VI. XX VII fe* l ' ?0 S*"MAIN ST ;- * '"-"a , HENRY BIEHL 14 NORTH MAIN STKKKT. •RIT'TT . F";~R. - lr\E-JM 2ST' A I»I:AI.EII IN Hardware and Iloiuse Furnishing Goods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Buggies, Carts. Wheel Barrow.-, Braranier Washing Machincn,; New Sunshine and Howard Banges, Stoves, Table and j ocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man iifucturer of Tinware, Tin Peeling and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. | - ■ I I J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LA MB. GIIIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA. •" *"*t Sole Agents for Butler, Mereer and Clar ■ ion counties for Behr Bros. Magnificent Pi- Newby & Evans' Pianos, Smitli- American and Carpenter Organs, Importers theCelebrated Steinmeyer Pianos, and cWMgrjcfggßpl^^P Dealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of iMusical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, ius we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds ol Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. Established IN4>O E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER,;PA., DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 THIS WEEK, And for the next 30 days we shall con tinue to clear our shelves ol \\ inter Goods to make room tor 1H SPRING GOODS. Come early as the prices we have reduc ed them to will move them rapid lv as they arc? marked very low, Vou will find some lag bargains at TROUTMAN'S. -Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Bntler, Pa- THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. w. MILLER, Architect. irfflcf on S. \v . * mii«T'»f Dlauunui ami apecillcatiulw l«'r» mid ex|icu sive buildings made ou short not in*. A. A. KF.I.TY, M. D. Oftlee .1 doors south of til*' Vo-'ley Hfflt* Main Sr., Butler. J'a . on n ininl lloor ~f kct tcrer's hulUlhi '. It.- -Idcnce ..n W. Jefferson St. G. . ZIMMERMAN. riIVHICIAK AMI ai'HltiW, oiPiv at No. 4.'>, S. street, ov«-r Frar.k « I'o's In Ug Store. but If r. l'a. SAMUEL. M. HIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. Wo. 10 vVefct Cunningham St., i BUTLER, HPZEIJ W2ST W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN AN " SURGEON. ». \V.Corner Main and North Hts. B UTLER nijJM IN"' A. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. i DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA* | All work pertaining to Hit- profession execut eJ in the neatest manner. ' Specialties (Sold Killing*, and I alnlefls Kx traction of reetb, Vitalized Atr actum ilsusred. Ofllrf on Jeff.-n,o» Street, one il»nr t«t of I#owry House, I p Stair*. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and ThnrsJajs (omnium cat wins by mail receive prompt attention, K. B.—The only lV nti-t in Itutler Using Uie best makes ofteeth. J. W- HUTCHISON, ATTOKNF.Y AT I.AW. Offire cu Fteoud lloor of the Ifn elton block, Diamond Butler, l'x, L'oom No. I. A. T. SCOTT. P. WILSON. SCOTT & WILSON, ATTOR N KYS AT I.A W. Collections ,i specialty. i>fllie at No. h. South Diamond. Butler. I'll. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTOICNET-AT-Law AMI Notakv I'l iifflcc in Koora So. 1. second lloor of Iluselton I'-lock, entrance on Diamond. P. W. LOWRY, AITORNKV AT f.{ \v Room No. Amli r-oii Rutl«»r. Pa. A. E. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on -.econd lloor of New Andcr&ou Block Main St.. near Diamond. m IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney ;it Law, offtre at No. 17, Raat Jeffer son St , Butler, l'a. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and lii ul Estate Of n< e reur ol 1.. '/■■ Mitchell's oftlee on nor'h hide of Diamond, Butler, l',i. H. H. GOUCHER. Atloriiey-at-law. OHlcc on aeroiul floor ol Aiul« building, near Court lluus*-. I'.utler, l'a. J. I<. UKITTAIN. Ally at—Oillce at S. K. for. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, f'a. NEWTON BLACK. Atl'y at Ijiw OfUi c on South side of Diamond liutlcr. J*a. JOHN M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. Office on Soutli side <«f I»la inouil, liutlcr. I'a. C. F. L. MEQU ISTION, KM.INKKK AM» Sl ItVEYOU, (IKKICK NKAK DIAMUNU, lIVTLU, I'*. L. 8. McJUiVKLV, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 LAST JEFFKRSON ST. BUTLER, - I»^Y. E E. ABRAMS &CO Fire and Lite IN H UII AN C E Insurance Co. of North America, incor porated 17ficapital $.'1,000,000 and other strong companies represented. New York f,ife Insurance Co., assets S'JO,OOO,OOO. OUice New Huseiton building near Court House. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. ROERSINO, I'IUCUIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL THKABUKF.R. 11. C. IIKINEMAN, SKUHBTAKY. DIRECTORS: .1. I. I'urvls, Saiuucl Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. I'.urkli.irl, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, (i.e. Koessilig, .lames Stephenson, I»r. W. Irvm. Ilenry Wliltiulrc. J. I'. Taylor. 11. 0. ileluemiui, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Usu. Ae'l - T^YK. BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next fixty days we will oiler bargains in all our <:ilt and embossed wall jia|»ers, in order to reduce stock ami make room lor Holiday (foods, J. H. Douglass, Near l'ostoffice, Butler, Pa AJVb'flitttt iu >,Lu CITIZKN De Massa ob tie Sheepfol'. I>e lnassa ob de sheepfol'. Mat guard de hcejifol bin. Look mit in de gloomerin' meadow Wharde long night rain begin— So lie cults t<> de bird in' liep'a'd, I my heep, is dey all come iuf «.», dcu -ay •de liirel.n' In, hey's nme iley - black and thin, And some iley's |»i' ol' wedtla'a. Bat de re ' dey's all brtinr in. Hat de rt ' dej' all l»runjs in. lieu ile uia aob the beejdol, I»nt guard the sheepfol' b.n. (ioeidonn ill de floonierin ine.idoii , Wbar ile long night rain begin— So be le' down de ba' ob de ibeepfol', Callin' of. Come in, <'••me in, Tallin' . of. Come in. Come in! Den ii|i t'ro' ile glooinerin' meadow.-, T'ro' h language. The Authorship i unknown. New York Shh. THE DEVIL'S TRIUMPH. [ Transltitnl frmtt the French o/' Thf U'hiJc iiuul 't* r. 1. A THY ST IN THK TMPEBIAL fiAßbK*. I It was toward the eud id" November. The Imperial Garden of Vienna wa> de erted; a sharp north wind was whirling the crir-p saffron colored leaves about, and the ro;-e hushes were sad looking aud hrok en. with their branches trailing in the mud. The main pathway, however, being covered with gravel, was dry and clean, and although very desolate the garden was not without a certain melancholy charm At the end of a long arcade was an indistinct horizon of liilln, almost drowned in bluish vapors and evening mists, while on the other side the view extended to the I'rater and the Danube. -It was a walk tit for ft poet. A young man wius striding up and down this path impatiently. His dress was handsome, though a little theatrical, eon- of a black velvet coat trimmed with gold braid and bordered with fur, panta loons of gray tricot cloth and high boots with tassel.-. lie was about -7 or lis year., old, Li - features were pale and regular and hiii expression was otic of shrewdness, while irony •-eined to lurk in the corners of his mouth. At the university, which lie seemed to have left but recently, for he wore the student's cap, he have giv en the '-Philistines" a great deal of trouble, and probably . hone in the first rank of the burttchen an 1 '•foxes. ' The very short . pace to which hecouliu ed his walk bowed thai he wa awaiting some one, probably a woman, for the liu perial Garden iu November was hardly a suitable place for business appointments. And indeed it was not. long before a young trirl appeared at the end of a path, a black silk hood covered Iter rich blonde hair, which the ev cuing damp had partly tin curled; her skin, naturally as while as vir gin wax. bad received from biting cobl the hue of a ISenpal ro e, and she was wrap ped in a able trimmed mantle which inadi her look charmingly like the tatule of La Frileu c. Shi- v, as accompanied by a black water spaniel, a mo t convenient chape rone. "and one whose indulgence and di cretion could bo relied upon. •'Jo I think, iteiaricb," said tln- lovely Viennese, as she look the young nun's arm, "1 was dressed and ready to go out more than an hour ago, and my aunt would nut finish her ncrmon on the perils of the waltz and the recipi'S I'or Cliri timi:: cake. At last I got away on the pretense of buying sonn; gray guitei, of which 1 have not the slightest need. It is for your ;tke I tell all these fibs; I always repent of them, and straightway begin again. oh, HeiArich, what cau have induced yon to go on the ,-tage alter studying theology at Heidelberg.' My parents like you, and we might have been married by thi« time, and, instead of meeting secretly un der the bare trees of the Imperial Harden, we should be -itting together iu front of a line Saxony stove iu a cozy parlor talking about our children'* future. Would not that be a happy lot?" "Yes, very happy, Katy," lie repled, pressing her plump arm underneath the satin and furs; "but what can I dot The theater has an irreaistable attraction for me. I think of it all day and dream of it all night. I long to live in the creations of the poets. I seem to have twenty dill erent existences, for every new part 1 take ii a new life for me; I feel every pas->ion | that 1 portray. lam Hamlet, Othello and Charles Moor in turn, and, while I can lie all of these I cannot easily resign myself to the humble lot ol a village pastor." "That may be true," said the young girl, "but you know very well that my parents will never accept a comedian as their son in-law." "No,certainly not an obscure comedian,'' he said, " poor, wanderiug actor, who i but the toy of managers and I In- public; but, however particular they may be, they will accept a great artist covered with applause anil fame iiuil paid better than a minister of state. When I drive np to your door in a hand'o me ycl low carriage, with the varni.'h reflecting the astonished faces of the pa -en and footmen in livery to let down the itcfM, do yon think they will rcfn e nie then, Ka tyr" "I suppose not, but who knows that you will ever reach that point' You have tal ent, lint talent is not everything—you must alfio have luck. I'.y the time you have become a great actor our youth will have pa" cd away, and will you rare to marry your old Katy when you are :ur rounded by the gay, brilliant beanties of the theater?" ''The future of which I peak," replied Heinrich, "inearer than you think. I have made .in o.cellent engagement at the theater of the Port de Carinthie, "and the manager i o plea..o«l with my rendering of the purl, that be ha given me a gratuity of L'.OIHI thaler..." "I coufes.," aid the girl adly, "that I do not like to think of your taking the part of Satan, I cannot bear to ce agoodCath oli<- wearing the inn I, of the enemy anil peaking word of bla phemy. The other day, when I wa at the theater, I expected every minute to ee real liuuie priug up from Ihe trap vs here you had gone down in u bluzn of spirits of u inc. Iwa < fright ened ,iml liinl the most horrible dreams that night ''All imagination, my good little Katy," -aid Heiurich; "bc-idei, to morrow per foruiauce will be the la I one ol tbi.i pluy. I shall not Inn i to weal the red and hlui k co itume again." "I am glad of that, ' she an Acred • for the thought, of it till me with im\i< ly. I fear that this rob* i ■ mor** profitable for your dramatic fame than for your HOUI'H welfare. II i-< not likely that you receive any good example from tlio e godless ac t >rd. Iu ii afraid that yon do not often BUTLER. PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1890 >ay your pravel . and where i; the pro I gave your 1 woti'd wftger <>niething that that you have lost it." For answer to this accusation Iteiiiri. h turned back the front of his coat, and di playeil tlm little cross shining ju-i over hi - heart. 11l tld- time the IlllM bad le .lo .l sire. I iu tlo- Leopolds!»dt and they soon lopped bclore tlo- store of a shoe maker who irm renowned for the pel lec tion of hi gray gaiter - After talkiug for a few minute" longeron tl.e threshold k:it) went in. followed by her -paniel, but not before Heinricb had furtively press,d her pretty, slender fingers. The young mail Iried to catch another glimpse of hi belov ed by peering over the dainty shoes and gaiters which w ere yunuetrically arraug ed in the shop .wiuilows, but ttie fog had clouded the gla s panes and be could dis tinguish nothing more than a limit .il houette. and so, taking au heroic resolve, be turned on bis heel and walked slowly away. 11. AT THI. ,-loN OF THK Oofßf.E HEADER EAOLR. There were a great many gu csts at the inn that evening. The society there was al way very mixed the caprice of Callot and ijoya combined coll hi not produce a more whimsical collection ol charoeterio types. The Double Headed Kaele was one ol those large, delightful haicmcnt -a loons celebrated by Hoffman, of which the steps were o worn, so uetuous and so slip pery that one could hardly put one's foot oh the topmost without almost imuiediulu ly litilling one's self at the bottom, seated at a table between a pot of beer and a measure of wine, and with a pipe in one's mouth. Through the thick clouds of smoke which filled the place there would gradually loom up strange figures of all sorts—Wullai bi ans wearing Astrakhan caps, Servian t, Hungarians wilh their long black inu-t i. h es and wearing braided dolmans, I'oheui ians with copper lined kins and I.arrow foreheads, hone t (icrmans in gilt trimmed coats, Tartars with slanting eyes like the Chine e; in short, people of every nnagi nable race The Orient was represented by a great. Turk who -quailed in a corner, peaceably smoking a' cherry wood pipe with au amber mouthpiece. The other persons were eated at mall tables huiily eating aud drinking, the beverages being strong beer and a mixture of new red ami old white wide The eatables Were cold veal and h.iin, and pa 'try. lfouiid aud round between the table; whirled inces santly a dream of walt/er , the exerei •• seeming lo have the ame effect upon their Occidental miiuls that hashcc Ii and opium have on the mind of the Oriental . 'flu* couples gassed and rcpa.ied rapidly to the sound of Latincr's nut ic, the women lean ing uluio. I faint v 11h deli-bt, on the arm. of their partners, while their skirls -wept away the moke clouds and fanned the faces of the drinkers. At the counter a group ol Morlochiau hards, aeiompanied by a guzla player, were reciting a sort of dramatic lament, which .n-eiiled lo Intel est deeply h do/ell Jtraufle figures clad iu sheepskin. Ilcinrich, the young aclor, entered the •pai ions saloon ami vveiil toward a table where were already three or four youths chatting merrily. "Alt, here i our Hcin rich. Take care of yourselves, friend 110I — lo iiuui babel in coruu!" cried the eldest of the party; and then he added, "Do you kuoiv you looked really diabolical last nighlY Imt almost afraid of you WJio would haye though that the fleinrich who drink - beer just as we do, and dot s not di . ■lain a slice of cold ham, could put on such a wicked, sardonic air, and make the w hole house shudder' "That shows what a great actor he is, ' said another young man; "there is no art in playing a part that suits one's own char after, but it requires geuin., for a coquette to assume an air of sweet simplicity." lleiniich took a seat at a table, and with a very modest air ordered a glass of mixed wine, and the couverriatiou was continu ed iu the same strain, the young actor re ceiving compliments from every side. "Ah, if Wolfgang von Uoethe had but seen you!" said one; aud added, "I am : ure you have the cloven foot—let us see. The other guests of the inn, attracted by all thi acclamation, looked curiously at Heinricb and were delighted to have an op portunity of neeing such a celebrity as he. Some young men who-had been at the un iversity with him, but who hardly knew hi ; name, came up and shook his hand a warmly as if they were hi, most ihtimute friends. The prettiest of the female wall/ ers cast glances of tender interest at him from their velvety blue eyes as they pass ed. One per ion ulnar seemed l<> take no part in the general enthusiasm. He was sit tiiif at a table near I)}', with hi* hewl turn ed in the opposite direction. and was ab sently drumming a military march with bis fingers on the crown of his hat, and uttering from time t" time a very dubious humph! His appearance was peculiar, al though at tint night he might be taken lor an hone it citizen of moderate menus, llis eyes were gray, but with a greenish tinge, and they -ceincd to shine with phopher <• i cut light like tho.'' of a cat; his pale, thin lips, when parte*, di played two rows of very white teeth, pointed and far apart which pun him a ferocious, almost canni hat exprc.i. ion, while his long, curved fin ger nail looked like i lawn. These pecul iarities, however, were idi-.ervable only to per "in who plain ed at him suddenly, Tor to the eyct that looked fixedly at him lie presented the ordinary ea y appearance of a retired inerehant, and one woubl lie as toiiishcd al one's elf for having uspected ucb a harinle i looking person of any vil lainy. T!ie young Heinrieh wa . secretly annoyed by thi man' e\ ident indiirerelu e, and bis di. dainful idlence .'eemed to take from tin- value of the admiring prai. es with which bi own companians were over whelming him; it WIIM the ilence of the counoiiir, who cannot lie deceived, by appearand-'and who ha seen the In* .1. of eyefytbing in bis time. Atmayer, the warmest of lleinricli's admirers, noticed thi i per on': cold silence and aildri -ed him defiantly, raying "I.i it not true, ir, that no actor could play the part of Mcphisphcle belter than our friend hen-' "Humph!" said the 'tranger, grinding his i harp teeth together, while his blue green eyes Hashed. "Mr. Heinrieh ii a young man of talent I admire liini groat ly; but. in order to play hi part well he has much to learn." Then, turnine to the ac tor, be -aid suddenly: "Have yon ever seen the devil?" putting the question ill mii. h a i liitrp, mocking toil' that a < hill ran through his hearer- "That i absolutely e - ential," he l oiitiuued, "tor the prii'ect rendering of the part. The other night I was in the theater of the I'orte de Carintlile, and I wad not satisfied with your laugh— it wa* a laugh of mere inischievioua al the mii t. This is the way you should dolt my dear little Mr Heinrieh." And Instantly, by way of example, he gave a sharp, brill peal of langhtcr that ua: o main ion i and anionic that the music and the daucers topped K c WMNTIIIK Tlii- lie it evening when lleiori. h ap|»-tir ed on the lage there at in the ftr I roiv of Ihe orchestra 'cats the my ferioiH gnc I 1 of the Double Headed Eaple. \t every ' word the young actor uttered the -Iranger I hook hi head. cowled, nia ked his ( tougue again t bis palate and gave • very sign - i behind the -.cenes, and on turning round he -aw. to hi dismay, a person dressed exact I v oj be wa>, in red and black, but with a greenish glitter in bis eyes.* a sar donic « xpre siou, and sharp, white, separ ated teeth. The young man conhl not but recognize the unknown ol the inn, or rather Satan himself, for it was he. "Ah. ba, my voting friend," cried the intruder, "you want to play the devil, do yon f Let me tell you that you cut such a poor ligure iu the act that I cannot allow you to continue. Von v J give the good people of V.euna a wretched opinion of me. I will take your place this evening, and a- your presence would annoy me I will send you down to the sub cellar." Ileinrit-b kuew lie was iu the power of the Kvil One, and mechanically grafping Kaly'ii cru-.i, which be tried to cream. Ile vwis unable to utter a ; ound, however, and the devil, pre ing his flaw-like hands upon the young actor's .-boulders, forced hi.i. to th< lloor, then left hitn and went on tlo- :itdge. Mis biting, vcliomoli. and really dia bolical manner at fir t merely surprised I lie audience. "Ilcinrich is the right vein to-night,' was heard on all sides. What produced a great effect wa ihi neering laugh, hai b a., the gruting of a . av., bitter a - the of the damned blaspheming the joy of partuli e. Sever before bad nch depths uf liemli liness been portrayed upon that tuge ; the people trembled and panted with emotion. I'bo phoreiicent sparks flashed from the finger of the terrible a> tor: the light from the chandelier grew pale; the footlights burned lurid red, and the mnell of sulphur tilled the hall. The audience was in a delirium, and thunders of applause greeted every en lelue ulleied by the wondellill Al. plli to pheles, who more I ban once substituted Holds of hi oVVIi for Ibo•- ol the poet. Little Katy, to whom Ueiniieli had cut a box ticket, could hardly recognize lor be loved, and she was filled with a Vajjtie pre sentiment, foreseeing mi fortune with that power of divination which love, the soul's ecoiul fight, he tow. The performance ended Willi a tempest ofenthu ia m. and directly the curtain fell the people called wildly for Alephi topbelc to come out. The latter, however, did not appenr, and after a long "enreh an at teuilnnt canin to the manager and aid tluil Mr Heinricb hail been found lying iineon eious in the sub cellar, where he must have fallen through a trap, lie was taken home, and those who undressed him were itatohiubed to .-oe on his shoulders a nifmber of'deep -cratches like the marks of a tiger's cluws. His illness was a long one, and as soon as be was convalescent the theater mana ger made him •» brilliant offer, but he re fused to uct again, for lie did not care to risk bis soul n second time ; moreover he knew that his acting could never equal that of his dreadfnl substitute. Al the end of two or three years, baviug come into a modest inheritance, Ilcinrich married his pretty Katy, and the two sat together before a Saxony stove iu a cozy parlor, and talked of their children'* future. Theatergoers still speak with admiration of that marvelous performance, and are astonished at lleinrich'H caprieiousncss in abandoning the stage at the very moment ol hi t triumph.— The Fi'of.h. I ho Troublesome Sparrow. That immoral and impudent, bird, the sparrow, is in trouble again, lie is a bird of notoriously bad character. lie is a lighter, a thief, aud an incurable glutton. The indictment which the ('hosier Farm er.i' Club has brought against him i enough to make more self re-pectilig birds thank their stars that they are not as he. The Cheshire farmers have been calculating that he eats one tenth of all the grain that is grown in the country, and the cost ol killing hiui k about a pound a thousand. If a farmer want to oxteruiiuate birds, he mint expect to be at charges for the alt to put on their tail —which in thi ease bap pens to be saltpeter, lint the accusation of gobbling up the grain which ought to go into the barn is more serious. In the winter, too, the sparrows go into the farm yard and eat the grain intended for the poultry and feed at the pig trough with the pigs—which is surely a mark of great intelligence on their part. Still the ur otter of a prize of a coy ole kin jacket to the person who gue request will be swallowed Like a hot buckwheat cake, and that in h ; than two month- the streets of this town, will echo the thunder of charging squad rons. We propose to donate the weekly services of six mules, in case otir request is complied with, and we proini e the boy • m advance that we shall lead them on to glory and ileal h whencM-r it is convenient to do so. How are you, "colonel" a real live colouel with a commission iu hi - pocket and a bo om lull of patrioti m and glory! No womler the old shellback down the street site and gazes into vacancy by the hour. He has lo I lit, grip iu this town, and lie sees the baud writing on the wall. Xo advance will be made iu our advertising rate ■on this account. All advertisement intended for the week's i- uc must in by Tuesday Now Let 11 ivi Hiiwl When tin- old chattel mortgaged, bankrupted, poverty stricken concern down the avenue which claims to he a newspaper bought, an old power pre i oyer in Tombstone City on tick and bad it hauled over here by a twelve mule team, lie expected the Aineri c;fh continent to tip up at an angle of 4.1 degrees. "He wa . the lir.t to display en terpri .- it was the first power pre.; ■ in town—he would show the people w hat real lievv.-paper enterprise wa-'," aud o forth and so on. That pre s, a. everybody knows, has proved a llat failure, except lo kill off two half breeds who talked into ils bovvelr audcr the idea that it wa a phono graph, and a; for any improvement in the typographical appearance or intcre I of our contemporary it isn't there. Nothing but a drunken riot and a case of nbsolute "pi" con id do thai. • We haven't been crowing around any, but w< have been at work all the same. We now take plea sire in announcing to our rcadc.i that, beginning next week, we shall not only ink the form 'of flu Kid.' r with a regular elite and in obi i roller procured fit Denver at a great expense and a i a particular favor, but we shall place a jar of beans in our window n.l offer 100 ye irs' übscription to till: paper to the per .on making the nearest guess :i to the ex act number. Three month will be allowed for sending in the guesses. \ml as if this were not enough to make the aforesaid cross-eyed, lame-jointed, buck-kneed, one storied hyena who adds the word "editor" to his name wish he bad never been born, we hall otter a prize of four gallons of whisky to the bulf breed who can wear a -hirt the longest, and take our whole otiice force up iu a balloon as soon as the vehicle already contracted for, cau arrive here. Now let our contemporary bow l with his cracked voice and guush bis old snugs lo gether! We have only just begun with him. Ile talk of editorial culerpri .<•! lie prate of giving subscribers double the value of their money! Why, we can think of more schemes in live minutes than could lie crowded into his cranium in two thous and years! We've been a little suviug ol late, but now that this so called "publish er" has seen lit to blow his bugle horn about enterprise we'll go down into our sock and spend our last dime to drive hiui into a rabbit hole and plug up the entrance. Josh Billings' Philosophy. Tongue-tied women are very scarce ami very valuable. lie who acquires wealth dishouestly is too corrupt to enjoy it. II is a great art to be ...iperior to others without letting them know it. Vain men uliould he treated as boys treat bladders- blow them up till they burst. I have always noticed that lie is the best talker who e thought agree- with our own. • There is not only fun, but there i virtue iu a hearty laugh; animals can't laut'li and devils won't Don't never quarrel with a loafer. Scur rility is his trade; yon can never make him ashamed, but, he is ure to make you so. Vanity i called a discreditable pa ion, bill the good thing; that men do can of tencr be traced to their vanity Ihnn to their virtue. Don't ever prophesy, young man, for it vou prophesy wrong nobody will forget if, and if you prophesy right nobody will re member il Kceentricitics, when they are natural, are ome indication of a superior mind; those who think different from others are apt to act different. A Novel Projeci. When it vvas luted some weeks since in the newspaper, that. I lie building of a milk pipe line from a point-in New York Stale to New Viirk City was projected il was treated as a joke. Tim projector were, however, it eems, in ober earnest. A company with a capital ol has, it i announced, been formed at Middletovvn, N. \ , for the purpose of constructing audi a hue The ptopo.icd method ol torward lue tin* milk is in cylindrical tin can sur rounded and propelled by Water, and the promoters of the clieiue .I el l thai the time ol trau portal ion lor u distance ol 100 miles will not exceed an hour, while the profit will be about one cent a gallon. tin iiitil li'iitti think >1 thi sort ol thing goes ou. we need not be lurprised ere long to (im! New York the converging point not only ol oil, natural gas, and milk pipe lines, but ol whi-ky duct from the blue yru region -Mild beer duel from < uiciu iisti, St.. Louis, and Milwaukee The pipe inanufai turers may well feel cheerful at the pro peel beloi'e them. I I'oll town quill men are n ipg cro* in lieu of pigeons lor trap shooting. Bill Arp Among The Farmers. Itill Arp, tin- (leorgia humorist, has been among Ilt<- farm' r ll** iay ■ liy invitation. J made a speech not I.uii' ago it i farinei iiarl-rcne in a neigh- Urtriu ' comity, and I -pread myself in iiu iraf iii'' our people lo keep up with the age, and I pictured tin* innocence ami houcsij ami independence «> nil "My friend. yon talk mighty will \.ni talk like a lawyer, hut 1 ! would like to know if you can till ltie what kiml of a call" makes the best milch cow*' "A heifer calf " faid I. anil the crowd jii: t \ ••lied 1 got tli«- it on the old man, and o oiys nie a-k yon a question and yon may .1 I no another, and the man who >au t u!• v.i-r his own que-tion must treat to cigar- " ' All tight, says lie, '-now fo ahead." S tul I ' ll.iw does a ground squirrel dig his hole without leaving any dirt around the top'" He -tudifd awhile and then gave up, aud . ailed ou me to answer. "Why," .-aid I, "he begius at the hot turn." "W ell, b:it how does he get to the hot t • HII. aid the old man. as though he had we." •I don't know,'" said I. "I never did know, and as it is your question, you must answer or pay." The crowd yelled again, ami the old man iirii iulered and bought the cigars. Health Hints. fion't cont radii I your wife. Don't tell a man lie is a stranger to the truth because lie happens to he smaller than >uiii i ll'. Krrors of this kind have Ueon known to In- disastrous. Sever go to lied with cold or damp feet. Leave tin in liepidti the kitchen fire, where they will he bandy to put on in the morn ing. It is |>ad to lean your back against any thing cold, particularly when it is in an i. y pavement upon which your vertebral arrangement has caromed with a jolt that hakes the buttons oil your coal. Vlway eat your breakfast before begin ning a journey. If you haven't any break fast don't journey. Alter violent exercise. like putting up the tove or nailing down carpets, never ride around town iu an open carriage. It is belter to walk It is also cheaper. AVheii hoar e, -peak a little as possible. If you ure Lot bourse it won't do you any harm to keep yonr mouth -hut. too. I toll'l light the tiic with kerosene, the hired girl do it She ha n't any wile aud children. You have. I tun t roam around the house in your bare feet at the dead of night trying to pick ii]. I raj lack Men have been known to ih locate their jaw through this bad practice Wlu ll j Oil re a lliall put the lighled cml of i i igar iu hi mouth, don't ask him il it i hot enough Serious injury lias often re ulted from tin liuhit —Philadelphia hi if it i ft i'. The Awful Alternative. Little Marshall I'. Wilder tol.l a Wash iii -toii /'«. I reporter Iho following gem: I inucuiic called iu on Mike Learj's old e t hoy, Tiui. one day and found that line broth of a boy pale about the gills, losing tie Ii and the picture of Jespair. «»■ "llowlj Mo es, Tim, it's murtheriu'ill ye re lookiu! Fwat in the name ar th' kia ken's the matherf" "Finucane!" "Vis." "Vi- know that blatherin' spalpeen av a Widdy »'o tigan's second husband's step son, Jamie?" "That 1 do." ■ lie bet me a dollar to a pint 1 couldn't schwally an igg widout br'akiu' th' shell av it " ••Jfaw!" '•Yis." "I»id ye do m f "I did." •■Thin fw hat's aillin' yet" "It's iloon there. If I Joomp about I'll hr'nk it an' cut me stnmmick wid th' shell. It' I tape quiet thedom thing'U batch oot an' I 'll have a Shanghai roosther a clawin' me inside-)." Insects In Drugs. At a recent meeting of the Chemists' A -i.lant ' Association, Mr. C. J. Strother bowed a number ol drugs infected with animal life, and remarked that the first, a fair-looking sample of crushed liuseed, sup plied about three weeks before by u large wholesale linn and kept in a wooden cask with a cover ol wook, was seen under u lens to bo literally alive. The neit was aconite root, of which the parasite was quite dilfercnt Nux vomica and cantha rides were the remaining specimens. With the last named il is usual to put camphor, though with doubtful effect, but it is pos ihle wa hiug liaril substances iu a so 1 ll tion ol dicylic acid, ami quu\ly drying them, might protect them. The question naturally arise What would be the effect of a poultice containing thousands of insects applied to an open wound, cpeeially If the poultice be made with hot instead of boiling water?- FHARHI. •loin The Value of Vaccination. " \tier moving from this place, ten days pa.-.'-ed before we reached another planta 1 ion, during which time we lot more men than we bad 10. I between I tan illy a aud r ('arroww a' The mall pox broke out among the Manycum and their followers, and the mortality un terrible. Our Kan zihari escaped thii pest, however, owing to the vaci inutiou they had undergone on hoard the Madura.' The foregoing is an extract from thit interesting letter of Mr. Stanley published recently, unil we com iiieiid il to the notice of the anti vaccina lii ill I t LUHO I. That's What he Said. _ "hnl you a k papa?" "Yes." "What did he say f" "<>b. not much." "Well, what did he , including the pu. i of the In i II e, slid the groom only .i him alo fee. Tlii* mini tcr nays some other fellow will officiate at the christening, i AGRICULTURAL. little., may be made for governing the dairy work, but there can be no rule made for feeding the cows in regarA to quantity and quality ol food hath cow wal bave hei - pedal demands, and t Ley must, lie complied with 110 i.ol disturb the onions or onion sets If thejr arc ituxcu. The handling of them when they are iu a frozen condition id det rimental. Allow them to gradually thaw, and keep them where they were originally stored. Mulch around the yoiiug trees as soon as the grouud ia fru/uii. This will prevent the ground from thawiug 100 early iu the the spring, thus delaying the flow of sap, thereby lessening the liability of iujury from lute frosts. A steel at the Chicago Fat Stock Show gained over three pounds per day to the ai?e of 32"J days The greatest gain with steers is when they are under two years old. the average gain being about two pounds per day to that age. The i nrry comb is never more useful than in the winter. It is a pretty useful thing any time. 11 should be used careful ly. however, at all times. The man who Uses a sharp curry comb as be would a spade in digging had better not use one at all When milk is unfit for the farmer to drink it i* also nutit for the yoong calf. Scours frequently result from the calf not receiving milk that is fresh and sweet. The natural conditions iu feeding young calves should he observed as closely a3 possi hie. The skin of animals is an excretory or gan. Now, if the pores are filled with dirt the organ cannot perform its office ef ficiently. Keep the skin as clean as possi ble. This inay be done partially byj keep ing bedding clean, keeping dirt from sift ing down from above, currying, etc. Wagons should be kept well greased, tirca. e is cheaper tliau horse flesh, and as the roads iu the winter season do uot al ways permit of tbe use of light wagons the draught on tbe horses should be kept at the minimum point, aud greasing the axles will largely contribute to lessen the wear aud tear of the wagons as well as the labor of the horses. Rough land alone will not support beep. Sheep will fiud much that may be utilized by them on such lands, but a good feed of grain should be given at night also. As the sliecp will eat tender herbage of all kimls and industriously forage for all thai cuii be had, they serve to keep down weeds and suckers, but such food will not answer for them exclnsively. To take the ''fishy" smell from yonr kilb't after frying fish, put soap and water in the skillet and let it boil for ten minutes. Whitewash should be used in order to render the stables cheerful. A light stable is more comfortable than a dark one, and as the luue partially nerves to disinfect the building its application should be fre quent. I'util farmers have generally learned thai good roads are as necessary to their sncceas as good crops, the country roads will be generally hod . and no legislation will make tbeui otherwise, ntile.ii it will bn by levying a direct tax lor road purposes and appointing official road makers with tahirics, whose duties shall be the making •of roads and keeping Ibem iu repair. The question being raised as to whether it was better lo have cows "come in" every year or to havo them bred once in two years, the Rural -Yew Yorker made luquiries of a number of dairymen, and their testimony is in fnvor of the former plan FC J ALL UKBDS AXD FLOCKS. The maxim a small farm well tilled" is au old one, and tbe frequent advice to cultivate small areas is excellent, but this rule is one that is applicable to herds and docks to a certain sense. To maks a small farm profitable tbe land must be brought up to the highest degree of fer tility, and it must bo well fed if it is ta produce heavily. The quality of the soil is the prime factor to be considered before the venture is made. If farmers culti vate too much land they also keep larger herds and flocks than is necessary to SUC CORS. 11 is the well bred herdd that gives tbo farmer a profit, and the failure to make stock raising pay is duo to the keeping of large numbers of unprofitable animals iu stead of concentrating the capital and labor on u small aud bettor class of stock. The first item that enters into tbo cost of an animal is its maintenance, which in cludes the fond necessary to keep it alive without increase of weight. This cost must alway;: be borne, under all conditions, and iu many cast-sit is tho source of tbe loss. The greater the coat of providing the auitnal with warmth (bodily) and the matorial for repair of tissue, tbe smaller will be the profit fiom the unitnal unless it can give a return proportionate to tho cost of maintenance, and greater, in compari son with other antnials in the herd. This rule applies also to tho soil, for the cost ol maintenance of the soil (that is, to avoid loss of fertility) must be estimated iu the cost of tlii: crop. Tbe profit derived by the farmer iu greater iu exact proportion to the surplus over tbo total cost, which iu> hides uot onlj the uiaiiiteuuuce of the animal but the capital and labor invested in its management. While a large herd will give a larger re turn, under equal conditions, than a smoll oue, yet the profit depends on the anmnnt from each member of tho herd. It is, therefore, more profitable to keep a few animals that pay than to keep large numbers at a loss, it is more profitable to transfer the capital invested iu a large herd that does not pay lo a small herd, thereby concentrating the efforts on a few, just as a small plot of land may be made profitable by applying on il tbe whole of the manure. The quality ol the animals, their capacity lo convert food Into salable products and the lessening of the cost, and r pei.-tally of tho cost of maintenance, are to be chiefly considered, and when these matter; are fairly given tbo attention of the farmer he will find that he has been too extravagant in attempting to do that which Is sometime* rotialdered economical. K" onomy in rai ing stock is to use the best animal to tie had, and to properly manage the in. Ever J' bottle yf Hood s barsaparilla i ontaib i 100 doses, and is a fair equivalent for a dollar A York couuty leather* has raised a rumpus by plastering the months of lalk atll e i hlldleli The Liigli»h language has been chosen for u ,e iii tbe recording of iinportaut treaty obligations between Russia and China. —The farmers of I'.nut township, ROS« county, O have organiled a court, before which law breakers are taken and punish* went meted out NO 16