Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 11, 1890, Image 4
mm CURE ■dtHMdactoand mlfeve Mil the troubles lad tea batons *UU> at the system. ■»-■«>. " WEbttm, HUM. DrowsluM. lustres* after Mtlng, Pain in tte Siiln, 4c WhtJe their most wmirlilki rm-fTm tM been show a in curing SICK ITiidTtn I vet CAKTBB'I IJTTXJI LRM FILLA are eTioafl/ raltmhle in Onn*ti|*tJon, curin* t ss^ c^&^S. stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel*. Even tf they <*lyenred HEAP tbtff would b* almMt pifceiaai to them yjbo to iffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their grxstneas aoes n>t end ban, and thorn who urn try them will find these fitue pills valuable in so many ways that fliey win not be willing to do wiuiont them. But after ail sick head ACHE tofhsfcanaof so many U*es that ke» is where we make our gnat ltuast. Out pills enra It white others 4o not. _ _ CABTen'n I.nTLs LIVES PIIAB are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make • done. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use Chem. In viab »t 26 eents: Breforfl Sold everywbpre, or sent by mafc CASUS lasicms CO.. Kn Tjrk. blFl SaalDose. UPrice. Stop tliat CHRONIC COUGH Nowij For if yon do not It may become con- ) ■umptlre. For CoitsHmptiatt, Scrofula, i Oeurral TMtUUy and Want in-j ObniM, ) there la nothing Hko SCOTTS Fmulsioh Of Pore Cod Uver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITEB Of Xdma and Bocla. It Is almost a* palatable as milk. Far Mtter than other so-called Emulsions. A wonderful flesh producer. ! Scott's Emulsion There are poor Imitations. «<( the reiisri*e.j Thank ywi, MhwdwsA^ Wolff sACMEßlacking ffieaand yai anlmm s» dhsatMs4 with it, ttlskeaaws yon #<* "®» J -~" otc fcw •» «s» «-" M *s rwtmt, Storm fm «iu (TMS OLa A aca rmaitmi Vttrnish mu. ST AIM tuaa aaa c«m»w»m a t the tiuKiMTinaa acme (MMWitMClilawm tiff*. ■u nua leave CoaaM aao jeiK^ON # AVfTftfi ffiW. TKVf. wovrr h RIKBOUH, Philadelphia. la aa absolute. positive afti psrmsnenr enra for filfk asaNlm. It goes to ths very n« at all diasaaes aaosad by an impan stats of tbe blood. nOBAniIAM is a I>l»Mt concentrated aad ■ewerfnl extract of the aost valuaMe and expensive asrba known to medical science, prepared fn.m the pre scription of a noted Enclinli plqulcian. and rans when all ether remedies fall, ftionsandi of tha lngheet and strongest testimonials from frstsftil patient* can he shown. The first doaa Inspires rnn with coiißtleoc*Oo to mm dmcciat, purchase a bottle, and be curwd.—Vain •Me book aaat free to aIL Address. FRANKLIN BART, Warren St.. New Yerk. r\ DOCTORS LAKE M ■ PRITAIK DISPENSARY. J.l™ B Cost. PENH AVE. AND FOURTH Sr.. JmmSS\ PITTBBUBQH, PA. AHHHHNu. All format* Delicate and Cnrn- WMi plicatedDlaeaaesruioitingCon- Wrlfy FiDiMTiALaiidSciSKTiricßled. icatioa are treated at this Dis oensnry with a success rarely attained. Pr. 8. K. Ijtke is a mom tier of the Royal College of i'hy •icians and SurgeoAa, aad 1* tms oldest and most experienced SPBCLtuaT in the city. Special at tention given toNervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical aad w—tal decay, lac 1. of energy, icspondeDcy, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, BiicumatUm, aad all diseases of the Skin, Wood,Lunp*,Urlanry Organs,etc. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours, 'J to 1 and 1 to SF. K.; Sundays, Sto4P. X. only. Call at office or atUreas DBS. LAKE, COft. fKKN AVK. AKD«HbX.,PIXTBBOKGH,l > A. Thousands L-vo keen punusncully cured by FHU.AbKI>FHIA,I'A. t4M4too>xvtu>operation or UMSO< tune from biulnsss. < Sses jm eounced in csraole by otuers wauled. Scad for <*lrcular. CURE GUARANTEED. Odce Hours Vto X EMORY Mind wandering enred. Books leeaad la ape trass au EIT® BT^^ee W IS !r.san» Persons ilnrtored C 3 i ' ayiPr.KLIKS BOEEAT W ® NE^VERESTORER r all «r XKXVH DltSAs::s Only tur, trt /•" Nrw.e sifftctant. F'tt etc. U.LISLS if taken fts Kiwcted. A» bits m/ter day's tire. Tr«d#e and 9a trfll little free to •'. ents.. they paying express charges on ho* when rm l. Send P. 0- tnd umu uldrcu oi MM Of Body amlMind, Effects >e» WH« mwvRiRT; <» oH- ; < >■< a I-A irrs or1to» t. yy Tkmaa«T->»<»sta ua<4 ■— iMlifr trmm LG Stmt*, .si . . VTHU tkoL SriWjea^*cw«aKi2? SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gaa Fitters. SEAUKB4 1.1 Sewer Pipe, (*a» Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliance*. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, PA- •X'HIH OTnZEN. "MISCELLANEOUS Bulled an Ox to Death. A seemingly incredible story coine* from St. Louis to the effect that "Big Six," a negro pugilist, on a wager, butted an ox to death. He caught the animal by the horn* with his bands and drawing back a full arm's length be ran hi* head Against that of the ox with the force of a battering ram. He repeated this three times, when the ox fell to the ground, dying soon after. There was a small lump on the negro's head atter the butting feat, but he suffered no pain. "Big Six" stands 5 feet 10 inches, weigh -240 pounds and the muscles of his arms, shoulders and chest stand out in Philadelphia tethjer. Miss Larkins was bilious and feeble and •ick. And it seemed as if nothing would ever relieve ber. Her liver was clogged with impurities thick. And her stomachVas constantly burning with fever. Of the great G. M. D. she bought a supply. And directions for taking pursued to the letter. 'Twss the best thing on eirth she c<suld possibly try. And soon, very soon. Miss Larkins was better. The G. M D. which sbe took was Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the great remedy for bronchial, throat and lung diseases, sick headache, scrofula, dyspepsia, and all diseases that have origin in impure blood and a disordered iivcr. The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequal ed. —One ofthe~~ bestthings Joeli Billings ever said was this: "Young man, go slow. Tu will have plenty of time to make a fule of yourself yet before yu die." The favorable testimony of thousands should convince yon of the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Fiend's Future. "Is it warm enough for you to-day? And he smiled a sillv-Dilly sniole. The answer was "in Pluto's realm You will find it hotter shoveling coal. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I fail to prove that Floraplexion is the best med ic ine in existence tor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases ol Kidney and Liver Complaint, Kervous De bility and Consumption. Foraplexion builds up the weak system and euros where other remedies fail. Ask your druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Prank - ! lin Hart. 88 Warren street, New York. —Josh Billings w.<#s a rare old humorist, but a little ahead of b:s lime. His best things did not penetrate the density ot his phlegmatic and practical contemporaries. Whan Josh said that "he loved all beauti ful women regardless of sex," and "I be lieve in temperance. Although I am not a strict teetotaler, I rarely seldom get drunk," they couldn't sea that he had said anything ridiculous. Josh's day iscoming, Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB Enrrom: —Pleaae Inform yonr readers thai I hare a poklMra remedy for the abo re-named dlwaw, By its timely ass fhcnufcnda of hopeless eases hire been permanently cored. I Shall be glad to ssnd two boil lea of my ismedy FBZE to any of yottr readers Who bare consumption If they will ■end ss their Kzpress and P. O. address. Bespect fnfly, T. A. BIXXTOM, 11. C., 181 Pearl St.. N. T. —A locomotive working under a pressure of 140 to ICS pounds to the square inch .nay move a railway train at a velocity of GO miles per hour, which we are apt to think of as a wonderful speed. But it is slow oomparod with the rate of motion of the projectile from a modem great gun. Sueh projectile flies at the rate of 1,305 miles per hour, impelled by a pressure of 35,000 to 40,000 pounds per square inch. Every column in a newspaper contains from twelve to twenty thousand distinct pieces of metal, displacement of any ouc of which would cause a blunder or typographical error. And yet 6ome people lay claim to particular smartness if they can discover an error in a newspaper. FITS.—AII flu slopped free by Dr. Kline's Sreat Serve Restorer. No tits alter nrct day* use. Marvelous cures. Treattse and tt.nu trial bottle free to Kit ousoe. Hend to I)r. Kliue. Uil Arch St.. Pliiro, Pa. —A WilliuttiHjiort girl who in the matter of beauty and affectionate exuberance was not to say "fresh as first love and rosy as the dawn," was asked why she (lid not get married and this is what she said iu reply: "I have considerable money of ray owu, I have a parrot that can swear, and a monkey that chews tobacco, so I have no need of a husband. —So yon want to know where the flies OMie from, do yon, Lacullus? Well, the •yclone makes the hoase fly, the black smith makes the fire fly, the carpenter makes the saw fly, the driver makes the harm fly, the grocer makes the sand fly, the boarder makes the bntter fly, an i if that is not enough for you, you will have to paraue your future studies in etymology alone. —"llaria, will you please start the himT" •called out the parson from the stairway at 11 P. M., and yonng Doodely, who had accompanied the parson's daughter home from church, took the hint and left. —Bitter Lizzie was to be married iu a few months aiul she was putting in the interval of leisure from preparing for the cermony in the way of drees by experi menting ou her family in the cooking line. Little John was going to bed and went through bis usual prayers up to the point of saying "give ns this day our daily bread," when some depressing memory struck him and he added, "but don't let our Lizzie bake it." —A Surprise for Charlie: "Has Charlie a sisterf" "No, but he is going to have one as soon as he proposes to me." —The minister was a great hand-shaker —-shutting down like a vice. One day he shook a boy's hand, aud, forgetting, gave it an awful squeeze as he said: "My little fellow, I hope yon are pretty well to day." With tears in his eyes the boy answered: "I was till you shook bands with me." —No Supreme Court decision can compel any one to drink original package?. The paper that says something mean about you is never lost in the mails. —Few peoplo would be wicked if they would stop to think bow bod it looks. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung a (Tee t ion, and that dread disease ('onnnmption, is anxious to make known to bis fellow suffer ers the means ol cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (live of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure fbr Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronehitia and all throat aud lung Maladies. lie hopes all sufferers will try his Keiaedy, as it is invaiuable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cast them nothing, and may prove a bless* itig. will please address RKV. KDWARI> A. WiiiioN, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. FOR SALE. Store room and dwelling, Btable and other building; good location for coantry store, near 11. R. Address, THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Why Our Success? Because we devote our en tire time and attention to hate and Mens outfitting and thoes needing anything in these lines know it is to their ad van tage to come to us. We keep I thoroughly posted on all mat ters pertaining to our busi ness. We get our goods direct from the manufactures en abling us to Fell atlower prices than many dealers pay lbr them- We sell only the be*t brands of goods in all grains, brands known the world over as re liable. This spring we are in bet ter shape to serve our patrons than ever before, and adding to our large atock daily. Remember we have but one price and that is the lowest. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. At the New Store . OF D. E. JACKSON, A special sale of new goods for spring and summer wear you will find almost evertbing in the HDO of dress goods, white goods, flouociugs, embroideries, domestics, etc.; also ladies and gents furnishing goods. Ladies and childrens hose in silk, Lisle-lhread, balbriggan and cottoD, from the cheapest to aa extra quality French Balbriggan underwear from 50c to 75c.. for ladies and gents, gauze underwear for ladies and gents. Oar one dollar white laundried shirt is, we believe, without an equal. Try il. DO 4 V|V CROWING CHILDREN? X t-'.-JLM We b#* of ycrtJ don't do it but 7 BE SUM TO BUT FERRIS' J *TCOBSET WAISTS. M /F *Q* 111 BSE. FF\ \ Best &R Heahk, LFE \ y&tf \ BCTTOKS st front in. 'J ii 11 A fttasd off CLASTS. fl. IPSB/LM I L/« RnreßPcnjtathlp LLTFI iEUnlill L>L I IM i TOR lloxj suiH»*ters. V ' •P'FLFEL LJ If Ii! /fl ' "Tspe-fsstwiod ( But- XFFLJJJRBL WJI fl JH I Oard-Edg» Button \\s£& 'W ilW\ riT ALL ACE»- 0391'3L HM / Infants to Ada Its. D. E. JACKSON. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. ( I>-.. nin„ ( Hambletonlan 10, ' £s*'& J 1 liil'Y L'C' iMore BR Kxton Eell|>se SFCP \ ... . . „f ) Woods' Haiublei 'an 5T2 Daughter O ( I U BRCD JLC-ssenger inare OBEY TIP 7088 is closely related to most of the. fast trotters and great sires of trotters. Height hands; weight 1200 pounds. He is stylish, handsome and a great roadster, and very fast walker; spirited, but fear less; intelligent and trusty and trans mits these qualities to his colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage, Coach or general purpose horses, or F-prightly draff horses should examin3 him and his colts at the 3eott baru, alley opposite Wick house stable TERMS J2O payable in advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's risk. Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STO'iE, :I4 ,S. Main St., ItntUr, Pa. M. H. Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. So. Gli s. MAIS sr., GILKEY' BUILDING - - 2d FLOOR. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, Isew Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in flowers, I aoes, gloves, veils, caps, AT M. F. & M. Marks'. No 9 S. Main ST , Hutler. Pa. T HRESHING Bun pleat. MOST Durable, Kcotioraical and Per fect In use—wastes no urain; cleans It ready for market. THRESHING EN6INES M AM Haw Sills, Hklnftls Varliinps. Usj PMMM. and Stsuilsril Iniplrmrnts generally. A. B. FABQUHAB OO . Limited Send for ILLUX- I rransylTsnls Airrlrnltaral trated Catalogue. | Works, YOIIK, PA. Wm. F. Miller" Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters. and Newel-posts. 12 AII KINDS of wood-turning <lono to order, also T>eroiat<d and Carved wood-work, atii-H IM Caalng, Comer blocks. Panels and all kinds nl fancy wood-work L»r Inside decoration ol houses. CALT, AND SKK BAMPI.KS. Hometlilug new AND attractive. Also FURNITURE at lowest cash prices. 8l«ro nt No. «, N. Main street. Kactorv at No. 59. N, Washington street. P.I'TI.KR PKNVA ♦ ♦ A F!C UTQW canvass lor Ihe sale or our I o UOTNE drown Suniery Stock. WANTED MOST LIHEKAL TERMS. L'nri|«*lcd fariilllrs. One of the oldest-establlalied. and best Nurseries In Lhe country. AUdrtew W. &T. SVITII, tirners JSNWRJ, Kstabllshrd In lsiii. LIMRU, M. ¥. » # j FOR GRAIN KAISLkb. | Can th«*v make money at • •> present prices r YES! HOW? |!y keeping die soil rich, By cultivating it well, By using the best seed, THEN Have their Grain and Seeds 1 Threshed, Saved ami Cleaned 1;\ THE | NICHOLS & SHEPARD It will handle Grain and Seeds FASTER, BETTER and CLEANER, than any other Thresher It will save enough extra grain ( which other machines will waste) to pay all thresh ing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will Clean the Grain and Seed so mm h better that you can get an extra price for it. It will do your work so much QUICKER, so much CLEAITER, and so free from WASTE, that you will save m m y. Such Threshing Machinery is mode only hy Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. His hogship is quite a hog and he weighs 80,000 pounds and cost $n,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 154 feet long by 144 feet, wide, and is locat ed in Butler twp, on the grounds of ,- The Butler Salt and Chemical Works." lie is not yet on exhibition but when be is ready great thinns are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. ■ft rial* A •I, 0 "® Pt ' r v, ' ar r,nrt Expenses ft I I » E V is* v. Hat we are paying. We want ALL I IB I » M LLLOR( ' A,LTL H L* l SALNR >' I;IUL H U " II I w Expenses or l.iberiti commission from start. A Itare o|>i>orttinll) for any man wanting .1 position as bocal. Traveling or <;«-n --rral Agent for a reliable Nursery that K'taran tees Its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. XurKfrynicn, RorhPNtcr, X. V. Mention tills paper. CATARRH PlPf HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM is not a liquid, snuff' or powder. Applied into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses th head. AUays inflammation. Heals the sirrcs Restores the senses of taste and smell. 50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered, GO eta Ely Brothers ""■«'% s <- Christmas Goods for Everybody. A splendid line of fancy and use ful articles of every description. Malcb safes—in bra."?, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet eases,niauicure Ret.-*, shaving sets, gloves and handkerchief boxes iu leather and plush. Odor cased in leather, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, vases, per fume stands, and an endless variety of fine goods, which most be seen to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and cheaper than ovor before. The pub lic IS invited to call at REDICK'H Drugstore, next to Lowry i louse. Examine our goods and get our prices. A MATTER Of GREAT IMPORTANCE TO VOU, I If -ulieriiij, from lung sUadinf:« hr»ii» • <H>c;t l»i- a', . I tl. lU. 1. Skin au-I | Nervou- »;. -tcin, well a- tho*e ".lATering from "Ear, Eve, No.se and Throat Trouble.: Hoanz MIH H U.. ..a Dini>..» J J. Hrt 1.t11.1>. >1 !».. »: ■ ialivt on of Kje. Kar No-.-, Throat and I.CM.-H. Cliroiu.- Dliew*. They will, i.-i t this county every fuar weeks, thus .-aviiiji their liuliuiila tlie trouble an.l pspeiif «.f vi it in jz tlio city, a* they are the only phj t>iciun< and surgeons in this country who < irrv their own ianakins. Models. Diagrams, etc., to illustiate and make plain l" all ailliotld the cause and nature of their di-ea^c. Examination and Consultation Free to Eveybody. r\r> kiflDlT7 oAi mm tiie great Ueruian fHnili>t. will l l '-l.ere ami perforin all opera- Utl. mifnl I L oMLm. iii.ii,..a the Kye. I'ar N> - and Tm -ii nltl.out pain and inles-i tllfte than Ul.\ Olh. i ll\in- oculist. This Will give JILS immeMU-s .it t. Nts and oihers win ate in need id McilU.il IrealUienl. an Oiiportnmty l.) cuu-ull tlll.i dlstinirulslied plivsu lan. wliose duties at iht lusMiulf will i» imlt oiil> moutlily twltb to jour * omn»unlty. (Chronic Diseases of the Eve. j Such as ftranulated llil:'. < lironlc inflaniatUai 01 tlie llilh. uf tin- Irl- .it IlieChoroid, ol tltt- llctl lia. t lire,nl<- uicrratlitn. spasini ut tln? lliis. mn c«*r of tlMt lidsanu »•}»', tc.rs running nvi-r t lie <lay anil lilitnlnes,". l'urulent or matt,-rui» s*»re eyes, Goiiorrlnnal optlialinln. Syphilitic upfhulinia. red blotches . r brown ones on the ball, phlyctenular Opthalmla. Opaclllen or milk white sprits on tlie e> >\ s:lau roma or cupping ot lhe nerve. Amaurosis, fall 111l' out ot l."dio-, sores, redness of "'dgw of Ikls and eyes, and all other diseases to vlilcli tlie eye or lis appendages .ir<- 1 latile. positive and rapid cure guaranteed. Spectacles and Eye-Giasses. Gioutd :<nd made to lit aB defective eyes. JJi ar sl'.'lil. far Mglit. dull and weak slplil >|x>ts fcelrri! ice eyis. M|Ulut eyes 0»«-pli:K • >«tf. and nei> .lUth defect cured by perlecily mted The old made to «ee »; gecd bs li. vcuiij;. and itud with as n.iid ease and pleasinc. Ear Troubles are Cured by Dr. Sahn 1 :,i an astonlaldng qui-k time. He will relieve i 'cu ol all roartnjr. hi ding and tlneinsc nolsr, LtaTlnes-s Itching, rain. lunnlng 01 tl<e esus, will cloii CD al.ole In a drum ot liflj yeais standh ft; will tnwrt artificial ear drums ol his own invention wiih asioni-Wngly STatityingre aulu. A Word About Catarrh. II is In the mucous mfmbrane, that wonder lul seinl-lluid envelope surrounding tin- deli cate ttsuea of the air and food passages, tlmf Catarrh makes lis stronghold, (mce estahlLUi ed it eats into llif' very vitals, and renders life but a long-drawn hn atli of misery and disease dulling the sense of hearing, trammeling the power of speech, destroying lhe faculty ot; smell, tainting thebreatli anu killing tlie re fined pleasures of taste. luslduously. hy creep ing on fmm a simple cold In tli« head. It as saults the n, lubrauous llnmir and envelopes Ilic bones eiillng Ihrouj h the delicate cuats and causing inflaniatloa. sloughing and death. Nothingsliort >f total eradication will secure henlili to the patient and all allevialives are simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to a fatal termination. I)U. KAI.M lias, by a treat ment local and constitutional, made Ilie cure of this dread disease a cerfanty, anil baa never tailed. Even when the disease had made fright ful Inroads oil delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and tasie have been recovered, and tlie disease thoroughly driven out. I>lt. MOIiITZ SMtMLi a German l-y l iri.li and educallou. Is widely known as an authori ty on diseases appertaining lo bis sneelally, viz: iJls'eascs ..f the Kye. l-.'ar and Throat and in Calarrh. ami has see ir d fur himself an envia ble r"j ut:iiioii. particularly as an operator. CONst'I.TATION KKEI'J Will he at Butler, Pa., at Hotel Voge lev, August (j and Wedne,sclav and Thursday, and return every four weeks. 18i><) E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DEA LER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwars, ■ Spectacles, &.C., Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branchea skillfull) done and wavrauted. 18SO ESTABLISHED 18SO EBUT BEBUCTIN AT J. R. GJIiIKH'B, ISTo. 16 South Moiu St., - Butler, l J a. hi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And ►Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL.— the_ (( A\\o)PQWDER Satisfaction Guaranteedo EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. OOQKB QUARTERS,RETAIL AT 5 era. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 OTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT 2QCTB. Sold by all CSrogeft-. C^n. I Chronic Diseases. i 'the iHietui- 11cai uo acuic discuss, bul make- an enUn specialty of chronic and long standing diseases. Ca-es riven up by other dociors and prououueed lucuralile. they moat desire to s«e. 'i lie doctors have treat»sl over la.aw eaj-es lu Ohio In the last twelve years, many of which had been given up as Incurable, some to be blind, others deaf, and a large num • tier to be Invalid* for lite. I'ait behold! now they see aud hear, aud many arc started oil the high road to health and recovery every day. The l.tictoi.s ar* surrounded with the largest (ollectlon of line Instruments ever imita ted to this country I.>r examluiug and treating all < lironle diseases of the IIKAD.FACK.EYK. EAli. rilliOAT, lIEAKT. Lt'KGS. Stomach, j liver, Kidneys, llladder. skhi, llrafa and I Xervors System. Caire'trs, Tumors, l'lles. Swell- j mgs tdd"sores I'll.-. I'araht.ls, Neuralgia. I:ln iUnalisiu. Uiopsy. Gout. Slek Headache, Debility. Depression oi spirits. Diseases of chll dn n ilereditar) Diseases, etc., ct«-.. and, lu fuel, all lung standing and C hronic Diseases. Rectal Diseases. They aim) Muo a .specialty of All l uims of KECTAL Diseases, riles—lnternal and Ex ternal, ltehlns aud lileedlng. Rectal l leers. Fissures, Fistula -wliii h are olfn taken for Nervous and l.ung Diseases, all cured it taken In time. Remeinlx r. we cure all forms of files v. it hour pain. IntiTruplion Or detention train business, and without the Use of Knife. Caiisllc, U«at me or Injection, i ome and be convinced. (Dr. McCiollan made these diseases an Exclu sive Specialty for Ten Years in a l.arge city. Manhocd Perfectly Kealored. I paiulcsS and t'erialn viire ior Ini potence. Ijist Manhood. speriUaUirtitoea losses. eakness and Nervous Debility, also for Prostatitis, Varicocele and all private dis eases, whether from imprudent habits of youth or sexual excesses In mature years, oi any cause that debilitates the sexual fun-lions, speedily and is rniaiit iilly curttf. t onsultutlon free and strlcil) coiilldenliid. Absolute cures guaianteed. No risk incurred. l'KKso.vsl ~-kll in i.i \ ire..lid by Ignorant pretenders who keep Hilling wlUi them montli after month, giving poisonous and ianmrlous compounds, should call and see llie Doctors. WoM'Kki i i.Cthfsbj our liupiovtd meiliL i of trcauncnt accomplished in Nervous Debility, l'retiiatuie Decline of Manly Powers# Kindred AfTectlons which have been neglected or un ?kliliul!> treated. No experiiuents or failures. Patients treated by mall and medicines sent by express. Personal consultation is preferable. \V c guarantee cur able cases. Warrant 1 01 WHITHI*, oid V ..N, WITH Blwk DIAMOND ROONXII tj COVE* the SKV. WHY GO SO F.\« FROM TII" um> ot votß TUNUT BLCA SE IT AL.R&MW OWri • TtiS I •! iU Scud fur illuktratcd circular to M. EHHI:T, Jit., A Co., >133 Walnut Htvecti PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! When I HIT Ctra« I do not mean meraly to ■top them tor a time, and then have them re turn again, i itEirf AR \ i>ll' AI. CUiU£> 1 have made the disease ol HIS, EPILEPSY OP FALLING SICKNESS, A life-loaf study. I was&iht my reir.aly to Cents the worst cases. Because others have I failed is no reasou lor not now receiving a cure. • bend at once for a treatise and A KKEB BOT r LIS 1 0l my lani.i.uujc REMEDT. Give Express 1 and Post Office. It coats yon nothing lor a ' trial, and It will cure you. Address H.0.800T.M.C., lt3PtA«lST..Httf NO MORE OF THIS! w /.M&M JMWL WJ j Iluhb. r£h«va unlets* worn m. comfortably light \riU ofseu slip off tlw» I'eot. To remedy this evil the "GQLGHtSTER" RUBBER CO.. oil ;»r n shoe with tlie inftido of tlif lu« 1 lir» 1 w itJ rul»l>*r. the end pre rents the Rubber from < If. ( all for the "Colchester " ADHESIVE COUKTERS •n,H\.ucan walk, run oi-juni)-°inthiaa »•»-A GOILIO— — STEEL FENCE: EXPANDED METAL ' XT SOMETHING NEW ?or RESIDENCES. OHURIHFS. cjemuTehies. FARMS GARDENS Gates, Arbors, Window GujiiK Trcllim Fire-proof PLASTKKIMI I.ATII, HOOK M iTS, Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed fret CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO „ 110 Wnler St., PittNbuifli, I'u. Mi-a ktvj» it. Give of tliLi Dave A. _ OnfofllK'pilfP t 55 MEHTTf I »<Kf P 1 '*' o,> ' "i*'" "■•■J ■■ n t«ab«ivc Duly wriii C th...e 1... «Ali—vutu n< I 1 « ni i thu«v aiound you. 11»«? AYE IiOREiP^~S"";: , f.. 1 acupc. Tin Mlowlnj tul K ,i«. j T.'i! S3 loiio . a.j •< I'"'. I>..mik.««iyisk '""Jr*,™ JJT.r, iTritr a U.M W. .11 c«prr.»ch.n« u IIAIXJiTT * to,, Ik,* »»o7 I ok\LA*U, MAI»« , TO WEAK MEN Buff, liiig from tlie effect: of youthful erior*. tuly decay, wasting weakness, lost maiiliojd. etc., I will ■eud a valuable ticatfto (acalcil, containing full patticuliira for boiuu cure. FREE chirgo. A sukndid uicdtcai work ; about Jbe ivad by ev«wy Bum \rho b» licrvoiu aud debilitated. Address, p ra r. r. V. t'OtVLKK. MoodU!., ioau. "SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I i lie j- /ji* tweeutUeeyebrows / r dcutioyutl foruv r * \ by tlio HI ecu lo *V" 4 Needle Opersliou \- f M« bypr. VAU .Nose, Enlarged Pimples, black- /f* "N1 beadn. Liver Bi»ots sud all dissaaen aud blemltihefl of the akin, com|>lexiou r Lair aud hculp burcem fully treated by Dr. Vau Dyck Tho Doctor ha» Lad iiO yearu* eXi>erienc« lu th« practice of his n}»eciaity, aud uumbnrtt aiming his ps tlent» uur most i.roiuiuem families. If you are atHlrted with auy of tho above bleuisbes, avoid pateut nu and COUMUIL l>r. Vau Dyckatouce. Kpecial to all who make Brementa^tliis mvutL. >kfrse. Karate mouta ran be luaio by mail. Callou or addrfua ! Dr. J. Van Dytk, 40 N. 11th street, Vhiladel j uia, or 502 I'euu avcaae, I'ittnbarKh, l'a. . Hoars t» i and 2to 7, bundaya, 10 to '» PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOUK, UiUEi-TUIICTIBLr. Cheaper than Wood. .n ,i B-li.PI The above cutabowt rtekrt Fence with gale. ( Itiial v - • I BrttlOfJCMbttiMJoa lr. il ru.-l 1' •;>. Witn»r In. I r i>ric' • gl»e Nuutbcr oi Osiea, t>< utio au-1 Hiuxlr. W«ute<J. We *l*> Hauuf»cfure fivavy Iron Feiteioc. Crt-atln,;, i Htabi« KiftlDf*. I ■ a 1 1 . \ l)<N>r«, ai.t Kai'.ir.gi. Urss« and Iron OrllU. WIRI DOfR .'NO j ? TAYLOR A. iiOl, SO3 & 203 Market St., riltbburjfh, fa. R ; ' : "' l '••-ft.v;'.'■ : * •"! j .a.l.i. :■ V .. '.ll. * wh',rsi;-y. ;r j wni'irNß %ssO"t.. alio |. ■V4.I .. ' A •4re*i l I tttiusou .V Co., Bos - ' I*orttuud # iLuisc. I SPECIAL [I iMourning' Bonnets & Hatsl fj ►Silk Xlll is \ eilinir, r; ; Alouriiiiiii' Flowers, Mom nin<> Ornaments, |j tj AJoiiriiini; Hi!K's, M v • fij I ' Momniiii> Uiu Sp ■ ■Mounlino- Ribbons, Crapes, Etc.! y gjl). I . I' AI 1 E,|| llNo. 18. fc?. Al itin J-.L, hi 'TLKH» PA| 1 ■ ———-4 ii S nee in I Sale ' OF Boots, Shoes and. Samples FOR The Next- Thirty Days Only. • * •/ I; is v.iib gieut pit asurt- that i lafotm the tuvcis of Boots aud Shoes of the large Spring sleek which hi.s sbout all p.rrivtd. I also wish to inform you of tie large line of Suniple£( Boots, Shors and Slippers) which I bought very eht up at a forced i ale. This large line <>l Samples were bought in addition to n;y regular Spring stock,and I will .-ell it very fflieap. They have al! arrived and i.ie opm ai d iffidy for your ii.t-pM-tico. All persons iu need of ltouts tied Shit.-. i:ov. or in the tar future, will do well to visit Bickel's, for allfperrons visit »g our !*U re during tLc u«.\i thirty dsjs will receive bargains such as has never IH.HI kr.own in the slue irade Ladies' Shoes. Ladies, 1 wish to tail your attention to our lino of French, Dongola and Curaco Kid Shoes in bund turns, iu opera and con.nun sense toe made over the latest style lasts, sizes 'it to 7; widths, Bto E. A good machine turn shoe, $2.75. Our leader is a lino Mongol* or straight goat, every pair guaranteed, price $2 50. A jjood pair dengoia shoes at $2 00, another pair at $1 f>o, and your choice of » good dongola, pebble goat or morocco, 3 8 at $1.25, Call early and be amontr the first to get the best selection. Full stock of wigwams of all kinds; lawn tennis slippers; patent leather | pomps; tun e lor (either in lii<ht or dark color) shoes or slippers in ail sizes i and w.dtbs We have a i>ic« lino of Oxfords, with patent feather tips and opera toe slippers, in the op.-iu and common ?eus> style, which we are sell in£ very cheap. Ladies, we you t>> call and examine these goods whether you wish to buy or not. Misses' (ice and pebble goats, ho I and spring heels, at $1.25 This is a grea.t bargain. A misses' good school shoe, medium or high cut, at $1 00. In this great >-ale we have not forgotten the boys', misses', youths' a.id children's department. They have all been tilled to their utmost capacity and showing the linest line and prices cheaper than ever known before iu Butler eoui.tv. Metis Shoes. We wish to call your utte.utiou to our line hue oi dress shoes iu French calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and mauy other materials, all made over the latest stylo lasts and by experienced workmen, in haad and machine sewed; got up very light and durable, adding great ease and comfort to the wearing of tha shoes Men's calf aud dongola shoe* in .ill sizes aud widths, plain toe or tip on toe. at $2.00. A good pair of veal calf shoes iu English Bal., Button or Congress, at $1.40. This is a bargain which will last but a tew days, go the persons to call lirst are the persons who will receive the bdst selection. Men's working shoes of all kinds. Men's plow shoes, brog&us, creemors, etc., etc A good pair "A" calf shoes, tip or plain toe, lace or congress, double sole and tup, which we have been selling many cases of. We have marked them down to $1 35. Boys'heavy shoes of all kinds A full line of Rubber Goods of all kiuds. Largo sto:-k of leather snd (indiums. HUcksmilb uprons in calf and sheepskin. A full stork of our own make Fine dress shoes always oo hand. A large stock of box-toe boots and shoes of our own make on bands. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing dor.e'sumo day its received. "Orders by mail will receive same atteution as if brought in person." Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main Si. -- - - Butler, Pa TROUTMANS \re more than pleased with the brisk opining of their spring trade, and bow -utisfying it is to do HO aud rapidly increasing a business when one knows he has the Lest variety, the largest tpiantity. the newest siylea, aud above all is naming the lowest prices on DRY ENDS S CARPETS, Silt.Cashini.it s, Henriettas, Serges, <fce., imported dress goods and suit ings in all the new weaves and colorings, comprising the choicest collection o'lerc-d. Paris lobes, exclusive styles that must be seen to be appreciate! 1 , trimmings to match. We have a carefully selected stuck of notions, kid glove*, corsets, &c., including all the leading nnd weil known tnskes Also some special brands of which we urc sole agents. 1 lie Premiere, Superior aud Sublime 5-hook kid gloves, Mack aud colors. Thompson's glove-fitting It U, K uud Abdominal Cor: et A lull nod complete stock of domestics, tubl> linen, nspkius, ticking, muslin, satteens, challics, Ac., at rock bottom price -. A gigantic ttock of Carpels, embracing ail the new spring patterns in Body and Tapestry Brussels, Moquettes, Velvets, Ingraius, <Stc. It should be ro;.ieinhered that we buy our carpets direct from tho largest mills in America aud thus .suvu our customers the middlemau's profit We would also call your attention to ~ur beautiful ."ariety of turtains, portiers, Ac. All the latest designs in lace, chenille aud turcotnau window shades of every kino. A first cla-s stock in every respect. Your inspection is iuvited TR O I T M N'S Leading Dry Cioods and Carpet liuuse No. 20 North Main Street, Butler, Pa ( \ \ U 1V I ill Salt'stJWn la Sell Our ! u A \ I lit'. chi»icit!>t Nursery Stock i || . I- . ,1.1. mill I"I til III.I!-!- <nx.ll | ilaii li.d . ].«>■■ i <>r u lilicr.il u.nt-I lit;, paid *» < Vjifrioiu*© n» t*t. • «i.*y V\ riu <<•> t.'isi.s, giving ape aiiil Feenre vi ur i iuiici- of Tnrntory L. KN H.ll'f .t CO . too l'u,>» \vetwo. X. V. J r •)>' ' ' l ' 1 i .«/' ,I'.J LMJ1,.,,. , , ruvnlocallt; i J.IOI ! lujn. », .. 1. | I. Jl puMi.-ill ! iHd-MimA —1<1» Lj.'.v • *rla* iU.li.*:. I ~~ i \ Livery Stable For Sate. TLu mult rsipucd will s<-ll IV I'M I ivory stable, in the r.t.r ; of the V\ itk House, coiisi.t- XV. ~~.i rWfl Itnrnw* .ni.l everythinj: per- iln-rcta. and Inwu the ! ii, tor u lorm nf years. My rea ■ n for soiling in that 1 wish to duvote my attention to other btMlnCAs. ALFKED WICK. Advbftise ip «ii« CITIZXH.