H TH CITIZEN • W. C. SKGLET ... PBOrBIETOE SI *SC*ITTIOX' BATES"rOSTAOF I BIcrAlD : OM year. tnslds County *-° OM Tni, Outside Coun*\ ?-•<*' Parable la Advance. MmiitfMttßrf it Batlcr u id rl*» aattrr FRIDAY. MAY 23. ls«». Vote for Governor. Express your choice for chief executive of the State at the primary to-morrow. The best Interests of the Republican party are being endangered by the methods taken to nominate Mr. Delamater, and with his name at the head of the ticket we would have to race disaster The opposition to him in this county has centerad on the HON. C. W. STONE, a good man and a safe man. THE candidates for Governor are: Char W. Stone, of Warren Co E. A. Montootb. of Allegheny Co. D. H. Hastings, of Centre Co. B. 8. Osborne, cf Luzerne Co. G. W. Delamater, of Crawford Co. GKS. HASTISGS has written to his friends in this county, advising them to centre on Hon. Chaa. W. Stone for Governor. HBBB in Butler the supporters of Dela mater are going from door to door in their efforts to elect their men for Ketum Judges OT County Committeemen. MA*T oil producers of this county, who hare always voted the Republican ticket, say they will not vote for Dela mater if he is nominated. IT will be~well for all candidates for county offlces to keep clear of the Guber natorial contest. Politicians sometimes make promises that they cannot fulfill. • THK Montooth mass meeting in Pitts burg last Saturday evening was addressed by Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., A. M. Brown, Esq., Col. Danks, A. B. Hay, I.sq., and other gentlemen, well known in But ler county. 1* that alleged interview with Senator Quay, the words put in bis mouth read more like the vaporings of a drunken fool, than those of a man of ordinary common sense, and it is no wonder that be was anxious to recall it. SBVATOKS YRAT AKI> CAMERON Were toth heard from last Friday. Quay is.-ued ft remarkable manifesto in which he named both the Republican and Democratic nom fof Governor, ftud Came Ton war* rc parted to have won a three hundred dollar •'pot" In a poker game, on a diamond Insh. In kicking a gainst the nomination of Mr. Delamater for Governor we Vick against the whole rotten system of nom inating state officers by the use of Federal patronage. It is a system that strikes at the root of popular government. T.nd it is a system that degrades everybody who submits to it withont protest. KoTWiTHHTAxnniG Senator Quay's ex traordinary manifesto of last Friday, ork county, his native county, elected f»ur delegates for Usstingr ou Satur day. The anti-Delamater inen there united on Hasting and after a hot contest with Quay's followers, defeated his man in 112 ofthe 148 districts of the county. THBBB is no Stone "ring" in Butler oounty, but thero is a decided ring to the tone ot tbe opposition to Federil patron age as a controlling factor in nial ;ng our state nominations, and in this county that opposition has centered on Set retary Stone, just as it centered on General Hast EVERT man in Butler county who is in terested in the production of a barrel of oil, be he producer or land owner, should rote for Chaa. W. Stone as against G. W. Delamater lor Governor. Delamater was the agent of the Standard Oil Co. in the State Benate who secured the defeat of the BOlingsley Bill, after it had passed the House, and the opposition to htm in this county is centering on Stone. As all the followers of the present dis pensors of Federal patronage in this county will probably vote for Delamater, we advise all opposed to him te also vote, and vote for Stone. The tremendous ef forts now being made to obtain control of the County Committee, by the Delamater men, means something. THIS week will witness the end of the beat tempered canvass for thu county ofieea ever seen in the county. The quality of the material offered is most cx eellent; there has been little, if any, unfair play; the party will make its selections; tbe racceeaftil candidates will take their places on the ticket; the defeated candidates will snbmit gracefully and manfully; and we VQI all wish them better luck next time. Candidate Delamater and His Prophet. Sen*tor Quay'* declaration that State Imtjr Deiamater is the candidate far Governor whom bo expects the Republican State Convention to nominate, is a late ac knowledgement or -what every intelligent abaarver of State politics ban known for aMßtha, bat which Senator yusy has here tofore and frequently denied, livery Fed eral officer appointed by him, and the eu tin machinery of the Slate Committer controlled by him have been organized tato * mere agency lor the election of I>el •mater delegate*. The casting aside of a disguise which fooled nobody in a trivial matter. In connection with announcing his candi date, Senator Quay takes occasion to pre dict that he will be elected hy the largest majority ever given to a Republican can didate for Governor in Pennsylvania. This in (tall view of the fact that there in no other candidate whose' election is question ed, whose campaign would he defensiv -j or whose deserving at the hand* id' the Kj is not at leSNt an great as that of itor Deiamater. The sins of a storm to follow the noini nation of any candidate by the methods and influences which constitute the visible strength of Delamater's candidacy seem to many Republicans so much plainer than they were before 1882, that thousands ol them consider his possible nomination an nnnecessary and unjustifiable risk for the partr. They see the signs of Republican revolt many times stronger than then; Patterson stronger now than he was then, by the prestige of success and the record of an administration which notably enjoy ed the approval of the people. General Beaver was the unquestioned choice of the convention, and bad a brilliant record a* a soldier, which Senator Deiamater has not. Tet Beaver was beaten. The Republican majority in Pennsylva ala is magnificent in its proportions, when the party conscience is satisfied and the •arty enthusiasm aroused, but it cannot be traded with as private property, nor ne gotiated to cancel personal debts. Alongside of the cheerful, or reckless, Sediction of Senator Quay we place that ousands of earnest and anxious Kejinbli eans, that if Senator Deiamater is nomina I ted his majority, if he has a majority, w ill j be the smallest given to a Kepub- ; lican candidate for Governor of I'cnn j sylvania in recent years. Charles J. Folger, whose private charac- | tar and pablic conduct were unstained and : anchallenged, was nominated for Governor ! •f New York by the Federal office-holders and the machine, and he was beaten 200, > 000 by a man who did not have the •trength that Pattison has in l'ennsylva aia.—Pittsburg Times. THB Democrats of.tbe Kentucky Legis Utv«, on Friday night last, selected John 0. Carlisle, to succeed Senator Beck, 4w'd, is tbe U. 8. Senate. Quay Declares Himself. VT vsnrnflTox. May 10. —Senator Quay left for Beaver this morning. anil is not ex pected to return until June 1. 11P no | longer masks bis support of Delamater. but has given the word all alone the laie that Delamater must be nominated a* a personal vindicationofhimselfandofthe charge-that j have been brought against both candidate a.. 1 Senator. This manifesto was par 1 ticnlarly to offset the interview authorized by Congressman Keybum. who yesterday repudiated Delamater. Senator Quay wa • cautious in putting his pronunciamento be fore the public. Type-written copies wort prepared by his private secretary under his i direction. At 2:30 o'clock P. M.. this after noon. the representatives of the Pennsyl vania newspapers which are the mouth pieces ofthe Quay machine were called to the Senator s committee room and each one was handed an envelope sealed with red wax. They were notified that it contained i l an important political communication, which most be telegraphed r rrbatim e> /'urn. without even the_ tr of a punctuation mark. At I:30 P. M.. th. time when these representatives of the j Quay organs were allowed to open the missive, they found an interview as pre pared bv the Senator with himself. The | full text ofthe "talk," which was arranged , with introduction, questions and answers. , in regular newspaper style, follows: Senator Quay left Washington for Beaver > this morning. Before going he said some j things about Pennsylvania politics, which j are not onlv interesting in themselves, bat j which are sure to be interpreted a* having j a bearing upon the events which are j I shaping themselves as preliminaries to the | State campaign. The Senator was askeii j | before he left his house to start for the I train, whether he would not express an opinion as to the probable outcome of the truggle for the Republican and the Demo cratic nomination for Governor. Colonel I i£uay thought for a moment, and said: | "You knew that I have already refused !to leply to such questions. No reply to ! them, authorized by me, has ever yet been published. I have now. however, no hesi tancy in saying that the indications are that Delamater will be the ltepublican nominee and that ex-Governor Pattison will bu nominated by the Democrats. 1 believe that ex-Governor Pattison will be nominated by the Democrats. J believe that Air. Pattison is stronger by 10.000 rotes than any other material in the hands of the Democrats of Pennsylvania. He could g"t all the Mugwump and 'Sorehead' vote, and he is supposed to have a pretty large religious contingent besides. I haven't much faith in this latter supposi tion, but if I were a Democrat, entertain ing any idea that the State of Pennsyl vania could in any event or by any chance be severed from her Republican moorings. I would be for Pattison. He made a very clean record when Governor, and if a Democrat were to be elected I would as soon see Pattison in the Governor's chair as any man the Democracy could name. "You have already been quoted as say ing that Pattison would be a strong can didate." • "Yes." said the Senator, "and I notice that some of the Democratic newspapers antagonistic to Mr. Pattison are making use ofthe fact that I have said he was the strongest candidate the Democratic party could name an an evidence I want him nouiinated. Ido not, for it will give us a great deal of trouble. Hilt I want to prophesy this: The Republican candidate, whoever he may be, will defeat Pattison by the largest majority ever given a Re publican candidate for Governor in Penn sylvania. Yon can mark this prediction and refer to it next November." It has been stated thai Senator Quay's visit to Beaver was in connection with his son's candidacy for the Legislature. M hen asked about this the Senator said: "No, my visit to Beaver is caused by private in terests which demand my care and atten tion. Dick is able to take care of himself, and the reports from the county indicate that he will be nominated." Senator Quay will not return to Vi ash ington for at least 10 days. The meeting ofthe Republican National Committee will be called not far from June 1. TIIE object ofthe Billingsley bill was to fix maximum charges for transporting and storing petroleum, and to regulate deduc tions for shrinkage and waste. Had it be come a law it would have ended the power of the Standard Oil Co. to crush all opposi tion in the business of transporting and re fining crude oil, but it was defeated in the Senate after passing the House, and Mr. Delamater was the recognized agent of the Company in the Senate. Census Enumerators. The following is the list of census enum orators on file at Washington for thi-- county: Name. Occupation. P. O. •mmr. "waiter llill. salesman, \ alcncia. M. D. McClelland, teacher. Six Points. J. N. Thompson, farmer. Klora. Geo. W. Cramer, clerk, Freepjrt. Cast is S. Pearce, teacher, Butler. John K. Allison, farmer, Butler. 0. P. Campbell, " Moniteau. Robert H. Young, " Coulter v ile. Peter Fennel], " Fennellton. Martin Thompson, " Riddle's X Roads. R. A. Kinzer, " Hooker. 1. B. Duncan, " Buttercup. Cvrus Harper, " Zelienople. \\\ C. Pontius, brickmakcr, Burnhart's Mills. \X. J. Swartzlandcr, blacksmith, i'each ville. J. M. McCollough, farmer, Kirns City. D. L, Dunbar, oil producer, Kvans City. Geo. P. Welgle, teacher, Prospect. Henry Weckbecker, foundrjman, Har mony. John Wattors, farmer, Kvans City. John B. Caldwell, farmer, Butler. John X. Kirker, farmer, Middle Lan caster. W. A. Seaton, farmer, Forestville. S. R. Bailey, fanner, Glade Mills. Wm. G. Thomas, welgbtinaster, Forest ville. Kbenezer Keep, oil producer, Barnhart's Mills. Shearman Gallagher, farmer, Prospect. John M. Robb, farmer, Robb. Reuben D. Kmerick, farmer, Bruin. Winfield Dixon, farmer, Maharg. Rob't Kissick, shoemaker, Slipperyrock. Leauder M. Wise, teacher, Butler. Itichard Kelly, teacher, Ban Claire. John C. Clark, farmer, North Hope. John M. McGlaughlin, farmer, Rough Hun. Joseph Barron, farmer, Jacksville. Sam'l M. Gcohring, student, Zelienople. Wm. G. Hays, oil producer, Butler. C. li. Anderson, clerk, Butler. Huston Walker, teacher, Butler. The above forty enumerators cover the county in the order as the townships come alphabetically, the boroughs being joined to the township districts, except Zelie nople, which is a district by itself, and liutler borougn, which Ms divided into three districts. Suubury is with Clay Tp., Petrolia and Karns City with Fairview ft., Peaehville with Fairview W., Kvans City with Jackson K.. Harmony with Jackson W., Saxon burg with Jefferson, Prospect with franklin. Ilarrisvi'le with Mercer, Portersville with Muddycreek, Centrcvillc Slipp'eryrock, an I North Hope with Wash ington. Primary Rules. following are the rules now in force for the government of primary elections in this county: Ist. The primary election shall be held at the regular voting place in each election district. lid. The election board shall consist of one Judge and two clerks, to Ue chosen by the republican electors present at the opening of the polls, and said board shall keep a list of all persons voting in each election district in the order in which each vote is polled, numbering the name and ballot as the same is cast and placed in the' ballot box. lid. Said several boards are instructed not to receive any votes but those known to bo Republican and legally qualified to vote, and no person shall be allowed to vote at any otner than his regular voting precinct. 4th. The Return Judges elected shall meet in Butler on the day fixed by the County Committee, bringing with thein the li t of voters from the respective district.-, together with Ihe tally sheet and p. certifi cate of the election board ofthe uuiuber of votes ca.-t for each candidate (the tickets •'•dl be left with the Judges of the elee tion, who « called for by the Convention), and the vote of any district failing to return a list of voters", a tally sheet and certificate of election officer , as aforesaid, shall not be counted until the same are produced. 3th. In case of tie vote between the j candidates for any office the parties be- ' tween whom such tie exist shafl cust lot- \ in the presence of the Convention, and the succo.-sful party shall be declared the j nominee. I IN the town of Woodside, Kong Island, I last Saturday, a man dug a well fifteen feet deep, struck quick . and and -»nk into j it, and perished of exhaustion before he could bo rescued. I Delamater's Nomination Would Be Political Suicide. Philadelphia. May 13.—Hon. Harry K. Sweeny, of Luzerne county, who is one of the six delegates from that county to the Republican State Convention and who has been set down a* a Delamater delegate. ; has written to Wm. R. Leeds, who is directing the Hastings campaign in this | eitv. explaining his position in this wa_\: "Mr position is thi-: I go uninstrncted. but'if General Osborne's name shall be brought before the conventoin I shall vote for him. For second choice I shall vote for the candidate who shall harmonize the | party, and to my mind it is anybody but Delamater. I feel now as if General Bast ings shall have my second vote. At any : rate yon can put me down as a Hastings . delegate in preference to Delamater. To J nominate Delamater will be political j | suicide." Question to all Candidates for the Legislature. Do you travel on any railroad with a free pa--' If so. we cannot, and will not vote for vou. because you are unfit for the position. " Jons FAHMER, JAMKS SOLDIER. PETER POOR. SIMEON NIXON. Against Delamater. Washington. May 15.-Congressman Rev burn. of Philadelphia the successor of the late Judge Kelley, will probably go to the Republican State Convention for the purpose of working against Delamater. Personally, he says, he does not care who 1 is nominated, but Delamater's nomination j would be the greatest misfortune that , conld occur to the Republican party in ' Pennsylvania. "I have opposed Delamater ' in the Senate of Pennsylvania when he : was behind one of his characteristic schemes, and I will oppose him in every ca.-e where it is proposed that the Republi cans of Pennsylvania shall be put in the attitude of indorsing his record. Suppose he is nominated at the Harrisburg Conven i tion. The party is at once put on the | defensive and the campaign will be one in which every Republican stump speaker or ' new-paper" will have to become an , apologist. I think by the time the con vention is held the Republicans will have had their eyes open and will make no such mistake." The Road Question. SARVDRSVILLE. Pa.. May 17. IS9O. A meeting of the citizens of Buffalo twp. , convened on the above date to discuss the roaJ question, or the changing of our pres ent public road laws. The meeting was called to order by M. ' X. Greer. Thos. Elliott was elected I'res ! ident. and R. M. McFarland. Sec., after which Mr. Greer stated the object of the meeting, and spoke for some time on road supervision, also on Macadamized roads and their cost. He thought the people would be burdened with taxes if" the state ! made any material change in our present . road laws. Mr. Jos. Hepler spoke a short time on on the same subject and bis views were the same, and he is in favor of our present road laws. The following resolu j tion- were adopted, and ordered to be pub lished in the county papers. The meeting | then adjourned, to meet oti Saturday ev ening. May 31st at Sarversville. All citi zen- are cordially invited to attend. Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting, composed of a number of far mers of Buffalo twp., that no radical change be made in our road laws. That we especially protest against any legisla tion t'.iat will increase our taxation. And that we are opposed to any county or State supervision of our roads. That our Senator and Members of As , sembly who may be elected are respect fully urged and requested to keep a watch ful eye on any all things pertaining to the , interest of the farmer. That we make no threats, but we give notice that we will keep a watchful eye on our legislators, and on those aspiring to i be such. Memorial Services at Prospect. 'Hogß's Jons 11. RANDOLPH POST, 404. ( G. A. R.. PROSPECT, PA.. May 14, '!>o. The Memorial sermon before-this Post will be delivered by the Chaplain. Rev. J. M. Rav. on Sunday, May 124, at 4 o'clock, P.M., 'in the Prospect U. P. church. On Decoration Day, May 30th, the Post will meet at their hall at 9 o'clock, A M., and forming in procession with the various Orders, Sunday Schools, etc., will visit the cemeteries anil after strewing .flowers on the graves of our fallen comrades will list en to an address to be given in the U. P. church by Capt. Fleeger of Hntler. it is hoped that the public generally will attend and assist in these services. .TAS, F. MChKK, Adjt. Birthday Parly. On Saturday evening, the 17th inst., a crowd of young folks to the number of about forty persons assembled themselves at the residence of Mr. Cyprian Snyder to celebrate the twentieth birthday of Miss Madie and Mr. Hosea Snyder. Every one seemed to be in a merry mood and deter mined to have a good time. After spending seyeral hours in "authors," music and other enjoyments, i supper was announced, and all proceeded to do justice to the ice cream and cake. The ice-cream was so delicious that some ot the boys found themselves going back to the dining-room for an extra dish. After supper Miss Madie and Mr. Hosea were made the recipients of some very beautiful presents, among which were a beautiful plush album and a morocco bound Bible to each; besides other books and several other articles. At an early hour the party broke up and all went home feeling that they had spent a very pleasant time. X. X. T. Y. ON Saturday last the irrepressible George Francis Train arrived New York, he hav ing made a tour around the world in sixty d ivs. THE correct vote of Venango county on Congress was Lee 2341, Watson K73, and for State Senate Crawford had 16W5, Hul iHgs 1170 and Ash 408. Tills General Assembly of the Prcsby -1 terian church met in the First Presby terian church of Saratoga, N. Y., on Thurs day of lust week, but up to Wednesday of thi: week the question of Revision was yet ill its preliminary stages. TIIK banana pickers of Jamaica have struck for shorter hours and better pay,and it is expected that the price of the fruit will rise. MERCER County held her primaries last week. She adjoins Crawford Co., and as the delegates set up by Delamater's friends hail no opposition they were, of course, elected. The interest in the contest cen tered on the legislature, and Messrs. Hal). Fruit and Harsbaw were nominated. Hay wood was nominated for prothonotary, JCiegler for clerk, and Templeton and Bab cock for county commissioners For C'on gre-s, McDowell secured 12 delegates and Brown 3. Zelienople Items. Mr. Edward Mellon is seriously ill. Mi - Yates will return to West Va. in a few days. Miss Lou Randolf arrived home Saturday from nn extensive visit to the south west. DEATHS CARDS'Kit—At his home in Jacksville, Worth Twp., Sunday, May 11th, IHIW. Nicholas Gardner, aged about 57 years. Mi C.\\V—At her home n«ar Wildwood, Allegheny Thursday, May 15, 1S<)0, Nancy McCaw, wife of James McC'aw, aged 53 years. She was a daughter of Rob't Duncan, dee'd, late of Cranberry Twp., and a sister of County Commissioner Duncan, and bad been in poor health for some years previous to her decease. RICHARDS—At the residence of James Kearns. Sr.. in Butler Twp., Monday liight.May 1!), 181 HI, Samuel R. Richards, aged 91 years. Mr. Richards was the father of Mrs. Kcarns. lie was born in Vermont, and came to this State and took a contract for building part of the old State canal, nearly I sixty years ago. | TI'TTLK —Departed this life, May Kith. 1S!)0. r. James Tuttle, aged 24 years, at the residence of his uncle, John Burk hart, in Butler Twp., where the orphan I children had found a comfortable home, j ■ Jutnc.- being scarcely more than a babe ' j when his mother died. lie leaves one brother, two sisters, uncle, | aunts.and a large circle of friends to mourn i his death. He was ever ready to do w hat I he could for others, and died without an j I enemy, Con. I POLITICAL. We are Authorized to announce the fol lowing gentlemen h- candidate-* for the offices under which their names appear subject to the Republican primary of But ler county, on Saturday, May 241h, 1890. from 1 to 7 P. M. FOK DELEGATES TO THE STATE ; CONVENTION. W. H. RITTER. Ot Butler. S. I>. BKLL. * Of Millerstown. JOHN DLNDINOBB. Of Zelienopto. CAPT. GEOBGE W. FLKKOKB, Of Butler. JAMES A. MCMARLIN, Of Adams twp. FOR CONGRESS. SSWTDS BLACK, Of Butler. FOR ASSEMBLY. (2 to nominate.) CAPT. R. IRWIN BOGGS. Of Zelienople. JOSEPH THOMAS. JR.. Of Karns City. ANDREW G. WILLIAMS. Of Butler. HARLAN BOOK. Of Franklin twp. JOSIAH M. THOMPSON-, Of Brady Twp. FOR SHERIFF. A. G. CAMPBELL, Of Oakland Twp. W. B. DODPS, Of Muddy creek Twp. W. M. BROWN. Of Forward Twp. Off EN IiRAPV, Of Donegal twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY. JAMES H. GIBSON*, Of Washington Twp. CAPT. JOHN G. BIPPIS, Of Oakland Twp. SAMUEL M. SEATON. Of Marion twp. FOR REGISTER i RECORDER. J. P. DAVIS. Of Brady Twp. I). E. DALE. Of Butler. H. A. AYBES. Of Butler. JOHN FINDLKV, Of Butler. FOR TREASURER. JAMES S. WILSON, Of Centreville. JOHN T. MARTIN, 01 Buffalo Twp. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH CRISWELL. Of Butler Twi>. W. 11. CAMPHEI.L, Of Concord Two. WM. C. FINDLBY, Of Butler, (formerly of Clay Twp.) FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (2 to nominate.) WILLIAM W. BRANDON, Of Connoqueneasing Twp. J. S. I'. DEWOLKE, Of Slipperyrock Twp. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Of Clinton Twp. J AS. STEPHENSON, Of Summit Twp. IKSA< 11. ONINI^ Of Concord Twp. J. C. KIBKADDON, Of Allcgeny Twp. S. W. MCCOLLOUGH. Of l'uirview Twp. CHARLES F. SMITH, 01 Buffalo Twp. R. S. 11 IN DM AN, Of Cherry Twp. X. D. WEIR, Of Butler. FREDERICK EBERT, Of Clinton Twp. SAMI EL T. M VRSIIALL, Of Butler. JAMES W ILSON, Of Franklin twp. JOHN J. MCGARVKY, Of Mercer twp. ISAAC BLAKEI.EY, Of Butler. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. (2 to nominate.) JACOB ALBERT, Of Franklin twp. A. M. DOUTIIETT, Of Penn twp. S. L. CHKESKMAN, Of Mitddycreek twp. GEORGE W. COOPER, Of Slipperyrock twp. S. M. SWARTZ LANDER, Of Butler, (formerly of Fairview twp.) J. li. ALLISON, Of Cherry twp. FOR COUNTY CORONER JOHN KENNEDY, Of Butler. A Card. CLINTON TWP,, BUTLER CO., PA. To the Ilejtnblicnn»: 1 am again a candidate for County Com missioner. I aui opposed to this high valuation. I n*k yon, one anil all, to vote for me, and I think that you will never regret it. Very respectfully, ROBERT CARSON. A Card. To the llepublieitn filer torn of Ilutlir Co: Owing to the severe illness of my wife, I may not he able to make much, if any, further canvass of the county for nomina tion for County Treasurer. For the very flattering encouragement already given me in the canvass I have made, I feel very thankful to my friends, and should I not lie able to meet with them t further, yet 1 most confidently trust that | their good help and zeal in my behalf will not abate, but lead on to success. Respectfully, JOHN T. MARTIN, May 7, 18! M). Buffalo tp. A Card. T<> tin- I trim hiicti lis of Butler County: Whereas, on account of sickness in my family, I am prevented from canvassing the county as I would like to; yet to all whom 1 have met and those I have not met 1 would Bay that I am still in the field a* a candidate. It has been reported in part of the county that 1 had withdrawn from the content; such is not the case, but is a malicious falsehood. FREDERICK EBERT, Clinton Twp. Candidate for Co. Commissioner. THE city of Tomsk in Siberia, which had a population of nearly forty-thousand was destroyed by flood and fire last week. Mrs. Lydia S. McClure. widow of the late Judge William B. McClure, of Piits burg. and well known to many Butler people, died in St. Paul, Minn., on Tues day last, in the 81st year of her age. Ppt*' §&|if n c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varie*. A maivcl of, purity, strength and whole»omenesa. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be »old m competition with the multitude ot low tests, short weight,alumn or phosphate j powders. Sold only in cans. IiOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 11*5 Wall Street N. Y. "STILL HERE." Why certainly we arc here. I'on't yon remember wc told yon a year ago we were going to -tay and don't you remember we told you how w« had been working for ten years to reach the top of the business, and told you we were nearly there. We told you we were not certain then whether we were the large-t dealers in our line in this great state of P®r.svlvania But now we are the largest. .lust think of it right h< re | in Butler —the itrge-t wholesale and retail ; carriage dealers in ibe whole state —well il is true we hare the largest wholesale and we have the largest retail trade. We carry the largest stock and sell cheaper than any house in the state, the amount of business we do enables us to do so We do not sit around doing nothing till customers cotue in tlieu size him up ami go for all he has we do a straight forward business and hav | ing all kinds of grades ol work we tell you j the quality yon are getting every time. Why just"tliink we sell the very same top | buggy for ->45 that others sell for stV>, ami | we keep also the very best hand-made I buggies—we keep the best work kept by any dealer. We have harness for $6 and up" also the very best hand-made harness —in fact we are the only place you can get a really good line harness You should look at our stock of surreys —the best you ever seen at one place iu your life. We had them all made for this year's trade and they are the latest styles, and the finest work too—and spring wagons, we have more spring wagons than you could shako a stick at. Just think of it. $33 for a spring wagon, also the very best kind made: and then th"' best part ol it is you always know just what quality of work you are getting when you buy from us. Our rule has always been ucrer misrepre sent and never try to yet rich off one cus tomer. ltemember we keep in our line and pay strict attention. \on will always find us here. We cannot • numerate, but just think of it, tin- best collar pads for oOc, horse collars ode and up. carts lor $lO tip. We ha eIU diflereut kinds, lap robes for $1 that others sell nt $1.50, fly nets cheaper llian you could make them yourself, good kip collars tick ing face, tufted with hair with pat fastener on top lor $2, —just the collar (only a little better) you have been paying $2 50 to $3.00 lor. Good hand made team harness —best oak tanned leather, all complete for $32. You paid S3.S to #4O for the Mime, only yours hadn't as good leather. Now do you think this talk is all true or is it only an advertise ment. It's quite a picture isn't it? Well, now neighbor, look here; If you just come down and spend one hour looking through our large stock and don't say ils true as far as it goes only not half told, we will pay you for your time—is not this fair? Come down, it is only a little distance fioin Main St. down to 35 W. Cunningham St. —where we pay no rent. We want to see and get acquainted with you if you never were here before, and il you have been here come and see us for we are glad to meet old friends. Respectfully, S. B. MARTINCOIRT & Co. S. B. ilartincourt, t .1. M. Lieghner, li I*. S. We forgot to say we sell about 25 Kramer wagon per month just for variety and could sell a great many more it they coi.ld make them faster* We have a car load of 26 on the way now which will be here uliout May Bth. if you want one, come soon, they go oil like" dynamite. Don't forget the place. Bead the name again anjt start. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The ltetclster hereby I,'tves notice that the following accounts of I.xecutors. Administra tors anil (iuardlans have been nlnl In his office according to law. and will be presented to court lor confirmation an 1 allowance on Wednesday, the 4th day ot June A. 1)., IS'JO, at 3 o'clock p. in. of said day. I. I'lnal ai of Thomas .1. Whltinlre. ad ministrator ot William Whllinire, dee'd, late of Oakland Twp. final account of William Harbison. ex ecutor of .lames List. dee d, lale ol Adams Twp. :i. Filial account of .fusion A. Kelly .executor Of Martha .lane Kelly, tlec'd, late of Parker Tp. 4. Final account ot W. Met'andless. guar dian of .1. Lawrence McCandless. minor child of Dr. .loslali McCandless, dee'd. late of Centre Twp. 5. Final account of W. ('. Mel and less, guar dian ol -Mrs. Laura K. Klrkpatrlck. formerly Laura K. McCaiitlless. hi nor cillhl ol l»r. Joblah Mcl'undle.s.s, dee'd. late of Centre Twp. u. Final account ol John M. Conway, guar dian ol Henry I;. Kiukcr. minor child of Joseph ltlnker, dee'd. late of Cherry Twp. V. Final account of .lames Market, adminis trator of c. T. A. of ( hristiuti Market, dee'd. late or Allegheny Twp. s. First and Dual account of John Knauft. guardian of tleorgi- Winter, minor child of John Winter, dee'd. late of Jackson Twp. a. Final account of A. M. chrisiley. adminis trator of Mary Thompson, dee'd, late of cherry Twp. in. Final account of Hiram Knox, guardian «f the est to of lllrain Knox; guardian of III 1 ' estate of Henry liurkcy. ttei-M. minor child of Henry Bar key. dee'd, late of Evans City. I'a. 11. Final account oi Itobert McKmney and A. F. M' klnnev. executor* of C. A. McKmney. dee d, late of Coiinot|Uencsslng Twp. VS. Final account ol .S. J.l'iowe. gu irdiau Of Jane K. Crowe, minor child ot Airtcil Dean Crowe, dec H. N . I T. A., of Itev. Patrick li.owu, dee d, l.fcte ol Clearfield Twp. 15. l'artlal account of Charlts llofTiimn. ex ecutor of Henry Severln. dee'd. late ol Jeffer son Tv. p. Hi. Final and distribution account of William Kaullman, executor of Nicholas Kautrman, Uec u. late of Worth Twp.. as -lated h> his ad ministrator, John 1;. ,. I'.r. Partial ai ■ ouat < ! Lydla Lot/, adminis tratrix of liavld Hlmtus. dee'd. late of Jackson Twp. 2U. Fir t partial «, ■ Mini. of W. A Fleming, executor of Mim..cl hheldon, dee'd, late of Parker T wp. 2\. Final account of I;..licit N. Finery, execu tor ol William Linery, ile. d, htleof ( hero 1 1». •si. Final aceount of Alice (». Zlegler. admin istratrix of Altred <> /.icgler. dee'd. late of Butler ISorough. ICJ. Final account of J. ('. Heighley, executor ot Oeurgt Kei c ,hley, oeo'd. late ol Connoipie nesslng Twp. M. Final ucconut ol .\ir-i. Anna J. McCatterty, administratrix ol ( cellia Conway, dee'd, late tl Blllh'l ItOIOUKh. i. Final account of David Fierce, executor of John I'n rce, dee d, late of Butler Tivp. 18. Final account nl Ifobcrt Melulug. guar dian of i lie e.-tate of (ieo. A flem.iiK. minor chilli ot Wm. Fleming, dee'd. lale ol liultalo Tp. '£>. Final aceount ol August But execu tor of John («. Michel, dee'd, late oi Jetiersou Twp. I lnal account of .Lis. >l. iKiutliett and John H. Ootid*, executors of David Uouthett, dei tl, late ol Forivard Twp. tit. Final account ol Kolii rt lilllclalld. adlillli- | lstrator ot Blldg'.t Mc('allerl), dt u. late of summit Twp. 11. A. AVIUM, Keg later. Koatl Reports. Notice 1* hereby given that the following road reporl.s liavt* !»••« ii i unflriiitMl by tin* Cuurt nl.sl and will be prescutt-d t«» Court on tliu llrst VV» UNT'MLIIY or .JUIH*, ix;io. IJEJUTF tlie ith day of said month, for <'b. 22. IH'JO; report of VIEWERS TTJ«*d. rcportlDK tin* r«»:»• las pra.\ed lor nee« , >.-ar.v. and reporting the probable cost oi making *aui«* to »»«• n»*verity flv« dollarn and that aid ront should borno I»y the 'ovrihhlp. No damages asM*»3*«l. Now, >iar«iifi isw, upproved ;«nd nx width at :v.\ !• ••«; notice to be ghen a< • rdlng »«• rules ol Court. BY TIN: Coi IM . lIL'TLFII COL NTV. HH. certlile«l from the record this 3th day of May, 18H0. iCKUIvKN McfitVAlN, cu-rk S. Livery Stable For Sale. ■ The umlorsigneil will sell his livery stable, in the rear H ■ I ol the wick Bonw TV, ingofhorsibuggies,flcighs, hariie.s - und everything per taining thereto, and lease the barn for a term of years. My reason for selling is that I wish to devote my attention to oilier business. ALFKtIJ WICK. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator* *nd Kxeciitors of estates I can set are their re, . pf liook at the ClTl- ZKS office. Citation for Parlltion. In re petition of Lydta L >t/. daugTiter of Ou- Md Sim CM, DEORMHL for a writ of p irti'ion. O. c. No. «-• Jun • It rm. May -th, IH9O, the above entitled petition was fi 1' d in the Orptuas « ourt of Hutler « «»un | f, r< nil a. retUtu: lortlilli.it I'au.l Miums. late | of Jackson twp. Itatlcr Co. r*. .ikd on or about the iMh day .if January. A I>. Iss9, intestate, leaving to survive turn ililldrtu lo wit: Catha rine Lewis, r. siding at 1-iurenet vil[>\ Allegke - nv count.. I'a v imu ! simnis. residing at Os - re.iia Mil!-. ('!• irti' Id ( ■•. IVnn'a. Sarah Be-,- i D r -a: 9g a! Ktn i UhRkCH NMtjTi I'a Lyilia 1.. t/, re-lding ai Kvant Ciry. Penu'a. and hi Wire a .hlldren ot a Mary Thomas, now di <.ised) uvwit: John I Thomas, r slclln ; it BrUMne, i leartleld cotintv. Pa.. Mar> J (irltllihs. re-idin a< Hubbard I rrumbuli . unty. (ihl«» Woliam A lhan i> anil Lottie Thuncis residing ai Hubbard, uhio : and ISenlamln Thomas residing al l'ltlsliuiv, • Pa ; said William A.. Lottie and Bt njai. iii be minors without uuardlan as petitioner is n'ornied). Seized In hts ileinesne ;is of lee .u mil In Hie following d.yribed real estate, to wn: ail 111.ii e, riam lot ot ground idtnM :in.l t* IIIK m the Niro of Kvansbur?. Butler Co., Pa.. Ijounded and tlt rlls'd as follows: t»u tne north t , lot of Adam Blpi>er, e;i>t t'j" a -tree'. >outh bv lot of Frank Matbav and vv.-st by a stre •!; said lot belne forty-five bj one bundretl an I twenty feet more or le-s That no partition ol - tid hit has been made to and among those en titled ther to. Wherefore your js'tiil mer pray s that your honors award an iuipiest to make par tition of the pr mlses aforesaid to and among the said part!• - Interested in such manner and In -urli pr portions as ! y the la»s of this i oui monwealTh Is directed If such partltiou can t>e made v. thout prdj it e to or spoiling the whop- hut if such partition cannot l>c made thereof, th-n to value and appraise the sani" and make return of their proceedings accord ing to law. and she will ever pray. | Verified by affidavit and signed: LYDIAIOK. | And now May sth. IKM. citation awarded on I belr* of s;dd decedent to show cause why p,ir tton should not tie awarded returnable to next term, servite on parties not resldlnn in Butler county to be by p-ruieac m in liutler iTTIZF.N. I't r Curluni I;m hi- n Mi Kv vis. C'ierlE. STA'lfc OF I'KS.VA. I s liCTLKK COt'NTV. ) ' Certliied from 'he lie. or! this -th day of May. ls:«. REt'tK* MCELVAIN, Clerk. STATK of PESNA.I BCTI.KR COrSTV. ( To I diver I . He :: . lllJJU Sheriff of Butler Co.. fiieeting: Wc comni: iid you that make known !■> the heirs and legal representatives of David Slcims named In the foregoing petition the contents of the foregoing petition and order of Court thereon, and rule and cite them to be .tut ariiear a: an i irphans Court to oe held at Butler In and i"r the county ot Butler. Penn a. on Monday the jd day of June A. D. 1 then and there to show i a use if any they may hav t why the pray'-r of the petition snoui l not tie granted and the writ of partition us prayed tor be awarded. Witness the Honorable Aaron 1.. lla/.cn Pres ident Judge of our .-aid Court at Butler this sth il.yof Mai, ls:«i. liKl'ltKN Mcfc.LVAIN. clerk. PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order and decree of the Court of common l'lea.s In and tor the county of But ler. l'eiin'a. an ! to me as tiie commit tee of An drew Albert lunatic, directed. I w ill offer for sale at public vendue on the premises, on Saturday, May 31, A. D. 1890, at ll o'clock. A. M..of said day, the following described real estate of said lunatic for the pur pose of raising money to pay Ills di-bts. to-wit : About seventy acre- of land, more or less, situ ate hi Ct aire lownship. eojiity and stateaiore -atd. hounded on north by public road, east by lands of A. Avery anil A. Brewster, south by lands ot 11. Miller, and on tne west by lands of J. s. Jones. No buildings on this tract, but It Is all fenced and under good state of cultlia tlon. except about ten acres of uoodlitud. This 1.- an i M i Hi nt triu i ol land, well watered and lugiilv productive, li will he -old, Including the interest of said Andrew Albert. In an oil and gas lease, dated May 11. is-vs. given to him by i*. c. Bellis and It. 11. Ferguson lor to acres oil the west end thereof, and on which a rental of one dollar per acre per annum, payable In quarterly pay ments la advance, until opera tion.- are commenced, is provided. ALSO There will be olTereilfor sale at pub lic vendue or, the premises, at tine o'clock. ol same day, to-wit: Saturday, May 31, 1890, thirty acres of land, more or less, situate in same township, county and State, bounded on the north by lands of J. Johnson. Oil the east by hini.-oT 1.-i i*lt rammer, on the south by hinds of J. s Jones, and on the west by lands of s. r. Kider. This tract is ail under fence, well watered, and excellent pasture laud. TIvltMS l»K SALE These tracts of land will be sold by the agre. contents to be ascertained by survey. One-lhlnl of the pur hase money to be paid on eonUrmatlOfi of sale by the Court, and tiie residue to lie paid in one and two years from said confirmation with interest,and to be secured bv bond and mortgage. JOHN C. tooOltK. Collllllltteu of the estate of Andrew Albert, lunatic. McCandless I'. 0., ltutierCo., I'a. Auditor's Notice. In re the final account of John llalstead and 11. 11. llalstead, executors of the last will and testameut of lieury llalstead, late of Clinton Twp., deceaseJ. 0. C. No. 17, June Term, 18y0. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed, having been appointed auditor to make distribution of the balance remaining iu tiie hands ot the executors iu above stated case, will attend to the duties of Ins appointment vt his ollice ill the borough of Butler, I'a., on Tuesday, the HOlh day of May, A. l>., 1890, at to o'clock A. M. A. SI. Cou.NKi.irs. Petition in Divorce. .Mary A Nimno, by her , A. I). No. 45, Dec next friend, Sam. A. »Vat- | Term, 1689. lers, vs Wm. Niinno. J Whereas by decree of the t'ourt of Com mon Pleas, of liutler county, bearing date 17th day of April, 18110, 1 was appointed commissioner to laki and report testimony in the above case to the Court at next term. To all ichum it may concern; Notice is hereby giyeu that 1 will attend to llie duties ot said apj ointment at the office of X>. I'. Bowser in Butler, l J a., on Thursday the day ol May, 1890. J. I'. WILSON, Corn. Notice in Divorce. Laura Kepler, by her next I A I) No. 48 Dec friend M A Phillips, vs >T, 1889, petition Perry C Kepler. Jin divorce. Whereas by decree of the Court of Com mon Pleas of liutler Co;, bearing date 17th day of April, KsIX), 1 was appointed commis l sioner to take aud report testimony iu the ; above case to the Court at next term. " To nil whom it nmy concern: Notice is hereby given tuat 1 will attend ; to the duties of said appointment at the ollice of S. F. Bowser iu liutler, I'a., oil Wedues j day, the -Ist day of May, 1890. A. r. SCOTT, Com, Notice in Divorce. THOMAS lioi t.LAss ) Common Pleas of v - f Kutler Co. A. 11. SII>NKY K. I'm i.l ,-s j No. .">, Sept. T., 1885, rtTITION IN DIVORCE. Two sub) o'tits in the above case having been returned N. K. 1., you, the said .Sidney K. Douglass, nlwive defendant, are hereby required to appear in the said Coutt of ('Minion l'leus, to be held at liutler. Pa., ou Monday, the il day of June, 1890, being the tir-i day of next term of Court, to answer the said complaint, ami show cause, if any you have, why a divorce should not lie granted the sanl Thomas Douglass. OI.IVKK ('. ItEUlc, Sherltf. Notice in Divorce. I THOMAS Dok-i.ASS | Cmutuan of vs. / Butler Co. A. I>. "Sid.M.y E. D<)l' ) So. 5, Sept. T., 18^5. To Sidney iJougtim am/ all whom it may concent'. Pursuant t<» my h|>|>ointuiexkt ot Court, bearicK tint*' April 17th, l-!»o, as coniniisi«»n- I er to take ami report the testimony ot* plain- | t• tl to < ourt, notice is hereby giveu that I | will attend to the dutieM ol my appointment on Tueaday, .lime 3, lsiX»,at 10 o'clock A. M., at the ollice ot'S. K. Bowser in Hutlcr, l*a. J. W. lit'TCIIISON, Commissioner. Orphans' Court Sals. In re, partition ot' tiie real estate of Anthony (iohii nyer, ileremises iu Parker Twp., Butler County, *a., on Monday, May 19th, 1890, at I o'clock |>. ni,, to-wit: All tbnt certain messuage aud tract of land, situate iu the township aforesaid, bounded oil the north by lands of Harvey N. aud Curtis R. Ward, on the south by land*ol Washington Campbell, on the tn i liy lauds of Kii 11. and Rob t W. Sliakely, aud on the wist by binds of the 1 nion i >ll Cnnipuny ami \V. T. heirs, containing 100 acre*, more or less, with frame house, barn and outbuilings and gtiod orchard ot fruit trees thereon; all under leuee and in a good state of cultivation. T Kit MS (If WALK. One-third iu hand ou itmfirniatioii of sale by the Court aud execution and delivery ol deed to the pur chaser, and the balance in two etjual annual' payments, iu one and two years from date of the confirmation of sale, with iuterest on the whole amount, payable annually, to be secured by bond and mortgage ICai;e ou the premises, said bond and mort gage to contain mi attorney's commission of tiye per cent, as provided by law aud rule ol t -urrt for the collection ol -aid deferred pay ments. J \.MKs C. GOLI»IN(.I.K, Trustee by appointment of Court. Uruin, liutler Co., I'a. | S. F. liuw.-tit, Att'y. I ONLY TOO WILLING. "I know that 1 am no match for you in wealth weight or v/'•'" - • , - 4 - .. * > MHTial | lo> 11 It 111, 5 * "I know how unworthy I am ofyou, too; hut may I not [l \. V- ' -• hn]« that conn- time—Mttnu ila\—' 4 *Yoß,' .-In- a-■sfrtfil, lifting her regal head; "Someday, V/ V\ ~h v not now.' lam ONLY TOO WILLIN(i" " 1 1 hat you should compare our goods and prices with those of any other . j denier, and then decide whether you do letter e!s>*w here We (ire willing I . \ '• V because we know that we have the clinch on ever* other buyer We sell for . I v v less, because we btiv tor less V( \ <.* \ V - -<)- W E \Y AXT YOU -o- To buy where you can do b.»st, H-id i! \v<- cjn't do better thau any other firm, we are willing to see vou go uwar but we know you li n t«r -v.' c.in an i will d > butter, because we • -tV-*r lietter goods at lower prices. Come and sample our goods an 1 W■"> ■ - \J.VIt IO VX 1 F JAPPY \\ ith bur trains tuat are at the t* |> iiotCu of cheapness aud value. O hers may ihitm to do as well bv you, but we do all we claim, end perform every promise we make Are you willing «o lend un your . ir? We will pav Tot bi;ri?er interest ou the loan thau you ciuld get on haid car-li We are better on thjs tr«d« thau we are on the talk. But we can tell what we know FO tha- you can uod-*rstand u.-». Are you williog? We don't alretch things when we s:iy we h v the lv;;i t room, largest stock, greatest varietv and sell at loiv-r prices than any house in tt.e whole county. All the Ute-r novelties and standard goo Is will e found in our 'ate arrivals of spring aud summer styles in mens', hoy's an 1 children's fashionable clothing, hats, shirts. UDderwcar, collars, cuffs, ties, hosierv, trunks, valises. sa cbeis, umbrellas, overalls, jumper jackets, jewelry, watches, chains, charms, cuff and collar but tons, scarf pins, ear and fiugtr r ing 3. breast and laee pins, brushes,•handmirrors, purses, bill ami pocket books, combs and Lundred* of other arti••! >s von may stand in need of. all of >vbieh wo guarantee to be correct styles' choice fabrfc.i t ii..- a.id lovott pri *e> \\ e always fiii-.l pe pie willing aod t'lkt-r to buy in the cheapest mark et. and living this spring secured special bargaius in every u. partiuent, you will find us ready aud willing— ONLY TOO W ILLlN'i—to render pr.miiitlv, courteously as.d intelligently any needed or desired assistance fa making your selections. \\ e are wifh to purchase or n. t Come in at your convenience or earliest opportunity aud feast your eyes upon our iin ment-e assortment, study our prices a:id we'll take our chances on your going avvav emptv handed. by 1 hose who stand by you. V\ hat does that meau/ It rneaus that we have stood bv jou for Years. You have sto< d> y us, are yon willing to continue? It means help for you. Those who want to sell goods in our line will have to see what we an' doii y.\ aud comedown to our notch If they do anv chin music '.hey'll have to take the tune fi<'in u- II they march they'll have to tnke up our step as we lead aud propose to keep on leading, and others must follow or l.i'! We are not making a bluff for trade; that game is plaved out. We are stating facts. The proof lies in our go. d< which are leaders ia every line It's all moonshine to talk about bigger or bet ter bargains than w< nihke Lhev cai ibe made "Love at first sight" must be the fate of everv one w'ho gazes on our goids; tot i tily becauj-e they are l in'lsoine but IxH-ause they are cheap in everv sense of the word. No bed v can bent iii su ek Nobody ( tin l" •> Main.St, - - Dull.v's Block, Hutler* Pa. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is here be given that by order of the Town Council of the Horough of Untler, in the county of liutler and State of Pennsylvania, an electing will be held at the voting places in the several wards of the llorongh of liutler, liutler county Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 14, A. 0. 1890, for the purpose of obtaining the assentof the electors of the said borough to an in crease of the indebtedness of the said borough not exceeding seven per cent, ol the last assessed valuation of tha taxable property thereof. The amount of the last assessed valua tion of the taxable property of said bor ough is $1,7!»9,796.00. The amount of the proposed increase is $110,000.00. The amount of the existing debt of said bor ough is $12,000,00. The said Increase of indebtedness is for the purpose of con structing und maintaining a public >ew«go system lor the use of said borough; also for the purpose of paving and improving the streets therein. Said election will be held nt the usual places of holding the general and special elections iu the several wards in the said borough, and by the regular election officers. Polls will open at 7, a. in., and close at. 7, p. in W. T. MECIILIXG, LEVI M. WISE, L'res. of C'onucil. Secretary. in 14 tl Executors' Notice. WHEREAS, letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned ou the estate V'S. W. Shannon, of Frauklin Twp., liutler Co., Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against sani estate wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement. ( A. W. SHAKNOti, < Prospect, I'a. (JOHN i\ UAI'SH.V, Kuruiuis. Estate of George Brown, aee'd, L.\tk ok CONOOKO Twi*., IJl'TLl'.i; Co., I'A. letters testamentary on the above estate naving been grauted t« the undtrsigued, ail persons knowing tiieiuselves indebted t • said estate Will please make immediate p*)ap'iit, and any having claims against siud estate will pieneut them lor settlement. MAKIA J. Knows, l.i'i, (jreeee City, Butler Co., I'a. GEO. W. FLEEI.EK, Att'y. Executor's Notice. (ESTATE Ol" J. B. Losii, tJKtr'O, LATE OK KHAN Iv LIN TWI'., liCTLKK 111., PA Letters testamentary ou tiie above i.aiiied estate having been granted to the uudetaigued, all persons snowing themselves indebted to it will pieu.-e ii,ake unn ediate payuitut, and any hiving claims agaiut.l it will | t them tor settlement. UOB'T McBBIDE, 10x r. McCandlfis I'. O. W. D. BKANDO.n, Att'y. Notice. Notice lsheieliy given that .Jain - I» tlraliam. assigncee ol l,i or:,'e M Itrahain. I. "« til' l hi^ tlinil MOOUBI M feMIKM* In Hi'' oflV Im' I'rothonotary of I In-1 oiirtof t'oininon I'le.us ot liutler county ai M •• I>. No. I-. Si.'pl. I'i rin, Iss.i. and that the n.tme will he pi.-.-uii d to said Court lor confirmation und allowance on Wed nesday. .line* ith, ISIKI. John W. HIIOWN. Proihonotary. I'rothonotary's Ollice, May i>. isuo. Contractors, Take Notice. We will take sealed btJs from now mil 11 the :ird of June, lstti. lor the building oi a in w frame school-hoaie In t llulon Iwti., -No. dis trict, known as tiie Cri-wcll school. Kur plans and specifications see Ito* President or Necre- I lary. All hiils to l«" sent to the fimlileut. Ine , school Hoard reserves the right to reJCd any ! and all Mils. Bv (mnKlt OK HOAKO. j 11. 11. II U-srKAU. I'ltMidcilt J. 11. Ct NNINiiIIAM, Si c'y . Biddies X Utiads I*. 0, | • C'lMitoli T.IM i} 6, Is 111. JL' O JL'tk 'tbjs j.i. JLi ik Store rocm ti.d dwi inug, btulilo ; a nil other builaiDgb; good Joettlioa for country store, uear It. 11. Addre«B, Tiik CITIZEN, j liutler, I'a. U' A MLI) -Agents to solicit or i. i ; lor our clioice Biiii NUIM I' 3 block. Steady Work lor knergi lir l cni|»rr«te Jim. Salary and oximnaf sor cor U prt;«>r cd. \V rite at onct;. SUte Age, Atidru&n. h. (i. Chase & Co. u !V" PITISfIURIiH MIES, iK*tj'hiislH tl |SS(| > OL'lt KLEGANT I M.l STK ATEH C AT ALOGt'K lor ls!>0 will be mailed ou appli cation. Every Partner, Hardener, Amateur or owuer of a lot should have one. Orders for Dowers aud Iloral ctublcms have immediate attention. Telephone 'Zi'J. John R. & A. Murdcch, 508 Smith fir hi St., VITTSIiI'RU H, I'A. ? 'lf? 5 i";. 5 i.fc;.' Christmas Goods for Everybody. I A Ppl* Ttuitl lino of. fancy and u*e fu! articles of every description. , .Match safes—in braes, nickel, eel | ; luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. r Toilet cases,manicure sets, shaving sets, gloves and handkerchief boxes in leather and plush. Odor cases in leather, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, vases, per* ' fume stands, nnd an endless variety , of fine «oods, which mast be «ecn to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and ; cheaper than ever before. The pub -1 lie is invited to call at, REDICK'S [ Drugstore, rest to Lowry House. • Examine our goods and gel our prices THE Mew ork Bazaar Butler's Leading Dfy Goods sod Millinery ES .'ABLISHMENI' Offers extra good bargains in PIIESS GOODS? •SATEENS, Ginghams, white goods, laces, j embroideries, Houneings, tab'e liliens, towels, hosiery and un i derwear. Largest stock of Millinery | in the county. Ladies and children* Hats lor Ac up to the finest quality, at the lowest prices. No Charge for Trimming. We in\ ite the public to in spect our grand stock before buying. New York Bazaar |GO and 02 S Main St., lIUTLHR, - 1»/V. mm I All Knit rr further pailioular* rail on or address JAMKH 8 err OX, Evans City, l'a. FOR SALE. Farm for mdo cheap. lUO ai res, J mile from tiroenville, soil good, fine orchards, fine bK'tttion, Oood buildings, two setts. SIOO per acre. Address, WM. I.oNG, i:„x "ai<». UreenviUe, IV. ITiVM^k/ItoAGEKTS DIAMOND HOTS L JAMi:S SKLLKKS, Prop'r. New furniture, new fittings an.l lir.st class accommodations. Livery. Xortlt xiilr »f I'iaiHoml, llutltr, I'n. ElTfllillEl HOffl, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Nf;;r New Court House—formerly Dou.tMson !li.use—good a.voemiodatlons tor ;i.tVi|.-rs. 'rood stabling connected. I ITKNML'I LEU .v LEIBOLD. Propis NIXON'S HOMF, K N. McKEAN ST.. BUTLER. I'A. Meals at'all lionrv Open all ni^lit. Breakfast 25 cents. Dinner ■£> cents, supper aa ocni-i, Lodelnp 25 cents. SIMEON MX<»N - ritor-K. Willafd Hotel W. 11. REIIIINIi, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. ' * KTAIIMXO IX ('OMIECTIOS. SAHI'LK ItOOB for COM MKItt'IAL TKA VKI.KKS SAMPLE KOOM. LIVEItV IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) H KXRY L. HECK. PROI-'H. J. 11. FACBKL, Manager. liutler, I'a. .) ordan's Restaurant All our readers visiting liutler will do well to go to Sam Jordan's restaurant (or their meals. We serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco und cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under Schnt identan's clothing store. At the New Store OF D. E. JACKSON, A special sale of new goods for spring and summer wear you will tind almost everthing iu the line of dress goods, white goods, flouncings, embroideries, domestics, etc.; also Indies and gents furnishing goods. Ladies and childreus hose in silk, I.irle-ihread, balbriggan aud cotton, from tie cheapest to an extra quality. French Balbriggan underwear from 50c to 7:">c.. for ladies and gents, gauze underwear for ladies and gents. Our one dollar white laundricd shirt i*, we believe, without an equal. Try i*. ~\WHY DO IMOTHERS ' r"* 4 - V\ put *fifY cor*H* on th«ir 4. vl-V CROWING CHILDREN? k * M Ni * • ' i. it I.ut r « SU * E T0 MY FERRIS' l %i«0SB SENSE /JKCOSSET waists. /* a ■ *7 ATHD'j3»H:r. Mvumr. // • /■ /' /'/ \ 11.-t for 11. «llk, r. ». '* yfrfi \ H.r rri.vm,t tr. I,t i. I till 1 •• »4 c.f UI.MM. ,v; '•ill \ Rim.l He. kijoi Up ' I.J 1!T 11 « •.!!-■ I *z, •i: lIA I ' »• t \ •• ,••• :./ IfA 3 t.MM- , .<< e. ; Ui PI BiikiS 3 B< t .. P i'3c% M r lw\ i U"IM- •«» •>< ! T U: fc -F N if \ I rir ALL AOI'H. ' I'll lijj y J lufut£ to Atluilo. !). !•:. JACKSON. flilsiiu ®25 amplest, Mo Prr«W«. Maiubnl ImplrminU generally- A B FAKQUIIAR CO . Limited, I- 1.(1 lor lllu.s- IV»B»jl»««l« Ar* |r «|t« r »» traleU | Hork«. \0ll», I A.