[CARTER'S FE^A CURE mi.tr Reed*"he and relwrve all the trouble iuei Seat to ■ bilious itMt* of the system. soeb as II Tiiiin Xaasea. Drowsiness. Distress aft*r f-n-ir pain in the Side. &c While thetr most innrEmlilr success has been shown in curing SICK fUaAlwhO. Jtt CißTra's Lime LIVFB PtIAS an equally valuable in Constipation, rtirine preventing this annoyinz complaint. whll« Sn alsoaorrwt all disorders of the at- mart, g|i|Mthii> the liver and regulate the bowels. Xves ii they only cured HEAD a»Ka they would he almost pßteelew to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fbrtnnately their poodneea does not end har» and thone who once try them will find feaae little pills rateable in so many ways that fc*r will not be willing to do without them. g«f after all sick bead ACHE li the bane ofVi man y Btp>* that here Is where we aoake oar great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Ctim'a LITTLE I.rvE? PILLS are very •mall very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They ar® strictly vegetable and do mot gripe or porge, but by their gentle action Cse all wtw um them. In vials at 2S cents; for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mafl. CASTX2 xzsicon CO., Vew Tort. falU halite. halFrice. Wolff *s A C MEb I a c k in f BEATS the World. It Is the HARNESS BRESSING The BEBT for Men's Boots - Ladle*' " " " Children's" ABHOLVTEJ.Y frATr.ltM(Of>F SOFTENS and PHESERVEStf-e ! eaf.Of Ontu * %r*tl• for «*#•*'• b*nt* a»*l onre >• - - •}. Wrw'i U AM V U JOT r" It ruljf* *' j ft* adwoKjO and truwt dur*: i« too I/at h*T» to grm n aii«J jfilii ntl • in* brueh bm wtoa *r.d try it. BfAi&c > Fmr.diafhor worked hard to no r+zp'-r. j u eh not ynoroatf thai won* than tHK.MK 1 * -r Said ly Gmo»T9 J>r ifffet* and W3LFF & RANDOLPH. PHiUDt^HiU OONSUMPTIOH OUUI I a 80EOnJLA EMULSION OOUQra ITIB fllinPA GOLDS wUnM Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's is not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sol/l by all Druggists. 800TT & iiOWNE, 1 < n-.ias, S. T. CATARRH RLY'x CREA V HAL V is not a liquid muff or potrdcr. Applied into nottrih i* quick! u nbnorhr sort* Her.tore* the *cn*es of ta*tc ami tun 11. limits tl Druyijfiftt , t*y i».. * Ely Brothers, . DOCTORS LAKE I i'KIVATE DISPKNBAKY. OFFICEH, 3S I'tNN A VK, —PITTSBURGH, PA All (urn* of Dclleata and fom- plicated Marine* i l Iu i r 111 c,,svb bKsiiAf. aud hi'ii.Mirii; M»ii>a- Nou are tnaifl at tbls In-iiTi-^iry with a imiea Ce/tly alluiiinl. lir.H. K. I«.k« 1» a in.mU r ol the Boysl CuUexe of i*by«icl:.tis and and in Hie uld'-Kt and IU"*L ei -!''!W :- , |„ the tity. 8(«clal attention given to Kervotia I>-f-i]ity from axiesalve montal eiertion, Iciilx rklluo* ol y .uth canalnf physical Rial nteotal decay, lack of aui ntr, il«"i»nueney,etc.; alao < awn, Old >'it>, I'll"", itheumalliiiii and all d,ae»iea of the .Nit la, Blood, Urinary <»irana. An. O>owillaikia free and strictly confl.leallal. Off,. ~ houri'j to 4 ami ItoK p. m.; flun'layi 2toi p. in. only. Call it ,ifl« or uddrt a S. K. LAUK, U. D. M.lt C.P.B. or K.J. l»sk, M. 0 Taou»;. n t* na.iit'.nuji curr»i by I'IfILAJiKIFHIAfA. f at oil f«. no frpwmtlf»t» or IIIM* of tlmi from l>ii»in«;it« i UMM prom mm i-«l iu «ui;»bta 'jy tdtusr* n+ultrd. for ('lrciflar. cum eiSIKIS, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On tb« feinal* (men, neck, aoi»o f^R^2SjHCS|Hflk »»», h*n'l4, cliMka ftbovo iL« beard Hue aud be- /£s> iwneutlieuywbroffe Xeadio Operatloa \ I by Dr. Van I>/ck, V Klactro Knrifitoa, \ JV KB Penn aveunn, i 7 i'ittabarirb. Hlrtli marks, Moles. it if Warta, Me»'. lt«"iu»of the a. »o, P V 1 baaia. Liver Nputs sod all .IWaa>»« and Memlahoa of tho akin, <■ ".plaxlou, lialr au ANEOL S A Rural Jingle. Sambo Snckaig Sol' a knife for a dock aig: The dnck aiff vruz rotten. En" he sol' it fer some cotton; The cotton wuz saf. t.n' he sol* it fer a calf. The calf -xnz little. En' he sol' it fer a kittle: The kittle wa. J broke. En' he sol" it fer a yoke; The yoke wnz split. En" it's time to quit. —Very many of the healthiest people | keep them«elves in such condition by the i occasional use of a reliable cathartic, and ; they pre the preferf-nce to Laxador as more fully serving their purpose than any other similar remedy. Only 25 cents. Sleepless nights and cheerless days will be prevented jf you u>e Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup to induce sleep and composure for | the baby. Price 25 cents. —Postmaster-Gsneral TV'anamaker in tends to present twelve gold medals to the twelve railway mail clerks who make the best records during the year. You may sing of the beauty of springtime That glows on the cheek of the young. But I sing of a beauty that's rarer Than any of which you have sung. The beauty that's seen in the faces Of women whose summer is o'er. The autumn-like beauty that charms us Far more than the beauty of yore. But this beauty is seen too rarely. The faces of most women lose the beauty of youth too soon. Female disorders are like frosts which came to nip the flowers which betoken good health, without which there can b& no real Beauty. If our American women would fortify themselves against the approach of the terrible disorders so prevalent among them, by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, their good looks would be retained to a "sweet old age.' This remedy is a guaranteed cure for all the distressing weaknesses and de rangements peculiar to women. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, one a dose. Cure headache, constipation and indigestion. —The startling announcement is made in the Philadelphia papers that during the month of January the number of deaths in that city exceeded the number of births by 500. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tint Eoitob:— PleMe inform your reader* that 1 have * positive remedy for the above-named di m&m. By its timely u«e thoneands ofhopc!e«a eaaea have been permanently cnr*d~ I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of jonr reader* who have '•onunmption if they will •end me th#-ir Lxpr*** and P. O. a/Mr***. ISeopect faliy, T. A. oUKI'M. M. C., Iti Pearl St., >\ Y. —Eighty per cent, of the paupers of Missouri are males. This speaks well fo r fhe women of that State; they make less money than the men, but they know better bow to use it. Drunkenness —Liquor Habit In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of tea or cofTe«' with out the knowledge of the person taking It effecting a sperxly anrt permanent cure,whet her the patient Ik a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousand of drunkards have uwd turnl *h'i have lakrn the Golden (Spar ine In their coffee without their knowiiut;,'.-, and today Ix-lleve they <|Ult, drinking of their own free will. N'o harmful effects res* Its from lt« administration. (Jure* guaranteed. Send for circular and full |i»rtlci,lant. Address, In confidence. Courts HrecincCo., iso itace St. Cincinnati, O. is. fcj B. NEW SPRING Dress Fabrics The new arrivals ore beinjr opened op each day now, and they are voted oo all sides ''a lot of beauties " 100 pieces of double width Mixed Checks, in browns, grey« aud olive colorings; not ordinary every day looking stuff*, but elegant and stylish in appearance. The fact is that these goods a;*e exact copies of high-cost foreign Koodii. We bought ihe entire lot end will offer them at the low price of 35 cents. Another lot of those double width (27 inch) Mixed Tricots at 15 cents A lot ol 40 inch Colored All Wool #s»!Tges mSO cents. The best quality •Ve ever saw for 50 cents, and worth every day 65 cents. Regular line of new colors ol elegant 40 inch Wool Henrietta Cloths at 75 cents. Plenty ol stores sell this quality at SI.OO. Hand entiie new Spring Stri|#« On us Goods, 42 inches wide, $1 00. New Hatines New Enibroiderieg. New Wi.ol Siiiiings. New India Hilks. New (iifi^bains. 11l fact pleuty of new goods HDi) ebc icenl styles in every department. f.'ecause goodtt ar.- new or scarce is n-> excuse for <;bargitJK an extra •Knri( U of pt olit "I tbe sale ol tbem We d<» not banill i our bu-ifies" on «ueb principles You can shop with mm through our A tail Older Ilepart nietif tts saliitfact« .rily as iu perbon. Have you tried it? BOGGS & BUHL, AILEGHi NY. FA. MiOlin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, I'rop r. One square west of Mfc in Bt., on Mifflin Bt. All good, sa/* horses; new buggit* arjrses U+s xrsi hoarded. I >ETF.R KKAMEK, Prop'r 39, .loffersun kit , Butler, Pa. SAMPLES. SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear." Grand Sample &: Mid-Winter Sale OF ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOODS, HEAV* GOOES, ETC. HaviDe just received a large line of sample Boots and Shoes from several first class factories, I take preat pleasure in informing you of this great sacrifice sale. Among these samples are some very fine shoes for Men, Ladies and Misses—something suitable for dress and which will be sold at a very small margin. 1 have also on hand a hip lot of Winter Goods which will be sold during this sale at a jjreat reduction. Among these a:e 75 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskas and woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, felt shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a big line of Holiday Goods. But it can't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been having, no enow, but a constant mud, and under these circumstances wool goods and heavy boots can't be sold at a margin, but we will will take it as it comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these goods, but sell them for whatever they will bring—this is the method we have mapped cut with the anti-backward season sale. 1 also intend starting Eaxt in a few days and will put my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on mv Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price and the first time "you visit Butler call around and see me. whether you wish to hoy or not. But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, for yon cannot resist the bargains. lam offering — 35 cases Men's Kip Boots at $1.50 and upwards; 25 cases Boys' Kip Boots at $1.25 and upwards; 15 cases Youths' Kip Boots at $1 00 and up wards; Ladies' fine sample sloes, ranging in prices from $1 25 to $3 00; 8 dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at $1 25; 79 pairs child's calf Bhoee, solid leather tip, at 90c. and $1: 300 pairs Men's calf and bufl shoes, in button, lace and Cong ,atsl2s to $2.00. Any of these shoes fully worth from $1.75 to $2 00. Child's school shoes, heel or spring heel, tips or plain toe, at 05c. to 75c. Call aud examine, whether you wi.-h to buy or not. 25 eases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices. Men's working shoes in a good BrogaD, Creemors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid taps, and for the glass house trade we have a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear and comfort. Call ahd see these shoes The price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies ot all kinds. Three brands of leather. A full stock Sheffiel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips. Levan call, etc., etc Zinc, rubber soliug.iron, Swede iron, and all nails suitable for shoemakiner Shoemakers tools ot all kiud. Send for our price list and ate our prices. Rubber Goods of all Kinds. Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prices Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A large line of Men's fine - mauuf'ictured by the leading factories ot the Eastern market, cur from arsv material d<-iri-d Kangaroo, Cordovan, Porpoise, French calf, etc, Machine, Am , WHILE, ar-nt on application to PML ▲. Loisette, 227 Filth Ave. New York. NO MORE OF THIS! ! w. i Kb'*** nrd'-*-* worn uncornfnrtriMr tight ill often ali|> oflP T<> remedy IhiM evil the "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO.. offer a h)ioc with the Ififtldn of the hwl lloc-'l will ! rui»l>er. Tlii* clings to the aboe ftod prevent* j the Rubber from Hli|»pinx off. Cull for the "Colchertfr" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS ■>.ri/(; winning Uerkuliire Hoar, lOM I><>l >I>S, lS.lo;!. Kciihoii li>r H-lling, cannot uhc longer in hurt. Also, extra pood fall pigs, either M X. wired fiy Tom Doddw. Pedigrees r W. P. Smith, llutler, P». j __Advertine iu the Citizkn. | Christinas Goods for Everybody. A splendid lino of fancy and use fnl article*! of every description. Match safes—in brans, nickel, eel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet cases,manicure wet.I*, 1 *, Bhaviujf sets, gloves and handkerchief boxes in leather and plush. Odor cases in leather, plash and celluloid. Smoker's sats, vaseg, per fume stands, and an endless variety t ' of fine goods, which must be seen to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and cheaper than ever before. The pub lic in invited to call at Rkdick'h * I Drugstore, next to Lowry House. Kxamine our goods and get our I prices. Millinery. N»-\# Kelt Ilais and i'omiri s. Nhw lip-.. ! I'lumcH, lilrdn and WiriKN. Ni*w velvetM In all I color*. N»-w HailtiH, ribbon*, velvet ribbons, ; brocade ribbon* and sf rifjud rlbboim. Nnw , tlfiHi-l cowl, twhiHl corf I, bead co it). j f .ad leu' and children's furnlnljliiK good*. , f.adl*H' and children'* uudcrweur. I .ad I en' and children'* hosiery. l.adhVand children's cor net* and cor*ct v..»1/*fs. Iridic*' and cliildrcn'ii liOHu support crn. KM gluvw, ciiHlimore nllk lull I«*I»h and Wool iriltiem Latent liovflllfH In neckwear. jM. \\ M. Marks. 11111 l 11011 I SI IIOOI.S. BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Short! id#e Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHIN C SHORTLIDGE, A M (lIAKVAIM) OKAIX'ATK.) MKHIA, I'A., (Ncur Philadelphia.) .1. E. Kiistor, Practical Klale Koofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Of till kimlx (Iniii! on *ln>rt notice. OHicw with VV. II Morris, No. •7, N Miiin St., iJewidence North Klin street, liutler, Pa. \VIJKN YOU VISIT PITTSBURG ('A LI, ON JOHN K.&A. MURDOCH, .">OH HmilMield St., for Thm-h, Kcedx, Lilian, (irape Vim*" llnrilv I{o-i«, i innr; Hird*, Gold 1* inh, ei< . Descriptive Kail Calalougu mailed fr«*ir. BEAUTIFUL 20 Geraniums For Si. The pressing Deed o! more room for onr rapidly growing plants induces S us to offer these to yon at the very lowest wholesale rates; but it is a great advantage to us to sell them even at these nominal prices, as we can then | use the space again to grow plants (or later orders. The varieties are carefully selected from the named collections in our Catalogue, every plant is iabeled, every plant true to name as labeled Be ing plants that are easily cared for when received.if planted in a box or pots, they will grow right on, making large plants that would cost you $1 50 to $2 per dozen to buy ID May. We positively guarantee they will please you, as they are well grown, established plants. All plants sent by express, purchaser to pay charges; if ordered bv mai smaller, iiehter plants must be sent. Address for the above, and all other good flowers, plants and seeds. Harry Chaapel, Williamsport, Pa. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. WE WANT MONEY ! We have too inuny CLOTH WRAPS AND JACKETS. OVER $3,000 WORTH. We Will (Jet Kid of Tkm in This Way: We Will Scl| $4 00 WRAI'B AT # 00 ft 00 " " 2 r.o « 00 " " 3 00 H 00 " " 4 00 10 00 " " ft 00 12 ftO " " 0 2ft 13 50 " " 0 7ft 4ft 00 " " 7 ;>o 1H 00 " " » 00 20 (N» " " 10 00 22 ftO *' " II 2ft 2ft 00 " " 12 ftO • Tliin Great Sale begin hon Friday, Jan, 24th. Now do not come in next week and iiHk for, nay a #1- wrap at sitlHbnr C h. i»n. wdnare Men STEEL WI The cheapest and neateit Fence for around Lawns, School Lots, !'• uliry YurJa, <;*rdeuH, Farms, etc. %l«o manufacturer* of Light and Heavy Iron Fencing, Cresting. Stable Fittings, Fi-e Shatters, Fire Escapes of different designs, audai* kinds of IRON AM) WIRE WORK.j TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 206 Market Street, - PITTSBURGH. PA. Ultra FEW HWY'..Ha* "1 . ; K K-S'l" Tel - pllpN ■'..lErm I »ui>*rior |rooi « Idd"u r i"H*LLET^ W * CO.. Hue MM^Trosrusu. ttAitm Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters, and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated and ( Hived wood-work. such «* Casing. < 'onier block*, Canels and all kinds of fancy wood-work lor Inside decoration ol houses. CALL AN II SKK SAM PLKS. Something new .uid attractive. Also PURNITURK at iowest'cash prices. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. 69, N, Washington street. BUTI.HK. I'KNNA. DIAMOND LAUNDEY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. KiKNT CLAHH l-AI NIIKV WOKK IN ALL BBAXCUKM. LACK CCUT.unh A SPECIALTY. Alho, CLKAN ino, DYKING ASK CAB PUT CLKANINU. (roods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS &SHUTTLtWORTH, L'ROPK I liTOltS. (1 llllpuy this to our salesmen. Ol'lHl \ 1 |||||' HI:K. ( III! start you at. once. Send UIU Ufor terms to FREE- H"«.t .1.. I. I I «•» ' ■ iti... t-»..i i..-- iii't. s " WA>TKI» Agents to solicit ordeiH for our choice and hardy Nursery su*k. Sli nil) Work For Knerijrtt. Traprrslc Hen. Salary and expenses or commission If prcfur ed. Write at. OIK e. State Age, Address. R. G. Chase & Co.'^K^r 1 - A. J. FRANK k CO. IIK AI. Kits IN DRUGS, MKDIUNKH, ANI» TF A character and willlngm- > inul I 111 I Lll work Write at MIRR to Mlnmi NFLII I . JL iter A ll»rrj. Ids 'liester. N * II Hl* I Mt Bay* Mir awmubxi IM 111 IIIf rfl 'A I [N to I ' Mirsi I > Ujll'lfn dock All Is Wart anted 1 wth AI Ml MI: I < I V 1.1 I II nil ILU ple.i .'lit. protllal.il- P'mlt.oas ir r 11... riL'i.i men «;<«h| salaries and expenses KT. E'T! 1.t1.1 lal I - Uln ars N" tin-vl'.u-• M"■rleti.-e ssvy. Out 111 ip., . Write f'.r terms, giving age. i ll vKl.l H H | MASK Mu erymau. Ids I esler, | ,N.\. M«-lltli.ll ttll-i p.ipfl. BUT ' *» I. ll* not the oldest >lute 3 f a yr I 1 %% H house in Itutlcr. W? § g N e Lnow oar busiuess. " ™ probably the young °" V E est. 11. \IT "I"!' 1 1"*' not th *' riches! shoe J> | T f We've got enough to avoid \ 1 11 house in lSutler, I< I I the necessity o!' doing busi * V *- news on thc'hand to mouth" basis. 111 1 \TT^ havcn 't f-' ot ,1 "' larg. -i 1 \ c Tf g have a brand new oue y y J2^ to l " r Il u '' admit that the length »t % % ri store romii of any shoe I"C I B the room hears no relation " " 'house in Butler; ours is J-9 V 1 to the quality of the shoes rather short, sold in it. V. got the l»iirtr«*>t 1)1 "Tf J We mean to sell our share of %1 M >hoe trade in the world. jy | | the line shoes handled hy us. " * -*—■ * and we never expect to-" 'v. *. have. VI. ~1 "*"7" T"jl don't sell ehea per than i )"| !" ft IWe claim that the goods are 1 % .anybody else; on the I"V I I fully worth the priee. * ' J— our prices are-"--' •*- the highest ruling VII. 1% T "|~JV'on't give credit. We j) g T try to deal with our 1 1 H .must have the money ry I | customers so as to make ' ™ the good ■ ' *■ them our friends. VIII. I**" "1 "V\ant to sec you all |\ k ' r fMWe wish you to remember *1 M come and give vis a trial. Iy I I when we' are located Do "' -* —"and if goods are not ju>t ■* v I not forget the nnniber, a-i represented we will cheerfully refund 3-011 vour money, 95 S. MAIN ST. WILL BEMO(FIMIT IST IBLACKMOEE & GPJEB, I The Great American HOG is Coming. - The Great American HOG Is Coming.