Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 13, 1890, Image 4
[CARTERS flip "81 CURE ■A Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci A--t to* blßous Stat* of the system, such as frtliMl Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after •atfltg. Pain In the Bide, Ac. While their most jomark&ble ttUAcess has been shown la curing SICK Mseilsrii > ret CAMTKR'* Lrrrut Urn PILLS are 11— 11 jr valuable In Constipation, <niring ud preventing this annoying complaint, while Key atoo correct all disorders of the st£>mar+i. stimulate the liver ami regulate the bowels. Mrm U they only cured HEAD Ash* they would he almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness doe* not end here, and those who onee try them will find feese little pflU valuable in so many ways that Asr will not be willing to do without them. But after all nick head ACHE Is the bane of so many Uves that hers Is where we make our great mast. Our pills sure it while others do not. CABTSB'S Lima Urn PILLS are VEIR small •wl vary easy to take. One or two pills make • dose. Tbsjr are strictly *e*etaM«a»d do mot cripe or puree, but by their gentle action alsass aO who use them. In vials at 25cents; In for fl. gold everywhere, or senUjy maiL CAxm msicais so., K«W U1 Sail Boss, U Price. WHAT •MITT'C 00N8UMPTI0H OUUI I O 80B0FULA EMULSION OOOBHS CURES I Waiting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophoaphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggist*. 800TT & BOWHE, Chemists, N. Y. Pwtw. these Hhoss an Weakened with WolfTsAGMEßlackmg A* for PTT-BON, ••u. STAIN ou > MW r»»mrvM Varnish WILL tun AMD CHI»«»«I a f t\* eiutvMsTinwaiii ta me WILL STAIN TOUR OLS B»s*rre time. WILL (v«* BAiT-e COACH AM ys>iK-\aoN J V runr. TOOT » BAttDOLVH, Philadelphia. If la absolute, positive and permanent care for ftlek SSBBBriOB. It (OSS to the very root of All iliMee*. ssssiil by An Imnrt state of the Mood. nOBAPUXKM Is a htshly »oneentrat«l sad sestiral ntraet of die most vsloable AHII .xpeasive ■iß kaowa to ■edlesl sei.nae, pnpared from the pre ssriptiun of a noted English phyntclaa, snd rare* wSieanoth«r mnftdipn faU Thoossnds of the hlsbest ■ad stroweM testimonial, from *r»t»ful pati«nu CAB be Skews, tie list dose Inspire, you with eonfldenee.—Oo le roar drocf Ist, psrehsse a hottle. snd be cured.-Vslo aMa bosk ssat free to all. Addre»». raiMXIX HART. Warren St.. New York. DOCTORS'LAKE.. bs| PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES, 828 PKNN AVE./ —PITTSBURGH, PA.— 4 AH forms of Delicate and Com plicated Disesses requiring Coan- DurriAL and BCIKXTIFIC Ifediea- Isa ars treated at this Dispenser 7 with a success ■rslysttslned. Dr.B. JC. Lakebamember of the SsysJ OOUSRS of FbylicUna and Surgeons, snd Is SadUsst sad most eaparieneed SMCIALUT In the Mr. Special attention given to Hervous Debility taa artssslve mental exertion. Indiscretions ol feath, Ac., esusing physical and mental drear, lack sTsaeifr, also Cancer*. Old Sana, Pits, Piles, Bhsnmstism ana all dlsesees of the Bkln, Heed, Lungs, Urinary Organs, As. Consultation >B and stiMytwMestlsl Office hours »tot snd 7 Sundays 2 to4p. m. onlj, Call at office H< D«sM. B>CeP.B. or E. J. LAKK, M« D. ~Tfaoo«m<U rtMr*,t>qfn permanently curwd by rttlL 41>EI.PH I A. FA. F-a »• *t one®, no operation er Utm of time from buKtueas. < une» pronounced In •veble by utUeis wanted. beud for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. SJJEMORY Wnd wsnderioc <mwd. Books lssraed oneroAOie*. Trsthnnnisls from an Ul W mu v ■ott Ave* nev YONL E|» JfcSTOPPED FREE ■ ■ Marvtlmt ftaMi. ■ ■ m Isjsne Persosi Restored ■ ■ UDrKUHZSQKSAT ■ ■ NERVEREBTORCR >r sJlBnAm it KSXVI IXSVAMS Ontf rttrt for Strvt JJftciwnt. Fiit kfidtpty. tU. iUIILB if tokan M «ltf«rfod. No Fitt after 4*Vm use. TreatiM and %a trial Ifree to t t»«f purttyrciprw ch—yi wh«e r«4. Smd WBM, TO. end «ipie»« iddctu of ted to Ui KU%.«i Aach St >hilaAr»pma.Ba. BUIVAR66P tiBTATING FRAUDS. BPIM! |B tSB> ■' f"l|« ImSlm. WrltetkeS. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. OBAI.BBS IN Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St., opp. Lowry House BTJTLER, |SHIMIEa|NM>d.M*RJief XorkCU* THE CITIZEN". MISCELLANEOUS " The world grows weary praising men, And wearied grows of being praised—" Bat never wearied grows the pen ■Which writes the truths that hare amazed the thousands who hare been given up by their physicians and who have been restor ed to complete health by using that safest of all remedies for functional irregul arities and weakness, which are the bane of momankind. We refer of course, to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the only qmaranteed cure for all those chronic ailments peculiar to women. Kead the guarantee on the bottle-wrapper. To regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, Dr. Pierce's Pellets eiced. One a dose. —A report has been made to the Chicago Department of Health that two pronounced cases of leprosy exist in the Chinese colony in that city. "100 doses one dollar" is peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla and true of no other medicine. There are some people in the world Who take great pains To make their fellow men believe That lungs are brains. —The whole truth is so seldom told that when told it seems like a lie. Look Here, Friend, Are You Sick? Do you sutler from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility. Lost Appetite, Biliousness. Tired Feeling, Pains tn the Chest.Night Sweats. Uws of Power, or any form of Consumption? If so. go to your Druggist and purchase a bottle of Floraplexlon. which will lulclcly restore you to sound phys ical health. Floraplexlon is a highly con centrated fluid extract ol the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known to science, and cures where all other remedies fail. Valu able boolt, "Things Worth Knowing." sent free. Addrttw Prof. Kranlcllu Hart. Warren St., X. Y. —A special Comtn iasioner has been sent from Washington to invite Japan to come to the World's Fair. He instructed to arrange for the exhibition of a complete Japanese village, inclndicg houses.families all necessary domestic ntensils* tools and workman to display the ordinary trades and occcpations in Japan. So says a Washington dispatch in a Chicago paper. —Answer the census questions! Every answer is secret and its sccresy is guarded by fine or imprisonment, and the sum total ol these answers will give a census of the utmost value to the nation. Consumption Surely Cured. To TBB KDlTOß:— Please inform your readers that 1 hare a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely nse thousands of hopelees cases hare been permanently cured. I shall ho glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Zxprees and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCUM, M. C., 181 Pearl St., N. T. —ln 1880 a certain enumerator in Western Indiana set his neighbor down as owner of "thirty-six hundred dozen pea fowls," nor could the State official ever learn how such a blunder crept in. Another enumerated an aged citizen living with him as bis "father-in-law by mar riage." "Sow Ananiases appear In all their vernal glory, And tell in phrase that shocks the ear Of snakes a wondrous story." FITS.—AII fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Greet Nerve Bestorer. No tits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 12.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to I)r. Kline. 931 Arch St., PhU'a, Fa. —lt is a little strange that those frank people who get credit lor saying "juct what they think'' are always thinking something mean and sarcastic. —-'Rather yellow" is a new phrase of contempt for anything rank—snch as base ball playing. —Truth is infinite, and we cannot clasp it in oir finite arms, yet we may live in its light, and learn more and more of its grand meaning, if we but sincerely, honestly and patiently tread the straight road of in tellectual virtue. —lt is estimated that it will cost the gsvernment $7,000,000 to complete the census, To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restore*! to health by simple mesns, after suffering for several years with a severe long affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, be will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will oost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address REV. KIIWARD A. WlLßOjf, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. —A boy in McKeesport had an eye put out last week by a pebble that WAS thrown by another boy with a rubber sling-shot. Parents in this city should be mindful of the fact that the use of these missiles is uot only dangerous but is a violation of law and is punishable with severe penal ties. —Boston's New Law, which requires a person of a convivial turn of mind to seat himself while monkeying with the serpent bidden in every cocktail compounded, does not seem to he working any good except to chair manufacturers. The trouble is that the Hubbite never knows when get up, and frequently, as he grows drowsy, regards bis chair as a room assigned to him. Thus the law against the bar is a bar—to the landlord's legitimate profits. —Here is a good one told of I'rince John Van Buren, son of the President, who a half a century ago was the wit of Xew York. He had been defending in court a prisoner charged with a loathsome and nameless crime, not by any means Van Buren's first success in cases of the lowest class. Leaving the court house at recess, he went to a neighboring restaurant to get his lunch, where bo met a group of friends who had listening to his plea in beball of the prisoner. "I say, Prince," cried out one of them in a bantering tone, "is there any crime too vile, too filthy too disgust ing, foryoß to defendf" "I don't know," promptly replied the lawyer, "what have you been doingf" —There iB a young man in Georgia who wearfe an eight and a quarter bat. Somo gilded youths in Butler have hoads as large as that nearly every morning. J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Ot all kinds done on short notice. Office with W. 11. Morris, No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa. For Sale. Roller Flour-Mill—nearlj new, — Mercer Co., Pa, on R. R. A good grain reg-lon; home market; good Hoar; paying bußinesf*; $4,000. Ad dress ALEXANDER WALLACE, Home Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa. Enron Boot Shoe Store The Centre of Attraction. Large lots of 6ne Spring footwear arriving daily, comprising the latest patterns, best makes and by long odds the lowest price 3 in the town for stylish and reliable Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Our store is filled with choice bargains. It Will Pay You To Come and See the wonderful surprises in beautiful styles and at so email a cost. It is a duty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis hard earned money where it will bring the best return. Hence we say to the man who has the desire to obtain his Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes at prices which are un doubtedly the very lowest come here —come to us. In full assurance you cannot do near so well elsewhere. No Matter What Kind of Boot or Shoe You Need, Be it a good strong shoe in Ladies' at 75 cents to SI.OO or the finest in the town at $1.25, 1.50 and up to $3 and $4 If you want serviceable heavy shoes in Men's at 75 cents, $1 and $1 25 in Bluchers, Plow Shoes, Credemore and Brogane; ifyoa want fine shoes in Men's you will find them at sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2 and up to $5.75. The finest styles you ever beheld in Calf, Kangaroo, Cordovan, Veal and Buff in Button Bals and Congress. Uur special low prices, handsome styles, the tremendous stock is already the talk of the town and county. It needs only to be known what great bargains we are offering and the crowds of people who have pat ronized us this Spring, and still in creasing as each and every customer is an advertiser. Our Boys', Youths' and Chil dren's Shoes admit of no comparison. Our trade therein is wonderful; the reason is plain. We carry everything for Boys' and Children's footwear; are chuck full of pretty Bboes in heel and spring, black or fancy colors. Our line of Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers by far the largest in the town; prices lowest, styles the haud somest, in black and fancy colors, at 50 cents, SI.OO, $1.25 and $2.00. We have same price to all. No auction or old job lots sold. You are safe in buying from us. Drop in and bee us. B. C. IIUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, I'a Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. . f / Hambletonlan 10. 50-2 ) * y I Mare by Kxton Kcllpse SC.* I . „f L WlKKlH' Hainblet'aii 572 * Daughter o - Messenger mare OBEY TIP 7088 is closely related to most of the fant trotters and great sires of trotters. Height haod?; weight 1200 pounds. He is stylish, hatidaorue and a great roadster, arid very fast walker; spirited, but fear lesp; intelligent and trusty and trans mits these qualities to bis colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage. coach or general purpose horses, or sprightly druft horses should examine him and bis colts at the Scott baru, alley opposite Wick house stable TEBMS S2O payable in advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's risk. Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STORE, 34 H. Main SI,, Butler, I'a. BUFFALO BOY. No. 3,88 a. BITHAI-O Uov IS by the great sire Pocahontas Boy, No ITao, sire or UutTiilo (ilrl. 2:12 X, Haven Boy. 2tisy. anil 14 others with records better than 2SW. He combines the blood of the IVx-a hontas's. 2:124, Tom Hall's. £IIV. and the American Stars. &10 I He Is standard-bred on both sides ut.il Is registered under the liinliesi rules In breeding, lie Is the rastest bred stal lion In the county and the only stallion In the county 4 years and over thai was awarded a premium in Blood at the Butler Co. Fair last fall. BtilTalo Boy manure galled trotter with out any appliances and trots fast (or the hand line ho has had. Ills k'et are all larue and tine galled. Ills oldest colt was started In a race at Mlllerstown as a green 2-year-old. having had only two weeks track work, chasing the others out a aattj gall and gettlnt? part of the purse, and taking first premium wherever shown. Bullalo Boy is Mood bay. 16 bands high and weighs 1,200 pounds. Is a perfect model of a coach or roadster. He will be found at my barn during the season of is I .*), miles north east of Prospect. Terms, t'l'i. For particulars and pedigree call at the farm or address AIA>NZO MI'CANIiI.KSS. Isle, I'a. \l. 11. Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. No. 62 S. MAIS ST., GILKEY BUILDING - - 2d FLOOR. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, New Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in flowers, laces, gloves, veils, caps, AT M. F. & M. Marks'. No. 9S. MainSStt >t Butler, Pa. TllES*]!*^ Simplest. Most Durable, Kconomical and Per fect In use— wastes no grain; cleans It ready for market. THRESHING ENGINES^„% K Saw Mill*. Hhlnfrl* Itrhlwi. Hay Prroar*. and Klandard Implement* generally. A B FAHQUHAE OO , Limited Send for lllus- I rrnaiyivanU Airrlrultorai trated i'alaU>«iie. | Works, TtIUK, I'A —Advertise in the CITIZEN. THE ' 5411116 *■' l,l M NEW years ago com VIBQATfIR pleto,y revo,utiou VlDnAiUtl. izw j thc Threshing | Machine trade by j inventing a new THE Threshing Machine, j— so much better VIBRATOR. I than am machine he fore known, lhat all | thebnildersoftheold THE style Threshing Ma- ! NEW chines stopped mak- UIDDITHO in g H' ( ' m and copied llbnAlUn, the new madxine as closely as they dai ed —have now made an _w other advance, and | in tlieir New Vibra- VIBRATQR. tor present a Tliresh ingMachine contain ing entirely new fea- THE tares in separation NEW and cleaning, which Vlßß*TOß.:if ei,^<Urah^ a |of any other as the j old Vibrator was THE ahead of the <;End j less Apron" ma- W chines. Every Farm- VIBRATOR. • r and Thresherman should at once get full information re- THE garding the MEW MEW mRATOR ' which will be sent Free on VIBRATOR. application to Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. His hogship is quite a hog and he weighs 80,000 pounds and cofct f n,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 151 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Hutler twp, on the grounds of '"The Butler Salt and Chemical Works." lie is not yet on exhibition hut when he is ready great tilings are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. ■ ArllTA)<> M V" v< "* r and Expenses I I * i Jl I I ih what we are paying. We want R h f fl I \ 100 more and will pay Salary and (ill' II I U Kx|»enses or l.ltn-ral commission from start. A Bare Opportunity ror any mail wanting a position as Local. Traveling or Gen eral Agent, for a reliable Nursery that guaran teed its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. Nurserymen, llorhe»t*r, V V. Mention this paper. . K, - v '" CatarrH C(eam Slto PS3 CUm» Relief a< once and n tADl to I.l' ix ii k\ u FEVER liny Ft'fcr.^^^/ -/ tJijH /</. Jin Fret friwi Injuri 'Or on." Drugs <in.t ojJ'nwive Odvrt, r*f6(| A particle of the Halm Is applied tut >Ui* nostril. Is agreeable to use and Is quickly au sortied, effectually cleansing the nasal passages of catarrlial virus, causing healthy secretions, It allays pain and Inflammation, protects the memiiraual linings or the head from additional Colds, Completely heals the sores and restores the senseol taste orid smell. Beneficial r<-sults are realUed by a few applications. A THOROUGH TKKATMKNT WILL CORK. Price so cents at druggists; by mall, register ed. m> cents. Circulars seut tree. ELY imOTHKItH, Druggists, su Warren St.. N. Y. t'ntarrh Is Not a ltloo«! IMseaae. No matter what parts It may finally effect, ca tarrh always starts In the head, and belongs to the head. There is no mystery of the origin of this dreadful disease. It begins In a neglected cold. One of the kind that Is -sure to be better In a few days." Thousands of victims know bow It is by sad experience. Kly's (.'roam Balm cures colds In the head apd catarrh in all Its stages. MONTAGUE NO. 1993. The Imported I'ircheron horse Montague will make the season of ls:«) as follows, com. menclug April jsth: The first three days of each week at the barn of Alonzo McCandie ss In Franklin twp.. and the last three daysof, each week at the barn of S. McCandless. In clay twp.. i miles west of Sunlmry. on the Hickory Mill road, and continuing thus during the season. A description of Montague Is useless, as he is well known In the county. having proved himself the best slock horse of his breed In the county. TKItNJS : 1101« Insure. We make bis terms so low thai |ip person can afford to breed to grades or scruty. Kor further particulars Soi» or ud dress. •J. S. HAYS, or AI-ONZO Mc('AM)I.KHi>. Itutler, l"a. I'rospect, I'a. 4,15. Livery Stable For Sale. The undersigned will sell livery stable, in tho rear HJ, ■ 1 of the Wick House, consist *\ lj ing of horses, buggies, sleighs, harness and everything ]>er taining thereto, and lease tho barn for a term of years. My renson for selling is that 1 wish to devote my attention to other buxinww. Af'FliiCp WICK. YOU CAN FIND : on fll'* it! I'ITTSBUKuII nt I In* /X'lmml •.». l ££ AK-t-: REMINGTON BEOS. Wiio will contract lot •*n>rtj.uu£ ut lowesl, r.-tca. A MUTTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU, If trafferinjr from lone standing Chronic diseases of tin- itluud. Skin and Xervous system, as well as those ttaflVring frotn Ear, Eve, Nose and Throat Trouble. XOBITZ KA1.31. M to., SpeeialM nn liiseasm J J. IrCLEI.I.I!!, H. 11., KitrrialUt on of Eye. Kir Nose. Throat ami I.Hiiirs. Chronic ltiM-a*<-s. They willvisi t this county every four weeks, thus saving their patients the trouble and expense of visiting the city, as th. y are the only physicians anil surgeons in this country who carry their own Manakins, Models, Diagrams, etc.. to illustrate and make plain to all afflicted the cause and nature of their diseases. Examination and Consultation Free to Eveybody. nn MfIDIT7 cA I M the great German Oculist, will be here ami perform all oiiera- Ull. ITIUnI 14. OnLIII' Uons on llie Eye, Ear, Nose awl Throat, without pain an<l in less time than any other living oculist, lhis will tive his numerous pat lents and oiliers who ar>- in need of Medical Treatment, an opportunity to consult this distinguished physician, whose duties at the Institute will p-rmlt only monthly visits to your community. Chronic Diseases of I he Eye. Such as granulated lids, chronic inflamatlon ol the lids, of tile Iris, of the < liorold. of the Ketl na. Chronic ulceration, spasms of the lids, can cer of the lids and eye, tears running over the cheek* day and night I linoiiess. purulent or mattering sore eyes, Oonorrhreal Opthaltnla. Syphilitic Opthalnua, red blotches or biown ones on the ball, phlyctenular Opthalmla. Opacities or milk v. idte spots on the eye, glau coma or cupping ot the nerve. Amaurosis, fall ing out ot lashes, sores, redness ot edges of lids mid eyes, and all other diseases lo which tin eye or Its appendages are liable, positive and rapid cure guaranteed. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. Ground and made to tit all defective eyes. NVar sight, far sight, dull and weak sight sjK.ts before the ey s, s-qulnt eyes Astigmatic eyes, drooping eyes, and everj such defect cured by perfectly lined glasses. The old made to see as good as the young, and read with as muct ease and pleasure. Ear Troubles are Cured by Dr. Salm In an astonishing quick time, lie will relieve vou ot all roaring, hissing and ringing noise, heaviness. Itching, pain, running or tlie ears, will close up a l.ole In a drum of fifty years standing; will Insert artificial ear drums of his own invention with astonishingly gratifying re sults. A Word About Catarrh. It Is In the tiiucou < m embrane. that wonder ful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the deli cate tissues of the air and food passages, that Catarrh makes Its stronghold. Once establish ed it eats inv> the very vitals, and renders life but a long-drawn breath ot misery and disease dulling the sense of hearing, trammeling the power or speech, destroying the faculty of smell, tainting the breath and killing the re ilned pleasures of taste. liisidnously. by creep ing un trotn a simple cold In the head, il as saults the membranous lining and envelopes the bones eating throut h the delicate coats and causing liitlauialloii. sloughing and death. Nothing short of total eradication will secure health to the patient and all allevlatives are simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to a tatal termination. DK. SALM has. by a treat ment local and constitutional, made the cure of this dread disease a certanty, and has never tailed. Even when the disease had made fright lul inroads on delicate constitutions, hearing, smell und taste have been recovered, and the driven out. Dlt. MOItITZ SA DM is a German by birth ana education, Is widely know u as an authori ty on diseases appertaining to Ills soecl.lty, viz: Diseases ot tie' Eye, Ear and Throat and 111 Catarrh, and has secured for himself an envia ble reputation, particularly as an operator. CONSULTATION FKEE! Will be at Butler, Pa., at Hotel Yoge ley, June 11 and 12, Wednesday and J' ' v Thursday, and return every four weeks. JSstal>li^liecl E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No J9, North Main St., BUIIJ.R, PA., DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwars, Spectacles, &c., £&c t Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches .skillfully done and warranted. 18SO ESTABLISHED 1850 The Grant Monument. TP fit) BpiLT BY Til K LADIES, Without the aid of millionares or moneyed men. For thin purpose the Gilbert Mfg. Co. are making a spe cial cloth for ladie* dresi linings, the hiat for the money they have ever placed on the market,and which can he sold at 2Oct* per yard. Now the ladies oi the United States can buy enough in six months to complete the monument, and thereby accomplish what tlie gentlemen have been unable to do in six years. A percentage of all the purchases goes into the treasury of the Grant Monument Association. This plan enables every lady to be able to say that she contributed something towards the erection of this monument. It is a matter of history that the ladies were obliged to come to the rescue in order to c miplete tlie monument on Bunker Ilill. To prevent deception, we have caused the name ''Grant Memorial Twills" to be printed 011 the selvage of every yard of this cloth ' <>. I\ DORM AN, Pres. FOR SALE BY Rittei' & Ralston. WANTED, AGENTS KOU WJ.IISTKU . - . UN- I ibri<ltf«i Dictionary. Exclusive Wnltoij crlven. An IndUAtrlouH man rrtn !l!i<l permknerrt Hiid lucrative #»m ploy mont Stills l>o»»k.—T . C?» | MrElroy & Co., No. J Hlxtli trwt. rlttsbu fgn. Pi. Chronic Diseases. The Doctors treat no acute diseases, hut makes an entire socially of chronic ami long standing diseases, cases given up by other dor tors and proii..iiin ed tlx urahl**. tle*\ most desire to v. .IttlMlMkm ti-'afed over ir>.nw co.-es In Ohio tn the last, twelve years, many ol which had been given up as Incurable, seme to be blind, others deaf, and a large ntim tier to be Invalids ter life. r.ut behold! now they see and hear, and many are started on the high road to health and recovery every day. The Poeiors are surrounded with the largest collection of tine instruments ever lm|>ortcd to this country lor examining and treating all chronic diseases of the IIHAD. FA) K. EYE. EAli. THKOAT, IIKAIir. 1.l NCi.S. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys. Bladder. Skin. Ilrain and Nervous sysli-m. < an'ers. Tumois, I'lles. swell ings. Old Sores Fits. Par.il sis. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Dropsy, <sout. sick Headache. Debility, depression ol spirits. Diseases of chil dren, Hereditary Diseases, etc., etc. and. In fact, all loug standing and Chronic Diseases. Heetal Diseases. They also Make a Specialty or All Forms ot RECTAL Diseases. I'lles—lutcrnal and Ex ternal, Itching and Weeding, Kectal Ulcere. Fissures. Fistula—which are otteu taken for Nervous and Lung Diseases, all cured it taken In time. Kemember. we cure all forms of I'lles without pain. Interruption or detention from business, and without the use of Knlle. Caustic. Ligature or Injection. Come and be convinced. (l»r. McClellan made these diseases an Exclu sive Specialty for Ten Years in a I<arge City. Manhocd Perfectly Restored. Quick, painless and certain cure for Im potence. Lost, Manhood. Spermatorrhoea Losses. Weakness and Nervous Debility, also for Prostatitis. Varicocele and all private dis eases, whether from imprudent habits or youth or sexual excesses in mature years, of any cause that debilitates the sexual functions, speedily and permanently cured. Consultation free at.il strictly confidential. Absolute cures guaranteed. No risk Incurred. PERSONS VssKti.i.rri.i.v treated by ignorant pretenders who keep trifling wtth them month utter mini', h giving poisonous and immirlous compounds, should call anil see the Doctors. WON tiF.IT IN. Ci KES hy our Improved method of treatment accomplished In Nervous Debtlltv. Premature Decline of Manly Powers, Kindred A flections which have beeii neglected or un sklllfullv treated. No experiments or failures. Patients treated by mail and medicines sent by express. Personal consultation is preferable. We guarantee curable cases. i o» othv*.wno w»*h to fill * b»fl I IdCllw t pape .or obtain •• on adv*rt'.&( ig wn« in ' m o, v»nl fioj i< <»• fl'c 1 1 : ;:LORD&THOMAS. - ■ . ; WHITUHR! Ol WHITHER, OLD w.,.HN, SO iiuait WITH limac DIAMOND ROOFING TO COVES TUB SKV. WHY GO SO FAR FKOM xiia LAND OF VOUK liurrut BBCA -K IT ALkEAUY COVFRS TUB tM.HI. Send for illustrated circular to M. EHI JET, JR., & Co*, 4=33 Walnut Strcct» PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! Wh<m I pay Ctm« I do net mean inertly ta (top them for a time, and then have them ra» tarn again. I mean A KAPltlAli CUKE. 1 have made the disease oi FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A Ufe-lflBR study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because other* hava faded it no re aeon for not now receiving a euro. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLB of my IHFALLIBLK KEMEDT. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing tor a trial, and it will cure yoa. Address K. C. ROOT, M.C., 183 PEAHL ST., Mas Vtn NO MORE OF THIS! ■ /fir fill 4 00 Rubber Shop* worn uncomfortably tight will often alip off th« To rvmody tlris evil the "COLCHESTER" RU33ES CD, a shoe with the Inside of the heel lined w itl rubber. This elinjfrt to the she*© and prevent* the KubiHT froni slipping off. Call for ?li© " Ct^li'hr^tei* " ADHESIVE COUNTERS >nd vou can walk, run or jump in tiieiu. gg> A SOUD*<— STEEL FENCE! EXPANDED"METAL SOMETHING HEW •"0? RESIDENCES, C-MFTEBIES. F«BMS GARDENS Gates Arbor*. Window Guards, Trellises, Fire-proof PLASTKIUXH I.ITII, POOR >! \TS, A.c. Write for Illustrated mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ ISA Water m., IMltsl>«rffls. P«. wd«arc JJit n keep 1U Civc name of this caw wwithcomcwA*w onfofih^FllCP rOA B KMT Trl kSI^P M! JJJTorld "Sr )fi i e .tS 1 .nit H HBL.L Only thoa* who writ# .'All you tiavefodoln EYE^fiK mdth«>«e trouni you. Tli« b»- of thU advertl»om*n| ihowi th« amall *n<l of the lr\»- •COfM. Th® following cut u»« of It f »lurf>Mo lb~t «h« iinuib p.ft df It. bulk It ... rr.n.l «.. u b1r.i,«1.1.. V*£En W » n tO.. B»'s M»0. IVMILA..., K.l" TO WEAK MEN Pnffrtring from thc cfTect- of youthful error®, e&rlr decay. manhood, etc., 1 will Bund a valuable* troatine (ataled> contaiT)ing full particulars for homo cure. FREE r . Jl » r A Splendid medical work ; should t><* read by every man who is nervous aud debilitated. Addru^s, Prof. F. €. FOWLER. Dloodus, Conn# SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On futniil*) face, __|j|■ > ; hair on Ike ' cbsuki* ttbovo the beard liuc autl bo- Kulari!«d Wpgt'. I'Uii|"i«b, ' in "i <"k' Loa.Jw. J.ivnr Spotu au<l all dU«a*< * and blemlitbeii of tlie skin, complexion. Lair and wcalj> huccuHKfully truatdd by Dr. Van l>yck. The Poctor I»HH had 20 y«ar«' ezperleocs iu lbs practice of | Mm specialty, and nutnbnrx ainoitK bin p.V tleatft our inoHt promlneut familit*i>. If you are afflicted with uny of the above blcinb lH *, avoid patent medleloea and consult Pr. Van Pyck at ouce Special torran to all who make « a ni;a<em**iitA)tbtN iiKiDtb. Honk free. KiiK'*K'e m*iutH can b*» made by mall. Call on or addn'a* Dr .i Vaa Dyek. 10 H. Utb itr< st, Philadel phla, or fio2 l*eun avenue, I'lttnburK'h, J'a. , IlotirN y to 1 and '2 to 7; Sunday*, 10 to .V PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE.! HANDSOME, IVDESTKICTIBLIi, Cheaper than Wood. IsdH;. Tb« Abovai-utkhawa Ptrkst r»ne« with pale. « 1 to* la not * netting,) caa b« u*M on lion or Woo 4 Puiti. M'h«o wrttirig f.r prtoM fir* Quantity, Number of Gate*. Doable an l W»nf«d. We also M»aur»otura Iron frn-lnr. <'n><t>i,. Htabt* Pluioit*. Pir« Mhuttar# aud Pi ICE Kac A I"k w Cellar tionra, act K»l:in«a, IJrn»« aixl In o (IrUU WlkK I'Ool: i.NIJ WINDOW BCRKOB. aud ail kin la of WikK W oKK. * TIILOK X DIIAN, Ml, 303 & "03 Market St., J"ltU»)ui s li, I'#. — ■ ... .».-ed «t.» la to at." w lit. mil a >.| j l| SPEC IAL . li II I I | fjMoiirning Bonnets & HatsjJ S ii Nuns Voilinu*, |j | Mouininu* Flowers. jS [ Mourning < >rnaiiicnls, J Mourning »Sil]{s, fa 9 m m - V*l fii IS Mouniinii' liuciiing, gMournini;- IJII >1 >< >iis, (Yapos, Kir. ||l). T. P A P E,lj y 18. S. ATain St. HU r J'LKI"}, ?> \lf •J i IE. WANT Tfl INFOBM You that it is our time now! \\ r were haiu])orod long enough. WE ARE IX OUR NEW ROOM 105 S. Maiu St., - - Opposite Willard House \\ e Have flit; Laro-est Stock Or SHU : 3 AND SUPPERS iN BUTLER And we are going to make a noi.-e, nnd tiu oue can stop up, and t< start off with we nre going to make Home how! with our hard hits. To See It If* T«» Buy. A Ladies Gne'Bntton Shoo, i'j.t. I,« ntber tip, worked button hole-*, neat and stylish, I*o cts. Another Heart Breaker: —A bdies tine Don Oxford, tip or plain warranted solid leather at "0 cent*. /« 50 cents Enough? l.s, Indeed: —We have the fiuest o|»ra lot slipper for 50 cents in tho laud We want you to see it. We want yoi to buy it and try it. 48 cts. Onr Mischief. 48 rts Is taking the trade by storm. Th nk of it A child's spri ;ig heel shot bright Don. Kid, sizes 5 to 8, price only 4S cents. Have You St en Then a?—Onr men's but., coeg. ai d ha'.s. at 90 cents i pair. We have a better one for sl. and $1.25 gets you a beauty. Our Men's Fine Donyola Shoe: — In Cong, and !.dm :it $2, has ik equal and arc the very best styles in the market, in fact are ail fresh and new goods and bought at the lowest market prices WE WANT YOU! TItADK And know we can do jou good. We can save you money on any footfteai you may need and give you good, honest goods. SKR Ol T K FINE LINE OF COLORED SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF TENNIS SHOES. SEE Ol R LINE OF W J(i W AMS, ALL COL<)RS. Base ball shoes for men and boys. Repairing done promptly. Booti and shoes made to order. Box toe boots and shoos alwajs on baud LEATHER AHD FINDINGS. The Cash Shoe Store. BLACKMORE & GRIEB, ) 0 3 HA.IN SniiKT. - - KITTLE K, PA TKO UTMAN S Are more than pleased with the hri.-k opening of their spring trade, ud( how satisfying it is to do so large and rapidly inert asing a business whei one knows he has the lust variety, the largest quantity, the newest siyles and above all is naming the lowest prices on II BODS i CARPETS, Silks, Cusbmeris, Henriettas, Serges, ito., Imported dr< ss goods and suit ings in all the new weaves and colorings, comprising the choicest collector offered. I'aris robes, exclusive styles that must he teen to he appreciated trimmings to match. We l*ave a carefully selected stock of notions, kic gloves, corsets, Ac., including all the leading and well known makes. Als< some special brands of which we arc sole agents. The Premiere, Supcriui and Sublime 5-hook kid gloves, black and colors. Thompson's glove-fitting 15,-H, K and Abdominal Corset. A full and complete stcck of domestics, table linen, napkins, ticking, inusliu, satteens, challics, kc., at rock bottom prices. A gigantic stock of Carpets, embracing ell the new spring patterns ic Body atH Tapestry Brussels, Moquettes, Velvets, Ingrains, Ac. It should he remembered that we buy our carpets direct from the largest nulla in America and thus save our customers tho middleman's profit We would also call your attention to < ur beautiful variety of curtains, portiere, &c. All the latest desigus in lace, chenille and turcoman window shades of every kind. A first-class stock iu everv respect. Your inspection is Invited. TROUTMf N'S Leading Dry Goods an;! Carpet Hosise No 20 North Main Street, Butler, Pa msmmm- - - T H r\\yS)POWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed* EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKIKG POWDER IG GUARANTEED I'ULL STRENGTH, fULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON IIS V CRITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRSCG CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS QUARTERS,RETAIL AT S GTS. COOKS HALVES. RETAIL AT IOCTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETA' .T2O CTS. Sold by a" C-,K:<. -■ > Can. * I. 11 noi - . « >^nnnL U T \ V n;h! Salesmen io Sell Our i A A I J JU. Choicest Nursery Slock All goods pinruntoed first-clas*. tiood and or li l , * ,erH ' t n, «- j mis-i.m paid. N«> .xperieii" 1 nectary. Write for terui». K lV '" B *P e nn " wcure : your ihoiic«" t . u .cv, i ..i'k Avenue. Uochcslcr, N V. j < ACCNTC' I canvass for the K.UC of onr rtV3L.il I O ltoin. crown Nm *r> stock. HASTKII MOST LIJ?I;KAL TERMS. CnrHualrit r*rlllll«i. One of HiO ■ •M.-st-cMiiUllsli t. .tnd best Nursci lwin t lie count rv. VMr.-s W. &T. stlTli. I.cnoa .WM-nr. I lulili.lli.l In ISIO. «.mrta, V 1 « ♦