Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 14, 1890, Image 3

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Fit IOA V. MARCH 14 I«i*j.
lit fl I- K tlll-i apoplllatli.il of hl.oUt 111 IBM.
if ri ih** * 'uuiiiy seat of ltdtifr iVMtniy. ft'iih
•ii) i HP*.
Kour rall-.vajs, natural ifas, iu.t uneiiualtea
ia< littles fornianataelurrs.
li-.v'ress everywhere; new bull-Ill.ii= l.e„
niu,uf <> tun a ■.T.iwlni? mil prosperous town
\\ i-i l> It. It I'ralns Mf Holler lor
lr.-.p..it l:l .it .111.-. wnt-uiy »l '■ loaii-l »"
„ „i ai..« »<>P «'■ «'-iIH J'
i».ii.ia ut :05 a ul. amip
At il. In. HIMI ' I* ut ■
i ,ii ■ i: MM
• lll'* at .:l" u. l HI3" a. hi »«»••• I'-J
.i., .- ; , i aiu . i.. M.i "p M : l '' l
lor i' - IJoiaPl .i"' ll'l'l.W* l 1 1
ll .il ..ifi-. at • ■ ami flto |.
i; i; Train, We biiH.-r AII*-
..,i | ,i f:i'i uii.l Hc.v . I" 'i" l I" ai..l
| or the iK.nli at Wj» IW iu. alel
I'l HI M.UIS < 1...-4P F'T the
; ~, |... r I'liL-iair? and «.!••* -»'>rtl> at -Klu
■i ii j'or l«x al pu.l.ts wet "i ' nllery at i:u
i. ri l-.ir leal point* South nnJ I IU*bWK al
mu. u. ai.'l i" r I'l'isbiuK. ' >il i ily.liarnliart s
vnii < I'iarioti -.11 11-- leu: at .P ni Mul
" ir ,.| . I'ltl S.ll!-' au.l loCal poliiM HI"! .11
, ~ll.'.,■ ;i . i.' a in • ll.'lll Pittsburg. "'I 1 Uy.
li ii-uliai'l Mills. < lail'.li. I oxliurg an.l local
1...H.1 I-eiwei ii All*-'. In-iiv an<T I'.ULL-r at Wu
, in iioi.i I'lii -tmrK ami l-ii.- l a-f .a I -o p.
in . ii nr. l-it«?-•»'!» - -mi tin- N'.rtl. at 41W p. m.
M.i'is l*.r lo.nl points lieiv;een A 1 ii' an.l
i 11:• i ■ at ' 1 u ami . >• p. in
■ lArt i:<-t I Hail'. mall t"i Ml ■ be.iluut
.111.. it II a.l.i ami leaven lltlller I". «' at I-'
nan., in .il ii >. l irtll llu|K, lliiir|.i:r and
i .'I pi.llH .ill I'.e;, HI II a in a I.'l ilf]iaila al
I a p Hi.
.ION. , nrfcn cu IMMI at in.- tod
. .i hull- i l-rwpert, Souuilo "'.Jiili
.Hie I- ii Mtlleisioun (llari.l.arl Mill-'
iCBUi ill. !i|.|.-r 10.-I-, I'lii-'li.i Kama
I. i 111 villus lili.lri I .'l.la l a
.1 I'o.ilal ii-Jes Hiilcli art no safer lltaii eit
ii. -!i (f . - iln - an n.aJe p-tjala. '.a
i ..I c tt aa m - r-ir r- Iw
800 I
i 'ii Al. A -hMBJ.V K'il|(liia-.1 I '-
11., iiH. ts trtry Friday niglil «i"- 1 ■»»■-
.-, niei a ii* I I .in. r.- Ilall, lt.ir«l fioor, Hii-^1»....
».... i .ii.iii._-. w M. M i'i • •>', itw?. a««.
New Advertisements.
Mi-lit until.: Appraiser# l.i I.
J iuy i.iit foi April V.
I>i. solution Noliee, lierjj it C-ypher.
AfrcntK W'antt-il.
Autiitora liopurt nfC'lint.ui twp.
I'rosppi t At'fulfiny.
Slippcryrofk Norraul.
Case School.
Mill lor Sal'-
Nmi:—All tulvertiacrs iutinditigto make
t'lianfFi-a iu their atls. should notify us ot
their to do so, not later Ihan
Monday inorninj:.
—Uoop.i will follow biißtles
—The almanae says this is spriu^.
-The I'. .1 W. Co. is having a new route
:,nrvoycd lietwcen Stringtown and ltock
—The annual eonventioli of the I'itts
hnr;' llistrict of the V. Al. 0. A. will lie
held at Unioutowii, March L'l 2.'t.
—The Mercantile Appraiser has fixed
Tuesday, April Bth as the day for appeals
froui his assessments.
The fituburi? papers are yet coui
luenting on the Fish stories. What Annie
needs, and needs badly, is au occasional
of strap oil well rubbed in.
The old saying is thftt Ihe frogs have to
freeze up three times before spring opens
f..r good. The critters had their fir-1 freeze
last week.
The uiereiiry iu Butler, last Friday
nuirning was 0 below zero, and that wa:i
the tirst time it had been below .-ero since
the IMtli of Kebruary, l^y.
.Tunics Sutton. K. q , offers his flour
iug mill at Evans City for sale. It is a
burr mill, with purifiers and r>team power,
aud is in good condition.
Our tree I: were quite noisy Saturday
night. Several young men who had filled
Ihemielvc with "hug juice" from pylorus
to aesophagus, favored us with some of
their choicest ballad :.
- Hcrc' comfort for the victims of grip
no dical exports predict a scourge of chol
era nevt summer but say that those who
have had the grippe will not lie liable, to
an attack of cholera.
- The store of John A. McCandless, in
Sunb.iry, w as entered by burglars last Sat
urday night. They broke a pane nf glass
and opened a window and then a door, and
took about ten dollars iu change fiom the
drawer, some tobacco and cigars, and
other articles
-They must have a nice lot of mosS
lid. U councilman ovei at Butler. The citi
zens have iu circulation a petition asking
the authorities to pavo tho main street of
that town!—lndiana, Pa., Messenger.
They have an editor iu Indiana who
knows nothing of recent laws.
-Oh, my! what a scandal! Several of
the. female students of the New Wilming
ton College have been detected at playing
cards, the principal has gone to Pittsburg
to consult the trustees,and the whole tow n
is excited over the affair—at least a corres
pondent says so.
—.lnliii Oricb lias a SIOOO watch on
exhibition in his sliow wiudow. It tells
the time of day to the fraction of u second,
day of the week and month, changes of the
moon and strike.; the hours and quarters
when invited to do so.
Mr. Moni on, the baker, secured 250
ton <if firing-water ice from his pound on
the White place during the late freeze. He
li.'i more ice up than all the other restau
rant tiud hold keepers of the town togeth
er. Mr Morrison puts up 500
ton; (tiul he could have secured that
amount if he had had an ice bouse built on
the property.
—Pot master Uastuiau requests us to
notify -.ome of the candidates that they
have been mis informed as to the postal
laws. A circular printed by any process
of printing, (excepting the name of the
person addresnd and the signature which
ran be written) and left unsealed, will be
lor warded for one cent; but all written or
type-writer communications whether scal
ed or not must have a two cent stamp on
the envelope, otherwise the. recipient will
have to pay the extra postage.
The item in theCommis ioners Annual
Statement of the receipts and expenditures
of the county which conveys the informa
tion that ' A. J. Hutchison" received one
dollar tor cleaning the Court House yard is
misleading. This work was performed by,
and the money paid to, Jaine.i Hutchison,
sou of the janitor. This correct inn is made
in justice to Commissioner Hutchison, who
in the absence of «ny explanation, might
be unjustly charged with having drawn
double pay from the county.
llutler comity will have thirty-eight
census enumerators. One for each town
ship, three for flatter, and one each for
Millcrstown and Zelienople. 'l'he Super
intendent has instructed the Supervisors
not to make any district, over 2000 in pop
ulation, if he can help if, the idea being
th»t the smaller the district the belter will
lie the work done. Snpt. Males has not
yet completed hid list of enumerators for
Hutler county.
-.'lrs. Mary Lathrop, of Michigan, will
begin a series ot temperance meetings iu
Hutler, Sabbath, Match ~3r*l, under the
auspices of the W r . C. T U. Mrs.
is one of the shining lights upon the tcui
perauce platform of to-day. An extended
notice will be given next week. li.
—Try to induce ytur neighbor to
take Tl it Citizen.
t o ut met Monday with lla .il
preridinf. The week has been taken up
in hearing and di posim- ot iln' 'a ■ i on
the Quarter Session ■ i»iicket, and a note ..t
tin* ri nil will be lound below
« KiyiN.il ui h'itu
Frank Brown, indieted
found not I'uilty but directed L» pa> the
, ..-I iu one . a?** and . .eivieted in the other
not sentenced.
timer < otisin • was e..nvi. led »l larceny
- not \'« i sentenced
Gabriel hvth, indii teit tor A.vß '.n c.atli
of his wife, was acquitted by the jury
Leonard W*Md, LUrtid for aMtnilig
with l.agpage from a iMiardint? house, was
a, '|Uiltc(J, but dire, ted to ball the
co i . ilie lo pay li Iber half
The <-a .• v: t. A Rider for obtaining
n, one-', under false pri-leii.se and \ i- A
Rider, \Ve-b-> tiutl'i-y and -I V Hoaf for
eons|iinu.v. on o.illt ol Wt-ndell Hickev.
Were -ettjed, and therel u. the venln t Wil:
tor the defendaul
The ia.-e John Cypher. \V in Nieh .1-
-oii aud <"ha. (i.-phari lot elling liipiov
without li. en . i.- on tii'd
i-ainiiel I'uttrill. indi' led lor A.l B will'
intent to rape on oalli ot Mi Watkinson,
ol Spriiu'd ili- was :u quilted l>u' dneel' d
In pay two third- of the rot - (lie pros
editor to pay tin- oiln.-i third
ldlsworth Black, Newton
Milliard and Simon Gallaghi i lor 1A I!
w«re settled
The cu i-- lleoi *. McGhet. «*l M ill*?i
town, Wc-ro coulinued
The surctj peac. .-a=eo> •. s th. ridan
chnll, ofSuubury, settled
The bill ot u.dii tiiieiit . ■ Al Glenn \ ,s
•p.ashe.l and ileleuilant disci...rg.-d
1 l.e ca as v.i Simon Gallagher lor A All
was settled, and node pro- entered
HWMH <ra Lewis woifordand < lost, .
Wick for couspiraty lo defraud was Stilled.
,\ process was awarded tor A 1' Taune
liill, who i. wanted to answer to au Fiß
The wiil of Mary Ann Thompson, of
Bnirab.Tp, was probated -no letters; also
will of Sarah Miller, of Lancaster Twp—no
At the sale of the property of the Bark
ey children, la.l Saturday, the property
wai: sold t" Walter Scott of Lancaster tv.-p
for $-100.
LetU'is of almiiiistiation were gmuled
to Anthony Thouia on the estate, of (.rat e
Thoina, of Summit 'I p
talli Ruby and the : onlh I'enn Oil < o
have brought suit iu ejfctuiiut vs the lloch
Bros and others for r> a. res iu *'onoqueues
siug Tp.
\V llainbae.h and the South Peun Oil Go
have brought "iiit \ i the Hoeh Bros and
others for :IO acres in Oonnoquenessing Tp.
(' Biehl to .1 l< Garnahau, 'J lots in But
ler borough for |l,Wi
Au or Junk to J II lleime, 10<1 acres iu
WinOeld for H'V>
E Preston to 0 S June, lot iu lint let for
II Seaton to I, Lutz, lot iu Xelienoplc
for SI,BOO.
l> F M:Crea to Jos Fennell, -I'i acres in
Bonegal for $1,300.
Marriage Licenses.
Gliarlc . Nicklas I'enn twp
Catharine Necley Lancaster twp
Harry X. Gooper Natrona, l'u
Minnie Sehrecengort.. "
John J. West Butler, I'a
Sarah Dunbar "
William Morjow Bakerstown, Pa
Maggie Park Glade Mills, Pa
Chasß. Hutchison Butler, I'a
Stella Shannon Ml Chestnut
Geo L Evaus Pittsburg, Pa
Ida Shout/ Jackson twp
At New Castle—Albert I>. White and
Clara IV Pooruiau of Kvaus City.
At ludiaua, Pa. George W. llobaugh of
Butler and Cora Hill of Homer Cil)
Oil Field Noles.
Tho well owned by McClung, McCaud
less A Co. on the Graham heirs farm in
Connoquenessing twp. reached the sand
Wednesday night aud began flowing at tho
rate of 25 barrels an hour. Tfie owners
are .fa;-' McClung, I J McCandless, Pat
Golden, All "Wick, Wm Walker, Will
Kamery and Kobt McClung.
Rlack, Hai'h lt A Co.,contractors of Hut
ler, finished two wells <>n the Q. 'Shan
non farm, Wednesday, one for McKoe and
one for Black, Crazier A Co., both of which
arc showing for good wells.
A large aincuut of material has gone lo
the front during the past few days and
work in the developed portion of the hun
dred-foot territory is very brisk.
The latest gauge of the Bundled fool
Co's big well is 45 barrels an hour, Wood
& Young's 15 aud Lockwood's IJ.
McCall A' Co's w ell on the Hubert fc
Henry was opened to the public Tuesday
aud it is a duster, another well is being
drilled on same farm.
About u hundred wells are drilling in
this field.
Gong, Graham A Co's well on the Wahl
reached the sand about four weeks ago,
and after being tubed pumped nothing but
salt water, until laot week when Ihe salt
water huving been exhausted ii began
pumpiug oil and is doing about 12;"> bar
rels a day. It is owned by Mi. Long,
Johnny Grahan, I»r. Zimmerman, Walter
Graham, Mrs. Stoddard and others
Guffy A Co's well on the I.clever, Gold
district, filled up with oil when the sand
was reached, Monday night.
Cooper A Thomas got another good well
on the Thomas farm near Parker last
The tools were shipped to the well on
the Andy Walker farm in Clay twp. last
liarnum .( Co. have located a well on
the Stewart farm,east of Manasas Dug in 's.
A thousand barrel oil well was lately
struck near Glasgow, Ky.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 27 for butter; 10
for eggs; 50 for apples; 55 for potatoes; 35
for turnips; Co for parsnips and carrots;
1 25 a bu for onions; 1 50 to 1 75 for beans;
4 for dried apples; ti for dried peaches.
Timothy bay $lO to * 13; mixed hay 7 to
8; mill feed 13 50 to I<> 50; rye Hour 3 25;
wheat Hour 3 75 to 5 25; rye 52 to 5-1; oats
20 to 28; shelled torn 32 to 30; car corn 32
to 38; wheat 80 to 81; doversecd 3 r '.~> to
3 40; timothy Reed 1 50; buckwheat Hour
2 to 2J.
Apples 1 50 to *1 a hbl as to quality; po
tatoes on track 38 to 53; jobbing 40 to 00;
dressed chicken 12 to 14; dressed turkey 10
to 17; dressed duck 10 to 18; live chickens
GO to M 0 per pair as to size; country roll
butter 8 to 22 us to quality; beam I 85 to f2;
country cider $1 to 4 50 a bid; common
dried peache. Ito 0; dried apples 4 to 5;
eggs 15 to 10; feathers 30 to 00; rags l .J;
cabbage 7 to 8; yellow onions 1 25 to 1 35;
red top turnips 1 15 to 1 45; honey 13 to 1«.
At Herr's Island, Monday, sales of breves
were made at 31 to 5»; the common and
medium grades selling the best; bulls 2 to
3}; dry cows 2 to 3; veal calves 54 to 61.
There were but 23 head of sheep and
lambs on sale and a fair number could
have been disposed of at -H to 6 for sheep
and 5 to 7 for lambs.
There was a fair supply of hogs, and
they sold at I to li.
mi: oil. MARKET.
The oil market doted Monday at 934,
Tuesday at Wednesday at" li 3£.
| t'Hie bears ure confident that the drain in
the stocks on baud will be overcome this
month, in other words that the production
will equal the consumption
S3OO Prizes.
Case School of Applied Science
offers live S3OO priie scholarships on
ctitrauio examination. particu*
larts address Cad)' Staley, President,
Cleveland, O.
—Teachera taught how to think,
how to study, how to t«ach anil how
to govern, at Slippery rock State Nor
mal School
— Fob Sale—About 17i> feet of
inch wire rope. J. N. Munxz.
The nihilia(f- of Mr Will IT Miller and
Mi s tin .sie Itansi hei whu li we btieliy
noted l.i t v.eel, 0.. uried on Wednesday,
the sth, at the handsome h.iuie '-t the
luide s parents ou the i oruet «>1 \\ I'rail
ttud Wa-shiuglon SH. A. large moibef ot
iuyited friends assembled at 3 ocl.'.k to
witue>~ the ceremony, which v* as perform
ed by Her. W. E. oiler The bride wore
a beautiful cream-colored albatross .lies?
< iit (• i triune, and looked unusually band
uoiue. The bridesmaids, Miss < laia
Kaitscher arid Mis.i Tillie lliller, wore
L'l earn Colored dresSes tile boDqUet--
were large and very pretty
A Iter the • e.reiuom . and the n nal • "ii
gratulatious. a handsome dinner w:is
ten ed. The couple then depalted uii their
wedding tour, which included Soinersct.
the former home of the jrrooui.
The li*t of those |iresent and the wed
ding gifts is as follow;.
Mr. and Mrs. ("room, h.tudaome . lock..
Mi and Mr; Me''alla, ice cream set, Mi
liambach, berry dir-h, Loyal and Ira M>-
.Inukiii and ilii. Dannie Hla< k .ilver cake
basket, Mi and Mr J K bmith, \ dozen
»le j. rt poonr; Annie liickel and Annie
do*eu silver fruit knives; Mr and
Mi.~ Kan. silver cake basket; Misses tmnia
and Tillie Miller fruit di.di LaYerue Rod
gers, pair vass3; llrainl Mis Leake, piano
lamp; Mr and Mrs Otto I.iinberg. silver
pickle-castor; Lillie and Tillie Riddle.large
Ut - iert di.-h Mr A H,.rr butter knife and
spoon: Alia Ruti aud daughter, silver
pickle-castor; T C Liinberg, silver cup, J M
Greer and wife, silver bntter knife; Mr and
Mr- P Hchenek, silver card receiver; liritta
and Emily alker, 1 dozen dessert dishes,
Mr and Mrs Coughanowe, table lineu, nap
kins and to web: Minnie and I>eElta Bow
man, towel rack and towels; Mr ami ALs
Brymer, handsome rocking-chair; Mr aud
Mis Osborn, and picture; Mi and Mrs
Jacobs, handsome banner; Mr and Mrs A\
T Meehling, oxidized carving set; Mr Jacob
Leek, fancy straw rocker, Miss Pose King,
cut glass dish: Mr Terner. 1 dozen glasses;
Mi s AliceUilTenbacher,silver sugar spoon:
liarry Stauller, berry spoon.
Fatal Accidents.
Butler county was the scene of four fatal
accidents last Saturday
The premature explosion of a blast, on
the line of the new railroad up the BufiFiilo
to Winfielil furnace, killed two Austiians,
who had been in this country but twenty
Charles Rouse, of I'iue Tp , Mercer Co ,
stopped at his mother's, near Harrisvillc,
thai afternoon, while on his way to work
in a coal mine near Jefl'cr.ion Centr. His
mother asked hiin to kill a dog rnuning iu
the yard, lie attempted to lire at Ihe dog
with a revolver, the charge did not explode
at the time, but while he was looking at
the weapon to see what was the matter, it
did explode,and the bullet crashed through
bis head, causing his death in a few hours.
He was 28 years old, was married, and
leaves a wife and four children
Wm. J. Edgar, a black smith, who has
lived in Butler for about two years, ami
v, lio lias worked in neurit nil the machine
gimp here, met his death in a remarkable
manner that evening. He was in Millers
towu on business, itml for some reason
started to walk across the Divt-ner trestle
that evening, and when near the centre of
the. trestle was met by a freight train, lie
got to the edge of the trestle and held uu,
bat a car wider than the otheis kooeked
him oil, and he fell 7J feet,striking a girder
on the way that caused him to revolve. No
buries were broken, but he was injured in
terually, mid he died at the Central House
Monday lmuniug. His remains were
brought to Butler for interment. He v,as
about 10 years of age, was married, aud
leaves a wife and several children.
Council Proceedings.
At the meeting of Council, Tuesday eve
ning, Chairman Mechliug announced his
appointment* of landing committees,
which were approved by Council, as 10l
Finance- Forquer, Campbell and Mays.
Sewerage— Campbell, P. Schenrk and
11 ftffner.
Paving—llaffner, Black aud Forqaer.
Fire—Stewart, Walter aud XieUols.
Pavements and Crossings—Crouse, Byers
and .Stewart.
Police—Alexander liyers and George
Water—Nichols, G. Schenck aud Crouse.
Gas—Walter, Borelaud and Alexander.
Mr. Heydrick announced that he had
about completed the "levels" for sewerage
purposed. The crossing of Maiu and Jeffer
son St. is about 80 feet above the proposed
outlet of the Main sewer.
There was a discussion UJ to the best
method of raising money lor paving and
sewering, which ended in the appointment
of a committee to draft resolutions with re
gard to the question of bonding the town,
which are to he submitted to a vote of the
people. Messrs. Halfner, Nichols and P.
Schenck were appointed.
The bond of J. B. Mather, high con
stable, iu S2OO, with 11. 11. Gallagher as
surety, was approved. Several other un
important matters were considered, and
the Council adjourned till next regular
meeting time.
Properly Notes.
W. A. Forquor, Esq., has seven feet be
tweun his building and the Eagle building,
upon which he is erecting a one-story brick
for the offiice of tho Postal Telegraph Co.
Mr 0. S. June of Parker, Agent for the
National Transit Co. lias purchased the
Preston house on Fulton St. ami intends
removing to Hutler.
The Andiew AHu rt property in Centre
twp. was offered for sale on the the prem
ises last Saturday and also at tho Court
House on Monday, but the Committee,
Ksq. Moore not being satisfied with the
bids adjourned the sale until June.
i F. Laiibc, Jr., is excavating for a new
house on W. Pearl St. ami Mr. Stelsmitb
for one on lSlutf St.
Steve lluseltoii purchased the old Conrad
Koessing property at corner of Washington
and M itllin Streets for 44tMKi.
Mrs. Lewis Miller of IliUler is lying sick
at the home of her father-in-law, Casper
Miller, of Worth twp.
Isaac Ash, of Oil City, is a candidate for
the Republican nomination lor State Sen
ate from the Venango Co. district.
It. W. lircdi n, lisq., of Franklin, lor
merly of Butler, lately cleared forty thoua
aild dollars ill an oil land deal iu Craultei
ry and Rockland twp,' , Vennngn Co
George I'. McDonald of l'ortt-rsville, has
been granted a pension.
Col. Thomas A. Watt, Passenger Agent
of the Western District of the I'. K 1!.
made us u pleasant visit, Tuesday morn
.1. M. Ureer, Ksq. has been occupying
his splendid new mansion on the bill since
Walter Christie, his sou and nephew,
who were burned by the explosion ot the
gas tank at the Ha/lett A Co. well on the
Humphrey, aro yet lying at Mr. Humph
rey's, house in Connoquenossing twp
—lf you examine, the catalogue of
Slipperyrock Statu Normal School
you will find not the estimated but
the exact coat for everything.
—Foil Ha i.e. —Teu ec&pa of puie
Italian bees. Inquire of
W. S. Moaaia,
Hutler, i'a.
—Do not attend the Slipperyrock
State Normal if you want simply to
pnt in the time, or to make a term of
school a tini&-of leieure. No drones
are tolerated there.
—/uver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
The Cirand Jury, the Court, and
the Co. Commissioners.
The follo*iuf pre i iituieul >-t ihu tii.uid
jurt, order ol • •»11»*t, aud card Irotn ihe i •»
Com mis ionen explain thcioelv,-
rHt oß± STi Ji hT iJt ■ I
Tn tne H"Durable the Jud|ei ol the
Court of Quarter session-ol Hutler Cutn
i, The MIRI IU.|H I <•« "" 1 MM**
wealth of Fenn'a inquiring in and lor th.
body of the County of Rutler re p. . Hull,
represent That we Milled the enmity jail,
boiler house and all the departments "l the
court house and lonnd the public propeitj
in a reasonably fair conditiou, but make
the following rei omnietidatioii
l-t. Thai the inside of jail he p&intt-d,
thoroughly clean*ed and a hath tub erect
td for the n-e id pi Lionel.-
:!d. That the cfililifc-i ..1 the Kil. hell Slid
upper hall of the Comity Shentl dwelling
be repla tcred.
ad. That the iron ohutler.i of the win
dows on brst floor be repaired and placed
in proper position.
•Ith. That the windoT; in the froul i.l
fiee of the Clerk of Courts l»- placed -u
pivot-, fur tho purpo-e .if \entil wtioti
f.lh That we renew the recommenda
lions of the two foriui-i liraiid I line t • 1..
iron screens on counter in I 'ount \ Iri -aaiii
tr's ofli. e.
Clh Thai the table m C'ouulj r'hetirt i
office be relitted with drawers an J addi
tional shelves in the Coiiin.i'.-ionei ■ oitke
be 'erect, d.
7th. That the window and in >wt
lie's room be repaired anil replaced
sib. That tbc Grand Jnrj room IM oal
ciinined and i lie. lalde be plated iu said
f»th. That the loahng an.l drinking ot ,
intoxicating liquors in the halls an»l difler
ent depart menu ot the ' ourt House be '
loth That tin- Cuanly CommiMioaOT I
unite with the property owners adjoining ]
Court House, and with the liorough of
Huiler to niake arrangements for the pav
ing of liiainond Square. j
"11th. That the floor iu from of bar and dit- '
Tereiit aisles be covered,with rubber matting 1
iu Court Hooni No. 1, also the nosing on
step leading to stats in said said rfloui he
remove. 1 and ihe loot rests ot the seats he
fastened so as to prevent noise and inter .
ference with the business of the Couit.
t l'Jth Thai each of the water closets in
Jury, Judges and Attorneys' rooms be re- 1
paired. 1
I.lth. That Ihe stairway leading from (
the Couuty Sheritl s office to Court ltoom
be cleaned up or sunt up.
14th. That the newel knobs on main
stairwav bo repaired and si curely fastened
lr.th." That doors with locks be placed |
on vacant vaults iu cellar of Court House.
liitb. AVe further present that the pub
lie road leading from Hutler to Wattorson_s
Ferry is inclose proximity to the F .1 W
Failioad at a point in Donegal 'l'wp , near
Danville at v liii h place iheye i. l :i |
embankment deseendinf! froiu -aid public
road to railroad, that the absence of pro
per guards along the roa.t ui said point
renders public travel over said road dan ,
gerous to lite anil limb, and we (
therefore recommend that Ihe ,
proper authorities ol Donegal i'wp 1
widen ami place sntlieietit guards along i
the road at said place I
17th We further recrimmetnl that the (
proper authorities of Oakland and Uouegal
Twp.i. rejiair and widen the road leiidiui'
from Mrs Mary Feed's farm in ooklftiul
Twp. to u point at John O'Dotmell farm on
Hutler and Millerstown ronil in Uonegal
Twp. as said road is dangerous to travel.
18th. We recommend that the County
Coinmisniuuers widen Ihe sidewalk i ol the
bridge loading from Holler to Springdale
and across the I '<innoi|uenessing tirei i: and
tu erect a wooden parlition nix feet high
between sidewalk and carriage way—snl<-
walks to be double their present Width, a.i
said bridge i:< now not sullicienl for the ac
couioilation of public travel.
19th. We lurthei present that be
lieve from common report ami from the
press of the County that there has been
fraud coiiimited iu the County Commission
cr»' office and that the guilty party is like
lv to escape punishment tbrongh Uie neg
lect of the other County Commissioners to
faithfully perform their duty, we therefore
ask thai- such uction be taken by this Hon
orable Court as to compel said Coinrni J
sinners to faithfully perform their duties in
this matter.
20th. We desire to exteiul our ihanks
to the Court for his able charge and in
structions given to us, also to i lie District
Attorney and Tipstall Mi Oainlless for coin
tesy shown lis Kespectfully submitted.
J. !•'. I'. Mc'GlNl.Ei', Foreman
Xow, March i th, IsOo, it is ordered, (1).
that this presentment, except iteins ;Nio
•10," "17," "IH," and be certified to
the hoard of Co. Commissioner.? of this
County, for the purpose of informing said
board concerning the matters therein con
tained, and with the hope that said board
will be swift to carry into elfect said iiijr i
gestions, (2|, that a rule issue to the road
supervisors of Donegal township to show
cause against placing proper guards alone
this public road at the point named in
item No. "16" of this pie-entment, return
able to April 7tli, next. (3), that a rule is
sue to the road supervisors ol Donegal and
Oakland townships, respectively, to shn"-
cause against repairing and widening the
public road mentioned iu item No. "17,' of
this presentment, returnable to April 7th
inst; (-1), that this presentment bo pub
lished in the county papers us a matter ot
information to the taxpayers of said coun
LOIIVK CITIZEN: —The oraml Jury AI
this term makes a presentment in which
reference is made to tho Commissioners'
office, casting reflection ou the present
board for alleged non-performance of duty.
Ordinarily we pay 110 attention to criti
cism, hut this presentment is so mislead
inp we thought a Hhort reply would give
the people the facts. In the irregularities
in the Commissioners' office we did vi hat
was considered best for the interests of the
people whose money we disburse. We
discovered some warrants irregularly
drawn by one of the board, ferreted them
all out and at once took measures to have
the money refunded. This we accomplish
ed, every cent improperly drawn was re
turned, demanded and received the resig
nation of the one who did it, and when the
money was returned, the part) out of of
lice, we considered the interests >.f the
people were properly cared for. The ac
counts of the Commissioner')' office had a
thorough overhauling by the Auditors, ev
erything reported by them to correct, with
h balance of about 1'.M.000 available asset
AVhen we came to consider what further
duty, if any, there was devolving on us,
we were ailcisul that the Commissioner:)
were not prosecuting officers and did not
then feel justified in putting the county to
expense when nothing was to be gained by
it. for the people. II the gentlemen ol the
(iraml Jury desire prosecution of the of
fenders, as they seem to, any one of them
if a taxpayer, can step in, tin- fact • are ac
cessible to all, make information in the
regular wav, set the machinery of the cri
minal law m motion, and follow the case
through the courts. It is as much their
duty as ours, tlad the people's money,
wrongfully drawn, not been returned, we
Would have been swift to take measures to
liavo it done. That would have been our
duty. Put having secured the money, we
did uot leel it our duty to institute proceed
ings, as there was nothing in it, except the
cxpcuiifihat would have been put on the
county for the people to pay.
n. M nrNc iN.
Great Insurance Companies.
It requires study for one to fully
comprehend the magnitude of the in
surance business. However, it in not
our purpose to write an array of be
wildering ligures, but to note with
pleasure the old and powerful com
panies that protect the homes, busi
ness blocks and other property of our
citiztus. The (Inardian Assurance
Co., of London, has assets amounting
to $21,839,758.
Tho London Assurance Corpora
tion, organized one hundred and
seventy years ago, has assets of
$ 17,663,01'). The Insurance f'o. of
North America, organized in I'hilu
delphia, almost a century ago, repre
sents assets of $9,071,690. Then
there is the Continental, of New
York, having $5,217,773; the Loudon
and Lancashire, $4.009,840; the
Hpringtield, of Mass , $3,410,983; the
Franklin, Phil'a, $3,174,357; the Ger
mania, New York, $-,9115,136 and
the Orient, of Hartford, $1,836,72*2.
One of the largest financial instjtu
' tion in the world is the New York
i Life Insurance Co, having assets of
over $105,000,0(10, being thirty mil
lions more thau the Hank of Kngland
These companies,uflording absolute
. protection, are represented by
—Wanted, by the children of Hutler, a
room of thi-ir onn, to hold their Loyal
Temperance Legion in Are there not
'ome father and mother. .• iutere ted in
this graud work t..i the children iu »ur
town that will come to our a---M.ni. e ir.
this work It so addns-
Mhs C A HilLEi,
sap f ot Juvenile Work iu W C.T i"
A■* iI Sup't
I se 1 loulile Ail O. h 11 circle and
Cattle Powders.best in the world. A
mire and upeedy cure f.»r Leaves,
eonjhs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J C. UKMPIC,
"i-IM-Ilm Vo. f>, N. Main St.
Hutler, PI».
—Come to Sanbury Academy, if
you are looking for the cheapest
place to obtain an education. Spring
term opens March 2"». rite for a
catalogue Any information with
regard to the school cheerfully given.
Address T F Modal, <'oultersville,
The young people in our schools
are dependent upon the art and skill
uf those who instruct them. It
would be well tor those who are
teaching as well us those who expect
to teach, to avail themselves of the
special advuntages Slippery Rock
State Normal School offers at so little
cost. Spring term of fourteen weeks
begins April 2. Write for a cata
logue to Jas h Morrow. Principal.
—lf yon want to improve in
scholarship ami methods, attend the
Slippery Ilock State Normal School.
—Millinery in all the latest goods
at reasonable pr'ce at the Misses
—The Misses Mark's are offering
rare bargains in the latest and most
stylish millinery. See ibeir full line
of Spring Hosiery
Flannels, blankets and Yarns are the
best goods in the market for service
and durability. We have them
Ministers of ihe Uospel secure
the special preparation ueeded lor
their work in Theological Schools
Attorneys, iu I.aw Schools ; Phy
sicians, in Medical Schools. Teachers,
desiring the best equipment, in the
Slippery Ilock State Normal School.
Cost for term commencing April 2,
continuing fourteen weeks, Forty
eight dollars
At the Misses Mark's; a full
lino of White Aprons
fiiarieu lor 1S!KI ul
A. 11. DoiiUliAHrt'.
liigbtst cawh price paiil fur buck
wheat at Waltcr'M Vlill, But
ler, l'a.
Finest Hue of Fur Mnffn ami 15oas
ever chowti in tliin city All ijuali
ties ami prices »i
For Sale.
A good, small farm of ;j;s acres, j
well improved, gooil huildiuga, or- !
c|ianlß, etc. For particulars inquire I
at Citizen priming oftice, liutler, l'a |
—The Misses Marks oiler I'lusli |
for Fancy work at Hue Dollar, for
merly $'2.75 Hustles, handkerchiefs I
and gloves in full assortment ('aps i
lor old Latlies.
Williams has as choice a line ol
Jewelry and Silverware as ran he
found anywhere, and defies competi
tion in price.
—Our stock of Hosiery, Uloves,
Corsets, Ribbons, Laces, Ac. is, &1-
wayn kept up to its well known
! etamlurd of excellence
TI. Stein A Son.
—New Hlack arid Colored Silks,
Satin llhadames, Satia UeLuxons,
Surahs, Moires, tiros tlrains and
Failles, l>est makes uud warranted to
wear, priies lower tfiau elsewhere at
li. SrtiN & Son'p.
Kramer Wagons.
For Sale at
Martincourt i Co'a.
—At the Missea Mark's Millinery
Store; Tampico Dress forms, Double
V waists for Ladies and children, Ma
dam Strong's Health Bodice, Strong's
Tticora for ladies and children; Van
dyke aii.l Directoire Ruching; mourn
ing goods a specialty.
Excelsior Diaries for lSllu at
Prospect Academy.
Spring Term opens April 1, 1800
Vocal and instrumental music taught.
Cerman and the d<»atl languages. In
structiou thorough Expenses low.
Send for ualalogue.
F. W. MAOEE, A. M., Frin ,
Proapect, Fa
—The Spring Term of Sunbury
Academy will open March 25. Classes
will be organized in all the common
branches in order to accommodate
the teachers who desire to better pre
pare thernselves'for their work.
.—J. J. lleiber, the drover, wan In
all farmers and atockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK 15OX 926,
liutler, I'a., or leave with Jacob
lleiber, Jefferson Kt
—Our sales of liroadcloths, Flan
nel Suitings and l»rcHs Goods hayc
been larger this season than over.
Large stocks and low prices do the
—Take your children t<> Zuver's
Gallery lor Pictures that will suit
yon. A nderson building.
—lf you wish to review your Ar
ithmetic, Grammar, or any other
study come to Sunbnry Academy,
March 25
Don't buy a wrap until you have
examined our immense stock and
learned our astonishingly low prices.
We are overstocked on certain styles
and are selling them below cost.
—l'rof. Loisette-'s Memory System
is creating greater interest than ever
in all parts of the country, and per
sons wishing to improve thoir mem
ory should send for his prospectus
free as advertised in another column.
Flush Coats aud Jackets, Fine cloth
Jackets ami Newmarkets, Stockin
uette Jackets, Misses' and Cbildrens'
Wraps, Latest styles and best made
goods We guarantee to save you
m»ney on these goods
—Large stock ol Umbrellas in Mo
hair, Gloria and Silk with gold, sil
ver and naturul handles for holiday
trade at L. STEIN & SON'».
—The people of Slipperyrock nro
interested in their fchool ami M ill «l.>
ovrrytbiug to aid in ita |iron|nTity
anil 1.01.l Mtiuli-ntH in their work Tlo'
cost for Spring term ia s|s Wllle
lo Principal for a catalogue
I 8e lliillUs .11141 K lloTee I.iltl |
ment, l>ept iii Uie \v«rld For swell
illtrrt, liruinoS, Blillnees <•! juifits, I lieu |
niatiaui, Intii«»nei3s, eorn ehoulilerd, i
riiif-'-Koue, and apaviu; it has
no ci|tial lor rale by .1. 0. Reiili'K, i
■j Is lui. No, 5, N . Main St
I'.nllcr, I'M
—Take wnli'hf-.i and elockn that
iiri'il repairing to F. Weigand in Wii
liatus' Jewelry and Music ntore, mid f
huvo them repaired in good style by
n skilled workman.
1 Uariea for lat
j. ii r»ui lii.A.is'.
Brains .mil AlWiiys Tell.j
I'he Suudat Lilition ot I'MI: Pah ,'M >
Yolk i e makiiifr rapid strides forward, and
ha.-; already placed lt. t-lf on .i footing crilh
n it hat not distanced—it obloi t outeni
porane.. THE SI MH. FHESS «..11-isi- of
IV pace-, whn Ii are replete with well writ
ten and handsomely illiu-trated artn les on
Hiibjecta ot timely interest. TUE I'l-.EAR
although the yoiingc-st daily newspaper
pnldished in Xew York, has won ihe du
Unction of being- the brightest, newsie-it
nuil best edited journal in the metropolis.
Im ..in i and pnsh always tell
—Lxrlusive territory will be given to
brat class ageuls who will itevote their en
lire time during the season to selling the
Austin Keversilde H..ail Machine to county
town and other officials controlling public
highways Address at once with refei i
ences, K. i" Austin Mam.facturiug Co
—Tea. herd desiring to beuefit;
themselves and their aohciols, will
attend thd Slippery Rock State Nor
—See the new Vandyke Point |
Lace in White, Black and Crenm at!
—Examine our block of I'luaks
and Wraps before purchasing. We
can save you from two to three dol
lats on each garment.
Out ietitlt'is will |ilensed In
ieaill tliut
The Great Ameri
can HOG
lias arrivcti in j;ond shape.
Ili.s ItOL'sliip is t|nifo a hog
mill lie weighs
80,000 pounds j
ami cos I
$ 1.1,000,
The building that encloses
Hi;; Majesty is 1 -»1 let hmy
hy 14 1 wide, and is locat
j I'd in lintlei' Iwp., on the
jgn in ads <d '"The Kntler Sail
| and <,'heinioal \\ oiks.'
He is not yet on exliihitimi
but when lie is ready great
things are expected ol him and
the public will be notified ac
Amount of UupHciito lor the year lsS - '»,
"John H I'etert Tveasurct ..$ !W1 77
Eioncrationrf lii Wi
$36:7 71
Collei.tor'B pel I«"llt •- IS
Net ttniouul |34< -1'
Rec'd from former Treasurer "4
•' Mart Thompson 74
'• 1.-aiuh McOall 2J!I 09
1' M .. 4 50
hole amount rei-eiveJ - "
Amount of vouchers reilcemeil Il'iO H4
Ralutlt e 111 hauJi ol Trean u«*l 111 ' •
Amount in haud.i «1 Collei-loi ll'. M
Five per rent II
Net amount in hand ol i.'ollei tor l-*y
No I To Kob't Xorris for timber no
No '! 1' Snyder, for timber I 00
Noll Mart Thompson, tax ovei
paid •'«' M
N'o 1 John K Cunningham, for
oaths administered to officers -' on
N'o .1 Win.l Porter, tax overpaid II 54
N'o ii Thomas Kennedy, for tun
her for culvert
No 7 Martin Thompson, percent
age ''l
No H John tlalslead, working
Carson road *
No'.i llenry Mohr, working I
Porguson road I .>u
No lo'deo P Harvey, lor plank 111
No II r II Ander.-ou, for limber ■ i.*
No I'.! Mary McLaughlin, lor tint
her .. I
No lit Win Watters, for timber < 17
No 14 Thomas Wood, for crvoej I" 00
N'o 15 James Watson, I '■ •»«»
N'o 10 John MoKibbeii, I- 00
N'o 17 Edward Sefton, I.' 00
No IS Charle ' Kruuipe, I'.' 00
No 19 John Harvey, 1' Ou
N'o 'JO < 'has Andei.ion, tiuibei and
plank 4.>
No ?1 James Mainland, tiuibei 04
No-2 Arelia Montgomery. I ! M|
No l':t Margareth (iiusgow,
No John Sefton,working Adam
tiold contract ■•O
No !!."> Edward Sefton, paid lor
oaths and approval
No lIG Mary Campbell, timber.. I nH
No 27 Charles Krumpe. expen .--
on Glasgow suit I
No L'S Thoma Wood, expenses on
Ulasgow nit 1 •"
No '.*» TIIOH Wood, paid attorney
fees 5 00
No :to I. I' Walker, .1 I', debt and
costs in Olasgow suit «>l ,;t
No 31 For uue of house '! on
No .).' Hnrj Sefton, timber i S#
No :.i J P administering oaths to i;?i>
otheers... - lj.'.»
No 114 Auditor*'fe. 4 ,tatioiiei\ i|l"'
No 35 John Shannon, timber .. I
No 36 James Watson, secretary 0 '"j
No 37 Treasurer's per « eut < 0.
We, the Auditors ol Clinion T«»j, Lav
ing examined the account of John 11.
l'eters, treasurer and find it as above
utated. and believe it to be correct
Jons T. LOVE, *
M»rch 1". 1690
. ( Jill'- b ctkSlS i IN'
\. -jQ/UEML: but V. .V.l iii. ULII.IO piaelu; uiiv
' W Xut Ni'Wh|»,i|.,.«' Advertising eousult
iiiiiurbikii AaisT#,
4. '»• 'f lao-v ; u a.r. t«
LKAI), otliei follow.
Tin' rapid increase of
! 111 iIH'.SS is I III' ln\-<t evidence
that our i ll<>i t In *ri\ ** to llin
riillilliilllit \ a tir.' f I'lil." J 'ill;
Sfore i- uppiveiated. \\ «*
make a ppeeialtv of the «li iijc
htiine 1 .1.•!>•-) ami j.;i v<• it « »ii r
on I in- time all • 1 personal at
t«-11111 •11 handle <tillv til**
I»e -1 of e\«■ r \ 111iItj* ill >'lir line
itn.l guarantee tin* purity of
ever\ tlnii" hearnm lli<* name
of ( ■. N. Hovu. W< i have no
olil Mtoek fli.it litis stuuil lor
years, hut :ill ;joo'ls art* pure
and l're.sh. I'hysieion's J're
seripfions rwciv special at
fenfiou. If we do not have
what \uii v\;itit wt 1 lninklv tell
\on so and will In* pleased to
M't'iire it for you i»n short no
tic*' We ask a share ol your
patronage and feel sure you
will l e pleased with our meth
ods <<t doing business, and we
can save you money. Your
interests arc heat served at
our store.
Respect full v,
C. N. HOY I), Druggist.
Diamond Block, Hutler, I'a.
■II & ||f r A Al'M ■ \ l.i ii N'l * 1
111 ■Bi I Lll ■ '"• K All liooos Warranted
■ llllill i ii. i 1 Per*
If Mil ILU (,|, i,jut, ir. lital;t positions
for the rUlit men Co -I eulailes uiiil expenses
I IMW.'PUH l.lberal Inducements to l« uln
ti.-i N.i iir.w.ms i:,,.i i lei.ee lieees .uy. mil
Hi free. Write for teiius. glvlinc afc' 1 '
( II Mil I S il i IIASK. Mir?' r man. liwcheslei',
\ . Meiitii.u tlili l' i|'«r.
Mercantile Appraiser's list
For Year of IS9O.
Shell, J, David,Co, Sau.ly Poiot II . < >
Thomas, J fl, Hamly Point I t I'* 15
An.ln.-.ii, j A, A U T Valencia I ' ' . - •
liarr, I ' , M D, Mar- 11 . 7".
Itarr. .1 t', Valencia U 7 7
limit, Harvev IS, Callrry li ...
Ir\ in#*,' l>. Myum i II ...
Mm alt m 11, T M, A ."mi, Mais II I • . •
MiCilU A I»i»>il Bros, "
MiCoinlw, A M, Mv-iJ.i II . . •
Murray, I' 11, |.w»l taUlfc.-, * al
ii ry O »»'
Sinilh, .1 .1, Myoiua II > 1
Shannon, I F.Callery I • » •
Sl.-I rfti, X »M I), \ alfiii'ia I t 7 7.
Wilson, 1» It, Mars It l<l , .
lil.Ali V Ittl*.
Misa li O Clulton, West l.ilierty 11 . < •
limit A Thoß»|won. I'lora II « <
Uohinaon, \V W, West l.ilierly II ■ "->
lit I t Al.o Tw f.
Kalkuer, I. U. Harvcravilh- II • •
I'enn'a Dim. t'o, 1 reeport ' ''t Wl
Harver, II K, Fkaatowii II 7 7'.
Sarver, M C, Sarvtrsville it
Watson *V l*n#i*ll l.i 1 1 -•»
Whi ri n, M.l " 1» • l 5 r
WilkewiU.tiollieb" II • • '
Aiiliurs, J, llaii.l Cn, Ku.-li'l II . •
l.arner. Geori»e " I -4 • ' :i
j I'aiuter A Sutom " II •<5
r hkhky T\\ r
Bailey, .I A, It.'.var-I II 7 76
Itrys..n, I N, f,altown li < '«
lillil.tl, II W " ' • l 9 7o
I '>slf, altntiiif "
Auguatns " . ' ' '!? 1?
M, ( uy, II C, .V : nu, Auau.lale I I ■ «5
I Spionll A" llindiuati, Goibmihil 1-' ' '
Stoops, JK, A Bro, Monit. an II •• '•
I RNTP.Ii tw r.
I uliller, Joseph, McCandlesa II • •
Klerjer, A F, Fleeger H • >
Anderson, It J, Fliek I • '0
Kii lin, A, l>avilC.«, I looker 1 t 1<»
Mark well, S, tireeoe Cily
Murtlaml A Canipl>ell, Magic i: 10 •
Meßrnle, MJ, Coyleaville 1 i I' l 76
Feiinell, I* " '4 7
( HAKUEtUtV i P.
BoggS, 111-till, ' 'ijle 'I J, 75
Garvin, William " ; 7t>
Heed rick boo, A (i 14 7 75
i.".»ESSIN •» is\'P.
( hriaty, .1 L, M l>, Couuon'g I»
Oufforri, W S, ; (tool tables
Grahaui, Joseph, Whitest own i < i'* 75
Nh'klas, ronr«»i, C'odikhj % > * '
Purvianee, J T it W a\, Connoq 11 15 7 •
Wright liroM, WhiteatONVii 14 . 75
('ate, H C, (Jreer U " 75
Durham, W M, St .loe 1 > 10
KUener, Solomon, " 11. 7'>
1 AIKVIF.W rwi.
Hutchison, M I!, IVachyille II ■
llartenateiii, 1., (ireat ltelt II ■ 1 n
Mcßriile, M J, A Co, " 1 10 75
Wallet, H !» " 11 7 75
• 1 i: VNKI IN I'.
Kornrumph, Mt Chestnut I I
Watson, Win " I- !•>
Dufficld, M S,/eiio 1 10.75
Schilliut;, Aler, lteibold
Boyd Pro® A Mcl alia, Ueibold II . . •
1 i..< vsi 111 1 »•.
l.aderer, J It,
Melz, A F., «i Son I I" •
liillesoie, W J, Fin k II • •
Marks, WJ, .V Pro, lilade Mill II I ■ • '
Bailey, Joseph, llarrisville 1 1 . IJ'
Cisney, L J, lUiyers ''
Ooruilt-y, J H, Mnrrlnsville II 7 . >
Ilamiltou.il, Poyera I I 7 iJ
M.'ltriile, Mrs I', Murrinsvillf II . ■ •
.VI r i:« 11: 1« c.
Itrysoii , S .1,1 oft'slville II ' i'J
Owen«, June " 14 <7 <
«l VK I ..\N|l TVV!'.
l'.lan. y X Andre, St Joe I 1 l<» - •
Caniplifll, A (i.Sonora II I
I'.VKK I' ll IW I'.
Adam ).V I l. , Hroiu I 1• - '
Campbell, 'I '< " ! ' 1
Caldwell, II M, A 1 " II '■
Miller, I. w.l.leiioi,, II , 7:}
Moreau, James I 'tnd'trH . .•>
< 'rr, J W, Ilruiu II •
On, J 11, " I I 775
Burton, T 11, Itrowiiwlale I : to . ,
How ;*r, ft M, Kt-iilVew II .
Calvert, J M " I I 7 75
MeOeary ACo Maltaiv II < «-»
Neul, WS, I'.enlV. w 1:: lo
Patrick, Jaiue.s " I - 10 ...
Price A Tillineh.i I " 'I 7 71*
SU-wart, David, hotel, " I sOO
Robert, Woods II i 75
ltrickbich ler, N, Carbon * Vol re II 7 . 1
Hittmer, M li, Herman II < 7.■
Wailand, John, " II <
Pook, I .11, Krihli r II , , >
Hall, AIHOH, itrauchlou II ■
Hammond, 1,, Wick II { 1'?
Morrison, J A, Kraii**hton II , , 1
\ I'SA ..<•«) Ttt
<iardner AHuiu|>hrey,l an I lairel. I ; 2 >
Kerr I. F A Son " II 7 Ti-
Kohlniyer, < J I " *1 7 75
Miller, A <» H 7 75
U*r luer, N, Jieksville li 10 76
Allmire. Mrs I llilliardi 11 _ 7 . 1
Hi atiy, .11. " II 7 75
1111 in ,v Harper, Nwtk 11 ■ <i 11 75
Livingston A Co, Milliard 11
MrKee 4 Co " H
MrFarlaml, * I .V I hrentnie, 11 li J">
Mittlia .V Mitlloi .lr, N. Hope II 15 7 ■
Tliiiui|iviu J N A* Bro '■ 11 , 75
Patterson, O M, Itilliard II ,75
\*"l N1 IFLD 1 vrp.
Foster 1 A Son, I.eisureville li 7 75
Krause, I' .V A, IVuny II I". 75
Sniilh A Logau, <'arbon Pla'k IJ II
Weidhas, Lewin Dtuuy l'J 13 25
Tbi: Itpui-O \% ill l>o
next week l»y tu> ailvtrtiao
till'llt of
11. Sclinciilciii.in h
Arthurs, John K 117 7»
Anderson, 1 II I- I) 25
Aikeu A ( auipbell II 1 • 75
I'.cihl, lli iu v 14 7 7
I'.a Mailt, F I' 14 . 75
l!io>k«l, .Mm lo
BOOH, Jacob I I 10 75
ftoyil, C N r: 10 75
Belli* A < .rahaui II l~> 75
BMph, J F 14 7 75
Bt-ck, Henry, lintel 1j" o>>
I'.eneh, All 14 7 75
Blackwore A Grieb 12 13 2;»
(ollirrt. Ilurvry 14 7 7:i
Cuiupbeß, J O A W 7 40 7".
( anipbell, \V 1. 14 7 75
Colbert A- Bale 15 10 75
( .uuphcll, Nilhan, I p..0l Uil'lci '•! Oo
v arvcr, t A Co I' 1 3 2 <
( 11-PIUUII A Bitlst.in I- 13 25
Itnnlap, W W 11 7 75
poaglass, JII 1.1 10 75
Iditty, « lotrlcs 10 'JO 75
Inekson A Dougherty II . 75
Donahue, W A,pool table* -I oo
lilenniiller, 11, hotel I ' I •">
rrHiik.AJ.tr,> II 7 7f»
Grieb, <' k II.;.
Greib, .1 It 14 7 .•'»
Grieb. I . II 7 70
(•ambit-, I'aunie K, lii|U(ir(ier. 2u:i oil
(tiu-liiing, W 11 I I lo i.»
(irieb A I .ami. II i 7 •
(Has, M II 7 7.
11. iiiliirl: i.»n, .1 11, I pool Ulili*i .'.I oo
Harper Bros II I > 7.>
Heck, l> A m 20 75
Heinemaa, II CA .'ion I '• 10 7;.
Hcis.lL.ii, I! i' 10 "20 7 -
Jiu'krioii, D I'. I ■ 10 75
J ftrkann A Mite bell I ' 13 2 1
Jarrcki <»i| Well Supply Co ■" ■
Kuril l' A i.iis 0 I" 20 7 ■
Keppler I' 1 I 7 7>
Kamerer, \\ A 14 7 75
Ketterer, (iei. I . 10 7>
Kelley. Jnhu T It 10 7r>
Klmgler, II JA* !'<> i* 2» 75
Kirkput.uk A Reed l.i |o 7 >
l.owry, John I', hotel 1 '3 to I
1 .imbertf, I' W 11. 7a
hiniltirK, OMn II 7
Morrison, Ml. 14 < 7.'»
Metzgcr AY'olkneiu 13 10 7ft
Murray, Peter, 4 |>ool tables *• I 00
Miller, G \V & Bro 25 75
Martin.'ourt, S I! A Co I•» 20 <;•
Melviu, C 14 7 75
Me. hliug, l.ewia II 7 75
Mangold, I' II 1 4 7 75
Marshall, ST II 7 75
Miller UroH .1 Co I f 10 75
Nicholls, It SA ( n to 20 75
Hickle, W M 14 7 75
Ni'O'le, J A Bro I J 10 7ft
(.Ml Well Supply ( II rt 30 ...
c Isborne, W A 11 7 75
Purvis, HGA Co 1 30 75
Patterson. Ji.hu N 10 20 7ft
Phillips, (1 M 13 10 75
I'ape, D T I 1 7.5
Iliehey, J A 14 7 1 5
Keiber, Jacob A Bros liquor sU.re 203 00
Keihing, W 11, botrl I >' M
Boot, A \V, Opeta.floJie 60 75
llediok, John ( , 13 25
K. il.tr (it." A Si.i.3 II I' 75
lteiber, A Jr H 20^6
Keiber, Alt M 10 20 75
Bosenber,f, I ' ' ' ■'
Huff, A 1 13 10 7ft
Bitter A lUlston <5 .to 7a
Stein,l. & Sou 10 20 75
Hcbniedemau, II II 15 15
Steble, J F T 117 75
Singer Ml'gCo II J :>
Stock, Christopher H 7 75
Simile A O'Brien 1 1 7;i
Smith, II WA J 12 13 25
Spriugdale 1">I iiy Store II ' .
Turner, lame-, 1 jiool tables ""
Turnor, P T ' 3 10 .o
Trailer, I. A J "» 76
Troutman, A i Hou *
Wuller, J I. 11 7 <5
Waller, 1» 11 15 :
Williams, A let '» • -J'
Wick, LC 'JI
Walker, John I- '' /•*
White, I! A U '
Bard Bros 13 i'.j
Bingham A Sous ' • '
t'Uutton Bros ' ■ *" 'JI
Clutton Br<>.', -
Christi.« A CainplusH " 'JI
liiine, \\ II
Hani, ay, W T '•{ 1 : '
Sowa.ib, S J ' •
I her A Bestler '■» ' * '
Buhl. K < " 7 1l
Burchard, III' ' ■ '
lloggs A Kline 1-- "'J
Rarto, l>a\ id
P.arkey, Enos 11 L 'JI
Donaldson, T A ' ' '
ltambarb, JA 17 1- |3
Dotuhart A hunbar, 2 pool tabb- _
Kieholtz, 11 K " }■''
Korquhtir, George, hotel l-'J Ui
Hudson, 1! i L'l
Hl'l, Geo A Son 11 "■
Miller, J N. hotel l"' ;l
I'efler, Kred * 11 .' ' !
Slioup Rrw "f l'l
Sinai hei-.', s .1 II I 11
lioliinsi.n, Vv A II i 1.1
Weber. Jae(d>. :: pool tables II »«l
W ihl, Bishop ACo lo 20 75
I \IK\ IKW B<0)01-011
II ami A Blat k lo M 7.}
Sr.>ll. I' >'■' 10
Bla. kuu.re, C S I I 7
Bei.Ue, II MA Co lo B' • '
Beam. Samuel, hotel 1.'3 OJ
Foahrini'lT, AUK" to. '4 1 'JI
Swniu. Cl' " '"! Jl
Stiver, I'.enj " '
Stub!. Geor|'e, luptor mer. liant • 0"
But. haw A Stauim I • ' •
il Al!l:fS\ ILLE UOBOCt.II.
Black, 11 i' 13 10 75
Beatty , K S 117 75
llrowu, II 11 II J>
Black, Kobert U 7 <_•_>
Bitiffham, SI! 13 10 7.i
Curry, J K H « 75
C'libbison, J N 15 10
hlrick, .1 M 1 1 i i : "
Galbraitb, F 1 I I 7 7J
Morrison, AV 1. 14 > •■<
i. IRMS* CRRV 81.K1.1 I. ii
Bnvbiid, II (-' 14 7 '..1
Huprey.Sli Jcuuic 2 pool table 41 Ik 1
Barhart, Joseph 14 7 7.
John, 3 pool Int.lie -I Oil
Mn.ittffi.\ W 11 Ii 15 75
Werse. J..hu 14 7 75
Amy, C I', 3 pool tabic-
Bell, l'erry .\. A Co 14 •_ 75
Doweo, JB 14 « <y
Uowt ii W \\ 14 < 7 i
1'.1,11. .11 il • ■ '
D.. lit u lohii, b.itel 153 <lO
Frederick A Co 13 10 76
Fraiier, J T 14 7 76
l'rankle, S 13 10 75
Gcorgi 14 7 75
lid. b Bros, I. -.ti l 153 00
Hays Hros l'l 10 75
Uoih Urt. 1J 13 2j
JuhuJOtl, C 11 14 7 70
leukius, E M 14 7 76
l.otiinger, H « 13 1075
McKee, .11. U 7 75
I'it ice, C i n lo 7;>
Seibert. Hoclt A C«» U 7 76
Scli&rbaeh, C 11 7 76
Slchioerger. P I t 10 76
Tadder, 0 I'. 1 pool tables <il 00
H'esteruian, II F 12 13 26
Westerman Bros 8 30 75
Humphrey, Wm. d Sou lo 'JO 75
Marshall. A S _ 14 7 75
McDonald, G 15 14 7 76
), Koson. ST 117 76
Itumsey Bros 11 7 75
Bowers, A 11 7 75
L'riti lilow Bros 13 10 75
Kdmnnd ion. r M, a Sou 14 7 75
1 orrc; lor. S S I I 7 75
Milleraau, F l» 1-17 75
Mel,lire, .1 II I I 7 76
Biddln, W , A Cn 13 10 76
Wripltl Bro3 A (*<t 13 111 75
PETROLIA lo'ißil.
Burn i. John 14 7 75
Bitird. JO 14 7 75
Burnett, 0 M. hotel 153 00
Campbell, I' 117 75
Chat lam, Samuel 14 7 75
Che eluiro, K 1" 14 7 75
Denholin, T I I 7 75
Coster, Mr I.' E I I 775
(iibnon, Wm 13 10 76
Hawk, .1 M 14 7 75
Jclliiou, \\ 11, hotel 153 00
Kilehen.-tein, \unie 14 7 75
I. lingeti tnith If A 14 7 <5
kilroy, .1 B 13 lo 75
.-tarr. Ml. 14 7 75
'l'oronski Bros II 15 75
Veager, S 14 T 75
Breaden A Cnuwjiy U 15 75
Breaden A -Allison 14 7 75
Meehliag & Hurt land 11 7 75
I'ryor, Jaine3 14 7 75
Hhodtjs, S J, 14 7 75
Helm old. Theodore II 15 75
U 15 76
T K ruit ie 13 10 75
T Krause A Co 14 7 75
Mersbon, E B. M It 14 7 75
UaurhotT, tJ W J 13 10 75
fianbe. Cram-is, Jr, hotel 163 oo
S i h, Bun in an A Co 14. 7 75
Seiple, Herman A 14 7 75
Wetzel, Chillies, hotel 153 00
Vlleii A Bum Laugh 12 13 25
Haitian, 1 >«! 14 7 75
Diudiuger, John 11 15 75
lioehring, "W A II 15 75
Gelbacb, Zelitier <fc Co 11 lo 75
Householder, II 14 7 75
I tit, AV It 12 13 25
Bussavant, t'S 14 7 75
Keeil, C E 11 7 75
SI a hi, George, liquor liiurchaul 203 00
Sltikey, C. hotel 153 00
.stokey II "W, hotel 153 00
\\ inter, A 14 7 75 *
Zehuer, E 14 7 75
Mercantile lu $3 162 00
Billiard and pool table.* CSO 00
Hotel license 3 275 00
Opera house CO 00
Total $7,157 00
TACK X»TICI —All who are concerned
iu tin< appraisement, that an appeal will
In held at the Commissioners' office, iu
Builu ..u the (Sim eighth day ol April,
A. l>., between the hours of 9 A. U.
and 4 p. it. o'clock, when and where you
may attend if you think proper.
I>. B. POITHLTT, Appraiser
March 10, 1680.
Jury List for April.
I.lst of fr uerse Jurors drawn tins 3d day of
Mareti A. t». to. to si»rve a» Traverse .Itirots
.it a R peclal t«;rin ot I ourf colaiuCurtag on the
.111 day ol April A. t). 18110.
Vriii.iron Jackson Wellington i»vp, farmer
Runner. 1 A. llutler 4th W supl
r.l.Miin, Jotiii. /1 lien.ipli- oi.ro blacksmith
linn filer, Jackson twp, farmer.
I>. llei Michael. Kalrvlew twp, producer.
Ik .-I Ciedcilek. Mippftrywl; twp,
Deniilsou, Ale*. • ••
Donaldson .1 I', Uu lillit'tuli It.Ji.
I |i|uiiK''i Aitain Harmony boro, coal dealer.
1:1.1 MC, Middlesex twp. farmer,
i n li li. .inaoph. Muddy creelc twp. farmer,
i.raiiam, t lio:i. ('unnoq g twp. farmer
• ili-nn, 1: 1 . Rrady twp. farmer,
tiialie, w iiiiaiu Jefferson twp farmer.
I ii. 1111. .11 flay twp laruier.
1.1 ui '. Jl; .\liller.mw 11 boro producer.
II owl.mil. William Karnscity boro agent.
ll.uoriek-.on, All (.raiitk-rry twp fanner,
tluinjilin y. .101111 It Miuluvernek twp farmer
llrii liue, K1 i CJliiiOq't'U\ p farmer.
11.1111111. .loneph Butler sth wil agent.
Is..mans \| ll.innony boro miller.
.Ii nklui K M Altllerstown Uoro miller.
lvrou.se Un to .Savonburtr boro meniiitm
Karnes .lames Sr Itutler tup farmer.
Keiiueil) TIIHS I'learnelit twp fanner.
Ki lek liulit 1 ••nlreyllle boro sboemakrr
Krllj .l.ilin 1 tailler ;'il w,l niereliant
1 a 11 all .loliu Roller :'.it wd ttveiyinau
l_inuier John Uuktaiid twp shoemaker.
.diirtin I. \\ l'orward twp fanner .
\|. liulial.l Allans Kill ler ,'d wd i nr 1K iiler
\|i Ik-sin ImiiielClay twp tarniei
Ml liridi- William Wortli livp tanner
M' l au iilln .laiues Donegal twp faimer
Ni 11 Jotiu \ center twp tanner
in 1 eitin 1 it Summit twp farmer
...it lit' 1 jlrvlew lioro clerl..
Idlllni- Alex t urir.nd twp farmer,
sum :ni an o v\ I'ro ne. t Oorv taborn
Mewait <"' uri;i.' \V » lit rr\ livptannrr
: over John I liutTalo twp tanner.
Nh.iiiiioii Ji.loi I Ad.una twp farmer
liell.iir. 11 .li 11 A silpperyrock twp farmer
simrt .1..1111 /■•lteiiople boro liveryman
fr> .inin.lll It N l!utler:'a wd carpenter
lie 11 111:111 < 1111 -. i Adams twp farmer
libit V. 11 II tentrevllle boro laborer
\.iiant ilenry Itutler twp far
\\e>t \ I,drew 1 ranoerry twp farmer
Wesienuan t: I MtUerstown boro niercliant
Ui 1 1 c-iier Hut It boro 8d wd brlc-klaviM
Wiher s li Hiuler boro 2d wd laborer.
lK>dd:i K It I'elill twp farmer.
W AXTF.ni s * | e ßn, >e'' Sell Oui
i» 1 IJU. choice Nursery Stock
All entitle goavantoed first-clasa. Uood
ialaries and expenses, or a liberal com
tin ion paid. No experience ueoeijJAry.
Wtite for term.", giving ai r e and secure
your 1 hoii e ol Territory.
<■,. L. KNIGHT 4 CO.,
11 M 1 i>aik Avenue. Kochester, 5".
'the I^aits l ily tlonr mill. Thu null
iiualoil iu f 1 aits City, and is in one of th«
best localities 111 the county; ou railroad,
and surrounded by a splendid grain urow
ing country. This mill will be sold cheap,
Coi Kiitliei {..iiticuliiis call ou or addiesa
Evans City, Fa.
1 nrtlTA' 1 ' 1 " 1 " kutid Expense's
I I L II IV 1 what we are oaring. We want
n li I H I ltiKi more and wilt pay .Satary-anJ
U U • II I UcxpeuseM or I.ilietai cuinmlsslon
I. in stall. A M«r« o|>|.ur tuult > for any mau
v .oil 1111' a p.bitlim as law al. Traveling or UOL
eiat W . m for a reliable Mirsery that guarau
11:,*s li iic i.. Address, at once.
K. L». L.ueUhforti & Qj,
>umerr<afß, Bjilnrtcr, T,
lent! 1. tut paper.