THE CITIZEN FRIDAY. MARCH 2!. 1390. £>UTL> H a populatlou ot aliout 10,000. IT is the County neat of Butler Coumy. with CU.IUU. Pour railways, natural gas. and uotsjualled facilities for manufactures. Program ev^rywhT"; new bulldlusrs. new manufacture*, a growing and prosperous town TttAINS AND MAILS. W KST I'KSM H. It—Trains leave liutlcr for Krerport. Blairsvilie. Mttsburj! at «1« aod *3u a. in. and i:i*. and S:oOp m. Mails close fir tliese points at s:OS a. m. and W p. m. Aim rive at WcW a. in. and S:W p m. 1». S. & L. K. U. H.—Train:, leaves for . vUle at :.M and loao a._w and S claw at 5; 10 a. m. and 7:W p. rot ' U) tor Ikij ffs. Itovard and HUHard at 4Jo P- Malls arrive at *33 and c:«o [• ni. V & \v. K. It Trains leave Uut.'cr for AUe irh.-nj ai 1 rj>. (■: li aud lIKJO a iu. and 1:50 and S;VI p Ui Kor the norm at msj a. in. and . p iu. Mails close lor Hie West aud South at f:fO a. m Kor Wttsourj! and the North at 9:»o a. in. Kor local point* nest of Callery at 13J n m Kor local points South and — i'lO p. m and for IMtulnUK. Oil City.Karuhart s Mills < iariou and Koxbur/ :it 7. p. m. Malls arrive lrom HtIaUUK ana local points west of < alien- at *lO a. m ; lrom PittaburK, Oil City, liarniiart s Mills. < larlou. Foxburx and local points between Allegheny and Hutler at 10: JO x in. • from Pltlsburg and the E*st at I£2U |>. m. ■ from inttuburg and the North at coo p. in. .Mails for local |KiinU between Allegheny and Callery close at 3:10 and T-jo p. in. »TAa ItocTßi—Daily mall for Mt. Chestnut arrives at 11 and leaves Duller P. O. at li in. Dally mall to North Hope, Hooker and oilier points arrives at 11 a. in. and departs at i :m p. in. Money orders can be secured at the post otilj-H at Duller. Prospect. Suubury (Coulterrt vlHe P. t>), Mlilcrstown iDarnnart Mills), i.enueville (Slipperyrock), Pctrolia. Karns City and Kenfi.ew. The fee Is five cents lor all sums under lujfi e»nts for 110. or less, etc. Postal notes which are no saler than en closing money, as they are made payable m Miy Ix.dy, f-rtt a cents for 15. or htsa. SO'OI tiTIES. LOCAL ASSEMBLY 8598. KuigliU of U }xtr, meets evtry Friday night in the Car ptnten and Joiner* 11*11, third floor. Howl iou building. WM. M. GLK.SK, Kec. Sec. e .. . L™ New Advertisements. O. C. Sale, Estate of J. Harper Davis. Notice of Partition, Estate of Anthony Goldingcr. Schueiileinan's Clothing. Pablic Sale of Bees. Cook's Baking Powder. Grove City College. JJougla.-.H' Wall L'apar. Excursion fo Washington. Horses Wanted. Prices of Stone Work. NOTK — All advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday moraine. FOR County Superintendent. H. H. ELLIOTT, Of Millerstown. LOCAL AND GENERAL - The .snow saved the wheat. — Monday was St. Patrick's Day. —"lt's U coal day when we get left on gas. —liow many silly questions, did you ask to-day! Grove City College opens April Ist. See notice — See notice of public sale of bees at Renfrew in another column. —Douglass" store room is full again— full of Wall Paper, in all the new patterns. — The new building of the Concordia Or phans' Home, near Saxonburg, i» almost completed. —"Tie your baby's bonnet with wide strings of hemmed surah silk." — Ex. First get your baby. —NO person holding a State, county, borough or township office can be appoint ed census enumerator. —The Y. W. C. T. U. will give a festi val and supper in the Y. M. C. A. Rooms on next Thursday evening, March 27. —An Armstrong county teaoher ban ' outraged every sentiment of humanity by 1 compelling her scholars to hand in an orig- 1 inal poem ever week. —The season will soon be here when the man who pridos himself on his garden will come in collision with his neighbor whose ambition runs in tho direction of chickens. —lt was reported on our streets, Monday, | the wife of C. F. L. Mctjuistion, the civil engineer, had died at the boino ol her i parents in Washington county, that morn- ■ ing. —Mr. Sylvanus Cooper and his son Oliver have a grove of fifteen hundred inaple trees and improved apparatus for making syrup. Oliver was in Hutler, taking orders, last week. An observing Hutler boy now resident of Columbus, 0., has written us some inter esting and instructive lottcrs about Ohio and the Obioaus, the first of which appears In our columns this week. —On Thursday last Mr. S. T. Marshall sold hia store of groceries, near the West Penn depot to Mr. W. W. Phillips of Penn twp. who will be assisted in the manage ment of the store by Samuel Ilazlctt. —A new disease called the '"Nouna" has originated in Italy. It puts its victims Into so sound a sleep that the physicians cannot awake tbom, and it is said to be spreading over Europe with alarming ra pidity. —lt is highly probable that the money subscribed by tho school children of the State to the Higben Memorial Fund, will be returned to them, the movement is meeting with great opposition in many parts of the State.—Ex. —All soldiers who are drawing pen sions from the government by reason of rupture are entitled lo a truss every thirty months which can be obtained on applica tion to the examining board of surgeons of their district. —Never hunt a thief with a brass hand nor a gas leak with a lighted candle. If you succeed iu tho former case it will bo a wonder, and if you are successful in tho latter your end is near. —Several Westmoreland county con stables have determined to test the elec tions held this year for the selection of Constables. They allege the Constables elected last year were chosen for three years. The matter will probably go to the Supreme Court. —ln a lest case brought before Judge Harry White at Hrookville during the ro cent term or court, the Judge decided that wo had no fence law—that people were re quired to feuce their own cattle in, and were not required to feuce othur people's cattle out.—F.t. —Don't frightou your children, don't make them go to bed in the dark against their will, and don't punish them because thoy are afraid. These three "dont's" come from a high medical authority which says that not a few cerebral diseases have had their origin in the frightening of young children. Will tho fathers and mothers remember thisl —A Justice of the Peace of a neighbor ing town who was given the books of a re tiring merchant for collection, had the fol lowing pointed vernelet printed on the statements: To avoid proceedings unpleasant X wish you would pay what is due If you do, you'll oblige me at present. If you don't, then I'll oblige you. —The wile of Lemuel Met. ill. of lUr " villc, was found dead in her bed. Wedno .lav morning. She was a daughter of Samuel Taylor, now living ' n Tcnoe.-« and leaves several small childi«u —That is a good joke on a telegraph operator of Pittsburgh Ho received a message fro.n Saginaw. Michigan. - -tatin? that the seiiJcr. (an agent of L. C Wick, of this place l, had purchased fiOO.OOO mill colls for him. and lie transmitted it to Butler "Have bought fiflO.nOO milk cow for you." —Those .switchmen's puzzles that Schneideman is giviug away with each purchase are furnishing considerable i.umscment fur the children. Bead his new ad. in this week'' paper, lie i- offering great bargains in children < lnthiug. anil with every pureha-e of $4 ami upwards he also makes a <>! a < ;iston«t wheel —Occasionally you meet a ninii who is not satisfied unit -i tie, buying thing a litli.- cheaper than his neighbor. If his neighbor pays l r > cents a dozcu for egg< In must have Kt for a dozen, and so it is with everything; he is a nuisance with every one he coincs iu contact. He finally die poor, and his sons pay full price lor a coflin. while the man who is willing to pay a fair price fur everything is rich and prosperous.^ —How can a man say that a woman lias nothing to dof In one year she gets dinner 36T> times, washes the dishes IW'.> time , gets the children ready for ; eliool twice a day for 180 days, gets the baby to -hep HfiO times, makes about 300 < all-, and as she wishes lor something she hasn t ever} minute, she wishes CI things an hour, or 48.H0 things ill a year. Who ays that a women has nothing to dof —The annual "report of the Pennsylvania Bailroad contains the statement that among the property damaged and destroy ed by the great Hood were cars, fail freight cars. 34 locomotives, some of the latter, notwithstanding their weight, being carried more than a mile by the force of the flood, and that the amount expend ed iu repairing the loss caused by the flood to 31st of December last,was +3, i.ol —Owing to our columns being crowded last week, we omitted several matters, and among them tho proceedings of In.-.titute No. 2, in Cranberry tup . a well written communication from Mr. W. I'. Kin.->cy. The next institute will be held oil Satur day, the 29th inst, at school-house No. 3., the Bear Bun school, anil will consist of speaking and music in the school-room that afternoon. Everybody is cordially in vitcd. —Sometime ago we printed the follow ing sentence containing 13 word and 47 letters, and the latter including all tho let ters of the alphabet: "John P. Brady gave me a black walnut box of quite small size." A correspondent who saw it. asks what we think of the following sentence: '-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogf" which contains only !' words and 3.i letters. Can this be beatenf 11 so, who baa the sentence that will do itf —lxiok out for a stranger who is going the rounds swindling people by elling a powder "wananted to kill all ills." He charges from sf3 to fO and leaves a little bit of corn starch. He was iu town on Friday last and victimized a couple of ourjf itizens, and, strange to say, neither of the nn fortunates read a county paper. What they paid tho swindler would have secured them a paper for three years.—V.s. —lf you are trespassing ou railroad property and a train comes along and knocks you iuto smithereens, your family can't collect damages from the company, no matter how valuable your mortal re mains may appear in their eyes. It would seem that every one ought to know this, but there are some who do not. In the caso of George llarton and wife against the Lake Shore it Michigan Southern Railroad Company, iu which the plaintiffs asked $24,000 for the loss of their daughter, who was run down and killed by a train iu Franklin last summer, Judge Taylor order ed a non-suit, on the ground that the girl was trespassing 011 the company's prem ises, and that the latter could not be held responsible for the accident. OH Field Notes. A strong gasser was struck 011 the Fox farm, near Sarversville, hut week. The gas will go to Etna. A rig is going up on the J. Lcfevrc farm, near the Cooper residence, east of the ■Jefferson Centre field. The McKarland well on the Uaker (arm, in Franklin township, reached the gas sand at 1,0ii5 feet and began (lowing t'a j and some oil. Phillip* So. 2 on tho Jacob Stamm farm, Glade Hun district is doing 150 barrels a day, with one bit in tho Hand. Carlin, Golden A Co. reached tin- Hand in tho Swartzlander Inst Saturday, when the well began flowing' McMarlin A Convert struck a good well on the Miles Coovert farm near Mar j a few days ago. At Myoma, two new wells 011 the C«»h dollar anil one on the 8. Staples are all showing good. Deeper drilling in the II und red-loot Cu's gusher, caused a strong flow of salt water, which decreased the production of oil, il rated at 00 barrels a day, the Isickwood at 35, and the Woods A Vonng at 300. llrandon ity of the house, but as (ar as the liquor license is concerned that de pends entirely upon the habits of the in dividual. The only remonstrance filed was that against the granting of a liceuse to Phillip Nicklas, at Peter-ville, and Phillip saw fit to withdraw his application. The hearing of the cases will probably not be concluded until this (Thursday) evening. TillAL LIST FOB APRIL TEBM. • But fourteen cases are on the li -t lor April 7th, as follows: J A Steele, Jr., vs Bickel & Lichl; Enoch Hall, vs A lloliiier, Lcoli Otto, vs l'red Weber; W C Thompson, vs C(i Christie, etal; Jas Wakefield, vs J B Kilroy; J B Johuston, vs O W Ziegler, Ceo Sell a finer, vs Standard Plate Glass Co; Hundred loot Oil Co, vs 11 W Christie, et al; Ann Bracken, vs Anne Jane Bracken; Michael Weiland, et al, vs Butler county: J li Kearns, vs F W I.eidecker, Alex Store}-, vs Butler county. NOTES. The Forest oil Co. recorded a lot of leases taken in Marion, Venango and Cher ry twp. The Jury Commissioners and Sheriff are drawing Jurors for June term. Jeff. Lotton is in jail ou a charge ol larcony, and Ceo. Fair on a charge of mayhem. The will of Jacob Peffer, of Lancaster township, was probated and lettei lo W F Peffer; also will of Elizabeth McCill, of llarrisville, no letters; also will of Jos. Dittiner, of Summit township, no letters. Andrew U Thompson was appointed trustee to take charge of a fund of +112.01 and pay to Nancy Patterson the interest on fcaid sum during her lifetime, and at ln r death to pay the fund to the heirs of Jo-. Patterson. A charter was granted to the I" P con gregaliou of Ml. Chestnut. Mary A Rape, of Forward township, was granted the lieiielil of separate earnings law. Peter Sclnnick has brought suit \ John Weber for trespass. Jos II Livingston has summons in Ires pass issued, vs 1! S Johnston and others. Mary A Jackson has sued lor divorce from Frank Jackson, and Chas Soddon from Hannah Seddon. LATH l-UOPEBTY TRANSH.US. G W Miller to Wm Miller lot iu Butler for S6OOO. Wm Miller to Marg Miller lot iu Butler for iKKKJO. E P Hammer to A M Itciher lot in But ler for fl.">00. Sarah MeCraekcn to Jennie Boyle acres iu Slipperyroek for $13.">0. 11 J Fishel In L 8 McJunkin lot in Butler for S3OOO. S C Graham to Chas Beebe lot in llutler $22f.. Sl! Springer to I' llaulien.-jn-i lc lot in Butler for $1 100. S l» Bell to I li (iilmore fiacres in .Mil lerstown for $3500. John Pierce by ex'r to W E Heed o largely helped to create. It will not be too much to ay that the place which the W.C.T.I holds in the affections of the world's In »/ is due to the untiring devotion ol Mrs. La throp as much as to any other one person. A union service will lie held Sabbath al' teryoon, March 23d, in the Presbyterian church conducted by Mrs. Lathrop. All, young and old, male and female, are cor dially invited. Sabbath evening Mrs. La throp will speak in the M. E. church. Monday, Tuesday, and perhaps Wednes day evening, the meetings will bo held in the Court house. Some Public Sales. Monday, March 21—at M. W. Shannon's iu Connoquencssing Tp—lo a. in. Tuesday, March 25, at Mrs. J. W. Hal ton's iu Slipperyroek Tp. -10 a. m. Friday, March 2K, at Coy Mcming's on ('. Honehbcrger' place In Summit Tp. lo a. m. Monday, March 31, at John Harting's in Hutler Tp., three miles v.e. i of Hutler, on Halil IJidge road- 10 a. nt. Thursday, April 21, at Paul Kau Icr's in Clearfield Tp. oa. in. S3OO Prizes. Case School of Applied Science offers five $:500 prize scholarships on | entrance examination. For particu lars address Ca'ly Staley, President, , | Cleveland, <). L —Teachers taught how to think, how to study, how to teach and how ' to govern, at Slipperyroek State Nor mal School. Fires. Mr. Jkatty. the hardware uian of II ir risville, went to his store l.i t Monda;, morning and built a nre. Then he went back home to hi brei'kfast and when he returned he had more tire than In- wanted, as the ceiling and floor above were blazing, lie gave the alarm, and saved the greater part of his stock. The flames pread rap idly and soon consumed that building and also Morrison's grocery, and F. \ ••a! breath's shoe store and resilience on lite north: and Al. Henderson'- barber shop and .T. E. Cnrry's grctery and notion store on the south. The people all turned out —men, women anil cbildreu —and fought the flames. Elrick's store on the north was saved by covering the roof with alt. and hanging carpets over it. and plenty ol water. A ten foot alley separated it from Galbrcath's building. On the 'llllll the lire was i-topped by a vacant lot and Cur ray's brick residence. Beatty had no in surance-on his building, Morrison lost ev erything but is said to have be. u,fully in sured. Curry lost everything and was part jy insured. Galbrcath's goods were saved but had no in uranee on the lion . . At It o'clock, Monday night, while a dance was going on in the Kane hou .-, near the P. & W. depot, and of which Mrs. Funk was proprietor, the building was dis covered to be fire. A young man named Spencer, a brother of Mrs. Funk, went up stairs to a front bedroom, and upon enter ing it saw that that the ,-ide of the build ing was burning. He ran down for water and also gave the alarm, hut tho flames seem to spread as if by magic all over the house, and before water could be procured the building was do med to dc traction. Tin- hose companies got there promptly, but all they could do was to prevent the spread of the flames to the Birch and Wick buildings on either ide. Two men who had gone to their room on the second floor, had to get out of a window to save their lives. The building contained eight rooms and was built of board-, weather boarded, and was not plastered. The ra pidity with which the flame -pread lead sonic to r upposc that the boards had been used in the oil country and wcr« aturat ed with the fluid. Mr. Kane carried slooeing_pla lered, and which was heated by gas. It original ed about o a. in., probably from an overheat ed stove. The flames soon spread over the building aud also over the balance of tiic new block which was owned by Bing ham A- Sons. Frank Clutton had just put in a stock of groceries in the central room and lost everything—part of his groceries burning on the street after being carried out. Bingham it Sons saved part of their hardware and tin- lire continued -outli and burned their old warehouse and their brick dwelling, where it was stopped by an al ley. On the north Muntz's dwelling ad joining his lore building us. - also destroy Some student rooming over the Uingliam storerooms lost part of their furniture. AVe are. informed that there was no insur ance whatever on any of the buildings or any of the docks, thai T'ingham Son -in suring next week. A remarkable accident wa the one that occurred after a fire at hidianopoli . lud., Monday 'afternoon. A large four story stone and iron building occupied by a book publishing lirm took tire and .1 stock of stationery and books in the lower stor ies was burned. The firemen fought the fiatnes into tlin attic of the building, and SOUK; twenty of them were on the roof of the building, v. ben it gave way; tlit- was falling upon the top floor can ed it also to give way and so on to the lower floor. Twenty-two men were taken from the rtt ins, ten of whom were dead and. all the others badly injured. Fatal Accident. William Woodside of Huffalo tp. aged 07 years, and deaf and dumb, was struck l»y the up train on the We t Peiin It. 1!. near Monroe Nation, last Friday afternoon, and killed instantly. He left home after din ner with the intention of walking up the track lo new railroad, was struck by the train, knock ed oil' the bridge and was killed 1»v the fall. He was a line old gentle man and ha lived in Huffalo twp. lor many year . 11 • leaves a family, hi v. ife al <> |>e intr deaf and dumb The Markets. BPTI.KR MAKKKTH. Our grocers are paying 27 cts for hotter, 10 for eggs, 55 for potatoes, 50 for parsnip.-, 50 to 00 tor apples, 35 for turnips. I'ITTSBDItIi PKOOCCK. Timothy hay $lO to sl3; mixed hay $7 to j SM; mill feed $M to Iti 50 a toa; rye 52 to i 51; oats 20 to 28; studied corn 35 to 30; red wheat 80 to 83; buckwheat flour 1J to 2; clovers 1325 to 3 50; timothy eed I !•> to I 00; apple I 50 to -I 50 a bid; potatoes on track to to 58: jobbing lo to 01; dre ;ed chicken 15; dressed duck and turkey 1* to 20; country butter 810 us to quality; beans 185 to $2; eggs 11 to 15; live gee. | feathers 55 to 00; second quality 30; mixed leathers 35 to 30; cabbage 7 to S; yellow onions 1 25 to I 35 a bu; red top turnip 1 15 to I :s~> a bbl; honej- II! to IS; onion Fetts 250t03 00 a hu; maple syrup t l to 1 10 a gal. I.IVK STOCK. At llerr - - I land, Monday, salc< ofbeeve were made at 34 to 5), bulls 2! to 3J. dry cows 15 to 2! for common and 3to 31 for good, bologna cows $lO to sls a bead, veal calves retailed at to 01, anil fresh cows retailed at. S2O to f jo. .1 !•' Cruikslianks sold yearling lamb al OS; Wright old Punn'a sheep at to 0 and yearling lauibs at, Oj. The prices on hogs were higher than last Monday, and CruiKshanks wholesaled country hogs at I 30. TIII: OIL MAItKKT. Closed Monday at 87J, Tuesday al 87.'., Wednesday HB.;. I lorses Wanted. The undersigned will In: in liutler, Tuesday, April Ist for the purpose of buying twenty head of horses rang ing from 4 to 3'cars in age, and 1050 to 1400 pounds in weight. Will be nt Gregg's Livery, reur of Hotel V'ogelev on the Ist, ut Titley's in Millerstown on Wednesday tho 2d, and at North Washington on the od. IT. Skanoii. (Jrovo City College. Tho Spring serf-ion of Grove City College will begin April Ist. Forty dollarrf will meet all the necessary expenses of a student for a term. Four regular courses of study are maintained. All the studies of the Normal Schools are taught here each session. Shorthand, Type-writing, Book-keeping, Instrumental Music, Voice Culture, «tc.. are taught by thoroughly competent teachers. Ail dress the ('resident, Isaac C. K kti.kk, drove City, I'a. Use Double All O. K. Morse and Cattle Powders,best in tho world. A sure anil speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale l>y .1. C. flEincK, 2-IS-!lm No. !>, N. Main St. liiitier, Pa. ! Candidates in Adjoining Coun ties. in Armstrong i uunt.l 1' 'Heii,..- unt .In O. Rcalo want the Lviiuldican aoini nation for Congr< . T. \ McKce, J. W. MiKee. S. 15. < ochrane ami Kraut. Mast j are anDonneeil for A- -I'mMy; Royd S ! Henry foi Prothonotary. llay l-'ostei and It. M. Keller r..r Treasurer. J. I>. Key nnhU anil R. S. Slaymal. r fur Keg. ami Ree; .lud Tcinjdetoii. J- '• Sloan, .1. C. Walter, T). E. IM»eli> . S. K. Cogley. I'. C. I-'i.-vus Chamber Friek. R. K. Rufllngton and Wm. Allott, .lr. for Co. Commissioner; .1. R. Hemic.' on ami Join* I' Whitwortli fur State delegate and Martin Huwser fur C.). Snjiil't. In V eunligo Co., V. .1. Matterii ami ('has. K. Cooper want to go the State Con ventiun. Willi.-! J. llnliitjs*. Isaac Ash, ami William R. Crawford are an nounced for State Senate; K. E. Van Naten. I". W. Hays and Henry I'. Jaines fur A» emhly; Jno. If. E\ ms fur Protl.on utarv. V. Carlisle Cross. l r< il. M. AIIIHOII. W. 11. Hughes. A. W. Alshangh and M. R. Paden fur Co. Treasurer; W. 11. Savers. J. H., A. J- Ward and Frank I'.arr for Keg. & Ree: Kdwin Skinner. A. M P.rcckcnridge, S I'. Weaver, S. o. Small. T. R. I-arne. Jus. M. Rlaek, Win. \. Martland, S. 11. Mi Kinney and (H O. M. IJowman for Co. Comm r. In Lawrence comity, Osear Ij. Jackson i» announced for Coiigr>- W I*. Morrison, A. M. PhillipSamuel Mct.-reary, Henry Edward and (leo. b. llcrr for Assemldy: R. (i. c. White, B. It. Miles, and R. C. McChc-ney. for Trea urer; Jos. 11. Ciillc lainl. for I'rothonntary: Alex Kieliard?ou. J. J. Leiliendorfer. Jas. Ueynold.-*, Jan. Crawford, Iliram Wat.-ion, E l.uekhart and R. M. la-klcs, fur County Commis hinni-r . T. 1". ShinHede.'ker, J. l-ulk mtn ami J. M. Sterling, for County Audi tor; anil Ceo. I>. Crown. Ceo. W. Johnston, W. Mehanl and W. I>. Wallace, want to pn the* Stftto < anv»*ntiou. Scale of Fliccs for Stonework. The following sfale of prices has been adopted by the tone masons anil hriek layern of lintler conntj. and is now in e licet: For ruble, all material filmi l.«-d by the mason. $"J.25 per perch. For ruble work alone, $1.35 per perch. For ruble work, sand and lime furni lied by the mason. $1.75 per perch. For rock-face work, 45 ei-nt.; per I'im*!, lineal measure, inas .n to furnish material. For cut anil drove work, all step and belt courses, 70 cents a foot for cutting. All sills ami lintels, 65 CMtn per foot, cut and drove, lineal measure, In inches on the face; mason l«. liud .stone. All liutels, 5 inches thick, 1> cents per foot, liueal measure, iiia.iiui to liud lone. l.iutels and sill-, rock face, 5 inches thick. ::5 cent per foot; 10 inches thick, 10 cents per foot, lineal measure: ina-on to fiuil tone. All random range work. 25 cent per foot, face measure, for ilres in.". An April Trip lo Wasliingtoa via Pennsylvania Railroad. (in April 3rd the Pennsylvania l'ailrnad Compnii.v will oiler a inn t de irable ojipor tunity of visiting WaHhington. It is a period of the year when the handsome city wears its most attractive aspect, and it is also a time when the Covernturnt depart nients are hnsiest. Kxcttrsion tickets, valid l«r ten days and bearing stop over privilege in Baltimore, in cither direction, will lie sold from Pittsburg at $lO, and at correspondingly low rates from the station;; mentioned below. A special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg at h on \. M but those who prefer to start in the eve ning may take the train - leaving at 715 or 8:00 P. M. The followiti'.' are the rate anil schedule of special train: - Kale. Train le.i\ e . Pittsburg T!» (HI H;00 A. M. i'.laiisville 7 55 «»:22 A. M. Washing*ton Ar S:IS P. M. Tho e who care lo make Hying side-trips farther South may purchase at Washington reduced rale excursion tickets lo Ml. Vet non, Richmond. Pi-lershuTg. or Old point Couilorl. lteturu I'liiliioiis will be accepted on any train within the limit, except tin- Pennsyl vania Railroad. For Sale. A good, small farm of :i.'s acres, well improved, buildings, or chards, etc. For particulars inquire at C ITIZKN printing ollice, Butler, I'a. Williams has as choice a line of Jewelry and Silverware as can be found anywhere, and defies competi tion in price. —Our stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Comets, Ribbons, Laces, &e. is al ways kept up to its well known standard of cxccMi ncc LI. STKIN & SON New Black and Colored Silks, Hutiti llhadames, Satin Ih'Luxons, Surahs, Moires, Oros (]rains and Failles, Iwst makes mid wurranted to wear, prices lower than elsewhere at IJ. STKIN IT SON'S. Kramer Wagons. For Sale ut M ARTIN' OMIT ,fc C'w's. Kxcelsior 1 >iai ioa for 1 S'.tl) ut I>OUU!,AH3'. Prospect Academy. Spring Term opens April 1, 1800. Vocal and instrumental music taught. Herman and the dead language*. In struction thorough. Expenses low. Send for catalogue. F. W. Maiikr, A. M., L'rin , I'rospeet, I'M. —I J. Iteiber, tho drover, want* till farmers and fltockniiserH to know tbat ho i-till deals in stock of till kinds. Any persons having auv to sell should address him Tjim'K Box '.I2C, 15 u tier, I'it., or leave with Jacob lleilter, Jeflerson St —Our sales ol Hroadcloihs, Flan nel Suitings antl I'resa (Joods liaye been larger this bcason than ever. Large mocks and low prices do the business. I>. St kin ^ The London Assurance Corpcn - tion, organized one hundred and seventy years a?n, has assets of sl7,fi62,Cd.T The lusnrance Co. of North America, organized in Phila delphia, almost a century ag<>, repre sents assets of $'.1,071 .C>9('> Then there is the Continental, of New York, having $5,217,7 the London and Lancashire, $4,009,818; the Springfield, of Mass, $3,410, its.*]; the Franklin, Phil'a, $3,174,357; the C«r mania, Xew York, $2,005,136 and the Orient, of Hartford, $1,830,72*2. One of the largest linancial institu tion in the world is the Xew York Life Insurance Co , having as et- of over $lrtf»,000,000, being thirty mil lions more the iianw of Kngiand These companies,affording absolute protection, are represented by !•] K. AHKAMS Kon SACK —Ten scsp-> of pure Italian bees Inquire of VV. S Mniutis, Butler, Pa —The people of Slippery rock are interested in their school and will do everything to aid i:i its prosperity cud hold students in their work The cost for Spring term ia Write to Principal for a catalogue —Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini ment, best in the world. For swell ings, bruiser--, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, auto shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sole by .1, C. REI'IOK, 2-18-3 m, No, N. Main St.. Htitler, Pa. —Take wati'bea tutil clocks that need repairing to F. Weigand in Wil liams' .Jewelry and Music and bavt? them repaired iii goniarics for 18!)0 at J. H. lUiIItiLASS'. —See the new Vandyke I'oint liitee in White, Klack aiul Cream al I, STKIN k. SON'S. Kxamiuu our stock ol (.loakn and Wraps before purchasing. We can save you from two to three dol lars on each garment. 1,. STF.IN Si SON. Millinery in all the iatcut goods at reasonable pr-eo al the Misses Mark's. Buffalo Flannels, l'lankcts and Yarns are the best goods in the market for service and durability. We have them. 1 .. STEIN A. SON. —Diaries for IS',lO at J. 11. I)oi;nr.AS.s'. Highest cash price paid for buck wheat at Weo, Walter's Mill, But ler, Pa. Finest line of Fur Mulls and Boas ever shown in this city. All finali ties and prices at 11. STKIN SI SON'S. Mill Again, We mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing : with our immense anil choice' stock ol'papiu - You must lielj) us out. wo haven't j room lbr hall our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choi>est selec tion of patterns in every "fade from Brown Blanks at 10 ots to (»ilts at from 20 els t«i $1 per doultlc holt. lOxttiuinc our Slock. J. H. Douglass, Near Poßtoilice, liuller I *ll. AU DI TORS 1 SETT LEMEN T. 4'lj stoh tk, tij;k « <>.. i* v. ItO \l> A«'COI NT. JOHN 11. t'KTKKM, TICK ASi KKK. Amount of l>uplicate fur the year IKS'.I. John II PeteM, Treasurer $ '!M 77 Hxitnertilioiii "<» 71 Collector's J>er e. iit IH '_'S Net amount '1*347 'IJ Itei'M from former Treti liter 7s ill " " Mart Thompson 03 71 " Isaiah Mcf'all 22« Oil " KM Piirgiison -1 50 Whole amonut received 375 :!7 Amount of voucher .< redeemed.... 3tin hi lialattce in hand.: of Treasurer M l Amount in hand of Collector lis .!j Five per cent.. " Net amount in hand of Colleelor . I2S) 7!t No I To Kob't N'orrin for timber 3no No 2 I' Snyder, for timber I no Noli Mart Thompson, lax over paid :»1* Not John I! Cunningham, for oaths administered to officers... on No ft Win.l I'orter, tax overpitid II 'I No 0 Thomas Kennedy, for tim ber for eulvrrt '» No 7 Martin Thompson, percent No s John llalsteacl, working I'arson road - ..... f" : Not) lleury Molir, working K road I 50 No in lico P Harvey, for plank... .'!l 57 No It C II Anderson, for timber 7 lis No 12 Mury .Wil.aujshliti. for lim Iter I 2.j No j:: Win Walters, for timber 7 17 Noll Thomas Wood, for services 1- (Ml No 15 James Watson, I- No Hi Joint McKibbetl, " 12 No 17 Kdward Sefton, " -- 12 (HI No 18 .Charles Kruutpe, " 12 no Nil |0 John Harvey, " ■ • 12 00 No 20 ('has Anderson, timber and plunk No 21 Jann ; Mai/hunl, linther 3.01 No 22 Arelta Montgomery, " - I !hi No 23 Mnriruretb (ilanfrow, " ... > 2.S No 21 John Helton,working Adam (■old eon tract 2 80 Xo 25 Cdivard Sefton, paid lor oat Its ami approval... 75 No 2«i Mary <'ampbell, timber I us No 27 Charles Krtttiipe, expenses on Glasgow suit I 50 No 2K Thomas Wood, expenses on (ilasjfoiv Niiit I 50 No 2!l Tlios Wood, paid attorney An - ' • r « ,HI No JO I. 1' Walker, .1 1", debt and coHtw in (Slasgow suit. (Vl 7!t No 31 for itM of house 00 No 32 Henry Sol'tnn, timber >" No 33 J P adinini teritif' oaths to otlicers I |BS No3l Auditor IVi taliom-n I^l'i No 35 John Shannon, limber ... I 00 No 3li James Watson, secretary.. •* on N037 Tn-a mi r* i» i' eeat. •07 We, the Milliters of Clinton T«p . lia\ iitj' examined the accouul ol John H. I'eter.i, treasurer, aud find it a nbov« tilted, and believe it to be oorreet. f iiKncaicK Kbert, i A lit JOHN T. Lovt, \ 1 Marth 10, "I \ T lv LEAD, others follow. » » The rapid inerease rn r Stole is appreciated. We make a specialty of the drug business proper and five it our entire time anil personal at tentio?'. We handle only the best ot everything in our line ami guarantee the purity ot' everything hearing the name of (' N. I?«>v i». We have no ohl stock that ha.-) stood for years, hut all goods are pure and fresh. I'hysieion's Pre scriptions receive special at tention. f l we do not have what you want we frankly tell ) on so and will lie pleased to secure it for you on short no tice We ask a share of your patronage and feel sure you will l o pleased with our meth ods of doing business, and we can save you money. Your interests are best served at our store. Respectfully, N. HOY I), Druggist. Diamond liloek, Butler, l*a. \Y'a MB Aceato i" :oU, Ma- 14 7 75 Itarr, .1 <', Valencia It 7 7.". Hunt, Harvey Is, Callery II 7 7fi Irvine, C l>, Myoma M 7 75 Matoliall, 1 >l. «fc Sou, Msn 11 l . 75 McCallaA Hoy McC«#nihs, A M, Myoiua I I 7 75 Muiray, 1" 11, « jwifil ti-.ldes, ( .ti lery II | Smith, J J, Mycina li , 75 Shannon, .1 F, Callery 1> 1" 75 Sterrctt, SO, M l>, Valencia 1! I Wilson, l> It, Mar* l : 10 < • ItI'.AUY TWI*. Mi ■! i. G Ciutton, Went Liberty II ... Hunt A Thompson, Flora 1 I 7 7."i Kuhinnon, W W, West I.iln-rty II 7 7 ' HI VI \li> TWI'. l'alkncr, I. 11. Sarvcrsvillu I I '• 75 Penn'a Dint. Co, Freejinrt 15.'$ Server, II K, F.linstmfii II 7 75 Sarver, M C, Sarvtrsville I I 7 75 Watson «fc I'owell I- I'• 25 Warren, M J " 117 7"' Wilkewitz,Gotlieh" 1-1 7 7r> I I AY JWf. Arthurs, .1, Band Co, Kuelid II 7 75 l.ncner, George " I I 7 75 Painter A Sutton " II 7 75 I IIKItrtY TWI'. Railey, J A, li'.var l I I 7 75 llryaou, .1 N, tValtawo II 7 7"> Klliott, II W " 1 : 10 75 Fogle, Valentine " 14 7 75 Fogle, Augustus " I." 10 7 ■ McCoy, II C, & Son, Anandale IV 7 7. Hprotil! A lliud ui an, Goinersol I'J I . ".!•> Stoop?, .1 K, A llro, Moniteau II 7 < > rt'.NTIIK TWI*. Coulter, .10-cph, McCandl«ss II 7 Fleeger, A F, Fleegcr I I 7 75 i t ISTON TWI*. Anderson, It J, Flick 13 10 75 « UN* .ilili TWI'. Kuiiit. A, David Co, Hooker 1! 10 7.. Markwell, S, Greece city I'• 10 7'' Murtlanil & Campbell, M i; in t I I TWf, Mcllride, M .1, Coylesvillc I I 10 7;> Fennel I, P " 117 75 I RANRRHKY •I'WC. Hoggs, Justin, I >«le II 7 75 Garvin, William " '' 1 ~JI Hendriekson, AG" II " "5 T• 11 NN< MT' T: N KKSIN'; RWR. Chritily, JL, M I>, Conno<|'g II 775 Dulloril, \V S, .'J pool tables -'.I JiO Graham, Joseph, Whitcstown !•! to 75 Nicklas, Conrn«l, Connoij'g II 7 7> Pnrvianee, ,1 T iV W A, Connoq II 1* 7-' Wright Itros, Whitestown II 7.• IWINI:I; XI. TWI*. Cate, II C, Greer 1 I " 75 Durham, W M, St foe l> 10 7 > Itifener, Solomon, " I I 7 7 • > I \II:\ L I:\v TH'L 1 . Jinleliison, M 11, Peachy iI In II * 7.» .1 U I I:I:;;IIN I'll R. IlartciiHteio, 1., lireiil Iteli II . * > Mellriile, MJ, A Co, " I I 10 75 Wallet, IIP " II 7 76 I HAN KIIS TWf. Kornruuiph, <», Ml. Che itnnt II < ... Watson, Wui 1- I I t-OKWARII twi*. Dnlliold, MH, Zeno 11 10.75 Schilling, Alex, Keilmhl Ilr.jil ItriiM & Met alia, Ke'liohl II 7 75 1 ASI'ASTMt TWI'. Laileri r, .1 111 7.< Mezt, Ai: X Hon l'i 10 75 " .itnrii.i si:\ -nvr. Gillespie, W J, I'ltck 1 1 * 75 Murkf, W .1,4 llro,Gliule Mill II !•' • • M villi IN TWI. li iiluy, Joseph, Ilarrisvilln 11 7 75 Cisney, I. J, lloyers I I • Gorniley, .1 11, Mlirrinsville II • llainillon, 11, rioyers II 7 • > Mellriile, Mrs P, Murriimvill ' II MCIK'KR TWI'. P.ryHon , H .I.Forestvill ' 1 1 .1 1' o*:tnH, Jane " II /7 • OAKI.ANH TU P. Illuney ifc AnJrc, St Joe l.: '®! .' t '.mipin*! 1, A G, Honora II 7 i » I'AKKI T: TWI'. A llama A I)atih; - n |»ek, Urn in I ! ' Campbell, T G " 'I » < ' Caldwell. II M, ACo " 12 IJI J5 Miller, i; W.Otenom 11 < " 1 Morgan, l.unes A, Parkers l,ai»il'(-'l 1 ' • )rr, .1 W, Itrinn I • 7 7# <)rr, .111, " H "75 L-ENN TWP. Burton, T 11, Hrownwlnli' i 1" Bowaer, H M, Renfrew I • > 7> Calrert, J M " M 77# Mu(i«!ury & Co, Malinrjj II • > • Neal, WH, Iteiilrcw I •'» 10 7.", I'utrick, .1 .tints I'• 10 <•> I'rice& Tillinj;Hasl " '' J St«-w»rt, l»avi Dittmer. M I!, Herman I I 7 Wiiilaiiil, Joliu, " 117 !■> CI4I»rKHVIU>< K 'I ivc. Itook, 11.11, Kfiater H J 75 Hull, Anion, ISranoliton I I 7 7._> 11 immml. L, Wick ii 7 7t Morrison, .1 A, llrmitlilini II 7 7 > VKXAXUO TWI*, CJanlnor&llurapliri'y.Kau ('laircl .' I '■! > Kerr I. I l ' Mon " II 7 7J> Kolilinyer, tl K " > I 7 i-> Miller, A<» " 1 ' 7 woirrii rwr. Cnrlm-r, N, .Tn«!l<- I I 10 7.> \\ AStltlN'.TllN tVV r. Altinire, Mm. I', Hllliiiril* II 7, < lir.ilty, .1 L " W 7 ;r. (iilnon & llur|.ir, Nortli lln|ie II . . • I.ivingnlon it llilllar'l II 7 < • MoKec A <"<> " II 7 7". Mi l'arlanil, t' K & < ■>. Ajvi'imr,!.: I ; ■ ■ Midline Milllin .1 r. N. ll«|m* II I • i • TlioiapwiO •' N 1 II 7 7 > I'ultcraou, '> M, II illrir-l II 7 7 . WIN ill 1.1) i VV p. I'min .V Son, II 7 i Kruiin<\ It A A, Denny II I • Smith 4 1/Oican, Carbon Black I : l'■ | \Y«UIUa», Lewis, Dcuuy X.' IJ ii A Satisfied Customer IS A Powerful Advertiser. Those who donl with SCHNEIDEMAN tiif "Peoples Clothier and Kurn:. her" will be -ntisned. We are now readv to show the largest, best selected, finest and lowest !»riied stock of MKN'S. Vol TIIS', BOYS' and CIIILDIIKNS' CLOTJI- L\(i ever brought to Butler. Having made our store room one half larger, we ire now Iwttcr able to supply the wasta of our customers ami meet the demands of our constantly increasing trail", than ever before Sprino; Ntoek here am! contains all the latent novelties in men's, boys' and eliildrene' wt-ar, also a full line of hats, men's furnishing goods, flmn-d shirt", trunk! s , valises, etc The wonderful, amusing ;-:id instructive Engineers aad Switchmen's puzzle given with every p'i"< h ise Oliildhreiif*" Clot liin«». We have made a special effort to pet a nice lino of chihlrens' wear, antl ui this direction wo have sacceoded. Mothers who wish to have their children clothed with good substantial clothing at n moderate cost will do well to call on us before purchasing elsewhere as we will Rare i/ou mouey. A fi.:e castonet wheel given with every chil ls'suit of $1 nnd upward -11. SCI I N E DEM AN, Clothier mid Furnisher, 1 S. M.nin St. - - - Bntlor, Pa. 11LTLFK BORO. Arthurs, John K 117 75 ' A nderson. Ell 1 ! 1 ! 25 A iken .V t'ainpbell II 1 "*• 7". I'.-ihl, Henrv 1 I 7 7."> BaMam, F I' 1 4 7 7.. Hickel, John I'l 20 75 l;. Boyd, C N 11 10 7ft 1 ti*jlis & Graham II 15 75 I! alph, .IK 117 75 Beck, Henry, hotel 153 00 I leach, A II 117 7f. Blaekniore A Grieb 12 I ! 25 Colbert. Harvey I I 7 75 Campbell, .1 ti it W 40 7.'< Campbell, W I< 117 75. Colbert & Dale 11 10 75 l ampbell, Nathan. 1 pool tables CI 00 Carver, C & Co 12 I > 25 Cleeland & HaUlon 12 1 1 25 Dunlap, W W 117 75 Douglass, J M I.'! In 75 Dully, Charles 10 20 75 Dickson Ac Dougherty II 7 75 Donahue, V/ A, ;5 pool tables 51 00 1 itcnmiller, 11, hotel 15:5 o (ircib, .1 I! 117 75 Grieb, I' 11 7 75 (iambic-, 1 amiie I'., liquorliier. 20" 00 Goehring, W II 1 '■ 10 75 (Inch Ac Kami* 11 7 75 (i, >1 II 7 75 lleudric':. .n, .I 11, ■ pool tables .1 o-> llarper Htos 11 15 75 Meek, D A to 20 75 llciiietn in, II C A- Son I '• 111 75 IltiM'lton, I'. C to 20 75 Jackson, D I". 11 10 75 •laeksou A Mitchell I ' 1" 25 Jnreeki Oil Well Supply < .> fs ."•(' 75 Koch C A: H.-.ns lo 21 75 Keppler D 117 75 Kamerer, W \ II 7 75 Ketterer, Geo l-'» 10 75 Kelley, John T i:5 lo 75 Klingler, II .1 As Co !' 25 7 > Kirkpatrick A Itce.l 1 : 10 7-. Dowry, John I', hotel 153 00 Lim!iers», F W 117 75 Ditnberrf. Otto II 7 7 > Morrison, Ml. 117 75 Metzger JsVolkwein I" 10 75 Murray, l'eter, I |«>ol table; <>l (Hi Miller, G W J.' Bro !> 25 75 Martiiieourt. S 15 A Co !'i 20 7 • M civ in, C U 775 ! Mechlin);, Lewis II 7 7 ■ Mangold, !■ II 14 7 75 Marshall, ST II 7 75 Miller Ilros *t- („'o 1 ■ 10 7-» Nieholis, It ,S & Co 10 20 75 Nicklo, WM II 7 75 Niggle, J & Bro to oil Well Supply Co '2 I'l Oilioriie, \V A 1 I 7 75 Purvis, SG& Co k :io Patterson. John N lo 20 7-. Phillips, OM I's 10 75 Pape, DT II 7 <5 Richey, -I A 14 7 7.> Keiber, Jacob & Bros liquor store 20.". imi Reihing, W 11, hotel 1 00 Hoot, A W, Opera llww 5" 75 Ueilick, John (', l« D 5 2-^> Keiber, Geo Ac Sons ' I 1 Keiber, AA: H •'» 20 75 Keiber, All M "» 20 75 Rosenberg, I • > I® ituir, AI I ;! Hitter As Ralston s - ~J> Stein.D Sc Sou 20 75 Schniedcmau, II I' 15 7-» Hit hie, .1 F T II 7 75 binder Ml'gCo II 7 Stock, Christopher " ill' Shutte Ac O'Brien '• ' SiPith, 11 \V A J 12 1*» *■_' Sprim-dab- Drug Store II • < Turner, Janic , i pool tables Turner, DT Traxlc.r, D At J '0 >/• Troutiuan, A Ac Son • 'o « > \\ ullcr, .1 I. " 7 ii» Wuller, D U l : 10 t- Williams, Alex '' ' Wick, L ( I ' Walker, John I. " . <■» While, It A 14 • < • t i.NTlii:viLl.i: lioKO. Hard Hroji ] j ''J ~'J l'.inghum A Sons J4 ' l ' CI niton Bros "i <*l tit ton 15ro:i, No. 2 i- - ' Ctiristio A Campbell II '•_» !■> Urine. WII | J i£- Kanisey, \\ T ! - - ' Sow a.sii. S J i i --r I'bcr d llestler 11 1 " i:v AN CITV BORO. Buhl. F 0 IJ I V'r Ilurcharil, II (J '' .', Iloggs A h line llarlo, David ISarkey, linos i Donaldson. T A 1 ' ,'jf l> inibacli. .1 A I. ]' Dombart A Dunbar, pool lablf.s -11 »» i-.ic-i..»it*, H F II Korquliar. (ieor;ri-, hold iluilson, It ' J ' I'l I in, Ceo A Soil ! 1 I 1 | • • Miller, J N, hotel I'-? J"' Fefli r, I'rc'l Slioup Bro . I'l Suiatliers. \ J J i L'l Hobinson, W A 11 J Weber, Jacob, 1' pool labliv! II ,M ' Wahl, I'.i-hop A Co J" I'l Young, llenry ' - kmrview inißon.ii. llaun & Black |» Scott, ( ' II \ i:\loN * UrtßOl^'H Blackmorc, CS ' BERN it-, ii m. ACO »•' »!| ; M ; Beam, Saniticl, hotel * r l-'oehringor. Angnslus II ' ' Swain, G 1> 1 Stiv< r, Beuj 11 „.... Stulil, George, liijuor nicrclianl Lai chaw ' I* 1 ' ' ill Black, Uobert ;> ' '1 Bingham, S It J" Curry, J K . ('ubbison. .IN _ i'_ Klrick, J M I I i'l (■nlhrailh, F A 1 ' ' Morrison, W D ' ' ' ' *' i. MISS < IT\ BORorciii. Bii'cliard. II C '' J Duprey. Mr.« Jennie, 2 pool tables 41 oo Kuril art. Joseph " ' McCashn, John. :5) tables («' MeCatlic, W II " >1 \\ er John '• ' * ' MI 1.1.1 11 Ti>» V B"'f(ol i.ll Ann .< I". •> pool tabic . '_ M ' Beli IVny A. A Co 1 t.l BoW in, .IB ' i -1 Buivca, W W . i I'l Duller. I'l. Dolatl John, hotel _ 1,, .ten. kA Co • '!i 11 friotier, .1 'l' 11 I'l Fran Me, { il" Din tieori'e 11 ' Ho, h11... hotel Hay Bro ; ! ,V --lloch Bro • U~r , John on, C II >4 ' • ' I Jenkins, K .SI 14 7 75 i Lot/inger, II «' J3 in 75 McKee. .1 I, 14 7 7.-, Fierce, <' F l;; 10 75 St-il.ert. 11 nob tt' Co 14 7 75 Scharhiwh, (' I ! 7 7., Scbioetger, F j,: 10 7.1 Tmldtsr, <; l'. 4 pool tallies »;i no \V« termini. It F I: 1 i:>, -, . i We- termini Bros S 30 75 I'ORTKK VII.LK BOROti.fl. Humphrey. Wlll. A Son 10 2>» 75 Marshall. AS I*7 75 McDonald. (i D 117 75 0, Keson, ST 117 75 * ltamsey Bros 14 7 7.-, IT.OM'KI T nottorun. Bowers, A 117 75 Critchlow Bros lit 10 75 Eduiundson. (' M. A Son II 7 75 Forrester, S S 1-17 7 > Milkman. I-' l» 1 I 7 7., MeLnre. .1 H I I 7 75 Kiddle, W, A Co 13 111 7", Wright Bros A Co 1:: 10 75 PETKoLI \ t'.OBO. Burns, John I t 7 75 H.iird. J »• 14 7 7,. Burnett. 1 M, hotel 153 (in Campbell, C 117 7;. Clint tarn, Samuel I t 7 75 Cheseboro, K I" ! I 7 75 Dunholm. T I I 7 7.". Foster, Mrs. It K 117 75 (iihson, Win i;: 10 7.. Ilawk, .1 M 14 7 7;, Jclljaon, W It. hotel 15:t (MI Kilchensteiii. Annie I I 7 75 Klintten.-niitli II A It 7 7."i Kilroy. .1 ]! lit in 75 Starr, M L 117 7.% Torouxki Bros I | |!> 75 Yeasrer, S 117 7."> SI XBVRY I:I>RO. Bit adeu A Conway II I." 75 11 read ell & Alii am II 7 75 Mechliuj; A Murtland II 7 7.. I'ryor. James I t 7 75 Rhodes, SI, 117 75 • HAXONBIRII RONO. llelmold, Theodore II 15 75 '• II 15 75 T Krau-'e CI 10 75 T Kran .• A Co I t 7 75 Mcrohon. K IS, M l> 117 75 Maurbotr, <; W f l:i 10 75 I.aube. Fratui . Jr, hotel 15:1 00 Kn.-li, Hail man A Co 14 7 7-"i Sciple, Ilerniali \ 14 7 75 Wetzel. Charles, hotel Is!t no ZKLII-:NOPI,R HIIRO. Allen A MiinihaujOi lli irt 25 1 :.ut ian, DC 14 7 75 Dindiuger, John 11 15 75 lioi hrini'. W A II 15 75 (iolbnch, Zehlier A Co II 15 75 Householder. 11 14 7 75 1111. W H lt> i:t L's I"a Stokcy, C. hotel 15tl IM' Stokcy. II W, hotel 15:: 00 Winter. \ 14 7 75 /aimer. K 117 75 Mercantile la\ IS2 IN> Hilliard and I table (!5o (Ml Hotel lieen .• " 275 00 t >pera h»»n -»• 50 00 Total $7, |57 00 TAKK Noru'l: \ll who are concerned in this apprai enieiit, that an appeal will lie behl a! the t'ouiinis iouers' i.llieo, in Cutler, on the (Sib) eighth day ol April, \ l».. IVto, between the hours of !> A. m. and 4 p. M. o'elock, when mid where you may attend if you think proper. 11 11. li«u mi 11, .Appraiser. March 10, l-*>9o. Jury Lisl for April. IJ t of Travel. c J urars drawn Una Sd day of Marcl. A. I». lw«i. to servo as Traverse JurorH al a special term of t'oiirt CoißiiV iicln;: on the , 111 day of April A. I>. 1 HVK>. Aniistriiir .lac-lc »jii. V, .1 .lilnutoii twp, farmer Conner. -i A. tmtler ttli H. I.IUOIII. John. Zelieuoplo iioro, blacl»intlli. t; n r. l'i tt'r, Jackson twp. turuiur. 1 > iter. Mil-hurl, Killrview twp. produeer. li. rr, I rederlck. .Stippen wk twp. • IVlllllM.U, Alex. I>I.II:IIII-.OII. J V. uililir tun twp. 1 ;■{•in-1 ■ 1. Aitaui ll -nnoiiy lioro. eoal de.iler. 1 1,1- Mr. Miditie-.e\ twp farmer. I 11.11. Joseph. Muddvei'eclt nvp. l.irmi-i. . .latiani. 'I lius. I oiiii(M|'i;- twp, laruier. t.leun. i: I'. Hra.tN twp. farmer. Ciabe, 11 Ham .TetTerson twp farmer. (ilenn. .!<■ 1 lay twp farmer, i.i-ni ■ .11. Miller PUMI proiliicer. ilow I.IIKI. Willi.l in Kariu- i lty boioaj^nl. 11. n nil ! ia, Ati 1 r.uiiH-rr.\ twp farmer. 11.1111 ;.l l.e-ri'li.tiit Kariu I ,Jsines .si liilller nvp farmer. 1 .-111... 1. 1 i.Hi fleni ii.-lU twp I.inn -r. Ki aeli ltnUt 1 ' inruvllle liuni .'.luieiual er. Ke!l\ John I IJuiler •.•d w.l merchant John lsutti'r 3d w.l 11 very inn 11 ll.iia Ji.lui U.dkLuid Iv. p .slim-ui.u,. 1. Miirttii I. W Korwtird twp farmer. Mi l iiiiuild Annus I'.utler vil wU varpi-nfei-. M.-t>.-\ lit llanieU lay twp larmer. M ltrlile \\ Illiam Worth tup ftinner. .1. I ,au-,lillii James DOIICKHI twp fanner. Neil John \ 1 't-iiier twp lariuet Oc-'.U-rllir: till Siiliimlt twp fanner. ---.-..11 K r t'.itrview Imro. ..rk. Alex Korwanl twp larnn 1 5i..11 Till. 111 n W I'rospeiit lnirn latiorer. Mew .ii 1...>r W «'herrv t pfiinmi. S irv. r John I I'.ufTulo tup fanie r. Mi.iiun.ii John F Adam., twp fartm-r. .h. ilaliee John A Mtpp. ryu.rk twp farmer. II 1111 John Zell.'iinpi. i.on. livery num. 'l'miitman tl N li.itler:'.! wd c.irpeiiti r. HI. ILL. inn ( liri-t Aitains twpfariner 1 1.,-r V H IT « .-ntreMlle boro IUIMIH I'. \ • lain ;i. nry I'.utler twp farmer, \V.-st AnUre'.v i ran'ierry twp farmer. W.-ifermail lit Mill.-r ion ti tmro merchant. VVI .- I'ivsj't r Itiitler 1..1111 i!d wd bricklayer. U s 1' Itutler boro -.1 wil laborer, i... to I li l-.-i.u twp farne-r. \\ \ V ri.'h! Salesmen to Sell Out \\ i\ I l il/. choice Nursery Stock Ml j'oo.!, laraiiteod class, tiood iilarie and cxpeu es, or a liberal t-oiil mi paid. No .■ \pcricucc licccssaiy. Write Inr terms, rivine OR<- and secure eboice of Territory. ti. I, KMIiHT A CO.. I IH i I'arl. Avenue. Itoclie ler. M. FOR GALS. The I.Villi- City Ib.iir mill. This mill is it u ited in llvftli- City, and i- in one ol the I, . |„,..Jin- county; on railroad. ..muled bv u . idendid gram prow , c..unti l. Tin - liiiii will be 1 old Cheap. I .j i..|-1 lie'i |*.ay isalary and nil) II lU> - IH i. -i» or l.lbeial cominwWoii I 1 i 1 - > li""- o|.|.«rt«iilt} for <'"> Ii d Alieiit for ii reliable Mn-cry I bat I'tiariin ic. .. It-. • to. k. Allures at once. K. i). I.uelchforti & Co. .>iu»ri)uira, Ifochi'der, >. Mention Odapajietc.