VM V X Vll jam Aland, : ••• * *-* 30 t MAIN ST. - ■: ' £ U TU.FRa HENRY BIEHL, 1J NORTJ IMA IX STBEET, BIT rX rJI-2, - - - - - ZPjSJN IST'A DEALER IN Ihudu.Miv ;uicl Iloiis<» Furnishi'iii*- Goods. , STANDARD | V Imt <2-"»00 Stitches Per Minute.) M : "3»wCU i t, _ 'M v r* Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, O 7 Cjj •. - Wheel Itarr< w«, Brammer Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table .ml jocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Roofing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. There is no Doubt As to where you should buy your new dress, il economy is the object you have in view, and you will agree with us, after you have e'wiiiiin '1 our line and prices in f-ilks. Satins, Cashmeres, S-rires, Ilenretta*. Broadcloths, Flannels, English Suitings in jtlain and novelty plaids. TJ N D E H W E A. R For Ladii-. Gents. Muses and Children which we know; can not l-,} straight or indirectly through ficticious prices. The Grocerv Dealer could give jou a gift of Dry Goods if he marked his Groceries ln.' enough. The Baby 1 >.d 1 Dealer cou'd give you a gilt of a Suit of C!oti;«> if he marked the Dolls h.xb enough. i lie I!; ok Dealer could give you t Wrap tu< a gilt ll he marked the I'ook hiuh enough. And so o • in all the lines, for that is the way it is done. lion would you rather buy vour goods? Where you have the largest assortment to select lroui, where you arc sure of gt-ttini: s1 it. i •>\ f tiic ino.-l eomplett'i - line <1 ••hihlieiis' bats, limn tbu soliil all round s«lil eaps at ( 1!oe, to the finest and nobbiest hats made. We have the largest stock 1 iof reliable underwear in the ! county, and are at our popular I low prices. We have everything in the j ; Furnishing line. We have one price and that ! the lowest. We like to have people look ] at our goods and get the prices. ! COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Oo Not Be Puzzled ' What to buy for a Christmas Pres ent, but step into tho New York Bazaar And see the mammoth display of i useful articles. We will mention a few articles here: Fine silk handkerchiefs, linen and lace handkerchiefs, silk and cash- i mere mufllers.silk and plush neckties, 1 fine dregs shirts, collars and cuO's, suspenders, cuff buttons, scarf pins, and an endless variety of fine jewel- < ry suitable for ladies wear, kid gloves for ladies and gents, new btyles in ladies neckwear, a fine silk or cash mere drees, a cloak, a fine linen table - cloth, a nice pair of towels, make very useful presents. We have an elegant stock of fine umbrellas, muffs, boas, capes,pockct books,silk throws, < fancy linen goods and a hundred more useful articles too numerous to mention. Remember the place, THE NEW YORK BAZAAR, The Wide Awake and Popular Store i Opposite J'ostolTice. lUJTLEW, - PA.j I Willarcl Hotel, W. 11, REIHJNCJ, Prop'r BUTLER, - I^. STAHMMi 15 COXSECTIOX. 1 SVIII'I.F. ISOO* r»r(«M'lHtmi. TUAVU.KUS C I SAMPLE KOOM. UVEHV I.N CONNIPTION 1 Hotel Vogeley I (Strictly First Class.) lIKSTKY L- I'.ECK, Proi-'R. J. 11. Facbki.. Manager. Butle.r, Pa. , I ' Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, I'n. THOMAS WASSO.V, I'nr. Good rooms, good im als, stabling in eon aoction, everything first class. NIXON'S HOME, 35 N. McKKAN ST., UUTLLK. I'A. Meals at,*all hours. Open all night, liroaktasl 25 cents, l>lnnerl>s cents. Supper s> cents. Lodging 25 cents. SIMEON NIXON - I'ltOl' lt. EITEHMULLEB HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - l^V. Near New Court llouse—formerly Donaldson House—good accoinmodations lor travelers. Oood stjitilliiß conneeted. ly l II KITKNMUI.I.Ktt. Prop'r. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots ol the town. | Charges reasonable. Telephone . JCo. 17, or lfave orders at Hotel [" Vogeley. 1 Good Livery in (onncftion. \ Xew Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. 1 j —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT — i Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39, W. .Jefferson St., Butler, I'a. ' Wm. F. Miller. , j M siiiufacl'irer of * Stair Hails, Balusters and Newel-posts. All klinls of wood turning done to order, also r:it<-.* ; tancy wood work 1 ; t inside decoration »r lioiises. CALL AND SLi: SAMI'LES. So'nethlnK new and attractive. Also FURNITURE I at iowestV-asli prices. s j Slore at No. 40, N. Main strcit. j Factory at No. :•!>, N, Washington street. I BUTI.EIt. TENNA. PROF ESS lON A L CARDS J. W HUTC.MISON, AriOK.\fc.V AT LAW. tJllifi; i,i, sec%>n»l ll.'-T of 111- Idaiuoiid liulk'r. l a . ISooni i A. T. Hnd. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, onke at No. 17, Ejist Jeffer son St ,'llutlcr, I'a. W. C. KINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, of flee rear oi'L. Z. Mitchell's of3ce on norm Ide of Diamond. Butler, r ~ 11. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on IMor ill Andersiin building, near Couit House liutler, I-a. J. h. BRITTAIN. Att y at Law-Oflice at S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Tjiw "niep on Soiirh side of Diamond liutler. I'a. JOHN M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. oillcc on Soutli side of l>ia mond, Butler, I'a. C. F. L. McQUISTION, EMiIVEEK tND Sl ItVEVOIt, oi kh'E sr.AK DIAMOND, Iu TI ki:. I'A. G M. ZIMMERMAN. rmaiciAN ANU SLIUIKON. OHlce at No. 45, s. Main street, over Frank ]&. Go's Diuk Stor»*. Uutler, I'a, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. i\(». 10 iV'«*ht St., :B\ j'X'r/Hira, ! W. K. TITZEL. I'IIVSIOIAN XN "SI'IUJKON. s. \\". Corner Main an>t of f.onrjr - House, I|> Stair*. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attenliou, N. B. -The only Dentist in Butler the j best makes of teeth. L. & McJUNKIN, Insurance and Keal Eslalo Aji'l 17 I.AST JKFFF.aSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. E. E. ABRAMS & CO Fire ;ind Lile INS II 11A N0 E Infcuranc d Co. of North America, incor porated 17t>"*, capital j/., 000,1100 and other strong companies represented. New York Life Insurance Co., assets .$'.(0,000,000. Office New Iluselton building near Court House.' BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham hits. .1. C. KOESSING, President. WM. CAMPBELL TREASUKK.H LI. C. IIEINKMAN, Skorktauy DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. liurkhart, A. Troutinan, Henderson Oliver, (!.(!. Uoesslin;, .Luiieii Steplieusoii, Dr. W. Irvln. llenr>' W'hltmlre. J. K. Taylor. 11. C. ileiiiemau, LOYAL M'JUNEIN, Goc, Af'. J3T.TTX_.:FVR, PA . BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next sixty days we will oiler bargains in all our » lie In good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fall to prow. l.'KratliXCES IX BUTLER: J. !'. I.owry, W. T. Mecliliup, Jauies Sbanor, Jr., ,1. E. i'orxythe, lieo. Bhaffner, t'. Walker, K ij.. l'erd Iteiber. Emj. and I>. | li. Cleelund. G. F. KING, AGT. ' Eitb.vmillkh ilocst, LcTLKJt, Fa. BT'TLFR. PA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 'IT, !ss:>. Down Went M< flinty. Siindai inoniin-r last, at nine. li:iu Mi' liinly, ilrcssed so line, Was look in e at a very hi.!*** atone w'all. j When alon - eaiKO I'ai NL <'.titii \i«4 ' I 'll l»et I bill, I rID lil\ eyo . :>f the ln|i with,ill! a tail On hi baek bt* ]H»'i Dan It, climb lie latlder he began. I nlit he'd \erv nearly ifaelied lb,- top. Hut for te.'H he'd lo ehi five j■ iI a nr. a > \«»ti are ali\ e, D.iu let «ro 111 bold, not tfliilkinf Ml the drop! C It or tut: Down went MeOinty to the bottom of the w all— AI thou "h he tfnu I" live, he TV'a' more ; dead than ali-.'fi 4 With kicks and brnise3 on hid face lr-.ni -uch a fearful fall— Dressed in his best Sunday clothes. ofl'to tbu hospital they hooked him. And for dead the doctors took him, But MeGinty gave the doctors a surprise; j For he began to shout: "Say, yc black j jrnards, let ine oul! Though J:is head was twice it i ordinary i size. Hound to ee hi wile and child, W iIU de ; light be near went wild. Ho walked along as proud a John the Great; In the sidewalk Wu a hole To receive a load of coal — Ucfiinty nc\er aw until 100 lale Chorus: Down went McGinly to th bottom of the j bole, The driver of the cart gave the load of coal a start — It took an hour'i,'a hall to dig Metiinfy ! from the coal, Dre cd in hi" best Sunday clothe When they dug MeGinty out, loud for veu seance he did shout. And the driver of the cart he then did j spy; He [licked up half a brick and be hit him such a lick That it caused a tuuiefaelinn of hi- eye. Then lie kicked up such a fuss that the cops got in the muss. They arrested ltan for being very drunk; | And next morn the Judge did say: ■ N'o I fine you'll have lo pay, Hut six mouth? you'll sleep upon a prison 1 bnnk." ('hunts: Down went MeGinty to the bottom of the jail- He staid exactly six. And Ins board il : cost him nix; Six long month, for nobody wen I bis bail— Dressed in his lie t Sunday clothes. When his half year was spent. They let MeGinty went, \nd he dresnnl hiinselfns in the days of yore; But imagine his surprise. He could searee believe his eyes When he found his wife bad skipped (lie day before. To lo ehi w il'e and child —Oil, ueh grief would drive biiu wild And to drown him-»•!!' be \\eht ibiwn lo the shore; And he jumped in, like a fool, for be couldn't swim, and you'll Hear in mind that wnter Dan ne'er look before '' horn S; Down went Metiiuly lo the bottom id' the say— He must be very wet, For the* haven't I found him yet. And they say bis weary ghost haunts the docks at break of day— Dressed in his best Sunday clothes. IMPLICIT DOWN WEST M'fifNTY. A Hoy WJio Was Wauled. '•Well. I've found out one thing," i;aid Jack, as be came to his mother, hot, tired and dusty. "What i.-- that?" she asked. • That there are a great many hoys in the world." "Didn't yon know that before?" 'Tartly, but I didn't know there were so many more than are wanted." "What makes you think sot" '•Because I have been 'round and 'round till I'm worn out trying to find a place to work. Wherever Igo there are more boys than places. Poean't that show there are too many boys'" '•Xot exactly," said bis mother with a smile. "It depends entirely on the kind of boy. A good boy is always wanted somewhere. •Well, if Fin a good boy, I wish 1 know where I'm wanted." "Patience, patience, uiy bov. In ueh a greet world as this, with so many place und so many boys, it is no wonder that some of them do not find their place at once. But be very sure, dear," as she laid a caressing band on his arm, "Ihat every bc.y who wants a chance *.o do fair, honest work, will liud it." "That's the kind of work I want to do." said Jack. "1 don't want anybody's money for nothing. l,et me see—what have I got to offer. All the schooling and all the wits I've been able to get up to thirteen years, good, stout bands and feet and a civil tongue." "And a mind and heart it on doing faithful duty," suggested his mother. "I hope so." replied Jack. "I remember father used to say "Just as soon as you undertake to work for any oup you must bear in mind that you have sold yourself lo him for a given time. Your time, your strength, your energies are his, and your best efforts to seek his intere.-ts in every way arc his due." The earnest tone in which the boy spoke seemed to give assurance that bo would pay good heed to the words of his father, whose counsels could no more reach him. For two or three days longer Jack had reason to bold his own opinion that there were more boys than the world wanted, at at the end of which time be met with a 1 business man, who, after questioning him closely said: "There are a great many applicants lor j the place, but the greater number of the boys com® and stay for a hort time, and then leave if they think they can do a little better. When a boy gets used to our routes and our customers we want him to stay. If you will agree to remain at least three years we will pay you ! three dollars a week as errand boy." j "That is jnst what I want'to do, sir," said Jack eagerly. S" be was installed, ! and proiul enough he was at bringing bis wages home every Saturday uiglit, and i realise that, small as they were, the rcgu ' lur help was of great value to his mother. It is not to be wondered at that the i faithful carrying out of bis father's admoni tion after awhile attracted the attention not only of his employers, but. of others with whom lie was brought into contact in the pursuit of his dutic, One day he wus asked into the olUce of Mr. Fang, a gentleman to whom lm fre qnently carried parcels ol value "Have you ever thought of changing your (situation'" asked Mr. Lang "Xo, sir," said Jack • Perhaps you could do better," aid the other. "I want to get a boy who is quick aud intelligent and who »un be relied oil. i aud from what I see of you. I think you i are that ort of a boy. 1 want you to drive . a dclherv wagon, and I v. ill pay \oii h\e dollars a week .lack' eve opened wide. It' wonderltal good pay. dr. for a l«oy like me. I am urc But I promised lo 1., ep with Mr 11 ill lot three \ • .«i aud the ecoinl \c iri onlv jii-l begun Well, have y<>u . igned a wiittin .re, incut with Mr. LI il 11 "No, sir, T told him I'd -lay.' "Yon hare a mother to s i t. von told me. Couldn't you tell Mr. Hilt that vou felt obliged to do better wheu vou haw a j chance'' "1 don't believe 1 couhl." aid Jack, j looking with bis >lraigbt. frank gaze into ; ' i the gentleman's face. "Vou see. -ir, if I broke my word to him, I -lionldn't be the 1 kind of a boy to be relied on that yon ; ' wanted." "I gne--i you are light." said Mr. I.ang. j with a laugh. "Come and -ee me wheti ! 1 vour tiiue i: out, I dare lay I -ball want J j you then." j 1 Jack went home very much stirred ui> by j ' what had been said to him. After all, j j could it he wrong to go where he could do . mi much the better? Almost double the i ; wages' Was it not bis duty to • mother : - to obtain it, and to drive a wagon, instead j of trudging wearily along the .-.trcte-' They never had felt - o hot and dnsU as they did | now. when he might eieape from the tire- | nnii' routine. Might, but how By the sacrifice <>f hn t j pledged word. By sellin,' his honor. So I trough* did the reflection lorce itself upon ■ t him, that when he told his mother ol the '• oiler be had received be merely added: j "It would be a grand good thing if 1 ' ' could take it, wouldn't it, mother?" "Ye-, it would." "Some boys would change without ! thinking of letting a promise taud in their i way." • Yc hot that ii the kind of a boy who, uior.er gr later, is not wanted. It is be j canse you have been that nit of a boy that j von are wanted now." Jack worked away, doing much good ; i work, as he became more and more acetis- I ! tomed to bis tit nation, that his mother i i sometime? wondered that Mr. Hill, who seemed kindly interested in him, never | , appeared to think of raising his paj . This, | however, was not Mr. Hill's way of doing i things, even though he showed an incrcas j ing disposition to trust Jack with impor | taut business . m So the boy fudged through his three ; years, at the end of them having been i trusted more than is usually the ease with j errand hoys. - lie had never forgotten the j | offer made him by Mr. Lang, and one day | ventured to remind him cd' it, telling him 1 that bis-present engagement was nearly j out. and adding: "Tou . poke to int- about di it ing the wagon, sir." "Ah, no I did: but you are older now ; and worth more. Fall and see uic." On a Saturday evening feet, and contains |o,(KK», 000,000 gallons. The engineer of tho coiu . pany, Mr. Frank E. Brown, is, now in the East, but upon his return active steps w ill be commenced to construct a new aud larger dam, the work upon which will be begun curly next spriug. The new dam will lie located about UK) feet below the present, so that the water will be confined by a double dam. It will be built into the bed rock, and be 120 feet in height. The width of its base will be 84 feet anil it ; length o feet. The capacity of the rcscr voir will be increased nearly twcntyfold, and will include a body of water VJ miles 1 iu length, U miles in width, with an aver ' age depth of 4u feet. The. present dam with its canals cost .flG.i,ooo. '1 he cost ol the new one has not been estimated \ct, | but will probably reach nearly three quarters of a million, und will store water | sufficient to insure irrigating water for 100,000 acres of land for three years. Professor Davidnou recently made a thorough examination of the watershed and catchment area of the reservoir site, and also examined the dam site, and in dorsed very highly the feasibility of the new enterprise, stating that he never buw I equal facility for storing so vast a body of Tater at the same co-t. The Bear Valley reservoir is at present the largest irrigation reservoir in tho United States, and the proposed increase in its capacity will make it the large I ol anv kind I'ncilir Luuibinmin. i In reading an article embracing pec illations hn to the location of heaven in our f of the metropolitan papers recently, the writer came to the conclusion that some fools made science their God while the ! j man of knowledge saw God in every I of new-born science. My Iltisl.and's "Wife." Mi self- Ob no. Although I married him :u> -ix months ago, I have never ave o.e I day, tmneine'l thit titlo l.elmi ■■ ,1 f > " ■ Cyru How, , anic to Kri. , i- .u to coiidnt'l.a great law nil, aud. I#eing botli j talented mid handsome, lie not «,nlv wo,i | 111 i a -c but hi- W4V into the t <■»'!• tV. i No one kc.-W aught of hi privale hi - j lon, toil hi iicce ali lied the in ■ i it line poi lull ol tin- iiHUlUlinill o th,- wu men imd nocau-e for .'oiiiplaiul 11 •• %vas iimled i verj where, and in tiim became a j visitor at our holt e. Hi i attentions «er< marked tm-ji the fir -I. and ere I tiad known him u months I hail married him 1 had no lather to i outi el me. s»tid wa< too headstrong to heed mother's entreaty to wait until 1 knew mom ol the man, ere I linked my life with hi-. 1 was twenty two, and bad never been in love before; aud he was about thirty und said I was his "only love." So we married on an equal basis, at least I thought so then. Hi- bu.-iuesh in Erie was lorn: iuce con cluded, -o we were married in the morn ing and took and took an early tram lor lfoche tor. N. Y . where hi- home wa. What that home was like was a que lion with me. for he would tell me nothing about il. 1 enjoyed the ride, for be paid me all sorts of lover-like attentions, and seemed wonderfully happj a' h«vimr won ■ lie. Bill he never called me his wife, and it v as not long ere I discovered the rcn-uin why. When we reached home. I found it one of the handsomest residences iu the city, and elegantly and beautifully furnished A weet faced, white haired little old lady met us in the hall, and was introduc ed as "mother." She ki ed me affection ately and bade me welcome I put un arms around licr neck aud returned the ki saving I knew I should love her dear l.v Happening to glauee up, I aw Cyrus' face Wore an expression of strong disap proval. His mother saw the look al o. and and il affected her strangely. A painful llush sntfesed her dear old face, and 1 : aw her hands were trembling as she turned away. I was so surprised that 1 tood tock still. . faring at my husband • Do not be rude. Esma." lie said impa t iently. • I beg your pardon, I answered, and followed his mother into the parlor, won tiering what it mcaut. The remainder of the da) paused plea antly. I'yrns . howed m<* over the house aud exerted himself to he entertaining. In the evening a great many of his friends called. I was pleased with them all. for they were people of culture and re lineinent. Cyrus was pleased with the way I had acquitted myself, and told me so, as we mounted the stairs to our room after they were all gone "Truly my lot is east in plea ant places," wa.-' mi thought, "I must tell her how little can c lie ha for misgiving " I had seeu onr chamber before, but in dusky, half light- Now it was brilliantly illuminated, and the first thing that at traded my attention wa tin- portrait of a beautiful woman, hangin -on the wall at the foot of the bed. 1 stood and eanned il curiously, its cold, proud, lately beauty chilling me mo-it unaccountably. "Who is this wo man, t'vrtr ' ' I asked al length "That is my wife." He was busy rummaging u trunk for something, and has since ow ned lie an swered unthinkingly Ido not know how long I tood there, tilled with horrified amusement. "lfyou have looked at that picture long enough, Ksmu. I wish you would come and untie this knot." I turned, and mechanically did his bid ding. "What's the matter' Vour hands are like ice." "Do you think your mother ha retired?" I asked, disregarding bis question. "I thiuk not. I heard her voice a mo incut ago." "I am going to sec her a moment then," anil I turned toward the door "Nonsense. At this honr. My wife never did such a thing." I had hesitated, but the last words de cidcd me. "Your can console yourself with thought of your wife during my ab.euce," and 1 darted away Mr-'. Howe's room was on the opposite side of the hall, and a cheerful "come in" answered my knock. She looked surpris ed when she aw who her visitor was, but bade me a smiling welcome. I closed aud locked the door, then landing before her a ked the question which wa maddening ■lie. "If that women, wlio-c portrait hung* iu our chamber, h Cyrus' wife what am 1*" "You are liis wife, my dear, for that poor woman has been dead for three years," there wa ,an infinite pity iu the kind Voice, and tears iu the dear old eyes. "Why did he not tell me be had been married t" "My dear, it ill behooves a mother to speak ill of her son, but you will find he does as lie plea es, with little regard for right. lam truly sorry for you my dear. Do you love him. my child?" "I did," I an iwered gloomily. "Do not qieak o despairingly, dear. Vou are his wife, and must make the best of it. He will not beat you for he is kind ness itself, lie will only harrow your soul night and day with assertion* of what "my wife" did or did not do. He has ex aggerated ideas in to how a woman hould deport herself at home or abroad, and ha ; an annoying habit ol' remarking on what ore does contrary to his code. ■Was his wife uncommonly perfect*" "No more >o than a thousand others." • Mother, I can never live under such a condition of things." "I wish I could devi e nine way to break him of it." I sat silent, busily thinking for some time. Then 1 sprang up laughing merrily over the idea I had just conceived. "Vou darling little mother," 1 said, ki-s ing her tenderly, "I shall cure him, never you fear," aud away I spoil. I found Cyrus rcadiug a paper, and ii was rather a discontented face lie turned to me. "I must say, Lima, my wile never did such a silly thing as thi .in all her life." "I dare say not." I answered cheerfully, as 1 waltzed across the room to the dress ing table, and began removing my jewels, "And 11 lurry never did so foolish a thing as to sit up and wait for mc if 1 chanced to leave the room a minute. Wby didn't Voil go to bed you hill)' boy I watched him furtively iu the gin s. aud came near suffocating iu trying not to laugh at the e\pre -ion iu his face took on at the word-'. I hummed a merry tuue and never glanced his way, when be iiddeul) gra-ped my arm. I uttered i well counterfeited cry of alarm I declare. Cyrus, how you tart led nu llum" never did ueh a mean tliini' i that I quite tremble." ••Who is Harry'' be demanded. The expression of hi lace almo -t lugbt eued me into giviug up my plan But the tiic.norj . I 1.1 .-olrfblooilnl fh.t t- »1 wife." ispnrred in. tm. "Win didn't inaftim .l till y».u' IH), I thought yon knew.'" au>! 1 -ant Upon J hair HI ii frightened manner «»b lam -a> MM ry m»utn:si tliiln • t* l» i ftarrv wir 1 MM 111 l 1.11t1.1, p>*'l Iwj." Iloft I' l rll , icr i tint to In-lit ; • .1* b i ( UMalt~tloil illleptiou. I . aUUI-t lllld.-t tall. I i 1.11 l haVIU ' lll.nl.- llll* lite li' 'ill! ».f de, • p t,.iu I • IK M rer thongbt to ' 111 111} r H- I ' ILL 'ln ll l ' ly at KTK* 111111 I eoiil.l sin...' I -,»<• j.itf .1 b in i "Shall I bow L.' ilu JIH lure." I I LI .L pickim* up mi »llini: wliii k l»«i in parked ••No " In* thundere I' \e.-e (•.•Ik (> - name its my bean it:- attain Turning, In- abruptly Wt the tw«ii, ainl . 1 did not -n' Iniii ag i n until lni-.kVf.i l l(>- iu«rrlj Urnd «iihnnt i»«-.*Un..' and left tin- house MM.IJ liter with A mnrninre I ex. u about 1111 I ,i In ir mother II bail looked in pained surprise at ucU an , exhibition of "wedded hliaa." U'.ieu I rr \ covered from the tit of laughter h;» vhJif : five -lam ©fti uter door thrr '* tin- > j I explained matter- Hi r sweet nlil fa.-n lighted op jwl !.•• laughed in r..in ert, n -bo r*pre«-<'d a In l'i'fthat tin- plau v otild -ui rii-l Hi- returned ill ilinuer little i|ttiti In ge uial ''H, and «i peui a vi-r\ plta-aiitev ■titifc • *a* bi- li.nl i-t a npon hi-- tongue awl acted nc/ oiditigly Hi moth •-t'a fr 1 !' retli-i'teil our happim- >od I thought the i . iniug v .ulil .ml without anything disagreeable happening 1 little knew how -Irong bi- baldl had become k«nr«ur 1 v R .dtting at the piano when h.- cue • eil tin- rimiii tur ornethim*. and in reply to a ijue tii.it from In-' mother. ' beard him savins: YhinH ■) win. M Buf wag i good enough for you. I uia willing to Mieii he did n..t mi an to In- unkind, but when I aw the pained looked on the furrowed fa.e, I made up my mind to pay him in full \ lew minutelater he dropped a page «.f inu-i. he was turning for me. ami I aw my chunci' "1 declare. I'yru. Harry never did t-neb a bungling tiling as that in all our married life." ami I brought my linger< dov. n upon the key.- vvitli a discordant crash. "I deelari-. K ma. I eould aluto-l pity lliui," deelared the dear i>o (united little mother. "Bo could I. I answered, hut not jn t yet." 1 was afraii! I bail r.irried tin- matter ton far when 1 heard tin- outer door lammed again; but In- appeared at breakfast quite cheerful, but looking worn and a Intle haggard. Thing- weul on in tin- way lor several weeks. I was miserably u..happy, and knew he was also, but 1 would not give up I knew I wait worthy to be hi- wife, and deserved bitter than the place ol "second liddler," which lie had forced upon ma from tin beginning I oil it Iteciunt' almost more than I could bear and I made up my mini'- I'd go home to my mother and give up the struggle I was sitting alone in the du k, wonder ing how I loiild bring it to pa when he came and Hang himself weurilv down upon a low oat at my side. "Ksiua," In aid, taking m> band "lb» you care for me at all' ' You know I do." I an weted. p i ing in} other arm about In - neck. "Then, dear, let us make solemn mm pact to let the dead rest in tlmr grave*. I w a to I.lame in hiding my former marriage from you. Cut I loved you -o much I feared to give you up. Your mother was to blame in your ca-c. So let in try and be happy." 1 cried a little, kissed him. and agreed to govern my conduct by bis. So we hare lived iu something like bar ill on \ since. Hut be bad set 'liuisoll a mighty task to break up a habit wbiili wa* the growth of years. lie bail Uiany a l ip-e, but the Word, • Harry" is sufficient to nrevent a speedy t recurrence of tile fault. I have not heard the ollelt ive pbra e "my wile" for several weeks now. and 1 think 1 may oon afelj a;>ume the title as my own. lint what will be say wtieu be tind* Ollt as he must sooner or later, that ' Ilarry is a myth.— The ( hiunity Cornn. Fish anil Bird in a Death Grapple. A Eingh >her at on the branch ot a dead tree, on the edge of I.ake heuka, the oihei day, near Fairebild s l'omt N 1 . wateh ing for bis dinner \ black bass li -her man was in hi boat in the cove only two or three rods from the . pot where the bird was sitting. He qnit tishing, and kept bis eye on the kingfisher, curious to ■*« the bird dive for it ; fish wbeu the time • amc He bad to wait but a short lime, f«w a ti -h ■ ami' within the line of the kingfisher'* vision, anil the bird dropped like a stone into the water and di-appeare.l beneath the urfaee. It reappeared almost itniue duttely with a lish impaled in it ; strong spear like !»■ rowed to the spot, and to In Stirpii-e found an immense pickerel and with the kingfisher. One of the kingfisher'* legs WHS between the great jaws ol the pii kct el. the latter'- long teeth Iwiug set through and through it. The kiugti-her» loug. r keen bill wa* thrust through the pickerel'- body from ide to side --ii inches below me head. The situation explained itaelf. 1 The pickerel had ein-d the iiiiigb -ber a« it was rising from the water with the I mall ti-b and pulled it back 1« uea'.h tk» urfaee, expecting to dine on it 1 lie Ing bird h,id in-titn Inch turned Mi jalitied bin beak through the pickerel, inflicting a fatal wound. The pickerel with the bnll r dog tenacity of its kind, bad kept it- hold I on the bird's leg. and the two bad dn J together and floated to the nrface. The position of the two was not changed, .ml ! they have heen -eut to a Uoehet ter Tnx i . dermi «t to lie pr. . rv.-.l and mount'd it i they ."ppear iu their death • mhraie A l.etter nrtiele it i- im|K.s>ible to i i <»et ii I have tried them all and unke»l ilatinply pronounce I»r. I!''ll • on«*ls t-\i up uperior to any (Etc » The old story l iinal mptoun wer.. jncglectednntilrlnnniati.nl became ettab li hi.l w here . all the - ufferinr could bar. j been prevented by ihr prompt u- of .1 I ration oil. 'Ja cent s AGIiICLiLTUHAI . Farmem .b.o.U fn.« ue • -U.itg >4 aft pi.sl Ii • t ■' ; , Ike I'iMlk • » X j W.-.I 1... 1 '»»..< *44 HW» MMNf - i'l. m , th- |»riw/ A " w arm wuvh «•> amU day. i Jl> in t lir in«if iijlt", i Mi IRI liif I an annual tt.nt does h..< bat* a* appetit# li. .I v■ • 1 r k*-« Ml' at » l iu.l'll e theai l.» I*' Kr f< will n.•« be feift i.i ptK-e ind the lienn will Heed ffi' (W , i*H*i#» ' if tlw\ are * .t<» la . Oi>. team .J beat > tier • i Utter I than Ino Una. 4f-mii Tbe thi" ; M:nber ttie It i am. .«f j the ehuiceat wwd 'hrep in thi r*rr;'ry ; ure ra. Ed in Verni.inr nrnrh of t*;» ■ j it doe t.. the mi th«d of fr^lin? I.iioe Willd. itbit and pant) • »*J» ! -tillI: but it injttr»- ttie i>U«i.i ti . tn.« nure. It ha IhiN fmiad U.oie ..'.I . uta - inmin II - plater. T»rs dirt p -r/o -tb • I -tahl. and atworb -rdei . .aid t * |-, t. ! •Inml.l alwar- »«■ nil i.b- for winiMr | 11-e I' i e rsl.-r oil lh- un* II- • :•!<«» -r*l liy the w.it. rfri.m thi urfaee / h- well iM'iug deep. >l-11 lie- oo«e . adr Mil t.Ate I " the «:.ter liotow Ibe -.ir!jie ..e filthy water .houhl k thrown mar a well, and the surtouudingi hiNtW well Tad ed with elar and grate! II u • !..iu,i d that a 10-IJ planti .11» k walnut bill pay l« tier tba%*ny i4h.-r. n«p il one ha< the patiem-e to wait ««t n. ha crop to grow and Mature It is ■ itim .' - I tli .t one acre, at the end >4 " iyeat a ill produce 10.000 teet i»f htiiilier ' »!• ».f i-l fl "00. or flO per yeai Voune Mock <-t :.ll kind.- are ea itv and qniekly altected by -ndden • ban-'- ot IIM* Heather. II affei led by erere ..d I Urt aie liable In he iwnted. and will eri»w b»rt little liefore •prine. Mp««nre l« r«bi and dnmpuriLi is one «f the pr>n. ipal causes of m miri and cbl on !tw» el .4 young aiia-k. The time to feed luchlv lav-trd li»l --ttiat alTeet ttie milk, in h a-> i abl are ».r turnips, should lie after milking. Tb« • who h—Ve uia.le expenmen: in thai dire, tion 11allli that by I'ecdiltg the fiiiri I'll such foods, after uiilkmr. the volatile tta vorii, g oils are carried into the i renlati'.n aud eliminated liefore the next nidk to he drawn is affected by the odor o>iws thai yie.i. iargrh nt uulk drink water freely, and it -hoiild lie pmtnlnl f.w them at all kMlrs; but if the aaler M very cold the cow will l* . nilled. aft be iwt-1 w arm the water with the anim.d heat ol the iialy. Water in winter liotild ther.- fon-. l«j waruied in -..iue manner Some rows will refraiu from drinking water long as pi. .slide if the weather is eid.l and l ou.iequeutly. fall otf in yield of milk Tlie n. annre heap t?ie savings bank >4 the farm. If anr urtieU-s are nasalable. ..r • an nut be put should lie added to the n,annre help tu or iler that they may lie returned to the land and thereby made to coalnMKe t» the (r-> ductu.it fit loinelbitit' better the next .«•.» son Nothing is l.- t that goes into the maunre heap, e.pecially il the manure i managed with a tiew to hating it a.» tain ■ able >< poefilde U-forc applying it to the soil. Tbe iron and steel portions o| t|»e t.atU used on ti'.e farm, now that the ra-on s work orcr. should lie i!» aned nad rub bed bright, and then reeeiv.-a thin eoatiug of grafting w »r. tallow or any snbrtance which will prevent rusting The ;nrf made of wood will be more dura blc by a copious application of potroletitu if they have l*en nupaiuted, ue if tha p us ha • been woru off: and afterwards one or two coats of paint, will complete the work of protection. l:y au ul of la'gisla'nre approved the 15U day of May. !*-!> -Ml dn-tuatki. I'ntiiui«uWealth .hall hereafter be personal property, aud sutijeet t« lar>eny.'' Anv ime now taking a dog, Mt his i.wn uiai b * liued and imprisoued j" t the ante a » any other actiou for larieny, and this t* a it should be But tliere it ..uotber ( mh«i in this matter. If dngt are per-onol prop ertv, H not the owner liable for an v dam age to |K'rson or property that i»tr re tit from a dog owned by him' . inr laaniß ins t *\T.'iii>Li»-i Kvcry farmer and gardeu« r ku».* - lhal among the inseet- he ha- man;, etiem . perUap. he ia n»t .i w.-ll aware tbar i ha- among t. em maur tnetid one vrk.. gives hi attenti.ui to fanning or h«riie«l tural pursuits ba not the time or ..pp..rtn llttV to benime 11 -V slentatie rtiloimdojii >1 yet il ItiaV . .fely lie -anl that tl.aj. in.ill.f* Ik» more tntereste.l in ee uaawie entoao4* pj in a practical way than be wb« ruak. either of the.e hi' bn tne*- H»w then i the farmer to tearu to re» i»gnue hi inseyt frte. il - aitd fori, to know how to protect the abe and destmj tbe v»l»-r' lie may do tbts by hint-self, and now here be ter than among hii plant The exercise of ~ue . power «f «b < a tiou. aided by a r* a *otiabieam• paper will protid. a mean< «f iiJoTMu' "• "»* may prove of great Ume& t" matr ranuot be t -o h.gldv r . mm*'tided. - Orrkitril <1 »'l Now to lllni \| r ai" n ill you bale a 'tlfrag. leaflet, r' \ 1 .itor irotii tbo Interior— A wbnh' Mr-. ZeaJou —' Tke ill;ag- lea Jet. !n favor 01 «iiituii'< -nirage. ]TW kn«»w. \i itor — \Y all, u«w I wan! >'nt*ntby 1 alius tried ter wake me think that wito ' I men i'iff.-red 'nav:b a'-evdr Together we'd think thew* a «. ll bt»l auecd |.air. , A - tl.eV ..light to lie brid. *V-m *i«t bride. The youug wan who part • tn tb» nnddio hi. hair And tbcgul *bo patl: bctj at ILc NO S