Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 24, 1890, Image 2

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die year, lwlde County *'•»
Oue Year. OutsiJe County »'-•<»
Payable In Advance.
KlUrt4 *tr«toHe« »t B.tUr ai H rla». matter
, w i_ ne 0 F the CITIZEN some extra copies
«J«VrJntfiiM*hl2b are sent, to citizens of the
SSnty who are not subscribers and their sub
"gublcrlbers do ™ a favor by sending us
fce niSesof their neighbors.no» now taking a
county paper. /
Ail communications intended for P abl ' ca ' ,on ,
i>'this wper milstbe accompanied by the real
0F tile jrriter, not for publication but an
m. guarantee of good faith,
and death notices must be accom
panied by a responsible name.
DoWn With the Internal Reve
IJTSTEAD of tinkering at the tariff, we
would like to see our representatives at
"Washington go to work 'on the Internal
Revenue, as we believe it to be a curse to
the Nation.
It was a war measure and we see no
necessity for continuing it. It has foster
ed monopoly and made millionaires of the
Gnckenheimers and Lorillards. It has
made the liquor business —its manuiac
ture, the wholesaling and the retailing of
it— the best paying business in tho coun
try; and it is the cause of such universal
adulteration of whisky that it is said to be
impossible to get a glass of pure liquor at
the bar of any hotel in the forty states.
The tax on grain alcohol, now imposed
by the National Government is SI.BO per
gallon. Grain-aleohol is used in preserv
ing all the tinctures used as medicine, and
this tax trebles the price of nearly all tho
medicines used. A bottle of spirits of cam
phor, for instance, for which we now pay
75 and SO cents could be sold by the drug
gists with a better profit at 25 cents, if
this tax was removed. It makes a monop
oly of the manufacture of whisky—a poor
man cannot now go into tho business; he
has not the money to pay the tax.
It causes adulteration—the price is made
so high by the tax that both wholesalers
and retailers adulterate the liquor, and
the consumer pours a liquid into himself
that creates an intense desire for more and
finally makes him an imbecile.
The liquor business as it stands to-day
is a curse to the Nation, and tho Internal
Revenue is its foundation. An effort
should be made immediately to repeal the
law, and any Republican voting against it
should be blacklisted, for it should bo tak
en for granted that he has Guckenheimer
or liorillard money in his pocket. Tho
majority of the Democratic members
would probably vote against its
repeal, as they waut to keep
up the surplus in the treasury, so that
they can howl for free trade. The men
who have made millions under the Inter
nal Revenue will fight hard against its re
peal, and that is a very good reason for
its repeal. What is so very good for the
few, is an evil to the many.
THB payment by Oliver Bros. <fc Phil
lips of an indebtedness of $1,500,000 in
five years, is an indication that there is
money in the iron and steel business il
properly managed.
THE first holocaust of the season was
reported from Glendale, a suburb of Cin
cinnati, last Friday. A vestibuled train
ran into an accommodation, the car stoves
set fire to tho wreck, and four persons
were burned to death.
NOT the least useful lesson to be drawn
from Judge Kelly's life is this: that he
went to Congress a poor man and died a
poor man. We are as often told in these
times that poor men haye no show of go
ing to Congress that it is refreshing to
have such a refutation of this doleful clam
or as his public life affords, lie was rear
ed on the lap of hard aud grinding poverty
and he made his way to the front solely
by force of his brains.
Teach the Elements of Morals.
Seldom has a public utterauce of a cler
gyman met with so hearty and general
a response as Dr. Howard Crosby's I'rcsby
terian Union speech of last week against
the teaching of any sectarian or theologi
cal religion in the public schools. There
resides in the State no right to tax a He
brew, a Mohammedan or an agnostic for
the support of schools in which oven the
broadest kind of Christian theology is
taught, and to impose such a tax would
suggest, first a division of tho proceeds
among religious sects, and the end of all
practical public control of the schools
which were founded to teach the elements
of citizenship. The only religion which
can justly be taught in the common
schools is the religion of humanity, the
obligations of moral duty toward our fel
low men. Elementary moral science
should be taught even in the primary
schools, instead of being at the top
of the course, to which but few public
school pupils attain. —N. Y. Press.
IT is a sad demoralizing feature of the
influenza epidemic in Paris, that ladies
and gentlemen very partial to alcohol es
cape, while those leading temperate lives
are the worst sufferers. Physicians not
ing this immediately advised the uso of
warm alcoholic drinks, with the result
that 15,000 persons were arrested in the
streets within three days for drunkenness.
Of this number 1,200 declared that they
were simply following tho treatment pre
scribed for influenza.
Senator Brice.
The election of Brice in Ohio has been
accomplished, and the probabilities are
that there will be no opposition to his ad
mission to the Senate. He is a shrewd
man of business and has not entered upon
this speculation without being well assur
ed that there would bo a follow feeling
for "hi m among the millionaires of the Sen
ate, and although an "inhabitant" of the
state of New York, ond not of the state
he proposes to represent as is required by
the Constitution the probabilities are that
during the next six years his name will
stand as one of the Senators from thr.i
Commonwealth. His election, however,
is unfortunate, not only for the country,
bnt for the Democratic party, of which he
is a distinguished leader. Democrats
claim for themselves great devotion to
the Constitution, are the strictest sort of
constructionists, and how they can excuse
this violation of one of their most revered
principles it is difficult to understand.
And if Cleveland does not bring upon
himself condemnation for tho part lie has
taken ho can be accounted very lucky.
—Harrisburg Telegraph.
erne district,declares that he is a candidate
in dead earnest for Governor, with or with
out Mr. Quay's leave or license. Says he:
"I shall not canvass the State personally
as I see Senator Delamater aud General
Hastings are doing, but shall rely upon
my friends to look after my interests. I
am a candidate as a Republican, pure and
simple, standing on the merits of the case.
I simply have an ambition to be the Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. I don't propose
to take part with any other candidate for
any other office ond I shall work for the
nomination in * manly way."
Census Superiors.
"WASH iNITON*, I). C., Jan. 21.—The fol
lowing is the list of Census Supervisors as
recommended by Superintendent' Porter
to-day; First district, K. 11. Reath, Phila
delphia; Second district. I)r. White, Nor
ristown; Third district, J. 11. Landis. Lan
caster; Fourth district, J. 11. Miller. Dau
phin Co.; Fifth district, George 11. Ashley,
Susquehanna county; Sixth district. P. D.
Bucker. Jersey Shore: Seventh district. (I.
11. Alter. Fulton county; Eighth district.
George W. Hood. Indiana county; Ninth
district, George T. Oliver, Pittsburgh (pro
tested against by Senator Quay, Repre
sentatives Ray, Bayne and Townsend);
Tenth district, J. B. Mates, Rutler couu
k" -
THE claim a wholesale grocery house of
St. Louis recently made against the South
Shore Railroad brought to light the fact
that, at least in some quarters, dirt under
the name of terra alba is being used in
candy to almost an incredible extent. It
was a half dozen barrels of lozenges made
by a Boston house that had been shipped,
the claim being that they had been dam
aged in transit. The railroad company
sent samples of the lozenges to a chemist,
who discovered them to consist ''entirely
of terra alba bound together with a little
gelatine or gum." Investigation showed
them to yet require dipping in
ups flavorid with peppermint, Wiiiter
green, sassafras, and the like, before ready
for infantile consumption. Now, terra al
ba is a mineral utterly insoluble in the sali
va or gastric juice—a dangerous com
pound to put within even a healthy stom
ach; and when the railroad company
learned this they refused pay any damages,
and the grocery house, fearing exposure,
ceased to press the elaim. The Hoard oj
Trade Journal of Portland, Mo., says that
0,000 tous of terra alba were recently
imported through the port of New \ ork
THE rep.rt made at a meeting in Phila
delphia last week of the work done by
the Johnstown Flood Relief Commission
will go down in history as a memorial of
one of the greatest charities known to hu
manity. Of the millions received and dis
tributed by tho Commission, every penny
has been accounted for. The successful
handling of so large a sum with so little
friction and loss merits the highest praise
and the widest recognition.
The avalanche of water had hardly
ceased rushing down the Conemangh A al
ley when a stream of charity began to
flow in for the relief of the sufferers. It
reached a volume which is probably un
paralled in modern charities for prompt
ness and magnitude. The great heart of
tho country seemed to be touched as it
never had been touched before, and au
swering contributions flowed out gener
ously. The sums which passed through
the Commission's hand's do not begin to
cover the total given. It is probable that
if the public and private contributions
were known that they would aggregate at
least $5,000,000.
Slippery Rock Items.
Willie Morrison, whose illness was not
iced last week, is much better.
Frank Clutton has moved his general
store to the new Bingham block.
liev. A. Gilfillan of Ohio, was the guest
of Rev. McClintock last week.
Adam Stillwagon, whose father lives a
short distance southjof town, died early
Monday morning. Tho funeral services
conducted by Rev. l'adeu were held Wed
nesday at 10 a. 111.
The oil men are busy leasing territory in
this township, ltigs are going up on the
farms of John Heed, James Heed and
Lewis Patterson.
While smoking some hems on Friday,
Mr. Leighner, the butcher, had the mis
fortune to burn down his smoke-house.
The hums "and the smoke-house are set
down as the losses.
Professor McClymonds, also Miss Bing
ham and Miss Graves, of the Normal fac
ulty, have been spending the last tew days
in their rooms with influenza. All are ie
ported improving.
The young man who has recently come
into our town and engaged in business
might do well to confine his operations to
legitimate lines of work. Two or three
offences may be condoned, but there will
come a time when forbearanco will not be
a virtue.
Within the last two weeks about one
hundred volumes have been added to the
library at the Normal.
Rev. S. K. Paden, pastor of the M. E.
Church is the author of a book, "Heresy or
No Heresy." It consists of a speech made
in his own defense before the Committee
appointed by the Erie Conference ot the
M. E. Church, held in Frauklin in 1880.
BOTH tho Auglo-American and tho Beu
nett-Mackay cable companies arc begin
ning to deliver messages in typewriting,
the operators taking them from tho lines
directly upou tho typewriter.
AT the election in Ohio last November
six members of the Legislature were elect
ed as • distinctively representatives of the
organized labor of the State. It now ap
pears that among the first members of the
Legislature captured by Calvin S. Brice
were those six who were supposed to hold
the balance of power between adherents tit
Brice and his Democratic opponents.
Brice's plan was to make one of the six
Speaker of tho House, and in this move
ment he was successful.
Lardentown is still flourishing in spito
of the bad roads.
Quite a number of our boys attended
church at Emory Chapel, Sabbath night.
How is walking boys?
Every one that sneezes now has the
grip; but, as far as we have heard, no one
has broken his neck sneezing.
Charley Harvey lost a valuable pony a
short time ago.
Our school surprised tho teacher, Mr.
N. W. Campbell, on Monday morning, by
presenting him with a beautiful plush cov
ered-shaving drawer, aud a plush album.
Father Lardin made the presentation
spaech. Very well done scholars.
X. X. T. Y.
DEMOCRATIC papers are all opposed, to
tho pending federal election law. which
proposes to put such safe-guards about the
ballot iu tUe election of the members of
the national assembly that colored citizens
may be permitted to vote tho sauio as the
whites. The opposition is a virtual admis
sion that frauds have been perpetrated
heretofore in the suppression of the colored
vote. The Democrats kuow the proposed
law would knock them out of several con
gressmen that they are now enabled to
elect by means of fraudulent practices.
Middlesex Items.
Mr. John Flick has had a slight attack
of "la grippe."
Mr. Jeff. Davis formerly tho foreman of
the Charticrs Oil Co's lease, now. occupies
the same position for tho Allegheny Syn
dicate Co.
Last Monday two rigs (the Lafever and
Anderson) were blown down by the
high wind.
Miss Mary A Flick who was ill for a
few weeks has recovered.
Quite a number of young people spent
a very pleasant evening at the residence
of Mr. Greashopper, last Monday.
Mr. Wiles spent Saobath at the home
of his friend, Mr. Stiver.
—Thomas W. Shaw, the oldest citizen of
Allegheny Co., died at his home at Glen
i shaw, last Wednesday, aged 94 years. He
| was one of the originators of the Allegheny
I and Butler Plank Road
End of the McFarland Case.
(Correspondence of Pittsburg limes.)
FREEPOBT, PJ.. Jan. 21.—At a meeting
of the Butler Presbytery, of the U. P.
Church, held here to day. the Rev. A. 1?.
C. McFarland, former pastor at Fairview,
Butler county, and one of the most talent
ed of United Presbyterian ministers, was
expelled from the church.
To day's proceedings were the culmina
tion of the domestic troubles which aroso
between Mr. and Mrs. McFarland about
two years ago. They originated on ac
count of alleged unseemly conduct on the
part of the voung preacher and his wife.
Mrs. McFarland, who is a member of a
well-known Allegheny family, left her
home because, as she alleged, her husband
had abused her. Mr. McFarland in his
pulpit the following Sunday admitted that
he had struck his wife, but claimed justi
fication. and intimated that her conduit
had not been proper on all occasions.
An investigation by outsiders showed
that Mrs. McFarland's deportment had
been unexceptionable, unless the fact that
while out with a sleighing party of which
Mr. McFarland was .. member she had kiss
ed her partner, might be charged up
against her. The inquiry also developed
the fact that Mr. McFarland was a man of
violent temper and a liberal drinker for a
man of the eloth. Later there was a church
investigation, which censured Mr. and Mrs.
McFarland, but recommended no further
action. Interest was kept alive by the
kidnapping of their children by Mrs. Mc-
Farland. while hei husband was away from
home one day. Since then Mrs. McFar
land and the children have lived in Alle
After the kidnapping of the children it
was thought by Mr. McFarland's friends
nothins more would be heard of the
tumble, but the matter was still so gener
allv talked about that it was on the verge
of "an investigation by the Presbytery.
Then, to the surprise of many, Mr. Mc-
Farland resigned, giving as a reason that
he wished to retire temporarily from min
isterial work. The subject nevertheless
went into the hands of a committee elect
ed from the members of the Butler Presby
tery. The Rev. J. P. Davis was made
At the meetiug of the committee and
Presbytery at New Brighton, about four
months ago, tho chairman stated thut they
had found and investigated grave charges
against the minister. Final action on the
case was postponed.
The meeting of the Presbytery opened
this morning at!) o'clock, in the Second U.
P. Church, with the Rev. J. J. Imbrie as
Moderator. The lirst subject to come be
fore the meeting was the selection of dele
gates to the General Assembly. Of the
four names which came in o&ler on the
list for delegates to tho General Assembly,
one was that of A. B. C. McFarland. T.iis
circumstance being announced by the Sec
retary, a general hum of conversation
A member ot the committee, without
rising, moved that the name of Mr. Mc-
Farland be taken out of the list. The mo
tion was immediately seconded and it was
suggested that the name next on the list
should be substituted. A lively wrangle
followed, but it was in the meanwhile pro
posed tc send the Rev. J. J. Imbrie to the
Assembly in place of the Rev. McFarland.
Wheu order was restored, the Rev. J.
P. Davis, Chairman of the Investigating
Committee, arose. lie said he did not. like
to speak on the matter, but thought it only
proper that Mr. McFarland's name should
not be taken from the list of candidates for
the time being, as he (McFarland) had not
yet been expelled from the Presbytery. He
thought a consistent course should be fol
lowed, namely, that if the Presbytery
found cause, it should regularly expel tne
Rev. McFarland.
This was hardly done when several mem
bers clamored for a reconsideration of the
whole question and for its further consider
ation in executive session. The members
of the Presbytery had just discovered that
several strangers were in the room. A
gray-haired member, who appeared to
think that the whole affair should be acted
upon in the regular monner, saw fit to ob
ject and asked the Moderator to inquire
whether the investigating committee had
anything in particular to report. The sec
retary of the committee replied that there
was not much more to report beyond that
which the Presbytery knew already. He
said that a commendable effort had been
made to further investigate the charges
against Rev. Mr. McFarland. A meeting
had been held, but a majority not being
there, the rest had quietly gone home after
considering the matter as best them might.
From the speaker's tone it was apparent
that he longed for a star chamber session.
Perhaps oil this account it was that an
other member of the committee arose and
and stated that the subject should be taken
tip only during an executive session. It
was then decided to hold such a session.
It opened with a report of the committee.
They gave details to a number of matters
that had been brought before them in refer
ence to the case. The report was discuss
ed. The Rev. John S. MeKee was one of
the principal speakers. Some of the mem
bers thought it best to let tho mutter go
011 until the next meeting of Presbytery.
It was also suggested that additional tacts
might be brought forth by that time.
Th : report was accepted, nevertheless,
it being argued that the matter hud hung
fire long enough and that it was a reflec
tion on the Presbytery, if allowed to drag
on. Tho vote was unanimous. In the re
port a hint has been give* to the Presby
tery to the effect that Mr. MeFarlaiul was
at present employed in a secular occupa
tion. From the speeches of tho members
it was plain they uid not wish to take any
steps which they could not fully explcir,
A motion was therefore made that the
name of A. B. C McFarland be expunged
from the rolls of the Butler Presbytery, as
the above person had left ministerial work
for secular work. The motion was
unanimously passed and the Presbytery
The Rev. J. J. Imbrie said after the
meeting: "We expelled Mr. McFarland
because he has engaged himself in worldly
affairs. The matter is at an end and out of
the hands of the Presbytery. The com
mittee has done its work aud been dismiss
ed. The subject was thoroughly discussed
during the executive session."
Mr. McFarland himself was not present
during any part of the meeting, but the
committee appeared to take no note of tho
This afternoon the Presbytery considered
the overtures on the tobacco question made
by the General Assembly. It cast its vote
against tobacco for young men about to be
licensed as preachers, but declared itse'.t
in favor of allowing elders to use the weed.
How Brice got His Seat,
A Springfield, 0., Democrat is quoted as
regarding the election of Calvin
Brice, to be U. S. Senator for Ohio. '"On
the day preceding the caucus, Mr. I'rieo
became very much alarmed, the indica
tionsbeing the caucus would be postponed.
He was afraid, owing to the fact Knapp
was dead, that Lawlur was reported dead,
that there were four absentees, and that
five members were absent acting as pall
bearers at Mr. Knapp's funeral. The re
sult was that Mr. Brice sent agents out
aud bought up men liko hogs, paying from
S:>,UOO to $7,000 per head. These Legisla
tors were approached under disguise and
in some instances a proposition was made
to the effect that Brice would pay all their
election expenses and give t'jem a hand
some sum besides.
The Brice agents were so audacious as
to go to a certain candidate, I will not
name him, but it was not McMahon, and
offered to pay all his expenses to date if
he would withdraw."
The candidate evidently was Mr. Thom
The Democrat further stated that Rep=
rescntativc Molder, of Erie county, who
left ihomes for Itricc, was elected by Mr.
Thomas' influence. Auditor William Bond,
of the county, received S3OO from Thomas
to make the light in liis county. Political
matters in reference to the Secretaryship
are incandescent here now, and more
startling stories of how Bricu secured his
seat are promised.
THE New York Editorial Association
has prepared a new libel law that is in
tended to secure them immunity from
punishment. They had better let the
iaw be as it is. It is quite enough to pro
ne t decent journalism, and the more the
! indecent is punished tjie better will it be
I for the State.
The S. S. Convention at
i A Sabbath School convention w«.; held
in the Brownsdalu U. P. Church. January
14th. IS9O. At 2 p.m. in the absence of
1 Bev. MeCampbell. Rev. J. S. McKee open
jed the meeting with devotional exert iscs,
I calling on Bev. Cooper to pray. Key. J
j A. Clark then opened the subject assigned
|to hint, "The relation of the S. S. to the
I church." Ho said the S. S. was a divine
I institution, a part of the church, an inte
| gral part, intimately connected, as the
I arm to the body; as "the wife to the hus
j band. Our obligation to attend the one
j was the same as the other, the office bear
ers of the church ought to be leaders in
the S. S. Rev. McKee compared the S. S.
to a large family studying God's word to
gether: Rev. McClester and McCaw follow
ed with a lew remarks.
Miss Raselv being absent the subject as
signed her was passed over for the present,
and an address by Rev. McClester on
•'Personal work and motive," was next in
order. He remarked that each and every
person has his work to do in the S. S;
ministers, ciders and members are person
ally responsible to God for the neglect of
this work, the motive for the work is the
glory of God. anil our own good, and the
help we can give others. Rev. Clark said
we had not ei.ongh personal work. Rev.
McKee observed that we could all ilo per
' sonal work by urging all our acquaintances
and friends to attend the S. S.
Rev. Cooper thought our personal work
would reflect the good we do for others on
ourselves, it should talk more about S. S.
through the week, ever}' day and place.
The Secretary remarked that he thought
the pastor should superintend and teach
in the S. S. Rev. McCaw thought the
minister should not do any work that the
elders aud members could do. Rev. Coop
er gave quite a lengthy "class drill on the
lesson for January 19th, 1880. Next "the
question box" was conducted by Rev. J.
S. McKee, and quite a number of questions
were answered by Revs. McCaw,McClester
aud McKee and D. B. Douthett, aud after
singing, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 p.
Rev. Clark opened the evening session
by singing Psalm 7S. C. M., and leading in
prayer. Rev. McCaw consented to take
Miss Rasely's place on the subject "The
teacher's preparation," and said, lirst. the
teacher should be a person of prayer, sec
ond, the teacher should not only stud)' the
lesson but parallel passages; third, time is
necessary for preparation; fourth, should
ask God's blessing and direction for con
ducting and instructing the class. I>. B.
Douthett followed by saying that the
teacher should give practical instruction,
should understand the lesson, should know
the scholar, should know how to teach.
Rev. Clark proposed conventions such as
Moody's to arouse an interest in S. S.
work* Rev. McKee discussed the subject
assigned to Mr. Dutchman "The relation
of the Session to the S. 5.," first, as the
, session is the court they should attend to
the S. S. and select teacher; 2d. they
; should not stand as censurers but helpers.
Mr. Jas. Orr followed by saying that with
out a good live session the S. S. would be a
Mr. McCaw said there was danger of the
session going to far alone, but teachers
and session should go together. B. W.
Douthett followed with some remarks. 1).
B. Douthett responded to the subj ct as
signed him, "Some practical lessons on the
lite of Solomon." Alter which the congre
gation sang psalm 146. Rev. Cooper then
discussed Miss Stoup's subject, "How
stimulate teachers and scholars to study
the lesson." He said, we must arouse in
terest according to disposition and grad
ing. Rev. McKee said we should
pray for a revival of interest. In the ab
sence of Rev. Borland, Rev. McClester
opened the subject, "The holy spirit the
intepreter of God's word." and was follow
ed by Rev. Clark who said that the holy
spirit was the author, therefore the best
interpreter of God's word.
Rev. McKee then took up the subject as
signed hitn and discussed as follows, "Ex
cuses lawful and unlawful."
Ist, A lawful excuse is one we can offer
to God.
2d, It is one of the duties we owe to God
to attend S. S.
3d, We violate God's law if we refuse to
4th, \\ e are under solemn obligations to
attend all meetings of God's worship.
sth, Excusing is accusing ourselves.
"The question box," was next in order
aud questions were answered by Revs.
Clark, McClester. aud McCaw, also by W.
M.' Brown. James Orr, D. B. Douthett.
The meeting closed l-y si«-riu«r psalm 72,
L.il. followed by benediction by liev.Clark
Our congregation is under obligation to
the ministers and brethren, who exerted
themselves to come to us; especially should
we be grateful to Kev. Clark, who drove
from Prospect in au open vig through al
most impassible mud. Also, to Kev. Mc-
Caw, who unfortunately came by the noted
"behind time" I'. & W. IJ. R. and conse
quently was compelled to walk part of the
way from the station, diuuerless.
]>. 1!. DOCTIIETT, Sec.
Saxonburg Items,
A cold wave has reached here at last.
Miss Emma Muder. formerly of Taren
tum, has moved there.
I!ert McKec has been working out in the
Gould district the past week or two.
Miss Alice Roettig lias returned home
after a short visit to friends in the city.
The Odd Fellows will give a grand sup
per some time this month or the tirst of
next. XEKIA.
THE block of two 5,000 votes each that
were cast for Butler, but were counted for
Cleveland, were not all. It is said that it
can be sho.m that iilaiue had a plurality
of not less than 20,000 in the State. The
Butler enterprise of showing those- things
is expected to have some help from the
Hill wing of the the party.
Brice made millions in roalroad luanip
ulations and is in the United States Sen
ate, as the successor of Millionaire Payne.
Young men the moral in all this is: Make
millions and you may sit in the seats dis
tinguished by these m illionoires.
Titk English editor \v'a > told the truth
about the scandalous life of an English
lord will now have leasurc in jail to coir
template his folly. An English lord in
his way, aud u Southern white man in his,
illustrate the truth that "justice is blind."
that it cawn't tec, and "goes it blind,' -
donch em aw.
—John Vv*. Dickey, of SlippcryroclcTp.,
has been granted a pension.
The proceedings for the sa'e of the S.
it A. R. B. were stopped in Pittsburg,
Wednesday, by the pa) inent of the Re
ceiver's certificates held by Huidekooper.
The other holders wanted the sale post
Purify the Blood.
We do not claim that Hood's Sarsaparilla 19 the
only medicine deserving public confidence, but
wo believe that to purify the blood, to restore and
renovate the whole system, It is absolutely
unequalled. The influence of the blood upon
the health cannot be over-estimated. If it be
comes contaminated, the train of consequences
by which the health is undermined is immeasur
able. Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Headache,
Dyspepsia, Debility, Nervousness and other
**little (?) ailments" are tho premonitions of
more serious and often fatal results. Try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for S5. Made
only by C. I. fiOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumber.
Hard and Soft Coal-
We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum
ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc.
Call and get our prices and fee our stock.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended
Office and yard on
&AlklN 6
Absolutely Pure.
This t*o» Jer never varies. A marvel o
parity, strength and wholesomenesa. More i
economical than the ordiuary kinds, and can ;
not be sold in competition with the multitud j
ot low tests, short weighl.alumn or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans.
10# Wall Street N. Y. j
MCELLER—At his home in Butler Twp..
Saturday night. Jan. IS. 1890, Henry D.
Mueller," aged 60 years, 7 months aud 20
Rheumatic ailments had long become
chronic with him, yet on last Saturday he
seemed in his usual health and cheerfulness
of spirits up to about bedtime, when he com
plained of a pain in the chest, even arose
after retiring and walked the floor lor a
short time, theu returned feeling some
easier; said he thonght he could sleep. He
slept and never waked, breathing his last
about 1 A. m., Sunday. Jan. 19, 1890.
He had of late aud on the night of his death
talked frequently of the possibility of such
event and its probable suddenness: also
that he would not reach his next birthday.
His family relation was pleasant, having
been a kind husband and lather. He leaves
a wife, two sons, six daughters aud two
grandchildren, lie was born in Burgsinn,
Bavaria (Germany), on May 23. 1829,
emigrated in 1850, was married in Mariou
Twp.. Beaver Co., this State, to Caroline
(nee Dambacher) on June 24, 1853; resi
dent of the place near Butler during the
past 24 years.
TODD—At the home of his parents in
Buffalo Twp., Jan. 8, 1890,Jesse Lyman,
sou of Joseph and Mary Todd, aged 11
years, 7 months and 25 days, ot hip dis
Jesse, thou art gone to rest,
Thv form is no more seen.
But we shall meet thee by and by,
Beyond the shores of time.
lie died in beauty like a rose.
Dropped from Ms parent stem,
He died in beauty like a pearl,
Dropped from some diadem.
He's gone and like a lovely flower,
That once on earth did bloom,
Struck by the hand of heavenly power.
He sleeps within the tomb.
Farewell, loved Jesse dear, farewell,
The sweet young voice is still,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can bj tilled.
Little Jesse was beloved by all who
knew him. He was the pet of the neigh
borhood, and his death is mourned by both
old and young. M. T.
GARRETT—At his brother's ill Pitts
burg, Saturday, Jan. 18, 1890, Geo. W.
Garrett, aged 41 years.
He was an oil producer and operated iu
the northeastern part of this county some
years ago.
MARTIN—Jan. 22, 1890, at the home of
F. M. Eastman, Esq. in Butler Mrs.
Elizabeth Martin, mother of Mrs. East
man, aged 82 years.
Funeral services at the house, today, at
1 o'clock p. m.; interment pritate.
THOMPSON—At her home in Carbon
Centre, Jan. 16, 1890, Julia, wife of R.
M. Thompson, aged 38 years. She was
a daughter ol" Mr. Thomas Martin ot
Butler and a srster of Mrs. L. F. Gan
McCURDr— Iu Butler Jau. 20, 1890,
Jennie, aged 5 years; and Lillie, aged
12 years; both children of John,and
Elizabeth McCurdy.
PETSINGER—At "his homo iu Buffalo
twp, Jan. 21. 1890, Philip Petsiuger,
aged about 70 years.
Business Change.
J_j. C- WICK,
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Slock.
Office opposito I'. W. Depot,
Too Much
Warm Weather
For Winter Goods.
We cannot wait any longer
and have made big Reductions
in price's on all our Winter
Now is the time to get some
genuine Bargains in
Wool Dress Goods,
Flannels and Blankets,
Hosiery and Underwear,
Wraps and
We are determined to sell
them all before it is too late.
New York Bazaar
Opposite Poßtoffice.
13UTLER, - PA.
Send for Samples —FREE,
j Administrators and Executors wf estates '
I can secure their receipt books at the I'm
; ZKN* office.
Notice of Appiication for Char
Notice is hereby given that an application .
will be nisiie to the Governor ot Pennsvl- j
vania, on the 12th ■).»>- of Kebruarj, A. D., !
I 189 V, by A. 1.. Reilier, William Campbell, j
Jr., W. A. Stein, Joseph Roekensteiu anil '■
Hugh Wallace, under the Act of Assembly, j
entitled "an act to provide for the corpora
tion am! regulation of natural gas com- |
panies" approved May I:!', 1 >BS, ami the i
supplements thereto, for the charter ot an |
intended corporation to be cvillei the ltume j
Natural Ua> ( oiupany. the character ami i
j object of which are tor producing, dealing j
in, traH>|iortiUi;, storing aud supplying I
natural g«s, ami for these purposes to have,
posStss and enjoy all the rights, lenetits and
privileges of tne said Act of Assembly aud
the supplements thereto, and the business of
which company is to bo conducted at its
gemr.il office in Butler, But:er Co., Pennsyl
vania, and the operation of mmmg for, pro
ducing. receiving and supplying natural gas
thereby aie to be conducted in Butler and
Armstrong counties and territory adjacent
| thereto.
Estate of Abraham Fennel!,
| Letters testamentary on the estate ot
j Abraham Fennell, dee'd. late of Clearliel l
I Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
1 to the undersigned, sll persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate wil 1
; please make immediate payment, and any
haying claims against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated tor settlement.
Ccylesville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
In re-final of G. D. Swain and F.
' B. Swain, administrators of Jacob Schelly,
late of Harmony borough, dee'd. O, C. No.
15, Dec. T., 18S9.
Total assets of estate $2674 98
' Total credits of esute 2354 !>4
Balance due $320 04
[ Dec. 4, lt>B9, the Court ap|>ointed Albert
L Bowser, auditor, to make distribution of
the residue cf said estate as showu by said
accountants, to and umoug the hi irs of said
decedent aud those entitled thereto,
i To all whom it may concern, the widow
, aud heirs of Jacob Schelly, dee'd.
[ Notice is hereby given that I will attend
. to the duties ol my appointment in the above
entitled matter, i n Saturday, the Ist day ol
February, 1890, at 1 o'clock P. M., at my
office in Diamond Block, Main St., Butler.
Pd. A. L BOWSKR, Auditor.
Estate of Amos Pyle.
Betters of administration on the estate of
Amos Pylc, dee'd, late of Muddycreek twp.,
Butler Co , l'a., haying bteu granted to the
undersigned, ail persons knowiug them
selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, aud any having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Prospect P. O. Butler Co. Pa.
\V. D. Brandon, Att'y.
1 The members of the Farmers and Breed
ers Mutual Live Stock Insurance Associa
tion of the 1". S. are hereby notified that the
anfiual ineetiug of said Association will be
held at their office in Butler, Pa. on Tues
l day the 28th day of January, 1890, at 10
B o'clock A.M., said day being the 4th Tues
day ol said month—to elect seven directors
r for said Association to serve for the ensuing
year. A. D. WEIR, Prcst.
t Estate of W. J. Abrams,
1 Letters of administration having been
grunted to the undersigned on the estate of
\V. J. Abrams, dee'd, late of Forward Twp.,
1 Butler Co., Pa., all.persons knowing them
* selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, aud any having
, claims against said estate will present them
1 duly authenticated for settlement,
[j * ELL.-. A BEAMS, Adm'x,
Six Points P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
B. P. SCOTT, Att'y.
You will get
One hundred cents
worth of good re
liable footwear
Our Goods are not marked
up to admit of making you a
present with each and every
purchase as some little dealers
do to try and catch trade.
There must be something
wrong with a business house
that has to offer prizes and
gifts to induce customers to
buy from them; it does not
sound as though their business
was satisfactory to them.
The buyers of Boots and
Shoes nowdavs are as smart as
some dealers are; they fully
understand, and don't expect
$1.25 worth of shoe leather lor
$1.00; all they want is full
value for their money,and buy
as cheaply as their neighbors
do at one straight price.
They don't want to buy a
shoe at $1.25 with a little
present thrown in worth ten
cents or less which they should
have paid $1 for, so you see
how it goes.
We don't give presents, but
do present you with more solid
leather for sl, and bitter
styles than any shoe house in
Butler county.
No, 4, N, Main St., Butler, Fa
Monument to General Grant.
The Weekly Mail and Express-
Voii Can Snbseribe To liotli At
We Will ICxplain.
The Weekly Mail aud Expre.-- ha- agre.d i
with the Grant Monument Association that
the entire revenue of the paper from year
ly subscriptions of two dollars each will I <•
turned over to the Frxi> for the erection of
S. Grant at Riverside Park. New York
Citv. In other words, i! you Twy ,
Dollars to the WBKKL\ M AIL \.>A> KXPKKSS
you will receive the paper for a year and ,
your money will be i>m<l over to the GRAXT
iliisi MKST FI ND. You wiil thus receive
a full equivalent for your money in a fir-t
class weekly newspaper and at the same j
time you will be helping to forward u noble i
and worthy cause. The Weekly Mail and :
Express has further evidenced its earnest
ness and siuceritv in this work bv sub
the MO.VUMEXT Frxp.
The following letters are self explanatory:
NEW YORK, NOV. 2S, 1889.
Proprietor of the M AIL AND EXPRESS:
It gives me pleasure to assure you that
the members of the Grant Monument As
sociation appreciate, approve and accept
your generous otfer to aid, through the
medium of the Weekly Mail and Express,
in the erection of the grand memorial at
Riverside l'ark in honor of the illustrious
soldier and patriot, Ulysses S. Grant.
Chairman Executive Committee of the
Grant Monument Association.
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. 1689.
The arrangements made between the
Weekly Mail and Express and the Grant
Monument Association meet my hearty
approval. The offer of the Weekly Mail
and Express is patriotic, and should it be
responded to promptly by the- citizens of
America the monument will speedily be
built at the very site suggested by my hus
band, and selected by me as the last rest
ing place of his precious remains, the spot
where I hope uiy remains will lie beside
his, and where our children unite with me
saving '■litre only shall be his tomb."
NEW YORK. Dec. 18, 1889.
DEAR SIR: —It gives me profound satis
faction to acknowledge receipt of your
esteemed favor ef this date inclosing check
from the Weekly Mail and Express for TEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS, payable to the order
of the Grant Monument Association, as a
contribution toward the erection of the
Grant memorial at the Riverside Park, in
the city of New York.
Such a contribution coming at this time,
is doubly valuable. It will stimulate the
renewed efforts recently entered upon to
complete the Fund necessary to construct
what we conlidontly believe will be the
grandest personal memorial in Christen
dom. Faithfully and cordially yours,
Chairman Executive Committee.
To Col. Elliott P. Shepard.
Will you not help in this work by sub
scribing at least Two Dollars to the Grant
Monument Fund?
The weekly issue of the MAIL AND EX
PRESS is not a mere re-hash of the daily of
the same name, the matter thrown to
gether without regard to the order or
sequence of things; it is a live,independent,
fearless, progressive journal, with an in
dividuality and a being of its own. it is
skilfully a«d carefully edited with a view
of making it just what it claims to be,
One Copy, oue year $2 "0
One Copy, six months 1 00
Daily, per year 0 00
REMITTANCES should be made by Ex
press money, Post-office order, registered
letter or bank draft, payable to the order
of the MAIL AND EXPRESS. When thus
made they will be at our risk.
LIBERAL cash commissions given to
agents for making up clubs. Special cir
culars to agents stating commission sent
on application.
EXPRESS, 23 l'ark llow, New York Citv.
sl-one Year For One Dollar-$l
For ISUO will be as much better than Tub
WEEKLY PHESS for lssn as we can m ike if .
With every issue f'urlng the new vear It
will be
Each of the fifty-two numbeis will contain
ten pages, or efehty columns, with a total
for the yiar of 52u piges. or 4,Km columns.
Thus, it will hi "as as a book,'' as lhe
saylrg is.
Not only will it te its big as a book, but it
will be a paper of quality as well as of quan
tity. It will contain the pici of everything
The Idea is that the TUB WKEUI.Y PUESS
shall be both clean and wide aw ake. It will
discuss all subjects 01 public interest and
importance. The writers 011 its list include:
Julia Ward Howe, K. Lynn Union. Prol. N.
S. Shaler, l.ouls Pasteur, Wliliaui lilack,
Kdmniid tiost.e. Edgar W. Nye, Ople I'.
Head, and, indeed, almost every popular
writer of note in this country and qultis a
number ol distinguished writers abroad.
In fiction, ail attraction of the year will be
"Esther." by 11. lilder Haggard: another
serial story, already engaged, will be -Tome
Forth," by Elizabeth Stuart I'helps.
The best conducted agricultural page In
Amerca. Illustrations.
The "Womwi'J page" ot the TUB WEEKLY
PKKSS IS alone worth the subscription price.
Its Illustrations are attracting attention
The special department for children is now
addressed to the school children and school
teachers of America. U't the children Join
the new Rainbow flub Just started. I, 't
them compete for the prizes—all bright,
wholesome. Instructive books.
By special arrangements with all the leading
weekly and monthly periodicals of America,
subscriptions are taken for any one or more ot
these Journals in connection with Tun WKEKLY
PKESS at such low rates as virtually makes our
great family paper EBEli to the subscriber for
one year
Samplo copies furnished free upon applica
Bv mall, postage free In the t'nlted states
and" Canada.
Dally (except Sunday), one year W.oo
Daily (except Sunday), one month 5o
Daily (including Sunday), one year T.so
Daily (including Sunday), one montn «.">
Sunday, one year - in
WEE'ALV PRESS, one year L.to
Drafts, Checks, and other remittances should
be made payable to the order of
THE PRESS CO., Limited,
urn nun iiu.
ItlankclH, FlaunelH and Yam
>luniila<-tiired of Pnrc Ilut-
Ici County Wool.
We guarantee our goods to be strictly all wool
and noarsentc or any other poisonous material
used in dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail,
samples and prices furnished free to dealers on
application by mall.
All stock guaranteed to be in good con
dition when delivered.
We replace r.U trees that fail to grow.
J F l.owrr, W. T. Moulding, James
Shanor Jr.. J. E. Forsvtlie, Geo. Shalfner,
C. Walker.Ferd Jleibor. Esq. and J).
L. Cleeland.
Wo 1 iave too many*-
We Hill (id Kid of Them in This Way: We Will Sel
t •» <«i WRAPS AT $ 2 00
5 00 •• - . 2 50
r, on .. .. a oo
s no •« .. J 00
10 Ho .. ~ r (H)
12 no .. o-,
13 .«» .. 7i
1.1 00 .. 7 50
IS (HI •< „ ~ (|0
20 00 •• .. j 0
~ "*J " " 11 25
M " ;• 12 50
This Groat Sale begins on Friday, Jan. 24th. Now do
not come in next week and ask for, say a §l2 wrap at $6; and
when told they are all gone, say we advertise goods wo do not
have. The sale begins Friday. When the sale opens,we will
have all the aliove goods in stock. W'e make the hale to sell
them, and sell them quick, so that if you want to select from
the lull line come in early.
Ritter & Ralston.
- —-"~~rTTt3QOfmr-»
I. 1 ITT"1 are not the oldest shoeT~) T TrTl
\\ I*l .house in Butler. A\ e C I ■ I Wc know our business.
* " -*—■ "are probably the young--'—' J
IL \\7" T? ? re not ri , cllosl sh,>o "D TT rn We've enough to avoid
Y pljhonsc in Ltitler, r-v I J I the necessity of doing bu*i
ness on the"hand to-month"
111. T"T7~ T7' haven't got the largest T"J T X have a brand new oue
\ \ Uln - V t ' l '- j j | that is right up to date.
IV - \\T l/lliaveii't got the largest T") T yfrWe admit that the length of
1 * .store room of any shoo Iv I j I tho room bears no relation
'house in Butler; oursisJ— ' J- to the quality of the nfToea
rather short, sold in it.
% \ rl>hoe trade in the world, Iv I I the fine shoes haudlod by us.
* " "and we never expect to-*—' V-/ _l
VI - T T7"T~I don't sell cheaper than T r We claim that the goods are
Y Y .Anybody else; on the K I I fully worth the price.
" * -® our prices are-"—'
the highest ruling
YII. *V"t"T™E~I don't give credit. We [\ ~r "T
Y Y .must have the money r - V I I customers so as to make
J —■"or the goods. * ' " -B- them our friend*.
VIH * "YI7T^ wunt to sce J ' <m aII T~IT TrflWe wish you to romember
YY P/«nieaudg,veusatrial. |-C I I where we are located. Do
and if goods are not just-*— 9 J -L not forget the number,
as represented we will
cheerfully refund you
your money,
95 S. MAIN ST.
On and after Monday, Nov. 13, 1889, train
will leave Butler as follows:
MARKET at 6:10 a.m., arriving at Alleghe
ny at 9:10 a. in.; connects east for Blairsville
with Day Express, arriving at Pbi'adelphia
at 7 p.m.
EXPRESS at 8:30 s. :u., arriving at Alleghe
ny at 10:3.j a. m.; does not connect for the
east, but connects ivitb A. V. It. R. north
am) south.
.MAIL at 2:35 p. in., aud goes through to
Allegheny, arriving there at 4:40 p. in.; ton- !
nceis east for Philadelphia.
ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, ui., and con
nect* at the Junction with Frecport Accom
modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:25 p
in., and connects east as far as Apollo,
Trains connecting tor liutler leave Alieghe
uy atK:2o a.m., 3:15 |>. in. and 5:45 p. in.
Trains arrive at Duller at 10:3 d a. m. and
S:CO and 7:50 p. in.
Corrected to fast time.
Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 5:40
ami 10:30 a in. aud 5:00 p. in.
Trains leaving the P. &W. depot in Al
legheny at 7:40, und the West Penu depot at
8:20 a, m, and 3:15 p. m. connect at Butler
with traius North on this road.
Tra.us arrive at Butler troin Greenville at
10:10 a, m. and 2:25 and 0:32 p. tu; the 10:10
couuects with the I'. i \V. lo Allegheny aud
the 2:25 wilh the West Penu.
Trains leave Milliards at 7:43 a. in. and 12:
00 u>. slow time, connect for Butler, and the
5 p in. train from Butler connects at Branch
ton for Milliards.
No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick
ets will be carried on the local Ireighi that
leaves the P. <St VV. June, at 1:15 p. ru. but
uotou the other freight trains.
The 5:4 ia. m. train from Butler connects
at Osgood with trains on the L. 3. «& M. S.,
arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. in., Chicago
9:15 p. tu., Erie 11:28 a. in., Buflalo_ 2:33 p.
m., and at Mercer with VV. N. Y. & P.,
arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. in .
The 10:30 a. m. traiu from Butler c.-nuccts
at Mercer with trains on the \V. N. Y. & P.,
arriving at Franklin at 2:00 p. in. and Oil
City at at 2:10 p. in., and at bheuaugo with
the N. V. P. A. O. for Meadville, Jamestown,
Bullalo, Oieau and New York; also at
Osgood for Oil City.
The 5:00 p. m. traiu connects at Mercer for
New L'a-stie, and at Chenango for Meadville
and Sharon.
P. & \V. K. It.
Corrected to fast time—Oue hour faster
than schedule time.
Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City
at 4:20 and 10:20 a, in., and 3:55 p. m.
The New Castie aud western mail leaves
at b:ls a. in., and the Chicago & Western ex
press at 1:50 p. m.
Trains leaves Butler for the North at 10:30
a. m., aud 7:55 p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler irem the Soutii at
9:55 a. ci. and 12:10, 3:20, 7:40 and 8:30 p. m
A train arrives from Clarion at 10:00 a. m.
and from Kane at ii:4o p. in.
Trains connecting lor Butler leave Allle
glieuy at 7:40 and 10.00 a. m. aud 1:25, 5:30,
and ti:3o p. ni.
The 8:15,10:20 and 1:50 trains from Butler
to Callery.and 7:40 and 1:25 trains from Alle
gheny to Butler ruu on Suuday, also the
train that leaves Callery lor Butler at 11:24,
arriving at 12:10.
Trains leaving I'ntler at 8:15 a. m. and
1:50 p- in. connect at Calleiy for the West.
til '■> tiT- f\ SALSM UN to sell Nursery
Ml if. M I bII Mock. AU li.Hjds Warranted
ff (I*l I 11l FIKsT-CLASS. Permanent
I™ Hill Ll# pleasant, protltahle (losltlous
for the right men. (lood salaries and expenses
paid we.-kh Liberal Inducements to begtn
lu-i s. No previous experience necessary. Out
lit tree. Write fur terms, giving age.
I'll \RLKs li. CHASE. Nurseryman. Bochester,
N. V . Mi n'ion this paper.
T Hisp.!, ..:. ,~; v
H. v«- AVER (• SOU. our »• •n.inied
I Have You Read
Ths Philadelphia Times
TBE TIIKB Is the moat extensively circulated
and widely read newspaper published in Penn
sylvania. its discussion of public men and pub
lic measures Is in the interest of public In
tegrity, honest government and prosperoui In
dustry, and it knows no party or personal
all?glaneo in treating public Issues. In the
broadest, and best sense a family and general
all the facilities of advanced Journalism fo r
gathering news from all the quartets of the
Clobe. in addition to that of tho Associated
Press, now covering the whole world In its
scone, making it the perfeatton of a newspaper,
with every Ui lug carefully edited to occupy tho
smallest space.
THE SUNDAY EDITION Is not only a complete
newspaper, but a .Magazine ot Popular Liter
ature. its sixteen largo pages, clearly printed
and attractively illustrated, contain as much
good literature, by the foremost writers of the
world, as any of tlio popular monthlies. Home
or tho newspapers in New York, Boston and
Chicago print a greater number of pages upon
Sudday, but these are for the most part
occupied with advertisements. The merchants
in those cttles concentrate nearly all their ad
vertising in the Sunday papers, while in Phila
delphia they have found it more advantageous
to udvcrtlse on week days as well.
ognized as the very best printed in any daily
newspaper, and. with the elegance of typogra
phy ior which YHE TIMES IS noted, add lo Its
popularity among all classes of readers.
THE TIMES aims to have the largest circulation
by deserving it. and claims that It is unsurpass
ed in all the essentials ol a great metropolitan
SPECIMEN COPIES of any edition will be sent
free to anyone sending their address.
TEB*B—DAILY. $3 per annum. It for four
mouths ; :to cents per month ; delivered by car
riers tor o cents per week ; SUNDAY EDlTlON—
sixteen large, handsome pages—l 2« column, el
egantly Illustrated. s_> per annum ; » cents per
copy Daily and Sunday. &> per annum; no per
per mouth. WKEKLY EDITION, $l per annum.
Address all letters to
J. E. Kastor,
Praetic&l Slate Roofiur,
Ornamental and Plain Staling
Of all kinds done on short notice.
Oilice with W. 11. No.
7, N. Main St„ Residence
North Elm street,
Butler, Pa.
Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on tialft
ry or commission. I can make a successful
of anjr one who will work and follow my In
structions. Will luruisli handsome outlll free,
and pay your galary or commission every ween.
Write for terms at once.
K. O, GRAHAM. Nurseryman.
Kocliester. N.
.ess ftu-LADY
til ol'J item. Rafenrneo* wjuinsL J'«tiu*.icutjk>s»sQH