rguv rvlieve all tfte tronbk* tnei S- tto n bilious state €'t tb<» system. such o* NAQwa. rh-w.rsines*. Distress eating. Pain In Uk Ac. While tbariMrt rti.iarJcaLio ft'3ccc« lias been shown in coring £SCK fl«adACtu yt Casrnt'a T.irnjt kivt-i Piu-s ITB equal IT valuable in Constipation. curin? and preTeDtimr this annoying complaint, while ll lr v also eonvet all of tlie stomac.i, *timuJat« the liver aixj n gulaUa the bowels. Even V they onljr cnr»^4 HEAD Ache ther wnaM be almost pricc-lem to tbosr* trbo fniffer from thK distressing complaint: but fortnm-it'-ly Ihejr ftoodnesa doc* not end hef*-, awl thrwe who omt» try them will And tittle pill* ralualile in so many *ay« that *er will not be willing to do wituout them. But after all sick bead ACHE . <■ the bane of so many Uvea that bei* U whero we make our creit boast Our l»ll« d" » while other* do n<*. _ Carta's Lrrnx Uns Pill* are vfty *man and vt-ty oa*v to lake. One or two toll* 'J®* 0 a dose- Tber are rtrictly ratable and do not irripe or punje, bet by their p*itle action pkawc all wh-) use them- In viaE at ffi cents. Ore for sl. Sokl everywhere, or aent by mail. ASTZS TAXAM co., NEW TOA. hIHL SmallDosa. UFries. > ■ ' LJ I r r"" | SCOTT'S IEMIILSIPII vW DOES CURE CONSUMPTION j In its First Stages. S Bt wurt you get the genuine. —■- ■ % HABITUAL : GROWLE !L>Jk Psopls who never read dlreetioua tn th» first to complain that Wolff'sAG M E Blacking seemnoLUee on the them. ShiH nuj It la twlM to aomal to tMr.ioUllisnicc. acd cafl tbam "HaMtaal OromhaT" Alt In Druj. rul*t "" I tlauM F*irnuhing Sturafar Pft-Koo. EWC* t MI TRU« OLD » «I« ru««iru«« TarnUh win. Inn BUT** «O CMI *»«•*"« at the WILL arain Tm»i« tame WILL (TUX *OU« Ota at«MT» time. wiu-araaw Burt CMCH UNA SiraON Msj: A/ !7Stt r »:::\\ r*vr. WOUT * KARDOLPH, FbUadzlphla. floSw Ik ui abtohi W. pf»lLl»• aa<l p»*raitn*nt curt for Kirk Hrnjirlir, Rtlloiinnii, Constipation. Arrtout lleMIHy. BHabta Rite ate. Dlalx-lca and Cut tampllon. It rom U> the very r<».t of >ll dltuiet cauJM by an Impure ttau of tlit blood. Ft/ARtPLIXIOX 1« a hlct.lr tad nowrrfol Bltnct of th« mo«t Tatoald*. and «x(jeaalT« lwr>.« known to ntdiaU iKt*ne«, iT.i-.rpd tnxi i tUt pr»- nrripti'tn of a noud Kn/luh pliytlclao. and rare, wti.n all otlwr rtmediat fail. Tboo>and« of ibe ()Uhe«t and itromrMt uulmoolalt from fniffnl pallanu can ba tliown. Tna Unit dm latrlret yon with contilrnt* -tk> loyonrdraarltt, parehaw a liottla, and be eared. —Vain abb book tent free to all. Addreta, rtAULU HART, Warren St.. Now York. rS DOCTORS LAKE ■ I*lll VATIC DIsmSABY. tilt M Con. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. ZjflßKk PITTBBUROH, PA. AH forms of Delieata and Com. plicated Diseases requlrlnßCoK. rtn*KTiAt.andßet«KTiFii'Med ication are treatel at this Din tiensary with a tiiccew rarely attained. Dr. 8. k. Lata Is a member of tbo Boyal Collcgcof I'liy ticiitns and Hnrxerino, and Is the oldest and most experienced HractALißT in the city. Special at- Umtloa given to Nervous Debility fromexcessiTC mental exertion, Indiscretion of youth, etc., «;au»- ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, letpondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, IVes, Ulieutnatlsm, and all ditcasusof the Skin. Blood, I.unK*, Urinary Organs, etc. Conoultatloa free and strictly confldential. Offl-o hours, Bto I and 7 to 8 r. K.; Sundays, >to 4 r. M. only. Call at odlce or address DBS. I.AKK, COB. PUNX AVE.ASD4TUHT..PITTBBL'UUU,I*A. -.Thousands IIUY« Issai pennanmitly curcl l.> — rllll.AUEl.ril 1 A. I'A. at once, no operation or loss of time from business. Csset pronounced ln cuiaUe by others wanted. n«nd for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. odSJSSSTSi* EMORY MadwtaderiacenrMl. Books Isamad In oaansntnc, Testinoniais fmtn all parts of Us globe. Prospnctus rosT vSL ■IVASTOPPEDFREE JB VJ ■ Marveivut sucttis. mt n ■ Iniinn Ptncni Rettored ■ ■ ■ UDr.KLDrE'SaBEAT ■ ■ A// DKAIN ie NKHVK DI«KA>K\. ("ily turt curt f»r Srrxt Ajftctiont, fits h+iltfty. tie. IXPAi LfBLS If taken u dltericx]. Atf FUT after ■m/rjf ifay's Htt. TreMMe ksd $t (rUI l*ottle fren to MticsHstlMjr psy'nc r*pr«*%<h*f k 'o* tm\*rt when Arch St ,Fhil*d«rlphu.Fa. fke iHugfrttt*. Bkit'AKli OF IMITATING FRAUDS. b asssfe-A J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Rmifcr. Ornamental and Plain Slating 01 all kinds done on short notice. Offico with W. H. Morris, No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa. n HECITIZEN. VISCKLi-VyKOl'S- Knew His Business. • I love you more than life, my ~wr>et. And ever for your presence pire: Oh! make my happiness enuip'cU: say. darling, that you •will be u..ue. A fln»h the maiden's face parsed And. as tor eyes like diamonds i-'ii«nc t .She a eked: •Pray, do yon love me ir.ire Than any other girl you've known*'' Tfc«"'o-t'b replied with earnest mien: * .-ttcotaen 1 , goodness, loveli ness In one jfirl only have 1 seen. Aml who she is jon well can guess. Upon his manly breast her brow Fell with a M>ft ar.d pontic thud: Then rose a sound, as if a cow Its hoof were drawing Irom the niuu. A Woman 200 Years old. A ease i.i on record of a woman who lived to tins advanced age. but it is scarce ly necessary to state that it was in ' the olden time." Nowadays too many women do not live half their allotted years. The mortality due to functional derange ment* in the weaker sex is simply fright ful. to say nothing of the indescribable suffering which makes life scarcely worth the living to so may women. But for these sufferers there is a certain relief. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will positively cure leucorrhea; painful men struation. prolapsus, pain in the ovaries, weak back; in short, all those complaint* to which so many women are martyrs. It is the only guaranteed cure, see guarantee on bottle-wrapper. Cleanse the liver, stomach, bowels and whole system by using Dr Pierce's Pellets. —lf a census of the (lies could be taken, it would be found that they have increased wonderfully since last summer. Every fly seems determined to raise a family this year. That tired feeling disappears, and you feel active and strong after taking Hoods Sarsaparilla. —A recent decision of the court holds that if a man is traveling ou the road and wishes to go faster than the one in front of him, he has a right to pass, and f he is prevented by the other and an accident should occur, the man obstructing the road will l>e liable for all damage done. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I fail to prove that Florapleiion is the best med icine in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility and Consumption. Foraploxion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask your druggist for it and get well. Valuable book '"Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin II art, 88 Warren street, Xew York. —As an unique specimen of tautological expression we havo heard nothing more flagrant than the remark made by a gentle man the other day. In speaking of an old acquaintance who had taken his own life, he said: "He committed suicide on him self by blowing his brains out. from the effects of which he died." Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB £oiroa:—Ploato Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely uso thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to sond two bottles of my remedy FP.EE to any of your realtors who have consumption If they will send mo tlu lr tipress and P. O. addrese. liespect fClly, T. A. BLOCUM, 11. 0., 161 Pearl 6t, X. Y. —lt is common occurrence for people to run rnstv nails in their feet, and it often, times results in lock jaw. If such happens, apply on |he wound pounded beet roots re moving thein as often as they become dry. This should be cut and preserved for use in case of emergency. —The following iw taken from the Clarion Democrat: "Wc beard a gentle man of Clarion, past thirty-five years of age, say the other day that ho was married at the age of eighteen; thit ho had never received inter, st on a dollar of money in his life; never had five dollars iu money laid away, and never bad more than fifty pounds of (lour in the house at a time. Yet ho always got along comfortably and to-day has a comfortable homo." FITS.—AII nts stopped free by Br. Kline;s Urrat ?(er*e Hi.lorrr. No nts alter llrst day s use. Marvelous i ur»s. Treatise and SS.oo trial bottle free to Kit canes, send to Dr. Kline, !«l Arch ?t., Pbli'a. Pa. —A good government, like a good coat, is that which fits the body for which it is designed. A man who, upon abstract principles, pronounces a constitution to bo good, without an exact knowledge of the people who are to bo governed by it, judges as absurdly as a tailor who should measure the Belvidcro Apollo for the clothes of all his customers.— Macaulay. —"William," raid bis wife, in a pained tone of voice, "you were seen coming out of a saloon last evening.—What was your business in such a place?" "I only went iu to sample an 'original package' my dear," replied her husdand. "Oh, is that all? I was afraid you went iu to get a drink of whisky. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to bis fellow suffer er* the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Uemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which wilf cost them nothing, and may prove i l-'ess ing, wi)l please address Buv. KDWAAI) A. W ILHON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. "Put by the works of your bands for awhile, Take a day off. Go where the fields iu their comeliness smile, Take a day off. Stray where earth's beauty is ldvishly strewn, Pluck the sweet blossoms of beautiful June, Put all the chords of your being it tunc. Take a day off." —ln his composition on breathing a Ger mantowu hopeful wrote: Girls sometimes ruin their breath with corsets which squeeze the diagram. A big diagram is best for the right kind of breathing. —A census enumerator has discovered in Richmond, Vs., a colored woman named Martha Cray who has had 37 children in 22 years. Sec has given birth to triplets six times, to twins six times and to sever others singly. —At a birthday celebration at West Chester, Pa., all tho guests brought the host a present of a pitcher. She received eighty-one of these articles. —The discovery lias been made that the difference between a'man and a locomotive consists in the fact that tho locomotive ] can whistle and smoke at the same time. WANTED. —AT ONCE.— <iood men to solicit for our nrst-ela*s Nursery Ktock, on suiary or commission, paid weekly. Permanent employment, guaranteed. Outfit free. I rovlon:, ex [uric rice not required. We can make a snccesiirul salesman of anyone who will work and follow otir Instructions. Write for terms at once to JONKti A ItOl sK, (.ate view Nurseries. Mention till; paper. Boehester, N. Y. EHHBII^yL B "" ■•■■••■■■■•l®®®. A. Jl»w York Uttf At the New Store OF D. E. JACKSON, A special sale of new g<?o:s for pprin-r and summer wear yen will find almost everthing in the liu** of dreps Loodi", white goods, flouncing, crji roitleries, domestics, etc ; also l-'.l.i * M d gents furnisbina; good?. I.inl'ts abd ebildrens bese :n f-iik Lisle-thread, balbripgaa and icttoD, from the cheapest to an extra quality. French underwear from 50c to 75c.. for ladies and gents, gauze underwear for ladies and gents. Our one dollar white laundried shirt is, we believe, without an equal. Try ii. do W%,, IMOTHERS ) * J stifT cossets on their / CROWING CHILDREN? L V»o beg of yoa don't do it bat f TfVS SI SUE TO BOH FERRIS* S %GOGO SENSE / WAISTS. As y/ *JHOUSA»OS aow t* OSE. mfa. £1! f/fg A Be: far Kro /: \ j \ nun; as<l Uianty. U, \ A BOTTOSJ front in • 11 \ pu ' d °* c,ju,?3 - |; ! ' H . J j Rir^BccELZcthip I , \;|<Qj • H Ul IH * far Hoc* supporter*. V» ' if'" 'i i 1111 ti\ I T«.n iMtnrnl Bat- Y\\Vi : 'rl'! V. •; I i,A 1 tODi-Tw'f pi If W l ' Vijl/ / 'firm\ 1 Button fa jH? br ' // \ J FIT ALL ACE*- l -'jj j ( faf X J to Adoite. /Jfl % i \ x . for SALE D. E. JACKSON. LOOK AND LEABN Ou the important subject of fine Summer Footwear, Including everything new, novel and in Light, Cool. Comfortable And Fashionable Styles Is now drawing hundreds to BDSELTDN'S The Leading Shoe House in Butler. Where the masses deal and best satisfaction is obtained. Who isn't interested in boot 3 and shoes? Who isn't anxious to know where the best footwear can be got ten for the least money. Give us your attention for a few minutes. Above all things bear in mind we don't sell any but eolid leather bhocs. Leatherette, which bears the same relation to leather as does oleomar garine to butter or shoddy to wool, is now more frequently palmed off on unsuspecting customers as the genu ine article. A few weeks (often days) wear in variably settles a pair of leatherette shoes, leaving you to wonder why you are so much "harder" on shoes than your neighbor who buys his shoes at lluselton's. Jf you have never bought your shots from Huselton do so now. There are many new styles in shoeß this Beason. It is impossible to enumerate them. Patent leather tips and it is quite the thing to have; the heel foxing of same material; the heels are not worn off or frayed by the skirts, by which the shoe is given a special attractiveness. Button shoes will, of course, ever remain in season and public favor. Ladies' elegant Oxford Ties con stitute another line even moro popu lar this Bummer than last. They are cool, light, cheap and handsome, with all the different combinations. We have Ir.dies' fine button shoes at $1 and $1.25; fine at $1.50. Men's. Hoys', Youths, Misses' and Children's best summer footwear; goods that defy all competition. Our men's fine shoes at sl, $ 1 25, $1 50, $1.75 and $2.00 are an eye-sore to competitors. Our brogans, plow shoes, Credemores, Bluchers,in plain and box toe, take a prominent place in our trade. We have everything you may want in the shoe line and at a straight price and wo don't sell auction or old job lota either. Every pair is warranted as solid and to wear. The Leading Shoe House in Butler. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa YOU will find the befit Soda Water in Butler at MICK'S. Try his grape tonic—a most delicious and refreshing drink. Try his milk-shake, made of milk of guaranteed freshness. Try any of his flavors and you will find them the best in the town. UNION WOOLEN MILL, BVTLEU, PA. 11. FULLERTON, Prop'r, lilaakelM, Flannel* mid Yarn Mamiliiftiircd ufl'nrc Ilnl- Ici C ounty Wool. We guarantee our gorxU to lx' strictly nil wool and noar»enlc or nny other polsonoun material uni'4 In dyeing. Wo sell WIUJICKUIO or retail. Humpli h unn price* fimilnUeU tree to dealers uu application by mall. THE ! The same firm which ! NEW 31 J f ' ur3 a »° com " UIRD ATflfi I>letdy rf ' Volnti ° n " ! flDnAiun. j zts i t ] l( . Threshing Machine trade by inventing a new THE Threshing Machine, NEW m ach better VIBRATOR , than any machine be- { | fore known, that all thebuildersoftheold THE I style Threshing Ma- NE W j chines stopped mak- UIDDATHD ing them and copied lIDnAIUn. the new ]nachine aa elosel y as t hey dared —have now made an- NPW °ther advance, and in their New Vibra- VIBRATQR. tor present a Thresh ing Machine contain ing entirely new fea- THE tores in separation NEW and cleaning, which VIBRATOR. place it as £ir ahead ' of any other as the old Vibrator was THE ahead of the ' End less Apron" ma chines. Every Farm- VIBRATOR. er and Thresherman should at once get full information re tme garding the MEW VIBRATOR, which will be sent Free on VIBRATOR. application to Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG lias arrived in good shape. His hogship is quite a liog and he weighs So.ooo pounds and cost $11,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 1">1 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Hutler twp., on the grounds of '"The Butler Salt and Chemical Works." He is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready great things are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. ■ firilTAt>< m I'er fear and EipeufS I I L M I V i» what we sire paying. We want nlll 11 I 1 1( *> more and will pay Salary and It ll' II I W Kxpenws or Liberal coinuiuihlon from start. A Uar* Opportunity for any man wanting a poHition !i» Ixx al. Trusclmir or Gen eral Agent for a reliable N'urKcry that guaran tees Its stock. Address, at once. ,R. D. Luetchford & Co. Sumprynion, llorlienler, S. V. Mention this paper. „ ElL¥ ' n s 1 CatarhH Cream aive. Belief once and. y> fl EADI COLD IX HEAD &A CATARRH £ /£/m llay Fever.-X'yH Ao(a J/it/uiil, .S'nt^^^SßaQ\CSr^sP orAuntrr. /•Vre jrum Injuri wjM "v" U SA. | uu» JJru'jH and -j AV.CPATPD ojj'enaive Odor*. FJkv A particle of the lialra Is applied latothrf nostril. Is agreeable to u*i and Is quickly Kb ■orbed. effectually cleansing the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretion*. It allays naln and liillaiiunatlon. protects the rncinoranal linings or lh>- head man addll lonal colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense or tattle and smell. Ileiicllclal reiulls are realized by a few applications. A TIIOKOCGII THKATMENT WfLL (THE. ITICC U) cents at druggists; by mall, register ed, u> cents, c irculars sent free. lILY BUOTIIEHK, i»ruif(fl*ta, M Warren St., N. Y. Catarrh 1* Kot a lilood IHkcum'. No matter what parts It may finally erred, ca tarrh always starts In the head, and lielongs to the head. There Is no mystery of the origin of this dreadful disease. It begins In a neglected cold, one of the kind that Is "sure to be hetu r lri a few days." Thousands of victims know how It is by sad experience. Ely's Cream Balm cures colds In the head and catarrh In all Its Mages. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES. (K«lal»ll»hf.l IN 10.) OUR ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED CAT A MMi I K i'or IHUO will bo mailed on appll cation. Every Farmer, Gardener, Amateur or owner of a lot should have one. Orders for flowers and floral emblems have immediate attention. Telephone 239. John R. & A. Murdoch, 008 Smith field St., PITTSBURGH, PA. Dwelling for Sale, A nice frame dwelling of nix rooms and ft large Htable, 28x40 feet. Lot 30x180 feet, located on Washington Htrcet, southeast of the Miller Hotel, Evans City. Terms to suit purchas er. The two bnildings hring sl4 rent per month. Inquire at the resi dence. WANTED. AGENTS KOtt WEBSTEKM UN abrldged I Met binary. Exclusive territory given. An Industrious man can llnd permanent a ud lucrative em ploy ineiit MlhUt book. T. C. McElroy ti Co., No. 'J blxlh trcet, I'llts bu/«U , Fa. When we snv Bargains we mean bar o'ains. You know von always <jet o o bargains wlien you buy floods O ~ of us. But the bar gains we now offer are exceptional bar gains. If you want to bene fit by these wonderful bargains do not procrastinate but come quickly. Rittei' & Ralston. TROUTMAN S Wonderful Sale of DRY HOODS & CARPETS, We will offer at this sale about 100 Remnants of carpet at from 10 to 40 yards at about half price. DRESS GOODS. It will pay you to buy a dress now as we are making special efforts to close out our entire stock oi Silks, Cashmeres as well as summer fabrics within the next 00 days. Come early as the choice things will not last long. T R O U TMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House- No. 200 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Established 185<) E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 18SO ERHT SEDUCTION AT I - •' r 1 J. R. GRIEB'S, No. 16 South Moin St., - Butler, !Pa. In Watches, CI o cs, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. MWHHampfiSfi w an '" |Pl ' M THE __ (( A\vS)POWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed.. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT. AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS QUAWTERB,RETAIL AT 5 CTS. COOKS HALVEB, RETAIL AT 10 CTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETABLAT2OCT9. Sold by ali Grocers. Try a Found Can. tl!\ .0 ?: iv-a Jj3 / ; - ■■ .F.• ' . \ \- If Ji \\ / — y f~*\ i -'' . WHITUHKI O! WwrniKß, ci.a WOMAN, KO HIGH? WI L H I'.LACK D: V:.:CND ROOFT:G TO COVER TIIB SKV. WHV GO SO FAS FNOH TH3 LATO OF VOUIi TLSTKT BECAI-S* IT AUZAIY COVERS THE KAHTT!. Seed fcr illustrated circular to 3L EHRET, JI?., Co., -133 "Walnut Htrc«ti PHILADELPHIA. I CURE WHFM I pay CTRCTB I DA not mean merely to (top til cm for A time, r.NJ then have them rs | turn agajii. I WKAN A KADICAL CtTtliii 1 havo ciscs THE disease of FITS, EPILEPSY OFF FALMNG SICKNESS, A I'fe-iongr Btcly. I V7AKEAST my remedy to CUAX the WORN cases. Becanso other* havo (ailed is no reason tor not now receiving a care, tend at oaco for a treatise and a FEEE BOTTLB o! my IKFALI.IDIJ£ liiMEDT. Give Kxproaa and Post office. It costa yen nothing lor a trial, and i: will euro yon. Addrces H. C. ROOT, M .C., 183 PWM. ST., HEII YSH NO MORE OF THIS! w. / |fwl I i\W-' l Rubber F?h<vs tmlowi v.-nrn NNFOMFNRTNMY ficht will often slip off the feet. To REMEDY this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CD.. o!T>r a FIIOO V. ith the iu'l.'O of THE heel Urie l « ill r.ibber. This DIMR* to tho shoo nmi |>rcvcuts ti.o ltubU r from clipping I>IT. Ca2l for USE " < olrhi'Kter " " ADHESIVE COUKTERQ 'ndvoucan walk, run orjump'in thein. SOLID TEEL FENCE! HADE OF EXPANDED METAL TUR EE2?IAJ? B "' SOMETHING NEW ?0~ RESIDENCES. OHIJBCHFS. CEMFTFHIE3. F>PMS CMTDENA TIATC*, Arbors, W indow GUARDS, TIFIN-.cs, L lre-L.rixif I'l.ASl KlilMi I.VTH, HOOlt JI U % f.c. Write fur Illustrated Calnlotrtse- mailed fret CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO „ 11«) WATER St., l»lltslMir;rl>. I'd. WDU«R» JL»A KEI-P !U Give IL&MC of this WW ■wJSMtee x FREE I U1..T.»1 >l. «n LLO ."IFMIN™ our .11 WR isli.ll I TAP^IRRO<■<!■ W# willaKKlrftil K / IJB too** RRNSON In rtrh loe*ltty, & HFLMBK Mftbov*. OULY THOM who writ* IFL *" " "» AT NNFF '' ,N N»«K* «ur« of TH '7IL W A!LYOUL.AIET..DOI» EY AYE HFLRC r:.I.I.n|T Of thi. LLMOHMI WUNC.W' 5. W>U» '".I OF 18. Ml*. K • ;,C - .W TH. Aftteth V* 1. .t ou«. »v. p.jr .11 R.PF»-CH.r T .. iiatxtri ACO„ I>OI »»«i. ROATIAHU, TO WEAK WEN BnflbriM from tho effect- of youthful orrora, early <3(« »R. WURTINB WC'SKDFUA, lost inanhood, pto., I WLJJ aenil A valuable trcatue I«MWI containing fliU putleular* for home etire. F REE NF CB "«°- * il,l(-n.!l<L NODICAL *»r* ; ahoulifbn road by cvory, -BO is serroua AND debilitated. Prof. R. C. FOTVIXR. KVODAA, toiuw SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On tho faco, ■ ars,' hitfltls, AA'UIBYREF ■ RUUBARXL>. HlrtU I J MARK*. St O I '• ■». /BI »Vart., Ml'a'. KEJ .VONO, Hn!ar (J •<1 \ Pioiple« T It lack- /'FTW hntitlx, LI TOT BpoU .JWS~ atA«I all AMI Monilr.hon of THA akin, rotAtpinxioD, hair and "calp ituccouiifolly I tr.-AT.ML by Dr. VAAI L»ycic. The Doctor ha* liuii 'JO ycar«' oXparleiACo IA th« prartlro of hU Hpaclalt/, au«l nnmbora AMONG Hl* pa- TITTOTN our moat promiuant famlllea. If jou are afflicted with any of TBA abovablwnUhoa, , avoid PATENT and CONSULT L»R Van Dye K at one#*. Hpeclai Unnntoall who tuake month. Bookfraa. KJIK*K°- UIUUT4CAN BE iuadobf mall ( all on oriddriu | L»r. J. Van lljck, 10 N. J lib atroet, Pbila«l«L -nhla, or WRI L'«nn avenue, PltUbnrgh, Pa. I Uoori ■ T • I PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. lIA-NDSO.UK, LVDESIXtCnBLK CUoapor thaa Wood. TH«elMv«Cl*FT»lioira ILEKET F«N<R« WI'JI faie. (TKIIIFAOI • nrtiibg.) 'MO !•«: u»«.J Ob Iron or WOOD I'OIU. V'hio writing for « (KV« <|uauttty, Number of OHA«, INMBUI AO4 WaritMl. W«»l»oll»riofkctor« Heifjr Iron Ftaolaf. Cro«»II»C, NTOBIO NTTTAFA, KLF Hhoiura OOD Flit* KRTF'AI'KH. Collar O>. 1 Roll lof •. AITMF ood Iruu Ann. IVIKK IMXJK J NL> \RISUVW TTCKKBWH, ou<S all AIAD«of WLTTK W»UK. TAYLOR & DEA-M, VOl, SO3 & 'iO!i Market St., Plttibnrich, R.». MM mm, NMLIL LI la ,(.nw W'Ml ft- 1.1.1, •!. AFTM «NTA M»'l« |ei> I ' w.CK .ND up««.l. BUUOI ,V I»LLI, I'urttanil, Mula.. | Limmwiih mmwmmwmwm g I | IMourning Bonnets & Hats 11 J g Silk Nus Veili n , I U 1 MourngiFlowe - , It- Mourning Ornaments, | ? Mourning Silks, t Mourning Ruching, j|Mourning Ribbons, Crapes, Etc. ||D. T. Pape. 1 g wmmmmmwmmm i 1 Our Stock of Men's, Boys' & Children's Clothing Is unsurpassed in number and variety of new styles, all prepared for this spring reason's trade. WE OFFER A2ST UNRIVALED assort ment or suits from which any one can make a selection to please them. Men's and Youths' Suits In txaek and fancy worsteds, wide-wales, cheviots, serges, cassimeres, etc, To particularize and describe in cold type our stock for the ensuing season is very impracticable, and would really answer to no purpose. Such a description would convey to you no idea of what our stock is like To appreciate it you MUST SEE IT. Childrens' Clothing in Great Variety. ""A woDdtrful Castonet wheel goes with every child's salt over fl. H. Schneideman Leading Clothier and Furnisher, 4 S. Main St. - Butler, .Pa. Special Sale OF Boots, Shoes and Samples FOR . The Next Thirty Days Only. It is with great pleasure that I inform the buyers of Boots and Shoes of tbe large Spring stock which has about all arrived. I also wiah to inform you of tLe large line of Samples (Boots, Shoes and Slippers) which I bought very cheap at a forced sale. This large line of Samples were bought in addition to my regular Spring stock,and I will sell it very cheap. They have all arrived and are open and ready for your inspection. All persons in need of Hoots and Shoes, now or in the near future, will do well to visit Hi< kel's, for all|perHODs visiting our store during the next thirty days will riceive bargains such as has never been known in the shoe trade. Ladies' Shoes. Ladies, I wish to call your attention to our line of French, Dongola end Curaco Kid Shoes in band turns, in opera and common sense toe, made over the latest style lasts, sizes 2£ to 7; widths, Bto E. A good machine turn shoe, $2.75. Our leader is a fine dongola or straight goat, every pair guaranteed, price $2 50. A good pair dcngola shoes at $2.00, another pair at $1 50, and your choice of a good dongola, pebble goat or morocco, 3 8, at $1.25, Call early and be among the first to get the best selection. Full stock of wigwams of all kinds; lawn tennis slippers; patent leather pompß; tan color (either in light or dark color; shoes or slippers in all sizes and Widths We have a nice line of Oxfords, with patent leather tips and opera toe slippers, in the opera and common sense style, which we are sell, ing very cheap. Ladies, we wish you to call and examine these goods whether you wish to buy or not. Misses' Cue dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heels, at sl.2s. * This is a great bargain. A misses' good school shoe, medium or high cat, at SI.OO. In this great sale we have not forgotten the boys', misses', yoiith»' and children's department. They have all been filled to their utmost capacity and showing the finest line and prices cheaper than ever known before in Butler county. Men's Slio'-. We wish to call your attention to our fine line of dress shoes in French calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and many other materials, all made over the latest stylo lasts and by experienced workmen, in hand and machine-sewed; got up very light and durable, adding great ease and comfort to the wearing of the hboet> Men's calf and dongola shoes in all siyes and widths, plain toe or tip on too. at $2.00. A good pair of veal calf shoos in English Bal., Button or Congress, at $1.40. This is a bargain which will last but a few days, so the persons to call lirst are the persons who will receive the best selection. Men's working shoes of all kinds. Men's plow shoes, brogans, creemors, etc., etc A good pair "A" calf shoes, tip or plain toe, lace or congress, double sole and tap, which we have been selling many cases of. We have marked them down to $1.35. Boys'heavy shoes of all kinds. A full line of Rubber Goods of all kinds Large stock of leather Bnd findings. Blacksmith aprons in calf and sheepskin. A full stock of our own make. Fine dross shoes always ou hand, A large stock of box-toe boots and shoes of our own make on band*, Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing done same day aB received. "Orders by mail will receivo same attention as if brought in person." Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - • Butler, Pa, W \ YTtfh! Salesmen to Sell Our \> Ai\ I nl/. choicest Nursery Stock All good* guaranteed first-class. (iood salaries anil expenses, »r a liberal com mission paid. No experience necessary. Write for terms, giving age and securo your choice of Territory. li. 1,. KNIGHT A CO., 100 l'ark Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. HAH TED LADY.^^n?? 4 , tji <>■<! Arm. lu-»rr. r»i<itr«.l. IVrnuuu ul ixuCw <-» '.v iltiiXi.. i« •ft.*."- Livery Stable For Sale. jff Th« undersigned will sell _ , livery stable, in the rear (It V of the Wick Ilona* cnnsist ingofbor»es,bnggies,sleighs, PHlgilt harness anil everything per -1 taining thereto, and lease the barn f«»r a term of year*. Sty reason for wiling in that I wish to devote my attention to other business. ALFRED WICK. Adtmiae in OITUUUI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers