r| < Lhl TP COITXZ3I!UST. w. C.HWMT - - - PBOPBIKTOB BSCRIPTION RATH-POBTAfI* rRIPAID : One yew. Inside County One Yew. Outrtde County Payable In Advance. ■■tared atreeteßM «t Better u id rlau Batter FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21.1690. Of each Mue of the Cmn* some extra copies Me t> rioted which are sent to citizens of the 9oa&j Who are not subscribers and tbelr sub- Mlriuon if solicited. Subscribers will do us a favor by sending us 8M names of their neighbors, net now taking a county paper. All communications intended for tm this paper mnet be accompanied by 'he real name ofthe writer, not for publication bnt ae be aocom by a responsible name. Republican County Committee Meeting. The members of the Republican County Committee will meet in the nusclton building, Butler, Pa., on Monday, March 3d 1890, at 11 o'clock, a. in., for the pur pose of fixing a date for holding the primary election and attending to such other business as may come before the Committee. A full attendance is re requested By order of S. D. BELL, Chair. Co. Com. L. M. WISE, ) c ec -„ J. M. PAINTBR, $ ' Whew Chicago's female lawyer wa3 or dered by an ignorant janitor to get out of court, she promptly took off her rubber shoe and smote him with it. Emerson would have been delighted to •ee this display of over sole in Chicago. A BILL which has passed the House adds an important item to the coming cen sus enumeration and will cause some squirming. It provides for the ascertain ment of the mortgage indebtedness of the country, and prescribes pains and panal ties for any person or corporation refusing to answer any question propounded. A Great Week for Republicans. The week that has witnessed the final and complete success of Speaker Reed s courageous campaign for the rule of the responsible majority in the House will long be remembered by American statesmen. Ordinarily little interest is taken by the people in parliamentary discussions and struggles, but the fight for the new rules has been of such a character and the per sonality of the Speaker has been so com manding that during the whole of the long and close struggle the newspapers of both parties and in all sections have given every phase of the contention and the sub stance, at least, of every important debate. The narrowness of the Republican ma jority in the House and the danger that the meager margin might be lost by the illness or death of a few Republican members add ed to the anxiety of Republicans every where, and the number of contested seats to be decided was an additional element of excitement and interest. The Southeastern democrats were determined to keep seated the notorious beneficiaries of fraud or vio lence, or both, and Mr. Carlisle was ex pected to furnish parliamentary tactics and expedients for resisting the investigation of the frands and outrages that bad con tributed several democrats to the House with certificates as regular as their claims to seats were audacious and dishonest. Altogether the outlook at the beginning of the session for the success of the Re publicans in adopting the new rules and in unseating democrats who had no riglil to their seats was far from cheerful. Had the Republican Speaker lacked any one of the qualities that he has shown himself to pos sess in so high a degree,the majority might have been baffled by the minority, and the House might have been in no condition to to carry out Republican policies and to snpport a Republican Administration. For this great emergency Mr. Reed was the man of all others. His robust charac ter, his intellectual stalwartness, his cotn manding personality, his easy equality to all the exigencies of debate, and. above all, his open and convincing advocacy of the tight of the majority to rule and to do busi ness made him as much the Republican leader for the House at this particular juncture as Grant was for the Army of the Potomac, when tbe time had come for the "continuous hammering" of Lee's army. And in Major McKinley, Mr. Butter worth, Mr. Cannon and other able parlia mentarians, the Speaker has had Lieuten ants as brilliant and successful as they have been courageous and ready. The Republicans now have the entiro governmental machine in good working order, and we expect the greatest and best results. —New York Mail and Exprcsn. DURING a terrible storm recently the light-house keeper at Tillamook Rock, on the Pacific coast, says the spray was thrown clear over the lamp chimney, 150 feet above sea level,while a piece of basalt, sixty-two pounds weight, was lodged on the roof of his house, 110 feet from the sea. THE new rules were adopted by the House al Washington last Saturday. Tho changes in the proposed code from tho former rules of tbe House arc found in eighteen rules, and in most of those the changes are merely formal, being in tbe main matters of rearrangement and phrase ology. The really material changes, therefore, from the old codo are compris ed within four or five rules, and the essen tial point for which tho Republicans fonght, and which they have won, has been to avoid dilatory motions and ob struction to public business. ONK of tbe puzzling and singular features of modern civilization is the fact tint crimes committed in communities where the intellectual development is high are so frequently horrible in their details. Sta tistics are not wanting to show that crime is lessened by education. But now and again in localities where the people are of the highest type of civilization we have murders of a blood-curdling description. It is as if the strong repressive influence of education intensified the depravity of the criminal, who, once ont of restraint, socks to exhibit tbe worst phasesof human charac ter by way of contrast with the best. The Bawtelle murder in New England is an ex ample of this type. The headless body ol the dead man has been found in Lebanon. Me., with a bullet piercing the heart. The evidence is almost absolutely conclusive that he was killed by his brother for his property and that the unnatural kinsman afterward deliberately purchased a hatchet with whieh to decapitate and destroy the identity of the victim. The revolting de pravity of the crime is no less striking than the cold-blooded calculation with which it was projected and accomplished. An abnormal fiendishness seems to hare pos sessed the murderer, iudfoativo either of a disordered intellect or a degree of de pravity which is marvelous in the highly civilized communities of New England. It is for psychologists and sociologists to reconcile the existence of two such oppo site forces in the same locality on any other theory than that of insanity. A New Hampshire woman went into a grocery store to be weighed and fell into a molasses trough by mistake. Now that she has had her own sweet way her husbaad thinks of using her as u tugu cane. Quay and Dalzell. A dispatch from Washington to the Pittsburgh Dispatch, dated last Monday, said : There is evidently a political sensation of no mean proportions coming as a sequel to Senator Quay's very latest move in antagonism of Congressman Dalzell. of Pittsburgh. It is now a settled, undenied and undeniable fact that the fight between the two will be most bitterly renewed as soon as the Senator returns from Florida. There will not only be the worst personal row that has yet occurred between these two statesmen, but the entire political or ganization of Western Pennsylvania nillj be involved, and peace will not be de \ clared until one or the other faction is beaten. Just before Quay went to Florida I'residcnt Harrison settled one phase ol the contest over patronage between Quay and Dalzell in a rather novel manner. ' Each of these gentlemen had a candidate for Census Supervisor of the Pittsburgh district. The President wanted to ap point Dalzell's man, principally because he was the choice of Census Superintendent Porter. He did not dare to displease the Senator, however, so he hit upon the unique plan of making two districts out of one and appointed both candidates. The President then congratulated him self on having escaped from this delema. He is not free, however, by any means. Senator Quay has telegraphed to tho Senate to have the nomination of George Oliver. Dalzell's Census Supervisor, hung up, intimating that he would oppose con firmation on his return. Mr. Dalzell was very angry when he learned of this to-day. but dot not think it wise to talk for publication now. One of the Pennsylvania Congressmen said this afternoon that this last step of Quay's meant war to the knife between Quay and anti-Quay factions of the Re pnblican party in Allegheny county. It is Quay against the field, and the fight will be fought to a finish. The Chris Magee wing of the party will join Mr. Dalzell and his followers, and an attempt will be made to down Quay before next year's election. Russia's Shame. LONDON, Feb. 16.—1t now appears that the outrages committed in the political prison at Kara, in Eastern Siberia, were even blacker than at first painted. Cipher dispatches have been received by Russian refugees in this city from exiles in Siberia which relate the outlines of the story and give details which make Russia's treat ment of her prisoners stand out the most infamous of the cruelties of the century. The letters state that Mme. Sigida did not commit suicide, as was at first reported, but died from the effects of the flogging she received in November last. The un fortunate woman was lashed until she lost unconsciousness. She never recovered from the terrible beating she received, dying two days later. Three of Mme. Sigida's fellow prisoners, Marie Kaluzh' naya, Marva Paoloona Karalefskaya and Xadezhda Smirnitskaya. unable to bear their cruel treatment any longer, and probably dreading the same end that be fell Sagida, took poison, which they had concealed for just such an emergency, and ended their lives. Marie Kaluzhnaya was arrested in IHB4 when 18 years of age on a charge of dis loyalty. She was compelled to sign a document, by means of which some ol her friends were sentenced to penal servitude. She attempted to assassinate Colonel Katuski, and was sentenced to penal servi tude for twenty years. Mnie. Karalefs kaya was a married woman, 35 years of age, the daughter of a well known landed proprietor in South Russia. In 187!) she was sentenced to thirteen years' imprison ment for joining a secret circle. Nadezhda Smirnitskaya was sentenced to penal servi tude for fifteon years. Shortly after the death of Mine. Karaiefs kaya a brother of hers die.l suddenly, and it is said that he also poisoned himself. Another exile named Hobokov committed suicide rather than submit to the humilia tion of a flogging. The cruel flogging of Mine. Sihida occurred under orders issued by Lieutenant General Baron Korff, the Governor General of the Amour province. These orders directed that the edict of March, 1888, signed by the Director Gen eral of Prisons, should be mercilessly en forced. This edict decrees that political prisoners shall be subject to the same rules as criminals. The outrages are thus due to the direct orders from the central gov ernment at St. Petersburg. It is probable that three other young women, who were imprisoned at Kara when George Kennan visited the prison, have also committed suicide. Humiliating Gen. Osborne. HONESDALK, I'A., Feb. 17.—The Wayne county Republican convention was held today and indorsed for Congress M. B. Wright, of Susquehanna county, and K. B. Hardcnbough, of Wayne, for the State Senate with power to appoint their own conferees. Susquehanna has indorsed Lines for the Senate, so there will be a contest. G. W. Simons, of Sterling, and W. W Treadwell, of Hawley, were named as del. ogates to the State conventions, and in structed to vot.i for Delamatcr for Govern or. The friends of General Osborne made a light for tho delegates. The Delamater men controlled tho convention, however, and made the defeat of Osborne as humili ating as possible. A resolution was offer ed hi' tho delegate from Bethany, General Osborne's birthplace, pledging the couuty to Delamater and Watres and giving bind ing instructions to the delegates to vote lor them. The resolution was adopted with out a dissenting vote. Osborne's friends expected tho Wayne delegates to be for him, and the result is a very severe dis appointment. Poisoned by Poke Root. SHARON, PA., February 18. —The twin sons of Mr. Robert Stambaugh, living a short distance east of town, ate a quantity of poke root yesterday, which their father had gathered to uso as house medicine,and but for the prompt action of Dr. J.ll.Reed, would have succumbed to tho effects of tho poison. The little fellows, who are probably sor 6 years old, saw Mr. Stam baugh dig the root, and taking it for sassa fras, ate the small pieces strewed on the ground. This was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the poison began to show its effects two hours later. Tho children were taken violently ill, and confessed to eating the root. This served to excite the fears of the family, and a physician was soon summoned. Both boys were still very sick last night, but will brobably bo around in a few days. Dr. Higbee's Successor. Prof. I). J. Waller, D. I)., who has been appointed by Gov. Reaver Superintendent of Public Instruction to succeed the late Rev. Dr. K. K. lligbee, is, although a young man, one of the most prominent educators in the State. He will take charge on tho first of March. Prof. Wal ler is a graduate of the Lafayette College. Ho preached for some time in New Fork State, but his tailing heulth compell ed him to leave the ministry. While in charge of an academy at Orangeville, Co lumbia county, he was elected principal of the State Normal School at Bloomsburg, which position ho has held ever since. Time will tell howe're we try Kscape the frost he sprinkles ; AV e've not the face to uare deny The logic of our wrinkles. Prospect Sundries. Be it known: That Charlie Kelly, who is now con tracting down at the "Hundred Foot, says that ' The Great American Hog" is the best continued story he ever read. That Philip Milleman and William Rals ton are learning to dress tools at the Mc- Lu're well. They say Philip hits his shins with the sledge. That Walker Dodds has come home from Wellsville, 0., to stay awhile. Well, Ford, does that bother you anyt Guess not. That Robert Kevin, oi Beaver Co., spent la»t Sabbath here among his friends and— others. That Mrs. David English, who has been suffering from la grippe and pneumonia, for some time, is now rapidly improving. That Ford Weigle and Al. Shaffer are working in Harmony at the tank industry, foe 0. M. Russell, of Butler. That Mrs. Allen Barr has inagurated the first carpet rag social of the season. A jolly good time and an excellent supper arc reported. That C. F. Newman and Cora Hillman, who wero recently married, have our best wishes for their future happiness. Right, Charlie, no man, in his highest state, liv eth unto himself. That W. G. Russell, Co. Snpt., visited the schools in this section of the Co., last week.. That X. M. Richardson and family, who went to California about one year ago, will return to Prospect, in about two weeks. That Mr. G. I. Wilson, of Oakland tfrp., spent last Sunday with his friend Carl Pha nor. That W. G. Weigle has returned irom a business trip to Sharon. Xew Castle and Beaver Falls. That Constable Boxberry is able to be around again; John had a severe attack of grippe and pneumoi.ia. That Lytle Miller, if Missouri, is visiting relatives and Iriends in this vicinity. Mr. Miller is a brother of Mrs. Peter Albert of Franklin twp. He went west about 45 years ago. Jo COSITY. Tried it on the Cat. PIKKVILLE, KT., February 18.—Ellison Mounts was banged at this place this eve ning for participating in the murder of Miss Alafair McCoy and her brother. Mounts was a*.member of the celebrated Hatfield faction. The prisoner took his seat on his coffin in a wagon, the guards surrounded the vehicle and the death march commenced. Only a few minutes elapsed after reaching the scaffold before the execution occurred. Death was in stantaneous. The scene was witnessed by thousands of people, many others being ab sent through fear of an attempt to rescue. The body was given to friends and will be interred in the mountains of West Vir ginia. After the execution the officers discovered a plot which, if successful, would have resulted in the escape of the prisoner, and the probable death of a num ber of the guards of the jail. Through the confusion of the jail cook the disjovery was made. The details were as follows : The Hatfields had paid the cook S2OO to place a drug in the food of the jail guards. Tho night before tbe execution the cook was told that the drug which was given her was merely to make the guards go to sleep. She became suspicious and concluded to try the effects of the preparation on the jail cat. The result was the instant death of the animal in ho:nble agony. She theu became alarmed, and refused to put the poison into the food. She did not com municate her intentions, however, to the outlaws, and they were gathered near the jail to await the signal which would indi cate that all the guards were sick within. Had this wholesale attempt at murder been successful, not only the prisoners in the prison would have been killed from tho effects of the poison, but aiso tho Sher iffs family and posse. The drug was found to be strychnine. The cook was immedi ately arrested. All the outlaw gang have fled to the mountains of West Virginia, where it is sure death to officers wjio fol low them. All these lawless persons who are responsible for this outrageous affair are from West Virginia. The Sheriff is having the necessary papers arranged to secure requisitions for the would-be mur derers, and every effort will be made to bring them to justice. Missouri's Liquor Crusade. The Missouri women who have been breaking in saloon doors, emptying the beer kegs and whisky flagons in the gutters and smashing the bottles so as to destroy their contents are an exaggerated of the praying bauds that entered on a liquor crusade in Ohio and Indiana several years ago. That crusade aimed at moral suasion, whereas this new movement is one of physical force exerted by the supposed gentler sex. The gallantry of mankind to womankind, which has been bred by eighteen centuries of Christianity, protects the Missouri women in their assaults on tho property of saloonkeepers,but it is doubtful if their movement will result in any sub stantial or lasting benefit to the cause they seek to promote. The crusade was for a time successful, bit women gradually found household cares demanding their attention, and so it came to an end, and a reaction set in which gave saloon keepers greater immunity from public or legal in terference than ever before. The legal authority is being invoked in Miss mri, and the calm administration of justice is quite likely to land some of tho Amazonian war riors against liquor in jail. They may have much sympathy in their purpose to rid the communities in which they live of the liquor curse, but if jail doors close on them they will realize that their violent methods haye been unwise. The country is not yet ripe for a successful physical rebellion against liquor selling.—New York I'rcss. T)n> you ever watch a newly-married couple at breakfast at a hotel? How do you tell they are newly uiarriedf (Jo 'long. It is self evident; you can't go wrong on them, Gossip sipjied coffee at. a leading metropolitan hotel the other morning, and watched a loving couple of is sort eat— or pretend to eat. A bald beaded man with a grizzly-grey mustache and puffy bags under bis eyes, also took in the scene. The young fellow and bis wife ordered a sumptuous breakfast, and they ate it in a furtive way as If one wasafraid the other was watching. Ho would reach over and help her to a supply of this, and she would in sist that he should take some of that, and they would stop in the middle of their eat ing and regard each other with such ten der, loving looks that the liald-headed man grew red in the face and shoveled in hot cakes as if he had no fear of dyspepsia. Once the hands of the Pwo touched as they reached across the table and her face flush ed and he looked sheepish and they forgot to eat. When they had finished breakfast they left the dining-room arm in arm, and the fat man followed them with bis eyes, tugged at his stubby mustache and said in a low, hoarse voice, "Gosh!" Then he looked up and caught Gossip's eye and frowned a frown that made wrinkles clean up to the roof of his head. Ho bail evi dently never been there.—Harrisburg Tele graph. "You feel," observe sa newspaper re porter in speaking of Miss Marlowe's llosa liiul ••that "the ii/nis fatuus glimmer of subtle feeling is "the glimmer of those fire flies of temperament buzzing purposely round and round in a basky covert." There must be a Great Thought here, if line could only find it out. A negro preacher of Washington, Pa., named Hatchet, has been arrested lor sell ing liquor without license. A PASTORAL LETTER. To the Congregations tinier the Inspection of the United Presbyterian Presbytery of Butler: DEAR RRKTHEIK: The undersigned were appointed by Presbytery at its late meeting to address von a fraternal letter on the subject of Christian liberality, hav ing special reterence to that liberality that j should characteriie you in the support of the benevolent enterprises of our own ; church. The appointment of the commit- j tee implies that in the judgment of Pres | bytery there is a lack in her congregations, j in thi.s particular, and the deficiency gen- j erally among the congregations to make up j the full quota to the several boards, as levied by the General Assembly, proves most conclusivelv that this judgment is well founded, and. brethren, snch should not be the case. _ , Congregations should be liberal in the support of ordinances at home. They should mind their own things, and unless they do so they will not prosper, nor need thev expect much of the divine blessing. But the minding of their own things is not enough: as the apostle directs. "They should look also on the things of others." • Our church is doing a good work in foreign lands. In Egypt and in India the labors of our devoted mißsionarie.i, both in teaching and in preaching the gospel, h .ve been crowned with remarkable success and still a great door, and effectual, is opened np to ns in these far-off and benighted countries, and the cry of their perishing tr ;, lions to ns is, "Come over and help us. Some of the young men in our Theolog ical Seminaries have already responded to this call and others have expressed a will ingness to respond. The only obstacle to their so doing is lack of funds. In con sequence of this, many of these young soldiers of the cross who are ambitious to carry the glad tidings of the gospel to the heathen are compelled to remain at home. We have also inviting fields, fields that are white and ready to harvest in the Western States and territories in our own land, and we have some such fields in por tions of the East, and our work in the interest of the freedmen of the south is ia a most flourishing condition, and we trust our efforts on the Pacific Slope in behalf of the Indians and Chinese are not in vain in the Lord. Had we ample funds at command, home as well as foreign work could and would be prosecuted with much greater vigor aud ef ficiency than what it is. With a view to improvement in the mat ter of Christian liberality within our bounds, wo would suggest that giving be regular and not at long intervals. "1 pon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store,'' and farther we suggest that it be proportionate, every one giving as the Lord hath prospered him. Contributions to benevolent objects should not be confined simply to the heads of families. Children should be trained to do this also, and if so trained, when they at tain maturity they will esteem it a pleasure and not consider it a burden to give, and this giving devolves upon the poor as well as the rich. No one is therefrom. Hence, as quoted. "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you," <£e. Our liberality towards the Lord's cause should not fall short of the one-tenth of our income. The Jews were r«quired to give this. Abraham gave it, and Jacob promis ed to give it centuries before Moses was born and hence like the Sabbath it is not a mere Mosaic institution. It rests on a more staple basis. And in New Testament times Christ sanctioned the tithe system, when he approved the conduct of the Pharisees for paying tithes Mat. 25:23. And if the tenth was exacted of the Jews who were not required to carry the Gospel beyond their own borders, nor the other* save their own people, surely it is not reasonable to suppose that the less would be required of the Christians now, who are commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. -jAs motives to Christian liberality permit us to submit to your prayorful considera tion the following: (1) Such liberality will eminently re dound to the interest of those by whom it is exercised. That it is a commanded duty no one will deny, and siuce in the keeping of God's commands there is a great reward, obedience iti this particular will certainly be promotive of the result indicated. Again, by the exercise of this grace, Christ is honored,and them that honor Him He has promised to honor—honor them in this life and in that which is to come, and thereby, also, a wholesome restraint is placed upon a selfish and worldly spirit, which is both needed and beneficial. As far as the giver is concerned he will always realize, "That it is more blessed to give than to receive." (2) The claims of the needy and perish ing should prompt us to this. The human family form one great brotherhood. "We have all one father, and one God has creat ed us. This is true in regard to Jew and Gentile, barbarian and Scythian, bond and free, aud hence when we see any portion of this brotherhood (of which we ourselves form a part) in need or perishing for lack of knowledge, we should lend a helping hand with a view to relieve them. A fail-, ure to do so, or to shut up the bowels of our compassion under such circumstances, would be both criminal and cruel. (3) Christ's claims upon us should con strain us to the performance of this dut}*. These are many and potent. For the sake of brevity, we will simply say to you on this point, as Paul said to the brethren at Corinth when he wished to stimulate them to increased liberality, "For yo know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, he became poor, that ye through iiis poverty might be rich." He has done great things for us, whereof we are glad, aud when he asks us to honor him with our substance, and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared, we should noe decline to do it. By our con tributions as well as by our personal efforts and prayers we may be instrumental in adding fresh jewels to Immauuel's crown, aud surely his claims should prompt us to r this, and that iu a measure that will com mensurate with our means. Otherwise we will bo guilty of the crime of robbing the Master, a crime that does not escape His notice. Ilence, He said to the Jews, "Ye have robbed me iu tithes and offer ings." (5) We have the pecuniary ability to abound in this grace of Christian liberality. It is true, the congregations within the bounds of this Presbytery are perhaps not among the wealthiest in the church. Pro bably there is not one millionaire among them. Still they possess a fair portion of this world's goods, and in this respect are on an average with their brethren in other localities. Our soil is reasonably productive. Our mineral resources are very abundant, and a portion of our territory, at least, is un surpassed in its yield ol gas aud oil. God in the ordering of his all-wise providence has given us largely of these natural prod ucts, "u.nd to whom much is given, of them also shall much bo required." Hreth ren, the church at large is untrammeled at the present time, as regards tvangelistic work. At home and abroad she finds an open door, and of no branch of the church can this be affirmed with more truth than of our own, uiid on none rests a greater re sponsibility for helping forward the Lord's cause in the world, and hence we, as a Presbytery, should do our part towards me;tiug this responsibility, a d alsoj in the way of aiding our institutions, both literary aud theological. Brethren, we fondly hope aud pray that our congrega tions will evince such a measure of liberal ity towards tiiese laudable objects, that it can, in truth, be said of each of them, "She hath done what she could," aud when this attainment shall bu made the treasury of the Lord will be tilled to ovcr tlowiug, and as a consequence the good seed ot the World will be more generally diffused iu those places which now consti tute the sphere of our labors, and we can open up new fields iu destitute regions,both at home and abroad aud thereby be instru mental, at least in a measure, iu hasten-' ing the fulfillment of that cheering prophesy found written iu Isaiah : "The people that walked iu darkness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the laud of the shadow of death upon, them hath the light shined." And what a glorious time will this be "When the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." "And they shall not teach every man bis neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest." The Lord hasten it in his time. SAMCEL KKRB, I JOHN S. MCKKK, <, L u By order of the Presbytery this letter is to be read from all the pulpits within her bouuds. POLYGAMY iu Utah is doomed. All of the elections have gone against the Polyga mists. The twin relic will soon be a thing of the past. TIIK young Due d'Orleans has been sen tenced to two years in prison for returning to France, in violation of the laws i.anish iug him. Politically ho is a dead Due. TIIK Anti-Drink Society proposes to as similate liquids solely by absorption through the pores of the skin. Hereafter '.he term "soaker" will have a liteial meaning. Sailors Eaten Up by Sharks. Adkx, Feb. 18.—An awful scene took place on board the Peninsular and Oriental ! company's steamship Victoria, homeward J bound from Australia, when midway b.-- j tween Colombo and Aden, a male pas- | senger leaped overboard- The engines were instantly reversed, and a boat was ordered to be lowered. As the crew obey ed the order the forward davit tackle slip ped from the hands of the boatman who was overhauling it, and the crew number ing thirteen fell into the sea. A second boat was instantly lowered with a crew of eleven, this latter was lowered in perfect safety, and succeeded in rescuing eleven of the unlucky thirteen, the other two, together with the unfor tunate suicide, were devoured by sharks in full view of the horrified passengers. Saxonburg Items. Mrs. , a daughter of Win. Schroth, died at her home in Allegheny, Wednes day, aud was buried here, Saturday. E. 11. Chantler and Cbas. Roettig are teaming for the new National Transit pipe line. Miss Alice McKee is lying very low with rheumatism. The borough school will give an enter tainment at the close of this month. All the schools of this vicinity are doing well. Will Enoch is dressing tools in the Jef j ferson Centre district. As English paper speaks of "a draper and spirits dealer we should call the fel low a dealer in dry goods and wet goods. A NEW JERSEY MAS has invented a dynamo for the production of artificial lightning, which he claims can annihilate an army at a distance of a mile. That's Jersey lightning, every time. A BEAVER FALLS, Pa., socialist com mitted suicide rather than be a "wage slave," preferring that such lot should fall to the share of the wife and children whom he inconsiderately left behind. Nature evens things upin itsown thorough way, Such conclusion we cannot escape; When the girls in a corset concern strike for pay The employer then gets out of shape. DEATHS MAXWELL—At his home in Richland tp. Tenango Co., Samuel Maxwell. Sr., father of David Maxwell of Butler. COVERT—At his home near Grove City, Feb. 10, 1890, Isaac Covert, aged 76 years. He was born in Brad}' twp., this Co. HOLTS WORTH—Saturday, February 15, '9O, in Allegheny, John L., son of C. 1). and Maggie M. [loltsworth,aged 2 years, 2 months and 27 days. BARBER —At her home near Anandale, Mrs. Mary A. liarber (nee Rosenberry) aged 75 years, 0 mos. and 8 days. She was a consistent member of the Anandalo M. E. Church. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. TURNER—Saturday, Feb. 15, 1890, of scarlet fever, Kittle, daughter of Robert J. Turner, of S. McKean St., aged 3 years and 7 months. JOHNSTON—At Sarversville, Monday, February 17, 1890, Miss Johnston of Buf falo twp. aged about 45 years. She was a sister in-law of Rev. Atkinson. Purify the Blood. TVe do cot claim that Ilood's Sarsaparilla It the only medicine deserving public confidence, but we believe that to purify the blood, to restore and renovate the whole system, It is absolutely unequalled. The Influence of the blood upon the health cannot be over-estimated. If it be comes contaminated, the train of consequences by which the health is undermined Is immeasur able. Loss of Appetito, Low Spirits, Headache, Dyspepsia, Debility, Nervousness and other "little (?) ailments" are the premonition! of more serious and often fatal results. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. #1; six for $5. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Veu. Ex.. Ft. Fa. Lev. Fa. 4c. issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In the borough of Butler, on Monday, the 3d day of March, A. I).. ls:H). at 1 o'clock, r. m., the following de scribed property, to-wlt: E. 1). No. March T., lsyo. A. M. Cornelius, att'y. All the rlijlit, title, Interest and claim of H. M. Steen. of. In and to a lot of ground, situated In liutler borough, Hutler Co., Pn . bounded as fol lows. to-wtt: Beginning at, the southwest corner «t a pin on corner or spring Avenue aud Elm Way, l hence along El in Way in a southeast erly direction wu feet to corner of lot of ( »1- vln K. Smith et. al., thence north along line of said lot forty feet and six Inches to line of lot No. IS tn same plan, thence along line of lot No. is, *» feet to a pin on Spring Avenue, the place of beginning. A blacksmith shop thereon, seized and taken In execution as the property of 11. M. Steen at the suit of Butler Savings Bank for use of Mary T. Allen. E. 1). No. 05. March T., lsoo. Williams & Mitch ell, atl'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of James M. Thompson, of. in and to 50 acres or land, more or less.situated in « eutre Tup . Hut ler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Oeorge Kifler and public road, east by Samuel ICUier, south by Perlnger. west by Malaria Eagle. On- story frame house with log addition, frame stable, fruit trees and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken HI execu tion as vlie property of .lames M Thompson at the suit of John Forcht. E. V. Nos. '0 and 51, March T„ lsyo. Greer & Ifalston, att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of J. W. Ralston, ot, In and to one Hundred acres of laud, inore or less, situated In Sllpperyrock IWp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by \V A. Jlennison and Alex. Black, esat by llarvey Cooper, south by A. Orossman and west by Alexander Dennisou; together with a two-story frame house, frame barn aud out buildings thereon, seized ami taken In execu tion as the property of J. W. ltalston at the suit of Sarah M ltnlsto.i. E. D. No. 4V, March T., IW*). K. Marshall, alt'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Frank Morris, of. in and to eighteen (ts) acres of land, more or less, situated Iu Hutler Twp., Butler Co.. Pa., liounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Mrs. Wilson Mc- Candless. east by lands formerly of W. S. Zl.-g --ler. youth by William ('ratty heirs, west by the old Mercer road. Mostly cleared and all fenced. Frame house, trame stable and orchard there on. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Prank Morris at the suit of W. S. Morris. K. 1). No. 11. March T.. IS9O. McJuuklu & Gal breath, att'ys. >ll the right, title, interest and claim of Henry C. Sutlirt and Edward Sutiifl.dee d, in the hands of his Adin'r John L. Helchert, of, in and to Ave (5) acres of laud, more or less, situated In Worth rwp.. Butler t 0., Pa., bouuded as fol lows. to-wit: On the north by Dr. Aberuatlij's lielrs, east by John C. MeNees heirs, south by mill dam and public road, west by public road. All fenced and cultivated, small frame dwell ing house and stable thereon. ALSO—Of, la and to eighteen (UJ) acres ol land, more or leas, situated iu Worth rwp.. Bui - ler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Oi| the north by 1. c. McNees heirs et. al. east by 1. C. McNees helm, south by John Studebakcr and M. Klclieri, west by William Mcßrtde and pub lie road; together with a small frame woolen factory aud stable; also a dam water-power, etc., tuereou, by which said woolen factory Is operated. ALSO—Of, m aud to (W) acres of land, more or les->, situated is Worth IVp . Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north by Alexander McUown. east by I. M. Davis, A. i. (ileun and Wm. Curry, south by 11. P. Mcciuer aud Albious heirs, west by 1- tvautliuah. About id acres cleared, leuced aud cultivated; balance timber or woodland. Seized aud lakeu in execution as the property ol Henry C. Sutlilf and Edward SuUlit, dee d. In the hands ol his Adm'r John L. Helchert at the suit of E. Mc- Juuklu. E. I>. No. 45. March T., IS'JO. T. 11. l-yon, att'y. All the right, title. Interest aud claim ol W. M. Osborn. of, In and to one (1) acre of laud more or less, situated IP Adams Twp.. Hutler CO.. l'a.. bounded as |o|lows, to-wlt: On the north by J. L. Miller, east by Dr. Sterrlt. south by P. a W. It. It. Co., west by Highland Avenue; together with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuilding 11 hereon. Seued aud lakeu IU execution as the property of W. M. Osborti at the suit of J. W. Slang. E. D. No. 13, March T.. lsuo. W. 11. Lusk. att'y. All the light, title, interest and claim of J. W, Met 'andiess. of. In and to % acre ot laud, more or less, situated in Venango Twp., Butler Co.. I'a., bounded as follows, 10-wit: on the north by an alley, east by an alley, south by Franklin and Itoseburg pike, west oy an alley; together with a trame house, frame blacksmith shop, frame stalne. truit trees and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken ill execution as the property of ,1. w. McCandless at the suit of Thomas Morrow lor use of If. Pltloek. 1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor b< comes the purchaser the eosl on the writ liiual he paid and a list of the Hens Including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with *uch lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sa|e or such por tion thereof as lie may claim must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. Ail bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will bo continued until l o'clock P. *. ot next day, af which time all property not nettled for will l>e put up and solo at the expense and risk of the person to whom tlrst sold •See l'urdous Digest. Jth edition, page 440, aud smith's Forms, page JSL OLIV Elt c. HEMIC. Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce, Butler, Pa., Feb. 13, IsKO. (5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel o purity, strength and wholesomenecs. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitud ol low tests, short weitht.ahinin or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO,, 106 Wall Street N. Y. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at tlio CITI ZEN office. Public Sale OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order and decree of the Court of Common Pleas In and for the county of But ler. Penn'a. and to me as the committee of All drew Albert, lunatic. directed. I will offer for sale at public vendue on the premises, oil Saturday, March 8, A. D., 1890, at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day . the following de scribed real estate of said lunatic lor the pur pose of raising money to pay his debts, to-wit: About seveni\ ai res of land more or less, situ ate In centre township, county and State afore said. bounded north by public road, east by lands ot A. Averv and A. Brewster, south by lands of I>. V Miller, and on the west by lauds of .1. Jones. No buildings on this tract, but it Is all fenced and under good state of cultiva tion, except about ten acres ot woodland. Tills Is an excellent tract ot land, well watered and lnghlv productive. It will be sold, including the interest of said Andrew Albert. In an oil and gas lease, dated May 11, isss. given by htm to C. Be Ills and It. 11 Ferguson tor 4u acres off the west end thereof, and on which a rental of one dollar per acre per annum, payable in quarterly pa> ments In advance.untll operations are commenced, is provided. ALSO—There will tie offered for sale at public vendue on the premises, at one o'clock r. M. of same day. to-wit: Saturday, March Bth, 1890, thlrtv acres of land, more or less, situate lu same township, county and state, bounded on the north by lands of J. Johnston, on the east by lands of Israel ("ranrner. 011 the south by lands t f .1. s. Jones, and on the west by lands of S. It. Rider. This tract is all under fence, well watered, and excellent pasture laud. TKKMS DF SALK —These tracts of land will be sold by the acre, contents to be ascertained by survey, one-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court, ana the residue to be paid In one and two years from said confirmation with .lnurest, and to be secured by bond and mortgage. Jous C. MOORK, Committee of the estate ot Andrew Albert, lunatic. McCandless P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa. Feb. 6, 19y0. Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the members of the Fanners Mutual Hre Insurance Company of Hami.ihstow n and vicinity that ou February Ist the votes on the gas question were count ed by the appointed commit'ee, and the result was 90 votes of a majority against gas In Insur ed buildings, and In consequence ot the above result the Directors ol the company, at their meeting on Saturday. February Bth, lsuo. an nulled aud made void Article is. Section 7, til the By-Laws of the Constitution, unanimously, and substituted in the place of the annulled ar ticle the lollowlug article, viz It a loss is occasioned by the use of gas or oil for fuel in dwelling houses or other buildings the Insured lorfelts his or her Insurance. Further it was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board to Insure haystacks, the same as hay in buildings, wherever the hay may be, either on the premies of the Insured or other places. The liourd of Directors hereby notifies all the members of the company Insured using Kas at present to Inform the undersigned Secreta ry at once. By order of the President. HEN KV HECK. Secretary. DELANO, February s, lsuo. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. To all whom it may concern! Notice is hereby given that I. A. V. Grossman, assignee for the benefit of creditors of Henry Dilliman. will expose to public sale on the pre mises In Hrady twp., Butler Co., I'a.. 011 Thurs day. the ■•iJth day of March, lxsu, at 1 o'clock 1". M. the following real estate, to-wlt: a lot of ground In said twp. adjoining lands of C. S. Dil liman, Daniel McDeviti and otue-s, containing 3 acres; a lot of land in same twp. adjoining lands of Kessiab Coovert, Daniel McDevitt and others, containing 1 acre; wltn small granary thereon, a lot of laud in same twp. adjoining lands of Thus. McNees and others, containing 2 acres, more or less; a lot of land In same twp. adjoiulng lands of E. U. cluttou. W. C- llaiin and others, containing 7 acres more or les». The above mentioned tracts of land being clear ed, under fence and in good state of cultivation; Terms of sale : All sales ot tioo and under, cash and all sales exceeding 3>oo—one half cash ;and balance In one year, secured by Interest bear ing bond and mortgage with attorney's com mission of 5 per cent. Sales will be adjourned lor want of sulliceiit bids. A. V. OUOHSMAX. Assignee. West Liberty, Butler Co., I'a. Notice of Application for Char ter. Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of March, isao, at one o'clock r. M. on said day. an application will be made, ill open Court, to one ot the Law Judges of the Court of Common l'leas of Butler County, I'a., at llutler. I'a., by Euos McDonold. Win. Watson, Win. stoops. M. W. Shannon. John T. Cranmer. and their as sociates, tor a charter of Incorporation, under the Act of Assembly of April '•!:>, 18T4. the title name and style of said corporation to be ''The United Presbyterian Congregation ot Ml. chest nut and the object and purpose thereof the worship of Almighty liod according to the faith, doctrines and practice of the l ulled Presbyterian Church of North America. MCJCNKIN & UAi.BitEATU, Solicitors. Insolvent Notice. In ie-appilcatlonof 'l'hos. i Common Pleas ot 11. Harper for discharge ! Butler Co.. M. S. D. under Ibe Insolvent laws of ' No. 21. March f.. Pennsylvania. j ISW. WUKKEAS. I. Ihos. H. ilarper. laborer of Con cord Twp.. Butler Co., I'a.. old lile my bond and petition in the said Common I'lea.s court, on the 13th day of Dec., lsea. praying for discharge under the Insolvent laws ol this commonwealth and thereafter, to-wll; Feb. 3d. IS'JU, the said Court did tlx Tuesday. March Hh, ia;w, at 2 o'clock r. M., at butler. Pa„ tor the hearing of the same In open Court. All my creditors and others interested ale hereby notitled to attend and show cause. If any lhe> have, why I should not be discharged according to law. THOMAS 11. HAKPKK. Hows Kit Si BOWSKR, at-t'ys. Orphans' Court Sale OK REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order o! sale issued from tbo Or plian.V Court ol itutier Co., at No. i'J . Due. T., 1 SH'J, and to me directed, the undersigned will offer at public sale on the premises In Slippery rock Twp., liutler Co., i'a., on Weflnesday, Feb- 26th, 1890, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate: Hounded on the north by land of Kob't Blillugsley.on east by land of John McElhennv, on south hy lands of Jane cross, and on the west by lands of Janus McElhenny, containing 2ii acres, more or less, and being part of the real estate of which I'. M. Cross. I ale of said Tp., dee d, died seized. This property Is situated 2 miles east ot l entrevllie, and ii, miles west of Bratichlon, on the P. S. A: 1.. iv K. U. All cleared and under cultivation, but about one acre. Is well watered and lias upon it a guod limestone quarry, and Is convenient to churches, schools and mills. TEHMS OK SALE—one-third of purchase money In hand at confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two equal annual Installments, which are to l»e secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JANE C'KOSS. Adm'x of T. M. Cross, dee d, Sllpperyrock P. O , Butler Co.. Pa. W'. U. Less, alt'y. Feb. G. 18->o. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, to me directed, f will ollor for sale at the Court House In Butler, on Saturday, March Ist, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. si., the Interest and estate of the Uilnor children of Ilenry llarkey, dee d. In a lot in Evans City, Pa., bounded on the north by an alley, east by Thomas v/. Bongs' lot, south by and frontlug on Main St.. and west by Wells Covert .having a two-Story framo building there on. used as a store and dwelling, with outbuild ings, The lot Is 30xlso feet. TERMS—One-third m hand ana remainder In two equal annual payments, with Interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. HIHAM KNOX. Guardian, W. D. BHANUON. att'y. Evans City. Estate of Abraham Fennell, (LATE OF CLEARFIELD TWP., DEC'D.) Letters testamentary on the estate ol Abraham Fennell, dee'd. late of Clearfield Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, sll persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, a„d any haying claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated tor settlement. JACOB KKNSELL, ) F .. R . JA»ES FENNELL, } Coylo«vilie I'. 0., Butler Co., Pa. —Advertise IN the CITIZEN. Estate of Amos Pyle. (LATE OF MCDDYCREKK TWp. DEC'D. letters of adiuinhtratu n ou the v*tMr of Amos Pyle, dee'd, late of Muddycrvek twp., i'.utler Co., I'a., having been granted to thr undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will plcasr make immediate payment, and any lmvin< claims aifaiust said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement HOWARD PYLE, Admr Prorpect P. O. liutler Co. Pa. W. D. lirandon, An'y. Estate of W. J. Abrams, ILATE OF FORWARD TWl\, DKC'D. Letters of administration having beeti grunted to the undersigned on the e»tate of \\ . J. Abrams, dee'd, late of Forwaid ! wp., Butler Co., Pa., all knowing them selves indebted to said e»t:tte will please make immediate |uruieni, and auv having claims against said e-i.tie will present them duly authenticated for settiemtut. ELI..-. A BEAMS, Adm'x, Six I'oiDU P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. R. P. St OTT, Att'v. Jury Lists for March. List of Grand Jurors drawn this 27th of! January, A. P. IsSM), to serve as Grand Ju- ' rors at a regular term of the oourt commenc- | ing on the 3J day of March, A. D. 1-' JO. Adderhold, Allvert, Jefferson twp., farmer. Anderson, William, Cocmj'g •• " Armstrong, Warren, Cherry '• " Heatty. Samuel, Lancaster '• " Bell, S O, Parker twp. farmer. Campbell, Elmer, Clearfield twp. producer, i Conway, John, " " farmer. ! Conley, It J, Adams twp. farmer. Cochran, Willi in, Mercer twp. gent. Dill, John W, Butler, Ist wd, carpeuter. Heckart, William, Clinton twp. t.irmer. Matte, J D, Adams twp. farmer. McGill, Calvin, Slipperyrock twp. farmer. I McGuire, C 11, Donegal twp. farmer. McGinlev, J F P, Oakland twp, " Mc Michael, F M, Fairview b.iro, carp; nter. Nichols, R S, Butler -ii wd, bricklayer. Oesterling, Joaeph, Butler, Jd wj, laborer. * Stewart, William, Butler twp, larrner. St Clair, Robert, Ceuter twp, Wagner, Jacob, Cranberry twp, •• Weitzel, Adam, Butler twp, blacksmith. Wise, Calvin, Penn twp, tarmer. Wise, Alfred, Harmony boro, liveryman. List of petit jurors drawu this :.7th day ol January, A. D. IStH), to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the idth day of March, A. D. IS-'U. Anderson, O 11, Allegheny twp. larmtr Barnhart, A W, Butler " " Bollinger, P H, Fairview boro, carpenter Borelaud, Charles F, Butler oth wd, elerk Byres, John s, Petrolia boro, liverymau Cooper, Oliver, Slipperyrock twp, farmer Crow, George W, Butler 4th wd, bricklayer Campbell, W L, Parker twp. driller Coulter, J C Jr, Center twp. fanner Cypher, A, Butler Jd wd, merchant Doerr, George, Buffalo twp. hla ksmith Easley, GF, " " farmer Fnglish, James V, Franklin twp, farmer Fair, L M, Butler dtli wd, carpenter Fiedler, Benton, Jackson twp. laborer Gilleland, John A, Summit twp, farmer Geisler, Henry, Wiutield " " Green, T S. Butler sth wd, gent lleury, William, Allegheny twp. producer Huselton, George, i'enn twp, farmer llutlner, Adam, liutler 4th wd, carpenter Jones, W 11, f-ranklin twp. farmer Johnston, W M, Butler Ist wd, laborer Klingler, Harry, " 3d " miller Kelly, K E, " " •' foremau kauUold, Henry, Jefferson twp. farmer Kean, W S. Karns City boro, producer Kennedy, D li. Muddy creek twp. farmer Monuie, W 11, Oakland twp, farmer Martin, WB, Forward twp. " Miller, Alfred, Clay " " Moore, Samuel, Franklin twp. farmer VcDe\ it, John, Ceuter twp. farmer McCandle-s, A N, Butltr Jd wd, tailor McGeary, W B, " 3d •' merchant McLaughlin, i> G, Fairview twp. farmer Larkiu, W 11, Butler Ist wd, machiuest O'Donnell, Johu V, Oaklaud twp. farmer Parker, Johu, Douegal twp, producer Smith, G M, Millerstown boro, laborer Saiathers, A J, Evans City boro, merchant Shields, Harrison, Worth twp, larmer Siautler, Georg.;, Lancaster twp, " Stewart, Orin, Muddy creek twp, Swartzlander, Andrew, Oaklaud twp, farm Thomas, PW, Conooquennessing " " Wallace, W E, Forward twp, iarmer Woods, John, Zelienople boro, carpenter Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pu. THOiIAS WASSOX, Pro'r. Good rooms, good meals, stabling ill con nection, everything first class. NIXON'S HOME, 33 N. McKEAN ST.. BUT LEU. PA. Meals at;all hours. Open nil night. Breakfast 25 cents. Dinner as cents. Supper 25 cents. Lodging 25 cents. SIMEON NIXON ... PROP'S. [\lMUm IIIEL, No. §8 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected [4-9-*B6-1 y 1 H KITKNMUI LER. Prop'r. Willard Hotel W. H. REIHING, Prop r BUTLER, - IJA.1 J A. KTABLISU IS CONNECTION. SAMPLE KOOJI for COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS SAMPLE ROOM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) HENRY L. BECK, PEOP'K. J. 11. FAUBBL, Manager. Butler, Pa. Jordan's Restaurant i All our readers visiting liutler I will do well to go to Sam Jordan's restaurant for their meals We serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under I Schneidenian's clothing store. —Wanted at Once —Capable ladies and gents to handle our forthcoming book, Explorations and Advenlures of Henry M Stanley in Africa SOO pages and over 200 engravings. Immensely popular. Price only #2.50. Outfit now ready and mailed for aO cents. The success of our Atjents is unparalleled. Address, TIIE THOMPSON* PUB. CO.. 220 ii. Sixth St., Phil'a, Pa. Livery Stable For Sale. The undersigned will sell "—"v/* hi" livery stable, iu the rear Uiy r v 1 of the Wick House, consist- W', "tj ing of horses,buggies,sleighs. harness and everything per tainiug thereto, and lea-e tho barn for a term of yoars. My reason for selling is that I wish to devote my attention to other business. ALFRED WICK. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on s.ila I ry or Commission. I can make a auccessful SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my In Btructlous. Will rumlHh handsome outfit free and pav your t»alary or eommlaalou ever}' wet**. Write for terms at oncc. K. U, GKAIIAM. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. Y. . - ?ERS*ST£Nr Advt.ii: -IT. A li.M hlwajH provea flTOfcr- •ucci-Mlui. Ik'foit) placio;: any NewKpapt i Advertising couttul' LC ID & THOMAS, aIIVKKIISINti AI.kMH, A# u 4K SMtlft'rh bircrt* CHICAGO ' Grand Closing Out Sale! 'hi .Monday, the I"th <>' I'cbrusn t wo will begin our eloping out silo, when everything in our store will l>e offered at itf>c->st price. On the 1.-t of April we tsli.-tll l>e obliged to quit the millinery business and devote our whole attention to that of dressmaking Before : i»i~ date our •>• Is must be sold, and we have put the pi iocs wher they must sell at sight. it you Arish t<> taste advantage «f » henomeually 1 >w prices call. If you wish to tak<> advantage »>l a lar-r- ~tt»ck. call early. Bemeniber, the goods mii-t and will bjsdd, and soon. Miss M. H. Gilkey, S. MAIN ST, HiTTI.KH. I»,V OPPOSITE P. O. BARGAINS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jowolrv And Silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Siiverw.ire in the county ;ind "i prices not to be equaled for cash Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted. ;:t J. i{.-G=R-E-l-B=- = , No. 1(» Sontli Main St., 'Sign of ELECTRIC CLOCK), ISIJTLJESJEfc, PA. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. U KST PKNN It. 1 . On ami after Mou.lsv, Nov. 1 !, 1 ■ trr i will leave I'.utler as follow-: UAUK KT at 6:10 a. ID., arriving at A-'esr'.ie ay at 9:10 a. m.; connects fast for I»1 air-vii! o with iMy Kxpre-i, arriv itii; at I'l l'gilelp!. at 7 p.ui. EXPKHSS at 8:30 a. w., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:3" a. m.; d.»e« uot MUad fcf tlio east, but connect* with A. V. R. li. north antl south. MAIL at 2:So p. n>., and goes through ti Allegheny, arriving there ai 4:! p. iu.; toy. uccts east for I*bila-J. Iphi.i. ACCOMMODATION AT 5:00 p, in., ami C< neets at the Junction with Free port Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:-> p m., and connects east as tar as A polio. Trains connecting tor Itutier leave Alleirhe ny at 8:20 a.m., 3:15 P. ru. arnl 5:15 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a. m. and 5:00 aud 7:50 p. in. PITTSBUKO, SIIKNASGO A LAK.: El; lit it U Coriecled to fast lime. Trains leave Butler lor Greouvuie tt 5.4 i and 10:30 a in. aud p. in. Trains leaving the I*. »V W. depot iu Al legheny at 7:40, an I the \V<-st IV.. i i ■.l at 8:20 a, in. and 3:15 p. m. connect it tiiiUer with trains North on tins road. Trams arrive at Uutler lro:u Urte i.v .le a 10:10 a, ni. aud 2:25 and 0:32 p. ni; the I• •:I ' connects with the I' A \V. to \ itv aud the 2:25 with the West Penu. Train« leave liilliaids at 7:15 i. ui. '..1 U': 00 -J slow time, couueo:. i'or iiutlvr, and lit ! 5 p iu, train from Itutler nouuso s at Branch ton tor llllli ir li. No Sunday train-. !'■ - with tick ets will be carried the local I'r.-iglit tti-«t leaves the I'. \V. Juas at 1:15 p. in. but not on tue other freight trains. The 5:4 i a. in. tram from Butler connects at Osgood with trains on the L. S. M. S.. arriving at t leveiand 10:40 a. in., ( hicago 9:10 p. iu., Krie 11:28 a. in., lSuiialo i p. ui., and at Mercer with W. N. V. A P., arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. m The 10:30 a. ui. train from ISutler c -nueets at Mercer with train.-, "a the VV. N. V. l\, arriving at i- raukliii at 2:00 p. m. mid Oil City at at 2:10 |>. ui , and at Shen.uigo with the N. . I'. i\: O. lor Meadville, Janie-t.wn, Bullalo, Oleau and New York; aloi at Osgood lor Oil City. The 5:00 p. ui. train connects at 'I. rei-r l -r New Cattle, aud at I r Meadville aud Sharou. r. A tv. k. is. Corrected to !:i-t lime—One hour faster than schedule lime. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 4:20 and 10:20 a. m., and 3:55 p. m. The New Ca ile ami western mail leaves at 8:15 a. m., and the Chicago Western ex press at 1:50 p. ni. Traius leaves Butter lor the North at 10:30 a. in., and 7:55 p. in Trains arrive at Butler from the South at 9:55 a. m. aud 12:10, 3:20, 7:40 and 8:30 p. m A train arrives from Clarion at 10:00 a. m. and from Kane i»t .'I.LO }>. in. Trains connecting lor Butler leave Allle gheuy at 7:40 and 10.t oa. ui. aud 1:25, 5:30, aud ti:3o p. in. The 8:15,10:20 and 1:5o traius from Butler to Callery.aud 7:40 and 1:25 trains from Alle gheny to Butler run ou Sunday, uiso the train that leaves Callery for Butler at 11:24, arriving at 12:10. Trains leaving Butler at 8:15 «. ni. and 1:50 p- iu- eouueci at Caliery lor the West. If you are in Doubt What to get lor Christmas pres-entf, you should come to our opening ol HOLIDA\ GOODS, this week. We have such an immense line of beau tiful things, suitable i'or nil ages, you e tnnot liiil to be suited. Prices the lowest, quality the best. J. H. Douglass. Business Change. THE FIRM FORMERLY CALL j ED J. & B. KEMPER HAS NOW CHANGED TO Fit. KEMPER, A GOOD. COMPETENT AND EX - 1»E RIE XC E D IIA RNESS MA K - ER. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CARRIED ON AT THE SAME PLACE AND IN THE SAME MANNER AS U>UAL THE BEST OAK-TANNED LEATHER WILL BE USED, AND 1 WILL ALWAYS HAVE ON HANDS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, BLANKETS, ROBES, W H IPS AND EVERYTHING GENER ALLY TO BE HAD IN A NO. 1 HARNESS STORE. ALL OR DERS WILL BE KINDLY AC CEPTED AND MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. ALL RE PAIRING DONE PROMPTLY AND PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. ALL CUSTOMERS TO THE OLD FILM, AND ALL IN GENERAL ARE RESPECTFULLY INVIT EDTOC AL L AND EX A M I N E. Kr. KKM1 j KR. YOU CAN FIN! m ti!" In Firm 1 ; ■ £& •£'£'. REMINGTON iiiUJS. »bu wlil tomwl lox at luwtst l~.es. POSITION OFFERED. If you are in need of a good paying position and think you have the qualities of a good -ale r.t .1. you will do well to write u.> at lip . We will pay pood commission «>r salary and expenses to a good man. The position we of! ris a permanent one. Ad dress at ouoe, SKLOVKK A ATNVOOD Xur.-eryii:e:i. Geneva, X. Y . j SCiil TTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And (la-. I'llters, of more than 20 years experl tiiee. have opt I tietr store la I lie Geo. Keibir lilocl.. on .1- iU'i— •.! St. oppo.-ite the i owry llou iNith a lull line of Plumber's Supplies. <;.\s KIXTI ! 1 S.ANI>«.;I.OI3UtS AND I ABLU IAMPS NA i t'l.AI. CA • HfRKMIS. AC I 1 ' tr, r ( r. i«tl Ic. ;.nd your ii.it nnace n s;. eilully follcltei!. - » 2 .. • |»' ft • a SL? 5 ■ I u»iu HUttiiH iiiL, KIT* '.J.*. II i' li! 11MOA, Prop'r, ISlankels, t hiiciifts and Vnru uli4«'lofPnrc Itul iri 4 en»e» I ,i.l i . >'o i. —nil in-ii. Apply at once statlnff uire. ntl.ni this |mper. I HAS 1: lIKUTUKKSCOMI'AKY. lto liester, N. V. Mifflin Strset Livery. W. G. lUEHL, Propr. One s(|uare west of Main St., on Mifllin St. All good, safe horses; new buggies »nd carriages. Landaus for weddings and lunerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 2-1. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a lino ,Vw Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses, fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r .'59. W JeO'erson St, butler, Pa. FOR SALE, BEGISTEEED BEEKSBIRKS. Tilt* prize winning iJerksliire Boar, J O.M DCDDS, 18.103. Hcason for selling, cannot use longer in herd. Also, extra good fail pigs, either sex. sired I»v* Torn I 'otitis. Pedigrees givt n with every sale and guar anteed its represented or money refunded. Address, J. PARK HAYS, Prospect, Pa. ■ til L •ji . fcllt ' : I'jm.i it. f. ». ■ '• j« J. ' ; nJ> »M,l »u If" 1 -'I-"' • t. < «•' "iUI'S .*• ■'». W ' M