Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 04, 1890, Image 4
[CARTER'S CURE ■Jek Headache snd relieve all the troubles inel dent to • bili< in state of the sj -'*-111. pir.i.injn XaiKKk. Orowsitu k M. Di<tn»i aft. r aotinr, Pain in the Side. &c, Whi!" their m t success has been shown in curias SICK Beadachui yet Cinns's Lrrnx Livr-. Pi"-' mn equally vaJuab!«» iu Oonrttration. cunrj; and preverii • thisa thev atoo eom-c-t all disorders of ti.o stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate lie bovver. Even if they only cured HEAD Arhn thev would tie almost priceless to ttioso whosutTer from this distressing complaint: tat ftSSi-teiy tlieir goodness; dees not end hero and those who once try them will find little pills valuable in so many ways ti.at »y will not be willing to do without them, t after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that hen* is where we make our *reat boast. Our pids cure it while others do not. tl CARTER'S LITTLE LTVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. <>ne or two r,i.ls mak" * dose. They are strictly vegetable ar.d do ■ot eripo or r>ur^e t but by their p ntl * act i n all who use th»-*m. In vials at cents; five for SI. Sold evemvhr re, or r nf » y maiL CA27X3 IFLELCIRA CO., K:-R TERR. UKL Ute. Small fries. | §j CONSUL SRONCHiTiS, SCROFULA, COUCH Of COLD, TKROAT AFFECTION, WASTSNC of FLESH, Or any T'isea.*e. t rhere the Throrrt and luvrj.t are fiijlamctf, LaeJ: of Strength or Verve i'oirer, yott ran be rrf,\ red and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LBVEROIL With Hypophosphit.es. i PALATABLE AS MILK. _ _ Ash-fir Srsffs- ffmMfsUtn+Jwd Mtw erpianalion or felicitation induce you to accept a fubatltute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, H. Y. Id Lady.— Have yon now Cobber? 1 %*d Lad]/.—Wh7, no! These at t ti. cli <nefl |MMd frith wohtsAGME^ At aito them look into nsw: and ray aH> ■MMd with it, bold their poiifiii i N!>L«. tiia Mboa, even should tha sao.v cteep to. —aBM-Prr TK RR'MI. TBCZ nEsru Change a Pine Table to Walnut. A Poplar Kitchen Press to An'- - v.? fl-£..— - A Cane Rocker to Jotowith il&C. watbof m Ageism:::A \ r ' r - WOUP b RANDOLPH, Philadelphia, irfl in Drug, Paint and Bouse FumUhitij Stores. . FLYS CATARRH Gives Belief once and Cure* W%^ c OiofZ</> EADI cou» w head £Ji CATARRH nt Hay Fever, 9*l a Liquid, Snuo or Powder. Free from Injuri offensive Odors. HAY-FEVER A particle or tho Balm la applied in'iiu* ■ostril, ls agreeable to use anil 1m quickly ab ■orbed, effectually cleansing the nn il passages •C catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretion It allays pain and Inflammation, protect* the BMmbranal linings of the liead from additional eolds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense of taste and smell. l»enellclal results are realized by a few applications. a Tnoiiocini TKKAT*BNT IVH.:. coits:. Price no cents at. bv m.ill, :• ' ,ter •d. i»rents. Circulars sent In KLY BROTHKRB. Druggists. V. arr-n St.. J». Y. Catarrh la MoUa !:lni,d Illnoasc. No matter what parts II mav finally effect, ca tarrh always starts la the head, and belongs to the head. There Is no mystery of the origin of this dreadful disease. It tM gliiH In a m lei'ted •old. One of the kind that Is "nil.- ijbe l etter la a few days." Thousands of victim, kno-.v how it Is by sad experience, fly's <<■ m Riflm •ores colds In the head and catarrh In ill lis Kages. DOCTORS LAKPI Lm I PRIVATE DffiPKNSAKY. OFFICES, 328 r;:.vN AVI:, —PITTSBURGH, -All forms of I>< Ii- ato cud f'om plicated IMacates DEWTIAL arid Kcti;n ; ifk; *.f ilea ■OH are treated at this Dinj enMry r. hr. • ■ ■awltattained. Dr.S. K. Lake It v. in r of the ■oyal Collego of Physicians and Kur- ojm, ar.-l li moldest and most experienced 8P» < » * r.i \ in iho •tljr. Special attention givtMi to K« ' l» 1 "y from ezce.*aivo mental exertion, i-< i . ( .j youth physical and mental •' -ay, U £ energy, despondency, ete; a) >< Fits, Puea, ana all d.H«• .f * .• in, Blood, Lungs. Urinary organ*. Ac. « Itaii i free and strictly confidential. Officjh .i ■ i ;:,.J 1 Sundays 2to 4 j>. m. only. < 1 U Laki, M. D.. M. R.C.P.B. or E. J. LAI St, 1> qdm : Thousandm have i rHILAUKLPHLA.I'A. I t eatono-.n ! er loss of time from bu.-.iii«' is. ( i - •«rmt)le by other* wantfHj. .*• i CURE GUARANTEED, ota •••J do U : > hi valu -!■: , .i„ •fVrt lh « . yon - Htlr. Memory Mind wand<»rinflr cured. Boo! * leacoed io one rrafiitur. Testhpenials from all part® of the fclobe. POST FMKK, sent "u to Pr-f. < A. Loisetu-. £37 Fifth Ave. N« r York. | iBMPASTJIPPrp FREE H M Person- feitored i ■ Bl HjMDr.KLIR:: J CKEAT ■ ("ii l/"' m'SHUAIH fi .Nmvi! ! », curt fir A >•*•.-# e r try. InrALLiBi.B if Uk«t» a, dire: 1 . ; V Trowk-an t •• • i Fit (>atienta. ti»«y loving \ reccive<>. Stnd iiamr Vi. U ! * I i " 1 1 JBrtjd to D't Kt.iN •mCMui!*.«. nmyy,: ~ ■ nr:r .. ■ ;il;) y . r dߣ'>t7>7>7 iOB'CIOUS AtiO PtRSISTEUT Advertising has olwnys j.rov successful. Bcforo pla« h;:r.:iy Nowspapur Advert j hk consul JESjs£?> LC ID stTHor^As, ■BlfiSnKl'/ A'tramwsu ACEVU, UUV HmHs'.U s;rt.u CiW-ACi'. | >' THE CITIZEN"- lISCEL! ANEOI'S- The New Hostage Stamps. Tl. portraits and colors of the new . arc as follows: Otic cent—Franklin; ultramarine bin -. Two rent —Washington; carmine. Tree cent—Jackson; purple. Four cent—Lincoln; chocolate. Fir® cent—Grant; light brown. Sis cent— tiarlield: not decided. Ten cent— Webster; nnlori preen. Fifteen cent —Hemy Clay: deep blue. Thirty cent —Jeflerson; black. Ninety cent —Comhiodore Berry ; orange. The number of stamps ordered before ready for i.- -ue aggregated nearly 44,000, 000, representing $784,323. Keep Busy. The secret of success in life is to keep buy, io be presevcring. patient, and un tiring in the pursuit or calling you ; are following. The busy ones may now an:' then make mistakes, but it is better to risk these than to be idle and inactive. Keep doing, -whether it be at work or seeking recreation. Motion is life, and the busier are the happiest. Cheerful, active labor is a ble.-sing. An old philosopher says: 1 li re fly only shines when on the wing; so it is with the mind; when once we rest, we darken." — Elmnina. Deserves Credit for what He didn't do. It mat' be ?aid to the credit of the late John Jacob Astor that he wrecked no rail roud. j , violated no public or private rights, belonged to no trusts or syndicates, and it isn't known that he ever contemplated purchasing a seat in the United States Sen ate. —lt is proposed t > tax every bachelor in Wyoming a year. It is fair to presume that a measure like this will have a tendency to make the young men in that territory come into the union. —Fences cannot be adorned with busi ness signs without the consent ol the owner. A case in point was reported la.«t week wherein a man in an adjoining county paid $25 for this ignorance of the law. —To have good health medicine is necessary occasionally. As a lamily med icine wo can recommend Laxador. the great regulator, and advise all to haye a package constantly oil hand for cases of necessity. We request all mothers to stop using laudanum for their babies, and use l>r. Bull's Baby Syrup, a safe medicine. It contains nothing injurious. —'"We ought to denv ourselves some- | thing iu this penitential season, remarked i ilra. Snaggß. "What sacrifice will you make, John?" "You know how 1 love to go to church/'' replied her huspaud. Well. I have resolved to give it up." . —The most painful consciousness of the self conscious man, is the consci ou.-ness that others know he is self-conscious. —Scrofula and all humors are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood pur ifier. —Home is never so attractive to the homesick man, by a strange inconsistency of nature, as when he's awa} - from it. —lt is a singular fact that the artist, though he often takes his wife for a model, seldom takes his model for a wife. —The impecunious society man finds there i very beifig ju —At the consultation: Nervous patient— "Oh, I'm so afraid I shall be buried alive. Chorus of doctors-" You shan't, madam, if we can help it." • When the summer's rose has laded \\ hat shall make it fair again? When the face with pain is shaded What shall drive away the pain.' Never shall a blossom brighten After blighted b}" the frost, But the load of pain may lighten, And we need not count as lost all the pleasure of life when the wife and mother, upon whom the happiness of home so largely di pends, is alllictcd with the delicate diseases peculiar to women. It is terrible to contemplate the misery existing in our midst because of the prevalence ol these diseases. It it high timo that all women should know that there is one sure remedy for all female complaints, and t}iat is Dr. l'iercg's Favorite Prescription. Do not allow ill-health to fasten itself upon you. Ward it oil'by the use of this stand ard remedy. But if it has already crept in, fat it to rout. You can do it. by the use of the "Favorite Pre scription." It is yuaratttccd to give satisfaction in every cast, or money paid for it will,bo returned. For billiousncss, sick headache, indiges tion, and constipation, take Dr. Pierce's Pellets. \ celebrated scientist has discovered the cause of tho prevailing influenza to be in the very common habit among eareless people of sleeping on spring beds iu winter time. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tine Kmroii:—Plca*o inform your rcadtrc that 1 havo a jKwltlve remedy for thoaliove-nAinud dittcfM'.. liy IU timely uso thoueauilH of hopeless cue* havo been |*;rinanantly curod. I Khali be glad to send two bottlea ol my remedy FREE to any e," your re.wlera who have coumimption if they will «'nd mo t)i ir EipreM and I*. O. addroM. Ee«pect fully, T. A. HLOCUM, M. C., 181 Puarl St., S. V. I —The Ventura county (Cui.) papers are uiyh.j' their readers to plant camphor trees. They said to grow as rapidly as the eucalyptus. Mi*. All Ills stopped free by Dr. Kline's (iri at \cr»r llislorer. No ills alter lirst day's iim . >| arvelons cures. Treatise and M.w trial t.nttle fre. to Fit cases. Send to I)r. Kline, !i:t! •\r.-!. Si., Phll'u, Pa. —One hundred weekly newspapers, rep resenting the interests of tho colored people, are printed in tho I nitod States. —The most skillful amateur bull-lighter in Mexico is the con in law of the Presi dent of the Republic. Ifo is [a man of great wealth. —"l've drawn a blank." wroie a Scran ton woman after three weeks of married life, and then sho skipped away with an old admirer. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by fiiaiplc meant, after KUllering for ever.il years with a severe luug affection, and tll.it dread disease Conv.imption, >s anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ed the means of cure. To those who desire it, h will cheerfully send fine of charge j a jpy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and nil throat ■ti d lung .Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will uy his Remedy, as it is Invaluable. The e desiring the prescription, which will i r t them i.i,thing, and may |«rove a bless ii:g, WILL plef I! address REV. DWARI) A. H ti.-ii.N, Williamsburg, Kiuea County, New York. —An act pu.-sed by th>j Pennsylvania. !i i-latnro iu IK6I requires hucksl.t-rs from t it.- i<!o of a county to pay a licence of #2O j and hucksters living ill LIIC county to pay a. 1 liceu, eof 10, imposing penulties for fail 1 tire to day these license.--. Judgiv Eudlich, in a decision just rendered at Reading, hold tho law unconstitutional, on tho ground that it was > law rngu'jtling com r. er. -, lie!i ; t'oupr." , alone, bad powe,- to pus , and also lor tho reason that it ili < riminated between rcsiden t-t and liou residents. Mercantile Appraiser's List'; For Year of 1890. AT.LE«»H EN Y TWP. -• ell, J, David.Co, Sandy Point 14 7 "•"> Tlirmas, JH, Sandy Point 1? 10 75 j ADAMS TWP. A: : -rs. n, J A, Jc W T Valencia 12 13 2.1 | i:;rr, J C, M I), Mars 14 7 7o !v;rr, J C, Valencia 14 7 75 Hunt, Harvey B, Callery 14 7 75 Irvine, CB, Myoma 14 7 75 Marshall, TM.i Sou, Mars 11 1"> 75 McCalla & Boyd Bros, " 10 ?0 75 McCembs, A M, Mvoma 14 7 .5 urray. 1* H, 2 pool tables, Cal l.ry 41 • Smith, J J, Myoma 14 7 7o Shannon, JF, Callery 13 10 75 . Si-rrett, SO, M D, Valencia 14 7 \\ i!s• :i, D B, Mars BRADY TWP. Miss 1". <J Ciutton, West Liberty 14 7 75 Hunl &. Thompson. Flora 14 >_ Robinson, WW> est Liberty 14 i io ■. Dl l FAXO TWP. Falkner, L H, Sarversville 14 7 75 I'euc'a Dist. Co, Freeport 10-J 00 Sarver, II K, Fkastown 14 Sarver, M C, Sarversville 14 < '■> j Watson & Powell " 12 l-» ' Warren, M J " }* ' f? \ Wilkewitz,Gotlieb" 14 < ,J j t LAY TWP. Arthurs, J, Band Co, Euclid 14 7 <_• Lac ier. George " 14 'J>_ Ft inter ft Sntton " 14 ' CHERRY TWP. Bailey, JA, Bovard 14 1 151 Brysoo, JN, Crtaltown 14 < >J> I Elliott, II W " J' lji2] Fugle, Valentine " 1* ' 'Ji Fogle, Augustus " J3 10 McCoy, HC, ABon, Anandale 14 < <o Soroull &. Ilindman, Gomersol 12 j Stoops, JE,i Bro, Moniteau 14 7<5 j CENTRE TWP. Coulter, Joseph, McCandless 14 775 j 'Fleeger, AF, Fleeger 14 ' j CLIJJTOH TWP. Anderson, RJ, Flick 13 10 <5 ; CONCORD TWP. Kuhn, A, David Co, Hooker 13 10 75 Markweli, S, Greece City 13 10 Murtlaad & Campbell, Magic 13 10 /o CLEARFIELD TWP. i Mcßride, MJ, Coylesville 13 10 75 I Fennell, P " 14 < <5 CRANBERRY TWP. i Boggs, Justin, Ogle 14 J5 Garvin, William " 14 'J> I Hendrickson, AG" 14 ' CONNOQUENE6SISG TWP. j ( hristy, JL,M D, Connoq'g 14 775 I Dnfford, VV S, 3 pool tables ol C" I Graham, Joseph, Whitestowu 13 10 7._> ] Nicklas, Conrad, Connoq'g 14 7/ o ! FnrvianW, JT&VT A, Connoq 11 lo >J>_ Wright Bros, Whitestown 14 7 to DONEGAL TWP. Cate, II C, Greer 14 7 7o Durham, W M, St Joe ' Solomon, 41 4 FAIRVIEW TWP. j Hutchison, MB, Peachyille 14 <7 > JEFFERSON TWP. ; Hartenstein, L, (ireat Belt 14 7 7.^ Mcßride, MJ, & Co, " 13 10 75 Wallet, 11 D " 14 7 75 FRANKLIN TWP. j Kornrumph, O, Mt Chestnut 14 775 Watson, Win " 12 13 25 FORWARD TWP. Duffield, MS, Zeno 13 10 4 75 Schilling, Alex, Reibold Boyd Bros Ai McCalla, Reibold 14 i to LANCASTER TWP. Laderer, J ie ilezt, AE & Sou 13 10 <o MIDDLESEX TWP. Gillespie, W J, Flick 14 7 75 Marks, \V J, A liro, Glade Mill_ 11 — ■ > i Harrisville 14 7 75 .fey, L.I, Boyers 14 T 75 Gomiley, J 11, Murriusville 14 7 75 Hamilton, 11, Boyers 14 7 ,j> Mcßride, Mrs P, Murrinsville 14 770 MEBCBR TWP. Brysou, S J.Forestville 14 7 75 Owens, Jane " 14 775 OAKLAND TWP. lilaney & Andre, St Joe 13 10 75 Campbell, A G, Souora 14 7 75 PARKER TWP. Adams A Daubeospeck, Hruin 12 13 2 > Campbell, T G " 14 7 7,> Caldwell, II M, ACo " 12 13 25 Miller, G W, Glenora 14 7 75 Morgan, James A, Barkers Laud'gl4 7 75 Orr, J W, Biuin 14 7 75 Orr, JH, " 14 773 PENN TWP. Burtou, TH, Brownsdale 13 10 75 Bowser, R M, Renfrew 14 7 75 ( dvert, J M " 14 7 75 MeGeary & Co, Maharg 14 7 75 Nv;il, WS, Renfrew 13 10 75 Patrick, James " 13 10 7o Price & Tillinchast " 14 J 7;» Stewart, David, hotel, " 4 78 00 Robert, Woods 14 7 75 St'MMIT TWP. Brickbichler, N, Carbon Centre 14 7 75 Dittmer, M li, Herman 11 7 75 Wailand, John, " 14 775 BLIPPKRYROCK TWP. Bool:, U.II, ICeister 14 7 75 Hall, Amos, Branehton 14 7 75 Bam mood. L, Wick 14 7 7-> Morrison, .1 A, Brouchton 14 7 75 VENANGO TWP, fi nduer itllumphrey.Eau Clairel2 13 25 Kerr L F A Son " 14 7 75 ivohimyer, GF " i 4 7 75 Miller, AO " 14 7 75 WORTH TWP. Gardner, N, Jaeksville 13 10 75 WASHINGTON TWP. Altmirc, Mrs. F, Ililliards 14 7 75 Beatty, J L . " 14 775 Gil sm it Harper, North Hope 14 7 75 I ■ in'.MOII IV Co, Hilliard 14 7 75 r-'eE. • 4 Co " 14 7 75 .j iand, C E & Co l.< 'Hi i.r. iz Mi 111 in ,lr, X. Hope II 15 75 I li<nu|»on .1 N Uro '■ 14 7 75 j'. (iersM'i, O M, 11 ill lard II 7 76 HIM !KLD 'IWP. I', i. ■■(' A Sun, i. ,-:-.u-e. I; ,v t\, Dioiiiy 11 15 75 Sklitlt A; Logi.n, t,'ariHin Blank 1J 1.1 L's . \V Lewis, Deony 1 1 13 25 IIUTLKIt lIOKO. Aitt i.rs, John F 14 7 75 Aiidtrson, E II 12 13 25 A iken & Campbell 11 15 75 Ileihi Hi-nrv 1 t 7 75 Baldauf, Flr 14 7 75 Biekcl, John 10 20 75 Bio» , Jacob * 13 10 75 Boyd, C N 13 10 75 Belli. A Graham II 16 75 B'tlph, J F 14 7 75 Beck, Henry, hotel 153 O'O Bench, A H 14 7 75 II i Uinore & Grieb 12 13 2~> Colli, it. Harvey 14 7 76 Campbell, .1 G it W 7 40 75 Campbell, W L 14 7 75 Colbert &. Dale 13 10 75 Campbell, Nathan. 4 pool tables 01 00 v arver, C & Co 12 13 25 Cleelaud & Ralston 12 13 25 Dunlap, W W 14 7 75 Douglass, J 11 13 10 75 Dully, Charles 10 20 76 Dickson & Dougherty 14 7 75 Donahue, W A, 3 pool tables 61 00 Eitenmiller, H, hotel 16,' i 00 Frank, A J & Co 14 7 75 Grieb, C R ' 14 7 75 Greib, J R 14 7 75 Grieb. E 14 7 75 Gamble, Fannie E, liquor mer. 203 00 Goehring, W II 13 10 75 Grieb & Lamb 14 7 76 Glttsrf, M 14 7 75 Heinlrieksou, J 11, |H)ol tables 61 00 Harper Bros , 11 15 75 tieck, D A 10 20 75 lltineinan, II C & Son 13 10 75 lln J tlion, i: C 10 20 75 Jackson, 1) E 13 10 75 Jackson <v Mitchell 12 13 25 Jarccl.iOil Well Supply Co S 30 75 Koch C As Sons 10 20 75 Kepplcr D I I 7 75 Kamerer, VV A 117 7 I A etti rcr, Geo 13 10 75 iI < liev, John T 13 10 75 I iu.gl«r, II J& Co 'J 25 75 hii ;,a riek & Reed 13 10 7> j Lowry, Johu F, hotel 153 00 Limberg, F W 14 7 75 Limherg, tJtto 14 7 75 Morrisou, M L 14 7 75 Metzger AVolkwein 13 10 75 Murray, Peter, 1 pool tables til 00 i MUJer, O V « Sro • 25 75 1 diirtincourt, S B 4 Co 10 20 75 i Mrlviu, C 14 7 75 ; Mechling, Lewis 14 7 75 ■ Mangold, P R 14 7 75 it ■ rsball, S T l i 7 75 11 Miller Bros if- Co 13 Ift 75 | Nieholls, K S & Co 10 20 75 Nickle, W M H 7 75 • N'ijjgle, J <5: Bro 13 10 75 ! Oil Well Supply Co 8 30 "■* ] <)sbonie, \V*A 14 7 75 ! j Purvis, S G <fc Co H 30 75 Patterson. John X 10 20 75 t ! Phillips. O M 13 10 75 Pape, DT 14 7 75 j Richey, J A 14 77 > : i Reiber, Jacob Bros liquor store -03 00 1 Reihing, Ml H, hotel '53 00 ; Root, A W, Opera House I Redick, John C, 1- 13 36 iteiber, Ger. A Sons 11 IS "5 j i Reiber, A& II 10 20 75 i!eiber. All M 10 20 75 | I Rosenberg, I 13 10 75 I Ruff, AI 13 10 75 j Ritler .t Ralston ; Slein. L <Sc Son 10 20 j Schuiedemau, II 11 15 <5; Steble, J F T !•< fj | Singer MTsr Co . M 775 ] SU NK. CHRISTOPHER Shutte Ac O'Brien H < <•> \ Smith, H\V & J 12 13 25 Springdale Drugstore 14 7 75 Turner, Jaui<<-, 4 pool tables I Turner, I> T 13 10 >5 Trailer, L & J 10 20 Troutman, A & Son 7 40 75 : Wuiler J I. H 7 75 Wuller, D H 13 10 75 . Wiliiams, Alex 14 " Wick, L C 10 20 75 I Walker, John L 14 7 '5 White, R A 14 7 75 CKNTRKVILLF. BORO. | Ttartl Bros 1- 13 25 Bingham <t Sons 14 • <o ■ Clatton Bros 13 10 75 C'.utton Bros, Xo. 2 14 ( ■ t hristie A Campbell 11 1j 75 : Grine, W 11 14 7 I Ramsey. W T 14 •_ i_2 Sowush. S J 14 j 'JI I'ber A Bestler 14 7 ia EVANS CITV BOKO. Buhl. F C 1-1 I I? i Barchard, II C 14 ' | Boggs d Kline 1- 13 2_> Barto, David 1"! t -- Barkcy, Kuos 14 t_ '_■> Donaldson, T A 14 1 '■> Dambaeh, J4 K 1- 13 Dombart <t Dunbar, 2 pool tables 41 00 , i Kieholtz, II F 11 J® i Kornuhar, George, hotel I*' 3 I Hudson, R 14 ' 7o j Ifft. Geo it Sons 11 T -> Miller, J X, hotel 15: j L*r j Peffer. Fred 14 7<a Shonp Bros 13 10 Smathers, A J 14 <_ '_■> • Robinson, W A 14 ' Weber, Jacob. 2 pool tables 41 00 Willi, Bishop ACo 10 20 > Young, llenry 13 10 <•' KAIRVIKW BOROUGH. Haun & Jilack 10 20 75 Scott, 0 I 3 10 HARMONY BOROCGH. Blaekmoro, C S "14 7 75 Bentle, II M. &Co 13 10 Bcain, Samuel, hotel l- r ' : j 2. Foehringer, Augustus 14 7 7 > Swain. G D 11 15 Stiver, Benj 14 7 7o Stahl. George, liquor merc hant 203 00 Latchaw A Stamm 11 13 75 HARRISVILLK BOROCGH. Black. II C 13 10 75 IJeatty, E S 14 7 75 Brown. B L 14 7 73 Black, Robert 14 7 75 Bingham, S B 13 10 75 Curry, J E 14 7 75 Cnbbifion, J X 13 10 75 Eirick, J M 14 7 75 Galbraith, F A 14 7 75 Morrison, W L 14 7 75 KAItXS CITV BOROCGII. Bircharil. II C 14 7 75 Daprey,Mrs Jennie, 2 pool tables 41 00 Karhart, Joseph 14 7 75 McCashn, John, 3 pool tables 51 00 McGaffic, W II 11 15 75 Werse, John 14 ? 75 MILL, E USTOWa.-grri-i )TJci t. Bell. Perry A. A Co 14 7 75 Bowen, J B 14 7 75 Bo wen, W W 14 i 7.) Butler, F E 11 J75 Dolan. John, hotel l-'3 00 Frederick ACo 13 10 !_■> Fraaier, J T 14 i Fraukle, S '3 10 7-j Glass, Georgo 14 1 7.» Jloch Bros, hotel 1 ; »3 00 Hays Bros 13 10 75 Hoch Bror 12 13 25 Johnson, C II 14 7 r.t Joiikins, E M 14 7 7._> Lotzinger, II C 13 10 75 MoKee, J L 14 7 75 Pierce, C F 13 10 75 Seibert, lloch A Co 14 7 75 Seharbach, C 14 ' 75 Sehioerger, F 13 10 75 Trtdder, G P, 4 pool tables <>! 00 Westerman, It P 12 13 '!■> Westerman Bros 8 30 75 POKTKESVILIiK BOROUGH. Huniphrey, Wm, A Son 10 20 75 Marshall, A S 14 7 75 Alt-Donald. G B 14 7 75 <), Keson, S T 14 7 75 Kaiasey Bros 14 < 7.< PROKPBCT BOROUGH. Bowers, A 14 ' >J> Critehlow Bros 13 10 75 Edmundson, CM, A Son 14 7 7o Forrester, S S 14 <_ 15 Milleman, F I) 14 7 75 Me Lure, J II 14 7 75 Riddle, W, & Co 13 10 75 Wright Bros ACo 13 10 I'KTKOMA BORO. Burns, John 14 7 75 Buird. JO 14 7 75 Burnett, (' M, hotel 153 00 Campbell, C 14 7 7.> Cbattam, Samuel 14 7 7.j Cheseboro, E P 14 7 7.j Denhohn, T 14 7 7:> Foster, Mrs. It E 14 7 75 Gibson, Wm 13 10 7.i Hawk, J M 14 7 75 Jellison, W H, hotel 153 00 Kilchenstcin, Annie 14 7 7-> Klingensmith, HA 14 7 75 Kilroy, Jli 13 10 75 Starr, M L 14 7 7o Toronski Bros 11 15 75 Veager, S 14 7 75 HUHBI'RY BORO. Broaden d" Conway II 15 75 Breadeii A Allison 14 7 75 Meehiiiig A Murtland 14 7 75 I'n uT, James 14 7 75 Rhodes, S L 14 7 75 SAXOXBCRG BORO. llelmold, Theodore II l-> 7.) '■ II 15 75 T Kraiii-e 13 10 75 T Krause it Co 14 7 7^i Mersbon. I{ I!. M I) 14 7 75 MaurhofT. G W 13 10 7.) Laube, Francis, Jr, hotel I ; >3 00 Sn-ili. Bauman A Co I I > 75 S' ii>le, Herman A 14 7 75 Wetzel, Charles, hotel l-> 3 00 ZKMENOPLE HOBO. Allen A Dtimliaugh 12 13 25 Llaatian, I) G 14 7 75 Diudiuger. John 11 15 75 Goehring, W A 11 15 75 (ielbaeh, Zohncr A Co II 15 7 > llotlseholdcr, II 14 7 75 lilt, W II 12 13 25 Passavant, C S 14 7 75 ltoed, C E 14 7 75 Stahl, Georgo, liquor merchant 203 00 Stokey, C, hotel 153 00 Stokey, II W, hotel 153 00 Winter, A 14 7 75 /ehner, E • 14 7 75 Mercantile tax #3 I*2 00 I'iliinrd and pool tables 050 00 Hotel license 3 275 00 Opera house 50 00 Total #7,157 00 TAKI: NOTICE: —AII who are concerned iu this appraisement, that an appeal will In- In-11l at the Commissioners' office, iu Butler, on the (Hthj eighth day ol April, A. D , 1890, between tho hours of !> A. 11. and -1 i". M. o'clock, when aud where you :;ta;, attend if you think proper. D. B. DOUTIIKTT, Appraiser. March 10, 1890. m mw SWraTFlf'n Por LOST or f AILIHO BLAIfHOOI FE'I L L UP«RT OTAER,KL «A D H«VOUB DEBLLIIV, Pf #\T} i 4a 11 Wuakneaa of Body and Kind, £flVrU t'lJi i'jaiJUlaJLlof ErrorsorXxoesassinOldorTouiift. .10l i' l, >ul,lp *1 iN!IU()|) fillf Hnlorfl How to rntarvr and hiri- i, • u k. I MtKVKLOriCDOKbAXS* »MKTttG» flOt>Y. AlKoli.trlv noralll. ,T 11011 TRKATBIJIT—BooeIte In • day* 'iksdfonlfi CeiatrlM. Writs theau !)»•««?rJi)tho (took. oziilaasUea aad proofs Mailed r»oaied> freo. ERIE KIEDICAL 00., SUFFALO.N. V. PS I r li { J ONKALABV tOMM^SH.OX All Unit ' r<-<ju»re 1 Is (food ill >ca . j-. i ' ..r.».-t< i iitid willlugiiewi to||l fa U I 1 I i i.. V. l it• HI once U> Ellnaa- ■n SI I : I m-r A linrrjr, Kocheiter, N. Y., WIHII I t&/ Mt. llopo Nur.->erlea. 1 statu lie 1 lwo. I The Very REMARKABLE BARGAINS JOHN BIGKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREST, BUTLER. - - PA., llus lH>eu opening for tbe past few weeks bare attracted the attention of thousands of eager buyers la order that there will be no diminution in the amount of busiucs we have been doing we sb tall offer our entire stock at remarkable low figures. Among this stock will be found a nice lot of sam ple boots and shoes, some winter goods and a large line of spring goods which are arriving daily- All persons wishing to purchase anything in our line now or ia the near future would save money by calling at Bickel's, for we are offering bargains which cannot be resisted. I have on hand several cases of boots which lam closing out very cheap. 1 have just received a big shipment of mens working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; brogans, plow shoes, creemors, &c , showing the best selection in Butler county, and prices iower than ever before. fiut* shoes ol all kinds. A big line of Edwin Clapps celebrated shoes which are all made by hand, cut from the choice skins oi Kangaroo, Cordovan and French Calf, made oa all lasts and iu all rtvles. "There is no limit in our cut ol prices." Mens A calf, calf and dongola shoes in button, Eng. Bal and Congrass from $1.50 to $3. They are dandies, call and examine them LAI3IES SHOES. Such bargains as these have never been thought of in the shoe line. These prices afford great limits and capacities for saving money in this sac rifice which may never occur again. We can give you a ladies fine Dongola shoe at $1.25, another at $1.50 and one still better at $1.75. A genuine dongola kid shoe, worked holes, finely finished, Bto E at $2.50. Every pair giving good satisfaction. A good machine turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, lasts, etc. at $2.75 to $3.25. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heel at $1.25. This is a great bargain A misses good school shoe at sl. In this great sale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the same per centage of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber goods of all kinds, short and knee boots in light aud heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at tbe lowest prices. Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing promtly done. U. B. I will give away a lot of fine seed corn called the Thorough White Flint Corn aud a lot of good yielding oats called the Early Swede Oats These seeds will lie given away on the following terms: All persons calling at my store will receive free a package of corn and oats. They are to plant it and on Oct Ist to 10th, all persons can bring sufficient samples of each to my store and the person getting the best selection of the two seeds will be entitled to a $lO premium The person having the second best selection will receive ass premium So call and receive a free pack age of our seed and try your luck. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa WANT THEM! IIISKI.TON HAfe GOT THEM! The Good Qualities of Our Bouts and Shoes Bring Ex pressions ol Delight from the Thousands ot Homes Where Their Merits Are Known!!! The father is delighted over the lessened bills for Boots and Shoes. The children were active and wore out their shoes so rapidly until Huseltou's Shoes Were Tried- The mother is glad to add her word of praise, for the children and all the family are so much better pleased since they use Huselton's boots and shoes that now Nothing Else will Fill the Biil- We are haviug a great ruu on our Women's Genuine Dongola Flexible Button lioois at 61.25, $1 50 and §2 These are beauties and cannot be matched for style and wear iu other houses at 50 cents a pair advauce on our price. our Women's SI.OO But ton Boots. Ni.-thiug in the town to equal them Tie liiiJies' Hand-Turned Button Boots —we have the stock to select from, uud the ladies know it They all go to Ifuseltoru* for fine, good fitting shoes Stock larger this spring thari evir Trade demands it So w« have, it at till prices and iu all shapes, widths, etc , from A A to EE, lipped or plain. Our iine of Ladies' anil Children's Oxfords and Slippers are simply grand. Tho combiuations in laucy colors iu trimmings are immense, and at very low prices. Stock exceeding ly large. Look them over. Ladles'. Misseo' and Children's Spring- 11 eel Shoes iu great variety in black and fancy colors. They are lieauties! Men's Brogans and I'low Shoes at 75c. to ?>1 and $1 25. All solid, fine Shoes .at sl not shoddy, seamless tip bals. Eieguut —sl2s, $1.50 and $2 get you the finest in the laud for the price. You cau buy Meu's Genuine Calf Shoes at $125 and a dandy at $2. Come and see! Our Infants' and Children's Shoes are lower in price than ever. New lines added. See our new Dongolas at 50c., patent tip and very liue; 5-8, 8-11 solid at 75c ; these are very line. Infants' 1-0 25 cents and up. Chil dren's School Shoes, heavy, 50c. to SI.OO. Women's Ileavy Sh<>es at 75c. to sl, all solid. Boys' and Youths' Shoes, high-cut, sprmg-heel. or heel, $1 to $2 in button or bals. WE I'LKASE ALL THIO BOYS! We Don't Sell Any Old, Utisty Job Lots, Auction Goods, or Sample Lots, hut All Straight, Regular Goods ;il Samo Price to All ! New, Krenh Spdng Stock now coining. Come anil ieo us. It will pay you. B. C.HUSKLTON. >o. 1, N. Main St., Hutier, i'a Ad'tuUse u* 'he Cinstif. B. B. The New Spring Assortments are now all In. It is a great pleasure to us to offer this season's productions, because i they are tbe most elegaut and satis factory for tbe prices we have ever seen Our Mail Order Department will cheerfully submit samples by mail, and your order will be filled at the | lowest prices and us satisfactorily as though you were here to do your shoppiug in person. Have you tried it? Special mention is made of a few items only. A very large assortment of All Wool Imported Suitings, 38 to 40 inches iu width, in large assortment I of stripes, plaids and mixtures, at 50 ' cents. This is the most comprehen sive offering of 50 cent Dre»3 Goods i ever made by any mercantile bouse. 100 pieces 40 inch Imported Plaids, j 40 cents. Also, at 50 cents, large assortment of All W001,50 iuoh Scotch Cheviots. New and stylish Clotb Bourettea, j 38 inches wide, at 50 ceuts. A 75 cent offering—the most for the money ever offered—lmported Tailor Suitings, in large variety of stylish stripes, 33 inches wide,elegant quality At 33 cents, 30 inch Wool Suit ings, new stripes aud plaids. 500 pieces extra fine Satioea, 15 | cents. 25 cent quality. New Zephyr Ginghams, 15c, 20c, WHiersou's Ginghams, 40c, 45c. Challis—largest variety in all quulities tip to the Imported All Wool Goods ut 50 ceuts. Our Large Spring and Summer FASHION JOUUNAL AND CATALOUU* will be ready April 1. It costs nothing hut your name on a postal card to get it BOGGS ¥ BUHL, 111); ui, Federal St., ALLEGHENY, PA. Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You rnunt help us out, wo haven't room lor half our goo-in, until yon relieve UM of Home of them. We have the choiboat uelec tion of patterns in every grade from Hrown Wanks at 10 cts to (tilts ut from 20 els to $1 per ilotilili' bolt. Kxamine our Slock. J. H. Douglass, Near l'ostollioe, Ihitler Pa. YOU CAN FIND .li ill rinxiu if.il ut the Advert alii* i uifMii • f C-u. REMINGTON BROS., who will coutiuct fur ut towcal i..la | ■ ~D« <A> aiaHa rAJk.wJK^ ! LEAdING MILLIBERV HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. N"o« 18. South Alain Street- - - HUTLEfii P A ICUREi FITS! XThw* I ear CtTWB I d* not mean inertly to Itop them lor a time, and then have them re* turn again. I MKiN A KADICAIj CUiU£» 1 have made Uio diaeaae oX FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, Alife-Vrafr etndy. I Wi.Rlu.yT my remedy to Cima the worst cases. Because others liava tailed u no reason lor not nowrecemag a euro. Sand at onca for a treatise and * FREE BOTTLE of my t»rfii Tmr.t- KsMcor. Give Kxprcss and Post Office. It coats yon nothing for a trial, and jt will cure you. Address KC.ROOT, M.C., IB3PCAKLST..NEWYCIK NO OF THIS! : Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight will often slip »(T tbe feet. To remedy this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a shoe with the Inside of the heel lined witl rubber. This clings to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. Call for the "ColcUcater" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS >nd voucan walk, run or jump-fa them. ga A SOLID—— Steel fence! EXPANDED METAL CVT SXTMT** 1 ' SOMETHING NEW RESIDENCES. CEMETERIES. F»HMS GARDENS Gates Arbors, Window GuaiUs, Trrlliws, Fire-proof FLASTKRIXO I. ITH, «OOU HVT.-s Ac. write for Illustrated Catalogue- mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO lie Waler Nt., PillHburirh. PH. wdwure Ben keep It. Give name of this pa.-pcf —cscnMei BEMT Trl-fc IIP PS MILES jPiaWl !■ ewope. In | lllik I th«- world. OUR iTIIFI ' un«*«tnal*d. an.J to intrndarp our ..iIKIF M I iu|"Tior(ro«Ji wf will (fndrr.ll kip JF to <>NC I'tßM'.f in each locality* M BBBig tninu once ran make »ur® of 7H| i>fc V the th«mf AH you have to do in pip thoee who call-your neighbors ■» ■ and those around jrtm. Ihe bo- AYlUflPtwy 6l -^— * running of this a«lv»«rti»ement |BUIK-Tr ihowt the email end of the tele .txsrt th. flftirth pmrt of lubalk It wSBSsssB TO WEAK MEN Boflfcrlag (torn th* effect.* of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc.. 1 will mend a valuable treatise I staled i containing full particulars for borne cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every FR..R. who la nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. FOtVLEB. floodut, Conn. I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I On the flamale face, hair on tha foro bead, neck, noae. JpTEiffiiSl *4re, bauds, cheeks abovo tho ■ beard line and bo- J&So tween the eyebrows / destroyed forovor t. by tho Electric fio2 Peuu avenue, Pittsburgh Birth ' Nose, Enlarged Veins of the Kos«, . Pimples, Black *l heads. Liver Spots -^a''' | and all diseased and blemlshos of tho *kin, ' complexion, hair and scalp successfully : treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has had 20 years' eiperlcacu in the pracioe «>f j his specially, aud numbers among his pa tients our most prominent fawilio*. If you 1 are afflicted with any of theabovo blumlhhi a, avoid patent medicines aud consult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make eugegsmantsjthis month. Book free. Engage ments ean be made by mail. Call on or address I Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Philadel r'hla, or 502 Penu avenue, l*ltt-.bnr*'h, Pa. j lours to 1 and 2 t»> 7; But Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer, of Stair Rails, Balusters. and Newel-posts. RAM kinds of wood turning done |o order, nNo m-oraled and Curved wood worl. sin'li in Casing, t'ortier block*, I'lilii'N ;llld .ill Kinds ol fancy wood work for Inside decoration of houses. OAIX A.NI) SKK SAMI'MCS. Houiolhliiu ueiv .ind attractive. Also FURNITURE Ut lowi'Ht .oaall prices, Store at No. 40, N, Main litroct. Factory nt No. IMi, N, Washington Mroei. UUTI.KK. I'I.NN A. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. II.IMKMIMK, IMXsTKI « TUtl.l . Choaper than Wood. lilt Ml ifffff HS mm 11 ii Th«* mliovo outihov* l*»rh*4 Kence with nal«<. Ibtal not % be«tlD«.> «•%*» be UN'I Olt Iron o» H'wl l*oeU. Wliro writiu* W> i-rl—e ct*« Quaotl 'T. Nuwbrr of fJsUd. I>.nble tnl V lilted. H'e ela.i Ksbu'k tur» Ilca\ y Iron Kwinlo|, CttsUnr HfeMe VltHiic. Fir- Hhutt#re »u.J riltC OliUr I>«tora. Ml Halilnf*. lira** and Iran OrtlU. U IKK DOUU AM) WINUOW UC'ftKKNM, eu4 all kloln cf WIHK H'OBg. TAVLOK Ac OJEAN, HOI, *O3 Si *OS aUarkct M., ri(tlbur|b| I'm* j |iß9<> :SPRING: -1890 NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. AND TRIMMINGS. New While Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Damasks, Towels, Napkins, Crashes, Sheetings, PHl.nv Casings,- Cint-ha-.n.-., Punts, Tickings. nod *ill kind? 4 of D'.'iin-siu' Cood?*. I New Spring Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Hugs, Malts, Druggetts, Window Blinds, Lace Curtains, Poriiers. And Stair Rods. As always, we sow the and FINEST ASSORTMENT At the lowest prices at Ritter & Ralston s. BUT I•T % 7" not the oldest shoe | jr.. yf | \ \ |H .house in Rutler. We J-C I 5 We know our business. ' * -*—<" are probably the voting- ■-* " ' « est. H - AA7 no - "l? ri I <heßtti,,oe I ) r Tril wove got enough to avoid m \ ii .house iu Hutler. Ij I I the necessity of doing bum ness on tho"hnnd to-iuouth'- basis. "\7S7" T7^ hav ® n,t {? ot 'he l u rg« tjj > | TrilWehaVea brand new one \ \ t " n:a - v e J.~S J_ that is right up to date. IV ' WT I haven't got the largest |\ t Tril We admit that the length ol A % ■ ' j s t«ru room oi any shoe l\ I f the room bears no relation ' 'house in Butler; ours is-*-* VJ J- to the qualitv of the shoes rather short, sold in it. V ' ITTT7^ h , aveu ' t the bi W Mt 8 i> I TrnWeni.au lo sell onr share o \\ P/hoe trade in the world, I I the tine shoes handled by us T * -*—■' and we never expect to *-J ' JL. have. VL A I7T?' l « n,t sell ( ' hoa l"' r tha " fi >i T r iWe claim that the goods are \ Y I ' .anybody else; on the I \ I | fully worth the price. * * -*—'contrary our prices are *—" -*- the highest ruling VII. I*7 11 don't give credit. Wi Big Tri'VVo try to deal with our % 1 1 1 .must have the money I"V I i I customers -41 as to make *or the goods. m. J 1 hem our friends. VIII. * \ want to sec you all "IT* TJrII We wish you to remember 11 M.coineandjgiveusa trial, I*l I where we are located. Ho T if goods orenot just-"—' \— J- not forget the number, as represented we will cheerfully refund you your money, 95. S. MAIN ST. WILL REMOVE MAY IST BLACKMORE & (.lill-.i:. J. R. GRIEB. i'KOF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STOBE. NO. iC SOUTH MAIN ST. BUTLEi-;. PA. BSole Agent* fer J Sutler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for liehr Bros & (,'o's Magnificent Pian Slioninger, and v e\vlj\ & Evans I'ianos, Packaid, Crown, Carpenter and New England Organs. Leiders in Violins, Strings, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUMC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. \ THE A\\S)POWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED i FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS ! MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. C3QOKB QUARTERS.RETAIL AT 5 CT«. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 1 O CTS. COOKS POUNDS. Rpt*". AT 2O CTB. Sold by dCan.