Garters CURE SickHeadacheand rr Here all the trot:' 'e-mc! tet to » bilious stato of the syst* tch as lf&dne*. N'au»ea. Drowsiness. liisr -s after •aUng, Pain in tu- S ■ v\ gsmsrrrt' I success has lieen shown in curing SICK Iff flftrh 'I ye* Cjurrtn's I.rnut Lr t Piu.n are equally valuable in Constipatl 7" ' Mil llian litln I Ser atoo «onv.-t aU disorders of the math, ■Hnmtete the linr and regulate ujwe.s. ftrsatf they onlv cured HEAD Ache tbey would i" aim. .si psfctak-ss -o tho' ? whoso® t-from this di t*eSSin* p to'; Jut rortiiriatelv fi K -dnees «■ * i end S>re and those who try the: a • .1 fin 1 Swuw Bttle Dili* yal'Kil'le in so many v r.ysthat »y will not be willing to do withe them. ; after aU sick h. ad ACHE |g the banc of go maty lives that here is where we make our great bo&it. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter s LITTLE I.IVEK PILLS an- ry sn all and very easy to take. One or two r tits make • doee. They are Hotly vegetal - and do mot gripe or purge, I,t 1 y their ei-ntl-' o< t. a please all who Uoi' them. In vials ' -> ci nts: Ave for fl. Sold evervwie-re, or sei by utaiL CA2TX3 !£S;i:-"S :0., Xtw Tc HALTS. M S::s, SBLIFE SCUT? % EMUS- n OF PURE COD LIVFF GI HYFOPHOSPH rES Almost as Palafafcie ?: 1<!"< So that it can ? digest ti, and a;/-lm!laled by*, he most Btniitlre itom&ch,w }ien the "aln oil etaaot be tolerated; and t»y tiie com blaation of the oil witli tho tiypo phoiphitei Is much more efficacious. Icmarkablc as a flah prods r. Persons giln rapidly while Uifcg it. OOOTTB EMfLSIOM Is ecknr.v.;ed?eil l.y fbysicians to be ibe Finest and Best prcjara ttoa in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wfi STINC DISEASES, EMAC!AT-Oii, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for Car. -.r, •" r , ■ Wasting in Child -en. Soldlyn'.'. r>'.ijg\ is. • Jjhft LT.— Oome in oat of the mow, You'll CET ftm* dMtb of cold from wet feet. Children.—Mather, oar shoes osn't got wet; joa WoFfsflCMEßlacking OB tbaa, sad water can't go through. OIL CLOTHS y° < 'W**SbA+<** bet a - 1 cl» nri of is rach n l i x irr. W<» eMßfSupa how sn < utlsy of SI.OO mil obtain it, «M still the floor won t look painted. Ue<« @IK-^)CN /a.™«BS.*.*.'.\\ ntri.r. WOLFF JS RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. £t ft ln~Dr\%g % Paint and Bouse FurwUhivj Siorea. CATAREIH II^^FEViR £LI"S CREAM BM. " it not a liquid. nntifT or pn>-<hr. ;,!'<< il into nostrils 1.1 quickly absorbed. It\ the head Allays inflammation, lied i.res. Restores the senses of taste and smell. M cents at Druggists; by mull, r<-jjl t-t •!, i n cts Ely Brothers, Urowl " u ifv v " :r " nSt - LOCTORS LAKK Lm I PRIVATE DISPEN.SAIiY. OFFICES, 828 PI:V AVE., All forma nt Del !c» and I 'OlU plicated UlteaMs rcqu .C"Nri- DENTIAL and ScitM :C M Ilea flM are treated at this li;>pcDi'iry * n Mt*ly attained. Dr.B. K. Lake 1«® r i, 1 the feeyal College of i'byaictaua and t r and if ms old—t »al mort oxper' need Hp ci i i the stij. Special attention given to I-'cr\ ix*' il!ty front ezceaaive mental exertion, Iml t OL yeoth *c.,ciuini physical and mi-iit:" ■' a 7. hick afenergy,despondency,etc.; alioCai..:. 1 ins, FIU, Piles, Rheumatism urn! all di»c.. ! tie "kin, Blood, Lungs. VHb.try «>i .aits, #c. I': ion ttf sod strictly couiiJentiai. OlTe t nd '"idift"SM' ® UUt ' Bi " 2tu 1 "' c< «. K. LAKE, M. D.. M. It. C. i'. H. or K !. D. IM;: SI . i Thousaiiis hav c..:i j>» r.'iiai». i ti i Sy EHiMJ- far ;:l Filll.ADlCl.l'iriA. I'A. I i-. atone. r on erlussuf time rrofci : .1 i.k < a-. • r • ..1. eaiaiiie'j>-others v, ;. ii. Semi (■ ■ CURE GUARAN ..ED. <M^\ M*#tl is f ' W V/|m* 1- • frirn t* ■•id aril r • 'if* |evaluil»Ut .1 "« ntn Jr4 -Kut r< J <>« k•»m- .1 . Sel.i-s.'. MMini Tan<!orir % Kirnod In en' : a*iin;?. part 4vt the K V*. Pr- 'n » ">BT h ;it < jj« 1 1 to y' ro '* EIA E ;;. :3 @STOPRC rREE Hi H . Initi • l's •. t: stored E ..AT ■ WHn v..| - te»r'»fii.'i. .'/.it' /.i/'v .. K CMI6AOTT sjr. ' » H 'H" E CITIZEN. MIBCKLI AN EOTB Fuzzied the Bartender. If there is one thing that M Vail, the ; ! well-ktiti-vn tir\rkot j i»«r, is prouder of than bis goo l look>. it is bis knowledge of all 1 species of mixed drinks ai'd his ability in getting tliein up in good style. A few 1 days ago a stranger wearing a title, a gla>s diamond and a r>>.-y headlight glow uje-n his H"M*. tepj'Cil * 1 t<" the 1* *r and Aid "Give r.te ><>!ne furtanat- - k Ia trancais with a d.iah of bourgeois© a fortit>ri. "Eh! ah, yes."' replied Al. "Will you — ■ ahem —take it hot or cold? "C'uldf" oueried the, stranger contempt uously. "Who ever heard of the like? If that a all you know about the drink I'll take something else. Fix me up some cum grano . ali.s with a bete noir on the out side. " "V-yes. sir," said Vail very promptly but weakly: ' I'll have i.t ready in a mo ment. You want a grain of what did you say." "Aw, bosh! I said nothing about a grain of anything. Don't y>u know whttt cum grano salis i?.' Let it fo Give me an ego sum homo, will you, and be lively. I'm in a hurry.'' •'Accommodate you in a jiffy, murmur ed Al, getting red in the face. "Give me an egtr. Hill'/ (to the under bartender'. Let's see. An egg and one home —what in thund'-r did you want besides the egg. ' stranger?"' "Egg the devil. I said ego sum homo, an! said it plainly. Great Heavens! where's the bartender of this place? 1 can't fool around with an ignorant appren tice." "I —urn —don't seem to have heard ot the drink you mention, stranger,'' said Al, sheepishly, while his countenance took on the aspect of the setting sun, "I though I knew —" "Oh. no doubt you thought you were an expert," remarked the customer sarcasti cally. Ho, ho, ho! S'pose I'll have to take something plain if I deal with j ou. 1 reskon you know how to fix me up a honi soit in a little qui inaly pence, don t you.' "Oh, yes," and Al smiled in a sickly fashion, (Aside: "What the devil does he he mean by Mol!y'spants?")"Billy,where's the bottle of bourbon?" "Bourbon? Why. man, there's no whisky goes with that drink. Well, may I be carried away on a stretcher if I d u believed this! And in a metropolitan sa loon, too! Give me a plain ipse dixit, will yon?" "Friend," moaned Al, as lie leaned over the bar, while the perspiration rolled off his brow, "I caii't do it. We've plenty of ipsey, but ther:; ain't a <1 — bit of dixit in the house." "Say. can you lis me & rar.i avis.'" "I can't," tearfully confessed the em barra -••(! barkecpsr. don't know how." "Alt'! you call your, li a barkeeper.' ' said ti.<- uiHU ith the flowing i>r»b<« "Wei!, I've .t nothing t-. say. Try to learn, young mail. You may yet gain some Knowledge of your bu-iuess. Good by—goi.J-by." It w.e not until a few days afterward that t: • >Te.-' : .1.-n driul.-tttixer discover ed that he ha I -en the victim of a put-up job, a:, i that lie had been trying to till or ders for 11 lot «f old l-'r'-iich and Wtiu phra-c -. Then lie repaired to tuu alley in the t'<-ar of tin-establishment uud silently kicked hie corns against the curbstone^ >: :iov» i w- j\\ . • r A I r t ;• eni into. 1 P i'- ! ! '* "'■ lX " 1 l " uvoli.-: . HI! : ' • f'lH ' < '-'lt *•' 1 : O.r <•!< . . •!.' "S f•» iiili- v: »« -I ti: • •UIM-JII a - tfiieuktn. i»i f "!; »• •• . «»n • ►«***n tigliuiij: ugaiii.'* **Nope," bt; sullenly grunted. "Then what on the earth ails your face?" "Jim Green's ma's dead." he repli ed. "Well, suppose she is, what's that got to do with your bunged up face?" "I seed Jim jest now," answered the boy, "and he looked awful sad and solemn - some.'' "Well?" "1 didn't know what ter do to make him bright and chipper like, an' feelin' so sorry for him, r jest went up aud let him hit me a few licks." "Did it help liitnf" asked the mother. "Help him?" echoed the boy, in a sur prised tone, "course it did. Don't you think it'd make you feel good to bust a fellow that way,what had licked you every week for a year?" A pretty picture is u healthy looking aud well cared for baby. By the use of Dr. Bull's liabv Syrup you can keep the health of your baby in splendid condition, l'rice 2.1 cents a bottle. The " woman's friend" is what Laxador may well be termed, for every women that has once used it will not. be without it. Price only 25 cents. —ln the schools of Minersville, Schuyl kill county, the newspapers have been adopted as a text book. All th> better for the schools. The use of newspapers in the schools instead of some of the stupid ti \t books now foiled ou the scholars wonld tend t i a broil' -r intelligence and enable the scholar.- to rra.-p more i|uiekk it! is that are really useful to them ia every day lii ' There are otne pretty rocky text i.oc sin . in our public «•:. ."Is. C'ompiU' Hood's Sur.-nparilla with other b! ">d pttriiii i s and you will s.-e that it i by far the best. A few day > since there wm shippedl from tb» Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio, a great armor {date bending machine for the Unite.! State :.avy Yard a' Mare i>la..d, near near San Francisco, C'til. The machine required eleven specially built and extra heavy Mat cars, the two largest casting ' weighing respectively 1f'.,400 and 60,"Of) pouudr, and the gross weight of the train carrying tho whole machine was 675,350 pounds. The entire distauco to Sau Francisco, 3,400 miles, was to bo run through without change, the machine to be taken thence forty miles by steamer to the yard. The freight was a little over SIO,OOO. Never Say Die! Scourged with ulcers, boils and tetter, j Weak of limb and sore of eye, Hopeless now of growing better, Surely one must die. Not at all, poor, discouraged sufferer from disordered blood and scrofulous trou ble. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disco\ cry, the LTeat blood-purifier and life-saver .if modem days. All these uu wholo-ome sores and blood disorders may be cured, and the victim will look and feel like a new loan. It is trtirrniiled to bene fit or cure or money paid for it promptly returned. Perfection is attained in Dr. Sage's Cat arrh Remedy. 11 cures the worst ca . A pale-faced, low-voiced woman In the dying afternoon Sat at the old piano And played tho same weird tune. Over and over she played it Till the stars came nut iu the blue, And I wondered on till at last I learn ed 'Twas the only one tihe knew. —l'rince Bismarck owns oiio of tho bald est heads in Europe, but it is universally admitted that there are "no flies on it." The Weight of Earth Worms. 1> t win estimated that worms, by swal lowin ' earth for the pake of the vegetable matter ..ntains and forming eastings, br :to the '.rface as much as ten tons of earth •. r anuuni on an acre. Worms are r. : - • tors nf vegetation by boring, : and loosening the soil, and : i' pervious to rains and the : , : p!,t: ; !s. by drawing straws and : leaves and twigs into it. and. '. by throwing up such infinite of lumps of earth called worm • , v!iich form a fine manure for grain at. ', prisf. The earth without worms w ,!d s <on bee me cold, hardbound, void off rinentation. and consequently sterile: th: has occurred in many cases where the wo tus have l>eou either accidentally or in tci.tiorjially destroyed, and the fertility of th soil thus loosed has only been restored when the worms had again collected and resumed their fertilizing work. Cannot some one produce a better wagon wheel than at present exists? ; While American wheels are the best in the world, American roads are in the same or i a greater proportion the worst, and there is in needed a wheel which will have a I strong yet elastic tire, something that is I mere enduring than the rubber tire, which I is in use to some extent, but not with every degree of satisfaction. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOH:— Please inform your readers that I have a poeitive re.nedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to seed two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption tf they wUI send me th- ir Express and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCCM. M. C., 181 Pearl St., X. T. At the Dublin City Sessions recently a uian called as a juror presented what he said was a doctor's certificate of his inabili ty U. Li ve. Tile Court reud the certificate aloud as follows. "This man has been asking for a certificate that he is unable to serve us a juror. I don't know whether he i a knave or a fool, but he has very little brains and recks of portev The juror upon tieel. riiig that he had n* idea what was in the certificate when he fianded it in, was relieved from a charge of contempt of court. I lls.—All tits stopped lree by I)r. Kline's (,r. sl Serve Restorer. No nts alter first day s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and ♦* '*> trial lKittle tree to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 981 Arch St., Phll'a, l's. Au Amsterdam, X. Y., man was turned loose from a hospital a few days ago where he had been undergoing a siege of pneumonia. On his return home ho con cluded he was huagry He got into the pantry and ate four bard boiled eggs and two pieces of mince pie. A subscription has been started for his widow and four children. A Sunday school teacher was giving a le ■on in Ituth. She wanted to bring out the kindness of Boas in commanding the r.-.i'-e, to drop large handfuls of wheat. ••'NO ■ children," sho said. "Boas did • nice thing for Ruth, can you tell il,o v it was?" "Married her," said one I of the boys. To Consumptives. ihe undersigned having bees restored to by sin.) le menus, after suffering for ■.Vr .l years with s M-vere lung affection, • y:i'l tit dread disease Consumption, is is to n.a.e known to his fellow suffer- Itr- tl e itii si.' ot eure. To those who desire , Jl, le viii el eerfnllj send (free of charge; a io| y of tli-i |u -erlfitiou used, which tbejr | w;li End a sire cure lor Cousuiupliou, A thma. Catarrh, Itrouchitis snd all throat I a ...I lui'g Main ies. He hopes sIL sttfterer* vi!l irv his Iteineiiy^ invaluable, those oesiiu g. which will so»l Jrr-STlM.iliiug, ltd may prov« a bless "t* ~ ill pit;:- i address fIKV. l*.l>WAßt> A. A. 1..- N. \I i.lK.'i.shufL', Kings Coun'y. New > . ia Ann Fi'ene/o. kowski has j i . it Ktin lor assaulting Mary | -: if that i ase tu trial, , t.... !.s -.i VMS will be seen going; it. liioir jaws ill a sliiig. 1 he tiiur.e of a bright young newspa per man iti a neighboring town is Trout. The girls consider him a good catch, and are fishing for him. IB! ONLY? f-P i «3 * I Wsaknsss of Body and Kind, UHK ri'xJi iJLiiULlof Errors or Xzeesses ia Old or Teunf. -.1 /.i» 3A .MiOf)lif»lij H#w ts tilarys ul hi. • hen A fc*S. INiJKTkLOPKDOUtAIIAPABTfcOr MBT. i.t.:..- .j anf&liinir IIOXB TREATMENT Imlf I • m 4mf. K . . i iron hut»< »ad ftrtlft UntrlH. Writ# tfcia I r.lrtit* l'.'cH, sad preofti a ailed (*tal«d) frses AID,-. . CRid F/ITOICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. ni « '"ii/s rij <» S K A I. A K Y All that 1s required is goodm s as vr ft eliar.e ter and » tuU|l|l|l|l rk Write at once to Kllusu- HR H I ill trrr A Harry, Rochester. X. V.,fIHIIILU Ml. Cope Nurseries. Established IS4O. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. Crey t ~ inn..,-,- (Haiubletoulan 10. Tip J (Mare by Kxton Kcllpse . ) Woods' llaiiiblot*all ST-.» | i)ati„iiii roi Inbred Messenger mare GIIEY TIP 7088 is cloeely related to morft of tbo fast trotters and great sires of trotters. Height hands; weight 1200 pounds, lie is stvlish, handsome ami a great roadster, uud vt ry fubt v. alkor; spirited, but (ear less; intelligent and trusty and trans mits iheee (|iialities to bis colts. Th- it wishing to raise trotters, ear ring- coach or general purpose ! in., us, or Hirigbtly drelt horses si. t.tif i jit ;11i:jhiiii und his colts at ioSt • itt 'i.irn, uiiev opposite Wick h. iise stable. ' 1 iMs S2O payable in advance i>A ith j ivilege of leturn. Accidents ]at owner's risk Ask for pamphlet ai | THE RACKET STORE, !!4 .s\ Main St., It utter, Pa. it. s. L. M. IIKWITT NEW LUMBER YARD R S. NICHOLLS & CO., Dealers in all kinds of Rough Worked Lumber. DOOKS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and Soft Coal. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Kigs, Etc. Call and get our prices and sec our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office aud yard oil MONKOK ST., XKAII WKST I'KNN DKPOT, BUTLER, PA. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles, i New Huts, New Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in ilowers, laces, gloves, veils, caps, AT AL. T'. CTM. Marks'. I No. U S. Alain ST., Butler, Pu. TIE PEOPLE WANT THEM ! HUSELTON HAS GOT THEM! | The Good Qualities of Our Boots and Shoes Bring Ex pressions ol Delight Irom the Thousands ot Homes Where Their Merits Are Known !!! j The father is delighted over the j lessened bills for Boots and Shoes. j The children were active and wore out their shoes so rapidly until Huselton's Shoes Were Tried- The mother is glad to add her word , of praise, for the children and all the ' family are so much better pleased since they use Huselton's boots and shoes that now Nothing Else will Fill the Bill. We are having a great run on our Women's Genuine Dongola Flexible Button Boots at $1.25, $1.50 and $2. These are beauties and cannot be matched for style and wear in other houses at 50 cents a pair advance on our price. JjjjET*See our Women's SI.OO But ton Boots. Nothing in the towu to equal them. The Ladies' Hand-Turned Button Boots—we have the stock to select from, and the ladies know it. Tbey all go to Huselton's for fine, good fitting shoeß. Stock larger this spring than ever. Trade demands it. So we have it at all prices and in all shapeß, widths, etc., from AA to EE, tipped or plain. Our line of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers are simply grand. The combinations in fancy colors in trimmings are immense, and at very low prices. Stock exceeding ly large. Look them over. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Spring-Heel Shoes in great variety in black and fancy colors. They are beauties! Men's Brogans and Plow Shoes at 75c. to $1 and $1 25. All solid, fine Shoes at sl—not shoddy, seamless tip bals. Elegant—sl.2s, $1.50 and $2 get you the finest in the land for the price. You can buy Men's Genuine Calf Shoes at $1.25 and a dandy at $2. Come and see! Our Infants'and Children's Shoes are lower in price than ever. New lines added. See our new Dongolas at 50c., patent tip and very fine; 5-8, 8-11 solid at 75c ; these are very fine. Infanta' 1-6 25 cents and up. Chil dren's School Shoes, heavy, 50e. to SI.OO. Women's Heavy Shoes at 75c. to sl, all solid. Boys' and Youths' Shoes, high-cut, tpring-beel, or heel, $1 to $2 in button or bals. WEi PLEASE ALL THE BOYS! We Don't Sell Any Job Lots, Sarjiple but All f Straight, Regular Goods at Same Price to All! New, Fresh Spring Slock now coining. Conie and tt-e us Ii will pay you 18. C. IIDSELTON.| Nil. 4, N. .Main St Butii-r, I'si Full Again. We mean our wall paper de 4 partment, lull and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out. we haven't room fir hall our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to Si per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near Postolfice, Butler Pa. Wliv Our Success? v Bticaute we devote our en tire time and attention to hats and Mens outfitting and those needing anything in these lines know it is to their advantage to come to us. We keep thoroughly poatei on all mat ters pertaining to our busi ness. We get our goods direct from the manufacturies en abling us to sell at lower prices than many dealers pay for them. We sell only the best brands of good.- in all grains, brands known the world over as re liable. This spring we are in bet ter shape to serve our patrons than ever before, and adding to our large stock daily. Remember we have but one price and that is the lowest. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. EPIDERM SOAP REMOVES FUECKLES, I'ISII'LES, BLACKHEADS .1XI) EXCESSIVE HE It ShlX. Its use renders the skin soft and clear, and gives a trans parent complexion. By mail 35 cents. Address EJ'IUEHM CO., Ilox 14n, Jersey City, X. J. W AMTWni Salesmen to Sell ob. M AIN I luU. choice Nursery Stock All goods guaranteed first-class. Good salaries and cxpeuseH, or a liberal com mission paid. No exjterieuco necessary. Write for terms, nivuijf ape aud secure your choice of Territory. O. L. KNIGHT i CO.. 100 I'ark Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. The Very REMARKABLE BARGAINS JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STR2KT, j BUTLER, - - PA., Has been opening: for ibe past few weeks have attracted tbe attention of thousands of eager buyers In order that there will be no diminution in the amount of busines we have been doing we shall offer our entire stock at remarkable low figures. Among this stock will lie found a nice lot of sam ple boots and shoes, some winter goods aud a large line of spring goods which are arriving daily- All persons wishing to purchase anything in our i line now or in the near future would save money by calling at Bickel's, for we are offering bargains which cannot be resisted. I have uu hand several cases of boots which lam closing out very cheap. I have just received a big shipment of mens working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; brogans, plow shoes, crcemors, &c., showing tbe best selection in Butler county, and prices lower than ever before. Menf fine dress shoes of all kinds. A big line of Edwin Clapps celebrated shoes which are all made by baud,cut from the choice skins of Kangaroo, Cordovan and French Calf, made on all lasts and in all styles. "There is no limit in our cut ot prices." Mens A calf, calf and dongola shoes io buttou, Eug. Bal and Congress from $1.50 to $3. They are dandies, call and examine them. LADIES SHOES. Such bargains as these have never been thought of in the shoe line. These prices afford great limits and capacities for saving monev in this sac rifice which may never occur again. We can give you a ladies fine Dongola shoe at $1.25, another at $1.50 and one still better at sl-75. A genuine doDgola kid shoe, worked holes, finely finished, Bto E at $2.50. Every pair giving good satisfaction. A good machine turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, lasts, etc. at $2.75 to $3 25. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heel at $1.25. This is a great bargain A misses good school shoe at sl. In this great sale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the same per centage of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber goods of all kinds, short and knee boots in light and heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at the lowest prices. Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing promtly done. N. B. 1 will give away a lot of tine seed corn called the Thorough White Flint Corn and a lot of good yielding oats called the Early Swede Oats. These seeds will be given away on the following terms: All persons calling at my store will receive free a package of corn and oats. They are to plant it and on Oct Ist to 10th, all persons can bring sufficient samples of each to my store and tbe person getting the best selection of the two seeds will be entitled to a $lO premium The person having the second best selection will receive ass premium. So call and receive a free pack age of our seed aud try your luck. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - Butler, Pa i,S*M TILLINGHAST'S NEW sjfeP ' - nuii iiui .. . l . .-OTsafels not a seed catalogue, but a ~v Tjiiiignifiecut volume contain " J|fa "vP< ' 3 270 Colored, Til's magnificent ' oil 011011 of Floral Lithographs has cost over Tweuty-llve Hundred Dollars. and has lieretolore sold at KUty Cents pei copy alone, but to Introduce it and mv seeds. I will now for ;i limited time oiler to send postpaid by mail, on receipt of 75 cents, (postal note, silver or postage suiups) one copy or this Elegant Kloral Album and l'j packets of our choicest aud most popular Klower Seeds, viz: One each of choicest mixed Asters.Balsams. I'ansles.Verbena. Petunia, /inula, Poppy. Acciocllnluia or Slrawflower. Diuiitnioi:d Phlox, Sweet Peas, Scablosa and Mignonette, 'l'he catalogue price or tiie seeds alone Is 11 00, yet lor Introduction I will mall lliem ail and a copy of the beautiful Album for 75 cents. :«r*l WANT ACK.NTS and will pay them well to take orders among their friends for this great combination. My seed catalogue will be sent free with each order. Address Isaac F. Tillinghast, Box 63, La Plume, Pa. Our readers will be pleased to leurn that The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. Ilis hogship is quite a hog and lie weighs 80,000 pounds and cost $n,500, The building that encloses Ilis Majesty is 151 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Butler twp., on the grounds of ' The Butler Salt and Chemical Works." lie is not yet on exhibition but when he is ready great things are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. TWO ( HOM E SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHINC SHORTLIDGE, A M (ItAKVAUD GRADUATE.) I MEDIA, PA., (Near Philadelphia.) Grand Opening Of our New Mammoth Double Stores on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, April 3d, 4tli <fc sth special display of line mil linery; spring jackets, beaded capes and beaded wraps. Our Wool Dress Goods De partment is tilled with all the newest fabrics. The largest stock of dress gingams, prints, challies. French and American satteens ever shown in Butler county. Our low prices can not be beat. New York Bazaar Leading Dry Goods and Mil linery Emporium. A grand souvenir to each patron free. GO and 02 S. Main St., BUTLER, - PA. Christmas Goods for Everybody. A cpleudid Hue of fancy aud use ful articles of every description. Match safes—in brass, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet CBSCB, manicure sots, shaving nets, gloves and baudkercblef boxes iu leather aud plush. Odor cases in leather, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, vases, per fume stands, and au endless variety of Gne goods, which moat be seen to be appreciated. All liner, nicer and cheaper than ever before. The pub | lie is invited to call at KKDICK'B Drugstore, next to Lowr.y House. I Kxamiue our goods and get our I prices. X>„ LEAd lN(f ILLHBY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South Main Street* - - - liUTLEH, I 'A I CURE FITS! WhMi I wy Crr&E I do not mean morsl? ta Slop tlum fur a time, and then have tliem ro ll., n again. I mean AR A i>li ,tr. CtiiE. I fcaso made the Uiaeaae ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A lite-lon* study. I WARRANT my re tnedy to C'ru» the worst ciues. Because oUicrs havo failed la no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at ones for a treatiso and A FREE BOTTLE Of my INFALLIBLE KEMEDT. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a Ulal, and it will cure you. Address K.C. ROOT, M.C., I&3PEANiST..KE«V&aK NO MORE OF THIS! Si) Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight, will often slip oft the feet. To remedy this evil the " COLCHESTER " RUBBER CO.. offer a shoo with the Inside of the heel linetl will rubber. This clinfes to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. Call for tbe "Colche»toi » "ADHESIVE COUNTERS -nd voucan walk, run or jumpin them ga A SOLID STEEL FENCE: EXPANDED METAL CVT 'K?EST EEIJ SOMETHING HEW •"OR RESIDENCES, CHUR<-,n'S. CEMETFRIE:. F-RMS GARDENS Gates Arbor-*, Window Guards, Trellises, Fireproof PLASfKKIXU I t Til, IIOOR M VT-i, 4c. Write for Illustrated Catalogue- mailed fret SEMRAL EXPANDED MF.TAL CO L 116 Water St., Pa. wdw»rb Ht u kei-p It. Give uamc of ibis VA'JCJ - «>(»•> of tlx- IPniffP rod wii^lwr®r , s! BllsT Trlb IfPft* \ unequAlrd, and to introduce our lli JF I toONC flKioN in rich locilltf, ■HMBKb mabove. Only I hoae who write H n to u> al once can make aura of THithe chance.'All you have »odo in Ftho*e who call—your neighbor* ■■ ■ ■■ and th<<ae around you. The be- AYEUnRFISF 1 of thla adeeTtl»emen| RMIL w ab 'Wt the small end of the trie scope. Tb« following cat U»« «|.pc,ifamc of it rrdutciMo ttiruitke from 93 (»Slot Jay at leaat. from the start with . Batter Write at once. We oay ail expre.aciiargea aaUrrM. H lIALLEI'i 4 CO,, lioa »»oT ro»tU.ll>, UAIX* TO WIM MEN Buffering from the effect" of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., 1 will ■cud a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should bo read by every fn.n «bo la nervous aud debilitated. Address,. Prof. F, C. FOWLER noedus, leuu. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On tUe tonal* face, | , % i hair ou the furtv head, lifilf, breast, uu MP above tho beard liuc and bo- )X& V.vßgHOff tweeDtUneyebruwa / destroyed forever '■# Needle Operation V Electro \ Ml I'eun aveuue, J} i ma rk H , Mol|n, K Nose, Enlarged J . Pimple*, Black - beads, Liter Spots .*%f* , aud all dUeanes and MewUhes of tho skin, , couipltxiou, hair aud scalp succesHfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor bat* , bad 20 yearit' experience in tbe practice of 1 bla Bpecialty, aud number** among bis pa ' Hants our moat promineut families. If you are afflicted with any of the above blemUhcH, avoid patent medicine* and consult Dr. Van Dyck at ouc<*. Special terms to all wlioinaku engagementa'thirt month. Hook free. Engage -1 ments can be made by mail. Call on oraddrean ; Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. Utli street, l'hiladel , phla, or 50' I Peun avenao, lMttubaryh, I*a. j Hour* 'j to 1 and 2 t<> 7; Kun PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. IIAMISOMD, INDIJSTKI CTIIif.L*. Cheaper thaa Wood. The abovacutabowa Picket h'mcr with gat« < rhlalsaot a netting,) can b« u»«J ou Iron or IV.-.u. Wku witting »i.r prices give Quantity. of Gatu. |WtuM>: »D<l Mum!#, fruited. W« also Maaute'tuj a Heavy Iron Bt»bl« Fitting*, Flro HLuuera aad FIRE EMC.tI'KS. Cellar ItiHira. aii 1 KMIHIV*. HI a i and Iron Or 1! I- WIKI. M>UUASI> WINDOW tiCHU Sd, aud all kind* of W IUL H uUK. TAVI.VK A DEAH, 801, 203 A JOS MurLct St., l'UUburgti, l'u, DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIBST CLAWS LAUNDRY WOBK is all HUANCHEH. LACE CCUTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLKAH ISQ, DVEI.NO AND ('Alt PET CLKASJNO. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWOBTH, PROPRIETORS. 1890- : SPRING: -1890 NEW Sl'Kl\<; DKEW.S GOODS. AND TRIMMINGS. New \\ lute Goods, Eilibroldti ies,>s, Damasks Towels, Napkins, Crashes, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Ginghnius, Prints, 1 ickinjrs, nod ull kind* of |* ■ n,.»• sii. • Gooti-.. New Spring Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Hugs, Malts, Druggetts, Window Blinds, Lace Curtains, Portiers. And Stair Rods. As always, we fi ow the Uruv.-i »nd FIXEST ASSORTMENT At the lowest prices at Ritter & Ralstons. BUT ■- • ?. 1 1 7"T~l;ire uot the oldest slioe"¥~\ T Tfn % % J 1 .house in liutler. We I - V I I Wo kuow our business. * " -■ -'are probably thr voting -■ V 0 est. 11. 1 are not the richest shoe | ) | "T We've got enough to avoid \\ |i .house in Itutler, l~| B j I the necessity of doiug busi uess ou the' huud to-mouth'- basiu. 111 \\ 7" X7^ lliivi ' u ' t .f- , "t the largest Q | braud new one \\ it may lit? the that is right up to date. ' Iv - 1 W r"lJV>aveu't got the largest 3 y a Tf 11 We admit tlnil the loni'th ol \ \ I ij s iore room <>l any thoe fI~~C I I the room bears 110 relation T -"—'house in lJutler; oursi a J_ t o the qualitv of the shoo* rather short, sold in it. ■ %% T ~"1 haven t got llie biggest H intun tu sr!l t,t r r l:.:i e o \ V fi.shoe trade in the world, J-C g ■ 8 the line shoes liuu died by in " " *—'and we never expect to-*—" v_J -1 have. VI. UVT l.Vlou't sell cheaper than 1 k j r elaiiu that the good are VV M my body else; on the I j I fully worth the price. T ' -■-' contrary our prices arc-*—*. V-* J tlie highest ruling. VII. 1\ f give credit. We |j a try to deal with our \\ rl .must have tlie money I j I customers so as to make ™ ' —'oc the goods. ■- ' them our friends VIII. 14 J | to set! you al 1S \ g wish yon to remember 1 % I 1 .come and give 11 a trial, l""V I I where we are located. Do * " —'and if good urenot jn.,t - ™ —■" ™ " uot forget the number. as represented we will cheerfully refund you your money, m 8. MA I N ST. WILL REMOVE Mil IST BLACKMOKE & GRIEB, J. H. CIRIEI3. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GKIEI! & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLEM. PA. BSole Agents for Butler, Mercer mid Clar ion counties for Pelir Bros. & CO M Magnificent Pianos. Shoninger, and Newby '& Evans Fianos, Packard, Crown, Carpenter and Englund Organs. Cealers in Violins, AH Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUMC A SPECIALTY. Pianos and Organs sold on inMaJlments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and .-e<; us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds ot Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. -I- iMSaM— CA THE BAKING Satisfaction Guaranteed EACH CAN OF THE COOKS DAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT. AND 13 SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. QOOKB QUARTERS,RETAIL AT 5 CT«. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTS. COOKS POUNOB, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by aii Groccrr. ~ . ' .'und Can.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers