[CARTER'S] CURE ttek ITeft/iafhe and relieve all the troubles tod Eat to ft bilkHMi state of the system, such a* tMfTtnf? Nause&. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in tbe Side, Ac. While their mo*t f#markable success has been shown in curias? SICK Sssrts- 1 * i T JCrtin eorrect >ll disorder* of In stomach atfcnulate the liver mud regulate the bowels, feveu U they only cured HEAD . Ache they would be almost priceless to those Vho suffer from this distressing complaint: hnt fortunately their goodness does rot end thcwe who once try them will find Aeee little pilia valuable in ao many ways that Ev will not be willing to do without them. ACHE fc the bane of so many lives that here Is whore we make oar great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cakteb's Little Lrvra Pills are rrry small and rery easy to take. One or two pills make • doee. They are strictly vegetable and do not jrrtpe or puree, but by their gentle action •Inn all who cm them. In vials at 25 cent'?; ivefor $1 Bold everywhere, or sent by mail. fivm KEi:iJT2 CO., Vr* IrX toIHL USsse, Small Price, scorn EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as ftfiiik ■o disguised that it cam be taken, digested, and assimilated by tlio moit HUitlvt stomach, wlien the plain oil *»■>•* be tolerated; and by the torn blMlin of the oil with the hypo phaaphitM is math more efflcaciouo iMMriukie h a lesh prodneer. reran gab rapUly while taking It. 80OTT8 HMT7LSION Is acknowledfrfd by physicians to be the Pines' and Ueat ) .rej ara- Hon in tbe world for the relict and euro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC OISEASEB, EMACIATION, COLDSand CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for Consumption, w Watting in Children. Srid by r'.l Vmjgisis CATARRH E® HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM BAL M it nut a liquid tnvfT or powder. A/t/t ied into mmtril*ii quickly absorbed It cUuniet the htmd Allay* inflammation. Utah the toret B—torei the temei of ta»te ami unell M cento at Drugflsts; by mall, reglMre i, GO eta Ely Brothers, * r ** l,u^ War " nSt - DOCTORS LAKE fcp I PHIYATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES, 328 PENN AV E, —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forms of D* llcale am! ( am plicated T retjuirln;,' C.,NI T DKHTUL and llFlC iledii a- Ata an treated at thU Dispensary villi a su< cone Mely attained Dr. S. K. I>*ke In a member of the hfd College of Physiclnw and Surgeons, and in M Oldest and moat experienced Se. CIAI.I-T (n tue Mf. Special attention g veri to ti'orvou" i> . I.ility tan excessive mental exertion, ii di.wn.Joui oI fMtk Ac., causing physical and mental d< cay, lack fc.Denry.d-pom iency.eto.: also Cancers, Old Sor«-s, Ru, Piles, Rheumatism ana all d.senses of the Hit in, llood, Lungs, Urinary Organ*. 4c. Consultation few and strictly confidential. Offica hour* 'J tu 4 and ■dtfrew' 110 4 P" m * on ' y ' ,m " at " Hice HK. LAKK, V. D-. M. R.C. P.B. or E. J. LAKE, M, D Ttl'-tllliU. nave been permaheiiily cured by rUILAUEI.PHIA. HA. Ka*e at once, no operation •r lues of time from buslttM* ( wi pronounetsl In- NiMls by otbvri wanted. Hand fur < irrular. CURE GUARANTEED. ofcJISSKi rSUPIRFCUOUS HAIR Oa the taali face, kair on tha forts head, aack, Doae, eara, haada, arma, braaat, an men'S cheeks abov* tbe '•ELJLJKIT,„ beard liae and be. JJSi RWFTLFV Iweanttaeeyabrova / deetreyed forever A tBW KY Ike EL ee trio ,*r jaadlo Electro Bnrgoon! •02 Pans ifcoßt, Warts, "lleii'A' Red Noaa, Enlarged WJGf*' Velna of the Jfoae. Pimplea, Black* l head a, Liter bp>ta .nK and all diaeaaea and blemlahea of th« akin, toaaplexloa, hair and acalp aucceaafully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. Tbe Doctor has had 20 yeara' experience in the practice of i hla apectalty, and number* among b!a pa tlaata our wont prominent families. If you are afflicted with any of the ahovn blemlHh#»K, avoid patent m»dlclnea and con unit Dr. Van Dyck at once. SpecKl termatoail who make ••|faff«*mer.t- hin ujontb Bi»>k fr**v Fn«BKO pieuta can he made '»y mail, ('alt on oraddreaa Dr J. Vau Dyek, 40 N. 11th atreM, Philadel phia, o 502 Penn avenne, riUMbnrgh, Pa. I Honre h to 1 aad 2 to 7; Hnudaya, in to A. UK: SB#! NHS. ERIE, PA . All stock guaranteed (<> hi- in gtm sh .lli. r C. Walker, Esq.. Kerd Bribe,, and h. L. Cleclaud. G. F. KING, AGT. KITRXMILLKR HOII.SK, BUTLBB, PA. I fl 8 !B' Ifiu |--s H. HiLLKi.T'jiN, iV.t'. j ...i >:<>|| 'I •• * ! "IN I HITL »«•! < (Mlllt J TL o*ll We (ruatantep onr ffooda to be strictly all wool •Ml ooarsentc or any other poisonous mulurUl ■aad In dyelnif We sell Wholesale or retail, ■untried and I'-lrea furnished free to dealem on hy mall, —AriT«rtii<* iu the CITIZEN. THE CXTIZE3ST. M ISC EL IAN EOUS ——— Took Him at His Word. The use of the title "Esq." is very pro perly condemned as a meaningless term. An honest old Quaker was much disp!es«- j ed at receiving a letter with this | useless appendage to hi- 1 name, and >ent back to his correspondent . this admonition: "When thee writes . to me again, remember that I am simple John Stone, without any tail. j flis correspondent was a literal fellow, j however, for the neit letter bore the in scription: "Simple John Stone, without j any tail." —Mrs. Mary Livermore is reputed to be worth SIOO,OOO, a fortune that is the result of her lectures. —Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe is said to have realized $200,000 from the sales of her famous novel. "Uncle Tom's Cabin. —Anuie Louise Cary is described by one > a .. iiei ißcently as being fat, f.ir and forty. She siags at home, but nowhere else. —Miss Van Zandt, the American prima donna, says she never enjoyed singing so much anywhere as in St. Petersburg, al though the climate tried her voice very much. —Miss Latham, lately appointed demon strator to the chair of pathology and bac teriology in the University of Michigan, is one of the three ladies in the United States who have been elected fellows of the Royal Microscopical society. —The tramp handed him a slate on which was written: "I am deaf aud dumb, and lam hnngry." And he handed it back, indorsed thus: "Say nothing and saw wood." "Doctor, I can neither /ay nor set. What shall I dot" "I think you had bet ter roost," was the reply. Xow if the doc tor had prescribed a bottle of Salvation Oil, for the poor fellow's rheumatism, it would have relieved his patient at once. 25 cents. Straw hats and linen dusters will not be so very popular as heretofore; I)r. liull s Cough Syrup, however, will be as popular as ever at 25 cents. —Must the veil go? A woman who claims to know something about beauty says that veils keep the ladies faces dirty, as dust lodges in the meshes of the net and is absorbed by the skin. This is important, if true. i'aste this on your mirrors. Consumption Surely Cured. To Th* jEniToit:— Please inform your reader* that I hare a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless esses hare been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have conaumption if they will send me their £jtpr*ss and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. BLOCUM, M. C., 181 Pearl St. N. Y. —There may be an abundance of cold weather yet this winter and ice dialers need not despair. A gentleman in formed us on Monday that the January and February of 1841 were warm and the country roads were dusty, the weather re s'-mbling Indian summer. Ou the niglilof the la-it day of February snow fell to the depth of three feet and country roads were r-> blockaded that teamsters and travelers were compelled to go through the fields. The month of March was bittur cold and the snow was not out of the lanes in the southern portion of the county till alter the 15th of April. So we may hare a du plicate of 1841 in this year J8!X). KITS.—AII tits HtorP'-n tree tiv llr K!ini''« (irrit Ni-ni' imt»r»r. No tils after l.rs« day s use. Marvelous cures. Treally aiid »-MHI trial iHitt 'e tree to Fit c«M-. Send to Dr. Kline, '3l AreU St.. PhU'a, P». —That alcohol rubbed on the lips wil make them cherry red is published, and .'(line one writes to say t'aat alcohol has a similar action on the nose. A Chinaman of praiseworthy ambitions whose knowledge ot Knglish was picked up at a christian Sunday School, has hung '.(lis sign, the work of his own hand, in the window of his South Kighth street. Phila delphia, establishment: " f>'t.KLINE.oil Ar-.h St.>hil*rlelphia.Pa. See r»cu-sSt». PkWARF. OF IATIT A TING FRA UD'S. For Sale or Rent. Tbe. Imm known us the 'CimpMl ll ' t.-e, in Millorstown, formerly used us a hotel, is for sale or rent. For particulars, inquire of i{. I', .-jcott, Kstj., or W. 1». .Smith, Duller, I'a. If you are in Doubt wi .;it to get lor Christmas pre-t lit*, you K1II»UI(] come to our opening of HOLIDAY GOODS, thin week. We have such an immense line of beau tiful things, suitable for all aires, you eannor liiit to be suited. Piiees the lowent. the hest. J. fl Douglass. Millinery. %■ v ew Felt Hals and Bonnets. New Tips, Plumex, lllnls and NS'liirs. New velvets In all colors \etv kntlns. ritilions. velvet rIbIKHLS, hr.s-.iiii- riliiNitiH -tod striped ribbons. New tinsel eord, Iwistc i . ord, beail coifl. Ladles and children's famishing goods l.acltes' and chltttren's anderweiir. Indies' and \ ltlliln n's lioalery. I.adles' und children's cor sets and corset waists. Ladles' and children's hose supporters. Kid gloves, cashmere gloves, 1 silk mittens and wool mlttena. Latest novelties In neckwear. M. F. M. Marks. The Opportunity To secure bargains if now of fered you. We are closing out all seasonable goods and want to close ihem out quickly. Scotch aps 25 c., Boys choel caps 20c. heavy Melton shirts 50c, former price 75. A big lot of heavy gloves and mit tens at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to buy under wear of us if you don't wear it until next season. Come andsee COLBERT & DALE, 70 8 Main street. Butler, Pa. New York Bazaar BUTLER, - PA. Annexation Bargains. Although we have to-day the largest store in Butler, we find it too Mnall to accommo date all our customers. There i iore we have rented the store room now occupied by Miss M. 11. Gil key being next door to the Bazaar, and only a par tition wall between them. These two stores will be anex ed by an arch, carpenters ar.d ' decorators will soon beat work r . to complete the anexation, . which must be done by April I 1, when we take posession. • The New York Bazaar will be one oi the finest Dry Goods Stores in Western Penn'a., , having a frontage of 48 feet | and GO leet depth, and will t»e ; lilted with the choicest goods i the market c;in afford. We are selling our present stock at a big reduction. Come and tee the bargains. IShW YOhK BAZAAR, GO S. Main St., Butler, Pa. K. S. KICHOLLB, L. M. HBWITT NEW LUMBER YAKL R S NICHOLLS & CO., Dealers iu all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and fcoft Coal We have a large stock of nil kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well liigs, lite. Call and get our prices and see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on MONROE ST., NEAR WEST PEKX DEPOT, BCTLER, PA. c;- w ick. „ DKALKIt IN Rough and Worked Lumber OK ALL KI.N'DS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. it W. Depot, BUTLER, - PA. Planing Mi J] -AND- Lumber Y ai-cl J. L. PU HVI.-. L. O. PUKVIf. S. G.Purvis & Co. MANUFAOTUKRKS ANII lIKAI.KKK IN Rough and Planed Lumber i>? kv Dies.;* -"t'lov. SHIiNtiLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Hutler, Pa. LUMHER IS ADVANCING. Saw Wills. Sieam Engines. Shingle Mills, Hay Presses, &c. Hnawml A rnWT-CLASB SAW MUX semi for ('at.tlOKUc and spc-'ial price to intra— (luee In ion to li. KAiii|l IUI: T:O. (Ltd.) VOUK. I-A. WE F. Miller. Manulac?■ • II F.II KNMIJf I.ER. Prop r. Willard Hotel W. 11. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. KTAUI.INU IS COSSKCTIOS. SAMPLE ROOM for COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS SAMPLE ROOM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Cluxs.) HENRY L. BECK, PROP'R. J. 11. FAUIIBL, Manager. Butler, Pa. ' Jordan's Restaurant All our r< iiders visiting Butler will do well to go to Sam Jordan's restuurant for their meals We serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under Schneidemun's clothing store I TO mm MEN | BntTtaing from tho eject* cf youthful crrori, •arly | decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will ! eend a valuabl« treaUso (scaled) containing full ' partlcnlaiM for homo euro, FREEcharg#. A splendid medical work ; nUotiM be read by every I man who ia ncrvoua and debilitated. Addruaa, Prof. F. ( . I OWLEU, r.loodus, Conn. - -Wantpii at Once —Capable ladies anil gents to handle our forthcoming book, Explorations anil Advrnturea of Henry V. Stanley in Africa. KOO pages aud over UOO engravings. liniiieusely popular. Price only $2.50. Outfit now ready unil mailed for 80 cents. The HHcri.sx of our .ti/oits ia unjtarallelert. Adilre-s, TIIE l HOMPSON PUB. CO.. 2"J."i S. Sixth St., Pliil a, I'a. Livery Stable For Sale. . The undersigned will sell hi" livery stable, in the rear ot'tbe Wick llouse, consist 'n" buggies, sleighs, hartn-s- and everything per taining thereto. and lease the barn for a term of years. My reason for selling is that I wish to devote my attention to other btlsinc ALFRED WICK. J. K. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. Omamenial and Plain Slating Of all kinds done 011 short u< tice. Office with \V. 11 Morris # Ho. 7, N Main St., Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa. List of Applicants for License. The following applications for Tavern and Wholesale Licenses to sell \ inous. »|-irUucua. malt and brewed llquore were riled In the ofnre of the Clerk of the Court of tjuarter S. --dous of Butler i Co Pa., and will be presented to said Court at tl e special sessions to be held at liuUer. Pa., on ) Wednesday, the luth day of March. 1«:«>, appointed lor the purpose of hearing su'li • a:cs. WHOLESALE UCENSE. Names. liesldence. Place for which application is made. George Stahl. Zelieuople Boro. New Castle St., Zellenople Bor». ! lames Cogan. .Milierstown Boro. s-llpperyroclc St., Mlllersiown lloro. , Joseph I>. Graham. |nn>val Tp. Central House. St. Jot*, Donegal Tp. j C Bauerleln lire ulnar Co. Allegheny Co.. Pa. Edward, Buller Bcru. E. Wayne st. J. T. Keil. -'"lti w.. l*ittsl>ur„'. Pa. yd ward. Butler lioro. K. Wayne St. John Mcu. Smith, Bull r lloro. Pa. Butler Boro. 3d v. . Jefferson St.. No. 13. Fanny E. Gamble'. sth w.. i.utler Boro. Buller lioio, t Wajrue St. ueorjje V\ . i'ampbell.l -d w.. Butler Bori. *d ward, Butler Boro. ! John U. Brown, , yd w . Butler Boro. George lJelber " No. 10. N. Main si.. 3d w„ Butler Boro. N.i. . K. JeflenonSt. Jacob Keifcer. I No E. Jefferson St.. Jd w., Butier Boro. TAVERN LICENSE. Henry L. Beck. ) 3d w , Butler Boro. .'id ward. Butler Boro. | J. Hairy lauble j Henrv iatenmiilei. i i w.. Butler Boro. 3d v., Nos. ns and uo, S. Main St. i Herman Lelboll j :,th w . Buller Boro. Win. H. ItelUltin. -d Buller Boro. yd w . No. luT S. Main St., Uiiller Bor>. j John !•". Lov.ry, f.*u w.. N. 1. corner o! Main i i i_'d v. . . No. 1. N. Main >t.. Augustus l!oeh.l_ Milierstown Boro. Central House. Adolphus lioch. i William H. Jelllson. Pelrolia Boro. Petrolla lloro, Jamison St. | c. M Burnett. Petrolia Boro. I'etrolia Boro. north side ot Main St. George Farquiiiir, Evansburg Boro. Behm House in Boro. . John N. Miller, Evansburv Boro. S. S. of Main St.. Evansburrf lloro. Samuel Beam. Harmony Boro. Beam House. Harmony Boro. Charles StoKey. Zellenople Boro. Stokey House. Zellenople Boro. j llcnr\ W. stokev, Zellenople Boro. Ba»Uan House. Zelieuople lloro. i Cliarfus Wetzel. Saxonburgli Boro. N. S. ol Main St.. saxonburxh Boro. Christian ltobb, saxonbtirk'n Boro. N. S. of Main .St.. Saxonburjili Boro. Francis Laube. Jr. S t.vonburgh lloro. Laube House, Saxonburgh Boro. L)a\id Stewart illentrew lennTp.,l JKenlrew House at Renfrew.) '( Butler Co.. Pa. ) i Penu Tp . Butler Co., Pa. f phKip Nlckla-s. i Petersvllle. Connoquenessing) J t'etcrsvlUe. In Counoquenes- i ( Tp.. Butler Co.. Pa. > ( slug Tp.. Butler Co.. P*. \ Patrick Shields, (Great Belt. Jefferson 1 p., I I Great Belt, Jefferson Tp..i ( butler Co., l'a. ( ( Butler Co., Pa. / George Hochly, iSaxoii .station. Win lie Id Tp.,) i Saxon Station, \\ intleld Tp..i \ Butler Co, Pa. ( ) Buller Co.. Pa. ( KEL'BEN McELVAIN. Clerk a S. SAMPLES, SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear." Grand Sample & Mid-Winter! Sale OF AN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOOSS, HEAVi SOOIS, ETC. Having just received a large line of sample Boots and Shoes from several first class factories, I take great pleasure in informing you of this great sacrifice sale. Among these samples are some very fine shoes for Men, Ladies and Misses—something suitable for dress and which will be sold at a very small margin. 1 have aluooa band a big lot of Winter Goods which will be sold during this sale at a great reduction. Among these are 75 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskas and woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, felt shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a big line of Holiday Goods. But it can't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been having, no enow, but a constant mud, and under these circumstances wool goods and heavv boots can't be sold at u margin, but we will will take it as >t comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these goods, but sell them for whatever they wi I bring—this is the method we have mapped cut with the anti-backward season sale. I also intend starting East in a few days and will put ray whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on mv Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price and the first time vou visit Butler call arouud and see me. whether you wish to luy or not But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, for you cannot re*ist the bargains. lam offering— Sf) cases Men's Kip Hoots at $1.50 and upwards; 25 cases Boye' Kip Boots tit $1.25 and upwards; 15 cases Youths' Kip Boots at $1 00 and up wards; Ladies' fine sample st.oes, ranging in prices from $1 25 to $3 00; 8 dozen Woman's caif shoes, warranted' waterproof, at $1 25; 79 pairs child's calf shoes, solid leather lip, at 90c. arid $1: 300 pairs .Men's calf and buff shoes, in button, lace and Cong ,atsl2s to $2.00. Any of these shoes fully worth from $1 75 to $2 00. Child's school shoes, hee" r spring heel, tips or plain toe, at Gsc. to 75c. Call and examine, whether oil wish to buy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices Men's working shoes in a got.d Brogan, Crtemors or a good ButT Balmoral, with solid taps, and for the glass house trade we have a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear and comfort CHII ahd see these shoes The price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies ot all kinds. Three brands of leather. A full stock Sheffiel sole leather. Chailes Simon's French kips, l.evau call, etc , etc. Zinc, rubber soling,iron, I Swede iron, and all nails suitable for shoemaking. Shoemakers tools of all | kind. Send for our price list aud see our prices. Rubber Goodk of all Kinds. Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prices Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A largo lino of Men's fine dress shoes, manufactured hv the leading factories ot the Eastern market, ! cut from anv material desired Kangaroo, Cordovan, Porpoise, trench calf, 1 ete , Machine, Aime and hand welts. When visiting Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes of shoes which I will show you. Should you not desire a pair of these nt present, don't stay away but call aud select for yourself a fine pair of shoes for future footwear. I have also on bands 4 dozen of my o.vn make,box toe, pegged, and fine dress shoes which will also he sold during this sale, very cheap At all times a full stock of my own make, box toe boots, long leg, hand sided and hand pegged. Also the celebrated Ookey boot, in box or plaiu toe. This sale will last for six weeks, as about that time or two weeks pre vious our Spring stock will begin to arrive and the above method we have mapped out for this special clearance sale. Trusting you will all visit my store and secure a share of the bargains I am offering. Boots and Shfles made to order. Repairing, either in leather or rubber goods, done on very short notice. Mail orders will receive same attention as if brought ia person. A box of fine leather pomade free on application, Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - - Butler, Pa Popular Flower Seeds! 10 Packets of Selected, high grade Lower Seeds for 50 cents. Sent postpaid to any Address. Please note thit these aru no. Fancy Novelties, but standard, choice strains, grown to perfection, and should not be compared to the so-called "cheap" collections sometimes offered. COSMOS llvitKiui-a. A magnlllcent plant which. In the fall months, is literally coveretl with (lowers vvhlc'h closely resemble single Dahlias. The (lowers range through all shades of rose, purple. Ilesh color and pure while, and are excellent lor cutting. They are easily raised from seetl. and bloom the first season. Piss., in cents. PI.ATYCOIMIN, I.AKUE KLOWKitIXO WIIITK oit WAin.ENBKHiiiA. The large flowered Chinese Bell plower; sliowy hardy perennial for permanent beds or borders, bearing large, broad, bell shaped white flowers, six to twelve Inches. Pkt., Id cents. . NICOTIANA AKHNI.V Tills ncently Introduced plant has given such entire satlslactlon that ii now o< • uples one of in - nuisl conspicuous positions among the ornamental plants of the flower gardi.i It attains a height .of about two leel and produces an abundance of very large pure wiiif- flowers, which expand fully lu the morning and evening, emitting a delicious fra grance II a;so i net cells llncly as a house plant. 11 the plants are taken up lu the fall, cut back aud potted, they will bloom all winter in tne hoiisa. Pkt, It) cents. Mins 11v iti i. SPIKAI. Mlu\ make a successful SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my In structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for l♦ , rms at once. v.. o, <«HAIIam. Nurseryman, Rochester. N. Y. |:7|ljri;ky.ljQiSENTS 5,^^15 LaJU w ■ 1r V'JikCIU SALESMEN ° WANTED to canvas for the sale of Nursery Stork! Steady employment guaranteed. Salary aud expenses paid to successful men. Apply at once stutlng age. Mention this paiier. CHASE BROTHERS COMPAN Y. Rochester, N. V. -•«*) r- ;s s - . . t,....... . -U rS*? In .1 J f.l 111. • i,.: potiiil'in tu-s .• «%rw «. « .v;*» »_ • X». LEAdING Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Grapes aDd Nuns Veiling always ready tor use. No- IS. South Main Street* - - Bt f l I jIiR- I* A. ITHgfiCamCM - Oi»r ro» - II IST Trl li|lp|i MI lESjjj#*® p J'ho'worli "< -•> J ■ ■ I LrJr' I 1 niMnor |roo our salesmen. OUTFIT \ lIIIIr'UKK. Can surt you at once. send U I U Uror terms to tie«tl do ia to ihcf rh*'. v» . i ' •> •'. frirtHlmi: ! in va!a*t>U-tn* ! • 1 > . t*r • * •"•'■ NO MORE OF THIS! 'Si) Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight will often slip oIT the fwt. To remedy tliis evil the " COLCHESTER " RUBBER GO.. o?Ter n shoe with the inside of the heel lined w ill rubber. This ehru-s to the shoe and prevents tho Rubber from slipping off. Call for tlio "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS nd vou can walk, run or jump ia them. I CURE FITS! men I say CTTM I do not mean inertly to BtoD them tor a time, &od then iiave them ro* turnmS. I M»A* A RADICAL CUiili 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, ! A life-long study. I warrant my remedy to CUR* the worst ensos. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Eend at ones for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE ot my INFALLIBLE lU£mkdy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure yoa. Address H. O. ROOT, M.C., 183 P«m ST.. NEW YORK WANTED—Agents to solicit orders for our * choice and hardy Nursery si< k. Steady Work For Energetic Temperate Men. Salary and expenses or eomiiiisslon if prefer , ed. Write at once. State Age, Address. R. G. Chase & Co.'^SSS^IE 1^ A. J. FRANK Ac CO. DKALHKS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS* FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &c* tf~ Physicians' Prescriptions carefullyicouj pounded. 5 S. Mair Street, Butler. Fa. Q WAMTEB o a &m s sm ka? to canvass for.the .sale of Nursery Stock. A full line of leading specialties. Salary and expen ses paid to successful mef>. No Experience necessary. Write lor terms, stating a.r -. [Mention tbls paper.) t'. 1.. BooTllliY Nurseryman, East Paris. Koehe ter. N. \ SALESMEN ZkZ All that Is required is good ,11 * 1: -r rpv character and willingness tniii BMI 111 work Write at onee to Kllnan-If AIfI |II per A Harry. Rochester. N Y.,»f »«l! ILU Jit. Hope Nurseries. Established 1-M SOLID—— STEEL FENCE! EXMNDEDMETfIL CVT £E2?t£7 Kt:V SOMETHING NEW ?or RESIDENCES, CHuncMrs. c.EMFTERIES. Farms QABOENS Gates Arbors, Window Guard*. TrtllKci, Hrc-proof PLASTEIIINU LATH, BOOK Mils, Ac. write for Illustrated Catalogue- mailed IreC CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO lilt Wnlrr SJ., l»itl»I»iii-«h. I»n. vtrdluirb Men keep It. Give Uamc of this ba-jcr PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, IN DESTUI C Tlltl, 1 Cheaper thaa Wood. attlioi.l cut* »M 00 Iron or » . ..>. Kirn Shutter. »uj UltL KSI'SI KS Boor., an I Kalan;.. Rra.a an l Iroo Orlll. « IKE HOOK AMI WINDOW BCKKI >'H at, 1 all tin !< of WIBI. « oiik. TAVI.OIt A UI:A\, 201, 303 & 303 Market St., J'lttoburgh, Ta. • A N>wspaiH.r Adv. it iig ctitisuH | LC iO & T\iO?AA.6, /el A'.VXKIIMIO ACKIB, It ia WMM suwt. CKIOACU. 1 I) ITT t> U i I \\ T 1.1 ire not tlio oldest >1 . EJ? TH 11 H house in Butler. Wi- I \ t We know our b'.i.-incf^. " " -1— "are probably the j-ouiiir I' V -6 est. 11 tbe riehcM | ) | Jr 11 We've got enough to avoid \ \ I"1 .house in Butler. j> I I the necessity nl' doing busi aJ* V- _3_ ness on the"h«nd to-mouth'- Imsis. IU " \\T haven't got the larp. >i |)J"[ f a have a brand new one yy | j'jj" jy niay bo u '" |j ; | that is right np to date. 1V 1"1 haven't gut the hire-t J') C JT S1 We admit that the length ol \ \ room pi" any >h'.e |-\ | 8 the room hears no relation * — J house in Butler; ours i ** v 1_ to the quality of the shoes rather short. sold in it. V. I *-r "["I haven't got the bigg-sf j )| rr flWe mean to sell our share of \\ fi shoe trade in the world. |-C I 1 the tine-hoes handled by us. » " -i wo never expect to J—' v_v JL have. VI. ITT" | 1 don't sell cheaper than | J "J" f Til We claim that the goods are \ \ M \nybody else; on the I I i 8 fully worth the price. " -■—"" contrary our price ■ are JL the highest ruling VII. ITTTldon't give credit. WeTJ F try to deal with our 1 1 1~1 .roust have tlie money r"x I 1 customers so as to make * * *or the goods. "-* ' •*- them our friends. VIII. ITT Vl want to see you .'ill | > g T r I Wo wish you to remouiber \l |"1 .come and give us a trial, |~"C R 1 where we are located. l>o * —■" and if goods are not just J—' "L- -1- not forget the number, as represented we will cheerfully refund you your "money, 95 S. MAIN ST. WILL REMOVE MAY IS! BLACKMORE & (ill IK I!. 1890- :SPRING: -1890 NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. AND TRIMMINGS. New White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Diimasks, Towels, Napkins, Crashes, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Ginghams, Prints, Tickings, and all kinds of Domestic Goods. New Spring Carpels, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Rugs, Matts, Druggetts, Window Blinds, Lace Curtains, Poitiers, And Stair Rods. As always, we sow tbe largest and FINEST ASSORTMENT At the lowest prices at Ritter & Ralstons. BARGAINS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And Silverware. Finest slock of Sterling Silverware in the county and at prices not to be equaled fur cash. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J .-R.-G-1 1-E= i=l {=■-S . No. "1.0 Soutli Moill St., 'Sign of Kle. tkic Clock), 1 51JTLER, PA. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler. Pa. FIRST CLASS LAI NDBV WORK IN ALL BRANCH KS. LACK CI UTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLKAK ISO, DYEING AKD CAR PKT CLKANINO. . (roods collected and delivered i in all parts of the town. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH, PltOl'Kl KToltS. FOR SALIi, ' LIEGISTEEED BEBKSHIR' The prize winning Berks ne Boar, TOM DODDS, IS, >•{, Keaeon I'if selling, cannot use ii i lci in hi'rJ. Also, extra <_« H •»I i.iii pigs, either sex. sired I> \ 'Join i'odds. Pedigrees given with every sale and <>niir anteed sis represented or money refunded. Address, . J. PARK HAYS, Vrospect, fn. I'iiiiTin sAIs.MIN to sell Nuiwry itJanlLll >'<>ek. All Ooodß Warranted ■ All I 111 I'■'HtST-fLASS. ivrmauent fIHIIILU pleasant, pro.'ltable positions tortile rlirlit men'. tiopd w'larVs anil I ,1.1 wpckly. I.lberal Imlucemcnt.Hto btgln !:• rs. No previous experience neceiwar). < )ut ill tree. Write for terms, (Tlvlns affi . ell \HI i s 11. I'HASE. Nurseryman. Rocliester, N. V. Mention Ujls paper.