Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 14, 1890, Image 2

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    Tkng CITIZEN.
One year. Inside County ™
One Year, Outside County »- 00
Payable In Advance. .
Katered at Pwtofflff at B.tler as 24 claw MatUr
Of each issue of the Cmas some extra copies
Are Drlnted which are tent to citizens of the
who are not subscribers and their sub
favor by sending us
the names of their neighbors, not now taking a
county paper.
All communications intended for publication
In this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of tne writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee of good faith,
death notices moat be accom
The New Rules.
A synopsis of the new rules that the Re
publicans of the House at 'Washington will
try to pass this week is about as follows:
"The elimination of motions to take a
recess or adjourn over to a day set. When
any proposition is under consideration not
more than one motion to adjourn will bo
allowed. The Speaker will not be expect
ed to entertain dilatory motions —the
Speaker to decide what is dilatory. Pro
viding for ascertaining a quorum in the
same manner as is now determined by the
Speaker. Fixing a quorum in the Com
mittee of the Whole at 100 instead of 160,
as at present. All bills are to be handed
to the Speaker and by him referred under
the rules, and not to be offered in the open
House, as has heretofore been the custom.
By this rule bills may be introduced at any
time. The House calendar is to bo dis
pensed with and all bills will go either to
—■ KTfWite calendar or to a union calendar
—thatTsTfr?-^ ml " ittce ol , the , Who ' n 0,1
the State of aiT "T* 0
bills amended by the SenW. to be taken
up at onco upon being re&i/n™ 1 to the
House. The Committee of the }lhole na*
the right to close debate on any paragraph
or amendment thereto without reporting-li'
the House. The old morning hour is to
be restored for the consideration of bills
reported by the committees. At the close
of sixty minutes, if the matter is undis
posed of, a motion may be made to go into
committee of the whole to take up a given
measure, to which an amendment shall be
in order—that is, substituting some other
bill—which motion, if lost, the morning
hour continues until the subject matter is
concluded, without regard to the time con
That Speaker Reed was right in his rul
ing as to a quorum can be demonstrated as
follows: Suppose that the House con
* sisted of 201 members. In that case 101
would be a majority,and therefore,under the
Constitution a quorum, and if one vote was
the actual majority of the party in power,
every time one member of that party was
absent from his seat, the minority could
by refusing to answer to their names or by
refusing to vote on a measure and calling
the attention of the Speaker to Lhe vote,
block all business. On the other hand
every member of the minority, with the
exception ol one, could absent himself and
that one by calling the Speaker's attention
to the vote, any time any one member
of the majority was absent or did not vote,
could stop business. This has been the
rulo or custom of the House and it is time
it was changed. It is a greater wrong
than the "Senatorial Courtesy" business
that got a black eye some years ago. The
Republican party now has complete con
trol of the government for the first timo in
fifteen years, and wo would like to see our
men at Washington get all these pre
liminary matters settled as soon as possible,
and then start in on some vital matters oi
public importance, and in our judgment
tho Internal Revenue is the first great
thing that needs attention, as it has, we
believe, becoino a National curse.
Natural Defenders of "the Rights
the Minority."
The most verbose and blatant of the ob
structionists in the House are the South
eastern Democrats, mostly ex-rebels, who
have exhausted the resources of their
lurid rhetoric in extolling the "rights of the
minerity," that of delaying business being
the chief. These men are entirely sincere
in their devotion to the "rights of the
minority." Their section went into tho
bloody revolt because it had found that
the minority could not rule the nation in
iLe interest of slavery. The ex-rebels of
the Southeast openly defend the rulo of
the white minority in a large portion of
that section.
As, in vindication of "the rights of the
minority," tho Southeastern white man
undertook to destroy the best government
on earth, so he now holds it right and fair
to prevent the Negro from controlling any
Congressional district, no matter what the
majority of colored voters may be. Mur
der, intimidation, fraud—these are all con
sidered legitimate means of protecting the
white minority in the retention of political
The beneficiaries of this style of "mi
nority representation - ' in the present
House are naturally disposed' to resort to
any sort of dilatory tactics to prevent the
Republican majority from investigating
the titles to their scats. Here are the
names of these Congressional advocates of
the "rights of the minority
Alabama — Majority.
First District R. H. Clarke 2,858
Second District H. A. Herbert... 249
Third District Wm. C. Oates... 3,149
Fourth District Louis W. Turpin.26,6l2
Second District 11. G. Turner 3,763
Third District Charles F. Crisp. 2,431
Fourth District....Thos. M. Grimes. 2,497
Sixth District Jos. H. Blount... 8,239
Eighth District H. H. Carlton... 4,180
T*nth District G.T.Barnes 0,145
Fourth District N. C. Blanchard.. 3,752
Fifth District C. J. Boatner 22,154
Sixth District S. M. Robertson.. 4.545
Second District J. B. Morgan 2,468
Third District T. C. Catchings.. 14,720
Fourth District Gierke Lewis 5,773
Fifth District C. L. Anderson.. 1,570
Sixth District T. R. Stoekdale.. 1,327
Seventh District...C. E. Hooker 6,440
South Carolina-
First District Saftiucl Dibble... 2,236
Second District G. D. Tillman... 6,643
Third District J. D. Cothrau 1,210
Fourth District AV. H. Perry 1,590
Fifth District J. J. Hemphill... 2,610
Sixth District G. AV. Dargan 3,296
Seventh District. ..AVm. Elliott 24,899
Tenth District....James I'helan 3,673
Wc advise our readers to cut out this
list of dishonest Congressmen who owe
their possession of the power to obstruct
business in the House and to hurl vile
epithets at the Speaker to fraud, intimida
tion or violence, or to all together. The
audacity of these men is as pheuominal
as their dishonesty. But they have found
in Speaker Reed precisely the man for the
emergency, equal to any sort of parlia
mentary encounter, and undisturbable by
passionate invective or frantic rhetoric.
And the long-continued struggle for the
right of the majority to do business, under
Mr. Reed's magnificent leadership, has not
only educated the whole country as to
elementary principles of parliamentary
law, but has called out from various high
Democratic authorities unqualified ex
pressions of approval of Mr. Reed's course,
one of the most notable being ex-Mayor
Carter Harrison, formerly very prominent
in Congress and a master of parliamentary
law. He says now: "AVhen in the House
myself I bavo several times declared to
members that were I Speaker I would
■break the tradition and not permit a mem
ber to be constructively absent when I
knew he was there, and when, a few mo
menta afterwards, on call of the House,
he would answer to his name. I said I
hoped when the Democrats had the ma j
jority—which they had not when I was a |
member—that a Democratic Speaker would !
do away with the whole thing, and that
the rules of the House would be so altered
that this class of dilatory action would bo
made impossible.
"A minority has a right to protect itselt
by every dilatory motion that parliamen
tary rules will permit, but I do not believe
any parliamentary rules should permit a
man to refuse to vote and thereby break a
quorum by making himself constructively
absent when he is really present. It is as
much a member's duty to rote as it is his
duty to rote right, and he should not he
permitted to refuse to vote unless there is
some personal reason that would justify his
not roting. A member is elected by the
people to do the people's tcork.."
That is common sense and shows the sa
gacity of a Virginian who has had the
pluck and brains to work his way to power
in hustling Chicago. But tho ex-Confed
erate beneficiaries of fraud and violence in
the House will continue to fight for "the
rights of the minority," even after Speaker
Reed's new rules are adopted and give the
majority a chance to do business. — Hail
and Ex. '
THE vote of the Philadelphia Presbytery
was almost two to one against Revision.
BA.VUOR, Maine, furnishes its own elec
tric lights at a co c t of thirteen cents a light
per night.
THERE is going the rounds of the papers
an alleged funny story of how a Pennsyl
vania lawyer from one of our interior towns
recently tried to instruct tho Supreme
Court of the United States on law points.
He fairly paralyzed the august justices on
the bench by quoting from a back county
judge's pamphlet, and when he was through
those in the court room trembled for the
decision that the brash lawyer's case was
almost certain to receive. Tho Supreme
Court of the United States, however, is not
such an all wise body that it cannot learn
"any tuizg. more.
Washington Notes.
In the Senate Tuesday, Senator Iloar
introduced a bill providing that all Con
gressional elections must-- be held in the
present districts. This is (t more sweep
ing measure than that presented by Repre
sentative Wickham.
The Committee on Elections decided
the contested case of Atkinson vs, Pendle
ton, of the Whelling. W. A a., district, in
favor of the contestant.
Chairman Rowell will make the report,
and the case will come up as soon as the
rules aro disposed of.
Atkinson has one of the strongest cases
ever presented to Congress, and will, of
course, be seated, probably this week.
Mr. Moody introduced in the Senate a
bill providing that when any city or town
in the United States having a population
of 4,000, shown by the census reports', shall
make a request for a postoflico building,
setting forth the above fact, the Postmas
ter General shall cause to be erected a
suitable building for a postoffice. The bill
authorizing the Postmaster General to pre
scribe tho cost of the building to be erect
ed, which shall not be leas than SIO,OOO
nor more than $50,000. The bill appropri
ates $3,000,000 for the purposes set forth.
Postmaster General Wanamaker appear
ed before the House Committee on Post
offices and Post Roads and read a state
ment in favor of a system of postal telegra
Mr. Wanamaker said he had prepared a
bill based on the four bills which had been
introduced in the House this session on the
same snbject, and he believed that it would
be satisfactory. He proposed' to begin the
experiments by establishing postal tele
graph communication between tho 400
free delivery offices in the country, and to
gradually extend tho service to smaller
offices. A uniform rate on messages could
not be established. Mr. Wanamaker be
lieved the scheme should be tried for 10
years on leased wires.
The Senate Committee on Census re
ported favorably all the nominations here
tofore made by the President, and they
will be confirmed.
Several nominations wero hung up pend
ing the filing of objections, but, none of
them materializing, the committee recom
mended they all bo confirmed. There arc
about 60 Supervisors to be nominated to
to complete the list.
A little episode occurred at the Kiggs
House, Washington, D. C., in which the
color line was tightly drawn. Nat McKay,
a well-known claim agent, was entertain
ing ex-Minister to Liberia Taylor at din
ner at the Kiggs House. Congressman
Grimes, of Georgia, was assigned to the
table at which McKay and Taylor were
Seated. Grimes became indignant, paid
his bill and left the place, saying a hotel
that entertained a negro could not enter
tain him. It is understood that several
other guests will quit the hotel for the
same reason. Taylor, the bone of conten
tion, is a well-known colored lawyer, of
Atlanta, Ga., and is also a prominent Dem
ocrat, being appointed Minister to Liberia
by President Cleveland.
PRESIDENT HARRISON has, by proelama
tion, opened the Sioux K eservation in Da
kota to settlers.
THE Unmarried women of Massachusetts
are said to have $29,000,000 on deposit in
the savings banks of the State.
Don't go West, young man—go down
The Census Controversy.
Dispatches from Washington last Friday
announced a settlement of the controver
sy over the appointment of supervisors for
the Btli and 9th districts of this state, as
"In order to harmonize matters Superin
tendent of Census Porter consolidated the
the two districts and divided by three.
Whether the division was equal is a ques
tion in the minds cf some, and it is likely
some hard kicking will be done before the
nominations as sent to the Senate to-day
will be confirmed. Porter's argument is
this: George T. Oliver is to get that por
tion of the two districts comprising Alle
gheny county, while Dr. William Denny,
and James B. Mutes get the remainder.
Inasmuch as Allegheny county in point of
political patronage is worth nearly as much
as the other two districts combined, Con
gressman Dalzell's candidate gets the best
of it. while Quay's man takes probably the
It is understood, however, that thenoni
uations will be strongly and earnestly op
posed by Senator Cameron on behalf of his
colleague, Senator Quay, who is now in
Florida on his annual fishing trip. If Sen
ator Cameron cannot induce a sufficient
number of Republicans to vote with him to
defeat the nominations ho will, it is esti
mated, appeal to his Democratic friends in
the Senate to help stay the confirmation
until Mr. Quay returns or is heard from.
Mr. Porter speaks very highly of Mr.
Oliver's ability and seems very desirous of
having hiin appointed. He thinks he is
by far the most capable man mentioned
for the position and will use every endeav
or to secure his confirmation. The result
awaited with considerable interest.
The above is from the Pittsburg Timex.
The appointments have not yet been sent
to the Senate by the President.
MARION HARLAND, of NOW York, is out
in a strong appeal to the women of the
United States to contribute to a monu
ment to Mary, the mother of George Wash
ington. She calls it a neglected duty and
a National disgrace, and appeals to her
patriotic sisters to help perpetuate the
memory of a great and good woman. Ma
rion is right. The mother of a good maa
;is the greatest woman on Garth, and
; Washington's mother should have a mou
j uinent to emphasize the fact.
Utah Redeemed by Votes.
municipal election to-day passed off
quietly. The city was crowded with
special police, detectives and Deputy
United States Marshals for the purpose of
preventing illegal voting, which each
party claimed that the other would resort
to. It was feared that an attempt to
challenge and arrest voters would result in
riot and bloodshed, but this anticipation
was not realized and though the excite
ment was so intense that half of the busi
ness houses was closed, order prevailed.
Bands paraded the streets and the thorough
fares were jammed with excited citizens
who realized that upon the result of to
day's battle depended the future of the
Mormon Church as a political organization.
The voting passed off quitely and only six
arrests were made for illegal voting and
these were accompanied by no demonstra
from either side.
Snow began falling early this morning
and continued until noon, when tho sun
came out. melting the snow and turning
the streets into rivers of slush. This did
not deter the voters, many of whom waded
through the mud to the polling places,
while hundreds of carriages ran between
the precinct headquarters and every part
of the city, conveyii.g voters to and from
the polls. By noon 3.000 votes had been
cast and the poll books showed that about
76 per ceut. of the Mormon's registered
vote had been cast and about 50 per cent,
of the Gentiles. At that hour it was esti
mated that the .returns at the Gentile
headquarters gave them a majority of 20i
votes, though up to 11 o'clock the Mor
mons had a majority ranging from 200 to
At 5 o'clock it was estimated that the
returns from every ward in the city gave
a total vote of 6.298, divided as follows:
Gentiles, 3.443 ; Mormons, *?,355.
The polls closed at 6r. M. Tho Liberal
leaders posted a bulletin claiming 1.200
majority. The news spread rapidly and
the Gentiles became wild with joy. They
literally took possession of the city, the
Mormons retiring to their homes. Flags
were run up in all directions and lanterns
and fireworks illuminated the streets and
buildings. Cannons boomed, bonfires were
lighted at every corner and hundreds of
men in line paraded the streets with drums
and torches, yelling like mad. No such
scenes were ever witnessed before in Utah.
The Mormons admit their defeat, '»*•* say
that it was brought about by the most
glaringly illegal methods, and that the re
sult will be reversed by the courts. They
do not think tho majority shown by the re
tnrns will exceed 400. Official figures may
not be obtained to-night.
The election was of stirring interest to
the citizens, both Gentile and Mormon. In
the field there were two parties, the "Lib
eral party,'" made up of anti-Mormons, and
the "People's party,'' composed chiefly of
Mormons. The Mormons have always had
control of the affairs of the city. They
have refused to repair the streets or to lay
sidewalks. It is claimed the victory of the
Gentiles will place the city in harmony
National law and authority. It is recog
nized, that the city has a great influence
in the territory, and consequently the issue
was a National one. Gentile success means
that the redemption of Utah is slowly but
surely being accomplished.
To the minorit}' in Congress: Don't fool
with Tom Reed. He knows his business.
TUB monopolist is putting his foot into
it with a vengeance this time. He is get
ting up a shoo trust.
EVA HAMILTON, her prison keeper says,
is a "dandy" at sewing ou shirt buttons.
Aud yet her husband was not happy.
A SIOOO license has reduced the saloons
in St. Paul from 386 to about 230.
BEUOLII, a Reed unshaken by the wind!
ACCORDIXG to Democratic dogma it is
"revolutionary" for the majority to rule.
SPEAKER REED thinks that he knows a
Democrat is present when he sees hi in.
As it looks now, the next Republican
Governor of Pennsylvania
f Stone,
j Hastings,
Will be: ' Montootb,
I Dclainatcr,
['•Dark Horse.''
AFTER passing through the perils and
dangers incident to discovery in Africa,
Stanley is about to marry.
THE American building and loan associ
ation, of Minneapolis, intended to bo na
tional in its scope, has collapsed. It did a
rushing business the first year and a crash
ing business the second.
Two German doctors claim to have dis
covered the bacillus, or cause of the pre
vailing influenza or "grippe." Consider
ing the shortness of the time since this
new disease has appeared, it would seem
as if these learned doctors had got into a
a rush, like Nellie Bly, and were determin
ed not to get "left," and haJ accordingly
jumped to a conclusion.
MB. ANDREW CARNEGIE has decided to
make the city of Pittsburg an offer of not
less than $1,000,000 for the purpose of
founding a central library with adjuncts in
East Liberty, Lawrenceville, Birmingham
and other local places. In return for his
princely donation he asks the city to pay
$40,000 annually for its maintenace, the
money to be raised by taxation.
has secured an order for the re opening of
the famous Anarchist case. This is rather
too late to benefit those hanged, but is ex
pected to free Neebe, Fielden and Schwab,
now in prison. The ground of action is
that the defendants were not in court when
the case was filially decided.
A NTRSE GIRL out in St. Louis has de
veloped an original turn of mind by steal
ing the baby she had iu charge and holding
it in pawn for wages alleged to he due
AVe have heard of babies as pledges of
affection, but never before as pledged for
debt. This is hypothecation of another's
bond and mortgages with a vengeance.
THE men who succeeded in having a lot
tery bill pass the North Dakota Senate
withdrew the measure Monday and a com
mittee was appointed to investigate the al
legations of bribery. It is charged that
the measure was the result of a deeply laid
political conspiracy. The names of those
who engineered the scheme are given.
TUB Whisky Trust is thinking of drop
ping the wort "trust" and substituting
that of "company." AVe are again re
minded of Mr. Shakespeare's question,
"What's iu a name? - ' and his assertion that
"a rose by any other name would smell as
sweet." The Whisky Trust will be the
AVhisky Trust if it changes its name to
that of an established church.
BESIDES the case of Smith vs Jackson
from West Virginia already disposed of,
the Committee on Elections of the House
at Washington have sixteen other cases to
dispose of as follows:
McGinnis vs Alerson, AVest A'irginia.
Atkinson vs Pendleton, AVest Virginia.
I'eatherson vs Cate. Arkansas.
MtuUl vs ComptoD, Maryland.
Threet vs Clarke, Alabama.
Posey vs I'arret, Indiana.
Bowen vs Buchanan. Virginia.
AVaddcll vs Wise, Virginia.
Eeaton vs Phelan, TenueSsec.
! McDuffie vs Turpin, Alabama.
| Chalmers vs Morgan, Alabama.
Langton vs Elliott, South Carolina.
Hill vs Catchings. Mississippi.
Kernaghan vs Hooker, Mississippi.
Goolrich vs Bullock, Florida.
Pleasant Wedding.
party of relatives, assembled at the resi
dence of the bride's parent, on Thursday.
Feb. the 6th, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. M. to
witness the marriage ceremony ofMr. I>. Z. ;
MeGinnis and Miss Dell Thomas. Mi»-
I.i/jrie Thomas acted as bridesmaid and Mr.
Ed. L. Cooper, officiated as groomsman:
the parties were dressed very neatly and ;
becomingly for the occasion. The cere- :
mony was performed by Rev. McXeal, as |
sisted by the bride's father, John Thomas, j
Esq., and after the ceremony a luncheon ;
was served. The following beautiful i
and very valuable presents were
received. From Mrs. Mary J. Royal,
table cloth; Messrs. Orrey and Fred Tho- ;
mas. water pitcher; Master Harry Thomas, j
castor; bride's parents, glass water set:
Kizzie A. Carnaghan, cake dish; Mr. and
Mrs. 0. J. Thomas, parlor lamp: Miss (.'in
nie E. Thomas, Mr. W*. F. Thomas, Miss
Lizzie A. Thomas and Mr. Ed. L. Cooper
presented a valuable set of dishes consist
ing of 120 pieces, and a number of valuable
presents were presented at the residence
of the groom's parents of which we are
sorry that we have no account. In the
evening the happy couple, with a number
of the guests, resorted to the residence of
the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. il
liam MeGinnis, near Crawford's Corners,
where we learn a bounteous supper was
served and every person present was made
happy. A word to the happy couple:
Marriage is one of God's first blessings.
The holiest bond into which two human
beings ever entered is that of marriage.
It is plep.s>.nt to contemplate the associa
tions clustering around the wedding morn.
The marriage relation being one of God's
first blessings; we exhort you. the husband
to love your wife, even as you love your
self. give honor to her as the more deli
cate vessel, continue through life the same
attention, the same manly tonderness
which gained her affections, devote your
self to her; and after the hours of business
let the pleasures which you most highly
prize be found in her society.
We exhort you, the wife, to bo gentle
and condescending to your husband, let
the influence which you possess over him
arise from the mildness of your manners,
whilst you are. careful to adorn your per
son with neat apparal, be still more care
ful in ornamenting your mind with meekness
and i"*- with cheerfulness and good
humor, that you may lighten the cares of
the world to which your husband may be
To both husband and wife our best wish
is that you may be happy and successful
through life. Yours Very Truly.
THE appointment ol the lion. Charles
Emory Smith, of the Philadelphia Presx.
to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary to Russia, is in the line ol
President Harrison's determination to select
a man who will fill the place. Mr. Smith
is a man of broad views, high intellgenee,
keen, capable and diplomatic, and he will
honor the important position. The news
paper men of the State feel that President
Harrison has paid thein a compliment in
taking for this important mission one of
the most illustrious of their number. —llar-
risburg Telegraph.
A RMHRUSTER—Tuesday, l>b. 11, I*9o,
Karl E., sou of George J. Armbruster of
liutler, aged one year.
PALMER—At his home in Sharpsbnrg,
Feb. 10, '9O, Valentine Palmer, formerly
of Donegal twp., aged 61 yrs.
RODGERS —Friday, Feb. 7, 1890, at his
home in Fairview twp., Mr. Joseph Rod
gers, aged 99 years, and said to have
been the oldest man in Butler Co.
SNYDER— "Wednesday, Jan. 29. IS9O. Mo
lancton. son of S. P.. Snyder of Council
Bluffs, lowa, aged 18 mos.
He was a very bright child, and his
death was caused by pneumonia following
the grippe.
LYTLE—In liutler, Saturday morning,
Feb. 8, 1890, E. A. Lytle, aged about 50
Mr. Lytle was generally known as "Joe'
Lytle. He was a horse trainer and noth
ing is known here ol his relatives.
Mc^I'ISTIOX—At his home in Centre
ville. Wednesday night, Feb. 5, 1890,
James I'. McQuistion. aged 46 years.
His death was caused by typhoid lever
and other ailments. He was born in Brady
twp., was in the army and while there had
pneumonia, which affected his Inngs during
the balance of his life. Since the war he
has dealt in stock, and he has held the res
pect and esteem of all who knew him. His
wife and five children survive him.
Wo doubt if there is, or can bo, a specific
remedy for rheumatism; but thousands who
lmve suffered its pains have been greatly ben
efited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. If yon havo failed
to find relief, try this great remedy. It corrects
the acidity of the blood which is the causo of the
disease, and builds up the whole system.
" I was afflicted with rheumatism twenty years.
Frevious to 1883 I found no relief, but grew worse,
until I was almost helpless. Hood's Sarsaparilla
did me more good than all the other medicine
1 ever had." 11. T. UALCOM, Shirley Village, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. $1; six for S3- Made
only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Business Change.
If you are iit need of a good paying position
and think you have the ({Utilities of a good
salesman, you will do well to write us at
once. We will pay good commission or
salary ami expenses to a good man. The
position we offer is a permanent one. Ad
dress at once,
Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y
who will contract for advertising at iowcol r*.tes.
■ ißprAL'eS'.yl
Absolutely Pure.
This Powder never varies. A marvel o
purity, strength aud wholeeomeness. More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and can
not be sold in competition with the mullitud
ol low tests, short weight,alumn or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans.
106 Wall Street N. Y.
By virtue of sundry writs ol Ven. Ex.. Fl. Fa.
Lev. Fa. Ac. issued out of the Court of Common
Fleas of Itutler Co.. Pa., and to me directed,
there will be exposed to put'!l sale at the
court House, in the borough ol Butler, on
Monday, the 3d day of March,
A. D.. 1880. at l o'clock, r. M» the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
E. D. No. 66, March T . l-.>o. A. M. Cornelius,
All tne right. title. Interest and claim of H. M.
Steen. of, In and t.i .t l. : m "round, situated lu
Hutl-r borough. Butler ('<> Pn . bounded as fol
lows. to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner
at a pin on corner of spring Avenue and Kim
Way. thence along Elm Way in a southeast
erly direction M feel to corner of lot of Cal
vin It. smith et. al., thence north along line of
said lot forty feet ami six Inches to lino of lot
No. is in same plan, thence along line of lot No.
is. .»y feet to a pin on Spring Avenue, the place
or beginning. A H ksmltli sliop thereon.
Seized and taken In > xecutlon as the property
of H. M. Steen at the suit of Butler Savings
Bank for use of Mary T. Alleu.
K. I). No. iiV March T.. lvn. Williams a Mitch
el!. att ys.
All the tight. Utle. interest and claim of
James ,\l. Thompson, of. lu and to .V acres oi
land, more or less,situated in Centre I wp.. But
ler Co., Pa bounded as follows, to-wlt: i>n the
north by George Wider and public roa<l. east by
Samuel llidi r. seuth by Periuger. west
b) .Malachl Eagle. One-story lrame house with
log addition. frame si ;ible. fruit trees and out
butldlngs thereon. Sel/ed and taken in exeeu
-11 oil as vhc property ot James M litOJipsou at
the suit of John Foreht.
E. D. Nos. 50 and 51. March T.. ISK>. tlreer &
All theVigbt, title, interest ami claim of\v.
Kalston, of. in unci to oaf hundred acres or laud,
more or lc>>, situated In Slipper} rock l'wp .
Fuller Co. I m.. bouisied as follows, to-vut: on
the north by \V. A. I>eunison and Alex, Black,
esat by llarvey <- oper -outh ri
aud west bj Alexander Dennisou; together with
a WO-story frame house. Irame barn and out
buildings thereon, Seized and taken In execu
tion a- the property ol J. W. Kalston at the suit
of Sarah M. Kalstoa.
K. I>. No. 47, March T., l-.0. K. Marshall, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim or
Frank Morris, of. in and I" eighteen (i-) acres
iif lanJ, more or less, situated in Buller Twp.,
Butler t'o.. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Oil
the liorlii bv lands or Mrs. Wilson Me
childless, easi" by lauds formerly of W. s. Zkg
ier. south by William Ci attv heirs. west by the
old Mercer road. Mostly cleared and all fenced.
Frame house, name staole and orchard there
on. Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erly of liatik Morris at the sun ol \\ . S. Morris.
E. 1). No. 11, Marcn T., lsihj. McJunkin & Gal
breath, att'ys.
>ll the right, title, interest and claim of
Henry C. Sutlr.l and Edward Sutiiti.dee'd, In the
bands of his Adm'r John E. Itelchert. of. in and
to il\ e (">) acres of laud, m< re ' 1 r less, situated In
Worth l'wp. Butler Co., hk, bBUdWI M t*
lows, to-wit: on the north by Dr. Aberuatliy's
heirs, east bv -I 'hn C. McNees lieirs, south by
mill dam anil nubile road, west by public road.
All fenced ami cultivated, siii.ill Irume dwell
iny house ami siable tlieroou.
ALSO—Of, In and to eighteen (18) acres of
laud, more or less, situated in Worth Twp., Hur
ler Co.. Fa., bounded as tollows. to-w it: on the
north by I. C. MeNees lieirs et. al, eist by 1. c.
McNees heirs, south by John studebaker and
M. Kichert, west bv William Mcßride and pub
lle road; together with a small frame woolen
factory and stable; also a dam water-power,
etc., thereon, by which said woolen factory Is
ALSO—Of, m and to (40) acres of land, more
or less, situated m Worm l'wp., liutler Co.. i'a.,
bounded as to-wit: on the north by
Alexander Metlown, east by 1. M. Davis, A. 1.
t.leiin and V- in. Curry, south by 11. I'. McCluer
and Aluions heirs, west by I. kauifmau. About
10 acres cleared, lenced and cultivated;
Ualai.ve timber or woodland. Seized and taken
in execution as lhe properly ot Henry c. Sutlul
and Edward Su< I'll. dee'd, la the bauds ol his
Adm rjolill E. Keiehert at the suit of E. Mc-
E. D. No. 45. March T., ISiO. T. 11. Lyon, all y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W.
M. osborn. ot, in and to one (1) acre ot land
more or less, situated in Adams Twp., liutler
Co., Fa., bounded us follows, to-wit: On the
north by J. E. Miller, cast by Dr. Sterrlt. soulh
by F. £ \V. 11. I;. Co., '.vest b\ Highland Avenue;
together with a two-story liame dwelling lu,use
and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in
execution as me properly ol W. M. osoorn at
the suit ol J. W. Slang.
K. JD. No. 13, March T„ tsi-t). W. IE Lusk. att'y.
All the light, title. Interest and claim ol J.
W. McCundiess. 01. in and to ,'j acre ot land,
more or less, situated in Venango l'wp.. liutler
Co., Fa., bounded as lollows, to-wit: On the
north bv an alley, east by an alley, SDutii by
franklin and Uosenurg pike, west by an alley;
together with a lrauie uouse, frame blacksmith
shop, irame stable, lrun trees and outbuildings
then-oil. Seized and taken in execution as tue
property of J. \V. McCandless al the suit of
Thomas Morrow for use ol 11. Fittoek.
1. Waen the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
becomes me purchaser Ihe cost on the writ
must lie paid and a list ol the ileus Including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt for the
amouut ol the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof as ne may claim must be l'uruisued
tile Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
Continued until 1 O'clock I'. >i. ot next day, at
which time all property not Mettled lor will be
put up and solo al the expense and risk of the
person to whom first, sold.
•See Furdon's Digest, oth coition, p.igo fit;,
and smith's Forms, page . si.
OLIVE 11 C. KEDIC. SherilE
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Fa.. Feb. 13, Is JO.
to canvas fop tit-• sal»* of Nursery Stock! Steady
employment guaraiitti'd. Salars ami expenses
paid to Bu<M-ebSful men. Apply at onee stating
ai:**- Mention this paper.
OH AS l liKOfll Kl.'S COM PAN \ ,
1 toe heater, N. \.
UiiiOl W6OUN ill,
bi:tb«hh, s B
11. FIJLLERTOi\ Prop'r,
Klankeis I'faom'N :m<i Yarn
.^iiuiutacfiircd ofFiire lltyp
lei Comity 8001.
We guarantee our goods lo be strictly all wool
itnd noarsenlc or am other poisonous material
used in dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail.
Samtdes and prices ltirnlshed free to dealers on
application by mall.
All stock guaranteed to be in good con
dition when delivered.
Wo replace All trees that fail to grow.
J. F. Lowry, W. T. Meehling, James
Shanor, ,1 r . J. L. Forsythe, Geo. iihailiier,
(.'. Walker, L.-ij.. Ferd Heibcr, anil 1).
L. Clceland.
Eitk.smillkr House, Bctlbr, Pa.
Sanitary Plumbers
And Uas Kilters, oi more than -0 years experi
ence, liavj opened their store In the Geo. Kelber
block, on Jefferson St. opposite the Lowry
House, with a full line of Plumber's Supplies.
Jobbing prompt to, and your pat
onage respectfully solicited.
Administrators and Executors «f estates I
can seeure their receipt books at the Cm- !
ZE.V office.
Public Sale
By virtue of an order and decree of the Court
ot Conine u Pie.is In anil ; rthecount> <•: Itui- j
ler, Penn'a. and to me as tne committee of An- i
tin Albert. lunatle. litre, t.-,1. I will oiler h>r
sale at public vendue on the premises, on
Saturday, March 8, A. D., 1890, j
at il o'clock A. M. of said day. the following <lc- j
scribed real estate of Bal<l lunar* for tho pur |
pose of raisin * moie y pay his debts, to-wlt: !
About seven; > .on sof land more nr les-, si'.n I
ate In Centre township, eount;. and state a; >re- :
said, bound, d tortli by public road, east b;.
lands of \. A%<-ry anil A. Itrewstcr, south b>
lands uf I>. Miller, and on the west by lands
ol .1. S. Jones. No buildings oil tills tract, but
it Is all fenced and under good state of cultna
tlon. except about ten acres of woodlano. This
Is an excellent tract o| land, well watered and
highly productive. It will be sold, including
the Interest of said Andrew Albert. In an oil
and gas lease, dated May it. is»s. given by him
to <; C. He His and K. 11. Ferguson for la acres
ofT the west etcl thereof, and on which a rental
ol one dollar per acre per annum, payable in
ipianerly payments lu advaace.untll operations
are cominen'ceil, is provided.
ALSO—There will be offered for sale at public
vendue on the premises, at one o'clock r. m. of
same day, to-wlt:
Saturday, March Bth, 1890,
thirty acres of land, more or less, situate in
same township, count} and state, boon led on
the north l \ lands 01.1. Johnston, ou the east
by lands of Israel < rautner. on the south by
lands ■ r J. >. Jones, and ou the west by lands of
s. It. liuier. This tract is .ill under fence, well
watered, and excellent pasture land.
TKIiMS OF SALK —These tracts of land will
be sold by the acre, contents to be ascertained
by survey. ()ne-thlrd of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court,
ana the residue to be pant In one and two years
from said confirmation with Interest, and to
be secured by bond and mortgruxe.
JOHN C. MOOKE. Committee
ot the estate ol Andrew- Albert, lunatic.
McCauuloss P. 0,. liutler Co , Pa.
Feb. o, 1 s'».
Notice Is hereby ulven to the members of the
Farmers Mutual l ire lusurance Company of
llann. hstowusind vicinity that on February Ist
1-■ the votes on the j;as question were count
ed by the appointed commit - ee, and the result
was yo \otes of a majority against gas in insur
ed buildings, and in consequence oi the above
result the Directors ol the company, tit their
meeting on Saturday. February stir 1.-.m an
nulled and made void Article is. Section 1. in
the By-Laws ol the Constitution, unanimously,
and substituted in the place ol the annulled ar
ticle tlie lollowingarticle, viz ;
If a loss is occasioned by the use of gas or oil
for fuel in dwelling houses or other buildings
the Instiled forfeits Ids or her Insurance.
Further it was adopted by a unanimous vote
of the Board to insure haystacks, the same as
hay in buildings, wherever the hay may be.
either oil ",he premies ot the Insured or other
The Hoard ol Directors hereby notifies all
the members of the company Insured using ;.lls
at present to Inform the undersigned Secreta
ry at once.
__ ltv order ol the President.
liENlf\ HECK, Secretary.
DELANO, February s, lsso.
To all irhom it may concern.'
Notice is hereby given that I. A. V. (Jrosstnan,
assignee lor the beuellt of creditors oi Henry
Diiiiniau. will expose ro public saie on the pre
mises in Brady twp . i: i tier Co., Pa., on Thurs
day, the -'(ith day ol March, lstH>. at 1 o'clock P.
M. the following real estate, to-wlt : a lot of
ground in said twp. adj >ining lands of C. S. Dll-
Uuian, Daniel McUevlu and otue-s. containing
2 acres; a lot of land in same tw p. adjoining
lands ot Kessiah Convert, Daniel McDevltt and
others, containing l acre; wltn small granary
thereon, a lot of land in same twp. adjoining
lands ot Thos. .McNees and others, containing
2 acres, more or less; a lot of laud in same tw p.
adjoining lands of tC. u. Clutton, W. C. Halm
and Jtliers, containing 1 acres ln'jre or les-
I'll- above mentioned tracts of land being clear
i d. under fence and in good slate of cultivation:
Terms of sal ■ : All sales ot SIOO and under, cash
and all sales exceeding Snxi—one halt cash ;and
balance In one year, secured by Interest bear
lug bond icud mortgage v.lth attorney's com
mission of a per cent. Sales will be adjourned
lor want of sutticeut bids.
A. V. liuossMAX. Assignee.
West Liberty, liutler Co., Pa.
Notice of Application for Char
Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of
March, 1S:>0. at one o'clock i*. m. on s.ll-1 day, an
application will be made, in open Court, to one
oi the Law Judges of the Couri of Common
Fleas of Butler County. Fa., at liutler. Fa., bv
Enos MclJouold. Win. Watson, Wm. stoops, M.
W. Shannon, John I'. Cranmer. and their as
sociates, for a charter ot incorporation, under
the Act of Assembly of April i'j, 1871, the title
name and style ot said corporation to be "The
I lilted Presbyterian Congregation of Mr. Chest
nut and the oOjeet ami purpose Ihereor the
worship oi Almighty God according to tue
laiih. doctrines and practice ot the United
Presbyterian Church of North America.
MeJfSKis & Gauikeath, Solicitors.
Insolvent Notice.
In re-applicatlon ol Thos. | Common Pleas o I
11. Harper lor discharge ; Butler Co., M. S. D.
under ihe insolvent laws oi ' No. ii, March 1.,
Pennsylvania. J lsjo.
Wukkeas, 1, Thos. IE Ilarper, laborer of Con
cord l'wp., liutler Co., Fa., uid hie my bond and
petition in the said Common Fleas court, on
the uih day ot Dec., i-v-'j. praying for discharge
under Hie insolvent lav.sol this Commonwealth
and thereafter, to-wtt: Feb. ;sd. lsao, the said
Court did OX Tuesday. March 4lh, IW al I
oclock ■•. M., at Buller. Fa., lor the hearing of
the same In open Court. All my creditors and
others interested are hereby notilled to attend
and show cause, U any ihe> have, why I should
not be discharged according to law.
1 uomas IE H.VKPEH,
Bowsek & Hows Kit, att'ys.
Orphans' Coiu t
Pursuant to an order of sale Issued from Ihe
Orphans' Court ol liutler Co., at No. 4Lt, Dec. T.,
lssj, and to me directed, the undersigned will
otter at public sale on the premises in Slippery
rock Twp., Butler Co., Fa., on
Wednesday, Feb 261h, 1890-
at 10 o'clock A. M., the follow ing described real
estate: Bounded on the north by laud of Kob'i
F.llllngsley.on east by land of John McElhcnnv.
ou south by lands of Jane cross, and on the
west by lands oi James McElhenuy, containing
.11 a res, more or less, and being pari of the
real estate ot which T. M. Cross,late of said Tp.,
dee d, died seized. Tills property is situated 2
miles east of Centreville. and v/ t miles west of
Bram hton. on the I". s. a: E. E. K. li. All
cleared and under cultivation, but about one
acre, is well watered and lias upon it a gooil
limestone quarry, and U convenient to
churches, schools aud mills.
TEKMS UK SALE—One-third of purchase
money in hand at continuation of sale, and llie
remaiuder in two equal annual Installments,
w hicli are to lie secured by bond and mortgage
on the premises.
Ja.s k Citoss.
Adm'x of T. M. cross, dee d.
Slippery rock P. 0.. Butler Co., Fa.
W. 11. Lusk, att'y.
Feb. o, isju.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By vtrt ne ot an order of the i Irphans' Court of
Butler County, to me dirscted. f win ojler for
sale at the court House in Butler, ou
Saturday, March Ist, 1890,
at t o'clock e. m.. the Interest and estate of tlis
minor children of Henry Barkey, dee d. In a lot
in Evans City. i'a.. bounded on the north by an
alley, east by Thomas V/. Bongs' lot, south by
ItdtraatlU on Main St.. and west by Wells
Covert,having a two-story frame building there
on. used as a store and dwelling, with oulbulld
iiu's. The lot is :>oxl-»i feet.
TERMS One-third in hand ana remainder in
two equal annual puymeuls, with interest, to
be secured by bond and mortgage.
Hiijam Knox. Guardian.
W. I>. Bhaxuon. att'y. Evans City.
Application for Charter.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to the Hon. A. L. llazen,
oue of the Law Judges of this count}-, on
the sth day of March next, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon, under Act of Assembly en
titled "An Act to provide for the incorpor
ation aud regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April 29, 1874, and the
supplements thereto, by M. F. Lewis, 1).
W. Roberts, A. J. White, J. L. Kirkpatrick
aud b. A. Renfrew, for the charter of an
intended corporation ti> be called Renfrew
I'nion Church, the object of which is the
worship of Almighty God according to the
doctrine, discipline aud usages of the
United Alliance of North America, and for
these purposes to have, possesses and en
joy all the rights, benefits and privileges
conferred by the Act of Assembly afore
said, aud its supplements.
Jan. 20, 1890. Solicitor.
Annual Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the stock
holders of the Mechanic's Building and Loan
Association of Butler, Pa., on Monday eve
ning, Feb. 10, ISL'O, at I o elo„k. for the pur
pose of hearing the Auditors' report for tue
last year, electing nine directors to serve the
ensuing year, and for auy other business
that may come before Ihe meeting.
Dr. S. G UAH am, Pres't.
0. A. A BEAMS, Sec'Y.
Estate of Abraham Fennell,
Letters testamentary ou the estate ol
Abraham Fennell, dee'd, late of Clearfield
Twp., Rutler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted lo said estate will
MAKE immediate payment, and nny
uaving CLAIMS » S a.nst said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for se.'tlemeul.
"Jacob FT knell, ) .. .
James Ff.nniii.l, j r ' x r "
Coylesville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of Amos Pyle.
letters of administration on the estate of
Anion Pylf, dte'd, late ol Muddyert***k twp.,
liutlcr Co., Pa., having hem granted to the
undersigned, ail persons knowing them
selves indebted to .'aid estate will plea«e
make immediate payment, and Buy having
claims against said estate will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Prospect P.O. liutler Co. l'a.
W. I). Brandon, Att'y.
Estate of W. J. A brains,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the e«l ite ot
W. J. A brain*, dee'd, late of Eorwaid Twp.,
llnt'er Co , l'a., all persons ku wing them
selves indebted to -aid estate will please
make immediate payment. ami any having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
El. Ljs Ann.wis, Adm'x,
Six Poiols P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
It. P. SCOTT. An' V.
Jury Lists for March.
List of Grand Jurors drawn this 27th ot
January, A. I>. IS9O, to serve as Grand Ju- !
rors at a regular term of the court commenc
ing on the 3d day of March, A. D. l.s'JO.
Adderhold, Albert, Jefferson twp., farmer, j
Anderson, William, Connq'g " "
Armstrong, Warren, Cherry " "
iieatty. Samuel, Lancaster " "
Bell, S <), Parker twp. farmer.
Campbell, Elmer, Clearfield twp. producer,
Conway, John. " " farmer.
Conlev, R J, Adams twp. farmer.
Cochran, Willi in, Mercer twp. gent.
Dill, John W, liutlcr, Ist w l, carpenter,
lleekait. William, Cliutou twp. farmer.
Matee, J I>, Adams twp. farmer.
McGiil, Calvin, Slipperyrock twp. farmer.
McGuire, C 11, Donegal twp. tarmcr.
McGinley, J FP, Oakland twp, •'
McMicbael, F M, Fairview boro, earfieuter.
Nichols, K S, liutler id wd bricklayer.
Oesterling. Joseph, Butler, 2d wd, laborer.
Stewart, William, Butler twp, farmer.
St Clair, Robert, Center iwp, "
Wagner, Jacob, t ranberry twp, •'
VVeitzel, Adam, liutler twp, blacksmith.
Wise, Calvin, Penu twp, larmer.
Wise, Alfred, Harmony boro, liveryman.
List of petit jurt r< drawn this 2"lh day ol
January, A. I>. 1>!<0, to serve as petit jurors
at a regular term ot couit commencing oil
the 10th day ol March, A. 1). is.: i.
Anderson, O 11, Allegheny twp. farmer
llarnhart, A W, Butler " "
Bollinger, p R, Fairview boro, carpenter
Boreland, Charles E, Butler sth wd, clerk
Byres, John S, Petrolia boro, liveryman
Cooper, Oliver, Slipperyrock twp, farmer
Crow, George \V, Butler 4th wd, bricklayer
Campbtll, W L, Parker twp. driller
Coulter, J C Jr, Center twp. larmer
Cypher, A, Butler id wd, merchant
Doerr, George, BuO'alo twp, blacksmith
Easley, GF, " " farmer
English, James Y, Franklin twp, farmer
Fair, L M, Butler oth wd, carpenter
Fiedler, Benton, Jackson twp. laborer
Gilleland, John A, Summit twp, farmer
Geisler, llenry, W'mlield " "
Green, T S, Butler sth wd, gent
Henry, William, Allegheny twp. producer
Huseiton, George, Penu twp, farmer
Hotfner, Adam, liutier -sth wd, carpenter
Jones, W H ? Franklin twp. latuicr
Johnston, W M, Butler Ist wd, laboier
Klingler, Harry, " od " miller
Kelly, E E, " *' " foreman
Kaufi'old, Henry, Jefierscn twp. farmer
Keau, W S. Earns City boio, producer
Kennedy, I) R, Muddycreek twp. farmer
Monnie, W 11, Oakland twp, farmer
Martin, WB, Forward twp. "
Miller, All red, Clay
Moore, Samuel, Franklin twp. farmer
McDevit, John, Center twp. tanner
McCandleas, A N, Built r 2d wd, tailor
McGeary, W li, " 3d " merchant
McLaughlin, I) G, Fairview twp. farmer
Larkin, W 11, Butler Ist wil, machinest
O'Donnell, John V, Oakland twp. farmer
Parker, John, Donegal Iwp, producer
Smith, G M, Millerstown boro, laborer
Saiathers, A J, Evans City boro, merchant
Shields, Harrison, Worth twp, larmer
Stautler, George, Lancaster twp, "
Stewart, Orin, Muddycreek twp,
Swartzlander, Andrew, Oakiaui! twp, farm
fhomas, PW, ConnoqueiinessTng " "
Wallace, W E, Forward twp, tanner
Woods, John, Zelienople boro, oarpeuter
Diamond : - : Hotel,
Fronting Diamond, Butler, l'a.
Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con
nection, everything first class.
Meals at.'all hours. Open all night.
Breakfast 25 cents.
Dinner 25 cents.
Supper 25 cents.
Lodging 25 cents.
[\mmim mm,
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Xear New Court House—formerly Donaldson
House—good accommodations tor travelers.
Good stabling connected.
[4-9-'MMyi II KITKNMCI I.KU. l'rop'r.
Willard Hotel
W. H. REIHING, l'rop'r
Hotel Vogeley
( Strictly First Class.)
J. li. FAUBEL, Manager. Butler, Pa.
Jordan's Restaurant
All our readers visiting Butler
will do well to go to Sam Jordan's
restaurant for their meals. We serve
lunches, soft driuks, tobacco and
cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., uuder
Schneidemnn's clothing store.
— Wanted at Once — Capable ladies ami
gents to handle our forthcoming book,
KxploratioUN ami Adventures oi' II• ry
Stanley In Africa.
800 pages and over 200 engravings.
Immensely popular. Price only 00.
Outfit now ready and mailed for 50 cents.
The success of our Agents is unparalleled.
S. Sixth S'., Phil'a, Pa.
Livery Stable For Sale.
The undersigned will sell
. 4 livery stable, in the rear
. ■ ] of the Wick House, consist
l&Vtl iuf? of horses, buggies, sleighs,
, ILWI' harness and everything per
taining thereto, and lease the
barn for a term of years. My reason for
selling is that I wish to devote my attention
to other business.
Men to take orders for Nursery stock, on Sala
ry or C'omnnss ion. Tcan make a sucpcf.-iul
of any one who will work and follow iny In
structions. win lurnisii innrtyma MUM
and pay your salary or commission every «CCK.
Write for terms at once.
K. O. CiUAHAM. Nurserymar.,
Hoeliesler. N. .
i<: i t>Trn SAI.M.MCN to sell Nursery
m £ IITL II sioi-k. All i.oous Warranted
»nnl 111 KIKSM-LASS. IVimunen; j
f! Hi! I LW pleasant, ] rolttablo positions
fur the right men Oood salaries and expenses I
Dald weekly Liberal Inducements to begin
ners No previous experience necessary, out 1
;rcc. Write for terms, giving age.
Cll VRLES 11. CIIASE. Nurseryman. Rochester.
>. \. Mention this paper.
•20 Geraniums For Si.
The j ri .-finur iced ol more room for our rapidly • rowing pi am a induces
ns TO offer tbei-e to you at the very 1-wflt wholtr i> rate*; but it is a great
advantage to us to eeW them even n: th> e nominal prices, at we can then
use the space uirasi. to grow plants for later orders.
iho varieties are larefullv selected from the named collections in our
o®t®l< every plant it labeled, everv plant true name us libeled, lie
iuir plan*t th:i» nr.- e i-ilv <■ -11! r ".vli 1 re.-five'','' planted in a box or pots,
they will fjrow rijrlr. . -.uakiiitr tarre ;■ aits t w u!d cut you $1 .">0 to
$2 per dozen to buy in May.
We positively guarantee they w ill ;i! it-- yo:i : *s they are well grown,
established plants.
All plants sent by t.\pr< p'ircha.-er to ?».-iv il ordered br mail
small* r, lighter plants must b • sent
Address for the above. and n'„ other K-< >III >w , pi.ints and . d
1 lurry Chaapel,
Williamsport, Pa.
Grand < losinu Out Sale!
On Moiulay, the 10th < I - " •' rmrv, \\ will our
closing out sale, when every tii-ng in ■tr «: >iv will be offered
at its cost-price. CM the i.-t ofApril w<• >hall be obliged to
quit the millinery business :tit 1 «!<.'•. to <• whole attention to
that of dressmaking Before tir la;** is must b-sold,
and we have put the prices where tii-'v in ;st soli at sight.
li you wish to tuAe ' of pit 'uo:nen;t'ly low prices
If you wish to take advmtag of a lira- ioek. call earl v.
Remember, the goods mu-t an ! will b-'v)ld, and soon.
Miss M. H. Gilkey,
AO. (i*J S. MAI-"N S-i r ß\ H! lI.ER, PA
And Silverware.
finest stock of Sterling Silverware iii the countyand at prices
not to be equaled lor cash
Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at
IN o. "IB Soutli Mfiin St., l,f 1-LI-CTKI.J CLOCK),
j Oil and after Monday, Nov. 13, IS.I*' 1 *' ', train
; will leave Butler as follows:
MAKKETat 6:10 a.m., arrivii- r at Alleghe
ny at 9:10 a. 01.: connect.- en.-t I r lii.'i: ville
witli Day Exprtss, arriving ot Phi'adelphia
at 7 p.m.
Exi'i'.i at .s:SO : . in., arriving ai Alleghe
ny at I(H3T> a. in.; does not C-IIP;-. T tor the
east, but connects with \. V. K. R. north
and south.
MAIL at p. in., and . s thr,.u<.i tu
Allegheny, arriving the re at i: l.i |>. ui.; to:i
uects east tor Philadelphia.
ACCOMMODATION at 5: ip. m., and ion
nects at the Junction with Freeport Aci-i.m
raodation, arriving at Allegheny at • |>
in., and connects east as far as AJHI!!>.
Trains connecting for Butler le '. e Allelic
: ny at,s:2u a.m., 3:15 p. m. and 5:1"> p. ui.
Trains arrive at Butler at 1 1 1:-'*> a. in. and
5:00 and 7:50 p. i -.
Corrected to fa t time.
Trains leave Butler tor Greenville at ": !•<
! and 10:30 a in. and 5:oo p. rn,
| Trains leavint; the P. i depot iu \l
- legheny at 7:10. au i (he West I'eni. depot at
i 8:20 a, ni, and .i:lj p. in. connect at Butler
j with trains North on this road.
! Trains arrive at Butler lrom Gree uville at
| 10:10 a, in. aod 2;2j and p. in; the 10:10
j eonneeis with the 1' & W. to Allegheny and
i the wnh the West Peon.
I Train, leave Milliards at 7.J3a. in. and I.':
I 00 m. slow time, conuect for Butler, and the
! .") p.in, train from Butler • ;>iiue<vs at Brancb
i ton for Milliards.
I No Sunday trains. Passengers >vitli in'k-
I ets will be carried oil the local treight ti.at
i leaves the P. i \V. .iuiie. at 1:13 p. to. i;tit
[ not on the other freight trains.
The 5:40 a. in. tr.: i from But! r c nneets
iat Osgood with trains on the L. Jj. A" M. S..
arriving at Cleveiami 10:40 a. in., C hieago
y;10 p. in., lCrje a. m., Bulfalo _:;ir> p.
in., and at Mercer with \Y. N. \. 6: ''■,
arriving at Xe«' Castle at 9:05 a. in .
The 10:30 a. ni. train front Butler c *.TI • is
at Mercer with trains oa the W. X. V .'c P.,
arriving at Frauklin at 2:00 p. in. and < 'il
City at at 2:10 p. iu., aud at > \ iih
the N. .P. t!s (». lor Meadviile,
Bulfaio, Ole.iii and New York; sl-i a!
Osgood for Oil City.
The 5:00 p. in. train connects at M< re. r f>r
New Castle, and at Shenango t«.r Meadvilie
and Sharon.
r. A w. K. K.
Corrected to fast time —One hour faster
than schedule time.
Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City
at 4:20 and 10:20 a. iu., nnd .":"<5 |>. in.
The New Castle and western mail leaves
at 8:15 a. m., and the Chicago i H'est.-rn ex
press at 1:50 p. ni.
Traius leaves Butler for the North at 10:30
a. iu., and 7:53 p. in.
Trains arrive at Butler from the South at
9:55 a. in. and 12:10, 3:20, 7:10 and 8:30 p. ni
A train arrives from Clarion at 10:oo a. 111.
and from Kane at 3:40 p. in.
Traius connecting lor Butler leave \!l!e
--gheny at 7:40 and 10:0o a. ui.and 1:25, 5:30,
and 6:30 p. in.
The 8:15,10:20 and 1:50 traius from Butler
to Callery.and 7:10 and l:-'"> trains from Alle
gheny to liutJer run on Sunday, also the
train that leaves Callery i r Butler at 11: —4,
arriving at 12:10.
Traius leaving Butler at 8:15 a. in. end
1:50 p- ui. connect at Callery for the West.
If you are in Doubt
What to get for Christmas
presents, you should come to
our opening of HOLIDAY
GOODS, this week. We have
such an immense line of beau
tiful things, suitable for all
ages, you cannot fail be
Prices the lowest, quality
the best.
J. H. Dougiass.
The prize winning Berkshire
I Boar, TOM DODDS, 15.403.
; Reason for selling, cannot mse
longer in herd. Also, extra
good fall pigs, either hex. sired
by Tom Dodds. Pedigrees
•riveu with every sale and guar
anteed as represented or money
relunded. Address,
Prospect, Pa.
Mifflin Street Livery.
W (i. BIEHL, PropV.
One sijutiro wr.-t of Main Ston
M-ill in Sr. All go. ■!, f.ife hordes;
new buu'i:!i :- or;ti carriage*. Fnntlaus
for «< ••' iig.- »:.tl fonerals. Open
| day and nigbt. Telephone No. 94;
lioteJs and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now runuing :i lino
<«/ carriages jD>.-tween the hotels and
depots o< th>' town
Charges reasonable. Telephone
N>>. It, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery ut Connection.
I Xew Livery Stable.
Now Slock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed nnd baarded.
30, W. Jefferson St, Butler, i'o.
j. E. Kastor,
Practical Slate l'oofor,
Urnamerital end Plain Slating
Of all kinds done on short notice.
Of lice with W. il. Morris. JSo.
7, N. Alain St,, Residence
North Kim street,
Butler, PA.
I For Girls and Young Ladies.
Shortlidge Media
Fcr Boys and Young (VSen.
MEDIA, FA., (Near Philadelphia.)
Q wa .■ yr-'jz* _
>:i jU «£&Xo! £*
1 to «• ; r the SMP <>f rv Sto. J:. A full
j lli el ItiiCiinff iv •. S.«Ut!;. ij»ud ( xjicit
-»• ; i!<l l<> s'uriiseo. • Kxpcrnnc©
-.ill V. Writef«»r terin 1 .. Mating aw.
i titlß paper. c. DWii;.'s
Nui ■ lynian, L;is f , I'arK.
KIM-U* . i.-r. N \
I • "
\ll that i ili.-.l is • wNlj... cSTj
■ ' iii \. i::.. "!•■"■ i i gj a aJ. t <
tllm r j ;! " 1 i j jj]
,T i. Harry, I . i r, N. V 11 Kit ItU
j Mt. Ilopi* Nurseries. Established two.
\\' ANTKH— Agents In solicit onlers for our
'• choice and hardy Nur-.-ry sto -'.c.
Steady Work For Knerpi-tir Temperate Men.
>-.,lary and ■■ cj)c:,.-. s > rci iiiiiiisslt n if ; r-:rr
|eft WrtteaSMOfc *»*• Age,
li. G. Giiase & Co."- : V-Di«li'..r , k , 4u "**•
■ \;»t n;.MicA i.t
IAN* V A.M. I■ >1 Ll I AKTD'KS,
. "I'll}: hit: ' In ilpUuu:; carowhy eo-i
5 S. S,iain Street, Butler, Pa.
.„ »htn i:- C«t «wit • ' • '