CARTER'S [I? IHi 1 Hi CURE (lick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl dent to • bilious state of the system, such n* Dizzhiesa, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress •atine. Pain in the Side, &c While their most remarkable success lias lieen shown in curing SICK Headache, j-et CARTER'S LITTLE Lrvra* mrn equally valuable in ( onsttpation. coring and preventing this annoying enmptaint. while they also worrc.-t all disorders h. Stimulate the liver aniiivjftrtlT. - the bowels. Even if they only cufatl JIfAD ■%k. thev would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here and tlioae who once try theui will And these little pills valuable in go many ways that tfier will not he willing to do without them. But after all sick bead ACHE k the bane of ao man v Uvea that here is where .we make our great boast. Our pills cure It While others do not. CUTTER'S LITI-LB LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pilLs make • dose. They are strictly vegetable and do BOt gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaaeall who use them. In vials at —> cents; nve for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL CA2TX2 XSSICI3X CO., Kr» Tat JbiIHL hlk UTries, tkwm The tanner and working man who have been oat in the mod all day can waah thcirbooCs eiean before •ntarinctbe house. They ir ill bo Soft. Polished and Dry, it dressed with Wolff'sAGM EBlacking Uikes hoosekerpint emi ier. SavcH Su-f&jtitir/ mirf Scrubbing. The boot* tIH s ,* : *-in rot irr* l>l||Bdhwl|i««fw«terofi to I- i » WATEMPROOf-a Uzu% - , luaH aoC • . WCL's- & iLAjJELfHIA. E^iiiib^im if! z H OF FURE COD LIVER HL •AJXTID EYPOPHCSPHSTSS Almost as Paiatabioas So diigolud that it cim bo talcen, digested, and tuiimlluti'd by the most nuhlvt stoiuach, -.vhen the pluln oil cannot be tolerated; and by the coin btnntiun of the oil xvl«l» the phosphites la mauh mere oDH-aclo u.. Renurlafcle as a flss'u pixdnfr. Persons gain rapidly wLIU i*. SOOTT'S EMTTIJ?IO}J hi rrtn0u!,, ; ;.,.l bv Phyaiciana to be tho Fines inj lien i-ri j .:iu OONSUMPTICN, SCROFULA, GENERAL. DEBILITY, WASTiHC DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC CGUCHS The great remrf-f " r CmirwripVcrr., ant Wotting in Chihlrmi. S"ld by nil Dru jijitls CATARRH HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM it not a liquid. mu/F or powder. Applied into nostrih r. Vau I Dyckatonce. Special terms to all who wake | enitaifemenMttki. month. 1t,,,k free. En** K «- menta ean be made by mall. Call ou ..raddress Dr J. Van Dyck, 4u M. mh street, Philad." pbl«, or lot Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a. | Hours a to 1 and 2 to J; Sundays, 10 to If. THE CITIZEN. MISCELI ANEOI S —An iipnioai TMNBMI has made a musical instrument from a eorncoli. Any one can play by ear on it. —Hotel Clerk—"Check yonr grip, sir?" Guest (with the intluenza) —"Great Scott, yes; can you do it?" —When a woman loyes a man she goes the whole hog, even to the wart on hi* nosi-. It isn't so with man. —First Small Boy—"\\ e had a fire at oar house last night. ' Second Small Boy—"That sof "Yes. Pa fired sister's beau." —When a man gets old we speak of "his declining years,'' anil yet he would not de cline a few years if they were offered to him. —Barber—"Excuse me, sir, bnt did 1 cut yout" Victim (feeling the blood trickle down his cheek) —"I didn't hear any fire arms go off." —Some of our most prominent citizens have been cured of chronic rheumatism by that wonderful pain-banisher —Salvation Oil. Price 23 cents. "Why, Jones, what a ho(a)rse you have in your throat!" "Yes. I raised it from a col(d)t in my head. I've too much live stock." "Well, like enres like: Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure you. The Itull will quickly scare the ho(a)rse away." . —The original trust —"In God We Trust'' —Jack-the-Gripper is slowly losing his hold. —Advertise: "A drop of ink may make a million think." " 'Mid pleasures and palaces, tho' which we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like homo," especially if blessed with a wife whose hours are not spent in misery caused by those drngging-down pains arising from weaknesses peculiar to her sex. l'ierce s Favorite Prescription relieves and cures these troubles and brings sunshine to many darkened homes. Sold by druggists under a positive i/uaraiitee from manufacturers of satisfaction •or money refunded. Read guarantee on bottle-wrapper. —Tho cleansing, antiseptic and healing quatities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequalled. —Dime museum freaks, unlike poets, are not born bnt made. "Where are you going, my prett.i maid. "I'm going to —atchoo." she aid. When the milkmaid i.- awkward and fretful thij cow generally turns pail. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit In All the World There Is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' G - dtrn Specific. IT !:»• glveo tii A cup of tea or co£T« • wlrh »>•:» »•>.• knowledge ■>! the i-ersoi. t fki. ft • tli'i'tlug a apt-i-ilj and permanent cure,"lifther tin ptitii-nt la a moderate driDker or ;-.u alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have heen cured who have t -Ken the Golden sr. c ttlc In their coflee without th> ir kDowthdgc. ana today believe they <|int rtrlnklns of their own tree will. No termini effects ies Its f -n tt- administration. i uies guaranteed. Sct-tl tor circular umi lull particulars. Address, in confidence <}> I.DF.H M'ECIFIC Co.. Ik; i.ace St. Cincinnati, u. Consumption Surety vCured. To Tn« EDITOR:—Pleaso inform your readers that 1 have & positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousand:* of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles ot my remoMWI stahllm: oonnrcted. II KITENMUT LKlt. I'rop'r. Willard Hotel W. 11. BEIIIINIi. Prnp'r BUTIj ER, - HA. NTU;|.IMJ 1> COXNKt'TIOV. SASI'LH Kt»C J1 for t OUHKItt lAI, TIUTEI-Klts SAMPLE LIOOM. I.LVEIN INCONNKCTION Hotel Vogcley (Strictly Fir-1 C'a.s.s.) UENKV I;. I!KCK. I'Bdp'it. ■i. 11. r.vL-iiKh, iliinnfrei. Ilutlcr, I'a. Jordan's Restaurant All our r• :ii .•: s vi-l it'lT IJutU'i w.-ll u> ii> to S-iui JurciaitV i -tiitu nil u.i th. ir mt aU We f<-rvt •i ctit >!i drink*. ti>iiu ""'1 ••vnry. S<>. 4. >S. Main St. under nV clolbitm ftore —Wanlrd at Once —CapuMu ladit « auc' ueuts to lmntili! our l»i;i>k, l'.\ploratloiiH tiinl lilvsitlnres of 11.-iiry 31 Stanley in At'rirn. 80tt pities anil ovt-r 200 engravings. liniuen.suly popular. Price only Outtit nov\- ready and mailed for !)0 cents. The success of our Jr/ents in unparalleled. Address, TIIK THOMPSON IT It. CO., 225 S. Sixth St.. Phil a, I'a. Livery Stable For Sale. .. The will sell itlf ~ ''' s '' v cry stahie, in the rear tho Wick House, consist- VVfi. n '"H of horses, buggies, sieighj:, > IWiVfc I harness and everything per taining thereto, and lease the barn for a term of years. My reason for selling is tbat I wish to devote my attention to other busine.-.s. ALFRED WICK. WANTED Men tn fr.k# ur'»e»» lor Nur-tr> Stock, on Sala ry or C niuiJiiHsloii. Iran make a successful SALESMAN ?'j?, n y,°" e w 'ho will work and lollow my IN struri ions. \\ 1)1 handsome outtii (re<* an«i pjiv your salary or eommlsttJonevery week. • ite for terms at once. K. <>, GKAIIA M Niirv»TV mar.. N. Y. —Aayertiuu iu the CITIZEN. SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear.' Grand Sample & Mid-Winter Sale AN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOODS, HEAVi UOOIS, ETC. Having just rpceived a large line of sample Boots and Shoe.s from several first class factories, I take great pleasure in informing you of this great sacrifice sale. Among tbese samples are some very fine shoes for Men, Ladies and -Misses—something suitable for dress aud which will be sold at a very small margin. 1 have also on band a big lot of Winter Goods which will be sold during this sale at a srreat reduction. Among these are 75 cases Men's, I>o\s' aud Youths' Kip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskes and woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, felt shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a big line of Holiday (roods. But it can't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been having, no enow, hut a constant mud, and under these circumstances wool goods and heavv boots can't be sold at a margin, but we will will take it as it comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these «oods, but sell them for whatever they wi 1 bring—this is the method we have mapped < ut with the anti-backward season sale. 1 also intend starting Eaat in a few days and will put my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on mv Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price and the first time "you visit Butler call around and see me. whether you wish to l.uv or not. But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, for you cannot resist \hc bargains. lam offering 35 cases Men's Kip Hoots at $1.50 and upwards; 25 cases Boys' Kip Boots at $1.25 and upwards; 15 cases Youths' Kip Boots at SI 00 and up wards; Ladies' fine sample sloes, ranging in prices from $1 25 to $3 00; 8 dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at $1 25; 70 pairs child's calf shoes, solid leather tip, at 90e. and $1: 300 pairs Men's calf and buff shoes, in button, lace and Cong ,atsl2s to *2.00. Any of these shoes fully worth from $1 75 to $2.00. Child's school shoes, heel or spring heel, tips or plain toe, at Csc. to 75c. Call aud examine, whether yon wish to buy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices. Men's working shoes in a good Brogan, Creetnors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid taps, and for the glass house trade we h:ive a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear and comfort Call ahd see these shoes The price will he a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies of all kinds. Three brauds of leather. A full stock ShefSel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips. Levan calf, etc., etc Zinc, rubber soling,iron, Swede irou. and all nails suitable for shoemaking. Shoemakers tools of all kind. Send for our price list and see our prices. Rubber Goods of all Kinds. Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prir-rs Medium. and bip rubber boots. A large line of Men's fine dr. A. •- p.; mit.ictun d by th« Hiding factories of the Eastern market, CM- (■ in \ i»F«*erinl di -ired K ngaroo, Cordovan, Porp -ise, French calf, V; !••• ,A- i " •inri hand wel:* \\ • "vi-itinar Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes of shoes which I will show vor Should you not desire a pair of these at pPfKHTit, rion'r stav away hut call and select for yourself a Gne pair of shoes f■•!• u'.oi- f < ir. I have also ou hands 4 dozen of mv make,box toe, f. nft fif.*- dref>R sh'-ea which will also be sold during this sale, very ; li; Ai •.;! ••m-- a fuli stick i>f rav own box toe boots, lone leg, ■ , .! ! isiitid jugged. Also the celebrated 6uk*y boot, iu box or plain toe. Ti is salt will last for six weeks, as about that time or two weeks pre vious i'ur Si,.-tf.g stock will begiu to arrive and the above method we have mtippi-d 1 ut fur this special clearance sale. Trusting you nil visit mv store and secure a share of the bargains I liju ofT-riri". Boots and made to order. Repairing, either in leather or rubber goods, done on very short notice. <■•- ! A t>\/ / WAW / /7M \ nv // mm<§ iW'f P nuhlwr Shoes unless worn UPComfortaMv tight «U1 often slip off t!i" feet. To.remedy this evil the " COLCHESTER " RUBBER CD.. offer a shoo with t'-o inside of the heel lined wiO rnuber. Thin elintfM to the shoe and prevents the Kubh**r fronfslipping ofl". Cull lor tlio "folchestcr" ,; ADHESiVS COUNTERS "•1 vou -an walk, rua orjunip'in them. I CURE TThßn t my CrrEß I do not moan merrtr to stop them lor a time, end then havo them ro* turn strain- I mean A RADICAL CUKfc* 5 have made the disease o£ FITS, OS* FAjLUNG sickness, A lifc-lonf.' slady. I \7AT!RAKT my remedy to CUBE the worst caecß. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro, bendatoncu foratreaUsc and a Frf.k Bon m of my iNFAt.i.iULi. IiEMEDr. GiTe Express and Po-it Office. It costs yoa nothing for a trial, and it will euro you. Address E4.C. ROOT, M.C., 183 PEARL ST.. HEW YCIS "K: " lEN BufTcrin;? from t ; eficvts ol' youthful errors, early decay, wasting ?• 1 ,v ' T ' anliood, etc., I will flond a valuable tr< atv-'.'isealed) containing full particulars f«>r homo ctiro, FREE A splendid medical work ; should tie read by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Address, JProf# C. FOWLEIi, Sloodus, Colin# A. .!. FRANK Ac CO. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MF.DICIN i .S, and t ni.vir.\i>' FiVNf'V am> TO]I.I ! /> HTU KS, SPONG l>, HiiL'SHKis, f'KUKUMKHV. Ac' Hr-|»:s}slclans' Prescriptions carefully ci«u pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler. Ph. vnius von VlhIT I ITTSBUKG CALL ON JOHN' R. & A. MURDOCH, 508 SmithficM S(.. lor Tree.-. Btii'ds, Lilies, Grape Vines, llardy • * arnry 1 5ir«t>, Gold Fi.-b, etc. Descriptive i'.ill CaUloii-.» mailed I'rue. i. f » SAISMKN to f" II Xuiwnv yfolis? All Goods Wiirranled It II II I iK-r ri.A'--. lVriniini'iit 1111-w J»lch- uit, proiitat.'le positions i r the rijrht men. tiood salaries and expenses p ,:,l \iwki . l.itM r;ii inducements io n rs. No previous experUwe niOCMUry. Oilt- II; iref. \t iltf for ters:,-. sfiviiitf age. CIIAUI.Es> 11. t sur. rymaii. Itooliestor. K. ileiitiou this paper. Christmas Goods for Everybody. A splendid line of fancy and use ful articles of every description. Match safes—iu brass, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet cases,manicure set?, shaving sets, gloves aud handkerchief boxes in leather aud plush. Odor cases in leather, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, per fume stands, and au endless variety of fine goods, which must be seen to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and cheuper ilian over before. The pub lic is invited to call at REDICK'S Drugstore, next to Lovvry House. Examine cur goods and get our prices. Sdlll'TTE k O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers A rt* i <;..s I'ItUTH. 01 iiiore than *io yei'.rsi experi ence, imve "i' nci! their «!sic. in tne <;eo. Beltier b!ii< k. on .It ITI t>.. opposite tii-j Lowry House, wI!U a full line of Plumber'\s Supplies. G \S FIXTI'KES.ANIUiUJBKS. IIANitINC* AND TAUI.K LAMI'o, NATI ) -L < AS HrnNl.iiS, ae Joti' ln jpr imp! v.;le . I ] to, unit your p:it onn .-i- r' - •!f illy Mllellel. Millinery. New Felt ilafs and Bonnets. N«w Tips, Humes, ttirds aud Win- . New velvets i,» jill colors. New satli:s, riblionii velvet ribbons, brocade ribbons and striped ribbons. New tinsel cord, twisted cord, bead coid. Ladles' and children's furnishing goods. Ladles' and children's underwear. Ladies' and children's hosiery. Ladles' and children's cor sets and corset waists. Ladles' and children's liosp supporters. Kid gloves, cashmere ffloves, silk mittens and wool mittens. Latest novelties In neckwear. M. F. & 31. Marks. FO"R SALE, REGISTERED BERKSHIRES. TLe prize winning Berkshire Boar, T< M DUDIiS, 15.40:J, Kea:-on for Belling, cannot use h.nger in herd. Also, extra good fall pigs, either sex. sired In Tom Dotlds. Pedsgreeß givt 11 with every sale and guar anteed as represented or money refunded. Address, .1. I'AKK H-VYS, Prospect, Pa. DOLLAR S NOW FOR 80 CENTS. THIS is what our sale means in allowing Twenty Per Cent Cash Discount from regular prices of All Over coats. We are determined to dispose of them, and therefore offer this extraoidinary inducement: S-iO Overcoats now $24 sls Overcoats now 812 §2o Overcoats now S2O $lO Overcoats now $8 S2O Overcoais now $lO 6 ; > Overcoats now All intermediate prices comparatively the same. Extra good values in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Hats and Caps; also Knit Jackets, Gloves, Underwear. Silk Mufflers, &c. Big reduction in Fur and Plush Caps. STRASSBKEF& JOSEPH CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND HATTERS, tet-MS FFQE&dLLJST. ' The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. WE WAI6TT JVIOBIBY ! We have too many CLOTH WRAPS AND JACKETS. OVER $3,000 WORTH. We Will Get Rid of Them in This Wayi We Will Selj $ 4 00 WRAPS AT * 2 00 5 00 " " 2 50 C 00 " " 3 00 8 00 " " 4 00 10 00 " " 5 00 12 50 " " G 25 13 50 " " 6 75 15 00 " " 7 50 18 00 " "9 00 20 00 " " 10 00 2? 50 " '• 11 25 25 00 " " 12 50 This Great Sale begins on Friday, Jan. 24th. Now do not come in next week and ask for, say a 812 wrap at $6; and when told they are all gone, say we advertise goods wo do not have. The sale begins Friday. When the sale opens.we will have all the above goods in stock. We make the nale to sell them, and sell them quick, so that if you want to Belect from the full line come in early. Rittef & Ralston. LE^dING MILLINERY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South. Main Street.. - - - HUT-CER* f A A solid- STEEL FENCE! Jmkdmll CVT EKtiST®"* something new ?or RESIDENCES. CHURCHFS. CEMETERIES. F*. Htln . .•» Too Much Warm Weather For Winter Goods. We cannot wait any longer and have made big Reductions in prices on all our Winter Gocds. Now is the time to get some genuine Bargains in Wool Dress Goods, Flannels and Blankets, Hosiery and Underwear, Cloaks, Wraps and Shawls, Millinery, &c,, Arc. We are determined to s-ell them all before it is too late. New York Bazaar Opposite I'ostofliee. BUTLER, - PA. Send for Samples—FßEE. WANTED—LADY.t;,««-n??'') I %n old firm. nxiulred. mniaacst iwaiCw 1 ■BUT I. * I7T7 src not ,ho oldest slnie"| ■Tr M %% H .hotifco in Cutler. \l'e I"v | |We know our business. * * J—'are probably tho young--" -* v -I csf. 11. T TTT^ are noUhe richest shoe % * |~l .house in IJtitler. |-€ I I the necessity of doing busi -®- ness on the"hand to-mouth" basis. IIL "|T|7T7 bOT ? n N t largest T TfTI We have a brand new one y y niay 1,0 th " £3 v_J _L tbttt is rieLt np todate - IV. "IT7T7 haven't pot the largest "p) "| "T rT^* e admit that the length ot % % |~l .store room of any shoe I~C I I I the room bears no relation * * -■—' house in Uutler; onrs is-*—* V_/ X. to the quality of the shoes rather short, sold in it. V. * "IT ~T haven't got the biggest | % rT ft We meau to sell our share of %\ |i .shoe trade in the world. I I the tine shoes handled by us. " " -■—' and we never expect to-*—" -1- have. VI. sell cheaper than~l""\ TT V 11 claim that the goods are % % M anybody else; on the r~v I I I fully worth the price. " ' -*—'contrary our prices are-"—' the highest ruling, VII. llTTldon't give credit. try to deal with our % R 1~l .must have the money £ I i I customers so as to make ™ * -*—■"or the goods. J—' J- them our friends. VIII. ~\~\ J | want to see you all 1 > rTrp«> wish you to remember fi come aud give us a trial, l-v I I where we are located. Do " " -■—' and if goods are not just-*—* V-' not forget the number, a-i represented we will cheerfully refund you vour money, 95 S. MAIN ST. WILL REMOVE MAY IST BLACKMORE & GRIEB, ' The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG Is Coming.