Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 16, 1890, Image 3

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FRIDAV, MAY 16, 1890.
~ V~ x '
Seliaul Bros. & Co.'s
Clothing House,
We are now in good running order,
aud kindly ask the public to inspect
our extensive stock. We do not ex
aggerate when we profess that wc
have art good an assortment of fash
ionable clothing for Men's and Hoys
wear as can be found in auy similar
establishment in this country.
Our vnriety in Suits tor Men and
Boys contains the prevailing styles
of cheviots, plain aud fauey worst
eds, caswiuieres aud diagonals. In
Spring Overcoats we show the choic
est of this country's markets. One
particular popular style is the new
English Top Coals, and is the swell
overcoat of the present fashionable
world We have them in three dif
ferent shades. I i childrens suits we
have an extensive assortment, one
style very much in favor is the "Lord
Faunt'eroy," with red and blue sash
to match. Ladies will have no rea-
Bon to complain to dress their young
sous for lack of finding a variety.
We also have a large assortment of
single knee Pants and Boys' Blouse
"Melville" Hats, Gents' Furnish
ings, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and other
halierdashery, we have the newest
We cordially a?k the pablic to pay
our store a visit, no difference if not
ready to make any purchases at pres
ent, we will cheerfully show you
through our establishment—no trou
ble whatever.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
47 S. MAIN ST.
LOCAL ASSEMBLY 8508, Knights of La
bor, meets every Friday nij;bt in the Car
penters and Joiners Hall, third tloor, Uu9ei
tou building, WM. M. GLKNN, Rec. Sec
New Advertisements.
Sheriff Sales for June Term.
Citation Notice, estate of David Simms.
The Grant Monument.
Princeton College.
Al Heck's greenhouses.
Salesmen Wanted.
Election Xotice.
NOTE —All advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us ol
their intending to do 80, not later than
Monday morning.
—Alex Williams' new clock is there to
stay and it is a good looking clock too.
—Lew Ganter is building two houses on
N. Washington street, and Chas Rebhuu
fhrco on Howard St.
—The Thorn Rros. store ou the south
• side was entered and robbed, last Monday
—The rains made everything in the
ground grow, but they kept some things
out of the ground.
—A woman named Kerr lately of Hutler
is Imported to have attempted suicido in
Pittsburg, a few days ago.
—We are sorry to be obliged to omit
some of our local correspondence anil other
matters this week.
—The hump at tho crossing of li. Jef
ferson and McKean Sts. is being graded,
and the streets near the West Penn depot
is being filled.
—Mr. H. J. Klingler has opened streets
through his meadow between Mifllin and
W. I'enu streets, is building board walks
and planting trees, and intends having an
auction sale of lots.
—A daughter of Wm. Waldron, secured
the prize watch for making the most words
out of the name Kittie Rhoades. She had
something over 2000 words. Charley
Uhrey was next best with 1700 words
—Tarins now leave Butler one the West
Penn for Allegheny at 6:00, 8:35 and 11:20
a.m. and 2:35 and 6:05 p.m., and on the
P. <fc W. at 0:00, 8:55 and 10:20 a.m. and
3:50 and G:3O p.m., the 8:55 and 3:50 trains
eonnectin g for the west, and 0:30 as far
west as Zelicnoplc.
—A little girl of John Parks of Middlesex
twp' aged four years met with a terrible
death last Friday evening. She followed
her father to a field near tho house where
he was burning brush, and going too near
the tire while not noticed her clothing took
fire. She ran toward the house, and was
caught and the flames extinguished, but
she had breathed them and died next
—A company composed of J. S. Craig,
Theodore Sproul, W. F. Floyd and W. J.
Crawford of Allegheny county, and 11. W.
Christie, David Osborne, C. D. Greenlee,
A. (i. Williams and John H. Sutton of
Hutler, have secured a charter and pro
pose establishing an electric street-car
plaut in Butler. This is a thing greatly
needed here and will give the town a tre
mendous boom.
—"lt is surprising," said a hotel clerk iu
Pittsburg the other day, "how many
young fellows from neighboring towns
come into the city to go 011 a . gentle
'batter.' They value their reputations too
highly to got drunk at home, or else are
afraid of dad, but thoy make the fur fly
when they get here where they are not
known. I can tell one of these yonng fol
lows at a glance, though they try hard to
conceal it. He is generally good natured,
and at heart a good boy, but when tho
corn juice goes to his brain be is very
—Tho Franklin AVics says: The scandal
in connection with the suicide of K. S.
Merriam, on Tuesday, is the exciting topic
at t lintonvillc and all through that part of
tho country. He had for 2 years carried
on illicit relations with Mrs. McKee, wife
of Chas. C McKee, a woman who has been
a leading member of the church and sup
posed to be of irreproachable character.
Her maiden name was Woods, of Sugar
creek township, ami sho married Charley
when ho was engaged in farming in thai
township. They hove one child, a
•laughter. Marriam, it is said, discovered
that he was not the only lavored ono and
u jealous quarrel ensued. Meantime Mrs.
Merriam discovered in her husband's
pocket a package of six letters from Mrs.
McKee, and confronting him she said sin:
would call in the woman's husband and
let him read them. As soon as *hc left
tho room, Merriam shot himself. McKee
has sent his wife to her people and will get
a divorce.
Butler's Main street is 80 feet wide and
there is quite a curve in it at the Diamond.
—The Royal Templars of Temperance
gave a pleasant reception
rooui in the Ueiber building I ue day even
—The annual meeting of the Woman's
Missionary Society ot Butler 1 resbytery
(IT. I*.) will meet in Rittaruling June ad
aud 4th Kach congregational society is
requested to send delegates.
Sow that Main street is to be paved.it
will be a matter of economy for property
owners along the street to put in the pro-
I (tosed sewer pipe, as soon as the street is
graded, even through the pipe cannot be
£-ed for a year or,t« o.
A flock of several hundred chimney
swallows are making their home in the
large chimney on the east ide ot Esq.
Kennedy's honse on the Diamond, aud
I when they begin dropping into the chim
ney ahout dusk, the seene resembles moke
I going the wrong way.
—A very sick man was discovered in
a shanty near Peters ville, a few days
ago. lie was unable to speak but from
papers on his per on it is supposed that his
I name is John Kowland, anil that his home
is in Pnnxsutawney, Pa.
—Census Superintendent I'ortcr. hearing
that attempts would be made in different
cities and towns to bribe enumerators to
enlarge their tigure on population has i
nued an order ill which In- says enumerators
must bo "above suspicion."
—The Uutler county Sabbath School
Association will hold its 13th annual con
vention at Evans City, June 1(5, 17 and 18,
1890. REV. W. E. OLLKK. l'res.,
Butler, i'a.
11. S DATBENSPECK, Sce'y.,
Bruin, Pa.
—Bntler now has two evening papers,
Tlir Ert ning Herald having made its bow
to the public on Monday last. The first
numbers were very creditable, both as to
contents and make up, and if the edi
tors persevere in their good work, the en
terprise will be a sncn ,-s without a doubt.
—We note the changes made in the
West Penn ami P. and W. time tables in
anothi r place. The West Penn people
uiaee a bid for the business of the town
by giving us live trains each way between
Butler and Allegheny, ,-o arranged to fur
nish every accommodation we could wish
for. The I*. and W. schedule is also an
improvement on the old one, especially
as regards the accommodation afforded
people north of Butler.
—Jos. W.Bnrkliard of Petrolia who with
a party made up from the oileonutry here,
has gone to Peru to test some supposed oil
territory there, writing home of his trip
across the isthmus says: At 12 o'clock we
left Aspinwall for Panama via the Panama
railroad. The vegetation along the railroad
is simply wonderful. It is nothing but
milesaml'milcs of palms of all descriptions,
intermixed with tropical fruits of all kinds.
You can see along this railroad thousands
—yes, millions of banana trees, and you
buy them very cheap—a whole bunch for
a nickel. Only you don't want them at
thai price here, as it is almost a sure case
of fever to eat them if you are not
We bad a pleasant trip acioss the
isthmus, luit it was so awful warm ami
dusty. We crossed the Panama canal
three times. I <l<in't think they ever can
huild it; that is, the'way they are working
at it or were, as it is abandoned now.
I'anama is a till hy ami badly laid out town,
but it has a small plaza, or park as 3 0U call
it, which is veiy beautiful. Also, what
somejpeople *y U the oldest cathedral on
the American continent. [t is a very nice
looking church.
Mrs. A. L. Dowser is in Franklin on a
visit to her mother, Mrs. Jane Smiley.
Mr. Joseph Milliscn of Hutlcr twp. is ly
ing seriously ill.
Mr. M. A. Lowmau of Meadville. wilb
bis family, are the guests of bis mother
and sister.
Mr. George Kleinfelter of Harmony Las
been granted a pension.
Mr. A. H. Crouch, lately of Allegheny,
succeeds Mr. Vaughn, as agent of the I'.
A- W. R. K in Butler.
Thirty-four of the little friends of Ma
Schenck, a daughter of Poter Schenck,
helped her to celebrate her tenth birthday,
last Tuesday.
Mrs. McCarnes of Strattouville, a sister
of Mrs. Shry Wick of Itutler is seriously
ill. She is a native of Sunbury.
Miss l.oti Daubenspeck of North Wash
ington is the guest of her brother Wil
Mrs. Smith, wife of l<. AV . Smith of this
town, died at Meadvilie a few days ago.
She went there to attend a sick sister anil
was taken sick of typhoid fever.
Mrs. Kingsbury, mother of Mrs. May
berry of Centreville, died last Saturday.
Fred and May Neglcy are the guests of
of their sister Mrs. F. S. Pnrviance.
Dr. Balph intends building Ibis summer. I
anil will build a temporary residence back
ol his present building.
Mr. Frederick Duhl. formerly of this
county, died at bis home in Detroit, Mich
igan, ou the 12th inst, aged *4 years. > i
Buhl was raised in Sielienople, this county
and went to Detroit about 50 years ago,
where he became successful in business
anil died leaving an estate of #500,(100. lie
was married in this place to one of the
daughters of the late Hon. William Deat
Mr. S. W. Kelley of Russell county,
Kansas, in the central part of the State, is
the guest of his brother-in-law, A. M.
Cornelius, Esq.
Since Tuesday last Will Mechling has
been the proud possessor of two'moro girls,
making six in all, and each member of the
Council took two cigars out of the box that
Joseph Brown, Esq. of Mercer twp. was
among the old friends attending the Pro
hibition County Convention 011 Monday
last. Mr. Brown was unfortunate in hav
ing a leg broken some time ago and is
quite lame from its effects, but otherwise
still hale and hearty.
—Take watches and clocks that
need repairing to F. Weigund in Wil
liams' Jewelry and Music store, and
have them repaired in good style by
a skilled workman.
—Fall line of guitar strings, Itaujo
strings and violin strings at
—Mails and bats at
—New mohairs, silks, henriettas,
challies, and full line of dross goods
—Fou SALE —About 17'» Icet] of
inch wire rope. .1. N. MIINTZ.
—Buy the Eighute patent shirt at
—Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—Full line of hats, both stiff and
soft, for so miner wear at
J. F. T. ST EH us's.
—Home-made broad at the City
lce for sale at the City Bakery
—Try us ou silks and black dress
goods. We have some special bar
li. STEIN & K,,N
—Girls tricycles at
.1. F. T. STEIII.E'H.
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrisoa'a City Bakery.
Butler's Regeneration.
Nobody who has not lately attended u
meeting of the Town Council, has any idea
of the importance anil variety of the
business that regularly comes before it for
consideration. The Council now meets
nearly every Tuesday evening and is some
times in session till long after m'dnigbt.
The meeting of last Tuesday evening
was called especially for the consideration
of sewerage, but the first matter that came
IK.-fore the Council was a petition of citizens
of Main St.. north of flay and south of
Wayne, asking that the street be pared
only to ft width of ;M! feet, leavin/ a space
of 8 feet between the ,-treet and the side
walk, to be tilled up level with the side
with and covered trith gra- Thi met
with favorable consideration, and Alt'.
Black added to the resolution regarding it,
that the street between Clay on the north
and Wayne on the south, or in other words
the business portion of the treet, be paved
to a width of 50 feet, the sidewalk- to In
made 15 feet wide. This, also, met with
favorable consideration, and a motion to
advertise for bids for paving the .-treet, all
bids to be in by 7:110 p. in. of Tuesday,
June 3d, carried.
Mr. Ileyilriek presented his plan of tin:
street showing tin- grades, etc.. and the
Council agreed to met with him Thursday
morning, anil go over the street, and s< ttle
upon what, grading i- nece--ary.
The next matter of importance that was
considered was that of sewerage, and a
motion to sewer carried. A motion to
adopt tin- Waring system brought up the
que tiou of the ten-percent royalty on the
system, which Mr. Waring said nothing
about when in Hutler souie months ago.
A map of the town showing the entire
system was laid upon the table and ex
amiucd by the Council. Tiic system pro
vides for two main sewers from outlets be
low the "island," the one from the outlet
to the foot of \V. Jefferson St.. at its June
tion with Iface,to be 24 inches in diameter;
and the other from its ontlet, around the
creek to Springdale and the eastern part of
the town, to be 15 inches in diameter.
Connecting with these two mains are
systems of sewers covering the entire tow n,
and the e ti mated cost of the entire system
is SIOO,OOO, on which Mr. Waring claims a
royalty of ten-percent or SIO,OOO, to he
paid as the system is built ami exteuded.
Mr. Black read a statement of the
finances of the town showing that the
Council can raise enough money to pay its
third of the paving of Main St., at per
square yard, and yet have between eight
and nine thousand dollars l«-ft to begin
sewering, and a motion to build the main
sewer from the outlet to foot of W. Jeffer
son St. carried. The distance is about
1500 feet and the estimated cost is $3,0»»0.
all bids to close at 7:HO p. m. of June :id
next. The idea of the Council is to build
this piece of the main sewer, that is to pro
vide an outlet, and then the people of that
part of the town, the people of \\\ Jetl'er
son, MitHin and other streets, can, if they
see lit, extend it past their properties at
their own expense, and then the people to
the north and east of them take it up, so
that, in the course of time, the system will
extend over the whole northern part of the
town, the part at present in greatest need
of sewerage.
The question of paving the other streets
of the town then came up. This will in
quire more money than the Council is able
to raise, unless the people of the town vote
it to them, and a motion to have nil elec
tion on the question carried The election
will be held ou Saturday. June 14th. and
due notice w ill be given of it.
Several small matters were also con
sidered during the evening. Some team
sters complained of the proposed license
ordinance regarding them; Air. Purvis was
given permission to plank an alley near his
boardyard; a part of the Washington St.
ordinance was annulled, ami the Council
adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening.
it may be well to add that the Council
cun put the town in debt to the extent ot
two (2) percent of the assessed valuation,
aud that the people of the town can, by a
fayorable vote, increase this limit to seven
(7; percent.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 15 for butter, 12
for eggs, 65 for potatoes, 75 for apples,
$1.25 for beans, 30c a dozen bunches for
AL llerr's Island, Monday, beeves sold
at 41 to 5, bulls and dry cows 2J to 3J,
veal calves retailed at 3-to 41, fresh cows
at $25 to $35, with 110 No. I milkers on
Flinner sold Butler comity wtmtfit ■
at 5e and spring lambs at ST, Cruckshanks
sold mixed woole.d ewes and wether iit •>}
and spring lambs at 7, Pisor sold woolod
sheep at 41 to SJ. wooled yearlings at ti,
am! spring lambs at ii to S. Ltut few good
sheep were on sale and more were needed.
Flinner sold good country hog 11 4.40,
Crnekshank at 4} and Volbrecht at 4 to
4 35.
I ll 1: oil, SIABKKT.
('loseil Monday at, SO, Tuesday at SH,
Weduesday at H7.
Important Notice.
Mrs. W. 11. Woods, State Treasurer of
tlii' W.C.T.I', desires all duos sent to her
bv the last of June. There will be 110
semi annual dues this year as heretofore.
I therefore urge all the unions of Butler
county to send to me their annual dues at
their earliest convenience that I may be
able to make my returns to the state by
the 15th of June if possible. I'lease at
tend to this at once. Mrs. A. M. Dice,
Trcas. Butler county, W.t'.T.C.
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building.
—Largest lino of fiuu baby
carriages ever brought to Butler at
.1. K. T. STEUI.K'H.
Highest cash price paid for buck
wheat at Geo, Walter's Mill, But
ler, I'n.
Large assortment ol lace tidies,
pillow shams, bed sets, line silk
throws, India silks, pongees. Madras
drapery, &« , at.
—The Bright-light Rink on Mc-
Kean Street has beeu turned into a
distributing depot for buggies, phae
tons, surreys, carriages, spring wag
ons, Bolster wagons, carts, «tc.
Seeding, harvesting, and threshing
machinery, fertilizers, &e. <tc. A
firm has bought this property and
will fill it, with it large line of tirst
elass tjoods for the purpose of supply
ing both the wholsale and retail trade
from this point.
—We ate showing great values iu
silks, henriettas, mohairs, challies,
line dress ginghams and all kinds of
dress goods.
—Largest assortmcLt of tine dress
ginghams and challies in Butler ut
lowest prices at
Lace curtains, curtain poles,
sash curtain materials, scrim and
curtain laces and drapery of all kinds
—Remember that we are head
quarters fur white goods, embroidery,
lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies
and bed sets.
Foit SAI.E —Two well-bred setter
pups, age i'i mos.
(Jail on or address
CITIZEN office.
for Sale.
Eggs from the following pure bred
fowls for setting, Wyandots, Light
Brahman, Ply mouth Rocks, White
and Black Leghorns. Price $1 for
setting of 13 eggs from any of above.
W. II Mounts,
.No. 7 V M.iin or 107 W. Pearl St.
—Guitars, violins and mouth
I organs at .1. F. T. STEULE'B.
On Monday last the viewers appointed
by the Court to appraise the property of
lieorge Reiher. latelv appropriated by the
I'. A W. ii. 1!. Co., for repair shops, et< .
met and viewed the property and appiais
ed it at SIOOO an acre, for .-ix. and oue
| tenth acres or s«> 100 in all.
ilenrv A. Galbreath asked for a commis
sion in lunacy as to .las. .1, Reyburn, now
in jail, aud Dr. Hoover, A. M Cornelius,
KM), and John Murrin were appointed.
The will of fieo. Si had of Butler two
was probated, no letters, also will of 1.. 1"
Muder of Saxonburg and letters toll. 0.
Dr. Neyman to .1 C Jennings lot in But
ler twp for S4OO.
J l> McJunkin to J 0 Jennings lot in
Butler twp for $1(500.
John (i Suminnrville to Jos Earbart
acres in Fairview twp for S7OOO.
C Peters to R Vanderlin, quit claim of
154 acres in \ enaiigo for $1250.
.1 A M> Mmliu to i; Ziegb r lot in Adams
Butler Savings Bank to Annie Kelly lot
in Butler for s2otl.
ZT Annuck to E D Sutton lot in Miller
town for $550.
A llaberlin to M .1 MeCandless lot in
Butler for SIOO.
.1 M Roberts to ,1 0 Kerr lot in Centre
ville for $75.
J L Love to J M Miller lot in Butler for
Elvira Lyon to A I- Blaek 13 acres in
Butler lor $1 sou.
.1 X Muntz to tieo Noutlet lot in Butler
tor S7OO.
1) MilfVtrd to S F Milford, quit claim for
l»7 acres in Clay for SIOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Thomas R. Hilgar Slipperyrock twp
Minnie Sbakley Butler, I'a
James llenry McCrea St. Joe, Pa
Mary Jane Logne Coylesville. Pa
Plummer Timblin Butler. Pa
Annie Wise "
Charles E. Ilamon Butler, Pa
Maggie Schmcrker
Jacob liippns Oakland tv •>
C. Wihelmina Kisler Summit twp
Thomas A. Thrower Clinton twp
Rachel Ekas .* Buffalo twp
F. D. Sutton Crawford Co
Clara Thomas Billiards, Pa
At Mercer, Samuel P. Turner of Sandy
Lake and Mrs. J. P. Jack of Butler.
Oil Field Notes.
(iriesbach ,t Co's No. I, on the Casper
lVhl, reached the pay streak Tuesday, aud
started oil al 18 barrels an hour; Reed >t
Co's, ou the M. Shannon, is showing for 80
barrels a day; and the well on the Thomas
Allen is drilling in good sand.
There is a movement among oil pro
ducers to shut down all wells on Sunday.
Graham ,V Co's No. 2, on the Wahl, is
showing for a 150 barrel well.
Snec's No. J. on the Mortland, is expect
ed in to day, and the Murriu boys have a
string of tools last.
Reed S. Co's No. 2, on the Marshall, Jis
making 1)0 barrels a day; Christie's 10, on
the lift, anil Smith's 2, on the Fehl, are
each rated at 200 barrels.Phillips 3. ou the
W. 11. May, is showing for 40 barrels, and
the Osborne well at Reibold is showing
The well on the Thos. Mechling farm,
near Jefferson Centre, was shot Tuesday,
and is rated at 15 barrels.
Al. Heck's Greenhouses.
We venture the assertion that few peo
ple know that the greenhouse having the
largest variety of plants in Western Peuu
sylvauia is light here in Butler. Tet such
is the ease. Mr. Al. Heck's greenhouses
are excelled by none in that respect in this
We called to see them the other day,
and it was beautiful flowers, rare plants,
and double-jointed Latin names till our
head swam Plants from Africa, South
America, Mexico, Jamaica, Europe and
everywhere else it seems; Palms, Banan
as, and Diacicnas, lots of them! Oivhids,
Water Lilies and the sweet water Ilya
cLnth. All there and soon be bloomiug!
Amaryllis, all the varieties worth having!
Yucca, some elegant specimens, tlishiscus,
and Abutillon. The old fashioned Ob an
dcr, now so greatly improved as to be
scareely recognizable. A grand specimen
plant which Mr. Heck states has been
blooming for several months. One flower
is a bouquet. The Oleo Fragrans, the
most fragrant thing we ever saw. An
hour there makes one wish ereenhonsns
grow wild. 1 uuitis Oo seem lo trrow wild
for Mr. Heel; for his plants do not have the
look peculiar to most hot house plants.
What else did we sec J
Wo saw tea roses, a hundred of them,
and lieranimns unnumbered. The gerani
urns were particularly tine and showy. We
saw the grand collection id' Devonian,
twenty-.seven different sorts! There is one
in particular which is especially fine. The
new Manette plant was there, and the new
Geranium "Mew Life" was also there, only
Mr. Heck doesn't call them new. Wo »a\v
a very tine ('yens Kevoluta, (of course ev
eryoiie knows what that is) and the euri
ous Moseuil.ry ant.heinuni. There were
glorious Fuchsias, all in bloom, and rare
chrysanthemums, none iu bloom. There
were primroses, Chinese and otherwise,
and so many other plants that it makes
one dizzv to merely think ot them.
doing through Mr. Heck's greenhouses
is a treat that no one should miss. Every
one who loves flowers is made perfectly
welcome and between you and me there is
110 time Mr. Heek is happier than when
showing his beauties of the vegetable king
dom to some who appreciates their fine
Mh! come into the garden, Maud.
\nd sit beneath the roses.
And see me prance around the beds
Dressed iu uiy Sunday closes!
Oh! come and bring your uncles, Maud,
Your sisters and your aunts,
To tell them MeCutehc-n made my coat,
My waistcoat anil, my pants!
Fse Double All O. K. Horse Lini
nit'iit, Went in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stillness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by .f, C. ItEDIOK,
2-18-3 m. No, 5, X. Main St.
Butlef, Pa.
lee cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakery.
—liouse cleaning time shows the
necessity for new curtains, tidies,
throws and Wed sets. We can sup
ply you with everything needed in
that Hue.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world, A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coujhs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale BY J.C. UISPICK,
2-18-.'> m No. ft, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
Williams has as choice a line of
Jewelry anil Silverware as can be
found anywhere, and defies competi
tion iu price.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Try to induce yi ur neighbor to
—J. .1. Lteiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK. BOX 'J2C,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
lteiber, Jefferson St.
-r- Velocipedes, rocking horses
wagons and wheelbarrows at
McCutcheu's new merchant tailor
ing establishment nearly opposite P.
O. Main St Butler, I'll
U/ANTKII AChVrs I'OII WI ItM'l.i: • t
•• thrM .ii ln«-tionarv. hx< lust\>* ttmt<ii>
-iv '*ll. \n Indit irl«»us m.in iHI liud | .'rin.«ii» iit
.it i«l lucrut hot in ployiiiiiif Mills book.—T. i\
Mchlroy & Co., No. J feixtU treet. riHsUnri;li,
The Tornado.
Tornadoes of ungual fury have lately
devastated sections oflhe west and south,
j and on Saturday evening last one vi.-ited
this section, passing over the southern part
! of Venauga conntv and Killing ,-everal ]>e.'
! pie and destroying much property.
J1 not her passed over this county that
same evening and .-truck the earth near
where Oakland. Donegal, Summit and
Clcariield townships corner.
The house of Jacob Kramer in the south
western corner of I »onegal twp. was upset
and wrecked, and the old couple were
severely injured M lirst Mrs. Kramer
injuries were stippo ed to be littal.
Thomas Thompson's barn, in that vi
cinity Wil? blown over, fences destroyed
aud other damage done.
To the north of us the stonn. which is
spoken of as a ••cyclon," first *trnek near
Flendcr utuville in Mercer rounty and
traveling east cro ,-ed the riter at Kast
Sandy, and went into Clarion county. A.
X. .lark o i and his wile ol Venango coun
tv who were in their barn milking were
killed outright, while their children a few
rods oil' e. caped uninjured. The house of
Mr. Welton wii> •> eompletely destroyed
that scarcely a board of it remains. When
he saw the <torm coming he and his wife
gathered their children together and encir
cled them by catching hands, and while in
this position the house was bl.iwn away,
the tionr seemed to shoot out from nnder
neath tliein. and they dropped into the eel
lar. and Mr. Welton. alone the only
one of the group seriously injured. Sever
al other houses and bam were blown over
and the people more or le.s injured. An
eye witness says that the storm seemed to
bound over the earth like a rubber ball.oak
trees two feet in diameter, were twisted
oil'twenty feet above the ground, a large
number of cattle and horses were killed.
onto woman about to enter her house wa*
blown dear through it and then the house
itself was lifted and blown o\cr her; one
young lady was blown out of a bouse and
lodged in the top of a tree, and several
other wonderful escapes »re noted.
In the llickey and Clintonville districts
quite a number of derricks were blown
over, (ireenvill- and the lower part of
Mercer were flooded and part of the Shen
ango road bed above Mercer was washed
Storms were also reported that evening
at Akron. <>., and from the northern part
of Missouri.
To he sold for taxes hy Treas
urer Seaton, at public outcry,
at tbe Court House in Butler,
on the second Monday of
June, 1890, being the 9th day.
Blakely. .lames, i«m* acres $ \o go 1
Moor, BoUh, 6aeres ' S Si
B dgeraMrs,sacres,.. . IM
Adams, M S, a« n s. 87. .*>;
Williams A C\ jy acres, »7 8 04
Pearce Thomas, j* a» j^... 12 36
liii|>son, Uominiek'. f>o acres, is 7f>
KUkaddon W J, a.-res. ls«7. I 77
< raw ford Lydla, l' 2 a« res. lv*r, 88 »i H2
tMI ford i dte . icre. 87,88 ..... . -• SI
Jones ( liristina, i lot, *7, i
l.ocsslmr Bernard, \ A a« re, m 7, es 293
Weller John, l lot. 57,88 7 on
Klskaddon \\ J. J»> acres, is>B 3 67
CEN'i i;b TWP.
Marshall & C'oiiu, 7 acres. 18»I. l .'lo
i ampbell \v 1 . i 101. • i «-i
AhCandless .1 M, tn» a« res, "i I*> IKi
Met r. a Mrs, 21 .»• 168 88 ft 51
Taylor .lames, I lot. 2 lo
Kelly Patrick, 3 lots, issi .... i n>
McUIAUkIIIIII (>tui. i.j a« res. i»., >v . iJ i
(M i aln Da\ Id, 88 acres si 88 99 88 89
Sweeny tlohn ;> lots, 87 JO
Skeltou Mary, :j;i acres, 8. . 88 17 21
(dlmore heirs, 7o acres, 87, BS. 80 2i< |
( hanthei* ,1 B. acres.
blilllli (i W, s<l acres, *7, s>, 1:» 89
Hutchison John, U acres, 87, SH •_» M; |
McMurray JSannn l, lin acres, 87 it; 34
Kerr .lames, f>ti acres, >7 4 si j
llraden &. l'oiiehugh. Is acres, 87 1 •;:« ]
Braden & ill .vies, h7 in ?»;
liraden Donclingli. 'jn, a« res 87 227 j
Herron .lames. 17, acres KB.. 3 tl j
llu-li tlrossiiian. '>•» a<jres,Bß. 17 02
McKmney HolVt, I2ia« r-»s, ss 17 4«»
Dunn Jonii, acres, S8
Cov* rt .1 \V. 8 \\( res. SH, s i 2 r»;;
llanson John, I lot, hs 21
ro.Ncoi:i> TWP.
lid UwgUbi John, i toe, 81 0
Kenned.\ I*cl«T fin acres, s7 is
.laiiir.s. ;ii ' nrres. **, V* !7 1
Uheplierd Jacob, 12acred 88,88 > 23
Wilson Allen. 20 acres, ss .; in»
Barnes Frank 1 101 ss l jh)
Breaden James, 1 j1 acres, s7. 88, ;jf
McElr«»y Patrick, 1U» acres, M 7. 8«> r*l 7n
llusseltoii Theodoie, 121 acres, h7, '.*) /».
(. recti wood Oil < o, 1 aere, 88..., 41
Jack .111 :s0 acivs sB. hj 1« .'2
Ail ller .IF. I lot, 88, 8i» f) l»
Onflord Jaoob, 1 lot* s7 2 30
Kaller Nicholas, house and lot, ss, h » 1 17
Bra<-kne> Annie K, acr*s, K» ;rj j
William Williamson, 75 acres, 8S 10 66
Seaton Samuel 10 acres, s 4 \
Mrt'andlcss Charles, 33 acres, ft 7, >*, s:».. 13 4 >
Maxwell Sarah. 41 acres, ss, s«» 9 w
Kelley .1 11. 1 lot, SB, Btf I no
Barler A, 100 acres, ss, sw 33 . r io
Ilulchesou W A, 1 lot, 87, b8 40
pervlnes .1 N, no acres, ys, 80 3s 71
Burton £ Son, 1 lot, 88, 89. . 27
BdK Hdfl JaBM 1 i I 1 1 t« • k 87, 88 SS 82
B.«rr «t S. 35 acres, 87, 8S 1» oy
• ilasple, Tuly a CO, i acre, ?-7. *#, sy . . yyo
Turner a Morrison. 3 acres. >7, 8s 3 110
Parker W W, i lot, 87. 2 48
Alversmi Saran, 70 a« res. ss. 8.) 20 y2
AI well T .1. 45 acres. KS, sj+. is 57
\i»ii« > W, acres,Bß,Bß :u 88
Tuler J c, 10 acres, ss, 28 62
liouulass till en, 2 lots, 87. s ;» 1 HJ
sullivan Tabitha, house and lot, 87 2 10
Green Miles, 166 aeres. 87. 88. 48 03
Md lure T S, 2«r» acres, 87. ss 87 78
McCandle*H Sarah, s«; acres, ss, Hi 59
lCoadb \V C, 53 acres, 88, 89 25 26
Ikmley 'I homas, 2". • aiercs, s7. MS, bt» 1,7 52
Mc Bride A acres, *7, s>. sy _y, yy
Alurrln John, ion acres, 87 10 so
John, 4 • acres, si, 10 22
iton 1 "Mi ,7 am res 87. K0
Ivelley Thettdore. w acres*. Ss. h'.» ....... ly C 2
M« < lannahali Mar. 5 acres. SB, »'J 2 *3
\ anderllu J C. -uacres, hs, s9 . .. :»•»
\orcross> Andrew, 43 acres, HB, 89 1«; «JS
Anderson Jane, 4y acres, s7, 89 20 y7
Atwell 11 - let* 8,81 88, dv M
luickeye Coal < o acres, «. lo .'HI
Donlej rtiomaa SOOacn N 88...... .>>l 91
Milliard hllsha, heira, V. r » acres, oi . . y 4o
i\ 1 egar B 8 8 res 8< 1 «»..
i urnei .1 L, 1 m res -.. 38, 88 11 88
Breaden Jaufl • res, • 27 88
Kellej Patrtc k BQ acres, w, 89 «on
Mercer Mining 1 ••. 188 n>. 88, 88 74 88
Thompson I>. o» ai res.si, 18 01
WiNf 1E1.4> TWP.
Marshall Samuel, Sheirs, 40 h 13 si
Billion ,Jo.> «v Bicadoil. 129 acl'es, »8, 43 si
>p, v. acres, 88, ... 21 «»,
Boj< I A, 16 acres, 88 3 13
Simmons Joseph, 1 acre, 88. 31
BqUOU James, 28 icras» 08.
Buehler John,3oacres, 8s 22 48
A M< is SLAT<>N, Co. Treasurer.
W idovvs' Appraisements.
The follow lug widows' appralscmenLs <»f per
sonal |no|)crf > a,ud real vstai«», set apiu*t (01 Mir
OeurfU «>f whlows of d#*cedenf , have btH'ii tiled
in tne office of mc« lerk of tin- Court
of Butler county, l'a., and confirmed nial:
Widow of James f. McQul Moo „S3B® 00
•• Thomas Linds« y (realty) .. 299 25 j
•• Bobert Ray -..H1 00
• 1 nomas Smith (realty).... . 300 «»
•• t'.iirick Mcßrlde ■>•>> 00
** •* Isaac Barr.. .. .HOO no
•* *• llenry O. Miller IH»
•* Benjamin Doutbetl 380 88
Minor children of J. B. Long 300 55
All persons inlet'; led lu ihe above appraise
ments will take notice that they will be pre
sented to the orphans'r«*urt at Butler, Pa., on
Wednesday, the 4th day <»i June, tsyn, and it no
exceptions be tiled ihey will be continued al>so
iutelv by the Court.
It hi'hen M« I.i.V ain, Clerk O. C.
farm lor sale cU«ap. 1-0 arrets, J mile
I null (ireenville, >«>il good, fiuu orchards,
line loc-atiou. Good ltuilding.s, two H-tt.s.
■flOO ner acre. Aditress,
Wil. LONG,
Ros SCO, Greenville, Fa.
U t K LEAD, other* lollop.
The rapiil increase of
business is the evidence
that our effort to j?i\e t<» this
community a lir.-t «l;i.-\s I >ru«r
Stole i." ajtpre- iatc«l. We
! make a sjneialtv «>t the drug
j business j.roj.< r and i\«• it ouri
entire time and personal ;.t
--teutiou. We handle only the
! l«-st ol everythi»i:r in our line
land guarantee the |imit\ ol
everything bearing the name
ol ('. N. Hovi>. \\ »■ have no
ohl stock that lias stood lor
years, hut all goods are pure
and fresh. Plnsieion's Piv-
Kuriptions receive special at- (
tent ion. If we do not have'
what you want w< i (rankl\ I<-11
3011 .«> and will IK- pleased toj
secure it for you on short no
tice We ask a share of your
patronage and Icvl sure von
will he pleased with o-.ir meth
ods ot doing business, and wej
can save \uii money. Your:
interests are ln-st served at
our store.
Ilespectliill y,
0. N. liOY 1), Druggist.
Diamond Block, IJutler, I'a.
Parties wishing to invest money, certain
to brine fair return*, art* mvite<l to oare
tullv inTer=ti(rate th«* inducement* otl. red
WORK'S." The stock consists of soon
.-hare.-, the value ot which . i*»>
For the further developing of the works,
-ome ot this stock is put on the market.
For prices ami particulars inquire of
JAS. P. I.RITT-UN. lilltler, P».
Office on Diamond.
By virtue ot sundry writs of Yen. Ex., H Fa.
Lev Fa .<•• issuer! nut of the Coun ol (Hniuioa
i'leas ol lluller < <)., Ca., aud lo me directed,
theie will he exposed to i>uhlic .>alc al the
Court House. In the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the 2d day of June,
A. P.. i*?:* 1 . at l o'clock, i'. m.. the lollowing dc
scribed property, to-wit
K. ?). N'o 91. June T 1-:»•>. Marshall Bros,
att ys.
All theriuld. title Interest ami claim ol James
i>. fci«ler of. In and to a- ie> of mud. more or
less, >ll dated 111 Mudtl) creek. Twp . Hufler Co..
pa.. bounded a.s follows. u»-wit on the north
l>v Mctiee, ea.sl by Knullsli ami
<iran Stewart. south by Oi an Siewart and
Samuel Kurii»tdes>. \vi-?i by M .1 (Jlenu; to
getlier Willi a brick house, frame nam. Orchard
and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO -Of. tu and to six ». in res of laud,
more «»r oilualed in Wnrih Twp.. lluller
Co., Pa , bounded us follows, lo wil- On liie
north by John Humphrey, east Zebolon
t 'ooper. south by Zebuion Cooper, west bj Jus.
Humphrey. All cleared Under leiiee and in a
good state of cultivation; with a frame hoii>e
fiauie stable, ore Hard and outbuilding tlieie
<»n. Seized ami tak« n in e\« euliou as the prop
»*rt> •! .I.uii' li Inderal l ite anil •.f .1. M Mar
-mall In irust lor Hie Porteravllle Savings Bank.
10. .No. t«o, June i'.. l 8. Temple ton,
All the light, tale, luteiv.-t and i lulm ul \\ il
llaiu <2. Sun in of, :n and to one >l acre ol land,
more or lean, tdluaied in Marion fwu butler
I'O , l'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit:
at a po.,t. thence north #*»•, east by lands of
.lohn i»la' k 12 perches to u post, thence south
west b) lands of James Black :» t» in |»t rches
io h post, (hence north , west by land-* ol
.laiues lilack 'S2 3-l«» perches fo the place of be
giuniuK- All cleared and under fence.
ALSO-01, in and to a lot of land, more or
less, situated in Marion Twp. Buller Co., l'a.
bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by
an alley, east b> an alle.v south by a street,
West by Main St., being lots N . . l and » m the
village of Corydon, Marb>n Twp.. Buller t'o.,
Pa., each lot being IH» feet front o lOu feet •!«.. p.
No improvements thereon.
AI.NI Of, in ami lo (.1 acres of land more
< i lefi .fo 'i >ied in ( lu-i i.v Twp.. BttdOf Co Pa.,
bounded us follows, 10-wit: al a
post, thence south 1 \v«>t by pari oi' same lot
OS perches to a post, flifin e north w '.» WCM by
same lot t;n perehe to a p«>st, lit' ice north i
east by lands . f AllUon Th«»nij>son pen h> s
to a post, t henee by lands of James and John
Bin k .-tOllMl .•»«•.! 141 neleoe- Hie pla e ol
bi-vfiiiiiiiiv. All umler a gO"«l -l ate of eultlva
ALSO 01. ill and to 1.. ... I• of laml. fU'<|.
or le s, situated in Mai ion Tw p..Butler i •».. Pa..
i.xno/leO s»v rollout low It liesliiuhc*; al u
tn tn** r»»Hd nt ?h»* sourhW'-»i • n**r n >i
Ihe western gau* on dam, t In*n*'< norih i • « ast
5f."» *1 in perch* sto a post, I heme north u ea. i
17 3-10 perches to a post, theiiee north I.' east
in perelies lo n posl adjoiniir: lands ol Tholup
Soli, theiiee east 71 perches to a post by lands of
William Black, tln-nec south b.\ lands of A.
Kirkpatriok 144 jw rches to a p«> «. theiiee north
a.'j west bj lands of Thompson o p*»rehes to a
po l, i hem e north :ti west ■» jier.-lies to tin
place ol beginning; mostly cleared and QIMIM
a giMHI stub* of cultivation.
ALSO Of. In ami to <4ce aci. -.1 lauds, more
or less,situated in .Marion 'l'wp .butler Co., i'a.,
bounded as lollows, to-wit Beginning at
post at the northwest corner, theiiee south ss
east by purpart No. l of the real est if** of Alex
ander deed, a ; partitioned, • > v l»»
fierches 11» a post, thence south •_! west by lands
of J.J. Maxwell . r > |ie relies to a posl, "thence
north ss we iby purpart No. «; ot ud real
estate and by lauds oi Joseph"fcalle> 100 perches
lo a posl thence north cast by l.imls of Jo;.
Bailey 7-"» perches to the pl.n o of b.
under a good state of cultivation.
Al.so of, in and to(l.» acres of lain!.more or
less, situated lu Marion Twp.. Butler t'o.. Pa.,
bounded as lollows, to ft it: Beginning at a
post four rods east irom James McNallen and
< lid eon (irubb's corner, tlnine by land ot Simon
i.rossman north a east .'»• .10 p«-rehes to a
post, thence south ST 1 .- east is perch*- to a pin
oak by lands Of A. M. I>ugan. ih**nc** outli b.>
lands of heirs ot Alexander M. Black perches
to a pin oak. thence north B*Vi" wc-r by lands
of James McNalicn .»;i p« relies to a post the
place of beginning. Cleared and under a good
state ui cultivation.
ALSO—Of, in and to (no acres of laml. more
oi less, situated in Marion Ift p.. Butler t 0..
Pa., bounded is 1..11«nv to-wit: ..i
liie noitln ast corner -it lands oi Alexander
Black's heirs, lhence south I'e: peiches to a
white oak. thence north Co Hi wesi by lauds of
Daniel Huffy .0 perches to a pod. theme b>
lands of Cideon tirubb north - a.st li.: perches
to a post then., by lands oc W. G Malta ouih
s;c east r»3 perches to the place of n. r iiinin:-j ;
mostly cleared and under a r.taie of cul
tlv atloii.
ALSO—or. 111 and to (24) acr« of land tit«.re or
less, situated in Marion Twp.. Butler < «• , Pa
bounded as follows, to wn .»i tne
cenire of s. .V A. li K. at lands or Havid Atwell
north 2 east 16 perches to a posl thence north
ss west perches to a post, thence by lands of
\\ t; smith north east 4 . to perches to a
1.0.it, thence north we I 14 S-10 fierch* > to a
post, thence north'j easi Im «• in perches to a
post, thence by lands *if Win. I'.la. k south Ss
i perches t«» a p»ist, thence south;*• *?ast is
Hi perches to a post, thence north east a. l 4
perches to a i m-rry, fiance ny lands ot Win.
tilack south ss east :i? s-io p«*i« h*-s to a post,
thence by lands r»f W in. o. Suntn soufli 4j tvest
in pete lies to a post, thence 0ulh». west IT :t lo
perches to a post, thence S. 14 W J. r » 5-10 P. to
a post, thence south : e.. i .so ]»erches to a
white oak stump. 1 hence south ;d\ east 4i
perches to a post, theiiee b) Hi** heirs of Kirk
pal rick soul h i west J periii** ■» to a post.tlieuc**
bv lands of Milfonl south I we-.l :s per In s to
a post, thence norih 'I . \\.- r jlo p. i. lc s
to the liiidob Ol S. A. If. If lln lice south o
west along side railroad 3 I in perches to Ihe
place Of beginning. Seized and lakcn into exe
« ui ion aa in** property of William Smith at
Ihe suit of Mutual Lite Insurance Co of \cw
\ «irk.
Thompson a Son. E. O. No. li June Term,
All the right, litle, i uteivst aud claim of Hen
ry W . I.aughurst. of. In and . twenty-lour i_'4)
acres of land, more ..r less, bltuat« -l in I rauk-
UII twp. Buller county. Pa , bounded as follows
to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner,
thence east b> lands of Allen McCall ao perches
to a post, tlietice north b> laiuls of barah J. Al
bert and W A Albert i s perches to a post
thence west by lauds of William 11. Albeit M
perches lo a post, thence south b> lauds of .1
li Albert os perches lo the place «»f beginning,
all feuced and under a good state oi cutt i\atlon.
Sel/.ed and taken in execution as the property
• a Ib-nrv \V. Laughurst at tin suit of
Myeis, Trustee.
Mc.lunkin &> (Salbreath, all. P. 1). No. lis
June 1 erm, Isim.
Ail the right, title, iutcre i and claim of
J.iiues Mcliride, of. in, and lo lon a res of
land, more or It-ss, situated !n Cl' itillclil and
I lonegal lw i»s. Butler count.s. Pa., hounded as
follows, to-wit : Oil the liorill b> Co'olve Kod
gers, cast b\ Edward Bo>l*- south by W in.
Moiiteer and Peter OraiT, west b> Daniel tSold-
Inger, Michael Male.>, 11u n Ifotlgers aud i 'or
m lius llarrlgan , ino tlv ( i.-ai.-d together with
a two-htorv board house, iraiue barn ami out
buildings thereon. Ser/cd and taken in exceu
tion as the propertx of James C. Mcllrldo m
the suit of f.'raff .-c Firth.
\ iWilliams, att\. I D No. . June Term
All the right, title, Interest anil claim of John
W iliggtns, of. lu and to n»" .»• i« >of laud,more
or leas, in Allegheny twp.. Butler county. Pa
bounded as follows, to-wit Oil the liorih by
\i. i 11 »nd L burg pll J.ea ibj Samuel M*
t amey and Thomas Met auiey. south ny lands
td the liens <if John McCam* w i b.\ Jolm
(iadsby; mostly cleared and under a good
stale of cultivation with ;i iwo-story lion-e
frame barn, orchard and outbuildings thereon
St l/ed and taken In execution as the properfv
of John W. Iltgglns, at the sun of Fannie V.
Lavery for use, etc
Fleeger & Moore, att;* s. I o. No *♦», June
Term. lSyo.
All the right, lille, int» rest and < lalm «»f< alel»
Smith, "i in ano I-. twelve I ier< ol land,
more «*i le . situated in Slippei \i « k town. Idp
Ihitler couufv. Pa., boundeu a ioil»»w to wit .
tn, the north by lb •nr. \rb|a t« r. *• i t by
James P. McOUistlOn. south b\ lands of the
hell "i ■' T. oiid west hj Mai are! Cowan
mostl\ clearcu under a state of t ultiva
lion with a frame dwelling hotiPe lrame barn,
orchard and outbuildln ibercoi. Sci/.cd ami
takeii execution as tlie property ol Caleb Smith
at the suit of Asa M. Patterson.
«;rf*r * lutstoa.alljs. K. I>. Na 0, June. l-jn.
Ail the right tin.- iiiit-n i aiki i iiuiti «| mh
1.,11 ietx>> > | IUMMIIO-.' J. ~1..1 IN .F
situaled in i !••*> twfi Hntl«?» .
Pa., htoimled as lullovis. to-wii. on th«- norm
b>. JmIIII Blown . T-F b> KI-irt rf 1. . r .
»Hitrf l»v Kli !-.!.• ft til n r»
I*k«M) i U AINI. m «!• r t l
state of cultivation «tin .» is.unc !•«»•» - ».»f»»
and outbuildings in* n«»n • . - n and Mf.< • in
cxeenttoo an HM pntpertyof Mtitun IWKU *I
iiir >idt • ; .l«»lin i 4 tanuicr t- i u.-* el
V\ 1». Itiuicb'i. atty. I i» No. 4a. Jon**'K ran.
All Ibe i O Id Hlli- lni. r and «taim.d
B. Tlfinc > o «»f. n» and t«» . .i ot lan I.
m«.r»- or n - -nuui«-.| in i b-tr. twp , Bnil- r
county. Pa.. b- nii«>d;. f«do>v to *\»t: on tlie
norfh l»j lands formers • i Jului i aunt>n.
b\ Ben llo« nIM n v.' S4oitb i W llliaui B
lliomp oil. ft* i l»> All Jtihii Hall aU« .( lo
acten eh .ired aP uaorr f« n« •» and a . < *1 Mai*
of fiililvalien utUia Ift.' torv rraui**
frame barn. bar*i and lhhre>>n
i/r*! Old taken lu •'\e* < <ii f'it u I ,i• •|i .
of *1 Mines l>. Itiouip HI, at the >iut ot tUllt r
>aUngs Bant
I.ujik, fttty. »: l>. ?.«». so and 81, June Teiin,
All the I ii''ld Mil- . Infer* t ■ 1 « I . • t \\
J Mat. s. '>i, in n<i !■■ i. .i. it if land, more . r
1. S ',ll li, .4 in IV li .lft ;• Puti ri '. Pa. b*-m» i
«*d itsfoUofts, t. wil: On the h\ Or»-. nli lrs,
east i>> land iorinerl\ »>t I. It. Matt ■«. tit.u Jttitu
Kllnjfter. s«»utb i«y (Maude (*emr>i and puniu
r'»v.t, Htst 1»\ I tituiap. Nb IK elci.ivil,
under feni'e and men r .« stati
«>( «*ulllvalioii Willi a Iran.. duell
ing l»otis»*. frame-Iciiik l.aru, <>i«-nar«l .«i»»l ..oi-
I'lid fInRS thereon. >. i. . j and taken in ♦ .i
ii"'i as lUe property «»i v J. Ma ea at in. sdn
<•1 liank lor u * ot u. j. M. * ;uid
le .
P. \V. liowry K. I>. No. i;», June Term, l-n.
All t lie i' ii_r hV, lit le, inlet, i .iinl claim *d *•
\\ . «.il-<ui. of. in aml fo a lot of land, iuoi.- or
l*. v > iluatediu Petroin* ln.ro. Butnr «• l'a.
I"»nnd«*d .»> lollou >. I«» wlt • «»n lbe liortb b\ an
a lie;- . «•.•>! I»3 ,1. II < hat hnitl, soul h l»\ Main St.
west b> \li»Ti Mlchensiieu, to^ r efinr with a
i wo-sfor> i "ard house and outbuildings there
on. St I. *ti and l.ikfU 111 «\. . ullou as I lie pr*»-
|H-rf;. oti.. W. <.il n at the t jt oi \|. 11.
K. 1», No. .M*. June 1. in. l>uo. 1.. Z. Mitchell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Ma
theft M«'.arv**j of, in and loaimm's of laud
more or le. s. situated in Washington twp.. But
ler county Pa., bounded follows. to-w|t: «>n
fbe noitii i» Or. Campitell and .1 iOoniild on,
ejist by IC. M. Is>nal.| ..n, south by R. M. Don
ahlson. K. < • raliani. et d, west b) <»th**r lands
..t Matne« MeGarrej; ttoatly cleared and BB
<ier a sood state of eultlvatl.T. with two « oal
t-.inks opened and In ope ration and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken tu execution as the
property oi Matliew McUarre, at (lie >uit «»f
\Vm s Jack,»t ux. for use. etc
M 1». .\o. 89, June Term. Ikm. li. P. sc» tt, atty.
All the rl »ht. title, interest ;4 i».i elalm or
.lames H. Abr.inis of. In aud t«» 214 a< r**s of
land, more or le> situated in Fatrvlew twp.,
BHller count>. Pa . bounde»l 4.> follows. to-v\ii.
Be inning i i "-r theic*e by lands formerly
•t Adams, nortn • r, to a
poet and by lands of Wm. Bodg'ei tnd
.Nancy l»ate_ r herfy south and : »>»•-• east i-.«»
and 7-in perelies to a pi»st. tlienoe by lands tor
merly ot Matiiew banks and widow Smith
soutn Ml e«tst lis perches to a jHi.-t theinx* b\
lands ol Samuel 1.. Kiddie mu'th and ;!it sec
v est isnT-in iK iehe> to the place of
mostly cleared The vlll »ge of Kains in.
built thereon, ten OH Weils thereon together
with the muchlner> and fixtures thereto be
longing. s i/,♦<! and taken in execution aa tie
propel i v ot .lames 11. Abiauis al the still ot
•fOS. Me riro\ , trustee of m.- run'i n Savings
liank of K ist Brady, i larlon Co., Pa.
K. 1). No. M June T . id9o. Williams \in< n
ell, ait ys.
AM the title, tnten-st and * la!in of T. J.
Atwell. of, in aud to one(l) acre of land.more or
loss situated In Washington Tw p.. Butler Co.
Pa., bounded as follows io wit: On the north
b\ A. S. Miller, east by \S. L Oautx ii-jieck
south b> Mi s. Km rets. wc»t by Butler aud Km
lentoii road. All under fence, with a young
orchard thereon.
ALSO—of, lu aud to M acres of land, moie or
less in Washington Twp . Buller 1"
pa,, bounded as folio v, m low it: On the north
by Helir\ Haubenspcck. east by KllC«mn. soUtll
b> Kpht.iim i and Haub«*iis|»eck liens
west b> Cainpiiell oauben.-.pe« K; toy therwitn a
house, orchard and thereon
ALSO—Of In and to 45 acres of land, more ««r
less, situated In Parker I'wp., Butler to.. Pa.
bounded iia follows, to-wif: on the north b\
Amanda tlooxcr.east t»> .John OaulM iisp. • u and
«Johu Ward. south b> vv It. Shryock, west b.
James Mei'hltng and Jesse Everets ; fen*ted and
umici" a s' .no OI «* id>\ alloii. sei«e>l ...»-l
taken in execatlon as the property of T J At-
WEIL al IKE nil ol JULIU Fore It I.
E. l» No. 95, June f. l>:«u K. Maisliali. att >
All the li'-jhi. title, inrereaf and claini of
Samuel A. Oavldson ami Fllcii Oavldson, «-I. in
and to ll acres of laud, more or less, situated in
Adams Tap.. Butler Co., Pa. bounded as fol
lows. 10-wit' on the north I*> .Mar
buii£er, east b) John Casiidollar, south ny Wm.
Jolliistoli. West bs laud ot tlie licirs of .bjscph
•loiiiiston. Ail feueed;niost|y cleared and unoer
a good slate of cultivation.
Al.so of lu and to acres of lain!, more or
less situated tn Adams I'wp. Butler Co p..
bounded as lollows, 10-wlf: B* at the
southwest c*#riier. ihence norm *_'«;« 2 west 62
peiches b> land of the heirs of Joseph Johnsiou.
thence south 67 east 9 peri hes. thence noith
I'ti 1-- west 'i perches. tu*;uce north ."»* West to
a stone, thence north I l-_ west k'l perchc.> t*> a
post and stone, thence west .oo |»eriiies lo tie
place of beginning; together wilh a ii.uue
house, frame barn archard and outbuildings
aud eoal bank thereon A launder fen I ; inost-
In cleared and under a good state of eultli itlon.
Sel/.ed and taken lu execution as ih proper!
of Samuel V. Davidson ami la ten OaMdsou at
tile suit «>i i homas M. Marsiiall
K. I». No. :h», Juno T. I -rt. 1». P.redlh. .iffy.
All ili»* right title. Interest anil • ialm oi \. 1 .
Altvell, of, >II :* lit I in M aeres oi land. more i>i
l« ■, situated in Mm li 1 >kp.. HwtW « • rM
UlUMtlMli r*v fntl"- . .1 •Ui fill' Imlhi h\
v tii' ♦*»•! Porter ca-i t»> l;«#»»«• ri \ anderimxuitii
1»\ IMxou At well heir w si by K riiuritri;;hani
er. :il : together wlt ii .» ft\«> -lorj, fraiio* h«>use
frame I»:»rii and outbuildings thereon. Sei.-.cd
and I a ken in e\e« uiifiii as lli** of \. I!
Atwt-ll at tin* Mitt of Uiu. Wall.n*r »«»r u-e <•!
1 >2l nil ! Maria I
1. W aen lh<-pl.iinun .»r other Jhut « redifor
lKciiiici lli»- iHircliiffr the e«»sl on I,lit; writ
must be paid and a 11 -1 "l the Ileus lii' iuiltu
searelie«> on the pro|M;rty hold to
gether with such lien ereditoi > receipt i ir tin*
amount of the proceed ■» •• t I In 4 sale or su« ii p<»r
tlon thereof us in- 111:13 claim must !••• turnl-h-d
t he Sut 1 ui.
All huts must In* paid lu full.
3. All sales riot .settled liuimdial, ly will !>«'
continued until l o'clock p. v. ol next day. at
wnlch time all propcrt} not nettled for wlil he
put up and sola at Hie . \|hu « .ui'l risk "I lie.
person to whom sold
♦See Purdou's invest, :nli edition, p.i • in.,
and Smith's Porms. .;*4.
<>Ll\ ICU 1 . 1.1 |»l<; MterilT.
Sheriff".s Office. Kutler. Pa., Ma) 1 » |s«.«o.
.JSherifPs Sales
J'.y virtue of a writ of Al. \ en. i;\. t issued out
01 the 1 >rphan.s' 1 ourt oi Duller t 0.. Pa.. anil 10
me directed. there will he exposed to public
sale at the «'ourt House. in the borough 01 llui
ler. Pa., on
Monday, June 2a, A. D., 1890,
at 1 o'clock i\ 11.. I lie follow lief described prop
erty, to wit:
(». *'■ No. - I»e«*. T . I>7S. W. I>. lb i>.ndon.
All the ii.hl. title, inter* ( and claim of
liewitjeW (iillespie. of. 11l and lo i.M) in r* s of
land, mure k9, situ• i•-i in i»• >j. i »>p.,
I tut ler ro.. Pa., boundeu an follows, to wit: on
the north by Metia rvey heirs, east Dy Patrick
Blacl sooth bj Peter Qlklertiraiid and Mai
tfaret Sliencey. west bj* \vm. I ".vie. Patrick
«... en. J awe < • r. and Jam MeDeavitt • i.
:il. Jno acres, inur-• or less, cleared; tw.» >toi.
Iriiiin house, irame liarn. pnxlie ln« oil wells,
orchard aiul outbuildings thereon.
ALSO—-of, in and to I"* .o re •»f land. mor (> or
l**:vs, situated in 1 Mineral Tw p . itnllei i • I'it.,
bounded as follow .-v, («»- w 11; On tin* uoi'l h b>
Manjari-l slierk« \ itud IVltr Itildcrbrmui. »-asi
b.v i iiarles I>UII\. souili |J) I holes I»utl,s aiul
tiatt went b) Dsuilel dee'd*
About .*o aert s cleared; balanee In Uuil)» r;uiid« i
b'lire and a .state of cultivation Seized
:nai taken la exec itton .• n. i i .». < i
lieorge W. oillespte at. the suit of Oat-n l'»rady,
guardian, ete.
We mean our wall paper de
[ku'I inent, lull and
with our immense and choice
stock of paper hangings. Von
must help us ot»l. wc haven't
room lor half our until
you relieve us oi some ol them.
Wc have the ehoifcest selec
tion <jf patterns in every jirade
ii'tnu Browll Blanks at 10 cts
t<> (Jilts at from cts to $1
per double holt.
Examine our .Stock,
J. H. Douglass,
Ne«ii Po« tol lice, liutler, Pa.
\ •llllf l, ' v ,llla ,0 nui 1 •' i p'f r
\l 11111-1;I:i . ( in iai i -ti al oli« e. Send
.1. At si IN slitn Niimf! lifH-lii'st »-r, > \
ww i*i»n .ju: -
lU'ri.KU, I*4.
li. FIILLKHTOiN, l^rop'r,
lUnultiM<i, I'luiiim'lm uii.l Viii ii
It'i <onii i .> 1% oul.
We guarantee our to be r irl< tl> .ill w«»oi
and noarsenle or any other poisonous material
itved In We sell \N lm|. il»- «»r retail.
and prle«»a furnished free to dealers on
application by mail.
. . ■ « . J-- "I any
J i' New-1 ».i»• r Advert i :n< consul*
ii U W b%r«c(% i
Our Stock of !.»
Men's, Boys' 6 Children's
Is ■■■HI— AD in IIBW uf..! rariety of new ntylos, all for this
iprug IT inn « trade.
meat i fsaita from which any one run make a seh*»ti„n to please thorn.
JMCII'S JIIKI Youths' Suits
In Ma. and f.r y worsteds, wide-wales, cheviots, screes, e<vsimeres, etc,
l " iri, • »'i !i! rilv in cold type our stock for the ensuing
' v > v . <nd w• -ulti really nmivcr t> no purpose. Sueli
a ijeser-ut • i u! c .'itrey t•» vn'i no i'l *i of what our stock is like. To
apprrf i «i MI'ST SKK IT
( liiJ.ii cns ( lotJinio* in \ ariety.
A wonderful Castanet wheel goea with every ehild'a suit over }l. .
I jcndiito; ('lothier and Furnisher,
4S " Mf,iu st " " - - Butler, Ha.
J. li. GJHIEB'S,
jN r «>. 1(» South JYloin St., - ntler* !Pa.
lii Watches,
And Spectacles.
Repairing Promptly Attended To.
It -..1 i. nut; fn»ni lni u .lauding I'lironic disea~. hisi-ases of the lilood. Skin acd
> ervnu-sy stein, as well a thone suffering from
Kar, Kve, Nose and Throat Trouble.
MiMUT/ rsU.M >1 on BIwtMH -I J. trCl.tl I.AN, >1 l> . S|«rl»ll»t «m
( ,ri\w I ar, >!«.<•, Throat ami I.anus. I lironlr IMwaM-k.
Tit. * will vi It thU eouutv everv four weeks, thus saving their natientsthe trout 1.-
and <-x|M'iim. of vi .iting the .in . as lit. y arc the only physicians and surgeons in t ; >
eoimtn who > Miry tln-ir own Jilanakins, M.wlels. Diagrams, etc., to illustrate ami ma
plain to all atlli. tc.l the cause ami nature of theb' diseases.
Examination and Consultation Free to Eveybody.
r»«>. UUDIT7 r. a | lli- ■■n-at c.-raiaa O.'ultsl. wilt t><* here and iHMlorni all op<
Lm. irlUnl l L Of»LKS. 1:... |. the I ve. I.a.r NOM- aiiUThroat. without pain and in i
im<' Hi.in am other llvni oculist. I his wilt give Ins J.umeron* pat teats ami others who ar. ..
iit i tli.f Mi.ii ■! Tn aimeiil. an opportunity to consult this >li»l injiulshed physician. whose du
at the In Hint-' will permit only monthly visits to your community.
Chronic Diseases of tho Eye.
Sueli L ntnulated lid « b route Inflainatton ot
il».- iii• .of the iris. 4 ,r tin- choroid. <»f the IJetl-
Hii. « lir<ulc*4-rat lon «pa nix of the lids, can
ii i ot ilis- litis* and eye, I* r ruiinm? over tlit*
rlw»t'ks. il.i> aiut night hlindm* s. I'imiieiit «»r
IK<IM< RIII'* Sore I vis. linhurrliu al < iptbaliiila.
s\phi I iti* Opihalmia. reil blotelies «»r brown
• >ii«>3 iin the ir.ill. phlyctenular opihalmia,
op t. ttft. - i.r inllk wliile s;»ots on the eye, glau* |
01 • 11 pi Ml.' "i tlit? nerve, Amanrosif fall
ing out of I ishev 4»r«-s. redness of edges of lids |
and e>e.. and all other diseases to \vldch the
i-yOorU are liable, positive and
rapid elire i anteed.
Spectacles and Eye-Glasses.
cnaind ;ml made lo lit ill defective eyes.
\» .»r m . i »r. ilit. .lull and weak -I -lit spots
l»» lui» Hie eyes, squint eyes Astigmatic eyes,
cljoopin'/ e> it . and e\erj -aieh d«feet etired by
perfectly nin «1 ::l;ivs«s. The old mail'' w see
'-C(mnl as ll" Noting. *n*l ivaO with as
mini ease and pleasure.
Ear Troubles are Cured by Dr.
Sal m
In an astonishing ipii'k time. He will relieve
von of ail liKinri". hissing and ringing noise,
heavlm . itching. fain, running <" the ear .
Will close up a I lo a drum of Iltt.V .yarn
<ll<lll. will Insert artificial ear drums liis
i.w ii iit v i'mum Willi -i I •ml lit n;;l \ THtll.V lug re
A Word AIKHJI Catarrh..
It is lii tin- muciua membrane, that wonder
-1111 semi-fluid envelope surrounding L lie deit
eiltr tissues of the air and food passages. lhat
c ■ iiiu rli make its stronghold. once e-1 alillsli
i ii it i ils mil. the very vlfal.s, and renders life
I Hit a IIIIII; drawn brealli ol misery and disease
I I n Hlii _ tin -• IISI- in lieartus. trammeling I lie
power ol *s)n i <li. ili-iroylli, II"' faculty of]
trti-11. I limine lite lire.ilh and killing I In' re
in .il plea - ire, ol lasie. Insliitioii .l\. by i nep
lllK oil ll'.iln u .simple rold In the head 11 as-
Ihe iiietulirinons lining and enve|o|»-s
I lie Isines i ai tie.' I hroii; Ii I lie delicate . and
< i,imll- iiiti'iiiiatloii. doiigUlng and death.
Nothing sl«irt d total eradication will secure
hi -all It In Ihc patient alid all alien alma ale
-Itnpl' pi' l ' t■ i tin.Hi il ult- rlii. i, leading lua
fatal tiThHtiallnii. 111.'. SAI M has. b,i a treat
ment 10. ..I and coiiSlJlilUi. ll. il. made Hi.- cure ot
I hi! ■ll r» i.littsea-i a cerfanty, ami ha- in-\er
I.tiled. I M II w hen the dUi ise had made fright
!til Inroad on Uelicalc cnustll.allons. hearing,
-mi ll and taste hue lui n recovered and tlie
ilib< as.' thou "i-hlj ilrln II oil.
111!. MOIM'I/ HAI»M Is « 1.1 nnali by birth
.111,1 eiln. atloii. i. widi I. known as an nuthori
l> on diseases np|N rluiuin In hi sin-elull j .
\ I/: I n-ea-es nl I lie |-\e I n and inio.t and in
I'atarrh. and Ilil ■ i in .1 foi lilm *'ll ;i Ji cnw.i
bic reputation. particularly as an o|n iator.
i i iNril 1.l VI l< >N 1 Hl' i :
Will L>e at Under, L 1
lev, .1 line I I ;11UI
Thursday, and
ffluttiai Tiit: insurance Co.!
Officii Cor. Main & Cunningham Sis. j
vJ (* ROKSSINO, I'ltEßfl>KNT. j
<; 4 KIN sUii llrndri'Oii Oliver,
I I p m w * .l.uiies Stephenson,
A. Tr,ml in." .. " ll' inemau,
\llie.l \\ I- t. N. W < It Wl.
I>r V. Iri.ii " r »«*''kenliacli.
t. \v' 'liiiikliart. «»• T Norn-
£3 U 'i'ijlijfi., PA. I
Ciironic Diseases.
Tlie Doctors treat no acute diseases, t ut
liiaUl S an entire specially ol chronic and h i '
; landing diseases. < ast-s glveu up li\ o i• • r
doctors and pronounced Incurable, tliey i . ..i
desire to -I'.', The doctors have treated or
in Ohio In lli«» last twelve yi ,
mail) of which had been given up as Incur. ,e.
Home lo be blind, others deaf, and a large tiiiui
lier to lie Invalid* for life. ltut. liehold! i.ow
they see and hear, and many are started on liie
liiKh road.to health and recovery every da
The Doctors are surrounded with the l:»t • t
ci.licet ion ol tine liistruinenls ever Import*-1 '"
I ins count rj for e.\aiiilulng and tn atin; !i
clironle illse;ts»*s ol the 11K \ !>. I'AI'K. I'l I
I.Alt. rHIJOA I . HKAKr. I.i 'MiS, SIOIII •
l.lver. Kidneys. Illadi'cr. Skin, llrain •!
Nervoie- isysieiii. Cancers. Tumors, Plies. (■ '
im;s tdd Sores Kits, I'araHsis, .Neur. !
Ifht-nmatlsm. l»roi>sy. Ooul. Sick llead.
Debility. Depression Ol Spirits, Diseases of • i
ilren. Hert'dttary IMscases, etc., etc. ai-.i
i n l, all loug Miunllng and Chronic Iliseas
Rectal Diseases.
They also Make a Specially of All For. of
lli;i I Al, Diseases. Vlteß—internal and in
ternal, Itching and Bleeding, iles-ttl I . •'.
Fissures. Fistula which are often taken ...r
Nervous and Lung Diseases, all cured il I - - - ii
tu time. Ili-niemtxT, wc cure all torms oi ri
-1 without pain. Interrupiion or detent ion i' i
tiuslui-ss. and withotitthe itse of Kulfe, t'ausllc.
11. '.lt Itrc or Inject ion. < oine ami lie com In.. -J.
Hr Mel'li'ltan made these diseases an K\r.a
slve Specialty for Ten Years in a iatrge <'i
Manhood Perfectly Kestc >!.
I tjiiick, pa lull's., and certain cure fi ■ '
potence. Lost. Matihisid. Si>eriiiato.,): ..i
|..|,, S. VVeaknesji and Nervous Delilllt
lor Prostatitis. Varicoi-cle mid all piiva
I-a vs. whether from imprudent habits oi \ -vi
or rexual excesses in mature years,
cause that deliiHlales the seiUui tut
s|.ee.lit\ and |ieiiiiani ii tl> cured. ' onsi. ■■ -i
Hi.- and sirli Ily conltdenllai. Atswllli ■" '
guar.int. Ed No risk Incurred.
Pt KS4INS I'N.SKIi.t.i-'R I.IA treated by I: •MI
pn-ieudirs who keep trilling with them ti
idler nninth giving poisonous and int
couipfiuiids. should call aud see the Ik* 101-S
Wi vnriiKri. CI HKS liyour improved I.»I-I 1.-i-t
ol ireaiiu- nl accomplished in Nervous 1
Premature Decltue of Manly Powers, i
Mictions which have lieen neglectcc
si.illiiilh treated. No e.\|ierluiciils or ...
Patients treated by mall mid iiicdleliie: ~i I
express. Personal consultation is pi* i able.
We guarantee curable cases.
\i., ;it Hotel \ ii^ 1 -
12, Wednesday and
return every four
| Sanitary Plumbers
And Oas Fitters.
Sewer Pipe,
(ins Fixtures,
Globes ami . •
Natural Oas Appliance.".
Jeft'ersonSt.,opp. Lowrv 'I ,l 'se
BUTLEB> » i v.
| —Advertise in tbu C'TiZEM,