Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 30, 1890, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1890.
Seliaul Bros. ArCo.'s
Clothing House,
$l5O will bay a good knock-about
boy'rt suit, si'/.e 4 to 12.
$o 00 will buy a half-woolen man's
$lO 00 will boy a good black all
wool dress gait.
High Grade Fine Clothing A
You want t) we our fiue tailor
made cutaway, frocks, Prince Albert
and Back wuiU sl2, sls, $lB, S2O and
$22, all new epriug styles and choice
Latest Patterns in Nobby Pan
Light colored or dark, striped or
plaid. Our $3, $4, $5 and s•> pants
can't be beat.
All the latest atvles in "Melville"
Hats, Fur. Boft, stiff and straw.
Large variety in Boy's and Child
We cordially solicit inspection.
We will be plcat-id to show our
goods to verily our assertions.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
47 S. MAIN .ST.
WKB-1 I-bkn &. 11. Trains leave butler tor
All'v'iieny al-6*«. *£» and U:ao a. in. and !3J
and isop. in ; arrive at «;:*> and loau a. in. and
j-:ui :,■>*< and VM p. in. Malls close at HA", a. in.
and Ja 9 n. m. hiiil arrive at 890, nt.Vj a. in. and
5:10 p. irT.
J' \V. K. It—Trains leave Huller tor Alle
gheny al oajo, S--V, and lOcati a m. and 3:50 and
JJ.ju D. ill. For the norcli at lttJO a. m and 5:45
l). m. Arrive from Allegheny at \r.M and 11:5 ft
u ill. and i:un and T:to p. m. Malls close for the
Moutb and West at S3O a. m. For I'lttsDiuv
and the North at 9:55 a. m. lor Pittsburg and
local points between Bntler Mid fallery at .'tat
t> m 1' or PittsburK and local potnis between
Caltery and Allegheny at ttoo p. m. Fur OH
CUv Karnliart's Mills. Foxburg and Clarion at
p. m . Malls arrive on this road from local
points between Butler and Gallery at »rjj a. in.;
trom the north al 10« i a. in.; from Pittabarg
anil local in,lots between Allegheny and Calory
at 11 »5 a. in.; trom the north at 3:35 p. m.; from
Pittsburg at 5:00 p. m.; from Ilttsburg and the
V* est at 8:10 p. m. Trains irrive trom the north
at li'.oo a m. and 335 p. m.
Hi AK KOCTES— Daily mall trom Mt. Chestnut
arrives at tr.3o a. m. and leaves at lOaji a. in.
North Hope. Hooker and other points. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at lao p. m.
I,(X;AL ASSEMBLY 8598, Knight* of La
bor, meets every Friday niuht iu the Car
penters and Joiners Hall, third floor, tinsel
ton building, WM. M. GI.KNN, Be-. Set-.
New Advertisements.
Dwelling in Evans City lor sale.
Heinemau's display ol etchings.
Horse for sale.
Love's boarding house.
NOTK —All advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—The earth laoknth not for moisture.
—The strawberry crop will be very
—The Fourth of July comes on Friday
this year.
—.Some slight changes were made in the
fchenango time table Monday.
—The U. P. Presbytery of Duller will
meet at Kith Hill, June Olli, at 7.30 P. M.
—Col. Jar-kson will speak at the Or
plians' Home, at about 11 o'clock, this
(Friday) morning.
—The Coldinger properly in Parker Tp.
was sold to a Mr. Walker, of near Petrolia,
for S3O an acre.
—The best way to encourage the tramp
is to show him u pile of cordwood ami
other little aets of kiudness.
—The work of canvassing the county
v. as a very unpleasant one this year and
the candidates are at) bronzed as veterans.
—The West Peon it. it. Co. is putting iu
a semaphore sigual, at the depot here. It
will announce the departure of trains.
—The tax duplicate of Butler borough
was placed in the Collector's hands
yesterday. It talis for sHG,I!U<i.«O, for
street and other borough purposes.
—The Hamilton Bros, have let the con
tract for the rebuilding of the eight-pot
bottle works.
—Messrs. lleineiuau & Son have sent
out invitations to u view of etchings ut
their storeroom next Monday and Tuesduy.
—On Tuesday last Ldgar Bingham of
Harrisville, shipped a coop of (ioldeii "Wy
andoites to John Mcparling of Oakland,
Califoi nia.
An exchange welcomes u gentleman
to the toVn wishing that he may reside
there until the population has reached
100,000. It is unkind to tfisli the man
200,000 years of life.
—lt may he remarked casualty that the
eight hour heaven that is about to open to
a portion of the world's toilers will not
include farmers, newspaper men or the
women who do their own housework.
These tbreo classes will continue to work
nineteen hours a day.
—Prank McCoy a sou of John McCoy of
near Harrisville was fatally injured by be
ing thrown from Amos Hall's wagon near
Branchton station of the Shenango H. R.
The team became frightened and ran ofr,
and !■ rank fell from the wagon and struck
his head against a stone, fracturing the
:ikt)ll. He died next morning
An editor who is a close observer of
human nature, says: ' We can always tell
what sort of u woman a man marries by
the way ho treats the printer. If he gets a
common wife, ho forgets the printer alto
gether. If ho gets a tolerably good wife,
he will send a notice of his marriige. If
he gets a good one, he will send the printer
a slice of cake accompanying the notice,
if he gets au extra good one, he will send
H greenback with the notice. And if he
[jets a glorious angelic creature, all aflec:
j,ion Aud goodncs#, he L. sure to (.end the
printer a gold or silver dollar, with the
notice of happiness. No good wife allows
her husband to ow« for liia paper, and if
thoir worst half does not atteml to these
things it is a clear ease of deception, tie
cause a man that ivon't pay for his paper
will deceive his wife, and wc havo our
opinion of such."
—Kerosene oil will clean a lamp chioi
ney much better thau soap. Try it.
—The W. C. T. U., is out iu a petition
to the Crar against the Siberian outrages
Persons wishing to sign the petitions will
find them at Boyd's an«l Redick s drug
stores, and Reed A Kirkpa trick s grocery.
—O'Brien's show left Butler l*>t Thurs
day night, but the clown'* trunk was
left behind, as it was dropped on the
street, and was found and opened next
For the accommodation of all who wish
to attrud the Scotch-Irish Society held in
Pittsburgh, May 1"9 to June the P. <t
\V. It. R. will sell Round Trip Tickets on
May I'D, JO, and 31 good to return until
June 3d, inclusive at half tire, £1 25.
Trains leave Butler at «>, 8:55, aud 10:20
a.m; 3:;Vt and <>.:»•> p.m., c ity time.
C. W. liJSBKTT, G.P. A.,
Allegheny, Pa.
—As a bo*kin ot uunsual proportions has
struck Butler, we had our ottice windows
scrubbed last Monday morning for the first
time in three year.- . We might al-ocasually
mention that Main St. is to be paved, the
free delivery system will soon be in oper
ation here, the street ear company means
business and we are thinking of buying a
new hat.
—ln answer to an inquiry, the
Supervisor of the Pittsburg district has
received from K. P. Porter, of Washington,
Superintendent of the Census, an order to
enumerators that when persons refuse to
answer questions as to mental and physical
disabilities or about their mortgages, to re
port the sauie to Washington and legal
proceedings will be instituted through the
Department id' Justice.
—The sixth international (tenth
national) Sunday school convention, of the
United isiatc.- and British Nuith American
provinces, will be held in the citj of Pitts
burgh, Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, June IM. -'i and
27,1800, in the Mechanical ball of the ex
position building, on Dmiuesin- v.ay, be
tween First and Fourth -tr.-ets, beginning
Tuesday morning at !• o'clock n;id closing
with Friday evening. Three si sions w ill
be held daily.
—The merchant who congratulates him
self on the fact that he is saving a certain
sum of money per day by not advertising,
is not wise; rather he is losing a certain
amount of money each da}'. A well-know
firm in this place pays out each year an
amount for advertising equivalent to two
dollars per day for each day in the year,
anil have been doing so for years. They
are satisfied it pays a big return.
—School Boards should bear iu mind
that the law requires the President of each
Board, before transmitting his report to
the County Superintendent at the close of
the school year, to make oath lo the effect
that the schools of the district have been
kept open for the full period of six months,
thnt no school has been kept opi u on
Saturday or a legal holiday, and that no
one has been employed to teach who did
not hold a valid certificate from the Count)
—Policemen JI oi'tl mun und McCuiidless
attempted to disperse a noisy crowd in
front of one of our liotel» at 10 o'clock last
Friday night, when they were set upon,
knocked down and aim ;cil by the crowd.
The next night the policemen recognized
and arrested three of the crowd, und their
tines and costs amounted to $35 each or
SIUS in all and they w ere Veil pleased that
the matter was dropped at that figure.
Ou Saturday night some glasshouse men
raised a disturbance at the corner of Main
and Waj lie streets, and the larjie crowd
could not be dispersed until the hotel man
turned the hose on thetn.
—Leeehburg and Apollo were excited
over the "origiual package" business last
Saturday. An agent for a Cincinnati
brewery took orders in lime towns for
eighths, quarters and halves of beer, a car
load of it arrived in the towns anTl was dis
posed of last Saturday. A committee of
citizens will enter suit for violation of
Brooks law, and maintaining a nuisance,
and the agent dares them to do it. The
hand bill announcing the new business
read as follows:
; Here We Are.
t The Cincinnati Brewing Company an :
; nounces to the people of
Arou.o ADD I. KM ilium.,
I That, commencing on Saturday, the ;
I 24th, they will be prepared t.> furnish :
; their celebrated make of I.AtiKR ;
; BKEK in packages from I to J barrel. ;
I delivered at a much lower rate than it :
; is now costing the consumers. They :
; respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. !
; Orders left with their agent,CH A 111,IvS :
; SILVERMAN, or sent to his address ;
: at Leeehburg, will be promptly attend :
I ed to, if accompanied by the necessary ;
I amount. ;
Oil Field Notes.
The salt water of the and Co. on
the Humphrey became exhausted a few
days ago and the well is now producing
150 blls. a da)'.
The Leidecker well on tiio dinner is
rated at 75 bbls a day.
Redd and Co. of Butler are putting up a
rig on the J. P. Davis place iu Brady twp.
Stiauor. Dale and Co. ou the Brandon is
rated at 100 blls.
Golden and Go's, well on the Nesbilt is
rated at .~>U blls.
The Crab Run G'o's well ou the Allen is
not doing as well as was expected.
The McCalmoiit well on tie Staples
doing 12 inches a day.
'! he three Patterson Wells on the Young
have a combined production of about 2,000
blls. a day.
Snee and Co's no. 3, at Mnrriiistille is
doing 15 bids, and their no. 5, 25 bbls.
The Mecliling farm well is rated at 35
A driller named Win. Furinan formerly
of this county wus killed by lighting iu
Washington Co. lately.
11. W. Christie is drilling a v. ell in
Liberty two. Mercer Co
ilit: well on the Hi nders.-on Hhira faiui
in \\ ashingtou twp. \\as .-hot, Tuesday,
and responded nobly, putting 25 bbls of
oil iu the tank in lour hours. It is a good
1 he Standard Gil i o. has purchased two
thousand acres near Now Brighton, and
made contracts for rig timbers etc.
Death of Will llazeii.
Henry William Ila/en, only son of lion
A. |>. and Mrs. Ilajen, died on Tuesday
morning last, aged 19years. He contracted
a severe cold at his college iu Washington,
Pa., and was brought home last Thursday,
by his father. This developed into pneu
mollis, but he was doing well and was sup
posed to be recovering, till Tuesday morn
ing when a sudden change set iu which re
sulted in his death.
W ill wa a most promising young man,
and was beloved by a host of friends who
extend their sincere sympathy to the fain
i'j, in this their hoiir ot severe bcrea.
Wan Led, everybody to come to
lieineman's Monday and Tuesday,
June 2 and 3, to see the finest din
es t display of etchings and fine pic
tures ever brought to Butler.
—do to No. 42 North Main St.,
tor u K<>od meal, only HO els.
J. U. Love, Prop 7.
Down at Wampum seventy-five Italians
live iu one house
The mutton dogs of Beaver county dis
play a proficiency and zeal which give •
them a long lead of competing counties.
The other night a coterie of these dogs
visited the fold of a farmer named Irwin
and went to work to_ beat the record
They killed 241 sheep, leaving only 4
sheep alive out of the flock.
The East End of Pittsburg was visited
by a violent storm last Friday afternoon,
which blew several houses to atoms, uu
roofed others, blew down shade tree-, el -.
The residents of Lincoln. Highland. Fifth,
ami Peun Avenues were the greatest snf
A very serious type of measles prevails
at Apollo. So violently was a daughter ot'
John Smith attacked by the disease which
settled in her ej es, that it caused her pu
pils to burst. A Pittsburg oculist, who
examined the patient, believes that she
will be permanently I4ind. Ali-- Rear
ight, is also sightless from the same
cause. The attack in her case, however,
was not so severe, and it is thought that
she may ultimately regain her siuht.
A very singular case in Court in Chester
county, has just been decided by medical
testimony. A Airs. Teagle recently died,
leaving a considerable estate. Robert
Clayton claimed that he was the deceased
woman's son, and, consequently, the heir
to the property. The other day, Mrs.
Teagle's remains were exhumed for phys
icians to ascertain whether she had or had
not ever given birth to a child. The med
icine men announced that she had never
been a mother. That seems to put an end
to the claim of Air. Robert Clayton.
The farmers of Berks county are alarm
ed at the appearance of myriads of worms
in the grain and green grass fields. The
pest resembles the arm} worm, and is par
tieularly destructive to young timothy and
Pretty ilia* Leslie Dcnier.of Providence,
Lackawanna county, in keeping a gaiij; ot
well know 11 iiuiinti men. b>.iaiiLon cluika,
out ol'jail. Last w inter a score id' tjcran
tou merchants were systematically robbed
by clerks. The goods were sold to old
batchelor Nathan bipnian. The latter has
just been convicted in court. The fact
has now been discovered that he is Mi-s
Eenier's lover. The latter visits him in
prison. .She is above hiiu, socially, in ev
ery way. The police say it is a slick job.
She loved this prisoner for his -ilence, and
she has fooled hiin into sacrificing himself
rathi-r than make the impose promised.
On Nathan's evidence the whole
could be sent lo the penitentiary, but he
w ill not »i|Ueal as long as she pretends to
love him as she does.
The murder of the Crouch family in
Washington Co. lately was one of the most
brutal that has ever happened in the state.
The weapon used, a rough piece of fence
stake, and the hideous blows which must
have been struck with such an implement,
alone stamps the perpetrator as a very
fiend. It is almost impossible to imagine
any sufficient motive for sneh a crime. It
was not lied sary for the purpose of
robbing; for Mr. Crouch was eighty-one
years old, his wife, seventy seven and his
soli forty-eight and all of them tso feeble
anil timid that resistance on their part was
impossible. Two theories are advanced to
account for the murder. One i■■ that the
murderer was a person known to the
family, who went there fur purpose of
robber). was recognized anil killed them to
escape detection. The other is that
robbery was the object, that Mr. Crouch
was the first person struck, the intention
being only to stun him and that when the
murderer found what lie had done he kill
ed the others lo cover up his crime. A
negro named West, has been arrested and
held for the ciiiue.
Near Uradl'ord, on .Saturday night, three
hoys named Thos. Peterson and Win. and
James Trantor, ranging in age from 10 to
14 years, found two torpedo squibs. After
examining them the boys throw them to
the ground. The explosion that followed
tore the flesh from young Tratitor's hand,
blew out one eye and cut open his cheek.
His little brother M illie received a terrible
scalp wound and Peterson's left eye was
driven into the head and his wind pipe
lacerated with a piece of the tin. The
boys were discovered soon after and carried
to their homes. AVillie died next morning
and the others are uot expected to live.
The community in Mineral township,'
\ enango county, is greatly excited over
the ravages of two dogs among cattle and
sheep. It is said that they have killed
$2,0(10 worth of sheep and several cattle in
the past few days. Two hundred men are
in pursuit. A bulldog and a mongrel,
each weighing about 75 pounds, are the
The Markets.
Our grocer i are paying 12 for butter, 1-1
for eggs. On for potatoes, 25c a doz bunches
for rhubarb and onions.
rrrTsumu PBODUCE
Timothy hoy from country wagons i)il4
to +l<>; mixed hay to .f:i. packing hay +7;
mill feed il l to sli>. ye HI to <ij, oats 31 to
34; wheat 0-1 to US; clovereed 3 50; time
thy seed 1.50.
Apples I. 50 to -I 50; butter, country roll,
10 to 11; eggs iu cases, 15 to 1(1; goose eggs
25 to 30; dressed spring chicks 25;
live spring chickens, <SO to 7.>; hand
picked beans +2; extra goose feathers
tkl; No. 2, 30; mixed 35, rags IJ; white ho
ney Iti; buckwheat honey 13; lettuce 40 to
50 a doz; onions 20 to 25 a doz; radishes 30
to 35 a doz; asparagus 30 to 40 a doz; cukes
2.50 to 2.75 a uojs.
U Herr's Island, Monday, prime corn
fed beeves sold at ~>{ to 5), fair 41 to 5;
Common Ito 4J; bulls 3to 3!, dry cows 2J
to 3J; veal calves tl toSJ.
The sheep pens Were pretty well cleared
early in the day. MeCreary and Surgent
sohl Law rence Co. sheep at 4 to 5; year
lings 4 to 5.!; spring lambs at <i to S. Cruik
shanks sold spring lambs at (i los, and
1 linner at 7 to b; Keasey sold sheep at 4.
40 to 5.00, aud spring lambs at ti to Hi.
Reiher sold spring lambs at 71.
Sales of fair to good corn fed hogs were
made at 4.35 to 4!, and mixed country
hogs nl 4 to 4|.
THE Oil. SI AII k I.T.
Monday at 03Z, Tuesday 92J,
Wednesday !)o;.
—Display of fine etchings at Heic
einau's Monday and Tuesday, June
2 uuil 3.
For Sale.
A good horse-—halo ami suitable
lor ftftuily purposes. Will be sold
cheap. Also with him a new top
buggy and harness if desired. For
particulars enquire at CITIZEN office,
Duller, Pa.
Mitchell Wagons.
We waut all teamsters and others
who want to buy wagons to see the
new Mitchell. For sale by
—Velocipedes, rocking horses
wagons and wheelbarrows at
.i. F. T. STEUEE'S.
—Take watches and clocks that
need repairing to F. Wcigand in Wil
liams' Jewelry aud Music store, anil
have them repaired in good stylo Ly
a skilled workman,
„ —Full line of guitar strings, banjo
strings and violin strings at
J. F. T. STEUEE's.
Youngstown Wagons, Huggies
arid Surreys.
We carry u full line of this well
known work in stock und for sale at
low prices. Considering the quality
of work, we, ol course, cannot afford
to sell at prices asked for clap trap
goods l liul have no style nor
durability. We fully warrant every
—We are snowing great values in
silks, henriettas, mohairs, ehallics.
fine dress ginghauis and all kinds of
dress goods.
Largest assortment of line drei-s
ginghams and challies in Butler at
lowest prices at
—/uver's Pictures leavo nothing
wauling in fiuisb, tone or a correct
Samncl Wolf was committed to jail by
E-h). Easley on a charge of surety ot the
peace: Win. Hughes by Esq. Walker on a
charge of larceny, and George Barker by
Esq. Kohner on a charge of hnrglary.
The County Commissioners are getting
ont the county tax-books. They will prob
ably ask the citizens ot Summit Twp. to
petition Conrl for a review on the new road
at Bonnie Brook.
Twenty three casor. are entered in the
(Quarter Sessions docket for Court next
week, none of which arc ot a very serious
Mary Wilson to Jno Carothers, et al, lot
in Harmony tor s42>
A J Nicholson to H S Met'lymonds lot
in Butler for oot)
I. O Perrine to Win Irvine lot in Butler
for 3950.
A E Moore to Eevi M Wise 30 acres in
Buffalo for loon
I I. Al Wise to Periuilla Moore 30 acres in
Buffalo for WOO.
(i W Patterson to Jno E ■ Patterson 40
acres iu Clay for 1000.
J W Muller to Cath Ripper lot in Butler
for 350.
C Dully to J ,\ Patterson lot in Bntler
for 250.
S O Sterritt to A B Boyce 1 acre in Ad
ams for 150.
S Crowe to Jno Cooper property in Ad
ams for 315.
VV G and C W Rus.-ell to Ella Barahart
12 acres in Concord for 300
Lewis Young to Jus McCaudless lo.t iu
Brownsdale lor 300.
I> A Renfrew to Agnes Mellon lot in
Renfrew for #l.
R S Sanders to Geo Edmunds, lot in
Martuishurg for t3lo.
Marriage Licenses.
lioward J Pollock Butler, Pa
Laura Patterson Forward twp
Abner C Snow Armstrong Co
Christy Ann Ewiug Parker twp
John F Sutton Miilerstown
Mattie llorner Nth Oakland
Eleary B Patterson Venango twp
Clara Thompson Allegheny twp
Win J Cooper Renfrew
Margaret Hockenberry Franklin twp
Wui H Kalb Butler tw p
Louise lioerr "
John It Boyce Ulanis twp
Sarah M Ktiaulf Middlesex twp
\t Mercer—\V\ K. Bell and Lizzie Bartz
of iiarrisville.
At Kittanniug—M 1». Eshenbangh of
Butler Co. and Ada McNabb of Worthing
At New Cast^ —A. W. Kingsland, of
Portei iville, anil Annie Beveridge, of New
Wilmington, also Oliver P. Bannou, of
Reibold, and Lis.-a Mayberry, of Lawrence
Mr. ti. W. Bovard id' Brauchloii won
tirst prize for orat uy at his college, auil
will take part iu the inter-collegiate Contest
in Allegheny on May 30.
Mr. If. L. Beck of the Hotel Vogeley
anil 11. 11. Wallace clerk of the Gato Co..
will leave New York tomorrow ou the City
of Roue for a trip to Europe.
Rev. Wright has resigued the Ass'l
Principalship ol Sunbory Academy, and
Prof. Christie}' lias taken his place.
Mi. \daui Smith, the teamster, was
badly injured by the upsetting of his
wagon while coining home from the
Hundred-foot field, last Saturday night.
S. J. Blackinore, of Beaver Falls, is vis
iting liis .-on. AV\ W. Blackinore
Air. and Mrs. Win. Turner of Allegheny
twp. celebrated their golden wedding on
Thursday the 22d inst., a full account of
which will appear in next week's paper.
Col. ,1. Cooper AfeKee, a surgeon of the
F. S. Army, is here at present on a visit
to his friends. Dr. McKee was born and
raised iu Butler.
Mr. Henjy Hruncrmer of <'onnoi|uenesJ
sing twp. and Kev. Clark of Prospect have
gone to Buffalo as delegates to the U. P.
General Assembly.
Two old citizens of Summit twp. John
Grieb aged 84 years, and Mrs. liascr aged
82 y( av, died ia-t Wt dnesday.
Mrs. floskins of Attica, N. V., is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Scott.
—Lace curtains, curtain poles,
sash curtain materials, scrim and
curtain laces and drapery of all kinds
Remember that wo are bead
quarters for white goods, embroidery,
lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies
arid bed sets
Eggs for Sale.
Ksfgs from the following pure bred
fowls for setting, Wyanrlots, Light
Brahinap, Plymouth Rocks, White
and Black Leghorns. Price $1 for
setting of 13 eggs froiu ar.y of above
W. II Mourns,
No. 7 N. Main or 11)7 W Pearl St
—Uuitars, violins and mouth
organs at .1. F. T. STEIILE'S.
oh! conic into the garden, Maud,
And sit beneath the loses,
And see me prance around tin: beds
Dressed iu my Sunday closes!
Oh! come and bring your uncles, Maud,
Year sisters ami your aunts, .
To tell tfieui MeCutchen made my coat,
My waistcoat and my pants!
McCutchen's new merchant tailor
ing establishment nearly opposite I'.
O. Main St. Butler, Pa.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Liui
nient, best iu the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stillness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny aud spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J, C. REIJICK,
2-18-otn. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, I'a.
—lce cream furnished iu auy
quantity, for parties, Ly the City
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakery.
House-cleaning time shows the
necesnity for new curtains, tidies,
throws and Led sets. We can sup
ply you with everything needed iu
that line.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best, in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inllained lungs, rough
ness of skin, anil all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-18-3111 No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Fa.
Williams has as choice a line ot
Jewelry and Silverware as can be
found anywhere, aud defies competi
tion in price
—Try to induce yiur neighbor to
—J. .1. Reiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having anv to sell
should address him LOOK BOX !126,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
Balls and bats at
New mohairs, silks, henriettas,
challies, and full line ol dress goods
FUN SAl.E —About 175 feet of
| inch wire rope. J.N MUNTZ.
Buy the Kighme patent shirt at
—Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—Full liue of hats, both stiff and
soft, for summer wear at
J. F. T. STEHLE's.
Home iiiuiie luead at 'be Cit}
lce tor sale at the City Bakerj
—Try us on silks and Mark dress
jfoods. We have some special l>t»r
—(Jirls tricycles at
—Spectacles scieutilieally adjusted
iiu the most difficult cases. Consult
| Dr. Simpson, the oculist, at the
Lowry House, liutler. on Tuesday,
May 27th.
—lee cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—Take your children to Zuver's
| Wallery for i'ictures that will suit
yon. Anderson building.
Largest line of fine baby
carriages ever brought to Butler at
.1 F. T. STBHLE'S.
Highest ca<-h price paid for buck
wheat at Geo, Walter's Mill, But
ler, Pa
Large assortment ot lace tidies,
pillow shams, bed sets, fine silk
throws, India silks, pongees. Madras
drapery, , at
—The Bright light Bink on Mc-
Keiin Street lias been turned into a
distributing depot for buggies, phae
tons, fcuneys, carriages, spring wag
ons, Bolster wagons, carts, &ic.
Seeding, harvesting, and threshing
machinery, fertilizers, &e. &o. A
firm has bought this property and
will fill it with a large line of first
class Koods for the purpose of supply
ing both the wholsale and retail trade
front 'his point.
Look Here, Friend, Are You
I'o iuUSUlici from Ih-.pefiala, liidljjestlol).
Si;ur stomach. I.ivcr Complaint. Nervous De
bility, l.ost Appetite, UlitousnesS. Tired Feeling,
Pains In lbe i hest,Ntelit sweats.Loss ot Power,
or auy form of Consumption' It so. go to your
I Tuny lal anil plirellasCa bottle ot Floraplexlon.
wlikii Hill lulekly reslore you to sound phys
ical health. Floraple.uon is a highly con
centrated fluid extract of the most valuable
medicinal roots arid herbs known to science,
and cures where all oilier remedies tail. Valu
able book, •'Tilings Worth Knowing,'' seat frre.
Address Pror. Franklin Hart, Warren St., N. V.
Dwelling for Sale.
A nice frame dwelling of six rooms
and a large stable, -Bx4o feet. Lot
3i)*l80 feet, located on Washington
street, southeast of the Miller Hotel,
Evans City. Terms to suit purchas
er. The two buildings bring sl4
rent per month, Inquire at the resi
To be sold lor laxes by Treas
urer Seaton, al public outcry,
at the Court House in Butler,
on the second Monday of
June, 1890, being the 9th day.
Moor, Beriali, t> acres, 'sT S 2u
Kodgers heirs, 5 acres, 87, 88, <<9 8 It
Adams. M S. 535 acres. 87 79.%
Williams A C, acres, ©7 8 0i
I'earce Thomas, 20 acres.lss*, 12
lmpsoii, Doininlck, r»o acres. 88 18 73
Klskaddon W J. 25 acres, iss7. t 77
Crawford Lydla, I*4 acres.
(. rawford l.ydla. :;-3 acre. »7, 8s J. U-i
Jones Christina, 1 lot. x 7, 88 l 23
Weller John. 1 lot. s7. 8h 7
Kiskaddon W/, acres. i>«v< J67
Marshall & Conn, 7 acres, 18 s . 1 3.5
Cuinpt»ell W P. 1 lot, s7 a 74
Mi-Caiidless J M, Ca a«-res, ss p; ;h»
McCrea Mrs, 21 acres, ss 3 51 ;
Kelly Patrick, 3 lots. 1887, 88. W 2 08
Strain DUvid, 8s acres. #7, n<. . . 6<i 27
Skelton Mary,:;:} seres, 87. if IV 21
Chambers J H, su acres, 87. 8s 24 .1
Smith t; w . a**r»'s. . . ss, >•» p» *>9
llufebisoii John, 12 acres, 87, ss j cfi
.M(Murra) Samuel, 110 acres, 87 hi 34
Kerr James, 50 acres, 87 4 si
Herron Jainee 17,acressd 4i
l.rossinan. ..•> .n:res.-s. m . 17 02
McKlnney Hob i; 123 acrt?s, »8 17 40
ckanhekry TWP.
Covert J W, 8 acres, 88, Bii 2 13
CrtXt'OßD TWP.
.Mrt'luugblln John, I lot, 8/ . . r »0
Kennc.iy Peter, rut acres, S7 is »is
P.lain Kll/a 1 lot. KM, 89 8 iil
Mechah James. 37' acres, 88, 89. 12 17
Wilson Allen. 20 acres. 8H 3 ot>
Par Lies Prank 1 lot. 3s 1 !W
lJoNr:«; U. TWP.
11 usselion Theodore, 121 acres, 87, '8.... !") '■«
(ireenwood oil Co. l acre. 88 44
Jack J 11. 30 acres. Bs. B>r 18 22
Allllcr .1 £. 1 lot, 88, 89 5 10
I-Al it view baiiaiGU
ImiHuml l lot, oi . .. i3O
I it INKLI.N I W I'.
l aller Wiclndas, house and lot, ks, sir..,. l 17
Brackney Annie L, 81 acres, ss 10 02
William Williamson, 75 acres. 88. hi tffi
Seat oil SabiUel. 10 acres. s7. B**. Mil 3 I*s
McCandless Charles, XI acres, 87, 88. >:r.. 13
Maxwell Sarah 14 aeres, ss, sn n :>o
Kel ley J 11 I lot. SB, s:i 1 no
Itarler A, luuacres, Bs, s«» 33 m
Hutchesou W A, 1 lot, s7, 88 4o
IVrvliies .1 N, 1 lo acres, ss, 3s 71
piii ton & Sou, 1 lot, 88. KJ, 27
Kdwards James, 40 a«;rcs, 87, 88, sy :js Sl2
parr t; s 85 acres. 88 1 - 18
(.lasple, Tuly Co, 1 acre, 87. bH. 80 .. . !• ou
Turner a: Morrison, 3 acres, s7, ss . 3 90
Parker w W, 1 lot. 87 2 is
Alversoti Sarah 70 acres. 88. 6U 20 :»2
A t wel IT J. 45 acres, 88, si# 18 57
Abbey ti W, 50 acres, ss, so :>l 52
Tuler J c, 10 acres, ss, su 28 52
Dcutflabs Klleh, 2 lots, 81. 8:) 1 ou
Sullivan Tabltha, house aud lot, 87 2 10
Green Miles, 105 acres s;, ss . .. is 113
Md bile T S, 211:1 acres, ss s7 "<s
McCandless Sarah, 80 acres, ss, so 46 50
tK wr.
>ado WC. "»3 acre 68. 89 .... 2."» 2C
Mi Itrlde A. aeies, 87, ss, s:» 2ii «j-.i
Murrlu John, h»o acres, 87. 10 80
lli/.ulns John. 45 acres. 87. 88. b. si
Kelley Theodore, :i:» acres. BS, 80 la i'-J
.Me.clauiiahaii Mary /> acres, sB, sy . j si)
\ audeillti J < . so acres. 8-e s'j :w
N ore toss Andrew, 43 acres, 88, sn 10 98
wasiiinoton twp.
A udersou Jane, i;« acres,887.s t 89. 20 in
Atwell T I, so acres, 87, as, 80 lo I*
Ituckeyc Coal Co. 75 acres. s7 in "0
Milliard Ellalia. heirs. 75 aciejj, s7 .» to
1 umer Jl. 3 acres, • * • 13 12
; ift aden J ante • • . acres, us, 80 . -
lielley Patrick, so acres, 88, 80 40 72
Thompson OD, 00 acres,Bs, hi* IS 01
Brlfton Jos x Bread on 129 acres 88, 80 4 J si
Irwin s P. 7: acres, s*. 89 21 09
Hojd A. 15 a< res, hs.. 7;;
Simmons Joseph. 1 acre >"• .U
Sutton lames, jo a« res, ss 53
Buehler John, 31 acres, ss 22 48
AMOS BKATON, Co. Treasurrr.
Road Reports.
Notice 1, hereby given that tin- loiiowing road
1 ! epulis have bet nt oiihi hied by the Court ulsl
•nd will be presented to Court on the tirit
Wednesday of June, being the 4th day oi
aid month, for confirmation absolutely. 11 no
exceptions be tiled.
K. I». No. 2, l>ec. Session, 188 S.
Petition ol inhabitants of Worth Twp. fur a
public mad to lead from the lower prospect
road, neai the residence or Adam Liese. to the
uptier Piospeet road, near Mount Pulon ehiin'h.
I*el>. 22, i*«.mj; repori of \iewers hied, reporting
the road us j.ra>ed t«»r necessan. and reporting
the probable cost of making same to be sevent>
live dollars and that said cost should be borne
lc, the'ow No damages assessed. Now
,\iai. h Ikio, approve*! and width at :i3 feet
| notice lo be «'i'. -;i according to rules «»f Court.
11 v the Court.
in*rt.Kit 1 Ol NIV. ss.
certiiled from the record this . tn day of May,
Uel uen McElvaiu, Clerk (I a.
LEAD, others follow.
The rapid ineiea.se ot
business is the In st evidence
1 that our effort t«> give to this
community a (ir.-T da.-. IMII-
Store is appreciated. \\ e
; make a specialty of the drug
, business proper and give if our
entire time and personal :it
rention. We handle only the
I best of everything 111 our line
and guarantee the pmitv <>l
everything beamier the name
of 0. N. BOVD. We have no
old stock that lif IS stood lot'
3 ears, but all goods are pure
and fresh. Phvsicion's Pre
scriptions receive special at
tention. If we do not have
what you want we frankly tell
you so and will be pleased to
secure it for you on short no
tice We ask a share of your
patronage and feel sure you
will be pleased with our meth
ods of doing business, and we
can save you money. Your
interests are best served at
our store.
0. N. ISO YD, Druggist.
Diamond liloek, liutler, l'a.
I'arlies wishing to invest money, eeiLaiii
to bring fair returns, are inviteil to care
fully investigate the inducements offered
WOKKS." The stink consists of B.OW
shares, the par value ol which iss.>o.
For the turther developing of the vrorVs.
some of this stock is put on the market
For prices and particulars inquire of
.1 AS. F. BMTTAJH, Bntler, Pa.
Olhce on Diamond.
By virtue of sundry writs of \ en. i.x., l'l. l'a.
Lev. fa. .vc issued out of the Court of < mnmon
Pleas of Butler l"o.. l'a.. and to me dlreeted
there will Le exposed to publn sale at the
Court House, Iu tl.e boroiiyii of liutler, 011
Monday, the 2d day of June,
A. li.. at 1 o'clock, v. «. the following de
scrlbed property, to-wtt:
E. D. No. 91, June T.. Marshall Bros,
All the right. title Interest and claim oi .lames
B. Elder, of, In and Co t ; land, wore »r
less .situated in Muddyereek Twp liutler < •»..
Pa., bounded as followr-, In wll- «•?» tic liorill
by George McHee, east by I nuiish ami
Oraii Stewart. south b*> Oian Stewart and
Samuel Burnsldes, west !»;> \V\ I. tdenn; i.»
aether with a brick house, frame barn orchard
and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO—CM. Iu and to six ~v acres 01 land
more or less, situated in Worm Tup.. Butler
Co. Pa bounded lollot\>. b--v.it On the
north by John Humphrey. easi b\ Zebulon
Cooper south by Zebulon Cooper. west by las.
Humphrey. All cleared, under fence and iu a
good state ol Cultivation; with a trauie ionise.
Irame stable, orchard and outbuildings tin ic
on. >eiz« d and taken in execution as the prop
erty if James B. hlder at the suit or J. M. Mar
shall In trust lor the Porte isvUle Savings Bank.
L, D. No. 'JO, June T., I*JO. E. S, Templeton.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Wil
liam <i. Smiin. of, In and to one {P; a\-re ol laud,
more or less, situatetl lu Marion Tw 0.. Uuller
t 0.. Pa., bounded as follows. io-w it: lb-ginning
at a post, them e north en eaot b> oi
John black U perches to a post, tie m e south
J 4 west by latids ot James Ulaek at> in perches
to a po>t, *ihence tiorih bie 2 west by of
James Ulack j-lo peicln sto the place of be
ginning- All cleared and under fence.
ALBO—OI, in and to a loi of land, mou or
less, situated lu Marion Twp., liullei Co. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: On tin north by
an alley, east h> an alley, south oy .• stiet i
West t, Alain St.. being lois NoS. 1 and i in tla
village of Corydoti. Marion Twp.. liulier Co.,
Pa., each lot being Go feet front by leet dt-.-p.
No Improvements thereon.
ALSO— Of. in and to (31 > acres oi land, more
or less, situated lu Cherry Twp.. Butler * 0.. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: BeSTlnhing at a
p<»st. thenee south l w>st by part ot same tot
oti perches to a post, llience north s9 v,«-st by
same lot i:w |»« relies to a |Kist, thenee norili l
trast by lands of Allison I hompson (i». pen hes
to a post, thence b) lands of James an i John
I'dai k south »!» east I.W pcrcn»-o to the pla . ol
la ginning. All under a slate ot culliva
Al.so Of. in and to <;»5» acres oi laud, more
or less, situated In Marion Twp..butler CO.. I .1 .
bounded as follows, 10-wit: ltrglnnlng a
post in the road at the southwest corner uear
the western gate on dam, thence north 4 1 _ east
25 2-10 perches to a post, tlieuce north o eaa!
17 3-10 fierclies to a post, thence north t: eiu>i
10 peiches to a post adjoining land) oi i limnp
son. thenee. east .1 perches 1" a post by lands «»t
William Black, thence, south l<\ lauds oi A
Klrkpatrick ill |»erches to a post, thence north
.'hi' 2 west by lauds of Thompson pel. In sto a
post, tlienee north 34 wrsi -0 perches to the
place of liegitihtiig; mostly clearcii ami under
a slate of cuitlvalhm
Af.sO- Of, In and to . a« res (>f lauds, more
or less, situated In Marion i w p.. Puller l o ra
bounOed as follows, to-wic tleKbiiiln ' al a
post at the northwe>f eorner. then, c souths.-»
east by purpart No. tot tl. real estate ol Ale -
under Me Slurry, dee'u, :» paitltioneil, ss jln
perches to a im.sl . t hence south 2 vve i i»> lamls
of .1. .1. Maxwell 75 irtclics to a post. 1 hence
north 88 west by purpart No. o ..j »,tid real
estate and by lands ot Joseph Halle) Ino perches
to a |«ost. theuee north i east by laud Jo .
Palle.y 7"» pen lies to the place oi n.inning;
under a j40o«l state of culti\allon.
Al.su—<»f, In and to (1 • > acres id land.mote or
|e*s, situated In Marlon Twp Bull* r Co., Pa.,
bouuiled as lollows. to it: at a
post four rods east ironi James McNallen ami
< • ldeon tJrubb'scorner,thence by land or Simon
(•lossiiian north » east 6a .. in perches fo a
post. thence soul 11 87,'j cast 40 per. in s to a pin
Oak l») lands of A. M. tlieuce South by
lauds of heirs ol Alexander M. black 5."# perches
to a put oak thebce north B<is west b)' lands
of James MeNalb ■53 pei Im to a post tn<
place of beginning. Cleared and under a good
slate of cultivation.
ALSO of, lu and to .•»*•) acres of l.ind, more
01 less. Situated in Marion i.vp. Butier i 0..
Pa., bounded as follows I J wit. al
the iiorthr ast « oruer «.t hinds ol Alexander
plack's heirs, thence south I*» 2 |>. r. hes to a
white oak, llieiice north » West ny lauds ot
lianlel liuffy 70 peiches lo a post, thence, by
lands of tlideon tirubb north - ca 1 bKS perches
lo a post, thence by lauds of W. smith south
s».'. east 53 perches to the place ol bf'ginning ;
mostly cleared and under a :rood state ot cul
ALSO of, 111 and 10 (21 acres of lun i more or
less, situated iu Marlon Twp.. Butlei Co.. Pa ,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the
ceiille of S. .v A. K. K. lauds ol liavnl Atwell
north 2 east 15 percbej to a post, tbenoe noiiu
m west 22 perches to a post, thence b\ lands of
\V. (J. Smith norih 2* east 4 ' -in perches to a
post, thenee north west It 0 lo perches to a
post, thence notth j cast l'J ti-10 perches to a
post, tlieuce by lauds ol Win. Black souths
-4 peiches lo a post, thence .south east la
is peicbes to apo t, thence north :*i east .-' a
perches to a cherry, thence by lands of Win.
r.lack south 88 east .;7 8-10 peiches 10 a posi
Iheticc by lauds of \\ 111. ti. smith south 42 west
10 perches to a post, then » south •» we.it IT :; 10
perches to a post, thence S. u-.. W. 5-10 P. to
a post, thence south east so perches lo a
white oak stump, thence south 51 . east a 0
perches to a post, thence bj, the heirs oi Kirk
patrick souiii 1 west 2 perches to a iK»st.theiice
bv lands of Milford soulh ii west :;s per lies to
a post, thence north 2L'. west fcti 210 perches
lo the middle ol S. & A. K K.. tuence south 5U
west along side railroad :< I 10 perches to the
place of beginning. Seized ami taken into exe
cution us the property ot Willlalu <■ Slltllh al
the suit of Mutual Lile Insurance Co., 01 New
Thompson & Sou. L i>. 110. ii June Term,
All the ri*ht. title. Interest and claim of Hen
ry W. I.aiiK'hurst. of, iu and Iwenty-iour (21)
acres of land more or b. -s, !.ltu>iie«l hi I rank
liniwp. Butler county fa bounded as follows
to-wlt: Beginning at Ha- louibwest comer,
tlieuce east b> lands ol Alb n \l. <'all p. rein s
to a post<, thence north bv lands 01 - tran f. Al
licit and W. A. Allien t:8 |,« relies to a po 1
thence west by lands ot William 11. Allien
per" lies lo a posi, thence south by lands ot J.
1> Albert ns perches to the plan* of he-Inning ;
all fenced and under a stale of cultivation-
Sel/ed and taken in execution as the properly
oi Henry W. Laughurst at the suit of Henry
Myers. Trustee.
McJtinfciu & aalbreath, alt;, s. b. U. No. 20,
June Term, lßou
All the right, lit le. interest a nil claim ol
James C. Wcßride, of. in, ami lo i«*l acres «»i
land, more or less, situated in Cle.irlicld aud
Donegal twps. Butler county . I*a., iKiunded .is
lollows. lo wit : on the norih by 1..01 .• Ito.i
gers, east by Edward Boyle south by Win.
Monteer aud Peter Oraff, west b> I>aniel Hold
limcr, Michael Maley, HuKh and < or
iielius llarrlgan . mostly • Icared with
a two-story board hou.se, name baru and out
buildings thereon. Sel/ed and taken in e ecu
I ion us t In* proper! \of Junes C. d. l.rld. at
the suit oftiruli a Firth.
A ii Williams, atty. K. O No. 3< Blue Term
All the right, title. Ihteieoi and ci ihn of John
W. ° r in aud to 100 acres ol l uul.iuoie j
or less. 111 twp.. Butlei eoulit; pa ,
ixc.imleil as follow io-»vit .On the north 1 j
dei.-i:i and Po>i pilr ♦ ast b;, unuel M<
< ame> and'i nomas Aba ainey, south i»\ l in.b
of the hells ol John McfNiuiej. wer-t n John
liudßby; mostly cleared and tiuder a . o«hI
slate ii| ciiitlvallou with a two .'-.tors house
frame barn, orchard and outbuilding lie icon
Seized and taken lu execution as the pn.peii\
~t John W Hiatus at the -'lit of Fannb- I
La very lor use. etc.
I'leegci Moore alt)s. 1 i> No sr., ,lm*c I
111 m. 1800
All the right, title, lutere 1 aud « 1 tim • »f« aleb
Bmtth of in and to tw • eres < i land,
m> re or 1t..- j, iuuaied 111 slippri 1 ■#. k tow n nip
P.illct counts Pa., bounded a. loilou to wit
(m tht norui 1•. Uenr drills I > • • 1 <■.
Jane r tteOnl Hon soitto bj lands ol to.
1.1 irs of J 1. Bard west 1 lai tret (
mostly cleared under 11 pood slate of <ulttva
tlon with a iralue dwelling houirauie iiaru
orchard and outbuildings ihereou >• i/.ed ami
taken execution as the property oi Caleb Smith
at the suit ol Asa M. I'aUcisou.
I 1 tireer £ Ualslon, at(j >. Kl» No. .v., i. *),
All the NChf. Title, tntere.it and claim «,r Mil
t tiin Tetmv or in and to acres of lino, more
lor less, situated in 4 lav twp., lutltr «ouid>-,
l l'a.. bounded as folio** ti*-wil: «lr» tie- north
by Joint Brown east be Kntoert I u-»ur- r.
! south by K!i M'|e «e<t h .! ,
, i-bejfer; in««-u> ei«ar»*d, ut*l*r .» ,
• iiateoi eulMviiibiti *Uh a frame hou »•. bain
ami outbuildings thii>on. i - d and tak> u in
i • \ei utimi as iiir property «•( Miib»n lth.t* nl
Ii be suit ol John 1". t i .ibii,* r lor u»e. etc.
W. H Brandon. :»tty K I) No 4f>. June T« rua,
Ail the utn- inirrest and«laiinof James
B. I hoinpsou «»r. in and to 7o acres ol land,
more or l< situated In « h-'rry twp., ButU*r
<ount>, i a., boum'a d ,t~ fohow to-wit: on tbe
borth by b>iiberi\ of John Caiiuoti. ».Mist
l»> UtM kenbertv. . outh l.v William It.
Thompson west by Mrs. John Hall; aiH>ut »y
a« res clean d. ail tirider feia e and .♦ _.».. d si.tie
of eultivatlon with A iwo--iorv iiame boust
traiite barn or» iiar«l au«i out buildtu. N ililirt-ou.
sflzed and takr-ii in t \e» uiion as tbr |»r« 'pt-ri v
ot James B. Tlio«u) >oii, at th«* suit ot Butler
Sa» lugs Bank.
Lu.sk. attj. E I>. No. Kiand si, June Tri m,
I Si**.
All Ihe liglit. tiln . and lalni o| \V.
J. Mates, oi, in and to i. ,»» ir-.> »»f land, more • r
lev* >ilnat*d in renutwp Bulh'i « ••. l'a bound
ed .i> follows, t« -wit: on Hit- N. b\ ttie«>n lieb>.
t-asl by lamln tornn rl> ot J |: Mates iioivjobn
south b> t'laude Uerarl and public
road west bs UUnl.io M-tly cleared,
unuer fenee and under a l-.,h| m;u
of C'llrivafion with a Irame oweii-
Ibis' house frame bank l»arn. orchard and out
buildings thereon. s» i.'. d and taken In • veni
tiott as the ]>roperti ot V.J. Ma . at the suit
«d Butler Savtmrs Bank tv>r use or a.m< « aud
-I'. \\ Lo,vi> E. i>. No IJuue 'l'eriu, l
All ihe right, title, interest and claim ot ti.
\\. iiiisOti. of, in and toa lot, <»i land, more or
legs situated in I'etrolla Uiro. Butler «. l'a..
bounded a.-* bdlows. to-wlt : Oil tin n .rUiby an
i'lley, east b\ .1. li. t hatbam, S4>uili by Main >t.
w st by AltH'i i Ivtlehenstien. together wlib a
i wo-story board bouse and outbuildings there
on. ai.d taken iu execution a» i lo* pnv
pertyoiti. \\. tSllson at the Milt of M. ii.
t I). Mo. Z6. Juue Term. isoo. 1. Wile he 11
Ail the light title, interest and claim <n \m
ttirw McGaivej or. in and to 2-0 acres ol land,
ld county, fa., bounded as fuUuws, i-»-uii: OB
til • norm b . | 11. t ampbeil and .I.e. Doaaidsou,
east by K. M. l)onalo>ou, south l>y If. M. l»on
abison, L. < iraiiam. et al. west by other lands
of Mat new M«(jlarvej; n.osily cleared and un
der a good stale ol cuiilvatlon with two coal
banks o|iened and Iu operation, and orchard
thereon. Sei/ed and taken In ex;?cutlon t*, •
property o! Matbew >!ei,aive, ai Lhc auit ol
Win. ?>. Jack, et. ux. loi Use, U
E, b. No. *9, June iciin hw. u. 1\ . • tt > att^.
All the rl-iir. tif!»- interest ;!: 4 d claim of
Jauies 11. Abraids of. in and t•» _u «.-ivs ol
land, more or less situated in Faitview twp..
But let < ounly. iu .1 uuded as loilows !-» .ml:
Beginning at a j t si, lb nve by lands l uiuci i\
or Attains. Hinth ■'.* \>«•>[ .i»s percht*- to
post and in -n».« by land* ot W ui. n' ••e n r ers ano
- a-, l a
Iml 7-W per» in sto a post, then, t- \ lainls for
merly of Malta-v» I .lia and wiUow Mutth
SOUln io east Its pen lies toa post, tin ncc b>
lands id rvtiuufcl L. liiudie norm s:» uud .«• sec.
V.'csl iyu V-1U pelche> 10 I lie ol
mostly clea»» i. 'l'ne \lll oi Kacns in.
built i hereon, ten oil wells thereon myelin l
wltli the niaehiiieiy and iialuics liien to bc
property ot James 11. Ahrams at liie suit *>f
Jos. M'-Llroy, ir-istee "i lite t'ltllzeiis r*.. iuLs
iiank cl Last Brad/, C laii.ai * 0.. l'a.
1!. 1). No. fc7, JnueT.. 1 ">JO. Williams a Miich
eli, alty.-.
All the liiic, Inten st and claim of 'l'. .1.
A i wrtll, of, m and toone(lj aere «-i land,mo
less, sllualed ill N\^a Twp., Butier l ,
l'a , bounded as follows, io wit: i»n tlie norifi
by A. s. Miller east by \\. L. l)au ben speck,
south lo Mrs. Lvcreis, wt . t bj Butler and tan
lemon toad. All under fence, wnii a >ou:iiJ
orchard thereon.
AlJsd <>f in and to ii aeres ol land, more or
less, ailuated In Wasbmgton Twp., Butier Co
l'a.. bounded as lollov. to-wit: «uil he nt»rlli
b> Henry 1 )au lien speck, east b. Kll i'ouu. s-ui ii
Lphraiui t and Uaubeuspcek heirs,
uy t'ampbeil Oauoenspe« i-; togciher wiih a
log house, on hard and outouildiu£s I hereon.
ALSO—Mf in and to 4~> acres of land, more or
less -ituuted m I'arker Twp., Butler i\>., l'a
bounded a> loilows. to wn: On tlie north lo
Amanda lioover.ea>i by John I'aubeufepeeK ana
Juli:i Ward soiiiii b.> NV i; shrj ». k, UI*SI b>
James Mechlin ■; ami Jess--* blven ts ; leneed and
uinter a good state ot culiivatiou. Sei/ect and
taken In execution as the property Of T. J. At
well at ike suit of John 1 t>n:iit.
hi. D. No. io, J tine 1., i,mu. K. Marshall, all y
All i lie- right, title, luteresl ami claim <>l
Samuel A. Davidson and fclleb Davidson, of, in
and to 11 acres 01 laud, luore or leas. situated hi
A dams Tv\ |» Butler to., tti.. bouuded as tol
lows, to-wlt: On toe north by Mar
burger, east by John Casmlollar. south ny Win.
Johnston, \veat by laud of tile heirs ol Joseph
Johnston. All fenced;mostly chared and under
a good slate ot cultivation.
A LS< > of In aud to 03 acres of I t u«!, more oi
less, situated In Adams Jwp., Butler Co.. Pa.,
bounded follows, to-vvlt: Beguiling f
southwest corner, i hence north j»;•, west »j
perches b) land of the heirs of Joseph Johnston,
thence south.'> 7 east perches, ihence uorth
2t> 1-2 west 2 perches, tnenee north 5i west in
a stone,thenee north t 1 i west Ul perches to •»
|i(ist and stone, thenee west i'7o pen lies to tin
place of beg.niiiog, together with a train -
house. 1 t'atue barn, orchard and outbuildings
and eoat bank thereon All under fence; inost
ly cleared and under a pood st ife of cultivat ion.
Sei/ed and taivcn lu execution as the pro|Mrt\
oi >ainut l A. Davidsou and Kileh Davidson al
the suit oi Thoiuas >l. .Marshall.
L l>. No. ins, June T., 1890. J. is. Bredln, att'y.
All the right. title, interest and claim of A. E.
At well. of. In aud to 91 a. res of land, more or
le&s, situated In Marion Twp., Butler < 0.. Pa...
boil ii 'led ;is follows to-\vlt (»n the north bv
Vincent Porter, east by Robert Vanderllu.south
li\ IM\on AI .veil lien - \v - I b> K. Cunningham
ei . al ; together with a i\vo-ator.\ frame bouse.
Ira me barn and outbuildings thereon. Sei '.eil
ami i a ken In execution as the properly ol \. I.
AtWell at the suit ot Win. Wallace tor u.,e Ol
Han lei Markel.
1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor
biromes the purchaser the cost, on the writ
must he paid and .t n-i ..i the lleim Including
searches on the property sold I «»-
gciher all h mi. n hen creditor's receipt lor the
amount «»i the proceeds of the sale or such p>n
tlon thereoi as he may claim musi be furbi shed
the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid hi full.
a. All sales not heftmd Immediately will l>e
cominiied until i o clock t*. m. oi next day. al
w loch time all proper!) not nettled for wlil l.e
put up and solo at tic- expense and risk of the
!•» ison to whom tli. t sudd
•Sec lurdou's Hige&t, :>th edition, pa ye 4b»,
and biiilMi's Korms. 3s4.
oiJVhli t I.'KDIC, Sheiiff.
sheriff's oriice Butler, pa.. Ma> i •
SherilPs Sales.
virtue of :i writ of Al. \ en. Ex.. Issued ont
oi ilie orphans' Court of Pull* rt'o., I'a.. ami i«»
me directed, there will be exposed to public
sale s *t the Court House, in the borough ol Pul
ler, Pa . on
Monday, June 2a, A. D., 181)0,
at 1 o'clock r. >».. the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
o. C. No. 28, Dec. T.. 1878. W. l». Brandon,
All the title, inter- t and rialm of
(aillespie of, 1:i and to l."»o acj h of
laud, more or le.s-j, situated in Donegal Tup.,
Butler Co. Pa bounded ;is fol lows, 10-vvi I: On
the north by Mctiar\ey heirs, ea. t by l atrb k
ISta. k. south by Petri llilderbraud and Mar
gar-I t>heiKe>. \\«:,t b> Win. 4'««}h- f Palilck
• >.i en. Jam -«. .en and Jam McU •..< t «I.
al. biu nerrs. more «*r le: >, clear< d; t'.vo-.*»iory
train.• house, frann- barn •> prodiirln^oil well>.
or. hard and ouibuilding's thei < oh.
ALSCi Of, lu and to acres of land, most "i
less, situated in LMnctfal Twp . IJutltr Co.. Pa.,
bouuded as follow-*, 10-lvit: On ihe north by
Margaret Sherkey and P« ter llihlci brand,
b.> ( harle.N DulTy, south by Charles Hulfv and
Piatt heir-.. w< -t bj Oaiilei Met're i, dee'll.
About acres cleaied; liaLince in tlniber;umh'i
fen»:e and a state of cultivation. Seizetl
and taken in execution us tin pro pert.) of
ijCQfke >V. tiillespic at th suit of Owen Urady,
guardian, etc.
Widows' Appfaisenientb.
The lollop iiiK widows appraisements of per
son i! proper?) and real est ii Bel .i| art for (be
bcnehi of widows of decedents. ha\e been tiled
In ihe office of tin ( Itrk of the orphans Court
of isutler count) Pa., and confirmed nisi:
Widow of James P. |:>hi do
*• 'I homus laiulsey (really) . .... jyj l'.»
" ltobert Ha) ... jou 00
• Thomas Smith (really ; no
44 •• Patrick Mcßrlde :juo on
*• •• Parr :mo 00
" Henry I>. Miller ;wo ih>
• 4 '• Jseiijamin Donthctt .son oo
Minor children of .1. B. Long .. .v>
All person s interested In the ai>ove appraise
ment-> will lake noll. i; that the) w ill pre
sented to the Orphans Court at Uuller, Pa .ui
Wednr.Mlay, lh«- Hilda) of June, it no
exceptions be tiled they will b. confirmed abso
lutely ti) the Court.
ld.i i:kn M» Ki.\ ms, Clerk O. C.
VJI! || I*a s I nls to oil. salesmeu. * M I*l I T
\ I llllr b'I.K. Can MaM you ut om:e. nnd
V I U Uror terms »o
J. AIM IN nIIAW. Nurhri jriuaii, IturlifHtir, N.V
lIIITLBIt, I' ft.
11. FUIiLERTON, IVop'r,
It Ia it 1.4*1 llmiiik'lh ami turn
ftlniiHliM'lurwt »fl*urt* Itm
l«-i Coiiuly Vxmil.
We guarantee our go«.ds to be strictly all wool
and no arse rile or an > other poisonous mat ei It I
used In dyeing. »* sell Wholesale or i«lail.
imples and prices fiu nli licd free to cb il» i . n
apl'llcaMoti bv loall.
.1. hi kiistoi*,
I'rarlii ul Slatts ffonlVr.
Ornamental and Plain dialing;
ot til 1 kilift- done <>n -liort notii n
Ollice \\ illt W. 11. M.I. IIS No.
7, N. Al lill Si,, KN'sidoiU'o
Not tli Elm btreet,
Butler, Fa.
Our Stock of
Men's, Boys' Children's
v " H "* ,n <* «•
:i\l('ll> <111(1 \ Ollt.llS' Slllts,
111 black and fancy wor-teds, cheviots, series, ca-siiueres, etc
11) particularize and describe in cold type our stock for the ensuing
season is very impracticable, and would really answer t<> no purpose. Such
I n description would convey to vou no ilea .if'what our stock is like To
I appreciate it you MUST SEE IT
( Inldrens ( lot 11111 i_»* in ( irent Varioty.
A wonderful Castouet wheel gooa v\ ith every child's suit over st,
11. Sclmeid email
Leading ('lotliier and Furnisher,
4a. j\l ain St. - - . Butler, ±>u.'
— *
Biirpiin Seekers, Attention!
A trip to the city is enjoyed by ev.-ryc.n* liviufc out of it. Just us a trip
to the country is enjoyed by city people. Vou will Uud a v i»ii to Pitt]
1 !j~ 1 profitable and iutercstiug, us the inonev we bave you on a few
dolors -aurtb ol good.-, will more ihun p,»y y oUr car fare. And then, we
Stop a i goo.ia to the amount of 'lYn Dollars or over, expresaage prepaid to
a l ) u, e wllLilj huudred miles of Pittsburgh. Here are a few of the
giL-.it At offtr:
Fine Cloth (Japes, $1 25 to $4.75.
Ladies' blis jers, $3.50 to $11.75.
Elegant Beaded Capes and Wrap.-, from $1.50 to §9.75.
Uur tiimuied Hats aud Bonnets are wiuuiug litbh laurels every day
i lie e.\lnbii coiu(irib(-> hundreds of styles. the work of the foremost artists of
the world. We have beyond doubt the largest and finest display in the
litv. h'mi iliil I'lowers Hii.l liibbons iu profusion. When you conie io us
lor anything in this line, vou are sure to get just what you want, as we
keep everything pertainiug to Millinery.
Underwear and Gr loves
tor Ladies and Gentlemen. CJ a r stock embraces all kiuds and at urices to
suit all pocket-books.
010 to 514- Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Special Sale
j .Boots, Shoos and Samples
The Next Thirty Days Only.
It is with great pleasure that I inform the buyers of Boots aud Sho.-
of the large Spring sioek which has about all arrived I also wish to infor i
you of the lan-e line of Samples* Hoots, Shoes aud Slipiiers) which I bougi
very cheap at a forced sale. This large liue of Samples were bought .• •
addition to my regular Spring stock.and 1 will sell it very cheap. They have
ail arrived aud are open and ready for your inspection. All persons iu need
of Hoofs uud Shoes, now or in the near future, will do well to visit Bicker.-,
for alljper.-oiis visiting our store during the next thirty days will receive
bargains such us has never been known in the .-hoe trade.
Ladies' Shoes.
Ladies, 1 wish to call your attentiou to our liue of French, Dongola
and Curaro Kid Shoes in hum! turns, in opera and common sense toe, made
over the latest style lasts, sizes 2i to 7; widths, 15 to E. A good machine
turn tdioe, $2.75. Our leader is a fine tiongola or straight goat, every p»it
guaranteed, price §2 50. A good pair dcugola shoes at $2 00, another pi
at $1 50, iui(l your choice of a good dongola, pebble goat or morocco, 3 8 •• •
$1.25, Call early and be among the first to get the best selection.
Full stock of wigwams of all kinds; lawn tennis slippers; patent leail. r
pomps; tan c lor (either iu light or dark color) shoes or slippers in all frize*
and W:dths We have a nice line of Oxfords, with patent leather tips «t > •
opera toe slippers, iu the opera aud common sense style, which we are el
- very cheap. Ladies, we wish you to call and examine these g- :•
whether you wish to buy or not.
Misses' liue dongola uud pebble goats, hatl aud spring heels, at sl.2a
This is a great bargain. A misses' good school shoe, medium or high cut.
at SI.OO. Iu this great sale wo have not forgotten the hoys, misses',
youths' and children's department. They have all been lilled to their
utmost capacity and nhowiug the finest liue aud prices cheaper than ever
known before ia Butler couuty.
Men's Shoes.
Wo wish to call your attention to our fine line of dress shoes iu Fionch
call", Cordovan, Kangaroo and many other maieiials, ali made over the la-eat
atyle ladle ami by cxpui iuueeti woikuiuu, in iiaud aud machine se wed; g >' uji
very light and durable, adding great ease and comfort to the wearing of i h ■
shoes. Men's calf and dongola shoes in all sizes and widths, plain to.
tip on toe. at $2.00. A good pair of veal calf shoes in English Bal., B. i i
or Congress, nt SI.-10. This is a bargain which will last but a few days (
the persons to call drat are the persons who will receive the best see .
Men's working shoes of all kinds. Men's plow shoes, brogans, cre» >
etc., etc A good pair "A" calf shoes, tip or plain toe, laco or ciu
double sole and tap, which we have been selling many cues of. We lia
marked them down to $1.35.
Boys'heavy shoes of all kinds. A full liue of Rubber Goods •> id
kinds. Large stojk of leather sud findings. Blacksmith aprous iu cal a.id
A full slock of our own make. Fine dress shoes always on haul A
large block of box toe boots uud shoes of our own make on hauds.
Hoots and Shoes Made to Order.
llepairing done uumo day as received.
"Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person."
Vours truly,
22 S. Main St. - - Butler, i'a
The Kvaii <'ii> llimr mill Tlii. mill i
■ituati'il in Dvnii < it.v, ami 11 in one < »i'th«-
l>< t loraliii"- i" county. on railroad,
anil -urronnded by » splendid pram ktow
iiip count rv. Thi< mill v ill he oiilil cheap,
i ... tuithci particulars i-ull on or address
Cvuus City, l'u.
harm for rhc&p. 120 a« t « . 3 uiilt?
IVom liitienville, .soil iim- orchards,
lino locntn-u, luiihlings. two <cttH.
|MH> im i <tc re. A»Klu*
1 WM. 1 MSG,
lJox Greenville, l'a.