h- " 1 " " 1 THE CITIZEN. Y. C. SEULEI - - - PttOPKirrOK •CBSCBIPTION RATES"POSTAGE PREPAID : One year. Inside County One Tear, Outside County »-- on rayable In Advance. Kstfrvd it Pwtolßr* «t B«tl*r a» 2d fUM matUi FRIDAY. MARCH 14.1890. r, f _-. h lssue 0 f tie Cm as some extra copies ■M mtated which are sent to citizens ot th> "sfeb&'JrtUdS tu a favor by sending" the names of their neighbors, not now takin^ county paper. AU communications intended for P bl^* tlor to this paper mnstbe accompanied by the> rea writer, not for publication but ai POLITICAL. We are authorized to announce the fol lowing gentlemen a* candidates for th< offices under -which their names appear subject to the Republican primary of But ler county, on Saturday, May 24th, 1890. FOR CONGRESS. KEVTTOS BLACK, Of Butler. FOB ASSEMBLY. CAPT. R. IRW IS Tioi.i.s, Of JCelienoplc. JOSEPH THOMAS, JR.. Of Earns City. AKDREW G. WILLIAMS, Of Butler. JOSIAII M. Tnr.MPsos, Of Brady Twp. HABLAS BOOK, Of Franklin twp. FOR SHERIFF. A. G. CAMPBELL, Of Oakland Twp. W. B. DODDS, Of Muddycreek Twp. W. M. BROWS, Of Forward Twp. FOR PROTHONOTARY. JAMKS H. GIBSOS, Of Washington Twp. CAPT. JOHH G. BIPPCH, «? f/alTand Twp. SAMCEL M. SKATOS, Of Marion twp. FOR REGISTER A RECORDER. J. P. DAVIS, Of Brady Twp. D. E. DALE, Of Bntler. H. A. AYBEH. Of Butler. JOHH FISDLEY, Of Butler. FOR TREASURER. JAMES S. WILSOS, Of Centreville. Jous T. MARTI s, 01 Buffalo Twp. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH C'RISWKLL, Of Butler Twp. W. H. CAMPBELL, Of Concord Twp. WM. C. FIHDLEV, Of Butler, (formerly of Clay Twp.; FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WILLIAM W. BRASDON, Of Connoquenesaiug Twp I. S. P. DKWOLKK, Of Slipperyrock Twp. J. B. CLSKISOHAM, Of Clinton Twp. J AS. STEPIIESSON, Of Summit Twp. IDAAC H. CHRISTIE, Of Concord Twp. J. C. KISKADDOS, Of Allegeny Twp. 8. W. MCCOLLOUOU, Of Fairview Twp. CHARLES F. SMITH, Of Buffalo Twp. R. S. H WDM AS, Of Cherry Twp. A. D. WEIR, Of Butler. FREDERICK EBERT, Of Clinton Twp. SAMCEL T. MARSHALL, Of Butler. JAMES WILBOS, Of Franklin twp. JOHN' J. MOGARVKV, Of Mercer twp. FOR DELEGATES TO THE STATE CONVENTION. A. L. TIMULIX, Of Fairview Uoro. W. H. RITTER, Ot Butler. G. D. BELL, Of Millerstown. LEVI M. WISE, Of Butler. JOBS DINDIXCIER, Of Zelicnople. THE Cleveland and Chicago express trail of the New York Central, parted near th< centre of the train at West Hamburg, N Y., last Thursday night. The first sectioi ■was stopped, the second section ran into i some cars were telescoped and ten person were killed and many injured. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. At Kittanning last Thursday Judge Ray burn granted nine licenses for Kittanning two for Parker and one for Mahoning—th. first licenses granted in Arm strong count; for three years. J. Plummer Mitchell of 1-rankliu, an oil well shooter,was blown to atoms by an ex plosiou of nitro-glycerine, last Saturday morning. In Pittsburg last week Judge Ewiug tin ed a man SIOO. for talking to witnesses ii a case against him. At Franklin, last Thursday, the case c Geo. S. Veon vs Patrick Craton, tho hot* keeper at Emlenton, was taken up. Mi Veon is a resident of Beaver county. <" the sth of Joly last his son, a young uia who had been engaged in teaching inusi at Cooperstown and vicinity, was at Em lenton and while there became intoxicated In company with a young mail name< Shannon, of Franklin, hi? went out late » night and while walking'on the track < the Valley road wax run down by a trail] Shannon wan killed and Veon bad a le cut off and was otherwise budty mangled His father claim j that ('niton old th yonnp man liquor at his hotel and refuse, to give him lodging, thereby causing hii to wander out and incur tho injury. Th trial lasted till Saturday night wbeu th jury agreed upon a verdict of f1,7rt4..i.i fo plaintiff, being $584.2; i more than he aske for. Prospect Afe;ain. Re it known: That Rev. Sheffer has returned from a visit to Allentown, Pa. anil Wa«hington. D. C. That llenry Langherst is working at the tank business at Evans City. That the boys no doubt had lots of fun bat the best fnn was to see them toddle to the Squire's and hand oyer their nice little fine. That J. C. Kelly and daughter, Lida, and 0. W. Stoughtnn had a union birthday party at Mr. Keller's on Thursday, March C. The birthday of all the above comes on the same day. Lots of presents and a good time are reported. That K. aiiaaor, who was u representa tive to the Grand Lodge of A O F W, re cently held at Williamsport, has returned^ That the fr: w::! ln glad to h ear that he is well and will -oon go to the Sandwich Islands to teach school at SBO dollars per month. That L M lleyl. of 13utler and Sydney Hoyl of I'ortersville.with their wives.spent Sabbath with their parent Mr and Mrs I Marti:! lleyl. That the rag-socials are becoming more social than ever. Tlio last one was at Mr- Win Bellis". The ladies report a n.ce time. m That Chas Kelly and Frank Haun will goon go to Butler to cut wood for that "Great American Hog." The boys still ove to read about the hog That our tomb-stone men, J B C aler and P H Sechler, are quite busy this winter in turning out some of their line specimens ol art. They are both very successful in thvit line of business. That Fred Milleman is expecting the job of pumping the McLure well, which ie expected in soon. That Mrs L K Lepley, who went to Bea ver Falls, a year ago, will soon move back to town. That C P Johnson is crowded with orders for spring suits. lie says you may look for three or four weddings in the near fu ture. That protracted meetings have been held by Kev Kay for the past two weeks, at Zion's Muddycreek Baptist Church. We are glad to hear they have been very in teresting and successful. That J F Peffer of Harmony was the | guest of his brother-in-law. J A McGowan, last Sunday. Jrt COSETY. A Word to Teamsters. I)o we live in a free country or in a des potic ojeT What is the farmer to do or is there no redress to our wrongs? The far mer is to keep up the public road, do the work, see that it is in a passable condition, and if anything goes wrong with it he has the penalty to pay or the bill to foot. Xow how is he treated by a majority of the teamsters and jehus that drive upon the road; he must give full sway and all the toad to this class of roadsters, and 110 dif ference what inconvenience he is put to ho must bear it in silence. II at any time bis patience gives way and he gives vent to his feelings in way of complaint he will be dealt such a shower of oaths and sarcasm as would shame old Satan, (if he could be shamed to silence) that he drives on wish ing he had said nothing, and in doing this he is hooted at by the teamster for saying anything after giving him more privilege than the law allows. Now I think the clause in the law that says "tarn to the right" and give half the road means to turn to the right of the man you are meet ing and him turn to your right, which leaves the drivers both to the left hand side of the road, where their lead horses are, and if they are walking each driver i at the road side, and il at any time the driver of a team has a heavy load and it would ')e to his team's advantage to turn to the left of the man he is meeting let him notify the person he is meeting in due time so as to cause no hurt or trouble. Bat let every teamster or jebu, or who else, have respect enough for the laws ol the land (if he has no respect for himself) to remember ho is only entitled to thr half of the road, and the man, woman 01 child he is meeting has the same privilege and right, and if he has not the manliness to give the half of the road as he should do. he ought to be ruled off tho road, and punished for misdo meanor, and if there i a law to be observed I think every road ster ought to read and observe it. IiELTKR SKEI.TKR DEATHS KAMEKY —At her home in Butler, Wed nesday, Mareh 12, 1H99, wife of lV'm Kamery. She was a native of Clarion Co. and wa taken there for burial. RALSTON' —In Centre twp. this county March 7, 1890, Mr. Win. Ralston, Sr. ag ed about 88 years. KERR—At his home in Harrisv lie, Wed nesday, March 12, 1890, Col. Samue Kerr, aged about 66 years. His dcuth was caused by In-art disease and was hastened by an attack of tin grippe. He was a resident of Harrisvilh for 48 years, and was a highly respecte< citizen. HARBISON—In Buffalo twp. this county March 9, IMJO, Mrs. Susanna Harbison wife of James Harbison, in the 65th yeai of her age. DICKER —On Sunday, March 9, 1890, a the residence of her parents, James M and Callie Stewart, Etna. Allegheny Co ! Clara A., wile of Samuel A. Bicker age< 20 years. SIMERS—In Winfii-lil twp. March K, '9O | , youngest child of Mr. James Sim crs, aged 5 years. HETSELCESSER —At her home in Win field twp. this county, March 10, 1890 Mrs. Mary Jane, wife of John Itetselge ser, Esq , aged about 00 years. GRAHAM—Feb. 20th, 1S!)0, ut Muncy Pa., James H. Graham in the 83th yea of his age. The deceased was born in liutler, Pa Sept. 7, I HOG. He Wll the sun of Kober Graham, one of the earliest citizens of Hut ler. Jn 184."> ho removed to Alleghen' City, Pa., where he was engaged in bm i aess for many years. He was an elder to several years in the Second Presbyteriai church of Allegheny City. IL- leaves mourn his loss a widow, three sons am four daughters. One of his sons, Kev. 1. V. Graham, l». I>. is pa tor of the Chri l'resbyterian church, Philadelphia. Tli funeral services took place from the re-i dence of his son-iu law. Robert B. Millet Allegheny, Pa., and wore conducted l>. his former pastor, Rev. Dr. Fulton of fl> Second Church, assisted by Rev. David H Kennedy of the l-"ir«t church. His remain were interred in the family burial grouni in Hilldalc I■< tuctery. Allegheny. TEXTOR—At his home in Jackson twp Wednesday. March 12, 1800, Christia: Textor, aged about 60 years. Sxow fell last week as far south as Sa vannah, Ga., and cattle were frozen i: Texas. Catarrh Cured Catarfh U a very prevalent disease, with dis tressing and offensive lymptoms, Hood's Bar 6:iparilla gives ready relief and speedy cure, a< it purifies tliu blood mid torn- 4 up the whole system. •'X suffered with catarrh liyoar<. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla and now I urn not troubled any Tilth catarrh, and my general health Is much better." I. W. I.ILUS, Chicago, 111. i "I suffered with catarrh Mi or eight y.im; tried many wonderful cure*, lnbaler-i. ete. iid lilt; nearly onw hundred dollars without tit. ! J tried Sur-apirllla and nil greatly nn ' proved." M. A. Aiibev, Worcester, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla i Sold tiy all druggists. $1 ; six for $3. Ma4o I only !>y C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses Ono Dollar !>k\ KR AL new names are added to the li»t of candidates this week, and it will to well to look over the list each week for some time yet. I.EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrators and Executor* of estates can secure their receipt BOOKS at the (_ ITI ZKS office. Dissolution. The firm of Ber? & Cypher has . \plred by limitation ol um<* and all persons Indebted to •alii firm are requested t- uiak xinnv 1« ue pay ment, and persons havln}; tSaims against the linn are r*-"|U**stt <1 to pre- nt the same lor pa;. - ment. The boots and papers will t>e found at the BankingHou.-e ot John Berg .v Co. Bntler Penna. . ~ , .lOUN HKR.i Jll. I March 11. ISSO. HECTT A. BS*G.I MARY J;EK<;. » Executors of the »v will ot John Berg, DEC'D. OEOKGK A. CYPHEK. SheritFs Sale. (i & lirtlston Attys. K. D. No. i-» June Term. is:*. By virtue ot a writ ot Yen. Ex. Issued out ol the Court ot ( ommon fleas o: Butler < 0.. I a anil to me filfe- ced, th-re v.-:ll t> e.i'osed '• rraWic sale. at the Court House, in tin borouel • 1 Butler. l'a.. on Friday, the day or March A. I). 1890 at l o'clock p. m. the following des crltxd property, to-wlt: , T , . AH the right, title, interest and claim of Fred erick KosS, of. In and to j."> acres of land, morn or less, situated in Butler twp.. Butler Co. Pa. bounded as fellows, to-wlt: Beginning at the Butler and New Cattle road, thence North n East.s3 perches to a stone pile, thence boutii , , Kast • - perches to a post: thence >oulh > East GS perches to a point; thence North ..si West : r -'perches to Ihe ;.l.n-c ot 1 will a two-story frame hou>e. frame barn ami otucr outbuildings then-oii. beizerl and taken in execution as the prop* r ty of Frederick Koss at the suit of John Herg £ Co. for use Wm. Watson. QLma Administrator's Notice. (ESTATE OF JAMES P. jTyrISTIOS I'EC l>. LATE OF CRHTKEVJIXE BOKO) Lett/TS of administration on the above nam ed estate having been grant«-d to the under stated. all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make lmiuedla-e pavment and any having claims a al ns t salu estate will present theia duly authenticated for settlement. C. F. 1.. McQcitnox. Butler. l a. \\ III;NHV \viuio>', Slipperyr'k I'. t>. Ad m lnlsti ators. Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the members of the Farmers Mutual" Fire lusurance Company ot ilanriiilistown and vicinity that n tcbruar. is. ISYTI. tne votes on the ;.'.'S question \yere count ed by the appointed committee, and the result wasuO votes of a majority against gas in Insur ed buildings, and In consequence or the above result the uirectors ol the company, at their meeting on Saturday. FVbniary sth is.o._ an nulled and made void Article is. Section .. Hi the By-Laws or the Constitution, unanimously, and substituted in the place of the annulled ar ticle the following article, viz If a loss is occasioned by the use of gas or oil for fuel in dwelling houses or other buildings the insured forfeits his or licr Insurance. Further i' was adopted by a unanimous voti of the Board to insure haystacks, the same us hay in buildings, wherever the hay 111.0 be. either on the premies of the Insured or other pl The Board of Directors hereby notifies all the members of the company Insured lining gas at present to Inform the undersigned Secreta ry at once. By order of the President. HENKY HECK, Secretary. DEI \NO. February k, isoo. ASSIQMSE'S SALE. To all whom it may concern! Notice is hereby given that I. A. V. Grossman, assignee for the benefit ot creditors ol Henry Dilliman. will expose to public sale on the pre mises in Brady twp . Butler Co.. Pa., on 'lours dav. the With day ol March. Ip'JO. at l o clock I' M. the following real estate, to-wlt: a lot ot ground In said twp. adjoining lands of < S. Dil liman. Daniel MclJevltt and otne-s, containing > acres; a lot of land in same twp. adjoining lands ol Kesfelah Coovert, l>a*lel M Deutt and others, containing l acre; wltn small granarj thereon, a lot ol land in same twp. adjoining lands of Thos. McNe'-s anil oth' rs. containing "i acres, more or less; a lot of land lit same twp. adjoining lauds of K. O. ciutton, \\. ('. llalin and atliera. containing 7 acres in ire or les.. The above mentioned tracts ol land being Clear ed, under fence and in good state of cultivation: Terms ol sale : All sales ot SIOO and under, cash and all sales exceeding $lO0 —one hair caiih ;and balance lu one year, secured by interest bear ing bond and mortgage with attorney - com mission of per cent. Sales will be adjourned lor w ant ot buttlcent bids. A. V. (JKOSSMA v. Assignee. West Liberty, Butler Co.. l'a. Estate of Abraham Fennell, 11.ATE OF CLEARFIELD TWP., DEC'D.) Letters testameuary on the estate ot Abraham Fenuell, dee'd, late of Clearfield I'wp., UntlerCo., l'a., having been granted to the undersigued, all pernons knowing themselves indebted to said tctate will please make immediate payment, and any iiiying clainn against fcaid estate will pre sent tlieuj duly authenticated tor settlement. JACOB I'IN SELL, I .... JAMES FKS.NEI.L, J *"* RS CVylesville P. 0., IJutler Co., Pa. Estate of Amos Pyle. (LATE OF MUDDYCKEEK TWP. DEC'D.) letters ofadminiitralion on the estate ol Amos Pyle, dee'd, late of Muddyereek twp., fill tier Co , i'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and fluy iiaviug claims against said estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. ilowAito PYLE, Adm I'rospcct P. liutler Co. l'a. W. 1). Brandon, Ait'y- Estate or W. J. Abrams, (LATE OF FOIIWAEK TWI'., DEC'D.J Letters of administration haviug been grunted to the undersigued on the estate ol \V. J. Abrams, dee'd, late of Forward Twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor .'ettlement. E1.t... A PKAMS, Adm'x. Six Points P. O-t liutler Co., Pa. K. P. Scorr, Att'y. \ WL AL. STATEMENT OK LILAOK MILL KIKE INSL IVANCL'. COMPANY I 'D; 111!. YEAK I -!I. mi. Total umoun'ol a!,:,es.i!iicuts .11,571 M Total amount of cat.li redl from ligt I '.l wi Uncollected assessments sg td Amount paid D, I*. Nicholas ti.."izs oo "iher expenses of company i. ,: ' I'ncollected assessments i"'i Treasurer - # percentage 44 w postage and advertlslnif " • r *e Amount paid to auditors Assessments on deed policies :a au 81 ,"1% »:i ( ash in bauds ol Treasurer al tI.TUSI K'i W. .1 111 KTOV. i Vud . lor - I>. 11. SDTTON. i .Notice. Parties wishing to invest money, certain to bring fair returns, are invited to care fully investigate the Inducements ollered by "••THE 1U TLEII SA IJT-M A Nt'l'A 1 ' TITKINtI COMPANY' AND CIIBMICA I. WOitKH." The -lock con .ists j.f »,000 shares, the par value ol which is K»d. For Ihe further developing of the works, some of this stock is put on the market. For prices and particulars inquire of JAM. F. HKITTAIS, Butler, Pa. | Office on Diamond. THRESHING HAC r HiNES Simplest. Most Iniral.'l' , Economiral a.id Per fect in use wastes no grain; cleans It ready for market.. THRESHING fcNGINES I OilmSl Saw MIIIn, SliinKlc XAi'hiiii's liny Pr«-«%«•*. ini 1 Standard linplfiufntN A. B FAIIQUHAH CO . Limited, S*'n<l f'>r iIIUK IVmifiylvaiiU Virrirultuml tr«ttc'i <';italo-, r u«'. >VorkK. VOKK, I'A SCHUTTIi & O'iiUIHN Sanitary Plumbers And <* us Fitters. PEAI.KUS I.N Sewer I'ipo, (las Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliance*. Jcfie!BonSt.,opp. Lowry House fA- J'■ J Ui".;. . i/id :L. ESiiINGTOK BIiUS. vho u:ll wikltMl l-jt *dtertlaiug ut lowest j-lc*. Annual Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of Butler Couuty for the Year 1889. Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors— County Tax. I ► « I «? ! J? \ £ Z ~ year DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR. n £ j lis?. Harmony boro .Z F Z Shaffer. $ 75 00 375 21 64 iar 82S? r«l===: f8 s« ,g 8 8 By*b==«Sßs±== 7r "■» is Clearfield < -L Mc^ >,rKle iV, 5 5.. Centre * Pan hamus - * 1 * Donegal John Ritwt 1. » W Franklin J R Stevenson •£ • s i , Xfprrer A Carrie 133 o'.' '«_• Parker 777 T M Shir* if 1° °" „ J Qnmmif Jacob Kectt ~ , S 1 j ®t| . 1888- Ad'aims twp CJIJ. ........... 33 63 2. Jj Ai'eeheny J J Jolly 10g 4> ti 0 3 571 hufialo M "*,V •>.. . v «7 14 151 i; rt i Pr .. Jas Criswel! -8 T J Badger f " JO -» .0 3. ; r,l - v iv'rn rietcher 100 0< 5 2t> 124 18 Connoqnenewißg £ «09 33 60 20 32 07 Concord 7 L.7 501 1: 63 11 27 86 cu«rrv Jos Kenennan * >u \ ~ . . . h r 7 I M Thompson «" 2> 23 2a 23 49 270 20 \' a y -r p \( c Ts r i.le 120 00 },K 1"' EE*"- / Johnson... 315. to» wo 37 ( pn,re ; 1.-hn Pit/art 60 00; 3 W 12 24 • 2£Sfc n Stovenson". 3000.. 883 15 7!. 64 4.; Fatrview J.J C ?I ,WI 421 42 44 1 22 1 Forward A Dumbaugh _•'> - Jackson M Lindsey -J ' Lancaster \ Geriner.. _ Middlesex." F* r T?*£° <,per ,V] J ,j L 206 CI Muddycreek J8 Myers >-» <« K . 2l „ M Mercer .? ir '. e "'V ">S s . 7 0 152 ( \ ! \ ri .° i ui. 44 263 74 74 Oakland J T ,;,^ hira .. - 233 82 13 65 11 75 _ penn.!.:::: \ i! i N ( ; wM 23 Slipperyrock Joeiah Aoaui« rr; 8" 47 4!* :57 " .Summit akin I™.'.™. 433 O 92 22 22 x- 143 M Venango """' 11 r.Vin 0" 99 58 15 5> V- Washington «' e / ra * n . 1.5 r,3 Worth .7..... gR Tay or. 43 41 26 38 Butler horo ..lit MCADoy • . Centreville " W Henry A .lson 14 •> 08 Evans City *' David Larto •••• 29 1 Fairview " ® 1-- 03 39 7 3.; Harmony """ t Pen '.".I!!!!--" 25 44 *3 94 134 gsras -==iiigz~ ™- 3cs »g Millerstown ;; ' «t» «• : »1« 22 03 project "::::::::::: lUbt:, shiner if » n6sw 41 Porter'ville " — J H 130 306 08. t'ortersvine Tinker 65 3 4'. Sunbury " " i inter 2 , s ISaxonburg • 3.,, 19 96 16 21 Zelienople " A Phillips *»> Xotal $lO 290 02 1 185 76 624 87 2 183 29 Amounts Collected and Due from Collectors—State Tax. r 2 s' I DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. ?■ R F ~ rherrv twn ". O P Campbell SSO 01 i 2 63 l88i S:::::: wp..heL s i®« Frackl ' B Stevenson 79 04 Mere r A ( urr;e.. ' Butler boro G W Zeigler US 58 783 Millerstown" b Hough «» £ -j< Petrolia " M Dalev 1 ' .9*3 08 Saxouburg " WmSohroth 20 42511 26 108 Zelienople " V W Phillips 950 M Ailams two ( Irvine 18 8® '. .. r J Jolly 11 79 180 62 Brady . . T J Badger 16 00 ; 84 Clay J M Thompson * - -83 Clearfieid"...i T P Mcßride S4 37 Mercer Carrie 4- 30 Parker ■' * Shira 24 91 1 31 , -. I kerb Beott 78 <;•> 1 41 1 ~ , ii i.s Venango -J 08 Lakin ■ • Washington lit , rn! f J u , Scatu " Worth G II Taylor 4i 14 ( VntreviUe boro W' Henry Wilson ;J f! Fairview " » fr. f. I f. ilarmoDy " *'' W lUon "" - «. g Sr- ::::::::::::::: *<» , ioij nf " Prosnf<*t 44 Reuben hhanor <•> •> w t rospect W II Tinker 7 32 39 gunbury »>■ " T \! -7.- .»r i i .1 Zelienople " A W I hillips -< Total 1637 09 sl6 66 §29 00 490 38 * Marked thus, paid off since settlement. Amounts Collected and Duo from Collectors of Go. Tax for 1889. > 7? P3 33 T H " V ■r. o "* r* -• P • D DISTKICTS. COLLECTORS. : g- f • 3 rrr, ~ L Alleehei.v '• I J Jolly 760 00 2148 978 27 11 455 h5 Buflk . M Kelly 1*"" '6O 14 98 34 59 238 30 " JosCriswell 102 s (yj a,;*! 37 9'. 357 01 " ... Thos lla.lger 500 00 26 85 10 20 570 41 • ' ... Umh M'-i 'all 1620 00. 90 l", 11 4S 49 17 27 HI Ss CE Shannon U33 00 34 75 38 58 210 93 ('om-ord GWMoser 'l>o 1( -1 •* 4 s 2«. 1< 630 rherrv L L Stevenson «"• 00 2-; 32. 29 21 553 03 Cranberrv Fred Hoeln, 1545 00 K0 29 369 33 29 12 47 I learlieid I B Mclieviu 0o 20 11 30 2s 3-.s 52 vTtro D<i Miner i>-?'«» *9l 232 3343 .« (louegai John Uilzurt 1 ' <)0 '* "* ,!s }' '°3 (Hi KranUin ......... A D We,.,. ! 630 00 2* 4- 16 07 775 07 Pai view. .J M Md ,ll .UKh 1375 0o 46 99 4117 17 43 w ,r,l C Cowan 1100 00 59 ON 22 1;. 507 61 Jefferson'".!. I K Montag 1280 «) 66 74 26 12 351 5- a "ks i John Ba.me 1246 70 61 58 24 45 3(.5 85 uSer :. J Rice 1112 Oo 42 96 32 74 143 27 Mi liiW'ex John Brown 1716 00 40 60 6o 9» 518/ Muddv' reek Geo Magee "oyoo 59 08 19 72 22 45 55 <SO Me Ur ..J A Currie 300 <H) 16 38 928 452 59 Marion Jas Bailev WOO I*. 53 70 20 lo 2.2 4s Oakland I M Kol.f. 'Oil 00 42 96 l.i 33 51.S 96 Parker WAK.IIy «)0 0o 32 22 Us (Hi 4-2 03 Peon....' JM Rankin HUM 26 K, 43 4> 463 48 Slinneryrock Neyman Christie 11 '4 4.i so 33 22 o»0 ..2 Suoimit II B..ldauf 1154 OO 33 83 40 44 231 20 'Wmlielil Wni Denny 9-.0 00 ~1 02 19 39 301 14 W'ashiugtou Herman Seaton U M ' "6 42 27 37 II 310 / I Worth W G McClyniond, 1190. 0 4o 64 35 1.; 338 19 Venango M F (H) 16 11 to 8s 24 3.; ;.,7 (.6 Butler boro It C McAboy 4805 00 25K .16 9* 06 3484 51 Centreville 11 1 P MeQuiston -.11 1. o*. 1 s.» Kvans City " H McClelland 23J 00 99> 532 99 17 Fairview " A C (iibf.on 11' IMI 6 ...< •> hi 10 1- llarmotiv " \II Wilson 404 oti 10 90 22 .0 Hi 91 !ISe •• IS Pew 182 5. 990 498 102 42 k" arns (,'itv " O W Uowen 1 M tilers town " E M Jenkins 186 42 10 12 577 202 96 [vtrcilia " M Dalev ■ ' K •• J\V Sh'attei 181 00 621 641 703 78 02 porlersyilie •' 111 Kmsey "0 00 4 I 24. 11 06 Sun bury • " la Pryor 101 33 550 213 90 05 'Saxonbur" " F Baunian 400 00. 21 70 • 1- •>. 6 47 total $43415 75 1720 81 132 25 1229 28 ir-033 77 ' Marked thus paid off uliico scltloment. State Tax Collected and Due from Collectors for IKB9. i?s? 1 ■ 7 : ? 5r § „ «5 : 2 o DISTHICTS. COLLECTOR. \ i |- i ? B S 111 0o 5 !«' 27. 38 29 \ llpfbf.nv ' .1 J011y..... "II ■ ■* Buffalo M K-HT * r> <ki w> 01,7 ~ji j ;< B Rutler ...Jos Criswell « 7 87 Th'.s Badger 57 00 3 Ui. 110 35 77 liVtL; Uaiah M.i-iII 5158 lis 201 ss i;; 's s;iß Sr-r-:.::::::::::: I" 75 • i„ v laphla McMichad 4.> (H. 242 J2 17 59 -WriieVl " 7!." IBMelievitt 75 00 134 314 13 30 r .*. ' !> <1 Miller 0' 26 46 f,'" ,;.,i John Bitsart M 0 00 10 7 4 406 21 12 Slla A D W«-iU«I 27 00 14' 55 55 50 f. IM Me<"ollough do 79 134 .W 600 0 WHI-.I 777.... <" Cowau 200 00 10 7 1 408 194 23 T" I A Mo./a: 150 00 8 06) 3 (Hi. 10 36 , i . '..'7 Mm Bame MB2 sot . 1»l , * " I Pi,... 100 (X. 537 201 20 7K Lancaster.. . .. is > .» Wl - , •,* 'Middlesex lohn Brown 72 00 386 14 , 31 4o Vluddycreek George Mage« 40 48 Mercer * Currie 20 00 1 ()<. II lames Bailey 10 00 210 82 423 ak ank'"' ' M Robh 100 .8. 537 204 •Srv'r 77 W A Kelly 16 00 81. 33 64 26 [>...., Jas Hank in 2,8 It. 9 l.i 916 -lii.n rviock Xevman Clirlstley <■• '«», 3i> 133 38 89 a ß r ii,.,! ;00, 3 , 143 LVi»fi..(d • IV Denny l<>- •' ■> -68 IVs-hit'Ctosi Herman Seaton 120 C<.| II 245 267 \V <i McClymouds ... 75 00 2 lis 234 20 51 M F Higgins 2-J 01. 134 51. 304 But er" boro RC '.I M.- v 8.50 (k. 45 .55 17 31 121 o3 1 enireville ' P ■ vu „, ( ity "1 Mc! lelland 50 (Ml 271 1 •»> 24 12 FairvU w ACGi . n -Vi (« 304 173 19 02 farm* uv 7 AII Wi!-ou 10.3' 130 390 158 }:;™.Vilh77: J 8 P. . 280 03 15 19 866 {arn<Cuv O W Brown 13 88 1 filer»town : L M Jen,in 220 11 11 9 1 681 129 64 • ctro ia M Daley 41 81 'rospect ' W Sbailer 45 95 189 161 'orlcrsville ' H »vin«y 981 108 0 Unburv' >»' | S tH ' ' - H I Saionburg F Bauman 86 00 46, - 6»> 6S ,8 'elien<)>le *<*"•» Ka. il.nan 14.1, 06 100 480 total il3ol 99,.f2<>4 25 *l7 29,117 69 1205 78 j Marked thus paid « U since . eHlemcni Unseated Land Account. - li<iot * J : " 4 L _ J ,(JOr * ~ -1 r* * J 7 <i *» DISTRICTS. ( :• | 4 f S i i | £ 5 i:ui!t r '... 2".' ••- i Brady ■ , _ . : , 4 , . ri Uk .. Butler GOTO . . m !.' 1 ■ 14 4- l 1 '■] • * « Union. - ! * , •; * 4 <•« S5SS::::.:::::: s .- «''i- »| '«* »«- *?; ♦*» « 1 WW ~i r v r. •« Connoqufnesing ■ Clearfield .. -L -1 - > 3g 35 lit3S 1 ' Concord - • . , ' - ; „ - , - f . .. Donegal » • '•" - 1 4 ' 5 t- Forward ... '' I !•> Wlrrtw •»• . ■*] ?S .-. 0 ti VX'. * 5$ 17—31 !«?:«.. H.»w«- M»U •.- r^;'r J :::: ::: «» «... »»• « » » l - 1 - *»* 1? » w 1,i32 ??' Summit 7"" 93 s* <• ■« .«>!«. , •>,, lvnn 1 , nt, I /v. Sllpperyrock ICS • • . «JiJ5 '!? .... . v eW.ii. ; 13 - ! • - n i- •»» «f .1 • .i i-. } ; 2? Washington " •"> •- « :•» «61 .. •' "> - ' ' * J Worth.: l 40 «•» 1 . ... . - 0 ' > 4TO WliiflcM , xi i? l'. i Jefferson «o -*• •• - *' » - 1 HarrisvlUeboro.... " 1 ,' ~ , J S ,j Tz\ Millerstown . v , 4«, . - 4 , «1 .. Kalrveiw To* UII K; 11 -1 -»• « •• »' - 1 " - 1 1 lYospeel 1"3 . t ivirolia | I Saxouburg -*• : ' - Total... IST o*:fc,l «SI9T &!' 211 i. •• to>? 31 1-A *•- II «W 11 1- la :.q !■'. OT I-' 21 Kl 10 > Assessment and Levy lor 1800, State and County Tax. DISTRICTS. _j .via. is tw\ I ?*\ %> ' \Hc dirny "* 1 ■" 1 *°~ b"SS": II ;■ J s "; Nut'aid I;: 1 -' ! Brady j# {£ 1W 4b <'l I 4 " J'' ( t>s 93 1 589 1 • 1 cut re ' ClearfieM '.5 J jV? *'J Cherry ]_> 'J' \ *** (Vnr. . I'leiicssiug «5 .1 1 Crauberry <7 '•'o J 614 74 Concord « 2 38 1 4>9 60 Donegal - W 410 21 Forward ?<*> J " Fairview 144 09 1 <«3 o» Fankliu ->0 1 449 o.» Jefferson 1,1 48 1 <-o 44 I • : .• I*B » 1 3 - 1 Marion 4. 20 1 2/. Middlesex 1"" ' 9 1 8,.> H Mercer ®1 778 ' 5 Mu iK< reek 4t) 4S 1 256 85 Oakland "I «3 J 37? 2o p-»u - i ' 7 4 -! *P «? Parker 81 4 . 1 4->2 -■> Summit 20 } 4j9 4, Slippervrock 108 71 1 783 60 Venango 29 8:. 1 204 88 Washington 131 1 5/7 09 Wiufield 172 17 1 321 55 Wo, tl- 100 53 1 608 9«> I!ul! r b >rn. Ist w 162 85 1 60199 '• '• 3d w r . 325 92 2 080 82 • « «' Itli w "... 306 38 1 348 90 •• :th w 1">0 20 1 461 81 (VatreviUe biro 21 23 316 33 Fvaus Ciiy " 78 39 34147 Fairview " 7'.i 79 202 69 Harmony ; ' 47 20 4.>5 -- Harrisville " 303 8* 305 49 Kami-City 13 88 14.5 -4"-' V. iller-towD " 3*a 50 405 28 Prospect " 48 55 2(8 <0 Petrolia " 41 81 191 .< Porterßville " 21 57 210 8. Saxonburg " 162 11 440 41 Sunbury " 31 34 .00 01 Zelienople " 155 16 560 i. Total 5 962 21 s<sl 525 63 lirlilpr Arrount .1 II Morrow, repairing. Moon bridge .. 13 5* Joseph lirlttnln. repairing Ilenry tjridEf • • -> I .1 nkson, repairing Kelly bridge s <*i John ilallagher. repairing Allen bridge 1 00 Aii.uii Ilwiibaugli. Inspecting Snyder l»r• "* David Kellv. repairing Snvd.-r bridge... W John Sproiil, repairing Anandale bridge 300 tieorge II liralmm. repairing Lyman Croup bridge ........ :i Harvey Thompson, cleaning Sprmgdale bridge 2 M A •' Evana. repairing Huhl bridge 1 On ,! II smith, repairing t roll bridge 50 Jacob Musser, repairing Filmier bridge .*» Oil i harl l ■ Muagel, repairing Rough Hun 1,, 1- «">') !•' v. eigie," cleaning'liarniony bridge i 00 .10-cph Brown, repairing Clarka bridge. 250 Addison EUloir. repairing Jack bridge 2 oo slialTer and beyberl., inspecting Hough Hun bridge Ckii ltuirel,6o<l before Justice Walker 1. .>i Martin Marburger, repairing Winters and iireakneck bridge 30 no M I'li'iuiug. Ktou'.'work. Runner bridge 2tw •■> M I'leiiiliu;, wiX)dW(..k, ltulTiier bridge.. MUu cireer MiTandiess. timber lor Franklin ROfld brl'J|;e - W Kinx Hndge Co, eoutraet,Franklin Road bridge 5 ' **' Ch.trli Fleming, work, Franklin Road . s I.eivlt. Bultou, UUlng. Franklin Road brldae "0 \V i. (illiilanu. mason work, Franklin lioad bridge G' 2U baiuu I Alien, cleaning. Allen bridge.... 1 uu Michael Fleming, tilling, RutTner bridge 12 0C lsa.e- .Meals, repairing Hoover bridge— 2 V. .J 1-. Mi ntiig. repairing Jellerson bridge ai sa I'.l Kelly, repairing \ onango Tp bridge M '.mj J..hi. .-li.it!. repairing livans City bridge 40 23 King lirldge c j.eoiaract. Franklin icoad bridge Gj. iMi John Uurdeii. repairing lloydstown bridge H « liMrou and Taylor, repairing Clark i.iuige * 5 0J VVIII-ox. repairing Cranberry budge .. 1• on 1 N Diiiii an repairing Maginnis bi luge l v.i., ,i,v. re|iuirliig liuhl bridge 1.,;.. I i.r.ir.u. r.-ji 1 ring llußner bridge lib" HII hulion. repairing i.ladc Mill bridge 1<; oo »umu. . i aldwcli. repairing Thorn Creek bridge w .1 c Ki-ilv, idling, harveisvlllu bridge.... 100 on ~ p |.;i. ,-r, in is .ii work. Fiiuner bridge lfi 44 M 1 .. iniiig. Ml one wurk.M' .MllUn bridge 130 ui Jii bhauor, wood work, l imner bridge, oo wj r i Kciiy, balance on contract, sarvers \ ille lirldge 3s «i# I.eu: . Hays, repairing Adams bridge.... 40 mi R S lieni j. ri J'.urlliif Wink bridge 2-> O" 1 R au.uumA. liro. repairing Croll bridge 10 on \v Hr,..ktnrldge \ son. contract, «lo''['■ bridge. il'l O, •lohii Rlehuitlson, plank. Wick bridge... .. so J i LielgUley. repairing 11 ay a bridge 22 on M Bhaner. repairing liagle bridge 1 Ot it b lleurv. repalrlug Richardson bridge :<■> ih W R Moore, repairing Moore bridge 05 oi John c.iaver, repairing Thorn Creek bridge ••••• 200 M C Sedgwick, repairing Dudley Fur nace budge 131 93 M C Sedgwnk, repairing Harper Mill bridge t* w llrw VVinler. repairing Winter bridge.. Mv. L s l.ailuier.repairing iloydslon n bridge l.i u Homer Imuran, repairing Klchardsou bridge 2 w \\ \S r.rai M-nrUge a. Mm, abulmenla, IMih.li' bridge 120S ii; i;i ill,ln .. .Starr, plank, McCaudlesa l, r i,i 21 !■ Ah \ i. « l r. repairing Richardson bridge. 14 2-' l i ed I bane, repairing Hold City bridge. 7 w \\ i. i.hl'land. abutments, Franklin Road bridge l&'J John ' rltchiow, re putt a, McC'andleas bridge i.> o< J. I*. Hadger, stone work, FUuner bridge 14U 3! Tnvior IJarron, planking liienu bridge 1,1 " Win. 11 niclil.-.on, repairs, ureace City bridge.... 1 0t Philip Filmier, wood work. Filmier brldg .....; A. C. Imlciii-ou.cieanlug Spriugdaie bridge 2 w John Cordon, repairs, Kobb brldg'- 1 I Jaine.-i Hutchison, cleaning Spring dale bridge. 2 01 Win. Mabold.re pairs, Anandale bridge ■> "< p. L.i unci ,\ co.,r»;patr».Brady bridge. 112 w Ri-iiln-ii siiuiicr. bridge view, limdy bridge 3 <■( ll.u i . ( iper. repair 't.l'ark•>bridge. 7:M* ll..r»e\ 1 j..per. tilling Parka bridge. 10 IH i j a.n. ..h M. 11 tin. abutment*. Farks bridge 70 2; M. Fleuilng. Irou. Runner bridge 1 51 Pet-r Mori i.iun,repairs,llrady bridge. - K Total 8 ">.I»W » I'rluliiiv An mill!. /ae„ler.v MeKee .... S 4i»l <- w.i. Negiej 433 a Robinson i 'urM>n 3sl> si < Inirles h. Ilcrr JW ® Total $ l.isn 4i ■lull Airount. S. i,. Purvis Si Co.. shingles 8 II 2J Traxler u pliiklepearl, clothing, lor prtnoueni I Mr swain, wnahlng. lor | rlHouers . l> 21 A.J. Ilutchiusoii. clothing, lor pris oners... o 20 llurincr i. Hull,hardware, and plumb line II ,Ti Sydney sboiilz, plastering 1,1 J. T. Kelly, clottung, for prisoners 13 OS i;. W. /.irgl.-r. repiiiring locks &c— '•> ou lieo. II Waller, repairing locks lb org" Ketterer, Inriilturc 10 no Joint llickcl, shoes 2 .i rruxlcr ,v Ftnkelpcarl, clothing.... Jell liurtner, plumbing 2 ..0 Mill r liros.. iiialres>es II Mel./ , r er Ow \ olkweiu. shoes 3UO ieor;.■ Ketterer, tuairessea 10 &o latin-s Hutchinson, cleaning uuder Jail 2 25 I). J. Turner, goods 4 40 luckson • v Mlti hell, harlware 20 M Si-hnite o'lSrl' u. plnuibiug ...,. I •>"' h..il' •* i)iilf>. I- pairs blankelM S> JO Dr. s 'ir.ihain meuicai attendance . 101 no >. c. ltedlc. Sheriil.lst iputrter board iiig pr) oners 4:»s iei >. i.l.e he, sheriff, ad .piarter board ing prlnollen 4,0 77 >. ( llcdlc, MherllT, .1 umirter board Ins prlaoMit jOl 70 i ltedlc. sherltt.lth ipiai ter board ing prisoners 074 3< Total $ 2,900 s"i Connljr Arroaat. IIJ : . III". ■' • H at: I 'II III.' 8 • i i . la 1 .• I" ri a nil ji" l.i; II I harl • Me Pin riu, Dlslrii I Attorney . 7 mi Kn ■ .ii |miiaid. cost in Croup ease il if l> Hide M Uivuili. work 011 duplicates 3i"i on I'niiiK Kobler. Notary Public t oo I W Hrown, cost In Riddle et. at. caac ' " \v li iu:lb!tig boarding Jurors .'is su ilberi Dunbar apprehension hone S T Mai shall, work on duplicates >• "" Adam* Ks.i r<-- i *'«».. express 11,., Moore dauia'-Tes i>l l.orse 1 •'» , Mis Sine, boarding Juror- •' Thomas linker, wort on duplliiates . n <• M: r. lull lire . Pro. i.n ■« i -Costs .... U Solhach. hi'..!. bindln; Nov ton Jilick. r.tq.. all yslee.- «- Geo \N »T.r!M. deliver In-. election | I'l-U'l Kraiiui Interpreter lii Adams I «se •*» ■ ivr b ' a '• pher, Boy» a.e s i A r l.uckle, apprehension o[ horN, thiel .1 W ,n delivering Assessors IJOOk Total $ 38,1 13 Tip Mini Account. i Paul l'crrero Sl - D M \\ aid 180 M> F H Monte '•> >*' A J McCamlless u> i Henry Dtlleman i.u oo $ 9oL* (v Court HOUIP Accouut i S G Purvis t Co.. lumber »«• I Flectrlc Light Co., bill •>>' ! Jackson «v Mitchell, bill - 9 " 11 A Ay TVS. Kcglster & ltecorder, re pairing oillce j» i 4' licit; and Cypher, oil cloth ' B Solbacli, book binding * "■ Limbers Bros.. mops. brooiiiH, &c Mrs MeClaffcrty.cleaning Commission ers oitice JJ" Hitter t. Ualston. dry goods >■» J • Flack .v Porter plumbing - • Wm 11 Knsmiuger. jtfiperlng. &c J' •" Schutte .s. O'Brien, pluinbiug 1-' •- A.I Hutchinson, eteanluff }urd i (" John Kopp, repairing tile . !J vv s Monts-ornery, repairing blmds.... - • ClehUid \ Kalstun. winding clock, re pairs, .*c 4 * \\ c (rail, awning lor windows si"' N .1 Shatter, repairing furniture (, W Ziegler, repairing locks 1 1 .lefl liurtuer. gas tittliigs. &c ' '' liurtner.v Hull,steam heating Ilttlngs. 3X> (-• Mrs Dermody. cleaning ollice J I .1 Mi l andless, bagging cellar ol W II Goehrlug. brushes 4 Geo. A Miller, one do/en brooms, .ve il 1' Tut tier, brooms 1 .lames sleppy, cleaning carpet toot) . Total ® 1 .-' O6 > Boiler llmis** Account. Flack l'orter. plumbing 3 >■" v .l It K earns coal »" ' .1 F ( i .-eks, work on at auk, &e »> it t; \V Ni idli. work 1 01 Dalzell Bros.. repairs ou root » Ellas Beck, wood John Sumuey. wood - ,1 N Munt/'. • on 1.. 4W James Hutchinson. aitendlnj masons. - -• C \\ se. repairing boiler and wall < AshbiiUEli. .Manulacturing Co.. repairs on boiler '* F 11 Bole, repairs on boiler houso • II L Beck, wood Total * 773 K ' Count) Vudltor's Arcount. J I. * JSP \-\ U A Klnzer - Total 1 - Jury CuiiiitiisMioiicrH Acrount Fred Ilmnlnger * }'• /. " C Heiley W F Campbell 140 Total Commonwealth Aceount. Joseph KenneUan, Dunbar case 12 John Berg. Myers case J" Peter Kramer, sherllt « • J \y ltiddle. Oregg case « ,\I llalev. (j regg ca.se « - 11 •loeob Frederick - L ll .1 c i.alstord. May •> !' Ucliry sow a-sli. Peters case . Ell Uoner. Welmer case ' ; Peter Kanicrer. Harper case • M Daly Lizzie Low, Byers case ? *• A I. Jay lies. Otto case •» it i Mi Alioy, order. Kennedy ease l -» s Bell. May case W 11 Laubler. Uodgers case • ••< A Dunbar. Moulter case '•" Alvln Dickey, " '* U c McAiKiy.order, •• * N Lewis Marburger, " - J 1 •loliu Loyd, • Leslie llazlett. " f r W A DeunLslou. M« Keever case I • Zotta Vt ler. Ileberllng case ;• f A Dunbar. Moulter case •> ' S (iarilner. McCltUTf case..... «'■ E \V Tinker, tlregg and (iamble case.... •« C A McPherrln, District AU.v 1« •las M .\lleliael. Mctiee and Sweny case. n - . W Hiiselton, " «.* A p Sletvarl. Wlckliain case - " C M Brown, Killott case « '/ W s Barron anil Cole, LUiott, case 11 -- A Currle, *J S David Cole. " *' ,'J Lawrence Mcllg. bclig case * J* Lytle A I'iiistrong, Gardner case A N Mi l andless, Gardner et al case -■ c K Mcyuistton. " 0 I, l* Walker. Justice co«t Henry Ivorii. i,regg and liamble case... I m John Loyd. Moulterca.se • " \ Dunbar, J it M Crouch. Li tie Armstrong case v J C Kelly, (Jail Beck et ai case 5 Uob'L Turner, " * ~, Thos MeCatterty. " - " DC Itedic. " " Alvln Dickey, Moulter case i w Henry lvoru. Klchardson case 1 D Marburger. " . - B Frederick, May case Mary Flack, Selig case | «• Oscar Prlng, Gregg and (.amble case— u J SCatnpb. il. Armstrong cose •• \V A osborn. Gregg and Gamble case— - " John Uox erry. l'ulkiuau ease { M :> Uandall, Armstrong case n ; James M'Michael. Fleming case -*>• L L steveasott. Armstrong case s ■ Pat ton Hell. Gardner eas * !l C II crltiihlow, Klchardson case - '}■ Hugh MiClellau, " * John Logue. Armstrong case » A l. Vogan. Gregg anil Gamble case .... - lid norland.(.all ami Beck case •> " Wmi hoinpson, Armstrong case John Dobson. " . MeCallcrty and ltlchardsou. liicliardson Adam Nl'chbiius Moulter case F M Johnston Feruey case ; • M llurns, Armstrong case - John Humpiirey, .Mei luri-ease ■' John lienneP. Armstrong case * ■■ w It I.lal'e. Wagner case •> ni Philip N1 'lndus. Moulter case— « ~ W at son Taylor. - J" 1. P Walker, Patterson case *• " Thos Mi' itterty.liale ami Beck case ... - « smith and Fra/.ler. " •••• * L P Walki r, Itiderease V" J McMahon; " - Keuben Mi l.lvaiU. C'icrU . 1 Mrs Piper, Aruistruug Case - l'.l apence. Miller case - Allan. Nicholas. Moulterca.se ' ■'* \V l urner. (Jregg and l'habe case a j*i .sain 1 \S eiiner. i.regg and Gamble case . . Adam Dnmhaugh. Moulter case n Mary J ilivens, Armstrong eiuse 1 M Daley. Lawrence case - Joseph 1 hoinas. Kelly case •' I si. Anderson.Anderson case 1 " LA- WIS liarnhart. Turner case ; I, p Walker. " *J C A Clark, •• - !" Wm Logue. Armstrong case a *> .1 V i hrtsty,Turner case - •l P Campbell, " - W 1. Ilaubeuspeck. Thomas ■ as>- - ■ ' J . Thompson. Kllugler case '• .1 Shields strain ease .1 F Stevenson, •' I Blakely. Turner et al Marshall Bros. Bloughton et al .. Peter Kramer. " ' N M Wise. " :! James Pat ton. Turner case - |7 Peter Kramer. Boyer case ; Thus W Wheeler. Stoughton et al : II A llol.s'eln. flnkertoii and Miller. "J I. P Walker, Justice cost. " .1(1111 Iteuo. Moulter case • w U iu MoiTLsoii. Kllngler case I »• \\ L Dauhetwpeck. Moulter case II Korn. " J 'J 0 Fred Welgle, McCombs case -'■> ss w ll Lcusuer. lilkert cas*' Itc McAboy, Kllngler case I ■" F Welgle. McConibs et al case - _> S' John weigle. " - • - W L Daubenapeek, Bruner case < ■" Lizzie shields. Strain case.. - K Saplill. McCoiubs ciisc '• Deborah Combs, McCombs case « •'* li C Thompson, Kerr case . 't- W II l.usk. atoughtonet al case ... I- ' T S Hutchison, itlder cas<- ••if; Jo , Kelllleh -11, Armstrong ease - I VV F i iinpbcll. Itlder case ' " ' KM McCall, Strain case y 1,1 F i luse, liruner case W B .Marshall, Combs case '■ • - F 11 ivnox, " " , UC Kedlc. Sherilt J ( lioxberry, Stoughton case ... -; '- K II Christy, lurner case r t „ J C Itoxberry. strain case Dr. Barber, . W 11 Mcl.Drain. Kllngler case G W Iluscltoii. Fleming »«' Zeigler and Weekbeeker. swughton . t al case V' t in I || W heeler. Stoughtonet at. rw ' ' JasH Tebay. °" liob i M. Lilian;.;. DeU •''a»> - G.d.lsmVth Slid ivaf*o-' ■ stougiitou caie. 7 m Jas Stevenson. Strain oase -l Ida Lutz Stoughton case '•» Jos Lehman. ' ' • P P Brown McCandles»i.Me,. I Keuben Mdllvaiii. Clerk (»t IJ6 J F Shatter. Combs ease «* (« I) ftwaiii* " " ' - II bchneldemun, Kllngler ca.se .. I o" !* I Kyetx. BM.r ca.*' & «S I W .1 lii'-r-. " W Dal- BmiUim*. Turner caw 2 sal livers. «"«*• r,. < .«•»• «•» Kin I ; u I'.r IM r .-a.se I -• Sn .-0 -»a Marsuaii. !M> :-,-ut<tnca-» . nail Nt. 11 ••(.» M.'Hlli r .-:!*•... '"» I : SKm r ; . k Klliis-U-r. iv. i-» : \v M . • . /.u.ifrf- «*. . M 111 \s\l *r 1. , ! sr,.-i..lit,,ii i 1 i : . m »oaturn <aw ... > • L )' W iltrr, lleuk c*se 6 <*•' \ N Me.'.-twlle- Cardner 't *1 case I v: i ii...u.r, Kl.i.iri.r. xv I- 1 '; M.-I-.: , ••• 11. rsc.-vw • KM., k K Inch r ca.se .. .. )»' M<i rtu! Jiute AUraan. Stewart caae It *» ,1 s M I it tire. KUiti:r . . . I .»• i !i' k - - ttn , ... H* 41 lltiuiii B*k.r, Meitnie . .. !®7 IMMI ■ OIK • ;:)i. i.i!,. r ease. .... ISM S i.l; Stum I \«! ; -» A i \V».ru.:. - A-«au. % *• • ,1 ttnr ItllL *' ** :> * I H Muni/. Kii «r (.1 c t«i I I Ku.„ -t* rr -,la-. hi > k. •• . . . W >!►.>!. -Hi, ... .1 ,} C Jwt v? r. 4- j. I.- T.*> to t lotili XV .'it! . .• •' ... %U)\ iM » : • .. .. Ctt ] JiUUi'S AnU-tP u;. " < .B ! V. M I -• -r. •' >■ *<> KM < K • .... - tl >t i u i. iv. Rrowneaae Hfl M Dai.-.' Dunlap 1 I- KarluH IIMM. Kataß, SC, «B» . i- 1 v' , K: ' *" r s ° • :' ' V, V. Hi I.e. D.lVi ■ .-*• . 1 Mia K• I- i-.C-iab <:»' . ... i 1, stoußhmn «•<-•... - > i; \\ iigMtun W*bMd< ■ «« i„,ii- i: .\L. .i .V In mancav . i K Pat ion ;. .. .-i r . •»< • U * ,i M '.'.t'. Bum* ' av* ; *»' w I M m.it.-s. nam >• -■ 1 - \V.» M .rti ; f Jaw■« ITOI IMiiiktp i> - A • < uuitlH il M 1... j \v ilyle, mknisn ease i » I- .... Wn ...i Dw*'#. a. CMe . » .1 \V 1...U11.'. W..kei»»-;<l • i U .1 liaA3 i'.tl m ■ "• W Sin .an . M.'i.r; te M l> • A.lam .-a'- • ,i \\ \i.. .it,.ii' u ulin ,e' ali usr . .i h V 1 *llll. r 51.i.1l 1 i'.s" A i i;. lit., < '• .1 «. ' ■Mi. . . lark • 11.... lit I. r.l, .. .. . Ki. ii ifi i jmiiin u, r-i ii..-,- - ... ■... Wl!> r I '. ■ iitvi i-'u-mer. •«" I Uarkw.li 11.1.'1.ri; a :.i..Ui01.1. a ■>'... H " lSaruhart.llrowix ai. l (i. nl iw Harvey Turia r " i j> Kamorer, " " ."tier Wh:twlr.\ Kolilooeycr case I 71 Jaiin-s Joilj. " Ed Mill. r. «o'i:;hton ' '~e • ; - At liutifcir llai'o . I DnttOolttt. KubßS et ;U «• Mr Tim. Harper. I'.rowi: and GoldCaS '. :• il i- Miller. KaUln case » Miirslii.ll an 115r«'.vii. Sloußhtoa cas;'... 1 i>' Will W.'av. r. Pa vis ease ~ - isaae lilakely. Ailaiu< cose - S I' fainter. !'■ yd Case I < II Kuril Mellrlde case «•' ,1 Keno. Adams exso J jr. \H i .ruoin. KUiins et al ease > ■ .1 II Tebay. N evil Is case 1 • ' .1 i; Karus.i - s A Hemphill. Kaylor case -- • ♦ I, f Walker, .lufctt. e'.s costs i_■ t> (' Kedic. SUerlll's costs w \ f Stewart, .lu-tic -'s costs '» M Ito.-'Slnu,Strawiekcase * •« H koru. M. ' atlerty et al case 1 1 i-> Win At>> r. 1> '.vis e.usc ' H \\ in I uiilH , ii.-p» > ek, Mev aflerty caw .> no Win t.uekett. case 4 tJt I i l-'air, I*e caw •' •'» .1 luiMon ana l»eeker, Ijeecase wit) TC SaeP.er. Klcster case - V .lohn Wallace. Klesl. r ease .1 Armstrong- Klester case ; '• Ii c McAlx.y. order Uiesler case •• ••• (> Lfliristv, Miull and Duffy ca.se I ><; W and Dufly ease I f f Brown, sliull and Dafflrca.se V *" Cyntna Itreakall. sHull and Dtt'ly ease. .. i.- c'eori;.' Wolford. Sim 11 and Dully case. »- r Tinker. SUull and Duffy case J 'i Isacv lXuialiWon, Shull and Dull> ease. 11 W D tlerard. K'lliti and KUlottease • ( lurl s Miller. lvuUn and KlH.itt ease . -i K l lauN-asj eck aud wife, Kuliu ami KUHitt case * •*} liovard. Kulin an.l Elliott ease • K Delanev. Kit&n and Klluitt case. " v.t- Aeliors. Kubn and Ivlllott case 0 M Sh-W'id. Rulin aud KllU.tt ease 11 Mill' r. ivlibit arid Klllott ease.... -j S'J W( \lkii. Uuhn and 1...: ;t I. .lulin 'l'll- t;.."t, Kuhn ami KlUuttea.se.... '' ' \ W it.Kulin and Killolt case - MI kmii. 1 l ell. Kulin aud Killott ease . SJ T K iblnsoti. Kulin and Elliott, eate . Heury Horn. Kulin an I Kllivit case <_• w L I' V. alKcr, liuUn and Elliott case ; Ml ||«V . ;.l. Adams James Ilill. SVlcklicM ease - ; is Delia K. Hv. KuUu ami Elliott case «• 1.1» Walker. Justice cost > K Dowser, Hoffitor cas.* m Wm Daub' i»;» . -■ Kic case KobMt Ulai... Davis case *•• Wm i.ui.n, 1. Davis cane »•> 'J S Passavant. KtoogUton 3 Isaac Blakely. t'.in i»l .stoujfUtOß case . a. Mi Heiirv K.irn, I uli. r:.,;.: t > Mrs S'Uoetnttker. Uay n case *• ,s .1 .1011,, and Borland, Kulins ca»e > >4 Jolin 1 honias, Kutins c:t>e *;• Kculicn .Mciavani.Clerk ti il Koru. Brown and la.ld ease •' '1 Isaac Mill. r. Kulin and l-.lllott case | VVlliiei t Tctiay. liarroascase t.t s «• Ail.uekl.. a»c -t j ll .1 W Tit ley. ca.c <• • - Wm Hammer. 1 <a\ i.. use » VV I* Ja'mison, \\ ukctlelfl case i .latula M.-ill liael. liarron ease > James UIU. .iagenea - ■«< Wm Wei;.'le.Walters case J C" K Aldmifcr. Adams case - • Melissa Kelly. Itarrou case John Marrow. Kerr ease. . N fi Adams, Kulin all-'. Elliott ease <•- ,1 1' flumer. Dunl .p case I. f Wa.ker, lutnlap case >- 1" .1 M yulgley. liarron case ' •*; J II bowels, Dutilupcase •> t" 0 t rooksbauks. Davisea.se J - 1 rank .vlilon. W ak. ileld ease ii «> 0 C It-ill.', e ! Etta Kelly. Barron ease a W I. i:ii„'Usli, < rooks et alias.' t Samui I >i».ii '-r. Sirawtck case < •" W 11 Davis. Hall ca ; "" 11 Koru. Henry case : it Will Daubeu ,ieek. Holilt'.'r ease 1- K \ I'.rfi'ik*.. I.ee case J J ( J Met'all. Henry Case » I. f Walker, strawlck rase ; Jacob Keck, justice cost AleX Diinbar.E. .• ■ aa- .. }" ! \ Mill. r. King and liuul-ar. Leo ease Il •- Ale Duubar. tirnvcr ease ■ \Vin t ■ >t.'lUnit, i ouslus case | >*■ i; w W atiets lac ease •" *•' .; w Walt.-l • Ml IV.il . .1"- ■" W It Tal l er, Henry ca >e M E Frank. Strawlck case •> ; .loliri Tlmblln. t ousins case Mary Davis, Hall case .* '*» Holiert Hay. Cousins and Hall ease la John M.-i o.v. Henry case " Will Miller, Eee ca e . ? John liroivn. I ee case ; '; f Hob rt Turner, Mi-. ailei ivea.se I t» (> c lie.lle, slterifl. MeCallet alcase ... '•-> > Will foals, la-e ease ; ;*{ Perry Klelds. Cousins case J M llerdinan. W C Kelly ease ij* 1 Arroant with l>lxwont mi.l Hospital* %% 11 Ii Tow null I p*. i'tr q 2- DISTRICTS. Z O Venuniro f Cherry ■!' Ill,tier *2 'il 10,S Oil Laueani. r W •Jt W infield . Don. gal .0 .s.. Penn <ti Horu ' 4 ' " Jackson -'l ~J> #> tfWl Jeflersoo ** 4t ,2 ®2 Harmony Horn Wd Od •' Parker ''' Knrn* City Boro Vj t Adams ~ !f --:::::::::::::::::: W.irlh ' i * , "I' ~ S I .ft 1 lint.ci .. Pulllio'ij, . i l.l'» outlaw* «l. Fair view,S744.Sß outlawed Total $7Wi .W ltlWf ll!$ 682 61 \i.niiiiit 8.-rpHi'il Ii) Trrnnir. r Kc,i.i i-.iiinrii--loli» r> 9 1 !!,': Krom liceti- e ] T; : I roin jury fees ... ( Prom lines ,'7 Prom DOR Tax __ J_ Total »*«°» ttrldft t i> « Arromit. (Cie. 1 rvt MeKee •• * ?, J'! I A Dolichv. t.lade lion brillk-e - o» 'pl, Mi ignition. AtlamsTp brlilge ... 1 m i i; Davis, tilenn bridge ® W s - '• It W Doiitliett ■ 11 V'ni'vliTn'i . iSw I ||l jCI ill. »- « • !•' 1. M< <jUIHtIOU Total ** llridue Account. I l!» naln ;« r. minil- r lui'lgo $ •» <st l> M Waril. SnvtliT l»rl«i*r«* ' simflvr. M-lbort Ki-lly.Krunkltn rouU brldgn ..•or,' Sla'.ilner. s.irier brldije ;t -- I ran.:ls M Eytlt. Hirver brldg-C I Ts Moher. s.trver bridge. . . •■• •••• ' Sell . rt, tllllelanil aii'l Htitnphn y, »ar- M ver lirtdge () ,, Simeon M\4n.l llnliei bridge i m . , 158 i L'oart frjorN Arrou«t. sr.ti oo ltobert (l. Ik of r.itirl's Am»»lit MeElvain ** ' " 4 t omwlKslonen.' foantol Arroamt. ~, . tJOU (111 Newron Black. I.s.i • CiillilUllM* return account >M9 g 3 j iteijtstry account »JW w Mibtls iiccount— t-t*i I s E! lion a omit KBM tl OMsawraat * MO3 i aqiiiflt ac OUHt 9iS* 4-' liUtrirt Atlorary Areouat. c A *■' *' ® lii.l,*\lnir Arniunt. i: i Urn 0 i i ui NTV iii.ir.i rtvK Ar.w NT. D L lumbar * Cun ; t.iK i>. HKOKi.Men. Amount 133000 M) j lrt{©.-fls>t oil l*>n-U |i 4:3 5:. I"* i l:«-f.»rhi VrhOrtl. A I' Krutiin' ... fS-34 l'-iivl wcottijt ..... £152 ll'iS'l uevt u.cr.Miui ij;2 |<i sddie ' l.uiial su .'.,nnt <•*» R*fuii.!W.< • • >iu' ... i U"! W >t tiiAaci >, and oft",-••• .lock «i" ...«•■«: mi account ill [ , Water nccouot.. s<Xki 00 Vv'ork i,' us- 1 a«P »uul ' 14 i . uf J lu.Mlur. !i I t\>ulter UU In<(cra»)i* livowl L , M< r «'i ui» Culler « osnt> 4?rifati«nil AtsocUtlon. J S iaui|>U! «H» Ui>.tTN rmitfotlftfT Xemnmt. Y S Wri4'ut.. *!.4"« i » frotbAtoUr) > AcrAMttt .lftHtt \V Hi own... ..... * • IM\»M.l*t l!«>iotn! Art util. II A lltiU hiwum .. v - WarrrH Vlttftpilul A'..n«! I>r J•♦!»*» S.-Jiurt! I *V4 i 11! t f AIYHNNt W i « Ui» » M : *tH) («) -1 • «!*!.'r«|tlt«r % \< i-ouitl. A !> M.iruc - 3&i ««5 1 KiVlt-n *l,'. v. - > i ' $!,*•«» v j .t, |i„ ;. i inu \* > iiiitil .1 . • M. i. v tin *J.> Bhilai » t.v.-uKt. Ak \AUik*i H ati li ...... £.*« MU > Asfic-asii»n Ai COtlii'. ■ . • w •«> Jury acfcutiot . . ni ( i t.urtiNsi.'in is' Afiwunt A IfuichinM»fi 'SIS tliiji-, s*i j« r tit • ■- "T <" - ''• * !» M Duooau, 013 days, •» jiti <? ay ; - i: * John C Kelly, :»03 day*, : 2 v*> ptr Jav 7j7 •" Total f :->2 50 Cmaniisiiloß«n' t IrrU. S r Mat -Villi i S f'l! f><* Etios Mol>onald ..... .? Total •' Cosumi«sii>!>> rs' traveling expenses •>."*.! t).> Coictni-Moner.' livery hire - I . : i i State Account. .1, Uti W Brown, Prolhooolary ....$127 Oil II A Ayi r~, Register and Recorder ;17 2o To:at -Kit 30 State tax account ; :>,i.1l i«) Luoe y iscourit '.OO 73 Tran.erihiD:; «wount JlO7 4.1 Cruiiilnlrr.t Warrant'- Not Taken lulu Srltli'- ;.ie»t With Tri-afcon-r. Wairaut No. Drnwu to Jmr.is McSwency 5 "7 1,1."% " John Sfcaticr 1 '.!7 " John MrKlrny I In' ' , " .lanic. Sbeltou t 2 >; ■ , *' John llawcl I St 2,r»K>, " Zibtr I'S 2,7i.4, " Jnnics Met'.bc 'i 2,781, " .lamo Shaier 127 2.N.11, " James Oni-s ■" 27 2,!'14, " Joseph Tbomjison ."t -S I 3,1t '• A Nayder 3 (-2 .1 •!>, " iieorge lllaek t77 Total ;;i Above warrants refunded by John (' Keliy ltrrniiltntatlun. Am• Boatou, Treasurer, in arronnt «itli iintier ci>unty, I'a. l)r to Co tax ree'd tti'Ui Collector of l.ss.x :lu( l previous -10,200 t»2 Dr to State tax ree'd from Collectors of 1888 and previous <>'i7 o'.) Dr to Co tax rec from Co!.s 1 v s;i 12,11.5 7 " I)r to State" tax ree from Cols ISS!>. Ani'[ tioui Dixmont ttud Warren Hospital account 1,53. II Ain't Iri'Ui unseated laud uceouci . ■'< 'I <'2 Aui't from Coiuiniskioner*. Jury fees, tiucs, dog tax,io l,S3"> 11 Dal in treasury, Jau 7, !>>'• 37,22 • l:» , Total SWIO6 r.H Cr Wat rants redeemed J -I " llomls redeemed '.'.iOOO 00 " 1 merest on bouils ' l-» 3 " liool institute "'MI oil •' 1 use a ted land tu-eount -I 1 "- " State lax account .'77S 2'( " Trcas com ou s."■'> 000,W> ut .i per cent l-'^ o "" " " " 470,7<! '* 1 per ceut .' '•• ' • " Ain't in treasury, J«n li, ls;i0. ••jr.»79i; IS ij- o trtl f;:n>lO0 ri V VN' lAt. HTATt>tP.ST. Ast- tts. \m'tdue from collectors ...s2o;>s'j ■- ■ Am i due Dixtu'tand Warren II ac't 7«2 til Am't in treasury, Jail ah, i«"0 l'J7tin Total l.iabililiis. Ronds hearing I per cent interest f I " » A ictta over liabilities The alKivc null ton ; ■4n.; I* a Male liu nt ot tlie ti-i .il ailaira oi 'Sutler rouivly an ,-liow u hv books, accounts, ai.d » oliel.ers .a tno i'olllll v. and the Auditor*.! Kj'poii the.l In tin. iTothouotarj'aoffice is in mil aooard twl statement. >t N( A , JOHN IHMi'llltrA. A. J. 11l l< IIIKON. : ctunwilssioners. »s M( I)onaLi). < lerk. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, i'rop'r. One squure wofet of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safo horses; new hiiL'ffit'H tmcl carriages. Jian<laiirt for weddings and funerals. Open d;if and uiglit. Telephone No. -1. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running u lino of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, cr leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. - (Iih)(! Livery in Coiincclioii. Now Livery Stable. New Stock, Now HiK s —OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT— Hi i-es fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r \V Jefferßon St, Butler, I'a WIIK.V vol I VISIT PITTSBURG CALL <>>, JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, tils Smifhfield SI for Treca, Seed.!, Di'lie , ;r:i|»' Vines, Hardy Hoses, Canary It rdx, ■ old Fish, etc. Deacriptivn Fall nuilu 1 IVc 11' you aro in Douht What to jict lor Clivistnias pre,-onti*, )' ou siion 1' 1 como to jar opening ot" HOLIDAY liOODS, this week. \Y<* Jnivr • licit an immense line ot Ix-nn [ilnl tilings, suitable for all liies, von cannot tail to !»• suited. Prices the lowest, quality J. H. Douglass. Vd*bi'tiM) ir 'be Citizen
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