VOL XXVII. I ■ >A^v- ' -J » i'/* Mi'" f HENRY BIEIIL 1 1 NORTH MAIN ,^'ii:J K'l l U'i.T IP T* ... - - PEI^JWA DBA LEI: I N Ifaidware and lloii.se Kuniisliintr (<oods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Buggies, ('arts, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Tnhle and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lumps, Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Looting and S[ outing A Specialty. WIIF RE A (fill. DC A N P> IJ Y A S (11 E Al' A S A MA N. IN5(> KHtiibliHhed IW5() E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, Noith Main fit , BUTLER, PA., JD EAL K H I N Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver wara, Spectacles, &c., Society Emblems ol all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done ami warranted. 18SO ESTABLISHED ltfSO THUS WEEK, And for the next 30 day swo shall con tinue to clear our shelves ol Winter floods to make room for HEW SPRING GOODS. Come early as the prices we have reduc ed them to will move them rapid ly as they are marked very low. \ou will lind some l>ii>- bargains at THOUTMAN ;s. Leading Dry Good* ivoid Cuo - |x-t House, Hootlcr, IV CHEAT OEOOCTIOII AT J. Li. ei UIKB'B, !NTo. (> Soul It JVlojioi f - uLler* f'o. 11l Walehes, (Jl<K-ks s Jewelry, Ami SpeHarles. Kepairiuir Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTUKJ iiELL. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. MILLER, Architect. ! office s. V. < ..rii- rw niamm.il Iltealiou-, tor . hr-.p Jlil «X|*"U buildings lii.nU- an short noi In'. A. A. KELTY, M. D. oOire J OooiS snulll ol 111-. V.v i' . Il'/Use. Mail. =d , Bull--, r. -ml K, ! ' |I. rt.r I.lilt,till . !.'■ si'telice OU . JtdolsOD M. (J. ; M \ ZIMMIiKMAN. l'U I ntel AN nil SCROIiON. olßce at NVi. S. Main sUeet, o\ei *raiii_* CVa Ijiu,' Store. b.itler. i'a, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. Bast Jeli'crson at., lj'J r LT ,-E bL, lIPPd JTIN | w. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN .-t. W.C'Muci ihuu ana u.iiucis. I JB'U TLEIo ZtT'-A. i C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER AMI SUttEVOR, Ol'McK ht.\ti bliiioirti, ISC'lt-KM, P*- DH. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - nUTL.EK, PA. All wnrlr p. rtaiiuin- to It..- profession, execut ed m the neatest manner. Sii»-»-ialii« —4Jold Killing'- anil I'aliiless l-\ tm< lion of l. i ili, \ ii.iitzed Air administered. Office on JclTi nun SI rtrl, on.' .l.i.ir i »»t ufLunij lliiaii*, I p Sliin. Ofllc- open daily, ex.fpt Wednesdays ami Thursdays Communications by mall receive prompt attention, |j. Tlm' only Ibulist In Butler using Ihe best makes or teeth. J. W. HUTCHISON, AITORNKY ATI.AW. t nic < n noriil n.ior i.f 11m- lliiM-lton block, H1,..11' ml I.ml. I. l a.. Kooln I. A. T. BOOST. '• WiUfoW. SCOTT & Wit.SON, A I I'OIi'.KVS AT LAW. i Vjlli:ctl..ir-i asp.-. i.ilti. Office at No. S, South hiauioiiil, unlit r. I'.i. J AMES N. MOORE, ATIOUNfc »-AT-LAW AND Notaky Pl BUt . dlllce lii Uooiii No. 1. atfcoiiti flo«'»r of liunv!b<>u lilwit, euirancc ou JJiaiuoncl. P. W. I.ov/KY, .VI'iUIINKY A I LAW. ttoom :>'u. 3, Anili-r.-oti liullilltig, Butler, I'a. A. E. ItUSSELL., A'rroitNiiV AT I.AW, iilllci- on bri urnl flijot 'if Neir An.lurson fiioctc | -Multi St.. m:ur lilani.itiil. IRA Mc JIJN KIN. Attorney al Law. Oillue al No. 17, JeDi:r toii St.. butler, i'a, W. C. FINDLEY, Allorii*, i I u*s aij.l l.'nal Is talc /gfht. Ol i'.i i■ icar i»f 1.. Z. Mlt« l*i li h olUce on uortL hl«Jt oi biatiiuutJ, liulltr, l*a. 11. H. oOUCHER. ai 1.i... Office on Hecoitit floor ol Aiidt rson buliillug, near Court House. liutl..-r, i'a. J. t-. BKITTAIN. j All al. Law Olllc.i al 15. li. Cor. MuiL t>l, and Ol.iriioii.l, Uutlrr. I'a. NEWTON BI.ACK. '.Hi all i. i.ili.-c oil SoUlli .11 Mil lli.iUlOllfl limit i'. i'a. JOHN M. RUSSEI.I , Alliniiey-al-I jiw. 01Di;c on Soulli . l'li: .if Dia inoml, Butler, I'a. I, iS. MeJUNKIN, Insurance ami Heal lislalf Aa't 17 I.AST JEFIMIWOK fiT. BUTI.ER, - I'A.i E E AIiRAMS &CO Kire and I/ife INSIIR A N 0 E I riHtirttiK* <'<», <»l North Avufcri&i, incor* pornteil I'/'.**, uikl otliw mrung <:oi«»i» uii«*s d. New York J ,if«* liiHiiroincc <'o., (>(»<». New Hum'ltoii hnil'ling m-ar Court Ifoune. BLTLHR COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor, Main & Cunningham fits. «. C. KOES.SINU, i'rtKKii>r.NT. WM. ('AMPBKLL Touuhuu>.k. 11. II K.I N KM A N , SkokktAkv. DIUKCTOILS: J. \. I'iirviM, Manoiu*l A:;.lrrs«m, WiilUtoo c .iiio|)l>»'ll J. W. I'urklo.trt, A. Tioiitman, 11. ml. i on Oliver, < .1 l:-M • tin', .lam** Sfi'ptiriiMHi, J or. VV. Ir. in. Ilniry \\ liit.iulri*. J. K. Taylor. 11. JleliU'inaii, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, GAT.. HU'JTiWK, i'A. Standard Himml | Trotting Stallion. ( i', I'm. i . i llai»»l>lei<»iilaii 10, lit ',: )■' I , J,4v iMnrM.) tfxlou Ktillpse I li in-ill. i . w '""' " uii »'!'•''.in r,T-.' ; I " " i Inni' t M'.i .' li .;, rln ii'i- Oiucv To I'7oßß i» closely related tu most of tlnr fu.it trottm a ari'l niroH of lrott<*ra. Height l<i?. lunula; weight HiOO pounds. He iri htyliwli, liaudgotiin and n greut roudater, ttmi very fuat walker; epiriUul, but fetir lea; ; intelligent an.l tru.-fty ami trans mita tbewe ijuulitiea t<> bis eoltn. 'I hone wiblilng to mine tr.uteiH, cur tittgf, ttOJOfh or general putpoue boraea, or ilruft boraea Hbiiold exntniii2 hita and bia colta at ibe Scott burn, alley opp'oelta Wirk house atuble. 'l'ca.i.i *2O payable in udvance witb privilege of return Accidents at owner's in L Auk for pamphlet ut THE RACKET STOKE, ul &. Mam .St., Butler, i'«. BEULAH. b oru t. BEAU. •lasj.er Altxs.ni kept a 1.-111=5 roads tore in a sparsely iulmliite.l part "t Tenne. ce. lie Tras rather a fat ..Id tellow, a condition ii«ubtle»a l.ri.Ufrllt about by Ills i 10-e a -<>- ciation with butter, bacon and axle grt i '- 1 for every other man in the ueigltborhooil was lean with thai latikneas s<i character istic ..I the bonthcin Uiickwoodainaii. The most striking <>f Jasper's character istii - wus liia h.ve lor his daughter Beniah. a hands.Hue giil v Lose name had bc-uu taken from a: absurdly romantic, not to cay tlauiboyant. novel which, years ag->, had loUhil its way into the Licuiah, however. »«.< not to roiniibtii. as her fictitious itatnexakc, unless a cei'taio veiu of violence can be regarded as romance, for nothing seemed to delight he. .11 much as -landing about ou liog kill « duj watching the red gush ol an cx piling sow; anil, indeed, 1 have been told that she once tilled a dog with number six shot and then laughed gleefnlly at his death-inspiring howls. One day a fellow named Jiui Buck, a preteiTded farmer, an actnal slouch ajd lankest of the lank, entered Jasper's tore and calling the old man from his thrilling v»oik ol weighing a lew pounds of blue looking butter which an old negro Lad h1.1i.g1.1 lo exchange lot a e .tat ii.iil jilo'.V, thus addressed liiin. "01.l in,. 11, you've noticed me aroiii..! here a good ileal lately, haven t you? '•■ff'y, 1 don't know that I have, Jim,'' the old man answered, wiping Lis grea.-y hands 011 tbe bosom ol his hickory shirt. 'I lie fact is. 1 have been so busy lately with this hero rushiu' life of commerce that 1 haven't had time to notice any thing. "Xot even liculahr" Jiui aske.l. "What do you meant" the old man de manded, somewhat gruffly. 'What's liculab U"t to «1" with anything that mont consarn yont" "Don't fly oil llie handle, as the bo_v Kai.l to the axe. 1 wanted to know if you had noticed me around here much lately, an' you 'lowed that you had been too busy t>. notice anything, an' then I asked il >Oll had been ton bitfy to notice Ueulah, an that's whar the matter stands now.' ■'An' T wanter know why you mention tbe girl*" "Wall, I jest wanter know el' you have noticed the powerful ftrong afTeetion that l.a been grov. in up betwixt 11 ever n.snc.i ih.* protracted ineetin' over at Station Cain 11 < 1 eel, last I ill.' The old man sat down on a keg ol nails and wove his greasy lingers together. '•Jim, you don't mean to ;.ay that you are in love with Beulah, do you'" "I not only mean to say it, Jas, bu'. do oar il right out." "Jiut do she love, Jiuil" ".She do." ••llow do you know?" •• 'Cause she 'lows she does. "Wall, tf that's the case," said the old man, • ! reckon she do, but I'm powerfully sorry, Jim." "Why, Jasf Ain t I alius traded with youf liidn't I buy a hatfer -ide of bacon liiin. you la.-t tpiiug." • That . ull true enough, Jim, hut I've had big hopes lor her. I wanle.l her to marry somebody that amounted to some thing." "Don t I amount to noihiii't" "Wall, hardly, Jim. You're red headed, hungiy lookin', Kn». k kneed, an your* front teeth air out." ••Yes, kicked out l>> a ateer,"-Jiia inter poicd. "That don't make uo diduiice, Jiui. My daughter ain't called on to put up with tlie cavoriiu'n ol <i steer, au' it d«u'l make no difiuuee how you lo.it your teeth. The p'int u that you ain't got uoue. "Now here, Ja*,' t>aid Jim, placing his hund ou the old nian h bhouldcr, *;i the faek that I ain't got uo teeth is the biggest objection, w'y, I kin have some put iu this full «.-f" tli«s crop turns out all right. "Crups uir mighty uncertain, Jim, 'i>pec ially ao it looks like wu mout have a drought thirt year, an' besides thut, I want ed Ueulah to marry a lawyer, or doctor, or somothin'." "Too late now, Jafl, lor we've duu made up our mludi, an' air goin' to marry whuther yo' content or not.' "Wall," the old man replied, getting Up and again .viping bis hand on the bo.sum ~f bis hickory shirt, "l reckon you'll hatter take her, but you must rickolleck one thing, Jimmy, an' that's tbiK you've got a jewel." • I will, Jas." "tihi-'s too good Miii' any human beiu , Jiui." "I know that, Jas." "Jim, she's a plum jewel." Jim and lleulah "were married. It v.a., a great e\<nt iu the neighborhood, and many a chicken fwpiawled and many a young pip squealed, lor old Jasper spread u great fca .t. Jut u.i the bride and groom were about to depart for their home, Jasper, after einbraring hi - daughter, turn ••d to Jim anil sutid: "Jim, don't you ne\er fail to lindleck. "Ricolleok what?" Deulah a Led "That you air a jewel, my dear." "Don't be looli li, pap " '■ I ain't foidish, boney, lor cl 3 ou ain t a plum jewel thar never was one tuck outen the bottom ol the sea. (iood bye, precioii.-, an' don't litrgit to come over an' see iiib once in awhile, an' Jim. lei loe charge you ag in not to Inrgil. Several days ullerward Jim came into Ja 'per's : lnre. ( "W'f, good inorn'ti', Jimmy, good [ nioriiin'!" exi'laimed tin* old man, wiping his buttery hand ou the ttosom ol hi* hickory shirt. "How i the jewel till moriiin'f" "l'u >t rale, Ji< 'Now, Jim, didn't I l»'ll you the Inith! Ain'l "lie n jewel' '•.She is fur a Inek. Jan." "A plum jewel, Jimmy." "A regular plum jewel, Ju.*." "(ilod you know it lor yo\-e'f. ; ibiwn an' we'll eat a box or sardines." lie did not see Jim aguiu until two week later. Then the • >ll in lav. entered the store. "W'y, bless uiy oul, here is Jim!" ei claimed the old man "Haven t ii-e.n bar iiur bide «*1 vou for onie time. 11',v.' jewel?" "She's all right. Who! . • hee. e elllu' att" "Bout 15 cents a pound. Why hasn't the jewel been over to nee me?" "Hoii't know. 1,.:t me have about ha'ler pound." The old man wanted to talk, but Jim, declaring that lie was " ho\, .l lor time," hastened awa) . One morning, four day • biter, Jim enter ed the "tore again. "W'y, belli.a. Jim, old hoy. Walk back. How is the jewel this moniin't ' "I've got to go oyer an' git this hog out '-li lb,- fit Id, ' ijhi re .ponded "Sorry they uir iu yo' lield, Jim. I 1 tin: jewel well!" "Uive me a pound ol nail-, said Jim. "Three weeks p.i ed before Jim again entered tin .ton, "W'y, bleii me, heio ho i. '. unclaimed the old mun. "Never wai as glad to sse HUTLEK PA., FRIDAY, APRIL IS. 1890 anyLody How's the jewel? "Old man," sanl Jnu, beginning to take off his c..at, "you are in for it "In for what, Jim?" "For a thrash in'," Jim icplied. throwing his coat "ll the counter. ' ou Vc Worked this jewel )'U.-int till 1 m-sick li" it and i the la l time I was lieie I 'lowed to my >e'f j that el you .-aid jewel l»> ii.e again 1 d wallop yon an 1 1.1 goiit l f . tl.» it. J e v.el, ' I she? hoe this: —p..lilting lo a blister >.u ! j his eat" —"punched me Uiar with the burn- 1 I in' end 01 a stick' tuther day. See this!" \ —rolling up Lis sleeve and sin.wing an ugly wound on his arm —"bit me tbar Suu day night. Do you know abut el»e Las happened? Filled the calves of my legs with bird shot an' then run away with a 1 feller that peddles tin war, an now you want to know how the jewel is. Come out truni behind that bo* for Fin going to whale you. Won tdoit .' Then 111 Mel you. I'll let you knew that lam consider able of a jewel myself. I'm a pearl. I am. Come out." There was a iouil .-put. JMlovrul l>y a j heavy fall. The old man had struck Jim 111 the countenance with u pound of country ! butter. "Hold on," said Jim, when Le had re- j gained his feet, ' that ain't ray way of fightin'. I don't mind a man shoot in' at me, an I don't object lo bein hit will. .. 1 shinny stick, but when a luau ; n.e J valves of my couuteii«»c<» with «<ap grease, w'y, then, I'm done Et" you ever have any more jewelry te dispose of don t count me in. Good-bye." The ..Id man wiped Lis greasy hands ou lire bosom of his hickory shirt. belore The War. ' 1 shall never forget a Scene 1 vvitucSsed at a sl-ve auction in ilissoun in I6a&, said a wealthy contractor >»t Brooklyn to a .New York £ce»mtj -s'irii reporter. "The build ing business v. as dull in the east in those days, and with a young chum I started tor the southwest. We linallv drove stakes on a farm near Liberty, Mo., where we found 1 mployment as stone masons for the .- i-oii . Our employer was named Spratt, and a very decent fellow he was. too. lie raised hemp and tobacco, and owned forty daw. lie treated the darkies well, hut I fear In* was an exception to the rule. "The second Sunday I wa with Spratt. while he and his wife were at nieeling, a beautiful girl of ev.'utcen, in a neat calico gown, cauie lo the door and said our next neighbor had s.-nt her for a hemp break. 1 rempeel (ally declined to lend it in Mr. Spratt s absence, and she called again upon his return, lie said certainl3 and sent me lo the barn with the girl lo gel the break. I was i.ither puzzled at such a . banning young person appearing 011 such an errand. I llmugbt 1 would [day the gallalil, and shouldered the break, which was a heavy in tiuuient, she walk ing by uiy* side. W hen I reached the lront of the house I was loudly hmled from the window. •When 1 arrived ut the door Al». Sprutt in a kin«lly but tirm tone csaiil; John, uc.. r do such a tliiug again around here. Let th.: girl carry the break. You would be u marked man. That girl is a elave!' •'Well, sir, 1 tell you tbut nearly look my breath away. I could not realize that the i«al« beauty, with large, lustrous eyes, pearl} teeth, find the peachy lint in her cheek, was a slave, f Was an abolitionist ever after. The incident had almost ed froui my memory, when one day Mr Spratt .-aid to ine, 'John, our neighbors pretty slave, Nellie, id to be bold to morrow, and I am going to the tale at Liberty.' " 'la that not shocking.'' wai all that 1 could nay. There was no use protesting. I was helpless to aid her. Hut I inwardly curocd the institution ol slavery. " 'Well, you nee, my neighbor, Russell, has got a second wife. She is Irom St Louis and very extravagant. He is a little run down financially, and has to raise the wind. The wife insists that he sball sell the girl Nellie, who seems to be a red tlag in her face all the time. He ha* consent ed, as shi will bring a big price. Now, John, 1 know that gill's mother, and have known the young woman since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She i> a good, simple creature, and it is a shame to tear her from her mother.' " '1 want you to couiu with me to the auction and bid on the girl for lue, as Uussell would not like to see )uo in the competition, with the pioapeet ol bringing her back to the next l'arui to him.' " 'How much will yon give for herf I enquired, really touched at the genuine human ympathy tic-played by Splatt. " 'Well, I've been talking to in> wife, and have decided to go up to *1,500, just to save the girl.' "In due time we arrived at the block, and after several common nigers had been knocked oil at from *7oO to SI,OOO, the beautiful octoroon wan put up. I believe there was murder in my heart at the mo ment, but I kept cool, as I had serious business on hand. '• How iuiii li am I offered for tli*.* hand some wench?' jelled the auctioneer. •I nder in. I ruction:; from .Sprutt my lir.it bid uus Hut it was at once follow iml by -11,-00. I bid $1,300. Another bid .II I . honied $1,400. I returned with sl,. r >iKi. And then followed $1,0"", which let uie out of the race. The bidding now settled down between two dU ipa ted youug plant ,-rs from down the river, who :eemcd to have plenty of money. Tin* hundred: were added until the fir I W.U finally ili : (mi ed of for f'i.'iiH). ' I left Liberty with .i heavy heart,think ingofthe life in tore for the tin fortunate I ootorwon. I wa i not an oversensitive man, I ill t when Mr. Spruit l.old me that Nellie wa.l ItII: ell'.i own child hi, llesli and blood I thought it wa.t time to pull up til.i , and tin- next day I started for Knmklyii With a light heart heart I entered tin old Empire .Slate, and i lliiink ed lioil that here thiii* Well- tin human ehatlela." The Honey Moon. lMiring the honeymoon they had been •ittnig and sighing and talking poetry in the balcony for three hours all of which time he had holh hei bunds tightly clasp ed in his I iually . lie broke forth "Algernon, dearest, I want to ak ynu something. "A kme a hundred —a thou.,and —a mil lion things!" he exclaimed, in reply. "Well, Algernon, I've got an awful cold in uiy head," fehe continued, "and il I • haw one ol my handa away to n e mr pocket handkerchief Would on think it un kind ofriie? An Executive Sebsloii. "My daughter," I'oUiarkcd a grave and inVei'eiid United States Sen.itoi to his child, "didn't i hat young inau who culled on you last night remain very latef • Oilite late, pupa." was the dutiful re ply. '•Well, my child, I should like to know what was going on that required •<> much time." "It wan l that kind of an executive ae - -iou, papa," he aid with vri: a precaution "we never tell." Mr. Bowser Papers a Room. i'tlßoli fIiLL I'RiMj. Instead of going d.iwc town atie-r break last the other liioiniug Mr Bowser slip ped Up stalls, a...t when Lo * ttUie down again he hu.l on his ..Id .-lollies. S.oue .-banges ha.l been made in the house l.y which we had gaitie.l a UcW bedroom, and il «t once occurred to me that Mr. Bowser and his .il.l clothes tod that be«lt*o«.io Weie in some way connected "You—you are going to the office this morning/ I queried "No, uruaui. "Yon are n..t going to make garden,'" "Hardly. 1 propose to iiuish up that bed-ruom. "How? "Well, 1 siiail paps-r tht- walls, to begin with.'" ilr Bowser, 1 wish ~oti wouldn t. 1 telephoned tor a paj.e. i.auger yesterday aud he will i.e here to morrow. ' And 1 -topped last evening and t.dd illm Inil lo e.iine up. i propose lo have that job done la style. "But you can't hang paper." "Oh. I can't ? Prepare yourself for a sur prise party. \li> llowser, 1 dou t propose to have no wild-eyed wall-paper artist nr. and here for ten day - to do what I can accomplish in ono " ..11, *» T tcir.aT • a nut lo attempt it. You will only make a fail ure of it and then blame nie." ••There will bu neither failure nor blame about 11 I'll show you the paper " He ha.l it hidden in the bain. When Le brongLt it in and displayed it 1 fell like ciying ii v, as dm I. cheap paper, ul' a pattern several years old, and I was pre pared i..r Lis unuouiicemeut that it was a job Lit v. Lick he Lad secured ai ti , v cents a roll. "Mr. Bowser, that room to have gilt paper. "lla.l 1 rushed oii as you do. Mrs. B»w ser, I should have got gilt. l»o you know what the most eminent chemists of the day declare? They ; .iy that gill paper in a bedroom shortens lite by many years." "At this stulfwill probably prolong it? "Very likely." "Well, it ought to! Anyone who would select such paper ought to live f.OO years and be a iiuincd ol' hiinsell u\ ery da) f " "Mr . Bowser, il' you happen to have outrageous taste in these matters 1 am not t» hluiuc. I don't propose to have my bou .< turned into a museum just because you have no idea of harmony. Wait until tile- loom is dou.-, and then ll you -tgiee with ihc that il is the pietliest bedroom you ever stepped into I'll buy you a new spring hat." lie went ahead ul Course, and I left him alone for a couple of hours. W hen 1 went, up he had two stiips on and was stauding back to survey them. Two more strips, which ha.l beeu pasted allil then pulled off again lay 011 tLo door "The corner of the room i 3 not exactly plumb, you know," lie said. "Those brick layers aud carpentoi'3 never get within two inches of true." "No, I suppose not. 1 huve read that paper-hanger- make this same discovery. What's this paper ou the floor?" "Ob, 1 got enough so 1 could experi ment a little. There is no great rush, you know. It isn't a case of life uud death aud I propose to develop some artistic ideas as I go along." "Well, you have made a good start at it That second strip is on wrong side up." "Whut?" "Look for yourself. Heie is the vine and here the leaves, '/he leaves ou one strip are at ihc top, and ou the other at the bottom." "Not much! Your eyes are out of true, aud one of them sees higher thau the oth er It you will now be so l.iud as to dis appear 1 will work out some new ideas." An hour later there was a crash upstairs which awoke the baby, frightened the cat into falling oil'the window-sill, uud caused the cook to fly into ihe sitting-room and call out that a "sinclone" had struck the house uml brought down every chimney. I hurried hpstaii'B lo Mr. Bowser. He slit in a chair trying lo smile anil look uncon cerned, but one of the -teps of the ladder was gone and 1 knew that he had come down like a load of stoni "Did you call!" 1 asked. "Melf Oh, no. I urn study lug uu au idea." There wa.-> paste uu hia hair and pieeen of w all-paper sticking to bis back, but I withdrew without further remark. When lie cauie down ut noon i v.a.-* in hopes he h.nt abandoned the work It >.as evident he had a Jauie buck, and ho dragged one leg an he walked, and J tbonght it a fitting opportunity to >ay: •'I wouldn't bother with that room any more it I tfere you. I presume you are wanted at the otlice." "Do youf The office la locked up and I have the key in my pocket " '•lint why not get a paper hanger?" "Because lam going to do it myself. 1 tiud that I am a little short of pap. ), and I gue-a I'll teli phone for more. ' IJu gave an order for four double rolls and after dinner went back to his labor.', locking the door <> that I could not ace In , work. A bout niid-alieriioon, however, a.-, t listened at Ibe door, t heard biio growling: "Hang that carpenter! He didn I get thin wall within two feet, of i-traight, and that la.;t atrip ha: got to eonie oil!" .In t befor" snpper he came down and telephoned for two more Voile <«t" paper and fortj feet in«re of border, but lie looked au pale faced HIHI stoop .ihonblered and done out that I hadn't the heart to nay anything about the room. He lell unleep in tii.* i hair while reading the paper, and every few moment i uttered a groan or a sigh, lie wa.i paste and paper, and could hard |y Met up- lair 1 10111 tin* 1 allien e in hi:J legs and buck. Kelt moruing, an In- eein eil undecided whether to go to the otlice or up- tail . I naked il I houldn'l telephone for the paper hanger. That decided him and lie replied: I wouldn't be a jeabm. inimled as you an vl I Uow.ter, tor all the niollel ill the world! You are thaking in your shoes for leai I but I will do a really nice lot of work." Il wa.-> I o'clock IU the alteioooii bulore we Would allow me to enter Ihe room and ilieu lie aiuioiiiiceil its completion • •.!ii -l give uic a (air and honest opinion oi il without leleieni uto relationship, he laiil a'. he fitood ill the cculer id the room and looked around. If lie had been armed with a knife to cut my throat I ihoiild have beei, compelled to laugh Seven of the strip a vrero wrong end up Four or li'.e of them were on en.oked. Ho bad lapped the paper on to the bu -e and window caiing-i, und his bor der Wtt. up and down like th wave., of the sea. "Have you escaped from Kalamazoo'" lie demanded as I laughed until I bad to it down on the floor. "ilr. Dowser, I have ai> .jue Ito nmke of you perhaps a dying reque.-t Let nie briiife in home of Hit neigbboi to see this "Certainly, and if they dim i a> it is one of the ueate»t.ioli. they over ww 1 11 give in." 1 sent to ok out uud got three of the , nearest ludico, and when they entered the | menagerie Mi Dowser retired to dress him self. lit wouldn't come oat nntil they had departed, but ho mu-t have heard all that wgj said. At .-upper time he came down and quietly remarked: ••I suppose you waul the eu tody of the * hild, Mrs. Bowserf" "W liat do you mean?'' •Why, after encouraging ute to ,-pend two days of my time in papeiing that iiM.ui, U. * you might eriltci-e my work, it will be best tbat we seperate. During the evening you had better make out a list of tbe things you v\ ant to re serve." cit it ay tlii: pape. hansel cauie Up olid put on other paper. Mr. Bowser bought a sheet of liuiuieui aud four porous pluaters, au.d there la Uo hupplei household in l>c tioit it,au that ot Dow»er. The bet Declared Off. A large yellow and white cat started to croas Broadway nearly opposite Park low yesterday afternoon when tratin. was at its greatest. W hero she came from was known only to herself, but that she was making for the frieadly shel ter afforded by the rails of St. Paul's churchyard v\as apparent to all. Her chances of getting across the street safely ili.l not seem to be good, and she shrank *'-«» - t t " "* ** o ed under the wheels of an express wagon, aud escaped being run over by one of Cll - Sam's mail vaus by less than half tbe length of hei tall- Two Well dressed men fiom Philadelphia stopped in the middle of thoroughfare to wateh her. "tiet you she is crushed," said one. • Take you," replied the other. Just then the pole of a double truck struck the fifth rib of the man who had of fered the bet, knocked his lint off,and near ly throw him down. '•Ui! roared the driver, "hain't you got no eyes!" At the same moment tbe man who had taken the bet received a blow on th* buck of the neck from the off horse's head that nearly dislocated something spinal "Hi I ''roared the driver. ••Are you a sleep? ' The men escaped to the sidewalk. "Where's the eat?" asked one. "How do 1 knowf 'replied the other. And, a t the ventnrsome creature wa not visible, dead or alive, the bet was ordered off. She Harl Been to Church. I have a trie nil who doesn't go to church huuself, but sends his wife regularly. 1 dined with him last .Sunday, aud he look advantage of the circumstance to display her devotional tendencies before company. "What was the teit, Sue.'" he asked. "Oh, something somewhere in genera liou.-j I've forgollteu the chapter aud verse. Mrs. Hughes sat right in front of me wearing the worst looking bonnet I ever sa*v on a woman's head. "How did you like the newjminister?" "Oh, he's simply superb! And Kate Sel win was there iu a sealskin that never cost a eeut iess.than $100." "Did he say anything about the new mission fund?" "No; andtheJoues girls were rigged out in their old silk made over. You wonld have died laughing to have seen them.'' "It aeenia to ine you didn't hear math of the sermon." "The fact is, George, the new minister has a lovely voice, it almost put me to sleep." A long silence followed, during which Oeorge absently helped me to pickles aud mustard, while his wife sat looking as de mure as u saint at a circus. Suddeuly she exclaimed: "There! 1 knew I'd forgot to tell you something! 't he fringe on Mrs. Drown'# cape is au inch deeper thun mine, aud twice a s heavy I"—Dewistinvu (.Me.) Jour nal. A Novel Advertisement. Globe. The following story, vhich has never before appeared iu print, is told about the editor of one of Maine's mont prominent dailies: When a small boy, his father, now one of the most prominent men in the State, was then running a printing office and publishing a weekly paper iu one of the largest towns ill Kennebec county. One day the advance agent of a show came along and ordered some posters printed upon cotton cloth. Uis order was filled, but for some reason be neglected to call for them, and they were thus It-ft on the printer's bauds. Tbe printer's; wife ran across them, and as cloth Mas then high, she took the cloth home and used it to line a pair of pants she was then mak iiig for the editor above mentioned, then a boy about ten years of age Is the months rolled by the pantaloons grew threadbare, and at school one day be accidentally tore tbe seat out, leaving about one loot of lining exposed to \ iew. This iu itself would have made the boys smile, bill they laughed till the tears came when they ob.-erved the following words standing out boldly upon the lining in large type "Doors open al » ilO. t'erforulahce bi (mm* at f»." It is needle ass to state thai the boy was sent home to his mother iu tears. The French VYay. The French have discovered a new way of drawing unreijuitled love out of tbe try. Hypnotism is the medium used, and one of the eases where it was used is thus i eported in a Paris journal "A young in.in became deeply enamored of a lady, who did not reciprocate his passion. He v. a by pnoti/.'il, and In. band was placed in the lialid ol another. Wbeu he recover ed he was perfectly illdllli-lellt to hi j love, and the recipient ol hi |>a ion Wa plung ed deep into Cupid' toil The latter was hypnotized aud told to abandon bis folly. When lie was restored be had no love for anybody, and there wasn't a particle of love in tbe room." Kisseil Another Mart's Wifo. "Von scoundrel," jelled young Jacob Green, VI his good neighbor, Drown, on ki sed my wife uinm the street 1 ought to kuocK you down " • That's where you're wrong," good Drown replied, lu accents mild aud meek; I kissed her, that t he not denied, Uut kissed her on the cheek and I did it because she looked so hand some—the very picture of beauty and health. What Is the secret of it/" "Well," repled lireeu, ".jince you ask it, 1 will tell you; she uses Dr. Pierce s Favorite Pre scription. I accept your apology. Good night." favorite Prescription" is tbe only remedy for the delicate derangements and Weak tie <: Sol females, Hold by drug gists. uiid. r a jH'oitnt ijuuiaitlc of giving oaiisf&ctiou in every case, or money paid for it relumed. For biliousuc.. sick headache, indigestion and con tlpation, take Dr. Pierce's Pellet-i. —\V bo kills all the dead li tiers* Miss Direction. Sloyd. Tin: question of manual training iu -rbools as a necessary part or adjunct of ii,, r.t.il development is one of the most lin porimt being considered by the educa tional world- The final determination seeins almost certain to l>e in favor of the introduction of some »ueli system,in a liiu tic J class of school? at least The people of tbe country will therefore learn with -ome pride and pleasure tUai the normal chools locutcU witiin their borders have the distinction oi being the pioneer in this movement in this piirt of the country. 1 hi- is called the slo} J department and it way be interesting to know just what this mean-. The word Sloyd is the uh glicued form of a Swedish word meaning dexterity or manual skill and with the ,-ame root aud significations as our word sleight. Of late, however, the word has been restricted to denote a system of mau ual training. This system came original ly from Finland, but was adopted some fif teen years ago in Sweden and there por fected in its methods. The aim of the system is not to teach the pupil, but to educate him. Its prima ry object is to insure a healthy physical and mental development, while its second ary object is to secure general dexter.ty U>u4ul in 11 ■ l *" i The method is ba'ed upon the principle rhnt a harmonious mental developement is b, r secured through a harmonious phyai . ,il d<- . lopment. promoted by exercise. It proo-eds first to the physical activ ities into play, <.nd, by stimulating, strengthening and training these, it seeks to awaken, develop and cultivate the pi.w ei •of the mind. Taking advantage of tlx- pupil's natural activity, it permits him to engage iu work so arranged as to lead him to discover the principles to be taught, to apply his knowledge and thus to obtain u usetul training. The training consists mainly m perform nig certain exercises and tbe result is to ] ui\v general .le- teritv. promote health and . tlength, aud at the same time devel- J i.p the perceptive faculties, iugenuity ot construction, concentrated attentiou, love of exactness and artistic taste. Sloyd is a distinct system. It agrees with other systems of manual training in making physical exercise the bans of it in it motion ami training, and in udopting tbi' inductive method of teaching. Bnt it differs from mod of the .e iu usiug wood as 1t.,: ..ul) .aut. italT..r .mi llllctlou ali.l 111 lUi- form <>f its m.»dels. From the various handicrafts in wood, it differs in not being a trade; and Iroin other Sloyd systems, iu avoiding the tendency of eitner auniug ul a mere technical skill or a mere mental discipline. How far Sloyd may be adopted in the the public schools is as yet a question for discu ion. Director Salomon of the school at Naa-. Sweden, unhesitatingly claims that its introduction would be bene ficial, directly by promoting general health, and indirectly by facilitating the acquisition of other studies. This seems boruo out by its phenomenal success in Sweden, its extensive adoption in coun tries where education is most advanced, as in tit-many, France and Great Britain, and by its growing popularity on this side of the Atlantic.—Washington, Pa., Observ- A Marvelous Escape. It was iu 1b72, on the 27th of June; you will see why I have no trouble in remem bering the date. It hud been an exceedingly hot day, not a cloud to be seen, with the sun beating fiercely down, and not a breath of air stir ring. We sat out on the porch after sup per, trying to find a cool place. Tho clouds were beginning to gather, aud it looked as if there might bo a shower. The three little ones went early to bed, and in spite of the oppressive heat were soon fast asleep. It Couldn't have been fur from eight o'clock when 1 licaid a sound whiih 1 at first thought was thunder. The others noticed it, too, and, as it grew louder, a terrible rushing sound came with it, aud we looked at one another iu silence for a minute, and the ran to where we could look out westward. My heart almost stopped bealiug, when I saw coining towards us with terrific speed a black, tunnel-shaped cloud, the rnbh and roar accompanying it glowing louder every miuute. "ltun for the cellar!" 1 criod. My wife ran and seized the baby, aud I caught up the other two children from the bed. There w as no time to lose. The one who first reached the cellar dooi it was oue of the older children —bad just time to ueiio the knob, nothing more, when—crash! such a terrific noise! I felt myself lifted in the air, aud thought my time had come. The next thing I knew, I felt the splash of cold water iu my face. I mu 4 have lost consciousness,but the water ri-iived me, and iu a moment I knew where f was. I had come down head first into the well! The water wan some ten feet detp. 1 was thoroughly ut home in the water, though I wasn't used to diving in that fashion, and 1 managed to right lnyselt and come np bi-u.l first. Tbe well was not more tbau three feet across, aud the pump had beeu broken hort oil' and carried away, leaving a two inch iron pipe standing straight up iu the middle. I wa. very nearly out of breath when I - . B.i.ti m thr t.ip ul' walrr. - Vty tifiudn touched something lloaliug on the surface. I thought it was the cat; imagine my *ur priso when I found it wan Charley, our live year old boy! lie was terribly frigbtoued and as amaz ed as I was to find himself not alone iu the well. The wonder was that wo were not both of us impaled on that iron pipe; h..w we escaped it I cannot understand. Thy cyclone had passed on, and a terrif ic, steady wind was blowing. 1 could hear it roar above our heads, and by the llnshe.: of lightning 1 could nee that rain fell iu torrents. We were both so wet wo didn't mind the little extra water that splashed down on us, and as soon as possi ble 1 raised Charley to my shoulders, and by the aid of the pipe mauaged to work my way up to the top of the well. This took •nine little time, and the wind and lain liu.l nearly ceased wheu I set my leet on solid earth again, and fonnd we were un hurt. The young uiau who swallowed by mis take tbe whole contents of a package ot Laxadorisout again. He says he feels rather "pale ' but otherwise is all right He suys however follow the direction next. | time. 1 »r. Bull's Baby Syrnp is recc-imened by nil druggist as being a purely vegetable, reliable and safe preparation for babies. Price only 25 cents. Chew on This, Girls. A chewing gum manufacturer amassed a fortune of $1,000,000. Let's see. Say six ticks for fiv.j cents; five into 100,000,000 goes 20,000,000 times. Twenty million times six equals 120,000 000 sticks of gum. Great heavens, girls!— Washington rost AGRICULTURAL. Various usls ah(T\v the cost ot the pro duction of milk differs greatly in cows, ' some cows producing milk at a cost of one -1 third that produced from others. The im portance of using only the best «•>» s is j plainly seeu by tbe differences in the cost j The yield of milk does not always five the true valae of the animal. The onl- mod# I ot determining the profit is to keep a record of the receipts and expenses of each cow. Whenever a fertilizer is applied the ben efit - therefrom extend into the second,and, perhaps, third and fourth years. There sic always some portions of the fertilizer that are insoluble, but which become available after the lapse of a year or more. As certain plants require particular plant foods, the second crop may be more bene fitted by the fertilizer than the first, much depending on the composition of the fer tilizer. Iu a recent lecture' Professor Brewer, of \ ale College, illustrated the idea that •man is worth nore than the land" by a case which catne under his own observa tion. A uniu bought a farm for 120 an acre. He so improved it that in a few vears he was offered S3OO an acre for it At t.i M si *n MCf#. 11l * few years the purchaser sold it for SIOO un acre to a mau who finally disposed of it for >l2 an acre. He-re it was plainly the meu and not the firm that determined the value. Ouo of the greatest drawbacks to tbe growing of carrots aud parsnips is the slow germination of seeds, which permits tbe young weeds to take possession of the ground before the carrots and parsnips appear As the rows are thereby obliter ated it is difficult to use tbe toe. To obviate this sow radish seed in the rows with the seed of carrots and parsnips. As ibe radish will quickly appear the rows w ill be plainly seeu and can be worked When the radishes are largo enongh they can be pulled out and used on the table. In tbe Southern States no milking is per loaned uulil the u.lder of the cow is wash id ami wiped dry with a clean tow*l. This is an old custom iu that section, and it should be followed elsewhere. 11 the North can lioast of a great number of superior animals, she has yet a leuson to learn tVon. the above. The udder and teats of a cow are often plastered over with filth frr.Bi thi liquid au.l solid manure, much of which i carried into the milk by the hands of it., milker An inspection of some cattle stall will plainly show the necessity of >t thorough washing of the udder. Celery seed for a general crop may 1 e sown early iu April, iu rich, tnello ground, and in a situation where if plants may be protected from the pare ing heat of the summer's sun. It is be to son tbe seed in drills a? tbe stalks a much stronger that if sown broadcast. Make drills half and iuch deep, and six inches opart. By proper hoeing and oal: vating, in proper soil, every ounce of seed will produce 10,000 plant*. HORSE BBEEDISG The lollowing article on horses we tu. from the Eural. Butler farm, may profit by reading it: ' The farmer who wishes a good practical team will find a pair of any of the hea... draft breeds satisfactory. If a man wisi to breed horses for the market, he will t■ ■ i that the heavy breeds will, to say 1i',..- least, be as profitable as any other bret-i The demand for heavy horses is far bey. I the supply, and it is a demand that m ; increase for many years. The lig common stock is aU the time giving wa} - ; < these horses, and hence tbe importers t. I breeders find ready sale for all they L. Like every other innovation, the introdi tion of these horses found more or ]« prejudice, and there is nothing in tho w..} of mean charges we think that at one time was not made against them. Bat tb'j have pushed their way forward and won recognition by their own sterling merit They give satisfaction to everybody, except those who have nevor owned one. In other words, those who do not know t! i merits may find fault with them F'H these horses are scattered all over the V> . st and we think it would be hard to fin* I u man who ever owned a team of tl" heavy horses who discarded them. 1 i>-y are strong, willing, good natured, capful good horses. ••So far as horse breeding is coaceiv it will pay to breed any good horse. I. sometimes has beeu a wonder to us n n horse breeding was not more generally ~ tered into upon a large scale. As air. i said, there is a constant demand for t horses. There is equally as good a dei; t for the road horse. There is a deman ! i i heavy, styliah carriage horses, and it i . deinuud that is imperfectly supplied. '••• t there is a demand, too, for trotting t. 1 but the intended supply of this does nn I ways turn out well, hence there is a f I deinaud aud a constant demand i.. .i >. growing demand for all kinds of £the l/.:si horses. We might very properly mention another demand which is not supplied at. aud that is for fast walking horses. Wr have sometimes referred to this demand before, aud it is a strange thing that at tention is not given to such an impoiiant matter. There is more money in pr.olu. ing a walking race ol horsos than in my other breeding of animals. And it can be easily dope—just as easily as producing any other characteristic. Slow-walking horses cost the farmers of this country mmmij yw. Wky not somebody go to work and supplv this great demand? It roqulres no new breed. It simply requires breeding with tb. ..h ject of producing tho desired object; an.l it can be accomplished with any of tbe breads we now have Still Hankering For tta® North Pole. Norwegian navigators still cling to the idea of discovering tbe north pole. 11., ir hopes are based upon the fact tbat vaiinus articles from tbe Pacific are occasional!* found stranded on the j oast of Gren.Und. having beeu earned there by eotne cuueut. a notable instance of this ia the finduui of pair of oil skin trousers, marked *nh the name of one of the crew of a Vessel fiat had been wracked on the Pacific .iJe ot liebring's Straits. It is argued that *l.ere u pair of trouseu can go a properl) con st roe ted vessel ought to be able to follow, by virtue of a suppo»ed current between the oceans, via the arctic pole. A Russian Cusiorn. In Kussia it is customary for all laymen, the emperor btmseli included, to shr-w their outward respect for tbe church by kissing tbe bands of its minsters. On one occasion it is related that a village priest, receiving a grand duke at his church door, and having no experience of such exalted per sonages, hesitated to offer him his band The grand duke, getting impatient ex claimed. "Stretch out your paw, yon fool!' —brnarty—l wonder how the moon manages to sustain her secial status nmcsg the heavenly bodies when she get* full fo often. Tarty—Ob,, the stars wink at her delinquencies. NO 2*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers