Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 17, 1890, Image 4
[CARTERS CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci dent to • bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress aft.-r sating. Pain in the Side, Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK ■eadaebe, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLR are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also sorrvot all disorders of the stomarti, nut. the liver and regulate the bowels. Xven if they only cared HEAD • they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness does not end here and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that *ey will not be willing to do without them. But after ail aick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lirea that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small awl very easy to take. One or two pills make a doee. They are strictly vegetable and do ■ot Tripe or purge, but by their gentle action nleiae all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; fere for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. OA&TS XSSICKI CO., Ke* Ycrk. UH Snail Sose. Small Price. jCjf\ I fee I Kfce «"!/* something HAD I BE WISE! feoOTS AND SHOSS DOUSED WITH Wolff'sACMEßlacking -*• NEVER BET HARD AND STIFF, Always look nest. Equtlly (rood for Men's Women 1 * or Child's Shoes. No blacking bru.h reo-iired end the polishing is done in three minutes without utxr \VATEIIPROOF«nd»»iT.-i:iied to preserve leather, and k-nf.a it so ft arc! i! 11 ruble. § ,ld L y fehas 3tores. Grocers, DnactaU, A °. UYv <1 °~- V'"' Harness. . . WOtEf & RANDOLPH. PK.tjdelphj/1 mm EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL jtkjsrn „ HYPOPHOSPHITEB Almost as PalatabteasEWUk So that it can tie takes, digested, ssd assimilated by the most MSlllive stomach, when the plain ell rsnsot be tolerated; and by the com bination of the oil with the hypo, phosphites ia much mora efficacious BankiMe as a fesh producer. FCIMBS gain rapidly while faking It. SOOTfS EMULSION is acknowledged by physlcisns to be tbe Tines' ami l;ost i>ruj sra tton in tbe world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDSand CHRONIC COUCH? 7?-« great remedy for Cemrumption, an Wasting in OkUdreu. S !d by r.ll frnijgis CATARRH BLrs CREAM BALM it net a liquid, muff' or pointer. Applied into mottriU i.« quickly absorbed. It clsanses t/m head AHayt iti/laiimtation Utah the inret. Kettoree the tentts-of ta\te and smell M cents at Druggist.-; by mall, rejftstcre 1. u) eti Ely Brothers, Drn srren St. DOCTORS LAKE mm 1 PRIVATE DISPENSARY. 'SKff OFFICES, 108 PEN X AVE. —PITTS3USQH PA.— All forms Ot l>clli'£to and Com' WTW )>U>' I'tses.-ms requiring (.'ox- mill SCIENTU'IC MEDl aatlorfare'ticatcl nt n suc aass rr\My"attinned. I>r. S. k . Lake IK a member •(the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and lßtlie oldest and ir.os'toxperlenri-dSPECIAL HT in the city Sjierinl r.ttention given to Xorv au liability horn excessive mental exertion, in- Vaerottons cfTonth. Ac., cacsfcig jilivsical and asentaXdeca;, l«<-t of enercv, <le>ponJen, &c.; atoo Cancers, Old Snres. Klt3, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Ojgnns, &c. Consultation free and strictly MUtacntlr.). Office hoars oto 4 and 7toS n. m.; Modays 2 to:4 |>.in. o!ily. Call atolfico or address S. K- l.nt M 11 . M It r.P.S.nrKJ.I,>TT-«fA. *:l cured by ruiL AUKl.i'Hl A. i'A * 1a- oat once, no operation or loss vf timn from busiuess Ca-sod pruuouued in curable by others wa ,u*l. Send tor Cirrulur. CURE GUARANTEED. cztouZ^*. (SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On th« fsm'ala face, hslr on the furs h«ad, neck, nose, Mr viands, arms, breast, on men's cheeks abore the ) beard line sod bo- y-Jp 1 twees the eyebrows / * destroyed forerer Jf wv by the - E l'e'etrtc needle Operation LJjjr \ by Dr. Von Dyek, " \ V Slectro • Snrgoon, \. CO2 Peon avenae, Pittsbargh. Birth /V marks, Moles. it Warts, Men's lied Mose, Enlarged Veins of the Mono, IAJRK9 heads' Liver Spots and all dlnsasos and blemiebes of tbe skin, complexion, hair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van Pyck. The Doctor ha« had 20 years' experience ia the practice of ( Ihla •pociulty, au l numberi among hid pa tients ouram proidlu#nt families. If you j ere *tfJlloiod with .iuy of the abov* blomishe-*. | avoi 1 patents.*.!iciu>s and cousnlt Dr. Van Dycß Sp.?eiHl term* u» all who make eu|fax**weiii'>'thia month. Book fr*e. EnK»s'e p*«iits can be in«tde by mnll. Call on or a(l<lr<*ss Dr J. Vaa Djck, 40 N. 11th street, Philadel. Bhia, or I*»»nu avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. . ours 9 to I and 2 to 7; Sundays, 10 to 5. A«p~;y n1 Lb»»y ui iitO MiMi D:l3 IE CITIZEN. MISCEL I. AN EO US What Mrs. Grundy Says. That the wise wife always considereth her husband'? income. That too many (firls are trying to be la dies who ought to be good servants. That the things best to leave unsaid are j just the things most people say. That men who have handsome sleighs j are not on friendly terms with the clerk of the weather. That fashionable conversation is made up of the lightest and most tissue-like ma terial. That the man who tries to do business without advertising would chase a will-o'- the-whisp. That the people who do not know what ails them at present think it must be "la grippe." That the heaviest bank accounts belong to people who never boast of their wealth. Wore Lace Curtains. "Say, papa!" " 'Sh!" "But I want to know—" " 'Sh! »h! You mnsn't talk in church.'' "Well, if you'll tell me what the man be hind the fence wears lace curtains about him for I'll shut up." —lf "a numerous household is the safe ty of the Republic," it might as well be proclaimed at once, that the remedy upon which such household should be reared is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. A good cathartic is worth its weight in gold, yet Lasador, the infallible regulator of the human system, is sold for only 25 cents a package. The Village Chestnut. 'Twas Johnny's turn to speak his piece; He said, with outstretched hands: "Under a spreading blacksmith tree The village chestnut stands." Listen—a song of rejoicing. Hearts that were heavy are glad. Women, look up and be hopeful. There's help and there's health to be had. Take coarage, O weak ones despondent, And drive back the foe that you fear With the weapon that never will fail yon O, be of good cheer, for when you suffer from any of the weak nesses, "irregularities," and "functional derangements," peculiar to your sex, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion you can put the enemy of ill-health and happiness to rout. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a yositive guarantee ot satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. See bottle-wrapper. For all derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels take Dr. Pierce's Pellets. One a dose. —An ideal of rapid transit —a number 10 shoe. —Date your checks for subscription, Jan. 1, 1890. Don't forget it. Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, Ye nose that is weary and red; But all too utterly utter Is the pain that I feel in my head. Oil, well for tbe happy man Who laughs at our awful woes; Next week we may all be laughing at bim As he waits ou his weary nose. And our joints are full of aches, Of racking fever aud chills; And Ob, for a lot of something hot And a ten-grain quinine pill! Snceie, sneeze, sneeze. Oh, when will it ever skip! Life is'nt fun for the hapless one Who is in tbe grasp of "la grippe." All traces of scrofula are expelle from the blood by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by druggists. —Corncob pipes are again becoming popular with smokers. —The all absorbing question: "What shall I do to get rich!" —Victory is often easier to obtain over others than over ourselves. —The boy who got a pair of skates for a Christmas gift is not* saying very much but he is doing a heap of thinking. —With the tea lauds of China yielding SI,OOO per acre, as they arc reported to have done this year, it seems as though John might live comfortably enough at home. —Judge Grcsham says the standard of excellence in the legal profession is not as high as as it was twenty-five years ago. Too many lawyers go iuto politics is the reason. —Mr. Mohamadu Cassim Abdul Rabi mau and Mr. Panabokke Samastawikrama Karunatrlaka Abhayawardhuua liluwan aseknra Jaya*undam Mudiyunsclcge Tiki ri Itanda Kateuiabatnieya have beeu ap pointed unofficial members of the Legis lative Council of the Island of Ceylon, their nominations having received Queen Viotoria's sanction. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be Riven in a cup of tea or coffee with out tbe knowledge of llie |>ersou taking It effecting a speedy and porninnent cure.whether the patient Is a moderate drinki-r or an alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken the Gold.-n spec ific In their toftee without their knowllidge. and today believe they <|Uit drinking of their owu free will. No harmful effects res> Its troin Ita administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address, in confidence, Golden Sfrcific Co., 186 Kace su Cincinnati, O. m If you are in Doubt What to get lor Christmas presents, aou should come to our opening of HOLIDAY GOODS, this week. We have such an immense line of beau til'ul things, suitable for all ayes, you cinnot fail to be suited. Prices the lowest, quality the best. J. H. Douglass. Millinery. New FVlt llats and Bonnets. New Tips. Plumes, lllrds anil Wings. New velvets In all colors. New satins, rihhons. velvet riob.>ns, brocade rilibona and strlned rlbhotis. New tinsel cord, twisted cord, head coid. I.ftdl—.' and children's furnishing goods, l-udles' and children's underwear. Ladies' and children's hosiery- l.adles' and children's cor sets and corset waists. Ladles' and children's ho«e supporters. Kid gloves, cashmere gloves, silk mittens and wool tuitions, j Latest novelties in neck'.vear. M. F. <fe M. Marks. j WUKN'Yor Y s! I i'l TSD'J KG < A !.!. O N JOHN K. & A. MURDOCH, 508 Smit K fiel(l St., for Trees. Seeds, Lilies, i Grape Vines, Hardy lios.-s, Canary Itirds, ' Hold Kish. etc. P- • r;it:.■■ Pi'! mailed free ■ bubscribe tor the CITIZEN. Something to Say. C v To everyone this week, and it will be to your interest to read and think of it. We have the most complete line ofchildrens' hats, from the solid all round school caps at 25c, to the finest and nobbiest hats made. We have the largest stock of reliable underwear in the county, and are at our popular low prices. We have everything in the Furnishing line. We have one price and that the lowest. We like to have people look at our goods and get the prices. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S Main street. Butier, Pa. FOR BALE, REGISTERED BEBKSHIFTES. The prize winning Berkshire Boar, TOM DODDS, 18.403. Reason for selling, cannot use longer in herd. Also, extra good fall pigs, either sex. sired by Tom Dodds. Pedigrees given with every sale and guar anteed as represented or money refunded. Address, J. PARK HAYS, Prospect, Pa. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite of adulterated imitations which .miss the theory, and practical results of the Original, in spite of the Rii«repr»»seutatK»ns by envious woald-be competitors, and in spite of *baj»e at tempts to rob" him of the fruit of his labors, (all of which demonstrate the undoubuul superiority and popuianty of his teaching). Prof. L« isette's Art of Nev«r Forgetting is recognized fr'-day in both Hemispheres as marking an Epoch in Memory Culture. liis Prospectus (sent post free) gives opinions of people in all parts ef the globe who have act ually studied his System by correspondence, showing that his System is uAcd only while being studied, not afterxcardx: that any book can be learned in a n ingle reading. itn nd-icanderiny cured, <L-c. For Prospectus, Terms and Testimonials address "rof. A. LOIS£TT£| 237 Fifth Avenue* !i. Y S— A SOLID—— TEEL FENCE! EXPANDED METAL trr SOMETHIKii NEW RESIDENCES, CHUBCHF-S, F«RMS GARDENS Gates Arbor*, Window Gas rds, Trellises, Firc-proof PLASTEBIXfI LATH, I>0(»!t I! iTS. iiC. Write for Illustrated Catalogue- mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ 110 Witter St., PittfibnrKh, Pn. *nhi«rt Ken keep It. Give name of this ua->er STEEL Wi-. The cheapest and ' -nco f«-r aronnd Lawns, School IV- c: » !>, Gardeus, Farms, etc. Iron Fcuciug, Cresti'.i/. - i ittin?s, F'-e Shutters, Fire Escapes of d ; : - '« an<* fu kinds of IKON AKD WiKE v TAYLOR & B£AN, 203 and 205 Market Street, - PITTSBURGH. PA. - _ One of 11"* PHPP BUTTeI h HP p JT k\ Bur 1 MltsON in each locality, Irnf' MH Eg " «bore Only those who writ® wPflBB" th "chunceAl! yoa have to do In IT tboMwhocsll-rour ndfbbcrt ■■ ■ and thoae amund yoa. The be- rtnninr Of thia adrertUempnl ITiUI IL. ahowa the small end of the tele- .knot the fiftieth part of 1U balk. It t» « rrsnd. double .iie tele- SS- ..*.rTe .. i™e..y to c.rry W. will .Im .how yc.a how you ~'siO.J.T .tie..., ftom«hertMt,w»h- For Sale or Rent. The house known as thi' Campbell House, in lliiierstown, formerly ll<C<l ns 11 hotel, is for sale or ret it. For particulars, inquire of It. IV Scott, Esq., f>r W. P. Smith, Butler, I'a. New Oyster Parlor AND Confectionery BY Mrs. S. Showalter, In Siehle bui'ding, S. Main St \irs. Showalter ha* fitted up some neat tooqih for a iariien restaurant, auti :»sk.-» c share of the palrr.niiife of the people of Butler .Meal* e.t oil hours cALE S M E N ° WANTED to canvas for the sole of r> Stock! SJe.ifly employment puarantPetl. salary and • nht.m's paid to siicCebMul men. Apply at ojk o stating aije. button t!»N < MAS:-' r.IIOTIIEIiS COMPANY. lii; rhoster. N. Y. oafi fW tills to our salesmen. OUTFtJ' \1 |1 JIFUEE. Oin start yon at oii*e. U S II Ufor terms to J. AIS I I.N SHAW. Nurnr ryniMii, Hor!u'st«T, N.l if i to nd r a WAi^TSD a i- m &m £2 r» (.. i ,«:i • i . of Nursery St<*ek A ftill 1 ...• i leading specialties. dal&n &b3 expeo ••; i -.» •••• -nil men. No Experit-nce ». ••v..,rv. Wr.t*- !oi KTins, suiting ajff. LMcntion ti is paper.] 1,. llonTlti'.Y Nurseryman. Kas* IV tk RocU* .st er. N. Y. i who v il conn-act ljr hdvciiiaiii^ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce on second !!oor of the llnselton block. | Diamond. Butler. Pa., Itoom No. I. j A. T. .HCOTT. J * P « WIU*OS. SCOTT & WILSON, ATTORN E V S-AT- LAW. Collections a specialty. Office ut No. S. South ; Diamond. Butler. Fa. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. I Office In Boom No. l. second floor of Iluselton ! Block. entrance on Diamond. P. \V. LOWRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. :t. Anderson Building. Butler, Pa. A. E. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllee on second floor of New Anderson Block Main St.,—near Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. omee at No. IT, East Jeffer son St., lint ier, Fa. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Ileal Estate Agent. Of flee rear oi 1.. Z. Mitchell's omee on north side I of Diamond, Butler, Fa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor oi Anderson building, near Court House. Butler, Fa. J. F. BRITTAIN. Att'y at Law—office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. ' Alt'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond Butler, l'a. JOHN M. RUS SELL, Attornev-at-Law. Office on South side of Dia- I mond, Butler, Pa. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER AXD SURVEYOR, OFKICE sLAtt DIAMOND, BCTLEB, FA. C> ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SCROEON. Ofllee a . No. I.s. S. Main street, over Frank 'Jk Co's l)ius Store. Butler. Fa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. in '.Vest Cunningham St., B aTLER, W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN ANN SURGEON. S. W.Cyrner Main and North Srs. JBTJ TIjIDIEL :PE.N 2<T' A DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - EUTLER, PA. Ail work pertaining to the profession execut ed 111 the neatest manner. S|>eciallies :—<iol<i Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. GUlce on Jeirrr»on Street, our door East of i.owrj Iluune. t'p Stairs. Office ope a daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, S. B.—The only Dentist in llatlcr using the best makes offeeth. L 8 .VIeJIJNim, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 £AST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. 1 I> ABHAMS &OO Fire and Life ;INSUIT A X C E Insurance Co. of North America, iocnr pointed ITIM, capitu! $3,000,000 and other strong cotu;tsnies represented. New York Life Insurance Co.. assets $90.000,000. Office New llu?eltin biiiklirx near Court House. Bi <,K 3 . *,* i • ' i-ire li'isuranct-. Cu. «»s i Wt.l't & {'Uoningiiam Kn. i. V. PBESIDSHT. I AMPUELL THEASLKF.IS ( SiElKitMA>s, SKOKKIAKI DIRKCrOKS: .1. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell J. W. Burkharf. \. Troulman. Henderson Oliver, G. C. iioessiiii;. .lames Stephensiui, !>r. W. Irvii.. lienrj Whi'mlte. .1. F. Taylor ■ fleineniau. L 0! /\L • \ >•-' • r?~ . •' , PA. Christmas Goods for Everybody. A splendid lino of laccj and use ful articles of every description. Match safes—in brass, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet cases,manicure sets, shaving sets, gloves and handkerchief boxes iu leather and plush. Odor cases it! ler-ther, plush and celluloid. Smoker's sets, vases, per fume aiauds, and a>i endless variety of fine goods, which must be seen to be epprei ia!« d. Aii finer, nicer nnd cheaper than ever before The |inb lic is invited to call at KEDICK'S Drugstore, next to Lowrv House. Examine our goods and get our prices. h?«r», ' ■ ~ u *• w-U * ** " "■ '«• Lc «'Nl< S *V*f. All th" work you «l "L to »bo w wlmt n - »cn'l y to wia call— y-jit fuen'Ua-iU n i. mi.f th •« ■ >• yju— iltut n!way« rpai.lt* in valuable tto<' .".rc.«, wt.i. .»!••'.'• : tcnci and (bus we r.re rejui.L »V»« i« »-. <tr A«' t-r TOU know n'!. If •. : \ M' L! ' •to -» v >. : f ' « • y i< in wm from SiO t > •• r•• . .. I .;• '*• AI! i, Nlili»on .V ■ •.. '/ - .>i I' i Ad*e.-tise ir 'he CXTIZSN. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. A Merry Christmas to All. Merry Christmas! comes again, Pence on earth, good will tP men! Round the world the chorus ring. Let all hearts rejoice and sing. Which you will certainly do if you are wise enough to buy your Christmas GILT* of mi. My stock was never so com plete before. I have added more room and show cases in or der to display the most elegant line of Holiday Goods. Come and see the best of everything in W atclies, Clocks, J eweli'y, Si lverware, Diamonds, Novelties, <fec, tfcc, <fec At the very lowest prices. J-R-G=R=E=l=B=:, N"o. 16 Soilth. Main St., (Sign of ELICTRIC BELL), BUTLER, 1850 Established 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North' Main St., BUTLER, PA, 13 E A LE R IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, f > ■- wa re, Spectacles, &c., &cT Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 Jtt„ T.3E»A.*»3ES. LEAdING IMIY HOUSE Special Mousing Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. ISTo- 18. South. -Main Street- * - - KUTLER- PA. R. S. NICBOLLS, L. 11. HEWITT j NEW LUMBERYARD! R. S. NICHOLLS & CO.. Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and Soft Coal We have a larpe stock of all kinds of Lum ber. Oil Well Kips. Etc. Call and pet onr prices and see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on MONROE ST., Near WEST Fknn I>I;POT, BI'TLEK, PA. H.. C- WICK, DEALER IN Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. <£ W. Depot, BUTLER, - PA. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. FUKViS I . O. I'l'KV IN | S. G. Purvis & Co. MANUFACTUF.RKS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber or BV«KV SHINGLES & LATII | PLANING MILL AND YAlii.J j f;»rUerotHSl (i iiwrr'* j | LUMBER IS ADVANCING. Saw Mills, Steam Engines.j Shingle Mills, Hay Presses, &c. If you want a FIHST-CLASS SAW MILL, send' for Catalogue and special price to Intro duce in vour section to A. IF. FABTJT BAII CO. (Ltd.) \ORK. PA. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriage.-). Landaus for weddings find funerals. Open day Bnd night. Telephone No. 24. Hotels and Depots, W S. Gregg is now running a HUB of carriages betweou the hotels a.ud depots of tbo towa Charges re hou ibU\ Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogelejr. Good Livery i;t Connection. New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. i —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT—! Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 3ft, W Jefferson St , Butler, Pa. Wm. F. Miller.: Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-tumlug done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Casing, Corner blocks, Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Alsa FURMiTUEB at prices. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington Etreei. BUTLER. HENNA. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL j BRANCHES. LACK CCBTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN ING, DYEING AND CAR PET CLEANING. Goods collected and delivered ! in all parts of the town. ASDREWS&SHUTTLEWORTH, PROPRIETORS. NE MUML! LO»» j? & :"KOr»IAS, ABVrutWMW ICEMS, \ u if 'Ui><iu'r!i tuvt. ! FASHION EMPORIUM A new supply of goods suitable for holiday presents has just been opened. All the t:e\v patterns in veiling, regular beautifies; newest neckwear and beads, handkerehiefsjinufflcrs, mitts, gloves, hosiery, infants knit goods, Chinchilla nnd wool fascinator.-, lovely head dress* s. black silk caps for old ladies,. Childrens silk, plush and ca-hinei\i caps new hats, new bon nets, new styles lbr dresses, fancy silks for fancy work and dress trimmings. The Jenness-Miiler stj ies are shown unsur passed for grace and comfort Apprentices are taken for six or niu months term,accord ing to wish, and a thorough, practical know ledge of millinery or dress making, cutting and fittii g is uiven. Orders are tr.kcn fir any kind ol hair work. Miss M. H. Gilkey, rso. <>t» s. MAIN tST, IirTLER, PA OPPOSITE P. O. " " !* The Great American HOG is Coming. I i i i i I i IThe Great American HOG Is Coming. I I I , Alex. Borland, 3801 kSHOE SPRINGDALE, Next Door to Waller's. peril attention given to repairing of all k ind.i. iwmii IHSEIIB. ERIE,PA. I All stock guaranteed to be in good con- j dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IX BUTLER: 1 J. F. Lowry, AY. T. Meebliug. James 1 Shauor, Jr., J. E. Forsythe, Geo. Sbaffncr, j C. Walker, Esq., Fcrd Reiber, Esq. and I), j L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITEN iIILLKB IIOI'SK, BCTLER, PA. ' i ilYf P» SALSMCN to sell Nursery 'Jii kIII L 11 stock. All (iixKls Warranted i H nil lilt FIRST-CLASS. Permanent II nil ILU plea*ant, profltable |<ositions for the rl'-rht men (io.Td salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liberal Inducements to begin ners. No previous experience necessary. Out fit ir»e. Write for terms, girtng age. CII VKLICK 11. CHASE. Nurseryman. Koeliester, N.\. Meution this paper. •ff'ikait- L-. •- s•' ~m"' i \ In >ll 111 r«. !:• »ViV uir !. 1 I'rai.a.iCTlt UO. ltll 1 tU l»rir i" St. i. . I POSITION OFFERED. i If you are in need of a good paying position anil think you have the qualities of a good salesman, you will do well to write ns at once. We will pay good commission or ' salary and expenses to a good man. Tho I position we offer is a permanent one. Ad i dress at once, SeLOVKs A ATWOOb Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y ! BARGAINS IN | Wall Paper. For the n cxt sixty days we will offer barga ins in all our gilt and em bos sod wall papers-, in order to reduce stock and make room for Holiday Goods. J. H. Douglass, | Near Postoffice, Butler, Pa