fepER'S If?/*! . CURE fltck Headache and relieve all the troubles nc dent to* bilious state of the system, such a* Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiueas. Distress afu*r Pain in the Sitle, Ac. While thetr m«>st jvxuarkabie succcflß lias lieen shown in curiug SICK Saadaeliu yet CARTER'S Lrnix Livnrt rv;-« ■rw eauaily TahtaUe in C'onstii«nti' andpreventing thisrun vin-' ■ j ■ disorders of th« st-vach, stimulate tlio liver an l regulate the boweU. Sven it they only cured HEAD Ache thev wonM be almost priceless to thoso i£o sutler from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness d.*« nt en 1 Eire and those who once try th-:n will find STese little pUls valuable in so many ways that Miev will not be willing to do without them. Kit after all sick bead ACHE It the bane of so many lives that heiv Is where we make our great boast. Our pills c ure it while others do not. . CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are vorv small very easy to take. One or two pills make m dose. They are strictly vegetable anu clo ■ot gripe or purge, but by their p ntl ' n , tl ' ,n please all who use them. In vials at ~ cents; jve for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASUS HXBJCISS CO., Sew 7:: i. laalE ÜBess. laillfries. WW !& SssffiaS AAf|TT'Q 5 CONSUMPTION QUUI I q j SCROFULA EMULSION 1 CODOeI™ 8 CURES I ■WastiDgliiscßsea Wonderful Flesh ProiJucor Many have pained one pound per day bv its use. Scott's Emulsion id not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating* properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS tVIILK. Sold by all DrugQitt*. 800TT & BOWNE, Cli. mists, IT. T. r WOLFF'S« ACME BLACKING A PERFECT harness DRESSING. USED BY MEN", WOMEN AND CHILDREN*. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. > LEATHER PRESERVER. A HANDSOME POLISH. IS WATER-PROOF. EVERY Household EVERY Office EVERY Mechanic EVERY stable SHOULD r«>: WILL STAIN OLD a WCW FURNITURE J ar*i*h WILL STAIN GLACB *NOCHI«AW*m a | f/ J€ , WILL STAIN TINWARE s , >ne WILL STAIN VOUN OLD BASKETS time, WILL STAIN BAITS COACH ANU - VOLFF A RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. Ath in Dmjj. Paint and I*3 us 9 FuriiU . . EL¥ ?, Cata^rH COLD .s HEAD FHAYFEVEiVI) S CATARRH & ii'M Hay Fever. K? _ fefii __ Hi a Liquid, Snufl or Pourder. Free from Injiiri usA-i offensive Odor.*. A particle of the Balm Is ipptted InD .lii mostril, is agreeable to use and is quickly at) •orbed, effectually cleansing the nasal pn-sages •(catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions. It allays pain and inflammation, prot. is the nembraii&l linings of the liea 1 tr.>ni additional colds, completely heals the sores and r>-tores the sense of taste and smell, lidi' lic: d results are realized by a few applications. A TROROCUH TRBATMKsr Wll.l. Ct'i: Price 50 cents at druggists; by mall, I'Vlster •d, HO cents. Circulars sent free. *LY BROTHERS, Druggists, W.UTJII St., *. T. Catarrh Is Xot a Uloo<l Discus". No matter what parts It may tlnallv elTect, ca tarrh always starts In the head, HIM belongs to the bead. There Is no mystery of th - ri in ot this dreadful disease. It begins in a r. ,'U :cd •Old. One of the kind that is - are to :.■ bettor U a few days." Thousands of victims know how It la by sad experience. hi.', sir .- 'i l'.aini •uree colds In the head and ea: • •-.' in all lis Mages. S~\ DOCTORS LAKE |p| PRIVATE DISPENSARY. ALJP OFFICES, 328 PENN AVE, —PITTSBURGH, All forni9 of Pelicste sr,d r.im plicated l>ineaees C.-NKI DBKTIAL and SCIENTIFIC iledlia lon are treated at this Dii*pcns:iry w itii ■ -a Ely attained. Dr. 9. K. Luke in a meiubcr of thd al College of Physicians and Sur«eoi s, :iud u oldeat and most experienced S: . AU : in the adj. Special attention given lo . from exreaaire mental exertion, iwil.- : 6t yeoth, Ac., causing physical and n-.catal 1 ay, l.nk merry, de«7>ondency,etc.: also(':>n er», Oair. s, fib, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of skin, ■lood, Lungs, Drinary Organs, ,«c. Consuiiail 3 Bae and strictly confidential. Office hours: to 4.ir. J Itoß o. m.; Sunday* 2t04 p. in. only. Call at u&oe ar address AK. LAKE, M. D.. M. R. C. P. S. or E. J. L« k, .M, D IHMI.I^Y<i;tW^a«SM» PMII.AUKI.PIUA.PA. ta eai . 1,. , .ii m or lota of time from lm i • i i. . •armMe !iy ..theis warn. I. . .* ■ . CURE GUARANTEED. , ••«d An is to »h '. v vl:.' . Sien U In raluil>2r tr • r , |>d thujo W yon ku'iw n 'i. i* Stln r .'i- . MMin»l wandfrinp Teamed in one rea.Jinu. Testimonial fj oni all pArt.i of the jrlotn. I'rr.io-t: a *-ODT raKK, eent on Application Prof. A. Louetio, 237 Pifili Ave. Nc .r Turk. IaiW^STOPPCD.- 3 n Insifis He-s; s K it.r-d fl I • etBSr.KLi:?L J GREAT M, NERVE RESTORER B ''■a./IlmiN.l; M-K.K I I - > cure for Nrrvt stjtction, />. , . /. , , iNrALLIBLR „ .lire, t-' , tft 'r \ first **y * us*. Treatise aa«l li ir., ■ i . 1 FltP»tlpntv.tlieypa,in K .e«,„ r ,»u u ,r i •% received. Semi uamrs. r O. i- , ! ■fltfeud to Ds KI.INI . ; t Arch h DrutsUts. JUICME . . / V.{ ML , 2 y 7 JUDICIOUS AMD PERSISTENT i Advertising lias uiivnys pro'. |9BE auccessful. Before placlajr any ; Newspaper Adyt jSHP LCiID &THO»SA3 f ■BBmnti/ iI'VXMTISIMI AIiXXtS, n 33 E! CITIZEN. MISCKLi.ANEOI!B - Justice maile four ghosts last week out of as many redhandeil mur- | derer-. Hanging is, no doubt, the v o. st use to which a man may be put; but it tviil be a long time before any other punishment ; shall come to be regarded by the public as . adequate for capital olTeuses. • Shall our girls whistle? ' Ol course ti they strengthen their lungs by taking l>r. Hull's Cough Syrup, j -When headache j. ius neuralgia, th. n I comes the tug of war." A wise general j marshals his forces, charges with a bottle ; of Salwition Oil, and the doughty foe lie- • criugiiig in the dust. —Half fare—a mulatto. —Ever and anon turning over a new leal j —the cigarmaker. For purity, strength, economy, and | curative power. Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal. Try it. There is a deaf and dumb man in|Kan sas seven feet tall. This i.- what we might call a long silence. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tin EDlTOß:— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be plad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yotir readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCCM, M. C., 181 Pearl St., X. T. —1 f the world is a stage we suppose it is the sea that takes the heavy roles. —Lusher—My dear. I think I will go out 10 prvorn '- T i-'US Mrs. L. RcttCl get a pair and not po out after the next act. FITS.—AII fits stopped free by Dr. Klines fire at Norte Restorer. S'O tits alter lirst da.v s n<e Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle*free to Fit cases. Send to I)r. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phll'a, l'a. II,. —They say it takes three genera tions to make a gentleman. She—lndeed! What a pleasant prospect for your grand son. —(iuilty conscience: Waiter (at the c l u lj)_Tbere is a lady outside who says that her husband promised to be home early to-night. All (rising)— Excuse me a moment. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by simple means, alter suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufler ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfnlly send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat ami lunij Maladies lie hopes ail sufferers will trv his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those "desiring the prescription. *Mph wt!t co-t them nothing. Hid may p.-o«'c a liless- I' f. wii! j L,-:*-.' address RKV. I'UWAED A. \Vil:-ON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. i m irn aiif! SyjTifiPTi'aS'o' LOST or FAILING EAKROO S I' i i it ffA&fc Scleral and NERVCCB DEEILII \: 6 JiWeaknessof Body and Mind, E&cts t 'JisJtiiililJof Errors or Ixc»i«6S ia Older Tounc. S' 1 ikf, ScbJr &A.>IJOOI> fa fly How ioenisreo ir.\ jt HKIKf I MIKVICLOPSDORGAXBAPIKTBOF riHl'l. AtudclM nnfxlMr.g ItOSK 11tCATXKKT—<l#>«ftu In m titr. ycu t **t'rr trr.m SO Staltfi »tni! •■'•rrlffß Cr.cctrJrs. XTrite th<r«i. i*cMnptl(V BcoV, A»J proofs nalUd (te&led; fr-p. Mitni erilE KtaiCAL. CO., BUFFALO. N. V. B. ts ß. Silks and Dress Q:c:'s FOR SPRING. In there departments we are ofior iuii for this niouib'rt bueinorta a graai njany unusual vaiuea and bargains Write our Mail Order Department for samples of anything in the Dry Goods line you mav be specially in terested in and get the best for the least outlay 50 inch Suitings iu dark colorings, checks and stripes, 25 cents. 37 inch All-Wool Tricots and Cloths, 25 cents. 36 inch American Novelties.checks, stripes and plaids, 35 cents. 50 inch Scotch Cheviots, ia beautiful assortment of various shades of grey and brown stripes, 50 cents a yard; all wool and worth reg ularly 15 cents. Extraordinary valu?. Side Bordure Suitings, 40 cents. Imported Novelty " 50 cents. All-Wool " " 75 cents. In brief the largest assortment of special values iu Wool Suitings, 35 cents to 75 cents, ever placed on sale in any one store. SILKS. Plain Surahs, 19 inches wide, 50c. Gsc 24 inches wide, 75c., worth 24 in. wide, sl. very best goods made. New Cheviot Siiks in Spring color ings, cheeks and stripes. 90 cents. New Austrian Cloths, all Silk, en tirely new fabric, $1 yard. 50 pieces colored Armures, 21 in. wide, 75 cents, best colors; goods made to sell at $1 25 and undoubted ly the greatest Silk bargain ever sold. New Faille Francaisse, Summer Silks, Hubutai Silks, India Siiks, etc.. etc., at prices lower thuu snob qualities are usually sold at. Our Spring Catalogue unri Fashion Journal now ready—freo upon re quest. Ii your naiiie was ou our ttiai ing list f.n- 1889, a copy of this catalogue will lie mailed you also, ll yon did □ot receive a copy last year, write name and eddress on a postn! ca- ,J , and a copy will be mailed Mail t~\rrirr i\ fonturo. BOGGS & BUHL, ALLEGHENY PA, TH BE SHI KG MACHiNES A SPECIALTY. Simplest, Most Durable, Economical and Per fect in use—wastus no grain; cleans it ready for market. THRESHING ENGINES an ™ wekv *aw Mills, Shinult* Machines. Hay Presses, and 'Standard Implements generally A B. FARQUHAR CO , Limited, Send for lllus- I I'ennsylTanis Airrlcultnral tr.ltcd Catalogue. I Works. YOKK, PA. ■ n pUTASI.M Per Year p.nd Expenses 1 ' ISS » is w,| at we are paying We want Fl MFIS I ,1 10C more and v.lll pay Salary and U J' St I U Expenses or Liberal commission from start. A itare O|i)iortunlty for any man wmting a position as l.ocal. Traveling or Gen eral Audit, lor a reliable Nursery that guaran tees its stock. Address, at once. R. D. Luetchford & Co. Nurserymen, Uochester, >. Y. Mention tills paper. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES. (Established IMO. OUR ELEGANT ILLUSTRATE!) CAT- ! ALOUUE for 181)0 will he mailed on appli- | cation. Every Farmer, Gardener, Amateur : or owner of a lot should have one. Orders for flowers and floral emblems j have immediate attention. Telephone 239. | John H. & A. Murdoch, ! 503 Smith field SI.. VITTSIi VlKl H, PA. j s2ms»r. ssss I 111 19 ■lf IhJUKO. A. MCWT.New York CiO , Mifflin Street Livery. ! W. G. BIEIIL, Prop'r. One sqaare west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe horses;! new buggies and carriages. Landaus (or weddings and funerals. Open day and nigbt. Telephone No. 24. Hotels and Depots, W. S. (Jregg is now rnDning a line j ol carriages between the hotels and | depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone j No. 17, or Rave orders at Hotel ; Vogeloy. How! Livery in Connection.! New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39, W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. I Christinas Goods for Everybody. A splendid line of fancy and use ful articles of every description. Match safes—in brass, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet cases,manicure sets, shaving sets, gloves and handkerchief boxes in leather and plush. Odor cases in leather, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, vases, per fume stands, and an endless variety of fine goods, which most be seen to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and cheaper than ever before. The pub lic is invited to call at REDICK'S Drugstore, next to Lowry House. Examine our goods and get our prices. Our readers will be pleased to learn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. His hogship is quite a hog and he weighs 80,000 pounds and cost $ n,500, The building that encloses His Majesty is 154 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Butler twp., on the grounds of '"The Butler Salt and Chemical Works.'' He is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready great things are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, lull and oversowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven't room lor hall our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns i:i every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to Si per double bolt. Examine our Stock, J. H. Douglass, Near Postotfice, Butler Pa. SCIICTTE iV O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DEALERS IN Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, PA POSITION OFFERED. If you are in need of a good paying position and think you have the qualities of a good salesman, you will do well to write us at once. We will pay good commission or salary and expense* to a good man. The position we oiler is a permanent one. Ad dress at once, Sklovkr & Atwood Nurserymen, Geneva. N. Y i r, j#» month mid expenses! We actually t*s lillP aj tllls to our salesmen. OUTFIT i i Sill rItKK. (an start you at once. Send! W F w Otur i.'i ins to Al XTiy MlAtt. nr»f-r>man. ItorliPKtfr. X.T IGEKTS WlNTED^^ruuMu'nffTSSS! £% opportunity. A.ScvM. KM THE PEOPLE WANT THEM! HUSELTON HAS GOT THEM! The Good Qualities of Our, Boots and Shoes Bring Ex pressions oi Delight irom the ; Thousands oi Homes \\ here Their Merits Are Known !!! The father id delighted over the lessened bills for Boots and Shoes. The children were active and wore out their shoes ao rapidly until Huselton's Shoes Were i The mother is glad to add her word of praise, for the children and all the family are so much better pleased since they use Huselton's boots and shoes that now Nothing Else will Fill the Bill- We are having a *rreat run on our Women's Genuine Dongola Flexible Button Boots at 81.25, $1.50 and $2. These are beauties and cannot be matched for style and wear in other houses at 50 cents a pair advance on our price. our Women's SI.OO But ton Boots. Nothing iu the town to equal them. The Ladies' Hand-Turned Button ftotnr—lroTw the f»lork to felect from, and the ladies know it. They all go to Ilnselton's for fine, good fitting shoes. Stock larger this spring than ever. Trade demands it. So we have it at all prices and in all shapes, widths, etc., from A A to EE, tipped or plain. Our line of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers are simply grand. The combinations in fancy colors in trimmings are immense, and at very low prices. Stock exceeding ly large. Look them over. Ladies'. Misse.-;' and Children's Spring-Heel Shoes in great variety in black and fancy colors. They are beauties! Men's Brogans and Plow Shoes at 75c. to $1 and $1 25. All solid, fine Shoes at sl—not shoddy, seamless tip bals. Elegant—sl.2s, $1.50 and $2 get vou the finest in the land for the price. You can buy Men's Genuine Calf Shoes at $125 and a dandv at $2. Come and sec! Our Infants' and Children's Shoes are lower in price than ever. New lines added. See our new Dongolas at 50c., patent tip and very tine; 5-8, 8-11 solid at 75c ; these are very fin* 1 . Infants' 1(! 25 cents and up. Chil dren's School Shoes, heavy, 50e. to SI.OO Women's Heavy Shoes *t 75e. to sl, all solid. Boys' and Youths' Shoes, high-cut, spring-heel, or heel, $1 to $2 in button or bals. WE PLEASE ALL THE BOYS! We Don't Sell Any Old, Rusty Job Lots, Auction Goods, or Sample Lots, but All Straight, Regular Goods at Same Price to All! New, Fresh Spring Stock now coming. Come and see us. It will pay you. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa Why Our Success? Because we devote our en tire time and attention to hats and Mens outfitting and those needing anything in these lines know it is to their advantage to come to us. We keep thoroughly posted on all mat ters pertaining to our busi ness. We get our goods direct from the manufactories en abling us to sell atlower prices j than many dealers pay for them. We sell only the best brands of goods in all grains, brands known the world over as re liable. This spring we are in bet ter shape to serve our patrons than ever before, and adding to our large stock daily. .Remember we have but one price and that is the lowest. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S Main street, Butler, Pa. EPIDERM SOAP REMOVES FRECKLES, PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS A\l> EXCESSIVE ltEl) SKIS. Its use renders the skin soft and clear, and gives a trans parent complexion. By mail 35 cents. Address EI'I DERM SOAP CO., Box 143. Jersey City, X. J. W A YfVni Salesmen to Sell Ou. " IJJL/I Choice Nursery Stock All goods gduranteeil first-class. Good salaries and expenses, or a liberal com mission paid. Xo experience necessary. Write for terms, giving age and secure your choice of Territory. (i. L. KNIGHT £ CO., 100 Park Avenue. Rochester, N. Y. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, For Giris and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHIN C SHORTLIDGE, A.M (HAKVARD GRADUATE.) MEDIA, PA., (Jfear Philadelphia.) FOR SALE! I Kill sell toy home atd lot on W. Ptar St. The lot has a trontageof tiO feet on W Pearl, and the liouse contains four rooms, with a good ctllar. For particulars inquire of me at 115 W. Pearl St.. Butler, Pa. ftRS. £. J. IFFT. The Very REMARKABLE BARGAINS JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAW S7RE3T, BUTLER, - - PA., Has t>een opening for the past few weeks have attracted the attention of thousands of eager buvers Iu order that there will be no ditiiiuu.ion in ! the amount of busines we Lave oeeu doing we shall offer our entire st"ck at rernarkahle low fi 2 urea. Among this stock will be found a nice lot of sam- I pie boots and shoes, some winter goods and a large line of spring goods 1 which ate arriving daily- Ail persons wishing to purchase anything in our line now or in the near fuiure would save money by calling at Bickel s, for we are offering bargains which cannot be resisted. I have on hand several cases of boots which lam closing cut very cheap. I have just received a big shipment of mens working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; brogans, t-bees, erteniors, Ac., showing the best selection in Butler county, and prices lower than ever beto»e. Aim** line dress shoes ot ail kinds. A big line of Edwin Clapps celebrated shoes which are all made by hand,cut from the choice skius of Kangaroo, Cordovan and French Calf, made on all lasts and in all styles. "There i» no limit iu our cut of prices " Mens A calf, calf and dongola shoes io button, Eng. Bal and Congress from $1 50 to $3. They are dandies, call and examine them LIA.JDIE© rfilOiilS. Such bargains as these have uever been thought of in the shoe line. These prices afford great limits and capacities for saving monev in this sac rifice which may never occur again. We can give you a ladies fine Dongola shoe at $1.25, another a? $1.50 and one still better at §1 75. A genuine dongola kid shoe, worked holes, finely finished, B toE at $2.50. Every pair giving good satisfaction. A trood machiue turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, lasts. etc. at $2.75 to $3 25. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel aud spring heel at $1 25. This is a great bargain. A misses good school shoe at sl. In this great sale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the same per centage of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber goods of all kinds, short and knee boots in light and heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at the lowest prices. Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing promtly done. N. B. I will give away a lot of fine seed corn called the Thorough While Flint Corn and a lot of good yielding oats called the Earlv Swede Oats These seeds will lie given away on the following terms: All persons calling at mv store will receive free a package of corn and oats. They are to plant it aud oo Oct Ist to 10th, all persons can bring sufficient samples of each to my store and the person getting the best selection of the two seeds will be entitled to a $lO premium. The person h.iviug the second beet selection wili receive ass premium. S-> call and receive a free pack age of our seed ana try V i; ur luck. Yours truly, JOHN BCIKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - - Butler, Pa ' w&M TRUNHST'S Kl \ Ml, . ' ™,S£r ~ FLOfiil ALBUM /- ■ v .j Is not a seed catalogue, but a - . - -. "3* magnificent volume contain -r: " - - ing 7f ; J. f 270 Elegant Colored Plates! Tilts magnificent collection tti Fioral Lithographs liascost ovt>i Tweuty-flve lluudred UoUars and has htretolore M>ld Mt Flay Tents per copy aloue, but to Introduce u and mv seeds, J will now tor a lluilten time oiler to send pastpald by mail, on receipt ot 7;. cents, (postal noie. silver or postage SIP nips) one copv ot nils Elegant l'loral Album and li packets of our choicest and most popular !•'lower Seeds. v:z: One each of choicest mixed Asters.Balsams. Pansies. Verbena. Petunia. Zinnia, l'opm Accrocliiiiiim or Strawllower. Ortinituond i'hlox. Sweet I'eas. Scablosa and Mignonetie. i-ai Mo-ue .urice oi tne seeds aloae la il O'J. yet for lniroduction 1 will mall them all and ;> copy or tiie r.-auiiiu! Album tor '.i cents. : r~l H'AXT A',FN i - IINL w ..l pa\ ilien, well t > take orders among their friends tor this great loiiiolnaiuiu My »e*d catalog) e wUI oe >eut free with ea. h order. Address Isaac F._ Tiiiinghast, Box 63, La Plume, Pa. 510 to 314- Market St., Cor. Liberty St., PITTS BURG. ACKNOWLEDGED THE LEADING MILLINERY AND FURNISHING HOUSE, OFFEIt AX IMMENSE AND CHOICE LINE OF Millinery Goods of Ail Kinds. Underwear, Hosiery, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Cloaks and Wraps, for Ladies and Children. Umbrellas and Parasols, all the Novelties. CORSETS, 115 styles, including' C. P, P. D., Madam Foy's, Warner's, Hull's, Common Sense, Thompson's Glove Pitting', ller Majesty's Ferris' Waists, and 12 sivles for Misses KID GLOVES, Own importation. Hooks or Buttons, nice fresh goods, 75c, 89c, $L sl-25, $1.50, $1.75 aud $2. Gents' Kid Gloves, 75c. sl, $1 13 and $1 50. Lace Curtains. Own importation, beautiful patterns, GBc, 75c, 90c, i>l, $1.50, $2,50 to sl2 a pair. Dress Trimmings and Notions of all kinds. Gents' Furnishings, A complete line of perfect fitting ishirts, Collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Uuderwear, Boys' Waists, Handkerchiefs. and Selling exclusively for Cash we can offtr superior in ducements and guarantee LOWEST PRICES. jJ3gT*Orders by maii receive prompt attention. WE F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters and Newel-posts. SiAII kinds of wood-turn lug doue to order, also Decorated amt Carved wood-work, such us Casing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also FURIUiTUR^ at iowest'.cash prices. Store at Xo. 4> , X. Main street. Factory at No. 59, X, Washington street. BUTLER, PEHNA. J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. ; Ornamental and Plain Slating Ot all kinilSjdone on short notice. Ollice with W. 11. Morris, No. 7, N. Main Ht„ Kesidence North Elm street, Butler, Pa VV ANTE®—Agents to solicit orders lor our ** choice and hardy Nuisery Stock. *)<'.!<•) lVor» For fne rare lit- T. mprratc Men. Salary aud eiixiiises or commission If prefer ed. Write at once. State Age. Addtsss, K. G. Chase & Co.'^^T c-9Ui ■^■■Slmb JCj 9 JL^JhCAdUSTGr MULIIRY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. Soutli Main Street* - - - BUTLER» I CURE i FITS! I Wnau T CruE Ido not mein rm rtly to fctop them fur a time, an«i then have them rd* , tum again, l ueih A i* AJ>U'.AI« CLiiii. 1 Lavb ui&ue U*6 uiccaae ot FITS, EPHJEFSY oi' FAIXING SICKNESS, A life-long study. 1 WAHHANT my remedy to Cca« the worst case*. Becauac ottiers havo failed U no reason for not now receiving acure. Send at ones (or a treatise and a t'UEi hot TLB of my IH*ALUBU£ ICEMEI/T. Give E*J>re«» and Post OflSrn. it cosu yoa nothing lor a trial, and it will care yon. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C.,1 S3 PEARL ST.. Krw ¥"SB NO MORE OF THIS! mm /Mm |p • Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight -vili often slip 'iff the feet. To remedy this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a shoe with tho inside of the heel line«l witl rubber. This clings to the shoe ami prevents the Rubber from slipping c-ff. Call lor tlio "ColohcKtor" "ADKES2YE COUNTERS nd voucaa walk, run or?umpiu them A SOLID——* STEEL FENCE; EXPANDED METAL CVT PHles?*™' SOMETHING NEW RESIDENCES. CHUB'.HFS. CEMETERIES. GARDENS Gates, Arbors, Window Cuaril*, Trellises, Fire-proof PLASTKRIXG I VTH, 1100H It VT-i, Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed l'rec CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO „ HO Wiilrr St., Fitltilinrsli. I*a. wdnirt Si n kwp IU Give name of this pave? - OnonflhppnJ«P IM■VIIIBFF BEST TEL-Bi H|i •• j'hy.'U.'r.rl 'l ' " \ th "ch«»re Alt you h»>eto,lo in ■JS thoH who call— ■vour neigh lion AYE ilOßE^^^ ftnninr ot thi» advtvtiacn.eal A*T4£TH. UALLtTI k CO., i*>« »»«. Poaruisu, "«u« TO WEAK WEN Buffering from tho effect- of youthful errora, c*rly decay. wanting weakness. lost manhood, etc., I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) contaiuing full particulars for home cure. F" REE< >f charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. rOWLEIt- Jlootlus, Conti, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On the ft*nale face, hair on' the fore head, nock, nose, jfj\ ears, hands, arun, cheeks above the beard line and be- tweentheeyebrows /*" i ' destroyed forever by tlio Electric -Jw> Needle Operation Electro Surgeon, \ 502 Penn avenue, A Pittsburgh. Birth .t; i marks. Moles, gf l Warts, Men's Ked I Nose, Enlarged rjKgr'^ Veins of the None, Pimples, Black- /& heads, Liver Spots aud all diseases and blemishes of th« »kin, complexion, hair and acalp Huccessfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has had 20 years' experience in the practice of : his specialty, and numbers among his pa tients our most prominent families. If you are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, avoid patent medicines and consult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make engagementsjthts month. Book free. Engage ments can be made by mail. Call on or address Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 K. 11th street, Philadel phia, or 502 Peun avenue, Pittsburgh, Fa. I Honrs 9 to 1 and 1 to 7; Bn»dny, 10 to 5. STEEL WIRE FEHCE. The cheapest and neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Lots, Poultry Yards, Gardens, Farms, etc. \Lao manufacturer* of Light and Heavy Iron Fencing, Cresting. Stable Fittings, Fire Shutters, Fire Escapes of different designs, aud at* kinds of IKON AND WIRE WORK.J TAYLOR a. CEAK, 203 and 205 Market Street. - PITTSBURGH.'PA. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LACNDKV WOBK IN ALL BRANCHES. LACK CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN ING, DVEINO AND CAR PUT CU4RATG. Goods collected and dafnered in nil parts of tht^fown. AHOREWS AptfTTLEWORTH, PKOyiiii-XOUij. 4 i kS()o : SPRING: -1890 MIW .sl'lil \< i I)If ESS GOODS. AND TRIMMINGS. New White uoods, Emliri"itlei iea, Da masks, Towols, Napkins, Crashes, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Ginghams, Prints, Tickings, and iui kinds of Domestic Good?. I New Spring Carpels, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Rugs, Matts, Druggetts, Window Blinds, Lace Curtains, Portiers, And Stair Rods. As always, we sow the largest and FIXE ST ASSORTMENT At the lowest prices at Ritter & Ralston's. BUT TyyjonrTT-- n I. "I"|TT71 ar<> not the oldest shoe "I") r TTII \y H house in Butler. We I j I We know onr business. * ' J probably the yonug-Jv. -I est. 11. \% T I lare not the richest shoe ~t 'f T We've got enough to avoid % % ri house in liutler, §-~C I , I the necessity of doing busi " ■ * *— ncss on the"hand-to-mouth'- ItAbis. 111. « « y T1 haven't got the larjrcst I■ have a brand new oue yy stock; it may be th»3 £ thut is right up to date. If- TTTTI haven't got the larsesl J\|"T f| u admit thai the leugth of ml' .store room of any .hoc |"v I I I the room bears no relation * * in Untlcr; ours is-* ' v_V _l_ to the quality of the shoes ratlu-r short, sold in it. V. w v 7~~lhavenl pi.l the bi^ge.,t~l j Tf | We uieaa to sell our share o I\. rV shoe trade in the world, I I I I the fine shoes ban died by us * " we never expect to-*—' J have. VI. T7 sell cheaper tliau~|™k~l T We claim that the goods arc \ y IT .anybody else; on the I"V I | I fully worth the price. * " our prices are-" '.V-/ -L the highest ruling, •* Vlt. TTI don't give credit. M'ul 1 ■ ~t try to ileal witL our \ \ fi .must have the money I I I customers 00 as to make * ™ -® the goods. -■_# _L them our friends. VIII. II r | «Mnt to .see you all"! "V f'Tf |Wo wish you to remember \\ I 1 .conn; andjgive usatvial, I\ I I where we arc located. Do ' * "—"and if tooas arc not just-"— ™ v_/ 1- not forget the number, as represented wc will cheerfully refund you vour mi.ncj, 05 S. MAIN ST. WILL REMOVE MAY IST BLACEMORE & GEIEB, J. R.GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GEIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STOBE. KO 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. BSole Agents for Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for Behr Bros. & Co's Magnifioent Pianos, Sltoninger, and Newby & Evars Fianos, Packard, Crown, Carpenter and New England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Strings, Bruno Guitais, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY- Pianos and Organs sold 011 installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and fee us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds ot Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. ' ""THE (jf7^fW^ BAK,NG VViW v UJi aVvS^powdeb Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH-6AN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDERL ,S O ntfL STRENGTH. FULL WEIGHT. AND lS SOLD ON ITS yICIERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS Quarters, Retail at S ct«. COOKS H «ivEß. Retail at 10 cth. COOKS Pounds, Retail at 20 cTa. Sold by al! Croceia. Pound C«w^
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