lepErts]_ ffl IVER [II PILLS. CURE f Vk Tfc«d.i"hflanst jamarkable success has been shown in curing SICK B*wriACl*A yet CARTIR'S Lrrn.R Lmn Pit ■re e-in.-Jlv valuable in Constipation, cnrtnK and preventing this annoying complaint. wh il-« they aisoeom-'-t all disorders of the stomach, •rtlmulfif# th- liver and regulate thi bow'ij. Ivtn if tl*-y only cured HEAD Acho they would he almo«it priceless to thos<» ■who suffer fr m this distressinir complaint: but fortun-it'-ly their goodness doe* n. * end ber'> and these who once try them wi.t lird fotle pills valuable in so nianv ways that ««rrr. will cot he willing to do without them. Ttt after all sick head ACHE hi the bano of so many lives that her" Is where we mike our great boast. Our pills euro it while others do not. CAKRB'R Ltmx LIVER Ptu-s are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do aot irripe or i»iri?e, but by their gentle a> 'ion please all who use them. In vials at 2Ti cents; flve for sl. Sold e\■ ry where, or sent l y niaiL CA2?EI K2EISIHB CO., 1?:T T;:i. sri?l Small Boss. Small fries, The secret of my happinr-«» if?. I a*.ray my old Blackin# Brush, and Lara WATERPROOF DnflT^ If DUUIO WITHOUT LABOR. Wolffs AC M [Blacking Produce a polish without the old brush, an A the shin* trill lost c teeek on nun's, and three on teonirn's tho'S. Why stick to old wajs m these days of progrecs ? Bold by WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA, CONSUMPTION, SROftCHITiS, SCROFULA, • COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTING of FLESH, Or any iJisrasr trhcrr, the Throat and Lunga are Lnjlametl, Lack of Strength or Verve Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD BJVEROIL With Hypophosphites. PALATA&Is AS Milk. Ash for Scott'* I'mitt.Hon, and let no explanation or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N. Y. CATARRH HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM HALM is not a liquid, snuff'or powder. Applied into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head. Allays in /tarn mat ion. Ileal* the sores. Restores the senset of taste and smell. 50 cents at Drugglsta; by mall, reglstei e l, 60 eta Ely Brothers, »"'•>>>>• DOCTORS LAKE fcjM j| PKIVATE DISPENSARY. le by others waiite«l. f«-r ( Iroulai. CURE GUARANTEED. Office Hours 9to 3, SUPERFLUOUS HASR Oa face, hair oa tli« foro- V> j breast, ou meu ' B cbeek» above tl.o beard liao aud be- /&- de«tr*»yed forever fs by tlie K lee trio jr - v .5- J X Needle Operation LjV by Dr. Van I)yck, \ Electro \ y^\ MS Penn avenue, i'itt&iuir/ij. liirth /I' ra ark s, Mole ■ * Nolo, Knlartrod M*pA VeUn of the No*o, ! JxVjZ-f I Pimple-, Black. M^V) and all h aad of the *\\n, i ccniplsxtoo, hair and scalp BUccoHsfuily treated by l>r. Van I>yck. The Doctor ban : had 20 years* experience In tho practice of i :'is specialty, au I numbers among his 'a- I tint*oar most prominent families. If yon are .iflicted v Imy of the above blemishcM, v ! i-at*»Bt inedlt iui* an !c. uwult J>r. Va: Dyck at once. Special 1 rn t » til who make ;agementa(tlils mont) -:age ii... .' •* ean be made by mail. Call < in ra Mr, -«.s Dr. J. Van Dyck, 10 5. 11th rtreet, !'! iladel phia, or 502 I'* a a aresne, I'll hmch, Pa. ht&ure to 1 and 2to 7; Sundfcys 10 t., r K ao'/ertisers ::r;rr or> 'Ai- -VAJAS*- g'H E CITIZEN - ~iisci:L ANKOI S. Typhoid. I I)r. EDS on >R.M~ up tho etiolop/ of r. BNLL'F Conirh Svrnp at I 5 cents aud take it regularly. "One fire burns out another's burning, and most pain suffers more to be cured, but Salvation Oil is painl s end certain. It costs only 25 cents. - -Soinc men neverappr I-iate the elevat ing power of re'igion nut:l they get into a hole. — Mme. Patti is not considered an ex travagant woman, and yet money is to her a mere song. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE Eomn:— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tho above-namod disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless eases havo been permanently cared. I shall be glad to send two bottles of iny remedy FREE to any of your resders who havo consumption if they will send rue their Express and P. O. address. Respect fully, T. A. SLOCCM, M. C., ISI Pearl St., X. Y. — lt is surpii MUG how -ome men. after suffering blows of affliction, will find relief in whiskey punches. —lt take a pretty »level-headed opera singer to keep the even teuor ol his waj aud not fall into the trap of the bass. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit In Ail the World There is Bu. One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be (riven In a cup of tea or coffee .with out the knowledge of the pi rson taking t effecting a speedy aud permanent cure. whether fie patient la a moderate drinker or an aieo -1 o'.ic, wreck. Thousands of drunkards have i en cured who have taken tlie Golden Spee •lc In their coffee without their knowlMge. and todav believe they quit drinking of their OWN free will. No harmful effects results rroin Its administration. Cures guaranteed. Jseiid for circular and full particulars. Address, In confidence, G OLDES SPKCIFJC Co., IS3 iiuce at- Cinclnnati, o. Jhe grand prize of the Paris Exposition lottery has lteeu won by an English young lady who is an art student at Geneva. —lt is said that Sir Arthur Sullivan is at present making the greatest effort of his life in composing a grand opera. FIT-..— A1l fits stopp (1 free by L»R Klire'K Oreit Serve Be«torer. .So tits ,aei in days UT >. Marvelous cures. Treat 1: O and SL.I > trial tattle free to Fit eases. Send to Dr. K ne, .-.; I Arcli St.. PUU'a, I'*. —The inveterate borrower is not usually very religious, but he is always preying on his friends. lie is careful to keep the Lent. — Edison has attained immortal fame al ready. His birthday is now noted in the liritish almanacs and his pedigree.is given fn the Italian year-books. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, af.er sufi'ering tor several yesrx with a severe lung alteetiou, and that dread .disease Consumption, in anxious to make krowu to his fellow suller ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will ehee.'fiillj send t tr< eof charge a copy of the prescription u: d, which they wili find a sare care lor Consumption, Asthuia, Catarrh, Bronchitis aud all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Keme'lv, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will ccst them not.iing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address Rl:v. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. — More attention to the matter of mar riage reform would render needless much of the agitation for divorce reform. EMORY Mir.d wardering enred. Books loaned in one reariinjc- Testimonials from all parts of the globe. Prospectus POST 7K£C, sent on application to Prof. A. Loisette, 237 Fifth Avo. New York. r >T • STOPPED'FBEF J 1 > M| Vft Marvrlaus J access. - t •' \ A insane Persons Kestored !-J .'v t'CX*I):-.KLINE 3GF.EAT O,*™ tj NERVEHESTOfTER ! r.f a:/Hk.AtS J '.'aaVK DISRA is i-t/y sure ra* 51 ri-r' f— Kerve Affections, hits t fiUpsy, etc. iXi'\LI.HiLK tl taken r.-» Uirectcti. A »" his after \ «§ ,v,. /. v -, U r. Treatise and j*a trial bottle free to 88 lit : ntimt .ti -y i »ymgexorc*schar 1 feet long by 144 feet wide, and is locat ed in Butler Uvp., on the grounds of '"The Butler Salt | and Chemical Works." He is not vet on exhibition . but when he is ready great i thincs are expected of him and the public will be notified ac cordingly. WANTED • MEN to I.»: .■ ordeis for Nursery Stock, on SAL, ry or < v:-i!ai»l !M. 1 can make a succ 'VSINI SALESMAN i>f '.ne who \ u .v .ri. and follow my In n . street li us. WUI rumlsh handsome nuitltfree. aiel pay your- ilnrv i v e,,t: .n every weelf. Write lor terms I : M . 1 i K. O, GRAHAM, Nurseryman, la 1 ltcchcster, N. Y. R riio o}>])ortunity io secure bargains is now ol • fered you. We are closing out . all seasonable goods and want . to close ihem out quickly., Scotc . ps 2-3 c., linys ehool i caps 20c, heavy shirts oOc, former price To. A big I loi ot heavy gloves and init- I tens at greatly reduced prices, j It will pay you to buy under wear of us it' you don't wear it until next season. Come and see COLBERT & DALEJ 70 S Main street, Butler, Pa. New \ ork Bazaar j HUTLEH, - I'-Y. Annexation Bargains. Although we have to-day the. largest store in Butler, we find it too f-mall to accommo date all our customers. There fore we have rented the store room now occupied by Miss M 11. Gilkey being next door to the Bazaar, and only a par tition wall between them. These two stores will be anex ed by an arch, carpenters and decorators will soon be at work to complete the anexation, which must be done by April 1, wh en we take poses* ion. The New York Bazaar will be cne ol the finest Dry Goods in Western Penn'a,. having a frontage of 48 feet pnd GO leet depth, and will be : :!!ed with the choicest goods the market can afford. We are selling our present s:cck at a big reduction. Come and see the bargains. NEW YORK BAZAAII, 00 8. Main St., Butler, Pa. B. S. NICHOLLS, L. M. HEWITT NEW LUMBER YARD R. S NICHQLLS & CO., Dealers in all kinds of Bough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and Soft Coal We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Kigs, r;tc. Call and get our prices'aiul see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard 011 MONROB ST., XEAB WEST PENX DEPOT, BCTLEK, PA. L. C. WICK, DEALER IN Rough and Worked Lumber OK ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. it W. Depot. BUTLER, - PA. Flailing Mill - AND— Lumber Yarc 1 J. I. ft! RVI- i- O. FUKVIr-. S.G.Purvis&Co, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rough anti Planed Lumber K / «C / !>A: IT:A MIiNOLES, LAIII & SEW Elt PIPE. Butler, Pa. LTJM3EE IS -.bVANCINU. Saw trills, Steam Engines. Shingle Mills, Hay Presses, &c. Ifvou V. :nt a SAW MI 1.1., s'-mf fur Culalusue and ■|" i-lal price lo Intro dace In your section m A. I VIKM IIAl! fO. (I.td.) YOItK. I*A. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balustersj and Newel-pcsts. &AII kinds of wo">l-turning done tooni r, also Decorated ami t.iiveil woti-l-work. such as CasiiiK. ''orner blocks, rauels and all kinds of fancy wood-worlc for lusUie decoration of houses. CALL AND SI.K SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also 2? URraIT Ui K at io*.vest:cas!i priros. Store :t« No. 1), N. Miiin sin «'t. Factory at No. fif), N. Washington street. BUTIJiK. PKNNA. POSITION OFFERED If you are in need of a good paying position and think you have the qualities of a good salesman, you will do well to write us at once. We will pay good toniuii - 'on or j salary and expense* to a good man. The ' i position we oiler is a permanent one. . d , ; dress at once, SELOVIiIt & ATWOOD 1 Nnrsorymeu, G.neva, If. Y I). s li. NEW SPRING Dress Fabrics The new arrivals tire be in ft optQCil u 1 ) each (iov now, nnd thcv cro voted on all sides '*a lot of beauties " 100 pieces of double width Mixed Checks, in browns, greys and olive colorings; not ordiuary every day iookintr i-tuffs, but elegant and stylish : in appearance. Tho cents. The best quality I we ever saw for 50 cents, and worth : every day 65 cents. lleguiar line of new colors of elegant 4<> inch Wool Henrietta ] Cloths at cents. Plenty of stores sell this quality at SI.OO. Handsome new Spring Stripe Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, SI.OO. New Satines New Embroideries. New Wool Suitings. New India Silks. New Ginghams. In fact plenty of new goods and choicest styles in every department. Because" goods are new or eca-ee is no excuse for charging au extra margiu of profit on the sale of them. We do not handle our business on such principles. You can shop with us through our Mail Order Depart ment as satisfactorily as in person. Have you tried it? BOG&S & BUHL, ALLEGHENY. PA. TWO < IIOKE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, | For Girls and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE. A (HA KVAKD GRADUATE.) MEDIA, PA., (Sear Philadelphia.) Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, l'a. THOMAS WASSON, Pr cents, Supper 25 cents. Lodging 'J.J cents, SIMEON NIXON - PItOKK. liItSHUH Si)l;l, No. 88 <.nd 90, S. Main St., - - PA. Near New Court Hon—- former!'.' Donaldson House—Kiwhl :»i coiiiHiodations lor travelers. <; isMblhtfl connected. [4-!i-V.--ly - - 11 KITI.NMi I I.HK. IV..|. r. Willard Hotel W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. STAMJXG IS rOSXKCTION. SA>II : I.E UOOJI lor COJISKKCIAIi TKAYtXEK* SAMPLE UOOM. LIVEI:\ IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogcley (Strictly First C hits.) HENRY L. BECK, PROP K. J. 11. FAUBKL, Manager. Butlor, L'a. Jordan's Restaurant All our renders visiiinjf liutler will do we!! to u<> to Sum .lonian's restiiiinnt f*»r their I:K .'tis We serve LNUEL'.I'P, HI'I drink*, tobacco and eifrars. No. 4, S. Main St.. under Sl'i. L< iiii till It's r!< It ii;(- si ore TO WEAK: MEN ' SnCering from tUc ciTpcts of youthful errors, early " ; decay, wasting weaknesn, lostr:i:.uhood. etc., I will ! Bend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full , particulars f"T homo cure, pREEof charge. A rplen'llii medical work ; should ne read by every inau who is nervous and dobihtated. Address, ! Prof. F. C. FOWLEB, Mootfus, Couir. —Wanted at Qr.ce C'upablc ladies and gents to handle our fortheoniing l>«;ok, e Explorations anil Adventures of Henry M. Stanley in Africa. SOO piipc- and over 200 engravings. Immensely popular. I'rieo only $2.50. Ontlit now ready and mailed for 50 cents. The gucccfx of i>i:r Atjentx in unparalleled. Address, TIIE THOMPSON* Pl : Ii. CO., "25 S. Sixth St., Phil'a, Pa. Livery Stable For Saie. The undersigned will sell \ ] »livery stable. i:i the reiuc . . < of the Wick House, consisP ■ mI : •gwfborses.buggies.slvigbs, .rWIV unless and everything per tn ; n jn„ thereto, and lease the barn for a term of years. My reason for selling is that 1 wish to devote my iittention to other lei ine-<. ALFRED WICK. jj. E. lvastor, J'na-tit iii Slate Roofer. i ;! Qmamenlal and Plain Slating Of all kinds done on short notice Oflice with W. 11. Morris No. 7, N. Main St., Residence North Elm .street, liutler, Pa. List of Applicants for License. The following applications forTavem anil Wholesale LI . rises to -*ll vinous, spirituous malt liid lire" < 1 liiiuors were Ul< d In the fffi - ot the i I rk of the Court of Quarter of Butler . i l'a. and will b.' presented to said I ourt at tl t spd !al wr«>iuiii> to be held at Butler, l'a.. on ! Wednesday, the ljlh day ot March. 1?:«j. appointed lor the purpose ol hearing such cases. WHOLESALE LICENSE. Names. Residence. Place tor which application Is made. j ~r - e stalil. /elleuople Boro. New Castle &u. Zellenople Lore. > lames Cogan. Millers town Boro. SUppeiyrock St.. Milleistown Bom. ItMeph 11 «.rahani 1>- uegalTp. ( etural House, st. Joe. Donegal Tp. I I Bauerh m Urewiii„- i Allegheny Co . Pa. -1 ward. Butler B.*o. K. V,Myae St. | J T. Keil. -ell' w - Pittsburg, l'a. .1 ward. Butler Boro. 1.. st i lolin Mi ' ■ Smith liutler Boro. Pa Butler Born ..: u.. jerterson St., No. 13. | 1 aula K. t.aiubu.'. tn u.. Sutler Boro. •: ;:.-r B ro, IWyijSt. i.eorge \\ i anipbell t -d w . Builer ltori . sd ward. Butler Boro. John D. Brown. - i w.. Butler Boro. i.eort;" 1. ~ri No. I N. Main St.. .A w.. Butler Boro. N.i. .. L. JelfewnsU Jacob B« ikr. \ E. .letlersou St.. '.* a w., Butler Boro. TAVEHN LICENSE. llenry L. Beck. » 3d w, Butler Boro. 3d ward. Butler Boro. 1 Mw> I'.atler B m>. oi w . Nos. m< and ao, s. Main St ( Herman Letboid ( ;.ta a.. Builer Boro. I Uiu. li. 1. u..i .'a w • Butler Boro. .''l w.. No. 10. s. >1 itu St., Builer Uotu. I iuu 1 Low -I ».N. t Coruer ot Main .V • '-d w.. No. 1. N Main St., (Benirew House at Kenfrew.l liutler CO., Pa. i 1 Penu Tp . Butler Co.. Pa. » i iii.il) Nli sin-. i PetersvUle. t ontio lieor IBs ai. iSaxoa Station. Willi Id 1 p.,) i Sa.v n Station, Wmtleld Tp..^ Butler Co., Pi>. f 1 Butler Co.. l*a. / KEL'BEN McKLVAIN, Clerk U. S SAMPLES SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear.' Grand Sample iSc Mid-Winter Sale OP' AN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOODS, HEAVI UOOES, ETC. Having junt rpceived a large line of sample Boots and Shoes from several first-class factories, I take great pleasure in informing you of this great sacrifice sa!e. Among these samples are souie very fine shoes for Men, Ladies and Misses—,-omething suitable for dress and which will be fold at a yerv small margin. 1 have also on hand a big lot of Winter Goods which will be gold during this sale at a great reduction. Among these are 75 cases Men's, Boys' and \ouths' Ivip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskas atd woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, felt, shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, au.l also a big line of Holiday-Goods. But it can't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been having. DO snow, but a constant mud, and under these circumstances wool goods and heavv boots can't be sold at a margin, but we \'» ill will take it as it ; comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these jjoods, but sell them lor whatever they wi 1 bring—this is the method we have mapped rut with the anti-backward season sale. I also intend starting East in a few days and will put my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on uiv Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price and the first time vou visit Butler call around and see me. whether you wish to ; buy or not But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, for you cannot resist the bargains. lam offering — 35 cases Men's Kip Boots at §1.50 and upwards; 25 cases Boye' Kip Boots at §1.25 and upwards; 15 cases \ouths' Kip Boots at and up wards; Ladies' fine sample shoes, ranging in prices from $1 25 to $3.00; 8 ! dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at 25; 79 pairs child s calf shoes, solid leather tip, at 90c. and $1: 300 pairs Men's calf and buff shoes, in button, lace and Cong ,atsl2s to $2.00. Any of these shoes fully j worth from $1.75 to $2.00. Child's school shoes, heel or spring heel, tips or plain toe, at f»sc. to 75c. Call and examine, whether you wish to buy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices. Men's working shoes i in a good Brogan, Creemors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid taps, and ' for the glass house trade we have a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear und comfort Call ahd see these shoes. The ' price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies ot all kinds. Three brands of leather. A full stock Sheffiel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips. Levau calf, etc., etc Zinc, rubber soling.iron, I Swede iron, and ail nails suitable for shoemaking. Shoemakers tools of all kind. Send for our price list and see our prices. Rubber Goodb of all Kinds. ! Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prices Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A large line of Men's fine dress shoes, manufactured by the leading factories ot the Eastern market, . put from any material desired Kangaroo, Cordovan, Porpoise, French calf, [i etc , Machine, Acme and hand welts When visiting Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes of shoes which I will show you. Should you not desire a pair of these at present, don't stay away but call and select for yourself a fine pair of shoes for future footwear. 1 have also on hands 4 dozen of my o»vn make,box toe, : pegged, and line dress shoes which will also be sold during this sale, very cheap At all times a full stock of my own make, box toe boots, long leg, band sided and haDd pegged. Also the celebrated Gokey boot, in box or plain toe. This sale will last for six weeks, as about that time or two weeks pre vious our Spring stock will begin to arrive and the above method we have mapped out for this special clearance sale. Trusting you will all visit my store and secure a share of the bargains I am offering. Hoots and Shoes made to order. Repairing, either in leather or rubber goods, done on very short notice. Mail orders will receive same attention as if brought iu person. A box of fine leather pomade free on application, s Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, "22 S. Main St - - Butler, Pa 'Grand Closing Out Sale! e On Monday, the lOtli of February, we will begin our r closing nut saie. when everything in our store will be ofl'.ired at it-c"st price. On the Ist of April we shall be obliged to quit the millinery business amNlevote our whole attention to i that ol drt-.'-snri-kiug Before this date our go-ids must be sold, and we have put the prices where they must sell at sight. If vou wish to tase advantage of phenomenally low prices call. i If you wish to take advantage of a large stock, call enrly. Remember, the goods must and will be sold, and soon Miss M. H. Gilkey, S. >IAI> ST, IUJTLER, PA OPPOSITE P. O. URESHORV HUBSEBUS. UNION WOOLEN IILI, KIIL It), PxY. UUTLKK, PA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con ; II KULLKRTON, Prop'r. 1 REFERENCES IN' BUTLER: J. F. Lowry, W. T. Meohling, Jatues , Sbanor. .Ir. .1. K Korsvtlnv Ueo. Shutlm-r, ItlailfcelH, Flailjtml Yarn ' l Cl^aml 1^1 " Fml K " il ""'' KM| ' aMd , Mail niacin rod of Pure But . G, F. KING. AGT, U»i County Wool. ' " * J \V>-nuafiiiitoe our noo,i!i! ol Niiwr) sin. k: Steady 1111 fIS I \ 100 more and will .pay Salary and ctnpl'i\ iiii-ni -i '.iMiiti-iMi S.ll.ll'v ami <•> im'ii-*«-•< »» U»II I WK*|ien*s or Mber.il commission paid to su. • -Ml r,. n \i.pn lit oil. •• -talliiir I troin siart •. Iturp ((|iportntilty for any man ii"r Mention thK pup'er wantiui; a position aa iAX'al, Traveling or Gen " ' cilASt' I'oMrANY. cral Ak>'lll for a rt-llable Nursery that guaran- N. V. tee* Its stock. Address, at once. R. D. LuetchTord & Cc. . Nirxnmen, Korhfulfr, Y. , I —Advertise in tie CITIZEN, i Mention ihis paper. 1 LEAdING NILLIHEBY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and NUDS Veiling always ready for use. ISTo- 18. South Main Street, - - - BUTLER» PA. A SOLIO——* STEEL FENCE ij EXPANDED METAL CUT rßowMjTEe'. SOMETHING NEW RES:D€NCFS. CHURCMfS OrMETCRIES. F*RM3 OAROENB CateA, Arbors, \\ inUow Cunrda, Flrr-proof PLiSTERIX* LATH, DOOR VT% ! Jcc. Write for Illustrated Catalogue* rnaileu i'rec j CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ 116 Wiitpr Kl., PittNbnrKh. l'a. w-J»»ro Sm ki' pIL Give uaiae of tins l.a.'jer STEEL Wi Tb« cheapest aad for aroand Lawns, School Lot*. Pou.tr/ Y r 1-. Gardens, Farms, etc. \lao iuanoractur«r?« of Li):ht and Heavy Iron Fencing. Crehtin*:, S .♦ble Fittings, Fi-« Shatters, Fire Escape* of ditiWent '»signs, a-n'ai. kinds of I RON AX I) WIRE W v» ii K. TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 205 Market Street. • PITTSBURGH. PA. fe-e B%T%fDFC 1' un*q«»al»d. «n-i to introduce our ..ilSr I luwrioryood*wwill YxiJF toOKB nKM9 in nek lonlHj, r-iT M B|fcL Mah,f h i W the chsnr«-'AU you h«*e*">dola ft am i« to »how our 10 b Yp tboas who call—your nnchboi* ka ■ and thnt • round yr-u. Ihe b*- shows tbt imtl! en<' of th« tele .K«nt the fiftieth psrt of Its balk. It i» • rrend. double sue tel#- 1 to CUTTY We will slso show eouh wyo« geope. »• l*rce •• f o • from thc c*» Sf.ir "ntee»on/e. We p. y •» eipre w«h-r r «. rij"2 H HALLETT * CO.. Bom »»«T Vo*TLA*u. MAIM We Hotiiallv fj (lllpav tills to our salesmen, OUTFIT \II|||KHKE. can siart you at once. Send U IU Utor terms to J. AUKTIS SHAW. >urtierynmn, Itorhfuter. REE= 1 nu Mb • • iatbl an • • - • -■ •' in v*iui»teadefurs • I sulthcswr r.re Rubber Shoos unless worn imcomfortably tight will often slip off the fret. To remedy I this evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. ofTrr a shoe with the inside of the heel lined wit! rubber. This clinKS to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. Call for tlie ,4 Colche»ter'' "ADHESIVE COUNTERS >nd vou can walk, run or jump in them. I CURE FITS! When I fir CfTMB X do not mean Mil; to itop them for a time, and then have them ro* torn again. I mean A RADICAL CUiU 1 have made the disease ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WARRANT my remedy to Curb the wont cases. Became other* havo failed U no reason for not now receiving a cure, bend at ones for a treatise and a I'limßo rrm of my Iwallibij: Kkmbdt. Give Expre»a and Post Office. It costs yon nothing fur a trial, and It will cure yon. Address H.0.R00T.M.C., 183 PmnSt.. NrwYotK wriSTKII-Agenli to sollelt orders for our '* choice and hardy Nursery Stock, KtMdr Work Kor T.-iupcratc Men. Salary and exnenses or commission If | refer cd. W'rltt! at ouce. State Age, Addre as. R. 6. Chase & 5q ' A. J. FRANK CO. DKALEKS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS* FANCY ANl> TOILET A KTICKS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PEKEI'MEK i, Ac' rir-i-hyslclans' J'rebcrlptlons careful ; pounded^ 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. Q WANTED A 1M E SM E IU to canvass (or.the sale of Nursery St r»re placln;: any ' / Xcw-papur Ai!vorti.-:n(J consult LC.ID fit THOMAS, »ACC. BUT i %\ " 1 ~v w °•■l'l'vi m..... iii frn \l ho'i.e in l:i!l|.T. Wi- |< I I Wo know ..tir business. » * I A in- j.r.. 1 i ilth 11.•■ \ >iin;r V ' M est. 11 * * ' rp uot i'"' richest shoe | "T We've got cnoagli to avoid % % H .house in Hutler. I~v I I the necessity of doing buri * ™ ■--* Fv. uess on the'hand-to-mouth'- basis. %\ T TT^haven \ got the large-t "|"\ T Tf ■ have a brand new one y y it may be thy J that is right up to date. IV. * 1 J |1 haven't got the largestT~JT "T rTI^ 6 admit that the length ol % 1 H earß no relation * ™ I 'house in Butler: ours is-"—' V- - i to the quality of the Hhoes rather short, sold in it. 1 V. * t~Thaven't got the biggest "¥~"\ ~W "T mean to sell our share o * 1 rl shoe trade in the world, r"\ I j I tlje fine shoes handled by us * ' -1 we never expect to-"—' have. VL TT'T'Tldon't sell cheaper than T T We claim that the goods aro % % ri .anybody else; on the ■"V I I I fully worth the price. * * "contrary onr prices are-*— ™ ™ the highest ruling, VH. ITTTlJon't give credit. 6 trjr 10 deal witU our % 1 H .must have the money rx I j I customers so. as to make * ™ -1— "or th.- goods. -■— l" them our friends. VIII. "1 * 7"T71 want to see you Tf | We wish you to remember yy .come and give us a trial, r~V I I where we are located. Do ' * if poods are not just-*—' J- uot forget the number, ti< represented we will cheerfully refund you i our money, 95 S. MAIN ST- -0-0 KILL REMOVE HAY IST BLAOKMORE & QRIEB, WE WANT MONEY! We have too many CLOTH WRAPS AND JACKETS. OVER. $3,000 WORTH. jWc Will (let Kid of Tkm in This Way: We Will Sell * 4 (»0 WRAPS AT $ 2 00 5 oo •• " 2 50 G 00 " " 3 00 8 00 " " 4 00 10 00 '* " 5 Ol) 12 50 " " !i 25 13 50 •« " C 75 15 00 •' ' 7 50 IS 00 '• " 9 00 20 00 " " 10 00 23 50 " " 11 25 2.1 00 " " IJ n0 * This Great Sale begins on Friday, Jan. 24th. Now do not come in next week and ask for, say a 12 wrap at $6; andt when told they are all gone, say we advertise goods we do noi have. The begins Friday. When the sale opens,we wilj have all th<* above goods in stock. We make the sale to sel them, and sell them quick, so that if you want to select from the full line come in early. Ritter & Ralston. BARGAINS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And Silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in the county and at prices not to be equaled lor cash. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J .-R.-G = R—E—l=B— —S . No. 16 South Main St., "*«» of Eliotric Ci«k), BUTLER.PA. DIAMOND I LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa.! FIRST CLASS LAXSDRV WORK IS ALL BBAKCHES. LACK CUKTVISS A SPK«~IALTV. ALSO, CLKAS ISO, DYEI.VO AND CAR PET CLEA.MKO. (ioo