Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 11, 1890, Image 1
V-«!, \ r v v 11. ' W„ L ;AM SHAHD. * N ' 7 :;' ? ® Sl9o s^lAl».st^ ,'.. —— — t nr~'-- : —-" --"'i I IIiNRY BIEIIL i CMijmi MAIN hTßhE'i BU'l'Liit R - ~P."F±-J IT'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Fnrnishinu Goods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, frnggies, Carle, Wheel Barrows, Brawnier Washing Machine*, New Sunshine and Howard Banges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer o 1 Tinware, Tin Beefing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. % 1850 KistabliNlied 1850 . | THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., D EALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwara, Spectacles, &c. t Lc. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in i«il hrancheu skillfully done and wnrnuili-il. 1850 ESTABLISHED 18SO THIS WEEK, And for the next days we shall con tinue to clear our shelves ol Winter Goods to make room for NEW SPRING GOODS. Gome early as the .prices we have reduc ed them to will move them rapid ly* as they are marked very low. You will find some big bargains at TROUTMAN'S, Leading l)ry (roods and Carpet lloj.se, Hurler, IV - • MEAT REDUCTION AT J. hi. G-UIEB'S, 3STo. 16 South Main St., - utler» Fa. Ln VV atehefc, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN <>F ELECTRIC BELL, THE BUTLER CITIZEN. j PROFESSIONAL PATIOS. • J. W. Mll-LEK, A rc hi tool. • nin eon . W . i »»i u« r"f IHium»f)«l I'LftiiH an«l ape«ji!tfiili«JH£ lor «*nt-:&p *ii«l S!\H ; lujii.- «•»» short <• A. A. KELTY, M. IX • mice a dui.ri souiit uf ii"- \.v !• * H»u#- .Main St., Kuller. Pa.. mi srs-ond iloor of net tMcr'i bulldlm; Jii sldeni e.iii U JiUersGo St G. M. ZIMMI iiMAN, 111i.31.HN Ahi. si K..EOH lllliie a'. NO. (A S. Main nVU 4 | Cu!>iu«' Mt' i Butler !':■ SAMUEL M. fcIHPUS. Hbysioian and Surgeon. iJu. -J. taol Jeti'enou 31., a • i 'XJER» JSI a r' A. W. H. TITZEI. I'IIYSICIAN AN »SUROEON. s- \V.Cu»«.u Main aiiil »«ortU Sts. I_BG TX iHi-EL Pill D i A F. L. MeQUISTION, K\CI\K.KIt A\l» SI'RV KYUIt, Ortli'i NR.\K I>UMONI> I'lt/TltH, l'» DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. | DENTIST, - - BUTLEH, PA. All work pertaining to tin- profession eiecut ed in the neatest maimer. Specialties ' llolrt Killings, ai.il Painless fc> traction ol I belli. Vltalue«i Air administered. IllHir on Jpfffrixiß Street, one door futi of l.owry Uuiise, l |i Stairs, i mice open dally, except Wednesday* and Thursdays- Cnmmiiiilcatiiins by mall receive pii.in|it attention. \. U. -The only I lent ltd In Kuller usuig Ike bent make* of tretll. J. w. HUTCHISON, A'ITOKNKY ATI.AW. < frke c-ii heioml U«m»r of the- Iluseltoii block, ntmiioiiri. liutk'r. I'a., U«»»m No. » A. T St */*'!. J- P - WIIiJOH. SCOTT & WILSON, ATTOKNKKS-AT LAW. collections a specialty. Oltlcc at No. 8, south liiaiiKind. Kuller. l'a. JAMES N. MOO HE, ATToKNEV jLVI.tW iSli NllTi»V ITBI.IC. Oflici; 111 ltooin No I. second fl'ior 0/Hu&cllou { Rioet, (Mmm oti EMmmmL 1. k w,. 1 .own v," L ATIOUNKV AT r v\. liooiu No. :i. AIIIII I.UII lluliftint', Until -.r. l'a- A. E. HUSSELL, A'l IOUNI V A T I. AW. litl'irr on b> I'i.int Huoi «•! New Aliderhoii liloi I. Main hi..—near IHainouu. IRA MeJUNKIN. Attorney at l.aw, Office at No. U, l ast Jitter son St., lli'tler. l'a. W. (I. HNDLEY, \tt(.rn<)at I art mid I<l nl I .Mate Ay. nt. '>( t,ii rear oil- Mil.ln 11 ..lli.eon inutli bide hi Dlamoiid, I'uller, l'a. 11. 11. GOUCHEK. Attorney lav. fifth e 011 second iloor ol A .uli tuou liulldlut, i.e;n i'..iiit li jum:, Butler, l'a. J. I'. DIMTTAIN. All yat Ijiw OlUce ill .1. I. l"nr. ilalu til, and IJlaiiioinl, llutler. l'a. NEWTON BLACK. All yat Ijiw imice 011 South side ol Lilatuoiid liniler. Fa. JOHN M. RUSSELL, Attorney-ai-l.aw Offlec ou tioutli side of I>la uionil, llutlci. fa. 1, IS. McJIJNKLM, Insurance and Ural Estate Ag't 17 f.AST JEFFFRSON ST. hutij<:R, pa. E E. ABRAMS &CO Fire and Lile IN SU It A N <J E lnnurani' 1. <'o.of North Amerii'ii, incur jmrate.l 17.capital iu.OOO.lrtW and other till.lll/ companies riprcbtnteil. New York l.il'e limur.nicc Co.. assetH Olliee New Hunelton nenr Court House. BUT LEU COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Go. 1 Oft'cn Cor. Main fa Cunningham Sts. •J. C. UOKSSINU, I'iikm DENT, \VM. OAMPBKLL THK*euiti..K. 11. C. II KIN KM AN, Skuuktauv. DIRECTORS: .1. I. I'utviH, H.uiiii. l Anderson, William t amphell .1. W. ilnrkharf. A. 11 outluan, lli luli'lsi.li Oliver, Itoeaslne, Jainen Stephenaou, Dr. W. Irvln. Ili nrv Whltiulre. J. V. Tayloi 11. • Heliienian, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Geu. Ajj't- JBTTTTLfHTFi, IP Wm. F. Miller. Mnnuliict nmr. of Stair Raila, Balusters and Ncwel~po3ts, f, A11 klinls ol wood turnliii' done l.i order, ul-o lecorated and flarvi-d wood-work, such .. 1 i'aslii({, Comer ldocl.l, I'aneh ,uiil all kiuUs ol r;iii.:y wood-worl: lor linl.lo decoration of hnUHes. CAM. ANl> SKIC SAMI'I K.t. HoDiftliin« new and atUACllre. Al o FURNITURE at ioweatjeadi price 1, Htoie at No. 40, N. Main street, factory at No. r,i, N. WashliiKtou htlect. BLiri.Ett. I'KNNA. •MHNiliWU.A.Mari.llnilwt'ClO THE LITTLE UK. t! , .L,ASt *. < t'BK tit H li:il aw mU li.<.kills? I»r mamma" • I ulii looking lot a bunk" ln.l> that i left <lll the 111 all! i't dlelt lu I evening lla.c ymi ecu anv thing "• ■•' A what' ' A bank note' I h > •-«'» seen .neb a thing \\ here w« ii Here, on thi In*lt t ..ur lather band ell it to nil* TV I.l*ll lit- 111 t cann; in an.l a ' I had ii«i pocket in Ihe >li**-' I then wore I laid it on the shelf, thiukin ■ 111 if when I .vent Up K. U.J i hambei I Would carry It UJI. Ami I remember lli:«i I -ft the hade 1 it li . |i up..n 11, _*.» lliat It -1n. i11. 1 not l»t* blown a way. It v:as \n * strange I. an r.nt tii ink what tail 1. ..•*!•' '*iii. .lit i• ii .ml f.ydla were h. i. I. t eViinU "lt tiiiiliilUu And .Albert W hi. •*:•» ' • not jV L. . .ii.,,- tr. i t ,ii I I 4-L I,alt all totti." • Ami yua on nothing of the m.t "What Vu 11 lll&lliaitll II 5V I. lit a Unto/" Jen dollars iv. nul.lu t woirj about that It is i.nt tin* I..;» often dollai • it i; Uiv carele.?srie.ss that turn 1d..; in. and ...in father will klinw tlntt I hil\k b.'ill CM!', less." Why <lo jon ->»y anything in papa about it! I wouldn i it I were in your place "Itilt I llili-t ii*»t In I*il.l fnr EMlolhci Irli dollar*; aud he must krn.w 1 declare, searching .iver tbe shell once m.ire—"it i strange where it could have g.illi' !»• 1 «.u nt course, saw nothing nf it, T.^dia 11 1 had, dear auntie I In.ithl lu>e told you at onee •Wi 11, tam -i..ii \ - And it wa* ..ueb a baud-souie hill -one nt tin* new l ■ n<* V «'Ui* father suid the first In* !..jl •«*»-ii and kept it mi purpoie fnr me J'.nt if it i i cone, why llierf* it tin-end nl it Unl fhn peal, ing. Mi\ laan left tin* room. Iter duugh ter, K iti*. and ln*r ni.. .* I.ydia Itipgn...! remaining behind. • Oh, lvat.*' In.y, could y...i l« ll \ ..i1l niniber that ynit km*w nothing aliiiut that note!" Bi-i aim*. I did nut know But. Kate, it wil:i jil.'t tin: aim* Vnil remember, when yntt innVcd the lump and something fill from tin 1 shelf into tlui lire, thai Albert sprang forward and tried to save it, but \va i ti.o late. Vr.n know he exclaimed at the tiliu* thai In* believed il via a bank note." "Ve , In* thought it wa I.nt what ha • that got to do with my knowing or having seen it' o, p..haw!" the pretty girl eried, witli a to:ia of her HUtiny head, "what, the n e of being eoldcd when there's no need ' T certainly didn't n-e any bank note; and if Albert hadn't _ iml what he did, I honldn't have liiinWli it had ever been there." .'till, il.ar Kate -j*" t'""lliv i'T'". llndher _ ) o'J_aJ+4—feTuilll) tell 11.*. I oh! you mean a fib-- a In*. Well, il wad n Veiy tilth ulie, at all event., and i-ertninlv no harm ean tome it, I II inn the lisk Villi linw, f.ydia let ill gel ready tin i.nr hide ion know Albert >uid In* would he here at eleven o'clock, and il wantu only fifteen minute* of the lime.' Ami the light hearted girl flew awav i" her • tut in her to die;,.! for her tide Kate Kvuiis wa> eighteen yen ..fain* a ptetty, blight eyed, good hearted girl, Volatile ami t'roliesolne, Willi I.- ".n ol hie Vet to learn .'.lie Wa.l the daughter ami only eliild of Samuel i'ivan . »ne <•! the fnreuio.it ot tin* lawyer.* ol lln: great i;il\. I.ydia Uapgi.oit «w a ei.u::in In Kale, a •laughter of Alrs. I.v.in. older aisti-r, two and Ivveuly year of age a Ihougbtlul, [ilea ant fated wouiun,..ngageil in teaching, her home a score »f mile sup tbe rivei 1.. beinguttheiiresenttimei.ua vi.ii to lor .Aunt l-vatiJ. At eleven i.'i ln. k ustyliab teiim ditv. up at the door of Mr Evil)! comfortable dwelling; and Irom thai l ..lighlud Albert Worthing He sra* Elite's in .. pi ed lover: a young man of two aud tv, etil v t til I, mitbi'iilar, anil perfectly prnpnrlinutil with a fa< e the verj T niirr.ir of all thai w.i . good and true and generous in man: a liandsoine, honest la. e, a t;n*c lliat might lead any woman to love atel 1.. trust He had jut been admitted In tbe bar, and Iho ,* who klleV. hi In In*, t loletnl.l l«.r b i 111 a high .in.l brilliant forensi.: careei Albert had nut long In wait. I'liev went i.if happily, and In* fine they knew how to enjoy them elves. Later in the day Mrs. 10van was obliged to confess to her husband the In ..1 the bank-note And to u i. for anothei in it place. Samuel l.vain wa i not a mail to won;, over the Insi of ten dollar i»n tin* day before be bad given ten time that amount to a benevolent olijei I I.nt In ilnlh I like 1., have money ili appeal in that way \ balik-uoti; could lint have gnlle nil n| il own aectn'd ll<- went int.. the drawing* room with hi . wile, and III' In.Well liini JU-I wheiei-he had laid Hie Hole, and hnv, he had *et the heavy had. lamp upon il, 0 thai il inight not be blown awav Ihe had put it there ju I al dn I . on Ihe previou evening, and the onlj on. vvlm had been in the room since, to liei know I edge were Kate, and I, ilia, and Mlieit. Worthing. She did not believe any nl the servantacoiildhavelie. il in then*. N..thing could have* called llieui ..r anv one of tlielll- -ill that llileetioll .she Was \|*l V lire. 'lt i very curiolt very," wiid Mr ICvan . ga/ing vacantly upon the pot where thu bank note had been laid. It could mil have moved without help ' I If rimr. e il could not." •Wan then a fire 111 If.'* *'ial< la-I eVi llilij'T" " Ve.;. Von reuieiiiber, il vv a iathi*r eh illy, and as Kate wauled a hit nf warmth, 1 lit John John pul up a (in- jo I , bit enough to la. t a few hoiu ' .li.hu could not luiv e "O .lohn had biiill fin- tin* and had been gone half an hour when I came iu. and I know he did u..t -nmc back, beeau .* he a ked toe if I . nuld pare him to go doitu lowu lor tin* cvcuing.' "Well, well, if that lull houl.l ever turn up, I think I should l.uovv il flow over, here i.' another, and I hope \i.u will be more careful of il On Hie following day ill I.van t0..1. In wife to u ride to High liridge. hi late he had kept no horse of his own. lie had oct-a ion to use a horse so seldnm that he found it not mi I v cheaper, hut fir more conveuieiit to hire. Ho he went to the italilu wlioie. tin a long I inn Ue had been . 11l Hie (nihil ..I hiiilie. and i Ugagi .1 i . ofv. h f#r the afleinnou In lie ii hi' door ai one o'clock. The team v. a , pi (.nipt I) i.u lime, ami both Kal.; and h.,l* eon tin l,j dia went ilov n to a.*a maiiiiua uniij-ly Ii ..I in the turrn.:e, and they bnped bhe would have i.. good a time ai they 1.a.l ft.j.iytil .ai the pteviou.. day. On the return ili r,v ■inlp. dh< .vim flow the coach at their d.ami 1.1 in" jeen her bafely in the house, he leaitme.l his aeat. and rode bin k to the table, neai which reside.! a man with win.in l>. bad important Im. in... At the table he uli|{hteil and went iulo tf.ee lo uu*. hi bill, tonileilug in the . I. rl a twenty dollar I greenback. In the change returned to hiui BI'TLFIt I'A . KItIDAV, A I'lll I, I!. -'.m. vt a - it ten dollar 1.,11-.. mil# «.f tlx- I,it.- i : I.IAUC- a i'ri 'jt, 11 ■■ v imt.\ which 1 1 '- 1 tat t. ,► n ben In i i' lor tic Ii»-lit thai tin- otilv Inilc ill thai ili' liptiuii ,el pm in ciiculatinu in lit*' ' ii), iiiiil h. . u j ifivrii »<i him, two iU'. •' t. a iii< illl .if Li in (In Tii-• in \ IVpurtiiiertl Could i i hi-, be the am.-* •ilii I ..-k i..11 1." -mi ! I - Ml. 11. I j • «here y"ii got thi- note? "Ci-rlaiiil,, ii It w.t ilveii to OH- Idi i i-\ i iiiii''. la Mi Albert W nitliiiij' I thud. j |||C ti llil I". Wllli-ti lit' I'i'.l V. it '. lit tn ! \ i iiir Inm •. . ILI K HI reluiutrii 1.. liU 1..H1., in .I j . |..u.l ..f de.-p and litiir-iv.ii...' ai, i. iv in j j hid iuiii.l lluie e..n1«l bit ii" duiihl about j that b.-ini! till- bill >' iii. I be b.t.| (ii i-li til | lii= wit'.- I .ul.I it i pui-ii.h; I but All.l It Lad taken it- i'! In ~,uU i.i-t i . ii. u ;i 1 Audy.l .1/ I. .i.j-" tl.ii. t - l,„.l b .pp. .. ! .1 lii ruu-t think. li. i uIJ r rt .t ji. .1, 1., Li Alt. i t It.' ... old - • Ail.l it til I. ill J 111- ill t till' Y.iill.f- Hill. .1.1 till! b'l I iii '.'.in? taunting. *i •' i.-t •« M.-ia t.< j 1,, a lil.jai tbe bu.-h v.itb ~ ch.ira.icr lil i I ibat r.l Albert V rtbiu r ' > • A11..n :.iil b. ili-xiafr ib.: youth; | i-iili -In ■. .rr Im.k uii.l t .1,. f_,iv. to l.i - | , inditor a-dunk niiil »tu/t. -1 him from •; f I.* . lll ilil.Nti lll~ .'ii Vei > 1 ' ii. J in.II iii , ll.i ili.i *ii.|l NWMII .II b. -t Monday • .-- j BlUg?" | i. an ... I . liter i i.iek.n ' ••"V w l ii.i . 111 .Si ,1. . 1.. I • *>kllltf ...I but, ,ii(| you 1111 tb.it i'. . a-i.m in.: thing i»l*ft b in! ii..t.' ill >i lit" ..ii tin' iii.ii• I< I :ihr*l I Tb. V I! 11l ill .'lill.il .I lill.l b. -llnt.*l | 111- remembered 111 laiitly Ihe a .ill. 11l ..I I „I 1 lie il"l wi.-li I.i lie 1.1.1 m.t —i-v|Hi.t- her ii -lii* li't.l *.hi yet i- jmsoil | herself Mi I. .in In- n-tiii n. .1, mill a tiiiiil. j li-il |iiin.i-, IJo iiiit tbiiii I looked upon III.' licit illlllln' the Cu iiill." I W.i lilt-re hut u -hurl lill.l-, having '.llii called I'll the iiiujii. I- Hi niakitip' :ii i tti-i nit-ii! l-.r ] • tilr riili- nil the lidluwine .11»*. Mll.ll 11l illl 11.11 bl 11111*. .".11l I'.l llcluul" I ..I limit, liml ii.•< .• ■ ipc.l 'b. ..1.1 b.i >•*! ! <-y. mill iiutiually • itnuah Ins put a v.-i li.nl i nl. Ilii. iii.ll llpi'll tin' 'i'.i 'Hull. I'lll Hi .1 ill- I.'..in , Willi."le. JIII urn nl |»iiui iiii.l ili.'lrn I ii'il li. In mi-taken, "y.iii aw lint liiit;' .1 I. oik ! mill' whih" y.iu ivric tlu-rt '" Thi wis riuilitiif very iifiu I" l.nll.uii. nail AUn i t v. im i'il, h« I'niihl iml. willnnit : iliri'i-l litl I-L1.M.11, ili-1-lai l Itial he aw lliitb j iiif nl'lb.- kiml, l.n au . In- iva.( v«'ry urn j I but lie ilnl x-c it. A fli-r a IIIOIII i-nt'. In i ; latiuii, :»• \ rntnrrd t" auk. in .i Ktnincfly I ll'l'lllllbill Allll UUV. illiOiT 111 rt 1111 i' r "llavn v°" |ml.'i'ti with I il<- mi I hi- lib juct, ir?" "Mr? Kvaiii ha? p.iki-H v. ith IIPI Shf j kuiiw liiithiiic ahi.nt mithinir at .ill j Ilii \niii- will li II i*l lill.l 11- I'll, Mini r.ilil, i ami hi.i 1i.i.1: i-vfii' I'r.- i-nlli In- adili.l^, Ilii-?" al lln: .III.: tillle i |n. ill;' lllti till • li>l liti iinti: In'hail laki u li«.in tb.- table t-leik Dill I I-VO. 11l -II 11. 111! i nul ll .1-1. I |il'*iiii |ii It •■Mi VVauil.iill . ieil. t.ibl iiu that yntt j (•uve it t.i bun m (.aylin nl t-.i tln- leiti'i vnu bail .in l"< I tj. ill.- II \\ .II I l'ill(- till lil-il .i . b ill.- (.llh-l , J ami fur a in I .nil hi limno ijiiiv.-n'il. ; bill il i|ilii'Kll j.r .'il uln I In- .in -'. .1 .-'I ; willi intiri- i. II li.. ■ . urn » '\l I L'. an . >I.II INN -i I- -ii .'IN. I liiie , i ,i ii u nil •-■>••• t .iml iil.i. i.-nl I" in \ i 11. | why I . 1.1 in.l, ul I It'll. "Ilii frill i' ; inn thai m.I.- I .mi uii.l In n I'll • } nil m | . iui]ile a malt, i bul I i ~i H Tb. i.1.l luwy i i -v.i' l.ii le.l In what j b'i-1 i«.i '.I beb-ii' In- b.i'l mill 11.. iiuli- ii I li.li ■uf etilll, bul llit- ti I ulliiWi'i anil in ! the. I.illfc ul It - giviliff tb.:i. ur. I| | I.tithing ul 111.. ;:ilill. lllilll 111 111 ' ll'ltg ' ~raeii. eat llie Inn 1..- I. I.i li. .mm. II)'.. ■•iij: Ii 11 it. .(iiiii ii i i lit' >1 with 111' till int. Hiullit. l llilll. 11l gain I".l imi'iciiii. that In' v. 11 nut liable In In mi l.ikeil ii"'.v bin he I . Ibwin 1I i UM 111.1 ||||l .1 .vny Hl' . 11-[II. -inn.i. Why In."I.I TL.- VAIIK i.iuii luivi bei ii ii . iiinb .I -a; 1.. i-i'ilainly Wil -Vln li lie. \MI- 11l .'l ll."k( 'l . i.in . I lliliji Ihe bunk-unit; mi lb.- .-In-ll .' Wby it be lutil nnt -eeii il, in known nf il bel'iiif'' Mr. I.< in, II lie. I< I tin a lilll. I ami 1111-11, Willi lllule ul p.till lllilll .'I ill! VI bill" else ill t.i-t vnii'i', he t-4»i<i - ;Ibeil I Mill iml |iiii in- Ilii" 1 blii" lni I lie i'al pri' .'nl I will milv fiirlhri -.is Ilii I nil) yntl R ill IIIUK- I.i in.- mil trniil ly I'Splain > our ji(.' i- inn nt ihm haul mite, I li'.u I ii''|Hi i lli.it vml 'ill iml II ii ul inv hinl i I till I ynu iimlei -I'jliil iii'' \ Ib.'i I AV "i I bile' I"".l lil '• "I"- lliinnl' i Sin I. lie .liil lint limb i liiml Itut In- Inn lie . mil.l ..ili.'l In . a ami peal, i-alliily, Mi I l .villi liii'l inrin-.l ami lelt I.i an with a (?t. ftlt-r iilliiuif than . • .iii tell tin tin- ii iiiiif «il Iliiil iln> I'.nly in lln- I l.yiliu llin;'i"nl I'lilereil hale' i liiullbi i l.yillH, What i lb' illaltl'l'i lull I "Ilk I.' lllilll I'll vmi b.ul «.i-u a '-lni I fiViliil i aim ami .it .In'.rii b , In i . ..n j in' iiie, fit"! In .1. her lifttnl ■ 11, l. ale, luiV. lull 1 till yon V. bat ha' Imppi lli'il' It- ynlt expei t Mb. ,1 In r ill I It i.i i 'ri iluinly. ll«- j i at lln- JIMM* Ii»«i«- ful!»«•» .trni *la.'i aiiUliinf !I.I|I|»«*IH«1 ' ° Iliiil' I In* Hull, Kali* H i in»lliiii| r a 3*oll Lliinl.. la fi N. VMI IVIIIMIIIHT v.hal I liil.l ynu ahoul tin- IIITI j»l i«»H yi 1 jiiarlif ••il to wan I v our molliii < tli<* hank in.ln tliiit ua wai lot fn,m tin- ! •I in will;' room I»•* 11' <>' i «a 11 •*i I il all it lir. a, di-iit Kiit.i*, it l»a horin- hitter 11 nit 1 ali'i'iulw ami iL may IHMI' fruit nion ami uion luttiT if you not lay it with tin j mil ul truth and ami IraiiK route ion f*y«li!i* \\ hat m t h** Worlil «lo \mi in»*aii' <» till iiir! I will till \oy, Kali* \ I Mint ill liolir : aeo your lather vane tiouie, ami entcrfal j the Imiit room, whei» your moth » r ua. ittin|'. Iwa 111 the 11111 room, ami I ueU-. lUiuuel ili«l not, • « im o' 1 never aw a laei- more wioii"hl it|MHi \ ilii : (lath ami kUfnii h thuu Wa hi th« v.ile ! .:a\v it. ami a Ked him v.hal ua the mat ter Ami then it all mine out I rfinuot till you all that v» a aid; hut hat. your ! dear Alheit 1. aeeu I'd ot haviii'f . toleii that, tin dull, 'll hank note. liu h* hi a ■ I tell you. Vour fattier went I«» Wain hold liable til nil) 10l the tealu he had u.ied. and in making tin e|i*rk gitVO ! him a m:W toil tlnllar lull >.l tin- Int.- t ; IpiVllUllll'lll I in. It Wll lln- r ul 1 will 1 lerpmi ul that wliii h Uui le h.iil l i i-n lu j aillit, Ulnl V.liii li ..In li nt I'll.l ..li Ibii In ll | I mI. uski I Ibe rlei k win be | ..t the Utile, Ulnl the lleih n pli'd lli'tl Alhlll I WtiilhiuK hail piiitl il In him im 11„- pi. ! viliU i eVeuilljJ. I■ il an; nildei I hat yi.iu ! fatblii-Uinulil Ih'llik 11.tbf:. nl tl.e itliii. j Isut tbi.t 1' 1."I .11 lln • uiuruiiig jour Ittilui ... \ibeit, i i.Uit Utl eil Iliiil it bl' EUh illjlbillf; .ll a Uli dnllar lull mi tbo tliaiViiiK inniii ,-boli la. t j M.niilav eveinii} Albert a l.eil, in ri turn, ' il ynu huil hi-en ankt.il ahi.nt H \nJ tbi n | 'all 1 ail mill e out, Alb. it lelli eil In UII Iwl ■ r him when- lie JMI the l• n ilnll.ir lull j ihe had paid 1.. the table I eeper. but be J ! Wiinlll Iml It'll .Will lb. 11 l.ali -,'Olir I I'utbrr liu bid hi - i-nlillil" b. re iliy mure | ] till be 1 .juid explain I 0! Kuie! Kate! DO Y>N ' I C TI NT Alb. rl In !.l In li.Uffiie |,.r ynur .il i-. a :.l f«r J-mir al .- In i litl. rill!' a . I \ lilt ill •- ' 1., ay, In-b t in .-I till, i.-.l 1.. I* 11? «.», I ' wbat mil I In' think' llmv mil I be 1.-i l' | 11.- liiii'Vt halu. b. kw. . thai y..11 j klu-V. all a1.1.i1l (In* lni in- liritik lii.li ilnl | kin.. al ... thai I I hit'.' 1..1.1 !•■ ! y.uir mother a '• I.Viiia! li.ii, I' .I..ii l' . in.! tin .link , .iii'.ii I.' wi.ii iHiiTi Ti>.■ u'titti b.tii n ! lb.: Kia . "I, ill.' pbail'-il Ly.llll [.lllilll!', : all uui in.liiml liet 111 i'k uid ki--ill-' ! ; llei leinlefly lliel. i lei' tin.- ibili : . ..!l • .all lb. -lifily toll 1.i1.. ' 1i,.l Unit I "I I '.I. Ui,"1.l .: . t>. Ili lilui. 1 .lilll— .nil . ..ill. ■ ' ' I ... - 'lilt .... .1 nil. .- «... tl. I .lb. , and iii 1 ni.'lb.r bi.II. 1 li. a. ii. lii, .1. . j log i.n.lli at II.; . in nt " ii. i-latii 11 '...1 nul.l 1. 1 I.in. I. .ppiin it ua 111, ; 1.. 1.. I ami Ili.. I.He til your «If uu.l ! Il'ln' 1.1 Mbl.lt I'nui.lge! I ) 1.. i.aid; Imt 0! thiiih ul \ bat in., t t.- if i ! you .hi not I .l. tbe duty ** Kal. 1., nt iier to ad upon hi i b I- ..lid . i. i.iiiii.i'd ia...n.ii],: in ungiiifli i f i i'..r .e, ll Kinr.ll he anise, j 1....1 iilinut a u.-.d iuiln..', bit tl,.- ch.mi . bt-r t1... I nil the way she in'-itat; I 111..] , . li.ppi:d. but .li.lv ft.r u inoiiu nt She -p. .i i ..u and ,-tnpped nol uulil >b . ant ! up.m lu rku.a l.i bi.-e bi i p uetii U papa! -mammal ■ Ly ill i ha told i j a*, .ill! Albert i - 1..1.1. ..lni 1 111. | iim j did ku.iv v. i.ei.' I 111 l.ll.luliiil hill veni.j I i.iiiv.-.l 1!. -i 1 lump on lln hell, ami ' Albeit -prauji f«. .ai I and liie.i In ive i" ; ! li.it I, li.l in.l III' lill.l 111. be I lil.11: 111 j I .1 t'. i a frieeiihu. k ..I a b.i.je in t iiii.ii And t« a ine h. l. i uti. ,fd t» | i papa eiin y t.ll e»er liu jiive m. Uaruin i | . an \ im 1-1 ri Im i mid 1..\ e me «•' j iii-u r' iii*v 11' v\ hiU* life ami «*n «• ai «* none, \\ ill t ill » ♦ IVe \OU again' \\ e run i*a I!v* imagine that th»- j«ar« iii \ ere uof Lii«! iijmii their .-rnn;/ ehiht lu ! ia« ♦ Ihe uth line be had ady endured ' t V."i-re :ill iit!i« s« lit tin* » lid «•! |»iii ti« at io» j in.l ib. ■, ...n1.1... 1 ...id 1.. ii.. .. I U hen Mr llv an had given hi- daughter i i hi hie int.' , and hi - li.rgiv ini4 I i . lie put ; .el iii hlil and ...i-lil nul. |tiii-i tli t.i lln- < j 11' idi'll.'e ul \ 111 11 I Wnilliili: In 11...11. bl 1 I w'i:y: and he b.nl lln "..-.1 I >: I .nu- ««! liinl I thu yniil'i' liiaii .11. In.me '' A Iliei I I wiidi wai V. uillil till me where | i ynu I'll! that tell dollar bill v<iH i':iVi' l.i I | Wain lllilll' ili-ik.' Tlii-ii- V, a in tin n::iu': lunk Htiil tniie ami b. arini' ad. plb nl l..lui:' | and nl' ,'Vinpal by that liuieiietl Ihe ynilth'.; | iie.ul. lie lelbi-ted fur a hriel' pare ami i iln 11 an wereil kindly and liu ii It ll "Mr. lit an . I think ymi i-an appiet ialt* lln- -itualioii. Tlldl ten tlnllttr bill wtis i "iven 1., im- by a client, wlm bad, m.t an ! ininr prerion ly taken the poor debtor':! ; nalli. Vlnl \i l In v. ,1. elltin lv hulii I. j Thai 111«• 111 - y Wll mil hi. in any \av or uiiw ittiiifl'. wronge.ru ' both, t . ball he (lie hilppii t in.in alive bul ..inn' with' ■ 'lie to my l..»ii-».- un.l Knte ball . 'plain I.irll.- wa .ml nil the >a\ llatili;.' I .. allied home, ibe ..1.1 lawy.-, rondm te.l | I Albirl at .line ||. the illaiviiifr room v lieii' j j bi.' ivil'e ami ilMiightfi' Wi-i.- itini" And I ll'-rc Willi but ll li ami In- Uin ■ | I ml. and upim In bu nin die ...lil.l have j j lank up..ii her lui •• at In- ten I bad lie .ail ' jI- led il I. al.' I'.inlV eil In llei" InVer lln* ! in "I wliu li Til- had III' II "tuny .he ; j I i.i.l lln' v. boh- iiloryju.it, a' il wa Ii wa a etor.' b un, and humiliatine. I l.iil il «a' u . ..ill. I* id' j'real d. lln- ' ! . bunt w it.) :'oiii', al'.l il" - iiu. l.ii.. .it in.,- ; iif iiiiij iiinl upiiii lln- bu uui ui Iter di-ar ; lover I de lo.il, a lien ib pnhi" In lile. ! i Ir.nil I lit t in. i uui ■<- n| v. tilt h, -b. li i I ) I very am In- v. ill nuvi i deviate iv\ i, Ohl ik»• ■ • audldalcs. ■ I ..1.1. 11 .-lid li.l lile t.. i.i.il 111i111.1.. I .I'M 111. 1.11 . I It.: 1..1i1.. in , 1...\ oil I couple ; of" ia .diil.ili b r .''biMili up in lie.iv. i eounly. Ilt.it .-a a i iil.illi lallli. i'liitmeil : lßiliin< l W'li.i wai I'lediti d villi in.II in | Ilii. In a 111 l.i: In'tV n.dllp, and .1.i... and hin il. the it . ,i| i iniliikde lni lln In.nil ii.iiiiti) |.., :-lu nil i.ei. i . eL'tdiiij'.'ly uii> inii.i l.i I'IIIII- bi iii it in-in ■ liinvvn inenldlllgl. bill led "II I'll, ulurllili' In i•:It I ami l ull In i e Mi. I. 11.iii.'i and "i I intn IliH (TOOll f I'll. I - I'l-lill •' lllilll I lllilll .'I liiiil. Sleilinii'l- bul a li'e Ii .lei.'e i iiw v hit h a : very haul 1., mill ilnl piiv'i ill 111 -erioniuiiiiiovtiui'i- and il happen-d lh.ii ...lull fil-O'.vii i-nlled ill I lie bun .-I he III'IIH'I H.I uiit at tbe barn \vi. Ilin ' villi Ib i.li 11ep. ion, hrii in. 1 <tiinil nit.rniii ■ M i li'iiiiiiel lid In." ii, 111iIi11*'I v ■ I" im! .tl bi tii'inl llil'ilij.ll the I llile iluur Vi.ll ••■■■III hi Ilii in timibh i all I you i t lb it i nw" im I Ire.l? "J b. ln le I . "ill.l ll ll V..in! I l"i ibi | i IlilWtlltl «'all. .in vv .'I ' d . deioiliel. i ..ii lit ii I I bold lln- mil a 1.e.1 Hi..n n . : I'ltriuel' . teiniliet. .nil In* in , ? '• i, ! j nll'l UrO .il llei'lirdllf'ly tnuli buld nl lln I , Irap wltii'h iin iii-li d the ■ all m• I b.l it uui al I 111- li.l. I. lllilll and lllili"' until 111 f I nij,'.'liiif» liuli' brute lil i- aln i". I hint ii,". I ! the while thill when Ilii' nrdeul v. a. (t\ el tin inlluenli.il liiniu i wuuul 1..- umlei la I j i ill;!; ..I.lira! lull : 111 hail. hilt While be v. .1 I liu lil lllililll in and j i steintlielz v.ii m.il.iii:' r.uutii- I'lluli.: lni : exlniel Ibe lili-li'lll -11 iliil I'roni Ihe roil- ! Illiu.iiii.il row. Mi lull'. lln' ulbei rail i ilidalt: tor Sin rill, iipi-ned Ibe barn ilonr All, Mr. iSleinintd/," be aid, plea .tint I Iv, "bavin)' .nine trouble Willi II ' ' u nll'l land, eli' ("'oillilu'l I bold In i ful I you'" And lull' lunk lluhl "I Ibe iuVV * 1n.,11 i A 111 a a i'V'i le 111 le In' ['"l ber illnllli.l, : mid i "i.ll a he i. . . end In lui ilii. In' ! aid "Well, Mr. . ledum-!'., 1 uppo e \»iu | baV•• nol .en hum u v• I ha • \on ' "Yep." vV In ii ! ' 'l'ln.i liinl lull" llejil I eul heii a li*vv Uiiliilli'i belore \uu. He' here now. "W beret" "Will, lie "til bul ol lln 11 ii li lllilll ili J* i 11,, i nil' ' I'll 11 Ili a>. lie v s /u» 11 i o.a iiiti < iiliitii. i 'l etv. a lir.it iiitrndm ell iillu htllnpe i : I'roni I'bioa and .lup in in the emly pail ul j lite !!I vi'tlteenlll I I'litliri The ill I'liM'iy ; j ol'the eireulitl i'lll nl'lln* blood, vvhieh pi n ! dm eil au . iij'ferateil I lunate ul the ineil ' kal value nt bleeding uiul hoi drink , |'.t\f | a great impulse to its popularil} In a 111-till • Tiit.'ii In lti?0 ilii'ldlin: .1- M nan- j j idt ervi'a llml in.- Alan hi..in • de 11 ; ! Sahliurc bad pint lull ml ll i I'd Ihe i ii lulu nl | drinking il '.villi i.nil Abuut 11.-' uiithlle j !nt III.! . .mil: i tiiliii ,' ...11. . bi'i.aii 1., p..1il > I iu lioru Turkey I hi' I tie. I • nl hut drill I. np..n dtiiiiejtic lili ,i Ii Ijei.e. ui bit Ui-dory ol l iti..ii .11 in in Eur..pe l. i ! been M-ry gi i!Ui. «lu ; kin 11,.- bui tcruu- ! ! level i Iliiil hud onei been uin ei il, itii.l { vvitmen to a new pu itinn in tl.e tin 1 ' nu' tie . iii le. they loivi . unliibiiled very | | largeh. I" ieh in. mnunerv, in iulrodilen i i { uetv order of unit In dlen nn.l nil | I prove the i Ilium I' .id men I'.i l'uri the ! i llllrodur liuil ol'le I uiul i nib ■ Ihe mtf n| ! pinion liipmr ■v e , uiii'.'i i .1 and .Iruui ! i-mul veiv general anions both • ami i ' in all grades of Bociety. Sliorl-s'filled l rivonioi ». i A lew m<'.lib .. an im.-Ill"1 .d a n-rtaiu i { appal al a 1.1 ,V.-I imple ebarai tei wllleh I Cilllhl bave In eli I.ad'lv ililpltr 11 I'd 111 in tm illften ill bun , wa . !,. i --fi;.l»-«I |„r ' ! the rii-hl In a ..it.it inbi lid t-. i. lie, j .-. t , |.i.ur innu .ml needed tl,.< uioit. v j "I'l "• *•' j ! "hat till- in.' ill.ll jiliiip.il al till- I ban. e ! iml p.i. ki led tin nn.i e; ..n lit. >pu! Nut lie; he tnhl the luivi I that lb'- pulenl, 1 rlh iliKiMh, jitid In- v imt • tiiiic to | j tell iim. tnvvii in N. i ui!. State fur , I lie in. iu\elil"i vv,.- offered a miliar f ii in im -iii.it lit i Ine. t. . i. iii the . tale, •>. i j tlo otMiini mil, K.utitie iii th- .i.uniiv.j i.i.i i..- i eli. ..! 1., lake li \V. 1.....- tl.. ( 1.1 fr.iiii ibe il. . I.till Iliiil .il ....i lb. ; 1 - - ... 1.. I ilel'i.r. il Va- 1..0 Into In j i i.i-lull., hut L. . u ..i tu ,il I lln ..put v. a j thill th< lu. n1...' U4;v.. | j id .. -ii.gl. ivbl and i... imp .Ui.l ... ilis day ; Tbe f..t.iii I i iti-,-. 1,1... "ii mi.-, one ! p.-iiil. tl. . 1... I l their ( alt I.ls i v.l."II ii;. ..uipi iln i.-ible fi .i.i i bn—iiu point .f| view", ll'.if.irim, v .- oil, .T.I slb Quo i.i i t. ,i I .i.-bel-i of jiotiilo. .. arid r. fu d it up.i.t 11 A rroim.l thai th.-b,i di.! rtiil.l prmli... i ; lun j.~«if put at. 11 . be ..mild he Ho 1i.i.1.: in- I 1 Uli<l-t. Nt thull till ilife Utor "li.l I. lil . I , -:..0 d round "tuii nl iiiuiii ■, for an itiiiu'iiki ♦ | ' -In. . iilinii i ihii i- what the-, .i.i j■■ ■ .day in ii. i' .l io. r. a.- ■ n.. j I devii. -"j more ..r l« - value, v. hi. h in l ii.- ! i it.it.l i.fb.i in. nun nl,I Ini'e cm. I jiiier.iiil ilue Ibai tb. nfii-e t.i p,.itj j lib I.ei ,m •- tlit-v "i' not paid hi iu ■ uniii:b in ib. ii own i tmiali.Ui I.el ili .il I 'il I .liu iillu i Im Iheir n n | !'""d, thill all luiib eliipi .1 llliltl.ll'l.'eti il I I , v ilii,.*i i «.f nu mure v due I ban lln- paper . Ihe pali nt is Written un It ha. pi.: ilnl ilii-I n-> ilollht, hill tin .' lit .lie iu j laii.'lble, and befuie they i all lie c»nvTied j | mi" ibdl.il nul i . nl' iiiuib. i In .d inn t jbe i ailed ill. and a hi it I J are .*;reitler i tban th. inventm b - inui-t ln.ve .ill i j lit.ijll.ll • - lew aid I ye IV ill nl liny I ..uui ui lain, and Ilii in I loum;. il | 1 value i Ilnl I tuhliahed Uillil Ib. ab: ulule I|o ini il vld lln- |.all-ill I I 111. I I! iu | I litul V, lllilll nlllv belli lln .' fuel iu j lillllil, and I'll tbi-ir invelilion a- mill .'IM | (111 ilill', Ibe il" n'llllld III' fev.i'l" ill ippuilll ; eil pulenlei- . | Tilt above liuli 1 //,. L h/uk, > i :'.iud adv li'i*. mul v. m 111 bee.liiie by patentei - j uliilar ilieidenl In Ibe uin- relal'-d have fri'i j ucilt ly i nine In our know led ire, and while it in.IV iml be v. Ie tu a.'eept Ihe In I nll' l- 111,- patentee "f a Valuable invention ban fni In patent, it nfleu happen thai a belter pii. e ''an be bad I'.-r ii patent v-ln ii it in lie li In mi Ihe Patent Olti.e than after Wtird Ei> | A Sti>ry iif l-'arly l J « 111 leu in n.iy'i. tluiuey l.'ohili >.u r< luted an iiu a.lent the e.irlv hi tory of ihe oil le. i-ni tV. "hiv la Ilia . "IV.' II"- i lill'll I'll "I llii nl u;ilittl'h "I 11u■ lybli li t'lilk |.la.-' >lu ll "ll I alt.l :■> a lull tel. mid p.ini' people i l .iii..'- 1* a i ...i. p!■ I I'll- . by | . .I'l'iup II "ll if., -nl i.o •• nf . nek.-, .n 1ib.a..1 il Ii *. 11 1 p.'l'l aV'.Ulld ill,- t i ... 11 ii-Ii I, 1.1 If. rllovv. .1 'l'll. In, V !i t.'ld 1 i. Mi I'nbill .ui Wa a f.dl" ' M' 11 bin i mull lb altf-i' i' il'.in-l Ural r : li.ul tnn k lln" lil I petroleum ever ! binii'lit In Ilii "urfaee ,n A merit a by j .in 111 ui diilliii/ my I ilhei aii.l tbe lather '"I III'. I'elll ive : lie, i- 1.. ili-'lil a trait uf land !...inpri in" I "U in ai - ulptiniii..'l he film "II V. lill-ll lln I lr.ll . ill loi li .l t"i : | ■ '.H oi HI lot bui-' iili' i ii.l I a it ! ini" in ib. it i.lb. e i'l,da\ I U'lnemher il | i di-ln.i tly a tlu.ii !i it lir.pp. lied nulv ' y. i. i,lav ■h. i. .ill ili!' nl lui 111 I i -leill i.tlu ai. v. ilked In iii-l utter... l I .iio.lioti 1... lln- I 'J d a.'i. I'll. nv. HI i : lilnl.i il i.i j nini rallna iiii ieiiuli.il-i v liu u liunuent | bill blluii lln cullld t-pi Ilk In I'll ...lilll | ,1 out nu lb. table in i u I. lO.d | ill ill '. lliel. b. II lie red fur a deed ..I lb. Ib -i> u i l I- appalled h. Ik. .ijjht ui ili. pil. bill in\ kill.) an 1 il.- father of Ih - I' pcnllulllcll retired fill > ui iiill.itinn, and «1,-. 'i<le>l Ibai ii the pruperly W..-. .'.ULLLI J ,1 111 I 101 llt L. 11 T V. I'L Ib |1 . noil,linn, ULNL lilt' oiler tt .1 lelili'l 'lill'll lieil. till nw li the litll'l. ilnl IfIV. 11 i- I .ilued i! 1 ono \\ here l Inn e.inl.l have (rot dollar.. .., . .iiiiil a .0.. ly I-,. I iii. !el Thu - J'ou ee. wluil i .-niiii.'lv fairy tori. i nuld hi tul'l of Ilii. " da'. The. lie lilmo lin ' nmprehen ilde I > tin* pi'.- .ui i-ei.eratiiiu lull I lieV Vui' led li"l lat I .iliil i i: ll id : i I'l". ret thai ihe nil.a" I. I.| m.t hi eli il.a epli-il I ... ,ail i .tu ml lln . 11. -le I'lll lull - !'• I'itll'/i. 1 •; i y i it;; I hi' i !«>• t< tl". 'I lie lllttll "I 'l'l || i 111 111' il, li.l !'l Veil tu the Wi.ild ii p-iiiit wuith l.uovvini' Till. . Ill" lip III'- a-a .111 I' 11111' . ell linll "I pas { iii)' lb. ph , n inn . heii ..in' uiie i' in beiillb, and bi pa\ ii oin' I.ill ill. lilll lilt I p.Hull .1 lill.l I 111 pi HV I'll "II il Hue biiiulred and I ..i-nl ' live I mull.• I be e eluhhed t.. f " Ib. i anil bin d a doelor jln keep tlf 111 111 lie.lilll. lie I lu vi it tile j I iiuiii iej'.ilaih ,w h' lliei I In-v ai' 'n l. "i |w ll lie i i" ailvi i' lliein in parlieiilar | 111 lanee .in Irurtiii;' raeli Imw lu hike i e.ire nl buii all Then al .• i lain lime lie i lo leetnic in the whole 'uciet', on by | I'ii'lie, lh In I. II I lielir lib' lit I I'll liiii". I food and nil "Iber unitary men ure >■ that they tliein lelve' will iu time bun tu keep well without lueilit'ilie 'l ie i people ei in In baV" it Inn i idea nl Ihe real mi mil of the doctor lhail their 11i i;■ bl".i who claim In kitnvv inure 'I im )»enuiiic wolk of the phv it i.ui iu it cum uiuiiily houhl hi' lu l.eip hi. patient well to in true! them in hrfnenie law • i lim nilt'lil v' that the v will nol tall ill, bul •ui the eonliitry will become healthier and li.Hid omi'i tbe older ihcy finw lint the lltoill.'lll I lie pby -ii'imi lie "111 . In lln Ibi I lie ■ 'III I III' I'liniiul li'ulll II I'liler hi I nV. H feet, I tbi'nvv away hi own bread and butter, fur I lln- more people 11.ere ul'.' ill Ihe buyer ilii 111 lei'lilt! Tv ill he Tile 11 III,' l i vili itiuli I will .lil lain probul'lv IheciaM i.-vei nl nl ; I 111 I* I •»f i ili t Ilill i I 00l innl c lea i and wi e null eat ! lln ill - Imitklili TIiOII little Ihinke. I, V'.bal i lil Ih* tindery Ijnvcrn Ihe world /'«/« S'nlnrc ba "omeliiiu* ■ liiii'b a tiud, lull a LONcoinh i al,. . < 1.1 man : .e. n ui.tkiiig. i il.l .... t Iliii ty mail i.p. 11 bun Ii . tool I KM ii il I.> 11) I but i A mall m ,ei applet inle . wll il a li.nl be j | . >li be until i.in* ul hi** it.l . return 111 | pl.ij'll. bill! Hi I ll.a- yea, iJll I'ituLt : j I'll. .. i • jii I ill liiiKli ul ilie f"i)l ill . ,vy ui ui il il dues not t nip mil vv In Ii he I' J yoiin c ' il vinnhe ii old —Alt bi.-mu Olobc, I \ll 1111:11 li.'l iul allll 111 v 1.0 d not I .1 It in ii ibini lii u I i .-mailt in hi" ; ham ' | l.i r mid hn il. bi I'lnl.iii# •la Ifn.i/u, | I ./, al./. ll' I'll, 100 l lie nul 1.11 duii'l y. I ! lie Tb.ll I a I, V"U lite And he » ouldn't under.'titltd v-liv li | • lit|*ii »i'< d the . 'il ' '1 Atnesii :lb. it .:I; -y. A Wonderful Woman. \ ■i >' lllpii ill;' .Hill lIU.I U»1 wo liiair l U i < l.'iinl, II *r JV«-J . .if Alexander, N \ . iloiic miv lielieve flu jM'iint te- In! it." (.1 !••»»- She i f.iul t«, In* W year> . nl,l. i>t v. lio pnnn.l *>!' i tiiir e |>t> i.s (•retry ,~lii -, mutm. aitl tip t<i a tew j wci-f.' .ij-.i een.-.l i.iiht i irAjdlv The ! ii i intimation < to any i hsn"i> in hereon ilitnm < win u hp li.tran to bleak ar tii. li- of iiilitf auil i»lkn domestic ware ia HI app oi nt I'. It ill l';l hill , ||,. |,jtd ■ Iviphcti, a v.-rr careful littlf wife il 1 ..!!•' "Irl can lie culled Übou e v. ilr and It. r ninth.-! 1.. ik. .l . ( ii in di 111,13" |>'in 1 i ...i! ilk.- 4 -yiil. liu her . ii iO.l - t.l 1 IJ.i li ,u„| ~t s n»p tlifc 1. 1... i»k«- 1 1n.,,. 1 liiniii. y u. v. ipe i in-h ii int.. til ■ 11. in .1 hi 1 . 1,. .1 It.. Uu.l 1 I tlilug U ii nuiil l»cf . nuki I'.v v. t, decimated j and til. ..- .. danger 11,.1 uol na.ugli • Hi.l lie i, ll 111 ,l|, ILil.oj 1 1 ill., u.-xt 1 ir.,Ui[i vrUo . .ii.. tfaut ny Tki n riot dc i.l. .1 il. if ..i.. ,1. u;,.u 1 devtm.-tii.ii li.nl ! i.t. .. .1 into U;.' ;;irl anil jir.»t. -ted a r iiiu.t ! .... I. 1... .11. .m.. Ilmil) v.; it ii aiFec iii.ii.iir !:il l .....1 I. Ik the r l.nke in gooj I part. .(. li.. i il.'ii. ii.. j .Id. "I did n.it .ill .1,1 1 luC.il. li..' T 1,1 Off.- I ,l.,n"|, kll.iw i f h .j.ji. n. J I! • ill.- inn mil I i.'ll »..■ ;i ... ii- I .in:,.( rh..l i.i.ilfa. ri. creator. I.kliiuli.ll | '.l .1 iii ilip t1...i,;1u. r'.? , 1.1 in hiiil .tii I Mi- 11 ,■[...- 1. II 1.1 lUc •!..... 1.. il,, il.i.ii illi three tit..- hugged ijiuil Then l.iMily . 1 ifil r-l.e .lid lint 11* ~.i i ■ «1.» il. . lie Ii j I li'.l |iiit il J,null,l i.nri .in tii.- ilvfiaiiu't. 1 11..111 li.nl been • .i.r. .1 1..1 lli.> n iiiiily i-iiilirai f -..f jt' ii jcar l.viili'iitlv there w». ..uiii'tbing I III.' I.<Jlll . 111., I' V 111 l 111,' 111.:, in' With till.- I till.'. Al tli«' l iiii.- ..I* 111.* i'*,tu I r. *pti olu In; v. il,- nt. )Iu r | >.-i. peri', Wa.i altselt I from li.iiiii and v. lii-ii in' 1 I'm ni'il naturally I.ii 'lll 111 •• !>l:iu.itinll "Win, father, I ;li l n.it .In mi* tliiii": aid Kntily "I juat .liil lit 0 tin and in* proci t'di'.l to hug | l.iui Tim lathei i- .1 devotee i.l .intk'ii II .I'll. UcOl'diUrf t.l till; VeVrti'ii.ll;' . liriiiii. l. i Ili 111 Mi Kuiilv 11.1 aiddenly | I endowed with alino: I upeihnuiau j 111'lu'iIi. mill, In-i11... ii-iu.i.iiit "I ln*r fain, ! a i d lii'i nut ili* a lie lull) I n't* 11 iit'f'iis ; tnim .! tii ilii v\ ith -lii li Idineiit ilili' t<- nils. | Smv he rai 1 :t iliiiilli lii'll neigliini r l.'il 1 i< .nil.' ami t.. •■- it fnnn hand to hand: ilt ..-li. lU.' ..mi- ti, ln*r imt.li- mid rai I-. In I I'll 11 .'Hlli and .1" cii 11 mi a t III(II* /.1* liv the .1." i.l iitlly i.iii-hand, ami "|iiilln" 1,- 1 01» p. 111 iid mi a j.l.it I.mil rali'. All Ilii.: Willi nn j.iii'i |ilihlii inn.. iilur iiti ii-ii lier arm an.) lei' In-iii" nntitlh and i» 1 rli-h a nfttld Tl'i- tlime 11111 . .1111 lnflllll>'<-r Win. tail. In 11 nn* Ilii ■ w.tiidi-itnl jibetnnneniiti linithl jat finci- <ii:'ii| r ." Ilii- mail who ivrute the ; 111 \ Hell (l.tftl'l liltlltd lint 1.. 11i.1.111l i linlll llle 11111.1 if. Married Women. | I hil lJ It lit e r.i mi 1.l Ilii.' Sll|.lrlne j I'.nllt hu11.1.'.1 dnvvil uli I' hall-tive njiitllnn in i. ir.l I.t ll .1 .try pn ijuestinu: till- ll:lili 111111 I e.-1.. ■ 11J11J11 ill f , 1.1 iliai'l led v. nn,. ii mi limit fta ■ ..t' tin-in* the i|iun. n Ki. Itecn rmi.tii Ii Ji;till«d by il il - I.r. 11l . . ..( RII.I lni.ll ram two nf iiie •J. 1 i i. 111 lui'. 1' 1.. 111 111 (irrlei't ui'.i.i'il, it ..ill I. • » ell In 1' the reader In IK. It- I hut ill tit ..(*llllllll ili.- law nnt'etter.i a married u.iin. il in iiiatti i *>l liil in*- t*.i the Ad htV. iUf |tlli|t.i(i. '. niil\ : !h.l wlit'l'e ..lie imj'iii'i' 111 tiil.le »if llil.i lilt- t'rillld, ill tin' lIIUIIUf'.MIKIiI ni hel' .'jinrati' • .it. , tliird, t.ir neie:-,:.arie.' Fur .■l. .1 lh. . (iiijni 1 li. ill i\ liin.l hei ielt 111111 hit <-I ite nl till ille , I.', I.il' ...ll 1... 1. and I la l ,, nn il. in lit n. iv lawfully 1 ..111. a Jll.l[!llll;llt tiUt lit'Vitnd this v.t ■ln in.l ihiiil. tin .ni 1..111..1J uiiy puirer. il I . ■ 11111 -i \ ).r..|..i lli.it the Imv hnlild eh.tin- li.'i it h untv i.-sit jt.*v.. 1 t.* pimier- I . iiiaiiajr. h. 1 ■. |iai il.: 1 slate .nnl when it allthnri . ■ lit a t** 1 uill.llk in ni).\ liii.ille.n II I li.'hl th.it hi' .hotlhl t.f hcl.l 1.l her . . .1111.11 t tii.ii. ili t.lily he ill.ll. hy 1111 thnii.mi;; to. 1 !•> niiike iii.li coatractii. in r. r'lii.l t.. ii .. iiri. It ho m,i) pur i-ha • them tie hniild he mllu.ito 1,in,1 lu i i lt" an.l hti 11.i1.' liii tlietu 111 tlm .i-ual in.l ili. 1 i and h_v tin natal l.trms hy hi. h iniitrM't .lie 111 add l.v ptr.ii.ii- - :,iii I ii. i I' ut iv u are not to say thai 1..i-1 cry purpn. e he tniir make cnu train I and hind her i I it. generally, aa ma', a I. nun. .In 'I tii- l.'j i I dure inn t n till la>, ■ 11! 1•. - 1.1.1 ili- 11" t" In l ! Ilii nil.l. I I Ih. ftire we will ultjecl the I,- Int.. ..I in..ni.'.l -iii. 11 t . it. h peril as ! _. .. l.'j.ul I\>ison in Wultii*. I • 1 I jitti oiiiii" hi . iii- otrurrcd ;it j :t 1 k iu (»"' ia. i / ii (omiiii.' <imi W:is i 11. .I t 1 tii . ..\t i the eail e, wbii ll M.u 1111111 i ili.lti l tun . aide In the u'atei .nipplv. II Ili< 11 I.t ' line ni ec al l In a i t-rltlill I In Iht 1 lln- I itfl V. :. I l.n.illt'll V pi.i ..II ' 1.11 tint it U'a . nun hiltnd tu hftVe aeljltired lln ijuiilil v in the eniir e nl' ilirliihntinn i ll the h 111 t'H ii-e pip" II I. .1 iu I lie I 1..V.11 I. \ pel lliii'lit :-1 nll the V.lltei* to | 1.. . iniinly • t i't. and when il Inirdni'sa | ... a 1111 re.l i.l hy the addition nl finely : p..v.dei'i'd linn 1 .in* il I'taied tn i iirroile hail I'urllier iui|liiry denuiii I rated that Ii iv a 11.il lln- li(ii 11111' that 1 einleri'd the water iniiirt iinn , hut the di-priv linu, hy .." iI at inn v.'illi tin- linit It.lie, of the ear l».iiii a. id ni i.'inalli 1-1 .fit 11 illl-1I iu tint j ...ater, 11111 v.hifh iilt.-i.ked the 1 lilil. To ' piiuiMiienll'. 1 ure the evil, atl apparatus lin 1... 11 e| n|i at tlie water work ito mix automati. all\ ;i ilelinile i|Ulllility of |inw deretl liln. tone with a efrlaili proportion 111 till' wuter pa I'll throil|i|i the work., 'l lle mixtore i.i then, uni t agitation, re tiinieil In the hoik nf Ihe apply; and the re nil 1 a i-itijipleli) cure of the mi i lilef i not .1 inch ea-e nl' lead pi.i nniiij' ln»\iti#? j in lulled ime lh* apparatus wai ret in i rejrillar operatiiiti Tim (juatilily nl pow | ili'if tl linu tune rcipiin',l lor tin., erviee al j |> ( . 1 at.mil "on ruble eimtimeterti j evet V two minute _ —-—. A riiiviih iiee ./ion en/limn liH made ' 1 1 ulentalioii v. hieb it intere.itinp I•» fools 111 uverv part nl the eouulrv He ha* a .liini ned In uetual eal. illation of the | fhane. that the buyer of a lii' Vet iu the t.otii ialia l.ntti'iA hii'i olii* ehatli'i* iu -It to draw 1 •. one iu to dr. liv fltt, one in 17'.' i.t draw tlo; one in .'tar to draw 1 'lO one Iu I "i t to draw i.'.n one in .'l4-11 to draw ,f1 nn 1.11. iu 11,110 In dl'aW ffltK) OIIU 111 i'i.'i'i i 1.1 d. a■. |i i 011. nni' iu ;s3,u3J to draw oimi. .a,.' ugiiiii 1 I'l.'iyi t.• draw ; . 000 and nn.* 'i.-alnd 'JOto diutt fl 1 "no. &I.U w tin lift thru iv iiiagainst ! neb odd .1 Hit 1: ale lit for a lucati. a-y- I Iu in .-nine one h . -aid that boa.,ting ol | v. hit ; u will do 1 a unwt er,l to adver- II .• >our pro pi-nty. It your plant ant I g0...1 otn ■;! .ii..? oue el; .■ will cat. h the in !up and t i.t tin- li. hi in Inn to dh ide the j ,d it,l I;'f nil y.tU II I lii-y ate tint got d. 1..11 mat be certain no one will point nut the ermi in ti. in nil. it you cannot pos • .iu an I.t I \ nnr i inimiiiKativc- I,i- The lie u 1... listen v. ell, ami me . 1 in I 1 !• it imparl their i.t. n .erect j ire the .i. I " iii'i-ally ... t al. ngjin 1 the world. Ar.UICULTURAL. ■ 'iiMtiitFiß who ha.i led ofiiitUfrntiltf . I*piu'lii. m .lit-**}! rai <ing -at "I have | k.-pt a thick iV.nn l .ri-i.i i ii, thirty Ueep Im fourteen Juf > without having them at ta. ki dln dog. tin, Ou. e though Hock's on adjoining faruis have tireii iiiiue.t They ah,at lati belli nt ditteicnt i.c ;»u.l tonp I ili) linl believe there ii :i dog in the w. ihl with coinage enough to attack it 11.1. t ol" sheep well supplied with belli W.i huirf the tr.-ej in strong soapsuds ll. it giuu* tlicia thiil, r.,it > of whitewash not only adds t.. the uppearaticc of an • 'i. I, tr.l I.ul i- beneficial to tho tree . >'' i ti. .I ll dock v:et-J% and the pi. il inariiiiii ghnie tie pesti that -Ui.uld h. I..pi Jiiwu i.'nm the ;tart. It ijt.ii. ou -;.ig igtlftnce to get rij of thisil *. 11.1 ..ii iiould be kept clean around the trunks ul u«- I'll. •of rubbish, dead »»<•". -lone-. ot other accumulations, Htfiu.i harboring place - 1 r laiee and in sect*. Early potatoes g j iut.i the ground ia il.ii .section Potato. :? can stand the lYo.t -.mie, ami it the gioiimi ij not cold they will make an early Mart and glow rapidly i t- ovi ime-. ca corn. IL_ie i 3 hut t-il Ui . aielullyfcChsttMig sued every year U.e yield ..I iln* corn crop cau he gradually ii..'i. i40e.1. No plants are uiorc ea-ilv im |n-., r.l l._i ~cle. iii.u than ...rn aini wlo-.i I'artiiers in this .e.tii.ii should i.y alfalfa in small plots by war of experiment lit the we I if i t eonidoreil superior foelover. and once the land noover.-d with it neverat crops iau he removed iu a vason. It will In t for year s, ainl cnduies drought Well It ha I,.en tested with ucveSi in New York. 'I lie . ally 4ejTetuliles are the teal limine T.i have them early the prep aralinn must he made early. 'J'he garden plot .should have hten put in eondition be foiv now. lluve the seed ready so as to plant K3 noon a: the ground is «atiu enough and danger I runt lioSt-is over. i.u late cro|h the ground jhoubl also Tie ttdHk e.l .Mm. • Ii .in cult tire due not apply to the time win ii the crop, ate growing only, tmt ill elude -i Ihe period l'r.uu plowing to harveM iug. Not only should the ground he plow eil early, hilt the work should he thorough, the harrow lieing used until tho soil is Very fine. If weeds appear before the ''round i:i re,idy fur seed,_tlie ground should he thor oughly harrowed again At no time must wiiil' he allowed to grow. It is much easier to kill weeds when I hey are young than to i lean tliein out alter they have usurped tha ground. Weed 3 rob Ate crops of both food and moisture The iiin iUiiti lifHtft/idt tells of a horse that wears spectacles. The farmer that owned him having rnrue to the conclusion, iViun various symptoms, that the aoimai was cliui t.lighted, {"nt an oculist to take the necessary measurements, uud had a pair of spectacles manufactured lor hnii They :.ic made to fasten firuily iuto lbe head stall MO that they-do «ot »b*Ke out of pl.u ■■ \i tir.-l the horse al thi addition lo his harness, got ii eil to hi i eye glasses and liked "In fact," ; .iy • the ovt tier, "vvheu I turn him out tu pasture he feels uueasy and un comfortable without his goggles, and one Sunday he hung around the barn end v.'hiiinied so plaintively that 1 put the head . i ill and goggles on him. ami he was no gla.l In- rubbed my ehonlder with bis noae. i'li. ll lie kicked up l.is heels and danced dowu to the pasture. TUB En IIT i M I'UKEBLMT V. UEELS ON ROAIIS.— The ihaia.'ter ol the vehicles which are used upon u roalway has a great iuliueniv upon endurauco to the beat of the wneels. With the same burden a two wheelcil cart docs tar more damage to the road than oue of four wheels, and this be cause ol the uddennc .of the umtiou of the wheels Quit their irregular, twisting movement in the trackway. Where the axles are short and the wheels close to gether the damage to all, save turnpike ways, is greatly increased, for the reason that there is lto chance lor the growth of gnu: between the treadway of the wheels and the footway of tin horses. This prim iple appears to have been recognized in ;nine parts fit the country. Thus in tin neighborhood of Hiistotl, wheie the ways are made .olid l,s mat. adaut or other rulilili', the ili'tance betweeu the wheel* is general!) about ii\e and one half feet, while in the sandy road ili diet of Cape Cod the length of the file i• u ually half a foot t> i eate i The greuU.-t defect ol our American cuiiiage i, that for a given Weight ol luni.iees and blirdeu the tires ol the wheels are extremely narrow It is true that on ill conditioned and muddy road i a narrow w heel tiead is advantageous Im the reason that the thick mud has a less extended hold when it wraps around the felloe and spokei, but with this arrange incut the interests of the roadway are sacrificed to the convenience of the iu dividual who drives upon it. These narrow wheel ', with tires often not more than au inch in diameter, cut like knives into tho road lied and o deepen tho ruts. If w>* a lire le . than an inch and a half In diameter, and that all pringless carriages "honlil have tires al least two inches in diameter, iiureasing in width with the biirdeu, wi* would iieeure our ways agaiust a considerable pail of the evil' from which they miller. • CHIN KHOII TTTRN loon uks utii Hilling the ol l£i>l* a most re inarkahle crop was raised by David Orew. aU flyiiionth, N. M fn lsdß Mr. Drew r.uiie into po ;c.,. ioii til . ouie corn giains found v.tapped with a mummy in Egypt, opposed t.i be 1000 years old These were plauted and grew. It bud many of the characteri <lii s of real corn, it grew to be ovei ix feet high; the mid-ribs were white but the prodmt of the Mod, there is where ilicistriou part comes iu. [nstea>l ol growing iu au ear like modern maize, it hnii)' in heavy .In teis at the top, on . pikelet, , there was im ta ucl, no jJk, each (tptig thickly tudd.ul with giaius, each provided with a epemte husk, like w'leat giaiL \ prominent horticultuiiit statei that by placinir tomato leaves aroand the trunks of trr.ei and ul-o by sprinkling n, . . and cabbages with a decoction pre 1 ,n .1 lr. teeping loiiiata leaves in water, in fit. o.d not disturb them. Tiiii is worthy a trial. ■ enrulgia, rheumatism, ou'tthroiU, to otacba and all other pain-> and ackes are promptly inred by Salvation Oil Tri. a L'.'i cents. Voti,ihiug C'luia -Comely, charming C'lai i ,i Clendenuing, carelessly catching Cold, crci piug . hills tame, Clara tougUed cou« linually cruel, orough cougli, lliit Would hr.. c killed bet, had aho not used Dr. Bull * Cough tfyiup., costiug 25 cent.}. nymiA \0 23