Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 03, 1890, Image 4
FF^RTERS ittYLE ' ; .URE f ■ TT." 'Thu arid relleTe all the troubles incl ,! ■•> i I,.lions «tatw of th« system, such ns l> ii-■»•'. Nausea. Drowsinflcn. Dtstrp** ofUr e->;: 1 -i ia in the Si'le. Ac. While their most re «ablo nweess lau> been shown in curing SICK V- ' —. TP*. CARIW'B TJTPPT.E LTTER PLTJ-Q ft v valuable in Constipation, curing r this annoying complaint, while \ >. p. t all disorders of tho stomach, v livrr «ni regulato the bowels. £. en if th« y ™red HEAD A uld to almost priceless to those v ■ r from thii distressing complaint: l>. • for it--ly their soodntw Hoes not end 1 ii; -. who once try th<-m will flti l t. i valuable in aomanjr ways that :I "J ii jf bo willing to do without them, ijv, -r a'.l sick head ACHE [ : ;.p ' an..- of so many lives that here is v.-hero w • a. -ko our proat boast. Our pills cure It w i ilo not. • • -' >•<! T.ITTLE Lrvrn PILLS are very small R - -y . to take. One or two pills make They are strictly vegetable and do r. ■ or puree, but by their (p-ntle action j - ■ .1.1 who use them. In vials at ISS cents; f. , r-1 SoUi everywhere, or sent by mail, mucin CO., Hew Tort t •! S klßose, M Price, ilctlw.rine® I h*v» been nrtn«ir«/jrj S.emt ' ■/ mar longer th* never b«foro,an4 [Tut mj feet wet, bat I do not think they look i -ji u v-lu-a I first atou it. . ieed, mjmon, I«m*o»tTyoa«»Bociiro- Voai-mwtth.lt •i®n»«ood thing iaorJr Rood 1. A pror>jrtv naed. YOB hsra not OWN looked at i i :.'ti ms, for ttatr »e* amend the nack of • ibs'Je. sow joo mat Mad them, and thor wiU !• rnt of roar traahla. Tooi father and I keep l es 1-1 elegantatdartorittoae. laae it about ■ n ■ r jUtaodpapaahantcoaa ireok. Wolff sACMEßlacking •wf ul; praeervlnff Water proofing ■?r; giving it Q deep rich blacK las 18 a week. Don't tu« o/ten<r. : ."jtmd ACifE Blacking with any othbr. : : Shoo Suras, Grocwn, Ur^ggUt?, Ac. Try it on jour HATULSS. U ii i'.&NDOLPKf Fi«UC£LPHUL A'f YOU SHOULD t)SE EMULSION C... R J SLIVELT OIL. ,T = HYPOPHQBPHITES. ■ and tndorneil b)t Ph;j --■ lit'* btcatme it is the best. • V?.'stable as Kilk. . 30 times as offlcacious as ..:' • Cod Liver Oil. ; 1, &r. superior to all othev so iod Sr-ulsions. .■c-rfect Sm-olsion, does not • -ate or change. ■ .underfill as a flesh producer. ...a best remedy for Cocsump t;cu Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wact •-t diseases, Chronio Oough and Colds. - Eolii by all Druggists. SSOTT 4 BOWNE. CHt«n«T«. N. Y. QATAR BH ifciY-FEVER ULX'S CREAM BALM it TI-'J ' ft lii.utd, t.nnff or powder. Applied into no.*'. quickly Absorbed. It clcamet the Ae. At*i fa inflammation, liea/s the tore! Res'- jf r.i the M'USr5 of ta.te and smell. SO ; ii. L)ru;,'trlsw; by mall, registered 00 cts Ei Brothers, DOCTORS LAKE . PRIVATE DISPENSARY. /Jr . ' OFFICES, 906 PENN AVE. FC" —PITTSBURGH PA.- 1 1 .Ml forms of J>e!lcsto gnd Com g p Lui-oafces rcnarinp CON - * »I,>ER:TIAL ind SCIENTIFIC MKDl eai ■ '"'l at tfctaDlnxmsnry with auuc ecr tied. I)r. S. K. I.ake In a member of ' -ilege of Pliyslolaim and Surneons, an'! - a mostexperiaaoedSriciAL -IST. Special attention ijlven to Nerv ou frin '.--.cfJoive mental exertion, In di 33 c I vi nth. do., cacaing phyKlcal and m- li eneriry, dc ponifenry, *c.; «1- 1 sore*. Kits, Piles, an cfCieSkln, Blood, Lung.-;, Urln »r- Cr-nFiiltatifm free and strictly cu i t hours 9 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Su . u Ip.ra. 'nly. ('a!l atofllcy or addrcci - !. '.. M.Ii.C.P.S. or K.J, LAKK. M.D. [ Vj ixvli jM*rinuiK*uuy cuicd by F J iiJA.TA. taeatoiifC/iirt'Tormtlon « '• >ut uu>lii< ••-. ca;*;* la • :> w tioud for Ctrc alar. c J, UNTEED. .j^'lioSrViitoi HAIR^ * -« i uad bl€Dilnboß of th« skin, 1 HAIR *r<l ACUIJ) success fully Dr. V;m Dyck. The Doctor has | j «xp»;rl«nce !n the practico of uti l numbers among his pa t prominent fsrnHios. if you A th nny of tbe above blemUhos, • i rti«*di«'ineH aud connult I>r. Van •-pedal terms to all who make -y i jthia ni.-nth. Book free. T !"• inide by mull. Callon orad«lrn«H i i>yck, 40 N. lltU fctrw#'!, Fhlladel. l'euu aveuuo, riltsburgb, Fa. iod 21.» 7; 8»n toy ■«, 10 to :> r\V L . ■MUI . .. -"ii.-kzi hit niicrtljUii at luweat r..;oi. THE CITIZEN. MISCELI.ANEOUS" Christmas Proverbs. Easter in nuow. Christmas in mrnl. Christmas in sno'w. Easter in mud. A white Christinas a lean prareyard. A preen Christmas makes a fail prtre jaril. Christmas wet gives empty pranary and barrel. If windy on Christmas day tree s will bring forth mnch frnit. If it snows on Christmas night we expect a pood hop crop ■ ext year. If at Christmas ice hangs on the willow clover uiay be cut at East er. If Christmas finds a bridge he'll break it; if he finds none he'll make one. A green Christmas indicates a white Easter. A warm Christmas a cold Easter. An English proverb tells us, "If ice will bear a man before Christmas it will not bear a monse after Christmas." "If on Christmas night." says a German proverb, "the wine ferments heavily in the barrels a wine year is to follow." Importance of the South Amer ican Trade. Ko other country in the world can manu facture such excellent tools and machinery as the United States, and in no other coun try aro the prices for high grade articles of that kind lower than they are in tho Unit ed States. Yet of the $2,219,000 worth of tools and machinery that the South American re public of Chili purchased in 1882. only $211,000 worth, or less than one-tenth of the whole, purchased of us. More than $2,000,000 worth was purchased from England, Germany and France. On such a showing as this, is there not something manifestly wrong somewhereT Ought not our manufactuiers and mer chants make more of an effort to obtain this trade than they have done? It would seem to be the best foreign market open to us. —"Tears have not seen, and time shall not see," the people sit down quietly to suffer pain, when enterprise can afford such a panacea as Salvation Oil. The old saying "opposition is the life of business" has not been sustained in one instance at least. Since the introduction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup all other congh remedies have been dead stock. At Aspinwall on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama the rise of the* tide is only U feet, hut at Panama on the Pacif ic side there is at times a difference of 21 feet between high and low water. Mrs. Sillibus says she "always likes to see a clergy man in the pulpit with his .sur plus." —lfit is divine to forgive then divines should forgive each other their theological differcences. —lf your heart is larger than your head you injure yourself, and it your head is larger than your heart you injure your neighbors. —Men are often capable of greater things than they p erforui. They are sent into the world with uills of credit and stl dom draw to their full extent. If vacation has failed to give you health and strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. —An exchange quotes a shoemaker as saying that most girls buy shoes to fit their heads instead of their feet. —When a wife gets to paying moro at tentioj to a black and-tan or a pag than to her huhband, she's in shape to cast an affirmative vote on the question, "Is mar riage a failure?" —While Sam Jones was preaching in Kentucky recently on "Tho proper meth od of raising children," a Kentuckian in terrupted him with: "Wo raise horses and bring up children. " "Yes" retorted Sam, "you raise horses worth $50,000 apiece and bring up children worth $3 a head." Sam had better have his pistol handy. Hark, the sound of many voices Jubilant in gladest song. And full masy a heart rejoices As the chorus floats along: "Hail the Favorite Prescription" How tho happy voices blend. "Wonderful beyond description— Woman's best and truest friend." Well may it be called woman's best friend, since it does for her what no other remedy has been able to do. It cures all those delicate derangements and weak nesses peculiar to females. Cure# them, understand. Other preparations may af ford temporary relief, but Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription effects u permanent cure. It is guaranteed to do this, or mon ey paid for it will be promptly refunded. It is the great remedy of the age. —The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how long standing, permanently cured by Dr. Sage' - Catarrh Remedy. —Another venerable fiction is the ax iom that "The good die young." Tho say ing is true enough as to chickens and un healthy young folks, but beyond this it has no special point. People don't have to be unwholesome to be good. —People sure of their own social posi tion aro never afraid to condescend. —Often the "nicest kind of people" be come snobs as ROOD as they get money. —lt is tho glorious prerogative of the empire of knowledge that what it gains it never loses. —There is no necessity for any one be ing taken in by a counterfeit bill. Take a United States bill of any denomination, hold it up to tho light, and you will see two lines running across it lengthwise. Upon examining you will find these to con sist of silk threads, a red one and a blue one. Every genuino bill has this mark of genuineness. Without these marks a bill may be put down as a counterfeit, ao mat ter how good the engraving ou it. No paper mill will dare make this sort of pa per, aod that is the government's only protection on its currency. Definite and dct&ilcd information as to the results of tho observation of the total eclipse of tho sun last Sunday week by tho United States expeditiou sent to Maxima, on the west coast of Afr ca, must.be defer red until the arrival of mail advices. In deed, it is probable that ai tual copies of the photographs of tho copies taken will not be published until the return of the ex pedition. iu March. Everything, of course depended oil the clearness of the weather at Muxima, about 3 P. M., when the eclipse would have been visible if not obscured by clouds. But it is exceedingly unlikely that that day's weather was duplicated at the point of observation. Owing to tho comparatively uanow visible path of all total eclipses such a phenomenon can be be rarely observed at ft given spot on the earth's surface at intervals of jcars. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit- In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden - Specific. It can be given In a cup of tea or coffee with out the knowledge of the person taking It I effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alco-j holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have j been cured who have taken the i.olden spec-! itlc In their coffee without their knowllidgc. ana today believe they quit drinking <-f their owu free will. No I urruuii effects res lis fro- • Its admiulslrjtion. Cures guaranteed Send | for circular und lull particulars. Address. In , Q nflden'-e. UOLDE.N srsciKicCo,, IV) Kaco St. I ClttclflliaU, O. j FASHION EMPORIUM A new supply of goods suitable for holiday presents has just been opened. All the r.ew ] uterus in veiling, regular beautifies; newest neckwear and ' handkerchiefs,mufflers, mitts, gloves, hosiery, infants kni: _< eds Chinchilla and wool fascinator?, lovely head dresses. M;-. k silk caps ior old ladies, Childrens silk, plush and ca<hmei\ <■ ; new hats, new bon nets, new styles for dresses, fane; . 1!> for fancy work and dress trimmings The Jennes---.Mii: r styles are shown unsur passed for grace and comfort. Apprentices are taken for -ix or nine months term.accord ing to wish, and a thorough, practical knowledge of millinery or dress making, cutting and fitti: is uiven. Orders are taken for any kino <>l hair work. Miss M. H. Gilkey, NO. 02 S. MAIN ST, BIJTLER, PA OPPOSITE P. 0. SPECIAL SPECIAL HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT AND GRAND CLEA R A NCE SALE OF A LARGE LINE OF BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. In view of the comiog holiday season v.e have determined to make a special drive on all winter goods and make room for the large line of Holi day Goods which are now arriving dailv, and in order to do so we have marked all goods so remarkably low as to accomplish onr purpose; so read carefully each item and then make a straight bee line for our store, where will bo found an immense fall and winter stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. As the time is near when agents are now calling for their Spring orders, and I am now making preparation a for starting East to buy Spring goods, I will sell at a reduction of 50c. a pair on all shoes in order to reduce my stock preparatory to placing my Spring orders. Among other goods aro the following celebrated and well-kuo .n makes as Rejnolds Bro.'s, W. H Goodger, Krippendorf, Dittmnr &Co , C 11. Barrett, &c. All the above are in Ladies', Misses' or Children's shoe-. A fnll stock of Ladies' spring heel shoes; hi«b cut calf school shoes for Misses and Children. A large stock of Men' 3 dress and every day shoes. The dress shoes are made of fine celf, kaDgaroo and cordovan, either in button, lace or congress, plain or tip on toe, and in order to make a long story short, thire was never such a lot of Men's fine dress shoes put before the markvt at such prices as lam offer ing these at Call and examine, whether j u want to buy or not. In re gard to the Men's every day shoes, we n :.ny different materials, such as genuine oil grain, bellis touguo, Ijigb ftii, TS to i>2.".>, which we guarantee waterproof; Men's at 1 !.»'.• -?1 .*>o; Men s scuff shoes, in I luce and congress, single or d< ul>le solo, £1 and many others which I have not the space to tell you about. We ; quest the attention of men and boys and you to do us this favor and r. ad lb- following account of the great cutting affair in our Men's aod i-Joy--' Bo t Department. Our boot de partment is in the rear end of tbo store, where will be found 50 cases Men's kip boots at $l5O to $2.50, 15 cases .J-m-i> vn boots at $2 T5 to $3.15; 10 dozen Men's fine call bo< ts, hand eid- if to ?.J ".>; 12 cases of .Vlt n's fine kip boots at $175 to $2 25; . 2 Boys' kip boots at SI.OO to $2 00; 8 eases Jamestown at $2 00 to 2.50. The above boots aro in ail Bizes and in long aDd short legs 1 w'ii .y no more in regard to boots; call, examine aod speak for yourself. Largest display of HOLIDAY SLLPPERS Eyer shown in Butler. Customers and the i>uV;ic in general are invited to call at our store and inspect thi.s wonderfully large and elegant se lection of Holiday Slippers Every desirable effect in pattern, shape, color and material. Our prices are from 20 to 25 cents lower th;,n t!i« same grades are offered for, while our stock and assortment is by all odd. the largest in the county. A line line of Gentlemen's dancing pumps, leather,find ings and shoemakers' supplies. We have coostantlv on b'uid a lull stock of Sheffield sole, oak solo, French and American calf skins, French and Charles Simon kip, lining and toping skins upper leather, shoe uppers of all kinds and all nails suitable for shoemaking. Headquarters for Rubber {,•(>< )( iS. We surpass them all in Rubber Goods, bavin.: a full and complete stock ol seven different kinds of Rubber Woods in : i s:zand widths. The Boston and WooDfiocket specialties iir- :!• n -t Rubbers made and we have tbem in ail sizes and ". id" .-^T.ediuni, knee and high cut rubber h- Bostou rut■ -i" boots at $2.35. A good kure boot, extia tbiek ball, at $2 to $2 25. I'ricts on all rubber goods 50 cents a pair cheaper than any place in the county. Call and examine our leather and rubber goods before buying and be convinced of our prices before buying. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. 250 pair shop boots, box toe; 10'J pi i • " shoes, in button, lace and conurer-s. at a very small margin. liepairi |>r<>uji>t]y done, either in rub ber of leather goods Mail orders will recciv. ju.iiiipt attention. A box of fine Leather Preserver given free on application. Yours trulv, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - Butler, Pa BUY YOUR HFIWIS United Security Life;lnsurance and Tr t ('••■ of Pa. Money to Buy Ilomey. Sloi thly dues not more than a lair rt .it. i merits decrease yearly. In event ut death prior to completion ot payments, balance of • n cumbranee canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal estate bought and sold on e -minis ion Wanted bouses to rent and rents colic '"1. L. G. LINN, No 88 South Main St.. Butler, L'a •Over Lien's I)niK,Sloi». do Is to ihot/ WENT • iT ' « Aicn>U a:id n> >R»nini ?■> \ ia valuablefra<k* fur l>» « •'■' r ' AMI LHU« yrm »• ••! • ym know n!l, if y< t from N 2<* < . .1 <*-.» » ProL Loisette's DISCOVERY AND TRAINING MCTHL'O It. anito of a'hittaratod imitation* which n- • •* F!I» THPURY, aiid practical renuita of tlio Orntmal, M >;-itcof tSi« UR »T:JU»BT iniurrimputations by envious com i' sn ( ! in f "liosphl ietu»»TH to of th-« fruit, of lii» IRTTXIRH, (»1! of which d«nv»n «T < GNDOUWTFD R«:iwriority and pmmlentjr of hit*l* »« Prof. 1. 'l**T!*•'»> rt •>: N«-V»T I'orgt 11. ■< is r»-« ••••■. /«NL to-duy IA BMH Heniispheres s« MARKM# NN J%p«'<-U in Memory Onltnr*. i!i« rro«psctu»(\« n? U<- i:i"'i opinions of p«*Cl>!ein all psns of UH* ir!ulH»t»'huhav<* act ually Rt'idifftl liiaSyel m B* cnrrv«pond«n<*O ( - th».t HIT Svtttani is on'y xeli.t Lsun/ n-<t thxtany book can be learn- >' in »t#«. iglt rtadiiic'. •>■ i ( mred, »I-*. l''orFro';pc« tu3 g Ti-mr' id 'i ••» i:• Mr«^ "ro'" A. LOISKI TK, Fifth Ii enu«, 1 • ' WAXTKU- Audits to solicit or'• rs f« r rhoico MKI |jnrely NIITM O Stock. Stsdy Work For TeD»|»eratc » »i. Salary aud GxpeiiH«*aor f • er d. Write at o!i. v Slut- -l tr* . S. G Chase &Co. ,4 T 1 v" ADVBIIITIC IX' «BE CXTIZK.V J UrftTlS KMC Oil AX . _ One of the Pl|(||| K T urn|C ' '-V \ l U> K%l\\ \ thF«vorld.OvfigKar« .i I)4*-'US Til 1" ui.c 'iual'd. and to inlrodaeaour ■ ilb'*-" r Vi» 1 auperior gooda we will ModrRKI fil* / >vl f Hf" I to»»Nc rfc**oi» In each locality. t * &L*n •*abore. Only thuae who writ* *'•} A <* 3 to ueet one* can make »ur« of ' • ' * .*2 IBPfW the chance * All you ha*e to do In I— vr • -• "> fx turn ia to ihow our gtx* da to C • 'j a tli >*r who call—rour nHrhbora TJ*-*• w r 3 * and th'-e« around yon. Tha bo - ' AYElfit JXfTOIP' r' u •»* <•' «W« adTertia«manC rtwWL ab'ivra the small end of the teie .l *v . »h I.srt of «ta hulk. It it * rn*nd, double•iteuie ,, „«.it ,r«rry We will also show yoa bow jron ■v.t i■* I O a«lay at leaat, from tha aUrt,with- I r« r *vr-t-at once Wr nay all eipreaecharras 1 ' A '.J . IT k. CO., IV* 3»0, I*O«TLA*D # MAI*» SOLID"""""" s FENCE! i EXPANDED METAL ev *¥%A?n£ lua ' SOMETHING NEW fr- -C3. CHURCHPR, CEMETERIES. F*RMS ( ij*. • Arbors, Window Guards, Trellisc* . WIKKIMi MTH, DOOR *\TS, : f >r Illustrated Catalogue: mailed free . . TR - L EXPANDED METAL CO ■".%* Wali'P St., I*IIInIHII'kII, Pa. it» Give name of this papet STEEL WiR : ' T i , • v 'i k li -.'t F.*nco fur around La-.vc , r■• . 1 I'.-u '.ry Ynrd« ( Oardens, P '. vI t and Heavy Iron Ft'Dciufcr. Crusting, fc-'tJi"'!* Fitting*, Fire IH - "i different Usigns, andall : } U'.ii : IRO.N AM) WlttE WOKK. : TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 205 Market Street, - PITTSBURGH. , PA. • ' V* ■ !h»«r_. ATO wish to eramlo* • | ' ' : - ,or ofcta < estimat t i in Ci.«C-gO, wml find it on ft*: i t i LORD & THOMAS. ——lP— The Great American hog is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. ♦ CHRISTMAS IS COMING! HOLIDAY SL 1 HUSELTON'S IS THE PLACE TO GET 'EM. Christmas coming calls lo mind the good old-fashioned custom of Making Presents to Your Friends. o Let us tell you of a few of the eleifint, impropriate ]and us eful things in footwear we'ye i*ot wherewith you can dt'liirht tlie ht*art of your husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sinter, son, daughter or "raother-in-law," and the prices extremely low. A t r(\l> ® ur ? velvet Everett, with a beautiful silk embroidered pattern; a tasty ill t)UC S ock lining; others sell tiiera at 7oc. to sl. At 7r - Our silk embroidered velvet Everett; a beautiful pattern, a little more elaborate ill /OC than the 50c. slipper. At ©1 Oft Our corduroy, beautifully trimmed, light colors, goat quarters; a beautiful ill ?pl uU pattern in choice colors; a great seller. At GK Our gold and blue plush Opera and Everett, with coffee-colored trimmed ill Jpl C't quarters. The vamp pattern is a splendid buuch of flowers, in bright colors, on ground work. At r*)l 50 Ur ' aU a ' ,era s ''PP er * This is a beauty and very cheap at our At HO Our undressed call in tan shade is very line and a quick seller, and many ill UU other handsome styles in maroon, poat, &c. Our line of Ladies' fine Plu?h Slippers in the line shades, the velvets, in opera and tie, are commanding great attention We have the full opera aud lace Oxfords, too. Red and Bismarck Gt. Oxfords. Old ladies' warm flannel-lined, soft, easy shoes and slipped at 50c. and up. Children's and misses' felt slippers ii: fancy colors, cheap. If you don't want slipi ers, our line of tine shoes, both in ladies and gents, cannot be equalled in Butler county us to style or piice. Little boys' boots, big boys' boots for Christ mas. Everything in the'boot and stioe line. The time is now short between us :ud the Holidays, and the demand will be brisk, so come early aud get the choice of tb« belections. ii. C. lIUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa A Merrv Christmas to All. a i ML , m Merry Christmas! comes again, Peace on earth, good will to men! Round the world the chorus ring. Let all hearts rejoice and sing. Which you will certainly do if you are wise enough to buy your Christinas Gifts of me. My stock was never so com plete before. I have added more room and show cases in or der to display the most elegant line of Holiday Goods, Come and see the best of everything in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Novelties, <fec, <kc, <fec At the very lowest prices. J-R-G=R=E=l—B=, N"o. 1(> South Alain. St., (Sign of ELECTRIC BELL), liUTLER, PA. '^EAdING mm HOUSE ! Specie ' g Hats and Bonnets, Crapes ar c eiling always ready for use. IsTo- 18. a Street* * " - KUTLER» PA Hollo There! Cleeland & R&kton, jewel > ers, are still >r.i . .rtiiwo-i ; corner of ! Setter' prepared than \ 4 ■ .-apply their customers with line Dia monds, Gold V- r.d a very large stock solid, sterling Silverware of the very latest design- <; tory; never been rehandled, therefore, hi: ; '1 aiui beautiful. J1? -•w !: ; i-u need for a Holiiun present. Gomel and see th it .\ n-j. and you will the fine display fine fixtures I>. L., Cleeland, Pi a.-;; .oh correctly t-.-st.-s perfecti}* fit- t ! very best 11 >u! d y. u 1 wish to mase ( ent in the - Spectacles. i ■ you want in . e will keep our ■ t< • . r \ week night , this month. . ; »i - uiond. Christmas i >; = ■■■ for Every body. A eplecdiil li: > o 1 s ■ ful articles of ev •. . Match suft'B ' ' luloid, oxidiz Toilet cases,■: sets, gloyes n;; l m in leather r.nd {■' . Odor cases 1 • -.d celluloid. Sra . fume stands, an-i :'• < v i t v of fine goods, v < 11 to be appreciated. A• : -I'd cheaper than . . . a'.- lic is invited 1 • ■ I:DICK'S j Drugstore, rex' • I Examine our prices. Business <'imnge. I THE FIRM \ Oi\ - ■ LL -1 ED J. & B. KEMPER HA I NOW CHANGED TO Fb KEM. ER, A ; GOOD. COUPE rEN ; AN D EX- 1 PERIENCEI ' ' AK Ell. THE BU !Mi BE CARRIED ON 1 PLACE AND : MANNER A BEST OAK-'t N WILL BE 1 ALWAYS HAVE O FULL ASSORT FINE AND li. COLLARS, . '-OS, ROBES, WHIPS AND EVER! : ALLY TO BE H LNO.IL HARNESS STOR! . 1- OR DERS WILL 1 : i\ .S! L.V AC CEPTED AND K ON SHORT NOTICE RE PAIRING DON. AND PRICES AS LOW THE LOW ALL I CUSTOMERS TO THE OLD : FIRM, AND ALL!N < "DIAL j ARE REBPECTFULLY INTIT- i ED TO CALL NE. Fr. KEMPBB. j SCHI'TTE i 0'l!lllEN Sanitary Plun 1 ;rs Anil <;att Flttri , cncc, have opciu J t block. on Jtfftsi 11 oust', wtlh a fill! !; GAS FlXTfltl .. V HANIiIM ' ."H . NATL LIAI. T..\S HI KNIIKS, 4E Jobbing pron.i l oaage respecttully Tim (iioici: s' BROOKE HALL, For Girls : ng Ladies. Media Academy, For Boys and Yo ng files?. SWITHINC HORTUDGE, (lIAItVAKD 1:1; UU i MEDIA. PA., , ■ i Erie l isli I. S. EDWARD- IV ;i'r Storeroom in - ing, S. W. com', . Butler, Pa. ter.", l'resh ' : > > , and dressed poultry. All goodf money refunded. J The Cash Shoe Store ANNOUNCEMENT ! f* U)OK! We Sell Boots, Shoes and Rubbers FOR SPOT CASH. We W ill Positively Undersell any hou>e in Butler selling goods on credit, and we give a guarantee on cv. ry i«"tir uf Shoes we sell ()ur Children's School Shoes . r all warranted and made of good solid leather. We will refund the ini yin ca*e goods are not satisfactory. Our Ladies' Fine Shoes i:re very highly spoken of and we are having a very large trade in them and v e ! el vrry thankful to our friends for their support. Men's Fine Shoes. Now we can't say too much in regard to these goods, for we show the finest line of Men's Shoes in Butler, ranging in price from SI.OO to $5.50. All styles. ()ur Rubber Goods Department. We handle a large line of Robbers. Best qualities made. Boston, Caudce Goodyear, Colchester, Goodyear glove-fitting. A large lino of Duck Boot.-a, warranted not to snag or blister in oil. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Lai'o-e Stock of Oil Men's Boots and Shoes Always on Hand. Repairing done on short notice. BLACKMORE & GEIEB, No. 95 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. — . .. _ .. JS=SSg» . * The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great. American HOG Is Coming.