CARTER'S lEjk"®! CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles fnci debt to • biJiolM state of til-' system. such an fidScUiess, JCaiwea. Drowsiness. Distress afu-r eatin*. Pwn in the Side. Ac. Whil« their inrni remarkable success baa tieen shown in curing SICK Headachy yet CARTER'S Lrrri-B LITER PII.TJI •re equally valuable m Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying cornplaint, while fbry also eorreet all disorders of tn«« stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel*. Kven H they only eured HEAD Ache ther would be almost pneeies* to thoso who suffer from th,'* d:«tres- s R-odBMB does end here ar.d th «« »ho once try them will find tte«* little pills valuable in RO many wars that Aey will not be wiiiing to do without them. But after all sick Lead ACHE is the fcano of so many lives that here w whero we make our jrreAt boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CAHTFR'S I.nTTX ta PHAS are very small AO«l very easy to take. < >ne or t'.vo piils make • dose. Tliiry are strictly vegetable and do uotgripoor purge, but by their J" rl!* a«*ti"n please all who n»* them. In vials at l -"> cents; Ave for sl. BoM everywhere, or s»r.t by iuaiL Ci2TZ2 xzz::n:2 :0., its* ~~1. SaaJl HL SaalSose. kill fries. If I litß CCftStJv,:*»SOW. SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECT'OW, WASTING of FLESH, Or mwy 7 icram »/•.•iM.aaeJ) requiring COXFI* ami SriKNTiric Me«!l''a- A|B are treated at this Dhipensary with a guieew ■rely attained. Dr.B. K. Lake l.i a member of tho toyal College of Pbynlcinns and Surgeon*, and it Ae oldest and most exjHjrlejic&d SPKCIALI.ST in tho ■itr. Special attentloa given to Kervous lability tin (Kcetrtra mental •xerlir-;ir. CURE GUARANTIED. MMind wandsria# cnr»d. Earned in on# Teatimnamls fr"m ail p«rtff of the >«»•<■>■ t iui t r rrrrr mfcß, «rat nn appTic-.tiow to Prof, A. lioiaotio, I J3I Futh Avo. K :\t York. I S&- $ cja STOPPED m* w \-1 lnsans r t-s.. Pv.tond •a id SCIE^T B W ft riEBVERESTO'Vfcrt K7 • curt J*e ftervM > yi etc. lNr*Ll.lci.K if takea at direrte-1. /;> J :ft after Jh-:t sfiy'r utr. *a \ fi trial 1 : V tt. KI t. ,»» iruh ?f*K»'i?vltlohs.Va. r>fut".r. SIVA HE Vr IMITATING FRJUDi.. FOR up aim Vin LOST or .tMHIKG SATfEOOt Ginnal aad HEKTOLH I'Kiili.'l ~ W»»k»«»srf Body ami Hind, Effect* at Xrrsrsor !»»«wc • a Old cr Yoynr Mw>, »rtl. «m>»OOI) r,!l, Kf-.torrt. Il.« to «"i •InMAn.lll.t Mm),!.!; Utatli.s HCII rr.HTa«M-'1...,5H iu » -,nr. U.tlf/ irt-n,_iO SUt,. -*i * H*a. Mimt Ei!b MEDICAL CO.. » ». Y. SCHUTTE A: O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers AHII Oas Fitters. I»KA laKUh I W Sewer Pipe, (ras Fixture*, Globes and Natural (ian Appliuncc . JeftersonSt.,opp. rr market. By keeping the surface of the -oil loose the loss of moisture by captllary attraction and evaporation will be partially avoided. A loose soil, if of only an inch in depth, serves as a mulch, of covc*ring over the surface of tho ground, thus protecting the roots and a-sisting to retain the moisture below. Xew varieties arc often sold because they are "noyelties" rather than because they are better than the old tried and standard kind. It is better to use varieties <>r trees and vegetables that are known to be the best for the section where they have been tested, in preference to using others until experience gives an opportunity to know more of the newer varieties. Novelties should be tested in a limited way. An excellent mode of planting carrot and parsnip seed, is to drop the seed in small quantity six inches apart in tho rows, in stead of scattering the seed in the row. By this method the plants will come np in stools, and can be thinned out if too thick, whereas if the seed i.s scattered the plants 'may come up straggling, as the seed does not germinate very easily under adverse conditions. Extra plants taken from the rows may be transplanted elsewhere. CtraCtTLIO ASD PLAN! LICE. Rev. H. 11. Urunning, writing from White Haven, Pa., to the Philadelphia Record, says: "For four years I have used a decoction of tobacco stems as a remedy for the sting of-tke enrenlio, and with com plete success, on removing a drop of g"im adhering to the plum, or the crust that forms over the inoon-shnped cut. there is nothing to lie seen except the e'enn sear, and the fruit is uninjured. Formerly nearly nil our plums were ruined, but since we have adopted this method we have no wormy fruit. Plant lite, which infest the leaves at the ends of the twigs, are also destroyed. "Half fill a vessel with tobacco stems, loosely pressed down; fill up with boiling water: let it stand till the nest day; then syringe the tree thoroughly. Do this when the plums are about the size of a pea, ami again two weeks later." 52,500 Reward for a Lost Cat. The equivalent in English money of $2,500 was once ottered by an obi lady in London for the return of a favorite cat which had strayed or been stolen People called her a "crauk," and perhaps she was. It is unfortunate that one of the gentler sex should ever gain this title, yet many do. It is. however, frequently not their fault. Often functional derangements will apparently change a woman's entire nature. Don't blame such sufferers it they are "cranky" but tell the'.n to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Perscription, which is an infallible remedy for "female weaknesses." It will soon restore them to their normal condition. It is xrarrautcd to give satis faction in every case, or money paid for it will be returned. Dr. I'ierce's Pellets, the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills; -■> cents a vial: one a do«e. —At the hatchery of the State Fish Commission at Erie they recently received 20,000,000 yellow pike eggs, which are hatched out by this time. They are to be deposited in the lake and in the stream* a:ill -mailer lakes of this part of Pensylv;:- nia. This will givo the lttrmers and others living along the streams an increased in terest in fishing culture. If the water courses are kept pure, they will be able to to have every stream in the State stocked inside of five years. The yellow pike is one of the best food fish in fresh water, is very hardy and grows to a large size. In the lake it is one of the choicest of fi.-h, anil in the streams it becomes as game as trout. If you have not taken your spring medicine yet. get Hood's Sarsaparilla at ence. 100 doses one dollar. —lt easy enough for us o tell what wc admire, esteem and respect, but to tell what we love is not easy. —Of the 14,770 murders in country during the past six years, 558 were avenged by hanging, and 975 by lynching. This rather goes to show that Judge Lynch is more expeditious in his methods than the regular courts of law. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE FITOITOR:—I'IO&B# inform your READERS tbatl Lavo a positive remedy for tiie above-named By its timely uao thousand.! of hojwjlciiK have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to «end two bottles of my remotfy FIIEE to any of your readeni who hare conuumption if they will Betid mo thf-ir Kxpreas and P. O. address. lU-spoct fully, T. A. &LOCUM, M. C,. Itil I'earl St., N. Y. —Gftzzam—The etmaus enumerator* will have to be very brave men. Bunting'— W'kw fitwMtn—Thoy will t«» f£*> right up to women and ask how old are. FITS.—AII tits st<*pp»*l irfe by Dr. Kline's <«r<*nt U«*ston*r. No tits alter fir»t da. s Marvelous cures* Treatise and tiou trial bottle tree to Fit cases. Send to !>r. Kline, 101 Arch St.. Phi Fa, l*a. —Applicant (to country editor)—Do you want aiy help on your paper? Kditor— What experience haveyouhadf Applicant llave been a cowboy for three years anil have assisted at a number of hangings. Kditor—All right; you may go on as a critic and also take charge of the poetic depart ment. To Consumptives. TKe underfilled having been restored to health by Mtn| i<* uie«tt», after Mtflering for several yearn with a >evere lung affection, Biid thut dread disease Consumption, iw anxious to nj'it e fcnowo to hi* f"*l!>»w sulfur em the means of cure. To who desire it, he will eheerf'nllj send (tree of chargei u copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthm*, Catarrh, Hroitchiti* nud all throat an! i II Mahnti *. II» hopes all sufferers >.■», WilliamsWurg, K <";iuuty, New York. llr. i'icxo--l's gettin'tircM ob «l' railroad persansien, gonnlemen. II r. Renders— So's I. Mr. H.ites—AVhad's yo' magnates a-growlin' 'bout? Mr. Piexo —A feller on d' train eomiu' down guv nioaquahter wiv a hole into it, an' when 1 kicked, he took ba«i «' quahter, an' tole me t' use d' hole 'er to hurry massif in. —The potato digger always "iitlcuvors to get at the root of the thing. —Straw hats ure nesting. UN'S Boot it Shoe Store The Centre of Attraction. Large lots of fine Spring footwear arriving daily, comprisin? the latest patterns, best makes and by long odds the lowest prices in the town : for stylish and reliable Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Our store is filled with j choice bargains. It Will Pay Ycu To Come and See I the wonderful surprises in beautiful styles and at so small a cost. It is a duty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis ' hard-earned money where it will ' bring the best return. Ilcnce we say to the man vrbo has the desire to obtain his Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes at prices which are uu -1 doubtedlv the very lowest come here ■ come to us. In full assurance you cannot do near BO weil elsewhere. No Matter What Kind of Boot or Shoe You Need, He it a good strong shoe in Ladies' at 7i> cents to SI.OO or the finest in | the town at $1.25, 1.50 and up to and $4. If you want serviceable heavy shoes in Men's at 75 cents, $1 and £1 25 in Bluchers, Plow Shoes, Credemore and Brogaue; if you want fine shoes in Men's you will find them at sl, $125, $1.50, $2 and up to $5.75. The finest styles you ever beheld in Calf, Kangaroo, Cordovan, Veal and Buff in Button Bals aud Congress. Uur special low prices, handsome styles, the tremendous stock is alreadv the talk of the town and county. It needa only to foo known what great, bargains we aro offering and the crowds of people wto have pat ronized us tbis Spring, and stiil in creasing as each and every customer is an advertiser. Our Boys'- Youths' and Chil dren's Shoes admit of ao comparison. Our trade therein is wonderfnl; the reason is plain. We curry everything for Boys w>d Children's footwear; are chuck full of pretty shoes in heel and spring, biaek or fancy colors. Uur iine of Ladies' Oxford? and Slippers by far the largest in the town; prices lowest, styles the hand somest, in black and fancy colors, at 50 cents, SI.OO, $1 25 and $2 00. We have same price to all. Xo auction or old job lots s # old. Yon are safe in buying from us. Drop in and see us. B. C.IIUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, i't» Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. ( ..Of Riii«r 1 - /Hainbletonlanio. r7- J ' !•*>< t .\iare by Exton Kclij * t.Zit < ~ r f nvoorts'ftariiblK'an | Daughter o t iabrc(l Mess' U^TIH (LIIEY TIP "08S is closely related to most of the fast trotters and great sires of trotters Height 16 L i hanti-; weight 1200 pounds, lie is stylish, handsome and a ;y and trans mits the?e qualities to his colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage, coach or general purpose horsey, or sprightly draft horses should examine h ; and his cobs at the Scott barn, ail -v opposite! Wiek house stable TERMS S2O payable iu advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's risk Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STOKE, ;i4 S. Mailt .V., Hullcr, I'a. 2TI2V ' 2:152 BUFFALO BOY. ISTo. 3.8H'2. lIurFAU) HOY IS liy :ti>- great sire Poeallontiis i..... N;i |T:a». sire of ISlillylu Ctrl. 2:12./. Haven I'.i.y, 2:l'. ... alnl 14 othfis WHU n-'.-i.U better than J-M. He eoinhlnet the blond ni t !i- Poea buuliti's, 2:1-"/, Tom Hall's, 2:11 anil Ihe Abler lean Star-, 2:10 1 .. lie U slat;'laril-bre.l m I nlli sides aMI Is registered nailer the highest rules In breeding, lie Is the fastesf bred stal lion In the county ami the only stnlilon In the county i years and over that w;i, awarrteU a premium In illood at the Butler t'o. Fair tall. Buffalo Boy is a pure gaiteil trotter with out any appllane«» and trots fast fur the hand ling be haa lutd. Ills get are all large and line galled. His oldest colt was started in a race a' MtlleinUiwn as a gn en j-year-old. having had onlv two weeks truck »'nrk, chasing the others outa3*w gal' and getting part ol the our-.-, and taking hrst premium wherever shown Puffalo Hoy Ls Mood bay, l« hands high and weighs 1,200 pounds, is a perrecl be, lei or a coach Or roadster. He iviil be found at my barn dtirlng the M.'hunn o( ii.ty, j:*- miles north east or i'lospeel. Terms. T~ l-'or paitiiirtars aiiit i'' r 1 e ,m -i th" i.-rin or address ALOXZOMC*, Isle, Pa. MONTAGUE NO. 1993. J !it* imported lVii h".T«»n hor«c Moatair will make the season of IH*.») as lullovvs, com- IN* IICIIIK April 28th: The liist three days of 1 r if ii wi'.'ic at rtif ♦tarn "t Aloozo 'ai'iif lin I rHiikiiu twp., and Mi last three davsol, ♦Mi ll WKf'k nt t!i*i t>ar;i of S. « . M«'<':tiel!'*ss. i«i < i.;y iwp.. 4 miles Wf.-t "1 on the Hickory Mill road, and continuing thus during i the seariou. A d» si.Tlptl«»n of MoiituK'ie i.-» us he IS well known lu the county, h*- huvtm? proved liiixi.sell riie best stock horse of lii.i breed In the county. TKKMS : Ito to insure. We make his terms low that no person can afford to breed to jjrade* '*r scrubs. For further particulars see posters or ad dressi, /. S. 11A VS, or ALONZO McC ANDLKss liutlcr. Pa. Prospect, l'a. 1,18. n i CatarhH Cm balmHtoLY^jM Gic,, R,n,f atWCfa^cuß R otfgl once and Cure* tohn IN Hl:.m FHAYFEVER^^J CATARf?H hay-F£V^ A particle of t!i • !i tl'.n Is ap »!te 1 lnt.ot.he n«#st»ij, Is u> use and Is rju ckly ah sorbed, « iu;il]y e!<*anslirr tin* j of catarrhal vlru>. < itii he.ilth% seen Hons. P a Hays nam and InilaminatJon. pr«)f»«tH t.Jio m moranai linings or the ne;td troni additlonai cokls, completely IKUIIS the sores and restores the sensi- of taste and snndl. Henerlclal leaults arc reall/.c.1 by a few uppU<-attoiis. A 1 ItOKOl'Oi! TSEA rMKNT W J.I. U K . lHw; 50 cents at druggists; by mall, r< mister ed. GO cents. C'lrculars sent free. ELY HKOTII KJiS, iirugETists. w Warm Ht., N. V. Cutarrh in Not a lihxxl IliiieaNe* No matter what parts It may Anally effect* ca ? irrh always Mart sin the head, and t>elongs to tt;» he aI. There is no mystery of tin-origin or t !ih dreadful d|s« I! begins In a I i gleeted I col«!. one of the kind that Is *\siir«* to i e lietter I in a few day:*.' Thousands "i vlifius know I h.**•'. I Is i>> Jsiwl exi • -rlcnee. Kly's < r . m Ilaltn I (?ures colili In the l»ea.i and catarrh In all Its DHE Grain-Saving, Time-Sav ing, Money-Saving Thresher of this day and age. More Point 3of Exclusive | i a Superiority than all others j combined. raV ER Y Thresherman and B Farmer is delighted with its marvelous work. only Superior for all kinds I Bcf Grair, but the only suc cessiui handler of all Seeds. MTIRE Threshing Expenses 9 S , often 3to 5 times that -mount) made by extra Grain Saved. J Material, j IVI and Finish beyond all com- I JLji"...? parison. IBRATOR owners get the gfa best jobs and make the most j B 81 Money. Igjpfg for Sim- ! j BHE plicity. Efficiency, and Dura- | | H fcility. EYOMD all rivalry for Rapid } |jf 4| Wcrl:, Perfect Cleaning, and i for Saving Grain. SQUIRES no attachments or ! gj jTd ample Warranty given r,n ail our machinery. Engines Unrivaled H Si I,i Mete, al, Safety, Power and EM D-«biii:y. Fr.mphlet giving full ir.- fomsa ion, sent Free. It tells ffgEVODUTICN in Threshin.- 8 t/_.. ' - Send fcr pam- Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG lias arrived in good shape. Ili.s ho:r>liip is quite a hog and lie weighs So,ooo pounds and cost Ti 11,0 00, The building that encloses IJ is Majesty is lot feet long hv J \\ feet wide, and is locat ed in Butler twp, on the grounds of '"'l he Butler Salt and Chemical Works.'' lie is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready great thirurs are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cord i ugly. , A si,();:() Per Vi ar f.nII a> i.oi-al. Tray I'njj or Oen ei A;-!h for i reliant* Nurs.-ry that iiuaraii t. • s It siocfe. .\dilress, at once. R. D. LuetcbFord & Co. %'urHeryiHf»it KorliMtfr, V K M« i,t ion this paper. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balusters, and Newsl-pcsts. . v \ll J. fncls d-work, su<* ii hm Casing. Corner blocks, I'anfls and all kinds oi fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CA LL AN!) SKE SA M PLKS. Homeihing new .uid attractive. Also FURNITUHJI at prices. Store at No. i N. Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington &treeu BI.TI.EK - I'KNNA TWO CHOICE ht'ilOOl-ti BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Beys 3ntl Young Men. SWITHIN O.SHORTL!D«£. A W JIAUVAHD OR A Dt; ATE.) M KOI A. X'A., (Xei>r Philadelphia.) FHINIETIIN COLEEUE L?•;TRA;sCE EXAMINATION. (Conducted liy Prof. Wm. M. Sloan; con tinuing i wo da> st) For admission to all departments in the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Classes, ami lor the New School of Electrical En gineering. Will begin at 11 oVI ck, Tijurnday. .June J2, 18!)0, at McClintock li'l'd, 514 Market St., Pitts burjrh. This will also include preliminary ex aminations fur ihose intending to enter the College a year later. s.">o as a prize is offered liy the Princeton Alumni Association of Western Pennsyl vania for the best examination passed here lor the Freshman Class. Applicants should send their names early to WM. SCOTT, I'res. Alumni Ass'n, 100 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, I'm A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU. If snlTcrine from long sLwding «"lir«.ni«-
  • J. SWiii and Xcrrou- -'.rui. i •• .II .1 .!l". ring froui Ear, I \\r, No so and Throat Trouble. MOItITZ SAI.M >! !►.. Sp»rl«li»t on I»i»ras< « J J. Mcl'l.Kl l,.t>, H. II , Kpnialiil on of Eye, Ear Vise, Throat ami I an**. I'hroalr Disease*. Thev willvisi t this county every four weeks, thus saving their patients the trouble and expense of visiting the city, as th, y are the only physicians ami surgeons in this country who carry their own Manakins. Models. Diagrams, etc.. to illustrate ami make plain to all afflicted the cause ami nature of their diseases. Examination and Consultation Frea to Eveybody. nr» unDIT7 CAI M the great Gorman Oculist, will be here and perform all opera- SJn. ItiUlll It— OML In • iiini-. n 111" 1 Eye. Ear. .Vise and Throat, without pain and In less time than am other Uviim' oculist. This will gtfe his numerous pat leuts and others who are In ne< d .if Med: -ai i rat nie'.i 1 aii opportunity tu consult this distinguished physician. Whose iluties at the Institute will permit only monthly visits to your community. Chronic Diseases of t he Eye. Such a*- ■ ranulat'd lUls. chrnnle inflaniatlon of the llf total eradication will secure health to the patient and all alleviativea are simplv procrastinated sufferings, leading to a fat.ll termination. 1)11. SALM has, by a treat ment local and constitutional, made the cure of this dread disease a certanty, and has never l tiled. Even when the disease had made fright ful Inroads on delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and taste 1. -u- been recovered, and the disease thoroughly driven out. j UR. MOKITZ s> DM Is a German by birth ano education, is w Idely know n as an authori ty on diseases appertaining to his viz: 11 ol I lie Eye, Eur and Throat and til Catarrh, and has secured for himself an envia ble reputation, particularly as an operator. C< IN SI LTATION I'KKE! Will be at Butler, Pa., at Hotel Yoge lev, June 1 1 and 12, Wednesday and ThurscLy, and return every four weeks. Kstablislied 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, i\o. North Main St., BUTLER, PA.. 1J K A LEE IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver war 2, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions, llupairini; in sill branches skillfully done and warranted. 1880 ESTABLISHES!* 1850 The Grant Monument. TO BE BUILT BY TliE IjADIIiS, Without the aid of millionares or moneyed men. Kor tliis purpose the (Gilbert Mfg. (Jo. are making a spe cial for ladies dres* linings, tiie hist for the money they have ever placed on the market,and which can be sold at 20cts per yard. Now the ladies oi the United States can buy enough in six months to complete the monument, and thereby accomplish what the gentlemen have been unable to do in six years. A percentage of all the purchases goes into the treasury of the Grant Monument Association. 1 Ins plan enables ladv to he able to say that she contributed something towards the erection of this monument. It ir-a matter of history that the ladies were obliged to come to the rescue in order to complete the monument on Bunker Hill. To prevent deception, we have caused thu name Giant Memorial Twills" to be printed on the selvage of every yard oi this clot, <>• l'. DORM AN, Pres. FOR SALE 8Y Hitter & Ralston. W'ANTMi.. \<;i:\rs l <»it wnnsTKK -i not :>' wno Ai.b .i!»rl«!_r«'i I>i« - tHUjiirv. I.v ln*i\•• t• • r 1*11• »r\ Hfjl i L-f p f ••vimJiw i.*t •» - " , . LORO& THOMAS. Chronic Diseases. I The 1 Victors treat no aente diseases, but makes an entire specialty of chronic and long standing disease-. < .-es given up by other doctors and pronounced incurable, tliev most desire to see. The doctors have treated over 1-..11H1 cases In Ohio In the last twelve years, many of which had been given up as Incurable, some to be blind, others deaf, and a large num ber f be invalids for lile. Hut behold! now they see and hear, ami many are started on the high road to health and recovery every day. The Doctors are surrounded with the largest collection of fine Instruments ever imported to tills country for examining and treating all chronic diseases oi the mjsAD. FACE, EYE. EAH. TIIItOAT. HE-Mtr. 1.l NHS. stomach. I.lver, Kidneys, bladder, skin, llrain and Nervous system. Cancers. Tumors, Plies. Swell ing-. Old sores l'its, I'aral sls. Neuralgia, l.'hetimafism. Dropsy. Gout. Sick Headache, l'etiility. depression of Spirits, Diseases of Chil dren. Hereditary Diseases, etc., etc., and. In fact, all long standing and Chronic Diseases. Rectal Diseases. They also Make a specialty of All Forms of RECTAL Diseases, riles— Internal and Ex ternal. Itching and Weeding. Kectal llcers, ' Fissures. Fistula—which are often taken for Nervo,is anil Lung Diseases, all cured if taken in time. Jiemember. we cure all forms of Piles without pain. Interruption or detention from business, and without the use of Knife. Caustic, Llgat lire or Injection. Come and be convinced. (I'r. Met'lellan made these diseases an Exclu sive Specialty for Ten Years In a Large City. Manhocd Perfectly Restored. I i ml. k, painless and certain cure for Im potence. Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea I. .--. -. Weakness and Nervous Debility, also for Prostatitis. Varicocele and all private dis eases. whether rrom imprudent habits of youth or sexual excesses in mature years, of any cause lhat debilitates the sexual functions, speedily and permanently cured. Consultation free and strictly conlidentiai. Absolute cures , guaranteed. No risk Incurred. I'f.kso'ss Unsk ili.kci.i.y treated by Ignorant pretenders who keep trifling with them month alter in giving poisonous ami inmurious compounds, should call and see the Doctors. Woniierfcl Ct'KKs by our Improved method of treatment aecompiishe.l in Nervous Debility, IT. mature |i•■ •line of Manly Powers, Kindred Affect ions W hich have been neglected or un sklilfullv treated. No experiments or failures, patients treated by mall and medicines sent by express. Personal consultation is preferable. We guarantee curable Cases. f\- o < m 5 £-:• «!».; } \ ' . M|| IK t jr . ■ Ks "tl> 1 WIiITUKK! O! WHiTtll K, Ol l> WOM AN, SO HUHit I WITH BLACK DIAMOND ROOFING TO COVEK THIS skv. WHY GO to FAR FKOM THE LAND or yoi h uniu» j BECAI'Sff IT AUSAOY lOVbKS KAkTlf. Send for illustrated circular \o 3L Ehret, Jil, & Co., 423 Walnut Slrectj PH ! LADE LPHI A. I CURE FITS! Wh«i I«y CtTRS I do not mean mcrsly to ; •toD them tor * time, and then have them r«j. tarn apain. 1 A RADICAL CL UK. 1 have made the disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY OP FAIXING SICKNESS, A. life-Ion? Study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others hava failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro, bend at onca lor a treatise and a FREE BOTTLS of my INFALLIBLE KEMEDT. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing lor a trial, and it will cure yon. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., I S3 Pewl ST.. . c r> NO MORE OP THIS! mm 11) Rubber unless worn uncomforfnMy will often slip off t 111- fret To r-im-'iy this evil tha "GQLSHESTER" RUSSER CD.. offer n. shoe «ith the inside of the heel lined « it! rubber. This clinirs to tho shoe anri-vtuu> the KubU-r from slipping off. Call for ihe "Colcbenler" " ADHESIVE COUPjTEKS I nd vou can walk, run orjump in theiu. STEEL FENCE; EXPANDED METAL ""SSa"" SOMETHING *Q? RPSIOENCFS. CEMETERIES. F*W.*S GARDENS Gates, Arbors, Window Guard*, Trellisr*, Fire-proof PLASTEKIXi LATH, DOOR « • Write for Illustrated Catalogue- maiku fret CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO litt Wnter fit., l'illslinrßh. I*it. VMntn Jltu keep It. Give unnie of this caver «>no «f the tern ""'[nlHrnr " 1 rj},'*? t£r- 0 r. , r.. , 1 n . fll I' un"l".l | 't. i"' l lo inir.i.Ki. .-our j " up,nor^ ''' hh r 'I '';"* ah } 1 ave to *°t n 1 •«<* y«. i ».«• b*. ginning of tin. »dverti«em»in IVIUnL ibowt the inmll end of the t«le- AddnM II IIALLLTT A CO.. TO WEAK MEN I i Buffering from tho effect- of youthful orr>irß, c.\rly • decay, wasting weakness, loatmaubood, etc., I will BCLid u valuable containing full particulars for borne cure. FREE of charge. A upleadid medical work ; should lie r« ad l»y every xuan who is nervous and debilitated. Ail Urea*,' Prof. F. C. FOTVLERt Moodus, ( onn, SUPERFLUOUS HMT On the fan ale face, s hair on the fore- *»arM, h A udM, cheeks above iho destroyed "farover XVedle Operation PUUtar '" " !Vu - Warts, Men's Kej X Nose, Enlarged ,;V* Veins of the None, Pimples, IU it rk - /K \\) beads. Liver Spots aud all diseaxfit and M«uilshHH of the skin, complexion. Lair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van hyck. The Doctor ba i..t.i JO years' tzptrlMM la (! »• praetl I hid Hjierialty, aud tttiiuberK liia pa tie ais our moat promtn A nt rainJLll«M. If you are atllirtcd with :tny of theabove avoid pateut mediciues and conHiilt Dr. Van l»yck at onoe. special terms to all \\ ho make eutfaKementsjthi* month, lionk free Kn^ste rnest* cau b" made by mall. Call ou or address ! I>r. J. Van Dyck, -SO N. 11th l'iiiladol pbla, or 008 Peaa a venae, Pitisbargb, Pa. ) j Mourn i» t«» 1 aud 2to 7; Sundays, 10 t«» PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, lNimsrisrt TIJILE. Cheaper than Wood. Ih M •j I.J At»o»e cui«b»i»s i*lcti«t r«M« Win 11(0, « fhn !■ n,4 HHj uu (i.iu lit u M»l i'lu: J 'X ; 1.1.. l«i UauufiMtur'! Hc.W lr..n I■ i. : < • r. . HIAI.IS FtUibCS, Plie ghuiUTS M 1..1 I'lltK »>. \i-» - » i t f D«.or», H1..1 Halllit««, Ora*« «|. I Iruu U IKI t»« M) WUTDOW tit'UEl-Nd, shd si I WHO »•. ,i. 1 TAVI.OK A: liOl, SSi SSOS Market St., I'll f I nr««I d.> it to •bow* , h..'i %»t— i» I * "'' ,Ji v frlml. -id nriK»ihAr* «<»?•'• •• ; ' 4 " ' ' '' hnlwibl«l»dc( r« : « »h a»»d fhu» w* *rr i , Mi1...0n .«T U»» "- -• i'« ' llail. SMIAI, || I "Mourning Bonnets Hats! | II ... S1 «ilk Nuns Veiling*, [1 - Mournino; Flowers, [- Mourning Ornaments, I & Mourning Silks, ll 3 Mourning Kuehing, j| || gyMourniiii;' Uibhons, Crapes, = I|l>; T. FA P E,j| § felSTo- IS. S. M .iin St., KUTLEK, Pa| S •j i I MHHMHHMRiMnI l NN HI You that it is our time now! We were hampered long enough. WE ARE IN OUR NEW ROOM. 10f> S Alain St., - Opposite Willard Hoona. We Have the Largest Stock OF SHOES AND SUPPERS IN BUTLER Aud we are jroiDj* to uiuke a noise, and no one can stop up, and to start off with we are goiDir to make Rome howl with our hard hits. "" To See It Is To Buy. A Ladies fine Button Shoe, Pat. Leather tip, worked button holes, ncd stjHsh, PO eta. • Another Heart Breaker-. —A ladies fine Don. Oxford, tip or plain, warranted solid leather at 70 cents. Is 50 cents Enough? Yea, Indeed: —We have the finest Opera toe slipper for 50 cents i:i the land. We want you to see it. We want you to buy it and try it. 48 cts. (Jin- Mischief. 48 cts. Is taking the trade by storm. Think of it. A child's spring heel shoe bright Don. Kid, sizp.' 2 5 to 8, price only 48 cents. Have You St en Them?— Our men's but., cong. eud ba'.s. at 90 cents a pair. We have a better one for sl. and $1.25 gets you a beauty. Our Men's Fine Dongola Shoe: —\ n Cong, and Lace at #2, has no equal iind are the very beat styles in the murket, in fact are all fresh a*id new and bought at the lowest market, prices. WE WANT YOUR TRADE And know we can do you good. We can save you money on any footgear juu mav need aud giye you good, honest goods. SEE OUK FINE LINE OF COLORED SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF TENNIS SHOES. SEE OUR LINE OF WIGWAMS, ALL COLORS. Base ball shoes for men and boys. Repairing done promptly. Boots and shoes made to order. Box toe boots and shoes alwajs on hand LEATHER AUD FINDINGS. The (Visli Shoe Store. BLACKMOKE & OKIEB, 0 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. TROUT MAN S Are more than pleased with the brisk opening of their spring trade, and how satisfying it is to do so large and rapidly increasing a business when one knows he lias the best variety, the largest quantity, the newest sly lea, and above all is naming the lowest prices on DRY BBS It CARPETS, Silk.-;. Cashmerts, Henriettas, Serges, in "11 the new weaves and colorings, comprising the choicest collection offered. I'aris robes, exclusive styles that must be seen to be appreciated, trimmings to match. Yve have a carefully selected stock of notions, kid gloves corsets, r 11 liberal com tni sii.n paid. No experiotire necessary. V rite li.r terms, jiivinj; apv and secure your choice ot Terrilorv. ti. L. K N KIIIT Ji CO., 100 I'itrk Avenue, iiocbestcr, N. V. a p c NTCW canvass for I lie sale of our AUtn I J Home-drown Nuruery stock. wANrK.o MOST LIBERAL r l ERMS. I neqaaled f.cllitle.. One of 'he oldest-estAbllalied, and best Nurserlt KMablUhnl IN !>««. V