[CARTER'S CURE Rick Headacheand rrlleTe all the trouble* incl dent toe bilious stole w t~v »r»ie«a. such as >au«.a. Distress after catlc?. x'sln in tha Side .te. W'Uilo their must grnuirkabk) success luu U.-CQ shown In curing SICK Brmitn-*- 1 yet (.'a:otu"k I.rrruc jjver Pills are equally rjutlki In Consolation. cunrc and preventing this onnoTinsroomolaiut. while they also aw-nre! s» to those who suffer from this uistrossliur complaint: bat fortunately their goodness not etui here, aid It'- wie> <>n<-e try tbern trill And ttiese lit!!" pi.'lc valnnMa in »> ffnn v ays that Ibey will oot be witting to do wliL<>iu them. But after ell nick bead ACHE tsthehane of many lives that here i« where we mak" our greot boat. Our pills cure It while othora do not. CaJtrrn's Uttl* Liver l 'n.l9 are very small Aid very easy to take. One or two pills make m doee. Tliey nre wtrh-tJr vi*wUlj!e and do not gripe or pur-re, I.nL by their ircutle i»' tin please all who it»i them In vials at -O cents; nve for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CA2TSS CO., lJcr Tcri. failPl MB&& Small Fries. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION or COD EilVJui*. OIL " TB HYPOPKO«PHITEB. It itt used and endorAcfl If/ rhy gicUm* becrtvfe iti* the It is Pahtabla as ICIDc. It is three tlmos cScicious as plain Ood LI?3T Oil. It is for supericr tj all ether so called Easier.-:. It is a perfect Esrclflicn, dees not separate cr ok&zgs. It la Trcsdarfd as a £rh producer. It Is the beet remedy for Cotranp tioa, Scrcfala, Brcnstilia, Wast ing DJaeasee, Chrome Cough and Colds. Sold by all l/rvggleta. SCOTT & BOWNE. Cheuists. N. V. Housewife EYFRY Coont ng Roor*. FVtRV Ca-'-Kj ) O*r\tr EVERY Wse«h«r.:h taoJUi g«r. \ ON •«U, »T/.m e. war* PjAifiTw 1 / t rr-n4 M ■HU«TAIII M® VILA, »T*l« HHt-fll iH*mC WIU. ®TAI* VMM • '» fHU*. r.«utf»»« o*or'eCi*cw *»• TfOIaFF 4* BASnVj. 7~*. t r * 'a. u. !r*g t J Ufum > * . -/•»<»c. fiP)#LEXW k ab abw>tau< potf and jwrinAnent cur® for flick ■M4«rhi, milo»AeM, r«m»ffpntlnn, .\fr»ou» WrMHUr, Brlihta Diietn, V>ULrfrt nod t on •■iBpltoB. It km* Ut tb- Ti-nr rt+l of ail «JiMuei cmuMtri by aa lenpur* «Ut« of th« r.lowj. powerful tiVrlct or tbe taunK tut'J «xi>«nsive Wtikeown to mwlicml mcivncm. rirvpar««} from tha pre ffMliKum of m BOtrt) EdcllbH ihyri'ian. ond cure* fHD »U otb< r nimu4ll*« fail. TbouMixln of the Li«ch*al mi BttQMAWm from fr»i#fnl I'kltQDU CAU tf ffci flrat do«« iainnraa >oa wlLh onfldfuc# —ririe hiedlca fln «m krsalad at this Disi«nssry with a succass Eif attained. Dr.& L Lrkn Is a mainbsr of tbs sJ Coßsr* of Physicians and Burgeons, and U oldsst sad aunt axparloneerl Brmiuir In the Mtf. Byanlal attcctlon K to ferrous Osbllity Ma axsesslTa mental siert'-on, IsdlserstJonn «( y*ala Ae.,aai:#ln« physlcsi and men!sJ d- cay x lack ■Tsaanty, t'-'i <'»ncor», Oi-I fiorea, fits, Pflss, Bhannrntbra ana all diseases of iho hkln, Blood, Lunos. Urinary Oraana. Conru Italian •ms sad itristly eon SJ-iaU«T. Oflre haumV to 4 sod t Sandayo 2to 4 p. m. only. Call *tofßos f.K. LawL, ICa D.. M.K.C. P.B. err lIJ. Ljul*. M.,D. THouusu'Jn imvj ii •• ij j• . i •i t; tiy cfer«tl by j ShxTmlkiPKl oncc. no operatioa tVbMtif Uuiefrotn »>• • : <>u«- n.' yl ln •€r%tlc by miwa# vr»m«iu. »oua for < licuiar. CURE GUARANTEED. c&uZZtViit. 2Stzi2 WMSotirm eateUJ V C ' '•»"*' "n M»p!mattcn to Prof. Wm V 851 wa WE Ava. row York. EiT@ ST ffi D i* re C? Be HffwcHc*ro<*Fatirnta ...uuk -* on «/i.«n t-> r*«.>rl.l s F --i > - . k"M» .r-x- '.n CP fvtrATl*<. fraud*. FOR MEN OSLY! *ar IDit nlJtSljy"} S/.X300* Jjaand aad jUVvillTpEaarTT» Ml* lLad. Uai JtEcf *"»"■ *■ Ol<«TmbJ ■Mfls |>Mi |«(Mr«4. Hi# wkriVtM wea«, 6 mfimMxr o>» o A i»a p.-rTofirafa f«MUT«CTT~»—ta tailiy. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers Ami Oas Kitter.^. IN Bewor Pipe, Cias Fixturof, Globes nn'ew Jersey was delayed near the White House station about half an hour one night last week. The train draws two passenger (••aches behind the milk cars. On this night there were half a dozen passengers aboard. It was warm, and they had the windows all raised. The train had been standing on the side track a few minutes when a swarm of large pinch bugs, attract ed by the lights in the cars, flew in through the windows. In five minntes the seats were nearly covered with the bugs, and they had begun to crawl around on the legs of the passengers and to use their sharp pinchers. The passengers tried to bmsh them off, but they stuck like leeches. In five minutes more the bugs had possession of the two cars. The passengers fled. As soon as the passengers got iu the dark the bugs that had clung to them left them and flew back into the lighted car. How to get them out of the car before the train got orders to go ahead was a problem. Final ly one of the passengers suggested building a bonfire outside as a counter attraction. One of the brakemen went into the car and put out all the lights, while the other trainmen and tho passengers gathered brushwood for tho bonfire. They had enough to make a roaring blaie in a few minutes. It was a success. The bugs deserted the cars and the passelipers went back, shut down the windows and snt iu darkness until the train started. The Only Guaranteed Cure for all blood taints arid humors, pimples, blotches, eruptions and skin diseases of every name and nature, is Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A certificate of benefit or cure, or money refunded. Chronic .Nasal Catarrh positively cured by Dr. Saga's Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. —Charles Dudley Waruer says that the difference between the "faith cure" and the "mind cure" is that "the mind cure doesn't require any faith, and the faith cure doesn't require any mind. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I fail to prove that Flor,tplejti«n is the best med icine in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a certain pure, and affords immediate relief, in paces of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility aud Consumption. Koraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask tour druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things- Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart, H8 Warren street, New York. —(ieorjff, 11. Vauderbilt, the New York millionaire, is building a palace near Ash vill. North Carolina, that will cost, when completed, about $5,0(H),000. He is build ing a branch railroad to the place, which will cost $7">,'o llts after tlrst day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and n tsi trial bottle tree to Kit eases. Send to i»r Kline, !r.il Arch St.. Phli'a, Pa. A cure for squinting, which is not so unsightly as the method at present generally adopted—black goggles with a hole in the center — ia highly recommended. Let the person afflicted take any pair of spectacles that suit his sight, or even plain glass, and in the center of one lens let him pinn a small blue or black wafer, about the size ol a ten-cent piece. The result is that the double image vanishes, and the eye, without fatigue or heat, is forced to look straight. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by simple means, niter suffering for several years wilh a severe lung affection, aud that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to bis fellow suffer er* the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerlnll; send (Iree of charge* a copy of the prescription used, wbieli they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis aud all throat aud lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable Thiwe desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will p!ea>e sddrets ItKV. I'.OWABh A. | VVii.son, Williamsburg, Kings County, New I York. HELTON'S Boot A* Shoe Store The Centre of Attraction. Large lots of fine Spring footwear arriving daily, comprising" tho latest patterns, l»est makes and by long odds the lowest prices in the town for stylish and reliable Boot*, Shoes and Slippers. Our store is filled with choice bargains. It Will Pay You To Come and See the wonderful surprises in beautiful styles and at so small a cost. It is a duty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis hard eamesitd Wick house stable TEBMS T2O payable in advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's ribk Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STORE, 34 S. Mutn St., llutler, Pa. 2:12* 2:153 BUFFALO BOY. No. 3,882- lII'KFAM> I»«Y is by the great sire Pocahontas I toy, No. lTtm, sire ol Buffalo »; Irl. 212 X. Haven Boy. jfciss. and 14 others with records better iliun iizio. lie combine* tlie blood of the I'oea booiiiVs, rI2H. Tom Ilairß. rilV. »i"'l the American Stars, £lo',). ll«- is slaudard-bred on both sides at.'l is registered under the blithest rules in breeding. He Is the fusU-si bred stal lion in the county and the only stallion In the county 4 years and over that was awarded a premium in Blood at the Butler Co. Pair lust fail. Buffalo Boy is a pure galled trotter with out any appliances ana trot* fust for the hand ling he has had. Ills «et are all lar«o and line (fulled. His oldest coll was started lu a race at MUlerstown asa green havinif had only two weeks track work, chasing the others on' a :iasi gall and getting part of the purse, and lakiOK llrst premium aber- ver shown, in.lt 'lu Bo) Is blood bay. is hands high and weighs l.'.mj pounds. Is a perfeet model of a coach or roadster. He will he found at my barn during the season of lsist, 1 j miles nortli east oi i'rospecl. Terms, s*.">. Kor partlculais and pedigree call at the farm or address AI.ONZO Mct'ANIH.KSS, Isle. fa. M. H Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. Ao. 62 S. M.I IX .ST.. (ILLKKV lil LLDINU - - 2d FLOOR. Spring Millinery lu all the latest HtyW:n. New Ilats, Mew Hibbons, New Trimming*. All the new things in flj-lII as iju hI, Travolirm or (»eu eru.l Agent for a reliable Nuraery tb»t. jfuaran tee.i Its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. NurMTymi-n, llnrlH'Hlrr, V Mention tliiH paper. CATARRH Dm HAY-FEVER ELYS CREAM BALM is not a liquid, snuff'or pnvxhr. A/t/i/ieil into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It c/cimsrs th hunt Alluijs inflammation, lleals the tores. Untorrs the stmts of taste ami smell Mi c.-ntH at DrniriftsU; by mail, registered. CO ctn Ely Brothers, MONTAGUE NO. 1993. The Imported H'-rclti-ron horse .Montacue will make tin- viiaou of law at folloWM. rum. lii'-ncltiK April Jntli: The fllst threir duvs <*f each wet-k at the barn of Alon/o Me<'aiidle »■* In I'ranklln twp.. and t.lie last ttir<*<; ilaysof, each week at the bam of S. c. M'fandless. In Cliiy twp . 4 miles west of Hunbury. on the Hickory Mill road, and continuing thua during tin* BH.-ison. A dewrlptlon of Montague la use leu* a* ne IH wll known In the oounty. he having proved hlmsi>ir the beet stock «Uir»e of his bread In the iwmnty TKitMs Ito t«» Ins'tre. W» make hl» terms so low lliat no person run afford t" breed to grades or scrubs. Kor further particulars fcCe po. at Ihe J '.«ar«-a n»( i,.'i REMINGTON BEOS. Wliu Kill contract tut a4vcrtuiuy ul lukol i.Uw. A MUTTER OF GREAT IMPORTAKCE TO YOU. If suft'orinp rruiii rhniuii'- I'i- ii the ltlon.l. Skin and >»crToii< sr-li i,i, a. w*II those suffering from Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Trouble. MORITZ NAI.H M l> . Sp*-< iali>.t on UUeaMH d J. NrCLI I LiN, II O. , Sp#riali*t on of Kye. Ksr. >'»»«-, Throat and l.uuirw. I liroulr lIifKWM. They willvisi t this county every four weeks, thus saving their patients the trouble and expense of visiting the city, as they are the only physicians and surgeons in this country who carry their own Muuakins. Models. l.iufrratus. i t.- . to iilnstrati- and muke plain to all afflicted the cause ai.d nature of their diseases. Examination and Consultation Free to Eveybody. nn VfIPIT7 CAI M " ie great German Oculist, will be here and i>< rforiii all opera- Ull. ITIUn II L. OHLin . tlons on the K.\e. Kar. NHs,- and lln Kit. v. llhnut pain and in less time than any other living oculist, Ibis will give his numerous i>ut tents and others who arc in need ol Medic al Treatment, an op|K>rtnnitj to consult this distinguished physician, winise duties at the Institute wilt permit only monthly \lslts to your eommuiill}. Chronic Diseases of the Eye. I Chronic Diseases. Sncli as granulated Mils, chronic inflamatlon of llie lids, id the Ills. <•( thet'horold. ot the Ketl- The IVictors treat no acute diseases, hut na. < hri.iiic ulieratlim spasm* of the lUls. can- makes an entire specially of chronic and long ei-r of the lids and eye. tt ai-ninuing over the Hlandliig dl*eax«-s. ( uses given tip by other cheeks, day and nljrht hllndness. I'uruleiit or doctors and pronounced Incurable, they mast matterins; Sore ejes, .i«Ni ea.-es In dhto In the last twelve years, ones on the ball, phlyctenular tipthaltuia. uiauy of which had la-en given up as Incurable. Opa< Ities or milk «Intc spots on the eje, plan- some to be blind, others deaf, and a large nuni cuma or cupping of llie nerve. Amaurosis. fall- tier to lie Invalids for life. Itut liehold! now ItiiT out ol lashes, son s, redne-s ol edges or lids they see and hear, and many are started on the and evei. and all other diseases to which the high road to health and recovery every day. eye of Its appendages are liable, positive and The Doctors are surrounded with the largest rapid cure guaranteed. collection of One Instruments ever Imported to _ . , . r - _ i this country for examining and treating all Spectacles and Kye-Classes. CHRONIC DISEASES <» tin- IIEAI>. I ACI:. KYK. . F.AK, IIIUOAT. HEART. LINUS. .stomach, (■round and made to fit Ml defe» s. s•,111111 ejes Asllgniatlc eyes. uigs. old Sores I lls. I'aralvKls. Neuralgia, droriplti-'ejes and e»ci) such ilefci I ciiied b} Kheiiiiiatism. Ilroiny. J'ars h lss „ r ,. s Kbtula which are often taken for standli.g, will Insert artlth iaj tor drums. olhht \,. rv , m „ and I.ung Diseases, all cured If taken ow 11 IIIM ntion w Ith astonishing.> Ify in„ n- j n t j lni . Jteineinber. we cure all forms of Piles | suits. i without pain, Interruption or detention from A \A/nivl Ahni't Palarrh business, and without the use of Knife. Caustic. WOia ADOLI wwrin. Ligature or Injection, tome and lie convinced. It is In the mucous membrane, that wonder- o>r Metiellan made these diseases an Exrlu ful seml-tluHl envelope surroiindirig the dell- slve Specialty for Ten Years in a I Jirge (Ity. eate tissues of the air and lood passages, that Catarrh makes lis stronghold. Once establish- .. , n„„r,«n.. i-> „ t ., „„„,i ed it eats into the very vitals, and renders life Manhocd Perfectly Restored. but a long-drawn breath of misery and disease dulling the sense ut hearing, trammeling the , , power ot sjieech. destroyliig Hie faculty of J tjul-k. pan.iless aiud nth and killing the re- potenee I-t«t Manhood. >pt rrnatorrhoea lliieil ilit"*-« ires of li' i• ■ liisliliiolisl\ hv creen- I.Osses, eakness and Nervous lit bllit \ • also lmr oi! iroin a siun ie cokl in the lieiul". u as- for Prostatitis, Varicocele and all private dls saults the membranous lining and envelopes east-s, whether froin imprudent habits of youth the bones eating tlirouj h the delicate coats and or sexual excesses in mature >oaM; of any causing intiamatlon. sloughing and death, cause that ih-billtates the setual fun <>''«• Nothing Short ,t total era,ln aiion will secure JpcedHy andwrinaneii.t'ycuml. health to the patient and all alleviatives are freeaiidslrli.fi> confidential. Abs ilute cures simply procrastinated sullcrlngs, leading to a guaranteed. No risk incurred, fatal termination. 1)K. SALM has. by a treat ment hs:al and constitutional, made the cure of this dread disease a certanty, and has never I'KKSONH I'SSKILI.FIT.LV treated by Ignorant t uied. Kven when the disease had made fright- pretenders who keep trilling with them month tul Inroads on delicate constitutions, hearing, alter month, giving poisonous and iiininrlous smell ami taste have been recovered, and the com|iOun(ls. should call and nee the Doctors, disease thoroughly driven out. DR. MOUITZ SAIiM Is a Cennan by birth WoND*RFi* L Clkes byour Improved method ana education. Is widely known as an authori- tre.iMnent accoiiiplisheH n Ner\ous Debility ty on diseases appcriainlng to his sDeclalty, Iri'matiire liecline of Maul> lowers. Kindred viz- Diseases of the Kve. Fair and Throat and in AlTeetlons which have lieeu neglected or un- Catarrh, anmplete the monument on Bunker Hill. To prevent deception, we have caused the name ' Grant Memorial Twills" to be printed on the selvage ol every yard ol this cloth. I'. DORMAN, Pres. FOR SALE BY Rittei' & Ralston. WANTED. AtJKNTH Kill: WKIIHTKKV. UN abrt k -T. < McKlroy & Co.. No..' sixth tix-.-t. I' J'ft. Aft# i X*il I lOKin W thti pi{»* .'.lo' ' nr. ekhmat l yn »rjv.'ti.c g :,(V whun i-i uh>4a|{n, will tmd it on If'- . t t m m > -- r. WHmntK ! O! WHITHER. OII> SVOM VN, SO IIIC.HI WITH BJ ACK DIAMOND HOOPING TO covtK THIS SKY. WHY GO so FAR FKOM TH3 LAND OF N UUI.IT BECAUSE IT COVE: , INN I NS. Send Ijr illufclraic-u circular lo M. Elllii-T, Jk., & Co., PHIL.ADEI.PHIA. I CURE FITS! WHEN I MJ CMS I do not mean merely to Stop them lor A time, and then have tbem re turn again. I MUM A KAlllCillj CL'IIH. 1 Lmvo MADE the DISEASE ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WARRANT my remedy t<> CCHB tho worst cases. Because other* b.ivo failed is no reason for not now receiving acure. bend at once for a treatise and a FKKH HOTTUB of my INFAI.I tBLK LTKMEDT. Give Kxpreaa and POST OQce. It costs yoa nothing lor A trial, and it will cure yoa. ADDRESS H.C.ROOT, M.C., 183 PtAiti ST..NEWYCBK NO MORE OF THIS! M M/ / w / J/k -^h WJ 3^/7 Rubl»er Shoes unless worn U-ier mfortably light will often blip • RT the FI-W. To remedy this evil the " COLCHESTER " RUBBER CO.. ofl>r n shoo with the INSIDE of the heel line ? will rubber. Thin clings to tho SHOO anil prevent* the Rubber from slipping T IT. Call for »ll© W folfhe»ter W " ADHESIVE COUNTERS • ?esT k ' l ' SOMETHiMC MEW ?Or RESIDENCES. CHUHW, CRMRTRBIRS. R»'IR •TURNCOTABAN «>...• ..rn.«- PI«RR (MANNY NI:«. I"«vi BUF H fflj«fTS£g£Hgl •b.«t ll.e llAiefh V»rt ..f iulnilk Ii •« « r« V"u syssiftKT.... can U, «" JL " |J7 TL , R WLL 1,,T„1..« Wr PAY •lleljMrraa. I.M -• AII.'R'L II UALLiirr A CO.. liu* HWO. I'VKTLA*I>, Mai«« TO WMEMEW Buffuriiiit from tuo effect- of youthful errors, <3l\+y, WANTING wtuknt TWI, lost timuhood. etc., I will FTONRL FT Tklu&ML TRCATIH« COUT*INIUTF F U 'L particulars FOR home cure. FREE "T eharua. A apltndid medical w..rk ; ahonltlbo rend by every MAN wLo I« lie.rvoim AND dbbilitati D. ADD RENT. Prof. C. l't»Hl.;:IT. RC»odu». Conn. I SUPERFLUOUS~HAIR~ <)U tho FTAUULO FAR*, nun, L»«ard HUM MU«I L»«- dMlr»jr« /FKESJ HAADI, Lr. VHM Ujck The I»aCt«»r T.»- HUD *0 • xporli-tico )u LLIU pr.ictiro UF , HU HJ'OTIALLY, uud uuiuhem aiu»Ug HIT |»U UNDTN our 111-IHI |>R<>IIIIUEIIT FATNILLOH If you URN J« IIII« t«* I WITH any of the above hltiiuUli* *, avoid |>at> ut UI'IDICLANT MUy«k, LUM Ulh L*hllad«l- I I'M*, «>r 6NJ I'uuu U\« nun, fituboryli, L'a. J lloiim 'J to 1 uud 'J to 7, Hutiday-I, 10 to FL. PATENT STEEI PICKET IENCE. HANDSOME, INUIISTKI CTIW.K. Cheapor than Wood. TH« klioie I utaho«« **!• K«t Frne«, #IOI G»U- . TLouLl< AND U A .IAD. W«»lau MAUUFMCURA lUa»y Iron Kri.- LI F L'R tin. fitabi* V\u\u$m, firm H».UIIPF« A 1.4 riUK KS< , IL , R f «' IAF L»«.ora. Al.OOTT i M> I WINDOW ACUKI.NTT, AU«I AIL kiu LA OF M' IHK W OUK • TAYI.OK Ai BUI, "03 X 20S Market St., l'Ut»l>ur K li, L U. s , ■ .'IYJ ;- (I ; V R. , .'!. K 1". " IS :U ' MLSIIIS A < ••', i'J. »Ol lliill.L ~ .10. T ■ s iriTßTTiriiiffliiiiiißii —mi— n I I || SPECIAL If | |Mourning Bonnets & Hats| | rSilk Nuns Veiling, || pg f Mourning Flowvrs, Mourning Oriiainonls, Bp! Mournini»-Silks, ■ k* * ■ ft* Moiirniiiii Ku« liiitu, 11 ||Mouniing Kihhons, <'inpes, Ktc.S £ |l>. T. I> V I' KJJ I TO!— m—wbto gsasl I Vou that it is our time now! We were h«nii|H'iV(l long enough. WH AUV) IX OIJK M;\V ROOM. 105 S. Main St , - Opposite Willurd House. \\ c I law the Largest Stock OF SHOPS AND SLIPPERS IN BUTLER Aud we are going to make a noise, and 110 mm can stop up, and to start off witli wn arc going to make Homo bowl wit.li our bard hits. To See It It* To cte. .1 wither Heart Hreaii i. —A ladies fine l>ou. Oxford, tip or plain, warranted solid leather at 70 cents. Is 50 ecu t s Enouyht ]is, Jii Jee il: —We have the tines'. Opera toe siipper for 50 cents in the land. We want yon to sou it. Wo want to buy it and try it. 4:8 cts. Our Little Miscliiei. - -18 els. Is taking the trade by storm. Think of it A child's spring heel sh-j:; bright Don. Kid, sizes ft to 8, price only CS cents. Hare You St en Them! — OI;I n»« i-V e«.i»G ti.d bu'.-. ut HO rents ■<. puir. We have a bettor o'lO for ?I. aids I. J ;"i gets toil uln antv Oar Men's fine Jhmyula Shoe: —ln Cong, and i.r.eo at hIN no eijual and are the very best styles in the mirket, in <'.»■•' are all fresb and new goods and bought a! the lowest market prices WE WANT VOl IK TItADK And know we can do you good. We evi save you money ou any fo *car you may need aud give you good, honest goods. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF COLORED SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF TENNIS SHOES. SEE OUR LINE OF WIOWAMs, ALL COLORS. l!aee ball shoes lor men and boys. Repairing done promptly. Hoots and shoes made to order. I! ox toe boots and shoes ahvn\s on hand LEATHER AND FINDINGS. All Orders by Mail Promptly Filled. The ('ash Shoe Store. MACK MORE & URIIM, > -i 1 AIN S Tlt-fiH l\ - IJUTLfcilt, PA. TROUT MAN S Are more than pleated with the brisk opening of their spring trade, and how satisfying it is to do so large and rapidly increasing a business when one knows he has the best variety, 11 «• largest quantity. Ihe newest styles, aud uhovo all is naming the lowest prices on DRY GOODS li CARPETS, Silk-t, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Ac., I njportcd dress goods and suit itiß." 11l all the iiew weaves and coloi'iti|/H, comprising the choicest collection Otiered. Paris robes, exclusive styles Unit must lie set n lo be appreciated, trimmings to match. We have a carefully selected stock of notions, kid fil'iveP, corsets, Ac, including all the leading and well known makes. Also some special brand* of which we are solo agents. Tlie I'remiere, Superior aud Sublime 5-hook kid gloves, black and colors. Thompson's glove-titling li-11, K and Abdominal Corset. A lull mid complete .stock ot domestics, table liecn, napkins, ticking, muslin, sat teens, challies, ,V<\, ut rock bottom price?. A gigantic stock «>f Carpets, embracing all the new spring patterns in IJoilv a n't Tapestry Brussels, Moquettes, Velvets, Ingrains, Ac. It should be rememl>ered that we buy our carpets direct from the largest mills in America and thus save our customers the middleman's proht We would also call your attention to our beautiful variety of curtains, poitiers, Ac. All the latest designs in lace, chenille and tureoinan wiudow shades ot every kind. A first Hock in every respect Your inspection is invited. T R () U T iVI f N'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House No 20 North Main Street, Butler, Pa. x. - - ■ ■ ■ - THE Satisfaction Guaranteed* EACH CAN OF THE COOKS tiAKING POWDtlt IS GUAtiANTkED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLU ON ITS MEHITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. £QDKS QUARTERS, RETAIL AT 5 CTS, COOKS HALVES, RETAH. AT 1© CTH. COOKS POUNDS, _RETABI„ /T 2ocm Sold by al! r r. j adCan. W \ V I It 1 h! Salesmen to bell (ki ll :\ .\ I lit', citoicr-ot Nursery Stock | All >;ii.ml pllllllllli rll til I (xllrtli .•al:ti'i«'C 411-1 u*l«;U ' N of » I'l'T'il Com Illin.ioU "'O ' V Jul i«-ll» •! IH'i UHaSl'y. >Vr»t« l«»r term , ( >*»>« »H« "CCUfu y*itu i hole*' •»( 'i y i. I, l> Mi HIT & i i'.. 100 i'uik AVciiUt. liotlicslci, H. V. AGENTS , wamm> Most Limit ai. Tiiim I .K..U.1..1 Ui-illlU' ii.ii' "f "' I ' • ' i.1.1. csWilillM.. .1 .ii-l lv>« N"r-. u.-. In III' • «Mllil [' . >»,|H %\ I. <"»«/♦* <') I Ul.hsl.. .1 in I - *«. <«• 4,1 ** » * >- ♦