THE CITIZEN• ' «r. SE«LET - - " «OPRIETOR atnsc-Rirrios WTW-WWTACK MEI-AID: Or.- year. Insi-:- Ounty OBC Year, On:- e (".anty ?-• Payable in Advance. later* i it Piwto!sre *t Butler *« 2d cl»« m ,tUr FRIDAY. JANUARY 10.ISsO. Of each Issue of the Cmnx ME? extra epptefl w,». Countv who art not and --lr • > o5 ' 7tu',r nel:„'hb -rs, not no v things county paper. All eomrannicatioM intended-for pnblicat tothi 1 ' V*-™ mu«tbe accompanied by the re Same of t!;« wr.-or. not for publication bat a- B •tMLra.if'O of eocxl f—«' h, and death notices most bo accom panied by a responsible name. THE influenza is greatly increa--injj in foreign eonntm and now has ill Europe by the throat. In Bavu.-ia they have had to erect temporary hospitals, and there are 40,000 oa-c -i in Munich. A BOSTO.V man, after stabbing himsell Mxteen times, alternating between a pen hsife and a brcadknife as a weapon, jump «d from a fourth -lory window and tinally died from exhaustion Moral, "If at fir-it yon don't -ucw-d, try, try again. TIIK prospect for the passage of a gener al bankrupt la-.r by the present Congre--. seems to be gorel. Th" bill presented b} • will no doabf have -trong support In the Bart. Gov. BEAVER issued warrants last Thursday for the execution of fonr mur derers on February 20, 1890. They are Thoma J. Cole and Jacob S. Schopp, of Philadelphia, who were sentenced 1 : Mart:); Willi irn £. Hopkins, of Bellefont<\ who was convicted oa Nov.. 30 last and John W. Kndy, of Lancaster, who wa, wis sentenced last January. Two -mail boy < at leading were pre aenteil with rifles on Christmas day by their fathers. It came to pa*- that the one ■hot the other dead before the day w->- over. Thl-, was most distressing, but what else coo Id be expected. THE Sugar Trtifct seem* to be getting black eye all around. First its schemes j wen- exposed and it caught a famba-tinjr from ti,.- new-paper- 1 and every hone map v.!io (1 e- •—' j oppression; then < la' Bpre ckle put up his big refinery in I'hiia- j delph: ■- : d•: •: Via crippling to a • er. ear.d nov come- ti," sugar - ■ r .... the ii.i Station that in that. State m.i'i ■ pounds of sugar from gorjrhutn and the manufacture nest year w:Il double these • it' . T: • ••• - lor tie Trn it • ay't appoint a receiver to soon. KEV. K. P. DONEIIOO, a Pittsburg •reacher, i- in fav-.r of revision. He -.r east i diil'.treueo bet •• the Oi«> -v !:'iol an ti.- .-w School pa. ties Ji; ' ■■■;<> ■■ e.irs ;./•» (onti-te.d of ti.- one ... • le !.% that "In Adai.i'.- f ill '• - aimed ," t while thu other side believe I that in "In A mini's full vc all sinned.' This re;:ii:ids u- of a little plea antry. i'i that fanio General As-embly of l--'IT Two'of! , ,ii debaters ill tie- .'. •ombly ' J»r A! (ireen, <•! Phil i delfili -. I >r. II- iiiii.i, of V K. V. Iwen- mi raty in debute, I>r. Belli.:i i-'iv. -il::.;' ti. Sel.oo) ai. Dr. Grocn the Old. At the close of a heat •d discussion, I>r. iJernan wrote the folio ing Oil « lip ol' ;.*i p' I :d it O • . Dr. GJ-ee: . "In Adam's fall We sinned all:" , In Abel's murder r Wis sipned furder; In Doctor Green Our sin is seen. Prospect News, Anoth'r I'air has eom< ai.-l gone. The p are eaalul an 1 are ■ Of mue'i I'-::. .inf' .• o'. Prof. P. A. hbaiioi', of ill eee port, t-pent the !.oS:di. tb p,n'""ts, Mr. ari-l Mrs Abs. HI. nor. I'rof. Wiu. wingle, of Kitliuining, gav. our to..:i .1 . -... c 'be holidays. M. Bwiir/le '. . <;« here 10 . tft ago. Mr. Harry Heekb , of West View, has re tnrnejl ho'.. • f.- -:n >• visit among friend, here. No doubt >Tie of our young fellow brea hes tuer- e. :;e inucli u y> Don't worry, John . A. W. Hoild , of W • ilsville, O , -pel t hi* holiday* -t hoi: e wjtb hi pHr'Oit aad friejjd . Kev. Het-ner. of the 'I! ■ ologi' iil -n. aary oi Pbilndelpliin. sp .t his < nristm: vacation. i!tb hi friend, J. < lieighb-; near Wbit - ii< ■n. Tli»yotirif folk- bad U ball at Hotel ii< Kami, on Clirixtmn-; <■ and one at Jo'; Cntehlow' .or New Year's night. 'Mi- Were v*r ,-enjoynhle nnd plea .ant affair The ft! nda of Jn . I'orre.icr will b glad Win-- i- i.fbis i iii- -a-< of pension. Ju CoSITV. Saxon I urj< Items. Mi . A'li" :. .. \ ■/. brother. Mi. I. I. . ,!>i, i.l i Willi.mi Hv.i-i..,.. who 1...~ boon <|!iite in for some time, ownt' to the bur-iting of blood vi •- Pro W. I,'. A • 1i i '-it 8. it of .... i .- i"- 1 ri*lte>' the !"■ :■ I. J ( f 11 1 I. !. '•! ' :.i talk If. i ' i in Cli- r. ' XKMA. .(WiuLot) Tvvp. Items. Andr- .- Chan tier lately plowed t«< lar»" li ii• u a pie;- ; .-.-iv. and J' L 'i! I . 111, • ■ "her i.. I IJ'l »l-ll< I 1 ' I '. • ' j m ■' * CCs , fcpri.. ■■ .i "i t< ■ • •- .- 1 All t> ahur. ol Oiiuton t-.-.p. . do init Utf-.r »■ ■ l.e«l. d the twp. eni. ■he pi ' -i i • J. ;olf • ' . !•»;»■• ' ' Gladstone and Blaine. The chief feature of the Xortk Ameriran \'ut to diminish, that fund, then protection s a bar to high wages, not their cause, and i s, therefore, the enemy, not the friend, of he cla-ses on whose wng-s their livelihood lepends. This is a first outline of the impositions which I shall endeavor to un old and to bring home. The British champion does indeed show ■occlusive!)- that wages have risen in Eng land, relatively and ab olutcly, since the adoption of the free trade policy. To this particular argument Mr. Blaine repiics*as "ollows: Mr. Gladstone makes another contention n which, from th" American point ot view. Ie le .vc j out. nf si;?ht n controlling factor, md hence refers ari effect to a wrong canse. ■ j tho advance of mgei :n Bug and, he says: "Wages which have been tartiaily and relatively higher under pro cction h-'ive become Ixitii gcueruily and ■bsolutely higher, and greatly higher, I trade 1 As not doubt the fact, I ,1,1 I ve..u:r: to urge t that r ucb advance n WHg ri - as there hi been in England is j eferable to .iiid pa! able cause— mmttr, the higher wegei m the United I V Mob "have OOMtentlj tempte.! British mechanics to emigrate, and which I vonld ave tempted many more il 'he in- Iticeincnt of an advance in wages at home mmTmh i iulßipoeed K»|iwlillt have j r;i»e! l-en high' :»!:d templing in the nitr-i -ince IKCJ, when the country iceame lirinly protiotivo by the enactment f the Morrill lariff. It will I, • found, I bink, the advance of v.age* in Eng- I . . .:pond pr.-e: ely ~ tiu.e, thoi. . | ot in degree, with the in Im I trlted Stare-,' and the adv •..c in boii. a < wii directly duo to the firm estab ishment of promotion in this country e ■ a i lational policy. But it must not be for-1 :«tten that American wage»are -'ill fr< • 0 per ( .„,;t. to li 0 per cent, higher tin .. intish wages. If a policy of free trade I ad - should be adopted in tho Unit- ■ i t*tew, the redaction ot wages which would I dlow here would promptly lead to a re-1 netfoii ... England. The operative:, oj 1 inch . ' . L- -i < and Sheffield r< ••ojri,;... .i - r 'w! o' ih!nk the v. i,rid of commeri e. i.d manulacturi-.i • all unerringly oirect ,l bv ~ theory evolved ill a closet \ ■,! tffleteal data, and applied to an iue-.ct •ience. fiat the British < hampion not sati*fieu ;tb urgmi: that the policy of protet tire :• •onomi sily bad. at <1 that, pro perou •• :e United State- are under protection, ley would have bo- mole pro-jn e 1 nder free trade; bi i i;!s protection a :orally bad, alleging: Mirely th;.: 'Vat.-in < .m lbe to,.id «I cli an iniiividual, or a of iudtviuu l» live on tho r< our< e.j of the coin muiiity nd can • h him rcla' v< ly to oiininish that tp,Te, which duty t«» his fe 11 ow- citiz- us ti:.-. 0 their equal right !.o Id tea< •• him l>; i-coiitributiorii to augment. The habit f mind thus engendered is not. ucb a.-> al ogutbor befit.- a free couiitiy or bnrmouui .'tfh an iiid. pe«d> " 1 'ter. And ti-' uore the sv-tem «t protection is d: ■ -u-a ;id conic- trd, the mor- those whout it nr&i-ii are dren to struggle for it-, main • nance, the farther they inu-.t insensiblv evint ■ from the la.v of equal right-, and, .ertini! .-' en front the tone oi a genmnc tersonai independence. lii reply to thin and to Mr. Oladstomv'n J ..-gm.ii iit in general, Mr. Blaine appeals to « ts. Ue Shows that three times within he la 150 years the United States have tied a "revenue tariff." and every time I,lter • came, which were promptly re- I. j -d ni1..11 11 • re • uact tiicnt of .1 liigb tariff, lie rllliw s that the I sit#d ii.v'.-s have in. de greater strides in wealth, aider the American economic system, than my other in the world. He shows that the -iicotu ageinei i of home manufactures in -.••I . .i pint ■ i'.ir line, ol ii.du-try—hi. • tttol rail —i greatly < the j»re furls of indu .:ry. Again, the American champion uses u leeuliurly efieetivt argument, in reply to Mr. filadntono's reiterntion of tin* old eeo lii i » ■ t.i.Hl* ' 1 1 v- here lie-; production I t!;e -h.-upest, when he says: Mr. Oladatone's pregnant suggestion real j . blbi: the though! that M»* deep in the Biilixh mind that liie mechanic art-, ano ibe malttifaet tiring pxoe< - • liould be left io Or Britain end the production of ray. materia! i bwild Imj left to Aiih-.k-h. Il fs l.he old < olouitti,ldea of the t ce .tury, wh - thi . dun t! of liiinufacturesoi, I bin side of the ocean v. s regarded with An ellective touch of tho arguwriUity of protection apply only to pro lection on hind, or 11 • npreuuuty on the so Import ant to Bii'i-i. le'.-i-. :. ihut it i !utter t./ throw morn!-i to tho wind and re port to v.batev.-r de;:. ■ of protection ma In- lie.-e ,ry to I eenro tile lend to f-Jngli. h liipc .' The docfi ine of iinproving harbois in th< f.'ni'.-d Stales by the National gov iirntneut iv -. for many year i sev rely eon 'n . 1 ed, the '.ric'. cor. 'ruction party main raining that it must be confined to harbors on the ie ~4t ttt point« where foreign colllllier. - I'e.urhe,. til- eOTtntry. Purio, one of the ni'tny d. -:u--ioi». over this nar row i oiiHiructinu, un ii io member of ('m /u■ - declared that ho "could not ibmi. 'in h of a coiif.liluliou that would no: .tarn! being dipped in 1 ■ |, water a • we ; is salt," I leiir lbut Vlr Gladstone',', cod of mor.;! on tlits qu.-.tion ol'protection v.: no 1,. :, lUMlhlw peej. countrie ji |... ~.-i ~.p ~ U'llii.ely t if.!* Ulan;* bpiuioir. will lie cbauped, i 'bor way, b) this cnntrovci-y. It i< u matter of eon believe in "the American system," that, in opposition to ouo who is admittedly th. able.: champion oIiVC of the t'ren trade the. ory, JUr. Blaine should have diown '' con clusively that whatever policy may or ma) not be best for Great Britain, with her pe culiar iijaulated p" ilion, her immense ae ~, ; : - oi eapit m.d !-. p.e»eiii : i ol loieign uiarkets, ci-iiaiuij' f.o I . ;»tate.., with their Immcn.s in tm ii eiiornio .s area,, tin i i -He.,.-. , ■ their resource.! ju : begun to lie called upon for some of tbeij m.totn f. a ~, th policy of protection, •- it I from tbcoreiicul premises mid a l< in i ... practical e i>-licni:.', i- th. . j last week. The existence of Christmas j I snakes in a "dry'' county is damning ] 1 evidence that tamarac is being smuggled j j across the county border. In Curtin township. Centre county, a , | black snake was killed recently by a r si- j ! dent. Block snakes are not known to f->r- j age at this season of the year, but it i- | j thought that the reptile lost its bearings j j and left it- hole too -oon. Brother Irwin, of the Franklin Acw.s, | happened to mention a day or two before ; Christmas that he had long wanted a con- | cordance of the l'.ible and a pair of extra < suspenders. Early Christmas morning the j concordance came and he hadju^tjrot^j^^ | began to arrive with suspender-, more j ! came by mail, and then more by nics I senpi rs.and when evening came that editor j had 21 j pairs of suspenders, of every size and variety, silk, leather, paper, rop<\ , simple, complex, new and second-hand. Many of them were accompanied by notes —not bank note s—hoping he would have a | "gailows" time and such like friendly ex pressions of interest. Farmer John Macy, of F*niondalc, S. is clearly entitled to the championship for corn husking. He was recently backed for SIOO to husk 100 bus.bals of corn in 7 hours, taking the corn as it stood stacked in the field. He was to pull down the stacks himself and tic and set up the empty sheaves. The weper was acel-pted by a number of persons who considered the tank an impossibility, but farmer Mncy won end had 30 minutes and 6 seconds to spure. He is now looking for the man who assumes to dispute hi.-: - premacy, bat it isn't likely that he will find him. At a lain meeting of th • Allegheny Council the question of abolishing the to" - I gates and turnpikes wa.; discussed. Mr. j Kennedy was in favor of having the City j Solicitor instructed to condemn all the toll j roads. A sub committee of three, eon- -t --ing of Messrs. < illiford, Kennedy imd Dahl- ! iriger was appointed to investigate the ' matter and ascertain for what amount the j roads could be purchased by the city and j report at next meeting. Member- of tin - medical fraternity .s* Curry, Pa., have fur fevi-ral we.-ks pa 1 " ■ Mrs. L. .v Harvey, who within 13 day ' time gave birth to no less than three chil di- ... Hi'.-. H:irvey ii n Woman of atiout 10 -. cars ,aid T< .ides at Albion station, Eri county. She is the mother of several chil ilr- s. HeV' r:il wees ago the tamily j | pi.v sic-ian wan c.iiled in and there wa- a;: addition to the family in the shape of n ; jti re: pound I.a! , but it did not live. Mrs. ' j Harvey go! along fairly well for two days ! I when the doctor was apain hastily sum- j j (; ,j. ,ii .... toaished at the birth of \ i i .<•< acted. The j peculiar caM! v. ill be written up from a physicians' -t mdpoint foi the medical journals, having already been the übjeet of IUUI h d:-cu--ion among doctors. A singular elopement took place in Bed ford Co. one day la-t. week Etta Keed, aged 17, of that county, met Isaac D. liaker, aged 67, ot Kan a , at the Hunt itigdcni depot and wi nt
1 their daughter's matrimonial inclination and in order to obviate any objection that might arise the young I .dy conceived the idea ol vi itiug her uncle, I). H. White, in Saxlon, where an elopement could be readily curried out. Tliu eouj'lo met ut Hunting don ami at onco took u through train for tin; groom'* home in Kan • plonioD In't 'i burndu). When robber* entered tin' gran ry ol Hmanuel Shot-,-■ley, ol Jeflei »n county, about two ymi 'i ago, broke opeu lim tool rbf i. and rioln over live hundred dollar. in cold c a sib, he never mentioned the fact to ,t i-oul. Hi' iiUfjiected who it fn.< p but be (bought the bent [dan would be to let them till it brut/ After awhile a rui.ior wu . turted to the effect that I)' 1 bad been robbed, |lltd Mr. SUei -ley'* brother Went, to him to inquire if it wi re true, l.tuanuel ii, ured bun that it win u I aim) report, ami continued to law wood. Nearly two year b.ttr li.iiry Ito.ei . a m ;;hln.r !■ . be coming angry at bin brother 1.-.rael for re I'iniiif to give biin u hundred dollm i of the. moliey, uceordiug to h'/n -i-menl, told lion hli brother and hiinttclfhad i ouiuiiLted r.!;e i nun', and t}>it were they brought to ju.i tiee. Marion Tvvp. Items. .Jo < (*MUI mini unit fettiily, of Altoomi, I'n . mo the guest* of friend* in thi* vicini ty- ili Wllda ISiu. I, of i'en bvilli', I*>i., i l' 'in;'a' ber t'liele'.-, It. !,. Klaek. iloo i A Co'*. <• iw mill will mioii be at •i. i on the S'ittceul property. .''hi iii ii. ■ oil v.i II on the .Siorila.'nl properly will In? in tbii week. Tbo t'oront Oil Co, hare given the eontrui t ol their v. I! i t of A. IS At-Well'* family. A couple of our young ladie i created Hontu excitement recently by dri-ning in men'ii clothe and Marking thenmrlve-. ami then attempting to frighten and auno.v nemo of our citizen They were identified .how •• i-r, innl feel very corn over their little !• eapade. I.NCUONITA. | THE pajsiciiins 01 repmi . 40.0' •*> c:«- sof the Grip, with an average of 2i"'> deaths a day. though the deaths are cat? >4 by pneumonia following the (Trip. COSGEE :•••••••-emblv'. la Monday, and increasing the pav of Census Supervisors ; IOWA'S TORN crop of : 136,000.000 bushels ji - v . ......... .:: ! wonM fi'l a train of .: :i.-- in lei _th. It would frive five bn hols to every man. woman and chil-l in the United St;u-.--. idea-THCS KIXI.V ■ —".. Satur-i... . .la:.nary 4. 1890, I Arthr.r. ' ''f G'-orjje of the S.ath SM-\ ap.-.l 4;. "; rs and R months, of membraneous cramp. BIN (J HA M —At h.T 1 n:- in Centreville, Sr.nd.- ••. ■- 1 '.'. Mr- Mary Bmp hue, wife <-f To. Bingham, aped 72 . vears. She the .• of M rs. John W. Brown. . ' Butler. a i X! - Xlatnl Ding- | ham. wh ■ now t- -ling ::i the Slippery- ! rock Normal. \j ( g— r. ■:i Fsaa in r ! ". in. 1. l'i'O. William T. Mc < . ;ed 07 a: - and 'J 111. s. He w*a born in Franklin twp, and mar- . ...1 to I : twp. n y. ar* ago. His vrif" who ' . Peuree. .lied one week be- | t\>w fee dii d, aged 7_' j ears. .Mr. MeCan- . (fleas had l>eea in feeble health all winter. J aI; Si: . •'• ' 1.-lKj r -Wni<*r' K: .' J>r. a-' d_ K years. He died of rttyroa m the | LA v;. ■ ••• '• Wm. M. 1. : *thf r. 70 years. . -• - ■ ■ • 1 • >*'j~ • - , i.. • - l n yr-. She di : . tvphoid fever and tier's was; th" l • a month. . mere of the family are down I with the as;:" disea- t. In Memory of Miss Lule Noah. | XOAIi—At her home in i'ittsbnrg, Mou ■ ■. 2.'' lshij, Lule Noah, daughter ; of" Peter Noah, dee'd. aged abont 20 years. si. ie«;i. •.. I 11. d heart disets-C, : nii'l Wi • i nr. -I in South Cemetery, Butler, ; Christina ; morning. Jf< r. parent, e< tseyour weeping, j Lift vo:.r thonnhts above the nod; Thoupb re' t Lule there is iceping. 11. r pur. -pirit is with God. Gone l.ef.,re her, j-n have others Nnniht-r. to Je us—try to -mile; Lule's only gone before thee. For a ery little while. Sister ! brother*! y have parted With a friend vo>> loved so much, Butf'iuist . ml, ii th • broken-hearted, If you but his garment touch. Stricken mother, < mourning, Though !• gravo her f. :ai .loth hide, On the ..tlier -.ide of Jordan You shall claim your lovely child. She has joined the church communion 0% .T on the other shore; f-.„ ii u \ ,11 tin 1. ivenly union, ' Ye-, Lai.- str. in Ivleii's bow rn, Free fi .in -;ekn" . care and pain; lltiv we improve life* fleeting, ! o that heaven v. . 'II meet again. L. Scrofula Pro'' My i. . :i of < <" i • ;;<■> generally dmil,i t. .- •!»•« •'! Ul«r»*cry«.f itMtitta. it UMb i v < . I. BOOBAOA. |x,wc-11, M.i . :. ; (Pi i'. Monthly, lllu Ie 21 KS : tr .'. l.oiily ">'» , .Main St Mr ;-.liu-valur bu fiWvil up Home iH-iL iiuui f u in' renuuraiit, lUJ ,i ; i. i re ..f tin patronage ol the ..j. Butler. jMciilb ttt ull lion r.-i .J. E. Kastor, Prin ' . ill Slate lioofer. Otnami : Plain Slating Of nil .loti" on 'tor! notice. Oliice with W. il. Morris No. 7, X Alii in St., He idence Noi 1' • .lm street, ihitler, i'a. -t uti-criije lur '.lie CuxfK.K. L fev ' J* Absolutely Pure. Tbis I'owM r TV TOT V:iru-. A marvel o purity, strength auJ wfcolcsomt-uese. More ocom'micai tb in the ■•-'lit; .ry kMt, and can not M: Mii*i in with the tnultitu'l ol 10v' te*i», ebort weight.a'niun or pboeptaate puwjcrs. So! ' r in cans. BOTAL BAKIHG POWDER CO», 1. . W:«il Street N. T. You will get One hundred cents worth of u'ood re liable footwear at I I USELTON'S FOB EACH AND EVERY DOLLAii YOU PAY EVEKVTLME, WHETH ER YOU BK MAN, WO MAN Oil CHILI). Our Goods are not marked up to admit of making you a present with each and every purchase a- m«• little dealers do to try and catch trade. There must be something wr.oiiL with a business house that has to oiler prizes and ■rifts to induce customers to buy from them; it does not sound as thou h their business was satisfactory to them. The buvr < I Boots and Shoes nowdays are as smart as some <1 -:il<*are; they fully u?:deistan I. ;i:i i don't expect §1.20 wor! .•. of >!ioi leather lor $ I .Oi»; '.II 11 • want is full v:iln- ' m .!■■ > • IKI l.iij as cheaply ;s their neighbors do at one straight price. They don't .ant to buy a shoe at v 1.20 with a little present thrown in worth ten C 'Uts or 1 which they should have paid >1 lor, so you .see how it goes. We <1 n't ;jive presents, hut do present you with more solid leather i r Si, and bitter sp les than any shoe house in Butler county. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 1, N. Main St., Butler, Pa WIIKS von VISIT PITTSBURG CALL ON JOHN U. & A. MURDOCH, 006 Smithfield St., fQf Trees, Seeds, l.ilir*, Orajif Vim ii r.|y I'" 1 . <'i«ntrjr UiriU, liulil l*'inh, > tc. lii ciiiitivi- 1 .ill Ctttitluiij?'' mailed free. A. .!. FRANK Ac CO. DRUGS, VIKDH INKS, AM. CHKMICALh 1 FANCY AM. 1011,1. I' Alt I'ICKH, t1'0.M.1.-. I i 111 .S ill IS, I'KItKI' M KltY, Ao" ;.T-|-|.;. -,1. -1.,11 . I'l rli'tlmm canr ully co.ii pouiuled. 5 S Mair: sircnl, Butler. Pa. Iliill! SOiiß MIL. lIVTI.KII. I* 4 . |II I'l LLKR'I'OX, I'lopY. Blaakel*, FlMiatoul Ynrii i-ii n- 1 (»!'!"ur«' Hill !«t|».*r f i oinoti* uiuh rUI I n j 111 <1 ->r rsUil . dfi • I' damm "»> Jtppllrnf luii l»y ii; i; |. SCIII"L"IK .V O'UItIKN Sanitary Plumbers j Aini . itulttor liloi'k, on ,).-ni I ton St. opponlln till) Jyiiwry flmwi *IA :• mil im of Plumberl | UAH I'lX'l l' W'.S;ANI) I.totir imu Otlggl' l> j | ill I . I llllll'll. I 1 lllt-rllf. At j 4—i -.-.I ~ ~m». " m-J** st. i. '}! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors of estates call set-ore tlieir receipt book- at the CITI ZF.s ollice. Estate of Amos Pyle. I-ATE OF Ml'Dl>Y< Ui:EK TWT. l)LC'l>.) Letters of administration < n ilie estate of Amos l'ylf, dee'd, late ot" Mu idvereek twp., Butler Co.. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all yu— kaoviM them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, ai ! any having claims against >a, i estate will ; r--eut tiiem duly authenticate'i for settlement. HOWARD Pyi Admr. Pr peet I'. O. I ■ i;tier Co. Pa. W. I> Brandon, Atfy. Election Notice. The annual meeting of the memljcrs of the Glade Mill Fire Insurance Co. for the election of offi er- will be hel 1?; tr.c lime of D. B. \\ ilson, Mars station, on Wednesday, the sth day of Jannary, l vK), at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. A full attendance is re quested as business of importance will be presented. R. Tkimbi.E, Sec. J. D. ANDERSON, Pres. Dec. 11th, 18$!». Notice. The annual meeting of the Worth Mutual Fire lasurance Co. to Beleet officers for the ensuing year will beheld at the I'. P. church West Liberty the second Tuesday of J mil ary, IsOO, at lo o'clock A.M. being the 4th day. W. K. TAYLOE; Sec. Notice. The members of the Farmers and Breed ers Mutual I.ive Stoek Insurance Associa te n of the 1' S. are I;. reby notified that the annual meeting of said Association will be held at their office in Butler, Pa. on Tues dav the l!8th day of Jauuary, 1 s'.n), at 10 o'clock A.M., said day being the 4th Tues day ol said month —to ek -even directors for said As-: ciation to s.-rvt* 1 .t the eusuing year. A. 1). eik, Prest. Election Notice. The annual election of twelve directors ot the Butler County Mutual Fire insurance Company will be held at the office of ibe Secretary in Butler on Tuesday, January 14, 1890, between the hours of one and two o'clock p. u. 11. C. IILISEMav, Secretary. Notice. Tlie general meeting of the farmers' Mutual iTlre Insure'ce Company of llannahstown and vicinity will be held . t tlie < r. amery Hulldlng ;it Delano on Saturday. January 11. IsSO. at 1 oVI'K kr. m. sharp All members are invited to attend. A. Readme. l'res. Estate or W. J. Abrams, (LATE OK I OKWARD TWP., DEC'D.) Letters of administration having been grunted to the undersigned on the estate ot W. J. Abrams, dee'd, late of Forward Twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will plca&R make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. Ki.l./v / liUAMS, Adm'z, siix Points P. 0., Butler Co., P«. It. P. SCOTT, Att'y. SALESMEN n WANTED to canvas for the sale of Nnrsery Stock! Steady ••uiplo) went guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid to siieet men. Apply at onco slating age. Mention this paper. < ham r.nuniKiis> OMIWNY . Rochester, N. Y. TfiTiouT:, J Silipav this to our salesmen, Ol'TKl'l 1 llll' 1 '! ! Can start yo iat once. Send t 'J Ui.r terms lo .1. AI'NTIN SHAW, Xur*»ryiimii, Itnehrxler, M HBMeni '.'SO. - . - .kTdVlf Q WAMTED O A I- 22 SM E IV to canvass for the Hale of Nursery Stock. A full line of leading specialties, salary and expen ses paid to successful men. N'o Kxperlence i:i i-r-i surv. Wrile tnr term-. *..liie.; auto. [Mention thi* paper.) 1.. BooTHISY Nur -rryin in. I* Tarn. HocliestCr. N. Y Jordan's Restaurant All our readera viftitiiitr Butler will tlo well to tfo to Sam Jordan's restaurant (or their meals Wo serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cijfurs. No. 4, S. Main St., uuder Schneidemnn'a clothing store. Willard Hotel W. 11. REIIIINIi, Propr liUTLKII, - 1-^Y. STAIILIJIO IN CONMCI Tlo>. SA 51 I'LL ItOOM for CO.'I JIKKCIAI, TItAVKLKKN HAMI'LK KOOM. I.IYBH\ I.N CONNECTION Hotel Vogcley ( Strictly First Class.) HBNKY L. BUCK, Pkop'E. J. 11. Facukl, Milliliter. Butler, Pa. I)ianioii(l : - : 1 lotel, Fronting Diainond, liutler, Pit. THOMAS WAKSON, Pro'r. (jood rooms, Rood meals, ..tabling in con nection, everything first class. NIXON'S HOWE, M N. McKEAN ST.. UUTLKIt. I'A. Meals at'all hours. Open all nlglll. lireakfastcents, Dinner '.• > cent*. Supper J.', cents. Lodging iSS cents. HIM HON NIXON PKOP'K. EITENMUUEIt HOIEI. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BXJTL.IOU* - - I"*A. Near New Court House formerly Imnaldson 'l. .use /ood f>r travelers. (iiMxi staliiliif connected , • !\ ■ ll KITKMMUI LBS. I'rop'r. \*/ANTM> Afehts to solicit ord ia lor our "* i ii olei- and hardy Nursery Stock. Sliiily Work lOr Kn < rK> llc Trmper«ln Jlen. Hillary and' iix-n . 4or e.imiiil lon If drelfi d. Write ill, on " SI it A ;e. Ad Irn *s. 8. G.Chase & Co. 1 ; WANTED Men In lake orders Inr Nurs'-rv Slock, on Sala ry or t'omifUHHlon. * 1 i" a miccfsHful SALESMAN of aiijr orcomuil lon <*very woe*. Write fur teriii i at one" I'.. «i, (iItAIIAM. Nurseryman. K u he.n r. N. V. •rwo ( IIOICI: SCHOOLS BROOKE HALL, For Girls anil Young Ladies. Media Academy, For Boys anil Young Men. SWITHIN C SHORTLIDGE. A M (HAItVAItD (iKAUI-ATK.) M Ll>l A, PA., (.Ncar i'hiladel|diiu,; RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST FKKX R. B. On ami after Monday, Nov. 13, l>v>, tram will leave Cutler as follows: MARKET at I'.:10 a.m., arriviuu at All. -.'he ny at 9:10 a. m.: coDHCto f»st ler l!la:rsvi!!e with Day Expre.vs, arriving at Pli:'a a. m.: .i >es a;>t e.jaaect for the ea;-t, hat connect- with A. V. R. U. uorth an l south. MAIL at 2:35 j>. tn., and >;oes through to Allegheny, arriving tl.ere ai 1:40 p. m.;tcu neets ex-t for Philadelphi.». ACCOMMODATION at , r :evi p, m., and tcu neots at the Junction with t rce|«>rt Amnu nuKiition, arriviug at Ali»->:heay «t 7:2."> |- tu., aud connects ea»t as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe uy at 8:20 a.m.. 3:15 P. tu. and 5:45 p. tu. 'I rat ii a arrive at Butler ai iu.jy tu. r >:00 and 7:50 p. m. rirrsßOßO, SIIKXANOO A. LAKE i:KIK it. n Corrected to last time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at .">:-lo and lu:30 a m.atid 5:0 i» p. ni. Trains leaving the I'. A W. depot in Al legheny at 7: 111, and the We-.t I'eon depot at a. m. and :t:ir> p. m. connect at Butler with trains North oa this road. Trains arrive at Butler tro:n Greenville at 10:10 a, m. and and fcH p. Nt: the 10:10 connects with the F. is. W. to Allegheny and the 2:25 with the West Peun. Trains leave Milliards at 7:15 a. tn. and 12: 00 in. slow time, connect for Butler, and the 5 p ta. train from Batier connects at Br.tach ton for llilliards. No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick ets will he carried on the local freight that leaves the P. ifc W. June, at 1:15 p. to. but not ou the other freight train-. The 5:40 a. m. train from Butler connects at Osgood with trains on the L. S. & M. S., arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. m., Chicago 9:10 p. in., F.rie 11:2S a. in., Buffalo 2:35 p. m., and at Mercer with VV. N. V. & P., arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. in The lo:30 a. tn. train from Butler connects at Mercer with trains on the W. N. Y. A P., arriving at Franklin at 2:00 p. m. and Oil City at at 2:10 p. tn., an 1 at shouuugo with the X. V. P. A O. for Meadviile, Jauie-town, Buffalo, Olean and New York; also at Osgood for Oil City. The 5:00 p. in. train connects at M« res r for New Castle, aud at Isheuango for Meadviile and Sharon. P. A W. K. R. Corrected to fast time—One hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 4:20 and 10:20 a. in., aud 3:55 p. tn. The New Castle and we&tern mail leaves at 8:15 a. m., and the Chicago A Western ex press at 1:50 p. m. Trails leaves Butler for the North at 10:30 a. nj., and 7:55 p. in. Trains arrive at Butler from the South at 9:55 a. m. and 12:10, 3:20, 7:10 aud ;vlo p. m A train arrives lrom Clarion at 10:00 a. ra. and from Kaue at 3:40 p. ni. Trains connecting lor Butler leave Allle elietiy at 7:40 aud 10:00 a. m.and 1:25, 5:30, and 6:30 p. in. The 8:15,10:20 and 1:50 trains from Butler to Callery.iind 7:40 aud 1:25 trains from Alle gheny to liutler run ou Sunday, also the train that leaves Callery for Butler at 11:24, arriving at 12:10. - Trains leaving Butler at 8:15 a. in. and 1:50 p- in. connect at Callery for the West. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Kt. I'l. Fa. Lev. Fa. &e.. Issued out of the <'ourt. of Com mon I'leas of liutler Co.. I'.t. and to me directed iliere will exposed to public sale at the Court In the horoof Butler, on Saturday, Jan. IBth, A. D. 1890 at I o'clock. P. M.. the following described pro perty, to wit. K. 1). No. V.i, March term, 18.W, Brandon attor ney. All the l ii'.it. till", tnt'-r ail 1 claim of 11. r - nard Voahrink. of. En as I uids formerly of ,los I'lake, no w fry ; east tiy lands formerly of Thomas .Martin, now ( aid. l'et-r (irace; south by Dennis O'Doa* ■it-11. west by George Jos. I.aud and lianlel Ilcck: most!> cleared and mid r a good uut of cultivation with log barn, log house, two-story frame bouse, orchard and outbuild ings ib»roon. \ All tho right, title, int- rest and claim of llernard Vosbrluk, of. lu and to 4oxl(w f- el nt land, more or le-s situated In Uutler borough, liutler Co., Pa., bounded as follow < to-wlt: <>u the norih by an alley, east by Wiushliigton si , south l>y Charles Armor, west l>y an alley; a iwo-story frame house and outbuildings there on. A I.SO—One acre of laud, more or l>'ss. situ ated in Twp., liutlerCo.. Pa.,bound ed as follows, to-wic On the north Kulb «luUi ui' Mrl IfclHrarV.A. 1 »lu) uicdiu imiimm Ito ii.. in -- •. oe ni-s iil.-.-' i. sel/..-d aud taken Into execution as the property of tieruara Vos -01 ink. at the suit of Hutl- r Savings Hank, lor use, etc. 1. When the plalntlll or other li 'ii creditor becomes the purchaser the eostn ou the writ must be paid and a list of the llem Including mortgage searches on tne property -old togeth er with such Hen creditor's receipt* lor the i mount of the proceeds of the si!' ot such por tion thereof as ho may claim must be furnish d the Sheriff •/. All bids must t»! i*iid in full. :i. All Kales not settled Immediately will bo continued until l o'clock r. m. of iu-XI day. ui which tlino all property not settled lor will o.- put up and sold at the expense and rlsl; c i the pf r-ou io whom Urn S'i|d. •S.-e I'urdon's Ulg' st, nth edition, page no. and smltn's Forms, pau'e 01.1 V Kit c. ltKUli'. Nlierift. hherlET's omce, liutler, pa . Dec. 26. Uisj. Hotels and Depots, W. S. is uow a linn ol citrrittgeH lietweou the botelri untl dt-pots ol the town Churls ro tsonal»lL». Ttilophoau No. 17, or lettvo ordera at Hotel Vogel -j. (iood Livery in Conucclioii. New Livery Stable. Now Stock, Now Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— IIorHt;H f«?d nntl boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r .'59. W. Jeffernon St, Hutlor, I'a WE F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done'to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such is fiwliiK. Comer bloek», l*»nel» nnd all kinds ol fancy wood-work for Inside decoralloa of houses. CALL AND.SKI'. HAMt'I.KS. HomethlliK new and attractive. Als ' FURNITURE at iowestjeash prices, Htortt at No. 1», N. Main street. Factory at No. IW. N, Washinalsiu ■treeu lIIITI.K.Et. B'KNNA. FOR SALE, REGISTERED BERKSHIRES. 'l'lit! jiriaje winning lk*rksliire Hour, TOM DODI >S, 18.10:}, Kt'itsoii for nulling, cannot nso longer in herd, Al«o, extra fill I jiigH, either M*X. MIRED by Torn Dodtla Pedigrees given with every sale and gtiai unteed iw repreHuntcil oruiom-y refunded. Address, J. PAUK HAYB, Prospect, I'a. I Millinery. •/ New Felt Hats and llonnet*. New lips, B'lutues, Ellrdfl and WlM' New velvet EX PERIEXCED I! ARN ESS-MA K ER THE BUSIN ESS WILL BE CARBIBD ON AT Till" SAME PLACE AND IN THE SAME I MANNER AS l -l AL Til! BEST OAK-TANNEI) LEATHER WILL BE USED, AND I WILL ALWAYS HAVE HANDS A. FIT LL ASSORTMENT oi' 1 KINK AND HEA V V 11A KN ESS, 1 COLLARS, BLANKETS, ROBES, WHIPS AND EVERYTHING GENER ALLY TO BE II AD IN A NO 1 HARNESS STORE. ALL Oil I)ERS WILL BE KINDLY AC CEPTED AND MADE ON SHORT NOTICE ALL RE PAIRING DONE PROMPTLY AND PRICES AS LOW THE LOWEST. ALL CUSTOMERS TO THE OLD FIRM, AND ALL IN GENERAL ARE RESPECTFI -L.Y INVIT ED TO CALL AND EXAMINE. Fr, KEMPER. ( l ouiitrv (lentlenian THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, DUVOTKD TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticultural & Fruit-Growing, Livr-Stock and Dairying. While it ai-o include.- ;'.!l minor departments of Rural intere.-t. such : - ; ie l'"iiltr> Yarl. I'.ntn inolepy. liee-Keeplujr.urc iihouso arull.: tper;- Vettnun Replte*. Farra Questn as and ao swers, Kin> M r l.'t ii*l::tjr. I'.-ice i:." K. ■( 1; and a summary of the Ntivs .if the WVi !,. ii-- MARKET KKPUKTO arc unusually complete. ami much attention U paid to the l'lespvls «.f the Crops, us thro u inp lulit u|- n •■tie "I tie We-; Important of all queMlona— V hen to Uuj and When to Sell. It Is liberally llltwtr U'd. ami 1:■ HKCKNT KNLVI«;i:.MKNT. contain* ni.,r. reading matter than ever hefor. The >ui'- scrip lion l'rlce is ti.Mi peryear. Put we offer a SI'LCIAI. KKIH (TloN tri our CLUB RATES FOR ISi»0 Two Sulmrrlptlons, In ene rpmlttanv #4 hlx Subscription*. do. do. Twelve Subscriptions. U»>. do IS all New Sul .!«'.» r -l-r i ». pay Ins In advance now. we will send thepiper Wl-.1-.K;A from our receipt of the remittance, to January ISt. lSje. WITHOUT Cll A 111 ;K. linen (. pie-, free. Ad Er--s LUTHER Tft'KEK Jc SON. Publish* nt. A/bang, A'. Something to Say. To everyone this week, unci it will be to your interest to read and think of it. We have the complete line til ' childienw' hats, lrom the solid all round school caps at -~>o, to the finest and nobbiest hats made. Wo ll!!VI> i I|(> 111 .evl .:row. KEF EH ICN ('HS IS HI TLEK: J. F. Howry, ff. T. Meclilillg, .la men Hluinor, Jr., ,1. H. I'ort-vtlie, (ieo. Klin liner, c. Walker, Eaq., Pard Mitwr, Baq. and D. L. E'lecland. G. F. KING, AGT. EniMUI.LIU llot'si:, Hi I'M-: It, I'A. BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next sixty days we will oiler bargains in all our j. l ill and onihosscd wall pnp r.. in order to reduce slock and make room lor Holiday (»oods, J. H. Douglass, Near I'ostollice. Butler Pu BOTLEK COtJNTV Mutual Fire iMMfUM Co. Ott'coCor. Main & Cunnin;; .am Sts. L V. ROEBSINO, l'ar.Hii>r.Nr. WM. CAMI'IiKLL TBIKAHUBIKU 11. i Mtv DIRECTORS: ".I. L PMlh muul AajjM J fc William E' itiipbell ■' V> lluikha'i A. 'I routnian, it- I'dci .on Oliver, (i C 1;.,. ..|„ 1 >»■ s.lephi'll .>ll, Dr. \V In in. . . v \\ nitLilre. j ,■ | iyl ■, BE. I Blcliiciimn, LOYAL MtfUJfKM. Ucd. A«'!■ BXJTXjBR, IP.A . Advi .-UoC It! 'Lo CilUfcN K *■ Kl< IU.LLS, K. HEWITT ' NEW LUMBERYARD R S. NICHOLLS & CO., Itealfis in all kinds «d" Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard ai:u Soft Coal. U h .•<> a larjre .-too!. ««f idl kinds of Lum i Oil Well Uigs, Etc. Call and onr price and w our stock. Mail Oroers prompuy A.l tended To. Office and \ an! on Sr.. \ vi: WKT OKPOT, 1U TLEIf. HA. C% WIOK, r>K.V LKR IK Rough ant! Wofked Lumber OK A 1.1. KIN-US Doors, Sash, L- inds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Ai ways in Slock. LIMK HAIR AND PLASTER. Ire e;iposito P. .V W. Depot, ItUTI.EK - l'A. Planing Mill —\ N i Liiiniber Yard j. L. f's *> ; i hv is 8.0. Co. i MANI" I- A\ T t r.I.CS ANI» I>RALERH IX Rourrh and Planed Lumber o; . VKRY "rto«i. SIIINfJIjES&LATH t J,A\'N(i D..L AND tAlii) \n»rU<'rt)i«n 4 ntl*ols<' (ihEßroii SOLID Steel fences IB.t»K or 80METHIN8 KEW. V' r. io' "! r 3. CHimcMrn. CFMrrFßies. r»«Ma C . ! N'j L.e-- Ailmr.. Window t-unrd», Tr.'![Ut'\ I i.-f-proof ri.AVi'KiriXO I.ATI!, DOOR M\TS, . ... for Iliunrated mailed free I'EMRAL EXPANDED METAL CO i!i> tlnlvr Nt., fltlsbnrich, l*«. c. '• .;, t, Jim lu'cp It. Gtve uamu of tliU ua>r si EEL L ; The cli<»ar >AN t ' rl ' for ::. «'r« i., - . ' Fitting*, Firo Shatters, Flr« lUru:»r cfr'i audttU kiutiu v(IUON Willi*. WtUtK.; TAYLOk & DEAN, 203 and 2u5 Markol Street. - PItTSBURGH.'P*. (liristmas (uxxls i'or ybody. A i-plcuilid lino of foEicy tind ÜBC ful urticlcH of every description. Mntch cafcß—in lirns-', nickel, col* luloid, oxidized silver and rulibcr. Toiict raai's,manicure net*, Bliaviuj; . -ct; . ebyca nnd bundkerchiot boxes e. in leather and plush. Odor canes in leather, J>lUHli and celluloid. Smoker's vanes, por ftiino siunds, and an endless variety of line gootl.t, which must be seen to be nppreciatcd. AH finer, nicer nntl ch« iper than ever before. The pub lic is invited to trail at IIEDIOK'S Drugstore, next to Dowry llouec. ljxaniine t>ur gootls and get our prices. Hello There! Cliolntitl & I'nlston, jewel - n.s, :iie ntill on llio northwest corner of Diiimond. Hotter |ii» |)ait"l tliiin ever to supply their eiistomei.s with fine Diit nionil;-", (iol»l Watches, and Jt very .stock <>l solid, stfilin Silvt'i'Wiiß'tr ol tho very 1 at.•l dehigns direct lrom Ine tory; never lieen rehandled, tlieielbi-e, hein.' lresh and beauliliil .1 ust what you need for n Holiday present. Come : and • >' them before buying, and ) nil V. iil he [ileased to : <•<: the line displuy they have iiE line fixtures and g(»od.s, 1). li_ Cleelantl, l'i nclical Optician correctly tests the eyes and perfectly fits spectacles of tho very best makes. ■ hould you w lu intiKO a friend a pres ent in the shape of Cold Spectacles. We have ,!"• t what \oti want in that line. VVe will keep uiir store open every week lii.uht until H> o'clock, this month. Corner of Dia mond. LUMBER IS ADVANCING bavv Mills. Steam Engines. Shingle Mills, llay Presses, Ac. II V . ii ( IV i-BBIST-olabhhaw »J«'L .1 1..1 « Bt.ilOK'f <* ,ul I*l"' C|M| prl 1 x vli. . 'i'llAK <«. 'A