sabriny Swan," said Mary Olive, "you certainly arc not very interesting the little time when you are awake late days." Jotham did get in that night. tie ap peared at the door soon after Ben took his departure, filling the room with an odor of saltwater, tar and fish. "There!" said Mrs. Jotham. "I reckon you'll begin ter b'lieve in my dreams bymc by! What did I tell ye? *\ny luck. Jo tham f" "Tollable. Xot sich a great ketch, but the fish sold well. I stopped to the store on my way up. There's a sight there a talking." "Politics, of course. I do hope you won't get political, Jothain." said Mary Olive. "Well, 'taint exactly polertics. .They're a having it over 'bout the light. Joe, he's detarmined to git it; and some folks say 'tain't 'coz he wants it ser much himself as he wants ter git it away from Ben. He's got a grudge agin him, ye see"—with a meaning look at his sister—"but then, for that matter, he alwas bed, and he's been and got up a petition against his having it. saying he ain't a suitable man, and how he neglected his dooty." "Neglected his duty?" exclaimed Mary Olive. "Did Ben neglect his duty? I wouldn't have believed that of him or any of his family." "I can't see't he did, and I declare it's a mean shame, Democrat or no Democrat. Ton wouldn't ketch me signing nothing agin Beu. The minister, he seems ter rnn of an idee it's an orful wicked party; but Ben's a good feller, whatever ticket he votes, I say: and he was a doing his dooty. and more'd a-d9ing his dooty, when he caved that crew of ucu from drownditt/, if the light wa* five minute* law. "I never heard anything about that. When wa- it that Ik saved the crewJ "Why. 'twas nisib six months ago, jeit ai'tur the old man died. An *ll -tired storm came on in the morning, aud the i.< Juhi w.u wracked jest outside Black > Pint on them blarsted rocks. All the other men was skairt to go to the ro»cne, aud Ben h.- never thought nothing bon! the lamp, but risked his own life and saved lour men. There wa» >:x in all, bnt two was lost overboard before be got to eiu. j Klmiry, she alwus lit the lamp iu the old man's time if he happened ter be behind hand, but she was so took up with the wrack, and so scairt about Hen oat ou : ich a tough sea, that .-he clean forgot, anu was just a little mite late. All the othei lights wus lit, ye see, and the wrack warn t in the wake of this, nohow. Besides, the fog wus a-clearing up. aud there warn't no need of a light, as I see." "And they say Ben neglected bis dot)?'' • Joe does: and he's Kinder persuaded some other folks that he did too. 'specially folks that didn't know nothing o' the sar cnn'.stance. He's got a number of names on his paper outside tho island, and all round about. Most of tho island folks wants Joe ter have it. 'coz they're pooty near all got sound Republicans, the minis ter said ser much; but a good many are honest er.ongh not ter sign that pertition" If Joe comes ter mo with it. 1 shall tell him what I thi'.ik pooty plain. He's ago iug to Washington himself with it, they say." "I can't find words to say waat my 'pin ion is of Joe Neally if that's what he's up to," said Mary Olive, with ila-hing eyes.as she hurried off to her ow:i room. '•Massy sakes!" said Mrs. Jothain. "You don't s'pose she means ter bev Ben. after all.' Mary Olive was alwus jest so bigert ed. But princerpul is princerpul." Mary Olive closed her door with a bang, and seating herself on the bed, began to think. "I ain't in love with Ben, I know 1 ain't, but I hate such injustice, and I'm going to do something about it 1113-aclf, no matter what folks think or say, as there's nobody else that seems to caro enough about right and wrong on this miserable political island. So Joe's going to Wash ington with his petition, is he? Well, somebody might make haste and get there ahead of him, and carry the truth to head quarters; and if thero is any justice in the world, why, the truth would prevail. What's politics got to do with keeping a light, I should liko to know.' 1 always wanted to go to Washington myself; I al ways meant to. I've got the money now and my new black dress would do to wear. It ain't just the time of year 1 should'a chosen for the trip, bnt then—" And before she blew out her caudle and settled herse'ffor repose, Mary Olive had a plan in her mind which would have amaz ed the whole island. When she awoke in the morning it fl ashed at once into her mind. "There. I've slept on it," she said to her self, "and I ain't altered my mind: but no body but Deacon Goodwin must know the least thing about it. He can keep a secret, and he'll be glad to help, I'll warrant. I shouldn't wonder if some other folks could get up a petition too, as well's Joe. But if Sabriny, or even Jotham, gets hold of it. everything will be spoilt. They're both of 'em leaky. Jotham always was kind of simple, poor soul: and as for Sabriny—" She bustled about her household affairs as usual until after dinner. It was a breezy morning. Jotham was preparing for an other fishing cruise. Sabriny had a touch of "neuroligy," and was smoking to cure it. The bay was filled with scudding sails, and up at the light-house, which she could see from tho kitchen door, Ben was polish ing the windows of the tower. Mary Olive watched his motions for a few moments, then turned quickly away. '•I know I can't prevent folks from call ing me a fool, but I can and will prevent myself from being one," she said, half aloud. "Heads orter harden after bump iug against the world for thirty-five year.-', but anyhow I'm going to start on a journey to-morrow." The children were on their was to school before she broached the subject. "Where in the world air you a-goin', Mary Olive?" asked Mrs. Jot ham, on being informed of the proposed journey. "Well, I'm going to Boston, in the first place,and maybe I .-hall go about consider able before T get home, if you can get along with what help Israel's Phebe can give you for a week or ten days." "Oh, I cau put up with her for a spell. She's tollable smart, if she didn't waste soap so awful. 'Pears to me you started up dretful sudden, though." "That's the way I like to do. If I wait and think of it a while, I sha'n't enjoy it half so much. I shall start to-morrow, and this afternoon I'll go over to Israel's and speak to Phebe." She not only went to engago Israel's Phebe that afternoon, but had a long and apparently satisfactory interview with Deacon Goodwin, who lived over at the Point, and who met her at tho wharf in Greatport the next noon, when she em barked on the Boston boat. The next day Joe Neally went .off in the same direction, and the whole island was alive with the report that ho was going to join her in the city, and they were to be married. One week from that date Ben was agree ably surprised to receive from Washington, duly signed and sealed, his appointment as keeper of Swan's I sland Light. The out raged Republicans all collected iu the store that night to give vent to their indignation and amazement. What was tho world coming to when a Republican government appointed a man of another party to keep a light? "The whole country had a right to be fairly stnnded," old Captain Spurling said. And great was the disappointment when Mary Olive returned alone two days before Joe made his appearance, though there was some excitement in wondering where she had been, and what had been her errand. Perhaps She had bought her wed ding outfit. When Joe appeared there was more to talk about. "llow'n under the sun did lieu git thet 'pintuiuntf' his followers inquired of him. "Didn't he go on ter Wasliin'ton with thet petition himself, |n' wouldn't thet fetch 'em?" "Xo, 'twouldn't fetch nothin', because Mary Olive Swan got there ahead o' uus with another petition, 'n' a great park rf lies into the bargain. She's the slyest '11" the bra/enest woman I even see. She thought nobody 'd find her ou'„, but I tracked her, 'n' met her in tho station to Boston comin' back, 'n' cast it. in her face, 'n' she couldn't deny it. She said she didn't care nothin' particklar about Ben, only to esteem him as a friend, but sh 1 wanted ter see justice done." "She don't care nothin' particklar 'bout him, hey? Porty strong leaniu' towards jesticc. I should say. Hard on you. Joe. We all thought you was the favored one." "Favored one?"—with an ait of intense scorn. "Maty Olive 'n' I have been good friends enough, we used ter play together when we was children, but as fur marryiu"- no tick bold, contrivin' oli| waids fur ujp'' A general faugh and doubtful liM.ks fol lowed this statement. "Vou're a tarsal critter. Joe, if you bo a 'Publican.'' said CapLliu Timothy Drew, w was a frrtijiieiit caller at Jothuiu Swan's and knew the -tale of affair*. Ile;> kept air ay front the store, bat he heard the v. hoie _ »tory. vf eonne. The plac« rati;,- with it. 1* got over to the other island, it wan even talked of over at Gnu I port: aod .JUIC aggravating scribbler sent au altered and highly romantic ac count of it to the eouuty {taper. Jot ham's front lock, the one which ho always twitched whenever he was augry or excit ed, had grown so thin and ragged that he wa.-> strangely altered in r.ppearaoce, and Mrs. Jotham was so overcome that she took to her bod. As for Alary Olive, she only remained ou the island one night. Israel's i'hebe was doing remarkably well as help, and she thought it a good time to make a long-promised visit to relatives in Greatport. One outing made her long for another, she said. At the end of three weeks she was back again, and on the evening of her return Ben cauie strolling down irom the hill to see her. "flow's the ducks douriahin'/" he inquir ed of Mary Olive, who was standing in the open doorway. "Well, I declare. I'd forgotten to ask after 'em myself. I left 'em in care of Joey," she said. "I've been a considerable distance since I saw yon last, as you know, of course, who doesn't know it? lSut, Ben Spurliug, dou't you go and think that— that I was in love with you because 1 went to get ahead of Joe N cully iu that light business. I wasn't any such thing, but I was awfnl mad lo see such injustice done, and I hopped right up and off on the impulse of the moment, and I'm glad 1 did. I'd 'a' done it for old Cap'n Timothy I>rew under the same circumstances. 1 never knew tiil afterward that—l liked you"—with a sudden rush of color into her fair plump cheeks. "I never indulged in any such notion. Twas just like you. Mary Olive: just a.- you was when you was a little girl,'' said Ben, vehementlv. "Well, but, you set*. I should have to marry you now anyway; that is. if you were of the same mind. Folks never 'd get tired of talking about it if I didn't; if I do, they'll quiet olf iu a little while, may be. Isut I aiu't going to livo on this island. Ben, though I love the place. It's too political. You'll have to give up the light house or me. after all." ',Well," said Ben, with his face aglow, • I'm 'taotacd to the light, but I'm 'taehed to you a good deal more. Father 'n' mother both 'oein' sick so long. I've been obliged to stay hero so fur, with now and then a little run o' coastin', so I haven't laid up any capital to start out in any kind o' business with: but I calculate I could support you tollable well a-coastin'. Oh! Mary Olive, if you 110 like me— "Don't talk about coasting, Ben. To tell you the truth, Uucle Bubo left me a little money. I've got 'most four thousand dollars in all. It'# a wonder I've been able to keep it a secret: but 1 have, so far. Jotham and Sabriny don't suspect it, and what do you say to our setting up a store over to Greatport?" But, after all, the pair began house keeping at the light-house. It was evident that Ben had a great many friends on the island still iu spite of his politics, and Mary Olive made haste to have a charming little cottage built adjoining the old one at the foot ol the light, surrounded by a flower-garden that was the wonder of the town. "Cupid appears to be uncommonly live ly over here on Swan's Island; laughs at politics as well as at locksmiths." said the captain of the supply boat, as he landed with his cargo of oil for the light, to old Captain Hardy, who was loungiug on the wharf. "Coopidf Yes, Coopid is kinder beatin' down polertics, as 'twere. Mariar Anti netts Spurlin' giv' Joe Neatly the mitten t'other day, 'n' is goin' ter marry Ban Thomas the Pcmercratic repersentitive from Western Harbor over yonder. I'm a 'Publ'kiu myself; but. Lor', there's jest as good Demeicrats as there is 'Publikius, 'n' there's jest as good 'Publikins as there is Deniercrats, 'n' that's the long 'u' short of if.. The folks about here is a-beginnin' ter find it out, too, in spite of all the stump speaking there's been about, 'n' the minis ter ser drctful onesided."—Snsen Hartley in Ilnrper" Weekly. Poison-Ivy and Sumach. Four things need to be committed to memory to iusure safety against our poison ivy and sumachs: First. The three-leaved ivy is dangerous. Second. The live-leaved is harmless. Third. The poison-sumachs have white berries. Fourth. No red-berried sumach is poisonous. Both the poison-ivy ami poison-sumach, though unlike iu appearauce of foliage, have similar white berries growing in small slender clusters from the axils of the leaves. Iu all other sumachs the berries are red and in close bunches at the end of the branches, and far from being dan gerous, yield a frosty-looking acid which is most agreeable to tho taste, and 'whole some withal. With these simple precepts lixed iu tho mind, no one need fear the dangers of the thickets. N'or need any one repeat the hazardous exploit of two young ladies whotn 1 know, one of whom, as a committeo on church decoration in a couutry town, brought her arms full of the scarlet autumn branches of the venomous sumach; while the other ouco sent the wiiter a really beautiful group of earofully arranged rare grasses and mosses generous ly decked with the whito berries of the poison-ivy. Both of these rash maidens. I belivc, paid tho severe penalty of their botanical innocence. Y/hy She Wept. A t his lecture on - Ministers aud Preach ers" Br. Andrews told some amusing stor ies of ruinisters ol the past. One about Or. Jetiir was especially good. Dr. Jeter.when he 'jeciime worked up in preaching and wai most eloquont, had a habit of putting a -ivhina into his voice which as near re sembled tears in his voice as possible. Once wluen the tears were especially strong during & .sermon the good old doctor no ticed a lady weeping in the audience. A; soon as the services were over he hastened to overtake her and ask her what part o; the di vine woTd touched her to tears. "T wasn't tlia*," *aid the lady. 1 "Uave you ha«l some deep affliction i" losing family friends then? asked the doc tor. •Twe sn't that, neither," said the lady. "We 11, what was it then?' asked the doc tor. . ■W.ell, doctor, we had a mule, and il was % good one, too. We all liked that mule, and he died, and while you were preart ing vonr voice sounded so much like tl at mule's that I couldn't help cry ing" "W heu the inaid of Interior Africa | i'r oe« visiting here-and there. It il ever bothers her iu the lea.-t I a»\f she bat nothing to wear.' N0 38 How Uncle Jerry Went Back on the Crowd. Every boy of us in the village knew I :;f-le Jerry Crawford. lie was a dried-up old man. and never seemed to get toy oiler, although always complaining. The form of salutation was invariably this: '•Hello! I'ncle Jerry!" "Ya s, yass/' '•flow yon feeling?" Wretched, wretched, thank ye." I've heard that at least one thousand times, and .icver knew a" deviation but one*.'. A drummer who used to come up occasionally from St. Louis got on to it, and one day when a dozen of u* sat on the steps of the drug store Uncle Jerry was spen coming up the street. "Isu't that old Crawford?" asked the drummer, as he shaded his eye with bis hand. "Yes." "He's the man that always replies that he's pretty well, praise Godf" "oh, no. He's tho man who always replies that he's wretched, wretched, thank ye." '•I may be mistaken, but I don't think so." "Of course you are." "Well, 1 hato to giro in. I'll bet S2O that when he comes up and you ask him how he is he'll reply as I said." There were seven of us there, and all we could raise was $lO. Wc handed that out enough, however, and it had been covered when Uncle Jerry came along. We were ou the grin as the drummer call ed out: '•Hello! Unelo Jerry!" "Yass, yass!" "How you feeling?" "Pretty well, praise God!" replied Uncle Jerry, as he passed on. It was about two minutes before we could get breath, and then the drummer had gone with the stakes. An hour later I asked Uncle Jerry what he meant by such conduct, and he replied: "Took me all day to learn it, and the feller gin me two big dollars." Things Best Left Undone. Do not introduce yottr girl friend to the gentleman visitor. Instead, say, "Miss Brown, will you allow me to present Mr. J ones J" Do not talk especially to one person when you have three or four visitors. Make the conversation general. Do not attempt to take care of any man's overcoat —he has a vote and ought to be able to look after his own clothes. Do not ask people who they are in mourning for. If you don't know, wait until you find out, and in tho meantime don't ask after tho members of the fami ir- Do not giggle when a smile would an swer. and don't talk in a jesting way about things that are holy to other people. I)o not laugh at anybody's form of wor ship—respect a toad praying to a mush room. Do not say the rules of etiquette are nonsense. They are made up for your comfort and mine, and arranged so that the feelings of every human being are con sidered. Do not get into the babit of laaghing at elderly people. It is not only unladylike, bnt it is vulgar. Do not think it is clever to find ont by pumping, the private affairs of yonr friend. There is no reason why you should lay bare her heart for an inquisitive flaw to peck at. Do not get into debt, but if you have been guilty, deny yourself everything pos sible that you may be free once more. Do not believe that all theso don'ts are not spoken to you in the kindest manner as from girl to girl, but one has to suffer and make mistakes for one's self to find out into just what pitfalls one is apt to tumble. Laities' Home Journal. He was All Right. A man carefully ascended the steps of a house on Second avenue a day or two ago, and turned the handle of the door as if ho expected to walk right in. It was locked, and he softly rang the bell. The door was opened a couple of inches, and a female voico demand: ''Selling sewing machines." "No." "llugs or clockst" • No." '•Pictures or brackets?" •So." ••Want to insure met" "No." "Collecting for somebody?" "No." "Want a contribution for some asylum!' "No." "Belong to the gas or water officet" "No." • Wan t me to take a newspaper on trial!" "No." "You are not a peddler?" "No." "Nor a tramp?" "No." "Well, what on earth do want? "One of the neighbors said your husband was dying, and that he d be glad to ha\ 0 a spiritual advisor." - "Is that all! Why didn't you say bo at first, instead of scaring me half to death for fear you were alter the furniture, which isn't quite paid for? Come it.' He Got a Contract. Arguing advertising the other day with one of tbo brightest of Eastern manufac turers 1 had just commenced to train my skirmish batteries upon him, when, like Davy Crockett's coon, "he came down be fore I could shoot," says a contributor to the JewelerS Weekly. He had more to a&y in favor of advertising than I had, but I of course gave him up as lost, lor as a sales man recognizes a non-buyer, wen e latter praises his goods, so I at once sur mised that our Eastern fnend was not prepared just then to give an advertise ment Bat he told a good story which ought to go on record. An advertising agent called upon the head of an old and. prominent firm. That gentleman received him politely, but informed him that hiß bouse had no occasion whatever fpr adver tising, as it was well-known and had done all the advertising that was requisite in its earlier days. ••Indeed!'' responded the agent. ko you think that your advertising in earl l ® days is sufficient to carry you along now "I do," was the confident reply. •Will you kindly tell me the name of tM Vice Presidential candidate on the Repub lican ticket the election before last? The big man scratched hn he *\ nff>ment. looked abashed, and rep 1 "Well, no, I can't." -Do you know of any man who better advertised at that time? The agent left the btore with a contract in his pocket. —No excuse can be offered for the Balti more man who has been arrested for hug ging a minister's wife. Even the plea that he was merely embracing religiop won't go.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers