Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 02, 1890, Image 3

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Sellaul Bros. A: <o. s
Clothing* House,
Saturday, May 3
With a aci«a«»l hoe "f Men '. Youth'.- •
|{.,\and i bildren'- Clothing.
Hat- i iru Liuu Trani - t inbrel
ia.'. etc., tie.
,< We cordially fc .L the public U» call an.l
ii.-pect ...»i ili.tk a,,d obtain, grai; , a
No.. 1 houv.nir a- i ntenicuto of our open
!!)■- day We alto •' ould like t<> be fivnred
liy a i -it from Ladie «*!•»'• ially tho-.;
vi ij*. aj 4* inttn oin Boys iinl < bildren.!
.-nit< In this department we will exhibit
.i 11.0*1 novel varietv, as '"ell any
Lou •«» .a the largest eilie*. Let no "Be
fad to * .>ll on ii . i- v. »iii cheerfully
how y«u through our e .labaishuient —no
trouble what ever.
Schaul Bros. cVCo.
47 8. MAIN ST.
Rltlkc has a population or alio'it
It in ib? Count)' wat of P. u tier County. with
"PO'ur railways, natural BUS. an<l unequalled
fa< lli'lei for manufactures.
Pioifresa everywhere; •>'-'* butliJlngß. new
manufacture*. a growing and prosperous town
U s.-r fE>« U Is. i rain* leave liutbr fjr
IWport. lltalrs ville. |ltt«bur* •■lO are! f»i
a, eaiiao'l |< in. Malts chw lor
incite point* at leoo a. in. and p. Hi; and ar
rive -t l«se x in. ami fcno p ui.
I' S iI.L K. H.—Tialu* leave* for (in->ui
vllle it -,») an'l 103« a. in. aid r,ui p. m MallH
do*. »: »;»oa. in. and P. in. Clo.y'l pouch'-* ,
lorla»>er* llot ir<l and ll!illar<1 at I'M |>. in.
Malls arrh- at ififi and «:W p in.
I» &W. U. I£. -Traiiii l<-a-.e Duller for Atlc
tUi,j atlM,>:L',indl«a in. and l:So ar;.l
;-.*i u m lorl Ue north at 10: SO a. in. an 1 .r,',
p. n: Mali* '-lose lor the \V<-»1 and South at
'.via. in tor PluaourK ami the Norllt a> :r.in
a. 11-. lor local points w-nt of Call'-ry at
ii in. For local potnt* South and lUl.hurtc at
: in p. in and for I-itl-huJ*?. "il ' tty.Barabart s
MiiK « iariou and l'o.,l»urjf at V:i> p. m. Malls
aril.' Iroin anil iwal i.-iiiw we«t oi
rail r. at '>»« a. ni : Irom 'ill • Ity.
l:.rnl.ait'*> Mllla. < larlon. I ..ih'irg and 1'*..1
a in. ; from I'lllfcburg and the Ka-I al l£'f> p.
11l trull! I'IH hurg »rid the .Nort ii .t UH p. in.
M'li > f"r lo'al |<o!iil» t<"-twei ii and
I a!l< I> ' iov- at l'i and p. in.
!Aa ll'rtTr" I'ally mail for Mi. I'heaiiitll
aril",:»:a II a.m. and leaven liutler I' O. at I.'
Hi. Daily ui :l to .Vifth Hoi»e. Hooker an<l
otiier piilnt. art at ll :i- m. and d' parts at
im p. iii.
Money orders can 1«* aeeuied at. the no.-i
otllt' at. H'lU' r, froK|ieet, Bunkiury " : "V'
vine i'. <1 y. Ml!ler*tovrn (Karnhart Mil!*),
< entrevllle (rtlipp.-ryrii k), Petrrilla, Kami
1,1. l l Renfrew. The fee ll IHC '•'!«*
I'r ill - iirin un ler e.i.is for »l" or
< n-. P'iKtcJ iiuLtm wtii' li are no ihl-i than • o
iiMim > . a-, they ai« iinule payable to
aiiji.ody cost :i cenU lor t., or le»h.
300 X ETIESi
l.iK AL ASSEMBLY - •!«, of I.a
bnr, tneeU every Friday night in the Car
penter* and Joiner* Hall, third floor, HUM;I
- building, W.K. M. (jLUSH, Kee. Htc
Now AdvortiscrncnLs.
Jury for June Term.
1 In k A Ilickel'ii public itale.
Hebneiileroaii'a ciotbing.
llueeltoU H boots and alioed.
lilackmsre A Orieb'* booti ami 11101 .
NoticiM in Divorce; Dougla-ii vs. I>oug
la Kepler v<. Kepler,Simtrio vs. Nimuio.
Martlucoart A bugifie.i, etc.
McCatcben, tncrcbant tailor,
itorri tun'.i ii • < ream.
Htore room for *ale.
I'ure-bred for .ale.
A card.
Surf.— All advertiw-r* inteuding U> make
i bangeo in tbeir ttd - should nollly n > of
their uiU;iidnnf to do no, not later than
Monday morning.
For County Superintendent.
Election Tuesday, M*iy <>tli.
Of Milleratown.
')f Karns City.
<»f Cherry twp.
F W. M.»#;*>!,
<»f I'ronpect.
M A. Sl TTOJf,
Of I, van* City.
Hamukl M. MKALM,
01 WiMkiiiKtou twp.
111..1 *l4 uituuiiUH ia 111 ouinr
Pasture i- v'HtA for the sea.ton.
Knit oy.iler, welcome ice ereaill.
—Decoration Day will >OOll be here.
The flshinf tiuio has come, gentle
—Home of our neighboring town* are al
ready making preparation* for lln ir Itli of
July celebration*. "Eel tbn eaffle
—The thirty- eeond Ceneral A senibly
of the I". I". Church will meet in tho First
Church of lluflalo, S. Y., May "ltli. The
delegates from Cutler county are IJcv.t.
Kerr, Clark, 1111 brie and Hruiulen, ami
■r.i 11. Miller and I'obeit I'arron.
—Tbern i-'ii t .my money in piintiu/ a
1 ountry new, j.uper -wo know that by sail
experience, and our only consolation i" ill
the lact that iu tho ne»t world country
editorK will wear crow 11,-. of gigantic pio
pi.ilious and a double »••!. of wiitgi-. \
profound tbeolo/iau who hat made a 'tudy
ul the subj. ft say* '<•
'l In dear «irl who n to lie (jUeeh of tbi
M'O', iliaiiiin.'i, will not have to v.. ar a ,1 al
»kin *ai ijuc, plifli overskirt, rubber-,a knit
hood and iariy all umbrella this year.
The indii atiou'. arc--judging from the
weather w< ire having no\, tbnt he can
ll«. it t'>i tli in lor white gu aiii'-r and
things and rcigu a beautiful bt-ing. Only
.'be won't do that sort, of thing in Ilutler,
bi-i-n• t Hi it ii not the custom here, it j.,
all well enough to play the little May
I|neen and May pole racket, with tcrp-i
chore,in aceompainment, in Kugland and
Ohio and other foreign countri' tl.it have
110 other amuMUieiit.s to speak 01. but 111
i'cunjflvaiiia? lib, no.
drink - are on tap
—<ir»tM* milk ia ibe new tipple.
—The U ~le 111 t—l- 1
Aprß sLowerj .u.k-3 gra•* '•••'«"
—A par ago- i biingin? I'atti price
- (*»r }o> it K'Uttlrf
j a laW.i li«*Wcr id llit- late 1
| j»|t • *lf« Vf- a;»il ld!ni UJ» t.«»iiari arc
: hifih
i irmij Ar<* «»fU-u i)4e f*»r
j '/ray hair*.
*-it i anl lii.lt Uu-llj lit* ill .' ||«KT » "will
j r»4M hrnA* lie.
* mywfi tub* I* ■ J " d<Hibt«u
—x». two uikle- ar« ehaped alike, a
, ; 1
j V doctor i bald headed m« u i-ldoiu
I '»lll*' ililDtll'. '
—The l«:n-I"U of pet' > Ue-ttlllUg
been intieaced.
—All the merchant tailor* of Duller are
crowded with work.
—yunisi'ii Will pell »'.c cream at the old
price-. H* '- hi: liiitkiin in tbi- pi.per.
—Tell yoU« boy if who roam the wood
tbat if they «e an empty < m to -bun it as
they Would a rattle-oak'
—Cleunlinei : next to <>odiine .
wbitev.a Ii joar cellar wall.-, and clean up
the cellar
—T ii" ice ' i cam v a oii lot. o|M-iied, and
the dude are quaking at the price there
It J .tid ibat -O; heavy loiuU of
nitro glycerine have lately be. u hauled
through town.
—Ha\e a care for jronreelf ju-.t now, lots
of people are irk of cramp and other in
ward misery.
--A Ti.ult- l ooio il, to arbitrate l»-t ween
the different trade unions lia.i been organ
i/ed in Dntler.
—The meeting of the Plat- <ila manu
facinr-1 - in l'ittf.burg, Tue.-ilay, was at
tended by a repre eiifjtivc of the works
—After long year., of waiting, John
I Wert, the plasterer, who v.a« terribly rup
tured in the army, hi been granted a
—.Now i the lime to advert: e. It h
better to put your name before the public
yournelf, than have the Shenff do it for
—MrJ. A. M'-i utchen lately of Oreen
! vill, ba* located in Dut'er, and ojieutd a
merchant tailoring c-tabli bment. See
—Constable., art icjuired to return per
i -on* who they have reason to believe are
' celling liijuor illegally. This the court
have dei idiwl.
—filip the geraniums no.. .Slick tin'
ends iii -mall via!- filled with water, and
they will throw out roots. They may then
be transferred to Mower pot .
The cellar liould be overhauled ill the
spring, before narni weather approaches,
e-.peeially Jf it h:c been iK-cil for the *tor
ny of rwit < dm in" tie w inter.
—C N. Itoyd, the druggist, has employ
.•daniglit.cb il: who peal both English
and (ierman, and the store i, now kept
open night and da.!
Take a look at I > ,ipe'.i show window
and judge tthi-lber Mamie i an ailisti.-
window ill' icr or not
—The ceiisu* enumerator.i will begin on
June and their v.ork mu tbe lini -bed iu
fifteen da;.; iu the eitie , and town and iu
thirty days in the country district...
While Eail Daucroft, who i; a car
penter, \va repairing one of the grinding
tuble.i iu flic f'lale'ila • Works, Tuesday,
lie Wa- badly cut by a piece of projecting
—To day will decide whether or not the
Carpenters of Duller will ' trikc." The
Carpenters Union has dei idcl upon nine
hours a* a day's work, and the contractor
are resisting the demand.
—Don't go iu debt. "Debt till* the
asylum, the penitentiary and the nuicideV,
grave. It drags men down not only to
povcity, but to the lowe •!. depth* of vice
and wretchedness.
—Supervisor Male, informs us that the
list of Enumerator for this county will In
sent to Washington tbi* week, and will be
announced as oon a- approved by the
—"Mi <d connections at cillery, again,
and no mail till ulieiuooi, " How monot
onous that remark of the I'. M, h i become
but thank goodness, the new f.i I train on
the Went I'enn, will remedy the matter,on
and after Monday ne L.
—A boy named Harry Moon who was
living with his uncle ('red Met* at Mar
Htatiuii, attempted to jump upon a pa
ing freight train la .t -imida) afternoon,
missed hi-t fouling, fell under lb'- ears and
wot) killed.
—A reward i;i offered for a word that
will rhyme with ninety, by /•."inebody that,
wishc* to make a verse lor the year. We
heard a mother threaten to iipunk a n r
lain part ol In r young daughUrr's anatomy
the other day, the name of which rhyme,
with ninety, bat the word wouldn't, per
haps, do in poetry.
-A nilro glycerine explosion will < I fire
to combnstibli h. The man who (ii t reach
ml Mrs. Edward*' llOllKC alter the • plotion
had to extiugui .It the flame- nf ome bnrti
ing straw and rags iu the debrl; of the
porch or el .- il win the fire that laun-d
the explo ion.
The driukliig done in the Im-eui'-nt of
Ihu t finrt If' Hi-", unit I hf tilth maib ii|
loafers iu and about the buildini' ha* be.
iMiuic an intolerable nuisance. ft i im
possible for a janitor who has charge of
two buildingto lie on the watch all the
time, but somebody will be made an ct
ample of in the near future,
--A newly married man complains if
the high price of "ducks." lie lyu hi
wife recently paid for three •,< them a
duck oi * bonnet a du< kofa di e , and a
duck uf a parasol. He »ny, ucb "deal
inf: in poultry" will ruin him.
If yon notice a diamond . Imped figure
on yottf gate post or ou the w all; in front
of your resiileuee, it sigiiilic* to 11,.- hi .1
tramp thai conn alon/ that mini- i,ni • of
hi* numerous brethren wa . provided with
a "regular food Iced'' the |a t time be
called. If the mark resemble two ibipe
of the letter \, it imply sat • that you • HI
be depended upon for a mall Idle, lint
when the mark Is a simple triangle, iu the
tramp' , language you are "no good" uml
he ill not be iu a hurry to make a i cond
appeal lo your gencrosi'.y,
•\u unknown eouleuiporary remark*:
rhi* i. a lop.y turvy world. No man
•litems lo be -ali i.i-.d. <n,e man is .drug
gling to get ju lice, another is lljinc from
il. One man i.. . ,ng up to build a bou ic
and another i trying to ,el| hi dwelling
for than it coat. One man i pending
all the money lie i an make in taking u fi, r l
to balls, and sending her flowers, in hope
eventually to lil.'lke her hi wile, while his
neighbor is spending all the gold lie hu
to get I divorce, "lie man ' ape ; all the
disease , ihut man is heir lo and get'- killed
on the railroad another goo ; through hall
a do/en wars without a scratch and dies of
the whooping cough.
Another Glycerine Horror.
About half pa t five o'cl ek of Wedlie
day evening aftern.'-on, the people of Dot
j ler were .-lartlcl by an eipl.. ion that
; . hr~.V. th.- bou-. ot ih« outbern part
1 (be tuiAU. The c ei|iliiiiiitu bale lIcCOUIe
of euch frei|Qent w turrence that but few
pi-, pie paid any attention to tbi on. but
' | tho t in the vicinity of ili«. E Iw.trd -
lioti.i* on the hill, along tb'- plank; road.
e knew that tbi- explo ion had occurred j
there and hastened to it.
The enc there was enough t" make
r one * "blootl run eld" . the porch on the
w.-t.ideof the bottle wa< demolished.
1 that side of the hou a- w.i and
•what remained i-f Mrs. Edward*' body wa:
i buried iu the debris of lb. porch Her
limb.- wcte bl' ii to liagments, bci
clothing was turn oil and aa- I) ing iu the
* hall, her eves were blown from theii
b*« kels. aud her body waa blackened. One
j hand and pait of the arm v ere b.nnd lying
in the yard a few tardi di taiit, auJ lbe
body- of bcr pet black cat was lying about
' twenty yardi from the hoii.-;t in the same
: in the kitchen everything wa? upset ex
cepting the .;tove, in which there was no
j tire, aud a pet canary in a cage banging by
the hlovc was singing away a* thojgb
nothing had happened.
The closet under the btairway, and the
fctep* were ahattered, part of the weath'-r-
Iwiardiu. 1 of that . iile of the bou e was
, knocked off, and Muall bits of tin were
, sticking in it, and broken glass was scatter
ed over both floors of the home.
A* -• -on a po -ible the body was placed
' in a coflin and taken to ISev. London's, and
the bou was nailed up, •• be .de the
back door which wa blown to piece , the
f front d'xir at the other end of hall had
i been blown out, and nearly every window
on the lower floor shattered.
The announcement that there were syne
i empty glycerine cans in the cellar helped
to witter the large crowd that gathered
around the bou ;e.
i Mr . Edwards lived alone in the bou: c,
anil her death, aud tbi - lii.-a-ter. were
caused by the eiplo.ioii of an empty
glycerine can. There i a magazine tor
nitro glycerine iu the valley ouih of the
hill, aud it seems that the -hooter-, to save
theiii-'-lV' an cilia trip to it, have been
hiding their empty can* in the fence comer*
1 back of her house, along the the plank
road. The <• can* are aliout the size of
1 and somewhat resemble an tin painted
maple syrup can, and a few days ago Mrs.
Edward, found three of them in one of her
fence comer ami took them homo. Two
■ nf them lie put in her cellar, but the other
one, in which she noticed a little of the
fluid, be krpl in the kitchen aud u ed Hie
stuff ou an aching tooth. It made her fcick'
1 and on Wedii' day morning she consulted
Dr. Graham, told him where die bad found
the tuff and also that she
believed .somebody waa try
• ing to poison her, anil be told her to put
the cans back where be hud found them
What happened jut previou ; to the ex
plosion—whether he look tbi.j can to the
we t door of the hall aud dropped il on the
porch, whether it wa- landing there and
she threw iiouicibing heavy upon it,
whether he was carrying it and dropped
it or bumped it —no one can tell. The
can exploded, Mr . Edwards i.. dead, and
the house U battered.
That evening Coronii Store,, being
absent from town) 1. sj. Walker empaneled
a jury and begun an iuquc t or invc tlga
tion to uncertain, il possible, who i> re
sponsible for Ibis fatality, by reason ol
leaving these ian ■ where unsuspecting
perilous can reach theiri.
The evidence of Dr. (jrabaio and hie w il>-
w an taken and then the ease wa •. adjourned
till tbi.) (Thursday; evening at H p. M.,
when it will be continued and the guilty
party or partus* di..covered, if powsible.
Mrs. Edwards was about 4*o years of age,
ami lie ivas the widow of Kohert Edward ■
who died about fifteen year* ago Her
only child, Dev. Ifobert Edwards, has
charge of a congregation in Philadelphia,
and he was home on a visit to her la-t
r.'T". "|
r- i
D A |
L A w J_* J
NOTK. —A, parlor; H, sitting room; C,
kitchen; D, l>, porcbe E, point ol explo
sion at rear door of hallway.
Another Explosion.
The report of an explosion that occurred
went of town wa* heard here Wednesday
night, about half pant ten o'clock, and it 11
reported on our street today that two
men were killed, but up to the time of our
going to pre no parti' uhir: < otild be
obtained iu town.
Dr. Young'* Lecture
The lecture of Itev. Dr. Eoyal Young iu
the I . P. Church of this place, la I week,
was unique in iis character and therefore
the more interesting. Coder the loading
ol bin subject, '"The Six Key* to Knowl
edge," he introduced as the rix key* the
sii word* or question WbalT, Whyf,
WboT, How?, When?, Where' And from
the di em -ion of the. c lie drew hi urgti
mi nt ! lo ; how the Creator iu all things.
"I In- lir-I great can is leu I understood."
The lloetor's argument was, as intended, u
strong one iu , upport of Iteligion and
1 Clirj, tinmty a- ttgaitinl Infidelity. All
who ii Leiicd lo hi b e!ure felt iurlructed,
: uml con lidering the Doctor'* advanced
I age, he being now in hi. btth year, it is u
remarkable production, mil one whiidi
rlioubl have large andimi' i- wherevi-r de
, lircred.
The Markets.
i nir groci i. are paying "'i for butter, I '
for eggs, 'i i lor potatoes, l.fiO for bean ,
CM lor jiai mips, 1.25 foi onions, -tOc a tloz
lor lettuce All the green stuff now being
I sold in Duller i shipped hern from I'ilt
PITT* IS I It'! Pftiil'lt'K.
Timothy bay from country wugons rl I
lo 11"; mi '.ed buy E); packing hay f7; mill
feed sli> to .{l7; rye .I- lo DO; out • '.<) to lil
■a heat Mil to !«; ear corn 40 to 17 'helled
corn 41 to -II clovcr-ceil .'!.oO; timotli)
seed Mill,
A ppie.i I.VI lo f.i a bid a- lo quality, po
tutoc, oil trui'k -I i to liO; jolibiug 1.1 to 7.1
country roll butter 810 I tie a to ijualily:
' baiidpn ked beans i)dried peaches .'1
i to l, dried appb- ,5j to 111 fresh eggis HI
, ' '■' I. '; dm I. ' ggs 17, go ,se egg* L' >; ct
tia live gee, c feuiber* .'i i. No. 'J, 'M; mixed
l'i albi : • hone , El to I-, i otiulry onion
i .11 •v! lo ;i..">o a Im, uia|i|< -yrup 'JO to f I
a gal; kale l.'i'iu bbl; ipmui li 1.t.1; lettuce
, ■i'l a doz; green onions Jo a doz.
At Herr'. Eland, Momluy, no bee'.ei
old above .»■, the prii es ranging 1 to
dry cov, mid hulls old uL -j to •l'i vc.il
calve,s were'luoteil by V olbrecht at to
: -Ii-
I Nearly ull the dieep and lambs on sab)
were from Chicago Flintier A Stokeley
sold i.old 10 bend oi Duller county luuib*
lo lieilsteiu at loc, and I'isor reported lib
at U to H.
The markel for hog ■ v.is fairly mlive
, and Volbreclit reported eountiy !•••.■ ■ .ti 1
i to 4J.
At East Liberty the demand lor slock
s er.i and feeders ha , increased, and lockci.!
< v, iie i| not ed nt L' 210 il|, and ft edera ul '.-i
, to I
I <lo -.' il Monday at H M, Tne <day
Widni-day HI-.
I —Htiy ilie i'iighinc pule lit nhirt ul ,
j. I'. T. STKIII-IC'U. |
i Toll. Allen »a appointtxl Couot.i De
, tcctive la>t week, ami -tarte.i oil by return
turniilg Wm. A Donahue, the billiard man
bear the Freepoft bridge for keeping a
: gambling bou.»e, or plat e lor gambling.
; The gambling i- said to have been done iu
a deti or box. beneath the tloor of the bil
I Hard room, as the buildings there ire on
.-tilt ■- There were several wars of c '•ap
ing from the den, one of which was by a
! narrow passage way up to the roof, and a
few night-ago the lh.y> got scared and
weut out that way ami t.\cr the r-xifs ol
the neiehltoring bouse*, and while doing
to were -hot at bj* a man who t.hik them
for burglar
Monday next k- the lu -t day for nling ac
tt.unt* bo- June Teim.
l. ii iu.la llowier lia- brot suit for divorce
froiii Jonathan Bow ser.
Wm. A. Donahue was iu jail on a charge
i.f keeping a gambling house, but gave hail
lor Court
The commi. urn. for the new Justice: of
the Peace, nineteen in all, are yet in the
hands of the Kegirrter and Kccorder. Judge
Hazen is not in town tbi - week, and there
fore the bond.- have not been approved.
Tho* W Wigton to J A Stoughton 50
acres in Drady lbr t.ssi.
X Miller to U McEinuey lot iu Conuo
quene--ing for $473
J A Stougbton to John Wallace lot in
Brady for S3OO.
E 0 Webb to K F Brown 14 acres iu
Clay for
Jos Daughertv to Jou 11 illiaid ~ acre ill
Cherry for »2000.
Susan Badger to Mary J Mnrry 5- acres
in l.«ncaster for s>soo.
i. P Davis to Jame-. M MeQuistion 60
acres iu Allegheny for sl.
Jas Mortland to Frank Ambrose, quit
claim of 154 acre in Marion for *I.
Frank Ambrose to Ja Mortland same of
70 acres in Marion for fl.
Encinda Rhode* to Frt.l Stalker lot in
Venango for $550.
J S Wick ct al to .fame Porter too acres
in i lay for S3XM.oO
C Duffy to Mary Moiitgoinery lot in ilut
ler for fjoo.
Th.o HucelUin i* .'r to W I. lieed lot iu
Butler for sl*oo.
John S liodil to J M Elrick lot iu Hani •
ville for txio.
John Keini baclierto tobn D. Motrin. lot
in ltutler for
Marriage Licenses.
Joseph Magerl Allegheny Co
Annie Handig Duller twp
Fred Beruauer liutler lsoro
Lizzie Dininger Butler twp
Robert Bard. Centre ville
Sailie F. II ay a
Jense Dice Lancaster tw p
Mary A. Boyer
John 11. Beigbley Evans City
Minnie 11. Dufford Renfrew
tie urge .1 K'.iufliiian Adams twp
Mollie Pfcifcr Forward twp
Phillip Milleman Prospect, Pa
Elizabeth Bciber Lancaster twp
William Redic Butler, Pa
Viola Grant Allegheny twp
Win. J. Lcoiiberg ..Cranberry twp
Carrie Urubam
John M. Weighs Prospect, Pa
Dora Alexander
Frank N Eyth Oakland twp
Victoria I i her Summit twp
Abraham Floweiv Harmony, Pa
Maria Dufford Oonnoqncne ins twp
Wm. A. Seaton of Pore tville hat been
granted a pen .ion.
\\ ni. Ekas ol Kutfulo twp. is seriously ill
of typhoid fever.
Mr. W 11 Mcllvuiri of l'eun twp. will
have a sale of personal property next Tues
Mr-. Van Eiiimou and daughter lalelv ol
Virginia, are the guivls ol Mrs. liiikey,
and intend locating in Urove City.
Rev. S. S *iil .ui ot Pittsburg, one of
the editors i.f the I'n ibyt- iian Jtiiniici ,
wa- in Butler, Tuesday, iu the interest ol
hi* paper.
Mi. W. D. liialidou and Mi.*,.. L<-l|e
Lowiy are, m Wa.ihington, D ,as dele
gate to Presbyterian Mi ,-ionary Conveii
John MeMarlin ii now on. of the teller*
of the Saving* llauk
Property ISLdes.
Mr. (jeorge W. Ziegler, Jr. ha. begun
building ou his lot t,u Main rit.
Mr. Brymer ha.> staked out a houi><; on
hit 10l ou We.il Pearl Hi. and will build
immediately. He was offered $l">o0 for the
Adam Weitzel is building a slore-reoui
ou Centre Ave., Spriugdule.
Alex. Borland is building a residence on
Walker Ave., Spriiigilale.
Oil Field Notos.
The Butler county oil li' Id are uiiu-uul
ly quiet this week. The Myoma w ell ure
keeping up their production, and u tew
new well* have come iu.
J h Patter sin's No 'i, on the Cha* Yonng
readied the -.ami Thursday night, and
started oil at 'J.S barrel uu hour.
S.'iiilli Uife >t" Co'< So. on the Caspar
Fchl made I • > birrel • the lii t ;'l hour,
The well at Mourn villi i yet doing >•
barrel an hour, and nine rig are going up
in thai vicinity.
W E Griffith of Pitt '.burg sold one half of
hii iiitcic I. in the Wild wood well to the
Forest Oil Co. lor 015,000
h 11 llUse!ton sold some intereats in the
Hundred foot field Tuesday, lor a round
•n ni.
A rig i going up ou tb c A mbro.'e Put
II I oil fai in, Concord twp
The spring wi-ct influence we view-
In verdant field aud bursting bud,
Eikewi e we ce the russet shoe
Now .crap*- < acquaintance wi lb the mud.
(in Wednesday of this week Dluek
more A (irieb moved their stock of bold ,
shoe , etc., to the .Stein building at corner
of Main and Wayne SC. , opposite the
Willard Hone, Read their new adverti'.c
.—New ISluck and Colored iSilkH,
H ali ii lthailiiincH, Kuliii DCIJUXOIIH,
HuraliM, Moiren, tiros (IrairiH utiii
I'uilleH, I ie«t makeH uml warranted to
wear, pri<-«» lower than cl»ewhere ut
Prohibition Convention.
'there will he a meeting "l the I'lolnhi
tiom ti ol llutler county iu the V. W. '
T. C. Room in the Itciber building, Ilutler,
Monday, May IL!, I>".«>, al losio \. n , lor
the purpose of nominating a full t ounty
Mr. Tallie Morgan, ol will be
pic cut aud deliver an addre ni the alter
noon and evening.
All who Voted with lis oil the 1 Hlh of
June lust are invited lo allend tin - con
vention. 11. S. I>a iin-.-tsPKua,
County Chairman
NothlfiK Of 11.
The elatcnicnt u|i|M;ar<ti| a lew
weekH ago in the pa pern thai we in
tended moving into the property 0110 11
JclferHoii Ht. purchuHed a abort time
ago Isy our Mr l.ieghner, which was
a miaiako. We do not intend mov
ing- There ie no place on Main or
■lcHereon St. large enough for our
btiHiiii.'HH. Therefore, an we own the
property iu which we now ure uml
have the lot, Mix 1 'Jo feet, nil covered
with liiiiblingH and tilled with
wagoiiH, buggies, nurreyM, carta, liar-
IN I-H and everything iu our lino, we
intend etaying right here ul :i:i Went
Cunningham SI. Come and nee tin,
S. 15. MAIITINCOI in Co.
Hull* mid liata at
.1. !•' T. Hi.nii.K s.
—Foil HAl.B—'About 175 feel of
I iuclt wire rope. J.N. MINTZ.
[ \l ti. Miller, a w«;iltl » «* ■!»•!« «1 w.nint
..l V. »*.• . i-* «'■ li.-1.a.l ui
..n tune ai» iu. juit t> J;:«W | . ,t.. it....,
, oil well * on her Uu.l
; -In llil.-iluol iii.-j.ectii.u <-l the allul. •• I
i j Diwiiout li<• pilal ilitl nut re\.-ut iiiik L u! i
i ciiku uattire and the chaiiife <il'irr*;?uli»ri >
1 | lit*-' Vd> llOt \ellljr.l
The I'itulut t ..mini Co a tiriu of!
( i -t*H k brokerj. have failed for sl(>n,ooo.fvitli '•
ii<> Tlio managers claim to havel
' l.eeti f.iiii'lit iii a i liiiifi wheat deal.
J'lie I'itl-I.UMU delectne.i appear U< Lave j
jiieked up Ike v;n.ii)i mail whenth#\ arrest ;
ed the colon 1 man AQ»lers>.u tor the Tar !
eufuin murder, lie will I.ATE uri tr..utile m
proving that he wa-in Tndiatfa Pa at the
time of the murder, lie leit the American
I Uoii.se "ii ihe 14th Pecerolier ami went
to the Kititer where he remained
r till the and a= the inaider was com
mil ted ou the 23d, he wa<s evidently not
une > I ihe that committed the deed,
bo suvs the Aot that town.
A Wert Perm brakeman named Mai iou
, Adams of Freeport fell from the train
while helping to ui.ikc a running switch at
Allegheny Junction on Friday evening
and wa.« beheaded by the wheels.
United btale.3 I'liii.er- airebted Jour men
in the mountains of MißMftpt Co. la.-t
Friday t"«»r counterfeiting. The men bail
been making ailvi r dollars an 1 half
dollars, and their die - v. ere captured in
! in their • abin.
l»r K. r>. Aialohail id Allegheny 11.Hi j
niited suicide by idnxitiiig Liliittell last
ll.in. .In -. It. McAfee, an old Republican
editor uf lir.i-ii Imre. l'u , died on j
1 ,il;i'. .
tie". «liugeusiuith and John Welsh Welc
killed by the esplo iou ol a boiler at the
Ktna mill in New Castle. Wednesday of
last week
At i.ne id the leading dryg'>u«la stores in
Franklin a lady ordered a spool of thread
delivered al her residence and that after
j noun two of the men clerks, assisted hy a
trong hut cheap boy, tool; it to her home
!in a ized wheelbarrow. The pro
cession was an impressive sight. The
I arrival ol' the convoy with its prei iuus
! Ireight mast have been a proud epoch in
the life ol the i|ueenly and airy purchaser.
Bloomshurg, Kentucky.
A. W. Goueher, who formerly attended
school in Butler, and who i.< now located
at l'loomsburg, Kentucky, in a recent let
ter to bis brother, 11. 11. Goueher, Esq.
thus describe the growth and pro-perity
of the town ol Uloomsburg located in the
famous "Cumberland Cap " of war hiutory:
This town is located at the foot of the
Cumberland mountains in the extreme
; outhea ti-ni part of the State ofKentueky.
The location and fccnery cannot be Bur
pa- led anywhere. From the sammit of
these mountain «n elevation of •nine 2 'IOO
fei-t one may command i ('rand vie*, and
it i aid that from this point the eye may
rest ou seven states. I'iub-r (be pinnacle
of the mountain that ri -en above "Cum
berland Gap" is a cave called "Kiiifr Solo
mon's Mine," tint recently explored and
which, it is aid, in many respects excel*
the great Mammoth Cave. Before the
railroads were built this Cap was the na
tural gateway from the ea.t and west to
the smith This wa. an important point
at the time of the rebellion. The breast
works of Foil Mf-ClcHail ami other forts
may till be men as reminders id that
great struggle. Northern capita! has been
attra. te.l here by the rich deposits id coal
and iron ore and other minerals, a.- well as
by timber and lumber.
The growth of this town has been mar
velons. Hut little over one year ago
where there was but one desolate farm
hoiiuc there in a town today comprising
fully GO OO inhabitants, with electric lights,
i treet railways, waterworks, paved streets,
brick blocks, hotels, school bouses, halls,
ami scores of business places. A hotel has
just been completed at a cost of SIOO,OOO.
An iron lurnace to cost $1,1)00,000, and a
tannery to cost SOOO, OOO are under con
struction. The mountain tunnel has been
completed and trains will run through
Irom Kuoxvillc iu a few days. This con
nection will afford a main line from Vir
ginia, Tennessee and Georgia to the West.
The Southern stale, seem to he develop
iug rapidly and new towns are springing
up everywhere. There is much room for
improvement. Through thi part of Ken
tucky and in many part of Virginia and
Teiim- .ee there are largo traits of land
which a lew years ago Were cultivated
fields, are now literally covered with brush
and saplings. A majority ol the houses
are con -tructed of log., and the inhabitants
appear to he too shiftless to either improve
their houses or lands
There wag but one fall uf .mow here la.-.l
winter and that only remained on the
ground a day or two. There wan no hard
freezing but there has been rain, rain, al
nio.it every day nice la d fall. Laud that
wii comparatively worthless in this see
lion a year ago i t being laid out in town
lots, and sold at good price;.. Some town
lots are selling ai high an from S4O up
f .oo per foot front. It is a booming town.
Our sales ol Broadcloths, Flan
nel Suitings and Hress floods liaye
been larger thin season than over.
Large slocks ami low prices ilo the
L. Stun k Hon.
—Take your children to Xuver'u
(iallerv for I'lctures that will Huit
you. Anderson building.
—Our Block of Mimicry, Cloves,
Cornets, Bibhons, Laces, Ac. in al
ways kept up to it h well known
standard of excellence
L. Stun A. Hon
—Do you care, to Have $lO to S2O
on a single buggy or wagon, s:'i to
$lO on a net r<f harness. If you do,
then go to Martincourt St Co's, ;Jf»
VV. Cunningham Ht.
—Hce the new Vandyke Point
I.ace in White, Black and Cream at
Ii Sticin At Hon'h.
Examine i.ur stock ol Cloaks
and WrapH before purchasing. VVn
can pave you from two to three do!
lam on each garment.
11. Hi i.iN .V Hon.
Lnrgcnt 11 no of fine baby
can ingcM ever brought to Itutler at
J !•'. 'l'. Htkiii.K'h
; Flannel:;, Blankets and Vanis are the
bent goods in the market lor service
and durability. We have them.
1,. Htkin AL Hon.
ilighee.t cauh puce |>aid for buck
wbeat al Oeo, Walter'rt Mill, 15til
ler, I'll.
Fluent line of l''ur .VlulfM and Uoaa
ever fhown iu tbin city. All ipiali
tieH and prieeH at
Ij. Htmn <V HON'H.
Eon i^Ai.K.—Ten Heaps of pure
Italian been lUi|llil'e ol
W. H. Mouuib,
llutler, l'u.
'lake WlltcbcH and i locka that
need repairing to I Wcigand in VV 11 -
lihiiih' Jewelry and Munic i t ire, and
baVi the In repaiied ill go »d otylc by
a nkillcd woikmuii.
A \ T I-, l.h AI K i*l ill . low .
\ V I'll I !|>l II I .11 111
l>usitji'>.H in iii • - In-: ft iili'tic-e
lli.it I lit l I'llull In s: i\f li> tills
i*.iniillll.■ 11 v . lit I .I . I h ii'jr
i:l Ujij.l i i'lllti ii.
lliakt' it -|i< .il i lie ill 11 if
bu.siii»*>s jni»|u-r ;tiiil ','ive it our
; entire time ami |>ei>onal at-:
: tent iou. We hainJle only the
: <>l r\ e-rvlliinu, in our line
ami guarantee tin- purity of
everything heariui; tin- name
;ofo. N. liovn. We have no!
old EStoik tlntt ha.s btoo'l lor
years, hut all are pure
an<l lit sli. I'hvsiciou s Pro-1
.serijitious reetuve >peeial at
tention. Il we ilo not have
what you want we frankly tell
you so and will he pleased toj
secure it lor you on short no
tice We a.<k a share ol' your
patronage ami feel sure you i
will le pleased with our meth
ods of tloiiig business, and wej
can save you money. Your
interests are best served at 1
our store.
C. N. l»OVi>, Druggist*;
J Kamond liloek, liutler, l'a.
New Merchant Tailor.
Mr. J. I! McCutchen has opened!
a merchant tailoring establishment
| on Main Ht., near the Diamond, two!
doora north of t'lcclaud X llelrfton'si
j jewelry Hture. He has a nic<» peleciioD 1
j of goods nnd gtinranteei» a jierfect fit.
and equal to any. Per-
I sous wishing any thing in bis liue will
find ii to their interest to call upon
■—lce urcaiii at last summer's
prices at Morrisoa's City Bakery.
Eggs for Sale.
Ki/gs from the following pure bred
fowls for setting, Wyaudots, Ligbt
Brubnias, Plymouth Rocks, White
and Black Leghorns. Price $1 for
setting of 13 eggs from auy of above,
W. 11. Moituis,
No. 7 N. Main or 107 W. Pearl St.
(ireat Insurance Companies.
It requires study for one to fully
compreheud the magnitude of the in
surance business. However, it is not
our purpose to write an array of l»e
--wilderiug figures, but to note with
pleasure the old aud powerful com
pauics that protect the homes, busi
ness blocks and other property of our
citizens. The Guardian Assurance
Co , of London, has u i.-et:? amounting
to $21,839,753
The London AB.suramo Corpora
tion, organized one hundred and
seventy years ago, has assets of
$17,662,(513. The Insurance Co. of
North America, organized in Phila
delphia, almost a century azo, repre
Heuts asHets of $9,071,696. Then
there is the Continental, of New
Vork, having $0,'J17,77.'»; the London
and Lancashire, $L009,846; the
Hpringlield, of Mass, $3,410,983; the
Franklin, Pbil'a, $3,174,357; the tier
mania, New Vork, $2,965,136 and
the Orient, of Hartford, $1,836,722.
One of the largest financial institu
tion in the world is the New Vork
Life 1 insurance Co., having assets of
over $105,(100,000, being thirty mil
lions more than the Bank of Kuglaud.
These companies,affording absolute
protection, are represented by
L. E. AftHA Mb & Co.
Pine cakes at the City Bakery.
Full line of hats, both stiff and
soft, for summer wear at .
J. F. T. »S'i bhi K'S.
Duii'l buy a wrap until you have
examined our immense stock and
learned our astonishingly low prices.
We are overstocked ou certain styles
and are selling them below cost.
L. Htein & HON,
Home made bread at the City
Prof. Loiscttc's Memory System
is creating greater interest than ever
in all parts of Ihe country, aud per
sons wishing to improve their mem
ory should send for his prospectus
free as advertised in another column.
Full line of guitar strings, banjo
strings and violin strings at
J. F. T. Hi Kit I.E's.
Plush Coals and Jackuls, Fine clolli
Jackets and Newmarkets, Stockin
nette Jackets, Misses' and Children*'
Wraps, Latest styles and best made
goods. We guarantee to save you
money on these goods
li. Htkin AL Hon.
lce lor sale at the City Bakery
Large stock of I! mbrellas in Mo
hair, Gloria anil Silk with gold, sil
ver and natural handles for holiday
trade at L. Htkin At Hon's.
—Girls tricycles at
J. F. T. Stem. it's.
—Uho 1 >oubin All O. K. Horse Lini
ment, best iu the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J, C. Ittfifi'K,
2 IH-.ini. No, ft, N. Main Ht.
Butler, l'a.
—I co cream furnished in auy
i|Uantity, for parties, by the City
—Confcclionery aud fruits nt the
(.'ity I'.akcry
—Qui tars, violins and mouth
organs at -I I*' T. Stkmi.k's.
. line Double All O. 1C Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world, A
Bure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inllaiued lungs, rough
ness of Mkiil, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. Hkuick,
2-1 H-.'jin No. ft, N. Main ST
I '.ii tier. Pa.
—Williams has an choice a lino ol
Jewe Iry and Silverware us can be
found anywhere, anil defies competi
tion in price.
Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Try to induce yi.ur neighbor to
take The Citizen.
—J. J. Keiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and atockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him Lock BuX 9-ti,
Itutler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Uelber, Jefliirvon Sl
\ elocqtedes, rock in;; hones,
wag ens and wheeil.arrows al.
J F. T. Stem i, K' t.
Advertise iu tho Citizen,
OHti Grain-Saving, Time-Sav
ing, Money-Saving Thresher
of this day and age.
?TPJIaS More Points of Exclusive
| ■ Supeiiority than all others
aV ER Y Tbreaherraan aud
Farmer is delighted wiib its
marvelous work.
:'%"||oT only Superior far all kinds
* H. S of Oiain, but the only tuc
' » cessful handler of all Seeds.
ONT IRE Threshing Expenses
(often j to 5 unies that amount)
ro-j.ie by extra Grain tiaved
[ITB KIHKMANSHIi'. Material,
I i J and Finish beyond all
QI bKA TO R owners feet the
be-ot jabs and make the most
n|NCOMPAI<ALiLfc; tor bim-
I plicity. Efficiency and Dura
aEYOND all rivalry for R-pid
VVoik, Perfect Cleaning, ar.d
for Saving Grain.
B EQUIR.ES no attachments vr
rebuilding to change from
Gia».i to Seeds.
1 » 1M BROAD and ample Warranty
W « given on all our machinery.
HjKACTIOIJ Engines Unrivaled
j m Moteiial, Safety, Power and
OUR Pamphlet giving full in
formation, sent Free. It tells
about this great
□EVOLUTION in Threshing
Machinery. Send for pam
phlet. Address
Boot tV Shot' Store
The Centre of
Large lots of liue Spring footwear
arriving daily, comprising tlus latest
patterns, liest mikes and by long
odiiH tho lowest prices in the town
for stylish and reliable Boots, Shoes
and Slippers. Our store is filled with
choice bargains
It Will Pay Yon To Come aud
the wonderful surprises in beautiful
styles and at so small a cast.
It is a duty every man owes to
himself and family to invest his
hard earned money where it will
bring ihe l»eat return. Hence we say
to the man who has the desire to
obtain his Spring and Hummer Uoots
and Shoes at prices which are un
doubtedly the very lowest come here
—come to us. In full assurance you
cannot do near so well elsewhere.
No Matter What Kind of
Boot or Shoe You Need,
lie it a good strong shoe in Ladies'
at 7;' i cenu to #I.OO or the finest iu
the town at sl.2;>, 1.50 and up to
and $4. If you want serviceable
heavy shoes in Men's at 1 o cents, $1
Credent ore arid Brogans; it you want
fine i hoes in Men's you will find
the-in at sl, £1 25, $1 50, $2 aud up
to sfj.7s. The finest styles you ever
beheld in ('all, Kangaroo, Cordovan,
Veal aud Lull iu Button Bals and
ttor special low prices, handsome
styles, the tremendous stock is
already Ihe talk of the town aud
It needs only to lm known what
great bargains we are offering and
the crowils of people who have pat
ronized us this Spring, anil still iu
crca ing as each und every customer
is an advertiser.
Our Boya\ Youths' and Chil
dren's Siiocs
admit of no comparison. Our Irade
therein is wonderful; the reason is
We carry everything for Boys' and
Children's footwear; are chuck full
of pretty shoes iu heel anil spring,
black or fancy colors.
Our line of Ladies' Oxford* and
Slippers by far the largest in the
town; prices lowest, styles the hand
somest, in black and fancy colors, at
50 cents, SI.OO, $1.25 and *2 00
Wo have same price to all. No
auction or old job lots sold. You
are sale in buying Irom us Drop in
and see u i.
n. a nusKi/roN.
No, l f N. Main St., I'utltT, l'a
.Minj'l' \l«» i hur.ibl' , l <iiii)HiM ;tl ,iu*l ivr
nvl in iif w•t"i * . li«> tCI itMi. ch '»» it rnmly
i>ii- ijiurki i.
Sun llilln, Sliluifli' Mm liltiri lit*) I'rrnH* *, uiid
Slit inl.ini Jin|* I« iim'mli ; « ji< tall
A Ii J''AUQUII Alt CO UuiltOtl.
;.i|»'l f«.i llln l'« nun) ItanlM 4ir i Ifiill iiml
lr.il. 'l * .ittil i in- Uoikx, VOltk, IU
Snnilary I ) ]unil)t*rs
Ami (Jus Fittorn.
i.i. i i l:ii i |,i
S uit I'ipo,
(iitri Ki\tnrc*H,
H lobcri Jin<l
Nlllllrul <«iim A|»j»liunc« :.
.Ii ll.'t iin Sl.,</jiji. liiiu Uoiim*
U' I V T|i'lll Saleimcn to Sell On
\l ;1 .> I I Jl'. (jtiolce Numcry Slock
vil iraiiifiiiU etl in t « ii» tiooil
•uluri' all*l *j>« u i- i, «»i .» I»lmii .4 mill
nil mil |*ui*l. .No rx |>**l lent «• lli'Ct! i nrjr
Writ♦*» l"» tiTin fivintf And «ei ur»*
votii « hoi« 'fiTrilorv
ii L. KMUUT < 0
100 I'uiL Avenue, •'« !*, N. W
Our Stock of
Men's. Boys' fi Childrens*
Is unsurpassed in nu üb.-r and variety of n• v •yl '.iill prepared (or tliij
spring seesou'a trade. s '
\V KOFF K K -A X IJ Xl{ L V A.L Kl3
hi«m • I -nits tr.'in » hlch any one ran uiaWe a selection tu please them.
.Mens ;iihl outlis' Suits
In l>lu- k and fancy worsteds, wide-wales, cheviots, serges, casbimerea. etc,
I'o particularize and describe ia cold type our flock for the entuiny
-i .ou i:- ve r\ impracticable, and would really HIH \\er to no purpose. Snob
a di-.-rri ptiuu would convey to \oj uo i<li .< til what our stock ia like. To
appreciate it you MUST SEE IT
Children* ( 4 lotliiai»- in (heat Variety.
- child'* fciiit over $4,
H. Sclmeideman
Leading Clothier and Furnisher,
*1 S. Main St. - - - Butler, l J a
i |
We want to inform You that it is our
time now! We were hampered
long enough.
10f> S Main St., - - Opposite Willard House
\\ c I hive the Liiryest Stock
And we Are going to make a noi.se, and no one can atop up, ami to
start off with we lire going to make Ilnmo howl with our hard hits.
r lT<> See It In TO Buy.
A l.adieH Hue IJuttou Shoo, Pat Leather tip, worked button holes,
m at iu;d ptylish, AO ctf».
Another Heart Breaker: —A ladies fine Don. Oxford, tip or plain,
. warranted solid leather at 70 centa.
/.< 50 cent* Eiiuujh! Yes, Indeed: —We have the liueat Opera lot
blipper for fill cents in the land We want ynn to ace it. We want yon
to buy it and try it. 'v
48 cts. Our Little Mischiol. 48 cts
Is taking the trade hy storm. Think of it. A child's spring heel alio
bright Don. Kid, sizes ij to N, price only 48 cents.
J fare You Seen 'l'hem' —Our men's but, coog. and ba'.s. at DO cents
p:iir. We have a better one for sl. and $1 2f> pets you a beauty.
Our Men's Fine Dongola Shoe: —ln Cong, and Lace at $'J, has ii
i e«|ual and are the very beat Htyleg in the market, iu fact are all fresh an.
new goods and bought at the lowest market prices.
And know we can do you good. We cau save you money on any footwe;:
you may need and give you good, honest goods.
| Haae Imll shoes for men and boys. Repairing done promptly, Boo'
and shoes made to order. Itox toe boot a and uhoea always on hand.
Ail Orders by Mall Promptly Filled.
The C.isli Shoe Store.
I 'Mourning" Bonnets & Hats! |
Silk Xuns Veiling,
Mourning Flowers, i $ .
Mourning Ornaments, i
Mourning 'Silks, I. £
Mourning Ruching, Is B 4
H Ribbons, Crapes,
'pi). I. PAPEII;
S |No- IH.H. Mix iixHt, HU r IT„KH. I'Aj! J
I'm tie . ur luii)' to invent money, certain
In liriitk '"« icturun, mo invited to tare
fully iuviMlii'uUt tin- iiiilti<->*iiiontM offered
by lilt. liPTLKIt KAI.T M A N'KI'AC
II It I.Mi COM I'A N V AN'H <ll KM 1C AI.
WOKKS " Till! Htork coiiM'.tM i'l 8,1100
i lmrci. i In- pur vuluu ol wbirli i 4«>o.
I m llin luither developing i'l Ihe work ",
'•mi' ill lln tin k i pill on Hi" market
I <>r prn i i mill purl irnlur. impure «>f
JAN. I'' UIIITTAIN, llutler, IV
It(!ire mi lliiimniid.
UHiilN mim Mill.
Itl Tl.lllt. |"A.
1 ltliiiilt« IH. 1 luiiik-Ih aii«l Ynrri
<1«»I I'lirc IC (■ I -
l«'i l iiuiily Woul.
WE I INN HI (WILL TU In itrtcily all wool
Kllil lit.tll rlili 111 mi v ill lit-r polfiitlllttl Uinli rul
il •-I 111 d>4»ll> Wi- 'ill W li*ill ill* i'l l.'lwll,
1 ;i lilt<l |»l !«*• (limit t»« «l fl« •' I" dfHiffW (»ll
.I ll'll'il l(»fl l>\ tl»i« 11.
tft*4 n 11 i) .\r**i*i" ,o N>lirll «*r»i« i i fur our
" i II MiKl lii«ril> Mil "fry M'M k.
Mimlj It ink Col I iirrfrllr 'I ri«|»i-r»lr *'H.
>4 j ~ v ii 1. t tiii»ii-^i-i> »f pr« f«i
»il \\ ill** "it* c. hl.il« Afii Atl'lftJWi.
ii. G. Chase & Co.'*";
ITiHM J krftoAGEiiTS i
AKHHU Hauini Bend your own,mill .Mu t
of nil i««ik nitonln you know mid we »iii ■•<>>
\ou a ropy firr. KKANIVI.IN NKW 'l' ,
VJO ciirMtniit HI,, riiii*. l I. i. i
A- .11 1 • &
[. P p I|TCI" CilllVllSH rnr I |U- Mill 'I
/IULII I O Home liroMu Nurtiet \ I
I tui|ual«<l rartlttlra One ol I lie In ■ I
lillli-hl established. UUd I*ll. Nil! i 'l. 1 1'
III> country
AUdre-m IV. &T. SMITH, litm u Sm>. 11
I «I■ I.llit la ISI# «lr*ria. > \
— ♦ ,
übrlilKcd l<iinonary. Exclusive i mi .i.
Kivi?n. An liidualrloun man ca<> find prim I
,nd lucrative employment' MiOila t»ool T 1
M- Klioy &«X».. No. 2 bUtli reel. I'llt-tlmi li,
Tk Mew York Daily (tone.
A bright, clean dully papn. cnnUiiiug,
in Uildlllon lo the latent new ft, IV. > l,r»t
c-In MM continued nt.irien by the be i million.
A choice collection of the be i hort
utoriea mid inlscellaueou* reudit. ■ i-iUl
menu ou current events. Ac.
Tilt I>AILV Ci AZKTTK IS U bOVrll column,
four page puner, UIIU l» tlie • heap. I daily
in tlin I uited fcjlalen. Soul to un > tnidrea
Ini s.l .'to per year; aix month.*, II • • ilueo
in iHIlb a, #l, one month, liial ulirription
lor u abort time only, 30c. Agent < v.uuted
'. M J I'ark How, New York t'ili
All lluil l i rrtiiilrml It go«"l|i| a ||Tf
• I..iraclrr AU.L <viilnitfii"«l loHIB I Lll
U'.11.. U 111. UL one- lo kll»a> ■■■ I fir
FRR I Karri, lUclwiltr, N. Y»IIBIllHr
MI. llu|>C Wur»eilr». L»|UILI lie I 1 I\