[CARTER'S CURE Blclc Headache and relieve all the troubles inci degt to a bilious state of tbe system, such as IMjudnees, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Fain in tbe Side. Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headacba yet Ciarrm's Lim* Lrvaa PIIJJI are equally valuable in Constipation, caring and preventing this annoying complaint, while tirj atoo eorrert all dfeonlers of the atomaefc. stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Bven If thev only cured HEAD Aohe thev would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this complaint: but fortunately their goodness does ».« ™d here and those who once try them will find |fe«e little pills valuable in so manv ways that *ry will not tie willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE la the hane at so many Uvea that here Is whore we make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. CARTER'S I/rns f.rvca PILLS are very small and easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Tiiey are strictly vegetable and do aot irripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaan all who use ire for fl Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL CA37ZS KXSICDTS SO., Vrm Tart. faalfiH Small Baa. Small Trice. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. It {g used and endorsed by Phy sicians because it is the bent. It is Palatable as Ifilk. It is throe times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, dees net separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the bert remedy for Consump tion. Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT 4 BOWNE. CHCMIITS, N. V. And clean your Shoes in place of a Bruth. EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorr\ EVERY Carnage Owrjor EVERY Thrifty Mechanic EVERY Body able to hold a bru»h SHOULD NAN ©IK-^?ON wiul svain GLf» u, fuwniT-..* ; urni.-th WILL avAitt Cuics >nD CMIf-AWAHK p# u tt} WILL 6*MM Tiiwaac U4IHIC WILlftr»IN»OUllOiO iMMT* fim*. WILL STAIN Q*»/ « COACH AND XrOLWW i* RANDOLPH, Ph'lr. jelphta. /o in Orwj, taint amd J otute Parai-hiry &VJKRRH pi^ll ™meve^^ HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM it not a liquid. mu/T or powder. Applied into nostrilt it quickly abtorbtd. It cleantet the head Allay inflammation, llenlt the torei. Restore* the temen of tatte and tmell. M cents at Druggist#; by mall, registered, GO cte Ely Brothers, Dr "' ut "in w " rr " Bt - DOCTORS LAKE Lm I PRIVATE DISPENSAIiYfi OFFICES, 328 PEKN AVE, —PITTSBURGH, All form* or bellcat* and Com plicated Diaraaes requiring Cuari- DBBTIAL and bciasTinc Mediia tan are treated at this Dupenaary with a iucra« ■zelr attained. Dr. S. K. Lue 1* a member of tbe Boyai College of Phjrilcians and Hurxeons, and U AaoldMtand ni'Kt axperlebcetl SPKCIALI*! In the ■tfry. Special attention given 1o Ncrtou* DeMllly troin excaaaite mental exertion, lndlaeretlona oi /Mth canalna pbjdcal and mental decay, lack af eoeny, d««;KnJency,etc.: alao ( ancera. Old Sorea, vita, Pllea, itheumatlam ana all diacitaea of the Skin, Blood, Langa, Urinary llriaoa, Ae. ConaultatioD and atrlctly confidential Office houmU 'ot and 1 m.; Sundaya 2to4p. m. only. Call at office fx. Laai, tt. D.. M.R.C.P.B. or E J. LAI*. M, D Tliouaaiitla Iently rui' '1 Ijy rHILAi>KiaPIHA. PA. Flw**%t onw. nonpitratlon or of tlm« fr<»u; buAiii«s.i • pr.iiiouuwl In •uru»»l»- 'jy wttwir» w«ui«l .ieuufor ( 'irntUr. CURE i-UARAM EED. Office 1 lours tflo 3. ! MIEMORY • Mind cured. Booki IAIHTMMI 5 in ima rt.-i-sinif. T«fifimonialu fr-.in »ll j of th« Pr'*p«ctii» vcmi • rnr.r, w*nt. on ar>pHr«tM>n to Prof, aa. UitaMUi. xn Villa at S . n«» v.rt. ■S 9 ap A STO PPED FREE M S Inttna I'erjoni 8«lored Wl O ■£ ,Jr KLINE^B GREAT a l€ W NEf.VEf! 3TO"Er f ■ vTi r-* «//lIIMI*K'UVV III,' . »' ' .*■• • r i rr.vc FRAUD". FOR MEN ONLY^ Wi 1 [J 11 |B||*!4j|N|!|WMkß«M of Body and Kind. rilnltl Errorsor Ezr>«aMs in old or Younr »9*,u liMUrtU. • •It. t . <*KftK ( riDlvrM»rßl»ni:f«&PftAP4ltlN Wrllo tia i .ni.utCAk CO.. BUFFALO. M. a. , 2v>r JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTUT AdvertlalnH hiw nlwayn provua enciweafuL IV-foro plncinirany *• A ? V UW IvMtU Sirart. CHiaAGU T fi E CITIZEN. ! "MThChL AN EG I S Kate's Shrewd Guess. Archbishop Cullen was making his pericecal tour of iui>pection in the Dublin Sunday schools. "Kate Molony," saul he to an intelligent-looking girl. "explain the meaning of the sacrament of holy matri mony." A pause. At last Kate replied. "Please, yonr honor, it s the state of exist ence before entering purgatory." "Go to the bottom of the class, you ignorant girl," cried out the local clergyman, very much ashamed his pupil. But the Archbishop stopped him. "Xot so fast. Father Patrick —not so fast. The lass may be right after all. What do you or 1 know about itf What She Meant. They had been engaged for a long time, and one evening they were reading the paper together. "Look, love," he exclaim ed; "only S2O for a suit of clothes." "Is it a wedding suit?" she asked, looking naive ly at her lover. "Oh. no," he answered, "it's a business suit." "Well, I mean business," she replied. Buying at Wholesale. An old fellow at Janesville, 111., wanted to buy some pigeons for a pot-pie, but be ing an economical man, thought fifteen cents a pair entirely too much. Instead, he offered fifty cents for hall a dozen. The surprised Merchant of course consented, and the old man went home, admiring his economy and pigeons. The Pride of His Class. He was a bright, * anasome boy of six teen, sunny-tempered, brilliant and engag ing, the delight of his parents, the joy of his home, and the pride of his class. But a shadow fell across his bright prospects. It began with a trifling cough; soon came premonitions of consumption, his strength failed, his cheeks grow hollow, and he seemed doomed to an early grave. Then a friend advised Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, lie tried it and was saved. Health and strength returned, his cheerful voice rang out again across the school playground, his cheeks again grew rosy, bis eyes bright. He is still "tbe pride of his class" and he graduates this year with highest honors. Chronic >*a„al Catarrh positively cured by I)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. -De Lesseps wants to borrow a trifling $180,000,000 to complete the Panama Ca nal. Wij advise him to wait oatil the American ice dealers make their collec tions at the close of the approaching sum mer. He will be able to get the money at much lower rates of inerest. —There is a litile narrow-gtMga railroad in Pennsylvania one man is the prerideiil, the beard of directors, the fcu perindent, tbe geueral passenger and freight agent, the ticket agent, the con ductor, and the yardinaster. Don't be imposed upon. Buy of reliable dealers and be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. —Hood asserts that the phrase "republic I of letters" is nsed to insinuate that, taking the whole tribe of authors together, they hav«J not a sovereign amongst them. —A modern philosopher volunteers a bit of advice: "Never marry very young. Life is a fea<-t: alter you have enjoyed the substantial, let a wife come in as a dessert." Consumption Surely Cured. To Tbb Editoe:— Fleuo Inform yonr rewlsrs that I h»T« a podltire remedy for the above-named dine***. By lta time!/ aio thousands of hopelcßs cmn harw been permanent]y cured. I shall l»e glad to aend two bottle* of my remedy FREE to any of yonr reader* who have consumption If they will eend me their Expreee and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCUM. M. C., 181 Pearl St..*s. Y. —Archbishop Wbately had an acquaint ance who invariably closed his eyes when asked a pnziling question, evidently from the intensity of his efforts to solve it. "Sir," said WhaUsly to bim, "you re-* mble an ignorant pedugogue who loves to keep his pupils in darkness." —A man who saw a ghost while walking along a lonely highway at midnighi, was puzzled. Tbe ghost stood exactly in the middle of the road, and the wayfarer deciding to investigate, poked at it with his umbrella. The next instant ho was knocked twenty feet into a mndhole. Moral:—Never poke at a large white mule in the rear. FITS.—AII Ills stopped free by Dr. Kline's «r»»t !S*r»e Krstorer. No fits after tint day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and ts.no trial bottle free to Kit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, ml Arch fit., PliU'a. Fa. —We met a boy on the street vesterday who had been reading a statement to the effect that aaglcworms were not, as was popularly believed,taken up into the clouds by the attraction of tbe snn and then spill ed down in the rain. He said, "Say, how does it come, if fisbin' worms don't conio down in the rain, that we find so meny of them in tubs and barrels of rain waterf" We had to give it up. Boys should not ask so many questions. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple me«ns, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow aufler er» the means of enre. To these who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of tbe prescription used, which they will 2nd a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Kemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and inay prove a bless 'lug, will please address Itl'.V. KijWAEIi A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. —"Von would never believe it, my dear Mr. Simpkins," remarked a homely old flirt, "bnt when I was young I was really positively ugly." "My dear madam," replied Simpkins with the air of a man pi ing a compliment, "I can readily credit your state ment since you have so admirably preserv ed all your youthful attractions." —He is a good mail and an exceedingly rare product of the genus homo who doe* not frequently violate bis own rules of conduct. —The Bridgeport suicide club ha- re ceived an application IV, "V a charter for a branch club at Paris. The motto of the order is, " Go bang thyself." —The New York Legislature hns passed a bill exempting editors and reporters from jury duty. This is a step in (ho direction of reform in our jury system, j —The efforts of Kugltxh missionaries to change tin* customs and habits of the , Ureeiilanders have thus lar been unavail ing. Tbe old are sent to u pen to din of j starvation and neglect, and the young get drunk as often as opportunity offers. Getting drunk and dying of consumption are the only two events of any importance in a Oreenlander's life, and he won't innovate to accommodate anybody. A Chinese executioner at I'ekiu had twenty -one victims to practice on the other week, and h» set out with a deter initiation to beat the record>. lie cut off | the twenty-one heads in exactly two ; minutes, and thus gained seven seooiid-t | | over the best work ever done in the empire If a CiiinMiiiiiii styles and at so small a cost. It is a duty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis bard-earned money where it will 1 bring the best return. Hence we say to the man who bas the desire to obtain his Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes at prices which are un doubtedly the very lowest come here come to us. In full assurance you cannot do near ao well elsewhere. No Matter What Kind of Boot or Shoe You Need, Be it a good strong shoe in Ladies' f at 75 cents to SI.OO or the finest in , the town at $1.25, 1.50 and up to $3 and $4. If you want serviceable , heavy shoes in Men's at 75 cents, $1 and $1 25 in Bluchers, Plow Shoes, Credemore and Brogans; if you want fine shoes in Men's you will find ' them at sl, $1 25, $1.50, $2 and up ' to $5.75. The finest styles you ever beheld in Calf, Kaugaroo, Cordovan, Veal and Buff in Buttou Buis and Congress. Uur t-pecial low prices, handsome styles, tbe tremendous stock le already tbe talk of the town and county. It needs only to be known what great bargains we are offering and the crowds of people who have pat . ronized us this Spring, and still in creasing as each and every customer : is an advertiser. Our Boys', Youths' and Chil dren's Shoes admit of no comparison. Our trade therein is wonderful; the reason is plain. We carry everything for Boys' and Children's footwear; are chuck full of pretty shoes in heel and spring, black or fancy colors. Our line of Ladies' Oxforde aud Slippers by far the largest in the town; prices lowest, styles the hand somest, in black and fancy colors, at 50 cents, $1.06, $1.25 and $2 00. We have same price to all. No auction or old job lots sold. You are safe in buying from us. Drop in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. ( H111 „ .- (!7 / Harabletonlan to. r.~ ; J Hay Blliy . Mare by Exton EcUpse "Si. i 1,... i woods' Hamblet'ai 572 Daughter o , inbred Messenger marc OBEY TIP 7088 is closely related to most of the fast trotters and great sires of trotters. • Height lfi£ bands; weight 1200 pounds. He is stylish, haudsome and a great roadnter, and very fast walker; spirited, but fear less; intelligent and trunty aud trans mits qualities to bis colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage, coach or general purpose horses, or sprightly draft horses should examine bim and bis colts at tbe Scott barn, alley opposite Wick house stable TERMS S2O payable in advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's risk. Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STORE, 34 S. Main St., It utter, I'u. 2:12£ 2:15J BUFFALO BOY. No. 3,88 i i Bov In by the ureal sire r<>cali»ntu.H Boy, No 171*), slr<- or BufTalo (llrl. £I2V, Haven Boy, l£lsJi, and It otberfl with records belter thttn 2110. lie combine* the blwHl of the Poca bonus's, 2:124, Tom Hall's, 2:11 V and the American .Stars, 2:10%. lie U standard-bred on boll) sides ai.d Is registered under the higher rules in breeding, lie Ls the fastest bred stal lion In the county and the only stallion In the county 4 yearn and ovi-r thai was awarded a pr>-rni*um In Blood at the Butler Co. Kalr last fall. Buffalo Boy is a pure (failed trotter with out any appliances an.■ found at my barn ilurluif the seastjii of Iv.«), ;i;-j tnll<-s nortli east of Prosiiect. Terms. |4">. For particulars and pedigree call at the farm or address ALONZO MIT AMIt F.KSS, Isle, Pa. MONTAGUE NO. 1993. The Imported Pfrcheron how Montagu* will rnak« th« M-amui of IHJIO HH follows, coin* iit«*iiclnz April 2nth; Tlie flint tlire** daynof each week at the barn of Alonzo MK'andie sh In Franklin imp. aad 'if Hat tbm dayiof, ♦ arii ui !!»<• ham of H. M< < aufllonrt, in <'lay twp. i rnlles weHt of Sunhury on the Hickory Mill ptHil, and continuing Uhh during the waKon. Ad< H/Tlptlon of MoiitfitfiK' IH uHelens, an he is well kiiiiwu In the county, hi* having |>rov«*d liluist-lf the best Mt,Of;k horse of his bre-ed in the county. TKHMs : lio to lriHiire. We rnak»* litatcnriH mo low that no person can afford l>rrcI.KS!i. Kuller. I'a. I'rfMiiect, Fa. 4.1 M. Full Again. W»! mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing with our iminentKi and clioice titpek of paper harigingH. Von ; must help us out. we haven't I j room tor hall our goods, until j you relieve us of Boiii<* of them. | We have the choicest selec tion orpatteniH in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts |to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per •> include iirelimioary ex aminations fur those inteinliiig to enter the College it year lyier. SSO an n prize in offered by the Princeton Alumni Association of Western pennnyi vania for the best examination passed here for the Freshman Class Applicants should send their names curly to W.M SCOTT, I'rcs Alumni Ass'n, 100 Diamond St., I'itlsburgb, J'a. The Very REMARKABLE BARGAINS JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN S7KK2T, BUTLER, - - PA., Ha 9 been opening for the past few week* have attracted the attention of thousands of eager buyers. In order tbat there will be no diminution in the amount of busines we have been doing we shall offer our entire stock at remarkable low figures. Among this stock will be found a nice lot of sam ple boots and shoes, some winter goods and a large line of spring goods which are arriving daily- All persons wishing to purchase anything in our line now or in the near future would save money by calling at Bickel's, for we are offering bargains which cannot be resisted. I have on hand several cases of boots which lam closing out very cheap. I have just received a big shipment of meus working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; brogans, plow ehoes, creemors, &c , showing the best selection in Butler county, and prices lower than ever before. Mens tine dress shoes of ail kinds. A big line of Edwin Clapps celebrated shoes which are all made by hand,cut from the choice skins of Kangaroo, Cordovau and French Calf, made on all lasts and in all styles "There is no limit in our cut of prices " Mens A calf, calf and dongola shoes in button, Eng. Bal and. Congress from $1.50 to $3. They are dandies, call and examine them LADIES SHOES. bargains as these have uever been thought of in the shoe line. Thet-e prices nfford >;r»Ht and capacities for t-aying money in tb»B sac rifice which m»v never itmr ng«in. We can B've you a ladies fine Dongola shoe at $1.25, another a' $l5O aid« ne H'H bitter at $1.75. A geuuioe dongola kid shoe, worked boles, finely finished, Bto E at $2.50. Every pair giving good satiffaction. A good machiue turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, l.'ists. etc. at $2.7.) to $3.25. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heel at $1.25. This is a great bargain. A misses good school shoe at sl. In this great Bale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the same per centage of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber poods of all kinds, short and knee boots in lipbt and heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at the lowest prices. Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing promtly done. N. B. 1 will give away a lot of fine seed corn called the Thorough White Flint Corn and a lot of good yielding oats called the Early Swede Oats These f-eeds will be given away on the following terms: All persona calling at my store will receive free a package of corn and oats. They are to plant it aud on Oct Ist to 10 th, all persons can b'ring sufficient samples of each to my store and the per&ou getting the best selection of the two seeds will be entitled to a $lO premium. The person having the second best selection will receive ass premium. So call and receive a free pack age of our seed and try your luck. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa > IHSO Established 1850 : E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., ; DK A LJE i Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, I Silvarwara, i Spectacles, kc., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. - 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 I The Grant Monument. TO J!E BUILT IIY THK LADIES, Without the aid of millionareH or moneyed men. I if For this purpose the Gilbert Mfg. Co. are making a Bpe cial cloth for ladies dre*« linings, the h;«t for the money they have ever placed on the market,and which can be sold at 20cts per yard. Now the ladies ol the United States can buy enough in six months to complete the monument, and thereby accomplish * what the gentlemen have been unable to do in six years. A percentage of all the purchases goes intQ the treasijry of the Grant Monument Association. This plan enables every lady to be able to say that she contributed something towards > the erection of this monument. It is a matter of history that the ladies were obliged to come to the rescue in order to complete the monument on Bunker Hill. To prevent deception, we have caused the name ' Grant Memorial Twills" to be printed on the selvage of every yard of I this clot'i. (*• P. DORMAN, Pres. FOR SALE BY Rittei 4 & i Ralston. THRESHING " AC , H,N , ES hlinplcst. Most Durable, Kconomical atlrt Per fect In us.* wastes no (rain; cleans II ready for market. THRESHING ENGINES K»w Mlll m,Sltlii |c I e Jlnrhlwrw. Ilaj' PrmM, Ulid Hlmidjird |£f*lM*ral)y. A B FARQUHAR CO , Limited, Hcnd for 111 uh- | |V» tiny I van I a Agricultural trujrrt ratHlntfiif. I Work*, YOltk, PA. Advtiitiaa ir rh* Citizkn i POSITION OFFERED. If you are in need of a good paying position ami think you have the qualities of a good salesman, you will do well to write us at once. We will pay good commission or salary and expense* to a good man. The position we offer is a permanent one. Ad ress at ouco, Sklovku A Atwoop Nurserymen, Geneva, N. T , -j) ft"-,,. WHTIHKKI OL WHITHER, OID WOMAN, SO HIGH? WITH BUCK DIAMOND KOOFIKG TU COVE* THT SK*. WHY co so FAR FROM THS LAND OF YOCR mimit BLCA' SB IT ALREADY (.OVERS IHK HARTII. Send for illustrated circular to M. Ehret, Jk., & Co., 423 Walnut street, PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! When I ny CtM I d® not m«an merely to ItOD them for a time, and then have them re turn again. I miv A. KAULCAJU CL'KI'M 1 hare made the disease ol FITS* EPILEPSY or FAILING SICKNESS, A life-lon* study. I warrant my remedy to Csu the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sand at ones for a treatise and a KREJ BOTTLB Of my iHFAM.IBLJe lUtMBDf. Give Kxprcas and tv-t Office. It coeta yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address K.O.ROOT. NI.C.. H3PwiST,Hrirc« NO MORE OF THIS! wffllsx / lf|f Rubber Rhoog unless worn uncomfortably tifcht will often slip off the fift. To remedy this evil tho "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offrr a nhoe with tho Inside of tho heel lined wit) rubber. This clings to tho shoe and prevents th© Rubber from slipping off Call for tho 44 Colohe*ter "ADHESIVE COUNTERS vnd TOU can walk, run or jumplc them. A SOLID STEEL FENCE! EX^WMETAI CVT ISOMETHING NEW ?Or RESIDENCES, CHUR'.HFS. CEMETERIES. F«RMS GARDENS Gatci, Arbor*. Window Guards, Trclli»e% Fire-proof PLASmtINII LATH, »008 MATS Ac. write for Illustrated Catalogue mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO » 116 Wnlor St., rillnbiirKh, I»n. wtdnire Men keep 1U Give name of thin t>avcr iIV OnroflhrPnfP HK-STTrI klfh k uttß jdßm ßWvm fKopMi.rntt 1 1 W l*T J I *'" V I laprnnrfroudi wtwill MiulrßKl hyf kV jg f to cm ■ r in —ch locality. '"mi H HHBw to u« tt oner ran make wr» of w the ch,nr * A, i rouhaiv#to^° '• *■ ■ and th.iaa around Tbi b«>- AYi unRF ny '* (fnninir of this advarti»aman| fflwlH* IT fh<>wi U)« imtll *nd of th« Mil .bout th. SflK-th port of It. bulk It •r..«.r ai l«rr« a« >• «a«T to rarrr H • will al»«< snow you now from lot 1 O a Oaf atl ra«J. from the .tar t.w.th <.i»n.«n'nr« liattrr writ* at onr» W« paf all ripf*Mchar»«« V2£ZZ. II IIALLETT ft CO.. 1K»B BHO, Po*TLAHt», MAl** TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effect? of youthful error*, early waatind weakness, lo»t mauhood. etc., 1 will •end a valuabU ireatmn I sealed i containing full particular* for homo cure. FREE "f A splendid modical work : should l>e read by every man who i* nervous and debilitated. Addreea. 1 Prof. F. C. FOWLER. Moodiu, < oiin. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR on ch««kft above the beard liow au«»ctor ha* had 20 yeara' experience In the practice of Ma *p«ctalty, aud numbera among hie pa* j tient* our in oat prominent famtltea. If yon j ivte atttlcted with any of the above bleinUhea, | aVuld patent and consult l>r. Van | Pyck alonce bpecUl tort/Woall who make ementajUile luootb. liuok Tree. toc»K»- I innntN ran b« a made by mall. Call on or addr«» !► r J. Van I'yck, 40 Jf. 11th atrest, Phlladel . nhla, or Wi Penn avenue, Plttubarh'b, Pa. j Hours U to I and 2 to 7; Hundaya, 10 to f> PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. lIANDSOME, INDESTKI'CTIBLE. Cheaper than Wood. Tbiabtfieviib**! I'lrk't F«ac« with |»tr. (Tklili m>( • tf*»Uu«. i tan um m*«J a* h«a or Woai Pi.au. Wh*u vrltln* tut Clfl«a gir* Quautltf, ftufbhSr «f 0i1.,., l>u .hie aul antad. **« *t»o M*oar»ctar« ilaavy Iron r*r»Mi,i .Creating otabi« flttipn. Fir* nh'itura And FIUS M< Al* BP . la* bo«i<. ■»«! Kalilaat. Bract »n l froo dniia Wikk Doott A sit WINDOW bCUKENH, aud ail klttdaof WIKK WOKK. TAYLOR A: I»EAN, 301, 203 & »05 Market St., I»ltt«l>urgli, ]'». ../•' .• J ''' ■ friri. l* • •.«** a » hr "■«»•»« • afarte.l. Md fkiM w« «r* 1 W* |«jr •"•»»*•••. r« AAo YO -a„«w «tl. If y..a w.uUI lth« »o*n I" w«.rk f« f • » -u .«* imrn ir-.m 91# ' • *«M) |»» »»-'h «f.d U[ «i. > A l . .a, Nilaton <&' <*«., B«* * I Si, I'ortl».u«l, Malur. I MawwiiffliJ—llll iima—aw ffly 11 IS SPECIAL IS ■ I P IE fMourning Bonnets & Hatsl k I • ... »■ i- Nuns \ eiliiii»% § |j BP Mourning Flowers, I Mourn nig Ornaments, I* Mourning Silks, f Mourning Ruolunor, ■ ■Mourning Uihbons, ('rapes, Ktc.S p III). T. I» AI 1 K,|| . iJISTo-IH. S. MaiuSt., HUTLER, I-»AS -A I JIIHIIW— linil— ■ HHP —II I 111 a 1 1 WE WANT TO INFORM I You that it is our time now! We were hampered long enough. WE ARE IX OUR XEAV ROOM. 105 S Main St., - - Opposite Willard House. We Have the Largest Stock OF SHOPS AND SLIPPERS IN BUTLER AD(I we are GOIUTF to make a D-IIFE, NIID no one can atop up, au>l to start off with we are goinir to make Home howl with our hard hits. To See It I s To liny. A Ladies line Button Shoe, Put. Leather tip, worked button holes, neat and stylish, 90 ctf. Another Heart Breaker: —A ladies fine Don Oxford, tip or plain, warranted solid leather at TO cents. Is 50 cents Enough? Yen, Indeed: —We have the finest Opera toe slipper for 50 cents in tho land. We want you to see it.- We want you to buy it and try it. 48 cts. Our Little Mischief. 48 ets. Is taking the trade by storm. Think of it A child's spring heel shoe bright Don. Kid, sizes 5 to 8, price only 48 cents. Have You Seen Them! —Our men's but., ct nj». oud bals. at 90 cents a pair. We have a better one for sl. and $1.25 gets you a beauty. Our Men's Fine Dongola Shoe: —ln Cong, and l.ace at $2, has no e<|Ual and are the very best styles iu t'ae market, in tact are all fresh and new goods and bought at the lowest market prices. WE WANT YOUR TRADE And know wo can do you good. We can save you money on any footwear you may need and give you good, honest gooda. SEE OUll FINE LINE OF COLORED SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF TENNIS SHOES. SEE OUR LINE OF WIGWAMS, ALL COLORS. Hase ball shoes for men and boys. Repairing done promptly. Hoots and shoes made to order. IJox toe boots and shoes always op hand LEATHER AND FINDINGS. All Orders by Mail Promptly Filled. The Cash Shoe Store. BLACKMORE & GRIEB, 0 S. MAIN STREET. - BUTLER, PA. TROUT MAN S Are more than pleased with the brisk opening of their spring trade, and how satisfying it is to do so largo and rapidly increasing a business wheu one knows he has the best variety, the largest quantity, tho newest siyles, and above all is naming the lowest prices on DRY CHS Si WETS, Silks, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, &(*., Imported dress goods and suit ings in all the new weaves and colorings, comprising the choicest collection offered. Paris robes, exclusive, styles that must be seen to be appreciated, trimmings to match. We have a carefully selected stock of notions, kid gloves, corsets, &v , including all the leading und well-known makes. Also some special brands of which we are sole agents. The Prtiuiere, Superior and Sublime 5-hook kid gloves, black and colors. Thompson's glove-fitting R-H, E and Abdominal Corset. A full and complete stock of domestics, table linen, napkins, ticking, muslin, eatteens, challies, Ac., at rouk bottom prices. A gigantic stock of Carpets, embracing fill the new spring patterns in Body and Tapestry Brussels, Moqoettes, Velvets, Ingrains, Ac. It sliouid be remembered that we buy our carpets direct from the largest mills in America and thus save our customers the middleman's profit We would also call your attention to our beautiful variety of curtains, portiers, Ac. All the latest designs in lace, chenille and turcoman window shades of every kind. A first-class stock in every respect. V our inspection is invited. TROUTM fN' S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House No- 20 North Main Street. Butler, Pa ■BnßUfe' -' < -ii. . . -.... M x -A THE • ( A\YS)PQ WDER Satisfaction Guaranteed., EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS QUARTERS,RETAIL AT 5 CTS. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT TO CTS. COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT2Q CTG. Sold byallCroos , nd Can. W\ V I V I V Salesmen to Sell Our | >» ni\ I I At. choicest Nursery Stock , All (f.irtranttril first-clax". I Mklarii * .uul eipi'iiM'*. " r a l''"' l "' ' mission paid. No .xporiomo iieccary. Write for t«-rn»-. nivinK nn.l xnc-urc your clioirti ol IVrrilorv. (i \ t . KSIGIIT .1 ( (>., Joo I'ark Avenue. Kochu&tcr, N. V. * » ACrMTC" I WaMfiir I III' s.ilo "I our MilC. »l I o Home Crown Xurwry WANTIO MOST LIHKKAL TKHMS. I niM|a«l<-d r.rtlltlr« Oriß of lll'' I ' I. and Iwiit Nursi'rit* In Hit- country. . , A.klr.-s » Set. HHITII. «»■'!" >«"«•.). I In IMB. \ \ <►