Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 18, 1890, Image 3

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    ' I ' Hf E OITI^EUST.
Scliaul Bros. &Co.
■i. s. M a IN hiT
.;ti'i « LEK'a ISSUE Tol;
t 'lol iiVt u ITE OF OUR
«»ICA2s 1» dl'tMNO.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
Bittlkr has a population of about 10,000.
It to the County seat ol Butler County, with
four railways, natural gua, and unequalled
facilities tor manufactures.
Progress everywhere; new bulldlnßS, new
manufactures, a gTowlng and prosperous town.
WEST PKKN It. R.— Trains leave Butler for
Freeport. Btairsvllle. Pittsburg at ft to and &30
a.m. and Kffiand KOOp m. Malls close for
these points at 8:0.5 a. m. and 2*6. p. m; and ar
rive at iifcM a. m. and 5:20 p in.
rS. UK It. I:. I rams leaves for Green
ville at 5:40 and lo;io a. in. and r>*» p. in .Malls
close ai ;1 <i a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Closed pouclies
for Bojers. Bovartl and Illlllard at 4:30 p. m.
Mails arrive at 2-J5 and o:40 p. ru.
1> & W. K. H.—'Trains leave liutler tor Alle
gheny at irjo, 0:15 and Ifltau a m. and 1:S0 and
S;.'(| P 111 I'or the north at 10:30 a. in. and .55
I) in. Malls Close for the West and Houth at
>i_„ a. in. For Pitta ourß and the North at ft:4o
a. n . I'or local point* west ot Callery at 1
p. in. For local points South and Pittsburg at
,i:10 p. in. and for PittsboiK. Oil Clty.Barnhart s
Mill '. Clarion and Foxburn at 7:25 p. m. Malls
arrive from Pittsburg and local noluts west of
fallen at BJ«i a. m.; from Pittsburg, Oil City,
P.arnliart"s Mills. Clarion, Foxburg and local
points between Allegheny and Butler at lft:jo
a. to. ; from Pittsburg and the East ai 12:20 p.
in. ; from Pittsburg und the Noith at 1 M p. ni.
Mallfor local points between Allegheny and
Calierj close at 3:10 and 7SO p. m.
St. \a Uhutks— Dally mall for Mt. Chestnut
,1.1, v i at 11 a.m. and leaves liutler I'. O. at 12
ii. Daily mail to North Hope. Hooker and
oiher points arrives Ulli. in. and departs at
ISiO p. in.
Muuit orders can be scoured at the post
oiilccs at llutler, Prospect, Sunbury (Cbulters
vlllr !'. O), Millers town (liarnhart' Mills).
«vnircvllle (Shpperyroek), Petrolia. Kams
Cliy and Renfrew, n.e lee Is live cents
tor all sums under sf>,.B cenu for fio. or less,
etc. postal notes wuicli art! no safer than en
closing monev, as they are made payable to
in.) body, cost 3 cents for f >. or less.
bor, meets every Friday night in the Car
penters and Joiners Hall, third floor, Husel
ton building, WM. M. GLKNN, ltec. Sec
New Advertisements.
hx'i Notice, estate of George Brown.
Notice to Butler Boro. School Directors.
New Wall Paper, W. A. Osborne.
Sehaul Bros. Jt Co. Clothing.
Found—suit of clothe.-..
Buffalo Bo}'.
A Rotable Store.
NIITK —AII advertisers intending to make
changed in their ads. should notify us of
the'u intending to do to, not later than
.Monday morning.
For County Superintendent,
Election Tuesday, MayJOtb.
11. 11. ELLIOTT,
Of Millers town.
of Karns City.
Of Cherry twp.
Of rrospeet.
Of Evans City.
01 Washington twp.
The fas hions arc changing—improving, no
A time for which women have waited;
Anil the sensible female will shortly he
With the skirt of her dress bifurcated.
—May id will be our next Arbor Bay.
—The now explanation of the Ilund'cd
foot territory is that the mud is or was a
huudred feet deep.
—Tho school directors of Butler will
elect a City Superintendent on tho first
Tuesday in May. Sec notice.
—lf a man were so built that he could
pat himself on the back, some men would
tiud plenty of employment.
—During last year twenty-threo girls
were married in thi.j Stato at tho age of
fourteen, KM) of fifteen, 353 i>f sixteen, 810
of seventeen and 1,333 of eighteen. A
girl of thirteen married a man of thirty
—A badly constructed road and a cheap
watch are very much alike. It will co.>t
more to keep either in repair thau a well
mado road or a good time-piece would
cost, and oven after tho tinkering neither
is good for anything. Economy consists
in doing any work properly at first.
—An astonishing feat recently accom
plished is the taking of an instantaneous
photograph of a cannon ball leaving—
mouth of a t hip's gun. Next thing some
one will attempt, to take an instantaneous
photograph of a woman's tongue while she
i • discussing the merits of her unable
neighbor. When that i.i accomplished
science will have reached its limit.
—A < i lade Hun Correspondent says that
n probably fatal accident on the big trestle
was averted by the timely discovery made
by a rig builder named Mays, who, while
walking over tho trestle noticed a railroad
brake lodged between the ties. Tho
brake had fallen from a passing freight
and had become wedged betweeu the
Come out, my lore, this warm spring d»y,
And have a »alk with me;
Let's hear the bluebirds in too au
The bur.-tiug bhe-souis -«•
Altho' 'twere wise t" take your i-kates
And Blater as you £"•
Because ere are e<>mc back
We may have ice and snow.
—Straw hut are blu.-. aiming.
this is the lu_-t month for oysters,
-odd I elltiwship he 7i) years old
I April 2ti.
t.a-.vi.-ii.e count,, h.i.. nil ItahiUi pi.pj
Intinil of S.lXsl
j .- The i i' l'n i.yteiy oi Butkir meets
; i.. llaiii.iilij i.e.; ii
The litile onion i ■ .m..i< >. ■i»l «* jut in
| iu- iillte bed.
; -At Sidie •• i.f e. t. the i'eir.o
er.i: re io.iuoi ite.i \ .1 Kebstock for
j Probate Judge.
Wo heal iiolt the ii I >•! CnU.iUb
tuumoiat..rs i..r the county will appear by
the Ist oi il.i
—lf you havu't tiiuimed your firape
vines ytt f , this year, don't do it; it is too
—l>on't give the birds all the praise,
there is a churui in the noi.-.e made by the
liogn, it you can apprt ciatc it.
—The nuiiibci of pfiug halo Wei a re
murkably r few iu comparison with the
number of spring wiaps worn i.y prome
nailers la 1 week.
—The .Sella ul liros. A. CoV. tore room
is rapidly hearing eomplelion, their goods
are here, and the announcement of their
opening will appear next week.
—There will tie services at the Baptist
Church novl Sunday, morning and ov cu
ing, at the usual hour.-. Bapti an after
ev cniui; services.
—Judge ileii.vana of Washington Co.,
has decided that pumping an oil well on
Sunday is not a work of necessity. The
case will l>e appealed to the 5..,ti...e
—A cerlaiu yottnj' man oi thi. town was
accused of llirtinp in church lately, but
upon investigation it was found that ho
was only admiring the Muster bonnet .
—While John Beets and hi liltle grand
son were fishing in the creek below the
Fair firound last Satnrdny morning, they
found a suit of new clothes, half buried in
the sand. See notice iu another place.
—ln pursuance of nil order of the l\ If.
li. company, news agents will not be per
mitted to sell on trains anything but
books, papers, periodicals and c-igar.'. The
sale of fruits, confectioner}-, ife., will l.e
rigidly prohibited.
—John Kicliolu, the owner of the Eicb
oltz oil farm, and Michael Singer, a mer
chant of Franklin, Pa., have presented the
Oracc Evangelical Church of that, town
with a bell costing SISOO.
—An instrument ha- been invented for
registering the "pulse beat.' An ex
change thinks that what is wanted more is
one that will register the dead beat' with
out littering up the merchants' book., with
his name or the newspaper publishers',
—Down iu Washington c anity llie Pitts
burg Dispatch's expedition stnek in the
mud, but that is nothing; when the expo
dition strikes one of the sink holes in the
Hundred foot territory, it will disappear
from tLo face of the Earth.
—Fine houses nowadays are iucom plete
without the "modern improvements,"
Electric Bells are among the most desira
ble of and the old difficulty ol get
ting them has bec-n removed since the
newly established "Electric Supply Co."
is now prepared '.o pat up anything in the
line of electrical apparatus on abort notice.
Temporary office at I). A. Heck's, >.o. 11
North ilaiu St.
—The new officers of the city of Johns
town wcie inaugurated last week. A fur
niture agent who was iu Butler last Sat
urday said.tbat Johnstown, Bradford and
Butler were the three best towns iu West
ern Pennsylvania. The Cambria _ li.ni
Company, of Johnstown, gives employ
ment to five thousand five hundred men
and pays out to them monthly the sum of
two huudred and fifty thousand dollars.
—Elsewhere may be found the bright
new ad. W. A. Osborne's wall paper de
partment. It will be louuil worth yof
careful reading. Will has a complete line
of the finest grades of wall papers and in
the medium prices—2o cents np—his stock
is as large and complete as ever brought
to Butler. He has all those dainty bits
which no room can be furnished without,
such as engravings, screens and easels,
figures, etc., and a visit to his Jefferson
street otore will imply pay you in pleas
ure and iuonc'3' saved.
—Here is an innocent diversion that may
afford considerable amusement an.l at the
same time is a good teot of one's memory:
On a table are placed forty different a»ti
des and the guests are only permitted to
see tlieni during a walk twice around tho
table, then they must go into another
room anil write down the names of all the
articles thoy can remember. At one re
cently held ono lady remembered thirty
one of the articles, and another could re
member only eight. It is a healthful men
tal exercise to practice at a secial gather
It is easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows on like a aong,
But "he man worth while i 3 (he one who
will smile
When everything goes dead wrong,
For the test of the heart is trouble,
And it always comes with the years.
And the smile that is worth tho praises of
Is the entile that shines through tear..
T-ho Markets.
Our grocers are paying 22 for butter, 13
for eggs, 55 for potatoes, 75 for apples, 1
for dried apples, $1.50 for beans, 11.:■ for
onion ;.
l'l ri'siii/itu euonuc'K.
Timothy hay, sl4 to sls; niiveil hay, .$lO
tosl2; null feed, sls to $17.;i0; rye, ";i3 to
:>5; oats, 20 to 32; shelled corn, 30 to 42; ear
corn, 40 to 47; wheat, fcs to 01; rye Hour,
*3.25 to $3.50; wheat Hour, $4 to $5.50;
country clover seed, *3.2;. to s3.4o;tiinothy
seed, $1.45 to $1.50; buckwheat, flour, $1.50
to $2.
Apples, $1.50 to £5 a bbl. as t.. quality;
potatoea on track, 43 to 05; jobbing, 43 to
country roll butter, 5 to 20 as u> qual
ity; dressed chicken, 11 to 15; turkey, 18 to
20; duck, 15 to 10; band-picked beans.sl.7;>
to $1.80; fresh eggs in cases, 12 to 124; duck
eggs, 17 to IS; goose eggs, 30 ti> 40; live
geese feathers, 55 to t>o; mixed leathers, 35
to 30; cabbage. 7 to 8; yellow onions, $1.25
to $1.35 a bu.; rod top turnips, $1.50 to
$1.75 a bbl; onion set,;, $2 to $2.25 maple
syrup, 9o to sl.
At Hen's Island, Monday, sales of prime
beeves were made at to 54; fair at 4' to
5; common nt i > 1 )ry cows and bulls
re ill large sup
ply and sold at 3 to 4.
Ihe supply of sheep auiMaNUfcs wa not
equal to tho demand. OtuikahJKL ; old
sheep at oi yearlings at.to Hi
amis at rf, and Oar. in said" 1, spriS
iuitiKj at Or. * 0
The market for hogs wa lov Vol
brccht sold mixed hogs at 31 41 1
Crnikshank3 sold Ohio hogs at ij |„
Closed on Monday at Tuesday at
82J, Wednesday at 32;.
—Our Htock of Hosiery, (IIOVIH,
Coraetg, Uibbona, Laces, &.C. is al
ways kept up to its woll known
standard of evcollenco.
L. S'fEIW & fcJoN.
Previous to hanging Carter at Ebeu
burg lu-t -week ili. r fed him oystei
lemon pie, cracker coffee, poaud cake
and orange . In Bellefonte they fed the
inan they hanged on eggs aud toast i t.c
Easton murderer refused to sat any break
fast. And all of them '-died
I here i- nothing iu diet.
A WurteiuliTirg, Beaver county farmer,
saj3 tfc it a queer disease has attacked
the hoi»s in itat neighborhood. He says
tin: di -<-at>d dot not iuipuir their appetite -
does not make them weak <r sick, appar
eutly; it dimply shrinks them up. A hog
vnik in I brink Horn that weight to
IfjO or 200 pounds, <>r maybe less, and all
this without any perceptible cause.
Jiio. Montgomery, Jr.. ot Plain.G rove,
w a.-. killed by the accidental di charge of a
pistol l.i I Friday.
A citizen of bhuiuu \>«o kuutUJ insc-n
sihle and robbed by u tramp a lew day.,
ago. The victim had two ugly cuts on
the head and was found in a bleeding and
suffering condition. The 'Squire befoic
whom the tramp was tried lined him >-
and costs. The Meadville (raseili be
lie .es the 'Stjuire would have lined the
robber twice as much if he had killed his
Saturday was a big d.ir fi.r paying
bounties on fox scalps in Tmnesta, there
being no less thau 22 fox seaips presented
for Ihe bi/iinty, by two hunters alone.
Seventeen young foxes, but a few days
old, were included in this lot, the relent
le.~* hunters digging the young ones out ol
their dens for the prije money.
They make maple syrup over in Trnm
bull count;,, O. A iiarrctlsv ille merchant
in one day during the recent run of sap
took in 3,sin j gallons ol syrup and three
days after, 4,460 gallons, and his daily
average was from 2,000 to 3,000 gallons,
and a great deal of sugar.
A corset peddler called upon a Indiana,
Pa., widow one day last week and insisted
on selling the lady .■■•me goods. The
widow aforesaid is quite i.rnart and
thought the vender looked a liltle too
masculine (or a woman and some of the
neighbor women having dropped iu, con
eluded he would teat the matter. After
getting the company iu a good humor, she
went to the side-hoard and taking up a
basket of apples tossed one to each of the
ladies present, and each of them caught
(lie fruit in their apron, preading their
knees the belter to .iccure it. "When Hie
stranger's lime came, an apple was tossed
iu that diueetion, but instead of catching
it woman fashion, the vender of corsets
closed the knees, man f.i hion, and the
apple rolled to the floor. The lady of the
house then made the charge that the
corset peddler was not a woman but a
man, and after a time he confessed and
then and there was a scene. Four irate
women seized hiinamßuiakinghim promise
to leave the town on the evening train,
thrust him unceremoniously out of the
front door. One of the most courageous
of the females accelerated his movements
by a most vigorous kick, and when he
landed in the street his hair and neck tie
Wire iu a state of disorder and he vent oil
with a limp. Ho wili not soon again
masquerade with Indiana widows.
At the Vallonia distillery, near Mead
ville, there are 0,700 barrels of whisky in
bond, the total tax on which is about
♦200,000. By a careful computation there
are comprised in this stock about 1,26a,000
ordinary drinks.
One of the applicants for license in
Pittsburgh, who was refused, took the
matter oo much to heart that, on hearing
of the rejection of his application, he weut
home and hanged himself.
A new town np in the woods of Jeffer
son county, near Punxsutawney, has been
named They arc terribly
hard up for a name when they adept that
The crayon portiait man worked a neat
swindle on Blairsvillo people a short time
ago. lie had a fine sample with him, and
represented that he must have a payment
on orders of one dollar in advance, and the
two dollars, when the picture
wa.> delivered. lie received about one
hundred orders. A few days ago those
who had given Iheir orders received word
fioin the firm, which is located in Pitts
burgh, to the effect that the dollar had
been received, and on receipt of an addi
tional five dollars would be attended to.
In the Fayette county court lately M. K.
Frankenberry, a member of the borough
council of Cniontown, was convicted of
violation of tho act of assembly which pro
hibits a borough or city officer from being
financially interested in any work done for
or materials furnished the municipality of
which he is an official, lie was sentenced
to pay a nominal fine and costs oi prose
cution, and his scat in council was declared
to be vacant. Tho court added that tho
sentence was made light becauso no bate
motive was apparent in the violation, but
that hereafter any similar offense would
meet with stern punishment.
While a number of laborers were blast
ing rock on I'ittston avenue, Scranton, a
shower of live-cent pieces filled the air
immediately after one of the explosions.
They fell on the heads oi tho workmen
like large hailstones. At first the men
thought it wus a miracle, but when the
smoke cleared away fliey discovered their
delusion. The blast had uprooted some
hi.lden treasure in the rocks, and sent it
high in the air only to scatter over the
surrounding fields.
Some fine timber nuts are arriving at
Lock Haven and William-port from the
upper waters of the Susquehanna. Prices
ruling are, hemlock, from 7.! to 12 cent
per foot; oak from 11 to 23; and pine from
13 to 2s. A raft i>f pine timber of long
length.i was sold to flie Williamspoit
Doom Company for 21 edits per foot.
Eastern papers ay that all the ipari
floated down this spring will be old in
Philadelphia for electrn light poles. The",
are selling for about. |IOO each
Three prominent. Johnstown people
have got themselves into pretty deep
water. Their names are Pubert f . Murphy,
son nt' Francis Murphy, Uenry O'Sliea,
manager of the Moshain Steel Works, and
Mr. Entwistle. It appears that a steel
works, at Danville, this State, manufac
tures street railway iron and have certain
patents which the Johustown people were
desirous of obtaining. The Danville com
pany valued them very highly and kept
their drawings, Ac., securely locked in
their safe. Oil Sunday night of last week
the above parties gained an entrance to
the Danville establishment and breaking
open the .ate secured the much sought-lur
papers and prepared to leave, when they
were confronted by three burly detectives,
who inarched them off to jail. Entwistle
somehow escaped and it has been learned
that he is a detective and had been woik
iug the thing up for *lllOlll h.:. Murphy ami
O'Shca secured bail and returned to John
The crime is a serious one and the
ineiN<avo got them elves into u pretty bad
At Siitervillo. V . Va., Monday, a man
fW years of agi> applied lor a marriage
licence, and got i». ' His bride is 50 years
Burnig a ereuade in Fjaingrove twp.
Lawrence Co. Thursday night V last week,
a musket iu the hands of John Str. Mont
gunery exploded, inflicting injuries that
caused his death iu a hour. ; .
Forty years ag>- John Gilbert and wife
lived on a farm in Snyder county, Pa.
They had two children, a boj- and a girl,
the latter three year..- of age. The g.ri
was spirited away by a neighbor, and all
efforts to discover her proved unaraiiing
Gilbert died and his wife sold the farm and
wus reduced to poverty in the search for
her lost child.
John Mciige-> and his v. ite, who had
stolen the child, settled in Illinois. The
ciii gicW up to be a > .»mun, married well
and became the mother of nine children
Meoges died, and hi.- wile ju -t before her
death t»ld the .- ecrei of her abduction.
Letters Were litlcu, and one of them
lcll into tl.e bauds ol Mi iiilbett'o n,
now ii p*"iiii 'Utg id.ryti t'i Dlv/i'iiilicid.
The lost girl, now Mrs. Kreiscbbautn, came
on to tee her mother, arrived i.« -t FriJuy
and wa.-- greeted by a large crowd ut ihe
The pension ot i'hos. Ale* onnel 1, of
Portersville, has been iucreat-ed.
Mr. Peter Eepple, ofVinfield township,
was in town on business Saturday. He
says, that with good weather, the grading
of the new railroad will be completed
within three months.
Henry Kiecc vas in Sandy Lake last
Hairy lieed visited his home in Tareu
taui la L week.
Ld. Opre lately vi -ited his Uncle iu
Grove Cii _>.
Bertha Bown and Amelia Dialing, who
prevented a train on the West Penh from
running iuto an obstruction some time
ago, were rewarded bribe I!. It. Co.
i.'has and Henry Ko.-euberg, of this
place, left on Tuesday for Chicago, to en
gage iu business al that pla. e.
Prof F. W. Mugee, the poputai I'rihei
pal ol Proopect Academy HiiUoUiiees his
name this week as a candidate tor Count..
Snperinteudent. He has had charge of
the Academy lor some years, and his
friends and neighbors speak of him iu the
highest terms.
David Barto, the Lraiis Cily Hoot and
Shoo man, was iu Butler this week. He
was a witness in the oil case.
Mrs McCatv. a i. t.-r e.f Couimissiouer
Duncan, is dangerously ill at her home
near "Wildwood, Allegheny county.
Cha i. Borland, who is clerking lor AI.
Meek, is on the sick li.it.
Mrs. Al. Heek. her mother and daughter,
are visiting friends in Apollo.
Mr. Walter Howell, of Titusville, is the
gtie t of Mr. and Mrs. Week
Lieut. L H. "Walker and Mi Gertrude
Snider, were married at the b'ir l M. K.
church of Atlanta. <!a., on Ihe 9th in r .
and arc now the cue. la of hiu brother ('.
Walker, Ksi( , of Butler.
Mrs. Joseph Graham of Jefferson twp.,
aged 8;» year:', i eiion ly ill.
Deputy Bevenue Collector Steele w <.t
the l.owry House this wepk.
Prof. S. M. Meals ot Washington twp
announces himself as a candidate i'or i.'o.
Superintendent. He is a son of Isaiah
Mi als, graduated fioiu college iu I&ST, has
taught school for seven years in Butler Co,
and for the pa»t two years has been Pnn
pal ol the l'etrolia schools.
J. Mad. Wick left Batlcf for Kansas,
Wednesday afternoon
Mr. Kicbard L. C. Miller formerly of old
Centie twp., this county, and who with
his brothers left this county in 1851 for the
west and now resides iu the State of Mis
souri, has been buck here on a visit to his
old relatives and friends this w inter, of
whom he has many in this county. He
started on return homeward, Thursday
Mr. J. Ross Haiilin, lately of the Hotel
Boyer, Pittsburg, and (irove Bancroft are
doing the honors at the Lowry House.
Prof. M. Alva Sutton of Evans City
made us a pleasant call, Wednesday, and
announced his name as candidate for Coun
ty Superintendent. He is a practical and
thoroughly educated instructor and makes
friends wherever he goes.
Town Council Proceeding.
At the peciul meeting of Council Tues
day evening, it was disclosed that thu
jTetitions for sewerage were not yet full
enough for action, and the matter was de
layed for another week.
Petitions for the paving ol McKcan,
Wayne, Centre Ave.,West Pearl and West
Jefferson Sts. were presented.
It was decided lo pave Main St. with
Postmaster Eastman reported that we
would bo ready for Free Delivery iu Butler
by the Ist of July, excepting that all the
Lou-, s and -treets were not properly uum
beicd and named, as required by the Act
and the Postuihoe Department. A com
mittee of three, consiotiug of Black, 11 ays
and Borland, was appointed to .ice to this.
Hickory St. in Springdale \.~as adopted
aud width fixed at 40 feet.
A committee was appointed In consider
the plan of lots as laid out by Air. i'erriue
et. al., in Springdale.
some other small matters v.eru consider
ed and thii Council adjourned to meet nest
Tuesday evening.
Serious Accident.
"West Mifflin bt. was the scene of a
serious accident "Wednesday afternoon.
Shortly alter Ed Glaser, a son of Jacob
Glaser, the baker, and aged about ten
years, got home from school, ho and an
older boy named C'hiist Kin-low, who lives
with them, began fooling with a loaded
revolver; the revolvor was discharged, tbu
ball entered Ed's body just below his left
collar hone and following around lodged in
the back of his neck and vet remains there.
Uev. Loyal Young will lecture in the
United Presbyterian Church, under tl.e
auspices of the Young Men Christian
Association, Tuesday f. cuing, April 2-, at
8 o clock. Subject. ''The Si c h<-ys tit
Knowledge, or InlrdeliH
alios." A cordial invitation . itended
to every body.
Br OItUKR I.K C'OilillTTEi
l'roperty Notes.
On Saturday last John Jennings pur
chased the comer lot of the old Piuviance
property at Main and I'enn ;iifrom Iho
Neycuan children for :!~000, and intends
building this summer.
Chu . Mcl'herrin, 1. 4. ha .told hi ■
house in Springdale to J. W. llutchisou,
Esq., aud Mcl'herrin intend goiii West.
Uy Bicderinan sold his house in Spring
dale to Mt 'i. Moore, I'oi 4-1 ,00.
Jno. C. urahaiu made the sale of the
Eydia Oochran house on street,
lo J. Al. Starr, oi I'enn t
Nothing of It.
1 lie BtulClllOUl appealed u lijW
WCekit Ug.) in tin: paporrf tiiai We in
tended moving into tho property on
Jcfferaua St. purchased a abort time
ago by our Mr. Lieghner, which \Vti3
a mistake. We do not intend mov
ing' There ia uo place on Alain or
Jefferson St. largo enough for our
baainuSH. Therefore, aa wo own the
property in which we now are anil
Lave the lot, tiuxl'JJ feet, all covered
with buildings and filled with
wagons, baggie.!, anrreya, carts, har
ness and everything in our line, we
intend staying right here at 35 \Vt*t
Cunningham St. Come and sec ua,
S. <». Mautincot ut Si Co.
—A full line of Spring 1 fata and
Bonueta ut l>. T. I'apjs's.
tiallo and bata at
J. I'. T. Klliill's.
—A line diaplay of neck ribbon at
. 1». T. 1* vpk'b.
—Uirls tricycles at
J. V. T. SXi.ULE'«.
tIVIL C±CiSB DlsfuskO O't fills V'ti.K
t il Weiluild et hi V;, butler « ... 1... fan .k
--| lllg doWll (.fa CcUltiti ill Clealteld 1 j, mulct
I weight Hl' a (ruction ei.giue. April It. ...
diet for plaintiff- for H i
J&uies McLaughlin et al v- John I» Col
lin-. et at ejectment toi lund in 1 .onie..
Tji. This was tho secoiiJ tii.il of thi.. case
and the verdict vrad a c *a:«« for defeudent •.
I«iah Otto - fi.dtri.l Weber. Apiii
ii. ttrl'diol lur dtl«udaut n>i -li. t»vre <-Ue
Uoi •*. >.u.5 wagou. and f.ii the plmntiii lor
four cow.-, one calf, one barrow and one
pair uf l.iddcrs.
W C .... Vj C c'U.l.lle et ul.
cj. ctuicnt lor 10 ot' an oil l. aso ■■■n
il Cfcll.tii i . C.-.aio ii.uui.
slug Tp. Apiil 15: Vtiaiu." tor thj plaintul
for the land d. -eiibt d in tr..; wiit with -ii.
cents duugu This vktiutijr contest
ed case, with 00l Thomj) ji.u, X! l( andh.'.a,
L..v.oi-r, 11. Quibtion and 1-oiqner on or.c
side, and Thomas Mar.-Laii, liraadoa and
Campbell on the other McClelland gave
a lease to I.'. L. Jone.- and oUiorn in ilarch
«.t lss4, Jones et al -..1 d their lea=e to
Hipper, tiiieshuch. bhoup and others, and
they M> I a io the- Christie brothers in Sep
tember 18&9. The Christie liru.-, proceeded
to operutu and l.are one well do n, which
is doing about 10 barrels a da\ but as the
lease ad|oiu3 another on which there are
bonie better will ■ it i= l "u.-idered valuable
property. In May ol liisy, some months
before tl..j Christio Bros purchased the
Jones lease, McClelland wlu. considered
the old lease as null an.l void by reason of
tho violation ot a parole agreement con
nected with it, gave Col Thompson a lease
of it. The Col t«...k the lease in the nam.
of his son W C Thompson, and alter the
Christie's had developed it brought suit in
tiueui. 'the greater part «.t the evidenoe
ollered bj the defendanto in this case vva
ruled out lij the Court The verdict is f.,.r
the plaintifl and the e».-e v ill probably go
to the Supreme Court
Marshall Foundry and Coustraetion to,
limited, vs l; 1! Taylor. Suit for ii.in con
tra< ted f..r t..r the't onit House Verdi, t
for plaintiU's for S--,02-.07.
J It Kains vs F W Leideeker. S.at for
fulfilment *.l contiaet. Ou trial.
iOT La.
On Monday, Ft*. Bcoit, Esq , attorney
for the I*. A \V. It. K. Co. filed the bond
of the company in s6o<Xl and aske.l for the
appointment of viewers to assess damages
to George Keiber for the oj acres of his
land that the coin pain has appropriated
for switches, r. paii ..hop etc
The Jeff Allen property was not sold
last Saturday, be {having paid the judg
Karl Butaer bad summons in ejectment
issued vs F M Fritz for a lot of gronnil in
Fair view Twp.
Align t Steubgen has petitioned for a di
vorce from Eva Steubgen; Luelta Mct'aml
loss from F. arl .\f( Caudles--, and Mary E
Wbitmore from John C l.itmore
All the : ehool duplicates are now writ
ten, and rea.h for ttte school board who
ho il.t send lor tbein
1* .V ."ihaimou lias adopted lilaio IHT ;S.,
daughter of J W Buchanan
The will ot Ceo. brown, ot i'.»ncoid
twp., was probated and letters to Maria
J. Brown. Also will ot' Andrew Lei bier,
no letters; also will of Michael Cypher, of
Winfield twp., and letters to J. Pugh.
Henry Esntman to Nick. Garman l»t in
Zelienople for S4OO.
C Duify to Milo Stephens i. t iu liutler
for S2OO
L A Cochran t.> J W Stair lot in liuLler
for SIBOO.
Emma Eider to W 6 Morris lot in But
ler for SGGS.
J E l'etsinger to Johu.T Marti*, io acres
in Buffalo for $2500.
Jacob Ketterer to John lilt lot in Zelie
nople lor SI2OO.
S II Moore to Sophia Ifl't lot in Zelieno
ple for s9oo.
Wm Bryson to A A Kelty lot in Butler
for S4OO.
S Nixon to W J Roe 1 acre in Butler tp
i'or S2OO.
AN' F Wiakman to Geo Bohu 27 acre., in
Clinton fur SIOOO.
C A Mc Pherrin to J W B-tcliisou lot in
Butler for SI6OO.
A A Ke'ty to J A Sn\ dcr lot iu Butlci
lor S2OO.
Hannah Fieuiming to Anna Atkinson
_5 acres in Buffalo for iOGO.
Sarah Mackey to F H Bole lot iu Butler
fur $22»".
Jas Huzlett 10 Sauruol A Zuiglor 75 acres
in Perm for S2OOO.
G Eeiuhold to Ffauk Alwiue, property
iu Jefferson Tp for $1,500.
it P Shoup to J F Lowry, lot in Butler
for s2oo.
Rob't Watson to l*iek Mangel, let in
Butler for S7OO.
0 Weidhaus to Ann ilary Hull, 20 acres
in AVintield for sl.
Heirs of F. Fisher to Jo.-. F. McCandless
lot in Butler, for $750.
A. L. Shradcr to Rob't. Watson lot in
Butler, for SBOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Robert L. Itilemau Jefferson twp
Adda ii oiTrhead Coultcrsville
Georgo Fislier Jefferson twp
Annie Sehwaltn
Albert Rider Concord twp
Mary L. Hamilton Oakland twp
Antony Johnson Butler, Pa
Sophia Johnson "
George 11. Taylor Slipperyroek twp
Maggie E. Graham Brady twp
Win. H. Wingard Clarion Co
Lizzie Kopp Butler
Win. Kocher Lancaster twp
Elizabeth Bander
G Gorge- E. Harris New C'asUe, Pa
Caroline Meeder Connoqucnes.sing tp
At Pittsburg, Saturday, Apr. 12.18U0, ft.
T. Leonard of Butler county, and Jennie
Swartzlander of Marshall twp., Allegheny
At Franklin, fa., Uiyses P. il. i aniey
and Viola B. "Wilson of Butler county.
At Pittsburg Tuesday, John liometier
oi Pittsburg and liiuina Schilling of Butler
Evans Cit y Normal School.
A Normal arid Business School
will bo be organized ut Evans City,
April 21. {-Undents will be prepared
for business, college, or the teaching
profession. Tuition, £<>. An ex
amination by the County Superin
tendent the last ot June. Special
arrangements for boarding will be
made. For particulars, address
J. (.'. Tinstman, A. M ,
Brans City, Pa.
For Sale-—Ft'esli Covv.
A good cow, and Jersey caif. Par
ticulars cum I"- had at the Citizen
Office, JJutl<'r,.l'a.
—TTbo Doable All O. K. llor.se Lini
meat, bent iu the world. For swell
iugs, bruises, etiffne 's of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore choulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For Bale by .1, C. Klkicic,
2-13-3tu. No, ft, N". Main St.
Butler, Pa.
- Children'*, school hats, sailors,
etc., at D. 'l'. Papb's.
—UuituiS, violilib and lllOUth
organs ut -I. F. 'i'. Stkule's.
Use Double All O. !v. Horse und
Cattle Powders,best ia the World. A
sure and u|«:edy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lung*, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney ii Leases.
For tale liy J. C. Reihck,
2-lb4jin No. ft, N. Main Si
Butler, Fa
—-Williams has art choice a line ol
Jewelry and Silverware as can be
found anywhere, and defies competi
tion in price.
-—A lull line ot white wreaths,
veils and glove- f<»i communicants at
l». T. Pape's.
A full line ol Mourning lints,
llonnita, Veiling ruching, Hand
kerchiefs, Sill: and Kid (lluvea always
on hand ut 1» 'l'. Pape's,
18 S. Main St., Putler.
—Our sales ol Uroadcloths, Flan
nel Suitings and Dress < Joods Imye
hceu larger this season than ever.
Large stocks and low prices do the
L. Stli.M £i Son.
Oil I- lolti Note:
MeKic'o >.o. I i,a the U'm. I shdoll..:
ta.iu Cidiery dioti.it, r. .eLed the and
last Monday, and ;arted oil at io barrel
;tn honr.
I E .dgcrs A 11. S Well oiuUui to til.V. ..
treineuduns aui..unt of -alt Tate>r ..ad
~1. .at i. i-a... i> of oil a d..;
McMarlin i Cos well west . i n..
increased oO In IT els a day.
The Anchor Oil Co well, «n tne Mar
j burger farni, at Callei -tarted ■;lat CO
barrels adaj
il.e Bah on Co'swtllthe awttt i.iri..
Brush Cietk. is utt-j at barr. > -
l.iaudoi. vi Cu j i on ibe J. V. . brandou
faroi as three feet 11. the and, Friday,
and showing good, and iieatei A. to's well
t-n same ta.rui started otl at 20 barrels.
The Harmony Oil Go's well on th. J. E.
Dambach farm was shot with 100 quarts
Saturday, and did not r. pond; Husolton &
Patterson on . .ime f,irm i. small, and the
Tareutnm Oil Co. has dise .utinued ope.
Smith a: Co's 3 on the i ohl farm i-. in the
sand and -bowing good.
lloch i Baruhurt ou the Mali i.. rated ui
25 barrels.
Me< lung, fluid ell .V Coo ,\o. J 1,1. the
oraham heira is rated .»i l< > barrels, and
their No. 1 <>u the Esq tuahatn is howini'
The ilundied foot too well on the Shira
is reported dry; also the Sthlagle on tin-
John Dambach.
S. W Christie's X.. u on the lilt io
showing good
The ciiee well neai Murrinsville wa
drilled through tho sand Friday, and vas
r ated at iiO Wrr..f, a day.
The Forest Oil Co s 3 on the Motrin,
mile east of the Suee or Murnnsville well,
va.- dry in the third and !.■ drilling to
the spe>:chle\
Stevens A: Co. on the Kelly larm, about
3 miles east of Murrinsvillr is expected in
The Burns .- ell on the Andrew W.dker
farm, C'laj Tp., reached the hundred-foot
sand last Friday; the sand was good, and
Bursa was offered S4OO for a 20-acre lease
on same farm.
A mammoth gn her Wa. r. polled from
Coraopoli., Allegheny Co., la t Saturday.
The well i. on the I'epp farm i:< owned by
a Pittsburg Gas Co. and started ..if at 2no
barrels an honr The news of the strike
broke the oil market 2 cent .
Tho Yandergrift well near Grovetun wa
drilled deeper Monday, aud responded at
of. barrels an hour
The Suee veil at Muian-nile wa treat
ed to a mild dose of glycerine Tuesday,
when it began flowing at the late of about
10 barrels an hour and ne:U day was re
ported doing nearly 12 barrels ...J hour.
McKee's well at fallen- n...de 237 bar
rels the first day; Chriotie's No. 3 on the
Henry Enauf is estimated at 75, Christy
Bros, So. 9 (.11 the Ifft is rated at 40; Me-
G lung, Golden &- co's well on the Thomas
Graham wao .--hoi 'r u» -day and is thought
to be f;ood loi* 40. Husolton a: to, on the
E. Dambach is nearly through the .-«od
and the result is doubtful.
Great Insurance Companies.
It requires study for ouo to lully
comprehend the magnitude of the in
surance buoiUuOd. II owe ver, it i.i !...t
our purpose tu write an &iYu.y of be
wildering tigured, but to nolo with
pleasure the old and powerful com
panics that protect the homes, busi
ness blocks aud other property of our
citizens. The (Juardiau Assurance
Co , of Loudun, has ussets amouiitiog
to $21,830,758
The London Assurance Oorpora
tion, organized one hundred and
seventy years ugo, ha 3 aseeto ot
§17,G62,61.3. The iuourancc Co. of
North America, organized iu Phila
delphia, aluioot a century ago, repre
sents &sset3 of S»9,O'T 1 ,GAG. Then
there is the Continental, of Now
York, having $5,217,V7iJ; the London
aud Lancashire, $1009,846; the
Spriug&eld, of Mass, *>d,4lU,9Bd; the
FranM.in, l'hil'a, $3,17-1.357; the Uer
uiania. New York, $2,9G5,i36 aad
the Orient, of Hartford, $1,800,722.
One of the largest financial institu
tion in the world is the >ietv York
Life Insurance Co, Laving 'isgeta of
over $1GO,0I)0,0<MI, being thirty mil
lions more than the liauk of England.
These companies,affording absolute
protection, are repreecutod by
E. E. A uRAMd k Co.
—Fall line of hats, both atiff and
soft, for stmnuer wear at
J. F. T. SiKULt'S.
—Foil y.VLt;. —Ten scaps of pure
Italian bees. iDtjUiro of
W. S. MoutiiS,
Butler, l'a.
—Take watches and clocks that
need repairing to E. Weigand iu Wil
liams' Jewelry and Music store, and
hare them repaired iu good stylo by
a skilled workmau.
—See the new Vandyke Coiut
Lace in White, Black and Cream at
L. Stun & SON'S.
. Examine our stock of Cloaks
and Wrapa before purchasing. We
can Gate you from two to three dol
lars on each garment.
—Largest Hue of fine baby
carriages ever brought to Holler at
.1. F. T. STKULE'h.
Flannels, Blankets and Yarns are the
best goods in tbe market for service
and durability. We have them.
L. St'KfN & SON.
—Highest cash price paid lor buck
wheat at Geo, Wufter's Mill, Uut
lcr, I'u
Finest line of Fur Mulls and lioaa
ever shown in this city. All quali
ties and prices at
L. Sftin & Son's.
New JilatL and Colored Silks,
Satin Kbadames, Satiu lleLuxons,
Surahs, Aloiies, Qios tlraios and
Failles, beat makes and warranted tu
ucar, prices lower than i-isewhijie at
1.. STKIN .v Soii't/.
ivrumer Wiigoii^.
For Ijale at
MAUTIN' (.I AT \ Go's.
Meniila. John 11. it A. Murdoch
oiler specially line Fruit Trees, in
cluding Murdoch's in.-w liigarrcau
Cherry—the finest <>ni ("hoiro
!• lower Seeds, including the Ureat
White California l*op|»y and the
gorgeous "Mexican fire I'lant."
Hard}' roses; lawn mixture grass
seeds; all lhe g'jod vegetable Seed-i,
etc. Uet their new illustrated cata
logue, which wilt be sent free.
Address, sba Su.ill.held St., i'itts
burg, Pa.
—Take your children to iluver'u
Gallery for Pictures ihat will euu (
you. Auderßon building. j
UTE LKAD, others follow.
The rajtiii iueie.t.-e «>i
it> i lie l»» rit evidence
tli.it Oil l ctlol l to ti He I" ilii
< oit.intuiit ,i lic.-t . l.i.v- Dnij'
I istoic i.s appreciate J. \\ e
; lunke it r-j[»«_-ciu 11 > of tin* drug
, Ijtlt-ine.-.s pioj I ,Unl;;iVi It olil
entire time and p<-i <>nul at
tention. \\ e liauu'K* only the
IK >I ot e Vel \ 11Ji11ill our line
and guarantee the purity ol
everything lit.itiim itie li.tmu
<>i t . lloij). \\ e Lave no
old stock thai has &tood t.»r
yea is, hut all uiv jane
and lVti-li. I'llVhieiiiu'ri 1 'iv
tciipti-.iis receive special at
tention, it u e do not have
what you want we fraukl\ tell
you bo and will he [.leased to
secure it tor you on short no
tice We ask a share ol your
patronage and feel sure you
v. ill 1.0 pleased with our meth
ods of doing ho-iiie:;:?, and v.c
can savo 3<>u money. Your
interests are he < served at
our store.
0. N. HOY D, Druggist.
1 diamond Block, Butler, i'a.
—Don't buy a wrap until you have
examined our innnen.-t: stock and
lowrii'd our i ...
We ai'C oVeislOcked on itTlaiu .-IJ'lcS
and hit selling them belo\v ou. t.
L. Si tiN & du.J.
Prof. LoiaeUeVt Memory 8/stem
io t le-ating greater interest than ..ver
in all pai ts of tho country, mat j«cr
sons wishing to improve tic ir mem
ory .i.ould send for his pros|«sctus
free as ndvortis.-d in another eolumn.
Children'* eaps i>i Surah Mn'i,
Swiaa, Embroidered and Conled
Goods at lb T. PACK'S.
—Full lino of guitar strings, banjo
strings and violin strings at
Plush C«.ftts and .Jackets, l ino clotli
Jackets and Newmarket-*. Stock in
neite Jackets Misses' and
Wraps, Lil«*at stales and • t made
goods We guutautve to tave you
money on these goods
i.atge clock of C inlitellus in .Mo
hair, Gloria and tsiik with gold, til
ver and natural handles for holiday
trade at L. STEIN & SON'S.
—Foil S.ALis—About 175 leet ot
inch wire rope. J.N. MIM::.
All the nt « tha.li = in ribbons at
L>. T. J'AI'E'D.
\ elocipedes, roekiug horses,
Wagons uLid wheelhdlfoWd at
J. F. T. SxEllLE'a.
—Hay ihe Lighme patent shirt at
J F. T. SIi.ULE'3.
—Zuver's Pictures leute nothing
wanting in fiuisli, ioue or a Coiiect
—Try to induce jeur neighbor to
—J. J. Keiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraiaers to kuow
that Le Mill deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having uuv to sell
should address hiul LoCft iioX 92t1,
liutlcr, Pa., or leajro with Jacob
Keiber, Jefferson S®*
M. H. Gilkey,
62 a. U.iIX iii'.,
MLbKi* Bl'lLlUNii - - 2d FLOOR.
A Notable Store
Is a store where the purchaser uu . ts with
unvarying pood treatment and i.< saiL
iied that be the be.st good.. :.i
the fairest prices.
A Not-able Store
Is a store where they art; not aide to com
pete in goods or prices, and endeavor
to cast a slur on their better
equipped competitor..
There sire
fctores net able to suit or sali..U the cu.
There is
"Where Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
Now York Bazaar
GO and GH S. Main St.,
ftlfj 2:15?
JSTo. 3,88 <2-
BUFFALO ROY is by the great Mire Pocahontas
liny, No. l.i*o. sire of LuilaU) Girl. liaven
uud 11 ullicfs with records Initer
liiuu He combiner llie blood »>f tbe l'ocii
hi Dtl S - i- .. Rom J. 11 „. MBd in
.'.lii' iit ait tjioJo, -.10! 4. lit. is standard-bred on
i)utU ui.d 1:> registered uDdir the highest
rules in breeding. Hi- is the i isiest bred stal
liua In tile county tunl I lie imlj claliiou In the
ioUllt V 1 \ fiUo ailli OVr-l* lli.il Wits UV.ill'ilcU
picmiuia in UlOod at tUe liutler Co. i au" luoi
I*ll. Buttalu hoy is a nure patted irotter with
out itir, appliances una i rots last for the hand
k tiled. 1 lib oldest o.tl vvas&taileu iu a race at
MlllerslOWnasa (,'iccU 2ear-old having il«t* 1
nui> two Weeks 1 rack vv\»rK, clinging the others
..i,i a >.<»•; gall and getting part of the nurse,
and luKmn in •; premiuUi »»hui • ».» t-howt
ii'iliulo hoy l i blood bay, l<» banda liH h and
weight 1,200 pounds. is I perfect model of a
ii oi roausier. He will be i «un<l at in>
barn during the season of i t*o, •. tnti< .j not lb
tdoCOt I'lodpeet. 1« ii.i -. J-;.
Por particulars and p< <tlj<ree call the i..!tn
or addrc ;-i VI uNZo McCA NfM-Lijr-.,
Isle, Pa.
I tie impoiic.'l Peicheron hirae Moutagu»
v.*ill make (lie season of tbi>) as lolloftrX eotu
meuctUg April fc :;tb: 1 tie l i t thrca: ua\*«.f
c.v> li v... ka< the barn of Alonio MeCaudio ts
in l-'ruuliiin tv\ p , and Mi© n r three
» ach V- nek at the barn "f > « . &1< * and!» s.:, in*
rii t\\ll . 4 milts ue*t oi Sunbur;. on th,:
Hi K'»i altll roa«!. an.l continuing thn dui'in.,
Adi-s i iptlou ot iumtague b •• -1. ).. as n»
H well knort'n In the count. h»* hav ing proved
liUlldelf t tic Ot. »l al.>vK n..t >■' of lit . bic--d in
tile »: altlty.
IfiKMS;— flu to Insure. We make hist* tin;
so i«»* that NO I<i I MII can afford to breed to
rtilei; Or hcrui.ri.
For fuituer r.utlUiua see |«> t i • ot ad
i ;j. It AYS, • i vLONZO M. t
balkj Pa. 1 k e t, ia
A Satisfied Customer
lb A
i Wvvt'ul Advertiser.
Those VS-Lt> deal with
iLt; ■ iv..(jks Clothier and 1 will be satisfied.
N\ * - ui ' 11 'rt r.-a.iV i < .-h'.U the hi .*. .:oli*> ivd, audio ,?e-vt
I |>ri.< J su.« k of MEN 3. YOUTHS' BO Yd' and CIIILDRENS' CLOTH
[NO ever br.,u»{ht to l»otl«*r.
Ilmii..' Hiii.ii' uiii .-'nio ro. iii ..in I. Ji We. 4fa dow better al-le to
i! v»-» . •>: ~n t'u-iDiiifi.s an ! •«:.. t the demands of oar constantly
! ioi routing trade, ihau over before.
0«i i* Btock
lute aii«l contains aii the latest n>.v. I• i* - in men'?, boys : and ehildrens'
i »".ear, a oa lull iio. l < I La -i, i,ion's furu -lui. : floods, tiannsl shirts, trunks,
valiji'ii, etc I'll.' w •HHl.rful, JIUI.. ii; ami instructive Engineers aid
| Swit.lm.tu's |)iii/Je given with every purchase
< I'lDtliiiijv.
V. La . e uiiid.- a .j. i ial effort to get a nice line of ehildrens* wear, and
!•" tli ddiii i iion wo Lavo uco.ouod. Mothers nbo wish to have thtor
i children . loth. 1 with good substantial clothing at a moderate coat will do
I well to . all on tm In fore purchasing elsewhere as we will save you MOUI IJ.
A line ciL-touc". wheel v\ itu evoi y . hilds' suit of $4 and upward-..
111. S (Ml N 111 I) EM AN,
< !olhier mill Furnisher,
j. Mi.iu »u - ' " " - Jiutier, J'a.
j m;fferson st.
MA S H () RNE,
Xjt/ ,KR, PA
O .spring! of hope .tuJ lov« uiul youth and gladness—
Whi to-winded eiohlem! bright, t* hv t and fairest'"
\\ .Ui Sprinsr c-- hum new wants, new work and new duties, all centerm,-
i 1,1 l '"' where the family itbidcp, be it cabin or eastle 'Tlome, Swies
Home"—"Duo small spot where my tired mind may rest and call it bom •
nr> !-f, begin early Come and get some ot oar nice Mali
Paper ami \\ indow shades, and fit, up that "spot" bright and new. Hue.
die wall- Willi a few of our Heaiililul Pictures, and add the necessary ».«•
u ■ furniture v\ hi. L ivc aie uflciing \t-ry cheap Then place on your tub!
ami in your shelves a selection of choice books which we now sell at bar?aii.
pi'.ee >. and :i niredly in that "spot'' \on will find a home indeed.
Why should your walls be bare and dingy when a little taste and tr.lii.it
expense will transform the roon. into a place of cheer and beauty.
v ' ' i , .'\v .11 r ,|. , ri,.,u ..ui ,u, ip. s,t at G cents n roll, to Bir M «'a ual
i.. .1.-, irol.t-tmtfc.l, and rainbow sli-i l.- l ,-.|„-ci»ls -I t roll, every yard is au objeot 1, .
in l.i-aitiy, ih.-ieaul culture. \\ ill. a larue si,. . .o inc luieit and he*t iu every ha. .it
fKiriioenl, ati-i ' If iiii-a ot ;«»d » vj»eri» nce, we invite oar frieudi ;h
the |»uo!ie lu call uu.i examine our <,o is, IV»c «; i4lidc.it tfcat we satisfy all reu- »;H
bit demands.
Examine The New Policj
ul Tii£
New York Life Jusiiiatice Oornpau)
.V laiv.. jiuaraut.'c.l ... a turn t,. the j.oiiey-uolder than is oflored by any other coi.
pauy 011 a low rate p .licy, i.i contained ia the tew Distribution Policy of
the New York Life lasurauce Company.
iu.-uruuiv Oommisbiouci \i«.rrill, oi Mac,sacLinattls, claims: "If the l -
suo of these policies continue, all other compuuies will bj compelled to
struggle lobioirly."
Can am reader of this paper afford to bo
without a polic\ which offers such
advantages as compel all other
companies "to struggle losingly?"
Copy of ibis policy will be furnished to any one sanding us
liis diite oi birth.
Lilo Insurance Aleuts will find this au exceedingly easy policy to etll"
Liberal tciins u.:.de with active uiea of good character, even if they are new
ai the butduesa.
Summary of 45th annual report.
JANUAIIY 1, 1800,
Pn miuij. $24 585 921 10
Interests, iieuts, etc 4 577 345 U
J'.-iid iucooic. - S2O 103 SGf; 21
!>. Mill chiiuj • au.l $ 6 252 60
l>i. i.tficb. Anuaitn-s and Purch . e.l liibUiunce 5 809 o:'fi t.,
Tot.il to policy holders.. $ 12 121 1.1 0..
Net* Policies i , and o!), i.*>:»
Ni\v I n-urainx Written slsl 119 e 1,1
■ . i • $lO5 053 000 9o
Hivi-ibl.' Siirplu.-. Coiupaay .) >u;v, Standard $ 7 517 02i 26
(Tontine surplus 7 705 053 II
Hindu by .State Standard (4 per eent) 15 COO 000 00
I'olieie iu foieo 150,381
lu.iurant.: iu force $495 GOl 970 00
tn< i.'a:,f in Inter.', t . $ 303 O:Vj tni
1 ucrcHM' iu J: I'in-tit• In 1 14S Oal 01
In. r. .iu iu nrp 1a- lor dividends 1 71C 549 01
In. r. iiMc iu pre uiuni i '3 45S J3O 'J.»
Inrrca.-ij in total lucome , 3 701 B>-'l 11
iiierfHscill TTffnS 114 H
Increase in iurorance written 2ft 099 357 , '. M,
Increa .- iu insurance in f..re 75 715 l";. "0
UsiliiMVe ..f the amount specially referred «i a contingent liability to Tontine
Dividend Fund.
rOver and above a 1 per e.-nt reserve wa existing policies cf that clatt.
VANUXEM, PEIRCE & CO., General Agents,
d. H. PAGE, Manager,
95 Fifth Avenue, ------ fa.
Auvnts i'or I>utler County.
Livery Stable For Sale.
« 'flit! Uuilc! digued V. ill oci i
v' • - bin livery atable, iu the rear
( *»l' tbtt Wick iloUe, Consist- |
Jt ibgof hor&ea,buggies,sleighs, t
JPYjjJJ luune; uud everything p< r
taining thereto,
Hi.irh i.n .1 u-riu ol jrar : ily rcttroti I'm
.selling is that I \u;,h to devote my attention
to other bui-l&ej j
A. J. I'KANk \ CO,
ft. U.Lit J ll<——
• y, I:I<t lit. I'I.I;ITMH:\. Ac'
SS. Lviiiin bu'out, iiuilei', t"*.. J
Ij. O- avxok
; ealeb i»
1 Hough and Worked lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Slock.
Otilee opposite P. «fc W. Bt-pot,
UCTLER. - i'-i