Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 27, 1890, Image 4
CARTER'S FLJP* CURE Hck Headach* and relieve all tho trouble* incl dent to m bilious Mate of (he system, such its Matinees, Nausea. Druwsiness. lMstreea after eating. Pain in the Ski.', Ac. While their must remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK VaadactM, yet CABTIB'S c LIVER PIUX are equally valuable In Constipation, enrin* ■M&yrsrentlag Ala annoying complaint. whU« net also correct all disorders of tno stomach, (dmutete the Hv«r aad regukitu tho bowels. Bran K they only cored HEAD Ache th*T would ho almost jutoiloaa to tboee Who suffer from this distreaaiug complaint: * Mat fortunately their goodnesa docs not end hare and thoeo who once try them will find Aese little pills valuable in so many ways tliat feeT Will not be willing to do without tbem. But after all stak haul ACHE <■ the bane of so many Uvea that here Ls where we make oar great boast. Our pHU cure it While others do not. C'ARrea a Lnnx I,IVTK Piui are very small and very eaay to take One or two pills uiaitn • dose. They are strictly vegetable and do aotgripoor purge, but by their gentle action eleaae all who use them. In vials at 2S cents; fve for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. MSTXB XXEICIHZ CO., Hew Tat. tulFl SmaS Dose. Small Pries. scorn" EMULSION fOf Pure Cod Liver Oil and HTPOPHOBPHITEB of Lime and I Soda ft widowed and prescribed by leading physicians because botb the Cod Lirer Oil aad Hu ftnhorf ftilvs are the recognized j agents!* the curs ot Comnwption. It ls ) aa palatable aa milk. j MEGMHA&HSS JM Mmujf tar OOMMUMPTION, ■«rofWla, Srachitis, Wasting Dis —ea, Chromic Coughs aad Colds. [ Ask for Soott's Bmulslon and take no other. Ik M UT Tlfc HUC-niF IT. *Ql*4CME&!a€kiftg nffr ■ M * ** s,a "* far eiuMus tut «te rvmiTunc Vanith wuarjus Sun «>OCHIM«>M at the ■Nittus Tiseus . tame *tu (wis win lis aaaasvs Mate, aiuttui SaavaOaaen **o ZMK^CN JT&tr-r*r WQU*P * WISDOM, nUe4clf,*fc>. FLOFTFLWSOOH fi th aMotate. poritivn sad permanent <*ftre for Sick ■Miache. BlUoueness, COnaflhntlon, Drrroui Viillllr, Brtcnts Disease, wlahetp* nnd Cos- SMMtiis. It toes to the very Axjt ot sll digeajes BSwu Impure stats of the blood. FLQBAPLKXION Is * hlebly rnnrrntrsted sod seewfill extract of the raoit vslaaMi* and expenalve ■seta known-to medical science, prepared from the pre emption ot a notea English plivatrian. nnd rnrre «4ea mil other remedies r*U. TIIOUOHD.IK of the lushest |M stiuaasit lesUmunisli from grateful pstii-ets can he Metro. nelrstdoee insrires ?nnwlth miifldenreno Mnut drool St. purchase a bottle, nnd be cured.—Valo •Mb book sent free to sIL Addresn, miun HABT, Warre. St.. New York. « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. 40R< PEMM AVE. AND FOURTH 8T« PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms «t Delicate and Com plicated Dtacaecs reqairingCon- FTDwmsa. and SCIENTIFIC Med iation are treated at this Dis- MMtaijr with k saoceas rarely attained. Pr. 8. lksake U a member of the Royal College of Phr detaits and Sujpgeona, and U the oldest and most •xMrieneed SPBOI AUST in the eltr- Special at- Mmoa given to Nervous Debility from excessive naatal exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caua s iaAhyaioal and mental- decay,lack of energy, jjpuiiileiiiiy, ate.; alsoCancerti, Old Sores, Fits, rUesTithcamatlstn, and all discnacsof the SRin, Bhmt,l<aa«*i I'rlnary Organs, etc. ConsultMlou (Me and strictly conSdontial. Omce hours, Bto laad » to 8 r. X.; Sundays, S to 4 P. M. only. Call at office or address I>RS. LAKE, COft. PKVN AVE. AND 4TJB ST., PMTSIiUROH, PA. TUeeisiidj. have been cared by HBI<AI>ILPBIA. FA. Kaseatonee,iu<oiieratloa * «*s of time from bauues*. t'tnes pr.mounrcd ia •arable by ethers wsute-1. son* for < Jrctilar. tURt CUARANTEED. o««'uSfex HEMORY Mad wsadrrhtg cm«d. Boots learned HHmisonMdinr Tcetimoni.ls from sll teVul parts el the slobo. Pmapoctas Wfff K» VRlnn, seat on sppUeation to Prof. ftM W KSI A. Loisetta, B7 Fifth Ave. New York. ■ 9 18 VP Insast r'snaa* Kectorad ■ I g ffiS Dr.KI.ISK 8 ORKAT nert f+ r N<rv* AJTeettoms. PfiUfsy, tie. .f fcakrn as direrted. s\o btts .rftr wy. Tro«tf»e and trhl t*trfe trvv* to vlt oatiano, tfccf r*Y*nz whtn i»a<V f, 0. <Hd «4r**ss KUmi!, of Arrb s£>h!Ud«]B*na.pA. s. *s»'j4jui j.vrrjr/xc rfckubs. aaS SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And (vas Fitters. kEAXUK.S IS Bewcr Pipe. Gas Fixtures, Globen and Natural Was Appliance*. Jefferson Sfc„opp. Leirry House BIJTLKK, PA. WMWgB a.'HE OITIZEISr. MISCELLANEOUS Strange Mental Gifts. James Xorville, living within ten miles of Madison, Ind., is strangely endowed, mentally. Be is a native of Sydney, Sew South Wales, and his mother was boru in Jerusalem, and his father in Tangiers. Africa. All the education he ever received was on board the training ship Aspinwall. at Greeuwicb. where he remained three vears, where he studied English and German, besides a short course iu the night school at Alexandria, Egypt. He spent seventeen years as midshipman on the Peninsular line, sailing from Liver pool via yueenstown to Calcutta, and on the darkest night he could calculate the distance which the storm had driven his ship, and the latitude in which he was sailing, within five seconds of th«» exact position. Ue served with the Twen ty-second Highlanders in the rescue of Lueknow, and was on the ship Crocodile during the siege of Sebastopol. He also served with the Tenth Missouri Cavalry during the civil war in this country, and he cafries two minnie balls in his body, while a portion of his skull was shot away, which resulted in partial paralysis and caused the lid of one eye to be useless. He is a linguist aHd acquainted with Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Sanscrit, and Hebrew, and Spanish as well as English. At one time he taught the children of the English soldiery at Allahabad, and while there was instructed in Sanscrit by the priests. His memory is remarkable. He can recite the Koran and Talnjud verba tim, and also Green's History of England and Frost's History of the I'nited States. He recently recited an article from the Chicago Ut raUl of April 10th, 1886, which he had not read since that time. In ap pearance he is ordinary looking, and his neighbors know but little of hiin, nor does ho permit tbem to become familiarly ac quainted. A Bad Bargain. A Widow who lived on a bit of a farm in Missouri, gave another woman sls to get her a husband. A husband was procured and warranted all wool and a yard wide, but next day after the marriage he licked bis bride, stole the SSO she had saved up, and skipped for No Man's Land. Hence a lawsuit to get the sls back. Fifteen contestants clad for tho fray' Armed with good steel and in battle array,— Striving for lucre, as brave Knights of old Strove for their honors and medals of gold. Driving each shining pen over the paper,— Seeking to sound, as the most proper caper, The praises of remedies known the world over— Prom Paris to Calais, from Calais to Dover, But each Knight vainly strives—language fails in description Of the manifold virtues o! "Favorite Prescription." When ill or depresjad with that "drag ging-down" feeling, consequent upon weakness, suffering from headache, weak or lame back, and the many ills cammon to the weaker sex, take Dr. Pierce's Prescription, which is guaranteod to give satisfaction or price ($1.00) returned.- Sec printed guarantee on bottle-wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Pellets —gently laxative or actively cathartic according to dose. 25 cents. —One of the suggestive signs erf" the times has been the organization by the colored men of Atlanta of a large real es t ate and loan company. Bood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself, and superior in strength, economy, and medicinal merit. —A derrick used by a shipping company at Hamburg can pick up a ten-wheel locomotive with perfect ease. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I fail to prove that Floraplexion is the best med icine in existence (or Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility and Consumption. Foraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. " Ask your druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart, 88 Warren street, New York. "Oh, the merry, merry springtime When the daisies are on deck; When tho birds sing in the wildwood. And when boils come on the neck.'' Consumption Surely Cured. To Tmt Ecrron:— Please inform your readers that 1 hire a positive remedy tor the above-named dlsewi. By it* timely nee thousands of hopoless casee have been permanently eared. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRKE to any of yonx readers who hare consumption if they will emd me their Express and P. O. address. Bospcct ftilly, T. A. SLOCtrU. M. C., 181 Pearl St.. N. Y. —lt is stated thai if a piece of dyed cloth id dampened and rubbed on clean white paper it will leave no stain, if the dye is a "last'' one. Another test is to lay the cloth between two sheets of paper and iron it. There should be no stain or mark left in tho this case, either. Again, if the cloth is covered whith a shocts of thick paper and exposed for some hours to direct sun light, the color of the exposed parts should not fade. KITS— AII Ills stopped tree by Dr. Kline's (■rest Nerve Bralorer. No Ilia alter first dav'n use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and ts.oo trial bottle free to I'lteases. Send to Dr. KHne. ;ol Areli St., Phil'tt. Pa. —A peculiar .style of advertising, which still exi«tw in towns and rural dis tricts, is the "card of tlinnkc." After a man has passed through .-nine severe tribulation, such as the illness and death of a near relative, he inserts in the local paper a card, formally thanking his friends for their kind attentions. The profits of this class of advertising is not an unwel come addition to the income of the pub lisher. Hut the Houston (Tex.) Tribune thinks that the business was rather over done by a man who caused a card to be inserted thanking the undertaker "for the pleasant and satisfactory manner" in which that ftibctionary buried his wife. — Printer's Ink'. Au interesting account of the mill of the Olendale Tin Mining Co., the first tin established ia tho Uuited States, and from which is now being put out the first fruits of the Dakota tin mines, is given in tho Kapid City lUj/üblicuu. That paper states that the mill is located on Iron Creek, about 2*2 miles southwest of Kapid City, at the foot of the mountain in which the mines are situated. The mill proper measures "KI feet in width by 100 feet in depth, and is divided into three stories. It is unique in plan, compact and con venient, well built iu all particulars, and protected from all danger of lire, both by a system of water pipes and by having roots, etc., covered by a thick asbestos coating. To Consumptives. The undersigned having l>eeu restored to health hy simple after suffering for several years with a aevere luug affection, and that dread diseaae Consumption, is anxious to mate kaoiru to his fellow Mitier vrs tbe uieaus ol'eitre. To thote who desire it, he will cheertnlly seed (In-e of charge) a copy ef the prescription used, which they will fiad a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat aad tang Maladies. He hopes all sud'erers Will try his Remedy, as it i« invaluable. I'hese Meeirlng the prescription, which will cost Iheai nothing, »nd may prove a bless ing. will please address REV. I'DWARD A. WILSON, W illiamsburg, Kings County, New York. HELTONS Boot «fc Shoe Store The Centre of Attraction. Large lots of fine Spring footwear arriving daily, comprising th«? latest patterns, best makes and by long odds the lowest prices iu the town for styllsb and reliable Hoots, Shoes and Slippers. Onr store is filled with choice bargains. It Will Pay You To Come and See the wonderful surprises in beautiful styles and at so small a cost. It is a duty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis hard earned money where it will bring the best return. Hence we say to the mau who has the desire to obtain his Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes at prices which are un doubtedly the very lowest come here come to us. In full assurance you cannot do near so well elsewhere. No Matter What Kind of Boot or Shoe You Need, Be it a good strong shoe in Ladies' at 75 cents to SI.OO or the finest in the town at $1.25, 1.50 and up to $3 and $4. If you want serviceable heavy shoes in Men's at 75 cents, $1 and $1 25 in Bluchers, Plow Shoes, Credemore and Brogane; if you want fine shoes in Men's you will find them at sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2 and up to $5.75. The finest styles you ever beheld in Calf, Kangaroo, Cordovan, Veal and Buff in Button Bals and Congress. Our special low prices, handsome styles, the tremendous stock iii already the talk of the town and county. It needs only to be known what great bargains we ore offering and the crowds of people who have pat ronized ufl this Spring, and still in creasing as each and every customer is an advertiser. Our Boys', Youths' and Chil dren's Shoes admit of uo comparison. Our trade therein is wonderful; the reason is plain. We carry everything for Boys' aud Children's footwear; are chuck full of pretty shoes in heel and spring, black or fancy colors. Our line of Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers by far the largest in the town; prices lowest, styles the hand somest, in black and fancv colors, at 50 cents, SI.OO, $1.25 and $2.00. We have same price to all. No auction or old job lots Bold. You are safe in buying from us. Drop in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. J (Mare by Exton Eclipse SC.* l „f I Woods' Hamblet'an 572 S H " ( Daughter o ( [ n br;-d Messenger mare GREY TIP 7088 is cloeely related to most of the fast trotters and great sires of trotters. Height !f>i hand.- 1 ; weight 1200 pounds. lie is stylish, handsome and a great roadster, and very fast walker; spirited, but tear less; intelligent aud trusty and trans mits these qualities to his colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage, coach or general purpo.-e hordes, or uprightly «ir>j!t hors»*« should examine him and hi.s eolu at the Sott barn, alley uppoeitn VVios house stable TERMS S2O payable in advance with privilege of return Accidents at owner's risk. Ask for pamphlet THE RACKET STOKE, 1(4 S. Main St., ilutler, J'n. 2:12£ 2:15J BUFFALO BOY. No. 3.882- Bcmu) HOY IS by the great, sire I'ocahontas Hoy, No. IT:*), hire of Buffalo <;irl. 2:l2J£, Haven Boy, 2:15;';. anil n others with records better than 230. He combines the blood of the Poca hontas's, 2:12! i. Tom Hall's, ill",, and the American Stan., 2:10';. lie Is standard-bred on both sides anl Is reentered under the highest rules In breeding. He is the fastest, bred stal lion in the county aud the only stallion In the county 1 years and over that was awarded a premium In Blood at the Butler Co. Fair last fall. Buffalo Boy is a pure gaited trotter with out any appliances anu trots fast for the hand ling he has had. llts get are all large aud line gaited. His oldest colt was started in a race at Millerstown as a green 2-year-old. having had only two weeks track work, chasing the others on' a :i:ix; gait and getting p.-.rt nf the purse, anu taking iirst premium tvhorever shown. Buffalo Boy Is blood bay. it! hands high and weighs l,2rib pounds, is a perfect model of a coach or roadster. He will lie found at my barn during the season of lssio, miles north east of Prospect. Terms. 885. Kor particulars and pedigree call at the farm or address ALOXZO McCAN DI.ESS. Isle, Pa. M. H. Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. X». 62 S. MAIS ST., GILKEY BUILDING - - 2d FLOOR. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, New Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in flowers, laces, gloves, veils, caps, AX M. F. &M. Marks. No. 9 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. THRESHING Simplest. Most Durable, Economical and Per fect In use—wastes no grain; cleans it ready for market. THRESHING ENGINES saw Mills, Shlngl* l*rhin». Hi; Prratci, and Standard Implement* generally. A. B. FARQUHAR CO , Limited S«nd f«r I litis- I IVimajrlvaalii Agri< nltural tratMil Catalogue. I Works, YORK, PA —Advertise iu tbe CITIZEN. BHE Grain-Saving, Time-Sav ing, Money-Saving Thresher of this day and age. aAS More Points of Exclusive Superiority than all others combined. aV ER Y Threaherman and Farmer is delighted with its marvelous work. I ffloT only Superior tor all kinds I . ' I oi Qrain, but the only suc cessful handler of all Seeds. ONTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 to 5 tiroes that amount) made by extra Grain Saced i [TTIoRKMANSHU-, Material, L A' i and Finibh beyond all ccro- I Uu pari son. QIBR AT O R owners fcet the best jobs and make the most Money. nNCOM PARABLE for Sim plicity, Efficiency, and Dura bility. OEYOND all rivalry for Rapid Work. Perfect Cleaning, and for Saving Grain. REQUIRES no attachments cr rebuilding to change from Grain to Seeds. OEHOAO and ample Warranty given on all our machinery. HRACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safely, Power and QUR Pamphlet giving full in formation, sent Free. It tella about this great □ EVOLUTION in Threshint- Machinery. Send for pam phlet. Address Our renders will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. Ilis hogship is rjuite a hog and he weighs 80,000 pounds and cost $n,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 1->1 feet long bv 144 leer wide, and is locat ed in Hutler twp, on the grounds of '"1 he Rutler Salt and Chemical Works." lie is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready jxreat tiiin is are exported of him and j the public will be notified ac cordingly. a f* > iiY IVr Year and Expenses fi i* »i M I I is wii'it we are paying. W« want ft n i f? I \ ioc» more and will pay Salary and II \J * if I U Expenses or Liberal commission from start. A Hart* Opportunity for any man wanting a position a* Local. Travelling or eral Agent lor a reliable Nursery that guaran tees Its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. Nurseryman, K«n*l»«'ster, V Mention tlds paper. f, v q. CatarrH Cfeam SalmpgM| COLD IS IIKA I) B^ CATARRH £ II ;«y Free l'roui N^"tJ.SJI^ &£sr«sZ hay-fever A particle of flu Balm Is ipplle 1 la toihe nostril. Is a^reeatile to use anil Is quickly ab sorbed, effectually cleansing the nasal passages or catarrhal virus, causing liealtliy secretions. It allays pain and Inflammation, protects the meuinranaf linings or the head trom additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense or taste and smell. Ilenetlcial results are realized by a few applications. A TIIOKOCifi! TKKATMKNT WILI* Ct'HK. i'rlce ,7) cents at druggists; bv mall, register ed. C 4) cents. Circulars sent tree. KLY IHiOTIIEKS, Druggists, 56 Warrn St., N. Y. Catarrh is Not a Hlomi IMscaso. No matter what parts It may finally efTect. ca tarrh always starts in the head, and belongs to the m ul. There Is no mystery ot tin* orl/in of thl:> dreadful disease. It begins In a negleeted eold. one or tie* kind that Is "sure to be better in a few da>s." Thousands or victims know hou* it is ny sad experience. Kly's Cream Ihilin cures colds In the head and catarrh In all Its stages. MONTAGUE NO. 1993. The imported Perclieron h«>r»e Montague will make th#» season of 1S!K) as follows, cuii). mcucing April The first three days of ea< h week at the barn of Alonzo McCandle ss In Franklin twp.. and the last three daysof, each week at the bam of S. c. McCandless, in ( lay twp.. 4 miles west of Sunbury. on the llirkory Mill road. and eouttnuing thus dining the season. A description of Montague is useless, as lie is well known in theeounty, he having proved himself the best »fock horse <»f his br» e I in the county. TERMS: Slot* Insure. We make his terms so low that no person can aflor<l to ltm*d to s '' r aeratm. For further particulars see posters or ad dress, •I. S. H AYS, or ALONZO MiTANIH.Kss. Uutler. Pa. Prospect, pa. 4,ts. Livery Stable For Sale. The undersigned will sell tti NT*"' ' ! ' s '' vor i r stable, in the rear of the Wick House, consist tSliWi "I horses,bufTfries.sleifrhs, harness and everything ]>er taining thereto, anil lease the burn for a terni.of years. My reason for selling is that I wish to devote my attention to other business. ALFRED WICK. YOU CAN FIND on til • in Pursue e.'-ii nl tlie A«! »- t ESE& REMINGTON £Iu : „. »ho Hill contract for at luuc^i A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU, li suffering Imm long standing < (ironic diseases. Disc . .c? ti.> lUood, Skin and X« rvon- system, a • well as those suffering from Ear, Kw, Xoso and 'Throat Trouble. Hllgll/SiU.H l» Spc.Ulist ob J J• 1.L1.1.A>, V It., S|irri»llst 01 of Eye. Ear No»e. Tliruitl ami I. units. t hronlr Disews. They v illri-i t this comity every four weeks, thus saving their patients the trouble ami exjH 11 1 ..1 • iiiititi UM I It; aa (hej an the only plnsiuans (M »tirgwm in thi* country who carry their own Uauakius, .1 «•!Diagram- etc.. to illustrate ai:d make plain to all afflicted the c ause and nature of their diseases. Examination and Consultation Free to fcveybody. nn MDCIT7 o#■ 1 cj; tne gittit Ocrmau OculM will h,-ucre ami per:.>r;.i alt opera- Un. I?t Un I I L OMLW. lion-, n the Eye Eur. N .se and Threat, v.lihout pain c.r.d in less time ili.lll an) other living oculist. I Ins will give his uuraerous pat lents and others who are in need of Medical Treatment, an u|i| oriuntil 1.1 consult tills distinguish' d phvslelai!, whose dutlts at the Institute will p- iinlt only monthly visits to your community. Chronic Diseases of I he F.ye. Sin li .i lirmulated I'd -, chronic intlamatloii 01 the lids. • f tiie ItK. of the < 'horolil. of t tie ISetl na. < lironle ulceratloti. spasms of the lids. i':tli cer of the lnl~ and c\e, teats running over the cheeks, \ .. ml night blindness, purulent or jna»t.-rtnu Sore e\rs. I.i t.orrho al (tpthalmia. Syphilitic Optlialiiua. red blolches or brown ones on the ball, phlyctenular opthalmia. Opacities or milk white spots on lh< eve, glau coma or cupping of the nerve. Amaurosis, full till.- out of lashes, sores, redness ol edges of lids anil eyes, and all other diseases to which the eve of lis ap|>chdagcs are liable, positive and rapid cure guaranteed. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. (;it 1.1.d and mode to t'.t all defective eyes. N«ar s|j^lu. i,:r sight. dull and weak sight spots belure the eves, K|Ulnt eves Astigmatic eyes, (iiooplt - ejes, and every such defect cured by pettti tl;. tilted glasses. The old made to sol as til (I : s tie vol.lig, ft'd read with as 111 ni l ease and pleasure. Ear Troubles are Cured by Dr. Sa 1 m In an astonishing quick time. He will relieve vt.ll Ot all roaring. hissing and ringing noLse, heaviness. Itching, pain, running 01 the ears, will close up al ole IP a drum of titty years standing! will Insert artificial eardrums 1 t his own invention with astonishingly gratifying re sults. A Word About Catarrh. It. is In the mucous membrane, that wonder ful semi-tiuid envelope surrounding the deli cate 11-sucs of the air and food passages, that Catarrh makes its stronghold. Once establish ed it eats into the very vitals, anil lenders lire but a long-drawn breath of misery and disease dulling the sense ot hearing, trammeling the power of speech, destroying the faculty of smell, tainting the breath and killing the re fined pleasures of taste, lnslduously. by creep ing 011 from a simple cold 111 the head, it as saults the niembrnnous lining and envelopes the bones toting throuj h the delicate coats and causing iiitliiinatloii. sloughing und death. Nothing short jf total eradication w ill secure health to the patient and nil alleviatives are simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to a tiital termination. III!. SAI..M has, by a treat ment local and constitutional, made the cure of this dread disease a certanty, and has never tailed. Even when the disease had made fright ful Inroads on delicate .'(institutions, hearing, smell and taste have been recovered, and the disease thoroughly driven out. I)R. MOItITZ S> it.M Is a German by birth anu education. Is widely known as an authori ty 011 diseases appertaining to his specialty, viz: Diseases of the Eye. Ear and Throat and 111 Catarrh, and has secured for himself an envia ble reputation, particularly as an operator. t t I.vsl LTATION FH EE: Will bo at Butler, Pa.* at Hotel Yoge lev, July 0 and 10, Wednesday and J' J + Thursday, and return every four weeks. 185( > E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.. IJKA LER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver war 3, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 The Grant Monument. TO HE BUILT 11V TUB LADIES, Without tlie aid of millionares or moneyed men. For this purpose the Gilbert Mfg. Co. are making a spe cial cloth for ladies dres< linings, the b»st for the money they have ever placed on the market,and which can he sold at liOcts per yard. Now the ladies of the United States can buy enough in six months to complete the monument, and thereby accomplish v. hat the gentlemen have been unable to do in six years. A percentage of all the purchases goes into the tre;isury of the Grant Monument Association. This plan enables every ladv to be able to say that she contributed something towards the erection of this monument. It is a matter of history that the ladies were obliged to come to the rescue in order to omplete the monument on Bunker llili. To prevent deception, we have caused the name ''Grant Memorial Twills" to be printed on the selvage of every yard of this doth O. P. DORM AN, Pres. FOR SALE BY Rittei" & Ralston. WANTED. .MiEXT.S Flllt WKUSTF.Ifi UN abridged Dictionary. Kxcluslve territory given. An Industrious man t:au lintl permanent and lucrative employment St Ills book. —T. McElroy & Co.. No. Sixth trc it, rittsbuigh, j "• ' I Chronic Diseases. 1 The Doetois treat no acute disease* but makes an entire specialty of chronic and long standing diseases. Can's given up by other doctors and premium i d Incurable, tliey most desire to see. The doctors have treated over t.-i.i.w ca.-t sin Ohio in the last twelve years, many of which had been given up as incurable, some to be blind, others deaf, and a larg.-_ num lier to lie Invalids tor lite. Itnt liehold' now they see and hear, and many are started on the high road to health and recovery every day. The Doctors are surrounded with the largest collection of tine Instruments ever Imported to this country for examining and treating all chronic diseases of the lIEAULFACE. EYE, KAlt. TIIKOAT. IIKAItr. I.CNtTS. Stomach. Liver. Kidneys, liladtler. skin. Itrain and Nervous system. I anrvrs, Tumors, I'ths. swell ings. old Sores Kits, i'aralvsls. Neuralgia, Kheiimatisiii. Dropsy, tiout. Slek llt.ld.lche. Debility. Depression «•! spirits, Diseases ot t'hil dren. Hereditary Diseases, etc., etc.. and. In tact, all long standing and Chronic Diseases. Rectal Diseases. They also Make a Specialty ol All Forms of RECTAI. Diseases, llles—luurnal and Ex ternal. Iti hlng mid Hleedlng. Kectal l lcers. Fissures. Fistula which are often taken tor Nervous and Lung Diseases, all cured it taken In time. liemeinU'r. we cure all forms of piles 1 without pain. Interruption or detention from business mid without the Use ot Knife. Caustic, Ligature or Injection. Come and be convinced. (Dr. Meridian made these diseases an Exclu sive specialty for Ten Years in a Large City. Manhood Perfectly Restored. , I oulck. painless and certain cure for Im potence. Lost Manhood. Spermatorrhoea Losses. Weakness and Nervous Debility, also for Prostatitis, Varicocele and all private dis eases, whether from imprudent habits of youth or sexual excesses in mature years, of any cause that, debilitates the sexual functions, speedily and permanently cured. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Absolute cures guaranteed. No risk Incurred. PK.IISONS I'ssKi 1.1.H LI.V treated by ignorant pretenders who keep trifling with them month alter month, giving poisonous and iumnrious compounds, should call and see the Doctors. W(IXI>KKKULCURES by our Improved nnihod of treatment accomplished in Nervous Debility. Premature Decline of Manly Powers, Kindred Affections which have been neglected or un skllltullv treated. No experiments or failures. Patients treated by inall and medicines sent by express. Personal consultation is preferable. We guarantee curable cases. SDs'f RTISERS ZSZZZ, K ' on advertising sp* . vnco ui Chicago, will fi. Jit on fP«; i t j ,5 LORD & THOMAS. WiirriiK»l Ol Wiirramß, oi:> won -i. so i<i u ut Warn BUCK Dvmmm Bmmk c... tme SKV. WH. «.d ij I f M :I3 UNO or VOCE UKTItI BECAME rr c.".-«s THE K<RTH. £ti.J luT liiu.tvnud circuta. to M # EiiKtrr, Jk., (Jo., Watiial Siti'cct, PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! Wbftß I My CtTRB I do tint mean rner.ly to ■top them fur a time, ami then have them i ki te rn am. 1 KiiN A R.VI>ICAI< CLiii.. 1 L*va made the disease ol SITS, EPIUEPSY or FAZXIN6 SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WABSANT ciy remedy to Ccu tke worst cases. Becaosc others hsva faUed is no reason for not now receiving a cure, T-end at once for a treau?l anda Fkkk BOTTL* of MR INFALLIBLE HJEUTDT. Give Kipresa and Pott Office. It costs you colhuig tor a trial, and it will euro yon. Address HC.HOOT.M.C.. IMPTAILST^NIPVOLIT NO MORE OF THIS! 7/W^V m ipi P.al.borfsh-va unless worn iinonifortaMy U„-lit will often slip off the feet. To rem- ly this c«U tUo "COIGHtSTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a stuw with the of the heel liood v. ul rubber. This dinars to the slu>e and prevents the Kublier from <.ff. ti« 11 for {lie "('olchehtor" " ADHESIVE COUNTERS •nd voucau walk, run orjuinp in them. ____ A gOLIP ■■ STEEL FENCE: EXPANDED METAL £ ® l r?Jrri. ,,:EL SOMETHING NEW ?OR RESIDENCES, CT«URR;«T S CEMETERIES. FAHMS GARDENS GaU.». Arbor*. W IUDJU Guards, Fire-proof PL\STF.ItIXI I.ATII, DOOU M ATS, ic. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: uiaHcii free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO „ liu Vslr-r St., PlllsbarKh. Pa. wilnarfc Hen keep It. Give name of Uiis paw ronUki> n lßf ■'>»" IS r.» l"i-<-l KKV* i" MiltsiflaWrfKO|«ii»l nftalß I I in- --rid .'>■ r f. J " JYM <ouSI » EESO.I In f.ii h UKM'IHJ, rhauce.'All yoa htr. todc in *" ' tn-1 III :st jrvuna you. Tt. AVtlinPl yjP -Lt— -rlr-.lnr <r lb:- adTntiMural ffUllt %i, mv 9 tt< nr-all i-nd c f lh~ t. le- ZZZZI fTm »t «/• 1 O . .Ljr .«! -nr.fr cntfsp*r-'n- wntf el - . Jl-L' \ iil'^3 TO WEAK MEN Buffering frum the effect- of youthful errors, early decay. fraauiiß wgiIDCM« lost nianhood, etc., I will gcr.d a valuable trt»use (scaled) containing full ' particulars for bome cure. FREE of charge. A I eplcnJid c.-Jical noi-k ; etouMlin read by every | man xviio i*» nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. lUIVItU. Moodux, Coitn. [superfluous hair Oa the fisiiiile face, head, neck, Electrj Surgeon) I 5*T2 Fenn a nn - * A r I Pai.l.ui-l. i»:;tU jg lit ark s .Moles, /#. V ' Wans, il u', KeJ -A Nose, L.-.iurgdd • Piaipl«s,"lil»ckl /tS^> Leads, I.iter u>4 all diabases and VI uAth of tl coniplexiou. ltair and scalp eticcesflfully treated Ly br. Yau l>yck. The Doctor han had i! 0 YEDCA* < \| uii- LCO iu ihv practice of I hia specialty, aud uumlurri bis pi tieulH ».ir iiiusi pioaiineui laiuilies. If you arc aitticted with .toy of the above blcmi>h..'«, avoid patent medicines and consult l>r. Van h) ck at unce. Special terms to all who make w. utb B<> >k free. ment» can be made by mail. Ca!i on oraddresa Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th atrtel, Fhiladel phla y or 502 Ptan amie, PlUitbirgb, Pa j Honn 9 t.> 1 but] 2to 7; Sunday-. 10 to r>. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, IXDKSTKI CTIUI.E. Cheaper than "Wood. Ih'»ix.> t.iit«hOT>» T-c:i -c *;:h *a: • , 1 netting,) can be u*«l cn Iron or Wood Pj»:a. When writing f. r «riceo gi*e viuautity, N-imber ofGate*. D< nbie u>4 '•"ted. Wp alao Manufacture fleavj Iron Fenclnr. Cre-ttm: Stable Fitting*, Fir* Shutters aul PlK* K CAPKB Cellar Dd»ra. an 4 tt*i!ir.n». Urua anj Iron OHtla. WIEK DOOK * Nil WLNDOW SCEKdNd, acJ all kin is of WIRE WORK. V TAYLOR 1 DEAN, SOl, «03 & 203 Market St., Pittsburgh, p a . ||^fi^ v v;;..- : ; : FREE s flj ia to ktotr %ri*at • n«l > llt> I friends and B'lKbr rnar..ltl. - .i»- ut j. a—thalairajr* intfliubbtmdrftwa* »*• •> h .r»\vl»* l at d thu* we «r«* repaid ' 1 ' < -.t. *: Kfitt i jonkß<.w«li,l.'yau« -U i© m i.» u A r liP . , ~n e*rt» trvm i ;• « lud upwt l.ti.r*, I btiDson Jk Co., Uoa " 1 •, l*«»rtlau«l, Muiue. jfMouriiiiig' Bonnets & fiatsM Silk Xin is \ cililii**, £ Moiiinino. Mouvi*, |l AliMirniiiii < )i iiiiinenl.s I Mom ilinn- Sillv.s, ■ 1 Mourning liiicliino-. I IljAlouriiiiii)- Uihhons, Ktc.pl ID. T. i» a i' 1 |n 4 .. IH. s. Main M, IU "II J- I »,\B| I ■■—W—BSB ** I S/fecial | OF I | Hoots, Shoos am! Samples FOR The Next Thirty Davs Onlvs • e • . It is wiili groat jilt asure that 1 inform tl.e buyers <>< Roots autl Shci of tLo lurte stor kv\ !■ i<-h hns about all ariivul. 1 al-<> wilt t<> iufon you t.f the largfi licit* of Sampler) ( UcotH, Shots hu-1 Slipper:-) *l.icli i lioug verv ebeup at a forced suit-. This liue i.| Samples were bought addition to my regular Spri.iij st t-k. u;:! I will s -11 it vi-ry rhf tp. Thev ha a!! arrived and are open ai d rcutiy for your iii.-);>> i:oij ,\!l ptr;-»s i:; r.;< of Hoots a;id Shoes, now or in tin- tar fnUitv, will do it ell tt visit h'ickel for ullfpert-oofl our stoie during the next thirty liavw will reeei' bargains such as has never been kn->u-n in the slc-e trade I jadics Shoes. Ladies, i wifth to tat I your atU-uiioii to i-ur line of l-'reueh, l'ougol; and Curaco Kid Shoe.* iu h.>nd turn-*, in ■ |.eia an.l (niiitnuii m an- toe. mad over Ine latest style l-ists, ?iz • •>!. to 7; tviilili.-. IJ ti< K \ gooJ in;icf»fr>i turn sho«, $2 75. Our leader is h line tli.tit,".! i «.r >traiclil goat, i ver< paj guara.iietd, prit'e $2 50. \ good pair den-..) i >u>« < i.r .;•-(>>>, another pa.t at yl 50, and your cboiee of a good <jongoia |«-l>!iie ;; i: or MOIMCIM, :> S H $1.25, Call early »nd be aniens the first. 'u ««-i tin- b . ■ selefiion Full stoeL of wigwams i-t till kitni.-; lawn ten-sis piti-.ii. loathe pornps; tan e lor (eit'ut rin light or -lark eol-u) Mn»-* or slippers in nil size: and widths We t uv« a titi<* lieo t-f Oxford*, with pa>-nt t nihei' lip. an opera tie slippers, in the op.-ia si.td I'-Htmrii .-ens - s'.> le, .% Lieik we are reil ing very elieup Ladies, we wish you to call a-id . x imine the>e uot-dsl whether yon wi«h to iitiy us ;.nt. .Misst:»' lint! doiiuolsi i.• i l'o.U-, h. < i a-sd sp. iog heels, at >1.25 This is a gnat bargain. A misses' gu.»d school s-ime, medium or high cut, at SI.OO. L.i tl.is great sale we have not forgotten the boys', misses', youths' and children's department. They have all been filled to. their utmof-t capacity and showing the finest line and prices cheaper than ever known before in Butler eouhty. Men's Shoes. V\ e wish to call youi attention Ij our tiue iim: ot dre.-.s shoes iu trench calf, Cordovan, K augasv-o and many other materials, all inado orer the latest Style lusts and by experienced workmen, in hantl and m tchiue sewed; £Ot up wry tight aud durable, adding givat ease and e nnfort to the wearing :-f iho shot.- Men's calf and jla .-h.es in ali sizes autl tviiiibs, plain toe or tip on toe. at $2.00 A good pair of veal calf sh -.-s in English Hal , Bntto .i or Congress, at 10. This is a bargain which will last but a few days, sol the persons to call rirst are the persons who will reeeive the best selection.* Men's working shoes of all kinds. Men's plow shoes, hrogans, cret mors, etc., etc A good pair "A''calf shoes, tip or plain toe, lace or congress, ' double sole and tap, which we have been s-.dliog many c-is-;s oi We have, toaiked them down to $1 35. Boys'heavy sho.'s of all kinds A lull line of Rubber tJood-i of ail kiu.ls Large sto.-k ol leather sad Bailings. Bl.i:ksinitb lor-m-t in calf ami sheepskin. A full stoek ol our own snake. I-ine dre.-s .-h-ns always ou ban.l. A large Stock of box toe boots shoes i f our own make on'Landfe. Boots «uul siloes Aladc to Order. Repairing done same day as reieiv. -I. "Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person." Yours truly, JOHN BIOKEL, 22 S. Main St - Butler, l'a TROPTMAN 8 more than pleased with the brisk opening -t their spring trade, audi bow satisfving it i» to do so luree aud rapidly increasing a business wbeul one knows he has the best variety, the largest ejuantity. the newest si vies J and above all is naming the lowest prices on Dm GOODS J CARPETS, -Silk , Cashmeres, Henriettas. Serges, & •., In pi-rtid dress goods autl suit iiif,- in all the* new weaves ami i ->!-'iin - s i<uepii.-ing il,ei hoiii .-t eu!leetiei» offert d. I'ari- roue rxclusive styles ll.at niust be Men to l.e appreciated^ II iniiiiiua-s t-' match. We have a • areltdlt sihe'il s• i k -f notions lid gloves, cor.—!<. Ac . iiieln ling s-lt the leaili!>g aistt well Ln--vn in-.A l>o 1 some special brands of uhi- h v\e aie. side agents. Ift- l'nniii ic. Snps-rior aud Sublime •> hook kid gloves, black and i; '. rs. Thump.-- L, glovi fitting | i! 11. K and Abdominal Corset A full nud ct n-plete .-tick of tbiuo ti--s,| table linen, napkins, licking, tnusliu, sattt ens,' li»llies, ivc., at rock i> Moui 1 prices. ' A gigantic stoek of Carpets, embracing nil the new spring patt: rtn. in ' liotly and Tapestry Brussels, Moqnettea, Velvets, Ingnvim, \e. ii L-otild be i cinembtred that ws' buy our car pats direct fioui th-t Is.rgt : mills in America aud thus save our customers the middleman's profit V» -■ .voiild also call your attention to our beautiful variety of curtains, port:<-rs. Ac. All the latest designs iu lace, chenille an.l turcoman w imlow shidi s i i ev« ry kit.tl A first flas ■ s-tr.ek iu » ."fry .< spt( \nr iusjteeti- nis ii - vised T R O I'T M •' N ' H Leading l)»y Goods anti Carpet Hoiise No 20 Noifli Main Street, Uuliei, It i v | 10 i|t Salesmen to Sell Otr i \» .\ .\ I IJI /! choicest Nursery Stock j Ml (.-IKNIK gj.irantveil fiivt-class. .-.ilaric." anil expcu.ii->. or a liberal < I mi~ i .it pai.l. No . xi.erieii. e | Writ.- t'nr term*. Riving UPE anil Ki-cure vimr i I:i>ii-i3 of Territory. i.. KMl.in A CO.. luo l'ark Avenue. l{oehe>ter, N. • Advtfiise ii* '.b** CITI^KN Ak m »mTCV for Hi i!■ AucN I o ii si.i- •• .-k. ■ w.tMt.'O AlobT Lir.l liAf, 'i I.KMS.JB i m itiuli tl fat-Hille*. On -<1 MiO : . I.^^f oM'-ct-rMal/lUilivd. :in<J t>«-st Nurs> nt j tlit- country. . Aildretis \\. & f. S II I'll, lint v» hMjlilisli.il ill licui'ia. N -1 luil I» l%f» Ki «. at illUlii- i* 1 ••viw 4 ■