ffirtßS CURE Fick Tloadacheand relieve a'.l the troubles fncl c!-»ut to a bilious stato r»f tl."» uystom. such r.a j l»izzine*j*. Nausea. l»istrt aft- r | taring. Pain in the Si» ,a , &c. While th^Tmost remarkable success has been show n in curing SICK TToadachu yet CARTER'S LITTLE LITER I*IT.TJS are equally valuable in Constipation. curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they alsoeorrect all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. £ven if they only cured HEAD Aeho thev would IK* almost pricelesi to those who suffer fr»m this distressing complaint: but fortunately their coodnesa does n >t end here. and those who < nco try thorn will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that Iticy will not bo willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that hero is where wo make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LrvER TILLS are very small an 1 very easy to take. One or two pills make a d' -,". They aro srrictlv vegetable and do ■ot gripe or purge, but by their gentle a, !i>n Blease8 lease all who use them. In vials at cents; ve for $1 Sold everywhere, or Bent by maiL :t2TZ2 HEICIHB :3„ He* Tori. Ul Small Sift Hfries, WHY YOU SHOULD -JSE SCOTT'S EMULSION op COD LIVEE OIL ™ KYPOPMOSFWJTES. It is used and endorsed by Phy sicians because it is the be*!. It is Palatable C.2 Kiik. It is thrso times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver 0:1. It is far superior to ail so called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, dees not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT 4 SOVVNE. CHIMISTS. N. Y. CatarrH HAV-FEvS ELY'S'CREAM BALM is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into " nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head. Allays inflammation. Heals the sores. Restores the senses of taste and mnell. 50 cents at Druffglsts; by mail, registered. GO cts Ely Brothers, w.rr«st. DOCTORS LAKE hmf PRIVATE DISPENSARY. ' 111 Jr OFFICES, 323 PENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forms of Delicate and Com wßm plicated Diseases requiring'OoNFi i&r dektial and SCIENTIFIC Medica tion are treated at this Dispensary with a siueesu rarely attained. Dr.S. K. Lake is a member oi the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, ami is the oldest and most experienced SPECIALIST in the eity. Special attention given to Nervous Debility frois excessive mental exertion, indiscretions oi youth, Ac., causing physical end mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc.: also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urinary Organs, Ac. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Offico hours 9to 4 and 7toß p. m.; Sundays 2t04 p. in. only. Call at office or address 8. K. LAKE, M. D..if. It. C. P.B. or E. J. Lake, M. D 1 •tin:.-' L.ivo 1-tvu i>ermanei>tly cured by PHILADELPHIA. PA. Easeat once, no operation or loss ot time from bi curable by others wauteM. r-i « uvular. * CURE GUARANTEED, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On th 3 faro ale face, esri ™ n t&r > ) hair on tho fore- -"-v Sit 7\ head, nock, nose, ears, liaade, a nag. (RHjiJSSf' cheeks above iho ' heard lino and be : tweoathoeyebrows / destroyed forever 5 Needlo Operation Electro Surgeon, \ 502 Penn avenue, JP „ Pittsburgh. liirth ,\f | marks, MOIOB, RE , Warts, MI'D'S Rod | Jfoso, Enlarged Tflfi'fr. Veins of tho Nose, V . Pimples, Black * heads, Liver Spots .»mv and all di»sea«es and blemishes of tho 3kin, , complexion, hair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has had 20 years' experience in the practice of j his specialty, and numbers among bis pa ; tvents our most prominent families. If you j aro afflicted with any of tKe above blemishes, i avoid patent medicines and < insult I>r. Van I ; Dyck at once. Special t-mi .ill \vh ; I engagomeuts'.this in-»nth. Book fr . I. I i went 8 can be mudc by mail. Call on or a lr. s I Dr. J.Van Dyck, 40 If. 11th street. Phi lad el- I j phia, or 502 Penn avenue, Pitt.-burgh, Pa. I • 1 and J 7; Sund ■ \ PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, INDESTKfCTIBLE. Cheaper than Wood. ••• "? ; ' Thcaiorv -U' V »". I' , " " Benin;.) can be .ju Iron or W t.i >• w? -ri-inifor pries gire Quantity, Number of I. • rm i Siugle, want«d. \Cc al«o Manufncturo 'lron Yv: Creatine' Stable Fitting'-, Fire and FIRK EsCAI'KH. Cellar Doors, an-t K»ilin<*. Bra.-* and Irou GrilN. WIKE DOOR AN D WINDOW SCEEKN9, and mki kind- of Wlßfc WORE. TAYLOR A SOI, 303 & 203 Market St., Vittsburgh, Pa. ■tUT-SCC'iCS!. VEV. 4>,„. ..I'll. rtw iu«y, n a«r ,sr « »»T T<-i (■•&£?}• i *Wr^*r cwe *~, n .F 1 sSflilitl ' ge?7-e. The f-!\owirp gi*e#'tb.- app< ivaiM aflta •• - ts about the part «f Rsbol*. It i»a P ! ■ronr aalarrr aa forarr>- We will a• •!. n • ,ili ~ ' i or others,wnoe'ih Av jiSpll I IvCVlw this | on advjr+iiing sot when in V.!;i find it on ! fl : it •:s.:^^LOßO&thoius.< □ HE OITIZEIST. MISCEL! AN ECUS- She Knew Him. It is related of a man whose wife was' compelled to leave hitii, cn the grounds of alleged cruelty, thit he became converted, during a recent revival in his neighbor- I hood, and, sorrowful and repentant, he called on the wronged wife to promise to do better, and asked forgiveness. She listened to his story.but felt that she could not look overpast ollense-. "But the Lord has for j given ine,*'urged the converted man. "and why can't you?" The woman shook her | head emphatically as she replied: "If the Lord knew one-hundredth part of your deviltry, and knew you as well as I do, He'd never forgive you in this world or the nest." —The doctor who cuts a man open after death and tells what is the matter with him has the advantage of the doctor who is compelled to guess what is the matter wfth the patient before death. —Doctors are to guard human life and bring relief to the sick. So docs Dr. Bull s Baby Syrup; it contains nothing injurious and is always reliable. All persons desiring a family medicine npon which they can rely, choose Laxador, which promptly relieves and cures diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Price only 25 cents. —Some children allow their parents a good deal of liberty. —He who gives life the best possible em ployment affords it the most possible en joyment. —Salt rheum and all skin diseases are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. —The pleasantest things in the world aro pleasant thoughts, aud the great art in life is to liayc as many of them a3 possi ble. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tire EDITOR:—T'LASO Inform yonr readers that I havo a positive remedy'for the aliove-named diseono. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be clad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. SX.OCUM, SI. C., 181 Pearl St, N. Y. —What making some excavations near the site of one of Rome's magnificent ruins recently an antiquarian found the shell of a goose egg filed with clay. The egg shell was in an excellent state of preservation, although it had lain there for perhaps two thousand years. In all probability it was one of the "lays of ancient Rome". FITS.—AII tits stopped free by Dr. Great Serve Restorer. No nts alter first day s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and s2.ou trial bottle tree to Fit cases. Send to I)r. Kline, 'J3I Arch St., Phtl'a, Pa. —Cablegrams from London inform us that "there is no prospect ol a compromise between the friends and opponents of the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill." This may be .--ad news, but what troubles us is how a deceased wife can have a sister Bill. If she can, why oughn't something be done for the deceased husband s brother Susan? —Elsie (in astonishment)— There's the moon in the daytime! Isn t that a joke on Godf Mamma —Why, Elsie, what do you mean? Elsie —Why. lie forgot to take it in last night. To Consumptives. The undersigned having bsen restored to health by simile lueihS, after sutlenng tor several vears with a severe lung afiection. and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to las tellow sutfer ers the means of cure. To those WHO desire it, he will cheerlnlly send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will Bnd a sure cure for Consumption Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies.. He hopes all suflertrs will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and inay P r °y® ® ing, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. —Vaqueros driving a band of cattle to Sierra City, last month, were overtaken by the great snow storm. They knew the locality of a haystack, however,which they reached by sinking a shaft 25 ieet in depth through the suow and by that means secured feed for their live stock. MEMORY Mind wandering rnred. Books learned in one reaninz. Tcstimr.mils from all P >rt9 °* the fflobo. Prospectus POST -\ l r g!STOPPED FRFE v J Ai\ Insane Persons Restored i -J ii eOgiDr.KLINSS QBEAT ./.'J-J -=• NERVE RESTORER I _"■>*» ~ R 1 URAIN ISC NERVB DISEASES On/y sure 4> ci cure for .%Vn » Atfecttp* rr. Fits Ffiietsy, ere. s* l ."* F ; i-i-iBLH if taken as directed. A'j bus after : v S f ' 'V f Treatise an l $1 tri.ll bottle free to I *'J ' ' s " ir • they paying express charges on box when . - s - n 'l namtr*:. 1». u. and express address • .t M\t- W Ar'li St..F?»iladelphla.Pa. OF lUrr.iTJXG FRAUDS. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL BRANCHES. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN ING, DYEING AND CAR PET CLEANING. I Goods collected and delivered j in all parts of the town. AIOREWS A SHUT7LEWDRTH, PROPRIETORS. Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment. full and overflowing with-our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out. we haven't room for hall our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade j from Brown Blanks at 10 cts! to (rilts at from 20 cts to Si ! per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. B. Douglass, Near l'ostolfiee, Butler Pa. j S'% ,» < -J- T SI. 0(10 Per Your and Expenses i ! ' MI v what v.e are i> i.v'.ny. \V« want ] Kh ! IS ' LTK- mure ami »!!i pay Salary and Ww' if s ur l.lbeial commission from tail. A linre 4>|.|><>RTUNlT> lor .inj LNI.I) wanting a position ns ijjcal. rravolinft or Gen eral A- IN lor a reliable Nursery that guaran tees lis sic K. Addriss, at once R. P. Luetchford & Co. >ui>er)mpn, lioclifatpr, >. Mention tills paper. ■ Mercantile Appraiser's lis! For Year of 1890. ALLEGHENY TWP. j Shell, J, David,Co, Sandy Point 14 7 7S | Thomas, J 11, Sandy Point 13 10 75 ADAMS TWP. Anderson, J A, , Marl 14 7 7"> f?:-.rr, J C, Valencia 14 7 75 II unt, liaryey B, Callery 14 7 75 Irvine, C B, Myoma 14 7 75 Marsiiail, T M. A Son, Mars 11 15 75 McCalla & Boyd Bros, " 10 20 75 McCombs, A M, Myoma 14 7 75 Murray, PH, 2 pool tables, Cal \ lery 41 00 ' Smith, J J. Myoma 14 7 75 | Shannon, JF, Callery 13 10 75 ' Sterrett, SO, M D, Valencia 14 7 75 Wilson. I) B, Mare 13 10 75 lIKAOY TWP. Miss E G Clatton, West Liberty 14 7 75 Hunt & Thompson. Elora 14 7 75 j Robinson, WW, West Liberty 14 775 BUFFALO TWP. I Falkner, LH. Sarversville 14 J75 j Penn'a Dist. Co, Freeport 153 0€ ! Saryer, H K, Ekastown 14 7 75 Sarver, M C, Sarversyille 14 7 75 j Watson A Powell " 12 13 25 | Warren, M J " 14 7 <5 i Wilkewitz.Gotlieb" 14 7 . o CLAY TWP. ! Arthurs, J, Band Co, Euclid 14 7 7. j Lacner, George " 14 77c i Painter A Sutton " 14 7 7. CHERRY TWP. Bailey, J A, Bovard 14 7 7t Bryson, JX, Oal tawn 14 77c Elliott, H W " 13 10 7c | Fogle, Valentine " 14 •7c ! Fogle, Augustns " 13 10 7. i McCoy, HC, A Son, Anandale 14 7 11 \ Sproull & Hindman, Gomersol 12 13 2c Stoops, JE, A Bro, Moniteau 14 77c CENTRE TWP. Coulter, Joseph, McCandless 14 • 7 Fleeter, A F, Fleeger 14 7 7c CLINTON TWP. Anderson, RJ, Flick 13 10 ell, Magic 13 10 7c CI.EARFIF.LD TWP. | Mcßride, MJ, Coylesville 13 10 7a j Fennell, P " 14 775 CRANBERRY TWP. Boggs, Justin, Ogle 14 7 Garvin, William '* 14 7 75 Hendrickson, A G " 14 775 CONNOyIENESSING TWP. Christy, J L, M D, Connoq'g 14 7 75 Duii'ord, VV S, 3 pool tables 51 CO Graham, Joseph, Wbitestown 13 10 75 Nieklas, Conrad, Connoq'g 14 7 75 Purviance, JTA WA, Conuoq 11 15 75 Wright Bros, Whitestown 14 7 75 DONEGAL TWP. Cate, H C, Greer 14 7 75 Durham, W M, St Joe 13 10 75 Kisener, Solomon, " 14 7 75 FAIRVIEW TWP. Hutchison, M B, Peachyille 14 7 75 JEFFERSON TWP. Hartenstein, L, Great Belt 14 7 75 Mcßride, M J, ool tables (II 00 I Millerj GW & Bro 9 25 76! Marticcourt, S B «fc Co If) 20 75 ( Melvin. C 14 7 75 , Michling, l.ewis 14 7 75 j Mangold, P R 14 7 75 j Marshall, ST 14 7 75 I Miller Bros A- Co 13 10 7.5 Nicholls, It S A Co 10 20 75 Niekle, W M 14 7 75 Niggle, J A Bro 13 10 75 rtil Well Supply Co « 30 75 o?>l>orne, W A 14 7 75 Purvis, SGA Co 3 30 75 Patterson. John X 10 20 75 Phillips, O M 13 10 75 Pape, D T 14 7 75 Riehey, J A 14 7 75 Reiber, Jac A Bros liquor store 203 (X) Reihine, W H, hotel 153 00 Root, A W, Opera Home 50 75 Redick, John C, 12 13.20 Reiber, Geo A Sons 11 15 75 Reil>er, AA II 10 20 75 Heiber, All M 10 20 75 Rosenberg, I 13 10 75 Knool tables 01 00 Turner, I) T 13 10 75 Trailer, LA J 10 20 75 Troutmao, A A Son 7 40 75 Wuller, J L 14 7 75 Wuller, D il 13 10 75 Williams, Alex 14 7 75 Wick, L C 10 20 75 Walker, John L 14 7 "5 White, R A 14 7 75 CKNTREYILLK BORO. Bard Bros 12 13 25 Bingham A Sons 14 ' 75 Clntton Bros 13 10 75 Glutton Bros, Xo. 2 14 7 7.) Christie A Campbell .11 15 75 Grine, W II 14 7 75 Ramsey, W T 14 7 75 Sowush, S J 14 7 7o Über & Bestler 14 7 75 EVANS CITY BORO. Buhl. F C 14 7 75 Burchard, II C 14 7 75 Boggs A Kline 12 13 25 Barto. David 14 I 75 Barker, Enos 14 ll® Donaldson. T A 14 7 75 Danibaeh, JA E 12 13 25 Dombart A Dunbar, 2 pool tables 41 00 Eieholtz, II F 11 15 75 Forquhar. George, hotel 153 00 Hudson. R 14 7 75 Ifft, Geo A Sons 11 15 '5 Hiller, J X, hotel 153 00 Peffor, Fred 14 7 75 Shoup Bros - 13 10 75 Smathers. A J 14 7 75 Robinson. W A 14 7 75 Weber, Jacob, 2 pool tables 41 00 Wahl. Bishop ACo 10 20 75 Young, Henry 13 10 <5 FAIRVIEW BOROUGH. Haun A Black 10 20 75 Scott, C 13 10 75 HARMONY BOROUGH. Blackmorc. C S 14 7 75 Beutle, II M, ACo _ 13 10 75 Beam, Samuel, hotel " 153 00 Foehringer. Augustus 14 7 75 Swain, G D * 11 15 75 Stiver, Benj 14 7 75 Stahl, George, liquor merchant 203 00 I.atehaw A Stamm 11 15 75 HARRISVILLK BOROUGH. Black, H C . 13 10 75 It catty, E S 14 7 75 Brown, R L 14 7 75 Black, Robert 14 7 75 ilingham. S I? 13 10 75 Curry, J E 14 7 75 Cubbison. J X 13 10 75 Elriek, J M 14 7 75 Galbraitb, F A 14 7 75 Morrison, W li 14 7 75 KAUNS CITY BOROUGH. Birchard. 11 C 14 7 75 Duprey,Mrs Jennie, 2 pool tables 41 00 Earhart. Joseph 14 7 75 McCashn, John, 3 pool tables 51 00 McGaffie, W II 11 15 75 Worse, John 14 7 75 Mil' Ka.STutt s BOROUGH. Amy, C P, 3 pool tables 51 00 Bell, Perry A. & Co 14 7 75 Bowen, .1 B 14 7 75 Bowen. W W 14 7 75 Butler, F E 14 J75 Dolan. John, hotel 153 00 Frederick A Co 13 10 75 Frazier, .1 T 14 7 75 Fraukle, S 13 10 75 Glass, George 14 7 75 Uoch Bros, hotel 153 00 Hays Bros 13 10 75 Uoch Bros 12 13 25 Johnson, C II 14 7 75 Jenkins, EM 14 7 75 Lotzinger, II C 13 10 75 MeKee, JL 14 7 75 Pierce, C P 13 10 75 Seibert, lloeh A Co 14 7 75 Scharbach, C 14 7 75 Schioerger, F 13 10 75 Tadder, G P. 4 pool tables (il 00 Wosterinan, R F 12 13 25 Wester man Bros 8 30 75 PORTKRSVILI.E BOROUGH. Humphrey, Wni, A Son 10 20 75 Marshall. AS 14 7 75 McDonald. G B 14 7 75 O, Keson. S T 14 7 75 Ramsey Bros 14 7 75 PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowors, A 14 7 75 Critchlow Bros * 13 10 75 Edinundson, C M. A Son 14 7 75 Forrester, S S 14 7 75 Milleinati, F D 14 7 75 Mo Lure, J II 14 7 75 Riddle. W, A Co 13 10 75 Wright Bros A- Co 13 10 75 PETRoLIA BORO. Burns, John 14 7 75 Buird, JO 14 7 75 Burnett, C M. hotel 153 00 Campbell, C 14 7 75 Chattam, Samuel 14 7 75 Cheseboro, E P 14 7 75 Dcnhohn, T 14 7 75 Foster, Mrs. 11 E 14 7 75 Gibson, Win 13 10 75 Hawk, J M 14 7 75 Jellison, W H, hotel 153 00 Kilehcnstcin. Annie 14 7 75 Klingensmith, HA 14 7 75 Kilroy, J B 13 10 75 Starr, ML 14 7 75 'Poronski Bros II 15 75 Yeager, S 14 7 75 BUKBURY BORO. Breaden A Conway 11 15 75 I'.reailon A Allison 14 7 75 Mechling A Murtland 14 7 75 Pryor, James 14 7 75 Rhodes, S L 14 7 75 SAXOXBURG BORO. Helmold, Theodore 11 15 75 '• 11 15 75 T Krause 13 10 75 T lCrause A Co 14 7 75 Mershon, E B. MI) 14 7 75 Maut'hoff, G W 13 10 75 Laubc, Francis, Jr. hotel 153 00 Snsh. Bauinan A Co 14 7 75 Seiplc, Herman A 14 7 75 Wetzel, Charles, hotel 153 00 ZKUKNOPLE BORO. Allen A Dumhaugh 12 13 25 ISastian, I) G 14 7 75 Dindiuger, John 11 15 75 Goehring, W A 11 15 75 (ielbach, Zehncr A Co 11 15 75 Householder, II 14 7 75 Ifft, W H 12 13 25 Passavant. C S 14 7 75 Reed, C E 14 7 75 Stahl, George, liquor merchant 203 00 Stokey, hotel 153 00 Stoke}-, H W, hotel 153 00 Winter, A 14 7 75 Zehncr, E 14 7 75 Mercantile tax $3 IS2 00 Billiard and pool tables 050 (X) Hotel license 3 275 00 Opera house 50 00 Total $7,157 00 Take Xotice: —All who are concerned ill this appraisement, that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' office, in Butler. srr!pti»f iiuok. riulaatlioa U< prtofk Mailed (tealod < t r+o, ERIC MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. r. »« 7 * ON 8 ALA BT i \ M X il or 3(11.11 COMMISSION \;i that is required is good m ut? A ler and wiiUiicneS' to II a3l I I II ••"rl; Write it unce to Ellnaa- SB ft Jl I J II !:-.-!iester, N. Y.,nßllllU tft. iii'p • Nurseries. Fst iUuhel IS4O. Annual Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures cf Butler County for Year 1889. Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors—County Tax. I>hl y | a =h ! 2 I §I re * year DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR. !?'£■: 1885 Harmony horo F Z Shaffer '5 Oo 375 21 64 1886 Brady twp John Staff. 81 Butler boro G W Zeigler 77 87 63 Butler twp M Dnfford 25 0" 132 38 03 1887 Brady -I W Moore 123 00j 312 6 -17 60 01 Cherry O P Campbell 30 49 24 50 Cla 1 * Jeff Stoner 287 Oi' 27 11' 26 95 Clearfield F <" Mcßride I*l 3i 9 54, Centre W Panlhamus 183 2" 8 S4 18 59 Donegal John Ritzart 1" 20! 10 Franklin J B Stevenson 36 7" 88 194 Meroer A Ciirrie 133 b'A 7 03 Parker J M Shira 10 00 53 Summit Jacob Reott 47 21 2 4'.' Butler horo C. W Zeigler 109 lv 112 96 546 Millerstown " E Hough 3 o.v Petrolia " M I>aly 35 Oo; 138 10 86 ISBB Adams twp. C B Irvin 525 Oo; 33 t)i> 27 t>o 11 16 Allegheny J J Jolly 5*3 O.'v 75 o.i 30 16 Buffalo M Kelly 108 48j 603 571 i Butler . ... Jas Criswell. . 28 68 27 14 1 511 Brady T J Badger 495 00 126 05 270 37 ' Connoquenessing Win Fletcher 100 0* 526 124 18 Concord G W Moser 60D 33 60 20 32 07 Cherry Jos Kenenhan 501 47 63 13 ! 27 S6 i Hav ' I M Thomson 446 28 23 25 ;23 49 279 20 Clearfield T P Mcßride 125 00 658 107 88 Ceutre 0 Johustcn 200 00 31 59 10 53 160 37 i Donegal- John Ritzart 60 00 316 12 24 Franklin J B Stevenson 300 (HJ 893 15 7'.' 64 46 , Fairview J J Campbell 421 42 44 81 22 18 Forward A Dutnbaugh 96 21 515 506 Jackson M Lindsey '4 091 27 44 390 Lancaster I Germpr 44 ' Middlesex Harvey Cooper 13 11 1 05 69 Muddycreek .1 S Myers 1-4 (W| 053 20t» 61 Mercer A Cuirie 262 76| : 13 83 219 91 1 Marian X Mortland 28 85 7 0 1 52 Oakland'...." ' M Robb 50 (Ni 44 9o 263 74 74 i Parker ' M Shira 233 82 13 6"> 11 75 i p e nn Lli Dodds 80 00 421 25 0." i Siippervrock Josiah Adams 455 *6 29 0-s 23 99 ' Summit faeob Reott 713 S7 47 49 37 57 > Venango Jos Eakin 435 00 92 22 22 #9 143 W i Washington Herman Seaton 296 00 99 58 15 58 199 4- i Worth G R Taylor 95 6c Butler boro R C McAboy 499 70 43 41 26 38 , Centreville " W Henry \Vilsou 14 So 6 08, 78 Evans City " David Barto 22 31 1 IT, Fairview " S Ekis ........ 24 45 1 29 Harmony <4 AII \\ ilsou 139 7 / 23 39 736 Harrisville " J Pew 25 44 3 94, 1 34 Karns City " M J King 70 OC 930 368 31 2; Millerstowu " C F Aldinger i 4 6i Petrolia " M Daly 60 00 J3 16 22 0: Prospect " Renbeu Shaner 197 So 11 65 10 41 Portersville " I H Kin.-ey 130 57 3G6 6 87' Snnbury " ........... W H Tiuker 65 8o 3 46 Saxonburg " I Sachs 41 44 2 IS Zelienople •• A Phillips 308 91 19 96 16 24 Total $lO 290 02 1 185 76 624 87 2 183 2! Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors—State Tax. ►< > K *3 W 38 37 103 Ot Franklin A D Weitz-I 630 int 28 46 16 07 775 05 Fairview ] M McC.'lbugta 1375 Oo 46 99 44 17 97 4: Foru ird C Cowan ilOvi tK> 59 Jefferson ( E MonUg 1280 Oil 68 74 26 12 351 5t Jackson Jchnßauie 1246 7o (J1 58 24 45 305 Si Lancaster J Rice 1112 Oo 42 96 32 74 143 23 "Middlesex John Brown 1716 (Ml 40 60 65 96 51 8/ Muddycreek Geo Magee 1100 00 59 OS 19 72 22 45 55 6( Mercer A Currie 300 00 16 38 9 2f> 452 5S Marion Jas Bailey 1000 Oo 53 70 20 40 202 4t Oakland J M Robb SOO 00 42 96 J6 33 518 96 Parker W A KelJy 900 00 32 22 28 00 492 03 Penn Jas Rankin 1111 84 26 86 43 45 463 4S Slipperyrocfe N'evtnan Christie 1154 00 45 86 33 22' 550 52 Summit H "lisldauf 1154 00 33 S3 40 44 231 2fl *Winfield Wm Denny 950 Oo 51 02 19 39 301 14 Washington Herman Seaton 1187 06 42 27 37 11 310 /I Worth W(J McClymonds j 1190 00 4o 64 35 13 338 19 Venango M F Higgins 570 00 16 11 16 88 24 33 577 66 Butler horo RC McAboy 4805 00 258 06 98 06 3484 51 Centreville " J P McQuiston 314 69 17 06 485 973 Evans City " H McClelland 234 (Hi 9 98 832 99 17 •Fairview " A C (iibson 117 00 6 35 3 62 75 72 Harmony " AII Wilson 404 66 10 90 22 70 16 94 Harrisville " J S Pew 182 54 9 90; 496 565 102 42 Karns City " O W Boweii 145 42 Millerstown " E M Jenkins 186 42 10 12 577 202 9li Petroiia " M Daley .... 181 27 Prospect " J W Shaffer.... 181 00 624 C4l 703 78 02 Portersyille " J H Kiusey 80 0O 434 247 124 06 Suubury " Jaiues Pryor 101 33 550 213 90 05 *Saxoiiburjj " F Bauinan 400 00 21 70 ' 12 37 647 Zelienople " Jacob Kaullman 516 70 28 04 798 15 98 total $42415 75,1720 81 132 25 1229 28 10033 ~l ' Marked thus paid off since .settlement. State Tax Collected and Due from Collectors for 1889. 3 ft V & ' ® - | || o i ■" DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR. : . §• T Adams IJ McCamiless $ 111 Oi' 5 9*> $2 27 38 29 Allegheny J J .Jolly J 44 33 Buffalo M Kelly 46 00 96 697 1 91 838 Butler Jos Criswell 77 87 Bradv Thos Badger 57 00 306 116 35 77 Clinton Isaiah McC.ll 51 58 118 201 ConnoquenesMog C K Shannon 66 00 247 199 538 Concord G W Moser 20 83 1 12 43 Cberrv I. L Stevenson 42 88 1 34 1 45 Cranberry Fred Hoelin 72 28 268 75 219 Clay laphia McMichael 45 00 242 92 17 59 Clearfield J B McDevitt 75 (X) 134 314 13 30 Centre D Q Miller 67 26 46 Donegal John Ritzart 200 00 10 74 408 21 12 Franklin A D Weitzel 27 00 145 55 55 50 Fairview J M McCollough 135 <9 134 30 666 Forward C Cowau 200 00 10 74 408 194 23 Jefferson J A Montag 150 00 8 06. 306 10 36 Jackson John Barne 93 82 504 191 Lancaster J Rice 100 00 537 204 20 78 •Middlesex lohn 8r0wn.... 72 00 386 147 31 46 Muddycreek George Magee 40 48 Mercer A Currie 20 00 1 06 41 Marion lames Bailey 40 00 2 15 S2 4 23 Oaklauk J M Robb 100 00 537 204 Parker \\ A Ke11y...... ...••••«•••• 16 00 So 33 64 2o Penn Jas Ratikiu 278 16 913 916 Slippervrock Neyman Christley 65 00 349 133 38 89 Summit .................. ........ H Baldaull /0 01 3 /6* 1 43 Winfield W Denny 162 55 2 68 6 94 Washington Herman featon 120 Co 644 245 267 Worth W G McClymonds 75 00 2 6.s 234 20 51 Venango M F Higgins 25 00 134 51 304 Butler boro R C McAboy 850 00 45 6,> 17 34 121 53 Centreville J P McQuistton.•••*«•...•> 19 53 1 (K> 320 t>4 Evans City tl McClelland.. •Fairview A C Gibson.. 5o 00 304 173 19 02 Harmony All \\ ilsou 40 36 1 36 390 1 sft Harrisville J S Pew 280 03 15 19 866 KarusCity O W Brown 13 88 Millerstown E M Jtnkins 220 11 11 94 681 129 64 Petrolia M Daley 41 81 Prospect 1 W Shttller 45 95 189 IGI Portersville J H Kinsey 19 84 1 OS t>s Sunbury Jas Pryor 1* 00 98 56 11 80 •Saxonburg F Bauman 86 t)o 467 266 68 78 ZeLecople 'acob 142 17 669 1"0 480 total $4364 99 $204 25 sl7 29 117 69 1205 78 * Marked thus paid off since settlement. Unseated Land Account. I J2j p , B"SS3 | | Kl~ I J- ..r ! DISTRICTS. | : | i % s { | § ?' | 5 j Allegheny 4ft 52 44 £' n <-t 4.-. l. i. 7 • ■> io t., 40 2t> Butler S 72 2 72 " 1: 47 1; 4T Brady 7 ft- : if BuUef tH.ro .v» 14 12 IT> 14 42 1 •* Iri 4~i Clinton 19 '» Cherry 12 4.' !. 1 , Centre 31 73 51 2 ■ 1.- In «i y» :> 2 ! u4. _•> t _. , 4- 4 flay _ _ T4 - - - 74. Cunnoijuenestng 3 .r. 73 t. .< 7 Clearfield I s 1-4- Concord 131 3* 7 30j 1•;3IKS »; S X » IW> rj i '■! 1 Donegal I<3 4 fli 234 HI 234 4 a 14u . . 470 o 34 ~; Forward Ml 2 14 12 " s ; Falrvlew SI. 3 »■> " ■< .» _ •> J .. - ... Marlon 1 tl :?T 8 tie .i« li' 1. t '•*' -4 : < ;,t 70 •_.[ ; ■ takUud 31 20 ..."> fi- 472 29 I 703 _■? it to t_> 1.1 j-, 1J l'arker 13 20 S7 77. 29 O' >7 77. T> 4» 12 1- «HI IS '.' 2 9 1-0 16 32 9«. Summit i 7X <3'j 30 1- 1 1:. i ,5, lvnn I an 1 201 Sllpiiervroen 1 uft W 1 '' 1 no Venango 13 •» * »>' 77 *4 2 77 ."■» . 75 321 .Ci 7s 3SI Worth 140 0 2ft l IHI 6 2". 1 **' ti> r<>; Wlnfleld 7 4 7 4.'» 2- 70 2S 70 Jeflerson 70 47 41 •„> 15 43' S>- i 5 ; Harrtsvllleboro.... 3 15 3 1' I 2J 1 21 Mlllerstown i» h; 1- *< 11 -1 14 >1 «cs «n- K.ilrvenv 770 13 14 20 90 13 It •.*» !« M ■«• M ... 1 Ml 23 1 "«i Prospect 1 7ft I I'etrolia 1 4 Co 4 >1 i Saxonhurg 2 40 1 2 01 Total 187 l>4 381 C 2 197 tiJ 211 M 4u7 511 Ml ii 274 «l 112 Is 120 197 ti7 42 27 11.1 I>. 7> 1 Assessment and Levy tor 1890, I State and County Tax. T 7 f~ « s DISTRICTS. i f i =_ ■ i A'ian;s twp $ 157 82 ;■ 1 844 50 Allegheny 44 33 1 '-<4 02 Butler 87 1 449 8.5 BuHalo '"t 12 1 855 62 Brady i_'t> 9" 1 Clinton r >4 77 1 74 16 Connoquenessing 75 74 1 417 2'! Cranberry 77 !«0 1 611 74 Concord 22 38 1 440 66 Donegal 235 94 1 410 21 ; Forward 409 05 1 6S'> 17 | Fairview 144 09 1 573 59 Fankliit 84 50 1 41!' 59 Jefferson 171 48 1 726 41 , .1 ackson 100 17 1 oro, Ist 162 85 1 601 99 " " 2d w 8!> S3 2 152 22 " " 3d w 325 92 2 080 82 * •• " 4th w 306 38 1 348 90 " " sth w 150 20 1 461 81 Centreville boro 21 23 346 33 Evans City " 78 39 341 47 Fairview " 79 7!' 202 69 Harmonv " 47 20 455 22 Harrisville " 303 B,< 305 49 Karcs City '■ 1? 88 145 42 Millerstown " 368 50 405 28 Prospect " 48 55 278 70 Petrolia " 41 81 191 27 Porter.sville " 21 57 210 87 Saxonburg " 162 11 440 41 Hunbury " 31 34 200 01 Zelienople " 155 16 560 72 Total 5 Urlilce Account .1 H Morrow, repairing. Moon bridge is 5S Joseph Brit tain, repairing Henry bridge CO 31 David Jtckson. repairing Kelly bridge s <»> John Gallagher, repairing Allen bridge l Oo Adam Dunibaugb. Inspecting Snyder bridge 4 00 David Kelly, repairing Snyder bridge .. 04 ."»i John Sproul. repairing Anandale bridge 3 oo George 11 Graham, repairing Lyman Croup bridge 3 '» Harvey Thompson, cleaning Springdale bridge 2 CO A J Evans, repairing Buhl bridge l 00 J B smith, repairing Croll bridge 50 Jacob Musser. repairing Flinner bridge r> 00 Charles Mangel, repairing Rough ltim bridge IS »J F Weigle, cleaning Harmony bridge 2 oo Joseph Brown, repairing CI arks bridge. 2 mi Addison Klllott, repairing Jack bridge.. 2 oo Shaffer and seybert, inspecting Rough Run bridge 4 Clias Mangel.cost betore Justice Walker 12 :>i Martin Marburger. repairing Winters and Breakneck bridge 30 oo M Fleming, stonework, Kuffner bridge 2i.i V > M Fleming, woodwork, Ruffiier bridge.. Oo oo Greer McCandless, timber lor Franklin Koad bridge 2 30 Kins Bridge Co, contract.Franklin Road bridge 57 04 Charles Fleming, work, Franklin Road bridge - 00 I,ewis Bolton, tilling. Frankltu lioad bridge 50 oo W G Glllilanu. mason work, Franklin Road bridge 0;» 20 Samuel Allen, cleaning. Allen briuge ... 1 oo Michael Fleming, ailing, Rulluer bridge 12 oo Isaac Meals, repairing Hoover bridge — oo J K Mcutag. repairing Jelienson bridge. 20 <-s 1* J Kelly, repairing \ enungo l'p bridge is John ntaff, repairing Kvans Cit.i bridge 40 2~< King Bridge CD,contract, Franklin Road bridge Oei 30 John Gorden, repairing Boydstown bridge 18 75 Barron and Taylor, repairing Clark til ldge 1 ■ A Wilcox, repairing Cranberry bridge... is o:i 1 N Duncan repairing Maginnis bridge. l ">'J A J Kvans. repairing Bum bridge r.> Daniel Clrarat. repairing Kuffuer bridge I> oj 1) II sutton. repairing itlude Mill bridge lo 00 Samuel Caldwell, repairing Thorn Creek biidge 5 no J C Kelly, tilling. Sar\eisville bridge lo.» o> .1 1" Badger, mason worn. Filmier bridge lso 14 M Fleming, stone work.McMillan nrldge lu uo Jll shanor. wood work. Flinner bridge. :>o oo F C Kelly, bulaiiceoh contract. Sarvers \ llle bridge 3S H'J Lewis llays, repairing Adams bridge lo oo R S Henry, repairing Wick bridge 25 oo It i. Adams a: Bro. repairing Croll bridge lo oo W W israckenridge .v Sou. contract, Moore bridge 371 o7 John Richardson, plank, Wick bridge... 5 so J C Belghley, repairing Hays bridge 82 00 W R Moore, repairing Moore bridge 03 oo John Craver, repairing Thorn Creek bridge 2 00 M C Sedgwick, repairing Dudley Fur nace bridge 131 92 M C Sedgwick repairing Harper Mill bridge 47 00 L'lrlc Winter, repairing Winter bridge.. jo sy 1. si Larimer,repairing Boydstown bridge 13 00 Homer Duncan, repairing Richardson bridge 2 00 W W llrackenrldge a; iron, abutments, Moore bridge 120 X 30 Briltaiu a: Starr, plank, McCandless bridge 81 40 Alex Bsewster, repairing Richardson bridge 14 23 Fred I'habe. repairing Gold Cltv bridge 7 00 W G lilllelaiul. abutments, Franklin Road bridge A 100 :'2 John crltchiow, re|iairs, McCandless bridge 15 00 J. P. Badger, stone work. Filmier bridge 149 35 Taylor & Barron, planking Glenn bridge M 10 Win. Hutchison, repairs, Greece City bridge 1 (X) l'hilip Flinner, wood work. Flinner bridge 70 00 A. C. llutchtsou.cleaning Sprugdaio bridge 2 00 John Gordon, repairs, Robb bridge . 1 50 James Hutchison, cleaning Spring dale bridge 8 to Win.Mabold.repairs. Aliaudalc bridge s 00 I*. Brunei £ Co..repairs.Brady bridge. 112 00 Reuben Shaner, bridge view. Brady bridge 3 44 Harvey Cooper, re pairs. Harks biidge. 7:» 00 Harvey Cooper, tilling Parks bridge. 10 10 Thomas Martin, abutments. I'aiKs bridge 76 22 M. Fleming. Iron. Rutlner biidge 1 50 Peter Morrison,repairs Brady bridge. 2 50 Total S 3.100 2-. Printing Account. Ziegler .* McKee 94040.1 W. C. Negley 4;i.i 22 Robinson a. Car»on 3s'j xO Charles K. Herr 2000s Total f 1.494 41 Jail Arcount. S. G. Purvis & Co.. shingles sll 25 I'raxler & Flnklepearl, clothing, tor prisoners 1 05 Mrs. Swain, washing, lor prisoners.. 4'.' 21 A. J. Hutchinson, clothing, tor pris oners 0 20 Burtuer a: Hull.hardware, and plumb lug II 35 Sydney SltonU, plastering 5 to I. T. Kelly, clothing, lor prisoners ... 43 G6 Li. W. Zicgler. repairing locks. &c :> 01 ieo. 11. Walter, repairing locks 1 00 ieorge Ketterer, furniture 10 eo lolin Blckel. shoes j 7.5 I'raxler a; Finkelpearl, clothing 1 .11 fell Burtuer, plumbing j Miller Bros., matresses U 75 Vletzger & Volkweln, shoes 00 ieorge Ketterer. matresses i« :.n James Hutchinson, cleaning under Jail 2 25 l). J. Turner, goods 4 10 lackson .V Mitchell, hardware 20 ichutte & O'Brien, plumbing 1 harles Duffy, 12 pairs blankets 2". »0 'r. S. Graham, medical attendance. 10i :*> ). c. Redlc. Shcnil.lst quarter board ing prisoners 498 93 J. C. Redic, Sheriff, 2d quarter tward iug prisoners . 4,"<0 77 J. C. Redlc, Sheriff. 3d ijuarter board lngprlsoneis .'■o4 70 J. C. Redlc. Sherlli. Ith ipiarter board lng prisoners • 57 "» 3« Total * 2.359 93 County Account. 1 G Williams. Notary Public * 5 «0 Enos McDonald. stationery and postage 11 1 harles McPheriu. District Attorney .. 7 00 Enos McDonald, cost lu Croup ciiae II on lennle McElvain. work on duplicates :r. >«i i'rank Koliler. Notary Public 1 mi ] W Brown, cost In Riddle et. al. case 75 h", IV II ltcihlug boarding Jurors 3-t so Übert Dunbar apprehension horse i lilef I*o 00 S I Marshall, work on duplicates . ... t«. Adams Kxpri ssC«>.. express i s. I l'hos Moore. damages of torse. 4 ,0) Mrs Sink, board tug Jurors 11 v» I Itotnan I taker, work on duplicates K C McAUi.v . i Marshall Bros.. Pro. «;r«efr's costs ... it.. B Solbach. hook binding.. Newton Bi ick. Es.|„ ati y> tees ..... f. ••> I t>o U 1 hristy. delivering elci-tlou » papers *.v ' ! f'cter Kramer Interpreter in Adams I 4 t*i! I a C;. pher, Iloys axe ~ | . ; sr Arbuckle. apprehension ot horv i thief -1.00 •I W Gibson.delivering Assessors book :o fotal J J.SO l. Tip Staves Account. Taut Ferrero ow 00 I'M Ward ....H"/ is,", m r II Monle I A J McCandless .... Is,; 00 i Hlfly I » . ■ 17.; ie. fotal $ U32 CO Court House Account s <; Purvis .v Co.. lumber •. $ -*i 07 Electric Light < 0.. bril 517 25 Jackson & Mitchell, bill ill!!. - 25) II A AJTCS, Register KecurUer, re pairing office u co Berg ana Cypher, oil cloth 1 7,. It seibacli. book binding 4 ,-«> l.lmberg Bros.. mops, brooms, ic j» Mrs Mec'lallerty, cleaning Commission ers o.'llce 2 00 Hitler & Kalston. dry goods r.3 Flack «. Porter plumbing 2 M Wm li En&mlnger. patx-rlng. &c 10 111 ScUutte jt O'Brien, plumbing 12 ws i A J Hutchinson, cleaning jard 1 00 ; John Kopp. repairing tile.... » ;,i \v s Montgomery. repairing blinds.... 2 7.5 Cleland & ltalston. winding clock, re pairs. xc 1^33 \\ t ( nil. awning lor windows s no N J shatter. repairing mrtilture :t , 7 >o ' ■ \\ Ziegler, repairing locks 1 4-, Jefl Iturtner, gas Ottin -s, &c jjo 00 Burtncr Jt Huff, steam heating tlttiugs. 335 BTi Mrs Dermorty. cleaning office I 2.-. j I J McCandless. Hanging cellar 31 jo W II uoehrlng, brush. ■> 4 rr, n roof '2'j oa Ellas Beck, wood 110 50 John Sumney, wood «.7 2.". J N Mtmu, coal !... !! ;IJ J anus Hutchinson, uitendlni masons. 2'. C W.se, repairing boiler and wall 7 i«I Ashbaugli. Manufacturing Co.. repairs on boiler 3 50 F 11 Boh-, repairs on boiler house :t 00 II 1. Bed;, wood 2 to Total $ 773 87 t'ounty Auditor's Account. J I. Hlndman t 113 2* JSP Dewolfe 121 as H A Klnzer lis 23 Total f C4S 24 Jury Commit loners Account Krcd llcnnlnger $ ■!> 42 Z Mc.Mtchael. U to C lteiley 136 04 \V F Campbell 110 12 Total ". 3 sua !is Commonwealth Account. To warrauts redeemed Fraudulent ttirrula Not Taken luto Settle ment With Treasurer Warrant No. 358, Drawn to Janfts $ 5 27 1,180, " John Shaffer 4 27 _',suO, " Johu McKlroy 4 lit 2,bod, " James Shelton... 4 t>2 2,098, " John Ilamel 4 SI 2,700, " (' Ziber 468 2.721, " W Reed 3 60 2,704, James Mc.Cabe tj 00 2,761, " James iShaler 1 27 2,834, James Ones J 27 2,914, " Joseph Thompson 384 3,109, " A Sujiler 302 3,31fi, " Black 4 77 Total §OB 31 Above var ants rel'unded by John C Kelly Account nlth bin un.nt and Warren Hospital* ..Itii Towushlpa. elc. IHSTIIICrS ~ 0 t S £ ? Venur.go i 075 Cherry ... 80 47 liutler 82 V 7 198 o>' Lancaster 97 75 Winti. ld 97 75 Donegal 120 oti 70 B.'i I'enn 80 76; Mill: rstown Boro 177 12 Jackson 97 75 Jellelion 807 4 1 2 00 lla:m..ny Bcro 230 Ott 17 50 Parker 120 75 Karns City Boro , Mi 10 Adams 107 08 22 75 Fairvievr 1 25 Mercer 154 75 28 70 Worth 85 47 Clinton 64 10 Counu'n, $44.10 OHI'HWC.I. I'airview,i74l,36 outlawed Totai i-788 52 $1837 11 $ 082 01 \mount liecelred by Treasurt^r. From commissioners $ 1114 ft? From license 44."> 3t From jury lees From Ones Tt; w Prom I)og Tax 215') Total t 1835 11 llrblire View Account. Ziegler & McKee f 2on ■I A Donaghy. Glade Kan bridge 2 02 I'FL McQuistion. Adams Tp bridge 12 I'. .1 K Davis, (.lenn bridge 0 no \\ s v. aldron 2 7:' i: W Douthett 3 44 F llenulnger 2 :»'• J A Heydrlck 10 •»: (' F 1. McQulstton 8 48 Total *■"»! 48 liridse Inspector*' Account. I" Ib'nnlnger, Snvder bridge i 500 I) M Ward, snvder t.rldjo 4 00 Shaffer, >. ibcrt ai-.d Keily,Franklin ro id bridge 13 55 shattner. Sarvcr bridge 4 »2 Fr.inclslai I til. Sarve ' bridge. 3 24 .1 X d.W-. x.trvcr brldgi' 3 24 Scibert, (OUeland an 1 Humphrey, Sar ver bridge.. * MS® Simeon Nixon.Fllnnet bridge !> oe Total ...iw ft". Court t'rjcr's Aeeocat. Hob.-Vt (iillcland »3.!n 00 4'lerk of Court's Account. Ueuben McElvaln tli.T '..1 Coiuaiissloners* Counsel Account. Newton Black, Esii S2OO 00 Constables' rettirn account s! Keglstry account $- ,4s 00 Militia account.. '2"*' ,s Election account 13531 .1 Cos account 00 Ih(|uest account District Attorney Account. C A McPherrln 00 Account. K I Brugll $852 M COCNTY DrrKCTIVI ACCOUNT. I) L Dunbar « BtIJiDJ REDEEMED. Amount (23000 a Interest on bonds. $1433 K Pennsylvania lieform School. A p Keating $834 !H I load damage account $152 Ot Koad view account $172 It Soldiers' burial a>■.•"tint $l2O 0< Kcl'uudiug account S3O Ot tatirmcrY, imsta™.? aq>| office ilurk Scalp a< <-uunt Wilier account t „, Work house an >ont |1 j | ' o«rt .1 u>litor. il E Coulter U| w , ktrummi. Itatler Court! Afririiltur.il iinrhtln. JS C«ID|>I«1I 'f'jOo IM» We»U-iu t'raitr-utlarjr .trntuxt. FS Wii»ht . !.!•«; 10 rrntltußOlarj » irriwkt John W Brown : 112 .■> Sl\woni !to»|*ltal Acroai.t. H A Hutchinson ?1,g«3 S2 Virtm H«pir»l Aer.mßt I>r John Curwiu. >l t fl''il "•* s. hool ln«titnt» tribal W G Kiwelt... S2OO o<> Strnacr*|iherA finn*. A I) Moruc (t > F E Pelton f I ,i."IO Total Stat,. UorkMine Armani. Jennie McKivain <;;>s or, Janitor's ArtObnt. Alexander llui.liiufou i7IK". mi A.-scsiing are .um » •{•_•,; 5,j. Jury account f s •, •; -,| C««himUMoaers' Aee*>«at. A.l llulili nson 11 daj», r- ;Vi |ier • lav $ 7.V.- SO It M I>unc.ln, 1 ; day*, : J p«-r . •lay $ T.S2 Ml Joint C Kelly, '>"• days, - |*-r day 767 .*0 T-.titl $2.-122 :A> CmainloHn' Clrrk. S T Marshall $ f»2 .10 Kuos McD(nil(J $ 707 At Total £stX) 00 <.Y.iuitti«»it.ner»' traveling expenses >7J 0o Coaimi' livery hire sl3ti 00 Stute Arronnt. John W IJrowu, I'rothouolary 127 00 H A Ayer*, Kefi-ter aud Recorder 37 20 ToUsl .jo, 20 Slate tax account fS.'iH CO Lunacy account SJO'J 73 Transcribing account slo7 4^ U (-capitulation. Amos Seaton, Treasurer, in account with Butler county, Pa. Pr to Co lax reeM from Collector of 18S8 ami previous $10,2:10 02 Pr to State tax ree'd from Collectors of ISs'.S and previous C.'l 7 0!) Pr to To tax rec from Coin 18,S!) 42,415 7." Pr to islate tax rec from Cols 1839. 4,3Ol 02 Am't from Commissioner*, Jury ties, lines, ih-g lax,Ac 1,837, 11 Bal in treasury, Jau 7, 188S> 37,22f» •!!> Total SinilOii :,8 Cr Wat rants rulteined $48i'.78 81 " Bonds redeemed . 23000 00 " Interest on bonds 14.53 p,5 " School institute 200 00 •' l ii'rsitil lanii account -IS4 87 '• tax account 3778 20 " Treas coin on soo 000,00 at 3 percent 1500 00 " " " $23,476,70 " 1 I er cent 234 77 " Am i in treasury, Jan 6, 1590...5197!*6 18 Total $9910<; 58 I IN ANt'IAL ST ATE.M EXT. Ass( Its. Am't due from collectors $20595 83 Am'tdue Dixw'tand Wurren II ac't 782 61 Am't in treasury, Jan 6tb, 1890 1978U IS Total $41074 52 Liabilities. Bonds bearing 4 per cent interest...slsooo 00 Assetts over liabilities 20074 'e Is in lull accord with tills statement. 1!. M. 1)1 M AN. JOIIN HUMPHREY, A. J. UI TCIIISON, Attest : Commlsstocers. ;;.s lis Mi Dox.itA Clerk. I CURE FITS! Wfcf>n T ray Cons I do not mean merely to ■top them lor a Umo, and then havo them r«< turn a/tain. 1 MEAM A ItADICAL CUiils 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or STALLING SICKNESS, A lito-lone study. I WARRANT my remedy to (JDHE the vrornt ca«os. Itecause others havo (ailed is no reasou for not now receiving a cure, bend at oncu for a treatise and a FEEEBOTTLR of my INFAI.UULK li.fc.MKDY. Give Express and t'oot Office. It costs yon nothing lor ft trial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT. M.C., 1 83 Pmi St.. Htm Yoa« NO MORE OF THIS! y /4^v; RuUU>r Sh<«*s unless worn uiieomforteMy tlnlif. will often slip off the feel, T i remedy this evil tho "GOLCHESTER" RUBBER CO, ofTor .n shoe with tlie inside of tho heel lined ill rubber. This clings to tlie shoo nnd prevents the Rubber from oif. fall for tbe "Colchentcr" " ADHESIVE COUNTERS n ' RCSIDENCES, CHURCHFS, CEMETERIES. FAHMS GARDENS Gates Arbors Window Guards, 1 "ire-proof PI.VSTKBIXG I.ATII, HOI)It M ITS, Ac. Write for Illustrated maikii free JEMRAL EXPANDED METAL CO till Water Kt., lMttslnir K h. Pn. Men keep It. Give name of Usis r' cr rfS f y • ' TO WEAK MEM Buffering from the effect* of youthful error*. decay, watting weakness. lo«t manhood, etc..l will ■end a valuable treatise I fall particular* for homo cure. FREiE of A erlendid medical work ; (.houldTe rea,! by eveij man who is nerroun and debilitated. Address,] Prof. P. C. FOWLEB. Sloodua, Com^