Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 11, 1890, Image 2

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    r i' Ul R CITIZEN.
One ye*- !*»*»«»« County
One Year, Outside County »-*>
Payable In Advance.
(atered «t Pestoßrf at Better u 24 «•!»»» ailVr
Of each issue of the Cm*** some extra copies
Me printed which are sent to citlxens of the
County who are not subscribers an<l their suh
favor bj sending «■
the names of tfceir neighbors, not no* taking a
county paper.
AH communication, intended for
tn thump« mn»» be accompanied by the real
oftCTwriter, not for publication tut a<-
a marantee of good faith,
fiSSge tod dtath noticei must be accora
by a responsible name.
Easter Sunaay.
HEXIV Scarlett, * ho, in the early part
of this century, was universally acknowl
edged to be the most eminent lawyer prae
ticing at the British Par, was wont to de
clare that the historical evidence for the
feet of Christ's resurrection from the dead
wu such as would convince any court or
jury in the world. Although the progress
made in theological, as in all other science,
■ince Scarlett's time is very gTe.it, nothing
has been discovered which changes the
ftate of the evidence on that question, and
today, even by the most radical leaders in
the new department of " the higher crit
icism," it s held that the central miracle
of the~Chri*tfan system i* so well attested
Bcripture narratives whatever literal inter
pretations seem to be in conflict with the
most rigid scholarship, are justified in
maintaining the verity of the resurrection
story, unless they are ready to go the
length of rejecting, on a priori ground, all
faith in the supernatural. Not only "pro
gessive orthodoxy" but conservative
Unitarianism stands firmly on the great
fonndation rock of belief that He who was
crucified on that first Good I riday in Jeru
salem, more than 1,800 years ago, rose from
the grave on the first Easter morning that
followed so quickly after.
Prom the beginning of Christian history
until now tbe doctrine of the resurrection
has been the central faith of Christendom.
Through all changes of ereeds, all conflicts
of sects, all developnents of church sys
tems, in the midst of schema and bloody
battles, too ofUrli disgracing aud at times
tbre&tecing to destroy Christianity, belief
in this supreme truth has continued un
•haken. Tbt.se who agreed in hardly any
thing else agreed in this. Millions who in
ages of skepticism, doubted almost all else,
declared that this was indisputable.
No other doctrine has done so much to
make the gosqcl powerful over human
hearts. It has been the hope of the world.
It has appealed to the tendcrest il,Hi
ties, a..swerod tho deepest longings, inspir
ed the loftiert emotions, satisfied the pre
foundest questionings. The light that
■bono by faith around the open grave of
Jesus irradiated the dark shadow of every
earthly tomb. In tbe angel that rolled the
■tone away from tbe sepulcher to which
Mary came that Easter morning, bearing
precious spices, believers saw the heavenly
agency that can and will remove the awful
burden of sorrow that crushes the hopes of
love in tbe last mortal resting place of the
beloved dead.
Therefore, Eas* r was and is, and despite
all fears and tears, all denials and derisions,
is still to be the
tbe worl<)'p—•<*!:«...,t,.r it;« every
naj, in umi i mined faith, sings, with
the spirit and Kith the understanding also,
the songs of Jesns, the Resurrection aiid
the Life!— New York Pre**.
Schi apa rklli, the Italian astronomer,
has remarkable eyesight, as an astronomer
ought to have. He sees through bis tel
escope things that of tier astronomers are
unaole to detect. He has discovered on
the planet Mercury long, cuned markings
like those supposed to be canals on the sur
face of Mars. But they can hardly be
canals in the case of M -rcury. sine: it is
not likely that Mercury is inhabited, at
least not by any race like ours Kchiaparlli
has found out that Mars turns on its
axis in the same time that re
volves around tbe sun. eighty eight days.
Hence it present* always the nne side to
the sun. as tne moon does to the »arth.
A Touso man iu western Ssw Vork
tried to shoot a roung lady. He wa ar
rested and convicted of the offe,i-e, bat his
sentence was, suspended oil condition that
be leave the state. The authorities let him
goon his way around the world to -ho »t I
other young women. Girls, beware
Mk. Charles Thompson, the young Ken- I
tuckiau who engaged himself to seven girl -
in one small town, made a great ini»ti->e
in being found out. If-; di-lu'i knmv In;
jfirls as well as he ••houht for a man oi
apparent experience. |« i.. alway e«rti-i
that a girl will tell somebody t!i ,t she .
•ngaged, and there is never an;, body sh"
likes to break such agreeable new, to no
well a* some other girl. And when the
■even girls whom the enterprising Mr.
Thompson had engaged to marry r»dd tLe
fact to each other they at once felt thai
something was wrong. They then drov<
the young man out of t own.
A*D lie Went Down .—Robert William",
a fame-iu Woods county, Ohio, was l<dd j
not to go down into an old well without !
lowering a candle to see if then- was f'.nl
gas there. As it was bis w'ife who wanted
bun he threw a club at her, told her to
mind ber own busiLcss and went down, to
be hauled up a corpse. Wife c uuci
business at old stand, an I has hud the club
suitably engraved.
Onh of our LU idinir doctors sa; spring j
fever is a fact, not a figure of /pouch. .
Well, we should say mi. (Jet a good robust
case of spring fever once and like our c
teemed cotnmporary, (irover Cleveland,
who was once managing editor of this great
and glorious Union, you will bo ready to
say that sprint' fever is "a condition and
not a theory." jJring fever i- not a bold,
open foe I i.isi matt i itself through one's
aiiutmny and st< s over one so -ne.-, kingly
that it has a hold with both bin Is before
one is aware of it. The best ure for
spring fever ii a billing-rod and bail. Lots
of bait.—Harrisburg TWci/roy/i
A MAW with a wooden leg ought to he
careful to keep it within reach A eventy
year old inmate of a large city tenement
bouse, where a fire brok it, couldn't find
bis leg and came mighty near being burned
to death.
Tiik real "Thief of Time'' ha-> luruc.l up ;
in the person of a New Vork crook, who
wbeu arrextvd had eighty-oui wutchei hi
bis possession.
A Pittkbckm barber lost his voice last
week, and just as trade «u beginning to
pick up recovered it again. Some people
never have any luck.
A wkw word is lieinj? invented to de j
scribe as rerb and noun the process of repro
duction upon the typewriter and the matter
so rcproduci J. it is mauuprint.
Thk Mississippi river bus heyond
control and is breaking tlirough the lever-s.
The city of (ireenville is under watei ami
t{>e surrounding country is Hooded. The.
destruction "f property is already euor
moj>*. iiid it U feared thai, much iosj oflile
iril' result.
After being dumb for years. Mark Mc-
Kinney. an old soldier of Pittsbarg. caught
a bad cold last Sttnday. and next day was
able to speak.
The Sheriff <-f Chester county is said to
have appraised a mnle and halter at one
Mcadviile is in tbe enjoyment of a regu
larly ordained corn and ingrowing nail
doctor, and also is now almost certain • f
the early establishment of Russ.an batLs.
Tbe liquor men of Greenville who were
refn«ed license by the Mercer court recent
ly will appeal from Judge Mehard's
ruling to the Supreme Court. The appeal
wiil question the right to be governed by
remonstrances where the necessity of hotel
is clearly established.
A Fayette county man named Toomey.
was convicted of illegal liquor selling a
few days ago. After delivering a mild re
buke the judge sentenced him to pay a fiue
of SI,OOO and undergo imprisonment iu"tt e
county jail for a term of two years, sen
tence was suspended on several other in
dictments which had been found by the
grand jury.
A widow of Mercer county, last week
married a man with whom she had no pre
vious acquaintance. They went to Cleve
land cn a trip. That evening he picked
her pocket of S2OO and skipped.
The Clarion county lawyers will take a
vacation of one month, from June 20 to
July 20, during which time no legal bus
iness will be transacted in that town.
Two barns belonging to Hugh Pollock,
of Grant township, Indiana county, were
destroyed by tire on Tuesday night of last
w;ek, together with thirty-five h-ad of
H1,,,, ri • 1.1 i.i.ar*. Iwi. ,-i.w. *nii A »'fli j.
and a large amount of grain and hay. farm
ing machinery and vehicles. The loss ;s
quite heavy, as one of the barns wa; new,
and the other one a fair building. The
fire occurred between ten and eleven
o'clock. When Mr. Pollock first
noticed the fire be went to the barn and
found the door open aud two cows turned
out, making it certain that it was the work
of an incendiary. The barns were in close
proximity, and the burning of one caused
the destruction of the other. The people
of the locality of the lire have a strong
suspicion of tbe identity of the incendiary.
Near Beaver Falls, last Sunda} - night a
colored man Johnson went home
gave his wife an outrageous beating and
then lay down on the floor and went to
sleep. The woman procured a can of ker
osene, thoroughly saturated the man's
clothing and then applied a match. In an
instant he was a mass of flames. Spring
ing to his feet he burst open the door and
rushed screaming down the street.
He made for the river, but a square
away, and dashed headlong into the water
aud extinguished the flames. He i- badly
burned, but not fatally. His screams were
fearful to bear, and at every jump he
would yell, "It's muddah in de fust de
Miss Sadie Stewart, of Beaver Co., who
was sued by Walker A Co., of Boston, pub
lishers of a serial art publication, which
their agents have been canvassing
this vaiiey for some time, for breach
of contract, before Justice Singleton,
of Beaver, had the suit decided in her
favor Wednesday. She proved conclusive
ly that the agent had used fraud and de
ception in getting her to sign the contract,
which wa said by tbe agent to be only an
agreement securing her the binding of the
work, provided tbe complete set was tak"n.
At Wauipum, a few days ago. a certain
flerk in one ol tbe stores in that place
found a very compromising letter in !.< r
husband's coat pocket, and it -o enraged
her that she began upon him and gave him
such a beating that lie hus been confined
to hi s bed ever since. The letter was from
a married woman in the same town. The
injured wife is physically stronger than
her husbi.nd, and it is said that he had no
show w latever in bands
The affair has caused quite a scandal in
Wampum and neighborhood, where all the
parties are well known and are considered
highly respectable. A divorce will be the
probable re-nit.
Some weeks ago. a fellow calling him
self Prof. C. Al. De Charlton, a clairvoyant
or fortune teller, went to Heaver Falls, and
put up at the Valley House, and is-ued hi
| cards, announcing that he wa wizard to
j the (Jtjeen's taste, and could foretell tbe
j future to a certainty.
He biii many customer*, and raked in
loin of ditllM HJ»I lloliar - !!<• W.'l-. gOOl!
looking ami ma<l'- himself very hiin: able
to the ladies ll' - had a medium who styl
<••l herself Madam De Lester, who a-ri.ted
him in hiw mystic calling. .She left though,
and went t<> Kant Liverpool.
For some reason or other, Ist; concluded
to leave the Kail*, and Saturday night,
packed his trunk, and stole xilently away,
lenvii ;• \li». t'onnor. of the Valley Hon--,
out ol p !' ket f.ir a Iwrd bill; Mr-. Ilulie
i iiiiu !:"•(* room rent, find a -"torn or more
<>f foolish (,'irlii with their ln-art* broken.
He he wiii going to Allejrhi-uy, but
look tin- midnight train for Alliance, an !,
it ix Maid, went from thence to Ku-t Liver
pool, and joined Madam De Letter.
0.. the rborc of Lake Erin an upturned,
water logged und rapidly linking boat l)ear
ing a half frozen, half starved man was
pickvd up the other day. He bad been in
tli< ire and water for days. and wa > near
ly dead that hi* recovery w ill be attended
by the 10.11 of-omc of his frozen limb".
When he net out on the treaeberoo* water
tie' had a companion. Their lio.it wan
overturned,and they clambered on her bot
tom. For hour ( they clung there, hoping
for rescue. Then they discovered that
their joint weight wu . too great for tin
water logged boat. If both remained by
her both would die by drowning when 'he
went down. Oik- might stand achtoee of
being saved. The other mail coolly and
calmly looked the situation in tface
"I have no relative* dependent on tne,"
he said at last, "while you have a
mother ami «i -I<-r who look to you foi
support (iood-by!" 'i'neu with a silent
prayer he ilid into th- chill water
and disappeared forever. That wai hero
isin of the highest type,—the heroi-m ol
•lame- MeQuaide, a travel,ng salesman
for the <,' oaten Hay Itakc company, wax
arrested lit Orei-n-fiiurg, Monday, on a re
qui«ition from tin- governor ol' Michigan,
on a change ol bigamy, lie married a
young lady in Salt i!»urg named (J.-rtley
several years a/o, and while in Mewgin,
it is alleged, he married a woman there,
and it was upon her oath tiie information
wm made.
He haM been living with wile No 1 at
j Salt ilmrg tor the past M ix month-,
(ins. It ASTI.Kin nay* In: ii iu the fight for
(iovernor to stay and will mil aeet-pt of am
appointment offered him.
Tiik hill for the admin-ion of Idaho a a
Stale jiin-scd the Houi-eat Washington last
| Thursday. The Democrat* did not vote
i and will take the case to the Supreme
j <^iurt.
Cox<;kkhm# v.* Imi-zi u., of I'ittsburg, i
as follow "I am for Montootli
for (iovernor all the time. If he cannot In
nominated then I am lor any good man
who represents »nti-yu*yi»m. In my juilg
ment, no man who is recogniz-'d a- tin;
nominee or representative of Quay rn,
under existing circum-lances lie elect
ed Governor oi i'euusilvania."
Muddy Middlesex.
It is all inud in this part of tho county j
and very little boulder, but there is surely j
bright suti-hine awaiting us in the futnre. j
which will make good roads again.
We all hail with joy the advent cf
Spring. This section of the county needs
a railroad. If we only had a kind of cross
cut between Gallery and Tarentum. a dis
tance of about 20 miles, it would help to
wake tip this drow-y section of conntrv,
aud what a boon it would be to oil men and
farmers. Then we could supply that
ancient borough of Tarentum with oil and
honey, butter, beans and junk by the cord,
and we could drop down upon them
occasionally and take a look at the new
Court House, etc.
There i.« not much doing in this oil field.
The spring campaign has not yet fairly
opened. By the close of the week there
will be about ten strings of tools running.
Standing upon the summit of Esq. Trim
ble's hill and looking south for a distance
of a mile, about o0 derricks can be seen,
aad to the right lies the Burton valley.
Surrounded by a low amphitheater of hills,
this was the basin in which a big nest of
dusters was found. A number of these
rigs have been taken down and removed to
what are supposed to be better locations,
but the drill is the great geological pointer
and will prove this matter.
A whitewashed derrick standing like a
monument over a dry hole looks like a
pelican in the wilderness and should be re
moved. The driller and the tool dresser
go hand in hand. The floor of the derrick
is their stage, and they perform great feats
of strengths lifting heavy tools as easily as
a boy would lift his drum strieks.and when
the drill has reached the hundred-foot the
man with the horn socket upon his head is
heard pounding the tools lustily. ou
would suppose him to be Thor upon the
mountains, he tries his gauge and declares
he has it to a hair.
VV T AitflerMin oaid i,U brother
a short visit last weeK. lie is eugagea in
the oil business upon the I'opo Agie river
in Wyoming, near Fort Thompson, where
a heavy lubricating oil is found at a depth
of 750 feet, which sells for $7 per barrel.
Air. Anderson had been in Pittsburg for oil
well supplies.
Air. Adam H. Gold is spending a few
weeks in Perry Co., Ohio.
Hev. S. W. Hood, pastor of Itecr Creek
I'. Church for 20 years, has removed to
Nortonville, Kansas,where he takes charge
of a congregation. He and family leave a
host of warm friends behind them, und bis
church loses an able minister of the
gospel. X-
Clinton Twp.
The institute, conduced by our teachers
during the past winter, finished on Satur
day, April 5, with a union picnic of all the
schools, held at "Rocky Bun" school.
At an early hour the people assembled
from 'ill parts, to the number of about two
hundred, bringing with them baskets
l.ideoed with the good things of the land.
All the schools were represented except
No. 1, the Love school.
A large table was spread, aud a commit
tee, consisting ol two members from each
school, was selected.
Vt the hour of noou dinner was an
nounce 1 and ail proceeded to the table and
partook of the good tLings. After all hail
eaten sufficient to satisfy the inward man,
tin' meeting was called to order. Addresses
were made by the directors present and by
\\ I: .Scott "and N. W. Campbell, teachers
ill Nos. i;:d 2 schools. Rehearsals were
given by Mi s Mis- Mary Gibson, teacher
of No. 4, and Miss Hannah Sitnpso... The
proceedings were interspersed with iu
trumental and vocal music. About thiTe
o'clock the meeting adjourned, when all
proceeded to the play ground to have a
general good time. After spending an
hour or two in social enjoyment, <tll "tTPTiL
home feeling that tbe <iaj, had been well
Tiii- uv. i. will finish most of our school*,
and, a- far as we can learn, all have been
successful. POLLY woo.
Portersvllle. *
Tom Marshall will move into tho brick
block on christian flat soon.
Will Knglisli has purchased the Cooper
property in the north end of town, and
nill take up his abode there in a short
S. T. o'Kenan has the contract for the
repair work on the I I', church, which he
expects to complete in about six weeks.
Misses Bird and Sue (ilenn and Kflie
Marshall, represent Portersville at Slip
pery Rock Normal this term.
F. C. Heberling is talking of going to
Beaver fall- to clerk in a grocery store.
Mis- (HI- Lambert, of Butler, is the
guest of Sadie ileberliug this week.
Ail-s Mary Pefler, of Lancaster, spent
part of last week with her cousin, Nettie
Heberling, and while here assisted in the
entertainment given by tin- baud boy*
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weath
er, a fcir audience greeted the band boys
n. Uieir first entertainment of tin- sen-on.
abieii v.a given on Friday Highland with
wfiieij ever,) one expressed themselves well
plea ed.
Mr. William Kennedy is on the sick
list at present, but we hope to him
about again soon. "VITA.
A Si- w Vork malt recently offered a
prize for the bent essay on the er.termina
ti ni ol tii • nio-quit<« and this prize h.isjiint
been awarded to a woman of i'hiladelphia.
If be ban invented anything better than a
\\ ! paiieiu-e and an accommodating
wiIV *n hold the lamp, her paper should be
*S". 11. I;KARI> uial Rush Fullerton, of
Armstrong i'o., are out a anti Delanialer
eaudiiiales for Governor.
I. a I. M I'KKou ol lirazil, I loin I'edro, is
reported to be hopelessly insane.
SIK'.K the remarkable determination of
the court ■ of Mi --.is.- ippi that Kiirain is
and Sullivan is not guilty of engaging
in a prize fight the world has been ncekiug
anxiously for the underlying principle.
The Atlanta Constitution has found it. It
-.u ■ that in Missi - ippi it. is a misdemeanor
to he "liked."
A I'HKHI ii t-eiei i.ist says that people are
growing dark, and that all will l»; Idaek in
a few i rriturien. Here is your settlement
of the race problem.
Tin: Emperor of China has started on a
fortnigltl'.< trip uci ouipanieil by bis reti
nue, nuuiberiug teu thousand persons.
A ni<-e little family parly to enter
A I'i.A im i i t.i> 'N. J ) Milkman wa
drowned while lilting one of his milk cans
I om a well tin- other day.
His fellow milkman would do well to take
thi« accident a< n warning and keep their
milk cutis away from the water in the
Catarrh Cured
fitarrh U a rjr prmral#»nt dliMMlfl, vl»h dl»-
and <»fT« symptom*. Huod'i H:»r
fc parJli.i glvo r» uly relief tunl ijn-mly cur«\ **• 4t
jj'irilW** tho arid tuned tip the whole iyat«m.
"I iulf«red with r:ttarrh I tfjok Ilo«»d'»
and now | am nut troubled any
with catarrh and my Funeral health U much
tHtiUsr." I. W. J-ILIJH, (
"I nuft« r<*d with catarrh *i* or elKlit y«*ur«;
tried many won«t«*rfnl * u r»-n. Inhalitr«,«-i<:.. *f»« nd
inj? nearly "im hundred <l«»Uar« without
I trl«'»l liiHui't mi trlila and wu* fin ally Im
proved." M. A. Auujsv, Worcuiter, Mm«.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all (InißKlsts. J1 ; six for %\ Made
only by C. 1. HOOD & ( <>., ls>well, Mas*.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
All work i><?rl;iliitfijc to th«* profoaaloti <*x«¥cut
•'i "i ih« ll*- i?«-it manner.
►• ' lullicM. ({old 1 lllltiKH. and P&lnh'Mft Kx
t-.t on of l. i-th. Vitalized Air ailinlnl*teml.
OIU««» on Ji lfcrtnn Hlreet, on«* door Kant of Lowry
llouae, I p SI aim.
fir,..- open dally, exeent Wedueaday* and
ilr • 'l.f.n Com tutinlcatlona by mall receive
pi<iin|d atteiitpm,
N. 11. Hie only Ih-ntlaf In Ifutler iimltiit the
"•*1 make* «»f teeth.
—A«lv» i iuti in itit: CITIZEN.
Wc are authorized to announce the fol
lowing gentlemen as candidates for the
offices under which their names appear,
subj'ect to the liepublican primary of But
ler county, on
Saturday, May 24th, 1890.
Of Fairview Boro.
"W. 11. BITTER.
Ot Butler.
Of Millerstown.
Of Zelienople.
Of Butler.
Of Adams twp.
Of Butler.
(2 to nominate.)
! CAPT. R. IRWIN Bonos,
Of Zelienople.
Of Kanis City.
Of Butler.
Of Franklin twp.
Oakland Twp.
W R 11.11H.S
Of Muddycreek Twp.
Of Forward Twp.
Of Donegal twp.
Of Washington Twp.
Of Oakland Twp.
Of Marion twp.
Of Brady Tw p.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Centreville.
Of Buffalo Twp.
Of Butler Twp.
Of Butler, (formerly of Clay Twp.)
(2 to nominate.)
Of Connoquenessing Twp.
Of Slipperyrock Twp.
Of Clinton Twp.
Of Summit Twp.
Of Concord Twp.
Of Allegeny Twp.
S. W. McCoLLotroit,
Of Fairview Twp.
i CHARLES I. Burnt,
Of Buflulo Twp.
I R. S. 11 IN DM A.N,
Of Cherry Twp.
j A. I). WHFK.
or Butler.
Of Clinton Twp.
S A M C KI. T. M.\ Its It A I. L,
Of Butler.
Of Franklin twp.
Of Mercer twp.
(2 lo nominiite.)
of Franklin twp.
Of l'enn twp.
Of Muddycreek twp.
Of Slipperyrock twp.
ol Butler, (formerly of Fail view twp.)
Of Butler.
tt H. fdcttci.l.w, I- M. HKWITT
Dealers in all kinds of
Rouyh and Worked Lumber.
Hard and Soft Coal.
U'e have a Jftrjre stock of all kinds of I.utu
lier. <»il Well |{j({s, Ktc.
Call titiil pet our prices anil n-e our.stock.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended
Office and yard on
Full Again.
VV'i* mciiti our wall paper de
partment, lull and overflowing
with our inimetiHe and choice
«t«»ck ol'papttr h:tri*rill yrn. You
must help us out, we haven't
room lor hall our until
you relieve UH of Home ol them.
We have tin; choifent Helec
tion of patteriiH in <?v«!ry grade
from Brown lllankH at 10 CIH
to (iJt-' at from 20 els to $1
per double holt.
Examine our Stock.
J. H. Douglass,
Near i'o.-tollice, Butler, Pa.
ijgi j
Absolutely Pure.
This Powder never varies. A marvel cf |
purilv, slitnytU aud wboleromenep!.. More
economical than the ordinary kiudo. and can
not be sold in competition with the multitude
ol iov» tests, short weight,aluinn or pnosphate
powdert.. .V»/rf only tn cant.
lOti Walt Street N. ¥.
BKOWX —In Concord Twp., this county.
April 3. ls'Jv. Mr. Gc«>rge Brown, aged
about 45 years.
EKA.S—In Clinton Twp.. this county.
April s, lstw. ilr. J. Walter Ekas, aged
about 3U years.
GRAFF—Peter Graff, of Armstrong Co.,
died suddenly. Wednesday, of paralysis,
aged 83 years.
SHANNON—At his home in Franklin Tp.,
this county, Sunday morning, March .JO.
isau, Samuel \\. Shannon, aged 77
years, -o days.
Ksq. Shannon iiad a Justice ol the
Peace for Franklin Tp. lor a period of 25
years; was an oid aiiu respected citizen ol
the county and known to all as an houest
aud correct man.
MiTCIiEI'L. —In this place. April 4. IStK),
Mr>. Margaret P. Mitchell, wile of Lewis
'/j. Mitchell, i-- j., aged about 51 years.
Mrs. Mitchell was a daughter til the late
Hon. John Brediu, who was President
Judge of the Courts of this county from
1833 tjisal, in which latter year he died.
She was a sister of Hon James Bredin,
lately also Judge here, of Dr. Stephen
Bred in and Joseph B. Bredin, lisq , aud of
Mrs. Nancy Cuuiinings anil Mrs. \ ie Lyon,
now living here. The funeral services were
held on Monday last and were attended by
a very large circle of relatives and citizens,
and were conducted by the v ;nerable Itev.
William White, a long time pastor of Mrs.
Mitchell, and her recen". pastor, ltev.
London, of the Kpiscopal Church of this
place. She was a woman of kind heart aud
disposition anil had many warm friends.
The sympathy of this whole community
goes out to Mr. Mitchell in this his great
CAMPBELL—At bis home in Allegheny
City, Saturday, April 5, 1-S'JO, Howard
I). Campbell, youngest son ol James
Campbell, dee'd, of Butler, aged 30 years.
Mr. Campbell had been down with
tvphoid fever for some weeks but was sup
posed to have passed the crisis "f the dis
ease and to be recovering when a relapse
caused his death. His bod)' was brought
to Butler by a speeiid train on the P. it W.
K. K. Tuesday morning, funeral services
were held at the old Campbell residence on
Main St., and the interment took place at
the X'or 111 Cemetery. For some years
Howard had been secretary and treasurer
of the I'. J; W. I{. I', and was considered a
capable aud trustworthy officer. 11.- was
married to a daughter of Mr. Dickey, of
Franklin, Pa., who with two children sur
vhchiiu. The services at the house were
conducted by RCVH. Oiler, White, Loyal
Young ami Ball Young, and the pull bear
iTnrw UuuuirdV in the olliees
of the railroad. •
(>n and after Monday, Nov. 13, 1889, train
will leave Butler as follows:
M AItKKT at 6:10 a.m., arriving at Alleghe
ny at !':10 a. ID.; connectx can for Itlairsville
with Hay Express, arriving at Phi'adelpliia
at 7 p.m.
Exl'lil SK at .s.-'io k. tu., arriving at Alleghe
ny at 10:35 a. tn.; .I'.eH not connect for th«
east, but connects with A. V. R. H. north
and louth.
MAIL, at 2:35 p. rr>., and goes through to
Allegheny, arriving there ai 4:40 p. ni.; con
nects for rtiiladslpbia.
Act OMMOHATION at 6:00 p, tn., and con
nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom
modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:25 p
01., and connects east as far as AJH»IIO.
Trains connecting for liutlei leave Alleghe
ny atK:2t> a.m., 3:15 P. in. and 5:45 p. in.
Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, in. ami
5:00 and 7:50 p. in.
Corrected to fast time.
Traius leave liutler lor (jrei-nville at 5:40
and 10:30 a in. and 5:00 p. m,
i Trains leaving Ih ■P.dc W. depot iu Al
legheny at ilo, aud Hie V\ est l'enn dep.it at
S:Jo a. iu, anil 3:15 p. in. connect at iStilier
with trains North on this road.
Trams ariiVK at liutl.tr Irutu <jree nville at
10: M) a, m. and J:J'i aud |«. tn; the 10:10
connects with ihe I* Jt \V. to Allegheny and
the 2:25 with the West pen 11.
Traiun leave Billiards at 7:15 a. m and I'J:
tHj .ii M.ivr time, eoini.*'*: lor Butler, a ud the
5 p in. tram from U lUor eonmasM at Hranch
ton for llilliar is.
No Sunday trains, i'assongcrs. with tick
ets will h« carried on (he local Iri-ijjht that
leaves the P. iW. Juuc at 1:15 p. m. but
not on the other freight trains
The 5:4-1 a. ID. train from liutler connects
at Osgix.i'l with trams oil the L. S. St M. S.,
arriving at Icveiand 10. M a. in., Chicago
9:10 p. in., Erie II:.:s a. in., Itutlalo 2:35 p.
iu., ami at M*-rc, r with \\'. N. Y. St P.,
arriving at New t aslie at lt:05 a. tn .
The 10: '.<» a. iu. Haiti from liutler connect#
at Mercer with traius on the \V. N. Y. & I'.,
arriving at Franklin at 2:00 p. in. aud Oil
City at at J:10 | in , and al Shenango with
the N. Y. P. Sc O. I. r Meadviile, .lame-town,
IStillalo, OI<*HII an I New Y'ork; also at
OHKO<*I f..r Oil City.
'I h»* 5:0o p. iii. lr.iiu connects ut M< rc.-r for
New Ca«tle, and at Sheuaugo lor Meadviile
aud Hharou.
p. & w. n. n.
Correi'tid to fsst time Oiic hour taster
than schedu Ie I iiue.
Trains leave liutler for Allegheny City
at 4:20 anil lo '.'o a. in., and 3:55 p. m.
The New Castle and western insil leaves
at 8:15 a. til., H1.. 1 the < hit ago A Western ex
press at I.'.it p. 111.
'I nous leaves ltuller for the North at 10:30
a. in., and 7:55 p. in
Irams arrive al ltuller from the South at
!i:55 a. in. HIHI 12:10, 3:20, 7. In and h;3O p. iu
A train nrriv**H from Clarion at 10:<>o a. m.
and from Kane at .1:40 in.
TrticH eouiieetiii'4 lor Hutler leave Allle-
I'beny at 7:1(1 and IO;<iO a. m ami 1:2-5, Fn'.Ui,
Mini ♦>:.'* > p. m.
The h: J;and I :.Ml traiiin fr ou* Htithr
to Callery,and 7:10 and 1:2"# tram* from Alle
gheny to I'.nthT run on .Sunday, aUo the
lr*i»t tbftl I • • • 4 Itof) t r Bmrit I!iM t
arriving at 12:10.
Train* leaving l.utler :t >4:l r » a. in. and
1:Vl p- m. e*»nneet a' < «llery for the Went.
.1. M Kiistor,
I'ractical Slute ifiiiifer.
Oinamenlal and Plain Slating
Of all klnds'donu on short untioa.
Ollico with W. 11. Morris No.
7, N. Main »St,, Uonideuce
North Kim Mtreet,
Butler, I'a.
Wm. F. Miller.
Manutact'irer- «>l
Stair Rails,
and Nswel-posts.
LIAII kinds of wood to order, also
Decorated and curved wood-work, su'-li 101
CasluK. i nrni r lilncli , I'uiiei* and all Kinds of
taiiey wimil work lur lusldu decor.lion of
HometliliiK new and attractive. Also
at iowestVosh price-.
Store at No. N. Main street.
Factory at No. fill, N. Washington strccu
Administrators mil Executors of estates ,
can secure their receipt books at the Cm- j
ZF.S office.
Executors' Notice.
WIIEKEAS, letters of administration have
been granted to the uudersigned on the
estate of S. W.Shanaou.ol Kraakliu Twp.,
Butler ft)., Pa , ail persons knowing theni
selv<s indebted to said estate will please
muke immediate payment, and any having
claims said estate will present them
duly autht nticated tor settlement.
f A. W. Sil.txvnx,
Prospect, Pa. i
( Joh.n p. RAI-SOS,
Executor's Notice.
1 ESTATE OK J. B L »S.J, DE ''i>, I AT!" .IF
! Letters tesutneutary on the aliove named
e»t4te having oeeu granted lo the undersigued,
ail persons knowing themselves indebted to it i
will plea.-e make immediate payment, and ;
any having claims against it will present I
them tor betliemeul.
McCandless P. O.
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
Auditor's Notice.
O. C. No. lb, June Term, 1890.
in the matter ot the tirst and partial ac
couut ol Hugh Sbaw and Kot>e:t Hlaek, ad
ministiators of Margaret Shaw, dee'd.
Having been appointed auditor iu the
above case lo make distribution of the funds
in the hands of Uie administrators to and
among the persons legally entitled thereto, I
hereby give nonce that i will attend to the
uutiea oi this appointment at my otlice. No.
17, E. Jetieison St., Butler, Pa., at 10 A. M.,
lhursday, April 24, lStHi, al Auich lime aud
place all parties luteresled may attend, it
ihey mink proper.
IKA McJlnkin, Auditor.
Notice is hereby given that Keed Ooe ol t lar
lou to., bus ica.->id io jamc.i tjaUagner. ol but
ler io., iii> one bay mare tttlu a wnile siar on
lave, cue set ot single harness, and one buck
{ board lor lue term ui one year lrom
Uale. X to lake good care oi sa.a proper
ly aiid reluin lilt' same al the end ul said ter.".
anil not lo lake llie property oULside ot the
stale without Air. Ooc s knowledge anil con
sent. James UALI-AIOIKK.
.Varlh lsyo.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween s. P. Painter and John Sutton under
ihe tirm name ol Painter & Sutton al Euclid,
Buller Co., Pa., is this day mutually dis
solved. Ihe books aud aeeouuls o ; said tirm
are 111 Ihe hands of S. P. Paiuter for col*
lection. Ail persons owing said firm will
please call on S. P. Paiuter, Estp, aud settle
the same and all persons having claims
against said lirin will present the same for
March 21, 1890. JOHN SITTON.
Notice in Partition.
11l re partition ol the real estate ot Anthony
Goldlnger, dee'd. O. C. No. 7. March T., lssi.
Orphans' Court of Butler Co., l*a.
\Vher>-as, the said Anthony Ooldlnger died
Intestate, seized ot the lollowlng real estate,
to-wlt: Situate In Parker Twp.. Iluiler Co., 1 a.,
bounded and described as follows: On the north
l.y lands ol Harry H. aud Curtis lt. Ward, on
the south by lands ol Washington < amplx-11, on
the east by lands ol Kli 11. and Kob'l \\. Shake
ley, and oil tue west by lands ol I nlou OH I'otu
pany and W. T. Sedgwick, containing one hun
nred acres, more or less, lor the partition and
div ision ot which to and among the heirs and
panics Interested, proceedings have been In
stituted al the above number and term upon
ihe |ietition ot Moot Cress, hearing date Mar. Ii
», Iss'J. which said proceedings have been duly
prosecuted .• all Inquest ol partition and report
thereol made to March term. l»j.,', whlcli said
report Was Hied in said proceedings. FeDruary
12, i*:io. .-.ettinn i..rtli thai the abovf; laud cannot
liw parted and divided without prejudice to, or
spoiling ihe whole, and valuing and appraising
the same al S.J>. per acre, to v. inch said report
no exceptions have been filed or objection
made; whereupon the said court ou motion of
s. p. Bowser, atfy. in tue estate, dnl on the
.•'..'lrtn sal'l report of lu
ipi. st anil a rule ou the partiot '"liyvtHeil
lu come into Court and accept or ret use
premises at the appraised value thereof or show
ca .si: why the same should not be sold, return
aol.- April 11 is»u; ictlce ou the non-residents
Of the county wu.-rc hoi accepted, to IH: by pub
lication Iu the Butler CITIZK.N. according to rule
ol court.
To Oliver C. ltedic, Ul({h Shei'lfT or Butler Co..
Pa., greeting: We command you to make
known to Jacob Uoldlnger, of Armstrong Co.,
Pa. Mnevah lioldlnger. whereabouts unknown.
ElUabeih lioldlnger, Juiues C. littldluger aud
Nluma ('re sk, petitioners ol liutler Co., I'a.. and
Kobcrt T. i.oldlugcr aud William 1). lioldlnger.
lorinerlv ot Butler Co., whereabouts now u.i
known, ilie contents ot the foregoing pro.-eed-
Ings. order ana rule ol Court, auu cite them to
he ami appear at an orphans' Court, to be held
at Butler, Butler Co., I'a., ou the I till day oi
April. !<• «>. then and there lo accept or refuse
Uie prcmhtes al the appraised value thereof or
show cause. II any they luay have, why they
should not be sold according to law.
Witness, the Hon. Aaron L. Iluzen, President
Judge of our said court, ut Butler, this lutli day
of March, A. I>., lot.
Hti iiKN MCELVAIN. Clerk.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue ol an order or the Orphan*' Court of
Butler Co.. to me directed, I will oiler for sale
iiu the premises, on
Saturday, April 12th, 1890,
at 2 0'c!o k p. the following described real
estate. Situated In Centre I'wp , Butler Co., Pa.,
bound) tl on the north by lands of Daniel lleck,
on the east by lands of Samuel L. Plecger, on
the south hy lauds ol the heirs of ,1. 11. Davis,
and on Ihe west by lands of Daniel lleck, con
lainiug tiiree-lourths of an acre, with a small
frame house thereon erected. Terms made
known al time ol sale.
J.>ii sc, MOOBK. Adui'r
of John Harper Davis, dee d.
McCandless I'. 0., Buller Co.. Pa.
J. D. Mc.Jf.NKIN, Att'y.
By virtue ot a writ of Veil. Kx.. Issued out of
the Court ol Common fleas of liutler Co., I'a.,
and to me directed, there will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House. Ih the borough
ol B'ltler, I'a,, oh
Saturday, April 12, A. D., 1890,
at i o'clock r. .M .HIC following described prop
erty, to-wit:
K. I). .No. is, June T., l»!W. W, D. inmidou,
All tin' iitut, interest and claim or
.lellerson Alien, ut. in and i rirty r. o) acre* of
I.mil. inorr iir lous. situated In CI >y I'wp., Butler
I'II, fa,. bounded as follows, to wit: On the
uortti o> Ainu Ailini.eaHt by Samuel M-shclmer,
mi,no o> tieurtfC Huriny wc.-vt by kit I'atler
son; loKcilnr wliu ,i two-story frame house,
frame liarn, orchard and outbuildings thereon.
m U'-'i and taken in execution as lue property
ot Ji lTfiion Allen at tin- iiut of M. M. Allen
now Mrs, M. M McComi 11.
OI.IVKIt I UlCltK . hlifrltl.
Sheriffs Office. iiutler, ru., March 21, IHDO.
I In: 11mi ot It'TK & Cypher lia.s expired tiy
limitation of 11IIin and all persons Indented to
•aid llrm are requested to make Immediate pay
ment, and persons having claims against the
llrm are r«.i|ue.,i<-d to present the same for pay
ment The books mil papers will be found .it
I lie It.uiklii,; Hou.-c of John llern A. Co. ilutler.
•lollN llt.Ki; .111. I
March 11. Usui). lltNtv A, lituui.J
Executors ol tin last. win ut .John iter;;,
dce'd. tIKOKOK A. CYI'UKM.
Administrator's Notice.
(i I\N: or JAMKS I*. M'ycisrioN. N, I.ATK
admin nitration on tin* aiiovo nam*
tr<l { I **.!.«• liuvllitf been granted to I In: under
(led. all p"■ is'»iiH knowing Un'insolve* Indebt
ed t«> hald e ->tate will I»UMHM make Immediate
payment itII 1 .my having claim* atfalint said
e»tate will pr-neiil them duly authenticated
for nil 1' iiuMii.
<1 L. McOriHTio.v. Butler, I'u.
W, IIKNKV \VIJ.-ON. Slippery r'k i\ O.
Notiee 1 In -reb> jjlv« »i to the members of the
1 UIIIM'IH Muluul I-ire* luMtiranee < ouipany of
ll.uiii. lt.Ht.owii .«iml vi<-liilty th.H mi February lit
iin- vuM'n «»n the k »*» «i N«*HT |4>II were <*Ouut
«-«i t>> Hi*- appointed t ouiiuit'ee, and the remilt
Wiit id) vot**H of a majority agaitiftt }au* In Itmur
ed and in consequence of tin* al>ove
i In* l>l rector ol tin- company, at their
un etlug on .Saturday. February »th. IMUO. an
nulled and mailt: void Article W Section 7, In
tin- by*Laii iof iin- CoanUuiUuu. unanimously,
and Miibhtitutcd in the place of tin? annulkd ar
tlele tin* following artn 11/. ;*
1! a lohf* in <M . anloncd by t in- use of /as or oil
(or fuel in dwelling bounce or other building
tin- liintin d forb-lin IIIH or ln*r llMuraucv.
I ui tli« r it wan adopt»?d by a tinanlmouN vot«-
of tin* Hoard to insure bay mark*, tin; Nairn: an
bay Hi bulldliiKM. wlnu# v« r tin: bay may In*.
♦ itin-r on ilie prmnu-i of tbu liiHuri'd or otber
pt n « H.
Tin? Iloard of I>lr« < toi » In r« by tiollllt s all
tlnr iticinberH of tbu company ln.inn d uhlhk k'aa
at pieHdit to Inform tin: H«'«:r«Jta
ry at oin «:
By order ol tin*, rrwddriit..
IIKNKV lIEC'K. Hecil'tary.
I'ti.ANo, February H. IWO.
i'urlie to invest money, certain
tn briiiK lair returns, are invited to care
fully investigate the inducements offered
l»y "Til K Itl'TLKIt S.M/r MAM KAC
WOKKS." Tho stock coiiHthls of M,OOO
slinreH, tint pur valau ol which is ss(l.
For the further duvclopiug of the workH,
"Hue of this stock ia put on tho market.
For prices and particulars inquire of
J AH. F. IIRITTAIX, Hutler, I'a.
Ollico on l)iamotid.
MJiluiUtiuEu. *.Mwrr,vn t utou i
' km.w that I ;im no match for you in wealth, weight or
sjra> ■' Miri tl position.*'
<.| , , , . . , ,
'sr _ aJl. v 1 K,l «tn iii>w tin «>rtnv 1 urn ol you. !■»,.: hut may I not
{CO, 1 I .
f | hope that sonn> time—some «hiv—'
* iiiiiii' h'.-i j.il !.•♦•:i«1 -. "Someday,
\ ' \\
y IV why not nV. I ax. ONLY TOO WILLING"
VT"" ,i iM 1 That you should compar goods u4 id-ices wiib thoj.: «,t any other
Vv_- ." - [/ ,kul, " r ' nn '' t!,en dt " ido wrb '"- , '«- r ?"« eisM whcro. We are willing
i \ Ju -V > !tv-. because we buy for Its-.
V( V' S
-<>- \VK U'.WT YOU -o-
To buy where you can do host, and if wc can't d > bitter than any other firm. «,• • wiHiu ff to vou .-o «w..v
but we knovv you'll not: for we can an 1 will do bit r. hran* «- M . iTe; i-. -t. m.|- ut iow-r i.ri.„ •,
sample our goods and • ' 1
Mvni: Y<*« ha«'l»Y
With hareaina that are at the top notch of a,»a« s and v.-hi-. «».».. - . ... .. > ~;i j, v v „ (IHI
do all we claim, tnd perform ererv pr miM- ivc uirtU.- Are «-u willi-»t' > !uv: . . \\ c "wrl'i.av voii
I bigger interest on the loon th .u you c aid -et «. l ard «sh W« i.rc i..-«• . ~. ~ , , the" t'tlk
But we can tell wt at we know go that vou can uuderst.- ,d u.. A.v .. i .■ .W ,\ stretch Um.'-'i when
; we say we bare the room. largest «toek. creates- rark tr so I ml ... ((Jt ,
whole county All the ate,t novelties a,, d r h wili « e iin ur iv.i, of .p.iug and .uuuuer
style* 10 mens', boy's sod cbi.dr.-vs fa-hi-»nsb!e H..-btujf. hats., shi ; :>. u'»de-.*eM- ." >• . u hsierv
I trunkß -
tons, scart pma.earand ho*er m **, I and In e -. bn.sl.e-, iiandmi ;vt< .»« •- -s Ml nnd i.o.ket books
; combs and tondred. of. tb«r art. :les v>n mar -inl ii d of. all of hwe; ; . mtee to b» correct styles'
choice fabrics, -are btsand lowest pi so We slwaj fi id people .IHing sod eairer to huv in the cheapest mark'
uMwfvr 8 T me T bsrgslna in erery depsrtmeot, yoo will find as resdy and willinWoXLV
TOO \\ ILLINCJ—to render pronu.tlv, courteoa v nr..: irstelh*.. .t; c 6 , v nee.} ,| or d sir, ,! assistance iu makiu
your selections AeareONU rO(MMI,LIX(; to -h ,w i s «d qo >te prices, n „ difloreoce whether vou
wish to purchase or not. ( on.e oat re ar!-st op» nnd '. ~-t v«,or eves ui>ou our'iit.
mense assortment, study our prices a; i »>V i: ke . ur < a tics on v. ur -oinp nwnv enmtv handed
Stand by those who stand by v. u! What d. , s thnt men ; It means that'we have stood bv vou f or v ,. (U s
j\ on have stood by us, are you w.11.n,- to cntinne' I , t e !,el,» ,r y >•,. T ~se who want to sell L-oods in our
| line will have to see »wt we are dot r, and comedown to our no'.. lfthev do ntiv chin music they'll have to
| take the tune from us If they march bey'l! have to t, up our -tcp .s we le.d and prouose to keep on lending
and others must follow or fad \\ e are not muknitf a bio IT for tra i:t; lt ,-nn;e w played out We are statiuc
facts. The proof lies 10 our goo,ls which are leaders in every line. It's ail moonshio- to talk about bigper or bet
ter bargains than we make rhev can't be made .at lir-t sight" n.u-t be t! fate of every one who
on our goods: not only because they are handsome bur b cause tie v are chem in every ens., of the word No
HH-vn'ruTr VSva* ™ ° D *' ric " Bu - f wlu ' rw T'>» iik " - ' ' : "r Btock before you buy*
ARK \Ol WILLI.NG? It will be money m yoor pocket, and that's w hat we are all after.
.With the kindest regards for your very, vetv liberal pair in ther.Kt Jam OXLY TOO Wll [ INO
- try to merit the same in the future. • i remßin as cver vouro tQ p]cag( , f
Champion Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter,
No 11 ]S Main St., - - 2_)ufl.v's Block, Bntlor,fa.
Diamond : - : Hotel,
Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con
nection, "every thing first class.
Meftla atjall hours. Oix-n -ill nisfbt.
Itrebkt<ut Si cents.
Dinner cenlw.
Slipper St cents.
Lodging Si cent h.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
BUTLER, - - JP-A..
Near New Court 11 oust* —formerly Donaldson
Hou»e —good accomHiodal lona I<»r traveler*.
Good stabling connected.
14-9-Wiy' 11 KITKNMUI LEK. Prop r.
Willarcl Hotel
W. H. RGIIIINTi, Propr
Hotel Vogeley
(Strictly First Lltt.m.)
II EN 11V L. UECK, I'kop K.
J. 11. Fauukl, Manuger. liutler, I'u.
Jordan's Itestanrant
All our readers visiting 15utler
will do woll to k<> to Sam Jordan'a
reHtnuruut for their meals. Wo serve
lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and
cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under
Schneidemun's clothing store
UK£ SHORE mum.
All Htock guaranteed to lie in good con
dition when delivered.
We replace all trees that fail to grow.
J. F. Lowry, W. T. Meehling, .lame
Shanor, Jr., .1. E. Forsy the, (leu Staaffner
«. Walker, Emj., Ford Kcilier, I. «j. and I) i
L. Cleeland. '
Planing Mill
Luinber \ ard
J. L. Pll KVIH. L. O. PUKVIf.
Rough and Planed Lumber
or Kvtiv i>KA<;iui*ri<>*,
Baikf, !';i
Spring Milliiu TV I
In all the latest styles.
New Hats,
New Ribbons,
New 'rrirnmingrt.
All the m*w things in Mowers,
laces, gloves, veils, caps,
M. F. .V M. Marks'.
No. OS. Main St # , Hutler, J\i.
sjS V. £5
9 4'. iS
Silks and Drsss G:od3
!n these departments we are off-r
--ing for this month's business a great
many unusual vu'ue> and b.irjjains.
] Write »ur Mail Order Department
lor f-i«t'lfpiir!»4l£. "> the pr.v
Hoods line you may C>~£jtrt4iriT— rrr>
teres ted iu and get the best Cor the
least outlay.
50 ineh Suitings in dark colorings,
cheeks aud stripe*, 2."> cents,
j 37 ineh All-Wool Tricots and
Clothx, 2n cents. •
:sti inch American Novelties,checks,
stripes and plaids, ,'JS cents
50 iuch Scotch Cheviots, in
I beautiful assortment of various
shades of grey and brjwn stripes, 50
cents a yard; ail wool and W'jrtb reg
ularly 75 ceuts. Extraordinary valu".
Sid« Bordnre Suitings, 40 cents.
Imported Novelty " 50 cent*.
All-Wool " " 75 cent#,
la briefathe lurgest assortment <f
! special values in Wool Suitings, So
cents to 75 cents, ever placed on sale
lu any one store.
I'laiu Suralis, 10 inches wide, 50c.,
I 66c
21 inches wide, 75c., worth 87'.<•
24 iu. wide, sl. very best goods
! made.
i New Cheviot Silks iu Spriug color
i ings, checks and stripes. 90 eeuts.
i\ew Austrian Cloths, all Silk, en
' tirely new fabric, $1 yard.
50 pieces colored A rum res, 21 in.
wide, 75 cents, best colors; goods
made to sell at $1 25 and undoubted
ly the greatest Silk bargain ever sold.
New Faille Francat-se, Summer
Silks, llnbutai hilks, India Silk.°,
e.e.. etc., at prices lower than sucli
(jnalities are usually sold at
Our Spring CatalaL'tie and Fashion
Journal now r< ady—free upon re
II your name was on our in»i ing
! list for IMS'I, a copy of this catalogue
| will be mailed you ul o. ?f you did
not receive a copv l<i-t year, write
name and addiess on a postal card
aud a copy will be mailed Mail
order business a leading feature.
Saw Mills. Steam Engines.
.Shingle Mills, H:iy Pi e.w;s, &c.
If you w of n KJ H s I'-<•!.A SAW
iW'iici tor Catalogue ami "el.-1 j»i t« «• to Inirj
diiL'f in your *»•» tion to
A. il. I .lIUJI IIAK <<>. (Mil.) tOKK. f
Ki ri.iiH, a* %.
11. FULLKRTO.N, Prop'r.
Itlaukt'lM, riamii'lis iiikl Yarn
Nuniilticliirrd oi rure
l«*i C'oiiuiy Wool.
We (flint-iiiteCour to 1M Mrl-n,- . i \\ "I
itud uuiir*riii<; 01 iiij i llii'i' | «'•' • '' <1
iivj in <l>«lng. \\> sell Wliopnule it i• ' -i!i.
s.iiiuUfM iiid pi ii • i niriilaltrd fiee lo tlenlerM on
application liy m ill.
WIIUN voir
508 Siiiit'\fi«ld St., fur Tii r , Seotln, Ll'lie«
Grape Viiuv , Hardy Hote*, ("unary I! r<lx.
Gold Fittli, <'t<\
Descriptive Full CatiUoutfx tnriiled free'
roK s\u;:
I will k«11 my lion e and I**l 00 • I *' rtr
St. The l"t liu* » trouUMO' of <lO let-ton VV.
I'cnrl, nnil tlic lioiiw roiil*ln» four ri.'iuiii,
with n (£<M«l eelUr. |
For ulnr ii.t|Ulre of luc nt 11." W. !
IViul St.. Itutler, P«.
Mifflin Street Livery.
W. a. 15IEIIL, Prop : r.
One square west of Main St., on
Mi til in St. All good, sufe horses;
\W\\ *iu; »»-i<- < mid carriages. t.aiidaim
f'<r wc-Ciii-igK and funerals. Open
• 'ay end night. Telephone No. 24.
of carriages letweeu the hotels and
depots of the town
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17. or leave orders at Hotel
(M Livery in Coiiiierlioii.
New Lively Stable.
New Stock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed and boarded.
:t!», W Jefferson St, Butler, Pa
Livery Stable For Sale.
. Tlio undersigned will i;ell
V' ~ hi livery stable. In the rear
of the Wick House, <-«»n si!
jl in it of horse .buggies, sleigh*,
< f \- (* liurnci S :ni<l everything |»-i
--tuining thereto, uud lease the
luru Corn term of year*. My rea on tor
selling i>s thai 1 u'i bto devote my ntleiitiuu
i to other business.
VLKRi;i» WHh.
\. J. FRANK 4 CO.
hRI >;s,
FANCY AMI roll,l.'l' A lain rt,
sp.;i S. IIUI'SUKS, I'l IIU'MI UY. A.'
|f"i hj -•'■■!-.>. fre:- i'l[>ttnaß cari-liilly k euui
' i ■ anrtfiJ.
5 S. Main Street, Duller. Pa.
Standard I'.icd
I Trotting Stallion.
1 i;« Pin, I', (llaintitrioiiinn I'i
J T '"'J ■>•"* •' ' , |„ K \
i 2nr- 'i nu. hi.m' * w, *" ls ' HainWnt'aa f.. :
- ( imu. "u r o , int.r. ,i m. , i i,u.ie
(11;k\ Tir 7088 is closely related
to most of the fast trotters uud great
' sires ol trotters. Height I»>J. hands;
weight 1200 pounds. He is stylish,
handsome and a great roadster, anil
' very fii*t walker; spirited, but lear
!e>-»; int. Iligent and trusty and trans
mit/ these <|UaliticH to hia colls.
Thi'se wishing to raise trotters, car
riu;! ', c ich or general purpor-e
in..-en, or prightly dTalt horses
ihotild < xtiiniti - him and l.is colts at
the Scot'., b irri, all - v opposite Wick
house stable.
Tkums J2O payable in advance
with privilege of return. Accidents
nt owner's risk. A-k for. pamphlet
.'i \ ,s. M»m; St., Ilutltr,
I j. C- WICK
Hough and Worked Lumber
or A 1.1. MNIIS
Ooors, S.isli, blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stocic.
Ofllf opjH.»«ito I*. A W .
ItITI.KK, - rA
I(' y ..il -ii «• iii ue- il t.f a p>oil jiayinp position
ami think yon have the >pialitii of u { r i«>.l
ill aian, you will «li> well t<» »fife Uf •••
once. We will ]>ay i'.hml coinnii-Hion or
italarj and expennet to • gouA nian. The
ii we offer a permanent one. A.I
dre -'i at once,
Shi.oviitit Arwoi.u
.N ui eryuien, Geneva, y. Y