CURE . i£.«irfjchi an.i roSave oil tht~«i"Out>lselad. n *- hgi is 'ate of «■ : such aa . ■ !i- » :=• Us tress afh?r nation, Sc. Wlille thalrino* n-inar* jbte *'«•>*. tan Ixwn giiov. a ia cumg S;CK Rea'f a A Jo< OasTW.V Lnnr LIVER PiU* are equa'Vy vslnal !■- CWftg th-. *orn~t aU "J JfSUS" stimulate ii'.cr e-i Uit> boweia. t cj if only . HEAD • rhe would *• a-'ninat to those who svJfer ii ; safe.- .-oan>laintj ,iHMr *.>*& ess nat end r „' . a '.vV eh.. )i »*T wiH fled : -fU> n(lt« "il-nV'W In an mnny ways thai i,., »-fii not he U> oo without diem, jiut after all sick iiead ACHE iri the teu> of «Tcanf IK*?" 1 ttiat here fawlxrg v, rvv irr.-.t har.sL Our pilla cure It while «»ot. OA. T -• < t,t»T!.it i .rroi PILLS' are very «mall nn.i < -V JLO < nt. "r »*o i-liis make no- Ti-fv art* ctrictV ni»4 -1 or parrr. IT t Uy wntle action all wlio "* « tI ■ i viab it 2S cenn: live f.. c old' . orj->vbt"e, or wait Uj tnafli uause &).. s.r r-x hull fcl&a fesllSk i I took Cold, X took Sick, I TOOK I SHCOTS RESULT: I Z talio Sly Mcalis, ; I take Hy Rest, ! AND ! AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ) ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY lIANItS ON ; ) i'xi too. rou Scott's I ! v '=l3o of Pure Cot! Liver Oil j - :uj h 'ocphosphitosoiLinieand j T-,, V , .r OKLV CURED MV Inci|»- j :>V i:vm AND IS NCnv PIITtINO J FLSSH ON fvIY £GNES ! •, r inn RATE of A POtTjJb A BAY. I I IKb IT JUST AS EASILY Aj IDO MILK." I J M.CII IS NOTHING VWt. I'; E*t»'i II IX'I NO WOKUSKS , j L-'AITY. TAVB Normikß. BLACKING ( DID OHCEAWEEK!\ J. Otiierdaye wash them \. \ SPOWVEIW'BWATER. \ -ZZZ EVERY Honaewi FE EVERY Counting Roorn EVF RY Carriage Owrjar EVERY Thrfty Macfianic EVERY Body able to hotd a brush SHOULD Udß OIK-'SON I AtrssEi s::W r^nr* WILL sr*m OTA a Hew runniTuni f —•*s - STAIM CLAaaanoCMiHaviMia j r "J """ WILL ST«'T» TI«W»«L 1 WILL BTAI* TOUR Ova Baaarra I J™** WILL BTAIN a«ava ea*CH t »»•»«• WOLFF • BAKBOLTH, PbSlMUlpUa. !• r.u r .Urc and cuTQ for Sick V\ll'iu*nr«a, l*on?tii .frvooi M- > ui*< t»ia lud Co#* I- < ,v '* IIIJ vc-.v rw»t or all aiseaaw c;tu.-<* i by *n impure of t'"jb!oi^. I' f on %PLPXIOtf is a bfgWy r- ncontnu*) aad potr«*rfui of mo?* *uid fsp«Diln 1.-Tb* to tovdical .leierco, rrt- md from th« pt*- i»oriptijn of A TIOU*'! phv«iciso and cure* wlit'ii nil other full. T!iD:iW!v "f the Msh«rt au'l f r nm t?ratfful patiouueanbe *!i«tro. TIJO tlrrr !ase INSRHUA you wit'l r.OCUFL^^ECE.— .QO to your pirchat® a butt!" anu cuxt-wL—Vajn ahle book aent iYw t*> aIL AOdr^r^, FH HART, Wnrrcu St.. Xoir ¥«rk. ' DOVTOPS LAKE ' »a IK^vju-fMAItr. CC • . • ■ O T C..•■WRT ST,. T-' PA. AKfomscf .'<■ in«l C'-ta \ - p5. a«e.ll».s» .... '• V !*..ntc«x>s. 's / .nt-y. yrd* ■ * t ic..ilo i aiv J tSiu l';: - i > L' :i ,;ucc V-* nts: fi. l'r. 8. I-. i.. jlior of liorai l .J .NB, PUI*L." O'4C:T a: - iu . f - w.:I mim-l 1" V r I .. ;y, ciO.; alac Ci. • Iters, OW Smef, FS'a, i . 4vi«'l <}jre«wsof tSc »kio. -.1, l v*.uJvlt«iUu» ft I i,. fntjj* ccifwc'tia!. f .Vrx !: •I'-j, > t<> I <•. > H.; cuua .jr, rn W4r. M. or''v. • ! i fii 3 cir r ce* I!J!? LAKE, COf'. ... *JO< a P mc-atly cured by WK. £inn i"- -vjj. n i:.j>,as»»poi»tlPß «'f; "• ■" -n. .«>: roar.; CW E iuiiu. I Jtlziilii BASIO:RY W n «. v* '- - ' 'J i.ntorej . HJite -T.B&iry » •** .*.- 1 KvKV..: _«Y©t>ER "AV . --s iTCiriii' ■■ • ; v •♦ !t (iM to < • . -v-r .a-.: > P. O. »4jre» w laffeK of • ; »drfh>.-.h.ra. Sfc ... V- fV** OF IT 'J.. riNG FAJWDS. I pwiuw ;• «nd v^vowjralErfr* !iSSSX". T 555; r, •-°i*i "FX >uU ? Aa4r^3 .. WW C ?T % 3 M i-AUt.N.V. 018 mi, miTIiFM. PA. H. H'lLEßioi\, Prop'r, Blauketi«, F.'< unetK aud Yarn IPaaulactsrtid oi'Pßre Bin le* fouuf} Wool. We i r iui.:'*utee e -r to If at^wocl and noai ->/»nlc o. -> uth«r nofsr.i. jus mstertal useil »n (Jveiu*. W.' =-u WnoWml? or r<*t*)l Baa. .c. ."i . rices ;i"- lgL. . i\■:* to «it ,nc«» c n L. m. * U'HB orrizEir. TiISCELI ANEOUS ,ii iii i " Blaine vs. Gladstone. Blaino'a famous reply to Gladstone has jnatheen iwoad in pamphlet form. This it one of the able.* presentations of the benefits of protection yet published, and should be widely rend. Send for a copy to the American Protec tive Tariff League, 23 West Twenty third street, inclosing * two-cent stamp. Ob, how can a fair maiden smile and be gay, Be lovely and loving and dear, As street a* a row and as bright as the May "When her liver is all ont of gaart Bbo can't. It is impossible. Bnt IT she trill only take Dr. Pierce's Qolden Medical Discovery, it will cleanse and stimulate her disordered liTer, purify her blood, make her completion soft and rosy, her breath wholesome, her spirits cheerihl and her temper sWeet. All draggists. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, aad dis gust everybody with your offensive breath, bat use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it. "Haa your girl a keen sease of the ridionloust" "Tea, she laughs all the time I ain with her." The depreasing effeota ef wane weather •re overcome by Hood'» Sarsaparilla 100 doaes sl. —Some one with spare time haa been investigating a bushel of wheat and reperta that it contains about 060,000 grains. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above"amount if I fell 1 to prove that Moraplexion is the beat mad , icine in existence for Dyspepsia, Ind >ges tion or Biliousness. It is a oertain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases of Kidaey and Lifer Complaint, Nervous Mo bility and Consumption. Foraplexion bnilas up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask your druggist for it and get welL Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," aleo, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Addresa Prank lin Hart, 88 Warren street, Uew York. —A farmer said to ns last Saturday: "I. don't sell a pound of hay off my farm; I feed it all to my stock, and if I have not enough stock to eat it up I bay more cattle. The surest way to turn hay into money without injuring the fertility of the far ma is to raise more cattle in this county." Consumption Surely Cured. lb Tea Eonoa:— Haaae inform yoor reader* thall bare a poatUra fataedy to the abare-named disease. By its timely nae thousand* of hspales* taaea fcawa been permanaatly cured. I shall be glad to eend two bottles a/ay remedy FKJCE to any of yonr i sailun who bara oooumption if they will send me their Lxpress sod P. O. address. Bespect fpity, X. A. afloooaf, M. 0., 181 Pearl St., N. T. —Ail cj:Wiaii)ffr nys that a M'ut u sp*-vin»i-n <:f llm iusfi-t that ii de str«tyiug the jrrtin t» tUo Department of A|jricullurc st Washington, strut was fur nikiietl with a name as long us u mil and as crooked as sitalt of a hAy-tfddfr. lie could have got that at home, lie received TIO information, however, as to the moans for exterminating the pest. rn» All Ota stopped lree by Dr. KUae's Great Rmt B«-stor«r. No his after flint day's u«e Marvelous cures. Treailse ai.d St.iM irUl bottle rr*e to Ftl caeea. Seae«titj\ "The lietter at fisliing t ou are of us two, To'it more experience you bring. l)o you Ush f«r tito, the a'hile 1 tisli for you; I'll thus have t-uuie chuucu for a string." The auswer that promptly to lover's lips flew, Brought blushes to maiden's fair cheeks: ■•' Twill seem quite the thing to Ue fishing for yon. For that I've been doing for weeks." i To Consumptives. The uodemigued having been restored to h'nitb by simple means, stter Buffering for several j*.»r« with a severe luug affection, aril that dread disease Consumption, is y his preacher and also by the County Superintendent, informs ns that it's because the wind blows stronger now, and at shorter intervals, than it did 25 years ego.—FrnnkUu Xctrg. Dry Goods AT LOWEST PRICES AT THE NEW STORE OF D. E. JACKSON. Wo are new coioerc, but have come to 6tay. We buy our goods at lowest cash prices and u vu sell for cash only. We are enabled to sell goods at tlie smallest possible margins. We could quote prices on clean, new goods, no irash, "from all parts of bar store, especially on the following goods. Drees Goods, White Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Shirting*, MOB line, Lace Curtains aud Curtain Poles, Corsets and Cortet Waists, Ladies', Children's aud Gents' Under wear, Hosiery, Gloveß and Mrts, Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Silk and Velvet, Black aod Colored Silks, Cloth Capes, Bead Wraps, Jerseje and Jersey Jackets, Table Liuens, Napkins. Towels, &o„ &c , but as new goods are arriving all the time, we would not likely have the goods now quoted, but possibly have tbem at still lower prices as the season ad vances. We are proud to say that in tbls city and county our goods p.ud prices have met with approval and commendation, althongh subject ed Hi close scrutiny and comparison witb the goods offered by others. We solicit yonr patronage,* and will do a'l in our power to make our luai uem tranaacuoun pleasant mid profit* able. D. E JACKSON, Butler, Pa Ken door to Uei neman's. BCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DIAVGSB IS ! Sewer Pipf. , N. Malu rtrett Paetorv at No. W, N. Was&!U*t«>u aOvei BL'Tt.KR KKNNA uusiifii 7:: All tbat is required Is goodiiia as«r rf\ character and willingness toWIHILIi work. Write at once to KUwaa- 818 I 111 («r * Barry. Hoc beater, >*. I all Kt. ttope tfunwty. W> BARGAINS. When we aay Bargains we mean fear gains. You know you always get bargains when you buy goods of us. But the bar gains we now offer are exceptional bar gains. If you want to bene fit by these wonderful bargains do not procrastinate but come quickly. Rittef & Ralston. - ■ ■ « ■ »- 1 l f» TROUTMAN -S Wonderful Sale of DRV GOODS & CARPETS, We -will offer at this sale al. jut 100 Remnants of carpet at from 10 to 40 yards at about half price. DRESS GOODS. It will pay you to buy a dress now as we are making vpecial efforts to close out our entire stock ot Silks* CafhnieoTs as well »to summer labrics withioi the next 00 days. Come early as the choice things will not last long. TROU TMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. No 200 North Main Street Butler, Pa IHSO JEC&tabli&hed IMO E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DEA LER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver wa?3, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repaonmr in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 18SO ESTABLISHED 1850 GREAT REDITU AT J. JR. GRIEB'B, No. 1(> South Main St., - Butler, I?a. In Watches, C locs, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To* SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELfc»p ■ rm-n-rT. v. , wssßtP.'- " vt'ibim—>^a \ THE Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER '8 GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, PULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS Quabtehb.Retail at 8 tor* COOKS Halve* Retail at 10 ctb. COOKS POUWDB. R ETAIL AT 20 CTB. fl^ld^^aj^Crocer^^^rjj^^oun^Cliiij^ Wrnniicßt OL WHTTKXR, OLD WCAIAM, SO maul WITH BLACK DIAMOND ROOFDIG TO COTO WI AM WHY GO SO FA» mow THS UURO or W*.TI AMI BECAME IT ALJUIASY COTEXS TO* SAVTU. Send for illustrated circular to M. EHBET, JB., & Co., 433 Walnut Htrootk PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! FITS, EPXLEFS7 or FAZXXVO SZCKBSBB, AlHelonf *«* R. X WA-GBJUFR MQRRA—*Y T» Coti the worst ouw. Becaoae ]kas haw* fell ad is no reason tor not now rajWßltww- Send at onoo for aMM aad ft mmmgamQi of mv IKTALIJBU RIMMT. ■nd Post trial, and it will core you. AMna H.C.ROQT.M.C.. mPmm.ttyYfi Rubber f-hoo9 unless wdrn nneomfWrtabfy tight will often slip off the feet. To nsmedy this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a shoe with the inside of the heel line*! will rubier. This clings to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. Call for the "Colche«tfr» "ADHESIVE COUNTERS *>. l vou can walk, run or jump-in theoi. n— A SOLID Steel fence! EXPANDED"METAL ctit JXS i ms™" l ' SOMETHING NEW REsiDENoea, CHURCHES, CEM£TER«a. C.RDCM3. Gate*, Arbors, V, Indow Guarda,Tr«ll!*ea, Fire-proof PLASTERING LATH, DOOR RATS, Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO „ 116 Water St., I'l(l«bnrfb, Pa. wdn are Men keep 1L Give name of this paper SigiSIIPS Will Pf fIUfiEL T°% , ■mßlktuiuu oncacee wta fan «» tie CFC«K«.-ALTR»A>AY *»FC «SSSSffiB?iSBBBSESB JO WEAK MEH Buffering from the effect? of decay, wasting weaknees, lost manhood, eta., I jdfl •end a valuable treatise ( cntlMM particulars for home cure splendid medical work ; eboulfberead by *HtT yX,n who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,! Prof. F. C. FOWLEB. "ioodua, CouW Is u PERFLUO usTsnr e f , above the ' mark »F ?LOLCE^ ' Veins of the Nose, headi, Liver Spots and all diseases and blemishes of the skin, , Complexion, hair abd scalp successfully , treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has ' had 20 years' experience LA the practice of I bis rpoclalty, and numbers among )>la pa- J tient* our most prominent families. If YON , are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, avoid patent medicines and coasalt Dr. Vaa I | Dyck at once. Special terms toall whojaafce j ' engat;ement*?tbie month. Book free. Engage- . ments can be msdebymsll. Call onoraddress Dr. J. Van Dyck, « *. 11th street, Fkiledel- | i phla, or 502 Penn avenue. Pittsbargb, Pa. 1 [_Hours 9 to 1 and 2 to 7; Sundays, 10 to 6. I PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. h.vndsome, ixdestbuctiblk. Cheaper than Wood. T be above cutabows Ftckat REACT wllfc (sea. (TklslaaaS I BKtlns,) can baosadsa Irsn or Wood Poets, Wbaa wrttiaj fw prkci aiva Quality, NaMSsr of Oat«, Beetle eat BlatfV Wanted. WealaeMaasSsenraßsavj Iroa Fapelaa.CraaUae Stab> nttiofa, Fire Shatters aad FIHjJBCArW, Callai Doon. aad Baltlna, 1M Grllla. W3IT DOM AM I WIKDOW BCBIZm, sad all kinds st WW WOKE. '•» TAYLOR & DEAK, 801, 203 & 205 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. WW,H 1 i r . . : ' IVW. Ali yoa N~ 1 !O I»T* &BOW vrtst •• «• RT» 1 R U T > TLX * WH»C»LJ-R«W fri. id hrM»or»i»rtd fI»W yc.i;~ th«tAJw»y«n*Utii in vn :U HIE '.uor FCRW «MN. H >TMMWHW sal Ih 1» ■-* rcr«M. ,->• .- -p.- -r«. frrw-ht, etc. you know nil. If you w««3- ro 0o ta m*fc tor u*. rem CAR mm from C9O to MO p-r 4k Co., +99 #isi» fortUMi MM** I SPECIAL || ■Mourning Bonnets & Hats 11 .S Silk Nuns Veiling., t Mourning Flowers, ggj 1 Mourning Ornaments, 4 f| Mourning Silks, ID. T. PAP Our Stock of Men's, Boys' & Children's Clothicg [s unsurpassed in number and variety of new stylos, all prepared 'c~ t£;3 Jpring season's trade. WE OFFER UNRIVALED »-*ort tnent or SUICB from wbteb any one can MAKE a selection to please them. Men's and Youths' Suits ID black and fantjv worsteds, wide-wales, cheviots, serges, cassiu'pits, ttc, To particularize and de»cribe in cold type our stock for the ensuing •eason is very impracticable, and would redly answer to no purpose. Such » description wonld convey to you no idea of what onr stock is like To ippreciate it yon MUST SEE IT. C'hildrens' Clothing in Great Variety. ——A wonderful Castanet wheel goes with every child's suit ovo- H. Schneideman Leading Clothier and Furnisher, 4 fe. JVlain St. - - ISutltsi", Jh^a. Special OF Booth, Shoes and Samples FOR The Next Thirty Days Only. «/ «/ It is with great pleasure that I inform the buyers of Foots and Shoes of the large Spring stock wbicfa baa about all arrived. I also wish to inform you of the large line of Samples (Boots, Sboear future, will do well to visit Bickel's, for ellfpersons visiting onr store during the next thirty days will receive bargains suet as has never been known in the shoe trade. Ladies' Shoes. Ladies, I wish to call your attention to our line of French, Pongola and Curaco Kid Shoes in band turns, in opera and common sense too. ulade over the latest style lasts, sizes to 7; widths, 1? to E. A good machine turn shoe, $2.75. Our leader is a fine dongola or straight goat, every j.air guaranteed, price $2 50. A good pair ricn&cl.» snoes at $2 00, another pair at $1 50, and your choice of a good dongola, pebble goat or morocco, 3 8 at $1.25, Call early and be amoDg-tbe first to get t>:tf best selection. Full stock of wigwams of all kinds; lawu ten;.is slippers; patoot leather pomps; tan crlor (either in light or dark color ) sboeß or slippers in all sizes and w.dths We fcave a nice line of Oxfords, with patent leather tip* arid opera toe slippers, in the opera and common sen.- • scj-le, which we u; sell ing very cheap. Ladies, we wish you to call and examiae these goods Whether you wish to buy or not. Misses' fine dongola and pebble goats, ho i and spring heels, at $1.25 This is a bargain. A misses' good school shoe, medium or high cut. at SI.OO. In this great sale we have not forgotten the boys', usis.-es', youths' and children's department. They havo all been filled to their utmost capacity and showing tbe finest line and prices cheaper thau ever known before in Butler county. Men's Shoes. We wish to call your attention to our fine Inn of dress shoes In French calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and many other m aerials, all made over the latest style lasts and by experienced workmen, in ha;id and machine-sewed; got op very light and durable, adding great ease and comfort to the wearing of tho Bboes. Men's calf and dongola shoes in all sizes and widths, plain toe or tip on toe. at $2.00. A good pair of veal calf shoes in English Bal , Button or Congress, at $l iO. Tbia is a bargain which will last but a tew d; vs, so H»• ali kinds Large stock of leather sod findings. BU-luwith aprons in calf an ! sbeepskin. A full stock of our own make. Fine dr.t-B shoes always on Hon i. A large stock of box-toe boots aod shoes of our own make on bands. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing done same day as received. "Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person." Yours truly, JOHN BiOKEL, 22 8. Main St. - _ Pn»W, Pa W\ YTttni Salesmen to Sell Otr ! i L\ I liU! choicett Nursery Slock All (roods guaranteed Good salaries and expenses, or a liberal com- | uii*»i<>u paid. J7o experience necessary. Write for terms, giving ugc and secure , your choice of Territorv. (r. L. KNIGIIT