XV VII *T(fILHAM STAN Di .. # *- : jjiL' rrr./ -"*J! 30smainST y ,/ffiar w HENRY BIEHL 14 NOUTII MAIN STREET, BUTLE"R - iPEiiJN 3Si' A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Wheel Barrows, Bra in in or Washing Machines New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Roofing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN, J.R.GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. Sole Agents for Butler, Mercer and Clar tmSm ' on count i es f° r Behr Bros. Magnificent Pi anos' ew by & Evans' Pianos, Sinitli- an 'l Carpenter Organs, Importers of the Celeb rated Stei imeyer Pianos, and Dealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Insmimcms. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds ot Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. 1850 Kstablinhed IN£>o E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St.,l BUTLER, : PA , DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 THIS WEEK, And for the next »W days wo sliali con tinue to clear our shelves ot Winter Goods to make room for ffil SPRING GOODS. Come early as the prices we liave reduc ed them to will move them rapid ly as they are marked very low. Von will find some l>in' bargains at TROUT MAN'S. Loading Dry (foods and Carpet lluuse, Butler, I'a* THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. W. MILLER, Architect. f '®ce 011 s. w. < '»• in r uf Diamond. Plans ami speeiilc.Aions tor cheap and cxpen s.\e oui'uiii-.i Di.uk- on snort notice. A. A. KELTY, M. D. Office 3 dixirs south of tlio llou.-A' Main St., Butler. l"a.. on second iloor of Ket j w-rer's builillu-. Residence „u \v. Jefferson .si G. M. ZIMMERMAN. rn YBICIAK AMI SfKOEON, Office at No. 4.1, s. Main street, over Frank < Co's Imijc Store, Butler, Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 vVent Cunningham sit., BUTLER, ZPZEUNTHM '.A W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN AN " SURGEON S. w. Corner Main and North sta. . J=t U TLBa IPZEJJM UST'-A DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. i DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA All work pertaining to the profession exeeut eil in I lie neatest manner. .Sjioi-ialtles : Hold Killings, and Painless Fx traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Olllre on li-ffirhnn Street, one iloor Kant of Lour] Ifuuae, t p stairs. Office open daily, except Wednesdays am Thursdays Communications by mail receivt prompt attention. K. ll.— The only BentUt in Ruller u-liik Ihi b«—t makes of t«*th. J. W HUTCHISON, attorney at law. Office gu second floor <-f lh< Jlnseltou block, I'lmnoiid, Butler, Pa., Boom No. l. | A. T. KI'OTT. J. f. WILSON. SCOTT & WILSON, ATTORN EYfi-AT-LAW. Collections a hpi claliy. Office at No. 8. South KMM, MW I'-'i JAMES N. MOORE, ArrowNiv-AT-Liw ami Xutabt llißi.tc. j Office In Kooiu No. I. second floor of Huselton Block, entrance on lilamond. P. W. LOWRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. 3. Andcr.-.on Building. Hutler. Pa. A. E. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on wcoiid floor of New Anderson Ilk* k Main St..- near Diamond. •IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. 17, least Jeffer son St.. Hutler. I'a. W. C. EINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. s we will ofl'er bargainn in all our gilt and embossed wall j>.-ijk-th, in onler to reduce stock and make room lor Holiday (foods, J. H. Douglass, Near L'osto flice, liutler, I a Ail*i-.rii«« Id '.ho Cn r/tn Won the "Wlrider" Over. iGpie P. Uead, ia Baltimore Sunday News.; .As nearly as I can remember the follow ing ia an experience related to me by Peter S. Sorrels, the well-known railroad builder : I \Va were building a road through an ex ceedingly wild section of country. We had experienced a (Treat deal of trouble, not in (securing the right of way from the State, but in i) a evangelist an' rid a spotted mule. All I'm here fur is t» give you a little ad vice. Bless your soil, 1 lore you all, an' don't wi.ut to see none of you git hurt." "II you do not intend to commit vio lence wbut do you mean bj implying that Mime of us may get hurt?" "W'y, bless you, I mean that it will be dangerous to try to run yoir roi«d through that skirt uf woods." "Why so?" T asked. "W'y, bless your innocent photograph, that place out in there dangerous. I ain't no ignorant idouch, gentlemen. I've traveled, 1 have. W'y, I've been to town, the county . eat of this here county, and, gentlemen, if you try to run your road j through this wood., you'll lind out when I ! it's too late that you've made a mighty ' j embarras in' mistake. I\"y, gentlemen, [ I've planted dynamite in thar, and if you should happen to hit it—and I don't see how you run miss it—w'y, then there'll he old Nick to pay, and not a cent in the houi.e. Beautiful weather we're bavin' lur the time of year, ain't it?" My men dropped their tools. "This is an outrage!" 1 exclaimed. "Ves," said he, "and 1 shouldn't wonder i if we didu't have rain putt}* oou. Thar : ain't no confidence to lie put in weather j this time of year. If I only had lifly dol \ lars I would take the dynamite awuy and j go to town and enjoy niyilf. 1 am u mighty hand t<> have a good time. Ale and my brother ike was just alike in that re- spect, but Ike he's dead now, and here 1 am plaulin' co'u and dynamite lor a In iu'." I ordered the men to proceed, but they turned away. I argued wiLb theiu told them that we inn t reach a certain point by a certain time, but they paid no at tention to me. 1 had #SO, but needed it to buy provisions with, and, in fact, did not feel dinposed to yield, anyway, lint w hat could 1 do? The men were frightened, and to tell the truth, I didn't feel any too easy myself. "ilere are fitly dollars." said I; "take your infernal lull' away." the woods, soon returning with several small packages, lie shook hands with me and then went away. That ufteruoon an old man came up anil, addressing me, said: "I hated to let you go through the e woods, but I reckon it lor the best." "What have you to do with these woods?" I asked. "Nothin', only I own 'em." I related my experience with the ilyne mite man. The old fellow laughed. "VY'y," said he, "that man don't own a foot of laud nowhar. lie come here as a sort, of a writin' master, and I'll bet he never seed no dynamite." — WtttT" ™ " A Saucy Business Loiter. V story is told of a prominent clothing firm. Looking over their books they dis covered an account of longstanding. "Write him a saucy letter," said the junior member to the book keeper. "Yes, make it strong," said the senior. The book keeper followed instructions and penned the following : "Your account is past due. If you do not settle within ten days we will draw on you at sight." This letter Was handed to the firm. "l)o you think that this is a smart let ter T" a ked one of theui. "It is a business one," said t-ic hook keeper "Well, I don't think so," replied the former. Give me your pen, anil I'll show you the way to do it, ami he proceeded to write the following: "Who bought my goods? You. "Who promised to pay them? You. " Who didn't do so ? You. "Who is a liar and a thief? " Y ours." And, alter niguiug the firm's name, lie handed the effort ehucklingly to the book keeper. An Absent-Minded Farmer. Scottish American j A Scotch farmer who was a little ah • lit minded was one day going into I'eth with a load of hay. lie led the horse out of the stable, but instead of backing it into the trams of the wagou he ah enl minded ly led the animal along the road,and never as much looked behind him till he walked Into the yard, leading the horse, where the lay was to be delivered. "Whaur will I jack into?" he cried ton stableman standing by. "{lack iu what?" asked the man. "The hay, you stupid idiot." "What hay, nae hay, ye daft gowk." Turning round, to his con ternation, the farmer for* the first time apprehended the fact that he bail left the wagon at home, and brought the horse alone In his hurry to repair the error ho started off at a trot, ami was half way back to his own farm before he realised the fact thai he had left the horse behind Satire in a Boston Sign. My attention was attracted iu a west end drug store lately to a placard which struck me an not a bail satire on the 100 c iiens with which some of our ntatnte are interpreted by the ib ileri whom they affect, as well as enforced by the nfljcurs of the law. The inscription on placard was as follows: "Cigars and cigarettes sold on the Sabbath for medicinal purpo.es only " llomloh l'n l. 1113 Flr«t Holiday. Smith- Vou how a great ileal ol boyish enthusiasm over your coming trip to Kurope. Why, you've crossed several times before, haven't you? Uohilisou Yes, but this is my first trip without my wife J tltlf/f The llirminghaiil I Lug , Mrrcniif < .ill'' I T. lie Witt Talmage "the biggest whole sale man iu American rcligiou." Thin Macadam Roads. Mr. James Owen, county engineer of i L>sex County, X. J. ( tinder whose diree tion the admirable macadam roads about i Orange have been, send.-? tlie following | communication on their construction to i Thr Engineering uml Miiihlituj llrconl. I ■ m'.C" i'»yw»i 11 ■ Mr. Oireu, in the sixties, in the construe j lion of park roads in Brooklyn, when the I thickness of pavement was ncTer less than •sixteen inches, laid on a bed of 12 inches | of sand, and was undoubtedly a Telford pavement. When, however. I had to ini tiate in New Jersey a more economical system, I decided on a depth of 12 inches, 8 inches of pavement and 4 inches of brok en stone; between 30 anil 40 miles were constructed of this depth in the avenues radiating from Newark through the Or anges and Montclair. They have stood the wear and tear for sixteen years admir ably, of course with proper repairs, anil in only two or three instances did the founda tion ever blow up. These roads were county | roads, and really main arteries, but when the local committees decided to build their own roads, the divergence of opinion and lack of crystallized sentiment led to the adoption of anything from 4 to 12 inches, and the result has been in the same ratio as the thickness. -*-*--" . , , roads ID to and th* t •• , , I■ ■ ■ ■ ... .i.and the uniformly good condition of their roads is proverbial, liloomfield and Montclair have been build ing theirs ii imjies, and the difference isre i mark able; ruts quickly appear, holes are • common, and they look, as they are, cheap roads. In these cases, however, there was ■an attempt at a pavement. In other | townships, like Clinton, Millhurn and | parts of South Orange, no attempt has i been made further than to spread 4 to C inches of broken stone on the natural soil, , and the result shows that it is to a certain ■ extent a waste of money. The only ad vantage accruing in such a road is to keep | tli'i wagons from getting mired, but aa i means' of travel they do not reach to a i very high order. In the red sandstone formation of New ■ler ey.in which all the roads mentioned are laid, there are critical periods, especially when the frost i t coming out, when it seeing absolutely necessary to have a foundation of some sort to keep tin- roads from breaking up, and only in specially favored localities is it possible to keep a 6 inch pavement without rutting unless there i . a sharp fall to the roads. In the latest rond built j ill this section at Belleville I adopted a rule of making the thickness of pavement as follows For grades flatter than 1 per cent. 10 inches; between 1 and 4 per cent. 8 inches; and over 4 per cent. C inches. This is the thinnest construction advisable in this locality with any certainty of good, permanent results, unless the roads are merely built as a preventive from mir ing iustead of for travel. In conclusion, 1 wish to deprecate as strongly ai possible the idea of doing cheap work in road construction, as in my ■ xperienee there i i none money wasted in these attempts than is generally realized. A community, if educated lo a proper litandard, will prefer to spend u dollar well than fifty cents in makeshift..!, and it should be the duty of every engineer to guide them to that cud. Education. A Detroit father has undertaken a little -iritfnfr' mrm frttiY up . lang,lbe use of ambiguous terms of speech and other peculiarities affected by the youth of the day. Yesterday he asked his 14 year-old where a certain book wn.. "1 haven't any idea, papa!" answered the young lady. "I didn't ask yon for ideas," said the father sternly; "just answer my question. W here is that book?" "Ou the top s lift fin tin; book case," re cited the girl like a parrot. "Can yon reach it?" "Yes, sir." There was a long silence, the father waiting impatiently for the book. At last lie asked: "Nell, why don't you bring it.'" "Bring what, sir?' "The book I wanted." "You u years old under the de lu.-ion lhat die could could pick up gold iu the .treets. lii her early day h she owned tiiul personally worked a farm in Ireland, und continued it for many years. Shu has three children, twenty grandchildren and eighteen great grandchildren living. The other woman is Mrs. Llizabcth Schtiman, who lives with her son in law, Jacob I'ustorious. She was bom iu llar risburg, I'a., m I" HM . and therefore 101 years old. Shu is iu possession of all tier fatuities, and has four children, forty grandchildren and eighteen jjicui grand chililn Ii The gold iu the l ulled States treasury weigh i 'Mil tons, anil the silver WOO tons. It put ill a p'le like wood the gobl Would make a p'le 335 feet long, four feet liiyh and four feet in width. Tim silver would he 4,2 long Burial Treatment "l saw that man buried forty years ago.'" The remark was made by Sergeant Cart right a few days since, .ays the Atlanta Constitution, and as he spoke he pointed I to a sturdy looking man of middle age who «l'wf U pi"* Ift | "Well, it w a curious story. «)u u farm i adjoining the one on which 1 was horn ! livctl old Cacle Hilly Christian, a good I man and true as ever lived. I'ncle Billy j had rt son who was a good deal older than ! myself. This young man was unfortunate ly afflicted with acute inflammatory rheu matism. All over his body his ilesh was ! just like a boil, and he suffered agonies and tortures untold. Old Uncle Hilly owned a woman called Aunt Hetty, who was fa mous all over the community as a weaver. One day I was sent over there to get some weaving that she had don.; for our family, and while there 1 saw young Christian buried. Somebody told the family that if they would dig a hole and bury young Christian in the earth for forty-eight hours, first putting on him a mixture of turpen tine and other homely medicines, it would enre him. Like anybody else, they decid ed to try the remedy *« « ' I resort, and they went to work to carry out the heroic f«.n j_ii.H'ribeii. Well, *ir, when I got then- they had dug the hole and plac ed the poor fellow in il. all lint bis head, which was not affected, and, after packing the dirt around him, they remained to watch the effects of the cure. He endured the confinement for the prescribed period, although suffering intensely during the whole time, and when they took him out he hardly looked likr the same man. l!ut. from that day forward he began to im prove. The rheumatic affectiou disappear ed, he begun to fatten up, and linally be came as sound and hearty as any man in the community.'' "And that is the uiun'" •'That is he. Years have passed since, then, and Christian lives today, a hiking testimonial of the efficacy of the burial treatment in cases of inflammatory rheu matism." Salem Wilchcrafl. Some young girls have of Jut.- been do ing such things at Salem,in Massachusetts, as would have caused very serious trouble hod they been done two centuries ago in tliut sleepy old town. A .short time since it was found that the organ in the North I Church refused to work, and investigation showed that the water motor of the instru ment had been tampered with by some person or persons unknown. Then the ceiling, which had hitherto maintained its integrity, was discovered to lie cracked in various places, as if by the presence of some heavy weight bearing down upon il. Traces of brimstone were found in the belfry, and the hymn books of the choir were inscribed with names which should never have appeared in them. All these lliing< troubled the inhabitants of Salem, but a little quiet examination resulted in showing that there wm nothing of more importance in thein than the fact that, at a loss for something better to do, a num ber of Salem girls had formed an "invinci hie league," each member of which was in honor hound to do what the leader did. One of their ambition- was to climb every church tower in town, and in the pursuit of this lofty ambition one of the girls had fallen from a beam above the ceiling of the North Church, and hud .tracked the olas them, the merry maidens confessed the whole conspiracy, their parents made ample apology for them, and this was the end of the matter. Really » *.v ■ t.. \ .•« »n.T" there, exactly where the surgeon had located it, w.m the wound he had expect ed. The injured part was removed by the surgeon's knife, the circular piece of skull quickly and skillfully sew n on again, the head bound up and the little patient allow ed to come to life. To prove that the surgeon was light in his diagnosis as to the cause of the upi lepsy. the convulsions ceased after the in jured brain was removed, aud the child was recovering rapidly at last accounts. flirls Not So Anxious lo Wed. One of the most striking features of the century now dragging to a close, to those who can remember clearly tho last thirty years, is the changed nttitude of the fairer sex toward the world and its affairs. Then the ambition of every young woman was to be married Marriage was success in life, Hpinsteihood was a failure. Nothing but some pronounced and approved luis t.ion in life could excuse siugle blessedness ill woman. Today our young girls arc more likely to show a desire to be self-supporting and independent. The term "old maid" is no longer obnoxious to them. They pant for practical education. The girls of the fam ily are often more earnest students than the boys. They think more of making their rtwn living than the}- do of making an advantageous match. They envy those of their sex who make good incomes by the work of brain* and hands instead of disparaging such work. Jietroit Free I'l't'SS. —Rev. Dr. Talmage has been roaming over the stamping ground o! King Sol omon, and he estimated that when the boom of that champion wise man and .Napoleon of liiiauce was at its height he possessed $3,400,000,000 in gold and $.">,145,000,377 in silver. This is several times more money than would puy the en tire debt of the I'uited States. When the of Sheba visited him it is no wonder that "there was no more spirit in her" when she inspected his 4,000 stalls for horses, his 700 head of wives, anil his hired help without number. If Solomon were living no" in this etiuntrv. nu uuau mull. The only bar to bis taking a seat in that body would be bis unnecessary and incon venicnt stock of wisdom. —The anthracite aud soft coal miners of this State have had a sad holiday season this winter. The mild weather has caused a weak market; the mines are being shut down nil around, and the decreased de inand docs not promise that work will soon be renewed. When I'atti, tlie singer, was in Chicago lately some of the swells put on the bell boys' coat.i and rati up lo do her bidding just to get a glimpse of the cautatricn "at home." The Mine, remarked with sur prise, that many of the bell boys "wear diamonds." And all this curiosity to get a daylight glimpse of a woman 4"> years old who dyes her hair! —The South i:t sincerely mourning tho death .if young Kditor tirudy. Tho best way t» honor his memory would l>u to accept bin teachings. liesules cxhortiug the Southern States to cease to dwell on tint past and hold fast in accepting the lesion of failure, it win lie who character ized Abraham Lincoln as "tho first typical American, tho lirst who comprehended within himself all the strength and gentle lioss, all tho majesty and grace of thin ro public." The People arc not slow to understand that, in order to warrant their manufacturers in guarantee them to benefit or cure, medicine* must possess more than ordinary merit and cura tive property. I>r. J'ieree'u (ioldeu Modi c'il Discovery is tho only blood medicine sold, through druggists, under a potihiH i/uoranlrf that it will booelit or cure or money paid for it will be retnrnod. In all blood, skin and scalp diseases, and for all scrofulous affections, it i t specific. SSOO lie ward offered by the proprietors of l»r. Wage's Catarrh Remedy for an iu curable case. Flooring His Pa. .lohuuy Say, pa, are you iu favor 'if tho bible in the public schoolsf father Of cour.lfl. Why do yon ask met "Mothiu 1 . Only 1 notice yon never havo one in the house." The new Sultau of Zanzibar favors a good umler landing with tierman}', and the agents of the Kust African Company count upon his support. Mis.i Charily—"la your husband ad dieted to the UHO of alcoholic stimulants?" Iteeipiclit of Aim: "No, iudade, lOUIiI, not he; hi t only liiiliu' is drinkin'." While they are producing au elixir to make old people younger, it would be a great blessing if they could get up some thing to make some young people older. The solo survivor of tho battle of Traf algar is believed to be Kmanucl Louis Car tlpnv. who H livinr »t llveren lie wn < a cabin hoy on board the French snip nfi flollbt ithlc A until skilled in hgures has calculated the time required lor a Joirue) rouud the earth, and gives the following results : A man, walking day and night, without rest mg, would lake 458 days; an express train 40 days sound at a medium tempera dire, hours; a cannon hall, "151 hours ; light, a little over one tenth of a second, and eleelrh ity, pa . iug over a copper wire, a little under oue tenth o( a second That love is blind is very clear, lor no the proof doth tell; That love, too, has a fault) ear Appeareth true as well, For folks will often partners get With voices so at war With harmony that, the) might set Tho edge upon a UW. AGRICULTURAL. A piece of horseradish, put into a jar of I pickles, will keep the vinegar from losing its strength. Dishes browned by use may be cleaned 1 by letting them remaiu half or three j tera of r.n honr in boiiinp soda-water j Tl.m ugly rust will depart when treated i with cream of tartar. Tie a little of th« ; powder in the stained parts, and boil a lew moments iu clearwater. Powdered borax seems to be more thor- J oughly endorsed than any other remedy for j c rot on bugs and cockroaches. But it will j not be of much use unless used plentifully i aud persistently. j To dispose of dry bread, slice it, taking , off the crust ; dip first in milk sweetened ar.d flavored, then in a well-beaten egg; try it, and strew sugar over it as you take it from the pan. Lemon juice will whiten frosting, cran i berry or strawberry will color it pink, aud the grated rind of an orange strained through a cloth will render it yellow. The white cinder that you can reduce to dirt with the linger is what I clean my spoons and polish ray tinware with, Very little rubbing jut necessary when llkla laoihuii of l«*uVklli£ C Dissolve two-thirds of a pound of soap in a pail of boiling hot water, add one-half enp of kerosene, aud put all into a boiler half full of cold water, in which are the soiled clothes. Coil fifteen minutes and suds and rinse as usual. HOW TO CUBE KKRVOCB IIOBSES. "Finely-bred, intelligent horses," said a trainer recently, "are often nervous. They are quick to notice, quick to take alarm, quick to do what seems to then), in moments of sudden terror, necessary to es cape from sudden harm, from something they do not understand. That is what makes them shy, bolt and run away. Wo cannot tell what awful suggestions strange things offer to their minds. It may be that a sheet of white paper in tho roadway seems to the nervous horse a yawning chasm, the open frout of a baby carriage may be the jaws of a dragon ready to de vour him, and a man on bicycle some ter rifying sort of a flying devil without wings. Directly, however, ho becomes familiar with these objects, and he is entirely in different to them. Therefore, wheu your horse shies at anything, make hiui ac quainted with it, let him smell it, touch it with his sensitive upper lip and lookclosely at it lie may not learn all in one lesson, but continue the lessons, and you will cure your horse of all nervousness.''— Horn*, Farm ami Factory. AS ITEM IN BtTTTEK UAKINO. John Gould, whoso opinions are worth reporting, says that it is a mistake to sup pose that sour cream makes more butter from the cream than sweet. Souring adds nothing; it simply assists the churn to re cover more fat from tho cream. In sweet cream the emulsion is perfect. If sweet cream is diluted abont three times its bulk iu water at eighty degrees, aud allow od to raiso a second time, the difference between the amount of sweet and sour creaiu butter will lie inconsiderable, show ing that souring the cream is,aftor all,only another way of liberating butter fats from the combined sugar, cheese and fibrin emulsion. It was asserted by the late Professor Arnold that fho adding of a small amount, of pure cider vinegar to TO BREAK SETTINU HENS. Even the moat determined can readly bo induced to chungc her miud on this point and bo persuaded not to set, by taking a dry goods box two feet square, more or less, placing it with the open side on the bare gronnd ; put tho hen under tho box, taking care of tho veutilation by raising one side half nn inch or so. I.eavo the hen without food or water for four days, then turn her loose iu the morning; If she still wants to set, shut her up again for three days more without food or water,then liberate her. This is not u very cruel treatment, as a hen ready lo set is always encased with a prodigious amount of fat, which would keep her alive without a bit of food or water for three or four weeks. Milk fever nearly always results from overfeeding the cows previous to calving. It is usuul to feed all the cows alike, and as the dry cow is not compelled to convert the greater part of her food into milk, the consequence is that shu stores up the sur plus as fat, and in a very short timo be comes fat enough for the butchor, and ut terly unlit for breeding. When the calf is dropped it may be weakly, and does net promptly assist iu relieving the udder. The cow being also fat and feverish the result is milk fever. A cow that is expected to calvo should receive only a small propor tiou of carbonaceous food. Hay is prefera bio to grain. The best wealth is the fertility of the soil The country that largely Imports fertilizers and plants food will become gradually wealthy, and the time will coma when such country will havo more for sale than she can consume. Fertilizers are inoro lasting and permanont than gold,and can be drawn upon for a return when everything else fails. Tho same applies to the individual farmer. The richer hit soil the greater his resources and tho moro se cure his investment. CLOV KH. We advise dairy men lo sow clover aoed; how it on your wheat, rye, barley or oata; sow it anywhere that il will grow and give you a crop of hay. No matter what other kind of feed you have, nor how much you have of it, if you can food good, bright, early-cut and well cured clover hay you are sure of having tho foundation of a ration more or less perfect, according to what the rest of it is composed of. lie- Hides its use dry, as hay, clover cut green for feeding iu summer is one of the besl soiling crops we have. We have never tried it for eusilage, but those who havo say it makes good feed, but it costs more in proportion lo put in the silo than corn does. Iu addition to its value as feud for stock tho roots of the clover plaut make oue of the best fertilizers for other crops. No farmer will go wrong iu sowing clover, if it will grow ou his farm, but It is not a good crop to sell off the farm, as it carrios too much of the fertility of the farm with it.— Stockman. —Hood's Karsaparilla wins new victories . .—ww uivie pojMuar every dny. —Count Pfuil, the African explorer, has returned to Herlin wijh his health broken down. He will make a tour of the United ,States iu the uutumu. The Helena, Mont., supreme court has decided that the state officers may draw their salaries without any appropriation being made for that purpole by the legis lature. Judge Powers, tho leader and organ ize! of tho late successful liberal campaign at Halt Lake, Ftah, was given a banquet recently. * An agricultural paper advises: ''Grind your own bones. " hemaiktbta ad rival NO 17