V«!k XXVII' •TSMMSjMQ, * *, HENRY BIEHL 14 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLEB - 3ST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Knpgies, Carte, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machine. o , New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table —and pocket Cutler}', Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Keeling and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. There is no Doubt As to wbere you should buy your new dress, if economy is the object you have in view, and you will agree with us, after you have examined our line and prices in Silks, Satins, Cashmeres, Serges, Henrettas, Broadcloths, Flannels, English Suitings in plain and novelty plaids. UNO E R W E A. R For Ladies, Gents, Mifseß and Children which we know can not be equaled anywhere for value and price. Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, Plushes, Velvets, Ribbon, Hos iery and Notions of all kinds. C ARPET, OIL CLOTHS, AND LACK CURTAINS In all the new fall patterns and designs. We are showing the grandest line of Ladies, Misses and Childrens C=L=O Az=K—^ Ever brought to Butler, to convince you that the place to do your trading is with us.all we ask is that you call and examine prices and be convinced. TROUT MAN'S. —Leailing Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa- J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO-16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. BSole Agents for Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for Belir Bros. Magnificent Pi ano*, Newby & Evans' Pianos, Smith- American and Carpenter Organs, Importers of the Celebrated Steinmeyer Pianos, and Dealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instilments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. 1850 Established 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, t»A., DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silveiware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1880 ESTABLISHED 1860 THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. A. KELTY, M. D. Oltlce 3 doors suu'li of the House. Main St., Butler. I*H.. on second noor of K« t terer's Ki-bMlence on W. .h'fferaoii St. • G. Tv:. ZIMMERMAN. CUVSICIAN A Nil PITHOEON, Office at No. 4ft. S. Main street, over Frank ■« Co's 1)1 ui; Store. Butler, Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 VVeat Cnuninghtm Ht., BUTLER, ZPZEJSTTNPA W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN ANI ' SURGEON. H. W.f'orner Main and North Sta. BUTLER PEJN 2ST' A. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in llie neatest manner. .. Specialties Oold Killings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air adminlstere0,000,000. Office New Huselton building near Court House. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. <3t. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM, CAMPBELL TREABUKRR [I. C. 11EINEMAN, SKORETARY. DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samkel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. Bnrkhart, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, IS. C. Itot-Hslni;, .lames Stephenson, l>r. W. lrvln, Henry Wluliulrc. J. I'. Taylor U. C. Heinemsui, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- FA. Millinery. New Felt Hats and Bonnets. New Tips, Plumes, Birds and Wings. New velvets In all colors. New satins, ribbons, velvet ribbons, brocade ribbons and striped ribbons. New tinsel cord, twisted cord, bead coid. Ladles' and children's furnishing goods. Ladles' and children's underwear. Ladles' aud children's hosiery. Ladles' and children's cor sets and corset waists. Ladles' and children's hose supporters. Eld gloves, cashmere gloves, silk mittens and wool mittens. Latest novelties In neckwear. M. F. in the mountain ■, almost on the borders of West Virginia. There had beeu a sort of boom in West \ irgiuia iron ore, and the I>. and W. Kail way had run a branch line across the mountains to tap the mining region. The new line had penetrated the heart of a wilderness, neglected since stage coaching days, when an old turnpiku hail crossed into the Uansinoutaue by a gap, in which BUTLER. I'A., FRIDAY. JANUARY 24.1890- i rood the village of Tatters Tin- settle | iiinit had dwindled I<> a <"•■=•> loads store, | a blacksmith' shop, ami hall a d< man, Saui Tatter., by name, the drummer described as being a very square fellow; rather unsophi -ticated, as was natural, but shrewd in trade, and very honest and accommodating Whether or not be bad dealings with the "moon shiners" who infested the mountain , there away iiiy frieud could not say,hut he admit ted that the bar was good for so sequestered 1 a spot, and the liquor inuoceiit of adultera j tlon. That the name which Sam shared with his village should have originated - Tat ters" seemed nulikel.v ; but cognomens arc pla.-lic thing . and, in rustic months, capa ble of variation and even of reconstruction. The more 1 thought about it, the more probable it seemed that to this place that wagon of ours had wandered. 1 hi* drum mer to whom I related the misadventure was of IUV opinion, and the more because this mountain branch of the l> and was part of the same ystem as the trunk line on which the wagon had started. Telegraphic communication with Tatters wa ■ impossible, an«l my friend suspected that the storekeeper was no scribe, since "high larniu" was not a prerequisite to cross roads store-keeping. The speediest way to reclaim our property, therefore, seemed to be to go after it. In this view of the situation my employ er concurred, and we arranged that he should give me the necessary time off for the management id' the atlair, and that I should pay mr own and the wagon's e\ peuses. This was satisfactory enough, and I departed on my mission iu good spirits. To a man who has been cooped up in town for more months than he can reckon on bis lingers, a breath of the open air is a pleasant thing, even though it come to him through a car window. The lift ot the country mountainward, the variation and ever increasing beauty ni the outlook, the blue of the sky, ribboned, toward evenijg, with clouds shaded from eoftest. gray to delicate pink, like ther of pearl; even the fields of broom-sedge anil scrub pine, the brier patches and tangles ol sumach and sassafras bushes, bonud together with ropes ol Virginia creeper and wild grape vine, took on the beauty and allurement of the unaccustomed I watched it. pass iu ever-varying panorama in a beatified state of enjoyment, which prevented even that tarnation wagon from rolling in on my memory and spoiling everything. The journey occupied a good many lio.irs, and it was somewhat over the edge of dark when we reached the village of Tatters. The train slowed up, deposited ine on what looked to be the side of a ditch, and swept away with a wild loot toot of exultation. Tlicje was no moon, ivnd coming from the lighted car into the dimness of starlight blinded inn, so that I stood and peered about, blinking like an owl abroad in day - time, but from a different cause. The ditch might be dry enough for passage, or it might not; the chance was eyeu either \vay; and as my eyes grew accustomed to the dusk 1 fancied 1 could distinguish phantom-like poles and switches, which I took to be cat-tails and willow scrub. With the vision of a bog before my eyes I shunned unprecedented methods, and pok ed about for an authorized plank or cross ing log. While thus engaged a voice from tile other side of the ditch shouted out, ••Hor ret!" with a volume aud suddenness that caused me to jump aside and well uigb tumble into the danger 1 was seeking to avoid. This Southern style of halloo, with its long-drawn cadence, was familiar lo me; so f answered iu kind, and proceeded iu the direction of the voice. Presently a moving substance, distinguished from the general dusk by its density, appeared on the village side of the ditch, and held par ley. •Hid the train put off anybody-" "Tea." "What sort?" "A man." There was a chuckling laugh, and then the voice went on; "That war a fool question, waru't it' Arter I'd heard you holler, too. Your notes war keen as a kildee's, but tliar war a man ring to 'etu. What are you arter, anyhow, stranger, cumin' iu this time o' night f" This 1 eiplained was the fault of the corporation, not of the individual. I fur ther intimated that my lirst desire was to cross the ditch dry shod, anil after that to procure lodging for the night. The explanation appeared satisfactory, and my interlocutor passed from inquiry to direction. There was only a thread of water at the bottom of the ditch, be said, but there was a plank across it further along. 1 might journey toward that, or expediate the transit by a "squar jump" from where I stood. The latter mode commended itself, and 1 crossed my Kubi cou at once. The mountaineer, who had moved aside to give me lauding room, chuckled again. 'Vou jump as keen as a catamount, stranger," he commented. "I e eu-er-iuost dodged double whenst your wind struck me. liook like ther darkness had bunched together an' flung forred." At his invitation 1 followed him along a narrow path, which, after a few yards, merged into a country road. lie had a store close by, lie informed me, and would accomodate nie for the night, since "tliar waru't no boidin' houses nor yet no hotels iu ther gap." "You are Mr. Tatters —ilr. Sam Tatters, 1 suppose." The observation savored of assertion, and was intended to help the ac quaintance on to a sound basis. "I reckon so." Then, with more assur ance, -'Yes, thct's me. How came you to ketch on to my name, seein' yon be strange to these parts?" I hastened to mention my own name and that of my frieud the drummer, and by the time we had reached the store we had grown quite sociable and chummy. The building was a log strnctnre, weather boarded, and divided into a long room with shelves and counters containing the usual assortment of miscellaneous mer chandise, aud a smaller room at the back, in which were the proprietor's bed and a little railed in space which served as a bar. There was a table in the middle ol' the room, already laid for supper, and iu the great fireplace burned a noble lire of oak aud hickory. As we entered, a negro wo in an cauie iu also, through an outer iloor, with a dish of broiled bird < and pot of smoking'cotl'ee. In compliance with my host's request, I took off my oyercoat and made myself comfortable iu the ingle nook. It was October still, but the nights were chill, and, in the mountains, cold enough for frost. After supper we drew to the (ire. ami the negro woman cleared off the table, lighted a dingy kern: cue lamp, aud departed. Aly Lost was a bachelor, lo ex plained. Mill reduced to hire i'euiale afteii dance, lie preferred his old corn cob pipe i to the tijfar I offered him, ami, for a time, [ we smoked in the ruminant . ilence whit h , accompanies runtie consumption of tobacco j after a full meal To ears habituated to noise, the silence outside appeared almost unnatural, there was no wind astir, so that even tin sound of its murmur among the i trees was ab.ent. Iff hearing, luvolan 'arilv strained for the relief of sound, grew | s Ns Ally m ute, and alter a htile 1 ; could dTsnriguish the barking of dog • at a ; great distance The expression of my ' face niu. t have indicated intensity, for Tatter i noticed it, and inclined his own ear, inquiring if f heard anything. "Only dogs barling, away in the mount ains somewhere," I made answer. A slow smile wrinkled the cornels of my companion's eves and softened the eurvo of his lips. His face gained by the change of expression It was a rugged face at best, with 'lie aspect of having been roughed out and never finishe]; but the eye were kindly, and there was about it something which inspired confidence. To drop into the vernacular, lie looked like a man to tie to. ■•Them's Ted Holly's dogs," ho observed. lie mostly travels with two or three to heel, an' that thar big spotted hound o' his'n have got a ring to his voice nbar's onmistahle. Ted's comin' over ther mountain to see his weetheart She don't live more'n a mile from here. Thar weddin's sot for Thu's.l'y week. Ui-nsie have give in to marry him *eucc that thar wagon come an' helped'em out'n ther inire some." M v attention was nt ouce arrested, and the subject which had dominated my thoughts for days, held in abeyance for the nonce by physical comfort, trundled brisk ly to the front again. The name "Mensie" in connection with a wagon suggested dis covery, and also complications. I hadn't conceived of the possibility of a woman being ticketed with a name o senseless until the initials given me by the man with the red mustache had jumbled into it. Here was a coincidence worth investigat ing. Before bursting into questions, how ever. I proceeded to put the matter in shape by briefly stating my business at home, and recapitulating the blunder which had necessitated my visit to this region. The attention with which my statement was received and the interest aroused by it might have been flattering could 1 have believed either evoked by anything personal. But my audience had no thought of me in the matter. His mind was filled with other images, and his ex pression was perplexed and decidedly re gretful. ■'What sort o' wagon did you say 'iwas,'" lie queried when my .tale was done. I re-described it. He nodded twice or thrice, and beat with his pipe against his knee, as though making an inward com parison and cheeking oil' items. '•l»id it come here?" The question really appeared superfluous. 1 was convinced that it had Tatters avoided a directed reply at first, and went over my description. •'Two hors' wagon, mighty strong and serviceable, ironed heavy for rough travel lin'; painted preen, with red wheels, an' a red lino around ther sides o' ther body. Had a patent brake too, an' things formable. Au' a kyard tacked on ther rump end o' ther tongue, marked to 'Miss Mensie Vane, Tatters.' That's so! Yes, siree! tliar ain't no erawlin' round them facts. It's a pity too! Blamed if it ain't!" I couldn't see it in that light. To me it. was a matter of jubilation. My soul had been vexed within me because of that wagon, and my joy in its recovery was proportionately great. As delicately as 1 could 1 intimated that, to nie, outside regret seemed superfluous. Then I de manded information us to the whereabouts of the property. Tatters met my glance with a medita tive sort of smile. "Hide easy," he said. "'Toiu't far off an' you can't do nothiu' with it to night. It's safe enough, an' 'tain't dirtied none to hurt, I reckon. It come here week afore last; but. sorter late —long about Friday or Sitdday. Thar's been nio' mistakes about that wagon en what you made. Yours led off an' t'others followed suit. That's how come I'm so tarnation bothered." A vision of our nice new veeicle mud splattered and dingy arose before my mind's eye. There had been heavy rains the previous week, an.l for badness the mountain roads are proverbial. From the store keeper's words 1 inferred that our wagon had been given opportunity to be come acquainted with them. The itnpu dence of some fellow's coolly hit ching up Olid pranking about the couutry with our property, injuring and befouling it, made made me hot all over. In a lew forcible words 1 gave Mr. Tatters to understand that, as freight agent for the [dace. I in tended to hold him responsible for dam ages, lli- had no business to lei the pro perty out of his keeping. ••I dun'uo how come I hadn't," Tatters retorted, nettled in his turn. ••Ther blamed thing war 'reettd to Miss Mensie Vane,' plain as an ase helve, warn't it? An 'Miss Mensie Vane' lives jilst around ther shoulder o' the mountain, an' I sout. her, word ther wagon was here for her, an' she come over an' paid charges an' toted it off. If that warn't a straightforred transaction, f dun'uo' one when 1 see it." The way he put it certainly gave it that appearance. Here were complications with a vengeance, and a promising pros pec-t lor more delay and annoyance. It was bootless showing temper to Tatters, however, siucc he was, apparently, in no wiso in fault. The better part of wisdom would be to possess myself of particulars, so that I might thereby regulate my fu ture movements. The story elicited was thi : About a mile distant, through the gap, there lived a family by the name of Vane, indigenous to the soil, and tracing occu pancy of a sterile little hill side farm back to the days of pioneering. By natural dis integration, brought about by thriftless ness in sotne of the race and enterprise in others, the family in these parts had dwindled down to an oldish man, maimed during the war, and gradually reduced to sightlessness by cataract on both eyes, a single daughter of*eighteen, his youngest and sole remaining child, and a brood of grandchildren of tender years, the proge ny of a son and daughter-iu law, both de ceased This John A'anc appeared the very Murail of ill fortune. He was a weakly man in constitution, and never avid of exertion, and he had married a woman of mournful temperament. John was oiio of twins, and the rural su perstition runs that should one of a pair of twins prove exceptionally .successful, the average will be maintained by the other one's being unlucky. Jim Vane, the fortunate twin, had remained in lower Virginia after the declaration of peace, anil settled in the tide water region, where he had done very well for himself. In his old home, this was known by hearsay, for, as years went by, the broth ers had drifted more and more apart. They werh both averse to what they de nominated "rainhliu," and being unedu j eated men, were debarred from intercourse j by letter. They "sont word" to ono i mother from tune to time, ami once Jim I hud come home on a\ i -it l!ut that had | been before his marriage, and John had , io \t-r returned the civility, being lied at home by mauy cares and little stamina to I to grapple with them. His daughter Mensie sceun d i i-t in 1 in a different mould; doubtless one of I those reappearauces of the lie -t in » race i which usually presages a turn of the ! tide. From Tatter's account -he was a j hand j ome, high-spirited girl, with plenty |ot sense, plenty of pluck, and a loving heart of her own, to all of which the neighbors wen- willing to testify. After the death of her "sloektwisled" mother, a couple of years before, she had taken the laiuily iu charge and upheld them to the best of her ability. 'thai Mi-nsie bad a lover goe- aldTost nithont telling, for. if a woman be tender hearted anil loyal to her own, some man is sure to find it out and seek to appro priati'Mhe treasure. Ted Holly, the "like liest fellow" in the district, according to Sain Tatters, had watched the at her gallant task and conceived the notion that it would be a pleasant thing to help her. But. Ted was as poor as a broom--sedge field, such patrimony as might have ac cruel to him, having been converted into liquor and poured down the throat of a vagabond father long ere lie attained to manhood. He owned a horse, however, ami a stalwart pair of arms, all of which he placed at his sweetheart's disposal. Mensie engaged herself right willingly, for she loved him well; but for that very reason she steadily refused to accede to his proposal to marry him straight out of hand. The man who should wed with her must assume the burden of her turn ilv, she said, and there were so many of them. She could not bring her mind to it all at once. After a while the children would be larger and could help themselve a little. They had better wait awhile. Among their scanty possessions the Vanes owned a colt, now throe years old and being broken by Ted to harness, li dam had died soon alter its birth, slid Mensie had reared it on a bottle like a fonndliug infant. It was a sturdy, well grown brute, and with Ted's sorrel formed as good a team as a man need want to shake his lines over. If only they could get a wagon now, Ted said, ami Meu ie wonld coils jut to marry him, their for tune.. would begin to meml. For with the opening of the ore banks across in West Virginia there had comea fine opportunity for making money. With a wagon and his good team, Ted figured out, be could made enough in a week, to support the family for a mouth. There would be no necessity to wait until natuie should lift the children into self support. Ted could take care of them all as ea y as rolling off a log. He hesitated about going in debt for the coveted vehicle; first, because he knew no man who would trnst him for the purchase money, and then because he had observed that debts were prone to grow and devour a man's substance. His sweetheart dread eil debt, moreover, and held it a sorry foundation whereon to establish wedded happiness. Then, just as their longing reached high water mark, and the business opportunity seemed fairly to thrust itself upon them, this wagon of ours had come blundering along, marked with Mensie's name,and ap parently intended for no other human be ing. Sam Tatters, who of course knew all about, their plans and longings, being fond of them both, and moreover the repository for local gossip, was overjoyed nt Mensie'- luck. He sped a messenger in haste to summon the girl to behold this wonder, for he had no mind to deliver the wagon to uuy one else, and ::o lose the sight of her face when she should read the label. But Mensie hod no grain of faith in a happen ing so unprecedented. It was one of Sam Tatters's foolish jokes, she said, for Sam was proverbial for jesting. She stuck to her spinning, therefore, and sent Ted Holly, who chanced to he on a visit to her, down to tell Sam that she was too wary a bird to be trapped with chaff. Holly, iu no very credulous fi'ame of mind himself,step ped along to the village with the message, and there to his wonderment beheld in .Sam's store-yard a strong new wagon, as handsome as clean iron and paint could make it. He spelled out his sweetheart's name on the card fastened to the tongue, ami then, with scarcely a word to Sam, leaped over the fern *at the corner near est the road and sped hack through the Gap to fetch Mensie and the horses. ■•lie jumped up tlier hill side lilre a hop pergrass," Sam narrated, "au" I don't b'leeve lie tetehed ground more'n every six foot, or such a matter. It's a teep liill-side, too, an' rough as the devil. Ted didn't koer. though. Lord bless yon! he never knowed whether 'twas gravels or velvet under his boots, he was in uch a swivet. In a little while he came back agin, an' Mensie with him. Sin* was trimhlin' all over like a wind shook sapliu' for joy. An' whenst alio seed that thar wagon staiuliii' thar us natn'l as picaehiii', au' read her name on ther tongue, an' Towed for certain 'twas hern, tin- tears come right up in her pretty eyes, an' she laid her head down on the Highest hind wheel au' cried like a baby, an' maybe said her prav'rs over it, too, like women will when anything goes all over 'em. An' right then an' thar she told Ted he mont git the license as quick as lie had a mind to, bekase this here wagon was agwine to haul the whole biliu' o' 'ein out the ditch." Tatters paused iu his story, and gazed into the fire. I followed his example, and there was silence for a moment. "They'd fetched the chil'iui along, too; all seven o' 'em, stuck on the horses from neck to tail. Them leetle ereeters dodged about like pa'tridges, so pleased to have a frolic an' ride home in the new wagon. 1 lent Ted some harness to help out with his'n, an' helped him hitch up. Most all ther folks had come out to see 'em start off, an' to pass jedgineut on the wagon, an' rcj'iie with Mensie over her luck. She's mightily thought of by the liuvbors,Mensie is. Whenst the}' started off, Ted lioldin' ther lines as proud as a candidate whar have poled a majority, ail' Mensie setlin' up beside him so pretty au' satisfied, an' that eoopful o' chil'uu stored in behind, 1 'lowed 'twas e'eu-er-bout the happiest wag onload I'd seed for a month o' Sundays." He sighed as he ended. It seemed dreadful that this joy must be turned to mourning. I felt like a brute, but tried to harden my heart. After all, it was not «/nsible to tiouk Jim sent it." "Bid his niece think so?" "V\ I dun ut*' whtkl tiiought at f*n-f. I d»»n't b'leeve she thought notion'. She was so broke all to pieces by the thing comiu' to her so sud den, just in (her nick o' time, you may say, that she couldn't do lunch but rej'iee all" cry an' ,iy her pray'rs over it. I axed her if she didn't reckon her Uncle Jim sont if, an' she jitst looked at me out'n theui pret ty eyes »' her'n an' made answer, right easy, like a person peaks in church. 'May be so; but 1 hadn't thought o' that. If looked to me like 't war liol A'mighty sont it."'" My eyes sought the tire again, aud 1 am not. ashamed to confess that they saw double. The more 1 contemplated the job I had iu hand Ihe less I liked it. and the mote inclined I felt to dodge it altogether. II -eemed downright cruelty to take the girl's wagon from her. In my heart I re gretted that Tatters was not still the terra ineoynitit it hail once appeared. The fire had burned down to a bed of coals. Sain rose and laid fresh wood 011 it. and then passed into the outer room. I could hear him open and close a drawer, and shuffle about among the goods as though he were looking for something. Prcsentli lie eanie back and reseated him -ell' In-side the fireplace. "It do look a pity to disapp'int her, now don't it?" be queried—"specially artcr the thing liatl her name on it so plniuh. I ilun'llo' how you come ti> run up agin thet name nohow. 'Taiu't a common one, I reckon." Certainly I had never heard it uutil I made that blunder in the address. Sam pondered: "She 'lowed God A'mighty had took notice "special," he mused. "Ef things turn ont ilifent 'twill feel 'most like He'd trone back on her, an' a notion like that would hurt a woman. They git a sight o' comfort out'n the idea that Providence have got a contract to look ont fur 'em nu' stands to fill it reg'- lar." Do lap' one. Why, I honldn't won iler if 1 hey put you 011 the road reg'lur artcr this to drum for 'em." lie laughed de lightedly, and thrust the money over near er to me. Then hi * expression changed again. •• Tlier thought o* that pore gal's satir ise ton gittin' sp'iled gripes me," lie affirm ed; "it's hard luck to ketch holt «' happi ness an'then have to turn 100-e. It'swus ser'n if yon hadu't never got iu sight o' it. I'll fix up 'IOIH' o' Ted bout my money if von'll humor me. You kin look tome for your'n." Sentiment is contagions, so of course he had his way. Iu truth I had no wish to arrange the matter otherwise. I knew I could make it ull right with the firm by planking up the sixty-five dollars, aud I did not mind making up the deficit and waiting on Sam Tasters. I knew I could trust him. As lor the young lady, there were as excellent wagons iu stock as Ibis one, \\ hich could be hipped to her as soon as I got back. My confidence in Sam was not misplac ed, for before the expiration of the six months agreed upon Ihe balance of the purchase money was paid over. It came down by express iu another shot bag, and was accompanied by a note Iroiu Tatters stating that Ted and Men iehiul been mar lied the week following my visit,and were well and happy, with good prospects of success iu the hauling business. He and Ted had fixed up matters sati ;factorily be tween I hem, tmt had agreed to keep the practical part of the matter a secret from Men ie. It pleased her -;o to call the wag on "a gilt o' God." And after all. perhaps, il had been. Bill Nyo's Love Song. first I tr.sc. 0 my darling, O my darling, Wilt you ever think jf me? For my darling, for my darling. I will ofltiuies think of thee. And my darling, oh my darling, When I ofttimes think of thee It will be indeed a pleasure If you erstwhile think of me. Thus my darling, oh my darling, Should yon erstwhile think of me. Whilst my darling, 011 my darling, I shall ofltimcs think of theo, We will think about each other Till the bright eternity. St COIKI I (RAC. It is fun to write a poem While I pause to think of thee. For I know you'll not forget me While you pause to think of 111 c. Thus ad own life's sunburnt pathway Loiter I to think of thee, For 1 hope aud trust that also You may sometimes think of me. Thiol Vtrst. It is not so very wearing (>ll the thinker, 1 can see, Just to think of you, my darling, As you doubtless think of inc. So, my darling, as I stated. If your thoughts are true to me, 1 will do some heavy thinking, Oh my darling, just for thee; And we'll think about each other Till the bright eternity. Yours truly, BILL NVI;. \ one armed bi>) in Align, la saved four persons from drowning; but Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup ha.- : aved ils thousands fruin consumption The use of higlih 1 a-oiied animal looil and alcoholic drinks are the predisposing can eof gout. When aware of it pres ence lose no time in procuring Salvation Oil It kills pain. 'JS cent ■ -It 1 not good form to dien the weather.butjii.it now 11 is legitimate tj jir-L'USS it. The Old-Stylo School Readers. Aiiv i.ii,- »liob«s ln-ant the Bill Xye- W hiuouib Biley lecture will not soon for get hi- irrc.-i-tible take off of the old style of School Rctulers Nothing could more l rceiting ihe following, with his -brill, piping "Oh, Mir," anil like exrlaraa tiona from the impoMbly proper lad: Sometimes a sad. homesick feeling comes over me when I couipatq the prevailing -' vie of anecdote and school literature with the old MeOnfley brand, so known 30 years afro. To-day our juvenile literature, it seems to me. is so transparent, BO easy to understand, that I am not surprised to learn that the rising generation show njfiis of lawlessness. \ Hoys to day lo not use the respectful language and largo luxuriant words that they did when llr. MeGufFey used to stand around and report their conversation for bis justly celebrated school reader. It ij disagreeable to think of, bnt it is none t!ie less true, and for one 1 think wi> should face the fact. I ask the careful student of school liter ature to compare the following selection, which I have written mysell with great care,and arranged with special refereuce to the matter of choice and difficult words, with the llippant and common place terms used in the average school book of to day: One day as George Pillgarlic was going to hi 1 tasks, and while passing thro' the wood, he -pied a tall man approaching in an opposite direction along tin* highway. "Ah!" thought George, in a low mellow tone 111 voice, "whom have we here?" -Hood morning, my tine fellow," .ex claimed ihe .stranger, pleasantly, "do yon reside iu this locality?" "Indeed I do," retorted George, cheer fully, doffing his cap. "I u yonder cottage, near the glen, my widowoil mother and her IJ children dwell with me." " And is your father dead?" exclaimed ihe man, with a rising inflection. "Extremely 30," murmured the lad, "and oh, sir, that is why my poor mother is a widow." "And how did your papa diet" asked the man, as he thoughtfully stood on the other foot a while. "Alas, sir," said George, as a large, hot tear stole down his pale cheek and fell with a loud report on the warty surface of his bare foot, '-lie was lost at sea in a hit ter gale. The good ship foundered two years ago last Christmas, and father was fonndered at the same tilue. No one knew of the loss of the ship and that the crew was drowned until the next spring, and t then it was too late." "And what is your age. my tine fellow?" quoth the stranger. '"lf I live till next October," said the boy in a ileclaniatoiy tone of voice suitable for a Second Reader, "I will be nine years of age." "And who provides foryonr mother and her large family of children?" queried the man. "Indeed I do, sir," replied George in a shrill tone; "I toil, oh, so hard, sir, for we are very, very poor, and since my elder sister, Ann. was married and brought her hnsband home to live with ns, I have to toil more assidulou'dj than heretofore." "And by what means do you obtain a livelihood?" exclaimed the man, iu slowly measured and grammatical words. "By digging wells, kind sir," replied George, picking up a tired ant as ho spoke and trokingit on the hack; "I have a good education, and so I am able to dig wells as well as any man. Ido this day-times and take in washing at night. In this way I am enabled barely to maintain onr family in a precarious manner; but, oh sir, should my other sisters marry, I fear that some of my brothers in law will have to suffer." " And do you not fear the deadly fire damp?" n ked the stranger in an earnest tone. •'Not In a damp sight," answered George, with a low, gurgling laugh, for he was a great wag. "Ton are indeed a brave lad,'' exclaimed the stranger, as he repressed a smile. "And do yon not nt times become very weary and wish for other ways of passing your time?" "Indeed I do, sir," said the lad. "I would fain run and romp and be gay like other boys, bnt 1 must engage in constant manual exercise or we will have no bread to eat. and 1 have not seen a pie since papa perished in the moist and moaning sea." "And what if I were to tell you that your papa did not perish at sea, but was saved from a humid grave?" asked the stranger in pleasing tones. "Ah, sir." exclaimed George, in a gen tcel manner, again doffing his cap. "I am too polite to tell you what I would say, and, besides, sir. you are much larger than 1 am." • "But, my brave lad," said the man, iu low, musical tones, "do you not hnow 111 c, Georgie? Oh, George!" "1 must say," replied (ieorge, "that you have the advantage of me. Whilst I may have met you before, I cannot at this moment place you, sir." ••My sou! oh, my son!" murmured the man, at the tamo time taking a largo strawberry mark out of his valise and showing it to the lad. "Do you not recog nize your parent on your father's side? When our good ship went to the bottom all perished savo nie. I .swam several miles through the billows, and, at last, utterly exhausted, gave up all hope ol life. Suddenly 1 stepped on something hard. It was the United States." sj*onge Trade of Cuba. Sponges are found both 011 the northern and southern coast of (.'aba, but the chief ports to which they are brought for sale arc Batabano 011 the sonth coast and Cali liarien 011 the north. Consul Little, of Havana, says that the classes included are sheep, wool, velvet, hard head, yellow, grass, aud glova. Very little reef, if any, is found iu Cuba. On the south coast, sheep wool and velvet are nioro abundant than on the uorth coast. Cuban sponges find a market chiefly in England, France, and the United States. The island itself consumes about one tenth of all the sponges brought in. and tlieso are used especially for the damping of tobacco aud for cleaning centrifugal machines 011 sugar estates. The sponge fisheries employ about 1,000 hands, chosen exclusively from among the imilro-nlatlos, or seamen who have served on Spanish men of-war, and are r;till bound to serve when called upon. On the south coast are employed vessels ranging from about live to t\scuty tons, earn ing from lour to eight men, aud each \e el i-provided with from three to 6ix mall boats. On the north coast, open boats with one or two men are used. The annual \ahie of the sponges brought in by these ve .-li is between .-CIOO.OOO and £IBO,OOO. What's the use iu worrying, Of hurrying And scurrying. Everybody flurrying And breaking up their rest! Aud every one is teaching us, Preaching and beseeching us To settle down aud eud the fuss; For quiet ways are best. NO 12