[CARTERS gf CURE Cfck Headache and relieve all the troubUa inci dent to • bilious Matfl of the syWem. such as Di&ineaa, Nausea. Drowsiness*. Put reus after —tlnr Pain in tbe Bi >ll -1 m nostril. Is agreeable to use ;int is quickly nn sorbod. effectually cle.- rising the nasal pa.«ea(je.- ef catarrhal virus, causing health} secretions. It allays pain and tntlr mmatian. protects the membranai linings or tin- head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restore* the seuse of taste anil smell. Beneficial result-- are lealued by a few applications A THOSoruil THE 4TMHNT WIL«- CURB. Price !>0 cents at, druggists; bv rnali, register • t T •< t, ca tarrh always starts In the head, end u. th" ueail. Tli-'n' uno mystery ot tue origin ol tlilH dreatlful eold. One or the kind that i, sur to »>e Ijettei In a few days." Thousands of victims know fcow It Is oy tad experience. Ely'» < 'ream Halm cures colds HI the head aud catarrii In all <»« •ta^'es. DOCTORS LAKE km I PRIVATE DKPENSAJiY. OFFICES, 328 PEKN AVE., * —PITTSBURGH, All forms of DellraM and Com plicated i>i«iiacs ri quiring CuNri demtial aud bcikjiiiric Jledic*- 4cn are treated at this Dis|«nury with a suitress rarely attained. Dr. aK. Lake is a member or the Bojru Coll me of Phydclnci and Surgeona, aod ia Ibe oldest and moat experienced Br cialiht Id tba aity. Special aiu-nllon g ten to Noi-yous Di bUltj from exeeatire mental exertion, 1 iliacn.:!ons ot 7"atb 4r., causing phys'cal and mental d> cay, lack •f energy despondency, etc.: also Cancers, Old Sores, FIU-Pile., Rheumatism and all d aeaaea of the Skin, Blood, Lung 1 *, Urinary Organs. Ac. Consult* Sun free and atxicUj confidential. (MBee boum'j to 4 snd 7 toJj>- m-; Sundays 2to4p. m. only. Call at office I.K.LiXX.II. D..M.R.C.P.S. or E. J. Lake. M. f> m is»i i'lKi.Al'Kt I'illA.l'A. *..» «oc ow-r. no operation or !• rtul Of UxjJM Tru.H UU mi I s |il >tiiiiiUC(*d io eutaOk- :>y <>tlior» wa.iUM. .s v » r.»r ' n«• iiar. • CURE wUAhANTEEO. , . SUPERFUOOUS HAIR I On th« tanali face, hair on the fore* h«ad, neck, none, arms, maa's cheeks above the beard line aod be- /£& tween theeyebrowa / destreyed forerer J 1 * Needle •02 Tenn avenae) Velni of the Nos^ heaJs, Liver Spots and all diseases and blemishes of the skin, complexion, hair and scalp snccessfnlJy treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has had 20 years' experience in the practice of j his specialty, and numbers among his pa- ! tlents oar most prominent families. If yon i are alllieted with any of the above blemishes, | avoid patent medicines and consult Dr. Van < Dyek at once. Special term* to all who make ' cngageineutetthis month. Book free. Engage ments can be made by mail. Call on oraddresa Dr J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Philadel phia, or Penn avenue, Pitt»barifh, Fi- j Honrs tf_to 1 and 2to 7; Mondays, 10 to «. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, IND'ISTV' !T" '. Cbcnper u ' IHiiip Th« above cut >tiv*i Pic«r» Pm „ #llJt . af f _ Bn , a ■misc.) ™» b« bw4 oa I on o, V It , . 1-r!, ~ ',£* l .^ v * Q»»auiy, Ku.»l>cr oi u«t»- |» u i w.. wanted. W* alao Vaaef;],. n—' r ». and K.lilnrv Bra.. »n4 lr a Orlll-, n t- IXIUK ami WWDOW SCUIKXa. ud all klu .s .f WlhV. WOBk. TAYLOR 6c Ml. 203 « 205 Market St., Pittsburgh. Pa. ■wsomso* .tiL "T\ : u'lL*l i Am'- VlflvS'Hai I unoo»ia«rd. •«.! to itifro«ta<-«*our Mr j ■|U | ti&ti ■* J,;. TlMtw. rnnlnr of thla a'l«"r*S»o tehr. states that a boil may be aborted by simpiv scraping the skin over the threat ened seat of invasion with a scalpel until u drop or two of blood exudes on pressure. —Hope springs eternal in the New York er*' breasts. They Rtill dream of finding a way to stand the world's fair egg on end. —A Philadelphia!] stopping at a Atlan tic City hotel has bo thoroughly memorized the bill of lare that he started off the other night to repeat it instead of his prayers before retiring. —Divided waists are an outgrowth of the eccentric waists garniture of the last deacon. One-half the waist may be of one color or material and the other of another; l>nt the.v leave an impression of loudness. —An Ohio man drank ten and a half quarts of cheap brandy in four days, lie is now dead. If fce had been a Kentucky man the chances are that be would be feel ing ten years younger. —Ladies who bite thread are slowly committing suicide. Most silks are soaked in acetate of lead, which is a deadly poison. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tb« JLcrrot:— Please inform your readers that I hare a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By lta timely use thousands of hopeless M« have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to a*nd two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who hare consumption if they will •end me their Lxprrfis and P. O. ad.lre«a. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCUH, M. C., 16i Pearl Bt. S. V. —The man who goes to bed with the Isirk usually gets up with a bark. —lt is the people bo think the least about happiness tha'. know the most ai>oul it. —lt is the newsp writer who ucver tails to gel an nikliug übu! is going ou in the world. I'iTK.— All Ills stopped iree by I»r KHae's Ureal Serte Restorer No Ms alter lii"-t uu.y's use. Marvelous cures Trean-e ai a $-»• irlnl tk,ltle free to Hi Cadi* Sen., to in. u;i .• ;.:tl \rcli M., f'hli'a, fa. -Even in the coldest weather the law '•-'•.»ker feeln (Hlliged r«" keep si K I f.,r • ~ g< g .1 mil- 11, ji i; a tMilnr dies in a lit iii» l:v-t t' I- - mat l»! -ai.l t<> !»• m tilting cltirile i- career. •/. xtinip v 5. ... r-ii'i.-'i .»» belli »• M-.r. r. ... * til. • »:«. ' 'ter -ii - si,.' :< t VI .ir. • I 'IUVi iu' tiou 1- •r. t>,e mewu, eu'«. I•> th.'f" *li<> li. K, h»- will cheerluilv fi.-nd {?r»-p I'l ehtir;;. ts • ••>! v «! tlit jire-i-riptii. . wiieb l! ev *r,l He i a - ire -rure i r i ■ 1- ; i•- '.I! - " «') * =" « "r'« ■ h«. < - ■ e H.. Pr . r U . ... . , • •>t ll.en. not Mm; ..,.1 II ...» I• r... tear, »itl .lire . 1 im.v.;.' • 'I ii>.'.N, \\ Ku.ks < "ii • • -v Vork. —lVrhups the saddest -iglil on eartli i-ISP A s*s Only snrr Aff'tlfnt Fits hp*>'piy, tie. T.i IB it if uken at direct#; I A'» /r/* y#; rr< I- "T Tf+\v.r an-1 s■» tHal (rce t»» <• r*.- •• 'Mjr'f.if •.•.hafjfatnul ' »be' • • t x ,* , DIAMOND LAUNDRY, Ea<>i Li.iminu - - cutler. Pa. First Class Lai-ndbv Wouk i.v ai,l BttAScnKn Lack Curtains a SPKC! ALTV. ALSO, I'LKAN ist>, Dyking ani> Car put (,'LKAMNU. <1 fl- «:..i|ecti(l .Hill l\(il«j in I' parti- •I ti <• .wi ;V r ■■dtj K 0 ' :t Tli»* BUtiuM ">lll lii s i:t. r •. 1 fL- >■-«»■ « <■> 'l. i JS : I' >•!.-, '' " I:,i V-r --tlicreto. Mil • • the Itsrn fur a term «>l M> u-u» i. lur scllii jr ih that I wich t« ilev«>u-mi uiic ntmu tu niher liusini'SK. ALFRED WICK ISEKTS WAIITEO^r^w-^VuV'm^;-. H W«tunU 7 . «m. l h.ll, K. Y. SAMPLES. SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear. Grand Sample & Mid-Winter Sale OF AN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOODS, HEAVi GOOES, ETC. Having juet received a larpe line of sample Boots and Shoes from several first class factories, I take great pleasure in informing YOU of this great sacrifice sale. Among these samples are some very fine shoes for Men Ladies and Misses— something suitable for dress aud which will be eold at a yery small margin. I have also on baud a big lot of \\ inter Goods which will be sold during this sale at a great reduction. Among these a e 75 cases Men's, BOJB' and Youths' Kip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskasand woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers felt shoes wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a biff line of Holiday Goods. But it can't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been having, no snow, but a constant mud, and uoder tbe?e circumstances wool goods and heavv boots can't be sold at a margin, but we will will take it as it comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these goods, >ut se . them for whatever they wi 1 bring—this is the method we have mapped < ut with the anti-backward season Bale. I also intend starting East in a few days and will put my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on my Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price an the first time you visit Botler call around and see me. whether you wish to j buy or not. But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, .or you cannot resist the bargains. lam offering , ~. 35 cases Men's Kip Boots at $1.50 and upwards; 25 cases K, P Boots at $1.25 and opwards; 15 cases Youths' Kip Boots at SI.OO and up wards; Ladies' fine sample sLoes, ranging in prices from $1 2:i to *3 0( ; 8 dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at $1 2o; 70 pairs cbli "£ calf shoes, solid leather tip, at 90c. and $1:300 pairs Men's calf and Dun shoes, in botton, lace and Cong., at $1 25 to $2.00 Any of these shoes fully worth from $1 75 to $2.00. Child's school shoes, bee r spring heel, tip- or plain toe, at 65c. to 75c. Call and examine, whether on wt«b to .uy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices Men's working shoes in a gcod Brogan, Creemors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid ta P s - a " a for the glass house trade we have a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket h^®' 8 > which cannot be beat for wear and comfort Gill ahd see these shoes e price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies o ail kinds. Three brands of leather. A full stock Sheffiel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips, Levan calf, etc , etc. Zinc, rubber soling,iron, Swede iron, and all nails suitable for shoemaking. Shoemakers tools ot ai kind. Send for our price list and see our prices. Rubber Goods o fall Kinds. Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prices Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A large line of Mens ne dress shoes, manufactured by the leading factories ot the Eastern market, cut from any material desired Kangaroo, Cordovan, Porpoise, trench calf, etc.. Machine, Acme and hand wells. . - When visiting Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes ot shoes which I will sh .w vou Should you not desire a pair ot these at present, don't stay away but call and select for yourself a fine pair ot shoes for fu'uro footwear. T have also on hands 4 dozeu of my o»vn make. >ox toe, p-gged, and fine dress ,boes which will also be sold during this sale, very cheap At till times a full stock of my own make, box toe boots, loug leg, hand sided and hand pegged. Also the celebrated Gokey boot, in box or nlain toe. , This sa'.e will last for six wfeks. as about that time or two weeks pre vious our Spring sto< k will begin to arrive aud the above method we have mapped oat for this special clearance sale. Trusting you will ail visit my store and secure a share of the bargaius I am offering. Boots and Shoes mad«? to order. Repairing, either iu leather or rubber goods, done on very short nonce Mail orders will receive same attention as if brought iu persou. A box ol fine leather free on application, Yours truly, JOHN BIOKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - B"t!er, Pa BUT —■ -i-■..-wnaaaaouuwK. I % 1 TTlw not th« "'Jest shoo jI i TT B V , VV H hous.- in 15t.i1.-r. W«• j< I j B Wis kiwiv nur Imsmo. ▼ t -l_J.irc probably tho young- *- * " —' * l!Xt. "■ 1i n lar« not the rii lii-st slim- StI"T f | VVo've got ruuiipli avoil ' VV M house 111 I!utier, |"C I I the nei<>>*ity of" doing lmsi It j-J J.*P v_y Hess on thi'"h»nd to-mouth'- basin. 111 11 T i.'t got th.- largest I > I Jf 11 We have n brand new one Y\ k; 11 mn v be J[ that i* right up to 1 \ V% 7 I 1 haven't got the largest f) I TT I We admit that the length ol v\/ -tore room of a.iv shoe I"v B i I the room bears no relation » » 1J ;|I , UV . i„ liuller; our.-i-J *V. -I to the quality of the shoes rather short, sold in it. V 4 1t 1 n i got ihe biggest I "JT "T" We mean to sell our share o VV shoe trade m the world, Ia I I I the line shoes handled by us * t J we never exoeet to-* —" have. VI. \\T I~>lon't sell cheaper than | > k fT\l We claim that the goods are Yy' IH any body else; on the | I I g Hilly worth the price. t V J —•'contrary our prices are-®—' -™~ the highest ruling VII \TTT7ldon't give credit. We I \ITf 1 try to deal with our Y Y nniNt have the money I - * I I cuslouiers so as to make T ▼ J_J, ir the goods. them our friends. VIII. VlTT7^ want '•* Hc B Tf I IWe wish you to remember VV H .come undgive usa trial, l"\ I I E where we are located. I>o t t jf are not just-* V—- ;l -M not forget the number, as represented we will cheerfully refund you your money, 95 S. MAIN ST. (,_ _o BLACKMORE & GRIEB, TWO < IfOI« t- M IIOOI.S. a ,OOKE HALL. For irU gfd Younq Ladies. • r'' Media Academy, F; ioys. and Young ft* n IfN C SHORTLID6E, A M H•: .\f ■ i»uRADi' \ !"«•: i MEDIA, I A (Mciir I'hitadelpliiu.) TO MEN Buffering from the rtTecte of yontbful error®, narljr decay. waetintf wcakneaa, lo*t manhood, etc., 1 will ftend a valuable tr tat i*o read by overjr zu*n who IM nervous and dcMlitated. Addreaa, Prof. F. C. FOWLLU, jUoodui, Conn* Win. F. Miller. - \l;imit;«vurer of Stair Rails, Balusters, and Newel-posts. ' yAll kinds of woort-turoluK douo to order, also r»'<>>rati-rl Hint Carved ivuort-wurK. siicli UM ! Casing. *'omer hUicks, Panel* and all km-lv Of fancy wood-work lor In-dde decoration of houses. ("A 1,1, ANI» SKK S.V M PI.KS. Souetblnu new and attractive. Aluo FUENITDHE at iownst'tdiiih l»u«!es. Store h? No. 4<», N. Main Ktre*et. Factory ;it No. N, Wanning on strec?i 81/Ti.KU. I Annual Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures cf Butler Couuty for the Year 1889. Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors—County Tax. > S I "3 ' S3 - * 2 9 ® S O ~ I year' DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR. 53 I £ | : ® 188." Harmony boro F Z Shaffer 5* "5 00 375 21 64 1880 Brady twp John Staff. 14 81, Butler boro G W Zemler 77 87 52 63 Butler twp M D afford 25 00 132 38 03 m 7 (ira.lv • I W Moore 123 001 3 12: 647 60 01 Cherry O I* Campbell 30 49: . 24 50 I Clay Jeff Stoner 287 OC' 27 19 26 95 Clearfield F C Meßride 181 3' 9 54 Centre W Pan I ham us 183 27 8 84 18 59 Dodksl John Ritzart 17 20 10 90 Franklin J B Stevenson 3d 7i*| 88j 1 9-1 Mercer A Currie 133 591 j 7 03 Parker .1 M Shira __ i 10 oo| 5; j . Summit Jacob Reott ! 47 21> 2 49 Butler boro G W Zeigler. j 109 18, 112 96, 54^ Miilerstown " E Hough 3 3o; Petrolia " M Daly 35 00 138 10 86 18S8. Adams two C B Irvin 525 (Hi 33 63j 27 63 11 16 Allegheny 1 J Jolly 673 03 75 03 ; 30 It- Buffalo M Kelly 108 48 6 03| 5 71, Butler Jas Cri-well 28 68 27 14; 1 slj Bradv T J Badger 495 00 | 26 05 270 37 Connoquenessing Win Iletcher 100 01 j 526 124 18 Concord . G W Moser , t>o9 33 60 20 32 07 Cherrv " Jos Kenenhan 501 47 63 1!| 27 86. fljiv J M Thompson 446 28 23 25 23 4!' 279 20 nearer:::::::::::.::., t p Mcßnde 125 12 24 Franklin . J B Stevenson ' 300 (i 0 8 93, 15 79 64 46 Fa* view ::z I j Campbell 421 42 44 81; 22 18 For Van' A Dumbaugh 96 21 515 506 Jackson...::::::::: M un^ r M«» 27« 3*. I r.ancaster I Germer 44 34 828 2 3.1 Middlesex Harvey Cooper Mil, 1 0o ; 69 Muddvcreek... J S Myers 124 0C 653 206 61 Nfercer ACuirie 202 ,r ! 13 B.* 219 91 Marion N Mortland 23 86 70; 1 52 Oak and J MRobb 50 00| 44 90' 263 74 74 Parker J M Shira 233 82 13 65; 11 75 L B Dodds 80 00 ,4 21 25 05 Slipperyrocit {osiah Adam, 455 76 29 08, 23 99 Jacob Reott ' 4' 49 37 o< Vmimso •• Jos Fakun 435 (0 92 22 22 89 143 58 Wa'hiueton".". Herman Seaton 296 00 99 58 15 58 199 43 Worth GH Taylor 1 ,95 63 Butler ' boro RC McAboy 499 ,u 43 41 26 38 Centreville " W Henry Wilson 14 86! 608 78 Evans City " Havid Barto -2 31 1 l,j Fairview " s Lki -4 4o 1 2.< Harmony » A H Wilson 139 77 23 39 736 (I .rrisville " I lew -O 41 394 134 Karns City " M J King 70 OC| 9 30, 368 31 26 Millerstowu " C F Aldinger Petroiia " M Daly 60 00 I 3 It. 22 03 I'roeuect " Reuben Sbaner 197 B.> 11 65 10 41 Portersville " 1 H Kinsey 130 57 366 687 Sunbury " w 11 Tinker 65 8:! 3 46 Sa-.onburg " 1 Sachs 41 4t 218 Zelienople •• A Phillips 30S 91 19 96 16 24 Total $lO 290 02|l 185 76 624 87 2 183 29 Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors—State Tax. m| > I W r TJ BS tt 5 H a so - 3 . o "» » s ? ! O •I 2 ] 0 DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. | j T j * : r - g : ! • 1887 Cherry twp O P Campbell $ 50 01 £ 2 63 Centre W Palhemus 16 82 j 89 Frankl n J B Stevenson 79 , 04 Mercer A Currie 9 85 ! 52 Butler boro G W Zeigler 148 58 7 83! Miilerstown " E Hough j 646 j 34; Petrolia 11 M Daley 15 00 79 $ 3 08 Sazonburg " Wm Sehroth 20 42 sll 26 108 Zelienople " A W Phillips 950 50 1888 Adams twp C R Irvine 1 ( > 85 53 89 : Allegheny f J Jolly 11"!' 180 62 Brady T J Badger 16 00 84 Clay T M Thompson 1 53 72 2 83 'Clearfield T P Meßride 84 37 Mercer A Currie 1 42 30 Parker J M Shira 24 91 1 31 Summit lacob Reott 26 78 60 141 Venango Jos Eakin 13 95 Washington Herman Seaton 16 11 Worth G R Taylor.. : 43 14 Centreville boro W Henry Wilson 1 960 51; Fairview " S Ekis 42 85 2 25 Harmony " \ H Wilson 13 51; j 71! Hairisvilie " I Pew 1 80 43 j 4 23; Karns City " M J King ! [ 10 87 Miilerstown " C F Aldinjjer ; 1267 63 Petrolia " M Daley 25 00 1 31 Prospect " Reuben Shanor 375 300 2(1 Sunbury " W II Tinker 7 32 ; 39; Zelieuople " A W Phillips 27 15 ; 1 43: Total $637 09 sl6 66 $29 * Marked thus, paid ofl'aiiico settlement. Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors of Co. Tax for 1889. > P3 ns 33 3 H 2 86 o r j 2 5 ; $ I § DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. ■ % |. 1 * A.UII.S L t 942 (K»i 34 48, 28 89 839 13 Vllethetn 1.1 .lolly 760 00 21 48 978 27 11 455 65 flllffab. M Knily 15(19 .hJ 58 60 14 98 34 59 238 30 Butler Jo* t 'riswell 1028 00 20 85 37 99 357 01 Itra.iy Thos Bad-er 500 00 26 85 10 2n 570 41 Clintm: Isniab M.Call 1620 CO 90 15 14 IS 49 17 27 81 C 32 ','9 21 553 03 ("ranhi Iri Fred linehn 1545 (Hi 80 29 369 31 2D 12 47 CUv Faphia Wc.Michael 1202 70 43 II 37 43 305 91 Clearfi. :i I B McDevitt 8;5 00 20 14 '"1 28 328 52 ("en TIN* DQ Miller 1125 00 41 91 232 3J 43 83 58 Donegal John lliiziri 1225 (Hi 43 7i 38 37 103 06 Franklin AD W< :ze! 630 Oti 28 46 16 07 775 07 Fairview IM McColl si|«h 1375 00 46 99 41 17 97 4.1 Fi.rwi.i l (' Cowan 1100 00 59 08 22 45 507 61 Jefferson I E Jacks.. 11 John Banc 1246 70 61 58 24 45 305 85 U..CI ter I Rice 1112 0(1 42 96 32 74 143 27 "\ii .dl.tex fob(1 Browu ... 1716 00 40 60 65 96 51 87 Mil 111. cr.-~ (.eo Magei 1100 Oti 59 08 19 72 22 45 55 60 Mercer A Currie [ 300 00 16 3s 92s 452 59 M-.ri iu Ills Bailey 1(MH) Oil 53 70 20 40 202 48 Oakiaad I M Rob I. ►soo 00 42 9ti 16 33 518 96 Park, r W A Keliv 900 00 32 22 28 00 492 03 1 Vim Jus Rankin j 1111 84 26 85 43 45 463 48 Slippery rock Neyuian Christie 1154 (HI; 4.i 86 ; 33 22' 550 52 Summit I! Haldauf 1154 00! 33 83 40 44 231 20 »Winfie)d .. Wm Denny 950 (M. 51 02, 19 39 301 14 Washington Herman Seaton 1187 00 42 27 37 11 310 /1 Worlb W G McCiytuoudu j 1190 00 4) 61 35 IS 338 19 M F Hi,-gins 670 00 16 11 16 88 24 33 577 66 Butler boro RC McAboy 4805 00 258 06 98 06 3484 51 Centreville 41 J P MeQuiatou 314 69 17 06 485 973 Evans City " H McClelland 234 (HI 998 832 99 17 ♦ Fairview " A C Gibson 117 00 635 362 75 72 Harmonv " AII Wilson 401 66 10 90 22 70 16 94 Harrisvi'iie " J S Pew W2 54 990 49f 565 102 42 Karns City " <> W Uoweu 145 42 Miilerstown E M Jenkins 186 42 10 12 577 202 96 Petrolia " M Daley 181 27 Prospect " J W Shaffer..... 181 00 621 641 703 78 02 portersville •' I H Kinsey 80 00 434 247 124 06 Sunbury " lames Pryor 101 33 550 213 90 05 *3axonburg " .... F Baunian 400 00, 21 70 • 12 37 647 Zelieuople " .... Jacob Kaullman 516 70 28 04 798 15 98 total $42115 75 1720 81 132 25,1229 28 16033 77 * Marked thus paid off since settlement. Stale Tax Collected and Due from Collectors for 1889. ~T~ si I I " 1 ? I 9 a, o- 0 | n _»? j go DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR. % \ ,|- T ! • 3j ; ! • Adams . ~ iLMcCaudlew $ 111 00 596 U 2 27, 38 29 Allegheny J J Jolly ! I 1 44 33 8uffa10..... M Kelly ! 46 00 96, 697 191 838 Butler Jos Criswell 77 87 Brady Thos Badger 57 00 306 116 35 77 Clinton Isaiah McCsll 51 58 lis 201 Coilnonueiiehsitig .C I', Shannon 66 00 247 199 538 Concord G W Moser 20 83 1 12 43 Cherry I. L Stevenson 42 88 134 145 Cranberry Fred Clay Japhia McMichael 45 00 242 92 17 59 Clearfield I B McDevitt 75 00 134 314 13 30 Centre D Mi11er.................. 67 26 40 Donegal 101.11 Itilzart 200 (H> 10 74 408 21 12 Franklin A l> Weitzel 27 00 1 45 55 55 50 Fairview I M McCollough 13.1 79 134 30 6 6«» Forward C Cowan 200 00 10 74 408 194 23 Jefferson I A Mon tag 150 00 8 06, 306 10 36 Jackson John Bame 93 82 5 (II 1 91 Lancaster I Rice 100 00 537 204 20 78 'Middlesex lohn Brown 72 00 386 1 47 31 46 Mudilj creek George Mageo 40 48 Mercer J A Currie 20 00 1 06 41 M iriou lames Bailey 40 00 210 82 423 Oak lank I M Robb 100 00, 537 20i Parker W A Kelly 16 00 86 33 64 26 las Rankin 278 16 . 9 13j 9 16 Slippt-ryrock Nevinan Christley 65 00 349 . 133 38 89 Sutiiin 11 II Bal iauft" 70 01 3 76 1 43 Wi«.field W Denny 162 55 2 68 (J 94 Washington Herman Seaton. 12(1 ("0 641 245 267 Worth W 9S 56 II H) •Saxoniiurg Itauinan M» (Hi 4 (.7 266 68 78 Zelienople Kaufiman 142 17 669 150 480 total $1364 99 $204 25,517 29 117 69 1205 7S Marked thurt jiaid oil siuce .settlcuicut. Unseated Land Account. I Q i School Koafl Poor c £ 5 £ £ S c £ 1 pi = DISTRICTS. I : I SgJS ?§<*•£. 2* • Cfc «• «o * <£. 5 *0 i Allegheny 15 52 v. 44 29 44 64 45 12 27 12 72 2W>2 4C 240 2 «*■ I Butler 272 2 7-' | . r, 4; ! Brady 7 i> 7 ox Butler Doro 53 1* 42 136 11 42 IX. t6l 4CI 7*. 10 30 1 S .*> Clinton I' \ 19 ; - Cherry 12 4!' 12 4K 4 88 4 Centre 31 75 si 23 18 10; ua > 0 .v. 2 13 11 4* •*. 4; 4 -jc 2S 4.' 12« Claj _ Cunnoqnenesing 3 .3 3 o .c C 7- Clearfl.-ld 1* _ I* ,v Concord s3l a* • 3oi •»> 2 V' »u- j- ... 1 .. . 1' ■ i Donegal 103 4U3 234 403 2 M 402 ISO .4 » ... y Forward. 11 12 | 11 12 s .v, g V! ' Fairvlew slO I 6« 3er y>2 .0 9:* 270 co !W , t H Marion 637 Boj 352 12 1." 1 'JO 1•» '. 1 , u >| Oakland 31 20 ".a! 35 62 472 20 :;l 7.■ 27 ... 1 : 12 M 1". Kill MI I'arkor 13 20 87 77. » o>. 87 75 29 00 12 le, 0 8.» is lc :<2 9 10 ic ;rj ;■ v , Summit 735 S3 88 630 30 tc 11;. 1 IV nn I 1 20 13a Slipperyroek : 1 or. 00 10 1 i*> YenangO 13 » 19 db 114S, 33 98 •• s!'. 300 1. 14:' 151 SOU Washington 1125 83 01 10 >4 85!W >• 61 77 I 2 I'.' 77 M 2 (■.' 32 7- "21 32 75 311 ! Worth 140 626 U' 1 626 1 . («. " 1 WlnOeld _ 74. 743 29 70 2$ 70 Jefferson 70 47 47 2- 15 43 S8 15 I llarrlsvtlle boro 3 15 3 15 1 23 1 2.; MUletStOWn 18 80 I>HO Il>l 14 81 C 63 663 Falrveiw 770 12.14 20 90 13 14 20 Of 81 SMI 81 3 •*> 2 - 1«» 23 150 - Prospect 1 75 1 75 Fetrolia 1 70 4 50 Saxonburg 2 4<; ; 2 64 Total. .. 187 04 381 62 197 02 211 53 467 51.104 >.2171 «> 112 19 ! 120 53 V>7 07 42 27 161 10 78 1 Assessment and Levy tor 1890, State and County Tax. x cT cr ° - c t * a 1 DISTRICTS. j "F I ! =_ I Adams twp $ 82 $ 1 844 50 Allezheny "*-4 33 1 -"4 02 Butler 77 87 1 4 1 9 S5 Buffalo (, 4 12 1 855 62 Brady 96 99 1 10 " 46 Clinton , '4 77 1 "'1 61 Clav 65 93 1 589 15 Centre -7 13 1 286 24 Clearfield 92 78 1 183 94 Cherry 45 67 1 464 16 "5 74 1 417 26 Cranberry 77 !*> 1 614 74 Concord 22 38 1 44:) 66 Donegal 235 94 I 410 21 Forward 4*39 05 1 689 17 Fairview 144 09 1 573 59 Fauklin 84 50 1 449 59 Jefferson 171 48 1 '26 41 > Jackson 100 17 1 638 58 Lancaster 128 19 1 330 94 1 Marion 47 20 1 277 58 Middlesex 108 79 1 87;■ 43 Mercer 42 61 7 .1 H Smith, repairingCroll bridge 50 Jacob Musser. repairing Filmier bridge. 5«o Charles Mangel, repairing KougU Hun bridge li 50 F Welgle, cleaning Harmony bridge 2 00 Joseph brown, repairing Claries bridge. 50 , Addison Klllott. repairing Jack bridge.. 200 Shaffer and seyberl, lus peering Hough Kun bridge 4 <5 Clias Mangel.cost belore Justice Walker 12 51 Martin Marburger. repairing Winters and Hreakneck bridge 39 00 M Fleming, stonework. Ituffner bridge 2tu <5 M Fleming, woodwork. KulTner bridge., co oo itis-er McCaudless, timber tor PrankUu Hoad bridge 30 King Bridge Co, contract.Franlcliu Hoad bridge •••••• 57 Charles Fleming, work. Franklin Boad bridge * «i l.ewis Bolton. tilling. Franklin Hoad brldue 50 oo \V King llrldge C3,contract. Franklin Hoad bridge 08/ 3u Jolin Coricii. repairing Boydstown bridge 18 75 Harrou and Taylor, repairing Clark budge 4 ' A Wilcox. repairing Cranberry bridge... is oi I N Duncan repairing Maginnis bridge. 1 •'>" A J Kvaua. repairing IJuUI bridge 73 Daniel Grarat. repairing KulTner Orldjre f- (w I) II Mition. repairing Wade Mill bridge 10 oo Mini in I Caldwell, repairing Tliorn Creek bridge 5 «o J < Kelly, tilling. snivel aville bridge — 100 o.) .1 1" UaOger, mason worn. Filmier bridge lso ii M Fleming, mono work.McMillan bridge 130 oo .1 ll sh.mor, wood work, t'linner bridge, oo co I' C Kellj. balance on contract, barvers viile bridge 3s ca Lewis llaya. repairing Adams bridge.... 4u oo K S licnry, repairlnK Wick bridge L,> in It i. A1 C Sedgwick, repairing Dudley Fur nace bridge 134 02 M C .Sedgwick, repairing Harper Mill bridge 47 00 L'lrlc Winter, repairing Winter oridge.. U) so L S Larimer.repairing Boydstown bridge 13 «i Homer Duiicun, repairing Hlchardson bridge 2 00 W \\ m ;u:keiirnige i Son, abutments, Moore bridge 180# 30 Brltuin &■ Starr, plank, McCaudless brlilge 21 40 Alex Bsewster, repairing Hlchardson oridge 14 23 Fred I'babe. repalrlni! Hold City bridge 7 on W ti idlieland. abutmenls. Franklin Hoad bridge 150 93 John CriU'hlow, repairs, McCaudless bridge • 13 00 J. r. Uadger, stone work, KUiiuer bridge 14® 35 Taylor & Harrou, planking Ulenu bridge h l ,c Will. lluteUlson, repairs, Greece City bridge 1 OO I'hlllp Fliuner, wood work. Fllnner bridge ili 00 A. C. Hutchison.cleaning Springdule bridge....,, 2 00 John Gordon, repairs. Jfob!) brltlge 1 50 James iluteUison, cleaning Spring- bridge V oo Will.Mabold,repairs, Anandale bridge s uo I'.lj iiucl .v ( o.,repalrs,llrady bridge. 112 00 Reuben siianer. bridge view, llrady bridfl 3 44 llarvey Cooper, repalrs.l'arks bridge. 70 00 llarvey Cooper, lining I'arks bridge. 10 oo Thomas Martin, abutments. I'arks bridge *•« 22 M. Fleming, Iron, Kutlner bridge.... 1 50 Feter Morrison.repalrs lirady bridge. i 50 Total t 8.109 2» Printing Arrouut. Ziegler .V McKce $ 401 ii~> )V. V. Neifley 433 22 itobliison ti Carson Charles F:. llerr Jioo^os Total * i.4»4 « Jail Arcoant. S. G. Purvis & Co., thlngles S 11 a; Traxler & Flnkle|>earl, clothing, lor prisoners 1 ''i Mrs. Swain, washing, lor prisoners.. 40 21 A. J. Hutchinson, clothing. lor pris oners 0 20 Uurtner a Huff,hardware, and plumb um 11 35 Sjdney Sliontz. plastering 5 ui J. T Kelly, clothing, lor prisoners .. 13 05 G. W. Ziegler, repairing locks. &e.... 0 00 Geo. H. Walter, repairing locks I 00 George KeUerer, lurniture It; no .John Uickel. shoes a 75 Traxler i. Flnkelpearl, clothing 1 '»> Jell Uurtner, plumbing 2 50 Miller bros.. matresses 11 Meuger (i Vojkweln. shoes .100 • ieorge Keltercr, ujatresses 10 #0 James Hutchinson, cleaning under Jail 2 23 1). J. Turner, goods. I ly Jackson \ Mitchell, liardwap- L".I '' (l Mchutte iV O'Brien, pluinbiiig 1 1 harles Uully, lj pall's blankets 25 50 Or. h. Graham, medical attendance 10 > 00 n. C. H< die. Kherdl.lsl herllt ltlu|Uarler board lug prisoners Total * 2 - Ss ° w County Account. ACI William*. Notary I'ublle. .. . t suO Enoa McDonald. stationery and p'Mtago 11 .1 ( liarli* Mcl-herln. Hlstrl. 1 Attorney.. 7 0o KdUB McUoiiaild. cobt ili < 11 ir.j J< nnl<* MoElvain. work 011 Frank Kohl.*. Notary Public I no I W llrown, cost lu Kiddle el. al. case ... . W 11 Beihing lioardlng Jurors 3s so Albert Dunbar apprehension horse S T Mai shall. work on duplicates oo l Adams Kx press Co.. express l •£. j Tlios Moore, damages of horse 45 o> j Mrs Sink, boarding Jurors 11 • Thomas Baker, work on duplicates • 0 1 li C Me Atony ? 50 Marshall Bros., pro. Greer's costs .... r; 4-. B Solbach, book binding Newton Black. Es.|.. att'ys tees « 1 • cieo W Christy, rieliv-rlng election papers 2 ou Peter Kramer Interpreter in Adams case 4 Berg j Total f ;«0 1 Tip Mares Account. Paul Ferroro moo T> M Ward iso HI Fll Monle , 7S «, AJ McCandless Is ; i n llenry Dilleman 170 0 Total 3 oa» ih. Court lloaht; Account. S G Purvis Co.. lumber f ~j c. Fleetric Light Co.. bill 517 2 Jackson i. Mitchell, bill -j s> 11 A Ay res, Keglster & Recorder. re pairing office 81; Berg and Cypher, oil cloth 17 B solbach, book blndinj: 4 ,m I .tubers Bros., mops, brooms. &e 20' Mrs MeClafTerty, cleaning Commission ers oillce 2w Hitter & ltalston. dry goods ... s: Flack & Porter plumbing l- .'.l W u H iinsminger. papering. &c lu li Scbutte & O'Brien, plumbing 12 y- A J Hutchinson, cleaning vard 1 o .lohu Kopp, repairing tlio 95- \v S Montgomery, repairing blinds j Cleland & ltalsiwn, winding clock, re pairs, &C 4K s \\ C ( rail, awning for windows sot N J Shaffer, repairing furniture 3 r,i G W Ziegler, repairing locks 1 2." Jell Burtner. gas fittings, &c lvj in Burtner & Hurt,steam Heating linings. 33T> K. Mrs Dennody, cleaning oillce 1 2.' I J McCandless, flagging cellar :;i .'■< W H Goehrlng, brushes 4 7; •ieo. A Miller, one dozen brooms, Ac ;i « 1> P Turner, brooms 1 James Sloppy, cleaning carpet low Total .$ 1,966 &l Roller House Account. Flack a Porter, plumbing $ 30 s: J K Kearns coal 10 ,v J F Creeks, work on stack, &c 1; 11 (! \V Neidle, work It* Ltalzell Bros., re pains on roof 2U o. Kilns Beck, wood 120 ,V John Sumney, wood a? 2." J N Muntz, coal 4iw :i. James Hutchinson, attendlnj masons. 2 '£ C Wise, repairing boiler and wall ;« Ashbaugh. Manufacturing Co.. repairs 011 boiler 3 51 K H Bole, repairs 011 boiler house ;! <» II L Beck, wood 2 11 Total * Ttij 8 Count) Auditor's Account. JLlllndman sll3'-': J S P Dewolre 121 I'- ll A Klnzer 113 2 Total i £4B 2 Jury Commissioners Account Fred Hennliiger $ s:i I: X McMlchael c 3 li C Kelley 130 0 \V F Campbell 110 4: Total $ 3»> !> Commonwealth Acrouul. To warrants redeemed $2326 T Fraudulent Warrants Not Taken lulo Settle incut With Treasurer. v Warrant No. 355, Drawn to James McSweney $ 5 2; 1,1,50, " John Shafler 4 27 2,5(111, " John McKiroy 4 It 2,tin:i, " .lame* Sbelion -4 Si 2,698, John llamel 4 SI 2,700, " (' Ziber 4 i>i 2.721, " W Reed 3 C! 2,764, . " James McCabe 6 0( 2,781, " James Stialer 4 2) 2,834, " James Oues 32i 2,014, " Joseph Thompsou J £ 3,169, " A Suyiler 3 li' 3,318, " (ieorge I:lauU 4 7 Total... SSB 3! AUv. rrai ts refunded by John ' Kelly Account "ill. IHiiannt and Warren Hospital' Willi Townships, etc. I> ; » 3_ 2. U Venango j !• 75 Cherry B<> 47 Hutler 27 198 0( i.ancasler f7 75 W'inlield !<7 75 Ilonegal 120 .'iti 70 K Penn fc(J 7(j Millerstown Boro 177 I'J Jackson 97 7". JeJerson 307 44 3 (KJ ilaitnony U0r0.... 230 00 1.7 5( Parker 12« i 75 Karns City Boro 8(5 l(i Adams IH7 Gx 22 7, r Fairview 1 -• Mercer 154 75 28 7< Worlh 85 47 Clinton 84 it Co.ino'<|, $44.16 outlawed, f aitview,.s744.36 outlaw; .j Total £7BB 52 ;$1837 11 $ 682 61 (mount lledlnil lij Treasurer From commissioners 5 H'J r, 2 From license 4J5 "" From Jury fees 1J« From tines B favls, Glenn bridge c ' 4 Fnncls M Eyth. Sarver bridge 3 24 J N Moaer, sarver bridge 3 24 Seibert. Gllleland and llutnpbiey, Sar v«?r bridge If. hi Simeon Nixon,Flluner bridge !> Ixl Total t- w Iwurt Crrrr'ii Account. Itobcrt Glllelan.l 0( Clerk of Court's Account. iteuben MeKlvalu J407 !•! Commissioners' Counsel Account. Newton Black. Ksn 1200 <» Constables' return account. >v ' i I!etfUtry 1tec0.,.7l »»** 00 Militia .1 >2OO 78 Klectlon account... .1 Gas account " Inquest ao ounl ** :!s 4 ' In.iiict Attorney Account. c A Mct'Uerrln «3ao o.» lutl<*\line Arrount. K I l;ru:,i> '< Cor NTT IIKTKI TIVE ACCOCNT. I> L liimbar s('<*) « HON I. KF.UKKXkII. Amount J23000 (< Interest on bonds 114.13 t'enns}Hanla Iteforn School. A F Keating W 3 " 4 I'oad daroa»;« account $152 (Hi Road view account '' burial account $l2O (( Ketuiiding account s3t» 0( Stationery, postage and office doek ot* f»o Scalp account „ ill .j- Water account oo ork house account > l>v» 11 t our! Anittliir. II J: Coulter Account. LSMcJtnkiu &Z'.i on ll.itler Couetr A-rlrnltur.il A'UhUtian JS Campbell ;»,>(*> Western IVnllratUrjr Artoiit. KS Wright :<> rnitlMatlarj > Arrauul Ji.ha W Drown .112 r/.MOnt Uwpltal Ar.ou !. II A Hutch in ■ 11 I. Wsrren rI Aretmnt Pr John Curwiu . ..'i S.UOOI Initiate A-uuiii V.' G IU-*. !j t Moru-j Si}., F E Pelton - • Total .. ; ~1 State Dnrkrtlus Arruaat. Jennie MeE'.vain f, .lauitor's Acruuitl. Alexander llutchituoa Assessing account ■__> ~( Jury account ;.i toniwUxlon. rs' Arc.unl A .1 Hat - '-.;i-.v>n ;>l3 day*, j-J 50 pi-r <1 v $ 7M 80 B M I'uniMii, "13 nays, 50 per C»>»y 7*2 .<» John C Ke11y,."103 days, $2 per day . ... ;.7 r,.| iv : ii i2.:;22 &o t'ommisvior.erV t'lrrk. S T M ar>i<»: ! J <)j 50 Enos Slcl'ocrtlil 7t'7 ,'«J Total ssijO 00 Commit- 1.. tr.ivelin ; fi,ieu ?73 05 Coniiaivi.-nit-i--.' livery hire sl3«i 00 State Art-aunt. Ji-liii \V Brown, Prothnnoiary '127 00 II A Ajer- K.-L-ir «r>d ii-roriter 37 20 Tot,l 7iTi~ Jo State i.iz ac-'oant -}3'!M 00 Lunacy ?.-• •.••int.. S3OO 73 rruntrcribin : p.icount Slo7 -13 Recapitulation. Amos Seaton, Treasurer, in account with Hut ler county, Pa. Dr to Co tux rce'd Irom Collector of lt.» and previous $10,290 02 Dr to .Slate tax rte'd from Collectors of ISSS and previous 037 09 I>r to Co tax rec from Cols 1M!) -12,-115 7," Dr to Stale mx rec from Cols 14,301 99 Ain't Irom Ilixmont and Warren Hospital account 1,837 11 Ain't from unseated land account.. 501 02 Am't from (Commissioners, Jury fees, fines, tiog tax, 1,835 11 Bal in trewiry, Jan 7, 18f!' 37,225 49 Total §99106 58 Cr Warraut-. rec'teiued $48078 81 " Bonds redtc-n.e.l 23000 00 " Inte.e«t rn bot ds 1433 95 " School ir st'ta'e 200 00 ■' r«S(..t;d land aecocit -IS4 87 " State tax account 3778 20 " Tread com 011 SSO 000,00 at 3 percent 1500 00 " " " $23,476,76 " 1 per eeut 234 77 " Am't in treasury, J,in t>, 1890.. $19790 1 8 Total $99106 08 11NAN( I.\L STATKM liNT. A Si". tt«. Am't due from collectors .$20595 83 Am't due Dixtn'taud Warren II ac't 782 01 Am't in treasury, Jan oth, 1890 19780 lii Total £ 11071 52 Liabilities. Bondd bearing I percent interest...?l"iooo 00 Aasetts over liabilities 26074 02 The a&ove and foregoing u a correct state ment of the fiscal ailaiis of Butler County as shown by Honks, ae- omits. and vouchers of the County. aud the Auditor's lteport filed In the l'rotliouotary's offlt-i Is In full accord with this statement. 1!. M. HI WAN. .IOIIX HL'.Ml'llltEY, A. .1. lit T« lIiSON, Attest ; Commissioners. Kxos )|c'l)o.\ai.|i. 1 l< rk. I CURE FITS! Wh«n I m Ctraß I do not mean mor«ly to stop them ler a time, and then have them tu» turn again. I mean A RADICAL CUHJu» 1 have made the disease ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A Hfe-lmi* utmly. I wahraut my remedy to Citkb the worst cases. Because other a havo tailed Is no reason lor not now roccivinK a core. BEND atones lor a treatiso and a FBEK BOTTLB of my IKFAT-LIBLB UEMEUT. Give Kxpreaa and I'ost Office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. Address H. Q. ROOT. M.C., 183 Plabl St.. Wra Vcan NO MORE OF THIS! Rubber Shoes unlen wJrn uncomfortal.ly tight, will often slip «>fT the feet. To remedy tlila evil tho "OOLOHESTEB " RUBBER CO.. OITt a phoo with tho inside of the heel lined will rubber. This eliiiKS to the shoe and prevents the Bubtier from slipping off. Call for the "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS ■■Ml vou c&u walk, run or jump iu thou. S—=— A SOLID— TEEL FENCE! tXPANDEG METAL tcr ?"X«Sr EE,J SOMETHING KtW ?, lift-# ~.r.« .1 •»* t-■* • '* ;y ' t V'' \ITA\TU) A);enls lo soil.-It orders for our ** clioii-e anu hardy Nur»ei.\ Stoek. Mrmly Work For KD. rtretlr Trn.per»lr 51m. « ilarv and ejCDeu.->.-s or eonimisstoii If prefer ed Writ.- at oiuo. state A«e, Adilrt «• rt. 6. Chase &Co. ,< 1» p v" M