P&TM ■ | piu.S CURE fSt* "TiMfck In ■■*'i»*"■'« a ! dvaotJn ~mei «"*e «*•*■ WBMIKtM ■na>»~K» * i ■■« Owwaa- Inew a?Vr mtar-i. «"■*«» a* s~ •». A" *"sfcaMr»* sairm. tea tw«B Aenrs I> CSRSK SICK n( Cirn i tau Lttt* «»£: rewwssifcr ***»-"" T ■*«* Wm Ti«wr tea* rscniaie flm Ms 4j--awasiiEi eaxsiptamt: **~stsc- r f» - V»« o-S «4 itow «V- «w» *T **»"« **-- «"*» *r— Wi» '-- * *a3»a ' - B» «»«r vfit »•« Or wiitaC «« da W.-J*** I3PO aasSkjralswkbHKl ACHE k- *- w vk» -aor erswt fcaest. Our fiJs ca* 8 «k» *«a»»*e-.w«. _ Cur-r* * Irni Lite* Pui* n»wr TVt *!» '■ —i«t!v ir»*»«ki»V'and <)o mm g-m '* »■»**. Iwi ■ tfcrir r"®«» aet*m ■tarilitemam hr»Mi£Mt»: S>»! rft S«nM «*»«. «f «•«* by ssiL COSB WZZZZt SB, Tri. hs2?2 2=2 fa. zilPrii What a Comfort! Ho Dirt! No Fust! No Back Ache! LASTS UOKGER, LOOKS ERIGHTER, m- tfc» Sfcmra WEAR BETTER. Ifci'macwiKi f WuiffsA 0 M Eb tacking out* * WEEK rc« KEN ONU A HCNTH FOR WOKES. Ifc»- ■■ a t? «"*■ Hirae** t>re**i2g- WOi-FF ARaNDOI-PH J t .:»a*li>Jua WHAT ♦TfITTC OOS3TJKPTIOH wU 11 « scrofula EMULSION MOSCHHS f 1 II "ICC 00LD3 will ICfr ~»*ritigPiiji»— Wonderful Flesh Producer Marry h&T» jrTiiri- ••'•■ ]«>atwl I>r r Anx bx its m S ■>>•' - Yz.-.aW: i. j- n«>t a se ct** ptutf-dr. I? contains the | - s of the Hjpn|.bobf>Lit - mzit! Nor- Cod I jv.'-r Oil, the po of l*>tL being luwly HKT»-a«ed. It is a*«->i .-v Pby mtSMMm Jill owr the worlX PALATABLE AS MILK. ,V4dr by of? Itrmggtmtm. BC7TI ct r~ - '•• T. . Catarrh CATARRH K, ■n) !>* ♦»» HAY -y EVER A |>»r"»'-K- «rf tij< lihlra Is «{. ,!. 1 ltjto ■BM' •- «?W- *>-1 »lilt- Kb Mrt» •. «' K •!>» .- I«il M M MM Mt ■pi iiruiaJ : .* im :»>»l :r.jin aMHinwl Ho* nttuftiri > 1<- *IH 11. - ann mum (tor M «■ ■ I r*r-t>H» In a )< « m at t m'rwf HI w:u .tw. »4W a) droi;.-.-!►• «»» n.all. r-crurt**- mt « »»"> , R'mt-h j *. T. <« \«t a H'». -4 »•>»*-. Jin 11 u>» •aaiij o«- tern. xtar* -:» • >•>-ad '»-;• :.({* u> Mr • - «k.- W-«.J!UJ •!:- a wsMfl ■M'": Ob- (ttb-- LIuAH. ' '•■ •»■ iiw •k a !•-» Tii' ••attl- >1 u=' fclj'iw b 1 -a ,n. ®str-- •tn llw iM *iirr»i In ail it* ■har-s. «£WCTORS LAKE PKIVM fc I»I^PEX'*R¥. «m< »>. I'KNX AVE. Ui. JIM *rw qptt-,? «p»-iw ; ft,. " «< > 1 1N« *m?~ - v 1 Jr .1 .. i»»iM»fair <: ■ «ii ' tf i*j int. *n<\ ,'i 'n.S Sft- • '' v few-'" * * A .• t » mad ■n ! » i. . " r*®- h. S S 4-a.Uatt.K .• X.CJPA.«rtJ. *J». r* 4 * f'Hil I" * «r »»*■ w « - - STf'i. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR •« r W k«» !A* 1 T ':r'\ |j- Jiy «. 1. .«k. Tv"%» ! a.< a —.« n.r- ' 1., oC rt. .kta. ' " * ' • " "• i:- >v* rmmlKliy ' **" - " ■ v ' •* "">■* l» '• f La* I y»r. . i- f j«. :t>* |>tvue« •( ! *; t'« | a :r ..a mrr - m - • m r»» ■< >: ' a» ..'in V» B " )!>• ».- -•» - ' " • ti. all a 1... aaaka '•a.-. r'W»w "■ ■ » ~a* K • k ira* « an«4r ».t jr.. » all n orMdnaa 1 ki J \aa i'jraa. . )• to a. | a . . ■a *«, ■J HECITIZEII. MISCELLANEOUS- Industries erf the States. Alkb«s:k rsak* ft*srtk im eottoa. Arj>n» *rxiofi in sQ-rer. CMifonit r*ak* *coad is rUrer r*ik« first ;a b*ri«r. fr»p« • i rz'.'.zr*. prii Caliickio rkrk*- sirsi ckw.s.g i , F.« ri4* -»h third in s=p*r «i>i icoU» Nk C«uif.i» rktik- :a nee *a>J *w**t , - pota&iM. lyiana 7*aa> 13 wh«At r.;;aoi« raak? am is naU. met p«ckia«. itsibrr xr»&:. m*\l kad di«ulled liquors ksd iciiw of r*il*"*T. lowa ranks nr«t :n averafe ictellig«nce , of p- palation. fir«t in production of corn. *ad firs! in number of swine. Idab«r- ranks aixth in gold and siiTer. Kansas ranks fifth in cattle, com and TJt Kenmckj- rank* fim in tobacco, and ha# wrtrfd-*-;de reputation for thorough bred horses and cattle. Louisiana ranks first in sugar and molks *e». Mause ranks first in ibipbuildiag, slate and granite quarries, lumbering and fiah ing. M aryland ranks fourth in coal. Mawachusetu ranks first in cotton.w«ol " en and worsted goods and mackeral fish eries. Michigan ranks first in copper, lumber and salt. Minnesota ranks fomth in wheat and barley. Mississippi rank* kecond in cotton. Missouri ranks first in mnlet. Montana ranks fifth is silver and gold New Mexico's graiing facilities can't be beat. Xebraaka has abundant crops of rvt. buckwheat, barley, flax and hemp- Xavkda ranks second in gold. Xt* Hampshire ranks third in the man ufacture of cotton goods. Sew Jersey ranks first in fertilising marl, zinc and silk goods. New Tork rank* first in the ralua of manufactures, map. printing and publish ing. bops, hay, potatoes, buckwheat and milch cows. Xort Carolina ranks first in tar and tur pentine. Onio ranks first in agricultural imple ment* and wool. Oregon takes the palm in cattle raising. Pennsylvania ranks first in rye. iron and steel, petroleum and coal. RboJe Island, in proportion to its siie. outranks all other other SUte in value of manafar tares. Tennessee ranks second in peanuts. Texas ranks first in cattle and cotton. Utak ranks third in silver. Vermont ranks fourth in copper. Virginia ranks first in peanuts. Weat Virginia ranks fifth in salt and coal. Wi«consin ranks second in hops. "United States." The great Repnblic of North America bead* the procession of "T7cited States.' iierr follows a list, with the datea of form ation. rii: 177&—The I'nited States of America. IMU4 —The Cuiied States of Uexico. infil—The rnited States of ColnmbiA I**»4—The ("nited States of Venezuela. IS>&—The United State* of Braiil. The I'nited States <>l Austrilia and tha> rnited States of Canada are being talked alviut by the inhabitants ot those countries, »nd the organisation «l such republic* is not at all impossible. The work ol transforming Brasil from an Lmpire into a Republic was so easily done iriki it need surprise no one if similar at tempts are made else where, and especial ly in the countries above named. —Laxatlur is the result of year* of ob servation and experience. It i* now re commewded by leading physicians for cos- Uienensand indigestion. "Baliy is king" all the world over. A* its rule should be as quiet a* porsible, fail uiai to provide it with Ur. Bull's Baby Sy ■p for all the ailments incident to it* con dition. It is a safe remedy. —To prevent oilcloth, patent leather, and j similar material* from sticking together when rolled, purchase a few sheets of par afiitie impregnated or otherwise prepared paper, and roll with the material. This will prevent the stia:king. It will also pre vent the fading of the colors or gloak by i ka-<-pmg out air and moisture; the evapora . tioia aaf th«- oil Ukewia« prevented to a great 1 extent. i A New Departure. from ordinary buisueas methods is made !ty the manufacturers jf Dr. Pierce's Gold en Merld famed remedy tw cure all dis «vwe« unaiiig from derangisments of the iiver or stomach, as indigesUon, ordyspep •ik, biiiouaueas or "liver ouinplaint," or iruui tuipure l>lo*d. aa hoila, blotches, . pimple*, eruptioua, scalp disease, sait rtii-um. acrotuloos sores and swelliugs and kiudra-d ailment*. Money paid for "IHs coie.y" promptly returned if, on fair trial, it don't core. —Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and di.gn.t eva-rjU-dv with your offensive !>ra-«tti, but tut Itr Sage's Catarrh Kerne dy and eni it Pa«« the Hatter gently, Mabel. SU.V* it through the air; In. iie e«.mer aaf Ule dish, love, I ton will find a nut brown hair. J *'hat fond metn'riee it woken* Ot the days erw we were wed. , tt tirn '.ijm-u my hue < taet collar Oft was (aid your little head; Lovingly I stroked those tresses. In the hapuy dar* gone by; \«iw I atnka- term overy uieal time lu the butter aar the pie. ' —U>aud - pouows peculiar < arat.x merit, and is much aupenor to "tt« preparations. —For thirteen years Samuel Morse, of Kawx. Ilaaaiu-iiuaetts, has eaten a hearty m«-al ei rry hour of the day and yet is al way* hungry He weigh* 135 pounds aud is Mity-one years aaf agat. His ca*q is a puala- to th* physician*. "A woman can manage a household. A htiaband. eight wide-awake boys. >!;«• can bring ln»m the direst confu*ion j Swra t iieai e and pereunial joys. She can ta*. male sa-rvants and lovers, ."•be can cenfort tha>*n sa.rely bereft. But wha-n kti* sharpeus a pencil j She gela moat awfully left." —The IVnnsylvania Dutch word for -'ii.g Is **achnootling. "* —ln hon.r suction* the Salvation Arm; are a ailing themselves the "Christian Cra rader- The aarganisatioß will remain a* V. present. A rose by ;>• y other iiatu* • - --L qui r llabr c A>i Id Th«*e is but oi e iif, Dr Haiuts-V Oolden specific. !: cjui t a- civen tn a tup ot team ■ coffee wttti Oul 11. i-..iw|Mijtn ,jf ||,„ prr. ou laktuX It elt.-elliai; a *it>i roiaii- nt. <-ure.wlietlier Ihi- imurtil Is a Uaoderair drinker or au alco . 'llu>un.u»t« of iiruakard* baae ..r>-»olJrn Hi*.- • li.li toll a— viii.. ui llirir KUowilid-'e i o.i> . iw»r tliry qua drlukW.Y of Ihelr !••* *lll- •"»<« I anuim eßaa-tn ros Its tfuin i: .li . ns-'ijt n. Cures Ku. <%■ .M-tid • i ,ii o: ta tfir: a»yo« *Ol when yo« haw Aared oir - we »--» feelin/ the jabilaat spirit jf the as w • . - * a cal public will soon pass judgment apo- t" -» AbetronwaveopenbajrenDieodecna and h - repre»2t*-v^s Ctacs, who were aatoaisbed at ocr icutij--r- - 1 '* ,-r last Bea*in'i trade gave -ach universal represeniativM of His»kvbighness ;n Bu' -r - • - « Dot only prcod of the appointment but al< > thH*. : i v lact the pits that will brine joy and happine-- t ■ We have reached to the top of Cr,r -• - the rarest irems within the reach of <-v-ry Santa Clans were delighted, an-1 up : ><: »*• r. - " oar holiday attraction!? pleaee tteoi aS twice in price. Now as jon contemp a:e a,to.'' • •'« -- y' Bla ' r some friend happy let us eugireet a few article? * " >v i . uiakr de- rabie and osefal presents;— A nice overcoat, suit, bat. a pla-L mufflers, handkerchiefs, collars, tie. a suit f under-.w - ■ '*»"hf or charm for lady or gent, fine sohd gold riag. collar battons, cu£T buttons,pocket or bil! b. k.b - - -ra -* jackeV, silk umbrella with gold o' silver handle aid have in stock. Now, while we ask yoa to par ha- y ir il >'.: d -y _ .triers at-! bare made provision for 4000 of our tu-'onier- n *. i;aay>. \\ • intend to peesent every customer with a beau: Jul r *■' 11 -mencir -r Dec 16 aad continuing op to Jan. 10, IS9O, bring ih lii';e : k- and a . your friends along. We sbaii be eiad to welcom - everybody, DO matter ; whether they have ever traded with us or not Wishing evervbodv a Merry Cbristmes and a Happy N«*» tear, 1 aru still, D. HECK, CHAMPIOK CLOTHIER AND FrRSISIIER. So. 11. North Main Street. Daffy's Block. Butler. Pa FASHION EMPORII M| A new supply of goods suit. tble for holiday present- has just been opened. All the new patterns in veiling, regular beautifiere; newest neckwear and beads, hai Ik: roK .-S.in ltller-. mitts, gloves, hosiery, infants knit good-, ! ...« im: t:i l wooi fascinators, lovely head dressts. black .-i«.k <- i- i <-iu iadies. Childrens silk, plui*h and Cashmere caps, new hats, new bon nets, new Btylea for dresses, fancy silks for l- iicy work and dress trimmings The Jenness-Mil'.cr ,-t\.• ••-.-Kown unsnr pas ted for grace and com lor t. Apprentices are taken lor six or nin month- term,accord ing to wish, and a thorough, practical kn- wl< • v of millinery or dress making, cutting and fittiii" i> _i - " n. Orders arc taken lor any kind o! ha.i woik. Miss M. H. Gilkey, . NO. flli S. M AIN VI r n I ii. * " oi'Po>n k p o. SPECIAL - JIA I HOLIDAY ANNOL'NL K.MKXT and GRAND CLEARANCE SALH OF A I.Alt K LINK ' !' BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. In viea of the coming holiday season v." 1.1 • Riak< special dri*e on all winter goodn and nmk • r • (■ day Goods which are now arriving daiU an-i in <<> -o we have marked all goods so remarkably low an to accomjih- ■■■■■lT purpose: s > read carefully each item and then make a straight lx < iij \- - 'd cordovan, either in but! >n, on toe, and in order to make a long story short, t: --v -w r su -i a of Men's fine dress shoes put before the man. 'ut t. ;• •-as I nm olVr ing these at Call and examine, whether v*»u w to 1.«. v 'i"t. Iu re gard to the Men's every day shoes, we have nmi • dt!T- r.-•>- rnu'erials, su« h as genuine oil graiu. Irellis tongue, high cut. >: ■ - >■> * icb v\ guarantee waterproof; Men's brogans ut §1 !.» t -I • •! • -nil lace and eor.gress, single or doutile sole, :r -1 2-> i iri. r>v < - which Save not tb4 space to tell you about. We r- t li partment is in the rear end of ih»* store, wria-r ■*/ .I '■ 'u- ::>oi i-.-h VI»-n kip boots at SISO to $2.50. 15 ens.-* Jaim -to ' ■ 7•to $3 7.»; 10 doxen Men'a fine calf boi't*. hand sub ' . Men's fine kip boots at $1 75 to $2 25; _ -• R»- ''' ( "' to $2 00; 8 cases Jamestown at $2 00 t* ?'2.5»«. v 4 boots iu< in all sixes and in loug and short I u ! ' ■'* fegnro botite; call, examine ana rp« «k 1 " 1 i- •> HOLIDAY SLIi'PI^KS Ever shown in Butler Customers -i call at our store »m! inspcl tbi lection of Holiday Sli|.p«-r- 1" • • shape rob r and n »i» < n O -pnii >r<- fr- m2ot" 2o cents |aart itan 11 • * t-- it'*les »te • ffer«-tl f<-r. while < lit -!< ck n*d - linen! i-. by a! , it. i|.. |»ite-f in tf.e county. A li . la- tla-n'lemeoV |iOUi|i* ia »l her.filMl eboemakers' sU|ip|le-i. VVa- b-av. sole, oak sole. French and Aim .n-i i kip, lining and totiiuir «-kins iipiier '• nails suitable for aboeniHki'iir. Hea(l(|iiarttn's for :c•i ? )f »< v i* G()< xis. We surpass them all in Rubber *-r ti -oil- •>. -I. / Boston and Wamnso.-ki-t •|ecialtics m i made and we have tbeoi in a'i nil--* anil >vni' -; knee aud high cut rubber boots. Boston rn or boots at $2 35. A good kuee boot, extra thick ball, at $2 to $2 25 Prices on all rubber goods 50 cents a pair cheaper than any place in the county. Call and examine our leather ate: i•. ' uynn and be convinced ol our prices before buying. Boots and Shoes Mmln lo Order. 250 pair shop boots, box t- e; lO'.i pun It • •. "" ; 'inl congress, at a very small margin Hepairin.r 1 *ub ber or leather go« sill v.orfc iiiul follow 11 In ktructlons. Will t lia'i'fs'»mi' ouiin fr saail i'«i >our nslai> or commission eva-ry rtt. Wille for lerlnk atoiiu- f i*11, t . •. ~ki *, ■ l-RKK K. O, OKAHAM. JJuweryman, i' 1? " ' ■ ' , llocliLaier, ¥. | nAiwh I i III' *•" - - " ""t ' The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American IIOG is Coming. . - The Great American HOG Is Coming. . I 2L JPE, I LEAdING j MILLISERY HODSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes I and Nu s Veiling always ready for use. ! Xo- IK. South \ ain stiver. - - - HUTLER, PA Hello There! Cleeland & I'al-t . en*, are still on the • • • - corner of Diamond. Better 1 prepared than ever ' • | their customers with Hi* Dia monds, Gold Watei; -. n; j very large st««ck t -. d, sterling Silverwar •■! ; , • \ latest design- dine i .a < • tory; never been reh therefore, being fresh ! beautiful. Ju>t what you I for a Holiday pres. nt. ( '«. ■!• and see them before buying, and you will be pleased to - e the fine display they Lave 1:1 fine fixtures and gou i> 1> L. j Cleeland, Practical ()j.t.c;;«n correctly tests tiie ey s :.n>! perfectly fits spectacle- < very best makes. ht.uid yuii wish to mane a friend a ent in the shape < I Spectacles. We have j -I v you want in that line. W ■ will keep our store o, n ev week night until 1 oVI-ick. this month. Corner ol i >ni mond. Christmas Goods or Everybody. A ppi< odid li&e of - - fol articles of ev« rv r ; iuloid, oxid z.-'i mA> i • . Toiiet c i* l > run . ■ - i • ijf sets, gloves Hnd li i K in leather and plu^b. Odor c6Bch iu ? -a celluloid. Sinoker'.-. o«- - ' fume eiands, and an • ■ i of 6r.e good*, which MI:?-' ■ MIM * be appreciated. All finer • ' t 1 cheaper than ever before i'lie pub lic ifl invited to cnll at KEDICK'- Drugstore, next t<> L 1 \ , PERIENCED 11A 11N E>s • ER. THE BUSINESS WILL HE CARRIED ON AT THE SAME PLACE AND IN THE SAME MANNER AS U-UAL THE BEST OAK-TANNED LEA THE It WILL BE USED, AND J WILL! ALWAYS HAVE ON HANDS A! FULL ASSORTMENT Oi F INE AND HEAV v COLLARS, BLANK Li ROBES, WHIPS AND EVERYTHING <;E\; u , ALLY TO BE HAD 1> A N'' 1 HARNESS STORE ALL DERS WILL BE KINDLY A'.- CEPTED AND MA! i ON SHORT NOTICE ALL RE PAIRING DONE PR( AND PRICES AS I OW THE LOWEST. CUSTOMERS TO THE OLD FIRM, AND ALL IN GENEHAL ARE RESPECTFI'LI IN EI) TO CALL AND E \ \"ii N.: Fr KKMJ ! H SCHI'TTE .V O'liliir Sanitary 1 Mum: Ana (iw Killer*. "i us enoe. ojietie 1 Hi- a ... ■ • block, on JeUer-iu i, IIOUM-. nlili a full i GAS FIXTt'RES.ANIM. HANMIN<> AM' I i XAII KAIl„ l'« ! » „ JobMng prutu|»t!y. «i l< . *.L. I 11 onatfe rvh|wrct!ully wollciu il. M - —— ; a TWO CHOIM M IKMU.H BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Yowl; l ; \s. Shortlidgc Media Academy, For Boys and Young fc!en. BWITHIN C SHORTLiDhE. A M < i tUAK VA HI > ORADI ATS MEDIA, PA., (Near Phi! . Erie Fish Market. I. 6 EDWARDS Prop'r Storeroom in Brau\ In;lin ing, S. YV. corner <1 I >i;itn. Butler, Pa. Handle ti h, - ten*, fresh butler and and drewned and a 1: »1 jx>ultry. All good.s guarantee.! i money refunded. >0 Kisstal>lijsiliecl 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, Ivo 19, NorthJ Main St., BUTLEB, PA., DEALER IN Eiamands, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of ail Descriptions. Ho. unnu: in all branches skillfully done and warranted. SBO ESTABLISHED 18SO ROSENBAUM &CO 510 to 514 Market Street and 27 Fifth Ave I.NTRANCE I to* EITHI.It STREET.) PI ! rSBUBGH, PA. CLOAKS AND WRAPS! >j ourit ts fresher, an.l has more popular, desirable styles tb&Q you p vin tinfl anywhere else, largest line of riush Wraps, Plush Jackets f \. w M.trki ts. Jersey* and Noveltksa. . • I , ill s ■ 1 Plash J.» -kef*. Mill 11Hi* I. IK.TS, ».». worth *ls. 1 ! Plush Sntsß.7s. (22.M, worth SO per cent mora. / / , 240 STYLES CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. $2 to sls. .A 1 -J /. V ; We do the largest MILLINERY BUSINESS V/ ■ 1 *, ® in (he ( ity .;f Pittsburgh an 1 show you more llats. trimmed and un v t'lmmMl. I'eathirs, nd Ribbons, than a»>' store here, none ex- V\Vs CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS! I Over ISO styles. Ball s Corsets. I>r. Warner s, C. I*, and P. O. and , J Madam Warren s. No one ean undersell us. ' I OUR DRESS TRIMMING \ro of our own Importation and we certainly have more medium priced styles, as well as llnest yoods. than \ou will fee elsewhere. • Out Line of Gents' Furnishings is Complete and Prices the I NDEBWEAR Inr Ladles. (knls. ( i:t!dreuand ln/ants. .Natural Wool Vest*, esc., TSc.. ft. Cents. Fine Woo Shirts iw.. TV .. fi.Jl.i'-i up. KID GLOVES r. vealv:.- < h«H'H a yreat specialty with us. and we shall certainly keep up the reputation 01 •I UK ' .u- ('St ti.l chetpes: goods. Our 1 button Kid -Me., CBe..T9C., 11. Our 5 hook Kid HOC.. It, : , nil. fi. ti "ar • Hi. I,est for the money ». s|i-i; . m;< Kivril!. Cl* KT A INS. LACKS AND HANDKERCHIEFS CAN HE FOUND IN AIX Mil ICLKS l'i'll I AM 1 WORK AN" HANK EMBKOIDKRY I N COVNTLESS VARIETY. 11l , . nt .I.OIUA and SII.K I'MBREIXAS Willi gold or stiver handles. fn» 11 cheapest to n.ii- 1 -1 any other here. Over .v*\ styles Of li.otidles. fl to liu. ( D FIIBS. MUFFS AND FUR TRIMMIN3S « ~V ~3 t .s;>rtnj, are carefully made, and of the choicest stock In the market. f%»§ei\baum^(S The Cash Shoe Store ANNO[JNCEMENT ! • LOOK! fffj We Sell Boots, Shoes and Rubbers FOR SPOT CASH. We Will Positively Undersell •n i u-« i.i f>u , r selling good* uu credit, and we a guarantee on< \ r\ pnir • I Sh" s we seil Our ( hildren's School Shoes iir • nil v. ir'MDt i aud uitde of good solid leather Wo will refund ikn in 1 !i»-v 111 case goods are uot satisfactory. Our Ladies' Pine Shoes . vi ry h ghlv pnken of and we arc having a very larre trade in them and w<- • <•! vi: thuiktul to our friends for their aopport. Mens Fine Shoes. N'nu we c.i t siiv t'»o much in regard to them; good*, (or «« sfiowr the ti entlim .1 M. :.'a Shoea in Hutler, ranging in price from SI.OO to s.'>.so. Ail style . Our Rubber Goods Department. We handle a large lino of Uulthers. Best <|ualitiea made, Boston, Pundee Ooodycur, Oolcheater, Goodyear glove-fitting. A large line of Puck Boots, wurrauU'd aot to snag or blister in oil. iioots and Shoes Made to Order. A Lar«»'e Stock of Oil Men's Boots and Shoes Always 011 Hand. Rcpai j'.g done on short notice. I!l UkMOKE & GRIEB, \o. ( J5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.