(CARTERS! BbsL < CURE •jHewuUl the trouble* l-" ci dent.to * bO)ou» Mate of the system. mic"> « Drowiines*. Distress after ••Mnr, la the B!de, Ac. While ty mo*t •••"•raahte (oooem has been shown'" curing ■frticho, yet CARTM'S LTVZR PILLS equally valuable in n*tty>atinn. curing prerentinj? this annonng complaint, while •key al»o torrrct all disorders of tne stomach, Stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, ftren if they only cuafy HEAD be almost priceless to those thia distressing complaint: wU ludHEtely their goodness does sot end HVOOM wi >o once try them will And SrJK, pills valuable in so manr ways that CZeCu not be willing to do without them. aO aiclt head f ACHE V the bane of so many lives that here is where r we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Cacm'a IJTTLB IJTETI PILLS are very small tad very easy to take. One or two pills make • dose. They are strictly vegetable and do ■st Milne or purge, but by their gentle action ■leaseall who use thein. In vials at 25 cents; few for fl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall. URB MEICETI 53., Mew Yak. UK tail lose. Small Fries. m i.. l. not this the fch time I luv*half aoted those ? •■nfgrrr Ytt! Mac* I hare used WOLi/'S A CMS > *LAC JI»0 my vreur longer than before and at* shrsjs bright and clean. ttfolff'sACMEßlacking WtU Starting for Men, Women and J (Jhildren. p, mciIEST BLACK POLISH, leather Waterproof and Durable. _\ ii 2/,-iiA. A Shine Jxisti a II cek. £i<» b,. iraJitd u Uh tenter, tame as Oilcloth. J'„. Finest Dressing for Harness. •Jul J by fchoe Stores. Grocers, Dm rents, utf retailors (encsll J. VOLTF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. WHAT •pfITT'C OONSUMPTIOH oUUI I a SOROFULA EMULSION COUGHS IIIB AiinrA COLDS UjlnCO Wasting DiseaMt Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained one pound per day by its nse. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the ■timulatiog properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world. PALATABLE A 8 MILK. Bold by all DmggUts. SOOTT & BOW ME, Cheiuifts, N. T. , CATARRH Cream BalmKg«J^| Oives Belief aM&fa C|j ß[S co\g] once and Curef^^^CoiJ^i^ tADJ COLD IS HKAD F|WFEVERjp A CATARRH £ Jftt a Liquid, Snujrt or Powder. free froru U.U. I out Drugt and s-f%#gip^ offensive Odors. ffAX m FJm V £•[% X particle ot the Balm U applied lntottn ••ctrtt. to agreeable to use and Is quickly ab ■Sttod. effectually cleansing the na.sal passage* M catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, It allays pain and Inflammation, prot<:ctH the Mabranat linings of the hea-1 from additional Mlfta. completely heals the sores mid restores (fee sense of taste and stnt-11. ilcueflclut results •rs realized by a few applications. A TBOBOCOH TREATMENT WILI. CCHK. Price 80 cents at druggists; bv mail, register ed, tB cents. Circulars sent free. ■LT BROTH Kits, Druggtsts. 5.-a iwimawiitly cureil by~ rHTCiDKfTIIIA. FA. Ka eitwMiaoperation «r loMuf llui« from hu tn.'.f. t ii-.-s pronounced In muabla'jy utlicra waninl. tfuii't for Circular. CURE GUARANTEED. Office Hours 9to 3L rSUPERFLUOUSHAIR Oi the femal« face, Hair oa the faro kvftd, nock, noao, Mrs, bands, brant, on rnaa'a •hacks abora tHa fcaard llaa and be- /«» Iwaaath a eyebrows / das troy«J foravor Jf »f tk« Bl a# trio Y J M •ad Is Operation LfflP \ Yj Dr. Van Dyek, V Kl««tro Snrg«oD v \ COS P«nn avenne, A FUtsborgh. Birth Jf atrks, Moles. MM C Warts, Men's Ked A j Voao, Enlarged YBfGfi' T«tas of the Nose, Flavlas, Black- fl\'rsk) 1 ksads, Llm Spots and all dlsaanes and blsmlshen of the akin, : somplsxioo, hair and scalp saccessfally trsatad by Dr. Van I»yck. The Doctor has had 20 year*' experience In the practice of his specialty, and numb*™ among hl« pa tient* oar most prominent fsmllien. If yon are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, •▼old patent medicines and consult Dr. Van D/ek at oace. Special terms to all who make WfUpmauts^his month. Book free Knifage- Meats caa be nadeby mall. Call on or address Pr. /.Van Dyck, 40 N. Uth street, Philadel phia, or 502 Penu avenne, Pittsburgh, Pa. | lire 9 to 1 and 2 to 7; Boadays, 10 to s. MVCDTICCDC 01 °^* r3 ' wno *° •** rn ' n% fIVWUi I IwfcllO this papa ,or obtain sstimst is mtl»lnf when in Chicago, will find it on ffeit r^C^LORD&THOIIAS. ■n '33 E OTTIZE3ST. MISCEL! ANEOI S Bumblethorpe and the Bull. G'n. Bumblethorpe is certainly a big n>au —big in stature anil bigger still in hi own conceit, brimming over. a> lie con stautlv in, with his own importance. Gen. Bumblethorpe was never in the army; be never was even iu the niiMtu But he was Surveyor-General once, a £""1 while ago, and has of course worn the title of General ever since, anil has always insisted upon it. He has been a shaile more overbearing since he became a Gen eral in this way, though he was suffiicient ly overbearing before that. One tine afternoon last summer Gen. Bumblethorpe was taking a walk through the outskirts of the country town which he had honored by choosing it as his place of summer sojourn. In the course of his wanderings be came upon a pair of bars leading into a grassy and inviting meadow. The bars he let down and walked into the meadow, lie had but half crossed the meadow when he saw to his horror a great black and white Holstcin bull emerge from the dark shade of an apple tree anil advance toward him. Gen. Humblethorpe is not an active man, but the steady ad vance of this enormous animal stimulated him for a moment to great activity. And his own rapid flight also served to stimu late the bull, who lowered his head and charged furiously, bellowing the while. It was a mad chase, but Gen. Bumble thorpe had some good rods of advantage in the start and the oposite fence of the field was not far away. The General ran wildly and succeeded iu turning a somer sault over the fence jnst in time to escape the infuriated animal. And then it was Gen. Bumblethorpe who was infuriated. From the safe side of the fence he stormed and raged at the bull, and, seeing a farm house not far away he stalked over to it. The larmer was cboring around the born when the Gener al rnshed np to him. "Is that your bull over there, sir?" ex claimed Gen. Bumblethorpe. "*Wal, I guess 'tis," said the farmer. "Do you know what it's been doing?" "Chasin' ye mebbe." "Yes sir, chasing me; and it is au out rage I will not tolerate—an outrage, I tell yon, that I should be pursued and humil iated in this way!" ""Wall," says the farmer, "it's a thing that bulls will do; he can't help it, ye know." "Help itf" said the General, black with indignation; "do you know who I am? "No, I don't." "Well, sir, I am Gen. Bumblethorpe!" "Is—that—sot" said the farmer, with great deliberation. "Is—that—so? Why in-thunder didn't you tell the bull, Gen eral?" Without Friction. After showing that friction makes per petual motion impossible, Professor Heie Shaw reflects upon the state of affairs that would follow is friction were to cease to act. The whole force of nature would be at once changed, aud much of the dry land and most of our buildings would dis appeared beneath the sea. Such inhabi tants as remained a short time alive would not not only be uuable to provide them selves with fire or warmth, but would find their very clothes falling back to tho orig inal fiber from which they were made; anil if not destroyed in one of the many possi ble ways—no longer dissipated by friction through the air, or by tailing masses of water no longer retarded by the atmos phere and descending as rain—would bo unable to obtain food, from inability to themselves by any ordinary method of lo comotion, or, what would bo equally ser ious, having once started into motion,from being unable to stop except when they came into collision with other uuhappy beings or moving bodies. Before long they, with all heavier substances, would disuppear forever beneath the waters which would now cover the face of a life less world.— lron. —When constipiteil, take a dose of Laxador. To suffer from liver disease when so cheap and sure a remedy as Lax ador can be had, is au actual crime ugainst one's own health. Price only 2o cents. It is hard work for the baby to cut teeth, an d it should be assisted by the use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup which . will cool the inflamed gums. To have Typewriters on Trains. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will shortly start a new and welcome innova tion. On the special express train running between New York anil Pittsburg, known as the Pennsylvania Limited, they have placed a stenographer and typewriter, who will take the dictation aud transcribe on the typewriter the correspondence of inch passengers as care to avail themselves of his services. A special compartment will be fitted up for the purpose and the letters will be mailed from the train. Bv this means business men will be able to attend to their correspondence on the journey. The new arrangement will go into effect February 1. It Don't Pay. to experiment with uncertain remedies, when afHictcd with any of the ailments for which Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is recommended, as it is so pos itively certain in its curative effects as to warrant its manufacturers in guarantee ing it to benefit or cure, or money paid for it will be returned. It is warranted to cure all blood, skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, and all scrofulous sores and swellings, as well as consumption (which is scrofula of the lungs) it taken in hand and given a fair trial. —Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust everybody with your offensive breath, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reme dy aud end it. WRITTKX BY A TOUGH OLD NUT. The man on whom a woman smiles Should tremble, For woman can her deepest wiles Dissemble. She can be sweetly fond and yet Deceive you, Ami when she's run you into debt She'll leave ) on. Love glances dart from her bright eyes, But iu their Dark depths a latal danger lies — I've been there. Biliousness, headache and sour stomach ar.! cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 100 doses sl. —Don't bid the devil good morning until yon meet him. —There are no muskrats in last fall's jicsts. unit the goose luce lianjrs high. —"The effete Last and the llyless West" is the way t'.io St. Louis Ilcjnthlic puts it Drunkenness Liquor Habit- In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It ran tie given In n nip of tea or coffee with out the knowledge of the i«ersoi» taking It effecting ft sfK-eily anil permanent cure.* liellier the pttlt**nt Is a moderate ilrlriker or an alco holic wreck. TIIOIIMIHIS <>R ilrunkarils have lieen cured who have token the (lolilen spec ific In tln-lr coffee without their knowlhrtge. ■nd today believe they quit drinking of then own freewill. No 1 armful effects results from It* admOilstratlon. Cure*< guaranteed. Send fur circular HIHI lull imitli'iihiiK, Aililress. In confidence. (JII.IH.N Henciric Co., ISS ltace St. Cincinnati, O. BA.MPLKS- SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear." Grand Sample Mid-Winter Sale OF |AN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM GOODS, HEAVi isOODS, ETC. Having just received a large lion of sample Boots aud Shoe-* fiom I several Grst-class factories, I take great pleasure in informing jou of this j great sacrifice sale. Among these samples are some vers fine shoes for I Men, Ladies and Misses—something suitable for dress an ® which will be sold at a verv small margin. 1 have also on hand a big lot of W inter Goods which will be sold duriug this sale at a great reduction. Among these a e "5 cases Men's, Bovs'and Youths' Kip Boots A big iine of Arctics and A!Bskasatd woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, felt shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a bij; line of lloiiday Goods. But it can't be helped, considering tb<* sort of weather w« have been having, no snow, but a constant mud, aud under the?;- circumstances wool goods and heavy boors cau't be sold at a margin, but we Mid will take it as it | comes if the season is against us We will not hold these foods, but sell them for whatever they wi 1 bring—this is the method we have mapped < ut with the anti-backward season sale. I also intend startiug East in a few davs and will put my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on mv Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price and the first time you visit Butler call around and see me. whether you wish to buy or not But after you examine my prices you are sure to buy, for vou cannot resist the bargains. lam offering — 35 cases Men's Kip Boots at $1.50 and upwards; 25 cases Boys' Kip Boots at $1.25 and upwards; !5 \ ouths' K'p Boots at $1 00 and up wards; Ladies' fine sample shoes, ranging in prices from $1 25 to $3 00; 8 dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at $1 25; 79 pairs child's calf shoes, solid leather tip, at 90c. and $1: 300 pairs Men's calf and buff shoes, in button, lace aud Coug ,atsl2sto $2 00 Any of these shoes fully worth from $1 75 to $2.00. Child's school hhoes, heel or spring heel, tip- or plain toe, at 65c. to 75c. Call and examine, whether you wish to buy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices. Men's working shoes in a good Brogan, Creemors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid taps, and for the glass house trade we have a solid brogau, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear and comfort Call and see these shoes The price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies of all kinds. Three brands of leather A lull stock Sht-ffiel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips, Levan calf, etc , etc Zinc, rubber soling,iron, Swede iron, and all nails suitable for sho«making Shoemakers tools of all kind. Send for our price list and see our prices. Kubber Goods of all Kinds. Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots and Shoes at low prices. Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A In linn of Men's fine dress shoes, manufactured by the leading factories ot the Eastern market, cut from any material desired Kangaroo, Cordovan, l'orpoise, French calf, etc, Machine, Acme anil hand welts When visiting Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes of shoes which I will show you. Should you not desire a pair of these at present, don't stay a way but call aud select for yourself a fine pair of shoes for future footwear. I have also on hands 4 dozen of mv own make,box toe, pegged, and fine dress shoes which will also be sold during this solo, very cheap At all times a full stock of my own make, box too boots, loinr leg, hand sided and hand pegged. Also the celebrated Gokt-y boot, in box or plain toe. This sale will Fast for six we«ks. as shout that time or two weeks pre vious our Spring stock will begiu to arrive and the above method we have mapped out for this special clearance sale. Trusting you will all visit my store and secure a share of the bargains I am offering. Boots and Shoes mad» to order. Repairing, either in leather or rubber goods, done orr very short notice Mail orders will receive same attention as if brought in person. A box of fine leather pomade free on'appiication, Yours tiuly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - - - Butler, Pa Go lo Africa, Young Man! i Millionaire Huntington «aya this, not to the colored man, but to tho white man. lie ftttj's there nr fortunes to l<« made 0:1 the Congo, in rubber, ivory, skins, and precious stones, and the climate on the up- i lands is excellent. The only drawback j about Mr. Huntington's advice is tliat he j thinks a young man ought to take from SIO,OOO to SIOO,OOO alttrfc with him to start in business. Perhaps Mr. Huntington is prepared t-> loan enterprising young men who do not happen to have either of these nunis about them the cash on easy term-. Brick Paving. A well-known and extensive brick mak er of our city says the new style of paving is smooth, durable and cheaply and readily repaired. A number of our cities have tried it. and all have found it entirely satisfactory. Milwaukee, which has long been lauiotts for its lino quality of brick, has several streets paved in this new way, aud all are said to wear well and to be equal to those of any material for comfort and conven ience.— Indianapolis A 'nr.*. You may coat, you may sugar the piil as you will, But the taste of the quinine will hang round it still. —The man who is 100 hopelessly help- ; less and dismally dumb to do anything in this world, has one resource left. He can turn critic. —ls the woman who goes to church to ' exhibit her seal-kin sacque religious? —Why is it that some people get judged out on a foul anil some get judged iu on a fowl. —The lawyers in a caso are like a pair ; of shears. They never cut themselves j but what is between. Don't turn tip your nose At poorer people with plainer clothes. ; —The sick man wants a constitutional ; amendment. —Tho profane man never should boast j that he is as good as his word. —A man can hardly be expected to foot ' a bill without a litLle kicking about it. j —The real estate man wants the earth, i and usually has some ground for such a • desire. ) —The man who thinks quick and speaks j slow will be very apt to get along in Uie world safely. —The man who picks up a wire on the j street is v ry likely to get hold of some [ thing tlint will cure him of the grip. —A mail is very like a buckwheat ea!.e ! in this weather. llu i - disinclined Lo ri -i-i »:i. ?•«! ic npiteof "ban<* attempts to rob" liira ; « fr f Üb<»r« ( (iUl of which n»tratH the • " ■ » v:;nri«»nty a«J popularity of bin teaching). P.- • i* i il-'.* Art "! S r ForjcMtiiiff is n*« '»ifiiir.»*a . • l> ;fj IX» i». ;»hcr A ur. marking: mi Epoch in *.!' , • v ':ilr:r.». II Fr"K{M>ctnii(ri'.nt |m«i>,!rHt)fivM .i . t ; in ni! <.f th« ffhtlie who have aot* jJi • • '• •! hi- S/ ;n i.y • i-rn bponrionc*, rdi'twing I t. t !« >, ■ e .n >■ i oi. »/ while b> mj ntudinl, vol In/' that at-1/ f».kcan Irarrwd in a i .< '/•#{/, i.'iii" tcnwi-riny ike. ForProspectua, Tpn?r. Mid i:n«>t;inl* ndrln'ii* »I of. A IsOl -I 'l IF, 237 i iuu Avenue,N.Y i U WAWTJBID s\ i, K IV j r»» canvass for.tlie salt* of Nursery Stork. A full j line <»i leading hpri'faltic.H. Salary and expen- J SI-H DM!:! to sn' - i -•"fill No Kxpericiice ; »•»■(•( s; \\ nle lor Icin.s. statlmr age. [Mention this paper j v. 1. UOOTiIHY Nurseryman. Ka». r - I'aric. Koclie atcr. N. Y. I - I \VO < lion K SI IIOOI.S. BROOKE HALL, ; Pot Girls and Younq Ladies. jShortlidge Media Academy, For doys and Younfj Men, S WITHIN C.SHORTLIDSE. A J (HAKVAUI) (JUADI'ATK.) MKIMA, I'A.. (Nrur Philadelphia.) ! LUMIiER IS ADVANCING Saw Mills. Steam Engines. Shingle Mills, Hay Presses, &c. if you v „t a I'*IUST-U.A>S SAW MILL, stiul for ('atHioj{i!e and .* pert ill price to Intro duce in your .section to A. it hliljl IUK CO. (Ltd.) YOlik. PA. nutr.-s^'ig'. DOLLARS NOW FOR 8(1 CENTS. THIS is what our sale means in allowing Twenty Per Cent Cash Discount from regular prices of All Over coats. We are determined to dispose ol them, and therefore eflVr this extraordinary inducement: £MO Ovctcoats now $24 sls Overcoats now £l2 $25 ( 4 v«'i coats now S2O $lO Overcoats now §8 £2O Overcoats now £lO S ; "» Overcoats now $1 All intermediate prkes comparatively the Extra ii<».id values in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Ilats and Caps; also Knit Jackets, Gloves, Underwear, Silk Mufflers, &c. Big reduction in Fur and Plush Caps. STRffIIGM JOSEPH CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS, tft-199 FBPEQML ST. siLJuKGaHA't'. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. A Merry Christmas to All. Merry Christmas! comes a^ain, Peace on earth, good will to meDl Hound the world the chorus ring. Let all hearts rejoice and sing. Which you will certainly do if you are wise enough to buy your Christmas Gifts ol* mi. My stock was never so com plete before. I have added more room and show cases in or der to display the most elegant line of Holiday Goods. Come and see the best of everything in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Novelties, tfcc, „ ■37 , .a=».A.:E»3K£, LEAdING ILLDIERY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and NUDS Veiling always ready for use. rs T o- 18. South Main Street* * ~ ■ lil F rrJili« I* m* i A SOLID—— STEEL FENCE! EXPANDED METAL SOMETHING NEW "L»~ RESIDENCES. CHURCHFS. CEMF-TE»«ES. FARMS G**OENS Gate* ArN>r«., \\ imlow Guard*, Trcllis«A Fireproof rLAHTKIUXf) 1.4T11, DOOR JHATS, Xc. Write for Illustrated Catalogue- maileu free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ 11H M wler St., l'illsliur;'li, l*st. wdnarb Ben keep iU Give neiuc of th: j Davcr STEEL The cheapest atid ce:it*§* Fot.re for aronnd Lawn®, School Km*, Poultry Y«rd« t Gardens, Farm*, ete. %Uo manufacturer- .»f L:*rht aad Heavy Iron Fencing, Cre»tin*r. Stable Fittings, Fire Shatters, Fire Escape* of different d«aiga«, andai* kinds of IRON AN I) WIRE WOKX.j TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 205 Market Street. - PITTSBURGH, PA. WUfBCOaCWwCK. . Onroflhr P||(*P n> nun-* MKXt. T " B»TTFI>I|P m MILES iPIaWM * ™ g I thf Hnrlil. mcfiillsai« I ' •«% kt once ran make aur* at T H th« rhUM'AU jou have to do In F I Ifco— <»ha csll—yuur DeitrUbuff fc» ■ and th<*« around yoa. Tb« b*. AYI inning of this *dTerti««meDt Ifimn-W Ibowi ih« •mall end of the tela .K,ot th , aftltth pert of itlbulk. It U • r">, N, Washington btreet. BUTt.KIi. PKNNA. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LAIMHIY \VO«K IS AH BRANCHES. I.A(K CT'RTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN tso, DYKINU AMI CAII PKT C'LKANIKfi. (roods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH, | PROPRIETORS. SALESMEN WANTED to canvas r«.r tho sale of Nursery stock: Steady ] employment guaranteed. Salary ami CX|H IIM S paid to successful men. Apply at once ■ t n111• ace. Mention lit Is piper. (MASK ISKoTIIEItH COMPANY. I!o"hester. N. Y. f* J llllpay Mils to our F.alcsmen. OI'TKIT lIIIFISEK. Can start you at once, send UIU Uror terms to .1. Als lIN s|| A\\ N u r»• t> m .11.. :: .1111 t'l . Nt TJEE "-~ J-' ■' ■jMikkiMrM • ■ ' f»: I .. .• Advn.iise it» 'ho OiTtxEv, ! FASHION EMPORIUM A hew supjih of goods suitable (or holiday presents has just been opened. All the i.ew patterns in \eiling, regular beautiliers; newest neckwear and beads, handkerehiefs.nmftlers, mitts, glove 3, hosiery, infants knit gmds. Chinchilla nnd wool fascinator.*, lovely In ad diess; s. l.l;u i .-ilk caps lor old Indies, Childrens silk, plush and ca-hniciv e;ij s. new hat.', new' bon nets, new styles for dresses, fane\ silks li r fancy work and dress tiimmings The .lenm-ss-Milh-T fi\ies are shown insnr passed for grace and eomlort- Apprentices are taken lur six or nin - months term,accord ing to wish, and a thorough, practical knowledge of millinery or die.-s making, cutting and fitting is »iven. Ordeis are token lor an) kind ol hair work Miss M. H. Gilkey, NO.«a S. MAIIN ST, lU'TLER, PA | OPPOSITE 1\ 0. The Great American HOG is Coming. - The Great # American HOG Is Coming. Alex. Borland, BOOT & Ml IHItKFR SI'KINGDAI.K, Next Door to W'ullcr'- l>ecil attention to of all kindN. I UKt SHORE HORSERIIS. KlilK. PA. All 'dock friiaraiitccd to l»- in ftiKxl con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to REKEKENCE.S IN ltt'TliElJ: J. F. Ijowrv, W. T. Meehling, James Shnnor, Jr.. .1. K. Forsvthe, Cleo. Hhaifner, Walker, Esq., Fcrd Reiber, Esq. nnd D. L. < 'lceland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITENMILLEU HOUSE, I'CTLK H, PA. !'! I LITf f\ SAI-SMUN to sell Nursery |||l|||L|| SUH-k. All CoodH Warranted TV Mil I 111 II IJ> l-< LANS. I'ennalient ■■ *»ll ILU pleasant, profitable |K>sltloiis for the rliflit. men C"<>d sidnrles and exnenses paid ue,-kl> Liberal Indui i incnls to be Kin neiH. No previous experience necessary. *> : H lit. tree. Write for terms. k'i vl "iT Cll vltl i s ll