Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 07, 1890, Image 3

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BOTI.KB has a population of about 10.000.
It is Ihe < Jounly seat of Butler County, wit h
four railways, natural if as. and unequalled
facilities fur, manufacture*.
Progress everywhere; new buildings. new
manufactures, a growing anil prosperous town
WKST 1-k.N* K. It. Trains leave Butler »oj
Freeport, BlalrsvUle. HtUburg at uioiukl *■»
a. m. and *35 and »P Mf ( J ™
these points at 8:05 a. m. and 2:06 p- in. ana
rive at lttJW a. m. aud s;io p.
1' S ft L. K. 11. II Trains leaves for or. ••n
--vine it r .'4o and io-jai a. in. and sJ*> i<. u> Midi
3«£t" SS." 111 and rT 1
for llovers. Bovard and Ili'.Uard at 4JO p.
Malls arrive at and (..»« p.
1» & \V. It It—Trains leave Butler tor Alie
irhenv at 43#. Kl s and lttJO a in. and l:J> and
b. vi „ ~, l- ur the north at 10: A) a. m. and . u>.
5 m Malta close for the West aud South ai
k'Oa in. For PHtsmirg and the North at «-.ln
a. ii' For local points west oi < allery at 1 :.so
ii ni For local points South and I'Utsburg .it
Slop. in. and for I'litsbuj.'. Oill City.Barnlgrt s
Mills ("lariou an I Foxburg at • .—» P- hi. M ills
arrive from Pittsburg and local points we.t of
cillery at Ssio a. in : froin Fittaourii. oil < ay.
Barn hart's Mills. «'laiion. Foxburg and local
noinls between Allegheny and Butter at ltc-'O
a ui. • from Pittsburg and the East at lJt-U p.
in. • from Pittsburg and the North at 4j*l p. in.
Malls for local points between Allegheny and
I 'allery close at 3:10 and 7-JU p. in.
STAK KOCTES— DaIIy mail for Mt. chestnut
arrives at 11 a.m. and leaves Butler P. o. at 12
in I tally mail to North Hope, Hooker and
i thcr points arrives at ll a. ui. and departs at
l;» p. in.
.Money orders call lie secured at the post
ofllcesat Butler, Prospeet. Sun bury (Coulters
vlli.. l*. I)), Mlllerstown (Barnliart Mills).
I'eutrevllle (Slippery rock), Fetrolla, Ivarns
cm arid lleufrew. The tee Is five cents
lor all sums under #.">,»* cents for flo. or less,
etc. Postal uotes which *!C no safer than en
closing mo&ey. as they are made payable »o
anybody, eost.: cents lor s.>. or less.
:i.'J7I h
UICAL ASSEMBLY 8595, Knights of La
bor, meets every Friday night in the Car
penters and Joiners Hall, third lioor, Husel
lou building, WM. M. GLKXS, Rec. Sec.
New Advertisements.
Notice of application for charter.
Final Accounts. Widow's Appraisements
and Road Reports for March Term.
Orphan's Court Sale, estate of T. M.
Marks' Millinery.
Orphan's Court Sale, Estate of Henry
Agents Wanted—F. C. Austin.
Farm for Sdle.
Excursions to Washington aud Pitts
Closing Out Sale—M. 11. Gilkey.
Reduction Sale—Troutman's.
Jewelry—J. R. Greib.
XOTK —All advertisers intendingto make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—Lent commences Feb. 19th.
—The candidate's best friend is himself.
—Next Friday, Feb. 14, is St. Valentino's
—ltoad improvement is the great issue
of the day.
—lt's a cold day when the streets are
not muddy.
—Kemeinbcr that the election takes
place on the 18th iust.
- Another little touch of winter has
come this summer.
—A Pennsylvania baby has been named
"La Grippe."
—Liars can get along very well if they
change location often enough.
—Many a man never gets on the popular
side till he joins the silent majority.
—The next legal holiday is Washington's
birthday, Feb. 22d.
—Forty-three divorces were decreed dur
ing last year in Crawford courts.
—The tanners of several counties iu the
State are holding Institutes this week.
—Take care of the primaries, and the
general election will take care of itself.
—Be temperate in diet—our first parents
ate themselves out of house and home.
—The winter of 1828 is said to have been
as mild as this one. We will not dispute
—The days are lengthening fast. We
now have a little over ten hours' sun
—A "Gin sandwich" is the latest drink.
It is made of a glass of gin between two
glasses of beer.
' —if the ground-hog came out last Sun
day, he probably kicked himself for ever
going in.
—This is the time to clear out stores for
spring stock, and the way to do it is to ad
—David Scott and Carrie Elliott yent to
Pittsburg, Wednesday, and were married
—Too much sneezing and not enough
freezing this season to suit folks and ice
—lt appears the hons made good reso
lution* on New Year. They ore shelling
out quite judiciously.
—"Getting on his curves" is a popular
phrase of the street, which originated on
the liall field.
—Sometimes tlio office seeks the man,
but geuerally the man knows when the
office is on his track.
—A poison bottle that rings a bell when
the stopper is removed is a novelty in the
druggists' sundries line.
—The L'. P. Presbytery will meet in
Butler oil the 18th inst to take action on
the call of Itev. Reed to New York.
—The Misses Marks have lately added
extensively to their stock of millinery. See
their notices on this page.
—Thero are half a dozen murder trials
on at present in (lifferout parts of this
State, and tho question is: "Is hanging
played out?"
—A postal (a"d sent around the world
makes the circuit in about 70 days, with
out any excitement or brass band accom
—A Mcadville man only 113 years old
is refused diinks over all bars in that city
on tho grounds of his being a "known
habitual drunkard."
—The lixtures in tho Wayncsburg post
office are advertised for sale by tho Sheriff
to satisfy a claim against the postmaster,
who owns them.
—A Huntingdon county farmer who has
beeu troubled with English sparrows about
liis b.irn, lately caught a screech owl and
put it in the barn. Sinco then the number
of sparrows have greatly diminished.
—AI lleck has a lloral curiosity in his
green-house. It's a something with a long
Latin name, native of some distant part of
the world, and grows from a big bulb in a
big pot. The stem is without leaves, is
over two feet high and as thick as a man's
wrist, and it is of a mottled green color,
like a snake's back. Above this rises a
bud or blossom, two feet higher, and of a
dark purple color. When the bud opens
into a llower it will be a great curiosity
and Al will exhibit it in his show-win
—Exclusive territory will be given to
first class agents who will devote their eu
lirc time during the season to selling the
Austin Revcrsiblo Road Machice to county ,
town and other officials controlling public
highways. Address at once with refer
ences, F. C. Austin Manufacturing Co.,
—One of the oddities ol the postoffic
business was a letter that through
the Clarion office the other da>. '' 111
scription was as lollow
"Pass me along at a rapid rati-.
Through Ceanga county ami Olii*» • tat« .
\t Hampton postofheo let in.' stay
I'll til Sarah Crawford take me awa\.
—A skunk hunt is talked of fur Trout
man and vicinity.
-About a dozen houses have Iteen built
in Petrolia since the lire.
—James A. Wilson of Baldwin lias been
grautcd ii pension, and that of James I'.
Hoggs of Evans City lias been increas-
—\. Troutmau A Son have marked
down their winter goods and this week ad
vertise some rare bargains, as they must
make room for their Spring stock.
The I'. A W. K. R. which now extends
to Akron, 0. intends building a road of ils
own from that point to Chicago, at an es
tiinated cost of three millions.
President Harrison was to take part in
the opening of the Carnagie Library iu
in Allegheny next week, but Secretary
Tracy's sad bereavement will probably in
—Ross I'erry, a son of the Widow I'erry
of Allegheny twp., died in San Francisco
some days ago but up to Monday of this
week his remains had not arrived at
—One of our contemporary poets asks
"Where are our bright girls of the past'"
Our own observation is that . onie of theni
are administering cautious doses of pare
goric to the bright girls of the future.
—A prominent newspaper averts that
the English sparrows have almost ex
terminated the wrens, orioles and meadow
larks, and iu five years more the goose
will be alKiut the only native bird left.
—The I'nited States Supreme Court de
cides that the plain, ordinary, common
every day bean is a vegetable. This re
moves the last vestige of . uspicion that it
might be a thunder storm or cyclone.
—A newspaper contemporary is in trou
ble over the mistake of the foreman, who
inadvertently placed the headiug of an'ad
vertisement "Boy Wanted" over a birth
notice of a family made up entirely of
—The lirst successful experiment in
photographing the bottom of an oil well
was made at Warren last week. A perfect
picture was obtained at 1,700 feet. It
showed as a result of the shot a cavity 14
feet broad and seven feet below the sand.
—There is a scarcity of moderate priced
houses in Butler. Wouldu't it pay some
of you fellows who have lately been lucky
iu the Hundred-foot field, to build a few
hundred six to eight roomed houses,
houses that you could rent for $lO or sl2,
a month?
—A Franklin man fell from the third
story of the hallway to the floor below and
was fatally injured. He lost his balance
and fell over the railing. The same thing
is liable to happen in the hall way of the
Court House here, as the railing is very
—The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has restored its former custom of selling
tickets to regularly stationed ministers at
two cents per mile. A certificate will be
issued upon application to each minister
on the lino. Such as hold the certificates
can purchase tickets at two cents per mile.
—The record of a death, published in
one of the religious papers, says of the de
parted brother: "For two years preceding
his death he was a constant reader of this
paper, lie was a great sufferer, but grace
sustained him." The CoHgregntionalist
exclaims: "How sad that he did not take
to the reading of some other newspaper in
—A Mercer woman, whom a local paper
speaks of as a •prominent lady' has invent
ed a new mouse-trap. She went to sleep
the other night, with her chewing gum in
her mouth, a mouse took a fancy to the
gum. her jaws closed and there was one
live mouse less in the world. She now
goes to bed regularly with her gum in her
mnnto and the local paper says it "works
like a charm."
—Miss M. 11. Gilkey has rented her store
room to J. .1 L. Traxlcr of the New York
Bazaar, and she is now soiling off her stock
of millinery at cost, as she will quit the
business on the Ist of April next. After
that date she will continue the dressmak
ing business in the second floor of the
—The Grippe continues to do bad work.
At Youngstown, Ohio, Rev. Frazier of the
First U. P. Chnrch was made insane by it,
and at Canton, 0., a man and his wife wore
both made iusano and had to be confined.
The wife started out with a Bible in one
hand and her shoes iu the other, walking
iu her stocking feet, and saying he was go
ing to Paris to preach.
—On Thursday last R. li. Taylor pur
chased the Brady building, at the corner
of Main street and the Diamond for $7,000,
from Owen Brady. lie intends remodel
ing the building, the interior as soon as he
gets posession, and tho exterior next sum
mer, and cstablising a National Bank in it.
The capital stock of a National Bank must
be at least *IOO,OOO, and several persons in
Butler and in tho county have already
agreed to take stock in it.
—Erie, a town about three times the
size of Butler, has au unusual diversity ol
manufactories, as follows: Manufacturing
bakers, 2; breweries, 0; malt houses, 3;
boots and shoes, 1; brick yards, 3; cigars,
15; brushes, 3; carriages, 3; files, 2; coopers,
10; firebrick, tile, etc., 1; flour, 10; gas, 1;
stoves, 3; iron and brass, 38; organs, 2; oil,
4; paper, 1; piano, 1; wood, 11; nickel
plating, 1; pork packing, 3; pumps, 2;
pulleys, 1; unclassified, 31.
—Superintendent Porter has issued a
circular letter of instructions to supervisors
ot census. The}' are authorized to appoint
an enumerator for each sub-division of
their districts, with the consent of the
superintendent. The enumerators are to
be chosen without reference to their
political affiliations, and with regard only
to fitness. Preference, however, is to be
given to honorably discharged soldiers and
sailors. Superintendent Porter says there
is no law making women ineligible for ap
pointment as enumerators.
—Mr. J. K. Grieb's electric clock, on the
sidewalk, attracts considerable attention.
The battery is under one of tho cases in
tho store, and tho wires from it pass
through the large standard clock in the
room, and then down under the sidewalk
and up the hollow iron post to the electric
clock. A little ratchet in the standard
clock is opened and closed by its move
ment, every five seconds, thus opening and
closing the electric current, and causing
the second hand of the electric clock to
I move one-twelfth of its circuit, and the
other hands proportionately. The time in
dicated is corrcet, Eastern Standard.
—Our exchanges are constantly warning
tho people to beware of a swindler who is
selling this or that. Now we will give the
people a rule that never fails, and if follow
ed the people will never be swindled. When
you buy, go lo the merchant of your town
and buy; if you do not get what you want
you can return it —buy it with a guarantee.
Don't be so mean as to pay your money to
a peddler, get cheated, and then go to
your home merchant and make a poor
mouth because you were swindled and
I then ask him to trust you for his goods.
Court met Monday afternoon with Judge
1 llaien presiding. The jury list was called
I over Mid a few of the jurymen excused,and
j then the Trial List was read over. Hilt
eleven cases had been put down lor trial
and the reading of the ii-t developed the
fact that all had been settled or a con
tinuance agreed to, excepting four cases,
those of Elliott vs. Simmers, Dalzell Bros,
vs. the l'enn'a. Railroad Co.. Marshall
Foundry Co. vs. It. B. Taylor, and W . I.
Thompson vs. C. G. Christie, ct.al. Neither
of these were ready, and the Court, alter
hearing a few petitions, adjourned till
next morning, when the case of Thompson
vs. Christie was also continued.
Tuesday morning the ease of Dnlzcll vs.
the I'. R. R. Co.. was taken up. It origin
ated with the burning of the bottle glass
works here, some years ago. Dalzell
Bros, of Yonngstown, 0., had a car of
slate shipped to Butler. The slate arrived
here and the Dalzell Bros, were in posses
sion of it, though part of it was yet in the
car standing by the works, when car and
all was destroyed by the fire. The Court
took the case from the jury and decided in
favor of the defendant, on Wednesday
evening a jury was sworn in the case of
the Marshall Co. vs. Taylor, and the
balance of the jury was discharged.
The docket entries are as follows:
J. 11. l'ringle vs. 11. W. Christie, defend
F. Elliott vs. .1. R. Simmers and M.
Spahn. ejectment—verdict for the plaintitl
for land described in writ on payment of
Dalzell vs. 1\ R. R. Co.—compulsory
nonsuit entered entered on motion of de
Nicholas Knauif vs. Uv Freshcorn —set-
A. Ramsey.vs. W. S. Ramsey—settled.
W. C. Thompson vs. Christie Bros. —con-
tinued by dcfemlent on account of absence
of important witness.
All other cases on the list were con
Charles Fox and Perry Kepler were dis
charged from jail on bail, S2OO each.
Tlios. M. Marshall brought suit in eject
ment vs. Samuel I'ark for 31 acres in
Adams Twp.
Mary E. Keller has brought suit for
divorce from Arthur Keller.
Joseph Randig replevined a bay mare in
hands of Wm. Biehl; Geo. Wolford, a bay
gelding in hands of F. Wick; Oliver
Pisor, a black horse in hands of Geo. Wo!
On Tuesday of this week Sheriff Redic
sold the old Ebenezcr Christy homestead in
Washington Twp. to Albert W. Christy, a
son of Ebenezcr, for $2,500: the Bull Valley
farm to Frank Mahood for s7*o, and the
sale of the piece in Parker Twp. was ad
journed to first Monday in March.
The testamentary agreement of I'hilip
Petsingcr, of Buffalo Twp., was probated
and letters C. T. A. to John T. Martin: also
will of Eli Beckwith, of Slipperyroek Tp .
and letters to Thomas B. Beckwith.
Letters of administration were granted
to Isaiah Nellis on estate of Rob't P. Ray,
of Clay Twp.; also to Christina Burr on
estate of Isaac Burr, of Connoquencssing
Edward Frederick, in jail on a charge of
FAB, preferred by Julia Potts, was dis
charged Wednesday, the ease having been
Paul T!. Mitchell, the youngest son of L.
'A. Mitchell, Esq., was committed to jail
last Saturday on a charge of forgery pre
ferred by a Mr. Morris, a machinist, who
cashed a check for ten dollars, purporting
to lie drawn iu Paul's favor by his father;
and while he was i_i jail the Grove City
bank also made information against him
for the .-ame offense, regarding checks
aggregating about fifty dollars. On Wed
nesday he was taken into Court, when he
plead" guilty, and was sentenced to the
Huntingdon Reform School.
I! fit/fvrnrt fit T 1! lot. ill
John li. Stewart to r. 11. Keuy, 10c 111
Franklin for $350.
G. W. Beighley by adm'x to Dorcas Bol
ton, 21 acres in Connoquenessing for $693,
anil Dorcas Bolton to Minerva Bolton same
for same.
Jos. (i. MeClymomls to W. \\ r . McCly
liionds, 18 acres in Worth fur sGoti.
Thomas Donaldson to U. I*. Cong, of
Evans City, lot in Evansburg for $250.
ocorse Ueiber to Butler Salt M'fg CO.,
31 acres in Butler Tp. for $5,000.
Joseph Brittain to I'.utlcr Salt M'fg Co.,
3A acres and 5.1 acres in Butler Twp. lor
R. O. Crawford to W. C. Thompson, lot
in Butler for $35.
Butler Savings Bank to Isabel Birch, lot
in Cutler for $550.
Henry Miller to W I< Campbell lot in
Bntler for $3300.
Marriage Licenses.
George T. Graham Forward tp
Ebbicß. Cain Summit tp
Henry J. Middendorf Venango tp
Mary E. McDcvitt Marion tp
D. Z. McGinness Allegheny tp
Dell Thomas
Wm. Phillips I'eitu tp
Clara B. White Bntler, l'a
Charlie F. Newman Prospect
j Cora 1). Hillman "
At Pittsburg, I. W. Logan of Butler
county and Mary E. McGeary of Taren
turn. Also David 11. Scott and Caroline
Elliott of Butler.
At Kittanning, J. L. Long of Armstrong
county and Annie Watson of Butler < 01111
—Quite a number ol Census Supervisors
were confirmed Tuesday, by the Senate,
but the man for this district was not nam
—A small piece of paper or linca mois
tened with turpentine and put in the ward
robe or drawers for a single day, two or
three times a year, is a positive preventa
tive of moths.
—Mr. Geo. J. Lindner,a convertl'rom Ju
daism, will preach in the United Presbyte
rian Church next Sabbath morning. In
the evening he will deliver a lecture 011
"Modern Judaism"—a subject 011 which he
is well qualified to speak.
—The Anderson Bros, and Henry Trout
man came near losing tlieir lives
at a gas well on the Denny
farm in Winlield twp. a few days
ago. They were testing the pressure in
the casing, and when the pressure reached
150 pounds two joints of the casing shot
up through the derrick. They escaped
with a slight concussion but it was a close
call. The pressure of a well should always
be taken from the tubing as casing is not
generally strong enough, or well enon gh
put together.
—We copy, this week, from a Philadel
phia paper an article headed "Death in
Milk Pails." The article is written in a
. humorous strain, but there is a serious
side to the subject. Granting that your
| milk supply comes from animals whose
systems have not been polluted by either
sewerage water, swill food, or any other
cause, it may yet be made poisonous and
unfit for use by improper handling. A mix
ture of cold and warm milk is poisonous.
A milk dealer who pours the cold evening's
milk into the warm morning's milk and
supplier his customers with the mixture,
: gradually poisons each and every one of
them. Warm, fresh milk thrown into a
1 freezer and suddenly chilled and made into
* "ice-cream" is poisonous—and the poison
that is generated by this action, tyrotoxi
; con, has otteu caused sudden death. The
: milk of each milking should be kept sepa
l rate, and the warm milk should not bo put
in a closed vessel until all the animal heat
1 in it has escaped. The greatest of care
r also should be taken to keep the vessels
> clean in which the fluid is placed. After
; using they should be rinsed and scalded,
- and then set in a cool place, with the
covers oil', to air and sweeten. Close a
milk-can or churn, even after rinsing and
' scalding it, and set it in the sun, and it
' will soon become putrid. The adulteration
e of milk, by the addition of water, whiting,
,or any other fluid or substance, can and
1 should be prevented by law, with an iu
-1 spector to enforce the law, and every per
son who proposes dealing in milk should
lie required to pass an examination in the
production and handling of it before being
granted a license to do o.
d —Diaries lor ISUO at
•J. 11. DOUGLASS'.
Oil Field Notes.
, j If the roads would become passable 11
: thousand new rigs would lie built in B itler
county within three weeks, but as it i-
I these operations will be delayed until the
. mud freezes or dries. Teamsters are now ,
charging from sl2 to sls a thousand for j
hauling lumber from either Butler or Rci
bold to the Hundred foot territory, and a
they can haul but half a thousand a day. it
' will be seen that they are not making big
' money at that, while at the same time in
juring their teams. There are about eight
thousand feet of lumber iu a rig, including
the walking-beam, and not. including the
sills, which are generally cut on the place,
and the bad roads nearly double the price
' of a rig. The entire cost of a well iu this
field is about $3,200, the drillers are asking
from 90 cents to a dollar a foot, and the
tank men want sllO for a 250 barrel tank.
There is but little news to record in the
field. In the hundred-foot the Humphrey
■ farm well was drilled a bit deeper last
Friday aud started off at 500 barrels a day,
aud has been doing somewhere near that
since, llaslett A Co., and Greenlee A Co..
have started new wells on that farm, the
last named firm paying $3,200 for a sixteen
! acre lease. M. Clung & Co. are starting
four on the Graham, adjoining the Hum
phrey to the west. Christie Bros, have
six drilling on the lift, aud several were
started on the Knaul". The Xcsbitt farm
well was rated at 50 barrels per day.
Steele A Co., and Reader A Co., have a
little war on hands over a lease of part of
the Xcsbitt farm. Steele is in possession
and is keeping Reader's men off, and
will bring an action iu ejectment. The
leases owned by Steele were taken last
year and were apparently abandoned.
At Callery, Johnston sold some leases
on the Marburger and Walters farms to
to the Ancher Oil Co., (or SH,OOO. Cracier
A Co.'s well on the Martin was rated at 30
barrels, the Jos. Ca-lidollar at No. 3,
on the Irvine, at 10(1 barrels.
Phillips, Doilthett No. 3, is Jct doing
300 barrels.
The Markle farm, in the western part of
the field, was leased by a company of
Butler men a few days ago. the price paid
is said to have been SIO,OOO.
Fifty acres of the Slater farm a mile
north of present wells were leased for s2.io
Lumber is being hauled from /Oelienopie
for a rig on the Matthew Graham farm, in
the southern part of Cranberry township.
A rig is going up on Hie Jas. Baker
farm adjoining the Alien farm, in Franklin
town ship.
Statistics of last year's petroleum ex
ports reveal a very gratifying fact. They
■ completely upset the impression that had
bein gaining ground that American pro
ducers were losing their foothold in the
far East, a most important quarter. The
contrary is the case. The great population
East India takes to refined petroleum
more kindly every year, and soon they will
burn nothing else, because it combines ex
cellence ol quality with cheapness. Thus
a practically unlimited marker is being
The DorirL's oil report for Jan., says:
"There were completed 553 wells, with
a new production of 7,150 barrels, which
is an increase of 71 wells and 131 barrels ol
production, while the dry holes run 22
higher than they did last month.
111 the new work there is also a decrease.
The report shows 597 drilling wells, and
301 rigs, which is a difference of 29 wells
and 42 rigs, and shows a net decrease of 71.
Operations have been confined to tested
territory, and but few wildcat ventures are
The main developments are in the gray
sand district, from which source comes the
bulk of Venango's production. Plea-ant
ville and Kmlenton each have contributed
their quota, which has declined eonsiilera
hie since the first of la 1. month.
Butler county still holds her position iu
the front rank, and her phenomenal hun*
dred-foot territory is the principal seat of
operations. Uniformly the wells are fair
producers and have good staying qualities.
The veteran operator, T. W. Phillips,
was lucky in bringing in one or two big
wells, but 110 importance is attached to
their advent, as the tcrritorj- is well de
lined in that section."
Ninety-three wells were completed in
Butler county during the mouth, eighteen
ol'which were dry, and the production of
the others i put at 1,582 barrels a day,
though the Haslett A Co. well, on the
Humphrey, is rated at lint 75 barrels a
day; the Associated Producer's 011 the
Cashdollar, at 125: Greenlee No. son the
Jas. Welch, at (50; llarlmatl No. I 011 the
same, Staples at 75, and other wells that
we have been quoting at much larger
figures, at from 30 to 50. The number of
wells drilling and rigs up iu the county, is
put at 181.
The Borough Election.
Constables Blakeley and Korn gave
notice of the Spring Election and designate
the borough officers to be elected as fol
lows: Burgess, Assistant Burgess, High
Constable, Collector of Taxes, Overseer of
Poor and Borough Officers.
Each ward also will elect a Councilman,
School Director and Constable, ail of
whom will serve for three years, excepting
the School Director of the 2d ward, who
will serve for but two years, and each ward
will also elect a Judge id' Election and two
Considering the proposed improvements
in the borough, the Council is the most
important thing to look after. The terms
of Messrs. Kilk, Duffy, 1". Schenck, Jos.
Rockcnstein, and D. A. Heck, expire this
spring, and the best men who will serve,
should he secured for the vacancies.
The retiring members of the School
Board are, Ist ward Joseph Miller, 2ud 11.
1 ,1. Klingler. 3d James Galhrcath, 4th Dr.
Zimmerman, sth Dr. Leake. The School
Board will not do any building this year as
1 the limit of indebtedness for that purpose
has becu reached, but there are some im
s portant settlements to make.
Representative Dal/.ell Makes
r His Mark.
! Washington Letter to New Yurk Suu.l
The little man whoso motion it was that
caused this three days' tumult, but who
was completely lost sight of in its excite
ment, came to the front to-day and made
a reputation for himself. This man is
'. John Dalzell, of Pittsburgh, who, as a
' member of the Committee on Elections,
1 has charge of the contested election case of
Smith vs. Jackson, the attempt to bring
1 which before the House precipitated the
parliamentary row. After having secured
' the floor to day at the end of the big fight.
Mr. Dalzell presented the case of the Re
t publican contestant, and with such force
1 and clearness as to compel Democrats
' even in the midst of their excitement and
anger, to listen to him. Dalzell will be
r one of the strong men of the House. Al
' though physically he occupies little room.
*' he is one of the leading lawyers in Pitts
-1 hnrgh, and his argument to day show
' liiin to have great legal abilities. Heap
-1 pealed to the cool judgment and honest
' com 11101) sense of his Democratic colleagues,
' many of whom admitted some of the good
' points which he made.
At the Misses Mark's Millinery
I Store; Tanipico Dress forms, Double
V waists for Ladies and children, Ma-
I dam Strong's Health Bodice, Strong's
Tricora for ladies and children; Van
dyke and Directoirc Kuching; mourn
| ing goods a (-penalty.
Pi|xi Line Items.
The .six inch casing that has lately l» on
hault'il through lint I or. is for a new pipe
lint! fruin Thorn ( rccU .Inaction to Hear
('rock, that, the Natural Transit Co.. i
const meting.
The new line of the Pittsburgh l'iate
(this, Co. from Sarver-ville to Tareiituin,
ttiil Co.-1. sloo, <loo, and i to lie completed
by the 10th of March. It is to lie of 12
inch casing furnished by the American
Tube ,t Iron Co., of I'iltsliurgli. with the
Mathcson patent joint.
Speaking of ga lines, the l'ittsburgh
IHxjMth'U says "
It is a noteworthy fact that the agita
tion about natural gas giving out does not
prevent capitalists and liianufaoturiug con
cerns from risking the'r tiToney to develop
new fields and put in new lines. I pward
of $2,000,000 have been invested in this
manner within the last six months. The
Manufacturers' Company pent about sSiio.-
000 in putting down their main to the Bel
levernou field. The Equitable Company,
composed mainly of manufacturers up the
Allegheny river, laid a line to the Mnrrys
ville field, anil have put in $1,000,000 for
the development ol that field. The Butler
county iieid is the latest, and it promises
to be one of the best lields of any yet de
There are two concerns working in that
locality. Captain Ford has cue well
down."the pressure of which is 400 pounds
per minute. Several other wells have
been drilled, and their pressure is such as
to render them almost beyond control.
Captain Ford has run a line from Sarver
through Slate Lick, in Armstrong county,
to Ford City below Kittanning He ex
pects to get" his entire supply for the
works at Ford City from that field, and
later he will be able to supply the Tareu
tum works also from the same field. The
Standard Plato Class Company of Butler
is also interested in the development of the
Butler county territory, anil is now getting
gas from there for the operation of the
works at that place. The (irapeville. La
trobo and Mt. Morris fields are flourishing
and snow no signs of giving out.
Several other large gas lines are talked
about to be laid to Pittsburgh and other
manufacturing points in this vicinity
within the next two or three months, but
the persons concerned are not willing to
make tin' details of the plans known for a
while. Instead of the c apitalists becoming
alarmed over the possible I'aiiure of gas as
a fuel there seems to lie an increased ac
tivity in the development of the territories,
from which flic product is secured, with
apparently equal, if not greater success,
than at any previous time.
.lames P. Meyuistioii. K <| of Centrcville
is seriously ill.
Kdward C. Cofliu of Bigouier.takes Char
ley Bailey's place in the Savings Bai^j.
H. I. tiourley. K .(.,the republican nom
inee for Mayor of Pittsburg, attended the
Witherspooii Institute in Butler, when a
boy, and he earned the money to do it by
chopping wood for a neighboring farmer.
Mr. Chas. Bailey has resigned his posi
tion in tin- Butler' Savings Bank on account
of failing health.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Traxlcr h.iVO relum
ed from their wedding trip and are stop
ping at the Bo wry House.
Miss lalna Steele of Allegheny City, a
student of Slipperyrock Normal, died of
pneumonia, following an attack of Ciippe.
last Tuesday night.
Capt. (ieorge \V*. Fleeger and Miss KMi
ma Stoles, a niece of 11. 11. Boucher, lisq.,
of Butler, were married at Miss Stoic's
home in Hamburg, N. Y. Wednesday.
Mr. S. M. Boss, wile and daughter, Miss
Margaret, of Mercer, have been the guests
01 Col. Alex Bowry, for the past week.
Miss Britta Walker lias been ou the sick
('not Will At colli ill "* is alioiit :i ,r :lill alter
i:apt. \\ in Aii'cinnifr is uimtir auer
a woi'Ks sickness.
Miss Alice ltrown is slowly recovering
from a serious illness.
Ralph tircjrfrhas purchased the property
of Mr. Morpa • "ii West Clay street.
for $1,700.
Miss Carrie Walker and 1011 a MeCaflerty
have gone to Sarversville on a visit to
relal ives.
Mrs. McLure is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Doings of Council.
.At the meeting of Council Tuesday ev
eiiiujr it was decided to open Oak St. from
Jirady to Fulton Sts., and the width of the
street was fixed at 40 feet. This street
will put the property that 11. 11. (lonelier,
Esq., lately purchased from Judge Brediu,
in the market. Several hills were ordered
paid, and the tax-collector was exonerated
for the poll tax of persons not now in the
town. Hoard walks were ordered for Lo
cust and West Sts. The fire committee
reported in favor of a plug on Fail view
Ave., and one at corner of First and Bra
dy Sts. The Committee to examine Ceo.
Zicgler's accounts as tax collector for 'S<>
and 'ST reported that they found that
lie had overpaid the amount of hi* dupli
cate $!*•"», and the same Committee was
retained to examine the accounts of <i. I>.
Harvey as treasurer for those years.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying U7c lor lurtter,
II! for cg-rs, 1 7") for beans. 40 for apples.
50 for parsnips and potatoes, 'lO to for
turnips. 4 to 7 for ealtbage, 7"> a bushel for
Hay $lO to sl3, mill feed sll to $lO, rye
52 to 54, oats 25 to 1!S. old ear corn 40 to
41, old shelled 371 to 38.V, new shelled corn
32 to 37, car 35 to 40, wheat 82 to 80, do
verseed 3 25 to 3 40, timothy seed 1 00 to
1 70.
Potatoes, on track, 3S to 55, jobbing 40
to 00. apples 1 50 to 4 00 per hbl as to qual
ity, dressed chicken 11 to 12, dressed tur
key 10 to 17, country-roll butter 8 to 20c
as to quality, hand picked beans $2, fresh
eg<rs 14 to 15, feathers 35 to 00, cabbage 7
to 8. onions 140 to 1 50, red top turnips
I 25 to 1 50 per bbl, honey 13 to 10, dress
ed hogs I! lo 5, hominy 2 05 for 200 ]lis.
1,1 vn STOCK.
The llcrr's Island live cattle market was
slow Monday on account of the weather,
and the dressed meat busiuess. Sales were
made at 3.! to sj, veal calves 0 to 01.
The supply of sheep and lambs was un
equal to the demand. Sheup sold at. from
4 to 0, and lambs at 51 to (if.
There was a fair supply of hogs and the
market was active. Country hogs retailed
at 385t0 4, and selected Ohio and Chica
go bought hogs at 4 10 to 4}.
' At the East Liberty yards stockers and
! feeders brought from 21 to 31.
Closed Monday at I.os,Tuesday at 1.051,
Wednesday I.OOJ. Opened Thursday at.
1.06 J.
5 For Sale.
A good, small farm of 33 acres,
well improved, good buildings, or
-1 chards, etc. For particulars inquire
1 at CITIZEN printing office, Butler, l'a
—The Misses Marks offer Plush
s for Fancy work at Due Dollar, for
v merly $2.75. l»ustles, handkerchiefs
and gloves in full assortment. Cap 3
f for old Ladies.
When the Sale
I Opens we will have all the prices ad
vertised, but do not expect to have
them long.
—Williams has as choice a line ol
1 Jewelry and Silverware as can be
found anywhere, and defies competi
tion in price.
—Our stock of Hosiery, Gloves,
Corsets, Bibbons, Laces, &c. is al
ways kept up to its well known
, standard of excellence.
1 —The Misses Mark's are offering
i rare bargains iu the latest and most
I stylish millinery. See their lull line
■f | of Spring Hosiery.
Bulla lo
s Flannels, Blankets and Yarns are the
- best goods in the market lor service
- and durability. We have them.
Sad All'air at Washington.
i Two of Pri -ideut Harrison's Seoretarii s
• | have been in marly unfortunate ibi v. i•
• ter. Secretary Blame lately lo I his Itn
elile.-t children, and ou Monday morning
of this we -k Secretary Tracy lo>t lii -t wife
, and oue of his daughters by a fire in hi
h utse. Early that morning, while all the
member- of the family, and al -n the - T
, vaut-. excepting the cook, were yet *lee[ -
ing: some one passing the house saw smoke
issuing from it and gave the alarm. The
cook promptly awakened and notifie deverv
body in the house, but the fire spread very
rapidly, the main stairway was burned.ami
the smoke m.ad<> Secretary Tracy, his un
married daughter and her maid nneonsei
oils. Mrs. Tracy jumped from a window,
fell into a cellar way, and was killed; Mi. •
Tracy and her maid were burned to death.
Secretary Tracy was rescued from his room
unconscious, and his married daughter and
her child, and the other servants escaped.
The bodies of M r . Tracy and her dangli
ter were taken to the White Ilou-e, as the
two families were very intimate.
Farmers' Meeting in ('lay Twp.
After considerable agitation the farmers
of Clay twp. met in Maple drove School
house, on Thursday evening of last week,
to discuss the subject of an organization.
Mr. S. S. Mersheimer was called to the
chair, and K. J. McJunkin was elected
Addresses were made by S. S. Mershiiu
er. .V. F. Hartley, .T, P. McJunkin and K.
C. Thompson, all of whom were i:i favor
of an organization.
The different organizations of farmers
were discussed, and the majority of those
present seemed to favor the Grange, a!
though some pro cut favored tin' Alliance,
claiming that more can be done politically
in the Alliance than in the C>range.
The meeting adjourned to meet in
Thompson's school house, Thursday even
ing, Fib. ('ilh, and you will learn more of
us as we increase in strength and shape
ourselves for work. SEC'V.
A (irange was organized at Fnionville
last Friday night, with twenty one charter
The headquarters of the (i range for Pa.
is Moohuniesburg. and Mr. \. O. Meals is
the Deputy fer Butler Co.
The Best Horses.
The increasing demand and high prices
paid for gentlemen's driving horses, the
Mill higher prices brought by matched
carriage horses and the almost fabulous
prices which good track horses always
bring, leave no doubt that the standard
trotter is the most profitable horse to raise.
Another point in favor of the good sized
trottcristliathemal.es the best possible
horse of all work, being quicker aud strong
er in proportion to its weight as well as
more tractable and intelligent than any
other breed of his size.
Many farmers who liavi long been desi
rous of obtaining the best Ilambletonian
blood but have been deterred by the infer
ior size of the horses through which it was
offered them will tie gratified by the ail
vent to Butler county of dray Tip, TOSS.
This horse stands over 10} hands high aud
is compactly built; lie is inbred to llamble
tou in, and inherits the blood of Messenger
through eleven lines. His colts are uui
forinily of good size, high style, with good
trotting action and rapid walk, most of
them are either bay or chestnut.
Those patronizing this horse may count
with certainty on getting trotters, road
sters or carriage horses of the best type,
or improving their draft horses. lie is
owned by .1. A 11. \V. Smith of the Packet
Store. Butler, Pa.
Low Rates lo Washington via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad's special ex
cursions to Washington on February 13th,
March 6th, April 3d, and April 24th pre
sent an extraordinary opportunity for a de
lightful visit to the capital of the nation.
The capital with all its interesting features
is most attractive in winti rami spring, and j
that is also the season when our people can
command the greatest period of leisure.
The limits ol the tickets are gcueroiis
enoii'rli to make the visit thorough, not
onlv taking in "Washington, but Baltimore,
Mt. Vern-'U, Richmond, and Petersburg.
Hound-trip tickets will he sold from Pitts
hurg to Washington at $!l.00, valid for leu
days, and admitting of a stop-over in
Baltimore in either direction. The rate
from other stations iu the western portion
of the State will be proportionately low.
Special train of parlor cars and day coaches
will leave Pittsburg at. 8:00 a. in., stopping
at principal stations and connecting from
branch lines. The tickets will also he good
on the night trains leaving l'ill -burg on
dates mentioned.
Konnd-trip tickets to Ml. Vernoi., Rich
mond, and Petersburg may lie purchased
in Washington at icduced rales.
The round trip rate from Pittsburg is $0; |
from Hlairsvillc, $7.55, and the leaving
time of the train is 8:00 a. in. and 0:22 a. m.
For the benefit of people who desire lo
participate in or witness the parade of the
J. O. I". A. M., the Pennsylvania R. R.
Co. announces that excursion tickets, at a
rate of two cents per mile, will be s dd on
the West Penn bivisiou to Allegheny «'ity
on February 22d. good to return until Feb.
21th inclusive.
—At the Misses Mark's; a full
line of White Aprons
—J. J. Rciber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers lo know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK BOX D2G,
Butler, l'u., or leave with Jacob
lieiber, Jefferson St.
Our sales ol Broadcloths, Flan
nel Suitings and Dress Goods have
been larger this season than ever.
Large stocks and low prices do the
Take your children to Zaver'a
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building.
Don't buy a wrap until you have
examined our immense stock and
learned our astonishingly low prices.
We are overstocked on certain styles
and are selling them below cost.
—Try to induce ymr neighbor to
take Tub Citizen.
—Ztiver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Prof. Loisette's Memory System
is creating greater interest than ever
in all parte of the country, and per
sons wishing to improve their mem
ory should send for his prospectus
, free as advertised in another column.
Plush Coats and Jackets, l-'ine cloth
Jackets and Newmarkets, Stockin
-1 nette Jackets, Misses' and Childrens'
Wraps, Latest styles and best made
goods. We guarantee to save you
money on these goods
Millinery in all the latest goods
" at reasonable pr'co at the Misses
! Mark's.
P. S. & L. E. R. R. Co.
, Thousand mile tickets are now be
; ing sold by the Pittsburg, Shenaugo
& Lake Erie B. R. Co. at the rate ol
Tickets will bo furnished on appli
. cation to General Passenger Agent,
- Greenville, or by Station Agents
» along the line.
Gen'l Pass, arid T. A
■ I Next iloor to the I'ostollice, has n
splendid line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Pants, Hats and Gents Furnishing
Goods in stock, which he invites
;■ i everybody to examine before pur
•! chasing, lie feels certain that he
can save his customers money on all
| Fall and Winter Goods.
A Wonderful Sale
that of tl e $.'5,000 worth of v. ti«j>s at
K:tr»r I'nlsti'iiV, Fridav, .1 if. 2f.
—lligie s cirii (iricc jjaiti K»r buck
wheat :>l i «e<>, Walter's Mill, Hut
ler, Pa
Finest line <>f Fur Muffs mi I Hons
ever shown in ibis city. All quali
! lies anil prices at
Should attend the L-rt'it Wrap sale
at Hitter & Kalston's, Friday, .lan.
; '2l, 1890
Diaries for 1890 at
J. 11. s\
Cioods Were Never
Offered at such prices a-; they will
he at the Wrap Mile, Friday, Jan. ill
| at
iltiTi.it IT KALSTON'S
—See the new Vandyke Point
Lace in \\ hite, Hlack aud Cream at
If Yon Walt
\ou will miss great bargain oppor
tunities at the great Wtap Sale, Fri
day. Jan. 24, at
Examine ocr stock of Cloaks
and Wraps before purchasing. We
can suve you front two to three dol
lars on each garment.
—Use Double All 0. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coujhs, colds, iuflamed lungs, rough
ness of skiu, »r:d all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. ('. KKWCK,
2-1 *''-•".111 No. f>, N*. Main St.
Hutler, Pa.
l'se Double Ali O. K. Hone Lini
mi nt, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-1 No, 5, N. Main St.
Hutler, Pa.
—Take wau'les and clocks that
need repairing to F. Weigand ill Wil
liams' Jewelry and Music store, and
have them repaired in good style by
a skilled workman.
Excelsior Diaries for 1890 at
Large stock of Umbrellas in Mo
hair. Gloria aid Silk with gold, sil
ver aud natural handles for holiday
trade at li. STEIN it SON'S.
New Black and Colored Silks,
Satin llhadames, Satin DeLuxons,
Surahs, Moires, (iros Grains and
Failles, best makes anil warrau'ed to
j. wear, prices lower than elsewhere at
Kramer Wagons.
5 For Sale at
Do Nol
Miss the Wrap sale, Friday, Jan. 1
24, at
You will get;
One hundred cents
worth of good re
liable foot weiir
Oni* (roods are not marked
up to admit of making you a
present with each and every
purchase a.s some little dealers
do to try and catch trade.
There must l>e something
wrong with a business house
that has to offer prizes and
gilts to induce customers to
buy from them; it does not
sound as though their business
was satisfactory to them.
The buyers of Roots and
Shoes nowdays are as smart as
some dealers are; they fully
understand, and don't expect
$1.20 worth of shoe leather for
$1.00; all they want is full
value for their money,and buy
as cheaply as their neighbors
do at one straight price.
They don't want to buy a
shoe at $1.20 with a little
present thrown in worth ten
cents or less which they should
have paid &l lor, so you see
how it goes.
We don't give presents, but
do present you with more solid
leather for Si- and better
styles than any shoe lion-.* in j
j liutUir county.
11 No. !, N. Main St., Hutler, l»a !
WAHTF& I TkV .r,.l t'.MUct-nt, tu
EiHti . Lll » I I'M »It* I I «v. ii lotalilV
fclt obi lie 111. I t(* i«. ' c Mill i. J «-| |||H JCtit burl i.jU i
.x jltiOi «•* •• l»w I
< is what \v«» wish
■ yon in advance and il you \vi>ll
to add to the pleasure of a
Iriend by makin<? a
present. we think \<>n will he
sure t > find just what is want
ed at o.ir store. \Y <• do not
have any old stock, hut every
thing is new and fresh
I combination of design and fin
ish is seen in all our selections.
We will he phased to have
you visit our stoic, examine
our compare our prices
and see il we do not save you
| money, Do not wait until the
| comes to turn a new leaf and
say you will not spend so much
money, hut save it now in pur
chasing Holiday (ioods of
C. X. liOYD, Druggist.
Diamond lllock, Butler, Pa.
I'artics wishing to invest inning, certain
to bring fair n-tnrnf. arc inviti'.l to care
fully investigate the inducements offered
V- '••nil; M'TLKK S.U/l-M \M K.VO-
WORKS." Tin- stink consists of 8.000
shares, the [tar value of which i- s."it>.
for the furthi r developing of the v.orks,
some of this stock is put on the market,
for prices ami particulars inquire of
.las. I'. r.niTT.MX, Butler, Pa.
O/lii'e on 1 >iamoiul.
The undersigned will oflVr at public sale
at the eiaUti ot JOHN LAWALIi «& IUIO.,
, On Thursday, February 20, '9O,
' at 1 o'clock p. ni., the following described
Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stal
lions, Mares and Colts:
GLKN'CKK (21121 vol. Clydcs.|.i!e Stu.l-
Book; foaled J SSI.
SI'SV OK LEASt'KKVILLE (i::mo. vol. 10,
foaled May 28,1880.
INS 1' Ii A NCI!, 'i •'! II vol. 1< •; I'uleil Jane 8,
decree. Dam, Susy. Foaled June 28,
ree. I»dni, Insurance. Foaled July 9,
ISM 7.
HAKftY, sired l>y dcnrec. Dam, Su-y.
Foaled July 22, ISNX.
The Stallion" ate sine foal and tbe
Mares, Susy and insurance, are witli foal.
t ileurce was exhibited at (ilasgow Stallion
Show in 1 ia his thr:!>'->i:sr-old form and
gained the I iitehousc District Premium of
J. IIM).
Term-" made known on day of sale.
i.-asurf ville, Hutler Co., I'a.
Diamond : - : Hotel,
Fronting Diamond, llutler. I'a.
(iood rooms, pood meal . stahling in eon
neotion. everything tirst class.
; . N. M< Ki:.\J» S I'.. KXTTI.En, I'A.
Meals atj ill hours. Open ail night.
I'.ieal.fast • nts. •
1 tinner cents.
siip|«'r si cents.
I.- k1 1 'In:: j." cents,
No. H8 and 90, S. Main St.,
rr/KTi, - -
Near New Court HOUM formerly Donaldson
Mouse—good accommodations for travelers,
iiood stabling connected.
U-u-'rttilN 1 M HITKNMI'I I.KU. l'rop'r.
Will arc! Hotel
W. 11. liGIIIINIi. Pr»|i'r
BUTLER, - ¥-&-■
Hotel Vogeley
(Stricthi First Class.)
J. IT. Faceki.. Manager. Butler, Pa.
Jordan's Restaurant
All our readers visiting Butler
will (lo well to go to Sam Jordan's
restaurant (or their meals. We serve
lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and
cigar*. No. 4, S. Main St., uudor
Schnoideman's clothing store.
Planing Mill
J. L. I'UK VIS. !.. O. FOKVIB.
Rough and Planed Lumber
Butler, I'a.
Saw iViiils, Steam Engines.
Shingle Mills. H.iy Presses, &c.
I, v. lilt a I lItST CI.VS.S SAW MII.K
I v lid for Catalogue and speel.il price 11 llitro
iiui'c in \oiir section to
| A. i: I WtljtllUl 10. (.Ltd.) lOKk, FA.
The i: ;t»ter hereby rjivej notice that the
, to.lotting :u-< utwteui l.xccutors. Adminlstra-
I lor. ami i. usnllain. have iteen tl'ed In bis ofUeo
eopiing I" law. an<l will be presented to
1 i ;rt wr coi.i.rmatlon and allowance on \Ved
ii - lay. M.ir -:i sth A. I)., l'oo. at 3 o'clock r. M.
I el sai l day.
I. Final a.vonnt nt Nicholas Rlott, executor
i o. mi, Well and. de- "d. l&t« of Clearlletd Vp.
Hual ac.-ouni ol .lames C. <■« »ltjl nd
uo tratoroj .\nthon.\ tkildlnger, dee'd! late of
Parker I wp.
i Fust partial account of Hugh Shaw and
I; hii Bl.tek administrator* of Margaret
; i... d<-> ,i. l ite of liajTtsvitle btrough.
t 1 ital Mceoont Of THOU. W. KBlott. admln
■ M ''or "i .1:1.. I I hot i. dee'd. late of Buffalo
: » p.
I 1 I mal i.e. .milt oi V.e\. Stewart. aditunis
j tral..roi John ii. lie. ert .1.-, of Coono
- | <|Uenc>«iUiK Twp.
i. Hrst, final and distribution account of
lar.; .ret Martin and A. P». t.lbs.in. adinlnls
i ' ( f :l Y' 1 A ot -'"'"J c. Martin, dee d, late of
l ui.il ao ant of J. ll C.llis.oi and Jane K.
; Mi on-, administrators of .J ones It. Moore, deed,
late Oi U .ifiuliigton Twp.
s. Final a-'count ot John llalsicad and 11. 11.
" lialstcud. < xecuior. of llenry llalsicad. clcc'd.
late ot Clinton Twp.
I'm il a.-. ..iint of Thomas Badger, executor
> 01 Mm Hadger. dee'd. late Of Brady Twp.
I". I'artlal account of Uu,ii (.ill. executor of
4 lai /a Ann t;lll. dec'.l. late ot Mercer Twp.
11 I lua! account of llenr} s Single, execu
;.-r ■ i i idrou Ma,:. , dec d. late of Hutler Tup.
" I . Im .I ••onnt or Tirzati J. White, ndrnln
. i>; .iirixof Anderson I'. White, dce'd. late of
■ I.uti r borough.
, i l mal u-.-oont of rnarli's vv. Piurh. etecu
l*u "f Isaac Pugli deed. late of WmticM Twp.
il llrst aid linal account of Klieiiezer
i liristy. adnitntstratur of .lames
dee d, late of Katrvlew Twp.
Tv Final and distribution account of catli
i, lie Iv ik, ndmlnUtratrtx of .Manillas Keck.
[ de. 'd, late i.f Summit Twp.
Hi. lii -l and llnal account ot F. Zehner ad
-1 iuiiii>tnii'»r C. 1". A- of .1. 1.. I'ainmcrry. itce'd.
Ihi • ul /.elienople lH>rough.
1.. 1 Irsi an.l lin.il account of Wm. Mabold.
eve utor of Neal Mcl>uvlti, dee'd, late of flay
--1.-. Firs! supplementary account of Henry
lli i u. i xe. iitor of MoriU li.*rr, deed, lale of
.Ii lletsoll 1 wp
I'.. First and linal account of W. 1". 11 lues,
executor of \\. W. Mctjulstloa, dee'd, late of
1 »rady Twp.
•jo. Ursi and linal account of \V. W Mc<Jnls
tiosi. ilc it. guardian of Minnie AlcQuLstlon.
minor child oi .lane Mcyulstion, as stated by
\V. I*. lllnes executor ot said deceased guar
dian. lale oi Brady T« p.
.1. First and linal account of Win. W. Mc
ii ijuislion, dee d, guardian of JobA 11.
i ion minor child of .lane .M' l.niistion. dee'a, ils
, ..r li.ui late ot r.r.uty Twp.
■-•_•. l-'innl account ol Minerva ail-
I. iiiiuislr.ilrix ol i.eonre W. Beltthley, uee'a. late
0 ol Conno«|Ucues.sUis' l'vvp.
I'ihiU acciuni ot .Norman Patterson, jfuar
dl n of i I ira i . i 'K>iier. minor child of Milion
t ■ opcr, ill . d. laleol Twp.
Notice IS hereby i'lven thai N. I'atlenoti.
g.iardtan. will make appUcatlon to lie dis
charged at ttie tune of eonlirtnatlon of this ae
1:1 i lnat and distribution account <if Jacob
i. linger, administrator of
Ilec'd, late of WinOcld Twp.
Notice is hereby given that Jacob ti. Kleger,
administrator, wilt make appltcaUon lor dis
charge at the lime of continuation of tins ac
First and partial account of .1 ames Pry or.
administrator C. T. A. of Jane L. Christy, dee d,
late of Cherry Twp.
11. A. AYRES, Register.
Road Reports.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing road
reports have been coiilii'liled nisi by the Court
and will he pre-enlcd on the ftrst W educsday of
March. IS'JO. being the 6th day thereof, at which
Lime, if no exceptions are tiled, the same will be
confirmed absolutely.
It. D. No. 1, Sept. isesslon, isst).
Public road In Butler Twp.. tieglnning at a
point on the Pittsburg and Butler turnpike, a
public toad at the southwest corner of the
South Cemetery, to lead to a iiolnt on the
Saxonburg public road, at or near the dwelling
house of Thomas White. Sept. 4, lssa, viewers
appointed by the Court; Sept. 7. ISB9, order to
Mew issued; lfec.lssii, viewers' report tiled,
rcjiorllng the road as prayed for necessary and
i lie probable cost of mal:ing same to be seventy
p live dollars, and in their estimation should be
tiorne b\ the township and that the damages
•i assessed should be paid by the county, and they
assessed the following damages and none
nihil vi/.: To John N. Moats, 50. i>cc. 4,
1 approved and fixed width 01 road fit thutj
-1 three leef, nonce to be 'riven according lo ruii'T"
ot Court. llv TUE Cocbt.
'' R. I>. No. 2, Sept. Session, ISS9.
l'c'titlon of Inhabitants of Summit township
for appointment of viewers for the erection of a
bridge over Bonny lirook at the place where
. tin- public highway, commencing at or near the
•- house oi James Stevenson and ending near the
house ot Lewis iteitlg In Summit Twp.. crosses
> the sa.d Bonny Brook. Supt. ae. lss», viewers
' appointed by the Court; Sept. 27, ISbu, order to
. view issued; Nov. 2t;. 1S«I. report ot viewers tiled
• as follows, viz: The bridge proposed in the
petition and order to view is necessary and that
v vhe erection of the same will require more ex
: 11~,~ lv
pense than is reasonable the township of
Summit should bear, and Utd locate the site
lHereof as shown in the dralt attached thereto.
No damages assessed. Dee. 4. Is.V approved;
notice to i>e given according to rules ot court.
BY THE CocitT.
K. I». No. 3, Sept. Session ISB9.
Petition oi citizens of Worth township for
viewers to view site for a county bridge over
St tide baker's, run in Worth township where t lie
public road, leading irom MechanlCSburg to
r.llioir's Mill load, l insses over said run. Sept.
• viewers appointed bv the • ■ ■ 11rt: Sept.
is.-i. order to view Issued; Nov. I. tßs:i, repot t
oi viewers tiled, rupi rtlng the bridge proposed
iieee.ssirj and thai the erection of the same
wilt l'l-iiuire more expense than It is reasonable
the tun nsliip of Worth should bear, and did
locate tiie i: * thereof the same as the township
in aii,"" nov. landing, and would recomiucnd
that the span of said bridge be at least tlilrry
leei and i lie height at least two feet higher
than township bridge landing there. No
damages assessed. I>. -e. 4, lss'j. approved; notice
to In- given affording to rules of Court.
I'.i ri.Klt < "l N i V, SS.
< ertlfled from the re. ord this Ist day of Keb
ruarv, |S:ii.
ill I I I N MCKI.VAI.V. (1.-rk y. S.
Widows' Appraisements.
'l'lie tollowing, widows' appraisements of per
•. nal property and real estate, set apart tor the
benefit of widows of decedents. h:iv*' been filed
in the oiiice ot the Clerk of the Crphans' Court
of I'.utler county:
Widow of \v <; smith, dee'd. real estate..MOO oo
\\. .1. Abiains. deed 219 oo
•• • llenrv Kt ertseh, dee d i»9 00
Thomas Crltchlow. dec'"d aoo «o
•foseph Keliling. dee'd ."too 00
" Amos Pyle. dee d •'■oo oo
James Browufleld. deed -too HI
David Myers, dec'il ou
•• l.ynian Croup, dee'd 30000
" Samuel Sheldon, dee d ;wio 00
■' John X. Zlcgler. dee'd
• I'riali AIU rt. deed :«» 50
" William Kaufman, dee'd si; 90
*.eorge (ii uver. dee'd ;;U0 un
•• '• Chas It. J. Marshall 109 39'j
'• '• Andrew Narcross, dee'd. (real
estate) »"«*»
Children of James Aggas. deed .WO no
All persons interested tn the above appraise
ments wllltake notice that they will be pre
sfnted to the Orphans' Court on Wednesday,
the .til day of March, t-•«>. aud if no exceptions
1. tiled tin'v will be confirmed absolutely by the
Court. JtKt'UEN M< I.LVAI.N, Clerk O. C.
The Opportunity
To secure bargains is now of
fered you. We are closing out.
all seasonable goods and want
to close them out quickly.
Scotch t ftps 25 c., Boys school
caps 20c, heavy Melton shirts
50e, former price 75. A big
lot of heavy gloves and mit
tens at greatly reduced prices.
It will pay you to buy under
wear of us if you don't wear it
until next season. Come andsee
70 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
—Wanted at Once —Capable ladies and
gents to handle our forthcoming book,
lAploralions uml Adventure* ol llenrj M.
Ntaiiloy in Africa.
SOO pages au.l over IiOO engravings.
Intinenscly popular. Friec only
. Outtit now ready-and mailed for f>o cents.
flu i-s of our -Iff 111* '•> viu>ai'(iUcle<i.
TIII; THOMPSON* run. 00.,
,S. tiixtli tit., I'hil'a, Fa.
Livery Stable For Sale.
Tlio undersigned will sell
- - livery stable, in the rear
tfif v j ..I'the AYick House, consist
! inir of horses,buggies,sleighs,
harness aud everything per
■ '* taining thereto, and lease the
barn fur a term of years. My reason for
sell 111 e i that 1 wi hto devote my attention
to other business.
£♦ "v* .inowiilttoc^iml'W
i'.W J I ' i'-" .of obtain estim«tM
• -, ■„ ICII in Ct.'CJCO, will told 'ton tiki U