■I'HB JITIZEN". FRIDAY. MARCH 21 189). Hoi kH tola K popUMIIOU Of «buUl iu.UW. li is the t'ouuty will ol Hutler County, with bO.uoe. Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for.manufactures. Progress everywhere; new buildings. new Bianuluctures. a gtov. In* ami prosperous town TUAINSANI) MAII-1 Wc. 1-kNN 11. It. Trains 1 <•«*«■ Butler for Fre.-port, ItUlrsvillu. Ptttsnuiy al«:t0»nd *JU a. in. and r.r> and 6:oop m Mall* clone lor these points at S:U"> a. m. and I> ni, »■"' " r rive ai Ita.Mt a. in. and 6:» P ni. I'. S. &L K. It- It Trains ic*vox for " vllle at S:«0 and luJO a. in and 6WP.ni Mans Close at »;lo a. m. and 7:» p. • ■ « . ,J. n for Koyern. Movant and Milliard at IAO p. Malls arrive at i'JJ and I' I". I' 3. W. It. H- Trams leave Butter for Alle iflieny at TRJ), t»:IS and IOTVO a IU. olid l:SO and XoU p. in tor Uie north at litao a. m. aud •S5 0 m Malls eloae lor the West an I South at ain Kor Httanurc and U.e North at »;« ain Kor local points west of (ullery at 1J I.' IB Kor local points South and PUtiOurg at iio u. 11l aud for Piit>buiK. nil City. Itarnhart s Mills Clanou and Koxliuw at p. ni. Malls arrive from Pittsburg and local polnta west or 1 ullery at Mi a. nk; from lltuburu. Oil City. Itarnhart'a MtlLs. Clarion, Koxburg and local Doinis between Allegheny and Butler at 10:30 uu lU. from Pittsburg and the Kaat at 12:' JO p, in - from Pittsburi; and the North at 4«u p. in. Malls for local point* between Allegheny aud Callery close at 3:10 and 730 p. in. SI AK ltocTio*— Dally mall for Mt. Chestnut arrives at u a. in. aud leaves butler P. O. at 12 m Dully twill to North liope. Ilooker and Oilier points arrives at 11 a. m. and depaiU at I2i»"p. m. Money orders cuu be secured at tbe post ontces at Mutler, Krospect, a anbury (C&uliers vllle I*. O). Mlllerstown (Barnhart MUls), Centrevllle (Slipperyrock), Petrolla. Karns City and Renfrew. The fe*> la nve cents jor all xuuis under IUAH canta for $lO. or less, etc. Postal notes which are no aaler tlntn en i.toning money, as they ate made payable to anybody, cost u cents for or less. SOOI EiTIES. JAX-'AL ASSEMBLY 8098. KnighU of La bor. meets every Friday nifht in the Car penters and Joiners Hall, third floor, Hutel ton building, Wu. M. GLENN, R«c. Sec. New Advertisements. Marks' Millinery. Kpiderm Soap. Public Kotice of lease. Grand Opening of N. Y. Bazaar. Pittsburg Nurseries. Dissolution Notice. Electric Supplies. A Great Financial Institution. Slipperyrock State Normal. Ene Modicino Co. Acme Blacking. John Bicket's remarkable bargains. J. R. Grieb's Reduction Sale. Gricb 4 Lamb's Music Store. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. For County Superintendent. Election Tuesday, May 6th. 11. H. ELLIOTT, Of Millerstown. N. C. MCCOLLOUGH, Of Karns City. LOCAL ANITGENERAL —Plant your tomato seedo. —The blue-birds are back. —Ouly four days till moving day. —"Where are yon going to more to!" —April-fool pranks are being devised. —Are you bookod to flit next Tuesday! —How old do you intend to bo on the 2d of June uext. —There is nothing new worth noting in the oil field this week. —The Saxonburg school-houso is to be enlarged. —All lovers of flowers should see the in side of Al Heck's new greenhouses. —The way the Pittsburg reporters write up the license court is enough to make a horse laugh. —And so Bntler is to have a college, and you'll think better of tho location after you take a look at it. -mThe new brand of blotter in called tho Daxgett. Jt is for saie at all post offices. Ask for postal cards. —Subscribers changing their P. 0. ad dress next week will please notify us of the cbango promptly. Forest Grange, No. 376 was organised at Euclid on the 14th inst, by Deputy A. G. Meals, with twenty charter members. —Tho .Mississippi river—the greatest sur face drain of the continent —is on the ram page, as were also the Allegheny and Mon ongahala last week. —The sentence "J. Gray, pack with my box five dozen quills" has but 9 words and 33 letters, and yet contains all the letters in the alphabet. Who can beat iif —Have you seen Mrs. l'ape's pretty show Tfjndowt If yon haven't yon should stop and koe it. Sho shows all the new things, in flowers, trimmings and hats. —Clinton twp., this county, has had free school-books for some years, and is vary well pleased with its enterprise in that direction —The oleaiest and prettiest crnde oil we have ever seen is that produced by tho well on the Wendell llickey farm in Mid dlesex twp. —The Presbytery of Butler meets in Uutler, Tuesday, April 22d. Narratives aro to be scut to ltev. A. M. Reed, of I'lain Grove. —Have you seen the new styles in hats qnd flowers MM.F. £M- Marks. If you have not, do ao immediately, and also read their now card and locals in thif paper. • -Last woek was a great week in cow circles. Miller's cow thought she would put ou some style, and had twins; John Shearer's cow heard of it and had a calf without a tail. —No Justice of the I'cace, notary pub lic, burgess, constable; nor judge, inspec tor or clerk of election, need apply for the office of census eummerator, as the law forbids. —Governor licaver has fixed the 11th and 25th of .April as Arbor Days. Two dotes have been fixed in the hope that it will lead to the planting of more trees than heretofore. —lf you wish to keep np with the times d change your old door bell for an ele ci tric bell, at a reasonable cost, Charley Minick is the man yon want to see. Read his notice in another place. —The Y. W. C. T. U. will furnish sup per from 5:30 to 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. hall this (Thursday) evening. Supper at 5:30; llon-bon party aud festival at 6. Admission 10 cents. Leonard Sohenok's shoe-shop was yauked out of its location on W. Cunning ham street, Wednesday afternoon, with the aid of sixteen horses, and was then lloated over the mud to ita now location on N. McKean St. —The Dilliman property in Brady twp. was bid in by J. D. Marshall, Esq., for S7BO in all. One piece sold for $95, one $325, and the two others for SIBO each. Dilliman will recover two of the pieces, and Marshall will hold the other two. •At the meeting of the Soldiers' Or phans Commission in Monday, *" it was shown that the Soldiers' (Jrphans Schools cost the State about S}OO,QOQ less the first year of the Commission than they did the l**t ye»r under the old ayitom. The annual examinations of the scholars will take place in May or June. —Butler's new and energetic High ' on stable means busineat with a big It. and threatens all persons who blockade tin sidewalks, streets and alleys, or throw re fuse upon tbe same, with .» lose of law. ' He also give* notice that c.ws will lie . B»x La Plume, I'a., for his m-a lloral allium. It contains nearly 'W>O veil drawn and laithf ully colored pictures ol llowei of general intere t and should be ill tin- band ni'c\cl \ friend nf the 'posie'.' Wo understand that Mr. Tillingha t oilers specially attractive icrm. to jmr cbastirs of bis seed-.. \\ lite to liiili - We had auotlier touch of winter this week, but whether it was a part of last winter or next winter lew peopL- would care to decide. Thursday ia-l »a vernal equinox day, and as the astronomers have not informed us to ihe contrary, we take it for granted that the sun was over the equa tor that day,and also that the conditions lor 'lengthening the days aud shortening Ihe nights remain the same as heretofore, but the workings of the machine have not pro duced the usual results of late. —The flurry iu soda ash aud other chem icals, stteh as are n>ed in glass works, is quickening the interests of the Butler Chemical Man-ifacturing Company, recent ly organized with a capital of if 100,000. A member of the company, and one of tho largest of the Pittsburg stockholders, sai.l yesterday: "We will at once proceed to enlarge our plant so as to be able to meet the demand for soda ash and other special ties for which there is a large home de mand. We have plenty of qinco to cv paml it to any extent desired. The pro posed improvement will co t considerable money, but we believe business will justify it." There is a large amount ol Pittsburg capital invested iu this enterprise, which makes it of special local interest. —Pitts- burg Dispatch, 2*2il iu«t. —The I'ardon Hoard, at it.s session at llarrisburg last week had a curious case to comider. In 1874, ('has. Larrabec was tried aud convicted in Venango county of tLe murder of Lewis Williams, and lie was sentenced to death. In ls7ii Larrabee's sentence was commuted to impi iaonment for life, and he is serving his time iu the Western l'enitentiary. Larrabec i 5 a white man and Williams was a negro, who work cd about the hotels in Oil City. Mrs. Wil liams, it was alleged, was a terror and madf I'etro leuin Centre whisky, finally yielded tn "Williams' urging., aud emptied his gun into the back of the negro's head, ft was a case of suicide by proxy, if the expression may be allowed. The application for pardon was signed by Judjie Trnukey, who tried the case; by Associate Judges McCoruiiek aud Connelly, and by many prominent cit izens of Tenaugo county. It is the preva lent opinion that Larrabec has been surti ciently punished and a pardon is expected. Ail evidence of Butler's Grovvt h. There i 3 no better evidence of the pros perous and steady growth of a place than the enlargement of its general business area. If this be true, the grocery firm of Kirkpatrick A Heed show one of the best evidences of the town's prosperity iu their new store at No. fiS X. Main St. Located at a point at which a few years ago tbeir investment of SO,OOO would have boon term ed the licighlh of folly.and carrying a stock which would alike have seemed ruinous, they to day command one of the best trades of the town and bear the reputation of a sonnd and reliable house. They carry over twice the stoek carried by them in their old stand nearer the contro of the town, and their bnsiness has much more than doubled. This is certainly success. The senior member of the firm, John Reed, is well known in lintler. lie is a son of John Reed, of Buffalo township,and was for many years salesman in the lirws of Uitter & Kalstou aud B. C. Iluselton, whero ho made many friends. Will Kirk patrick, the junior member, is also well and favorably known in this place, 110 is a son of David Kirkpatrick of Union ville, and has been iu the grocery business iu Butler for some years. Together, the gen tlemen make what is termed "a strong team," aud their rapidly increasing trade is but the natural result of their capability, aided by their honest efforts to secure a share of tho patronage of the town. The Markets. BUTLER MAUKKTS. Our grocers are paying'2s for butter, 111 for oggs, 65 for potatoes, 125 for onions, 35 for turnips, 4 for dried apples, ti for dried peaches, 12} for dressed poultry, 1.75 for hand picked beans and $2 to 2.50 per bu. for onion setts, PITTSBUBU PBMbUCK. Timothy hay $lO to sl3; mixed hay $7 to $9; packing hay ti 75 to 7 00; millfeed sl4 to sl6; rye 52 to 54; oats 2ti to 29; wheat 80 to 84; Bhcllod corn .'l2 to 3(1; car corn 35 to 3U; cloversccd 3 25; timothj' seed 1 50; buckwheat tlour liJo 2. Apples 150 to 4 50 per bbl as to quality; potatoes on track 40 to CO; jobbing 45 to 70; butter, country roll, 8 to 22 us to quality; eggs, fresh, 14 to 15; dressed chicken 15 to lti; dressed turkey 19 to 20; feathers 30 to CO; rags 1}; cabbage 7 to B;onions 1 25 to 1 35 a bu.; red top tur nips 1 15 to 1 35; honey 13 to 18; onion sets $2 to 2 50 a bu; maple syrup $1 a gul. LIVK STOCK. At llorr's Island, Monday,sales of beeves were made at 3J to 51; bullj and dry cows 2 to 3}, Volbrecht retailed 120 head of veal calves at 41 to SJ; the Sewickly dairy pur chased all the good fresh IOWS in market at $25 to $42. Geo. Flinncr sold liutlcr county sheep at 5± and spring lauibs at 8, Thos. Bingham reported country sheep at 5| and 'umbo ut 6*. Ohio and Chicago hogs sold at 41 to 4 G5 and the few country hogs ou sale sold at 15 to 25c less. Bciisteiu, the butcher, has organised a new Stock Market Co. and is trying to secure a location on lJrunot's Island. THIS OIL MARKET. Closed Monday at Bi|, Tuesday at 841. Wednesday 85J. Col. Young's Book. The "History of mg Life" which will shortly be published by its au thor, Col. Samuel YouDg, will doubt less be a most interesting work. It will treat of the life experience of Mr. Young in Pittsburg, Fraukliu, Clar ion, East Brady, Xelienople and oth er places, and will to a great extent be of value as a history of these sev eral pUces. To the many others who are acquainted with Mr. Young as Editor of the Valley News, the book will have a personal interest. Its publication price is. bound in cloth, sl. —All the now styles in Braids ana Guimps at M. F. Si M. MARKS'. —Slippery Rock State Normal School offers advantages equal to any in the State at a cost of about three dollars and twenty-five ceuta a week. Spring term opens April 1 2, 1890. For catalogue, send to J AS. Principal. —All the new styles in Flowers and Ribbons at M. F. & M. MASKS'. LEGAL NEWS. LICBNSK- i;fcA.STf.l< AND RFFtStO. The hearing ol" the applications tor li cense was completed Thursday afternoon, when Judge Ilazen said lie would an noil no bis decisions tbe following afternoon at J o'clock. Nearly nil the applicant; remain ed in town, and hoitly alter the bell mug Friday afternoon a large audience had a sembled iu the courtroom Judge Hitzen premised tho reading the list with a few remarks. lie said that a year ago lie had hoped that he would not again be called upon to hold a license court, that he tin u expected that the Con stitutinnal Amendment election would ft tie the matter, but we all know the re nit of that election, aud that the laws regard itig the sale of liquors had not been chang ed; the duties of the court were the same now as then, the question of granting or refusing license was for the legislature and not the court, and that many good people had been misled in this matter; then he quoted Judge Agucw's decision on tho di cretiou ol the court, each case must stand on its own merits, each of the applicants here had stated under oath that he had observed lite laws in the management of his business but yet there was too much drunkenness iu Bntler county; ho hoped none of the applicants feared the pirates who attacked tlieir business aud again warned them. A license is a monopoly, none dared sell in violation of the law. and yet there was too much drunkenness in the streets and alleys of Bntler, in Saxon burg, in Evans City and in towns where there are no licen ed houses; licensed houses can not sell on Sunday, to minors, men of intemperate habits, men visibly af feeted, or on election days and he would inquire stringently a- to their observance of tho law, was happy to gay that the char acti-r of the applicant as sworn to by their neighbor's was good. Then he opened the docket and .cud bis decisions as follows: WHOLESALE. Geo Rciber and Jacob lieiber, Bntler, bond approved and license granted. Geo W Campbell and John D Brown, Butler, on due consideration license refus ed. C Bauerleiu Brewing Co., refused. J T Keil, refused. Fanny E Gamble, granted. John M'Q Smith, refused. ■las Cogan Millerstown, withdrawn. - Geo Stahl, Zelicnople, granted. Jos B Graham, St Joe, refused. KKTAIL. Jno F Lowry, Butler, granted. Hy L Beck and J 11 Faubel, Bntler, granted. II Eitenmillcr and 11 Lciboid, granted. W It Reihing, granted, fieo Farquliar, Evans City, granted. Juo N Miller, Evrtns City, granted. Samuel Beam, Harmony, granted. Juo Dolan, Millerstown, granted. Aug and Adolf lfocb, Millerstown.grant ed. C M Burnett, l'etrolia, granted. W II Jellison, " Clias Wetzol, Saxouburg, granted. Christian Kobb, •• refused. Frauds Laube, jr. Saxouburg, granted. Chas Stokcy; Zclienople, granted. II W Stokey, " " P Nicklas, Petersvillc, withdrawn. Gao Hoehley, Saxon Sta., refused. Pat Shields, Gt Belt, refused. ltavid StcW.irt, Renfrew, granted. And the Clerk of Courts was directed to issue the licenses, bearing date of April 2d, provided the fees were paid, and licen ses lifted within tiftcen days, otherwise the licenses to be revoked. LIOKNSES IN LAWIIKXCK CO. A dispatch from New Castle, dated last Thursday said:—The liquor license ques tion is settled for another year. Of the 31 applicants only three were refused, two because tho houses were not necessary, and the other for tho violation of the law. In tho latter ease Judge McMichaol made an important ruling. The evidence shown in the application of W. W. Simpson to keep a hotel at Edinbnrg. said that last summer Mr. Simpson, who had license last year, had sold liquor to two minors. Tho minors were placed on the stand, and swore that they had been asked by Mr. Simpson if thoy were of age, and they told him they were. Their misrepresentation was successful, and they scoured the liquor and drank it iu the house. The Judge then remarked, "there is no necessity for preceding further in this case. Mr. Simpson, perhaps, innocently violated the law, and the boys should lie punished for misrepresentation, but this does not excuse tho fact bhat Mr. Simpson has vio lated the law, and the license is therefore refused." NOTKS. At tho session of Court last Friday, Judge llazen refused to approve of the in quest held by Esq. Easloy on the bodies of I'eter Sostaris and I'eter Siljak, the two men killed by a land slide on the new rail road, and adds in his order: "All inquest should not be held if the cause of the death be not doubtful, and there is no reason to suspect that it implicates any one. An in quest should only be held when there are suspicions circumstances attending the death." The costs in this Case, aggregating about $35, will, therefore, not be paid. The Fred Koss property in Butler Twp. was bid in by Sarah Boss, last Friday, for slOl. A Or. Egbert and others had summons in ejectment issued vs. the Hundred-Foot Oil Co. for 15 acres iu Lancaster Twp., bounded north by John Wurster, ea.it by Michael Wchr, etc., and John S. Campbell and If. W. Christie had summons in eject liient issued vs. A. E. Uamhart and other* for 20 acres in Connoquenessing Twp., bounded north by J. C. Brandon, cast by J. M. McKinney, etc. . The v. ill of Samuel Kerr, .of liarrisville, was probated aud letters to Allkey Kerr; also will of Elizabeth Magill, of liarrisville —no letters; also will of Feter lihodes, of Sunbury—no letters; also will of Solomon Whitmiio, of Oakland Twp—no letters; also will of George Stevenson and letters to A. T. Stevenson Letters of administration were granted to Elizabeth Collins on estate of Ann Mac - namara. of Barker Twp. The Co. Commissioners are working on the school duplicates and havo about half of them completed. They will have thcni .ill fcady by the middle of April. A. Meehling was appointed Burgess of Sunbury, A. 0. Eberhart was appointed Constable of Butler Twp., aud Win. J. Duuibaugh, supervisor of Butler Twp. Letters of administration were granted to Adam Smith on the estate of Michael £>fnith. dee'd. A man 75 years of age, and a lady of 59, took out a license to marry, last Saturday. On Friday last E. E. Cousins, convicted of larceny at last term, was sentenced to the Work House for one year. * LATE PKOPKRTIt" TBAK3FBBS. A. Flee got to (i. A. Titley.lot in Millers town for SIOOO. .latues Brediu, trustee,to Oil Well Supply Co., lot in l'.ntlcr for SISOO. B. F. Billiard to M. S. Billiard, 5 acres in Washington Tp. for sl. Mary Dill to M. E. Mong, lot in l'etrolia for S2OO. W. S. MeCrca to M. W. Shannon, 2 lots in llutler for SISOO. S. 11. T'iersol and F. Reiber to S. W. Crawford, Hit acres in Forward for S7OOO. C. lJocssing to 1!. E. Roessing, lot in Butler for SIOOO. S. O. Sterrit to R. ,T. Boone, lot in Adams for SIOO. Butler Savings Bank to .1. li. Dickey, lots in Butler for $240; Win. Snyder, $250; J. L. Snyder, $250. Sarah Billiard to A. Billiard, 35 acres in Washington fur SSOO. JohnC. Scott tn Mary Kennedy, 50 acres in Venango for $2500. Thomas Donaghy to Sadie Oanter, lot iu Butler for MIOO. W. D. Hull'to W. Kennelian, lot in But lor for SI2OO. Win. Bastiau heirs to Wm. Irvin lot in ZeliefioplO for ?SOO. Nancy Hartley to Emma McCol lough, hit in Butler for sl. I'. Daiibenspcck to C. 11. Love, lot in Butler for $250. C. 11. Love to A. II It eh in, lot iu Butler for }!>oo. F. Feigle to Irwin Auderson, lot-in But ler for $2350. Al Foehringer to Cha3. lot ii J l'i..spcct for s7od. Rolwrt Yanderlin lo ('earing Peter.- 1< iii res in Yenango for f12."<0 Marriage Liceusda. I Jefferson L. Hessliaw Pm peet, I'a Alice ilaum Wilson E. Reed llarrisville Pa LtriuS. English TMHgt I " Alfred W. Parker Buffalo twp Ella 11. Sarver Addison Y. McCanilless - - Connoq'if twp Annie Heaven C'has. \V. Mcrshinicr . Pittsburg. l J a Minnie Kelly Coultersville, Pa Andrew Watson Pentl twp Bella Mo Kinney Joseph (!. Fitzhimmoil: Jefferson twp Kcziali Wasson At Franklin, Pa.—C'has. W. barns .mil Elclla Moor head, ol < cntrcvilh, l.utlcr Co. They were married at Franklin liy Rev. Merchant. At Now Castle- -Joseph lie did nut want to sell asked $15,00 P. Another party wa trying to buy her hit on Jefferson St.. for a hotel site. A. Trouttnan A Sou have given the con tract lor their new building at corner ol Main and Cunningham streets to Sehenek Bros. The building will be 4-IxIGJ, three storie ; : brick, trimmed stone and terra cot ta: and tin! entire first story, excepting the hallway, will be one large -tore room. Hi feet wiih-. * The Oil Well Supply Co. has purchased a large lot facing E. Cunningham tnet, from Conrad Smith, and propose building a ware-house on if, with switch. :; to it from both railroads; and the Jarecki Ch. has leased the old gashouse lot. east of Klingler's elevator, and will build a ware house upon it. Messia Joseph Purvis. W. D. bialldon. John Campbell, I. S McJunkiu and others have purchased properly facing on t lay and Bluff Sts., from Albert and Conrad Roetsing. -and intend building an Acad ouiy or Butler High School upon it. Messrs \\ heeler, Howard, Fd. Brown, and others have purchased some a. res from the lioyd heir-, on the hill uho\i the old Boyd homestead Mr. E. U. Audciton has purchased Mrs. Spang's n sidence at corner cf W. Clay and Ulufi'Sls Mr. John Lowry Las puKlia td the Kebhuit house at east end of l'etin bt. Personal. Mr. Harry Cray, Mrs. Mitchell aud Cine-. Mcl'hcrrin aru yet dangerou ly ill Mr. James Cochran, Ihe millwright, moved to Allegheny, Tue. day. Mr. .1. N. Fulton of Allegheny has mov ed back to Middlesex twp. Mr. John Dwigans and wife ol Frank lin have removed to Butler. Isabclle O'Connor of Milliards, mother of Andrew Bigby, lias been grunted a pen sion. The friends ol Jos. Rieseuian nud Lis wife of Franklin celebrated his 33th birth day, by giving liini a surprise party, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. 11. J. Fishel, lately ot this town, was cuieil of chronic catarrh by a cele brateil lirtu of Pittsburg specialists, and now his picture appears in the I'ittshiirg papers. Prof. N. C. McCollough of Fairview twp. announces his name as a candidate for Co. Superintendent this week. lie graduated from Grove City College in IS?7, and for the past two years has been Principal of the hams City Schools. Quite a number of this friends of Mr. A Mr-. C.eorge W. Eleeger gave the happy couple a surprise party last Tuesday even inir and spent, a very pleasant evening with them, Aliases (inmpper and Flecger and Master Alphy C.uinpper, favored tho company with music. Mr. John G. Thompson, of t'tah Terri tory, was tho guest of Mr. Josiah "Watt, of the South Side, this week. Mr. Thompson passed some time in Butler when lie was a boy, and went to ('tab thirty years ago. lie holds a government office in a town about 50 miles from Salt Lake City, anil he gives an interesting description of the progress of the people of that territory, and particularly of their redemption from church rule. Mr. Watt's brother Irom Westmoreland Co. was also hi guest this week. A Great Financial Institution. Though A. J. Frank, whose death wo recently noted, was a voting man, ho wan very successful in business, 110 was quick to discern good invest ments. About a year ago lie pur chased building lots in Joanette, whore property lias since advanced rapidly. To protect iiia estate he scoured a policy for £2,500 th«< New York Life Insurance Company, lie had paid but one annual premium of ssl 25. Proofs of bia death were received in New York on the 20th inst., and on tho 22d iust. his mother was in receipt of a draft for $2,500. This promptness is in keeping with this vast institution We have always been impressed with the magnitude of the Hank of Enulaiid, which bus a ! capital of $10,500,000, but the Nov. - York Life, a purely mutual company, baying assets of $105,000, out), com pletely overshadows this wonderful bank. Last year the New York Life paid policy holders $12, 000,000, while its income was $80,000,000. These are marvelous figure. Farmers, mechanics, bankers, lawyers und min isters, not only iu this country, but in England, France, Germany, llus sia, Africa, Brazil, Australia, Chili, Peru, Spain, China, Palestine, and iu fact nearly every spot on earth, in vest-in these policies in amounts ranging from one to one hundred thousand dollars. The New \ork Life is represented hero by E. E. Abrarna A, Co. Mr. Chas. B. Minick has opened a store of e'ectrie supplies, ut No. 11 North Main St., whero he is now ready to furnish the people of Butler with anything iu the line of electric door bells, temporary and continuous ringing call bells for physicians and druggists, annunciators, telephones, electric batteries, etc., etc. Mr. Minick represents the leading firms of the United States and is prepared to supply tbo best in his line at the •owest figure llis door bells are the genuine electric bells and not tho clock-work imitation, many of which Mr. Minick has replaced with his electric bells. Those who con template the purchase of door bell 9 or of annunciators would do well to see Mr. Minick before placing their orders. Seeds! Messrs. John It A. Murdoch oiler specially fine Fruit Trees, in cluding Murdoch's new Bigarreau Cherry—the finest out. Choice Flower Seeds, including the Great White California I'oppy and the gorgeous "Mexican Fire Plant." Hardy roses; lawn mixture seeds; all tho good vegetable seeds, etc. Get their new illustrated cata logue, which will be sent free. Address, 508 Smithfield St., I'itts burg, Pa —lf you would make au invest ment that cannot fail in producing ample return, tend your bright boy aud girl to Slippery Rock State Nor mal School NFKiIIIU)It HOOh NOTES. nivi iii ha ran the I-.141>.-r - are jo ! n.»w jen paged in cuttin.' prict- - Some j cut hair for 15 cents, nud one t.arber ha ■ i out a big -ign offering a shave ami -ham puti for Ui ceut - If this razoring of prictia goes, the barber• will soon be reduced to living nn lath, r or old straps The re ideut-e <»t a tanner iu Itlaii was de-troyed by fire early last Saturday i nioruiiif.'. The .-lei ping tamily were awak eaed l>y llaiues, had harely time to e.-cape in their clothe and Ihu ■ . lad walk ed a luile thronph the -now In a neigh lior's. It is astouishing, ami utterly iuexeiea hie. that anybody, in thi-i ag« of nev.spa per. J , •liould be verdant to permit himself to lie duped by so «.ld and trans parent a fraud :t the ; r < >!•! liriek came And yet a farinerln Greene county, named Janus 11. Badeau. wa swindled ont of£t. oo(i ia thi way lf>t week. Tho game \Vn> worked iu the old familiar way, and the ra..ca]s e with the hoodie. ll is al together likely that the victim was one of tliu e unfortunate men who are 'loo poor to take a new -paper. " At the meeting of the Monougahela presbytery, I . I', church, last Thursday evening, liev. K. IS. Kwing, I>. ]».. wa< publicly censured for marrying his dect a ed wife's si-ter iu violation of a law of the church. Dr. W. J. I'eid, who performed the ceremony at Mr. Ewine's t also received the censure of adnioni tion. Kver since this wedding occurred some week • ago it has been i disturbing clement in tin- clinrrh of which T>r. lowing wa pa tor lie offered his resignation some time ago iu con ef|nence of the atli tiide of ouio of hi;- members toward him. Hi? resignation was accepted by the pre liytcry, th«< conuiii sion representing tlie congregation a senting The report oi smallpox .it Tarentuiu proved to be false. Jo*. M. black of Scrnligrass twp , \en ango Co . a native of Marion twp.. Butler comity, is a candidate for county couuiiis siouer in Venango Co All ye,it-old boy, living at liookstown. Beaver Co., went to a trap he had set for a fox aud found a big wildcat in il lie attempli.d to kill thi animal itli i club luil it .-prang at linn \>ilh inch forte tliui it. broke the cliiiiii by v. hit !■ the trap \vu ■ anchored aud lauded n|Uare with its loiv pav.s (.a the boy's i best, tcariiig tbc cloth I iug away and sinking its claw •in the lit tie lellon - lb b. The boy stood his gi'ouud bravely aud killed the animal with a club The New < ,i-tie < ■ inunl. ayi: The ll.il iau population ol I.att'ielioe county lias cost au immense amount of money in the way of conrt expense . There are at the present time in the neighborhood of '1 000 Italians in Lawrence county, nine hund redof ulioni liud einploi mcnt at Carbon, llillsville, Bessemer and Wampum. In the past two years there have been hund reds ot law baits and case brought into court, to say nothing of the actions begun in alderman's otlices and before justices of the peace. At the present time there are J1 Italian prisoners iu the county jail liv ing at the expense of the county on til'iy cents per day. The-iO is m ..ivtly a week passes by that sonic Italian lias mifr a grievance that lie wants to air before some magistrate and the county generally ha.- iu bear a portion of the expenses. Law rcnee county is cursed by an over produc tion of foreign labor, but how to remedy ihe matter is a problem that can uoi be answered, but should be studied over by the taxpayers The expense of giving law to Italians is great. —The death of ui.otl.Li tor|ieress Goods haye been larger this season than ever. Large stocks and low prices do the business. L. STEIN & SON. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Auder.son building. Pou't buy a. wrap until you have examined our immense stock and learned our astonishingly low prices. We are overstocked on certain styles and are selling theni below cost. L. STEIN & SON. —Prof. I.oisette's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and per sons wishing to improve thoir mem ory should send for his prospectus free a.i advertised in another column. Cloaks Plush Coats and Jackets, Fiue cloth Jackets aud Newmarkets, Stockin nette Jackets, Misses' and Childrens' Wraps, Latest styles and best made goods We guarantee to save you money on these goods L. STEIN «t SON. —Large stock of Pmbrellas iu Mo hair, Gloria and Silk with gold, sil ver and natural handles for holiday trade at L. STEIN Si SON'S. — FOK SAl.E—About 17ft feet of inch wire rope. J- N. MDNTH. l'se Double All O. I\. Horse I.ini nient, beHt in the world. For swell- I ings, bruises, stillness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, i ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale by J, (1. RF.OICK, 2-18-.ini, No, 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa. flreat InsuranceConipunie*. It requires sluJy for on»- t»v«>rful coin parties that protect tin- I»■ • 111 m, lm-i ness blocks and other pro[n rty • f our citizen?. The tJiiunliiiti A?turaceo Co . of London, Las assets ittnonntinir 1 to f81,839,758 The London A«iuranee Corpora tion, organized one hundred and seventy years ago, hus ot $17,C62,(;i:i. The Insurance Co. of North Anieriea. organized in INiili delphia, almoMt a century ago, repre geriirt assets of l,ti9i». Then there in the Continental, of New Vork, haviug 17,71 .*J; the London j and Lancashire, $1.009,84G; the Springfield, of .\lisd, $3,110,9 x.'»; the | Frankliu, IMiil'a, $3,174,"J57; the Ger uiania, Xevv York, $'2,005,130 and the Orient, of Hartford, $1,830,7:22. One of tlte largest financial institu tion in the world i.-t the Xew Vork Life 1 n.suraiiee Co , having <.f over $105,0o0,00t), iy ! a skilled workman. —See the new Vandyke I'ointj Lace iu White, l!lack and Cream at L. STEIN SI SON'S Examine our stock of Cloaks and Wraps before purchasing. Wei can eave you fruni two to three dol-j lar« ou each garment. L. STEIN & SON. Milliuery in all the lutcst goods at l< .if .iistbl. prb'e at lie MisSrd .M,ok, Buffalo Flannels, Blankets and Yams are the j best, goods in the market tor service) and durability. VVu have them L. SxtiiN -fc Son Highest cash price paid for buck wheat, at IJeo, Walter's Mill, But ler, l'a. Finest line of Fur Mulls and ltoaa ever shown in this city All quali ties and prices at L. Si'fciN »T SON'S. —Zuver's I'ielures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. —Try to induce jcur neighbor to take THE CITIZEN S3OO Prizes Case School of Applied Science offers live S3OO prize ochobirships ou entrance examination. For particu lars address Cady Staley, President, Cloveland, O. Horses Wanted. The undersigned will be iu llutler, [ Tuesday, April Ist (or the purpose of j buying twenty head of horses rang- j ing from 4 to 9 years iri age, and | 1050 to 1400 pounds in weight. Will be at Gregg's lavery, rear of Hotel Vogelcv 1 on the Ist, at Titley's in Millerstown on Wednesday the 2d, and at North Washington on the 3d. 11. SEANOU. drove City College. The Spring session of drove City j College will begin April Ist. Forty dollars will meet all the I necessary expenses of a student for a i term. Four regular courses of Btudy are maintained. All the studies of the Normal Sebools are taught here each session. Shorthand, Type-writing, Hook-keeping, Instrumental Music, Voiee Culture, «fec.. are taught by thoroughly competent teachers. Ad dress the President, Isaac (J. Ketlkr, (Jrove City, Pa. Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders, West in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed luuga, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale by J. C. ItunicK, 2-IH-ini No. 5, N. Main St. Uutler, Pa. For Sale. A good, small furrn of 33 acres, well improved, good buildings, or chards, etc. For particulars inquire at CITIZEN printing office, Uutler, Pa Williams haj as choice a line ol Jewelry and Silverware us can he found anywhere, aud defies competi tion in price. EPIDERM SOAP REMOVES FRECKLES. PIMPLES, lil II RUE ADS Its use readers the skirt colt aud clear, and gives a trans parent complexion. By mail 35 cents. Address EIIJJEEM SOAP CO., Hoc 113, Jersey City, 2~. J. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, Mew Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things iu flowers, laces, gloves, veils, caps, AT M. F. AM. Marks'. No. II S. Main SI,, Butler, Pa. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES, lEsUlillfihi rf IMO.) OC K ELEGANT lELCSTKATED CAT ALOUUE for lS'Jtl will lie mailed on appli cation. Every Farmer, Hardener, Amateur or owner of a lot .should have one. Orders for flowers and ilor.il emblem have immediate attention. Telephone ;M9. John R. & A. Murdoch, ".OS Smith tii lil SI.. i-i rrsisi mm, r t / Ni .V». etiu.-'ii' UlSir LCrtD fit THOMAS, is u ti> . CKi^ACOb U T i, Ll' A I iiieiii i , lliftt iiitr etloi I to to tin* ! eoilllltllllltV ;« til - t f! :. !>lii" ; Store i «t|i[»icciiitt'il. We iiiakc ;t rii.ll v o!" fit'* «lrug Iju.-iuess jm»[it r it out ! entin 4 time ami jm.'l>oii.>l nr | t«*ntion. We lii'.i tile i>nl\ the Ixjist id trverytliiii;.' in •••it* 'it"- | ami fruarantf tin- pm-it;. ul every thin.!* lieariri'. 1 the name ot*( . X. IJov i>. We have no old ;'tock tli.it ha;- stuail lor ! years, lint all j;oo:tre ; ami fresh. Phvsirion's Pre j Hcriptions receive special at tention. il we do not have what yott want we frankly tell J \ou so and will In. pleased t<» ' .secure it for yon oil .-dior! no tice Wc :isk a share of vuur patronage and let 1 sure you will l e ph'ased with our ineth ! nds o| dtiiiijr business, and we ' ran save yon monev Vottr interests are best ri\<;i/aar Luadiim Di_\ Goods and Mil linery Etnpoi iuni A grand souvenir to each patron free. GO and tiif S Main St., BUTLER, - J vyANTktt—Agents to solicit orders for our " choice and lianly Nursery Sti. I; si. atly WiifU n,r Kn. i-. li. Uli.|)li jti- Hell. Salary anil expense:, or commission il prefer eu. Write at once. State Age. Addles*. II GT. & Co. 1 IWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL,! For Girls anil Young Lp.dies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Soys and YOUIKI iVlen, SWIYHIN C SHORTLIDGE. A M It \K\ AUI> iniAlll Ai K.) \I i: I»I A. PA., (N. .11- riiila-li l|iliia > . _ - Jury Lisl for April. 1.1.5t of i i tvei>e Jurors draw n tins d day ot I March A. 11. Ix:«i. to Kervu a.-i Travi-rsi- Jurors | :ii a speelal teriii oi i ourt I'diaiiieiiciiiK on lin- ! 7th duv of April A. 1). 18911. Armstrong. Jackson. itonner, I A. l'.utler 4th w, snpt I.Uhiiii. .liilin. /t in aople lioro, lilael. -lint!!, jiiirr. I'l'ti r.•laekson twp. lariiii-r. J tetter. Mteli.n l. l-'.i irvii-\v tv. p, pM lii' i-r. IK'i'r. Fred'-rick. SltpperyMek tv.p. Ilennlson, Alex. lioimldson. J e, Waslilng'lon twp i:ppiiiei-r. Adam Harmony bom, i-oal Ui-.il«*r. J'fcls-. M e. MidillPscv Hvp. farmer, taiglisti, Joseph. MuddyereeK twp. iaiiiu-r. (.ratiaia, Tlios. enunoq g twp, farmi-i'. i.lciin. If I'', lirailv twp. farmer, tirabe, William .lelTersou lup larrm r. tilenn, .11'' 'lay twp (arni 'i. la-oi 'i', J I". Mllleratoun tjuro produce!-. Moui ind. \Vllll.tiii K niiit'lty -rent. ll< nnrli'k-on. A <; eranberr, twp farmer, lltiiiiplirey Jolm It Mnddvereek twp faruier Itensliue. Kli eiinuoq'K twp farmer llanlin. Joieph llutl- r ".ill wd a-', lit 1 en,an S ,\1 llai iiioiiy bor.i mlllei Jenkins l." At .Mill' i town boro nilllei- Kronv I'lielo boro mer. hani Kaiue-. James Si' l'.Ullei iv.p fanner. Keuned\ Tlios t'leai'tleld twp farmer, l.i sick ltobi t'eutreville lioro slioeniaker. Keil> John T Huili i :'d wd nu reliant t a«all John Rmler . d wd liver,) man l.ai liner Jolin Oakland twp shoemaker. Martin I. \V Forward twp farmer. McDonald Angus liuilei jil ad earpt Ute; McKevttr Iliinlel < lay t-.vp farm' i Meßride William Worib twp lariuci-. Mcl.auuiillii James Donegal tap farmer. Nell Jobn V I'euier twp tarlii.jr Oesierllnff Kli .'.'iiminlt twp ram. . scoti I! e Fairvlew boro ciert. Ah v Jurtl lup iiiiin St-ouyiil oti o\\ I'iM^uerl UoriJ lalHtft-1 Stew art < icorffe \\ Cbeuy t«|> laribcr. Sarver .lului I' liuilalo tv.p tarmor. Sliauiwu J .lai t' AUaias nvp !arm.-i. slieilatrte .loliu A Slipper.yroek tivp urn; t. ijirutt Jolni Zelieuople boro lui_tyiD.ui Trouiiuau ii N nutlet -d wil tarpeniri Tlietluiaa Cliri.it Attains tup tanner Iber W" II II ulrcvlile l.oro lul).,ii r. Volant aenry Butler nvp fanner. West ~' < ryuUcriy t\\ p fanun. West* Tin.in lc L' Millers town bor«* inerciiaut Wis# • 'a' !'i i butler Inno ».| w,t lul.-Ulaie.. Wilier ii I' Hill 1 r burn .j.I wd Inboi. ■ Ih.ilil> t 11 I'o.ti IW|> tanner. Public Sale! J will oiler ut public sale at my residence ut lien lie w r , But ler county, Pa., on Saturday, March 2'J, 40 COLONIES OF BEES. TERMS:—AII sales amount* ing to $5 or over, a reasonable credit will be given. 11. H. MCKINNEI . SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. I»E VLLRS IS Sower Pipe, lias Fixtures. Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. .le(ll»rsonSr.,opp. Lmvry 1 louse JVLrriYKTN PA- T H RESHING aACHINES Simplest, Most llnral.le, K< onomieal ant I'ei feet In ii • tt t' 1 ii" flam: eleaii II i >*y rm market. THRESHING ENGINES Sm Hiils. sliii»irl«• iliar* liny i'rrsvt s :iiitl 'standard Ini|»l« iar»ts .eiMTtllv. A l; FAUQUTIAK CO . Limited, Send f*>r U!»r IV tin*)lrani* Agricultural 11.*t«*• 1 • iitah'.'ilf. Works. YORK. I*\ a eruTe a/iyrrr,hT-..i.i..iuM. A... , , Nhtnio Vile SfMFll FHfl A..,« i M ttce. A. (scctt, " 14 Vrvadtvuj , ft. A Satisiicd Cnstomer IS A i NnvrH'iil Advertiser. l iioso who di'ul with WI I.NH IMM AN the "J'eoples Clothier and Furnisher' will be satisfied. We are now roadv to show the largest. best «;lecti d. finest nod lowest j priced ,U-.-k ..f MKX'S. VOI TIIS\ BOYS' and fill LDUENR' (MOT!! INti ever brought to liutlc r. Having made our store room one half larger, we arc now bolter able to supply th»» wants of our customers and meet the demands i f our con. tantiy increasing trade, than ever before. SilooK • i-> hcr< aid contains :■ ! 11.■ latent novelties ia men's. boyend childrcna* wc.ir, -'- i a fu'i line < ' hats, neat's f i.rtit hing go nla, fl innol sbirts, trunks, rftliaes, etc. The wonderful, Miaiiog ud instructive Eigiawa and Switchmen's pu/./.lc given w ilti ever v |.ur» h i ■< < ii!i get a nice line of cbildrens' wear, and in Tins direction we have an-'eeed.'d. Mothers who wish i > have their children clothed with good substantial elothiug at a moderate cost will do wt 11 to cell on in before purchasing elsewhere as we will mcr you mourn. A fine c.ntonet wheel given with evory childs' uit of $1 and upwards. 11. S(ll \KI DEIM As, ( Jotliier and Furnisher, 7 1 M. Mnin St. - Butler. Pa. The Very t/ JOHN BI (IK EL. 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER - - PA., liud been upeniuu lot' tin; past few wotko have attracted tho attention of thousands oteager buyers Iu order that there will be uo diminution iu the amount of busine:. we huvo been doing we offer our entire stock ut remarkable low figures. Among this stock will be found a nice lot of sam ple boola and shoes, some winter goods and a large line of spring goodd which are arriving daily. All persons wishing to purchase anything iu our line now or in tue near future would save money by calling at Bickel's, for we are offering bargains which eaunot be resisted. 1 have on hand several cases of boots which Imu closing cut very cheap. I havo just received a big shipment of mens working shoes buckle, pat. buckle and lace; broguns, pk?w shoes, creemors, &c , showing the best selection in liutler county, and pricealowttf thiin ever before. Menn fine dress shoes of all kinds. A big line of Edwin celebrated shoes which are all made by hand,cut from the choice skins of Kangaroo, CorJovi;i~atnWrench Calf, made on all lasts and in all styles "There is no limit in to B at $2.50. Every pair giving good satisfaction. A good machine turn in Cur or Dongola Kid in all the latest styles, lasts, etc at $2.75 to $3.-5. Misses fine dongola and pebble goats, heel and spring heel at $1.25. This is a great bargain A misses good school shoo at sl. In this great sale we have not forgotten the misses and children's, boys and youth's de partment. They have all been subjected to the snme per of reduc tion. A full line of Rubber goods of all kinds, hort and knee boots in light and heavy weight. Complete line of light specialty rubbers of all kinds at the lowest prices. Hoots and shoes made to order on very ; hort notice Repairing promtly done. N T li 1 will give away a lot of fine seed corn called tho Thorough White Flint Corn and a lot of good yielding outs called the Early Swede Oats. Tiif-.-c sei da will be given away on ihe following termor All persons calling at my store will receive free a pi»< ;,:i;.e of corn and oats. They are to plant it and on Oct Ist to 10th, nil persons can bring sufficient samples of each to my store and the person/retting the l>esl selection of the two eeds will be entitled to a $lO premium. Tho person having the second bent selection will receive a premium So call and receive a free pack age of our seed and try your luck Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - liutler, Pa GREAT REDUCTION AT J. R. GRBIB'S, IST South Main St., - Butler* IPy. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. Wm. F. Miller, i .Maiuifitctiniun, <"oitM»r blocks I'.kfu l-:i»*t ;.Jl Knt • : fancy \y«mm!-woii ** »r in v Mft «l»rorahon »•> j lIOUN.H. f'AIJ. AMD v !■•''• > VMPI.KS. Soi»i«"-tliiiii* HfW aihl ait'.. i»v«\ Alh'» FURNITURE .tl iow#*sl3ca;ili |>rlo*>. HI ore at No. i*'. N. Main street. Factor) at No. •. «, W lilti l«»u • U i. BL'TI.tK. riSNNA. j j \V \ VTVni Salesmen lo Sell Cim 1 \t ;\ :\ I tJI). Choice Nursery Stock I Ml •'<><,.] •r.iHntnU-i -I fiist class. Uoud i i:tlari<*.< and . xp. ii •• or a lib< r.il turn mi. -ton paid. No e xperience nece -an. Write f..r lorm . "ivin" aff and 'cenre . ..in-choice of Territory. C. |, K NIGHT Jt «'<» Inn Park AvenutvUoehestcr. N. i . FOE SALE. The i;w»»s ( il\ flour mill. This mill is United in Kvan i'itv, and i iu unc ot'tlio l.r i l.u aliti ■ in the county; on railroad, I and urronnde'l by a uplendiJ grain rrow inj; country. Thi • mill will l>u sold cheap. I l.ir (nrthi-r particular. call on or add re.-' .1 AMEstJCTTOK. Lvana Citr, J'a. YOU CAW «. CI ia I iti ~i K'.it .'•