THE orrizßisr. *. C. XMLBf - - - PROPBIETOII •i*acaiPTio*r* AT,e ®"" rosTAfs,s rBK, ' AID: One year. Inside County *' • *> One Year, OutslJe County Payable 1B Advance. Katan* •» rmtoMee «t B.tLr »» 2d '>•« »atter FRIDAY. MAY 9,1890. Popular Vote for Governor. j As there was no existing rule requiring ! a direct vote on the subject, the Executm , Committee, at its late meeting, did no. feel at liberty to order snch an election. Stoce then the matter has been freely canvassed and it is believed a very large majority of the Republican voters of the county desire to have an opportunity to ernress their preferences in this way. in TtoTof this fact, after consulting with all the members of the committee wc were able to consult on the subject, *c have concluded to invite the Republicans, at the primaries on the 24th inst. to give express ion to their preferences for Governor cn their several ballots, by writing the name of their choice on their tickets, to be re turned and counted as the other candi dates shrfl be counted by the County Con vention. S. D. BELL, Chairman. . LEVI M. WISE, ) GET .. 3 J. M. PAINTER, ) Call for the Republican State Convention. I HEADQUARTERS REPIBLICAN / S-AATE COMMITTEE, - I Philadelphia, April 23. 1«90. The Republican State Convention will ba held in the Opera Hou?e at Harrisburg, on "Wednesdav, June 25, 1890, at 10 o clock ul ii< l niinatii | i' T citn- : didates for Governor, ueuieuanl Governor Secretary of Internal Affairs, and for the transaction of other business. The attention ot Republicans throughout the State Is repectfully directed to the following Permanent Rules for the holding of State Conventions and the conduct of the party. _ FIRST, That Delegates to the State Con vention shall be chosen in the manner in which candidates for the General Assembly are nominated. • SECOND, Hereafter the State Conventions of the Republican I'artrshull be held not earlier than the third Wednesday of Au gust, except in the year of Presidential election, when it shall be held not more than thirty days previous to the day fixed for the National Convention, and except in Gubernatorial years. At least sixty days notice shall be given of the date of the Bute Convention. THIRD, That we recommend to the county organizations, that in their rules they allow the largest freedom in the gen eral participation in the primaries consist ent with the preservation of the party organization. The State Convention of June 30, 1686, having abolished Senatorial representation. Delegates to the approaching State Con vention will be selected according to the number ot Representatives in the Legislat ure to which each county or city is entitl ed under the Representative Apportion ment law passed by the Legislature of 1887. By resolution of State Committee WM. H. ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN. THE oft-repcated remark that a coil of inch rope is a better anil more reliable device for ewapinr from a burning building than seven-eight* of the patented "fire escapes" in use, was practically illustrated In New York on Sunday. A tenement house, provided with the usual '"fire escape*," took fire. Panic seized the occu pants, and there would have been a trage dy, for the flauies stood between them and the "escapes," had not one of the tenants, foreseeing jnst sueh an emergency, provid ed himself with a Btout rope. The womeu and children were lowered by it to the street, and the men and boys slid down it easily and quickly, and everybody wan waved. New York has a law that every room in every hotel shall have a rope long enough to reach the ground. Of course it is not obeyed The Political Ou'Jook. Several more counties held their pri maries last Saturday. The results on local matters are of no interest to ns, but as far •a they .concern the probable nominee for Governor they are of interest. In Armstrong county Mr. Delamater succeeded in electing one delegate in bis interest, the other one bciug tor Mon tooth. In Clarion Co., a Democratic stronghold, there were but nineteen votes of a differ ence between the Delamater and Mon tooth delegates,in favor of Delamater. It is always taken for granted that the ' 'machine" will control the minority counties, but in this case it came near missing it. Clinton county elected delegates who favor Hastings, and Lehigh elected three Vho will support Montooth: Lancaster county has a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor and elected delegates in his interest, and the delegation is report ed to be divided on Governor. THI Republican primaries in the con gressional district composed of Venango, Warren, McKean and Cameron counties will be held tomorrow, and there is a hot fight there for the nomination for Congress, be tween Ex-Senator Lee of Venango and Ex congressman Watson of Warren. In Venango Co. also, there is quite a contest for the nomination for State Senate between "Willis J. Hulings, W. It. Crawford and Isaac Ash, Esq. who is a native of this county. Of Mr. Ash, a correspondent of the Pittsburg Times says: Mr. Ash is an older man than either of his rivals, and is a law yer at Oil City with* good practice. Ho had not the best ol opportunities for education in his youth,and has been too busy to study grammer since. He is esteemed a man of good sense and character, and if he should get into the Senate, although tho bills he might approve might not parse according to Lindley Murray, his votes would proba blybe cast with good judgment and honest purpose, anyhow. It was Mr. Ash, if I don't misreinetnber an old story, who once paid a unique tribute to General Grant. "What was it fellow citizens," he ex claimed in the course of a public speech, "what was it that riz General Grant to the place he has riz tot Murrit, gentlemen, murrrit!" The Pan-American Congress. Writing of the International Congress, which adjourned a few days ago, G. W. Curtis says: The point that Mr. Blaiue em phasized was really the important point, namely, the scheme of international arbi tration. If that scheme should be approv ed and ratified formally by the various American states, the result would justify the assembling of the congress. Each gov eminent will now have in its returning delegates counsellors thoroughly informed both of the reasons of the propositions and j of the feeling of the other states. This I will greatly facilitate the negotiations of treaties to secure the objects proposed Moreover, the presence of so large a num | ber of delegates for so long a time in tin- | United States must have indirectly an effect j npon local opinion in their various coun- | tries. The delegates have seen for them selves. They are, as we understand, un usually intelligent uieu, and they have *tn doubtedly measured our performances by our assertions. They have seen at close view the greatest of popular republics. They have been sitting 111 the capital sim ultaneously with Congress, and they l.un becn impressed either like Lord Chatham by the Continental Congress, or like a lat •r lord of great distinction in English public life, who remarked thai nothing impressed him with our power so much a- Congress, "for if yon can stand that, YOU can stand anything." In any -..-cut tliere is no disappointment. Great resuit< were not anticipated. Yet if the arbitration treaty shall be ratified, one grint re-'lt will have been achieved. THE most cold blooded thief yet heard from is the Baltimore negro who stole a stove with a well kindled fire in it fr« m the Cfthin of an oyster pungy the other day. The Directors' Convention. There is a charm about a contest, and men will engage in one, even though it costs them something, and there is no hope ot profiting by it. Of the two hundred and eighty-eight di rectors of the county, two hundred and thirty nine, many of whom had traveled several miles over mnddy roads, put in an appearance in the Court rooui. Tuesday afternoon. The convention was called to order at one o'clock by Sup t Russell. D. B. Donthett, Esq., of Brownsdale was nominated for Chairman, and elected by acclamation, and he made an excellent presiding officer. J. A. Brandon of For ward twp. and Rev. Imbrie, of Harrisville. were elected secretaries, and AV. G. Rus sell and Dr. Hoekenberry, reading clerks, all without opposition, and they all did well. Rev. Crowe moved that the list of directors be corrected, and that the con vention proceed immediately to the elec tion of a County Sup't, as many of the di rectors living in the southern part of the county wished to leave town on the 3:50 train. M. N. Greer and C. M. Brown were in favor of fixing the salary first, but did not insi>t. and Rev. Croll's motion carried. G. I>. Swain moved to exclude all but di rectors and members of the press, a motion that carried and spectators were invited to leave the room. Rev. Imbrie moved that the candidates be nominated in five minute speeches, but an amendment providing for no speeches whatever, simply presenting names and credentials carried. Another motion to proceed to fix the salarv carried, and Pat Burke moved that it be "fixed at $5 per school. This brought on a discussion, during which it was stated that there are 207 schools in the county, which would have made $1285, not a bit too much considering the work, but the motion wiii tmiiiiseil ami ftii amendment ".It ?4 ooper school, the old rate, earned. Then the convention proceeded to elect the County Sup't. F. M. Campbell nominated S. M. Meals and presented his credentials, Thos. Hay did the same for N. C. McCollough, J. A. Brandon the same for M. A. Sutton. Reu ben Shanor the same for F. W. Magee. Kev. lireaden the same for S. J. Christley, and J. C. C'.aisford the sauie for H. H. Elliott. The candidates being all nominated, a rira roce vote was taken which resulted as follows: Cbiistley 40, Elliot 34, Meals 36, Magee 40, McCullough 40, Sutton 38; by which it will be seen that the directors of the county were very evenly divided on first choice. No time was lost in taking ballot No. 2, which resulted as follows: Christley 56, Elliott 29, Meals 32, Magee 43, McCollough 40, Sutton 38. Ballot No. 3 was begun immediately al ter No. 2 was announced and resulted as follws: Christley 72, Elliot 17, Meals 24, Magee 52. McCollough 48, Sutton 26. After this ballot was announced quite a number of directors left the room to make tbeir trains. Ballot No. 4 was then taken but before the result was announced the Millerstown delegation changed their votes from Elliott to McCollough and the result_ was as fol lows: —Christley 95, Meals 17. Magee 56, McCollough 51. Sutton 8. Friends of Messrs. Elliott, Meals and .Sttttou then withdrew their names, and ballot No. 5 resulted as follows: Christley 95, Magee 48, McCollough 70. Mr. Reuben Shanor then withdrew Prof. Magee, and the 6th and last ballot was Christley 103, McCollough 112, and Prof. McCollough was declared elected by the President of the convention. Nearly all of Magee's friends voted for Met'ollough. Prof. MeCollough being call upon and introduced, thanked the conven tion. promised to do his best and praised his competitors. Theu the convention ad journed to the sidewalk, where the candi dates for county and other offices met them, and made time pass as agreeably as possible till they started for their homes. We think that the next legislature should pass .in act giving school directors pay for one day and traveling expenses, for attend ing to "this bit of public business. Awful Fire In Quebec. LOKUCE POIHTE, QUE., May o. The Government insane asylum at this place was destroyed by fire io-day. There were in the institution when the fire broke out 1,300 lunatics. It is believed that 200 of these have perished. A long lino of gaunt towers and a mass of blazing debris reflected in the wild eyes of the maniacs is all that is left of the luna tic asylum, and tho horrible sights that were witi.essed during the destruction of the building will never be forgotten by the spectators, though to the lunatics it. was a time of supreme glee, and in their delight they disported themselves amid flames and waved their arms in turbulent satisfaction at the ruin that was being wrought. Not until the walls tumbled over their heads were their maniacal screams silenced. There were incarcerated in the asylum 1,300 lunatics, for the place was more like a prison than a hospital, and this evening not more than 1,100 had been accounted for. But many had escaped into fields and woods. The number of dead is now purely a matter of conjecture and is not likely to ever be ascertained, since no oth er record is kept than the asylum books, and these were destroyed in the lire. Tak ing into consideration all the evidence from firemen, half-sane inmates, the Sis ters in charge, bystanders and personal observation, it is a conservative estimate to say that 100 victims met their death in the flames, although some assert that the number is 200. A Card. To the Republicans of Butler Co.: Whereas certain unprincipled and de signing persons have put in circulation a report to the effect that 1 belong to the Third party, I take this way of informing the voters that the report is entirely false, and solemnly affirm before God that 1 have never voted the Third party ticket in my life. The whole thing is an electioneering scheme to hurt me, and favor somebody else. 1 invite investigation in regard to my standing in society, but 1 request vot ers not to believe every falsehood that may be started. The person who cannot present his own claims, without misrepre senting others is unworthy of tho confi dence of decent people. Signed: J. P. DAVIS, Of Brady twp. Candidate for Register <5: Recorder. THE govcrment of Brazil notifies the country at largo that it "cannot permit" tho circulation of false reports affecting its stability and credit. But alas, reportorial liars never wait for a government permit. "La NONA" is said to follow la grippe. Every one attacked falls asleep and re mains for days iu a comatose condition. IN 1880 there were in the United States twenty cities with a population each of 100,000 or over. Judging by conservative local estimates, the census of 1890 will show as many as thirty, and probably thirty-five cities each having at least ICK),- 000 inhabitants. SKNATOR .1. B. BUCK dropped dead in the Baltimore and Potomac station at Washington last Saturday evening. He had just got off the train from New York. The sudden event caused a great sensation among his collagues. Tin: labor demonstrations of May Ist in Paris, Berlin and Vienna we-e suppressed by tin.- police and military. THE international copyright bill was de feated in the House at Washington,Eriday, by a vote of 121 to 93. Ar the meeting of the Pardon Board, Eriday, the applications of the Nicely brothers, of Somerset Co., and that W. H. Smith, of Allegheny Co., all of whom are under sentence of death for murder, were refused. T DEATHS STEW A UT —At his home in Perry twp. Lawrence Co., May Ist, 1890, Matthew Stewart, aged 90 years. lie was an uncle of Alex. Stewart, Esq , of Wbitestown. I LY'l LE—Friday, April 25, IM9O, at her home in Harmony, Charity Ly tie, aged j 88 years. NORItIS—At his home in Tarcntum, Sun -1 day morning, •ay 4, 1890, James 11. N orris, aged about 47 years. I!i' was a native of Clinton twp. this i co,. it}', and moved to Tarentum about Hi: e years ago. His death was caused by pneumonia. —At his home iu Winfield twp. Thursday, May l<t, 1890, Henry Keasey, I aged about 80 years. POLITICAL. We are authorized to announce the fol lowing gentlemen as candidates for the offices under which their names appear, subject to the Republican primary of But ler county, on Saturday, May 24th, 1890. from 1 to 7 p. M. FOR DELEGATES TO THE STATE CONTENTION. W. H. RITTKR, Ot Butler. S. D. BELL, Of Millerstown. Jons DINDINGER, Of Zelienople. CAPT. GEORGE W. FLEECER, Of Butler. JAMES A. MCMARLIN, Of Adams twp. FOR CONGRESS. NEWTON BLACK, Of Butler. FOR ASSEMBLY. (2 to nominate.) CAPT. R. IRWIN BOGGS, Of Zelienople. JOSEPH THOMAS, JR.. Of Earns City. ANDREW G. WILLIAMS, Of Butler. HARLAN BOOK, Of Franklin twp. JOSIAH M. THOMPSON, Of Brady Twp. FOR SHERIFF. A. G. CAMPBELL, Of Oakland Twp. W. B. DODDS, Of Muddycreek Twp. W. M. BROWW, Of Forward Twp. OWEN BRADY, Of Donegal twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY. Jams# H. GIBSON, Of Washington Twp. CAPT. JOHN G. BIPPUS, Of Oakland Twp. SAMUEL M. SEATON, Of Marion twp. FOR REGISTER <fc RECORDER. J. P. DAVIS, Of Brady Twp D. E. DALE, Of Butler. H. A. AYRKS, Of Butler. JOHN FINDLEY, Of Butler. FOR TREASURER. JAMES S. WILSON, Of Centreville. JOHN T. MARTIN, 01 Buffalo Twp. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH CRISWELL, Of Butler Twp. W. H. CAMPBELL, Of Concord Two. WM. C. FINDLEY, Of But'.r. (formerly of Clay Twp.) FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (2 to nominate.) WILLIAM W. BRANDON, Of Connoquenessing Twp. I. S. P. DKWO'.FK, Of Slipperyrock Twp. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Of Clinton Twp. J AS. STEPHENSON, Of Summit Twp. ISAAC H. CHRISTIE, Of Concord Twp v J. C. KISKADDON, Of Allegeny Twp. S. W. MCCOLLOUGH. Of Fairview Twp. CHARLES F. SMITH, Of Buffalo Twp. R. S. HINDMAN, Of Cherry Twp. A. D. WEIR, Of Butler. FREDERICK EBKRT, Of Clinton Twp. , SAMUEL T. MARSHALL, Of Butler. JAMES WILSON, Of Franklin twp. JOHN J. MCGARVEY, Of Mercer twp. ISAAC BLAKELEY, Of Butler. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. (2 to nominate.) JACOB ALBERT," Of Franklin twp. A. M. DOUTHKTT, Of Penn twp. S. L. CIIEKHKMAK, Of Muddy creek twp. GEORGE "W. COOPER, Of Slipperyrock twp. S. M. SWAKTZLANDER, Of Butler, (formerly of Fairview twp.) J. R. ALLISON, Of Cherry twp. FOR COUNTY CORONER. JOHN KENNEDY, * Of Butler. A Card. To the Rrj>ublirau Electors of Butler Co: Owing to the severe illness of my wife, I may not be able to make much, if any, further canvas of the county for nomina tion for County Treasurer. For the very Mattering encouragement already given me in the canvass I have made, I feel very thankful to my friend*, and should I not be able to meet with them further, yet I most confidently trust that their good help and zeal in my behalf will not abate, but lead on to success. Respectfully, JOHN T. MARTIN, May 7, 1890. Buffalo tp. A Card. To the Republicans of Jtutler County: Whereas, on account of sickness in-my family, I am prevented from canvassing the county as I would like to; yet to all whom 1 have met and those 1 have not met I would say that 1 am still in the field as a candidate. It has been reported in part of the county that I had withdrawn from the contest; such is not the case, but is a malicious falsehood. FREDERICK EBKRT, Clinton Twp. Candidate for Co. Commissioner. Catarrh Cured Catarrh is a very prevalent disease, with dis tressing and offensive symptoms. Hood's Sar saparllla gives ready relief and speedy core, as M purifies the blood and tones np the whole system. M I suffered with catarrh 15 years. I took Hood's Rarsapartlla and now I am not troubled any with catarrh, and my general health is much better." I. W. LILLIS, Chicago, 111. " I suffered with catarrh six or eight years; triad many wonderful cures, inhalers. etc.. apaad* lng nearly one hundred dollars without benefit. I Tried iifftod'i SarsaparlMa and was greatly im proved." M. A. AUBEY, Worcester, Maes Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist*. $1; tlx for IS. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Hw. 100 Doses One Dollar . NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. A woman was arrested at Beaver Falls, last Thursday, tor a murder committed in York state. Nearly two yeas ago. At Tarentmn, last Thnsday, John Atkinson, employed in the bos factory at the plate glass works, met with a mishap that will lay him off for some time. He was doiug some work with a broad as. when it slipped off the handle and struck him on the right leg between the ankle and knee, cutting through the muscle and severing a leader. Boarding tramps has cost the county of Franklin, SIOO,OOO in the past twenty years, and the grand jury recommend that all tramps committed to jail be put to work. Mrs. Hannah Crissman of Parker wa" found dead in her bed on Monday morning of last week. Census Supervisor Oliver, of one of the Allegheny Co. districts, needs 360 enu merators and has applicators from but 160 districts. Those willing to work in his district are busy,and the unwilling are not anxious to make SSO for two weeks work. A man at Connellsville was rooting around a lot of old stones when he unearth ed something like 300 eggs. On taking them home and placing them in a warm place, he made the remarkable discovery that, they were snake eggs, and nearly every one turned out a real live reptile' but be dispatched them belore they could do any barm. The man who found the eggs is not giv<*n to drink. An old man in Armstrong county had SSOO in a bank in Kittauning. Because he could draw no interest on it he drew it out in gold and buried it where he could keep an eye on it. But he made a mistake. A tramp had watched the planting operation and next morning, when the frugal old gentleman went to see if his gold was still safe, he discovered that some one had "been there since he'd been gone,, and the money had disappeared. "William Mong, found guilty of burglary b} r a Clarion county jury last week, was sentenced to an imprisonment of seven years and four months In the Western Penitentiary. In that institution he will join his father and brother and two of his relatives, named Hidinger, convicted of aiding in the attempt to rob old man Wagner in Forest county, last year. Mrs. Chas. Anton, wife of the "Double X" cough-drop man of Pittsburg gave birth to twins, Monday, one of which weighs one pound and the other three-quarters of a pound. The Board of Pardons has granted a par dou in the case of Charles Laribee, who was convicted of murder in \ enango county several years ago and his sentence commuted to imprisnment for life. It will be remembered that Laribee shot a colored man named Williams while they were out hunting in the uroods near Oil City. Laribee claiming that the darkey wanted to commit suicide and implored him to shoot him, and that they were both under the influence of liquor. His good behivior since went far toward granting the pardon with the Board. In Armstrong Co. D. B. Heiner received the nomination for Congress, S. B- Cochrane and P. W. McKee for Assembly, Hay Foster for Treasurer, B. S Slaymaker for Register and Recorder, D. S. Henry for Prothonotary, Darwin Phelps and H.C.Fiscus for County Commissioners. Ok the 5,936 ministers in the 213 Pres byteries that have voted on Revision, 5,653 favor it, and the Confession of Faith of that church will probably be revised. THE Democratic State Convention will be held at Scranton, July 2d. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that! the following accounts or Executors, Administra tors and Guardians have been Hied In Ills office according to law, and will be presented to cour' for confirmation anl allowance on Wednesday, the till day ot June A. 1)., ltsuo, at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day. 1. Final account of Thomas J. Whltmlre, ad ministrator or William Whltmlre. dee'd, late of Oakland Twp. 2. Final account of William Harbison, ex ecutor of James List, dee'd. late ot Adams Twp. 3. Final account of Joshua A. Kelly .executor of Martha Jane Kelly, dee'd, late of Parker Tp. 4. Final account of W. C. McCandless, guar dian of J. Lawrence McCandless, minor child of l>r. Joslah McCandless, dee'd. late of Centre Twp. 5. Final account of W. C. McCandless, guar dian of Mrs. Laura K. Kirkpatrlck. formerly Laura K. McCandless. m.nor child ol Dr. Joslali McCandless, dee'd, late of Centre Twp. 0. Final account of John M. Conway, guar dian ol Henry B. Kinker, minor child of Joseph Itlnker, dee'd. late of Cherry Twp. 7. Final account of Jaines Markel, adminis trator of C. T. A. or Christian Markel, dee'd, late of Allegheny Twp. 8. First and llnal account of John Kuautl. guardian or (leorge Winter, minor child of John Winter, dee d, late of Jackson Twp. a. Final account of A. M. Chrlstley, adminis trator or Mary Thompson, dee'd. late of Cherry 'l'wp. 10. Final account of Hiram Knox, guardian «t the est-te of Hlratn Knox; guardian of the estate of Henry ISarkey, dee'd, minor child o( Henry llarkey. dee'd, late of Kvans City, Pa. 11. Final account ol Kobert McKlnney and A. K. McKlnney, executors of C'. A. McKlnney, dee d, late of Coiinoqueuessing Twp. 12. Finai account of S .I.Crowe, guardian of Jane £. Crowe, minor child of Alfred Dean Crowe, dee'd. 13. Final account of Antl'ouy Thoma. admin istrator of the estate of Grace Thoma. dee'd, late of Summit Twp. H. First and tlnal account of P. J. Qullter. ad ministrator of 1). 11. N'., C T. A., of KeV. Patrick H. own, dee d, late of Clearfield Twp. 15. Partial account of Charles lloHman, ex ecutor ot Henry .ieverln, dee'd, late of Jeffer son Twp. lti. Flual and distribution account of William Kauflmun, executor of Nicholas KauUman, dec u. lale ot Worth Twp., as staled by Ills ad ministrator, John 11. Smith. IT. Final account ol Alary A. St. Clair, admin istratrix ot John U. St. Clair, dee'd, lale ot Franklin Twp. 18. Final account of lteuben and Samuel Uru ver. executors ot George Gruver. dee d, late of Centre Tw p. IV. Partial account of Lyilla Lotz. adminis tratrix of David Slmms. dee'd, late of Jackson Twp. 20. First partial account of W. A. Fleming, executor of Samuel Sheldon, dee'd, late of l'aiker Twp. 21. Final account of Kobert N. Emery, execu tor of William Emery, dee d, late of Cherry Tp. 2S. Final account of Alice O. /.legler, admin istratrix or Alfred U. Ziegler, deed, late of Butler Borough. 23. Final account of J. C. Belgliley, executor of George Belghley, oec'd. late of Conuoque uesslng Tw p. 24. Final account ot Mrs. Anna J. McCafferty, administratrix of Cecilia Conway, dee'd, late of Butler Borough. 25. Final account of David Pierce, executor of John Pierce, dee d, lale of Butler Twp. 2». Final account of itoberl Fleming, guar dian of the estate of Geo. A. Fleming, minor child of Win. Fleming, dee'd. late ot Butfalo Tp. 2'.. Final account of August Koenlgk. execu tor ol John ti. Michel, dee'd, lale ol Jeilerson Twp. 28. Final account of J as. M. Doullietl and John B. Dodds, executors of David Douthett, dee d, late of Forward Twp. 2U. Final account of ltobert Gllleland. admin istrator or Bridget McCatlerty, dec'u, late of Summll Tw p. 11. A. AY RES. Register. Road Reports. Notice Is hereby given that the following road reports have been confirmed by the Court nisi and will be preseuted to Court on the tlrst Wednesday of June, isao. being lUe llli day of said month, lor confirmation absolutely. If no exceptions be tiled. It. D. No. 2, Dec. Session, lssu. Petition ol inhabitants of Worth Two. tor a public road to lead from the lower prospect road, near the residence of Adam l.iese. lo the upper prospect road, near Mount Union church. Feb. 22. isao; report of viewers tiled, reporting llie road as prayed lor necessary, and reporting the probable cost of making same to be seventy live dollars and mat said cost should be borne by the '.ownshlp. No damages assessed. Now, March 5, IHUO. approved and llx widlh at 33 feet; notice to be given according lo rules of Court. BV THE t'OCKT. lit'Ti.Kit COUNT v, ss. Certified Irom the record this sth day of May. 181*). ItKUBKN MC;KI.VAIN, Clerk Q 8. Widows' Appraisements. The following widows' appraisements of per sonal property and real eßtate. sei apart for the benefit of widows of decedents, have been Hied In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa . ami confirmed nisi: Widow of James P. McQulstloo $.!oo oo '■ Thomas I.lndsey <realty) s.fJ 25 •• - Robert Ka.v aoo 00 • Thomas Smith (realty) :mo IJO •• •• Patrick Mcßrlde 3UO 00 " • Isaac Barr aoo uo •• Henry 1). Miller 300 IKi •' " Benjamin Douthett aoo 00 Minor children of J. B. Long 300 55 All persons interested In the above appraise ments will lake not Ice that they will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court at Butler. Pa., on Wednesday, the tth day of June. WJO, and if no exceptions be uied they will be confirmed abso lutely by the Court. I;EUUK> McELVAIM, Clerk O. C, BffiAl, m ERbYALIttjgE POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude ol low tests, short weight.alumn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO,, 10# Wall Street N. Y. "STILL H2RE." Why certainly we are here. Don't yon remember we told you a year ago we were going to stay and don't you remember we told you how we had been working for ten years to reach the top of the business, and told you we were nearly there. We told you we were not certain then whether we were the largest dealers in our line in this great state of Pennsylvania. But now we are the largest. Just think of it right here in Butler—the largest wholesale and retail carriago dealers in tbe whole state —well it is true we have the largest wholesale and we have the largest retail trade. We carry the largest stock and sell cheaper than any house in the state, the amount of business we do enables us to do so. We do not sit around doing nothing till customers come in then size him up and go for all he has we do a straight forward business and hav ing all kinds of grades of work we tell you the quality you are getting every time. Why just "think we sell the very same top buggy for $45 that others sell tor $65, ami we keep also the very best hand-made buggies—we keep tbe best work kept by any dealer. We have harness for $6 and up. also the very best hand-made harness —in fact we are"the only place you can get a really good tine harness \ou should look at our stock of surreys—the best you ever seen at one place iu your life. We had them all made for this year's trade and they are the latest styles, and the finest work too —and spring wagons, we have more spring wagons than you could shake a stick at. Just think of it, $33 for a spring wagon, also the very best kind made; and then the best part of it is you always know just what quality of work you are getting when you buy from us. Our rule has always been never misrepre sent and never try to get rich off one cus tomer. Remember we keep everything in our line and pay strict attention. Yon will always find us here. We cannot enumerate, but just think of it, the best collar pads for 50c, horse collars 50c and up, carts tor $lO up. We ha-e 12 different kinds, lap robes for $1 that others sell at $1.50, fly nets cheaper than you could make them yourself, good kip collars tick ing face, tufted with hair with pat fastener on top for $2, —just tbe collar (only a little better) you have been paying $2.50 to $3.00 for. Good hand made team harness —best oak tanned leather, all complete for $32. You paid S3B to S4O for the same, only yours hadn't as good leather. Now do you think this talk is all true or is it only an advertise ment. It's quite a picture isn't itt Well, now neighbor, look nere; If you just come down and spend one hour looking through our large stock and don't say its true as far as it goes only not half told we will pay you for your time —is not this fair? Come down, it is only a little distance ftoin Main St. down to 35 W. Cunningham St. —where we pay no rent. We want to sell and get acquainted with you if you never were here before, and if you have been here come and see us for we are glad to meet old friends. Respectfully, S. B. MARTINCOURT «£ Co. S. B. Martincourt, I J. M. Lieghner, ji P. S. We forgot to say we sell about 25 Kramer wagon per month just for variety and could sell a great many more it they could make them faster - We have a car load of 26 on the way now which will be here about May Bth. if you want one, come noon, they go off like dynamite. Don't forget the place. Read tho name again and start. A. J. FRANK fc f!0. DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS' FANCY AND TOILET A RTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac pr-physlclans' Prescriptions carefully coui pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler. Pa. Found. The subscriber found a newly made suit of men's clothes ou the bank of the Connoque nessing Creek, not far from Butler, on April 12th ins!., of which information cau be had at the CITIZEN office or the tailoring shop of Mr. Jesse Glenn, and the clothes had by proving property, paying for this advertise ment and other charges. Jons DEETS. Butler, Pa., April 12, 1890. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop : r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No 24. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection. New Livery Stable. New Slock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39. W. Jefferson St, Butler, Pa Notice. Notice Is hereby K'ven to the members of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Hannahs town and vicinity that ou February Ist 1 HIS*, the votes on the teas question were cnunt ed by the appointed cwnnutfiee, and the result w as :» \otes of a majority against gas in Insur ed buildings, and In consoqueuce o' the above result the Mrcctors ol flie company, at their meeting on Saturday. February sth, I*'.<o an nulled and made void Article is, Section 7, tu the By-Laws of the Constitution, unanimously, and substituted in tlie place o( the annulled ar ticle the following article, viz If a loss is occasioned by the use of gas or oil for fuel In dwelling houses or other buildings the Insured forfeits his or her Insurance. Further it was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board to Insure haystacks, the same as hay In buildings, wherever the hay may be, either on the premies of the Insured or other places. The Board of Directors hereby notifies all the members of the company insured using gas at present to Inform Hie undersigned Secreta ry at once. By order o[ the President. HKNKY lIKCK, Secretary. DELANO, February 8, fsyo. WHEN YOU VISIT PITTSBURG CALL OX JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, 508 SmitMield St., for Trees, Seeds, Li'lies Grape Vines, Hard}* Roses, Cunary B rds, Gold Fish, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalouge mailed free. FOR SALE. Store room and dwelling, stable and other buildings; good location for country store, near R. R. Address, THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators anil Executors of estates can secure tla-ir receipt books at the CITI ZEN office. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order and decree ot the Court i of Common Pleas In anil l«r th»* county of Hut- I l>-r. IVnn'a. and to me as the committee >f An drew Albert, lunatic, directed. 1 will offer for j sale at public vendue on tbe premises, on Saturday, May 31, A. D. 1890, j at U o'clock. A. M..of said day. the following descnt-ed real estate of said lunatti tur the pur pose of raising money to pay his debts, to wit > About seventy acres of lan t. more or !>• -s. situ ate In Centre township, county and >tate afore said. bounded on north by public road, east by lands of A. Avery and A. Brewster, south by ! lands of I). <,>. Miller, and 011 the west by lands ot .1. S. Jones No buildings on tu!s tra.' t. tint It Is all fenced and under good state of cultlva tlon. except about ten acres of wojdland. This Is an excellent tract 01 land, well watered md 1 highly productive. It will b»' sold. Including the Interest of said Andrew Albert. In an oil and gas lease, dated May 11. lsv. given to inui bv G. C. liellis and K. H. Ferguson lor 10 acres oft the west end thereof, and cn which a rental ' ot one dollar per acre per annum, payable In quarterly payments iu advance, until opera tions are commenced, is provided. ALSO—There will be offered lor sale at pub 11c vendue on the premises, at one o'clock. i\ M. of same day. to-wit: Saturday, May 31, 1890, thirty acres of land, more or less, situate in ! same tow nshlp. county and State, bounded on the north by lands of J. Johnson, on the east by lands ot Israel Crammer, on the south by i lands ot J. s. Jones, and on the west by lands of S. B. liider. This tract is all under fence, well watered, and excellent pasture land. TKKMS OF SALE—These tracts of land will be sold by {he acre, contents to be ascertained 1 by survey. One-third 01 the purchase inonev J to be paid on confirmation of sale by the court. ; and the residue to be paid in one and two j years troin said contlrmation with interest.and ! to be secured oy bond and mortgage. JOHN C. MOOKE, Committee or the estate of Andrew Albert, lunatic. McCandless P. 0.. liutier Co.. Pa. Auditor's Notice. In re the final account of John Ilalstead and H. H. Halstead. executors of the last will and testament of Henry Ilalstead, late of Clinton Twp., deceased. O. C. No. 17, June Term, 18!)0. Notice is hereby given that the undersigu ed, having betn appointed auditor to make distribution of the balance remaining in the hands ot the executors in above stated case, will attend to the duties of his appointment vt his office in the borongh of Uuiler, Pa., on Tuesday, the -'Oth day of May, A. D., 1890, at 10 o'clock A. M. A. M. COHNELFFS. Petition in Divcrce. Mary A Nimao, by her A. D. No. 45, Dec next friend, Sam. A. Wat- | Term, 1889. ters, vs Win. Nimno. J Whereas by decree of the Court of Com mon Pleas, of liutier county, hearing date 17th day of April, 1890, 1 was appointed commissioner to take and report testimony in the above case to the Court at next term. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby giyen that I will attend to ihe duties of said ap| ointment at the office of S. F. Bowser in Butler, Pa., on Thursday the 22d day ot May, 1890. J. P. WILSON, COKJ. Notice in Divorce. Laura Kepler, by her next) A D No. 48 Dec friend M A Phillips, vs >T, 1889, petition Perry C Kepler. J in divorce. Whereas by decree ot the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler Co;, bearing date 17th day of April, 1890, I was appointed commis sioner to take and report testimony in the above case to the Court at next term. To all whom it may concetti: Notice is hereby given that I will attend to the dunes of said appoiutiuentat the office of S. F. Bowser io Butler, Pa., on Wednes day, the 21st day of May, lsno. A. T. SCOTT, Com. Notice in Divorce. THOMAS DOUGLASS ) Common Pleas of vs. [ Butler Co. A. D. SIDNEY E. Dot GLASS J NO. 5, Sept. T., ISBS. i'ETITIOX IS DIVOKCE. Two subpoenas in the above case haviug betn returned N. K. 1., you, the said Sidney E. Douglass, above defendant, are hereby required to appear in the said Court ot Common Pleas, to be held at Butler, Pa., on Monday, the 2d day of June, 1890, being the first day of next term of Ci»urt, to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why a divorce should not be granted the said Thomas Douglass. OLIVER C. KEDIC, Sheriff. Notice in Divorce. THOMAS DOUGLASS ") Common Pleas ot vs. >• Butler Co. A. D. SIDNEY E. DOUGLASS J No. 5, Sept. T., 1885. To Sidney Douglas* and all whom it may concern: Pursuant to my appointment of Court, bearing date April 17th, 1890, as commision er to take and report the testimony of plain tiff to Court, notice is hertby given that I will attend to the duties of my appointment on Tuesday, June 3, 18^0,at 10 o'clock A. M., at Ihe office of S. F. Bowser in Butler, Pa. J. W. HUTCHISON, Commissioner. Orphans' Court Sale. In re, partition of the real estate ot Anthony (joldinger, deceased. Orphans' Court of Butler County, Pa., No. 7, March Term, 1889. Pursuant to a decree of the Orphans' Court ol said County, bearing date April 17, 1890. the following real estate, late of said de cedent, wilLbe exposed to public sale on the premises in Parker Twp., Butler County, Pa., on Moi day, May 19th, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., to-wit! All th t certain messuage and tractenf land, Bituate in the township aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Harvey N. and Curtis R. Ward, on the south by lands ot Washington Campbell, ou the east by lauds of Eli H. and Rob't W. Shakely, aud on the west by lands of the Union Oil Company and W. T. Sedwick'* heirs, containing lUO acres, more or less, with frame house, barn and outbuiliugx aud good orchard ot fruit trees thereon; all under fence and in a good state of cultivation. TERMS OF SALE. —One-third in hand ou confirmation of sale by the Court and execution and delive r y of deed to the pur chaser, and the balance in two equal annual payments, in one and two years from date of the confirmation of sale, with interest on the whole amount, payable annually, to be secured bv bond and mortgage gage ou the premises, ttaid boud aud mort gage to contain an attorney's commission of live per cent, as provided by law and rule ol i ourt for the collection of said deferred pay ments. JAMES C. GOLDINGKK, Trustee by appointment of Court. Bruin, Butler Co., Fa. S. F. BOWSER, Att'y. Auditor's Notice. Fatton Bell and fln the Court of Common Margaret Bell vs j Fleas of Butler Co. Fatrick Gardner ' et al I A. I>. No. 15, Dec T. 'SB April 7, ls!»0, petition of Fatton Bell for leave to pay iuto Court $337,(10 amount due defendants, after payment ot costs of record, and that au auditor be appointed to report liens aud distribute fund in Court among those entitled thereto, presented, and on due consideration, we direct the fund of s;«7.iio to be paid into Court aud appoint A. L. Bowser, Esq. auditor to report liens against the interest of the defendants and make distribution of the fund to those enti tled to the same. BY THE COURT. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of my appointment in the above entitled matter on Wednesday, May 14,1890, at 1 o'clock p.m., at my office in Diamond Block, Main St., Butler, Fa. AL BOWSER, Auditor, Estate ot George Brown, aee'd, LATE OK CONCORD TWP., BUTLBR CO., I'A. letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted l* the uudtrsigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, aud any having claims against stid estate wi II present them for settlement. MARIA J. BROWN, Ex'jt, Greece City, Butler Co., Fa. GEO. W. FLEECER. Att'y. Executors' Notice. WHEREAS, letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate ot S. W. Shannon, of Franklin Twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. I A. W. SHANNON, < Prospect, Fa. (.JOHN P. RAPSON, Executors. Executor's Notice. (ESTATE OF J. B. Lojfii, DEO'D, LATE OH FRANKLIN TWP., ILL'TLER CO., I'A. Letters testamentary on the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons kuowing themselves indebted to it will phase trake immediate payment, and any having claims agaiusl it will present them lor settlement. ROB'T McBRIDE, Ex'r. McCandless P. O. j W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. ONLY TOO WILLING. vr -■ \ "1 know that I am no match for you in wealth, weight or 1 ..... '•/ hoctal position." "I know how unworthy I am of you, too; hut may I not |pL ■ hope that .some time—someday— * i / ' Yes," >he averted, lifting her regal head; "Someday, \ -X why not now. lam ONLY TOO WILLING" That you should compare our gools and j rices with those ol any \S——- ' I : dealer, and then decide whether you do better e'sv where. We are willing /> - ~ - \ V . because we know that we have the clinch ou every other buyer. We sell for fj y , \~ V j V \ Ie», becanne we buy for lw?. -»>- WE \Y AXT YOU -o- To buy whore you can do best, ami if we can't do better than any other tirm, we are willing to see you go away but we knowv you ii not; for we can aud will <ij better, because we offer better goods at lower prices. Come and sample our goods and WE LL \i vsvi-: y< »« H^ppy With bargains tuat are at the top notch of cheapncrs and value. Other* may claim to do as well by you, but we do all we claim, crd perform every promise we make. Are you willing to lend us your ear? We will'pay vol. bigger interest ou ihe lo:ii than you could get on hard cash. We are better on the trade than wo are on tbe" talk. But we can tell what we know so that you can understand u->. Are y»u willing? U'e doctlt stretch things when we say we have tbe krjfest room, largest stock, greatest variety aud sell at lower prices than any house in the whole county. Al! tbe iate.-t novelties and standard goo .Is will I e found in our 'ate arrivals of spring and summer styles in mens', boy's and children's fashionable clothing, bats, shirts, underwear, collars, cull's, tics, hosiery trunks, valises, satchels, umbrellas, overalls, jumper jackets, jewelry, watches, chains. c!>arm<, cuff 'and collar but tons, t-carf i-;ir and finder rings, breast and lacp pins, brushes, bandinirror-, purses, bill aud pocket books, combs and hundreds of - tii-r articles yon may stand in of, all of .vhich we gua-aatee to be correct styles,' choice fabrics, sure tits and lowest pri.-e- We always Ii id people willing and eager to bay iu the cheapest mark et, and having this sprim.' secured speci 1 bargains in every department, you will fiud us ready and willing ONLY TOO WILLING—to render promptly, courteously and intelligently any need -d or desired assistance in making your selections. \V, are ONLY TOO WILLING to show goods and quote difference whether you wish to purchase nr i,. ! Come iu at your convenience or earliest opportunity aud fes.-t your eyes upon our im mense assortment, study our prices aud we'll take our chances on your going away empty handed. Stand by ibose who stand by you! What does tbit mean?" U means that'we have stood by you for years You have stood by r.s, br e you willing to continue? It means help for you. Those who waut to sell goods in our line will have to ne what we are doing, and comedown to our notch. Ifthey do any chin music they'll have to take tbe tutie from u- l! they march they ii h.ive to take up our step as we lend aud propose to keep on leading, and others must follow < r fall We arc not making a bluff for trade; that came is played out. We are stating fact?. The proof lies iu our goods which are leaders i,i every liue. It's all moonshine to talk about bigger or bet ter bargains thnn we make They can't be made "Love at first sight" must be the fate of everv one who gazes on our gecds; not only Ucaiire they are handsome but because tbey are cheap in every sense of the word. No. body can beat ux iu stock. Nobody can beat us <■ n price Buy where you like but see our stock before you buy. ARE YOU WILLING ? It will be n-oaey i;. your pocket, and that's what we are all after. With the kindest regards for your very, vely liberal patronag-e in the past, I ara ONLY TOO WILLING to try to merit the same in the future. I remain as ever yours to please, Q m *Jas»fcS3 JhSb wm Champion Clothier, Furnisher and llatter, No - - Duffy's Block, Butler, Pa. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween S. I*. Paiuler and John >'ltl •ri under the tirui name of Painter .S: Sutton at Kuclid, Butler Co., Pa., is this day mutually dis solved. *1 he hooks and accounts o' said lirrn arr in the hands of S. P. Painter for col lection. All persons owing said firm will ( lease call ou S. P. Painter, E*q., and settle the same aud a!l persons having claims against said firm will present the same lor settlement. S. P. PAINTER. March .21, 1890. Jons SUTTON. Administrator's Notice. (ESTATE OF JAMKS P. M'yriSTlON*. DKC I>, LATE OF CENTBEVILIJ! BOKO) letters of administration on the aiiove nam ed estate having been granted to the under sigded, all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to saiil estate will pie.ise make immediate payment and any having claims against s ild estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. „ _ c. l". L. MCOUISTION. Butler. Pa. W. HKNKY WILSON. Sllpperyr'k I'. O. Administrators. _ Notice. Notice Is hereby given that James 1> (Jrahain. assigneee onieorge M. (irahain. tiled his final account as assignee in the oflle" of the Prothonotarv of the Court of Common of Butler county at M s 1). No. is. Sept. Term. and that tile same will he ureseuted to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed nesday, June 4th, l»:io. JOHN \V. BUOWN. Prothou )tary. ProtUonotary's Office. May c, l -SO. Jury Lists for June Term. List of Grand Jurors drawn this 18th day of March, A. D., 18&0, to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular term o. Court, commenc ing on the "id day of June, A. D., I Hartley, Elmer, Penn twp. farmer. Bingham, P. K., Centreville, foun.lryman. Campbell, S. H , Concord twp, farmer. Croil, A G, Brady twp, farmer. Curry, Joseph, Siipperyrock twp, farmer. Dyke, Graham. Counoquenessing tp, l-iruier. Elliott, Charles, Bulltr, 2d w, painter. Fernev, Henry, Butier twp, farmer. Glenn, Jesse, Butler, 2d w, tailor. Hildebrand, Peter, Donegal twp, farmer. Johnston, Moses, Cranberry twp, tanner. Manny, Joseph, Butler, Ist w, laborer. McElheny, James, Butler, Ist w, producer. Osborne, D, Butler, -Ith w, agent. Pisor, Jacob, Mu>ldycreek twp, firmer. Kipper, Leonard, Evns City boro, shoe maker. Roessing, L IS, Butler, ad w, messenger. Shaulfuer, George, Butler twp, miner. St Clair, D B, Worth twp, farmer. Summary, John, Butler, 4th w, teamster. Thorn, A D, Butler twp, farmer. Watters, John, Evans City boro. carpenter. Wormcastle, John L, Slippery roe.; tp, " Ziegler, llenry, Forward twp, farm r. List of Petit Jurors drawn tins IS ii day of March, A. D., to serve as Petit Jurors at a regular term of Court, comm uciiig on the 9th day of June, A. D., I.VO. P.artley, W J, Butler twp, farmer. Bauer, Peter, Summit twp, farmer. Baker, A H, Centreville boro, laborer. Brown, Gilbert, Bald Ridge, pumper. Douthett, W G, Forward twp, farmer. Ekis, Henry, Ciintou twp. farmer. Gill, Hugh, Mercer twp, farmer. Grove, J V, Siipperyroek twp, farmer. (Jumper, G li, Butler, 4th w, clerk. Harbison, W L, Middlesex twp, farmer. Hays, S W, Butler, Ist *, machinist Hemphill, C B, Millers towu boro, cvpiiiter. Hyle, Jefferson, Franklin twp, farmer. Kramer, Wm, Butler, 3d w, livurymau. Kidd, Robert, Adams twp, farmer. Leusner, II li, Jetfeison twp, farmer. Lackey, W J, Oakland twp, blacksmith. Martin, Thomas, Donegal twp, pumper. Morrow, Alouz>, " taimir. Mitchell, W J, But er, 2d w, labor- r. McClure, Silas, Butler, Ist w, driller. McCurdy. F'ank, Brady twp, farmer. Me I loiiald, Thomas, Adams tw p, farmer. McLaughlin, James, Mercer twp. Met Tea, W S, Butler, 2d w, m :re'iau . Pollock, Alex, ( enter twp, tanner. Ptlugh, George, Franklin twp, tin in: Kattigan, Frank, Fairview twp, Kichey, W W, Butler, Ist w, teamster. Redick, Newton, I'utler, 2 I w, labor r. Say, John, Venango twp, farmer. Seatou, W A, Marion twp, Sloan, Samuel, Ven»ugot.>p, farmer. Shakley, J C, Parker twp, farmer. Simpson, Ed, Marion t« ", Starr, A, Penn twp, Stark, A F, Saxouburgh b>ro, puuter. Snow, J <', Butler, 2I », I thort r Sherman, Casper, Butler, 1- w, raoui t« r. Showalter, J J, M.ll-boro, p. , .uoer. Stroup, F I', J! iid liidge, pr > • i • r. Stevenson, J 1., " produ er. Thompson, 1) D, Bulier, l»l w, boarding house. Troutuiau, J H, Bu 1 r, w, merchant. Walter*, Charles, Clinton twp. farmer. Watson, J N,Centreville boro, marble cutter. Waller. J A, Butler, 3d w, miller. Ziegler, A M, Jackson twp, taruier. The New York DftUy Gazette.! A bright, clean daily paper, coil tuning, in addition to the latest news, two first class continued stories In the best authors. A choice collection of the beut shor stories and miscellaneous reading, com me tits on current events, Ac. TUB DAILY GAZETTE is a seveu-colunu. four page paper, and is daily in the L'uiteu States. Sent to uny_ address for $3.50 per year; six months, rl 7~>; three months, $1; one month, trial subscription for a short time only, 30c. Agents wanted everywhere. THE DAILY GAZETTE, Ut» Park Row, New York City. YOU CAN FIND, or in PITTHBt'M'.M :«t tllr A'IUMI.HIIH » | REMINGTON BROS.' alio will contract fur advertising at lumii i_:ea. IT WOULD BE An utter impossibility to mention the one-hundredth part ot" the hirgitins this pipjr. We will mention three and ask you to come in and see the others:— Xo. 1. Fancy wide Percals the regular price of which is loc at 8c per yard. No. 2. Surah Silks that are shown in Pittsburg and other cities at 75c. with us are -"iOe. No. 3. Silk Warp Henrietta* that are positively not priced less sl.oo are 81 even. Everything in oar immense stock at lower figures than quoted or priced any where else. \Ve cordially invite you to call in and verily the statement we now make, that you can save money by buying Dress Goods, Carpets and Fancy Goods at Ritter & Ralston s. PUBLIC SALE. Thirty-five Head of Horses. On Saturday, May 10th, at 10 o'clock A M., I-'lick & Bifkel will offer for sale it their livery barn, on Wewt Jefferson street: OJO cur loud oi the finest Kentucky horses ever brought to this market, composed of matched teams, saddlers and drivers. Special mention of one pair matched blacks 16j hands These teams j ure well matched, iioe drivers, show- ! ing tinf action ci the road. The combined borse.n are all good driver* and firet clftsn saddlers. Ak-o at the | sume time and p ace, their entire ! stock of livery horses, buggies, sur- | reys, carriages, one close carriage, j two spriug wagons, buck wagons, i carts,harness,robes, blankets, sleighs, bells; in (act, everything connected with a first-class livery stable. Also th« bus line to depots, consisting of three bus-es, five horses, harness, one pair of bobs, baggage wagons, mail | route from depot to l\ O. iiurn aud [ lease, 40x60, in good repair,in rear of j Lowry House. Sale positive; rain or j shine. FLICK IT HICK EL, Brick Livery, W. Jefferson St, .1 K euros, Auctioneer. Notice. I 'art if wishing to invest money, certain tn brin}? fair returns, are invited to care lullv investigate the inducements oik-red M- "THE BL'TLEK SALT-MAtfUFAC 'II RING COMPANY AND CIIEMICAL WORKS." The stock consists of 8,000 shares, the par value of which is SSO. For the further developing of the works, some of this stock is put on the market. For prices and particulars inquire of J.\s. F. BRITTAIN, Dutlcr, Pa. Ofhce on Diamond. «» ♦ APC UTCio eauv:iss ri ,r Hie sale or our nUCII I O Jloi'i.- drawn Nursery sju.-k WASTED MOST LIBERAL TERMS. limiiuli'rt ruriililcs. One of the largest, oldest -est M Uhed, and best- Nurseries ID the country. Atldre \ T. SMITH, (irncTi >ur*ery. K<it.iltliilM a «l in linieu, VV. 4 + UMYIKh -Agent* to solicit orders for our v * choice and liardy Nursery Stock. steady Work For Temperate Men. Salary and expenses or commission if prefer ed. Write at once, state A£6. Address, ft. G. Chase & Co." ,'-M !!"•' ( mm w>i L . Writ, it onee r«> I-. 11 »vi - lp4 A I| 11 j u. r.v IJarrj ,h" «--*er, N Y..IIHIIIL&# Mt. llop • Nurseries. Kstatlished I*4o. DIAMOND HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS, FropV. Xew furniture, new fittings and class accommodations. Lively. S'ortli Killc af Diamon (I. JiutUr, J'a. HTEMHLLEI ii OTEI, * No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER> - - I?^.. Vi- tr .New Court House—formerly Donaldson • loa-p--;rood accommodations tor travelers. <iood stabling connected. fc'ITEN WUI I.EK .V LEfBOLf). Prop'rs. NIXON'S HOME, :« N. McEKAN ST., BUTLER. PA. Meals at;all hours. Open all nlglit. HreaKlitsl 25 cents. Dinner 25 cents. Supper 25 cents. Lodging 25 cents, ; SIM ICON NIXON - PKOPTw. YVillard llotcl W. 11. REIHING, Prop'r KUTLER, - 3^^. STAIt I.IStI IS COSJiIXTIOX. SAHI I k tIOOII for COMXKUCIAI. TEAVEI.F.KS I "V- l.lVEin IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) IIEXHY L. BECK. PKOP'B. J. 11. Fai bkl, Manager. Butler, Pa. Jordan's Restaurant All our readers visiting Butler will do well to go to Sam Jordan's restaurant for their meals. We serve lunches, soft drinks, tohacco and No. 4, S. M«in St., under Schneideman'a clothing store. Livery Stable For Sale. The undersigned will sell hi* livi-rv stable, in the rear | fc'l j ol' the Wick Uouse. eonsist in.'«,fhorses,buggies,aleighs, pV s M harness and every thing per k» ig thereto, and lease the li irn for a term of years. M.v reason for lliiif-'is that I wish to devote my attention to oilier business. ALFHEIi "WICK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers