Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 09, 1890, Image 4
(GARTER'S (jd* CURI Sick Headache and reliere all the trouble* Inol 4ent to• bilious state of the system, such ns j IKiilnwr Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress aft> r I •ating, Pain In tbe Side, &c. While their mo* gwnarkabfe success has been show a in curing SICK ■eedacht ret Cinrm's T.rrrK Ltrsa rii.r* mre ©qiiAllv valuable in (.' ur:;at.nn. ctir' t Mdprereiitint: thi< armoyinpoo.ni laint. whii«* also •orrvot all disorders the stomach. *fanulat« the livrr and regulate th« boweU. Inn U they only cured HEAD Aehe they would l« almost price! ae* to those Who suiter from this distressing complaint; feat fortunately their Rix*inees does sot end {ere, and those who onee try them will And feese little pillsvaluable in so many wars that *ev will not he willing to do without theiu. Sat after all sick head ACHE k the bane of so many Hves that here Is where w» make our great boast. Our pills cure It While others do not. Currm'B LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make • doee. They are strictly vegetable and do ■ot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action •lease all who use them. In vials at cent"; |ve for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. U2TX2 KOISniX CO., We* Tcri. h*m Small Dose. SmaH Fries. scorn EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVEBOiL HYPOPHOSPHSTKS Almost as Palatabie as Milk So <ttsg«lsed that it «s t>» te V*c, dlgMted, sad iials>lbt«i by the most NBilttTC stomach, YV lion the plain oil ■aaast be tolerated ; sari by the cum- Mastlsa of tbe oil with the hy-p*. fhospbltei la mask marc eincaclom. IcankaMe as a fltth producer. PWMS gala rapidly while takine it. BOOmS DTtTLSIOS Is acknowledged by physicians to be the nam) aod Ilcst pre; ura- Uoa is the world for the relief and sure of OONSUMPTIOH, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC DISEASES, EMACIATION, OOLDSand CHRONIC COUGHS. Th» grtat remedy for Cmsvmption, cm a Wasting in Children. Sold by alt DrutjgiMa. cmoߣ*\ ECOKOKY. j r fWeJUr —lf by the BH of Wolff'sAGMEßlackitig yon SOTS one pair of Bhoee a year, and o bottle a* IB cente lasts three months, tor bow many years blacking will one year's saving In shoe Leather payt A*l <■> Drat, Paint and How rurnUMil3 Stvrtt/or Flk-Soo, «Mc* ■at mis Oho ama FUKKITURB VarrtUH art U. Brain autse AND CHUIAWARS a t the wiu. STAIN Twnii lone wiu. Ims TOUN OLD aasscTO time. WUSTUS BAIT' ■ COACH AHO rnr*Y. worn * RAifDo in, Fzsfladoipua. : CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM i» aef a liquid, tnutf or powder. 'Applied into nutriU u quickly absorbed. It elcaiitts the head. Allays inflammation, Heals the aura. Restores the tenses of taste anil satell. M cents at Druggists; by mall, rejflstere 1. r,o cts Ely Brothers, D "" is t« i s8 y w * rTt,,Bt * DOCTORS LIKE ■pi PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES, 328 PENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forms of Delleata and Com plicated Diseases requiring Coxvt- BESTIAL and Sc;t*iiiic Meuica- MBare treated at this Dispensary with a suu'««o Mtelv attained. Dr.B. K. Lake is a member of Tho.. ■eyai College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is ■aoldest snd most experienced Sei CIALIST in the VIJ. Special attention glTen to Nerroii. Pfbilitr VMB excessive mental exertion, indist-relioni of feath, Ac., csusla# physical and mental d* ray, lack afenerry, despondency, ete.: also Cauoera, Old Sores, {its, Piles, Rheumatism and alt diseases <.f ihe Skia Blood, Lungs, Urinary Orgajii. At. Consultailon •ee aad strictly conCJeatiaT. OUiir; hon rs D to 4 a nd T loilk nt; Bnndays2 to 4p. m. euly._ Call at oflict CK. Lass, K. D.. H.R.C.P.& or E. J. I.AKE, M.I) ' ■ygn* ***• i>QC!i p»nna:ieaHy out i by «r ium of time froiu business- ( pronounced in curable by others wa:, t . CURE GUARANTEED. * !'»rfocl ... fhewitc;-., ar« SYa«i. AKthr* k »"i* , ■«H do it to show what wi» »«n I v ♦# «;>..«- »rho caii—y>vi» Maada and nt-ijrbbeit i».u! «!»•>*« »!r taaatoabtatnule foruv whi.-Jih- 1. if •;«•-. ; P. •:i. 9®un»t M4lliiu *«tr* r.-jni! pj; fl ' r/ v iv . ■ : ,,,t 0 A ' yeluww alhlf yoe W'.t'.l-l !lfc» :- v . u r asm from 9Kb (o v HUM A <"<*., It.» -> . -a. I l «»v. EMORY Mind w undo ring' en red. Books i»arnod m f»ne roadm*. Te»tam»irJ» f r . ; jn *ll parta of the Pr- "pectus FOST VRU, eant on a»j>licati«« to Prof. pjwwjf H H Insane Parens fcestofed ■ ■ ■ VUpr.KLTHEfi GREAT mMr.r Restorer tau/BI *7l^?/'^"^. £*' ;- v ■/rx/flii//Wr. Treatise aid Y, . , Fit patients, they paying e*pre\ receive!. Send names IB afflicted to I)t. KLIN h 0 »t A •m Dtuggiit*. "BEWJJLE u. K IJ r.4 . \ J \ ~ A«f) fEfti'.STM? ! VSJNfig aucocss 1u I. lloforo li!iieiii,r*ny O«• 4P s r«-t. CMiuacO j THISmZEN. I MISCELLANEOUS Tobacco. The amount of tobacco annually con sumed in the United States is estimated by an apparently competent authority at m 0.000.000 pounds. Seventy mil lion pounds are utilized in the production of domestic cigars; 222.000,000 pounds "f chewing and smoking tobacco are consumed; 8,000,000 pounds are used in the manufacture of snuff; 6,000,000 pounds aro required in the production of cigarettes; and 4,000.000 pounds of cigars are import ed. This would make an average annual consumption of five pounds for every per son in the country. But as not more than one-fifth of our population nse tobacco, it follows that those who do, consume, on an average, twenty-five pounds each per annum. Opinions differ as to whether this should be designated a luxury or a neces sity. In speaking of the cost of the tobaco kabit, an exchange says; If the tobacco users of the United States would abstain for a period of two years from the chewing.smoking and snuff-taking habit, and place the money they would -ipend for tobacco in that period in a com mon fund, there would be enough money in the fund to almost wipe out the entire national debt, and five years abstaining "would give the head of each family in the United States enongh to invest in an eighty acre homestead farm in the far Western States and Territories; or it would give us a navy of first first-class war vessels, fully equipped, and create a fund that would man and maintain them and the Xavv De partment for a period of at least twenty - tivc years. - it can thus BiTseenwTiat Is the magui tudc of the tobacco trade of the United States, and what a multitude of devotees aro willing to pay annually for a habit which gives them so much consolation and comfort, if nothing else.— The Price Cur at t. A Shell In a Tree. During a recent thunder storm a tall treo near the second gate at Culp's Hill was struck near the top, the current pass ing about half way down the trunk when a terrific explosion took place, shattering about ten feet of the trunk into hundreds of pieces and scattering them over a space of three hundred yards. Among the de bris quit# a number of bullets were found. It is thought by some that the tree may have contained a shell which arrested the electrisity and produced the above result. She Got It. ' My pa is sick, and he sent me for some tobacco," said a littie girl on Grand River avenue. '"Smokingf" I "Xo; he eats it." '•I)o you know the brand?" "Xo, sir, but it's the kind they use when they spit all over the parlor carpet because they are too lazy to spit out of the win dow." Salvation Oil should be the companion of every traveling man. It extinguishes pain, whether resulting from a cut, a bruise, or a sprain. Chancer says: "For Gold in phisike is a cordial." For all that suffer from hoarse ness, cold in the chest, lung trouble, or bronchitis, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is golden "pliiske." Price 25 cents. —As spring approaches it is absolutely necessary fur the preservation of health to have all places around one's premises where dish water is thrown, and garbage has accumulated during the long winter months, thoroughly cleaned and disinfect ed, for iu them lies lurking the germs of many different fevers, diptheria. malaria, and other dangerous diseases. Now is the time to put this into effect. llark! to the sound of humanity's wails! Millions of people with aches and with ails. Headaches and humors, a merciless flood, Weakness of the lungs and disorders of blood. Yet there's a helper that certainly saves, Thousauds of people from premature graves. The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It cures coughs, relieves asthma, checks bronchitis, purifies the blood, heals sores, eruptions and unsightly pimples and is without a rival for all tho ills that spring from a disordered liver. AJI druggists. Don't hawk, anil blow, anil spit, but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Of drug gists. Peace has its victories as war. While heroes live no poets ever siug.s; And he is one who wears the first straw hat I pon the street as dawns the early spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar med icine, entirely different from any other. Try it. —An exchange gives the following simple remedy in cases where children get beans, corn or any other foreign substance up their noses: Get the child to open its mouth, apply your mouth over it, and blow hard. The offending substance will be expelled from the child's nose. Consumption Surely Cured. To TM KDITOR:-- PIOAAO inform yonr raadere that 1 have a positiTe remedy for the above-named di«<»se. By Its timely use thousands ofhnp«le«A casea havs been permanently cured. I shall be ulad to sand two bottles of my remedy FKEE to any of your rradere who have consumption if they will send tuts th.'ir Zipresa and P. O. address, fiespect fully. T. A. BEOCUM, M. C., XBX Pearl St, nTy. —Take a cylindrical vessel aud pour three and one-third ouuees of commercial sulphuric acid and'one and three'fourth ounces of water into it, and then add one ounce of sulphate of soda. In the centre of the mixture place a smaller vessel, and it possible revolve the whole with a gentle motion. In a few minutes the water in the small vessel will he converted into ice. The operation should, if possible, be per formed in a cool place. FITS.—AII tits stopped free by Dr. klinr'n (.'rent »rve Brstorrr. No fits after first (lav's use. .Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free to Kit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phtl'a, Pa. p —"Don't sleep with your mouth open," said Frsd to his younger brother. "You should breathe through your nose." "But I don't know when my month is opc. What do you do when yon wake up and find your mouth opent" "What do I do? Why, 3 get up aud shut it." To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, in anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the meaus of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of chargej a copy of the prescription used, which they will tind a sure cure for Consumption Asthua, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Kennedy, as it is invaluable, lhose desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless i»g, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New" York. liy EN ONLY! llßS fa *" o £*«'T»»<|Cad. Effects u -f^: ?. k JI. 1" |, "I T,un *i »» uSlfj .*"L7■■ '**r. I»..rrlpil., Hook, Mcluiu.. , *'• "■»««• ERIE M&ICAL^ N'T —There is a close relationship between cheerfulness and virtue. It is a question whether -we are happy because we aro good, or good because we are happy. —The newest "fad" in hjmn boeks is likely to be popular. A little mirror is fix ed in the inside cover, and by quick manipulation the devout worshiper can see every one entering the church without raising the eyes fron the book or turning the head, motions always of a disturbing character. The young lady and the fast idious youth also may observe whether their bangs are happily or otherwise adjusted. —A Chicago man in repairing an old sofa found, among other articles that had slipped between the back and seat, twenty eight matches. This discovery is not a very important one. but it points a moral "to housewives. iilSs Boot Shoe Store The Centre of Attraction. Large lots of fine Spring footwear arriving daily, comprising the latest patterns, best makes and by long odds the lowest price 3 in the town for stylish and reliable Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Our store is filled with choice bargains. It Will Pay You To Come and See the wonderful surprises ia beautiful styles aad at BO small a cost. It is a doty every man owes to himself and family to invest bis burd earned money where it will bring the best return. Hence we say to the man who has tbe desire to obtain his Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes at prices which are un doubtedly the very lowest come here —come to us. In full assarance you cannot do near so well elsewhere. No Matter What Kind of Boot or Shoe Tou Need, Be it a good strong shoe in Ladies' at 75 cents to-SI.OO or the finest in the town at $1.25, 1.50 and up to $3 and $4. If you want serviceable heavy shoes in Men's at 75 cents, $1 and $1 25 in Blocbers, Plow Shoes, Credemore and Brogans; if you want fine shoes in Men's you will find them at sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2 and up to $5.75. The finest styles you ever beheld in Calf, Kangaroo, Cordovan, Veal and Buff in Button Bals and Congress. Our special low prices, handsome styles, tbe tremendous stock is already the talk of the town and county. It needs only to be known what great, bargains we are offering and the crowds of people who have pat ronized us this Spring, and still in creasing as each and every customer is »u advertiser. Our Boya'. Youths' and Chil dren's Shoes ftdmit of lin comparison. Our trade ih«'reio m wonderfu'; ihe reason is plain. We carry everything for Boys' aud Children's footwear; are chuck full of pretty shoes in heel and spring, black or fancy colors. Our line of Ladies' Oxford* and Slippers by far the largest in tbe town; prices lowest, styles the hand somest, in black and fancy colors, at 50 cents, SI.OO, $1.25 and $2.00. We have same price to all. No auction or old job lots sold. You are safe in buying from us. Drop in and see us. B. C. IIUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. J I{a > Bll] V l,c ' \Mare by Exton Eclipse I Tvnn.ht.-r o f «"°ds' Haniblet'an 572 « I I)aut»ntero ( inbred Messenger mare GREY TIP 7088 is closely related to most of tbe fast trotters and great sires of trotters. Height hands; weight 1200 pounds. He is stylish, handsome and a great roadster, and very fast walker; spirited, but fear less; intelligent and trusty and trans mits these qualities to his colts. Those wishing to raise trotters, car riage, coach or general purpose horses, or sprightly draft horses shunld examine him and his colts at the Scott barn, alley opposite Wick house stable. TXBMS J2O payable in advance with privilege of return. Accidents at owner's rifek. Ask for pamphlet at THE RACKET STORE, 34 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. 2:12£ 2:15| BUFFALO BOY. No. 3,882- Bckkjux) Boy Is by the great sire Pocahontas Boy, No. 1790, sire of BulT&lo (llrl. 2:1 2V, Kaveu Boy, and 14 others with records better than 2i'W. He combines the blood of the Poca hontas's, 2:12'/4. Tom Hall's, 2:11?., aud the American Stars, 2:10',;. He Is standard-bred on both stiles ai.d Is registered under the highest rules in breeding, lie Is the fastest, bred stal lion In the county and the only stallion in the county 4 years and over that was awarded a premium in Blood at the Butler Co. Fair last fall. Buffalo Boy is a pure gaited trotter with out any appliances and trots fast for the hand ling he lias had. Ills get are all large and tine gaited. His oldest colt was started in a race at Millarstown as a green 2-year-old. having had only two weeks track work, chasing the others out a 3:06 gait and getting part of the purse, and taking first premium wherever shown. Buffalo Boy Is blood bay. 16 hands high and weighs 1,200 pounds, is a perfect model of a coach or roadster. He will be found at iny barn during the season of 1890, 3M miles north east of Prospect. Terms. $». Kor particulars and pedigree call at the farm or address AL.ONZO Mct'AN 1 >LESS. Isle, Pa. MONTAGUE NO. 1993. The imported Percheron horse Montague will make the seasou of 1890 as follows, com mencing April 28th: Tfce first three davs of each week at the barn of Alonzo McCaudle ss in Franklin twp., and the last three daysof, each week at the barn of S. C. McCandlegs. In riay twp.. 4 miles west of Sunbury. on the Ilickory Mill road, and continuing thus during the season. A description of Montague is useless, as he t is well known in the county, he having proved Jilmself the best stock horse of his breed in the county. TEIiMS $lO t» Insure. We make his terms so low that no person can afford to breed to grades or scrubs. For further particulars see posters or ad dri*ss, ■J. S. HAYS, or ALONZO McCAXDLESS. Butler. Pa. Prospect, Pa. 4.18. STANLEYS KEKCtK OP KM IX. Airmt» H anted. Send your own, and address or all book agents you know and we will send you a copy ft**. KKANKLIN NKWSCO.. Z2B Chestnut St., Philadelphia. | FOR GRAIN RAISERS. | Can they make money at present prices? YES! HOW? By keeping the soil rich, By cultivating it well, By using the best seed, THEN Have their Grain and Seeds Threshed, Saved and Cleaned BY THE NICHOLS & SHEPARD V^«AIBRATOR It will handle Grain and Seeds FASTER, BETTER and CLEANER, than any other Thresher. It will save enough extra grain ( which other machines will waste) to pay all thresh ing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will Clean the Grain and • Seed so much better that you can get an extra price for it. It will do your work so much QUICKER, so much CLEANER, and so free from WASTE, that you will save money. Such Threshing Machinery is made only by Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. His hogship is quite a hog and he weighs 80,000 pounds and cost f n,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 154 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Butler twp., on the grounds of <- The Butler Salt and Chemical Works." He is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready great things are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. EPIDERM SOAP REMOVKB FRECKLES, PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS AS It EXCESSI IE RED SKIX. Its use renders the skin soft and clear, and gives a trans parent complexion. By mail 35 cents. Address EPIDERM SOAP CO., Box 143, Jersey City, X. J. ' Ofto I '«" r Tur Expenses II t H I V is what we arc paying. We want II ll 1 II I A I'JO more and will pay Salary ana •• II ' II I WKxpense* or Liberal commission from start, A Hare- Opportunity for any man wanting a position as lx>ca!. Traveling or Gen eral Agent lor a reliable Nursery that guaran tees its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. Nurserymen, KorheHter, N. T. Mention tills paper. J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Ot_all kinilsjlone on short notice Office with W. H. Morris, No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL BRAKCHKS. LACK CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN ING, DYKING AND CAR PET CLEANING. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEHORTH, PROPRIETORS. O'oth.rj.wnowith to.«amin« "» 1 WWW th„ papc-, of obtain Mt.m.t a on advartistnj tfC. whan in Chicago, will find it on fft i-t :f^.^^LORD&THOmS. The Very REMARKABLE BARGAINS JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STRKST, BUTLER, - - PA., Has been opening for the past few weeks have attracted the attention of thousands of eager buyers. In order that there will be no diminution in the amount of buaines we have been doing we shall offer our entire stock at remarkable low figures. Among this stock will be found a nice lot of sam ple boots and shoes, some winter goods and a large line of spring goods which are arriving daily- All persons wishing to purchase anything in our i line now or in the near future would save money by calling at Bickel's, for we are offering bargains which cannot be resisted. I have on hand several eases of boots which I am closing out very cheap. I have just received a big shipment of mens working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; brogans, plow shoes, creemors, <fcc., showing the best selection in Butler county, and prices lower than ever before. Mens fine dress shoes of all kinds. A big line of Edwin Clapps celebrated shoes which are ail made by hand,cut from the choice skins of KaDiraroo, Cordovan and French Calf, made on all lasts and in all styles "There is no limit in our cut of prices." Mens A calf, calf and dongola shoes in button, Eng. Bal and Congress from $1 50 to $3. They are dandies, call and examine them LADIES SHOES. Such bargains as these have never been thought of in the shoe line. These prices afford great limits and capacities for saving money in this sac rifice which may never occur again. We can give you a ladies fine Dongola shoe at $1.25, another at $1 50 and one still better at $1.75 A geuuine dongola kid shoe, worked holes, finely finished, Bto E at $2 50. Every pair giving good satisfaction. A good machine turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, lasts, etc. at $2.75 to $3.25. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heel at $1 25. This is a great bargain. A misses good school shoe at sl. In this great sale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the same per centage of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber goods of all kinds, short and knee boots in light and heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at the lowest prices. Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing promtly done. N. B. I will give away a lot of fine seed corn called the Thorough White Flint Corn and a lot of good yielding oats called the Early Swede Oats. These seeds will be given away on the following terms: All persons calling at my store will receive free a package of corn and oats. They are to plant it and on Oct. Ist to 10th, all persons can bring sufficient samples of each to my store and the person getting the best selection of the two seeds will be entitled to a $lO premium. The person having the -second best selection will receive ass premium. So call and receive a free pack age of our seed aDd try your luck. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa New Store and New Goods D. E. JACKSON'S, No. 39 S. Main St., BUTLER. PA. We have opened at above place an entire new stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladids and Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Wraps, Dress Trim mings, Ribbons and Velvet Ribbons. Do you want a nice Black or Colored Dress in Silk, Warp or all wool Henrietta? We have them. And at prices as low as you can get them in any of the surrounding cities. In short if you want anything in Dress Goods, Dress Ginghams, Sateens, White Goods, Stripe or Plain Sarahs, Velvets. Plushes, Black Gros Grain Silks, etc. We have them. ALSO, Ladies Wraps, Corsets, Corset Waists for Ladies or Misses, Ladies, Misses and Childrens Vests. Carpet Chain in wool and cotton, all colors. Give us a call We hope by polite atttention to merit a share of your patronag6. D. E. JACKSON. 510 to 514 Market St., Cor. Liberty St., PITTBBURG, ACKNOWLEDGED THE LEADING MILLINERY AND FURNISHING HOUSE, OFFEII AN IMMENSE AND CHOICE LINE OF Miilinery Goods of All Kinds. Underwear, Hosiery, for Ladies, Geotleraeo and Children. Cloaks and Wraps, for Ladies and Children. Umbrellas and Parasols, all tbe Novelties. CORSETS, 115 styles, including C. P., P. I)., Madam Warner's, Ball's, Common Sense, Thompson's Glove Fitting, Her Majesty's Ferris' Waists, and 12 styles for Misses. KID GLOVES, Own importation, Hooks or Buttons, nice fresh goods, 75c, 89c, sl, §1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Gents' Kid Gloves, 75c, sl, $1 18 and $1 50. Lace Curtains. Own importation, beautiful patterns, 68c, 75c, 90c, sl, $1.50, $2,50 to sl2 a pair. Dress Trimmings and Notions of all kinds. Gents' Furnishings, A complete line of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Underwear, Boys' Waists, Handkerchiefs. 2dgT*Buying and Selling exclusively for Cash we can offer superior in ducements and guarantee LOWEST PRICES. |spf"Orderß by mail receive prompt attention. ST ~ MDIS AT J. K. GHKIKB'S, !N"o. 16 South Main St., - utler* Pa, In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. Whithekl Ol Whither, old woman, so tnout With Bi ack Diauunu Roofing to cu»u tiih sicv. Why go so far from tiis land of your uu.THt IT ALhEAO* COVERS THIS EARTH. Send U illustrated circular to M. EIIIIKT, JR., & Co., •\H3 AVulnul Htrcct, PHILADELPHIA. ICURE FITS! TOm 1 ny Ctnta I da not mean merely to (top them (or a time, and then bare them re turn again. I mux A KADIcAX. CUIUS. I bar* made the di.ease ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING* SICKNESS, A life-lonf study. I warrant my remedy to CUM the worst casee. Became other* have (ailed ia no reason lor not now receiving a core. I bend at one# for a treatise and a Ikkjc Bottlb , of my Infallible Remedt. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing for a r trial, and it will cure yon. Address [ H.Q. ROOT, M.C.. IB3PtAKST..NewYCMt ■ NO MORE OF THIS! Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight will often slip off the feet. To remedy this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a shoe with the inside of the heel lined will rubber. This clings to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. I Call for tlio " Oolclicater " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS •nd voucan walk, run or jumpiii them. ■ A SOLID STEEL FENCE: EXPANDED METAL ■ SOMETHING NEW ?dt Residences, Ohurchfs. Cemeteries. Gardens Gates, Arbor,, Window Guards, Trellises, Fire-proof PLASTERING LATH, DOOR JUTS, I Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue- mailed free » CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO , _ 116 Wilier St., lMllNluir»;h. I'll. *ll«ir6 Men keep it. Give name of this pa-pef ~ onr „r,hr PMPP ram HUVIIAHT 1 - nm'Trl-hllli k wins Jwm&frmbm«.pc >■ rncc (■HI 1 . THE world. Our fanlitie* ara I uneqaalrd. and to introduce our I( iyuF ■aL L superior roods we will Mmirr.Sl tooj«E PEltsow in each locality, upbore. Onlr »ho«* who writ* W chanM 'lll you have to do in r " to ,h °* ° ur r°"d* i<j Pit thoae who call—rout nrirhhotv ■" ■ snd those around you. The b»- AYI UflK» Ktnninc of this advertisement shows the small end of the trie* about the fiftieth part of its bulk. It la a r™nd. double aire tele scope, a* la rre aa ia eaay to rarry We will alaoahowvou how you from ma i A 1«• J*t "»■»•<" out eiDerience Better write st once W a pay allexprcaechar*as a«4re£ 11 HALLETT 4 CO.. Bos HSO. t'OKTLAJIU, UaiMß TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effect- of youthful errors, early decay. wasting weaknesa, lost manhood, etc., I will •end a valuable treatise (sealed: containing full particulars for home cure, FREE O ' charge. A rplendid medical work ; should be read by every fpaji «hp if nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. FOWLER. Bloodus, Tonne I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On the fan ale face, m » . hair on tho tore head, neck, none, •ars, hands, arms,re£*«vjis^2j&KHE on cheeks above the beard line and be tweentheeyebrows / vet by the Et«c tr I e V Needle Operation \ Electro Surgeon, \ HO2 Penn avenue, A Pittsburgh. Birth /V ."ViU Nose, Enlarged Pimples, Black* /MjXji • heads. Liver Spots and all diseases and blemishes of the skin, complexion, hair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The I>octor ha* bad 20 years' experience in the practice of his specialty, and numbers among his pa tients our most prominent families. If you are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, aVold patent medicines and consult Dr. Van Dyck at once *pecUl terms to all who make «ngagement*;thi* mouth. fr«e £ugage ■ ments can bn made by mail. Call on or add;*file j Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Pbiladel j phia, or 502 Penn avenne, Pittsburgh, Pa. j Hours 9 UM and 2 to 7, Stin.lay.-, l PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAXDSOStK, I NT) ESTKL" C TIBL E. Cheaper than Wood. Th. eut.how. Picket Fene. wltli t;»te. B.tUßf,) cub« awl 00 Irou or Wool Po«u. Whrt, .ruing for price, give Qo.iititj. Noml*r ora.lv., Double acd Kluele ? " ... W * alwM.anlkclar. MM./ Iron F.ncl.ir, Cie.uoi Bt.bla Klltinn, fire Blmtter. and FIR* ISC.It'KS. Cellm Door.. .04 K.lllni., Bra-., .nil Iroa drill., WISK l)Oui: j no WINHOW tiCBS£N3, au>l .11 kind, of WIKK WOBK. » TAYLOR A; l)E.t>, 301, 303 S 305 Markut St., r*. Foil SALK: I will tell my hou.-e an«i lot on . Pear St. The lot has a Irontageof 60 *«et ou W Pearl, and the he use con tains lour room?- with a g<xxl cellar. For particulars inquire ol me at 11 » \V. Pearl St.. Butler, Pa. MRS E. J. IFFT. THIS J.OTviTTi&ifsttssjaiJ. iL,,;. | KMOTsaa ~ """"■■■l' 1 S Bgasgaasss «'igw>tafSßb«Ban«-.-. c . aiF r || SPECIAL || | iMourning Bonnets & Hats! g 11 Silk Nuns Veiling, g j| IB Mourning Flowers, Mourning ()rnaiuents, H L fjj-W Mournjng Silks, 1! j| Mourning Kuehing, j| § I yMourning Ribbons, Crapes, Ete.S fl). T. P A P E,j| ■ iSro.IH.S. Main St. HU'l'f.EU. I* \l| '; a |amnwnaaHHHHßisuß S ® JEFFERSON ST. S l > O R N K, 15LT1.KI1, PA "<• Spring! of hupp and love and youth and gladness— Whilr-wiiiped emblem! brightest, best ami fairest!" With Springccnies new wants, new work nnd new duties, oil centering in the place where the family abides, bo it cabin or castle—' Home, Sweet Home''—"One small spot where my tired mind may rest and call it hi nie ' So we suggest, beirin early. Come nnd get some of our nice Wall Paper and Window shades, and fit up that ".-pot" bright and new. llang the walls with a few of our Peautiful Pictures, and add tie necessary fine art furniture, which we are offering very cheap Tl en place on vour table and in your shelves a selection of < hoice bookp which v\e now >ell at bargain prices, and assuredly in that "spot" you will find a h< me indeed. Why should your walls be bare and dingy v» lien n little aste and trifling expense will transform the room into a place of cheer and beauty. And eyery y*rd of Wall Paper from our cheapest ntt> cent- o nil, to Birge's l.nnl made, gold-tiuted, aud rainbow shaded apeeials at #1 a roll, evervr van! is au object, lesson in beauty, taste and culture. With a stock of the latest and best in every" line and department, and salesmen of pood judgement and experience, we invite our friends and the the public to call and examine our irood-. feeling confi leut that we C.Q satisfv all •reasuaa ble demands. A MATTER Of GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU, If suffering from long standing Chronic diseases. Diseases of the Blood, Skin and Nervous system, as well as those suffering from Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Trouble. MOKITZ SAI/M. M S|M"rUlt«t on IIUMSIS .1 4. MH 1,1.1 I, AS, M. It , 5,,,-rialist in ofKjc, E»r. Nose. Throat ami J.ting.. < hronir Hist HM-". They will visit this county every four weeks, thus saving their patient.- the trouble and expense of visiting the city, as thiy are the only physicians ami .-urgeons iu thU country who carry their own Manakins". Models. liiagrams, ite.. to illustrate and make plain to all afflicted the cause aud nature of their dit-uases. Examination and Consultation Frss to Eveybody. HR R!ftRIT7 Qfll M tlie Kreat German Oculist, will be here and perforin nil opera l • «tlfl»l IKm iiHUirx tlmison the Eye. 1 'fir. Nose and Throat., without putuai,<t 111 li'sH time ilnin any oilier llvine oculist. This w ill tflve Ins numerous i>nt ienir. and o-Uer.s «ho are m need ot Medical Treatment, an opportunity to consult this distinguished plivsli l.in. whoso duties at the Institute will permit only monthly visits to your community. Chronic Diseases of the Eye. Such as granulated lids. chronic inhumation of llie IlilK. of Hie Iris, of the t liorold, of I lie Uetl -11 a, Chronic ulceration, spasms of tlie iUls. can cer of tlie lids awl eye. tear* running over the cheeks, day and night blindness. Purulent or mattering Sore eyes. Qonorrhu-al optlialmla. Syi hllitlc Opthnlmia. red blotches or brown ones 011 the ball, phlyctenular Optlialmla, Opacities or milk white spots on the eye, glau coma or cupping of the nerve. Amaurosis, fall ing out of lashes, sores, redness of edges or Mils and eyes, and all other diseases to which tin eye of Its appendages are liable, positive and rapid cure guaranteed. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. <;round and made to tit nil defective eye*. Near sight, far sight, dull and weak .sight spots before the eyes, squint eyes Astigmatic eves, drooping eyes, and every such defect cured by perfectly fitted glasses. The old made to see as goi«l as the young, and read with as mucl ease and pleasure. Ear Troubles are Cured by Dr. Salm In an astonishing quick time. He wilt relieve you of all roaring, hissing anil ringing nolAe, heaviness. Itching, pain, running of me ears, will close up a la>le In a drum of fifty years standing; will Insert artificial ear drums of his own intention «!'h astonishingly gratifying re sult*. A Word About Catarrh. It Is In the mucous membrane, that wonder ful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the deli mit* tissues of the air and toed passages, that Catarrh makes Its stronghold, ouce establish ed it eats into the very vitals, and renders life but a long-drawn breath of misery and disease dulling the sense or hearing, trammeling the power of speech, destroying the faculty of ; smell, tainting the breath and killing the re-j tilled pleasures of taste, liisiduously. by creep-1 Ing on from a simple cold In the head, ii its-I .-anils the membrauous lining and envelopes the bones eating throuf h the delicate coats and causing nuianiation. touching and death. Nothing short of toiai eradication u ill secure healiu to the patient and all alleviatives are simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to a fatal termination. ]>K. SAI.M has, by a treat ment local and constitutional, made the ctn •• of tills dread disease a certanty. and lias never tailed. Even when the dlsea.se had made fright ful Inroads on delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and taste have been recovered, anil the disease thoroughly driven out. Dlt. MOISITX SAD.VIIs a Herman by birth and education. Is widely known as an authori ty on diseases appertaining to his viz: Diseases of tlte Kye. liar and Throat and 111 Catarrh, and has secured for himself an ' nvia ble reputation, particularly as an operator. C< INSILTATION FREE! Will be at Butler, Pa., at Hotel ley, May 14 audio, Wednesday and Thursday, and return every lour weeks. i.--. u inw . ... . ... THE {( V^^^L^^POWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed^. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED F. FRENGTH . FULL WEIGHT. AND IS SOLD ON ITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY COOKS QUARTERS, RETAIL AT 5 CTS. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTS. COOKS POUNDS, RETAILAT 2O CTS.. Sold by al! Crocerrs '-y ' -~-'>fld Can, Chronic Diseases. The Doctors treat 110 aculc diseases. but makes an entire specialty of chronic and long 1 standing diseases. Cases given up l>> oilier doctors and pronounced Incurable. the\ most desire to see. Tlie doctors have treated over 1 15.000 cafes In CMiio In the last twelve years, I many ol which had been given up as Incurable. ■ | some 10 be blind, others deaf, and a lan.;.- num ber to lie Invalids for life, lint ItehoJJ! now they see and hear, and many are started on the high road to health and recover,' every <lav The Doctors are surrounded »lth Ihe largest collection of line Instruments ever Imported to liiljcountry for examining and treating all chrome diseases of the HEAD. Fad. F\ 1.. KAH. THROAT, liKAlcr. UMiS, Mloinac.ii, Liver. Kidneys, llladilc-r. Skin, I train and Nervous System, Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Sin ll ings, Old Sores Kits, Para 11 sis, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Dropsy. Oout, Sick Headache, Debility. Depression of Spirits, Diseases ol chil dren, Hereditary Diseases, etc , etc.. and. In fact, all longstanding and Chronic Diseases. Kectal Diseases. They also Make a Specialty of All Forms of RECTAL Diseases, riles—lnternal and Ex ternal, Itching and Weeding, Kectal Ulcers, Fissures. Fistula—which are often taken tor Nervous and I.ung Diseases, all cured it laken in lime. Remember, we cure all forms of Piles without pain. Interruption or detention iroin buatoMS and v.ili.oiu the t;se Ol KldU, CaUsl:,-, l.lgaturc or Injection, come and b6 toiu'.nct'fi. (lir. Mcciellan made these diseases an Kvrlu slve Specialty tor Ten Years in a Large City. Manhood Perfectly Restored. I Quick, painless and certain cure lor Im j potence. Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea | Losses. Weakness and Nervous Debility, also I for Prostatitis. Varicocele and all pritale dis eases, whether from imprudent habits 01 >oi,lh or sexual excesses in mature years, of any cause that debilitates the sexual functions, speedily and permanently cured. < 'onsultaiUw free and strictly confidential. Absolute cures guaranteed. No risk Incurred. Pki:.-ons I'sski t.i.vt't.i v treated by ignorant pretenders who keep trilling with them month after moiiih. giving poisonous and inmurlous compounds, should call and see llie Doctors. WONliKliilt. Cl KFs by our Improved method of treatment accomplished In Nervous Debility. Premature Decline of Manly Power-. Kindred Affections wlileh have beeii neglected or un sklilfully treated. No experiments or failure ;. Patients treated by mail and medicines sent by express. Personal consultation is preferable. Vi i guarantee cur able cases.