vi - I CE G . FIUDA V, APRIL 11, 18'». is, n >■« has a population of about in li i»- the<uuiii> s«al.o. bulier rouuij. »uu "Xurraili»a>s. natural gas, and uue-iualleJ wn«-s lur luanuta. lurea. g Progress » \ t-ryvvl\- r>-; new buildings. new laai. .!f t uf* a growing and prosperous town 'I It.VI.NS ASI» MAII.S. V. I i Th . il. i: Tialm have Ilutirr tor I ,■ «-i>..ri. Klairsvillr. Wlisi'MW al <■: 10 ana K.M A in and and '.-..up 1... Malls rl. se or fit. |M .lut .«l -as »i» ;n»*l ir. j» lu, rl\»- «i i'» ;i »»<• an*' f ' - 1 " P- 1,1 r.'v ■s.sVr-"'.!:. - Mulls .irriv«- ;il - -»;um • P Ul !• &\V H |».- Trains ** fo* AI ll«* M l„ i, ,' al I '!■ and a " i : ."| - It. 1.1. lor Ibe norm at a. • if .ii» i-i.rrvr- for lb'; W' St and south at ,**"&. pTttoour" and the North at Ml t ill h'or lu<ni weal of 1 •*})**** ar } ,i * i in for Pieal points South and I ill at ' i.i and «'»r oil* rty.Burnhari s Mi l •'«ja, 0 r.-loov at pw. Malls a.«l f.M al joints wh or ■ iller> a' "i" •' ■ trom I'litabuiy. ml ( lt>. iwinliait Mills. Clalioli, Koiburg and local w*lAlleglM-.iv ai.»t l'.ulli r at lu. «i , 1.1 1i0... Pittsburg and 11M- East al 1.-JJ P from Pittsburg and the North at 4wi p m Matt, lor 10-;al points belweeu Allegben) ami ( jllrtj rinse at 3:10 and p. In s.AS JIOITES— Ilally mall (or Ml Chestnut i.iiinsat II and leaves IfUller I' <»• al I lia.l) mall to North llope, Hooker and . iii.-r poiuta ai rives al 11 a. au.l departs al I- j, l' ni. Mon-> u..1e13 ran 1«- il.t-d at the .al H.lUer, bui.l.ary (' "Ullei.-i --v.lic |' I.),« II 11 land, art Mill-.,, t'. lilrt Vllfe (hl.ppei>.<K;U>, I". Holla. Vl* t'.ilA al.d Ht'iitr.l'-' 11" lit- j 1 to. "all >nru-i underpins cent', for *•" ' ,r ft-- I'ostal noies *nlet. aw uosait-r !i..-inj.» moi.»->, as tin'} an- hiade payable *.o u., h.n'l , .Wt i.-i-uls 10l t'< or lea* SOCX EIMJiJS, 1.)( Al. AMSEMnLV fcStW, Kuighta of l.a -1..U n.ecu every Friday uifil.l iu ihe « ar m' ters and Joiner« Hall, tbird floor, Uubcl i.:„ buildup. W.U. XI. <Ji K.SK, Uer. ,-ec New Advertisements. '1 lie New \ ork Life, h. A Li's Spring Bargains iioaenliaiitit's Aliliincry. AgelllS Wanted. ili s Gilkej-, Arlistic Dress Maker. Marlin.-bUil A <'•>.'» tie. I.xenv. ioii to Wwihingtou. \OTE— AII a.lvcrtisers iiiteinliug to niuKe ( Ij.nigr ;in their slnnil'l notify ua ol jlietr intending to do ,-o, not later tbaii "Monday iioirning. For County Superintendent. Ttlesilaj", ilay^Cli. U. It ELLIOTT, Of Millcrstown. N. C. UcCoLLotou, Of Karns City. SAUUEI. J. CHBISTLEV, Of Cherry twp. I.OCAL AND fiENEBAI, He cotil.l «ritn a coinio artiele that would make you fairly roar, Anil hit after dinner speechen were with huuior brimniing o'er; Hut when left to mind the bahy his re sources flatly failed, And the funnier lie tried to he tho morn the baby wafled. —How do you like your now neighbor. —The peach buds are said to as dead as Jnlins Ciesar. The warm weather ii luring lovers to the Mifiurbo. Voti can get arbutus ami a fold in tho head on any hill about town. 1 rubrellas Lave been over-worked of late. —11..w Jo you like the new 2-ccut stamp? —The bottle works here aro to be en- Itrgcil. —Ste Kosenbauin A Co.'s new advertise ment in this paper. —Our dn'ggists are overhauling and fur bishing their soda water fouutains —Dr. fiippus is now located at No. 2?, E. Jefferson St. —The pension of I-e Roy Delainatter of Barnharts Mills has been increased. -tiathcr together and put in order your garden t«ol3. —The candidate* are beginning t« move around quite lively. —After the Ist of if ay the bank i here intend clotting at .1 —Next to laziness, the hardest thing on earth to re-'iat is the impulse to lake hides in a tight. —Mont men will uotice a shabby pair of shoe* more quickly than a "love of a bonnet." —An explosion of an empty glycerine can «>>nie distance east of town, Thui i.lay evening,startled the whole town. -One of tlic >hanties on the Tiontnian lot Wd • dragged ovei to Spiingdule, and was there »lallc.l in the middle of a street. —The Spring Term ot the Slipperyrock Not mar started off with throe hundred and t v.iinty five student.?. —Mr. Sylvanus Cooper and his son were delivering some of their excellent maple syrup hi town Wednesday. Mr. Henry Uiehl is now occupying hn store rooms and has an experienc ed man to superintend his sowing machine department. The In-y man goeth to and fro with his hand.- in his pockets, expecting that one day lie will become rich. "Amy bet d'l.or taheceryni puno oyu."' There ii. a line of S3O f..r refusing to giv* your age to the census enumerator. This Item may be interesting to girls and bachelors. A new postotlicc hat bean establi bed in < Icarlichl township, and called I'cncl ton, and of which Mr I*. S. l'ennell is the postmaster. Communion services will be held in the United Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath. The pastor will be assisted by Kcv. S. J. Shaw of Kraddork. A book-keeper of this town who disap peared four weeks ago, is ."aid to be .|:iOOU short iu his accounts, and to have left his employer in bad shape. April showers brought some immense hailstones Tuesday night. That same night N'owalk, Salem, Kast Liverpool and other towns in Ohio were vi-ited by heavy storm \t the meeting of Council Saturday evening, nothing win done, excepting that the 1 ouneil decided not t*. interfere with the rebuilding or repairing ~| iho frame barn back of Pape'a store, and now owned by Will Kennedy . —Miss Mollie Gitkey lias opened her dress making establishment In the second st.>ry »f her building on Main St., where she is prepared to do everything iu the line of fine dress making at the lowest prices compatible with good workmanship. She keeps ou hand all the latest fashion plates and her facilities lor doing the lie«t of dressmaking are unexcelled. She would beg to thank old customers for patronage of the past and solicit a share ..f that of the future. With two leagues at work, the knights of the bat Will pocket what else we might hoard, And when the ball's opened, we'll wager a hat, The newspapers all will bo scored. 1 JEN NESS-MILLER. Ride a eoc-k h-.r,-.- To Banbury »'ro To a yo mg l*d\ A slrinldle o' r-ur «• It the new notion \ e.J fa I g"<~ What she'll do ne<t N..bodl kuo.r.«n is ai' tin under Water. Foot nn-u were hanged in thi r-t.ite, Wi .lne-iia'. --Anil.ev. :it Belief.iiitP.<'arte: at Elieinburg. Taylor at Wayne-t. n ; - atul Barlh.ib'.niew at l t-t.ov 11 the littsbnrg I*< JUI /./.'< r..a.l i ploring pa.ty Tlulh r ronnty. *• «• ~.l them to altatli eight hor.. - an.l leu n.nler- to their . hooner —nr.nie.l liod.U ol I iir\.i .. i v[• own a. o,V i- .-aid I" have lately g.\ell birth to live •-ah'ef. none id whi.-li li\e<l long. —The I'nio.i Vetei .in la-i i.oi. o| I - ..l !• •. eeleb.-al.-d 11. .J>lb aI. .11. i ai yof the Mir render al Appoi»i:llo\, W i-dili- ila # v e\«*uili- The eieici: . s were very enlertaiiii..;' —lf A[iril ..howr-r. i.ring Ma> this whole ertion will be a vast flower bed, and tßere « ill be plenty of pn>ie< toi be. oralioii I'.!/ U Lrh il.e bar ol Were ..[ieiie.l 11* 7-1 week, all drink w* .e tree for the lir.-l day, and "ue ol the paper.- there puliil heil biographic of the bar ten tiers. —There are a thou and victims the Mi. Hood without home and f«MKi and vciy I ituU A r.-li.-f r••uiinit i•• iu Memphis will apply your eontribution where it will do the most good. —John ilulcatby i 3 taking out a large lot of stone from the .puny on th.- Kelly place. Be ha.- abotit ten Italian- en.:: tg. d, and takes out -IX carload - a day His I'. 0. is Pump. ili... Sink vacated the Brady building, yesterday, and Mr. Tayb.r imuiediatcly put hi.i men to work upon it. and in the course of a month or •> in>; Butlc C"Unty National Bank open it door • for b.. iufc.s. —Friilik Armor, the painter, .. . • rlftiiily the man to go to for paiutiug and paper bunging of all kinds. He has a fiin: corps of painters and their work i> strictly first cla»s. tii'. e him a call —About 1900 years ago n\ id,the i.'.irnau poc t said, iu his native language: ' Time spent in the cultivation of fields, passes Very pleasantly." Farmer of thi • section of the country should cut the quotation out and paste in their hal -. —Mail contractors, iu this county, made but little clear money this winter, owing largely to tin- bad condition of the road., aud the fact that they are doing the work too cheap. Tlio government is willing to pay u fair price, but give- its work to the lowest bidder. —'Tis now the fruit, flower and ont..- niciita! tree growei -ends out his seductive catalogue, aud the purchaser of tin- eeds and roots aud things v oniler. *i by lie can never grow anything half . o beautiful as the gorgeously colored pictures in the book. —That part of Wayne, ireet between Main and Mckean, and Ibe street down to the bridge has been wa.he.l away mill i now a hole in the ground, and 011 the we. t side of the bridge there i- a mud cat tract which is quite a curiosity on a rainy day. —We will give tho i'irt7f: - ; one year free to the person making the m are t guess to the popnlalion of their town or township iu the county, the Jnnc . en- ts to decide the mutter, and ..11 guesses to be in by the Ist of that month The United Presbyterian Prc.bvteiy oi Butler will nieel al Harmony Church, near liarri .vilbr, on Monday, the 21 -t insl . at 7P. \i. Trains will .-lop at Bnnwoodie' ; clos ing, near the church, and one mile north of the Harrisvilk- station, on the 21st. and 22J in-Is., for the accommodation of members. —Farmers are warned against a :>s* of swindlers who are going around tlio conn try gelling barbed wire fencing. They of fer to furni; li a good eight-wire fence, with iron posts, tor eight cenU per foot, which afterwards turn ' out to hi: eight nut per f«ot for each wire, or a total of i\ty-lour cent* per foot for t In- feme —The advantages of the oil toned hidl ovti the har.Ji, dauging old otyle I,ell are :«i uiiiueiuut thul Ihi v are fa 1 n-placm the. latter for door In,ll-, tall bill , ele. The Electric Supply Co. i- prepared to furnish all manner of electrical appliunced, and carry a stock of electric door belli, calls and annunciators. Their work i* reliable uad iL will pity those defiling ati.v thing in their line to con ult them before placing order. —Some of I lie utoii. . t hat come from the hundred-foot field arc immense. (me niau paid he :aw u wagon going through mud up to the bed; and aiiothei thul he saw a lot of men trying to move a boiler Willi tell hors*:.-*, that he couldn't bee the wugou at all, that the horse - were up to their bellies ill mud and that when one of them btui k the men dug him out, and that every time any of the men took a step he reached down in the mud and took hold of his boot strap to keep the boot from pulling off. v \\ r hethcr or no they got the boiler moved lie didn't nay —A kindly faced man at a bun -a * City street crossing asked a gentleman who was passing ii he had lost a SUO gold piece. The gent Milan looked at the coin and -aid he had. The old man drew out a nMc book und took the name and addrc . of Ihe loser, and turned away. "Well ' aid the other, "do you want it all for a reward.' "Oh, 1 did not lind oue," said the beuevu lent (dd man, ''but it struck me that in a large city like this there mu .i be a great deal of money lost, and upon inquiry I liml that yon are the thirty lir I. man that ha , lout a S2O gold piece tliid morldllg." I'islrict Deputy A. \V : hainiou ol Prospect installed Ihe new oUieers ol the Odd Fellows lodge of liutler, Monday night as follows; Noble Grand, AV. 11. Morris, V. 1,. S. t'ritchlow; Seeietaiy, C. li. Anderson; A i tani Secretary, .1. (i. Stickle; Tretis., I). I. i»ale; i'epre. etila tive to <l. 1,., W. T. Meehling. The total uinonnt of tin: available asset of tho lodge are 3*.»nr,7.!i2, the amount received during the past U month , 1711.and amouut paid for relief sltt7.oj and total expenses and relief The member ship of the lodge now numbers 1 <;*.». The new officers of tho Millei. lodge will be installed nc i Monday night, and tli<. <- of the Kama Oily lodge night If the greatest men could realize llow little they are mi I'd when ib id They would never swell beyond their i;'o Nor grow a great. Uig Mead. of U. Tho atatement appeared n few weekn ago in the papers that we in tnudeil moving into the property on Jeflerson St. purchased it nhort. time ago by our Mr Lieghner, which was a mistake. \\ »• do not intend mo?, in#* There ia no place on Main or Jetleraou St. large enough lor our buainesd. Thetelore, uh we uvvu the property in wlueli we now are and have the lot, Mix I'd i feet, all covered Willi Imiiiliiigs and h I l**i| with wagons, snrreys, carts, har ness and everything in our line, we intend staying right here ut '5 i West Cunningham St. Como aud see us. S. li. ri & Co, < »il Field Notes. Wood & Tonng. -Co. 2 nil the John It&mhaugh, reach. .! the p*y u. :V Wed n esday night of l.i-t . ek, and inf■ <1 off at :HHI bids fin Haturday it v. a - doing 7". bbla and their No. 1. 0 bid Tatter ..n No. I on the Eii holt; h i stopped flowing, their No. Ji- making 8 bid • Wood A V..mi.- No 4 - reported dr.- The ilniidied P.. No I ib. lar.d. T'aiiibaiigh i 1-" bid .. da and nineteen well are drillin r itn ante farm. I'altei ton A t • I on lb. t.n Indt .-tarted oil at .0 bbl all hour and is yet doing *>» I heir well on fl.e lb . Voung made fat bbl tin- first d.r 11.a h A loinihart ou the Mr tail, neai Pet.-rsville, reach, d the ,-aml Sulnrdai. filled up wilh oil and h rated rated it In 1.1.1- I'atter.-on A Tat.- well on the John U. Brandoii reached I lie pay .-In-ak 'J'hui day and v. ill make a good pumper al >• llrnu don A ' 'in auie farm. The Taretituin Oil t'o's 2on tin; I L. Bambaeh wa tubed Sunday, and is doing tin bills a day. Steele A<o' -on Hie t l . 1.. . lotnuoii i rated al 20 bbl and Pale A' T1 1 ..n.p • n on same farm at -to. MeClnng A fo. on the li | tirdhan. wa 15 fe. I in »aud Monday, and no oil. Campbell A tt e&t.-rinttil on the J,i. . Wel di i making lo Id I ■ d.n Brcenli-i 7on tne Leslie If ifl. tt is rat ed at .id bis. Beed A ha,.j their No 2 drilling on the Marshall., Ko.lgei A Co' a 1 oil the ETaofi man, uem ' illery, i. flowing -a't water; M. Keeton Ja*. t'aal.Jolld. is rated at 10 Id.-. CappcAU got .» d.y huie, 1 n.lii|-. 1 ni. Bunthutt is reported dry. i'be k'autfw.ui « ell is ibiv. ing 2aoiJ bio of salt water daily. Tho Well ou the Nieholls faun lit Vdhio twp. owned by Jennings A I'ti. will mai..- a ..mall producer. II is on a -1"> degi.. line from the well on the Nancy Adaio. lann an.l Balfour .I.eliipni. nl ll i nitcd al 20 Id., a day. The 1' i -hei Oil l.'w.-. Well at Herman htntiou was coinpleUd and . ooi and i.- .. small producer. iireenlee A Bulard have a splendid lease adjoining the W ildwood ga-her and are expecting a I,or*) barrel well ibe re. It is fourth sand territory. The (iriftiih '.veil there is rated at 200 a daj'. E. If Adams A Co. completed a dry hole oil the .I t . Campbell, near Bruin, last week. A good well came iu on the farm ot Henry Conklc la' t week, about ball a mih froin'llunkstown, Beaver Co. It tilled up Too feet in two bonis, with two bit iu the Saint. Mr. Conl.le got a bonus of SS,(KN) on Word reached Bullet Wednesday, thai the Sue*. A fn. well on the James Mori land farm in Mai ion 'I j>. was doing od bar relo a day. There arc six or i i.-ht Wells in the tov. ns.hip llnit have been producing t little oil for some years. The well ou the Walk, r farm in Clay' Tp. is expected iu next week. Wants llitfh School liuibling. In his report of the progress of the schools of Hut ler for the month of March Prof. Mat key makes a trmig argument lor a separate High School building, and thinks the money for it could be raised by i.iib eriplion Begarding the HighSehonl (ll Bullet al present, lie IV • We have a Course <>l stud . eVlfciidiri:' over a perioil of three years. It tompri.;. ■ Latin, Ciesar, Cicero, Virgil, Algebra, ficoiuetry, Tiig-iuouielry, Literature t.en eral History, t.'belori . Psytolo.ry, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, (ieojng), ..trollOUiy, I'bysieal fieogl Ipby, fil t-el- , Xciiophon, Ifei oilotu lloni l, Ii• -I'lliall I.'eader, Seh etiuii, . At the end i.ftlii term we close the .second y • -11 ofnitr history as a Hi.-li School, aud by that lime we will have had clas. i in all the-e studies except three, Cicero, Hcro.tolns, and llomer Our course except iu prole ■ .iuual branches i e.piiv aleul to the Scientific cour.*e iu th.- .ortinil -. Ini-ds id tin- .Stale Oui graduate ■ u ill have a cour'u extend ing almost Iwo years beyond thai i<-.|nir. • I iuNormal 1"..r the late diploma and the degree M ■ .ler id tin- lilement. With equal fueilities ou accoinit of their thoroui'h prep nation, our High -h0,.1 pupils should In- able to do more and bel ter work ih in is done in Acadeuiie.-, I'n para tor} schools or .formal srln.ul .. (Mir graduates will b. ready tor tin Cla . 11l the college,, having the highest lalid,list of adlili sion 111 tin I,'. S. If they .to not go iu college they ..ill hav. had training superior in scholarship lo that given in llo: academic., of the cmintiy or preparation for the study ol a profession or business pursuit.. It is, I believe, 110 prevailing opinion among city .-uperiu tendenls that their High kchoul graduate furnish belter for their corps >.i teachers Lbaii Normal si boots do. Graduates Iron, our Common tallied course have entered colleges (md.ciui liaries aud have al once won di.iinction in tin ir cl.i . ■ .-, slio a iug thai ihur piev'iou - training must have been thorough to m able them to win honora in competition with repic.:i utative of mail)' High hool and .-eiuinaries. The pa I cneourage ii to hope thai the graduate of the Inline having had two years additional training will . till do honor to themseßi and to th. lJutler sehool.. iu Ihe colleges and uuivciai tie.-, tlie technical ichouls and iu the pro Cessions ind place * of business that they may enter. Tho Markets. Illill.l.ri MAEKKi.S. Our groeei. are paying ~ . for huttei, t . for egg *, foi potatoes, tin to 75 for np pie , i'.ii for par. nip '.'■<> lor turnip , I > tor unions, l:M tor die sed poultry, 1:: to 2. J5 per hn. for onion set . I'ITTSBCU'i I'HOliU) 1 Timotli) hay tl I toil . mixed buy * to !».jO, rye o.'i to i, oat •V, 111 .lulled com 111 lo U'l; I' ll- com 10 111 I , \\ lielit to 80; clover Seed ti IllOt 111 eed I ill The l'itt hill':' egg market v..1 over toi I. Ed lad week and ihfv Hold at 1.1 to l.lj a do 2, prices in everything el remain al the l ame as last reported. Potatoes on track 4.» lo W) fobbiDg -is 75; apples 1 ;".(l to -t :'.O a tiid a to qitalilv; die-led chicken 11 to I*.. eountrj roll huilcr S to "1 as to quality; beans 175; union * I " . turnips I iiO to lo I To a bid; honey I I to IS; onion el to .0 a hn; mapfe 'vmp {MI to |l I.IVK KTim t.. At Hi ii I. laud, Monday, bcevc .add from Ito !>(; dry cow .sold from at 1 1 to !! and bull at :'i lo Veal calve soiil al Ii» to 8; two good Ire ii cm i old it f.i.'i each and more were called for. The ; upply of .Inep wm light ami on equal to the demand, .lo;, IVri'/h' old a lot of country heep at to ii. The inarki t for hogs ha - I illen oil' < ha , Volbrecht retailed a lot of mi* ed country hogs al :t 1 to I<. At I.a it Liberty good '.Hill lo 1000 lb feed ei i old at lo :: j; and Mo to on ||, tm I. ers at '-'2 to :ij. I lit 1)11. U.lUlt 11 Cloiied lloodsi at ?vf, iuel i. it HOj Wednesday at '/ill. I'uljllc Sales. Mr. \V. A. Ralston of Ml < h. hint, v. ill ha\e a ale ol personal properly on I'rid.iv the •J'ilh inst. The beig heirs will hare a iale on then place, oue mile north of liutler, on I hut day next at 10 a in. A lull line of Spring Haiti and Bonnets ut 0, T. Fai £'u. Personal. 1 lir. JutH Walla.of Sen <m:l ■ j itubletih on Mond i t euiti" ! Mrs .lain. I. do-, id' I>.. . Up..rl. and I 10-.-pli Keed of fill -loiri'. v I le the gll< I of Ilicn father, lien (ten. W H. •d, I .>t Wevk. . If Uilte. Id I.'llli I A I'd-toil. Win. BUek, i i . •■' M Jiiid. Twp is iii • f pueitmonia. j mil Mi - ..111111-1 oi •-!' ! !io|d.;. vi ited f.ierol in Bull, i i.i i *< '< y r . S I., 1-1 Ilar.i-V.lie I. I no e.l tn Ibe If i.mpb 11 l. iin in 4 •<o o». •[Utile? iiig 1 . |> Mr. I «' if. i lyinoi.-t - lit- mte ..1 hi- I family l- U • -I Idi.eriy Mr. .1 M Orcer has moved from Uillei tov. It lo 1.1 all i iIV Thomas Pr\ or. of .'oiiora. and Sarah. •Bother of I;., hard »' Hi its K ■ ! OonlUa villi*, have been gi anted pen ions lien lligah i- atteinpliog lo re. I.iim the porting men ol Pill-burg Mr It V Waller lot lo- l.alu Thill .lav morning tl--death • ati .<1 by :pa fo ifi .I.din ll Keibef i- ib.. II vv.lh . al let le . el John M Bu. ell's balo b..>, di. d Vt.l ne.-day afternoon, and Jobn bun ell i . t 1 in poor health. Henry 'Wagner lot an infant child, M"itda. Hon. Thoinii- M. Marshall oi Pill borg is here OU the oil t a . Ihat will be taken up to day. Mrs. Uredin and Mi - Ha bit an- in Franklin at the sitl. le d of Mis. Ilrj den, wb«i is dangeii'ii-ly ill I a pel- Kocke.l: tein, of A lleghei. i visiting Blends in Bullet. lir. < t' Bippn •i > vi-iiin- hi> bieiel ; in Ihii county. He iu located at 376 Bebeeca St., Allegheny , aud is doing well. W. I>. 8..-, d, of Cotdspring. lias | u ken a L.011.1U lo spelid the sUUUIier in oilduiu. li* got - to Mais, Bulb r county, vbere lot.iii be engaged .'.ill. hi- broth. . 11. nry in the sale of li.rin impb .uent., etc. ll bit in. ; is favorable lo; will probaldv eugage p< r luanenlly. t; ...halt miss Bukt: s ehe.-rlul grcelibfi and jolly pre.-ein t, bul ii lo , .in enlarge hi bank account mort r.ipi.lly and .villi greater case, and at the same lime re tain his happy mood, he and family have our best wishes Mer. .-r hi yd It h. Jaini s Bay, an aged aud ivspi-ote I t iii :en of tireeiiville died early Tin . u' morn lOg.of Brighr'.-(li-ease, agnl • year .-yen •nonil, and nine da) . Mr. Sa; had l. en an elder in the I I'. cliurch of Breenvillc for seventeen years, and for more than thirty vear.- an elder in the t . I*, ehurth (>l Fairview, Butler Co.. when- lo ft.rnierlv resided, 110 was a kind father an.l au uflcctionafe husband, lie 1. avc.; a la. re circle of relatives to monrn his 10. s. The funeral took plate ou Thursday allernoon from his late t> . idencc, ami w~s conducted by his pastor, Be . J .Sconlb-r.—O'rten vilie, Pa., Xfii of fib nisi Properly Notes. Bouses are g"ing up quickly in Butler these days. <)n Monday afteriio..n (.f this week, lied Oesteriing t.nteil a house on Bluff St., and he moved into if_thc nest afternoon. U in. Baubeii -per k i 4 John Ki a • are a new firm of contractor.;, and at e l>nil>lin;■ the Fraiiei.i Lanbe. hon eon V. I'earl St. Mr. .1. I Low iy ha. pin. In. eil the Oesterliag hooee oa \A r. nl • t.,and is in-w ort upy ing ii. 1. S. McJunkin -old his In n . on l'i nn street and n ill build oa the adjoining lot. II is said llml Mi Lyon and Mrs. l un nito'ham were ottered if:-rt oon for their ]iropertic lutely Mr. Keihiii ■. propri. toi n| Ibe Willi n.I Tloii. c. intend, iildiii:' a third lory I■» the building, and al-o making such othei ini pvovnn nt- a .'. ill • it i fir-1 •I ■ > In. ti I. I wo Fires. Ihe lion .a I a.-nh Mil- .r oi Mu.ldy err.-k Twp , was burned .' aliirday night, tb. r.ih in.-1 , tnwurd niidnighi.. The gre itei part of the household good v. ere Hived, but yet tin- It. fo Mr. Mil- -er i a heavy one, and he had no iusuranee. Within ibe past lew mouths lo- hi. lot hi vile daughter, he lo I lo - barn a I . yeaiu a;. r o, and ha. iow lost his hou-e another illustration of the say ing Ihat mi foi tunes never cotne singly. The boil a-oi Jo.eph Kennedy, of Pen;, Twp , Lawrence Co., a b.rniei re nb nt ol Alilddycrtck Twp, \\a.. also burned : al urda>. lie had his gnoils packed in bo- e ready to move, the lollowing Monday, t• • the oil . oiintry am! had left the booAltil wa sonie from it when he ilnticed tliul if \va in llaiu«'S. ran l>.t< !.. l»ul \va.i able to Ijul a .small pail ol bi Faster Services. 'I In l.ii,'li It Lutlii'iaii Cliur. h, a ot l.iltli i", Was handsomely decorati .I with . rgre. u and adotii.d with fh.wir loi Luster Sunday. Service, were held i Very evening ol Ihe preoedlog week, except .Saturday evening, and on buuday morning Ihe church l'<*otu v.a. »ToV, di d: i.'c'.*. 'ill;;. 1.1 . ermon wa on Angel \ oices from (let Uinpty Tomb, ami it was followed by Ihe adno. -ion of some thirty new meuih»:r» to tin: church, anil by communion ci vice-. The evening .service was 0 jong seivi-e by the .Sunday School, und the collections ol the day lor work in Hut It r amounted to two hundred dollar The deeorations of ihe church were put iu place by (I. A. Milh i and I . id li'eibel atld \l lii'i k supplied nail of Ihe Burglars in c.iiy. Ihlrglars u r ot iu their woik in Evaii City l-ict Sunday night. They broke into U'ahl I'. Itishop's olhce, hie open the lire-proof safe and took two revolvers from it, and al-o took an o\.'i'< oat hsiigiii,:' in the room; lumbar d. Dunbarf's barber .-hop wu visit ed. where uotne razors, cigars and tobacco Were captured; at llc-nry Young's furniture Store the .-ate was blow n open and looted of live dollar I It.iiehaid'.s di 11 ■ tore v.a the la I place vi ileil, and the dom l'.s forced open, but Mr. Flttrcliaid, who vm sleeping iu the back room, v. as av akened by the noise, uml he gi tldi. il a ihot gun and let lly al the burglar tint mi sed tlieiii and 11il a lot ol paint > m l.indin - near the door, and eon-nil i able paint ran out. STo aire l.) ami no - u ph ion Hutler's i.tii-k. Tho good lol'tlHlc ol our toWU conlilllle . The IV A VV. I:. I; 10, ha appropriated six acres ol Ceorge Kcita r laud, near the mill, which with the fn-re ami a half now n i d. will give them seven and a half sen there, on which they intend huihlitig half a do/eu truck water tank, turn table and repair hop . The bond for the land h i been prepared, po e ion will hi taken iu 11 short time and the work w ill be pu lied to completion, find then the (hint rail ||..||| llutler to t'allery will he taken up Thi change will give emp|i*yuient to ■ i;• hty more men h' Ve, and probably biing ivt ■, more familii tot lie los', it F.vnns C.ily Normal School. .A Normal und Iliu-.ine.i.M School will be bo organized at Evans City, April :! I. Student:! will be prepared for liutdnefiM, college, or tho teaching profession Tuition, st; An ex amination by the County Superin tendent the last of June. Special I arraageinculH lor boarding will be made, lor particulars, addterH .1 C TINBT.MA N, A. JVI , Kvanri t.'ily, i'a. For Sale--Fresh t 'ovv. A good COW, >4 in I Jersey calf I'ar tirularM l ull In: bud al tho Cli'lZt.N [ Otlice, Butler, i'a. LF.r.AL NEWS. !•. ...t i ...ot f... the liu.l ..I ~,.1 .: ... iiif-l M-.lnlay ill I 1" 11. Willi .Italy. II . .<i ami \|. Mil liai-l jir. -i.liu tin- ).,, Ir -1 u- ,t . aleil .. ■ . Hun -Vend j-n m. a .II.) 1 .M.eJ t.. 1.. . OU . I • e 1,1 al'.l. I' .1 Ja'.. 1111:1 .I.l' .V. I." • liatil. - -ho'llil i i,. pnt ... 1 1.. '- !.■■ !. «e , . pt. linif I.i r. lie t" 1- ',..l at any uu> health ■ ort'.au |iiryuien - lei w ere nut ju. •in 1 iiea (lie r..l| \t i-. t ailed, l.ut vliu ai'i. rteariL i auie in, wei.- ■ ailed ii|».u t... il.. i. a»'d »*o >a lb- • tt'h.i lui.) he. U tnl.l <>r • 1." ua<lui i ...1 tl I i ..un ii,. i in in. t. >1 "i 1 t> it. >■ • ~ , , ' i ml ..I"i .kin? /i. /»ii./. .»li.u and -i j.f.lie if;.ai were lledt'e lia.l tl..' tl !<).* |. 1.a.1. l. t 'l'll- . e ..I t:till ..II \ In II • " .. . 111- iintllll. that ..I I lie 11 II nil I e.i 1....1 Oil 1.1 V. i.'liri in- iiu.l 1111 . >. ' ..ill.i.ii. i t.. tlie ptaiiitill llu- .a .- .a Wa• tu 1.l \ Kilruj ami .. s lEieVel A la. 1.l Wei. ilimail.. ~| a- • tlI«'il 'Mien ttt" e.l >■ Vi. re lal.ell 11(1. ami Die Ci.urt i.rn. eeib .1 111 the e\eil leunl ..I its W,C, . an.l ll.i- 1.'t1..V. il I.l:.;- iVi i r »li >|M i-.| ♦.!. till, rni-11. i «I« • t.l i Ale I 1.1. . . Ci.lfllll I - llu- ".. ..I I lilt - ler VI-I.K. r 1... fbe plain) iff l-.i fl ' I. Ial.). 1. Hull \. \ Ili.lfner. April 8, jim till, I I. . the .tl I e 11.1 lilt 111 l".l 11 .... • .1 If .i..hii:-'., 1V- «; u it) h I verdi.' t f.u pltrl"..r : ." )>)i in-.. Si liatlaei M.iml.u.l l'l.a.- tiln -■> i ',i , \. nil. t l»r pill t"i :"■ 1 W.i hi lid, I .ml i.tb. . \> I itlel Oi., sorr:'. Ou Taettda) mnniß| tbt cpjibcatiou of Howard Tli..tap an.l .luhu l> lirov n j tur the trill., tei ol the lii nise ol John I Lo ■ i.. ir.. hi. the) baring paroba . i tbe i,.a. |. waa beard, and aftaf the miul pri liuiinarii . the transfer lnade. new I.ial v.'a. ijranl. i i.l ti. Kellty j .- ilildebrand ea • Margaret Wilder ha applied lot an.a. >■ ii..iu ) lias. t'. \\ ild.-r, and \ ielo. An I.r. I'rniii Vietorfne Aubrey. lia ill. auil Km... cut au order it strain the teuiuViil ut'eer aili giV.ds from the tillll 111.11 l Hell Ul l'lll'kl 1 Uvp lu lb. Mipunie i' "I l'i am ;. Ivaniii hist Mm id in. a de. I an. v. ua innde that is of a good a. ai of import ana# to landlords itll.l -a I'erliiiii elii.-s ol tenants. |i v, a lit i.l that i'arnitui'e leased to a hoarding -.- ke. pi-1' is n«.t exempt Iron, liability to eei-- ure lia- rent. "It may bo that between the landlady and the of tin; fur.atari tbe prqpertj li«loBg>i to tbe lattei bat -. between the woman and bet landlord tbe f'urniliirt lielnnged to In r and uas li dde lu di tri ..." I tider former mliii; ..I' tin (,'onrt it has been held that the goods ot' a otranjrei on detniseil premises are nut liable; that the fjatids of a lumnler art: not UaUe; ihatgocda on storage ate that gnuds in pi.ssi'S.--1.111 i.l a i;i>n.-affiiee 1.. i" sale on eommuisi.m are exempt, ete. In three ..!'the Butlei papers ol Mm', h 111 11 l i t, a iili.stul.i .Ippeal-.r.l that lui i jusl been called In our ittiewii-.n. Al thul lei 111 lit ' .nut . i til.lll Gallagher ul'» It . it held iv. p. v. as. null, le.l for a.-aaali and battery, b.ii the . use \ra • sell led it:.d .li.l nut go to trial. It was correctly not. <l, lint in not ing the I'll I! c artes thai i.ti.- sellleil tbe name ot Siiimn liiillagher ti> ini -1 .i1. .* up peiue.l iiiiiiiiiir the miuies of ihe il. l. ii.l ilil The mislake happened this win On Tbiir aluy tnurnina before f'otirt the e.lilur;. ol the three papers went to Ihe Clerk's of liee t<. see v. hat bad In-. n dom- iu i.'ourt. one ol tin-11l i i.j.ii .1 tiniii the iloekct an.l tin* oilier two copied from In - notes, and aa tho first man was hurried he made a mistake that 1.l ionise llu- oLLiu •njrk-ri the in! I ij-.e fir' 11 -.. u- .■ t ill ti il 11 il iieiui. -a . ban. • to an.. , liiill, and we ar.- sorry it neenrri d 1.1.-.lit. en lea . - ..I piop.-rt, in \Villliel.l and r.tillalu lv. p to tlu» I. I:. I old I'.. were hi.-.I VVedin- -.1... i! •> i .-u - t proper! v in liiiiialo \\ intii ld ami ('liiit ai I P lo I'itl -lull •' l'l.lie t.l . - l'l. The \- ill ..I' Margaret A M. hi t.-k ul i .me..t.l l■■ p v i • I in.lii.. 1.-ti. i . also will of \ndrev,- i.i.'!.|ei.a Hut lev I vp., no letters; also will of llenj Swain ol ll u inoiiy and letter to U. I', iiwa'li. I.c-ttera ol adiii n were granted to Itoh't M Thoinpsoil on e hit.' ol Julia A I'lioinp 5..11 ol Clearlield twp; also l.< li. .1. Mat Inirger ou estate ..I Tin • Liud -cy of .Intl>- 80u twp The 1 nited Chrii I lan ebureb, ..I K an t it \ v. a grunli .1 a i barl.-i 1. vTi Pilot 1 i:i . l'BAi-1 l.lis. 0 Saeger t.. .1 It Martin, property in Mercer twp for 2aun F. 0. ..terliiig lo.T. I' l.owry, lot in lint l( i for J7'iu. .1 I bott'ry t» I. <n terliiig I.a iu Hnl I' I.illili. li.-pi I I t., I. I'. iiiiit.i l lot ill Hill ler l'i >i IIMmJ Kva Hb>.un tn t'h i l'i.ting, Hi acre, la Ja. I ..ii for -I 'oii. I! 1. lioei-.-illg to I. : M. 111 li hill h.t In Ituller lout! Hiii.l.aiL'l an. in Middlesex lor HitO .- I Mr I 'iilidb-.-s to J.e; M 11.. ii t hell. Id iicres in I', mi for t»..0. I.i -M> i'andli i.I .1 . M I>..iiili.-11 - > neres ill I'enll for i .l ".'I li . Ul ill i lb .I. 1.. 1 H. h.l i.l Hul ler lor loan 1 I: Ihiilil lu llch ii M.tu unti l h.l in lait lei f.u 117 a. h \ l'l. iniiu; tn - li i 11 inia 1..| ,n 11 in llutl it., fur ';!»). ll.nry Mil l-ley t.l Jllu .-l,i ,1 t oi lot ill Evanshiirg for liiiiil. I. l.'ippi rto Juo 'id lot iu LA an burg b.r IJ .... II A Thump mi to ilium. Heir h.t in Duller lor 3785. ti fs IT Old. ■ t.l I'eti r I il.' 1] .tel. ill -111 am for 150. 1. Mellon t.i lii.i llluiii. I.a ;u lor I',..pi iI, 1 1, ili.. Ilalhi - nil lnt 111 ttiltler tnr 2(ia. .1 no Slut .-a i r i.. M W ..Oiauiion lot in Mt Che i nut for 400 Win Croft In Nil my liayidsuii 'JI ... i ,in t'lanberri lia loon. V Lowri f,» II Thump:-..n ,i ul I.a in Iliiller fail on l.i-wi Kick to I II lirohruaii lot in Hut ler lti;i7. Marriage Licenses. Itoberl c. Barnes. . ■•- Hutler, I'a Martha Hoilinger John <i. (Oojl.t - - - Caßary Harriet Ouiilile ... Miller-town'. ban;.' Haxonlmrg I ,i.:.:ie t •, pUt i If infield tip Winfield H. Hull. ( linton t. p Marl bit Mi Call .1 amen 1.. Hi.ytr, Mi. i.'be.auiit laua.a ) roup II al I how Dalim .. ... .ati..lin, I'a l,li,,ihflh liilliiii*i .Summit twp Kimer i!ranmer. . < lay i trp l.b ii In MeCitudle * .- li t li* lisp • la-. A . M oni i- Wtnle tOWII Miiuiic t';niii-i At I'll! tnir;. Mini.hi", , 1., hell; and \ i.i. i M Mabiou, of Batter Co also Jnuea I. Moorhooil, ..I' Tarenluiti and Mary A limner, t.l Kreepnit At l'itl ditirg Tuesdai W .1. Ttoiilmau Old Jo le Stuck, of Hutler < .. At I'lli ilairf Wt-diii lay, Harvey J. Wilei, ..I llul ler Co.. ami . '.arub M Donah! SOU, i.l A Ib-t'ln n \ I " l'. e 1 hjtiblo A 110 K 1 lorso I iiui incut, bent in tho world. For .swell ings, brui.'.f ■, still'noHH of joints, rluin iiiiitisiii, liimenc-.t, m ire, ring-bouu, sweeny ami spavin; it, Itus no ei pi ill For sale by .1, p. Kkihck, 2 18-3 m. No, ■'), N. Main SI Itlltler, Pa Children'., t'.t-lioid hats, itilors, etc , at. It T. I'ai-i-.'s —tjuitar.', violiua an.l iu > mill organs at ' F T STKIII.k'h. Uho 1 ton bio All O. K. Iloiso ami t'nttle in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, l colds, itillaiiied lungs, rough m ns of .- kin, and all kidney ili.-teasbn l or sale by .1. I! EIII>;k„ 2-18-Hiii No. •>, N. Main !Sl lin I ler, Pa. William ha ■a 1 . leii, e u linn »l lewelry and Silverware as can be fiiiiiid anywhere, and delict i..inpcti tion in price. _A full line of vbilt ui.all, veils and gloves b.r i oi.inniui.ants at L). T. PAI E'O La ! Opporlunity (■ . V. .. hint toil vi.i Pun . a. K.nlioatl. 'l'!..- ! . t a 111.; ui»i fm ! <• ■ , r t.-. \V... hinpOm mjbi.h hot 1..-1. sue I 'll ittr. I.y the I', in I i. . t .;i ri. ul <'..inpani .inn.. it.. in;. . ....I : • ; -i iiato w hi. hI . HUh'.ut il. .11 i.t ij,.. in., i .1.-ii '.1.1. r.m1.l 1..- . |<. .1 , . u, 'i..n at tl. a iim<* i f. -uanii i. ill the a.-tivity oi piii. and ir... i., a.iti ml .■ in *lii« b flu* city <it...un.! .«•• ver.i a.) "i'l. iiv.ilil.. . i hi.l 1.1....inn. • iti, •ul; Bowers < - - i-bn - it..- til) - 4 li. .1, I ill. pl.llnili.'Ut |i> 111J ii • .i fi ( 1 ' .irkii. .-i th>- i.iv ~ ti. •• i . •■en 1.. Ihe h.-l H.l till v.-, I>cnr-i..n tick, t-, mil I i.l i.e.-1.. I.Of at iO on from r.ll -l.iii v'll ■ ..I imitate rati from otbei -t >i i: .'.nit tin* l-riril. ..I u t. | i.i I'.iltin.'.ie in eitbei direi li.»n The ■ - Hii * ill be date, .• .i■. |• I Limited I -pi- oid I*, i.- 6iw ' itbiu i. i. .1 :i v 8 In i> •I.I">11 ••■ i a ial 11.tin 1.l I'rillmaii I'iirlor < .11 and I>.. « .... !.. • ' .11 leave I'itl. Uuu'li .t : (hi \ 11 .ii.l run il.ioiiuli t.. AVa hu.•• t..i. l'l. i ..ul ..1»- t. i p in . v l.e iii.nU* V. -I.ii I• .<i in nlii 1-, illl ('' .i' N, i-1.-lK Ivt. i -inn.... an.) Ml it If.lac .1 fat.- 'l'l.. j.e.-in. . .en: , it. ir..ui I'iill.-1 I'. i • f :•»».! t. Un ... in.', til ■ ith I lit- Speti il will teste at ti M A. M (.11 f1!III-3«I I tt! > C < iI I | I.' I I •(_' It rcqtiiri -s fndy lor <•»!•• to fully comprehend tin* liulgiiitu.!« ul' tl.. irr ■uintKf l.iisin. •• II ver, it is ii..t our purpose to «i in un urr»i <>! be wtldcriug tiguis, '-ul to ii(»l«* wuii pleasure the (.Id and |>-•«.-i in I .- .ill panics I lui I protect the homes, bti-ii lies* bh.i 1. iiu.l other |iroj.triy of t.tir citi n i IK- < i iih.i .lluli A SM.ruucc t'o , ul Loudon, lias a.».-< 1s uIuoUQUDtT 1.. f21,83'J,75^ llio I,on.lnn iucrt CoipOtu liou, nil.' hundred and seventy years ug.i, has assets ul North America. urg.aized in Phila delphia, i.lni. bt a century ago, repre sents assets «>t i,071 .i.l'ti. Then thciu in tiio I'ontinenul, lit Vorli - iioii.Jou ami 1 .amr.isbiit', -411, tLe Springfield, . i .\iasd, >, lln,;. . i.Le i' i aukiiu, 1 'iiii n. -f ', 11 1; ti>o (lei lunula, .New \ ttrk, I :«> and the Orieat, of Hertford, |l,B3)i3Si • • 1..- of lllij liuittl' ial iii.-Uilli 1 lon in ilu'. world in ilu> >v \'ork I.lie InHtirant-e (.'o , liuviitL. ) i over $ 11)5,000,000, IK.ibirty lail lions in ore tlmii t 1.0 liatik ol liuglauii. Thepe c. uipatiii'.-.ull iiilitu/ absolute proieclii.u, »)«, reprei-eiited by 10. i:. A i.uA i Ai 1.1. Full liiu: of hala, both nil ami boft, for fin in nier weat ui I p I .STEHI li si. f..B Pai.b.—Ten .-"..r.0 of i»nre Italian I.tea inquire of VV ?, (lutlur, I'u ««.Tlili.' Wh.clu ttiid i 1... La I lull, in'i d i.) I'. VWi .'aiid iti W it liama'.Jewelry and Mil: ie "lore, and have liifiit repair.'d ill tyle by a skilled workman. —See lb., netv \ atidyLe I'oitil Lb t'd in White, I'laek uud Cream ul '—- L. Wtkin .V SON'H V. n.e cllf I. oi Cl"ii-1. lai> on 11 , ifci.i .V Xt>N Largout liiin of lint- baby ever lirouj/ht to liutai I 1 T £i m I.K'o Millinery in all I lie intent ut leuh.iiialil.) jtf'.'e ul the Midoe i Mark'!. Bntfalo I'lannel , lilanLeb) and \ arnn are Ilu lie: i good;' in the iilarkot lor \n •- and durability. Wu have 11. S i t-1 ;i A Hon Highest enali fu i.. [>aid lot bin L wbeat at i!et>, Waltor'a Mill, Put ler, I'll. I line ul I HI .\liltl-i ail.l I' >aa ever fhown in lliißCity All ipiali tiea ainl pri. eu at 1,. I KIN B()N*M Oill' till). I. Ol lloMrl'V, (iI.U'CS, ('oraete, I'.ibboua, I.aecH, .V. - in ill wuya kept up I.i itd well knowu utaiidiii'd ut excellenie L. kiii.iM A SON. Nt vv Bind, uud I'i.loied Silks, Satin I! liadaiiie.-, Hal in Pel.ti'oii , Surabti, MuirtM, Uioa Cliaina and |. itilled, in.ikea and warranted t.» ttiat, priced l.ivtci ll.ati • I .ew here jit I. Si lin & SON'S. Kramor W.igons. For Sale at M \JITINCOURT 1' (Nl'S Seeds! Measl'd tloliu Iv i\., A. Muftloi'h offer upe.'ittlly line l'.iill 111.., in i linlii.g Murdoi h'a lit >v (Jherry—ih.i l.tu-tl out i-hoiee Kluwer Seed?*, iuoltitliu;. I 1.1- Lfeat While California I' <' W v "lid the "Mctieau Pu.- Plant." t lal'.ly roeet; lawn llil.iilrO yrartd iCtda; all the fioo.l xe.-. tubl. ;-.-. da, ete. i«et iheii new illu.-Iratud eala logue, whirl. will I.: flt:lit fine. Address, aiS Stnill.licl.l .it,, Pitta burg, Pa. Milliner j" A lull line of ilata. Bonnets, Veiling ru.-hiiif?, tland kert liiefs, Sill; and Kid tllovea alwiiyd on hand at l> 'IV Put':-, S. St., (Sutler. liulla and bala at J. F T. Si.Kill,i,' . --A tine display of ueeL at I» T. Pai'K'H. . Uirl.i trb yclea at .1 P. T. Si Hll.k' I I. .1. I.eibei", the tlrover, wantn all farrnerH anil stoekraii-erH to know that he lill ileal ill Htuck of till kind <. Any peraoiiH any to Hell ahould aihlrons hint Lorn ll<>x '.i:!(», Hut.lnr, Pa., or leave with .1 rteob 11. iber, .lefTerson St. Our aalea ol llroatlelullm, Man ni l -'nitidis and I'r. L.i.ida haye been larger thii teaiun than ever Piir-'e RtoeliH and low pi i> > i do llu' biifiinr- ■ It. STRIN .V SON. Take your ehiltlren to Zitvei 'd Uallery for I'ictures that will unit you. Andernou building All tho new ahadea in ribbon:! at i • T Pa fm'a \ eltieipedert, roitkili/( horaea, wagood and wheelbarrowa at .1 P. T Si i ni.t-'a. - lluy the Eigkuio pttlenl shut at .1. 1 1' iSiVin.t Zuvtr'a Fii'turta luuvo nothing wanting in finiah, tone or a turret t liltenemi. —Try to llldll. e ycii t ueigbhor to tuLo 'liii. Ciii-ta. LKA 1». (dlier. follow I t It.- r.ipui 111' >• dI till Hit'.-, is flic l**st eviilt'liM- | tit if .tin t-Htu t In give t<> llii> i tNiiiiiiiuiiil .'a lii>t fli»s I'nip SIOIV l- it|ijiiei'l lt«-<l \\ ) liial •' i jv<-ialf\ d 1 tin- ilrHp i In! iu<" pt j.) r iiit'l < t\f if nm* <nf 11;- i inn' .mil pi !. i.n,i 1 ;»I t>-nti)»n \\f haioll)' only t!»«> )h % H| t>l «'V iI \ 1 liiil!' til nil! ! I lit nn.l -nai'inl' •' 111* • ptll'ifx nil eVi'i'Vllttll;' lu*ami" I lie n.iinrj «.| < . .N. llt'V n \\ >• IniV')' no ! • .1.l stuck lia sfti i.| lot ! \eais, lint ;ill irnoil.. art jnir«' ami In It. IMi \Mcmiis I're j-'ci'ipfi>ins ifcnive .'-penal at ; tentinii. il ive tin lint liaVf' | v It.if \ -.ii \\ ant frank I \ tell ■>) an>l will !))• pl< a <-il It.! weure it l>>r yon <>n f-linil no j tn n \V>- .i.* ! ;t !i ti •• ul \ tun ! » pati.nta<:e ainl I eel sure \<>u| will 1 o pleasell \\ifli irir metli I <mlm til tloiii" I .ti: i iier- i, a i ol u.' j tan r-ave v on- money. Your illtefe: Is ait? I«'>l .-oi\f<l at! our . tote. lif pect lulls. C. N HO\ l>. I (ni-.-ist. i Matiiniiil lUi)fl<, Under, I'M. All the in .% ft} I. -, in I>iul.l.- and Quitnpa at M F. A. At .MAFTKN'. All the uew styled in Flowera uud lilbbi.ha tit M f A M XfAllies'. A lull line of Lute—Pattern lii«lc for Faster, at M F. X M. M ARKS'. i>oa't buy .i wrap until v on bavt . 'Uiined our iniiiiense dtoek uud li-ai'Lud out a toiikdnntfly low prices. We are oveititoeked on i-eiiain .-Hies and are selling them below eoat. Ti. STEIN A SON. Prof. Loisctte's Memory System in ereuting greater inttnat than ever in all parts of the country, and per sons wishing t i improve th&ir liicui ot v hould t-end for his pro.-jieetna free a advertised in another column. Children';! e«nsi in Sin ah. Mu'l, Swi.-h, Fuibi'oi.lered i. fol Corded liooiia at I'. I'. 1' \T r Full line ul guitui aliiugs, baujo dtringd anti violin stiinga at .1, P. T. SIKHI.K'S. C'.loa Us I'liuh I '.iula an.l .luckota, Pino etotb Jaeketa and Newniarketa, Stoekin iielte daeketa, Mi.'aen' and t'llildretis' Wraps, l,:ite. l styles ami bent made goods. We.guarantee to save you money on these goods I, Stkin A SON. Large stock »t 1 f nibrellas in .Mo liair, r«lorin ftiiil Silk with gold, sil ver and natural handles lor holiday trrtib' at IJ. Stein .t SON'S. For Sai.p. —\ bout 11 :> feet of .Ull'h U il e rope. .I.N. Muntz. M. rr^Ditkevv Arl ist ic I )IVSS Making. A'.. OJ .V 1 MIS jI . NII.KKY rrir,i>i:.'ii - - LM FLOUR. Aijt «jtq ■ 1.. i ilu '-a. «.i • >ur I O ij.11*i. 111'otvii ilu. . i -i.tct w kMM> Ml)., I lat>K.K VI. 'l'liHMb. I a,.(ii..1.-.I t.irilltii , 1 in.->.| Iti.-l .tc.'-i "I.l" f , l 11ill 11. .I ami I ..i-s.T., , 111 til'' ..Otllili . .1.11 i l\ I . Mil 111 e. il. .1 Nllisi'l , . i 1.1 in i*iii. iit'iu-oi, n «. . * wiiiiMnmnaßSMPiacrimWfM— | iia i tn..i.Cli nti.l . i- i. • * We ael.i.ile V i Mill • 11.1 1.. ...11 - .:!■ 111. II Ut l'l IT olUU'.v,' tar Mt .1 \IMI> MhU N.Uhir)ißHli,Kail,. il.i N.l ittiaaww- wa m><r±*h FOB GALE. fbe Fvan City flour mill. Tlii, mill i i it. I.i 1... I hi h.varij Oily, ami is in ono ul the I. I 1... alii. iu tli.i county; uli io i 1 r..... I i.iul in i .nimleit I. r a . pt.' fiain j: i.i int" • ..iniii,. Thi- iniil will lie ,joM i hcap, I . 11.-1 pai ti. ul ill's fall oil oi'a.lilr. s .1 inn SOTToJI, bMiiid City, Pa. THRESHIie HAC,I,NES A BMXIAI.TI. Most Ourabl , Ecohomu ai and r» r ii-i f in ti.ii —w.i iiO giuin; c I ans il ready ful* ltlul'lxi t. THRESHING ENGINES *iiu HillM, Sltiaule li.t) • til. l >i.tii.|.n .1 I hi |• I • aut'ulu j.,'"' i.»ll • A H FAliytnfAH 00, lair.itod, ■ ...I t-.i 111 ii. -- I l'i IIIISJ loini.. 4urli ulliiri.l Ha 1...1 i'lilillo. .I.'. | ll.ills, lOltl., l'l A nrllTA'l.'l"" C. I Irar Mi.l l-i\lt.-lis.'■> II IH IV' V.liai u-ai.- I IMII., \\« « .11.1 fl j-J f' Jl I Tnm in'.D- an.l ill |.;.v Sunn v ami Mvl- 51 lUr .V |'.' I. i-r 111.' .iiiiiiiii . I >... Ii .in -111 t A lUrr Opportunity I. >r ally 111..11 nrutlDfta poaltkM m Local. or li.-u --•■111I A: 'i.l fur .. lelialili: .s.ii- 1/ tliai jilaiitu t.. sit stucl;. A<ldres«, at nuw R. U. Luetcbf'ord Co. ..r rrjnirn, Roilunlrr, S 1. i li iillwn tI.L-1 ii.liter. PITTSBURSH NURSERIES. I ,111 II linll 1.l 11(1 <it l: EI.CUANT 11. 1.1 .STl.'ATbll CAT AlaUil ti fol l*'JU Will he litalliil 1111 iij.jili eiitiun. I. erj I aiiiu f, liai.leaer, Amateur ..r owner of 11 lut. i.lmulil bare one. Order.- I"!' tlmvent anil ll.iral enihlein tl r I III! lll.'.lint- lttl I >'U'|)bt.||. .' I!'. John H. to A. Murdoch, • X,nith field iS, /'/ / / /;/ /./. u 1 1. SI 111 "ITK iV 0 IIKIKN Sanitary 1 Numbers Ale I < •us Kit lorn. to vta:Bs iff Si-wer I'ipe, (ian Kixtiiren, (. li>lM-. ami Nalitial <Jaw Appliance,-'. Jellel; nil St.,opp. li.nsry 11 oust iujtii'A. \l' 4\ll It A I 111 l.» loUdl «•«•!' I I lui our •11• i • ma bard I-i • i 1 k - I• i**l > Hmk h>r 1 uniit lii' '1« ui|i« r«(• Miii ilai . <• I'.-ii . i ...r 'innil .lon || |)ii (»?r ed. at oiifc. liii.'A-i-, Addn* <B. li. 1.. Chase & Co." aiT; rou CAN FIND mi, - I I.' ■ ')■• V-l ■ . i , ' r.EMINGTOK 81100. • di.t contrast lux „t iut.tit r^liu. A Sal i lio<l Customer IS A i 'ou crfnl Advertiser. Ttm-e will) i|i*nl With SCI! MM DEM AN tin* i 1 , . ..|j|<T' Clothier and Furnisher" will he -aiisf.e.l .ih* nw ii .».lv t.i 11• iw ill. largest, l.p'f finest and low#*t .... .1 i.i.-t. i MI'.VS VOi HiS', ROYS and Ctill.l>KEMß' CLOTH I\ i. ei er brought to Butler.. II i.inL' Hi a'l< a <>ur tiie r Miii ourt half larger, we are now hotter able to Mi{>jilv tin- wants <ii our (ustoitu rd am) meet the demands of our constantly iin n a.-ing trade, limn ever tnforc < ►in- New Mpi'ing- mtoek : lu re itml •• mt.mi i.II tlie lair.; novelties in men's, hoys' and rbildmte' wear •i a full I>< • it ii.n . men - furnishing goods, flannel shirts, trunks, vul . , i-t Tin- wunderfill, amusing and instructive Engineers and Sxv iii liiiieii p . U-r n i'ii with every puri base < "liilclroiis' < lotliing. \V. I,in made a --|»i-« ial t.i get a nice line of wear, and in tlii-i ilin.-ii.iii we liuvi* it.-.Meilt-il. Mothers who wish to have their i ItilJren i 10l lii-'l with good substantial clothing at a moderate cost will do .» IIIIn . ill oli II lil-fori- jnil'i;lift:-Ilit** eISeW li«'TO as We ii ill SUVt yOil ttlOUgy . \ line !•:. r.Hi. i wheel every childs* suit of (4 and apwarde 11. SCI INK! DEM AN, < loihier and Furnisher, 4 B. Main St. - - - Butter, Pa, 510 to 314 Market St., Cor. Liberty St., 8 M'TTHBURG. ACKNOWLEDGED THE LEADING MILLINERY AND FURNISHING HOUSE, OFfEli AN IMMENSE AND CHOICE LINS OF Millinery Goods of All Kinds. " Underwear, Hosiery, for Ladies, Gentle-melt and C'Lildrtu. CloaUs au*l Wraps, t'«»r Ladies and Children. Li HI lo'el la> a nit I'araSolS, ill i i>o Novelties. COI.'SI IS, 11 ihi vlert, iui ludiug C P., I', ft., Madam Foy's, Warner's. Lull's, ('.milium R(Thompson's Glove Fittiug, Tier MajestyV Kerri:.' \Vnints, and li' styles for Misses. Kll >t i l,( •V 1 S »' * n ini|i<ii taiion, Hooks or Uutiuus, nice fresh good.. iI. *1 $1.50, fl 75 anil $2. Gents' Kid Gloves, 75c, $1 ; l I s unit ; I .>ll. I iro Cm lain s. Own importation, beautiful patterns, 68c, 75c, 90c, |1 f-l ?»». S2,M» to $1 -J n pair. i.hess Trimmings and Notions of all kinds < ..'Hi-,' I 1111' things, A eompleie line ol perfect dicing SLiris, Collars aoi! Cull'i, Ii ■i. rv, I'uderwenr, Hoys' Waists, Handkerchiefs J • r.iiyii-g ami s.- 1 ! ug exclusively for Cash we can ofTer superior in ilurenii-ni ullll ;«:i J r itec LOWEST PRICES. 2} <h'dei M I. > n. ul r»-. eive prompt attontion. Examine The New Policy or THE Now York Life Insurance Company BEFORE INSURING. -V I n i »*iiai..ill. - . .1 •i Ii return 1., Hi.' y-iioliter than U offered by any other CUD' -j. inmi .1" r kt.'[j.ilii', i . ur.iHiiiiH'.t iu the new Distribution Policy of ii..- \'i v. Voik Lite Company. Insiiram e Commideioncr Merrill, of Massachusetts, claims: "If the - sue of these policiescontinue, all other companies will be compelled t.i struggle luaingly " Can am reader of this paper aflord to L>- wiihout a policy which otters such itdvantages as compel all other companies "to struggle losingly?" i "ohj of thi i ijolicy will bo furnished to any one sending .. i his date of Lirlli. I-ilo lusurnnco Aleuts »vill liud this un excecdiugly easy policy to . ii I .moral terms made with ucliyo iuen of good character, eyeu if they are P. ■■ ul ihe business. Summary of 45th annual repoi L NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE C; WM. H BEKRS - - PRESIDE JANUARY 1, 1890, REVENUE ACCOUNT. I'liioi.inu (n>ii t*:'i !•' li.!. rests Kent etc 4 677 Wfl i • l ..t«l in. .oil £29 Id 3-' i.. ::i OISBURSMENT ACCOUNT. I).-.i .ii."« I i.ii.t<>vi.iilili.... ...f 0 1.-* - i 1 Diviiteml Aiillit ii i. Hint I'liroha.joil liiuraaco 0 B<K» <' *»• !'• ■r..t ato polo > i.iiiii.) ... sl2 ipi )-i «.i. N.-w I'nlii ii- i ue.l :M IBSQI U>< ■ V. rittea 1151 lift OSS • 0 CONDITION JAN. 1, 1890. ' \ .i JIQS UU iumi ?H. iiiv i illl. irjilo . «'.iiii(>an>.'»ew StauJaril ....$ 7 t,l; M*;.: ** ll'onliue tmr|ilu« 7 7fti u..:! ti Hl jiln ||\ I ill v !:i||.lsril I I per I I'llli.. 15 (iijll noil Oil I' ii- HI torn.- I iii.U.-sl in hi un .- in i>>i. ■ t4to tun y«o i«.i PROGRESS IN IMH9. I III: 1.l r iu I lit • i < I f I l.iil' Ui> Ini'iTii MI llenelif in I'nlicy-holderi .. 1 14S (>..1 t.i I nore ae in aarpln fordlvideuda 1 71fi *:• 01 lacru.t'i* in pi'riiiiuin 1. . HtW .:.w -S5 in- iii e iu total ineoine 3 W Mi II I nena tin :i eta... ... 11 673 4M 11 in in turance written 96 080 .i?w «o I iirr.-KC in iiriiranco in force .. .. ... 74 ils W'i "0 I In ire ot the amount special It re frve.l »• a toutiueent liability to lonium liivi.leuit I uiul. M|. i i nut .tiiovo a 4 per cent revert a on i si. ung |ml*cie4 of that cla^f. V'ANU Kb M, PEIRCE &. CO., General Agents, J. U. PAGE, Mima^er. 95 Filth Avenue, ------ PUtsl)urg ; Pa. E. E AIRAHS A CO, BUTLER, PA. Agents lor Butler County.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers